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MA Degree in Didactics of Foreign Languages Research Skills Syllabus (2023-2024) Unit: Methodology Credits: 04 Coefficient: 2 Period: Semesters One and Two of the MA Degree Work Load: 97 Hours (45 in class + 52 Self-study) (13 weeks) Prepared by: Dr. Maamar MISSOUM 1. Course Objectives: The overall objective of this course is to help students develop a good command of key research skills for academic, professional and life purposes. Pre-Requisite skills In order to succeed in this course, learners must have acquired a good ability to 1) Read texts; and 2) Write essays. 2. Work Method: To achieve the above objective, we should aim at skill development through collaborative work, interaction, skill practice and performance, as well as teacher and peer feedback. To introduce necessary knowledge, students will be assigned to study in their own time course handouts. A part of class time will be devoted to a questions session to work through difficulties pinpointed by learners, check understanding of key information and wrap up the content. Students may also be assigned to watch a video clip to reflect on its content and do a task for skill practice. The work method may also include PBL (Problem-Based Learning); i.e. you will review work done by your peers including parts of authentic theses to discuss strengths and issues and learn how to revise them. Practice for Learning (Home) Assignments: To build research skills, as often as possible, every lesson will culminate in an assignment done by students to learn and demonstrate they have learnt (knowledge or skill). At the end of every class, students do a brief practice task for the skill of the day. The teacher may randomly collect 1-2 written assignments or assess 1-3-minute oral performance for feedback and to incite students to do the assignments. When a lesson does not allow a performance of the target skill (e.g. writing a statement of purpose), students can be assigned to summarise and present the key content in the handouts. Students will also do a Team Project. They will form teams of 2-3 students each and will be assigned a topic to research/practice the target research skills. The project should better be done as a home assignment. Two teams may be designated to present their team project in the next class using a handout (to save time dictating). Students’ work may be posted online for their classmates to have a digital copy and print three copies (1 for the teacher, 2 for classmates to take a picture of it). This will make sure every student has a copy of the task and can discuss it and give feedback to peers. In order to make classes more productive and worthy of students’ precious time, all teams and individual students are expected to be ready to 1. Answer teacher’s questions about the content of previous classes and assigned reading 2. Correct the peer review task (reviewing your classmates’ work assigned online) 3. Present their practice tasks. For every class, students must have two copies of their updated project, one for the teacher and the second for their classmates to make copies and avoid dictation. Pair and Team Work have two clear advantages: - Giving a more secure environment to shy learners so that they try to participate; - All students are given the opportunity to practice instead of a few. - Preparing students for their MA Thesis 3. Assessment Method 3.1 Exam Preferably consists of performance: You may be asked to demonstrate the target research skill(s) (e.g. writing a statement of the problem). Otherwise, you may be asked to demonstrate procedural and/or declarative knowledge (Please see terms explained below) (e.g. strategies for efficient reading). Performance-based test: Students are required to demonstrate that they possess the target skills; e.g. Ability to write a research question. Procedural knowledge: Students are required to demonstrate they know how to use a skill; e.g. what to do to critique a text. Declarative knowledge: Students are required to demonstrate they possess the knowledge necessary for doing research; e.g. definitions of basic concepts like a research rationale and design. OR Team Research Project: The exam may be replaced by collecting the practice project (groups of 2 or 3 students each) to allow students to demonstrate better their research skills. The mark may be 100% for the written project or divided to 50% for the written project and 50% for the oral defence (5 minutes to test each candidate on one section selected by the teacher). NB: Students will be informed of the teacher’s choice (exam or team research project) one week before the exam period. You (student) are advised to work regularly from the beginning of the semester on both lessons and practice project. 4. Course Resources: Materials can be selected and adapted from the list below or others so as to work towards the specified learning outcomes. 