International Journal of the Commons
Vol. 9, no 1 xxxx 2015, pp. xxx–xxx
Publisher: Uopen Journals
Copyright: content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
ISSN: 1875-0281
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts?
Evidence from Bolivia
Glenn Daniel Wright
Department of Social Sciences, University of Alaska Southeast, USA
Krister Andersson
Department of Political Science, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Clark Gibson
Department of Political Science, University of California, San Diego, USA
Tom Evans
Department of Geography, Indiana University, USA
Abstract: Efforts to promote forest conservation have focused on two separate
types of policy reforms. Decentralization reforms have attempted to make
local forest governance more accountable to demands from voters. Meanwhile,
Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes like the REDD program
(Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) have sought to
use economic incentives to promote conservation. These programs make different
assumptions about the incentives most likely to work in forest conservation.
Decentralization reforms assume that citizen pressures on politicians will
encourage conservation, while PES approaches assume that an economic
incentive – money – is the best approach. Which type of incentive works best in
settings with weak institutions? Here, using a unique longitudinal dataset of forest
policy in 100 Bolivian municipalities, we examine the relationships between
citizen pressures and economic incentives on forest policy. We find that both
types of incentives are positively and significantly associated with government
investments in forest conservation, and that the magnitudes of these relationships
Glenn Daniel Wright et al.
are similar. Further, we find that economic incentives may be especially effective
at promoting conservation where citizen pressures are weak or absent.
Keywords: Bolivia, decentralization, forestry, institutions, local governments,
public goods
Acknowledgements: Financial support from the National Science Foundation
(Grants HSD-0527138; SEB-0648447; BCS052715; SES0648447; CNH1114984)
is gratefully acknowledged.
1. Introduction
In recent years, many scholars and policy makers have accepted the idea that
forest conservation is part of a successful climate change strategy (UN-REDD
Programme 2010, 2011; United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization et al.
2008). However, how best to effectively promote forest conservation is poorly
understood (Andersson et al. 2014). At least two policy approaches have been
tried in the last decades.
The first of these is the decentralization approach. Starting in the 1970s, many
governments around the world began to decentralize authority for natural resource
management to regional, local, and/or community governments (Andersson
and Van Laerhoven 2007; Ribot et al. 2008; Kauneckis and Andersson 2009).
One common justification was that local and regional governments are more
accountable to voters than national governments (Guerrero Figueroa 2002, 2003;
World Resources Institute 2005a; Ribot 2008). In the last two decade or so,
however, it has become clear that most of these decentralization reforms have had
mixed results (Gibson and Lehoucq 2003; Andersson and Van Laerhoven 2007).
Even so, decentralization, and the promotion of conservation through democratic
accountability remains an important part of many pro-conservation policies.
Recently, the PES (payments for ecosystem services) approach – the second of
these policy approaches – has begun to garner substantial attention. The promise
behind PES schemes is that people who control some ecosystem are paid to conserve
that ecosystem, ostensibly in return for the services provided by the ecosystem. For
example, owners of forested lands might be paid in return for the carbon sequestration
their forests provide. By paying for ecosystem services, the theory goes, PES schemes
incentivize the conservation of resources providing those services.
Since the 2009 Copenhagen summit’s failure to reach an agreement on a
successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol, we are left without a comprehensive global
agreement on carbon emissions and climate change. Instead, the only tangible
global program working to address climate change is a PES program called REDD
(Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). As the program
develops, it is becoming clear that payments to local governments – economic
incentives – are likely to play an important role in future REDD activities (United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization et al. 2008; Angelsen et al. 2009; Ha
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts? Evidence from Bolivia
and Thuy 2009; Cerbu et al. 2011). As such, it is important to know whether
such economic incentives effectively motivate governments to invest in forest
Here, we test the relative efficacy of these two types of conservation incentives –
democratic pressures and economic benefits. Using a unique longitudinal dataset on
forestry policy and politics in 100 Bolivian municipalities, we examine the effects
of democratic pressures and economic incentives on forest policy. Bolivia is an
excellent setting in which to examine the causes of effective local natural resource
governance, because Bolivia is a country that has, over the last 20 years, devolved
real authority to local governments for forest governance. In addition, Bolivia
is a good place to examine the effects of economic incentives on investments
in municipal forest conservation because Bolivian municipal governments often
generate income from local forestry sources and receive transfers from national
governments to provide forestry services.
We have structured this paper in the following way: We begin by reviewing
existing research on the causes of effective local forest governance. Second, we
present an argument about the conditions under which local politicians will decide
to invest in forest governance. We then turn to our empirical case and present
a summary of the formal-legal situation in Bolivian forestry governance. After
outlining our data and methods, we present our statistical findings and discuss our
results in three short sections outlining the results of three sets of tests. We find
that both democratic pressures and economic benefits are associated with more
energetic forest conservation policy, and our findings also suggest that economic
incentives most strongly motivate conservation where democratic pressures are
absent. We conclude with a discussion about the policy implications of these
results and topics for future research.
