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Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 EMPLOYEE WELFARE 1.MS. B HEMA SUBBALAKSHMI, ASST. PROFESSOR 2.DR. K SIRISHA, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRIYADARSHINI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN, KHAMMAM DISTRICT ABSTARCT: Employee Welfare is an important facet of industrial relations, the extra dimension, givingsatisfaction to the worker in a way which evens a good wage cannot. With the growth ofindustrialization and mechanization, it has acquired added importance. The workers in industrycannot cope with the pace of modern life with minimum sustenance amenities. He needs an addedstimulus to keep body and soul together. Employers have also realized the importance of their role in providing these extra amenities. And yet, they are not always able to fulfill workers demands however reasonable they might be. They are primarily concerned with the viability of the enterprise.Employee welfare, though it has been proved to contribute to efficiency in production, is expensive.Each employer depending on his priorities gives varying degrees of importance to labour welfare. It is because the government is not sure that all employers are progressive minded and willprovide basic welfare measures that it introduces statutory legislation from time to time to bringabout some measures of uniformity in the basic amenities available to industrial workers. After employees have been hired, trained and remunerated, they need to be retained andmaintained to serve the organization better. Welfare facilities are designed to take care of the wellbeingof the employees, they do not generally result in any monetary benefit to the employees. Norare these facilities provided by employers alone. Governmental and nongovernmental agencies andtrade unions too, contribute towards employee welfare. Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, benefits and facilitiesoffered to employees by the employer. Through such generous fringe benefits the employer makesthe life worth living for employees. The welfare amenities are extended in addition to normal wagesand other economic rewards available to employees as per the http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 162 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 legal provisions. Welfare measuresmay also be provided by the government, trade unions and non-government agencies in addition tothe employer. The basic purpose of employee welfare is to enrich the life of the employees and keepthem happy and contended. INTRODUCTION: Employee welfare today has become a very controversial topic. It covers a very broad field. To being with, let us briefly discuss the main concepts or, rather, the general, meaning full ideas which have been evolved about it so far. The term welfare suggest many ideas, meanings and connotations, such as the state of well-belling, health, happiness, prosperity and the development of human resources. The concept of welfare can be approached from various angles. Welfare has been described as a total concept. It is a desirable state of existence involving for certain components of welfare, such a health, food, clothing, and housing, medical assistance, insurance, education, recreation. Job security, and so on. The word employee means any productivity activity. In a broader sense, therefore, the phrase employee welfare means the adoption of measures to promote the physical, social, psychological and general well being of the working population. Welfare work in any industry aims, or should aim, at improving the working and living conditions of workers and their families. The concept of employee welfare originates in the desire for a humanitarian approach to the sufferings of the working class. Later, it becomes a utilitarian philosophy which worked as a motivating force for labor and for those who were interested in it. Employee welfare has been defined in various ways, though unfortunately no single definition has found universal acceptance. “Efforts to make life worth living for worker” “The oxford dictionary” http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 163 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 Concept of Employee welfare The concept of labour welfare is flexible and elastic and differs widely with time, region,industry, social values and customs, degree of industrialization, the general socioeconomic development of the people and the political ideologies prevailing at a particular time . It is also molded according to the age-groups, socioculturalbackground, marital and economic status and educational level of the workers in various industries In its broad connotation, the term welfare refers to a state of living of an individual or group in a desirable relationship with total environment – ecological, economic, and social. Conceptually as well as operationally, labourwelfare is a part of social welfare which, in turn, is closely linked to the concept and the role ofthe State which is applicable in the plant. The concept of social welfare, in its narrow contours, has been equated witheconomic welfare. As these goals are not always be realized by individuals