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Making Transportation Sustainable: Insights from Germany Ralph Buehler, John Pucher, and Uwe Kunert 1 Prepared for the Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program April 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Worsening traffic congestion and increasing reliance on foreign oil affect America’s economic competitiveness. Excessive driving contributes to high energy consumption, carbon emissions, and pollution. The costs of maintaining the current structure are untenable. The existing gas tax cannot finance the massive investments needed to fix our deteriorating transportation system. Increasing transportation sustainability in the United States requires policies that foster changes in travel behavior. Germany’s case may provide a helpful example. Although car use has grown in both countries, Germany has been far more successful than the United States in creating a more balanced transportation system. Sustainability, for the purposes of this report, means encouraging shorter trips by modes of transportation that require less energy and generate less harmful environmental impacts. Moreover, a more sustainable transportation system should foster commerce, reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, increase safety, provide equal access to destinations for all groups of society, and enhance the quality of life. America’s challenge This report examines the key differences and determinants of travel behavior in Germany and the United States. Americans travel by car twice as much per year as Germans and use transit only a sixth as much. Differences in car reliance between the United States and Germany are not solely due to income or residential density. Germans in the highest income quartile make a lower share of their trips by car than Americans in the lowest income quartile. And Germans living in low density areas travel by car about as much as Americans living at population densities five times higher. The result is a transportation system in the United States that is less sustainable than in Germany. The per capita carbon footprint of passenger transportation in the United States is about three times larger than in Germany. Although gas prices in the United States are half those in Germany, Americans spend five percent more of their budgets on transportation than Germans. In government outlays as well (federal, state and local), Germany spends less per capita on transportation than the United States. German policies German governments at all levels have influenced travel behavior through a series of policies enacted over decades. Pricing, restrictions, and mandated technological improvements help mitigate the harmful impacts of car use. Integration of public transportation at the metropolitan and national levels provide a viable alternative to the car. Targeted regional land planning policies encourage compact, mixed-use development, and thus keep trip distances short and feasible for walking or cycling. These policies were coordinated to ensure their mutually reinforcing impact. 3 Lessons for the United States Public policy can play a major role in reshaping America’s transportation system. The German experience offers five lessons to the United States for improving transportation sustainability through changes in travel behavior: 1. Get the Price Right in order to encourage the use of less polluting cars, driving at non-peak hours and more use of public transportation 2. Integrate Transit, Cycling, and Walking as Viable Alternatives to the Car, as a necessary measure to make any sort of car-restrictive measures publicly and politically feasible 3. Fully Coordinate and Integrate Planning for Land Use and Transportation to discourage car-dependent sprawl and promote transit-oriented development 4. Public Information and Education to Make Changes Feasible are essential in conveying the benefits of more sustainable policies and enforcing their results over the long term 5. Implement Policies in Stages with a Long Term Perspective because it takes considerable time to gather the necessary public and political support and to develop appropriate measures. A New Federal Approach A window of opportunity for changes in transportation policy is opening in the United States. There is an impending transportation funding crisis, a deep recession, highly volatile energy prices, and imminent U.S. engagement in international climate change discussions. Moreover, the next update of the federal transportation law is due in the fall of 2009. These opportunities require political commitment from Congress and the White House to a new set of federal policies. The focus should be on investing in infrastructure that supports the competitiveness and environmental sustainability of the nation, rather than funding unworthy pork barrel projects of individual states or districts. This will require a level playing field between all modes and a firm commitment to integrating transportation, land use, housing, and economic development plans in order to serve the projected growth over the next several decades. 4 I. INTRODUCTION Long before climate change became a leading topic, countries in Western Europe and North America recognized the need to mitigate the negative impacts of their transportation systems. 2 This issue has become a policy priority in many countries, with the widely reached consensus on the role of greenhouse gases in climate change. Most countries are far from achieving the goal of transportation sustainability currently, with the United States often cited as one of the worst examples. Sustainability, for the purposes of this report, means encouraging shorter trips by modes of transportation that require less energy and cause less environmental harm. Moreover, a more sustainable transportation system should foster commerce, reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, increase safety, provide equal access to destinations for all groups of society, and enhance the quality of life. Increasing transportation sustainability in the United States requires policies that change travel behavior. While perhaps more difficult to achieve than improvements in technology, travel behavior change has the potential of reaping far greater and lasting sustainability gains. Germany’s case may provide a helpful example. Although car use has grown in both countries, Germany has been far more successful than the United States in creating a balanced transportation system. This report examines the applicable German transportation policies that could ultimately lead to a more sustainable U.S. transportation system. It starts with an overview of the similarities between the two nations. Next, it contrasts their degrees of transportation sustainability and explains how certain transportation and land use policies influence travel behavior. The report concludes with recommendations for future transportation policy in the United States based on this comparison. II. POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC SIMILARITIES Germany presents a number of similarities to the United States, rendering the comparison of their transportation systems meaningful. The United States and Germany are democracies with federal systems of government, in which the interaction of national, state and local levels shapes transportation policy. Both countries have market economies with significant government involvement in the transportation sector. They are among the wealthiest countries in the world, although the United States had a higher per-capita income ($45,800) than Germany ($40,400) in 2007. 3 Both countries have extensive roadway systems; along with China’s, they are the largest in the world. 4 In terms of car ownership, Germany comes closer to the United States than almost any other country. The car ownership rate in Germany is 72 percent of the U.S. rate—560 cars versus 780 cars per 1,000 inhabitants. 5 Like Americans, most German households have a car, but Germans are less likely to own a second or third car. While the growth of the car ownership rate has slowed in Germany it has continued to rise in the United 5 States since 1990 (Figure 1). The status symbol of the car contributes to the high rates of car ownership in both Germany and the United States. 6 Figure 1. Trends in Car and Light Truck Ownership per 1000 Inhabitants in Germany and the United States, 1960-2005 Cars and light trucks per 1000 inhabitants 900 800 700 600 United States 500 Germany 400 300 200 100 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2005 Sources: BMVBS 2007, FHWA 2007, Pucher and Lefevre 1996. Both the United States and Germany have highly developed car manufacturing sectors. While General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler (the “Big Three”) have been struggling lately, the German car makers BMW, Daimler, Porsche, Audi, and Volkswagen raised their market shares overseas. 7 While the global economic downturn that started in 2008 affected the entire world auto market, German manufacturers are faring better than their American counterparts. 8 The car manufacturing and services industry is twice as important to the overall German economy (20 percent of GDP) as it is for the American economy (less than 10 percent of GDP). 9 The German lobbies for car manufacturers (German Association of the Automotive Industry - VDA) and car users (German Automobile Association -ADAC) are at least as powerful as their American counterparts—the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association (MVMA) and the American Automobile Association (AAA). Although suburban sprawl is most often associated with the United States, German cities have also been decentralizing. 10 Much stricter land use controls and planning regulations have ensured a more compact pattern of metropolitan development in Germany, but the trend toward decentralization of German cities is strong. 