2. Political and economic incentives in forest governance
Since at least the 1980s, hundreds of national governments around the world
have promoted some form of decentralization (Ribot 2008). Early scholarly
work on decentralization was mostly theoretical, and argued that decentralization
was either highly desirable, or highly undesirable. Treisman (2007) presents a
good summary of these arguments (11–15), which suggest that decentralization
is either an unalloyed good or deeply harmful. He also identifies the fact that
“decentralization reforms” around the world are not homogenous and often look
dramactially different1.
Here, we are concerned with “political decentralization,” which we define,
following Treisman (2007) as “assigning some decision-making authority to
lower tiers,” and/or “assigning residents of lower-level jurisdictions some rights
The setting for the empirical work presented in this paper is Bolivia, which, starting in the 1990s, carried out a meaningful set of reforms which granted substantial funding and policy autonomy to around
300 municipal governments. We describe details of the Bolivian decentralization reforms below.
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to select lower-level officials.” Our empirics are carried out in Bolivia where, as
discussed below, decentralization reforms have included both of these elements.
More recent work has found little empirical support for extreme claims about the
benefits or costs of decentralization. The effects of decentralization, it seems, mostly
depend on local context. For example, the effects of decentralization on common
pool resource governance may depend on local enforcement of forestry rules
(Gibson et al. 2005), local institutional performance (Andersson and Gibson 2006),
property rights (Agrawal and Ostrom 2001), heterogeneity (Poteete and Ostrom
2004), and/or central government supervision (Andersson and Gibson 2006), among
other factors. One key finding is that “downward accountability” is important for
promoting conservation and sustainable management of common pool resources in
decentralized settings (World Resources Institute 2005b; Ribot 2002, 2008, 2009).
Only rarely, however, have scholars tested the effects of democratic pressures on
conservation policy using large-n, quantitative data. Such is our intention here.
The idea that economic incentives can motivate governments to invest in
conservation seems to be behind much of the activity now taking place under the
aegis of the United Nation’s REDD program. Although still in its initial stages,
REDD may be the only functioning, multilateral instrument for addressing climate
change in the wake of the failure of the 2009 Copenhagen climate summit to reach
a binding successor agreement to the Kyoto protocol. Although the program is
relatively small compared to Kyoto, it is nothing to sneeze at. REDD has already
raised over 4 billion dollars, and seeks to raise at least 100 billion by 2020 (United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization et al. 2008; Phelps et al. 2010).
REDD was originally conceptualized as one part of a giant PES (payments for
ecosystem services) scheme, envisioned under the Kyoto protocol, which would
work to slow climate change by paying developing countries to conserve forests
that they might otherwise cut down (Andersson et al. 2008; Angelsen 2010) Initially,
it was assumed that these payments would connect carbon-emitting firms in the
developed world with those who control forest land in the developing world through
some sort of global carbon market – in effect, a giant cap and trade system that
would internalize the externalities of carbon sequestration (Wertz-Kanounnikoff
and Kongphan-apirak 2009). However, the absence of clear individual forest
property rights in many developing countries, the failure of the international
community to adopt a global carbon market system, the explicit rejection of market
mechanisms by some national governments, including Bolivia, and the existence
of many non-market-based, shovel-ready forest conservation projects has meant
that REDD projects so far have been more likely to involve grants to community
organizations, governments or NGOs, than to consist of payments for sequestered
carbon (Angelsen et al. 2009; Cronkleton and Peredo-Vida 2009; Programa Indigena
REDD Amazonia Bolivia; Hardcastle et al. 2011). The REDD program is complex
and multifaceted, but Cerbu et al. (2011) present a good overview of the various
components of the initiative, which we lack the space to describe here.
It is important to know, whether the potential for economic gain by governments –
including local governments – can, in fact, motivate municipal politicians to
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts? Evidence from Bolivia
invest scarce resources in forest conservation, even where electoral pressures for
conservation are weak. In the next section, we elaborate a theory which implies
the (intuitive but largely untested) hypothesis that greater forestry income will be
associated with greater investments in forestry policy.
Beyond the relationships between economic and political incentives (on
the one hand) and forest conservation efforts (on the other hand), we also test
two additional ideas which may be important for the way REDD and other PES
schemes are carried out.
First, where citizens demand forestry services, economic incentives may be
unnecessary to promote conservation. But where citizen demands for conservation
are weak or absent, the potential for economic gain may allow governments to turn
forest conservation into revenues that can be used to provide other services which
make governments more popular with constituents. Thus, we test the hypothesis
that financial incentives will have a greater marginal effect on investments in
forest conservation where democratic pressures for conservation are weak.
Finally, we unpack “economic incentives” to determine whether funding transfers
from central governments for forestry services (which are probably similar to the
type of incentives for local governments which will emerge under REDD) function
differently than locally-generated revenues. Contra advocates for REDD and other
PES approaches, we initially hypothesized that locally-generated revenues will
more effectively promote investments in forest conservation than funding transfers
from above. We believed that funding transfers will be plagued with principal-agent
problems (such as corruption) and all the problems of accountability in settings with
weak institutions. We suspected that local fees and fines would be less susceptible
to these problems and would therefore more effectively promote investments in
forest conservation. What we found was quite different – both transfers and locally
generated revenues are positively associated with government investments in forestry,
and these relationships are similar in magnitude. We discuss these results in much
greater detail below. Our findings are good news for proponents of REDD, which
will likely involve significant funding transfers from national to local governments.
