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2013, Dokuz Eylül University Graduate School of Social Sciences
Monetary policy exerts its impact on economic activity through monetary transmission channels. On that account, knowing operation of specific transmission mechanisms is a prerequisite for policy makers to be able to conduct appropriate policies. Within this context, this thesis examines operation of several transmission channels in Turkey for the period 2003 through 2013 to understand underlying mechanisms of monetary propagation process and thereby enhance knowledge about consequences of monetary policies. Estimation results based on Vector Autoregression (VAR) methodology reveal that conventional monetary transmission channels do not operate properly during the low inflation period. Although evidence suggests that interest rate, exchange rate and bank lending channels are operating partially; empirical support for transmission mechanism is generally weak and inconclusive. Keywords: Monetary policy, Transmission mechanisms, VAR model
The main objective of this study is to provide additional evidence on the operation and relative importance of monetary transmission channels in Turkey. The results of the VAR analysis conducted using monthly data between January 2004 and November 2013 suggest that the traditional channels of interest rates, exchange rates, and credit do work in Turkish economy. However, the most striking finding of the study is the relative importance of exchange rate channel in the transmission of monetary policy decision into real economy. Variance decomposition analysis shows that the explained variance by real effective exchange rates is higher for all variables as compared to the variance explained by interest rates. However, interest rates seem to be still a useful tool to manage monetary policy given its role in controlling the changes in exchange rates. The granger causality analysis points into the fact that while interest rates have a role in leading the volatility of exchange rates, exch...
This study investigates on which channels the monetary transmission mechanism works effectively. In this context, quarterly data for the period 2005-2017 is used for Turkey and the variables used to determine the efficiency of the monetary transmission mechanism are analyzed by the VAR method. The obtained results indicate that the loans and reserves have a more effective role on the inflation as a channel of the monetary transmission mechanism. According to the long run results, while the exchange rate and reserves channel have a negative effect on the real GDP, it is revealed that loans have a positive effect on the real GDP in the long run stabilization.
Uncertainty about the underlying monetary transmission mechanism may be more pronounced in emerging market economies than in developed ones. Small open emerging market economies are typically characterized by, high exchange rate pass-through, asset and liability dollarization, currency and maturity mismatches in balance sheets of banks and
In this study, the monetary transmission mechanism and the effectiveness of the credit channel have been analyzed. According to the analysis results, the most important instrument in the applications of the monetary policy in Turkey is variable interest rates. Interest rates are the most significant main effectives for all other variables and they influence the total deposit, the total credits and the size of the total security. While an increase in deposits raise the size of loanable fund by banks,an increase in credits influences the industrial production index positively. It has been concluded that an increase in industrial production depends on the volume of the banks’ credit, whilst has been is determined that credits mostly depend on loanable funds and deposits held by banks. When the first 2 periods are disregarded, it was determined that the bank lending channel has been operating in Turkey.
Appl Econ Letters, 2012
Monetary transmission mechanism, which is used by central banks to affect consumption, investment and saving decisions of both households and firms, has been subject of many theoretical and empirical studies. It seems that there is a consensus that monetary policy affects real economy in the short run. But on the other hand, the question "how it actually does" has been discussed by many economists for several years. The reason for this is that the countries which are at different stages of development also have financial systems at different levels. While in industrialized countries, the capital market system is more effective in the financial system; in developing countries, banking system is dominant in the financial system. From this viewpoint, this study tries to answer the question "which of the two channels of transmission mechanisms is effective in the two developing countries, Argentina and Turkey, "money channel or credit channel (which is not alternative but complementary for money channel)". VAR model is used to identify relative strengths of different monetary transmission channels in each country by five macroeconomic variables which are stated in the following order: overnight rate, bank deposits, bank loans, consumer price index and industrial production index. The data period of these variables ranges from 2003:01 to 2010:08. The paper proceeds as follows: Section I provides theoretical background of the money and credit channels of transmission mechanism. Section II summarizes recent empirical studies. Section III describes variables and discusses the empirical findings of the model. Section IV provides concluding remarks.
Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2021
Middle East Development Journal, 2014
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RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2014