11 Much of the development in and around German cities is as new as that around American cities, since many German cities were almost completely destroyed in World 6 War II. 12 The decentralization of German cities since World War II has been fueled by rapidly increasing household incomes, soaring car ownership, and extensive road construction subsidized by the government. Current land use patterns in German metropolitan areas are not simply the result of centuries of dense development. III. COMPARING OVERALL TRANSPORTATION SUSTAINABILITY There is no agreement in the literature on the exact definition of sustainability. For the purpose of this report, encouraging shorter trips by non-polluting, less energy consuming and healthier modes of transportation is an essential component of a more sustainable transportation system. Moreover, a more sustainable transportation system should stimulate the economy, reduce energy consumption and the carbon footprint, increase safety, provide equal access to destinations for all groups of society, and increase the overall quality of life. 13 Table 1. Passenger Travel and Sustainability United States Germany 8,600 2,900 Miles per gallon, vehicle fleet, 2005 20 30 Energy use per passenger per year, in million British thermal units (BTU), 2004-2005 55 17 Cars and Light Trucks Average 6,250 3,050 Transit Bus 6,850 1,700 Light Rail 4,550 2,000 Heavy Rail 4,100 2,250 19 14 Traffic fatalities per 100,000 population, 2002-2005 14.7 6.5 Cyclist fatalities per 100 million miles of cycling, 2002-2005 18.0 4.0 Pedestrian fatalities per 100 million miles of walking, 2002-2005 8.0 4.0 Car fatalities per billion miles of car travel, 2002-2005 14.4 12.5 62 26 Car CO2 emissions per capita, in pounds, 2005 Energy use per passenger mile, in British thermal units (BTU), 2004-2005 Percent of household budget for transportation, 2003 Government transit subsidy as share of public transportation operating budgets, in percent, for all levels of government, 2006 Sources: Own calculations based on the following sources (not cited elsewhere in the text): Association of German Transit Agencies (VDV), “VDV Statistics 2002” (2002); German Federal Environmental Protection Agency (UBA), Comparison of Emissions of Different Modes of Transport (German Federal Environmental Protection Agency, 2005); Oak Ridge National Laboratories, “Transportation Energy Data Book” (2007); 7 John Pucher, “Public Transportation.” In Susan Hanson and Genevieve Giuliano, eds. Geography of Urban Transportation, (New York: Guilford Press, 2004), p. 199-236. Even though the countries display many similarities, the transportation system is more sustainable in Germany than in the United States, judging from a range of environmental, social, and economic indicators (Table 1). Much of the difference is due to dissimilar travel behavior in the two countries, which is partly the result of different policies. From an environmental perspective, transportation related energy use and CO2 emissions per capita in Germany are only about a third of the U.S. rate. That is mainly explained by more car use in the United States. 14 In addition, the car and light truck fleet in the United States are 50 percent less energy efficient as in Germany. Even within the public transportation sector, German buses are four times as fuel-efficient as American buses on the basis of energy use per passenger kilometer, primarily due to more passengers per vehicle and more modern buses and trains. 15 The transportation network is also safer in Germany. For example, total traffic fatalities per capita in the United States are 2.3 times higher. 16 The differences in traffic safety are especially striking for U.S. cyclists, whose fatality rate per mile cycled is over four times higher. Even car travel is safer in Germany, with slightly lower fatality rates per mile driven. 17 The better traffic safety in Germany is due to better and more extensive cycling and walking infrastructure, better motorist training, traffic calming of most residential neighborhoods, and traffic priority for non-motorized transportation. 18 Better alternatives to the automobile and less car dependence also lead to greater economic sustainability of transportation in Germany. At the household level, Americans spend five percent more of their budgets on transportation, mainly related to ownership costs of multiple cars. 19 Americans spend more than Germans although Americans drive with gas sold at half the price (see Figure 3). Moreover, the public sector in Germany spends less on transportation than the United States per capita. 20 That is mostly due to the provision of less expensive walking, cycling, and public transportation facilities instead of massive roadway and parking supply, as in the United States. These indicators show that the German passenger transportation system is more sustainable than America’s. Germans use more fuel efficient cars, buses, and light rail. Consequently, they consume less fuel, spend less money on transportation, and have a smaller transportation carbon footprint. In addition, the German transportation system is safer than the U.S. system, as shown by the number of traffic fatalities per capita, per trip, and per mile traveled. IV. KEY DIFFERENCES AND DETERMINANTS OF TRAVEL BEHAVIOR Individuals make their daily transportation decisions based, in part, on incentives, directions, and investments established by public policy decisions. Governments influence individual travel behavior through transportation, land use, housing, 8 metropolitan development, and taxation policies. Other important factors influencing travel behavior include individual demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, spatial development patterns, and cultural preferences. 21 This section starts by analyzing patterns in travel behavior in Germany and the United States. Following, it presents the results of a multivariate analysis of the factors that influence travel behavior. Data employed are from the latest national travel surveys in Germany (Mobility in Germany 2002) and the United States (National Household Travel Survey 2001). 22 The Appendix presents the methodology and the statistical results. Table 2. Differences in Travel Behavior in Germany and the United States, 2001-2002 United States Germany Travel indicators Average number of trips per person per day Average trip distance, in miles 4.1 9.9 3.3 6.9 Average distance traveled per person per day, in miles 40 23 Average miles of car travel per person per year, in miles 14,900 6,800 Average vehicle miles of car travel per person per year, in miles 9,200 4,400 Percent of all trips made by car 86 61 Percent of short trips (less than a mile) made by car 67 27 Cars per 1000 inhabitants 780 560 Annual linked public transportation trips per capita, 2005 21 133 Percent of all trips made by transit 2 8 Percent of all trips made by bike 1 9 Percent of all trips made on foot 9 23 Car use and ownership Public transportation ridership Non-motorized modes of transportation Sources: Own calculations based on the U.S. National Household Travel Survey 2001 and Mobility in Germany 2002; American Public Transportation Association (APTA), "Transportation Factbook" (2006); Association of German Transit Agencies (VDV), “VDV Statistics 2007” (2008). Table 2 shows some indicators describing the travel patterns in the two countries. Americans make more and longer daily trips than Germans. As a result, they travel seventeen miles more per day as the average German. Most of the additional travel is by car (Figure 2). Overall, Americans travel by car about twice as much as Germans. Americans are more car-dependent than Germans regardless of income level or residential density. For example, Germans in the highest income quartile made a smaller share of their trips by car than Americans in the lowest income quartile (68 9 percent vs. 82 percent). In addition, Germans living in low density areas traveled roughly the same as Americans living at population densities five times higher. 23 Figure 2. Percentage of All Trips by Mode of Transportation in Germany and the United States, 2001-2002 100 90 Percent of all trips 80 70 60 50 Germany 40 United States 30 20 10 0 Automobile Transit Walking Cycling Sources: Own calculations based on the U.S. National Household Travel Survey 2001 and Mobility in Germany 2002. As Table 2 shows, Germans make six times as many linked public transportation trips per capita per year as Americans. That difference results from Germany’s more extensive public transportation system, better intermodal connections, high frequencies of service, and more modern vehicles. In addition, Germans bike and walk more than Americans thanks to the much more extensive cycling and walking infrastructure and denser land patterns in German cities. Our multivariate analysis presents the impact of a series of factors on German and U.S. travel behavior. 24 Travel patterns are reflected by the variables daily travel distance per inhabitant, average daily miles of car travel per inhabitant and individual choice of transportation mode. The socioeconomic and demographic factors are based on individual level data from the two national travel surveys. Spatial development variables (population density, mix of land use) and transportation policies supplement the individual characteristics. Transportation policies could not be measured directly, but were captured through policy outcome variables including: 10 (1) Automobile operating costs per mile as a proxy for gasoline taxation. This variable is based on local gasoline prices and fuel efficiency of the household vehicle. (2) Household distance from public transportation, as a substitute for transit access and supply. (3) Relative speed of a car trip vs. other modes of transportation, as a proxy for road supply, time cost, and attractiveness of public transportation versus car. The results of our models show that transportation policies and spatial development variables each account for 25 percent of the explained variability in travel behavior, the rest being accounted by individual characteristics. Making car use more expensive reduces the distance driven in both Germany and the United States. A 10 percent increase in car operating costs is associated with a 2 percent decrease in driving distance. In addition, American drivers are more sensitive to higher car use costs than Germans. This result may be explained by the already more economical driving behavior in Germany. In both countries, people living in denser, mixed-use developments with transit access make fewer and shorter car trips. Americans have a tendency to reduce their daily travel distance if they live in these types of areas. However, they still make most short trips by car. This higher level of car use in the United States is most likely related to lower regional population densities and limited accessibility without a car. But when transit alternatives are available, Americans are willing to drive less. If people can travel by car faster than by public transportation, they will choose to drive. In both countries, one mile per hour increase in car speed increases the likelihood of choosing to drive by about 7 percent. Public transportation becomes attractive when driving takes a long time (in case of congestion, speed regulations, traffic calming zones). In Germany, the average car travel speed is 33 percent lower than in the United States. This lower car travel speed contributes to higher levels of public transportation use in Germany. This multivariate analysis points towards the importance of transportation policies in shaping travel behavior. Even controlling for socio-economic and demographic factors and spatial development variables, all income groups in the United States are more car dependent than Germans. While individual characteristics matter, the incentives provided by government influence people’s travel patterns. V. PUBLIC POLICIES THAT PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION IN GERMANY This section focuses on five categories of government policies that have been particularly important to transportation sustainability in Germany. 