3. Theory
Conservation is costly, requiring investments in time and money. For example,
forest guards must be paid and equipped, and new trees must be seeded, nursed,
and planted, at a cost of time and money2.
We are aware that there is debate over the definition of “conservation” and the ethics of different
conservation approaches, including protected areas and community conservation (Berkes 2007;
Nagendra 2007; Andam et al. 2008, 2010). With very few exceptions, however, strategies for forest
conservation require effective support from a number of sources, including governments (Berkes
2007). Our concern here is how to motivate local governments to invest in forest conservation defined
broadly. In Bolivia, this typically includes policing and regulatory enforcement, technical assistance
and support for community-based forestry efforts, and a range of other types of activities. Thus,
our analysis applies to a range of conservation approaches, including community-based forestry,
agroforestry, protected areas, and traditional forest management for sustainable timber harvest.
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At the same time, conservation produces benefits which are felt locally, but
also at larger scales. For example, forests in Bolivia may provide locals with the
benefits of timber for firewood, non-timber forest products like thatch, food and
medicinal plants, and wild game for food. Forests may also provide the benefits of
clean surface water (both a local and regional benefit). And forests provide global
benefits in the form of carbon sequestration, making forest conservation a global
public good.
Scholars and policy makers have long argued that decentralization is a
good way to maximize the benefits of forest conservation because (among
other reasons) local governments are closer to their constituents and are more
accountable to electoral pressures (Treisman 2007). Therefore, the argument goes,
democratic pressures from voters are likely to make conservation more successful
in decentralized regimes (World Resources Institute 2005b).
However, we argue that many of the benefits of forest conservation are
felt outside of the local area, and therefore, decentralization may actually
exacerbate problems with deforestation. This is because the (often) relatively
small local benefits of forest conservation are outweighed by conservation’s
costs. This is especially true in settings where forest conservation competes
with other land uses that provide substantial economic benefits but encourage
deforestation, such as cattle ranching or agriculture. If forestry competes
with agriculture, and agriculture provides more local benefits than forestry,
local voters will be less likely to support sustainable forestry activities, and
therefore, decentralization reforms may tend to encourage deforestation and
forest degradation.
Where voter pressures are insufficient to encourage municipal investment
in conservation, however, it may be that other types of benefits can encourage
municipal governments to invest in forest conservation. We argue that the
opportunity to generate municipal government revenue will, at the margins, make
conservation relatively more beneficial. The potential to generate even relatively
small revenues from forestry may, then, lead to greater conservation, lower
rates of deforestation, and improve forest condition. In decentralized, developed
settings like Bolivia, politicians may use revenues from forest conservation to
promote other, more politically important projects. On the other hand, economic
benefits for forestry conservation may serve only to line politicians’ pockets in
non-democratic or transitioning settings, though it is still possible that, even in
corrupt or authoritarian settings, the potential for economic gain may motivate
politicians to promote forest conservation.
4. A short case study
One case which demonstrates in real terms the way economic benefits may
promote conservation is the municipality of Buena Vista, outside of the city of
Santa Cruz and near Amboró national park, where mayors and municipal officials
are uninterested in forest conservation for its own sake, but are motivated to
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts? Evidence from Bolivia
conserve because of economic benefits which can be used to satisfy other material
and political needs.
In the mid-2000s, Buena Vista recognized that it could use forestry practices
as a source of income which would subsidize other important municipal policies.
In 2009, municipal government officials described to us how they had sought out
the aid of conservation NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in the city of
Santa Cruz, and with the help of these NGOs, developed a reforestation program
paid for by tourists. Under this scheme, tourists staying in the municipality
(generally passing through to see the national park) would pay a bed tax of $10
(US) per person, per night. This fee would ostensibly be used to reforest some
deforested area, each $10 fee supposedly paying for one planted tree. However,
the planting of trees in Bolivia costs much <$10 each, and the remainder of the fee
was used to subsidize other, politically more beneficial, services. Ultimately, the
program led to a sustained reforestation effort, and it may not be coincidental that
during the same period, annual rates of deforestation in the municipality dropped
by about 50%. In some ways, Buena Vista’s program appears typical – using
forestry-related activities to generate municipal income, while using that income
to subsidize other types of activities.
Other programs have similar characteristics, though it is also very common
for municipal governments to simply charge fines for local violations of forestry
rules, or to charge users fees to access forests or extract timber or non-timber
forest products, then to use this income to subsidize other activities.
5. Municipal forest governance in Bolivia
Like most other Latin American countries, Bolivia was long organized as a
de facto unitary state. This changed in the mid-1990s, when the Congress of
Bolivia passed the 1994 Ley Participación Popular – essentially a package of
decentralization reforms which granted substantial policy authority and 20% of
national tax revenues to around 300 elected municipal governments (Andersson
2003; Pacheco 2006) around 190 of which were created by the reforms (Faguet
2004), though denying them the power to generate much revenue from local
taxation. The newly-empowered municipalities are varied, but, based on our
sample, are quite large on average (a mean area of around 5000 square km.),
and relatively large in population, with an average of around 18,000 residents.