4.1 Suggested Course Resources: 4.1 Suggested Course Resources FYWAW = Henning, Elizabeth, Sarah Gravett, and Wilhelm Van Rensburg, Finding Your Way in Academic Writing. Van Schaik, 2002. RMLL = Nunan, David Research Methods in Language Learning Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992 (6th printing 1997) (a print available copy with Mr. Missoum) PRPD = Leedy, D. Paul. Practical Research: Planning and Design. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. New York: USA. 1980 (a print copy available with Mr. Missoum) SSSS = Orr, Fred. Study skills for successful students. Allen & Unwin, 1992. CT = Paul, Richard, and Linda Elder. Critical thinking: Tools for taking charge of your professional and personal life. Pearson Education, 2013. DCTWRS = Developing Critical Thinking through Web Research Skills. RS = Chesla, Elizabeth L., Reasoning Skills - Success in 20 Minutes a Day, Learning Express, LLC. Second Edition, New York, NY, USA, 2005, www.learnatest.com WU = Creme, Phyllis, and Mary Lea. Writing at University: A guide for students. McGraw-Hill International, 2008. SU = McIlroy, David. Studying at University: How to be a successful student. Sage, 2003. SSD = Du Boulay, Doreen. Study Skills for Dummies. John Wiley & Sons, 2011. SSLS = Donald, Sydney G., and Pauline Estner Kneale, Study Skills for Language Students - A Practical Guide, 2001. Also useful Facebook Study Groups 1. Research Methodology in Applied Linguistics and Didactics 2. Thesis Advising (Mr. Missoum) 3. Research Skills Course (Tutor - Mr. Missoum) NB: If you wish to read (more) about the topics covered in class, send me an email to mrmissoum13@yahoo.fr in order to receive a couple of suggested readings. 5. Course Contents by Semester 5.1 Semester One Course Description The table below displays semester one course content. It comprises 13 weeks (3 hours each) of course-work. The table below defines the main learning goal for each class. It also suggests teaching/learning materials and practice tasks. 5.1.1 Semester One Learning Outcomes: By the end of semester five, you should be able to do or at least know how to do the following. Make efficient oral presentations; Work collaboratively within a team to do assigned tasks (organise & conduct team research successfully; overcome challenges and solve problems that will arise); Outline the characteristics and process of scientific research; Organise research work: Make an action plan towards submission of a research thesis; Preparing a research proposal through the following stages Select a research topic and check its feasibility Write research background and a statement of the research problem; Set clear and realistic goals for research and justify it: Write a statement of purpose, research question, and a research rationale; Plan for primary data collection by writing a simple preliminary method section to test the feasibility of the research; Doing a review of the literature through the following stages Search efficiently for material / literature for a research topic; Evaluate resources in terms of relevance and quality; Compile a bibliography; Read Efficiently: Speed reading; do analytic reading; Read Critically: Distinguish between fact and opinion, determine whether facts are true; evaluate credibility: recognise bias, determine author’s expertise; 5.1.2 Semester One Course Outline (by class) NB: C = Class; CA= Class Assignment; TA= Team Assignment; HA= Home assignment; PW: Pair Work RSS, SU, etc. refer to the resources listed above NB: Your academic writing, reading and research skills courses will give you multiple opportunities to interact and practice with a few similar target skills to improve your skill levels. Units - Learning Goals Suggested Resources Assignments and Assessment C1 Course Introduction Objectives, learning outcomes, work and assessment methods discussed 1. Pre-requisite Skills 1.1 Presenting Orally 1.2 Collaborative Learning Handout Course Description - MA in Didactics S1+S2 Research Skills Handout: Research Skills Course - Presenting Orally Handout: Research Skills - Collaborative Learning; SSD p 20; SU pp 39-40; Researching and writing in teams SSLS pp 175-186 Handouts are given before class HA: Form a team (2-3) and select a thesis research topic (See list of suggested topics) HA: Study handout The Scientific Approach to Research Part One – Getting Ready For Academic Research C2 2. The Scientific Approach to Research 1. Characteristics 2. Process (stages) 3. Planning Research: an action plan Practice: Make your Thesis Action Plan. Present to the class. 