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2004, Siberian Mathematical Journal

We classify the C55-groups, i.e., finite groups in which the centralizer of every 5-element is a 5-group.

Siberian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 1053–1062, 2004 Original Russian Text Copyright c 2004 Dolfi S., Jabara E., and Lucido M. S. C55-GROUPS S. Dolfi, E. Jabara, and M. S. Lucido UDC 512.54 Abstract: We classify the C55-groups, i.e., finite groups in which the centralizer of every 5-element is a 5-group. Keywords: group, finite group, centralizer, Frobenius group 1. Introduction It is well known that the centralizers of involutions play a fundamental role in the study of finite groups. The case of the groups has been of great interest in which the centralizer of every involution is a 2-group. These groups are called C22-groups or CIT -groups. In 1900, Burnside characterized the finite groups of even order in which the order of every element is either 2 or odd (see [1, pp. 208–209; 2, p. 316]). It is not difficult to characterize the soluble C22-groups whereas the classification of the simple C22-groups is a deep result due to Suzuki. In [3] he classified the simple CN -groups and then in [4] he proved that a simple C22-group is a CN -group. A CN -group is a group in which the centralizer of every nontrivial element is nilpotent. A natural generalization of the concept of C22-group is the concept of Cpp-group, meaning a group whose order is divisible by p and in which the centralizer of a p-element is a p-group. The first result in this direction was obtained by Feit and Thompson: in [5] they classified the simple groups with a self-centralizing subgroup of order 3 (see also Theorem 9.2 of [6]). Then Stewart proved a more general result (see Theorem A of [7]), which, together with the classification of the simple groups without elements of order 6 in [8], gives a complete description of the nonsoluble C33-groups. In this paper we classify the finite C55-groups. Let G be one of the groups in the following lists (it is easy to verify that G is a C55-group): List A. (A1) G is a 5-group; (A2) G is a soluble Frobenius group such that either the Frobenius kernel or a Frobenius complement is a 5-group; (A3) G is a 2-Frobenius group such that Fit(G) is a 5′ -group and G/ Fit(G) is a Frobenius group, whose kernel is a cyclic 5-group and whose complement has order 2 or 4; (A4) G is a 2-Frobenius group such that Fit(G) is a 5-group and G/ Fit(G) is a Frobenius group, whose kernel is a cyclic 5′ -group and whose complement is a cyclic 5-group. All groups in List A are soluble. List B. (B1) G ≃ P SL(2, 5f ), with f a nonnegative integer; (B2) G ≃ P SL(2, p), with p prime, p = 2 · 5f ± 1, and f a nonnegative integer; (B3) G ≃ P SL(2, 9) ≃ A6 or P SL(2, 49); (B4) G ≃ P SL(3, 4); (B5) G ≃ Sz(8) or Sz(32); (B6) G ≃ P SU (4, 2) ≃ P Sp(4, 3) or P SU (4, 3) or P Sp(4, 7); (B7) G ≃ A7 or M11 or M22 . All groups in List B are simple. The authors were supported by the MURST Project “Group Theory and Applications.” Florence; Venice; Udine (Italy). Translated from Sibirskiı̆ Matematicheskiı̆ Zhurnal, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 1285–1298, November–December, 2004. Original article submitted June 26, 2003. 0037-4466/04/4506–1053 c 2004 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 1053 List C. (C1) G ≃ P GL(2, 5f ) or G ≃ M (52f ), with f a nonnegative integer; (C2) G ≃ M (9) or P SL(2, 9)hαi ≃ S6 , with α a field automorphism of order 2; (C3) G ≃ M (49) or P SL(2, 49)hαi, with α a field automorphism of order 2; (C4) G ≃ P SL(3, 4)hαi, with α a field or graph-field automorphism of order 2. All groups in List C are almost simple. We conclude with a list of nonsoluble groups in which the Fitting subgroup Fit(G) is not trivial. List D. Fit(G) 6= 1, every element of order 5 of G acts by conjugation