Bolivian municipalities also tend to be quite poor, with low human development
Decentralization in the forestry sector has been less dramatic, but the 1996
Ley Forestal 1700 was designed to encourage sustainability in the forestry sector
by lengthening the tenure of government leases to forestry firms for timber
exploitation, making these leases renewable, and improving the security of tenure
for the forest-dependent poor by creating new jurisdictions for the communal
management of local forest resources, which are empowered to adopt and enforce
plans for forest management at the community level, with technical help from
Glenn Daniel Wright et al.
municipal governments (Contreras-Hermosilla and Vargas Ríos 2002; Pacheco
2006). In forestry, then, there are three meaningful levels of government in
Bolivia – communities and indigenous groups; municipalities; and the national
government. Bolivia also has a fourth level of government – the province – which
plays little role in forest governance. Today, municipalities are required to monitor
forestry leases and enforce national forestry rules and regulations within their
boundaries (Andersson 2003; Andersson et al. 2006), although capacity is often
lacking and municipal governments sometimes view these tasks as unimportant.
Fiscal decentralization in Bolivia has primarily taken the form of transfers
of funding from the central government to municipal governments. In general,
funds are not linked to the implementation of any particular policies (ContrerasHermosilla and Vargas Ríos 2002; de Jong et al. 2004; Pacheco 2006). Transfers
from forestry sources are provided annually to municipalities based on the size
of the municipal territory currently under management as forestry leases. These
funds are not linked to municipal policy in any way, except that over the very
long term, as (20 year) forestry concessions expire, if they have been abused by
concessionaires, concession size may decrease and thereby decrease municipal
forestry revenue (Contreras-Hermosilla and Vargas Ríos 2002; de Jong et al. 2004;
Oemer 2004). No other forestry-related income is allowed under law (Pacheco
However, many municipalities charge fees and fines for forestry-related
services and enforcement – our survey data suggests that self-generated income
in forestry represents a significant source of government revenue in many
municipalities – as seen in Figure 1, a substantial number of municipalities receive
local income from quasi-legal forest governance practices. Even though local
fees and fines for forestry are not explicitly permitted under Bolivian law, many
municipal governments seem to be gathering forestry fees and fines anyways,
both as a way to generate revenue and as a regulatory tool.
Going forward, potentially the most important change in Bolivian forest
conservation may be the implementation of projects associated with the
agreement on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
(hereafter referred to as REDD). REDD initiatives connect donor governments in
the developed world with developing countries who receive financial support for
projects and programs that ostensibly reduce deforestation and forest degradation,
thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Phelps et al. 2010). REDD is an
outgrowth of a minor component of the broader cap and trade system envisaged
under the Kyoto Protocol (Cerbu et al. 2011).
REDD is complex, and there is not sufficient space to explicate the agreement
and associated projects here, but it should be noted that Bolivia has held a
complicated and sometimes contradictory position on REDD programs over
the last decade or so, initially supporting REDD-like programs, then opposing
market-based mechanisms for controlling deforestation such as REDD, and now
accepting funds under the aegis of REDD to carry out non-market based programs
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts? Evidence from Bolivia
Frequency (%)
95% or more
Percent of own income from own forestry sources
Figure 1: A substantial percentage of our sample (more than 15%) gather more than a sixth of
locally-collected funds from forestry-related sources. According to estimates from our surveys
with local government personnel in the 100 municipalities, more than 10% of all municipalities
get more than 90% of their total incomes in the forestry sector from their own collection of local
fees and taxes.
(Müller et al. 2014). Although Bolivia’s vocal opposition to the commodification
of carbon emissions under REDD may be unique, Bolivia’s participation on the
ground in REDD programs is similar to many other countries, where payments for
ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration take a back seat to “readiness”
activities such as capacity-building and non-market based conservation
approaches (Wertz-Kanounnikoff and Kongphan-apirak 2009; Cerbu et al. 2011).
As such, our investigation of the effects of different types of incentives for forest
conservation in Bolivia, including democratic pressures and financial incentives,
may be especially relevant to REDD activities in Bolivia and elsewhere. In short,
given that payments for ecosystem services are likely to be only one part of
REDD, will other strategies effectively motivate governments to promote forest
6. Data and methods
Most of our data are drawn from a unique, time-series cross-sectional survey
dataset gathered from key-informant interviews with mayors, municipal forestry
officials, and community leaders in 100 randomly selected municipalities in
Bolivia during 2001 and 2007–2008. During the first wave, interviews were
Glenn Daniel Wright et al.
conducted with mayors. Because greater funding was available for the second
wave, 2007–2008 surveys were conducted also with forestry officials – the
heads of “Municipal Forestry Units or UFMs (for their acronym in Spanish) –
and the heads of elected “Comités de Vigilancia” (oversight committees), with
some questions duplicated in 2007–2008 across multiple respondents in order to
confirm data with multiple sources, and with other questions answered by only
one respondent in each municipality. Both survey waves included about 260
qualitative and quantitative questions on forest governance and municipal politics
and policy. In general, survey questions were identical across the two survey
waves. Descriptive statistics and sources of most variables used in our statistical
analysis are presented here are in Table 1. In cases where multiple sources of data
were available for a single variable, we have used all available data sources to
establish a single value for that variable, as described in Table 1 and below. A few
variables require deeper explanation below.