1. Handout: The Scientific Approach to Research 2. Handout: Organising Your Studies; SSD pp 325-32 HA: Revise your thesis action plan to present to the class for feedback. NB: Teacher designates for each next class 1-2 teams to present their work on handouts/slides. C3 More Practice: Planning Research – Thesis Action Plan 1. Present to class for feedback 2. Assess your peers’ plan Team formation for project Handout: The Scientific Approach to Research Form: Team Membership & Commitment Form HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal C4 4. Selecting a Research Topic 4.1 Sources of topics 4.2 Check topic feasibility Practice: 1. Study the sample topics 2. PW/TA: Brainstorm and select three research topics to get feedback Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal Sample of Topics for MA-PhD Theses HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Part Two - Writing a Research Proposal C 5 5. Writing Background and a Statement of the Problem Practice: 1. Study sample background and research problem 2. Write background and research problem. Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA-TA: For your team’s project, write 1 paragraph for background and 1 paragraph for research problem. Present to the class. C6 More Practice: Writing Background and a Statement of the Problem 1. Present to class for feedback 2. Assess your peers’ work Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal; HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson C7 6. Setting Goals for Research Writing a statement of purpose, research question Practice: 1. Study the sample statement of purpose, research question 2. Write a statement of purpose and a research question 1. Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal 2. FYWAW pp 16-25 3. RMLL pp 211-228 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA-TA: For your team’s project, write a statement of purpose and a research question to present to class. C8 More Practice: Setting Goals for Research 1. Present to class for feedback 2. Assess your peers’ work Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal; HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson C9 7. Justifying Research (Rationale) Practice: 1. Study the sample rationale 2. Write a research rationale 1. Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal 2. FYWAW pp 16-25 3. RMLL pp 211-228 1-2 samples HA-TA: For your team’s project, write a research rationale to present to class. C10 More Practice: Justifying Research (TA) 1. Present your research rationale to class for feedback 2. Assess your peers’ work Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal; HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson C11 8. Planning for Primary Data Collection Practice: 1. Study the sample Method 2. Write a Preliminary Method Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA-TA: For your team’s project, write a preliminary method section to present to class. C12 More Practice: Planning for Primary Data Collection 1. Present your Method Section to class for feedback 2. Assess your peers’ work Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson C13 9. Formulating A Descriptive Title for Research Proposal / Thesis Practice: 1. Study the sample titles 2. For your team’s project, write a descriptive title; present it Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Research Skills Course - Finding Relevant Quality Literature C14 Unit 10 – Putting It All Together - Writing a Research Proposal Handout: Research Skills Course - Writing A Research Proposal 1-2 samples HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Research Skills Course - Finding Relevant Quality Literature Doing A Review of the Literature C15 Unit 11 – Preparing For Doing the Literature Review Introduction to Reviewing the Literature 1. Goals 2. Process Handout: Research Skills Course - Finding Relevant Quality Literature SSLS 48-61; SSSS 63-71 WU 191-193; SSD 183-98 HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Research Skills Course - Finding Relevant Quality Literature C16 Unit 12 – Searching for Materials efficiently Practice: Key Terms 1. Study the sample key terms 2. List 3 – 5 terms important for your research; define briefly, simply and clearly those that need to be defined Handout: Research Skills Course - Finding Relevant Quality Literature SSLS 48-61; SSSS 63-71 WU 191-193; SSD 183-98 Videos: Basic Online Search Strategies 1-2 samples by students HA-TA: For your team’s project, use your key terms to search for 05 references to present to class. C17 Practice: Searching for Materials efficiently Bibliography for Team Project 1. Present to class for feedback 2. Assess your peers’ work Handout: Research Skills Course - Finding Relevant Quality Literature HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson C18 13. Evaluating Documents 11.1 Relevance 11.2 Quality Practice: Assess the sources in sample bibliographies. Handout: Research Skills Course - Finding Relevant Quality Literature SSLS 48-61; SSSS 63-71 WU 191-193; SSD 183-98 Videos: Assessing Quality and Credibility of Research Sources Boolean Operators 1-2 samples HA-TA: For your team’s