fixed point freely on Fit(G) and G/ Fit(G) is isomorphic to: (D1) P SL(2, 5) ≃ A5 or S5 and Fit(G) is a direct product of a 2-group of class at most 3 and an abelian 2′ -group; (D2) P SL(2, 9) ≃ A6 or S6 or M (9) and Fit(G) is a direct product of an elementary abelian 2-group and an abelian 3-group; (D3) P SL(2, 49), M (49) or P SL(2, 49)hαi, with α a field automorphism of order 2, and Fit(G) is an abelian 7-group; (D4) Sz(8) or Sz(32) and Fit(G) is an elementary abelian 2-group; (D5) P SU (4, 2) ≃ P Sp(4, 3) and Fit(G) is an elementary abelian 2-group; (D6) A7 and Fit(G) is an elementary abelian 2-group. We can state our main result: Theorem 1. G is a finite C55-group if and only if G is isomorphic to one of the groups in Lists A–D. 2. Notations and Preliminary Results All • • • groups in this article are finite. We use the following notations: q = pf , with p a prime and f a nonnegative integer; IBrr (G) is the set of irreducible Brauer characters of G in characteristic r, where r is a prime; M (q) is the nonsplit extension of P SL(2, q), with |M (q) : P SL(2, q)| = 2, if p is an odd prime and q = p2f . A group G is almost simple if there exists a finite nonabelian simple group S such that S ≤ G ≤ Aut(S). A group G is called 2-Frobenius if it has two normal subgroups N and K with N < K, such that K is a Frobenius group with kernel N and G/N is a Frobenius group with kernel K/N . If G is a group then we define its prime graph Γ(G) = Γ as follows: the set of vertices of Γ is π(G), the set of primes dividing |G|. Two vertices p and q are connected if and only if in G there exists an element of order pq. Let π1 , π2 , . . . , πt be connected components of Γ and let t(G) = t be the number of these components. Moreover if 2 ∈ π(G) then we suppose 2 ∈ π1 . A group G is a Cpp-group if and only if {p} is a connected component of Γ(G), the prime graph of G. We observe that if a group G has the Cpp-property then every subgroup of G of order divisible by p also has the Cpp-property. The same is true if we consider a quotient of G of order divisible by p. The groups have been studied in which the prime graph is not connected. In particular Gruenberg and Kegel proved in an unpublished paper (see [9]) that these groups have the following structure: Proposition 2 [9]. If G is a group whose prime graph has more than one connected component then (a) G is a Frobenius or 2-Frobenius group; (b) G is simple; (c) G is simple by π1 ; (d) G is π1 by simple by π1 . It is clear that items (a)–(d) correspond respectively to Lists A–D, except for the 5-groups. 1054 3. Some Number Theoretic Lemmas To classify the simple C55-groups, we need to know the prime powers q = pf such that q = 2 · 5n ± 1. If f = 1 then it is unknown whether there are finitely many primes of that form. We are interested in the case f > 1. We begin with Lemma 1. The diophantine equation X 2 + 1 = 2Y 3 (∗) admits the only solutions (1, 1) and (−1, 1). Proof. We work in the ring Z[i] which is a factorial domain. Let (x, y) be a solution of (∗). Then x is odd and therefore 1 + ix is divisible by 1 + i but not by 2. So the greatest common divisor of 1 + ix and 1 − ix is 1 + i. From the fact that (1 + ix)(1 − ix) = 2y 3 , and that the units of Z[i] are ±1 and ±i, which are all cubes, we obtain the factorization 1 + ix = ǫ(1 + i)(a′ + ib′ )3 = (1 + i)(a + ib)3 , with ǫ a unit of Z[i]. Adding the conjugates and dividing by 2, we find 1 = (a + b)(a2 − 4ab + b2 ) and therefore a = ±1 and b = 0 or a = 0 and b = ±1 from which follows x = ±1 and the lemma is proved. We can now prove Lemma 2. Let p be a prime number and n, t ∈ N, t > 0. Then (i) if pn + 1 = 2 · 5t then either n = 1 or n = 2; if n = 2 then either t = 1, p = 3 or t = 2, p = 7; (ii) if pn − 1 = 2 · 5t then n = 1; (iii) if 2n ± 1 = 5t then t = 1, n = 2. k Proof. (i) We suppose that n > 1. Let n = 2k · d with d odd. If d > 1 then we put q = p2 so that n p + 1 = q d + 1 = (q + 1) · (q d−1 − q d−2 + · · · + 1) and therefore (pn + 1)/2 is divisible by two distinct primes. So d = 1. Since p4 ≡ 1(mod 5), we hence have k = 1 and n = 2. We now distinguish the two cases: (A) t = 2k + 1 is odd. Then p2 = 10 · 25k − 1 ≡ 0(mod 3), p2 is divisible by 3 and p = 3, since p is a prime. (B) t = 2k is even. Then • if k ≡ 1(mod 3) then 2 · 25k − 1 ≡ 0(mod 7); therefore, 7 divides p2 and so p = 7. • if k ≡ 2(mod 3) then 2 · 25k − 1 ≡ 3(mod 7), which is impossible since 3 is not a square (mod 7). • if k ≡ 0(mod 3) then k = 3h and p2 = 2 · (25h )3 − 1, which is impossible by the preceding lemma. (ii) If n > 1 then there exists a Zsigmondy prime divisor q of pn − 1 that does not divide p − 1 (see [10]). Then q = 5 does not divide p − 1, p − 1 = 2 and again n is an odd prime number. Therefore if n ≡ 1(mod 4) then 3n − 1 ≡ 2(mod 5), while if n ≡ 3(mod 4) then 3n − 1 ≡ 1(mod 5). This proves n = 1. (iii) If t ≥ 2 then 5t − 1 is divisible by an odd Zsigmondy prime (see [10]). If 5t = 2m − 1 then m is a prime; otherwise 2m − 1 is divisible by two distinct primes. We can suppose m ≥ 3 and then (2m − 1, 24 − 1) = 2(m,4) − 1 = 1. Therefore 2m − 1 is never a power of 5. We now state some very easy results that will be helpful in the next section. Lemma 3. Let s be a natural number. Then (i) 5 divides s(s4 − 1); (ii) if 5 does not divide s(s2 − 1) then 5 does not divide s6 − 1; (iii) if f is a prime number and r is a prime dividing s − 1 then r2 does not divide (sf − 1)/(s − 1) and r divides (sf − 1)/(s − 1) if and only if r = f . 1055 Proof. (i) It is a consequence of Fermat’s little theorem. (ii) If 5 does not divide s(s2 − 1) then by (i) 5 divides s2 + 1, which implies that 5 does not divide 2 s ± s + 1. This concludes the proof, since s6 − 1 = (s + 1)(s2 − s + 1)(s − 1)(s2 + s + 1). (iii) If r divides s − 1 then s = 1 + rm for some m ∈ N. Then (sf − 1) = sf −1 + sf −2 + · · · + s + 1 = (1 + rm)f −1 + · · · + (1 + rm) + 1 (s − 1)   f −1 X f −1 f −1 2 2 = f + rm i + r l = f + rmf + r l = f 1 + rm + r2 l 2 2 i=1 for some l ∈ N. This implies that r2 does not divide (sf − 1)/(s − 1) and r divides (sf − 1)/(s − 1) if and only if r = f . 4. Simple and Almost Simple C55-Groups We now begin to study the simple groups that are C55. We observe that Theorem 4 of [9] is a particular case of the next proposition which is a straightforward corollary of Williams and Kondrat′ ev results (see [11]). Proposition 3. Let G be a simple C55-group. Then G is one of the following: P SL(2, q), with q = 5f , 9, 49 or q = p = 2 · 5t ± 1, p prime, Sz(8), Sz(32), P SL(3, 4), P Sp(4, 3), P Sp(4, 7), P SU (4, 3), A7 , M11 , M22 . Proof. For the sporadic and alternating groups it is enough to check the connected components of the prime graph Γ(G) in [9]. We observe that A5 ≃ P SL(2, 5) and A6 ≃ P SL(2, 9). Now let G be a simple group of Lie type, G = d Ln (q) of rank n. It is easily seen, checking the tables in [9, 11, 12], that if n ≥ 3 then π(q(q 4 − 1)) ⊆ π1 (G), except for 3 D4 (q), P SU (4, 2), and P SU (4, 3). Moreover π(q(q 4 − 1)) ⊆ π1 (G) also if G = Ree(q) = 2 G2 (q). Then by Lemma 3 (i) the prime 5 is in π1 , except for P SL(2, q), P SL(3, q), P Sp(4, q), P SU (3, q), Sz(q), G2 (q), 3 D4 (q), P SU (4, 2), and P SU (4, 3). If G = P SL(2, q) and q 6= 5f is odd then either (q + 1)/2 = 5f or (q − 1)/2 = 5f . By Lemma 2 (i) or (ii) we can conclude that either q = p for some prime p or q = 9 or 49. If q is even then 2n + 1 = 5t or 2n − 1 = 5t . Then by Lemma 2 (iii) we can conclude G = P SL(2, 4) ≃ P SL(2, 5) ≃ A5 . Let G be P SL(3, q), P SU (3, q) or G2 (q). We can suppose that G 6= P SL(3, 4). If 5 6∈ π1 then 5 does not divide q(q 2 − 1). By Lemma 3 (ii), 5 does not divide q 6 − 1, which implies that 5 does not divide |G|. Let G be P Sp(4, q). Then π2 (G) = π((q 2 + 1)/(2, q − 1)). If q