25 11 First, pricing, restrictions, and mandated technological improvements help mitigate the harmful impacts of car use. Second, Integration and coordination of public transportation at the regional and national levels provide a viable alternative to the car. Third, targeted regional land planning policies encourage compact, mixed-use development, and thus keep trip distances short and feasible on foot or by bike. Fourth, in addition, local and federal governments can make walking and cycling safe and convenient modes of travel. And fifth, all these policies are most effective when they are fully coordinated to ensure their mutually reinforcing impact. The analysis of this set of policies contrasts the approaches in Germany and the United States. A. Mitigating the Harmful Impacts of Car Use While there are clear mobility benefits that come with car use, it also produces negative effects such as traffic congestion, pollution, and diminished traffic safety. Targeted pricing and regulation policies can help manage car travel demand and reduce pollution, traffic congestion and accidents. Table 3 at the end of this section summarizes these policies, as implemented in Germany and the United States. Costs of car use: The overall cost of owning and operating a similar car is about 50 percent higher in Germany than in the United States. 26 Most of that difference is due to much higher taxes and fees in Germany. For example, sales taxes on new cars were three times higher in Germany than in most American states in 2007. 27 Similarly, annual vehicle registration fees are generally higher in Germany, but they vary greatly in both countries. 28 Another major difference is the cost of obtaining a driver’s license. It costs an average driver-to-be roughly $2,200 to obtain a driver’s license in Germany. In many U.S. states, a license can be obtained for roughly $100. 29 The higher cost in Germany is due to a mandatory minimum number of hours of driving lessons, sold by private driving schools. Many states do not require obligatory on road driving lessons to obtain a driver’s license. High schools often provide driving lessons as part of their curriculum. In addition, the license fee itself is 2.5 times higher in Germany than in the United States. Gasoline taxation also has a significant impact on costs. The fuel tax was nine times higher in Germany than in the United States in 2006 and Figure 3 shows that the gap between German and American fuel prices has increased over time. 30 While gasoline cost about 70 percent more in Germany than in the U.S. in 1990, the difference increased to 107 percent in 2006. That was partly due to an explicit policy of regular, annual increases in the gas tax in Germany between 1999 and 2003. The Green Party initiated this measure when it became part of the governing coalition in 1998. The tax increase was explicitly designated as an environmental tax intended to curb car use and promote the purchase of more fuel-efficient cars. 31 Studies found that this fiveyear policy resulted in 11 percent reduction in the energy use of passenger transportation, 9 percent reduction in carbon emissions, 12 percent increase in public transportation ridership, and only 1 percent growth in vehicle miles traveled per 12 person. 32 Though the policy expired in 2003, the five-year implementation of the environmental tax helped boost gas taxes and prices permanently. Figure 3. Trend in Gasoline Prices in the United States and Germany, 1990 – 2007 (per gallon unleaded gasoline) 6 Current US dollars 5 4 Germany 3 United States 2 1 0 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 Note: In current US dollars, using PPP conversion. Sources: International Energy Agency (IEA), "Energy Prices and Taxes" (2008). The higher cost of car use in Germany provides funding not only for highways, but also for other government spending (Figure 4). Highway user tax revenue in Germany was 2.6 times higher than government road spending in 2006. With no earmarking of taxes for transportation as in the United States, highway user tax revenue is used to finance other government projects. In contrast, highway users receive net subsidies in the United States. Indeed, fuel and other highway user taxes are not sufficient to cover government spending on roads. The federal, state and local governments in the U.S. covered only 72 percent of highways spending from highway revenues in 2006. 33 Moreover, the federal Highway Trust Fund, which receives the revenues from the federal gas tax, began running a negative balance in the fall of 2008. 34 13 Figure 4. Highway User Taxes and Fees as Share of Road Expenditures by All Levels of Government in Germany and the United States Highway user taxes and fees as share of road expenditures 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 Germany Road expenditures = Highw ay user taxes and fees United States 1.0 0.5 0.0 1975 1987 1997 2004 2006 Sources: BMVBS 2007, FHWA 2007 Restrictions on car use: Compared to the United States, German cities place far more restrictions on car use in terms of road layouts, lower speeds, and less parking. Overall, the supply of roads per capita is less than half as much in Germany as in the United States. 35 In addition, there is a policy of discouraging traffic through city centers in Germany. 36 German cities create deliberate dead-ends, turn restrictions, one-way street networks, and extensive car free zones. High-speed limited access highways (Autobahns) rarely penetrate city centers in Germany as they do in most U.S. cities. 37 Most German cities also have much lower speed limits than cities the United States. Roughly 70 to 80 percent of the German city road network has speed limits of 19 miles per hour or less. 38 Almost all residential neighborhoods employ speed-inhibiting measures, such as restrictions to 19 miles per hour signs (“Tempo 30”), road narrowing, raised intersections and crosswalks, and speed humps. Road designs such as traffic circles, extra curves, zigzag routes, and artificial dead-ends created by mid-block street closures contribute to lower car speeds. Many residential streets in Germany—both in the central city and in new suburban developments—impose even lower speed limits, requiring cars to travel at ‘walking speed,’ set at 4 miles per hour. Importantly, traffic calming is usually area-wide and not for isolated streets. It ensures that through -traffic 14 uses arterial roads designed to handle it instead of shifting traffic from one residential street to another. Another measure discouraging car use in German cities is the high price and restricted supply of parking. 39 While 95 percent of parking in American cities is free of charge to the driver, most parking in German cities requires payment, especially in the city center. 40 Further, the supply of parking in German cities is more limited than in the United States. One study estimates that German cities have only 39 percent as many parking spaces per 1,000 jobs as American cities. 41 Vehicle technology policy: Both the United States and Germany are world technology leaders. Higher fuel taxes in Germany, however, encourage more energy efficient cars. The German car fleet was 50 percent more fuel efficient than American cars and light trucks in 2005. 42 Over the past 15 years, the average fuel efficiency of U.S. vehicle fleet increased only slightly. On average, the cars used by Americans in 2005 were less fuel efficient than the cars driven by Germans as far back as 1980. 43 Germany relies mainly on tax incentives to encourage the purchase and use of more fuel efficient and less polluting cars. The United States uses mainly federal standards. The high level of gas taxes is the driver of fuel efficiency technology in Germany, as throughout Europe. In addition, annual registration fees in Germany favor less polluting, more fuel efficient cars with small engines. 44 The United States provides income tax credits for hybrid and other fuel efficient cars. In addition, the United States experimented with taxes on fuel inefficient cars in the late 1970s. The “gas guzzler tax” has been paid by manufacturers of cars averaging less than 22.5 miles per gallon. However, this tax does not apply to pick-up trucks or sport utility vehicles. While successful initially, the U.S. federal Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) standards have remained virtually unchanged since 1985, though in December 2008 Congress approved a new fuel-economy target of 35 mpg by the year 2020. 15 Table 3. Policies to Mitigate the Harmful Impacts of Car Use - Measures and Indicators United States Germany Per mile cost of owning and operating a similar car (Honda Accord), 2006 $0.72 $1.09 Sales tax on buying a new car, 2007 ~ 6 percent in most states 19 percent ~$100 driver's licensing fee in most states average cost $2,250 per license not all states mandate driving lessons mandated on-road and in-class driving lessons $ 0.42 per gallon $ 3.6 per gallon 15 percent 65 percent 13 miles 5 miles speed limits range from 25 to 45 mph most German cities have trafficcalmed most of their residential streets to 19 mph some cities experiment with traffic calming certain residential areas reduced car speeds to "walking speed" (4 mph) interstate highways cut through most cities limited-access highways are mainly outside of cities some cities have car-free streets (e.g. Madison (WI), Minneapolis (MN), Denver (CO) or Santa Monica (CA)) car-free zones in downtowns of most cities Private costs of owning and operating a car Driver licensing regulation and cost, 2007 Taxes on gasoline, 2006 Share of taxes in price of a gallon of gasoline at the pump, 2006 Restrictions on car use Supply of roads per 1,000 inhabitants, 2006 Speed limits in cities, 2006 Road layout in cities dead-ends, turn restrictions, one way street networks Parking supply and cost 95 percent of car trips end with free parking most cities have deliberately reduced car parking spots in downtowns and have increased fees for parking since the late 1960s some cities have reduced the number of car parking spots (e.g. Portland, OR) and/or charge for it German cities have only 39 percent as many parking spots per 1,000 jobs than American cities 16 California pioneered cash-out programs for employees who did not park at work Vehicle technology policy Fuel efficiency of car and light truck fleet 20 mpg (2005) 30 mpg (2005) 16 mpg (1980) 23 mpg (1980) federal Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) standards regulate manufacturers; initially successful, but have not been renewed aggressively high gas taxes gas guzzler tax annual registration fees vary by engine size and exhaust emission Regulation of fuel efficiency income tax credits for hybrid and other fuel efficient cars Regulation of exhaust emission EPA and state standards increasingly strict EU wide standards for criteria pollutants the United States took the lead on air quality and catalytic converters since the National Environmental Policy Act (1969)and the Clean Air Act (CAA) (1970) voluntary CO2 emission reduction commitment by European automobile industry California has some of the strictest standards in the Western World; California has pioneered Low Emission Vehicle Standards (LEV) and Super Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle Standards (SULEV) potential EU-wide regulation of CO2 emissions is pending Sources not cited elsewhere in the text: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Gas Guzzler Tax, available at http://www.epa.gov/fueleconomy/guzzler/index.htm (May 2008); Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), On-Road Vehicles and Engines, available at http://epa.gov/otaq/hwy.htm (May 2008); Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fuel and Fuel Additives, available at http://epa.gov/otaq/fuels.htm (May 2008); Pew Center on Global Climate Change, “Comparison of Passenger Vehicle Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards around the World” (Washington, D.C.: Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 2004). 