project, compile a bibliography of ten (10) references to present to class. C19 More Practice: Compiling a Bibliography (TA) 1. Present to class for feedback 2. Assess your peers’ work 1-2 samples HA-TA: Use your revised bibliography to make a preliminary outline of the Review of the Literature C20 14. Preparing For Reading - Making a Preliminary Outline of the Review of the Literature 1. Study the sample outlines 2. Present your outline to class 3. Assess your peers’ work 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Research Skills Course - Reading the Literature C21 15. Reading Efficiently 1. Strategies for Finding Relevant Information Quickly 2. Strategies for Assessing Information / Critical Reading NB: In consolidation of your academic reading course Practice: Assess the relevance and quality of the selected information (set by the teacher) Handout: Research Skills Course - Reading the Literature ; SSLS pp 37-47; 62-70; 97-106; 191-195; 62-70; SSSS pp 52-62; WU p. 51; SSD pp 149-166; 199-236; FYWAW pp 36-45; RS 27-40 ; 47-70; 75-80; 99-108 ; DCTWRS 3-7 1-2 samples HA-TA: From your team’s project reading, select 3 quotes (3 – 5 lines) of very relevant information to present to class. Try to critique at least one quote. C22 More Practice: Reading Efficiently (TA) 1. Present your reading notes 2. Assess your peers’ work HA-TA: Finalise to submit your Team Project HA: Check your class notes for pre-exam review C23+24 1. Course Review: Q/A for Exam 2. If exam is not elected, Submission of Team Project for Assessment and Feedback Teams present orally for feedback C25 Exam (Test of the skills and underlying knowledge covered in the course) C26 Exam Correction, Feedback And Remedial Work Team Project Feedback 5.2 Semester Two Course Description The table below displays Semester Two course content. It comprises 13 weeks of course-work. The table below defines the main learning goals for each class. It also suggests teaching/learning materials, and on-going assessment. 5.2.1 Semester Two Learning Outcomes: By the end of semester two, you should be able to or at least know (how to) Collect useful information while reading: Take notes; paraphrase; summarize, and quote. Cite references accurately to prevent plagiarism Synthesise notes from sources Make a tentative outline for a research paper/MA thesis Critique material you read: analyse, compare & contrast content Write up the first draft of your literature review Revise and edit your literature review Design and use a questionnaire to collect data; Design and use an interview to collect data; Design and use an observation scheme to collect data; Select participants/informants: Determine research population and sample 5.2.2 Semester Two Course Outline (by class) NB: C = Class; CA= Class Assignment; TA= Team Assignment; HA= Home assignment; PW: Pair Work; RSS, SU, etc. refer to the resources listed above Units - Learning Goals Suggested Resources Assignments and Assessment C1 Course Introduction (Semester 2 Course objectives, contents and assessment discussed) 2. Feedback and remedial work for learning objectives in S1 1. Handout: Course Description - MA in Didactics S1+S2 Research Skills 2. Weaknesses to address collected from S1 exam and team project HA: Study the course description. Do you have any suggestions to improve it? HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Making Effective Notes Doing A Review of the Literature (Continued) C2 Unit 16. Collecting Useful Information While Reading: Strategies for Effective Note Taking Handout: Making Effective Notes HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Note Taking - Paraphrasing, Summarising, Quoting & Referencing C3 Unit 17. Note Taking – Quoting Practice: Assess the relevance and quality of the quotes (set by the teacher) Handout: Note Taking - Paraphrasing, Summarising, Quoting & Referencing SSD pp 167-172; WU pp 110-126; SSLS pp 87-96 1-2 samples HA-TA: From your team’s project reading, select 3 quotes (3 – 5 lines) of very relevant information to present to class. Try to critique at least one quote. C4 More Practice: Note Taking – Quoting (TA) 1. Present your quotes 2. Assess your peers’ quotes 1-2 samples HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Note Taking - Paraphrasing, Summarising, Quoting & Referencing C5 Unit 18. Note Taking – Paraphrasing Practice: Assess the relevance and quality of the paraphrases (set by the teacher) Handout: Note Taking - Paraphrasing, Summarising, Quoting & Referencing 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA-TA: From your team’s project reading, select 3 quotes (3 – 5 lines) of very relevant information. Paraphrase them using different strategies. Critique at least one quote. C6 More Practice: Note Taking – Paraphrasing (TA) 1. Present your paraphrases 2. Assess your peers’ paraphrases 1-2 samples HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Note