6.1. Incentives
Our independent variables of interest are all five-point responses to survey
questions about pressures municipal politicians face. Our “central government
supervision” variable is a five-point question which asks, “How frequently
were central government officials sent to the municipality to oversee or
supervise municipal forestry activities?” Responses range from “never” to “very
Table 1: Variables.
Obs. Mean Std.
Total employees in forestry
Municipal budget in forestry
Relative importance of forestry
Importance of forestry as a
revenue source
Central government supervision
Frequency of community
organization demands on
Mayor’s education
“Officialist” party
Forest cover (pct.)
HDI (Human development
Municipal budget (millions of
’01 and ’08 mayor surveys,
’08 UFM (Municipal Forestry
4.71 0
’01 mayor, ’08 mayor and ’08
UFM survey
1.08 –3
’01 and ’08 mayor surveys
1.37 0
’01 mayor and ’08 UFM
1.20 1
’01 and ’08 mayor surveys
1.10 1
’01 and ’08 mayor surveys,
’08 UFM survey, ’08 CV
(Oversight Committee) survey
4.22 1
’01 and ’08 mayor surveys
0.49 0
’01 and ’08 mayor surveys
41.43 0
Remote sensing data, ’01 and
0.08 0.347 0.759
2007 Bolivian government
99.59 0
1293.40 2001 and 2007 Bolivian
government statistics
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts? Evidence from Bolivia
frequently.” The “importance of forestry as a revenue source” is taken from the
same surveys. This survey question asks how important forestry is as a source of
revenue compared to other sources (much less important; less important; about
the same; more important; much more important), and “frequency of community
organization demands on forestry” asks how frequently community organizations
provided opinions regarding forestry, compared to other policy areas, with similar
responses (much less frequently, less frequently, about the same, more frequently,
much more frequently). These variables represent three different types of pressures
on municipal politicians to provide forestry services. These are, pressures from
the central government (in the form of direct supervision), pressures from voters
(in the form of community demands), and pressures to generate income (in terms
of the income generated from forestry activities). Our interest here is in the last of
these two variables. Likert scale variables such as these have been used extensively
in the past to measure subjective and objective variables at the municipal level
(Gibson et al. 2005; Andersson et al. 2006; Andersson and Van Laerhoven 2007;
Andersson 2012), so we believe they are appropriate here.
Our first dependent variable, the “relative importance of forestry policy”
is constructed from several survey questions. Mayors were asked to report the
importance of forestry sector policy, and several other municipal government
activities including education, security, roads, and health services The importance
of each policy area was recorded on a five point scale, ranging from “much less
important” to “much more important” than other policy areas. Mayors were
unwilling to report policy areas as “less important” or “much less important”
than other areas, so the variable was left-skewed. To normalize the variable, we
calculated the mean importance of each non-forestry policy in each municipality,
and subtracted this value from the value of the importance of forestry, to create a
normally-distributed variable with over 100 unique values. Higher values indicate
that forestry is a higher priority relative to other areas of public goods and services.
This variable is a strong proxy for municipal governments’ general willingness to
invest in forest conservation.
The other dependent variables we use here are the “municipal budget in
forestry,” the percent of the municipal budget dedicated to forestry activities, and
“employees in forestry,” the total number of municipal employees engaged in
forestry activities. These dependent variables were all constructed using our two
waves of municipal survey data from 2001 and 2008 and are strong measures
of municipal governments’ investments in forest conservation – investments in
money, and investments in personnel.
“Officialist party” is a measure of the political party of the mayor. It is coded
1 if the party of the mayor is the party of the president at the same time. We
also tested our models with several alternate party codings, with no substantive
differences than those reported here.
The models we present here also include municipal-level human development
index figures generated by the Bolivian central government as controls for level
of economic development.
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To test our second hypothesis, we create an interaction term in which we
multiply “community organization demands” by “the importance of forestry as
a revenue source.” We include this variable in a regression model to examine
whether economic incentives are likely to have a stronger effect where pressures
from below for conservation are lacking.
6.2. Types of financial incentives
In order to test the effects of different types of financial incentives, we use two
additional independent variables in a second set of statistical models.
Specifically, many municipalities generate their own revenue in the forestry
sector – by charging for permits, fines, and services – and that it is this possibility
of revenue generation that gives forestry its primary importance (even though the
legality of such actions is not clear under Bolivian law). We test this explanation
by investigating whether the quantity of the municipalities’ own forest-related
income is correlated with forestry-related investment decisions, and, conversely,
whether the quantity of the central government transfers for forestry affect those
same outcomes.
For these tests, we use “percent of forestry income from transfers,” which is the
percentage of forestry funding the municipality receives through central government
transfers, and the “percent of forestry income from own sources” – which is the sum
of forestry income received for local permits, fines, fees for services, and an “other”
category, which typically includes payments for the sale of forestry-related goods
(saplings, or seed, for example).