17 B. Improving and Integrating Public Transportation Systems The integration of different modes of public transportation at metropolitan, regional, and national levels makes public transportation convenient and attractive in Germany. This coordination includes transit services, schedules, and fares within metropolitan areas. 45 Starting with Hamburg in the 1960s, German cities created their own regional transit organizations, which fully coordinate all aspects of public transportation operations, ticketing, and fare structures. 46 Transfers between bus and rail are virtually seamless, both in terms of timing as well as distance walked. 47 German transit systems also integrate their services with walking and cycling facilities and provide extensive bike parking facilities, at suburban rail, metro stations and bus stops. 48 This is in contrast to the rather fragmented U.S. approach. Most metropolitan areas have regional transit authorities, but with a much lower degree of coordination and integration of services than in Germany. There is little integration of timetables of suburban buses with rail transit timetables. Many transit stops are not in walking or biking friendly areas, with no sidewalks or short portions of sidewalks, particularly outside of the traditional urban cores. The integration of transit fare structures in Germany is much better. Passengers can use one ticket for an entire trip inside a metropolitan area, regardless of how many transfers are necessary or how many transit modes used. German transit systems offer extremely deep discounts on weekly, monthly, annual, and semester tickets, making it economical and convenient to use public transit on a daily basis. 49 Compared to a single trip base fare, monthly tickets provide average discounts of 60 percent for adults and 75 percent for high school and university students. 50 In this way, public transportation becomes competitive with cars for the work commute. In the United States, fares are rarely integrated across operators or steeply discounted with a monthly ticket. There are single ticket discounts for disadvantaged groups. All public transportation systems receiving federal subsidies are required to offer 50 percent discounts for the elderly and the disabled during non-peak travel times. 51 A 2008 survey shows that only half of transit operators offer regional monthly tickets. Most monthly tickets are limited to one particular mode or one transit provider. Savings for a typical commuter (40 trips a month) with a monthly pass for bus, light and heavy rail were between 10 percent and 20 percent compared to single trip fare cards in 2007. 52 In addition, transit riders may claim commuter federal tax benefits of up to $230 per month. 53 Although the German transit systems offer integrated services and steep discounts, the German government actually subsidizes public transportation at a lesser degree than the United States. German public transit receives as a subsidy only 26 percent of its operating costs. In contrast, subsidies from state and local governments in the United States covered about 62 percent of operating costs in 2006. 54 Higher occupancy rates and different funding arrangements explain the discrepancy. The German public transportation system carries more than twice as many passengers per vehicle as in the 18 United States. 55 This generates more revenue to cover current expenses. In Germany, state governments limit their financial assistance to fare subsidies for children and the elderly. Municipal governments finance most of the transit operations. 56 Table 4. Policies to Improve and Integrate Public Transportation Systems Measures and Indicators Regional integration of transit services and financing Multi-modal coordination Region-wide fare integration across operators Discounts Unified information systems for users Bus lanes and traffic signal priority United States Germany regional transit authorities exist in almost all major metropolitan areas, but with a much lower degree of coordination and integration of services than in Germany full coordination of operation and financing of public transportation in metropolitan areas through regional transit authorities some cities integrate their bus and rail services seamless transfers between bus and rail over 60 of the largest transit providers offer guaranteed-ride-home programs integration of public transportation with walking and cycling through improvements in pedestrian and cycling facilities Transit Oriented Developments designed to increase walking, cycling and transit use bike and car parking and rental programs run by transit providers fares are rarely integrated across operators regional transit authorities integrate fares and time tables fragmented provision of transit service with little integration of timetables state-wide time table coordination and transit tickets 50 percent discounts for the elderly and the disabled on single tickets during non-peak travel times many subsidized discounts for the elderly, school children, and other groups discount monthly tickets for commuters, but not as steep and extensive as in Germany monthly tickets with steep discounts per trip federal tax benefits of up to $ 230 per month tax benefit based on daily commute distance for all modes including transit fragmented information provision users can access information about regional, state-wide, and even national transit routes, connections and fares online real time information remains rare even on some rail services; bus stops often even lack timetables real time information at most rail and light rail stops and on board of most trains and buses over a dozen Bus Rapid Transit systems exist in the US HOV lanes and shoulders give buses priority over cars most cities have special bus lanes and traffic signal priority for buses 19 Sources not cited elsewhere in the text: Glenn Yago, The Decline of Transit: Urban Transportation in German and U.S. Cities, 1900-1970 (Cambridge University Press, 1984). Public transportation is more successful in Germany not because of more subsidies, but due to much better fare and service policies, integrated systems of public transportation, and higher cost of car use. The result: Germans use transit six times more than Americans. 57 C. Promoting Safe and Convenient Walking and Cycling Not only do German cities provide more transit possibilities, but they are also safer for pedestrian and cyclists than in the United States. Pedestrian and cyclist fatality and injury rates in 2000 were only a third as high in Germany as in the United States. 58 Moreover, pedestrian and cyclist safety has greatly increased in Germany since 1970, compared with only modest gains in the United States. For example, the number of cyclist fatalities fell by almost 80 percent in Germany over the past 35 years, compared to a decline of only 30 percent in the United States. 59 These improvements in cyclist safety were achieved despite the cycling boom in Germany between the mid-1970s and mid-1990s, when cycling levels doubled or tripled in most cities. Higher levels of pedestrian and cyclist safety in Germany are the result of a complete, integrated system of bicycling and walking routes, which has been developed since the 1970s. 60 This allows cyclists and pedestrians to cover almost any trip either on completely separate lanes or on lightly traveled, traffic-calmed residential streets. 61 In addition, virtually all German cities have created car-free zones in their centers, mainly intended for pedestrian use. 62 These zones are comprised of a connected network of pedestrian streets. While available in some American cities (such as Madison, WI; Minneapolis, MN; Denver, CO; or Santa Monica, CA), car-free streets are rare in the United States. Table 5. Policies Promoting Safe and Convenient Walking and Cycling - Measures and Indicators United States Germany Federal Policies walking and cycling projects are eligible for federal funds Federal subsidies and regulations special federal funds for nonmotorized transportation state DOTs are required to have pedestrian and cycling staff every highway project must include provisions to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists earmarked federal funds for improvement of urban pedestrian and cycling facilities federal funding for bike paths along federal highways most pedestrian and cycling infrastructure is funded locally tax benefit based on daily commute distance for all modes, including walking and cycling 20 Pedestrian and Bicycling Friendly Facilities Car-free zones no area -wide pedestrian zones; pedestrian streets exist in some cities, such as Madison (WI), Minneapolis (MN), Denver (CO) or Santa Monica (CA) most cities have large, pedestrianized, car-free areas in downtown some cities experiment with traffic calming almost all German cities have traffic calmed most residential streets to 19 mph applications are not as systematic and comprehensive as in German cities certain areas limit cars to walking speed (4 mph) Traffic calming Pedestrian facilities Bike path networks lack of pedestrian facilities in many developments and along many urban roads urban design often caters to automobiles some cities experiment with pedestrian oriented design and sidewalks in all new developments universal provision of sidewalks in urban areas well light, clearly marked zebra-crossings pedestrian activated crossing signals at midblock and intersections only few cities have a network of bicycling facilities, such as Portland (OE), Davis (CA), Minneapolis (MN), Madison (WI) a majority of cities has comprehensive, region-wide integrated networks of separate facilities for cyclists large cities such as New York (NY) and Chicago (IL) have plans for fully integrated networks these networks have been promoted locally since the 1970s many short-cuts for cyclists and bike parking facilities Safety, Education, and Enforcement Traffic education voluntary bicycling courses safe and effective cycling training is part of school curriculum rarely any education of drivers, pedestrians and cyclists about rights of pedestrians and cyclists rights of non-motorized modes are part of driver's training and testing safe routes to school in all states with dedicated staff Enforcement of pedestrian and cyclist's rights strict enforcement through police rarely enforced special protection of children and the elderly pedestrian and cyclist’s rights 21 Sources not cited elsewhere in the text: Ben Hamilton-Baillie, “Home Zones - Reconciling People, Places and Transport. Study Tour of Denmark, Germany, Holland and Sweden,” (February, 2006); John Pucher, Charles Komanoff, and Paul Schimek, "Bicycling Renaissance in North America? Recent Trends and Alternative Policies to Promote Bicycling," Transportation Research Part A 33, (7/8) (1999): 625-54; Thunderhead Alliance, "Bicycling and Walking in the U.S. - Benchmarking Report 2007" (2007). D. More Mixed Land Use and Less Suburban Sprawl Higher population density contributes to transportation sustainability. Greater mixes of land use and higher population concentrations lead to shorter average trip distances, which increase the possibilities for walking and cycling. Moreover, higher densities make public transportation service more economical and decrease average car speeds. Both Germany and the United States witnessed the decentralization of living, working and consumption over the last 50 years. 