Taking - Paraphrasing, Summarising, Quoting & Referencing C7 Unit 19. Note Taking – Summarizing Practice: Assess the relevance and quality of the summaries (set by the teacher) Handout: Note Taking - Paraphrasing, Summarising, Quoting & Referencing 1-2 samples HA-TA: From your team’s project reading, quote a paragraph (5 – 7 lines) of very relevant information. Summarise it to present. C8 More Practice: Note Taking – Summarizing (TA) 1. Present your summary 2. Assess your peers’ summary 1-2 samples HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson C9 Unit 20. Note Taking – Referencing Sources Accurately Practice: Assess the format, relevance and quality in the sample reference list Note Taking - Paraphrasing, Summarising, Quoting & Referencing 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA-TA: From your team’s project, review your paraphrases and reference list to present them to class. C10 More Practice: Referencing sources accurately (TA) 1. Present to class for feedback 2. Assess your peers’ work 1-2 samples HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Writing a Review of the Literature C11 Unit 21. Synthesising Your Notes – Writing An Annotated Outline 1. Combining notes from sources; comparing/ contrasting 2. Making an outline Practice: Assess the sample outline Handout: Writing a Review of the Literature SSD 172-182; FYWAW 47-55, RMLL pp 211-228 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students NB: In consolidation of your academic writing course HA-TA: Make an annotated outline of your paper/RL to present to class. C12 More Practice: Synthesising Your Notes - Writing Annotated An Outline (TA) 1. Present your outline 2. Assess your peers’ outline 1-2 samples HA: Study the handout for the next unit/lesson Writing a Review of the Literature C13 Unit 22. Synthesising Your Notes – Writing An Extended Outline Practice: Assess the sample extended outlines Handout: Writing a Review of the Literature SSLS 145-164; SU 94-115; SSSS pp 72-84 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA-TA: Add your selected notes to make an extended outline of your paper/RL with the reference list. Use quoting, paraphrasing and summarising. Submit. C14 More Practice: Writing An Extended Outline (TA) 1. Present your extended outline 2. Assess your peers’ outline 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA: Study the sample Design Section. Identify its strengths and weaknesses. Designing A Study – Primary Data Collection C15 Unit 23. Preparing The Design Of Your Field Study – Research Tools Practice: Study the sample Design Section. 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA-TA: For your team’s project, write a simple Design Section to present to class. C16 More Practice: Preparing The Design Of Your Field Study – Writing a Design Section (TA) 1. Present Design Section 2. Assess your peers’ work 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA: Study the sample questionnaire(s). Identify its/their strengths and weaknesses. C17 Unit 24. Research Tools - The Questionnaire Practice: Study the sample questionnaires. 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA-TA: For your team’s project, design a simple questionnaire to present. C18 More Practice: Research Tools - The Questionnaire (TA) 1. Present to class for feedback 2. Assess your peers’ work 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA: Study the sample interview(s). Identify its/their strengths and weaknesses. C19 Unit 25. Research Tools - The Interview Practice: Study the sample interview(s). 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA-TA: For your team’s project, design a simple interview to present to class. C20 More Practice: Research Tools - The Interview (TA) 1. Present to class for feedback 2. Assess your peers’ work 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA: Study the sample observation scheme (s). Identify its/their strengths and weaknesses C21 Unit 26. Research Tools - Observation Scheme Practice: Study the sample observation scheme (s). 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA: Study the sample Participants Section (s). Identify its/their strengths and weaknesses C22 Unit 27. Describing the Study Participants: Determine research population and sample Practice: Study the sample Participants Section (s). 1-2 samples written by MA/BA students HA-TA: Finalise to submit your Team Project for Assessment and Feedback HA: Check your class notes for pre-exam review C23 1. Course Review: Q/A for Exam 2. If exam is not elected, Submission of Team Project for Assessment and Feedback Teams present orally for feedback C24 Exam (Test of the skills and underlying knowledge covered in the course) C25 Exam Correction, Feedback And Remedial Work Team Project Correction and Feedback ourse Description - MA in Didactics S1+S2 Research Skills 2023-24 S Page 10 of 10