is odd then by Lemma 2 (i) we have q = 3 or 7. If q is even then by Lemma 2 (iii) we have q = 2. But P Sp(4, 2) is not a simple group. We observe that P SU (4, 2) ≃ P Sp(4, 3). For the groups 3 D4 (q) we see that since 5 does not divide q(q 2 − 1); therefore, q 2 ≡ −1(mod 5) and 4 q − q 2 + 1 ≡ 3(mod 5) so that q 4 − q 2 + 1 cannot be a power of 5. √ f If G ≃ Sz(q) √ then q = 2 with√f = 2m + 1 an √ odd number2 (m ∈ N). Then π3 (G) = π(q2− 2q + 1), π4 (G) = π(q + 2q + 1), and (q − 2q + 1)(q + 2q + 1) = (q + 1). We observe that 5 = 2 + 1 divides 22f + 1 = q 2 + 1 and therefore either π3 (G) = {5} or π4 (G) = {5}. We first suppose that f is a prime number. From Lemma 3 (iii) with r = 5, s = 16, we obtain then that the highest power of 5 dividing 22f + 1 is 25 and this happens if and only if f = 5. Therefore, if f is a prime, we conclude that f = 3 or f = 5. In fact for f = 3, π3 (G) = π(5) = {5}. Let now f = rn, with 1 < r < f and√r a prime number. If we√ put q0 = 2r then q = √ q0n . We recall that • if n √ ≡ 1, 7(mod 8) then (q0 − 2q0 + 1) divides (q − 2q + 1) and (q0 + 2q0 + 1) divides (q + 2q + 1); or √ √ √ • if n √ ≡ 3, 5(mod 8) then (q0 − 2q0 + 1) divides (q + 2q + 1) and (q0 + 2q0 + 1) divides (q − 2q + 1). (This is in the proof of Theorem 5 for Type 2 B2 of [13, 14].) 1056 We now observe that if r 6= 3, 5 then πi (Sz(q0 )) 6= {5} for i = 3, 4. Therefore by the preceding remark, we conclude πi (Sz(q)) 6= {5} for i = 3, 4. If f = 9, 15, 25 then by direct computation πi (Sz(q)) 6= {5}, for i = 3, 4. Using again the preceding remark, we conclude that Sz(q) is a C55-group if and only if q = 8, 32. From this we easily obtain Proposition 4. Let G be an almost simple C55-group, which is not simple. Then G is one of the following: (i) P GL(2, 5f ) or M (52f ), with f a nonnegative integer; (ii) M (9) or P SL(2, 9)hαi ≃ S6 , with α a field automorphism of order 2; (iii) M (49) or P SL(2, 49)hαi, with α a field automorphism of order 2; (iv) P SL(3, 4)hαi, with α a field or graph-field automorphism of order 2. Proof. We have to consider the groups G such that S < G ≤ Aut(S), with S as in Proposition 3. These can be found in [15], except for S ≃ P SL(2, q) and P Sp(4, 7). The connected components of Γ(G) for these groups are described in [14]. It is easily seen that if G = Aut(P Sp(4, 7)) then Γ(G) is connected. For the groups P SL(2, q) we see that if G = P GL(2, q), q = pf then the only prime not belonging to π1 (G) is p for p an odd prime. Therefore G is a C55-group if and only if p = 5. The connected components of G = M (p2f ), with f a nonnegative integer are exactly the same of S = P SL(2, p2f ) and therefore M (9), M (49) and M (52f ) are C55-groups. Finally, if G = P SL(2, q)hαi, with α a field automorphism of order n > 1, then in the cases of Proposition 3 we have q = 5f , 9, 49. If q 6= 9 then π(q(q − 1)) ⊆ π1 (G) and so the only possible remaining cases are P SL(2, 9)hαi and P SL(2, 49)hαi with α a field automorphism of order 2, which are in fact C55-groups. 5. Fixed Point Free Actions If the Fitting subgroup of G is a 5′ -group then an element of order 5 of G \ Fit(G) acts fixed point freely on Fit(G). We therefore need some results on fixed point free actions. In this section we use the character tables of some simple groups described in [15, 16], without further reference. Lemma 4. Let N be a nontrivial normal subgroup of a group G, such that G/N ≃ S, with S a simple group. If there is an element g ∈ G of prime order that acts fixed point freely on N then, for every prime r dividing |N |, there exists some χ ∈ IBrr (S) such that [χT , 1T ] = 0, where T = hgN i. Proof. N is nilpotent, as g induces on N a fixed point free automorphism of prime order (see [17, V.8.14].) As hgi acts fixed point freely on each primary component of N , we can assume that N is an r-group for some prime r 6= |g|. Since hgi acts fixed