63 However, the population density over developed land area was three times greater in Germany than in the United States in 2003. This result can be explained by differences in the organization of the land-use planning process, zoning regulation, and local public finance in the two countries. 64 The land use planning process is a coordinated interaction among all levels of government and across jurisdictions in Germany. The planning process varies across states and is organized around the principles of cooperation and mediation. 65 Municipalities contribute to plans at the regional level, regional representatives provide input into state plans, and state officials work with federal ministries in creating the federal agenda. Once plans are made, lower levels of government create their arrangements bound by the federal framework. Moreover, at each level of planning, neighboring jurisdictions are required to seek input from each other. This compels states, regions and municipalities to collaborate with their peers. 66 The German federal government has a limited, strategic role in land use planning. It defines the legal framework for planning, ensuring the consistency of planning techniques. In collaboration with the states, it sets the broad strategic goals of spatial development, such as sustainability. 67 In terms of data and analysis, the federal government regularly publishes a report outlining trends, challenges, and projections of spatial development in Germany. The land-use plans are developed by the lower levels of government. The lower the level of government, the more detailed the content of the plan. As in the United States, municipal governments draw the actual land-use plans. However, local plans in Germany are restricted by regional and state plans and must comply with federal laws. Further, they coordinate plans regarding transportation, electricity distribution, or sewage in the new developments. 68 New development is limited by law to areas immediately adjacent to already built-up areas, although exceptions are made on a case by case basis. 69 Even in the case of private land, developers and the municipality must convince higher levels of government to allow development of areas not abutting existing settlements. In sharp contrast to the United States, land owners cannot seek compensation if development rights are not granted. 22 While the federal government gets involved in the land use planning process in Germany, there are no state or federal laws requiring mixed-use zoning in either country. Consequently, municipalities have a great deal of flexibility in deciding how to zone. 70 A review of local zoning laws and regulations in Germany and in the United States shows that German single-use zoning is often more flexible than its American counterpart. 71 German single-use residential zones, for example, allow for doctor’s offices, hostels, small hotels, and multi-story apartment buildings. These are generally not allowed in residential zones in the United States. Less competition among municipalities for property taxes in Germany facilitates the cooperation and coordination of land-use planning in Germany. Property taxes provided for only 9 percent of local revenue in German municipalities compared to 35 percent for municipalities and townships in the United States in 2002. German municipalities are more dependent on intergovernmental transfers, which account for about 40 percent of local revenue, compared to 25 percent for U.S. municipalities and townships. 72 Broadbase taxes, such as the income tax and value added tax, are shared among federal, state, and local governments in Germany. These taxes are collected by the federal government and then distributed across states and municipalities based on a formula incorporating population size, economic activity, and level of public services provided locally. Besides more municipal competition for taxes, the local government system in the United States is also more fragmented with multiple special purpose governments such as school districts. 73 The key to more dense and mixed-use settlements in Germany lies in a higher level of vertical and horizontal cooperation and interaction among jurisdictions, a strategic role of the federal government, stricter control of new developments, differences in zoning practices, and less competition for local taxes among municipalities. 23 Table 6. Policies that Encourage Mixed Land Use and Discourage Suburban Sprawl - Measures and Indicators Land-use planning process United States Germany state wide planning efforts exist, such as the New Jersey State Plan and Smart Growth initiatives in states such as Maryland reciprocal planning process with interaction of different levels of government and across jurisdictions every urban area larger than 50,000 population has a Metropolitan Planning Organization integration of land use and transportation planning federally and state mandated planning processes and tools for regional and local land use planning Property rights Zoning regulations development occurs within local zoning regulations; there are examples of local growth moratoria and growth boundaries The possibility to develop property is restricted, especially outside of built-up areas zoning occurs locally and can differ from municipality to municipality zoning only within and adjacent to settlements there are local experiments with changes in zoning regulation such as: Transit Oriented Developments (TOD), New Urbanist Developments, or Form Based Codes zoning regulations allow some mixed use development even in residential zones federally standardized and defined land use zones Local government finance competition for local property tax limited competition for local property and business tax in comparison with the United States limited tax base sharing exists in metropolitan areas such as Minneapolis-St. Paul broad-base taxes, such as the income tax and value added tax, are shared among all levels of government there are significant federal and state subsidies, however for specific investments (e.g. housing, environmental protection, and transportation) local governments depend to a larger extent on state and federal governments than in the United States Sources cited elsewhere in the text. 24 E. Coordinating the Transportation Related Policies to Ensure their Mutually Reinforcing Impact More sustainable transportation can be achieved only if transportation-related policies are implemented in a coordinated way. It is politically difficult and potentially inequitable to restrict car use and make it more expensive unless there are feasible and convenient alternatives to car use. Thus, car-restrictive policies must be accompanied by the provision of high quality public transportation services as well as safe and convenient walking and cycling facilities. The German experience shows a possible path towards the implementation of policies aimed at changing travel behavior. German cities started imposing restrictions on car use and parking in the 1970s. With each successive restriction, conditions for walking, bicycling, and public transportation use were improved and better integrated with each other. These improvements were popularized by extensive public awareness campaigns developed by different transportation agencies and associations (transit authorities, state and federal ministries of transportation, cycling associations). The coordination process was developed not only among different modes of transportation, but also between transportation, other types of infrastructure, and land use policies in Germany. In most German cities, transportation and land use planning are conducted by the same local government agencies or are at least explicitly coordinated with each other. The same coordination takes place at the state and federal levels of government. For example, federal policies regarding transportation, metropolitan development, and land use planning are the responsibility of a single ministry: Federal Ministry of Transport, Building, and Urban Affairs. There is no equivalent in the United States, either at the state or federal level of government. 74 25 Table 7. Coordinating Transportation Related Policies to Ensure their Mutually Reinforcing Impact- Measures and Indicators United States little coordination between policy “carrots” Coordinate "carrots" and "sticks" Integrate transportation and land-use planning policy “sticks” for car use are rarely used MPOs serve as coordinators, but have limited implementation powers Germany coordination of policies and planning for all modes of transportation and land use simultaneous implementation of “stick” policies for cars and improvements of alternatives formal links between land-use and transportation planning joint federal ministry for land-use and transportation planning Campaigns, promotion, and outreach campaigns exist, but not as extensive as in Germany public awareness campaigns and promotion of non-automobile transportation by the national association of transit authorities, federal and state ministries of transportation, national cycling and alternative transportation associations 26 VI. LESSONS FOR THE UNITED STATES U.S. transportation policy largely relies on technological solutions to improve environmental sustainability. Standards and taxes provide incentives to make cars more energy efficient, less polluting, and safer. There is little public opposition or political controversy over policies that simply provide more options and better technology without changing travel behavior. The German experience offers five lessons to the United States on improving transportation sustainability through changes in travel behavior. While difficult to implement, the U.S. policymakers need to charge motorists a price that reflect the full cost of driving. This measure should be accompanied by integrated and convenient transit, walking, and cycling alternatives. Further, the transportation changes should be coordinated with changes in land use policies. All the adjustments need to be widely advertised and there should be a sustained campaign to educate the public about the benefits produced by the new policies. Last but not least, the policies should be implemented in a stepwise manner, with a long term perspective. These policies are inter-related; their success depends on a combined implementation over time. Some of these policies are in place already in a few states or cities in the United States. This signals that these measures are a feasible alternative for the United States, given political will and adequate planning. 1. Get the Price Right Probably the biggest obstacle to sustainable transportation in the United States is the failure to require motorists to pay the true social, economic, and environmental costs of driving. 