6.3. Estimation techniques
We use poisson regression with standard errors adjusted for extradispersion with
dependent variables “employees in forestry” and “budget in forestry”. Poisson
regression is a generalized linear approach that is appropriate for dependent
variables that are counts or are count-like, such as proportions or rates, that
have a lower bound at 0, a long right tail, and inherent discreteness between
values (Hoffman 2004; Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal 2008)3. We tested all of
the models we show here with deviance-adjusted standard errors (shown), chisquared adjusted extradispersed poisson and negative binomial regressions with
substantively identical results.
Because the data is cross-sectional, time-series data, we use a populationaveraged Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) time-series approach. (Liang
and Zeger 1986; Zeger and Liang 1986; Zeger et al. 1988; Duncan et al. 1995;
Horton and Lipsitz 1999). All the models here were tested in regressions which
Often, analysts transform poisson-like distributions to get a normal distribution, but we found that
such log-linear models excluded large numbers of meaningful cases where the dependent variables
were 0.
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts? Evidence from Bolivia
assume a range of different within-unit correlation matrices, with no substantive
differences in our results.
Besides the results we report here, we also conducted a number of robustness
checks on our statistical results. These included (a) re-testing our models after
removing observations with high deviance residuals and high leverage cases, (b)
including a much fuller set of controls, including a range of mayoral characteristics
such as gender, ethnicity, and years in office, indigenous population, human
development index (HDI) and HDI squared terms, total municipal size (natural
logarithm, square kilometers), total forest size (natural logarithm, square
kilometers), total number of municipal employees, (c) including and excluding
these and the institutional controls in a series of sensitivity tests, (d) re-testing
models with alternate working correlation matrices, and (e) re-testing models
with a dummy variable for “wave” to address concerns about unobserved
heterogeneity between survey waves. Using these tests, we were never able to
change the direction or significance of our independent variables of interest.
We also generated similar results where, rather than total employees engaged in
forestry, we used a percentage of total municipal employees engaged in forestry
as the dependent variable.
To test the hypothesis that financial incentives may be more important where
citizen pressures are weak, we used an interaction term (as described above). As
methodologists suggest that regression tables are not helpful in determining the
joint significance of interaction results (Brambor et al. 2006), we use a set of
graphics to visualize our results.
We recognize that quantitative techniques such as those used here have
advantages and disadvantages, and only allow us, under ideal conditions, to
approximate the relationships between variables. However, these estimation
techniques may be helpful for exploring causal relationships and may, in turn,
provide useful information to policy makers and scholars.
7. Incentives and investments in conservation
Our first set of results show that economic incentives – the financial importance
of forestry to the municipality – are significantly and positively correlated
with mayors’ assessments of the relative importance of forestry, the percent of
municipal budgets in forestry, and the total number of municipal employees
engaged in forestry. Political incentives – community demands for forestry – are
also significantly associated with forestry-related outcomes.
The regression models we show in Table 2 summarize these findings.
“Importance of forestry as a revenue source” is a highly significant predictor of
the mayor’s rating of the importance of forest policy (compared to other policy
areas), the number of employees allocated to the forestry sector, and the amount
of money allocated to forestry in the municipal budget. These results also support
the idea that democratic pressures can be an important source of motivation for
forest conservation; “community organization pressure” is also significantly and
Glenn Daniel Wright et al.
Table 2: Incentives for Forest Conservation.
Estimation technique
GEE: linear
model (OLS)
GEE: Deviance-adjusted
extradispersed Poisson
Dependent variable
Importance of
forest policy
Forestry budget
(pct. of total budget)
Importance of forestry as a source of revenue
7.63 e–7
2.33 e–7
2.909 e–7
Frequency of central government supervision
Frequency of community demands
Mayor’s level of education
‘Officialist’ party
Human Development Index (HDI)
Forest cover (pct. of municipal area)
Forest area (ln square km.)
Municipal budget size (millions of)
Wald chi-square
Scale parameter
p-Values in parentheses. +significant at 10%; *significant at 5%; **significant at 1%; ***significant at 0.1%.
positively associated with these dependent variables. Other variables, such as
“central government supervision” and “mayor’s education” are also significant,
but only in one out of the three models.
Substantively, a change in our independent variable of interest – the importance
of forestry as a revenue source – produces a notable change our dependent
variables, as is visible in Figure 2. As shown in Figure 2, if the importance of
forestry as a revenue source is varied from “unimportant” to “much more
important than other sources”, the relative importance of forestry as a political
priority increases substantially. As the importance of forestry as a revenue source
increases through its range of values, the predicted percentage of the municipal
budget dedicated to forestry also increases, from below 0.25% to over 1.25%.
Though these percentages are small, this is a fourfold increase in the percentage
dedicated to this policy area.
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts? Evidence from Bolivia
Budget in forestry (pct.)
Less important
More important
Much more important
Importance of forestry for municipal finances
Lower c.i.
Predicted values
Upper c.i.
Budget in forestry (pct.)
Much less
Much more
Frequency of community demands regarding forestry
compared to other areas
Lower 95% c.i.
Predicted values
Upper 95% c.i.
Figure 2: As the importance of forestry as a source of revenue increases, municipalities commit
more resources to forestry. Likewise, as the frequency of community organization demands for
forestry services increase, spending in forestry increases. This chart was made with all control
variables set at their means, except for party, which was set at 1.