point freely on each G-composition factor in N , we can reduce to the case that N is a minimal normal subgroup of G. We can further assume that N is an absolutely irreducible and faithful S-module. Namely, as S is simple and acts nontrivially on N , N is a faithful S-module. Let now K be a finite extension of F = GF (r), such that K is a splitting field for S and let M = K ⊗F N . Then for every x ∈ S we have CM (x) = 0 if and only if CN (x) = 0, since x has a fixed point if and only if 1 is a root of the characteristic polynomial of x. So we can assume that N is a K[S]-module, i.e., N is absolutely irreducible. Since T = hgN i is a nontrivial group that acts fixed point freely on N , the restriction NT does not contain the trivial module 1T as a constituent. If χ ∈ IBrr (S) is the Brauer character associated to N , that amounts to [χT , 1T ] = 0, as (r, |T |) = 1 and χT is an ordinary (complex) character of T . Proposition 5. Let N be a normal subgroup of a group G, such that G/N ≃ S, with S one of the following almost simple groups. Suppose further that every 5-element of G acts fixed point freely on N . Then (i) if S ≃ P SL(2, p), where p is an odd prime such that (p + 1)/2 or (p − 1)/2 is a power of 5, then N = 1; 1057 (ii) if S ≃ P SL(2, 5f ), with f ≥ 2, then N = 1; (iii) if S ≃ P SL(2, 5) ≃ A5 or S5 then N is the direct product of a 2-group of class at most 3 and an abelian 2′ -group; (iv) if S ≃ P SL(2, 9) ≃ A6 or S6 or M (9) then N is a direct product of an elementary abelian 2-group and an abelian 3-group; (v) if S ≃ P SL(2, 49) or M (49) or P SL(2, 49)hαi, with α a field automorphism of order 2, then N is an abelian 7-group; (vi) if S ≃ Sz(8), Sz(32), P Sp(4, 3), A7 then N is an elementary abelian 2-group; (vii) if S ≃ P SL(3, 4), P SU (4, 3), P Sp(4, 7), M11 or M22 then N = 1; Proof. As N is nilpotent, we can assume that N is an r-group, r 6= 5. (i) Let g ∈ G be an element of order 5 that acts fixed point freely on N . Let S = G/N and T = hgN i ≤ S. By Lemma 4 to prove that N is trivial it is enough to show that [φT , 1T ] > 0 for every φ ∈ IBrr (S) and for each prime r, r 6= 5. We denote by A a cyclic subgroup of S of order (p − 1)/2 and by B, a cyclic subgroup of S of order (p + 1)/2. I. We first suppose that r = p. It is well known that the degrees of the p-Brauer characters of P SL(2, p) are of the form m + 1 where 0 ≤ m ≤ p − 1 and m is even. Further, if φ ∈ IBrp (P SL(2, p)) has degree 2k + 1 then the restrictions of φ to A and B decompose in the following way: φA = η k + η k−1 + η k−2 + · · · + η −(k−1) + η −k , φB = δ k + δ k−1 + δ k−2 + · · · + δ −(k−1) + δ −k b and B. b where η and δ are generators of the dual groups A As (|T |, r) = 1, up to conjugation we have T ≤ A or T ≤ B and hence it follows that φT has 1T as a constituent. So we can assume r 6= p. We can also assume that (p + 1)/2 is a power of 5 and that, up to conjugation, T ≤ B. If namely (p−1)/2 is a power of 5 then T (as a conjugate to a subgroup of the “diagonal” subgroup of S) normalizes a Sylow p-subgroup P of S and T acts fixed point freely on P N . Hence P N is nilpotent and then, as r 6= p, P centralizes N , which implies N = {1}. II. Let us consider first the case in which r = char(N ) does not divide |S|. Then IBrr (S) = Irr(S). Also, p ≡ 1(mod 4) and the part of the character table of S which is significant for us is 1G α χi θj γ1 γ2 1 1 p p+1 p−1 1 (p + 1) 2 1 2 (p + 1) ... b ∈ B \ {1} ... 1 ... −1 ... 0 . . . −(δj (b) + δj (b)) ... 0 ... 