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Relevance of Public Libraries to Bridge Digital Divide in India Dr. Prabhat Ranjan* & Bhupendra Kumar Singh† How to Cite: Ranjan, P., & Singh, B. K. (2020). Relevance of public libraries to bridge digital divide in India. In G. M. Shukla (Ed.), Repositioning of Public Libraries in Changing Society: Problems and Prospects (pp. 242-247). Prayagarj: Government Public Library, Prayagraj. Abstract: Public libraries stimulate democracy in a society and country by availing genuine information to all the citizens which has turned as fourth basic needs after food, clothes and shelter. Libraries were matters of temples, churches and king palaces in past and the society was feudal in its nature. Establishment of public libraries reflects democratic values of a society and country. India has large number of public libraries; however expenditure on it is low as compared to developed nations in the world. Library legislation is not available in all states in India. The study is based on literature search with authentic sources. It is suggested to increase number of public libraries in India, enact library legislation in all the states, and enhance online services in the public libraries. Key words: Public Library, Library Legislation, Public Library System, Library and Society, Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF), National Mission on Libraries (NML). 1. Introduction: Knowledge is base of human progress and dominance on other species on the Earth. The human changes the surroundings at the place of adapting itself to the surroundings, and therefore it regularly needs knowledge for better survival. Nomadic man used its knowledge and intelligence to secure its existence i.e. to protect it from wild animals and climatic conditions. Now the knowledge is being applied for stabilization and progress of human civilization on the Earth. Muscle power was the source of energy for nomadic man. Animals were the source of energy in agrarian society. Invention of combustion engines and use of coal carried the civilization into industrial age. The electronics elevated automations and transmission of messages in form of electronic signals which ultimately gave rise to information age and information society. The information has integrated the society. However, there is wide gap of information have and information have not people in the society. Public academic institutions and public libraries are democratizing tools of the society. Public academic institutions bridge the knowledge to young generations in the public. Public libraries bridge knowledge resources and the common people within the same. Public academic institutions and public libraries minimize the digital divide and are symbols of a knowledge society which is pluralistic and inclusive in nature. It is remarkable that the digital divide is against the rights of equal opportunity in a society and hence great hindrance to the democratic values within a nation and society. * College Librarian, Jagat Taran Girls P.G. College, Amar Nath Jha Marg, George Town, Prayagraj – 211002 (Uttar Pradesh) † University Librarian, University of Allahabad, Central Library, University of Allahabad, Old Katra, Prayagraj – 211002 (Uttar Pradesh) 1 1.1. Objectives: The present paper explores the status of public libraries in India and its significance in the society with appropriate suggestions after the analysis. The paper attempts to notify the needs of public libraries with better services to its users. 1.2. Scope and Significance of the Study: The study is limited and delimited to India where knowledge society is considered as democratic evolution of present information society which is only possible after considerable attentions to the public libraries in India. The study is need of time where information is not available to all and hence no availability of equal opportunity in the society. The study attempts to attract attentions of the governments to strengthen public library system in India. 2. Research Methodology: Literature search method has been used in this study. Only genuine and authentic sources of information have been considered as base of explorations and study. 3. Public Libraries and Its Role in Bridging Digital Divide: American Library Association (ALA) observes that school students from low income families have lesser opportunity of Internet access than the students from higher income families which retards opportunity to them for getting information (ALA, 2020). The students in universities and other information users with specific information requirements do not only need the Internet but access to payment based information resources too. Only availing the Internet may not be sufficient. Ethnicity, gender, social status etc. commonly complicate the obstructions of flow of information to the communities. Kinney (2010) found that computer access is near same in the public libraries with users with high and low income groups, but low to non-whites than whites which signifies the multi-faceted divisions of societies and opportunities to them for information access. Information divide lessens the opportunity to getting information despite language and script proficiency of user groups in age of globalized information systems. The role of public libraries in establishing justice, lifelong learning and equity is immense and important as it avails information to all irrespective to age, gender, race, economic conditions etc. GARE Libraries Interest Group (2017) elucidates it as: “Public libraries aim to create welcoming and inclusive spaces, to advocate for equitable access to information, to foster civic participation and economic opportunity, and to ensure literacy and lifelong learning. At the heart