through their efforts alone, the government came into the picture and gradually began to take over the responsibility for the free and full development of human personality ofits population. Labour welfare is an extension of the term Welfare and its application to labour. During the industrialization process, the stress on labour productivity increased; and broughtabout changes in the thinking on labour welfare. In its broad connotation, the term welfare refers to a state of living of an individual or group in desirable relationship with total environment – ecological, economic, and social.Conceptduallyas well as operationally, labour welfare is a part of social welfare which, in turn, is closelylinked to the concept and the role of the State. The concept of social welfare, in its narrowcontours, has been equated with economic welfare. Pigou defined it as “that part ofgeneralwelfare which can be broughtdirectly or indirectly into relations with the measuring rod ofmoney” (Pigou, 1962). According to Willensky and Labeaux, social welfare alludes to “those formally http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 164 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 organized and socially sponsored institutions, agencies and programmes which function to maintain or improve the economic conditions, health or interpersonal competence of someparts or all of a population” (Willensky and Labeaux, 1918). As these goals may not always berealized by individuals through their efforts alone, the government came into the picture andgradually began to take over the responsibility for the free and full development of humanpersonality of its population. Labour welfare is an extension of the term Welfare and itsapplication to labour. During the industrialization process, the stress on labourproductivityincreased; and brought about changes in the thinking on labour welfare. An early study under theUN observed as follows “in our opinion most underdeveloped countries are in the situation that investment in people is likely to prove as productive, in the purely material sense, as any investment in material resources and in many cases, investment in people would lead to a greater increase of the flow of goods and services than would follow upon any comparable investment in material capital”. The theory that welfare expenditure, especially expenditure on health and education, is productive investment has led to the view that workers could work more productively if they were given a fair deal both at the work place and in the community. The concept of labour welfare has received inspiration from the concepts of democracy and welfare state. Democracy does not simply denote a form of government; it is rather a way of life based on certain values such as equal rights and privileges for all. The operation of welfare services, in actual practice, brings to bear on it different reflections representing the broad cultural and social conditions. In short, labour welfare is the voluntary efforts of the employers to establish, withinthe existing industrial system, working and sometimes living and cultural conditions of theemployees beyond what is required by law, the custom of the http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 165 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 industry and the conditions of themarket The constituents of labour welfare included working hours, working conditions, safety, industrial health insurance, workmen’s compensation, provident funds, gratuity, pensions,protection against indebtedness, industrial housing, restrooms, canteens, crèches, wash places,toilet facilities, lunches, cinemas, theatres, music, reading rooms, holiday rooms, workers’education, co-operative stores, excursions, playgrounds, and scholarships and other help foreducation of employees’ children. NEED OF THE STUDY 1. It is essential to know about the welfare conditions of employees. 2. It is necessary to know the satisfaction level of works in the organization and also their Perception regarding their future and other benefits given by the organization 3. There is a need to know whether the employees are expecting any improved level of Welfare facilities from the company 4. The result of this study will be move helpful to the organization to recognize existing Conditions and welfare facilities in the organization. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study covers 100 respondents of workers. The study of Employee welfare covers weather the company providing welfare schemes to the workers, the hygienic is maintained by the company and weather the company maintaining the safety precautions or not. The focus of the study is confined to one organization GALLA FOODS LIMITED. It help to understand the workers atmosphere at the work place and helps the company to check if the existing schemes are providing good facilities to workers or not. http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 166 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 Employee welfare is by its very nature must necessarily be elastic, bearing a somewhat interpretation in their company according to the different social customers, the degree of industrialization and the education development of the workers. The management has to be elastic prerequisites of the life, and the minimum basic amenities. It may include not only minimum basic standard of hygienic and safety but also laid down in general labour legislation OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY PRIMARY OBJECTIVE 1. To know about the Employee welfare measures being implemented in GALLA FOODS LIMITED. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE 1. To know about the awareness of statutory welfare measures in company. 2. To know about the workers expectations on welfare measures. 3. To know about the satisfaction level of workers on welfare measures. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Definition of Employee Welfare Labor welfare has been defined in various ways, though unfortunately no single definition has found universal acceptance. “Efforts to make life worth living for worker” “The oxford dictionary” “The voluntary effort of the employers to establish, within the existing industrial system, working and sometimes living and cultural conditions of the http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 167 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 employees beyond what is required by law, the customs of the industry and the conditions of the market” “According to Encyclopedia of social sciences” Some of the social scientists have noted that the problems of our contemporary civilization are most marked in highly industrialized societies. It influences on the humans social and psychological distress’s to avoid the distress. Some of the framers introduced the welfare programmers and the activities must be necessary to human to make him happy. This welfare approach has become necessary because of the social problems that have emerged as a result of industrialization in capitalistic settings. After the abolition of slavery in 1833 the British colonies started importing Indian labor. Labor welfare activity was largely controlled by legislation, the earliest act being the apprentices Act of 1850, the next act was fatal accidents act of 1853, provide compensation to the workmen families who lost their lives as a result of any actionable wrong. And the merchant shipping act 1859 providing health, accommodation and protection to the employment of the seamen. To improving the working conditions of the labor they enact the workmen’s breach of contract act, 1859 and the employers’ and workmen’s (disputes) act 1868. The first Indian factories act was set up in 1881, which mark the beginning of a series of labor laws which brought about the improvement in the working conditions of the workers who works in the Bombay textile mills. The recommendations of the international labor conference in 1890, held in Berlin, exercise a considerable influence on labor legislation in India. Under pressure from labor, the Bombay textile mill owners decided to declare Sunday a day of rest. To make development and implement the mentioned below, the government of India, on the advice of a special commission, passed the Indian factories act of 1891, which was a being advance over the act of 1891. Its main provisions were: http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 168 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 1) It applied to all factories employing 50 persons or more. It could he extended to factories employing 20 persons. 2) A mid –day break of half an hour was made compulsory. 3) A weekly off –day was prescribed. 4) Women were allowed to work for maximum of 11 hours with a break of 1 ½ hours. 5) The lower and higher age limit of children employed in factories was respectively raised to 9 and 14. They were allowed to work only in the day –time and for not more the 7 hours a day. 6) Local governments were empowered to make rules regarding sanitation and other amenities for workers 7) Provision was made for inspection and penalties for breach of any provision of factory act. At the time first world war, in1919 International Labour Organization (ILO) was set up. In the year of 1934 the Royal Commission gave priority to the labors safety, health and ventilation. At the time of Second World War in 1939 the total number of workers in India in 1,75,000 members. The government actively promoted welfare activities like providing the minimum wages, crèches, ambulance rooms, canteens etc., started making their appearance on the industrial sense. FEATURES OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE The features of employee welfare are: * Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, facilities and amenities provided to employees for their betterment. * The basic purpose in to improve the lot of the working class. * Employee welfare is a dynamic concept. http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 169 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 * Employee welfare measures are also known as fringe benefits and services. * Welfare measures may be both voluntary and statutory. Principles of Employee Welfare Service Following are generally given as the principles to be followed in setting up a employee welfare service: • The service should satisfy real needs of the workers. This means that the manager must first determine what the employee’s real needs are with the active participation of workers. • The service should such as can be handled by cafeteria approach. Due to the difference in Sex, age, marital status, number of children, type of job and the income level of employees there are large differences in their choice of a particular benefit. This is known as the cafeteria approach. Such an approach individualizes the benefit system though it may be difficult to operate and administer. • The employer should not assume a benevolent posture. • The cost of the service should be calculated and its financing established on a sound basis. • There should be periodical assessment or evaluation of the service and necessary timely on the basis of feedback. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION TABLE - 1 1. What is your opinion about canteen facilities? http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 170 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 Responses No. of respondents Percentage Excellent 65 65 Satisfy 22 22 Not satisfy 13 13 Total 100 100 CHART 1 CANTEEN FACILITIES 65 Excellent Satisfy 100 Not satisfy 22 Total 13 Inference The table 1 and diagram reveal that 65% of the workers are excellent on the canteen facilities and 22% of the workers are satisfy on canteen facilities and 3% of workers will not satisfy on the canteen facilities. CHI SQUARE TEST-1 TO TEST THE RESPONDENT’SRESPONSE ON CANTEEN FACILITIES PROVIDED BY COMPANY? Dimensions EXCELLENT SATISFY NOT TOTAL SATISFY http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 171 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 Respondents 65 22 ISSN: 1320-0682 13 100 Null Hypothesis Ho: More number of the respondents that the canteen and shelter provided by the company is not excellent. OBSERVED EXPERIMENTAL FREQUENCY FREQUENCY Oi-Ei (Oi-Ei)2 (Oi-Ei)2/Ei (Oi) (Ei) 65 33.3 31.7 1004.89 971.59 22 33.3 -11.33 127.69 94.34 13 33.3 -20.3 412.09 378.79 Total 1444.72 Expected frequency Ei =100/3 = 33.33 Calculated value X2 = (Oi-Ei) 2/Ei = 1444.72 Tabulated value = Degree of freedom = (n-1) = (3-1) =2 5% significance level for 2 degree of freedom at = 3.96 Calculated value 1444.72 > > table value 3.96 Conclusion It is significant hence we reject the null hypothesis.More number of the respondents that the canteen and shelter provided by the company is excellent. http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 172 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 TABLE - 2 2. What is your opinion about drinking water facilities in factory? Responses No. of respondents Percentage satisfy 85 85 better 15 15 not satisfy 0 0 Total 100 100 CHART 2 DRINKING WATER FACILITIES 15 Satisfy Better Not Satisfy 85 Inference Table 2 and diagram shows the drinking water facilities available in the factory which was provided by the company. 85 % of workers satisfy on drinking facilities and 15 % of workers opinions on drinking water facilities are better. http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 173 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 CHI SQUARE TEST-2 TO TEST THE RESPONDENT’SRESPONSE OPINION ABOUT DRINKING WATER FACILITIES IN COMPANY? Dimensions SATISFY BETTER NOT TOTAL SATISFY Respondents 85 15 0 100 Null Hypothesis Ho: More number of the respondents that the drinking water facility in company is not satisfies. OBSERVED EXPERIMENTAL FREQUENCY FREQUENCY(Ei) Oi-Ei (Oi-Ei)2 (Oi-Ei)2/Ei (Oi) 85 33.3 51.7 2672.89 80.26 15 33.3 -18.3 334.89 10.84 00 33.3 -33.3 1108.89 33.3 Total 124.43 Expected frequency Ei =100/3 = 33.33 Calculated value X2 = (Oi-Ei) 2/Ei = 124.43 Tabulated value = Degree of freedom = (n-1) = (3-1) =2 http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 174 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 5% significance level for 2 degree of freedom at = 3.96 Calculated value > 124.43 > table value 3.96 Conclusion It is significant hence we reject the null hypothesis.More number of the respondents that the drinking water facility in company is satisfies. TABLE - 3 3. How far you satisfied with clean, lighting and ventilation provided by company? Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage Satisfy 62 62 Better 28 28 Some extent 10 10 Total 100 100 CHART 3 http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 175 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 Ligthing & Ventilation & Clean 10 Satisfy Better Some Extent 28 62 Inference Table 3 and diagram focus on the specific induction programme related to the health and safety aspects of the workers in the factory unit. 65% of workers are satisfied and 28 % are better and 10% are some extent on clean, ventilation and lighting provided by the company. Whatever may be the induction programme the ultimate result should lead to increase the productivity levels of the workers without detrimental to their health and safety. CHI SQUARE TEST-3 TO TEST THE RESPONDENT’SRESPONSE ON SATISFIED WITH CLEAN LIGHTING and VENTILATION PROVIDED BY COMPANY? Dimensions SATISFY BETTER SOME EXTENT TOTAL Respondents 62 28 10 100 Null Hypothesis http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 176 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 Ho: More number of the respondents that the clean, lighting and ventilation provided by company is not satisfies. OBSERVED EXPERIMENTAL FREQUENCY FREQUENCY(Ei) Oi-Ei (Oi-Ei)2 (Oi-Ei)2/Ei (Oi) 62 33.3 28.7 823.69 24.73 28 33.3 -5.3 28.09 0.84 10 33.3 -23.3 542.89 16.30 Total 41.87 Expected frequency Ei =100/3 = 33.33 Calculated value X2 = (Oi-Ei) 2/Ei = 41.87 Tabulated value = Degree of freedom = (n-1) = (3-1) =2 5% significance level for 2 degree of freedom at = 3.96 Calculated value 41.87 > > table value 3.96 Conclusion It is significant hence we reject the null hypothesis.More number of the respondents that the clean, lighting and ventilation provided by company is satisfies. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY ➢ My study confines to welfare, Health and safety aspects of Galla Foods. http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 177 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 ➢ Efforts are made to collect the true information as far as possible without resorting to any guess work. ➢ In case of sensitive information in nature, direct personal interviews are conducted in order to glue as much information as possible. ➢ Few of the employees were a little bit hesitant to answer the questions this might have deviated the findings at least to some extent. ➢ Due to time constraints study was limited to a part of the employees, which in turn may reflect the overall attitude of the employees. FINDINGS The following are the major findings from the Survey and Analysis on Employee welfare, health and safety measures at GALLA FOODS. ➢ 65% of respondents have expressed their satisfaction regarding the welfare facilities provided by the company such as canteen and rest shelter. ➢ 85% of respondents agreed that the pure drinking water is facilitated in the company. ➢ 62% of respondents satisfy with clean, lighting and ventilation provided by company. http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 178 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 ➢ 47% of respondents have expressed that the shift allowances provided by company. ➢ 69% of respondents are comfort and satisfy about the administrative arrangement with in a plant for welfare provided by the company. ➢ 68% of respondents satisfy with the health service and occupational safety provided by the company for every year. ➢ 61% of respondents have expressed their satisfaction towards Toilet facilities provided. ➢ 68% of respondents satisfied about arrangement for the prevention of fatigue. ➢ 59% of respondents satisfying the working conditions in the company. ➢ 85% of respondents are fairer to buy the products available in company operative stores. ➢ 67% of respondents are satisfied of the social insurance measurers. ➢ They are about only 56% of respondents can manage the work pressure, tension, and stress. ➢ 86% of respondents consider medical facilities of the company are outstanding. ➢ 100% of respondents are satisfied on first-aid boxes provided by the factory. ➢ 96% of workers are satisfied with uniform and shoes provided by the company. http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 179 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 SUGGESTIONS ➢ Welfare facilities like canteen and rest shelter has to be provided to the employees as a whole. ➢ Only half of the respondents said that a shift allowance provided by the company is good, so that satisfy more respondents certain change should be taken in shift allowances. ➢ Only 60% of the respondents are satisfied with cleaning and ventilation, so for more respondents satisfaction with cleaning and ventilation should be more effective. ➢ The working condition in the company is implemented in such a way that it should satisfied more number of respondents. ➢ Welfare measures regarding recreational facilities should be properly implemented by company. ➢ The social insurance measures provided to the respondents should be taken necessary steps. ➢ The satisfaction facilities must be properly implemented in the company for more respondents’ comfort ability. ➢ The company should maintain good relationship with the workers and superiors. ➢ The work pressure, tension and stress should not be implemented more towards the respondents for more increase of productivity in the company. CONCLUSION It is matter of great satisfaction that majority of the respondents observe that welfare measures are good. There is always scope for improving health and http://cij.org.in/Currentvolumeissue2401.aspx 180 Complexity International Journal (CIJ) Volume 24, Issue 01, Jan 2020 Impact Factor (2019): 5.6 ISSN: 1320-0682 safety measures for the workers. It argues well for the company that majority of the respondents have expressed their satisfaction with regard to training in their area of job operations. The pleasant surprise is that the company provides training for the workers according to their most preferred choice. This motivates the workers in a long way in achieving both organizational and individual goals. Workers are able to manage work and family life without any major problem shows again that stress levels are manageable at Galla. 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