75 Congestion pricing, higher fuel taxes, and vehicle fees that promote higher fuel efficiency and more environmentally friendly cars are examples of such pricing policies. Charging for at least a portion of the negative externalities generated by car use would create a series of direct and indirect effects. For one, car use, and especially single-occupant car use, would fall. Recent evidence shows that a higher cost of driving, caused by the high gasoline prices over the last years, is associated with a decline in vehicle miles traveled in the United States. 76 Consumers would shift to less polluting cars and they would avoid congested areas at peak times. Moreover, new housing developments would probably be more compact and less car-dependent, with high costs of driving. The right pricing of driving is essential to encourage more use of public transportation, walking, and cycling. The record transit ridership during 2008 in the United States emerged in an environment of high and volatile gas prices. 77 Further, these types of pricing strategies would generate revenue for badly needed investments in transportation infrastructure. In Germany, higher car use fees and taxes cover not only highway investments, but also other government spending. 27 2. Integrate Transit, Cycling, and Walking as Viable Alternatives to the Car Providing safe, convenient, and cheaper alternatives to the car is necessary to make any sort of car-restrictive measures publicly and politically feasible. For example, the city of Hanover, Germany introduced an integrated mobility program in 2004. The project creates a service package of all transit services in the greater Hanover region, including taxis, car-sharing services, and rental cars. In addition, users of the program receive 25 percent discounts for long-distance rail travel in Germany and other services such as bicycle maintenance, luggage delivery, and travel information. 78 A cheap, regionally integrated and extensive public transportation system provides a real alternative to the car. The evidence from the U.S. shows that a low-priced public transportation service alone is not sufficient to attract riders. Pricing should be coordinated over different public transportation services in order to make it more convenient for the traveler. For several decades, the German transit systems have provided regionwide monthly and annual tickets with steep discounts and further reduced fares for children and the elderly. For example, the city of Freiburg offers an annual ticket for all transit services in the region for roughly $600. 79 3. Fully Coordinate and Integrate Planning for Land Use and Transportation The packaging of self-reinforcing land use and transportation policies is perhaps the most important lesson that Germany can offer the United States. Transportation policies in Germany have been effective in promoting a sustainable transportation system precisely because they are integrated with land use policies aimed at discouraging cardependent sprawl. In Germany, federal, state, and local governments participate in a top-down and bottom-up interactive planning process. At all levels of government, landuse planning is formally connected to transportation and other areas of planning. While not coordinated, government regulation of private property and the involvement of higher levels of government in local affairs are commonplace in the United States. 80 Furthermore, federal government spending in the United States influences local policies and spatial development patterns. 81 For example, the federally-funded Interstate Highway System, federal housing, and defense spending have a large impact on municipal policies, finances, and local economic development. 82 The states and municipalities interact with the federal government in a siloed manner, dealing with each specialized federal agency separately. In addition, the federal agencies do not synchronize their strategies in response to the local partners. Formalized coordination and integration of land use and transportation planning at all levels of government can help guide transportation policy and change travel behavior. 4. Public Information and Education to Make Changes Feasible Public information and education are crucial components of any sustainable transportation policy. Behavior-changing policies introduce costs, in financial terms or in terms of restrictions. In addition, the costs tend to be immediate while the benefits materialize over the medium or long term. Policymakers need to have an effective communication campaign that emphasizes policy benefits and the end results. Some policies might appeal to the greater good and long term societal goals, but most successful policies provide an individual short term benefit of some sort. For example, 28 everyone benefits from improved air quality, safer travel, and a better quality of life. A relatively immediate positive benefit might be less traffic congestion and more transit services. In Germany, the increase in the gas tax by 75 U.S. cents per gallon between 1999 and 2003 became politically acceptable only when the government promised to use the resulting revenue to lower social security taxes for all employees. While public information may be construed as a temporary public awareness campaign, education is a permanent tool to affect behavioral change. Bicycle education for children in primary schools in Germany exposes children to traffic rules at an early age. Drivers in Germany have to learn the rights of pedestrians and cyclists as part of their driving lessons before the permit test. 5. Implement Policies in Stages with a Long Term Perspective Changes in travel behavior do not happen overnight. The sustainable transportation and land use policies in Germany evolved over several decades. It took considerable time to gather the necessary public and political support and to develop appropriate measures. Policies were implemented initially at a small scale. Successful experiments in a few cities led to their increasing adoption in other cities and eventually nationwide. For example, regional transit organizations were introduced in Hamburg in the late 1960s and had spread to virtually all metropolitan areas throughout Germany by 1990. Non-controversial projects should be implemented first. For example, German cities started to traffic-calm streets and neighborhoods where a majority of citizens agreed on the harmful effects of car use. The positive outcomes, such as improvements in quality of life and traffic safety, helped win public support for the extension of traffic calming schemes. All cities and villages in Germany have most of their neighborhoods traffic calmed currently. Policies should be implemented stepwise. A phased approach and long-term view is especially necessary for controversial national policies. The environmental tax reform in Germany increased the gasoline price by 15 U.S. cents per gallon each year from 1999 to 2003. This policy was not very popular, but a phased approach made it possible to increase gasoline taxes by a total of 75 U.S. cents per gallon. A one-time gas tax hike of this magnitude would have been doomed to fail. These policies should also be applied in a combined manner to achieve a greater synergy of their effects. As previously explained, the success of car-use pricing is dependent on the availability of safe, convenient, and cheaper alternatives to the car. The joint implementation of these policies may lead to a tipping point in travel behavior, when people may decide to walk, bike, or use transit. 29 VII. CONCLUSION Different transportation policies help explain the greater sustainability of transportation in Germany versus the United States. Despite high car ownership rates, the German government made car use more expensive and less convenient than in the United States. This policy was coupled with wide ranging public transportation policies. Extensive, frequent, convenient, and attractively-priced transit services offer viable alternatives to the car in Germany. This transportation policy was implemented in concert with a supportive land use policy. Every level of government in Germany explicitly encouraged compact, mixed-use developments with first-rate facilities for walking and cycling. While each of these policies matters in isolation, combined, these policy carrots and sticks best explain the current status of the transportation system in Germany. Far more than in Europe and Canada, public policy in America has been crisis-driven. Transportation and land use policies are no exception. Almost all policy changes towards more sustainability resulted from crises such as energy shortages, hazardous levels of air pollution, and escalating traffic fatalities. Now there is an impeding transportation funding crisis, volatile energy prices, and possible U.S. action on climate change. Additionally, the next update of the federal transportation authorization law is due in fall 2009, presenting new policy opportunities for Congress should it summon the political will. Certainly, most Americans will not give up their cars, but they could reduce the number of trips they make. Less driving is possible if transportation policies provide safe, convenient, and practical alternatives. Even without reduced car ownership, the reduction in driving would enhance the sustainability of transportation in the United States. A more sustainable transportation system means not only greater choice of transportation services and lower household transportation expenditures, but a higher quality of life in the longer term. 30 NOTES 1 Dr. Ralph Buehler is assistant professor in urban affairs and planning at the School of Public and International Affairs, Virginia Tech, Alexandria, VA. Dr. John Pucher is professor at the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Dr. Uwe Kunert is senior research associate in energy, transportation and environment at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Germany. 2 David Banister, John Pucher, and Martin Lee-Gosslin, “Making Sustainable Transport Acceptable.” In Piet Rietveld and Roger Stough, eds., Institutions and Sustainable Transport: Regulatory Reform in Advanced Economies (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007). 3 International Monetary Fund, “World Economic Outlook Database” (2008). 4 As of 2006, the United States, China and Germany had the most extensive road networks in the world. In terms of road density, including all categories of paved roads, the United States has less than a fourth the supply of roads per square miles than Germany (0.27 vs. 1.11 miles), but 71 percent more roadway per capita (8.26 vs.4.84 miles per 1,000 population). See International Road Federation, “World Road Statistics” (2007). Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, “OECD Statistics” (2007). 5 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Highway Statistics (Department of Transportation, 1990–2008). German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (BMVBS), German Transport in Figures 1991–2008 (German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, 1991-2008). 