of these goals is a shared aspiration that every person might have all they need to succeed. This is what equity means.” The roles of public libraries are different and more valuable as democratizing force within a society and nation than other types of libraries viz. academic, research, special types of libraries. The other types of libraries have accessibility to limited people conjugated with the parent institutions of such libraries. Only public libraries deliver the information resources as per need of common public and lessen information inequity within the society which is a sign of healthy growth of the nation and society. The information resources are likely to be matters of limited segment of people and in past time also - libraries were part of temples, churches and royal palaces only and hence were not in a position to serve the all. Public libraries contrarily strengthen all segments of people in a society. 4. Public Libraries Movement in India: In 1902, the Imperial Library Act was passed by the British Viceroy Lord Curzon with transforming Calcutta Public Library as Imperial 2 Library in 1906 (Kumbhar, 2004). Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad had special contributions in the establishment of libraries and library movement in the country. Along with several conferences had also great impact on library movements in India in different states (Kumbhar, 2004). The public library movement in India stands on very kind, indigenous and inclusive approaches as Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad, leader of public library movement in India expressed in 1912: “There is no more ennobling thing than the reading of good books; it leads men, along flowery pathways, towards earnest and pure lives. I am doing what I can to educate my people to the stage where they can read and appreciate great thoughts of the present and of the past, and the result of so far has been gratifying. But I would do more. I would bring to the poor man or woman, the ordinary man of the bazaar, to the common people everywhere, this wealth of literature now only known to the educated.” (Nagar, 1983) Public library movement in India has great impact on the society and it was nurturing the roots of society in India. The attempts by the Maharaja Sayajirao set an example in the world and even people from the then leading nations in library movements praised it whole heartedly. William Alanson Borden (1913) observed the efforts in the following words: “I determined to introduce into Baroda what we in the United States have recognized as a goal to be ultimately attained, but which we have not yet reached. ….If there is any value in this library co-operation throughout a large state, let it be remembered that it was first introduced, not in the home of modern library movement, our own country, but way down in India, 10000 miles from here…What America could only dream of Baroda could do, and, in a measure, has done.” (Nagar, 1983) It shows our capacity in spreading public libraries in the society. National Library (previously Calcutta Public Library and Imperial Library), Delhi Public Library, Raja Ram Mohun Roy Library Foundation, National Mission on Libraries under National Knowledge Commission and library legislations in different states have great influence on the library movements in India. However it is not in congruence to the attempts by Maharaja Sayajirao which is illustrated further. 5. Status of Public Libraries in India: Number of public libraries in India is good as compared to developed countries in the world. There are 3.42 public libraries (RRRLF, 2019) in India as compared to 2.77 libraries in USA (ALA, 2019). However, per capita expenditure on libraries in the same is very less as compared to other nations. Balaji et al (2019) envisages that: “Public libraries in the US, UK and other European countries use library resources to cater to large populations. In the US, for example, the public library system provides services to 95.6% of the total population and spends $35.96 per capita annually, whereas in India, the per capita expenditure on the development of public libraries translates to 7 paise. The funding for libraries in the US is primarily local – 80% of the funding comes from local councils rather than national funds.” GDP per capita of India at PPP exchange rate is 2625.09 US Dollars in 2019 which is 45759.46 US Dollars in United States i.e. 17 times that of India. But expenditure on public 3 libraries in United States is around 36000 times than that in India. It clarifies that expenditures on public libraries in India is feeble as compared to the United States. Expenditure on public libraries per capita in Australia, Finland and Hong Kong is 44.44 US Dollars, 30 Euro and 12.00 Euro which is also very higher than in India (Balaji et al, 2019). Public libraries in India restrict its users by identity proofs, institutional letters or payments for its packages which minimize its use where public libraries in China provide information seamlessly which segregates its role as knowledge dissemination centres than as knowledge repositories in India (Ranjan, 2017). Situations of public libraries are worsening in our country with advancement of time. RRRLF discusses that there were 6000 public libraries in Andhra Pradesh before 1950 which has been reduced to 3000 at present. Only those getting funds by the library legislations and state governments could succeed for their existence in long run (RRRLF, 2019). Number of public libraries is hard to be considered as good except Karnataka (6798 public libraries), Kerala (8415 public libraries), Tamilnadu (4622 public libraries), West Bengal (5251 public libraries), Maharashtra (12191 public libraries most of which run by NGOs), Gujarat (3464 public libraries most of which run by NGOs), Mizoram (506 public libraries) as rest of states have only 5499 public libraries (RRRLF, 2019). There are fewer studies available on user services and satisfaction in public libraries. However most of the study on such issues is found positive (Kasimani & Rajendran, 2018; Jhamb & Ruhela, 2018; Lakshmi & Kavitha, 2016; Aslam & Sonker, 2018), Padma et al., 2014) with problems in Internet facilities (Aslam & Sonker, 2018). There are very few studies on penetration of public libraries into common population. 