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TOWN PLANNING ASSIGNMENT – 1 Submitted by : Varun Preet Singh Semester – IX B A091080 A Town : A town (an urban area) as defined by the Census of India needs to have an area with a minimum population of 5,000 with : a) At least 75% of population working in non- agricultural Sector b) A density of population of at least 400 per sq.km. A town could include the above areas (also to be called cities) which have a further classification as according to their size. (a) (b) (c) (d) Population <1,00,000 Population >1,00,000 Population >10,00,000 Population>25,00,000 e.g. Delhi NCR , Mumbai , Chandigarh etc A Region : A region as according to the oxford dictionary: (a) An area or division, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries. (b) An administrative district of a city or country. e.g . Delhi Mathura Industrial Belt , Ganges Agrarian Region , It could be as small as a district as well whose powers have been amended in 74th CAA. Urban Development Planning System and Process The UDPFI Report contained problems in the urban development process and understanding those problems they came up the final report . The 74th Constitutional Amendment Act demands 1) devolution of planning function to local authorities and involvement of people in the planning decision making process; 2) and administratively and professionally it is expected that the system should provide for a long-term policy plan:, 3) a mid-term comprehensive plan which is further integrated with budgetary process and divided into projects/schemes for implementation, monitoring and review. Accordingly, the recommended urban development planning system consists of a set of the following four inter-related plans: a) Perspective Plan: A long term (20-25 years) policy plan of spatio-economic development of the settlement. b) Development Plan: Conceived within the framework of the apJ:>roved Perspective .plan, it is a medium-term (generally five years coterminous with the term of the local authority) comprehensive plan of spatio-economic development of the urban centre. c) AnmuaI Plan: Conceived within the framework of Development Plan, it is a plan containing the physical and fiscal details of new and ongoing projects that the local authority intends to implement during the respective financial year. d) Plans of Projects!Schemes :Conceived within the framework of approved Development Plan/Annual Plan, these are detailed working layouts for execution by a public or private agency. Regional Approach As a general principle, it is suggested that plans at the levels higher than the settlements should be regional in nature and contents. Similarly, national and state. level plans shall incorporate only those developmental policies and programmes that need to be addressed at that level and also those that come under joint responsibilities of centre, state and local authorities. A regional Plan shall have : (a) Demarcation of areas for agriculture, forestry, industry, mineral development, urban and rural settlements and other activities ; (b) Reservation of areas for open spaces, recreation, reserves, animal sanctuaries, dairies and health resorts ; (c) Transport and communication network such as roads, highways, railways, waterways, canals and airports including their development ; (d) Water supply, drainage, sewerage, sewage disposal and other public utilities, amenities and services including electricity and gas . (e) Reservation of sites for new towns, industrial estates and any other large scale developments or projects which are required to be undertaken for proper development of the regional planning area . (f) Preservation, conservation and development of areas of natural scenery, forest, wild life, [natural resources, landscaping, heritage site and control of development, which is either affecting the heritage site or its vicinity]. (g) Preservation of objects, features, structure or places of historical, natural, architectural or scientific interest, educational value and heritage site. (h) Areas required for military and defence purposes ; (i) Prevention of erosion, provision for afforestation or reforestation, improvement and redevelopment of water front area, rivers and lakes ; (j) Irrigation, water supply and hydro-electric works, flood control and prevention of river Pollution. (k) Re-allocation of population or industry from over populated and industrially congested area, indicating the density of population or the concentration of industry to be allowed in any area. Plan Approval Time Frame a. Perspective Plan b. Development Plan c. Annual Plan d. Schemes/Projects State government, through State Chief Town Planner Municipal Council/Corporation Municipal Council Corporation Municipal Planner. 10 7 3 1 THE MASTER PLAN Acc to DDA : "A Master Plan is the long term perspective plan for guiding the sustainable planned development of the city. This document lays down the planning guidelines, policies, development code and space requirements for various socio-economic activities supporting the city population during the plan period. It is also the basis for all infrastructure requirements." (PUDA R&TP Dept ) As the Regional Planning is done , the Designated Planning Agency shall, not later than one year after such declaration or within such time as [the State Government may, from time to time, extend, prepare and submit to the State Government for its approval a plan (hereinafter called the “Master Plan”)] for the planning area or any or its part and the Master Plan so prepared shall – (a) Indicate broadly the manner in which the land in the area should be used ; (b) Allocate areas or zones of land for use for different purposes ; (c) Include, define and provide the existing and proposed highways, roads, major streets and other lines of communication. Eg . Delhi Master Plan showing various zoning areas and roads for extension . SOURCE : http://censusindia.gov.in/Data_Products/Library/Indian_perceptive_link/Census_Terms_link/ce nsusterms.html http://mhupa.gov.in/w_new/SummaryUDPFI.pdf http://puda.nic.in/img/act_files/PRTPD_ACT_123,_1995.pdf http://dda.org.in/planning/master_plans.htm