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ (p − 5)/4, 1 ≤ j ≤ (p − 1)/4, and 1B 6= δj ∈ Irr(B). We have: (a) [αT , 1T ] = |T1 | (p − |T | + 1) = p+1 |T | − 1 ≥ 2 − 1 > 0 as |T | divides |B| = (p + 1)/2. (b) If χ = γ1 , γ2 or χi , for some 1 ≤ i ≤ (p − 5)/4, then [χT , 1T ] = χ(1) |T | > 0. (c) Let, for some 1 ≤ j ≤ (p − 1)/4, θ = θj and 1B 6= δ = δj ∈ Irr(B). Thus, [θT , 1T ] = 1058 1 p+1 (p − 1 + 2 − |T |([δT , 1T ] + [δ T , 1T ])) ≥ − 2. |T | |T | Observe that |T | = 5 is a proper divisor of |B| = (p + 1)/2, as 5 = (p + 1)/2 implies p = 9, against the assumption that p is prime. Hence, it follows [θT , 1T ] > 0. Let us now assume that r divides |S| = 21 (p − 1)p(p + 1). Since r 6= p, we can assume r divides p − 1. III. Suppose first that r 6= 2. By [18, Case III], every φ ∈ IBrr (S) has a lift in Irr(S) and hence from part II it follows that [φT , 1T ] > 0. If r = 2, by [18, Case VIII (a)], every r-Brauer character φ that belongs to a nonprincipal block of S has a lift in Irr(S) and hence, again by part II, [φT , 1T ] > 0. On the other hand, the principal block contains three Brauer characters 1, β1 , β2 and the decomposition matrix in [18, p. 90] gives βi = γio − 1 where γio is the restriction to the r-regular elements of S of the above-mentioned complex character γi (i = 1, 2). Since T ≤ B, we hence obtain for β  = β1 , β2  p+1 1 p−1 − (|T | − 1) = −1>0 [βT , 1T ] = |T | 2 2|T | because |T | = 5 6= (p + 1)/2. (ii) Let H be a Sylow 5-subgroup of G. If N 6= 1 then N H is a Frobenius group and therefore H is a Frobenius complement, and so it is cyclic. But the Sylow 5-subgroups of P SL(2, 5f ) are cyclic if and only if f = 1. (iii) If r = 2 then Theorem 2 of [19] and Theorem 1 of [20] give the conclusion. We consider the following presentation of A5 : hα, β, γ | α2 = β 3 = γ 5 , γ = αβi. A5 has a natural representation of dimension 4 on Z, in which α, β, and γ are mapped respectively to the matrices A, B, and C:       1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0  0 0 0 0 1  0 A= , B= , C =A·B = . 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 0 0 0 −1 −1 −1 −1 If r 6= 2 the only irreducible modular representation of A5 in which the elements of order 5 act fixed point freely is the one just described, that can be realized over GF (r), as can be checked in the character tables. We will denote by Σ the module obtained by this representation. Every composition factor of N is isomorphic to Σ, as a GF (r)A5 -module, and has therefore order r4 . A simple computation shows that the exterior product Σ ∧ Σ is of dimension 6 over GF (r) and decomposes, in a quadratic extension of GF (r), in the sum of two absolutely irreducible GF (r2 )A5 -modules of dimension 3. In each of these, an element of order 5 of A5 has nontrivial fixed points. In particular there exists no nontrivial homomorphism of GF (r)A5 -modules Σ ∧ Σ → Σ. We now prove by contradiction that N is abelian. Let N be a minimal counterexample. Then N ′ is elementary abelian of order r4 and isomorphic to Σ as GF (r)A5 -modulo. We now distinguish two cases: (a) N/Z(N ) has order r4 and it is therefore isomorphic to Σ. Then the map Σ × Σ → N ′ defined by (Z(N )x, Z(N )y) 7→ [x, y] is well defined and it induces a surjective homomorphism ψ : Σ ∧ Σ → N ′ ≃ Σ. This is a contradiction by the preceding remark. (b) |N/Z(N )| > r4 . Since N has class 2 and N ′ has exponent r, for all x, y ∈ N we have [x, y r ] = [x, y]r = 1 and therefore Φ(N ) = hN ′ , N r i ≤ Z(N ). Then N/Z(N ) decomposes in a direct sum of a certain number of modules Ni isomorphic to Σ, with i ∈ I, a set of indices. Let Ni be the subgroup of N such that Ni /Z(N ) = Ni . Since Ni < N ; therefore, Ni is abelian for all i ∈ I. Since N is not abelian by hypothesis, there exist N1 and N2 such that [N1 , N2 ] 6= 1. By the minimality of |N | we then have N = N1 N2 , [N1 , N2 ] = N ′ and moreover N1 ∩ N2 = Z(N ). Fix a basis xi = xi Z(N ), i = 1, . . . , 4, of N1 , such that α, β, γ ∈ A5 are represented by the matrices A, B, and C. Moreover, we can choose the elements x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 of N1 , such that xγi = xi+1 for −1 −1 −1 i = 1, 2, 3 and xγ4 = x−1 1 x2 x3 x4 . Similarly we choose elements y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 of N2 . 