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Topoi. Revista de História, 2002
O artigo analisa a especificidade e peculiaridade da maçonaria pernambucana, suas divergências em relação aos pedreiros-livres fluminenses, e a participação dos mações na revolução de 1817. Fugindo ao controle do Grande Oriente Lusitano, a maçonaria de Pernambuco esteve no centro dos projetos para o novo governo da capitania, depois da vitória da insurreição. As diferenças entre as várias correntes políticas que abrigava fez com que as propostas para o novo regime pudessem variar muito, passando da radicalidade republicana à restauração do pacto dos Bragança com a capitania. Longe de ser separatista, o movimento pretendia preservar a autonomia local no âmbito do Estado que surgisse com o colapso da monarquia absoluta, fosse este um Império constitucional luso-brasileiro ou uma monarquia liberal na antiga América Portuguesa.
heute ist der erste Tag im Sprachkurs. Ich möchte in diesem Kurs mein Deutsch verbessern, vor allem möchte ich mich im Sprechen verbessern und nicht mehr so viele Fehler beim Schreiben machen. Ich wünsche mir, dass wir im Kurs viel Spaß zusammen haben, vielleicht sehen wir auch mal einen Film an oder machen viele Spiele. Hoffentlich ist auch die Lehrerin nett. ...
Am/is/are+-ing is the present continuous: am (=I'm) he/she/it is (=he's etc.) we/you/they are (=we're etc.
Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 2008
Ditso tsa Bogosi jwa Bakgatla bagaMmanaana, 2001
This royal history of the Bakgatla bagaMmanaana was prepared for the coronation of Kgosi eKgolo Gobuamang II in 2001. The Bakgatla bagaMmanaana are the only branch of the Bakgatla that resides almost exclusively inside Botswana. BagaMmanaana dikgosi, who all trace their descent from great nineteenth-century Kgosi Mosielele I, are the traditional authorities of Moshupa, Thamaga, and Gamafikana. Postscript Born on October 8, 1947, Kgosi Gobuamang II who was recognised as the senior Baga Mmanaana kgosi passed away on July 31, 2021.
Editora Conhecimento Livre eBooks, 2022
Throughout this course, I have noticed that LP is one of my key strengths. This was confirmed by my tutor in TP3, 4, and 6 when I added activities such as folding paper and photograph, watch, and jacket as realia in my lead-ins. That was beneficial for the students because they associated real-world objects with the topic to acquire new vocabulary related to photography and shopping. By asking students to guess how many times they can fold the paper and then try to fold it was beneficial because it activated their schemata about myths. In this way, they also explored the topic by themselves to see if they can debunk the myth. That was part of kinaesthetic learning, and they enjoyed it.
Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde
Summary After a global discussion about the sense of the term ‘Égyptien de tradition’, a number of special features of classical Egyptian texts written in Late Hieratic are presented. It is demonstrated that often an orthographical innovation overlays the fundamentally unchanged grammatical structure. A special focus is put on particles, where e. g. it is demonstrated that a writing is likely to be a strange orthography for the particle . In the verb, gemination is largely abandoned, and the distinction between and is no longer fully functional.
Master's Thesis, 2024
Master's thesis for the Master's program hosted by the Stockholm School of Theology/ Sankt Ignatios College entitled "International Relations and Ecumenism"
Vegueta. Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia, 2024
Las historietas históricas españolas de corte medievalista están enfocadas principalmente a la Reconquista, con el personaje moro como enemigo secular pero ¿Qué tipo de civilización es al-Ándalus? Este estudio pretende ir más allá de la tradicional y superficial materia bélica sobre el pasado islámico de la península ibérica. Hemos recogido las principales menciones y apariciones de elementos culturales que puedan caracterizar a este Otro representado por los cómics españoles publicados entre 1940 y 2023. Nuestros resultados apuntan que la puesta en valor y reivindicación del pasado andalusí es un fenómeno reducido pero consistente desde el periodo democrático en España.
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IOSR Journals , 2019
La filosofia oggi. Scuola, università, lavoro, 2021
Кудинова М.А., Комиссаров С.А. Очередная стременная (новые данные о появлении стремян) // Тихоокеанская археология: культурное многообразие и многовекторность развития древних сообществ на Дальнем Востоке, в Юго-Восточной Азии и Америке. 6-й Междунар. симпозиум, Владивосток, 6–9 мая 2023 г.: тез....
Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, 2015
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 2013
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Kültür Envanteri Dergisi, 2022
Humanities Studies
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova, 2009