6. Library Legislations in India: Library legislation is a symbol of sensitivity towards public libraries. Majority of states in India have library legislations except Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Telangana, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura and union territories except Lakshadweep. However, these occupy 19.81 percent area and 11.53 percent population (2011 census) of the country which can’t be assessed as minimal. The states with provisions of library cess are performing better than those don’t have such cess provisions. These all states are from south India. It is worrying that majority of states with library legislations are also not performing well in fields of public libraries. 7. Suggestions: On the basis of discussions made above on different issues of public libraries, it becomes clear that India needs more budget on public libraries. Some suggestions concluded may be as follows: 1. Number of public libraries should be increased in maximum states of India. 2. Library legislation with provision of cess is suggested. 3. Public libraries should be rich in its print and online electronic resources. 4. Online facilities should be enhanced in public libraries. 5. Local bodies should establish public libraries on their own funds. 6. Only establishing identity should be sufficient for accessing resources in public libraries. For issuance, appropriate cautionary charges only should be imposed. 4 8. Conclusions: Public library system in India is not strong except some states. India has glorious past of library movements which is needed at present also. Only library legislation is not enough for the country, but provision of financial sources is also essential. Local bodies can do better for establishing public libraries in India. Public libraries should have simpler rules for its users. References and Bibliography: American Library Association. (2020). Public libraries create a bridge for teens across the digital divide. Retrieved February 03, 2020, from http://www.ala.org/tools/research/librariesmatter/public-libraries-create-bridge-teens-acrossdigital-divide American Library Assoiation. (2019, June 14). Number of Libraries in the United States: Home. Retrieved October 27, 2019, from American Library Assoiation: https://libguides.ala.org/numberoflibraries Aslam, S., & Sonker, S. K. (2018). Perceptions and Expectations of Public Library Users in Lucknow (India): A Study. Library Philosophy and Practice , 1-14. GARE Libraries Interest Group. (2017, October 11). Libraries Take Action to Advance Racial Equity (Part 1 of 3). Retrieved February 03, 2020, from https://www.racialequityalliance.org/2017/10/11/libraries-take-action-advance-racial-equity/ International Telecommunication Union. (2017). Measuring the Information Society Report, Volume - I. Geneva: International Telecommunication Union. Jhamb, G., & Ruhela, A. (2018). User Satisfaction Level: A case study of Delhi Public Library. International Journal of Library Information Network and Knowledge , 3 (1), 68-79. Kasimani, C., & Rajendran, N. (2018). User satisfaction with public library resources and services. Review of Research , 7 (12), 1-9. Kinney, B. (2010). The Internet, Public Libraries, and the Digital Divide. Public Library Quarterly , 29 (2), 104-161. Kumbhar, B. D. (2004). Growth and development of public library system in India with special reference to Karnataka. International workshop on Democratization of Information: Focus on Libraries (p. 7). Mumbai: World Social Forum 2004. Lakshmi, N., & Kavitha, T. (2016). Users satisfaction towards public libraries: A study with special reference to Udumalpet. International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education , 356-361. Nagar, M. L. (1983). Foundation of Library Movement in India (1st ed.). Ludhiana, Punjab: Indian Library Institute and Bibliographic Centre. Nationmaster. (2020). Economy Stats: compare key data on India & United States . Retrieved February 04, 2020, from https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/India/UnitedStates/Economy Padma, P., Ramasamy, K., & Ayyar, C. (2014). Information Seeking Behaviour of Users at Usilampatti Public LibraryTamilnadu, India: A Case Study. Research Journal of Library Sciences , 2 (3), 1-5. 5 Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation. (2019, August 26). No. of public libraries in different States and Union Territories. Retrieved October 26, 2019, from Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation: http://rrrlf.nic.in/Docs/pdf/PUBLIC_LIBRARY_DATA.pdf Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation. (2019, August 26). Public Library Scenario in India. Retrieved October 24, 2019, from Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation: http://rrrlf.nic.in/StaticPages_PubLibSystem/PubLibScenario.aspx Ranjan, R. (2017, September 27). Indian professor in China explains how public libraries are benefiting Chinese society. Retrieved February 05, 2020, from dailyo: https://www.dailyo.in/arts/public-libraries-china-india-knowledge-depositories-educationpolitical-and-economic-might/story/1/19741.html Abbreviations Used: GDP: Gross Development Product PPP: Purchasing Power Parity 6