1059 It is easy to verify that N3 = hx1 y1 , x2 y2 , x3 y3 , x4 y4 , Z(N )i is a G-invariant subgroup of N and since N3 < N , N3 is again abelian. In particular, since N has class 2 and both N1 and N2 are abelian, we obtain 1 = [xi yi , xj yj ] = [xi , yj ][yi , xj ] and therefore [xi , yj ] = [xj , yi ] We put ǫi,j for all i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}.   1 if i < j, 0 if i = j, =  −1 if i > j. Let s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 be a basis of Σ, chosen such that α, β, γ ∈ A5 are represented by the matrices A, B, and C, as before. We consider the map ψ : Σ × Σ → N ′ of GF (r)A5 -modules, defined by ψ(si , sj ) = [xi , yj ]ǫi,j . It is easy to verify that ψ is alternating, but there does not exist nontrivial maps Σ ∧ Σ → N ′ ≃ Σ and therefore [xi , yj ] = 1, i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}, i 6= j. The only nontrivial commutators of this generating set of N ′ are therefore [xi , yi ] with i = 1, 2, 3, 4. We recall that if an automorphism γ of order 5 of a finite group T acts fixed point freely, then for all 4 2 3 t ∈ T , we have ttγ tγ tγ tγ = 1. Then   −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 = [x1 , y1 ][x2 , y2 ][x3 , y3 ][x4 , y4 ] [x4 , y4 ]γ = x−1 1 x2 x3 x4 , y1 y2 y3 y4 because N has class 2. Therefore, 2 3 4 [x1 , y1 ][x1 , y1 ]γ [x1 , y1 ]γ [x1 , y1 ]γ [x1 , y1 ]γ = [x1 , y1 ]2 [x2 , y2 ]2 [x3 , y3 ]2 [x4 , y4 ]2 6= 1 since r 6= 2. This contradiction completes the proof. If S ≃ S5 then similar methods can be used to prove the statement. (iv) If r = 2 then the claim follows by Theorem 2 of [20]. If r > 5 then IBrr (A6 ) = Irr(A6 ) and, just checking the character table of A6 , by Lemma 4 it follows that N = 1. If r = 3 then there exists a representation of dimension 4 over GF (3), such that the 5-elements act fixed point freely and, since A5 < A6 , by (iii), N is abelian. If S ≃ S6 or M (9) then similar methods can be used to prove the statement. (v) Using the character tables of P SL(2, 49) and Lemma 4 we can easily conclude that the only possible case is r = 7. It is well known that P SL(2, 49) can be represented with matrices 4 × 4 with coefficients in GF (7) and in such a representation each element of order 5 acts fixed point freely. Since P SL(2, 49) contains a subgroup isomorphic to A5 , by (iii), it follows that the 7-group N is abelian. If S ≃ M (49) or P SL(2, 49)hαi with α a field automorphism of order 2, similar methods can be used to prove the statement. (vi) Let S ≃ Sz(8) or Sz(32). If r 6= 2 then N = 1, as proved in [21]. If r = 2 then N is an elementary abelian 2-group, and the action is the natural action as proved in [22]. In P Sp(4, 3) there is a maximal subgroup H, which is the semidirect product of an elementary abelian 2-group K with a group isomorphic to A5 . Moreover, H is a C55-group. Then N K is nilpotent and therefore N is a 2-group. Since P Sp(4, 3) has also a subgroup isomorphic to A6 , by (iv) we conclude that N is elementary abelian. Since A6 ≤ A7 by (iv), N is an abelian {2, 3}-group. Using the 3-modular character table of A7 , by Lemma 4 the 3-component of N is trivial. (vii) Using the character tables of P SL(3, 4) and Lemma 4, we can easily conclude that N = 1. 1060 P SU (4, 3) contains a Frobenius subgroup, with an elementary abelian kernel of order 24 and a complement of order 5 and a Frobenius subgroup, with an elementary abelian kernel of order 34 and a complement of order 5. This implies that N should be a 2-group and 3-group. Then N = 1. P Sp(4, 7) contains a subgroup isomorphic to P SL(2, 49) therefore, by (v), N should be a 7-group. But P Sp(4, 7) contains also a subgroup isomorphic to A7 therefore, by (vi), N should be a 2-group. Then N = 1. Both M11 and M22 contain a subgroup isomorphic to A6 and a subgroup isomorphic to the Frobenius group of order 55. Then N should be both a {2, 3}-group and 11-group. Therefore, N = 1. 