6 Barbara Schmucki, Dreams of Moving Traffic: Urban Transportation Planning in East and West Germany Since 1945 (Munich: Campus, 2001). Martin Wachs and others, The Car and the City: The Automobile, the Built Environment, and Daily Urban Life (University of Michigan Press, 1992). Winnfried Wolf, Railways and Automobiles: Passenger and Freight Transport on Rails and Roads: History and Perspectives (Hamburg: Rasch und Roehrig, 1986). 7 IRF, “World Road Statistics.” 8 Andreas Cremer, “VW, BMW and Mercedes Sales Tumble as Recession Bites”, Bloomberg News, February 6, available at www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601100&refer=germany&sid=ajoFJ6foyYKs. In December 2008, the U.S. federal government provided $ 13.4 billion to the “Big Three” in hopes of staving off failure. Amid continuing dramatic declines in car sales at the beginning of 2009, this amount might not prove sufficient. According to their auditor’s annual report, GM is on the brink of bankruptcy as of March 2009. See: Bhattiprolu Murti and Neal E. Boudette, “GM Auditors Raise Doubts on Auto Maker's Viability” The Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2009, available at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123625134434838921.html. 9 Including automobile manufacturing, car dealerships, car repairs, gas stations, assorted car travel services, and road construction, the car related industry in the USA only accounted for 10% of all US jobs in 2006 and for less than 10% of GDP. By comparison, the German industry—excluding road construction—accounted for 14% of all jobs in the German economy in 2005 and for 20% of GDP. See FHWA, Highway Statistics. German Automobile Industry Association (VDA), ”Automobile Manufacturing in Germany”(2007). 10 Barbara Schulz and Fabian Dosch, “Controlling Trends in Settled Land Area in Germany and Switzerland," DISP Journal 41 (2005): 5–15. 11 Stephan Schmidt and Ralph Buehler, "The Planning Process in the U.S. and Germany: A Comparative Analysis," International Planning Studies 12 (1) (2007): 55-75. 12 Paul Baron, "Transportation in Germany: A Historical Overview," Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 29 (1) (1995):9-20. BMVBS, Overview: Changes in Urban Development over Time (German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, 2008). Uwe Koehler, "Traffic and Transport Planning in German Cities," Transportation Research Part A 29A (4) (1995): 253–261. Schmucki, Dreams of Moving Traffic. 12 BMVBS, German Transport in Figures 1991–2008.U.S. Department of Energy, Transportation Energy Intensity Indicators, (Department of Energy, 2007). 13 The United Nations defines sustainable development as meeting “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (World Commission of Economic Development 1987, p.43). Newman and Kenworthy (1999) and the World Bank (1996) describe sustainable transportation as mediating between economic growth, social development and the environment. Banister et al. (2007) identify at least two competing paradigms within sustainable transportation. The first calls for reducing energy inputs into the transportation system, while maintaining transportation output. This approach relies mainly on technological innovations to make vehicles more energy efficient. The other foresees reductions in transportation inputs and outputs, thus calling for changes in travel behavior towards non-motorized modes and public transportation. See Banister, Pucher, and Lee- Gosslin, “Making Sustainable Transport Acceptable”. Peter Newman and Jeffrey Kenworthy, Sustainability and Cities (Washington: Island Press, 1999). The World Bank, “Sustainable Transport: Priorities for Policy Reform” (1996). United Nations- World Commission of Economic Development, “Our Common Future” (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987). 14 BMVBS, German Transport in Figures 1991-2008.U.S. Department of Energy, Transportation Energy Intensity Indicators, (Department of Energy, 2007). 15 The German public transportation system carried 21 passengers per vehicle versus 11 passengers per vehicle in the United States in 2005. The number of transit passengers per vehicle was calculated as a ratio of transit passenger miles and vehicle miles. Association of German Transit Agencies (VDV), "Annual Report 2005" (2006). APTA, "2007 Public Transportation Fact Book", p. 12, table 7 and p. 16, table 11,available at www.apta.com/research/stats/factbook/documents/factbook07.pdf (June 2008). 16 International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD), “Selected Risk Values for the Year 2005,” available at cemt.org/IRTAD/IRTADPublic/we2.html (January 2008). 17 Ibid. 18 See Table 3. 19 German Federal Office for Statistics (DESTATIS), Income and Expenditure Survey (German Federal Office for Statistics, 2003). U.S. Department of Labor, "Consumer Expenditure Survey" (Department of Labor, 2003). 20 The total spending (capital and maintenance) for highways and transit by all levels of government was $ 625 per capita in the United States and $460 per capita in Germany in 2006. The number for the United States is calculated based on highway and transit numbers provided by Congressional Budget Office (CBO), “Trends in public Spending on Transportation and Water Infrastructure, 1956-2004 “ (August 2007) and 2006 U.S. Population from Bureau of Census, Annual Population Estimates 2000 to 2008, (Department of Commerce, 2008), table 1. The exchange rate used is in purchasing power parities (PPP)—0.858 Euros (Germany) per US dollar from OECD, “Main Economic Indicators, March 2009” (2009), p.281. The highway spending for Germany is from BMVBS, Transport in Figures. The transit figures are indexed for inflation from the numbers provided by Hans Joachim Rönnau and others, “Environmental policy recommendation for the financing of the local public transport” (Berlin: German Federal Environmental Protection Agency (UBA), 2003). 21 Genevieve Giuliano and Joyce Dargay, "Car Ownership, Travel and Land Use: A Comparison of the US and Great Britain," Transportation Research Part A 40 (2005): 106-24. John Pucher and Christian Lefevre, The Urban Transport Crisis in Europe and North America (Mac-Millan Press, 1996). Andreas Schafer and David Victor, "The Future Mobility of the World Population," Transportation Research Part A 34 (2000): 171-205. 22 These two surveys are the most comparable national surveys in the world, since the German survey used the American survey as a model. They are also rather close in periods of data collected. While there are a few minor differences, the surveys are consistent in almost all aspects of variable definitions, methodology, timing, target populations, sample size, and response rates. Table A-1 in the Appendix provides more information on the differences between the two surveys. For more information see Uwe Kunert, J. Kloas, and H. Kuhfeld, "Design Characteristics of National Travel Surveys. Internationals Comparison for 10 Countries," Transportation Research Record 1804 (2002): 107-116. 23 In this case, low dense areas have population densities of less than 1,000 people per km2. FHWA, National Household Travel Survey 2001-Version 2004 (Department of Transportation, 2005). German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and Institute for Applied Social Sciences (INFAS), "Final Report: The Mobility in Germany Travel Survey" (2004). Oak Ridge National Laboratories, "National Household Travel Survey 2001” (Version 2004). 24 The Appendix, available online, presents detailed description of the variables used and the results of each specification of the model; See www.brookings.edu/reports/2009/0416_transportation_sustainability_buehler.aspx. 25 David Banister, Unsustainable Transportation (Routledge, 2005). David Banister, John Pucher, and Martin LeeGosslin, “Making Sustainable Transport Acceptable.” In Piet Rietveld and Roger Stough, eds., Institutions and Sustainable Transport: Regulatory Reform in Advanced Economies (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007). Pietro Nivola, Laws of the Landscape. How Policies Shape Cities in Europe and America (Washington: Brookings, 1999). John Pucher, "Urban Passenger Transport in the United States and Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Public Policies. Part 2. Public Transport, Overall Comparisons and Recommendations," Transport Reviews 15 (3) (1995): 211–27.Transportation Research Board (TRB), "Making Transit Work: Insight from Western Europe, Canada and the United States" (2001). 26 American Automobile Association (AAA), "Your Driving Costs 2006" (2007). German Automobile Association (ADAC), "Driving Costs 2006" (2007). 27 German Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF), Federal, State, and Local Tax Revenues in 2006 (German Federal Ministry of Finance, 2007). U.S. Federation of Tax Administrators, “State Sales Taxes on Vehicle Purchases” (2007). 28 BMF, Registration Fees for Passenger Vehicles (German Federal Ministry of Finance, 2006). DIW (German Institute for Economic Research), "Vehicle Registration Fees in Europe" (2005). FHWA, Summary of State Motor Vehicle Registration Fee Schedules (Department of Transportation, 2001). TRB, "Making Transit Work.” 29 Fahrtipps, "Costs of a Driver's License" (2008). FHWA, Motor Vehicle Driver Licenses, (Department of Transportation, 2007). German Federal Vehicle Register (KBA), The Basics About Driver's Licensing in Europe (German Federal Vehicle Register, 2007). 30 Aral, "Gasoline Taxes" (2007). Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), National Transportation Statistics (Department of Transportation, 2000-2008). International Energy Agency (IEA), "Energy Prices and Taxes" (2008). 31 Kai Schlegelmilch, The Experience with Green Budget Reform in the EU and Especially Germany (German Federal Environmental Protection Agency, 2005). 32 Ibid. German Federal Environmental Protection Agency (UBA), Environmental Tax Reform (German Federal Environmental Protection Agency, 2005). 33 FHWA, Highway Statistics 2006 (Department of Transportation, 2008), table HF-10, available at www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/ohim/hs06/pdf/hf10.pdf (January 2008). 34 In response, Congress transferred $ 8 billion from the general fund, in order to replenish the Highway Trust Fund for the last month of the fiscal year 2008 fiscal year and the beginning of the 2009 fiscal year. 35 IRF, “World Road Statistics.” 36 John Pucher and Ralph Buehler, “Making Cycling Irresistible: Lessons from the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany,” Transport Reviews 28 (1) (2008): 495–528. 37 Paul Baron, "Transportation in Germany: A Historical Overview," Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 29 (1) (1995):9-20. BMVBS, Overview: Changes in Urban Development over Time (German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, 2008). Uwe Koehler, "Traffic and Transport Planning in German Cities," Transportation Research Part A 29A (4) (1995): 253-261. Schmucki, Dreams of Moving Traffic. 37 Robert Caro, The Powerbroker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (Random House, 1975). Kenneth Jackson, Crabgrass Frontier. The Suburbanization of the United States (Oxford University Press, 1985). Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (Random House, 1961). TRB, "Consequences of the Interstate Highway System for Transit: Summary of Findings," TCRP Synthesis Report No. 42 (1998). 