We also found a strong relationship between the frequency of community
organization demands for forestry service and forestry expenditures, also visible
in Figure 2.
Unsurprisingly, our quantitative analysis generates evidence that the
municipalities which viewed forestry as more important, and also committed
Glenn Daniel Wright et al.
more resources to forestry-related activities, are those with both strong economic
and political incentives for forestry policy. An increase from very low to very high
political and economic incentives results in large increases in predicted investment
in forestry. Municipalities with very low financial and political incentives for forestry
(both set at 1) will spend about 1% of their budgets on forestry (95% confidence
intervals at 0.66–1.58%). Municipalities with very high political and economic
incentives (both set at 5) will spend about 8 percent of their budgets on forestry (95%
confidence intervals from 4.94 to 13.02%). Though these percentages are small, this
is an 800% increase, which could have strong impacts on forest conservation.
8. Complements or substitutes?
We were interested to see if constituent pressures and financial incentives for
forestry-related services are complements or substitutes – whether financial
incentives are more important where community pressures are absent. Therefore,
we created an interaction term – “the financial importance of forestry” multiplied
by “community organization pressures for forestry” – and tested it in models with
each of our dependent variables. This interaction was only significant in models
using one of our dependent variables, but these results suggest that financial
incentives for forest conservation have a stronger effect where community
organization pressures are not strong.
Figure 3 shows the varying effect of community organization demands for forestry
services on the percentage of municipal employees engaged in forestry activities
where the financial importance of forestry activities are much more important, and
much less important than other areas, respectively. The two graphics in figure three
show (first) predicted values and (second) the marginal effects of financial incentives
across levels of community organization demands. What the first graphic shows is
that, where forestry conservation services are very important to citizens (grey lines),
the relationship between community organization demands for forestry services and
the percentage of municipal employees assigned to forestry tasks is insignificant.
However, where financial incentives are weak, community organization demands
have a strong and significant positive effect on this dependent variable. The second
graphic, showing marginal effects of strong financial incentives, shows the same data
in a slightly different way. These results suggest that financial incentives may have a
more substantial effect on governments’ willingness to invest in forest conservation
where pressures from below for forest conservation are not strong.
9. Local sources of income vs. transfers
As seen in Table 3, our findings suggest that both transfers and locally generated
revenues incentivize investments in forest conservation. In the three models
we show here, two models show a significant and positive correlation between
“central government transfers” and forestry outcomes – number of municipal
employees in forestry and the percent of the municipal budget in forestry – and
Pct. of employees assigned to forestry
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts? Evidence from Bolivia
Much less
Much more
Frequency of community demands regarding forestry
compared to other areas
Low financial importance:95% joint c.i. High financial importance:95% joint c.i.
Marginal effect of a change from low to high
financial importance on the pct. of employees
assigned to forestry
Low financial importance:predicted
High financial importance:predicted
Much less
Much more
Frequency of community demands regarding forestry
compared to other areas
95% confidence interval
Predicted marginal effect
Figure 3: Our statistical models provide some evidence that financial incentives have a greater
impact on forest conservation investment when pressures from below are not strong. Here, the
effect of financial incentives on the percentage of municipal employees assigned to forestry is
significant where community organization pressures are low, but not when they are high. The
top graph shows predicted values and the bottom graph shows marginal effects of a shift from
forestry activities being “much less important” than other areas to “much more important.”
These graphs were made with all control variables set at their means, except for party, which
was set at 1.
Glenn Daniel Wright et al.
three models show significant and positive correlations between “own forestry
income” and investments in forest conservation.
This third set of models also shows that forestry transfers are significantly
related to investments in conservation. This suggests that mayors and other
officials dedicate resources to forestry not only to increase their short-term
income, but to protect long-term income from forestry activities. Substantively,
the relationship between forestry transfers from the central government and our
dependent variables are similar in scale to the effects of “own forestry income”.
10. Discussion
Although the REDD approach emerged based on a simple theoretical logic that
payments can motivate individuals in developing countries to conserve forests
Table 3: Types of Financial Incentives.
Estimation technique
GEE: linear model
GEE: extradispersed Poisson
Dependent variable
Importance of forest
Forestry budget
(pct. of total budget)
Forestry income: own income
Forestry income: central
government transfers
Frequency of central
government supervision
Frequency of community
Mayor’s level of education
‘Officialist’ party
Human Development Index
Forest cover (pct. of municipal
Forest area (ln square km.)
Municipal budget size
(millions of)
log pseudolikelihood/ deviance
Scale parameter
Robust p-Values in parentheses. +significant at 10%; *significant at 5%; **significant at 1%.
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts? Evidence from Bolivia
(Angelsen et al. 2009), the reality of REDD may be substantially different from
the PES ideal, raising real questions about its efficacy (Cerbu et al. 2011). Will
governments be motivated by payments in the same way as individuals, especially
in institutionally weak settings like those around the developing world? Further,
how compatible is the REDD approach with local democracy and decentralization,
which may be threatened by the REDD approach (Phelps et al. 2010)?