6. Proof of the Theorem and Concluding Remarks We can now easily complete the proof of our theorem. Proof of Theorem 1. We suppose that G is not a 5-group. Therefore, Γ(G) is not connected and so by Proposition 2 G is one of the following groups: (a) G is a Frobenius or 2-Frobenius group. In the first case either the Frobenius kernel or the Frobenius complement are 5-groups, since the Frobenius kernel as well as the Frobenius complement has nontrivial center. In the second case, if F = Fit(G) is a 5-group then G/ Fit(G) is a Frobenius group whose kernel K is a cyclic 5′ -group. In fact if K is the subgroup of G containing F such that K = K/F is the Fitting subgroup of G/F , then K = F H is a Frobenius group, with H a nilpotent Frobenius complement. Therefore H is either a cyclic subgroup or the product of a cyclic group with a generalized quaternion group. Moreover, π1 (G) = π(K/F ) and π2 (G) = π(F ) ∪ π(G/K) = {5}. Since K = F H/F ≃ H and G/K is a 5-group acting fixed point freely on K, we conclude that H is a cyclic group, because the outer automorphism group of the generalized quaternion group Q2n is a 2-group, if n > 3 and Out(Q8 ) ≃ S3 . If F is a 5′ -group then G/ Fit(G) is a Frobenius group whose kernel K is a cyclic 5-group and therefore the Frobenius complement can only be a cyclic group of order 2 or 4. We remark that a Frobenius C55-group is necessarily soluble. Otherwise the Frobenius complement contains a subgroup isomorphic to SL(2, 5), which is not a C55-group. (b) G is a simple group, and then the claim follows from Proposition 3. (c) G is a simple by π1 group. This implies that G is an almost simple group, and again we conclude by Proposition 4. (d) G is a π1 by simple by π1 group. It can be easily deduced from the results in [9] that F = Fit(G) = Oπ1 (G) and G/F is isomorphic to an almost simple group. Moreover if S is the only simple nonabelian section of G, we have πi (G) = πi (S) for i ≥ 2. Therefore this is the case in which F 6= 1 and G/F is an almost simple C55-group, and the conclusion comes from Proposition 4. If G is a soluble nonnilpotent C55-group we can give a more detailed description of the structure of G. In particular, if we put π∗ (G) = π(G) \ {5} and p∗ = min(π∗ (G)), we have the following Proposition 6. If G is a soluble nonnilpotent C55-group then (i) the derived length of G is bounded by a function of p∗ , in particular if p∗ = 2 then G(5) = 1; (ii) if p∗ > 2 then G′′ is nilpotent. Proof. It is well known that a finite group with a fixed point free automorphism of prime order p is nilpotent and its nilpotency class is bounded by a function f (p) of p. We can suppose p > 2, otherwise p the group is abelian. We have f (p) ≤ 1 + (p − 1) + · · · + (p − 1)2 −2 (see Theorem VIII.10.12 of [23]); 2 moreover G. Higman conjectured that if p is odd, f (p) = p 4−1 and proved its conjecture for p = 5: in particular f (5) = 6 (see Remark VIII.10.13.b of [23]). We study the different cases following List A. (1) G is a Frobenius group (case A2). Let N be the Frobenius kernel and let K be a Frobenius complement of G. We can distinguish two subcases: 1061 (1a) N is a 5-group. If 2 ∈ π(K) then N is abelian and K has derived length at most 4. In fact a soluble Frobenius complement has derived length at most 4, as it can be easily deduced from Chapter 18 of [24]. Therefore G has derived length at most 5. If 2 6∈ π(K) then K is metacyclic and therefore G′′ ≤ N . Moreover, as we have observed, the nilpotency class of N is bounded by f (p∗ ). Therefore the derived length of G is bounded by a function of p∗ . (1b) N is a 5′ -group. Then K is a cyclic 5-group and N is nilpotent of class at most f (5) = 6. In particular the derived length of N is at most 3 and since G′ ≤ N we have G(4) = 1. 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