38 Carmen Hass-Klau, The Pedestrian and City Traffic (New York: Belhaven Press, 1993). Carmen Hass-Klau, "Impact of Pedestrianization and Traffic Calming on Retailing: A Review of the Evidence from Germany and the UK," Transport Policy 1 (1) (1993): 21-31. 39 Manfred Boltze and Petra Schaefer, "Alternatives for Parking Restrictions and Enforcement," Internationales Verkehrswesen, Vol. 6 (2005):11-15. German Federal Highway Research Institute (BAST), Current Practice of Local Parking Management Schemes in Germany (German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, 2004). Institute of German Economy Köln Consult GmbH, "The Cost of Parking in Germany" (2008). Koehler, "German Cities." Hartmut Topp, "Parking Policies to Reduce Car Traffic in German Cities," Transport Reviews 13, (1) (1993): 83–95. ———. "The Role of Parking in Traffic Calming," World Transport Policy and Practice 1, (3) (1994):17–22. 40 Michael Manville and Donald Shoup, "People, Parking and Cities," Access 25 (2004): 2–8. Donald Shoup, "Instead of Free Parking," Access 15 (1999):6-9. Donald Shoup, The High Cost of Free Parking (Chicago: APA Planners Press, 2005). 41 Jeffrey Kenworthy, "A Global Perspective on Urban Transport: Shaping the Future of Urban Settlements with RailBased Public Transport Systems" (Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Railways, 2002). 42 BMVBS, Transport in Figures. BTS, National Transportation Statistics. 43 Ibid. 44 DIW, "Vehicle Registration Fees in Europe"(2005). DIW, "Quantifying the Effects of the Environmental Tax Reform" (2005). 45 German Federal Government, Federal Government Report about Transit Since Reunification (German Federal Government, 1999). John Pucher and Stefan Chlorer, "Urban Transport in Germany: Providing Feasible Alternatives to the Car," Transport Reviews 18, (4) (1998): 285–310. John Pucher and Stefan Kurth, "Making Transit Irresistible: Lessons from Europe," Transportation Quarterly 49 (1) (1995): 117–28. 46 BMVBS, Transport in Figures. Pucher and Kurth. "Making Transit Irresistible.” Pucher and Chlorer. "Urban Transport in Germany.” 47 Association of German Transit Agencies (VDV), "Annual Report 2006" (2007). 48 Pucher and Buehler. "Making Cycling Irresistible.” 49 VDV, "Annual Statistics 2005" (2006). VDV "Annual Report 2006" (2007). 50 VDV, "Annual Statistics 2007" (2008). 51 U.S. Code, Title 49, Sec. 5307, (d) (1)(D). 52 APTA (American Public Transportation Association), “2008 Public Transportation Fare Database”, p.12, table 2, p.15, table 5, and p.50, table 15 (2008). 53 As of March 23, 2009. See Transit Center, Inc, “Commuter TaxSave: Employee Benefits”, available at www.mycommutertaxsave.com/FAQ.htm (March 2009) 54 Under federal regulations, some capital funds may be used to fund a portion of operating expenses, and would therefore be considered operating funds. APTA, "2008 Public Transportation Fact Book", available at www.apta.com/research/stats/factbook/documents08/2008_funding_operations_final.pdf (June 2008), p.41, table 47. 55 The German public transportation system carried 21 passengers per vehicle versus 11 passengers per vehicle in the United States in 2005. The number of transit passengers per vehicle was calculated as a ratio of transit passenger miles and vehicle miles. Association of German Transit Agencies (VDV), "Annual Report 2005" (2006). APTA, "2007 Public Transportation Fact Book", p. 12, table 7 and p. 16, table 11, available at http://www.apta.com/research/stats/factbook/documents/factbook07.pdf (June 2008). 56 Rönnau, "Strategies for Innovation.“ Rönnau and others, "Financing Public Transport". 57 This is the number of transit trips per person per year. This number is a ratio of linked transit trips to population. The number of linked trips is calculated by dividing the number of annual unlinked transit passenger trips in the United States by a factor of 1.6 to convert it into linked trips. The conversion factor was decided based on a National Center for Transit Research 2005 report and a conversation with APTA data expert John Neff. The number of transit linked trips is readily available for Germany. APTA, "2008 Public Transportation Fact BookPart 2", p. 2, table 1, (June 2008). National Center for Transit Research, “Public Transit in America: Results from the 2001 National Household Travel Survey”, Report No. BC 137-48 (2005) (University of South Florida, Center for Urban Transportation Research, 2005). Personal communication from John Neff, senior policy researcher, American Public Transportation Association, November 26, 2006. VDV “ Annual Statistics 2005“ (2006). 58 John Pucher and Lewis Dijkstra, "Promoting Safe Walking and Cycling to Improve Public Health: Lessons from the Netherlands and Germany," American Journal of Public Health 93, (3) (2003):1509–1516. 59 IRTAD. “Selected Risk Values.” 60 BMVBS (Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs). Ride Your Bike (BMVBS, 2002). BMVBS, Overview: Changes in Urban Development over Time (BMVBS, 2008). Schmucki, Dreams of Moving Traffic. 61 City of Berlin, "Cycling in Berlin" (2006). City of Freiburg, "Transportation Planning in Freiburg" (2007). City of Muenster, "Muenster German Capital of Cycling" (2004). City of Munich, "Transportation Planning in Munich" (2006). 62 GTZ, "Urban Transport Strategy Review: Experiences from Germany and Zurich" (Eschborn: GTZ, 2001). Joseph Hajdu, "Pedestrian Malls in West Germany: Perceptions of Their Role and Stages in Their Development," Journal of the American Planning Association 54, (3) (1989): 325-35. 63 Robert Burchell and others, "Costs of Sprawl 2000," TCRP Report 74 (Washington: Transportation Research Board, 2002). DIFU (The German Urban Institute), "Suburbanisation and Urban Development in Germany: Trends - Models - Strategies" (Berlin, Köln: DIFU, 2004). Colin Divall and Winstan Bond, Suburbanizing the Masses: Public Transport and Urban Development in Historical Perspective (Burlington: Ashgate, 2003). Nivola, Laws of the Landscape. 64 Schmidt and Buehler, "The Planning Process.” 65 Dietrich Fuerst and Frank Scholles, "Introduction to Regional Planning: Organization" (Hannover: Institute for Regional Planning, Leibnitz University, 2003). The German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Urban Development and Urban Policy in Germany (Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, 2000). Klaus Kunzmann, "State Planning: A German Success Story?" International Planning Studies 6, (2) (2001): 153-66. 66 Schmidt and Buehler, "The Planning Process.” 67 Claus Wiegandt, "Mixed Land Use in Germany: Chances, Benefits and Constraints," Lecture at International Planning Symposium on Incentives, Regulations and Plans - The role of states and nation-states in smart growth, University of Maryland, College Park: Planning National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education, 2004. 68 Fuerst and Scholles, "Introduction to Regional Planning.“ The German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Law and Practice of Urban Development in the Federal Republic of Germany (Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, 1993). Kunzmann, "State Planning." 69 The German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Law and Practice of Urban Development. 70 Sonia Hirt, "The Devil is in the Definitions. Contrasting American and German Approaches to Zoning," Journal of the American Planning Association 73 (4) (2008): 436-450. Jonathan Levine, Zoned Out. Regulation, Markets and Choices in Transportation and Metropolitan Land-Use (Washington: Resources for the Future, 2006). Wiegandt, "Mixed Land Use.“ 71 Hirt, "The Devil is in the Definitions.” 72 Bureau of the Census, Census of Governments (Department of Commerce, 2005). German Federal Office for Statistics (DESTATIS), "Quarterly Report on Local Finances" (German Federal Office for Statistics, 2006). 73 Ibid. 74 While not an integrated federal department, the White House Office of Urban Affairs was created on February 19,2009. The goal of this White House office is to coordinate urban policy across federal departments. The detailed responsibilities and the budget were not finalized as of March 30, 2009. 75 Mark Delucchi, “Summary of the Nonmonetary Externalities of Motor-Vehicle Use,” Working Paper 96-3(1) (Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California- Davis, 2004). Mark Delucchi, "Do Motor-Vehicle Users Pay Their Way?" Transportation Research A 41 (2007): 982–1003. 76 Robert Puentes and Adie Tomer, “The Road …Less Travelled: An Analysis of Vehicle Miles Traveled Trends in the U.S.” (Washington: Brookings Institution, 2008). 77 APTA, “Public Transit Ridership Surges as Gas Prices Decline -- Highest Quarterly Transit Ridership Increase in 25 years”, available at http://www.apta.com/media/releases/081208_ridership_surges.cfm (December 2008). 78 Claudia Nobis, “Multimodality - facets and causes of Sustainable Mobility Behavior,” Transportation Research Record 2010 (2007):35-44. 79 City of Freiburg, “Overview of Transit Planning” (2008). 80 Anthony Downs, "Contrasting Strategies for the Economic Development of Metropolitan Areas in the United States and Europe." In A. Summer, P. Cheshire, and L. Senn, eds., Urban Change in the United States and Western Europe: Comparative Analysis and Policy (Washington: The Urban Institute Press, 1999). Nivola, Laws of the Landscape. 81 Ibid. 82 Nivola, Laws of the Landscape. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful for financial support from the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University, the Brookings Institution, and the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. The authors are indebted to Martin Robins, Joseph Seneca, James Hughes, Radha Jagannathan, Michael Greenberg, Nora Lovrien, and John Neff for their help and advice while writing this report. Julie Wagner, Christoph Schemionek, Phineas Baxandall, Brent Riddle, and Klaus Deutsch provided valuable comments in the review of this report. Emilia Istrate edited and managed the report throughout the publication process. The Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program would like to thank The Surdna Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation for their support of the Program’s Metropolitan Infrastructure Initiative, a multiyear effort launched in 2008. We also wish to thank the members of the Metropolitan Leadership Council for their support of the Blueprint Initiative and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the George Gund Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Heinz Endowments, for their general support of the program. This work builds on a decade of independent and rigorous research and policy development funded through prior support from the Ford Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, the McKnight Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the William Penn Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. For More Information: Ralph Buehler Assistant Professor Virginia Tech ralphbu@vt.edu Emilia Istrate Senior Research Analyst Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program eistrate@brookings.edu For General Information: Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings 202.797.6139 www.brookings.edu/metro