In general, our results are good news for REDD as it is likely to be carried out
on the ground. Our statistical findings suggest that economic incentives tend to
motivate local governments in much the same way that they motivate individuals.
Our results also imply that demands from citizens tend to motivate local
governments to promote sustainable forest governance. Finally, our statistical
models lead us to believe that economic incentives are a useful complement to
democratic pressures for forest governance, in that economic benefits appear to
motivate governments most where democratic pressures are weak.
Outside of discussions on REDD, our results also argue strongly for the
devolution of complete regulatory authority – including the ability to fine
and charge fees – in settings where forestry is decentralized to sub-national
governments, consistent with calls from decentralization scholars (Ribot et al.
In regression models like those used here, spuriousness and omitted variable
bias are often concerns. Specifically, it is possible that some third factor promotes
both municipal revenues from forestry and investments in forest conservation.
However, we have controlled for most possible confounding variables, including
forest size (as a percentage of municipal territory, and, in a separate set of
models, total municipal size and total forest size), municipal politicians’ levels of
education, human development, and total budget size. Controlling for the size of
local forests should adequately address the concern that these results reflect the
fact that forest governance and government forestry services will be greater where
forest incomes are higher only because forests in those settings are larger and
more lucrative, and other controls should adequately address most other concerns
about spuriousness.
A second common issue in multivariate regression is potential reverse
causality. Specifically, where policies for conservation are pursued more
energetically, they are likely to generate revenues for municipalities. Such a
causal chain might be possible, but reverse causality in our second set of statistical
models – the models presented in Table 3 – is highly unlikely. These models
show the relationship between locally-generated revenues and investments
on one hand, and central government transfers for forestry and investments
in forestry on the other hand. Forestry transfers from central governments are
exogenous, because the quantity of such transfers is a result of decisions made by
central governments. Specifically, these transfers are determined by how much
forest is leased to concessionaires in a given municipality. Local governments
have no part in these decisions. And yet, these transfers as associated with
greater investments in forestry. The fact that these relationships are positive
Glenn Daniel Wright et al.
and significant strongly suggests that exogenous changes in forestry income
have an effect on local governments’ willingness to invest in forest conservation
activities, even if some reverse causality is present.
11. Conclusion
Here, we are interested in the links between sustainable forest governance, on the
one hand, and economic and political incentives, on the other hand. We attempt
to determine whether economic benefits motivate governments to promote forest
conservation, and whether economic benefits complement political/democratic
Our statistical results suggest several conclusions. First, pressures from voters
seem to be an important motivator of forestry policy. This provides further and
quantitative support for earlier assertions by many decentralization scholars
(Agrawal and Ribot 1999; Andersson et al. 2006; Chhatre 2008). Second, economic
benefits for municipal governments – the raising of funds from forestry sources –
seem to have a similar effect. And third, we find that economic incentives appear
to be more effective where electoral pressures for investments in conservation
are not already present, suggesting that economic pressures may be an effective
substitute for electoral pressures where those electoral pressures are missing.
Finally, we find that both locally-generated revenues and transfers from higher
levels of government effectively incentivize investments in forestry. This last
point is important because payments to municipal payments under REDD are
likely to appear very similar to the forestry transfers that Bolivian municipalities
already receive from their central government.
We argue, therefore, that strong conservation policy will be more likely where
reforms create a range of incentives to invest in conservation. Citizen pressure
often may drive conservation, but encouraging municipalities to generate their
own revenues from forestry sources and more closely linking forest outcomes
to funding transfers may also result in reduced deforestation. Likewise, REDDlike payments for forest conservation may play an important role in motivating
municipal governments to provide the global public good of carbon sequestration.
Our results are also consistent with earlier research (Gibson and Lehoucq
2003; Andersson and Gibson 2006; Andersson and Van Laerhoven 2007;
Andersson et al. 2014) which suggests that pressures from below can have
important, desirable impacts on municipal governments’ willingness to invest in
In general, therefore, these results may be taken to mean that, at the level
of the national political system, decentralization reforms which incentivize
municipal politicians to promote conservation using a variety of mechanisms
may be more successful than those which rely on, for example, electoral
incentives alone. If the goal is to increase local governments’ investments in
global public goods, creating opportunities for economic benefits may reinforce
electoral incentives.
What incentivizes local forest conservation efforts? Evidence from Bolivia
In particular, creating opportunities for local authorities to generate
government revenue from conservation policy – or any other policy – can have
an unexpectedly large effect on local government policy. So, for example,
explicitly legalizing the taking of fees and charging of fines for forestry activity
might have a great and desirable impact on local governments’ willingness
to invest in forest conservation in Bolivia. Likewise, similar policy reforms
could have substantial effects elsewhere around the globe or in other policy
This may be good news for advocates of REDD and other PES schemes that
seek to promote conservation by transferring funds from wealthy carbon emitters
to poor states with large zones of carbon-sequestering forest. It is clear that
REDD will predominantly operate through government to government transfers
(Quintero et al. 2009; Wertz-Kanounnikoff and Kongphan-apirak 2009). Our
results here suggest that economic benefits may incentivize governments to invest
in conservation, which may be very good news in an era of otherwise failing
global climate change policy.
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