Intertidal habitats and decapod
(Crustacea) diversity of Qeshm Island, a
biodiversity hotspot within the Persian Gulf
Reza Naderloo, Michael Türkay &
Alireza Sari
Marine Biodiversity
ISSN 1867-1616
Volume 43
Number 4
Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445-462
DOI 10.1007/s12526-013-0174-3
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Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
DOI 10.1007/s12526-013-0174-3
Intertidal habitats and decapod (Crustacea) diversity
of Qeshm Island, a biodiversity hotspot within the Persian Gulf
Reza Naderloo & Michael Türkay & Alireza Sari
Received: 21 February 2013 / Revised: 10 July 2013 / Accepted: 12 July 2013 / Published online: 7 August 2013
# Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Abstract Qualitative rapid assessments and taxonomic surveys
of decapod crustaceans were carried out along the entire coastline
of Qeshm Island in the Persian Gulf. Shore morphology and
habitat distribution were examined. Simultaneously, decapod
samples were collected from 40 selected sites. In total, 131
species from five different infraorders were identified, of which
61 were recorded for the first time from Qeshm Island and 18
species were new records for the Persian Gulf. The Brachyura
possessed the highest species richness (73 species, 56 %) within
the different infraorders. Among the surveyed habitats, the combined habitat “rocky/cobble”, occurring mainly along the south
coast, had the highest species diversity. Rocky shores were
dominated by Grapsus albolineatus, Metopograpsus messor,
and Eriphia smithii. Cobble beaches were dominated by
Leptodius exaratus, Epixanthus frontalis, Clibanarius signatus,
Nanosesarma sarii, Petrolisthes spp. and Alpheus lobidens.
Mudflats and mangrove forests, typical habitats of the north coast
of Qeshm Island, were bordered along their landward fringe with
Nasima dotilliformis and Uca sindensis, which were accompanied by Uca iranica in some places with coarser sediments. On
muddy substrate and among mangroves, Metopograpsus messor,
Parasesarma persicum, Eurycarcinus orientalis, Macrophthalmus depressus, Metaplax indica, Ilyoplax stevensi,
Manningis arabicum, Opusia indica and Alpheus lobidens were
the most common species. Exposed sandy beaches, mainly
R. Naderloo (*) : A. Sari
School of Biology and Center of Excellence in Phylogeny of Living
Organisms, College of Science, University of Tehran,
14155-6455 Tehran, Iran
A. Sari
M. Türkay
Research Institute and Natural Museum of Senckenberg,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
found on the south coast, were inhabited by Ocypode rotundata
and Coenobita scaevola in high-intertidal and supralittoral zones,
respectively. Emerita holthuisi occurred slightly lower in the
mid-intertidal zone of relatively steep beaches where Diogenes
avarus and Ryphila cancellus were found whenever the sandy
beach was relatively flat. Intertidal habitats of the island are
generally in relatively good condition compared with the other
Persian Gulf states.
Keywords Biodiversity . Crustacea . Decapoda . Intertidal
habitat . Iran . Persian Gulf . Qeshm Island
Intertidal habitats of the Persian Gulf and the associated species
assemblages had been considerably understudied until late
1970s, when Basson et al. (1977) provided a basic description
of the Saudi Arabian part of the Persian Gulf, together with
their associated fauna. Later, Jones (1986b) and Clayton (1986)
conducted ecological studies on the shores of Kuwait (the
Northern Persian Gulf) that mainly dealt with the intertidal
habitat structure and its vertical faunal zonation. A huge oil
spill following the Gulf War of 1991 was the main trigger for
some ecological and faunistic works in the coastal zone of the
Arabian coast, mainly on the muddy shore along Saudi Arabia
(e.g. Apel and Türkay 1992, 1999; Apel 1994a, b, 1996). The
mangal fauna of the Persian Gulf is even more poorly studied;
indeed, no comprehensive data are available on the decapod
crustacean fauna and their zonation in this important ecosystem. Al-Ghais and Cooper (1996) and Cooper (1997) published
on the mangal associated Brachyura of Abu Dhabi (UAE) and
Al-Khayat and Jones (1999) compared macrofauna in natural
and planted mangroves in Qatar. A few ecological and biotopeoriented studies, however, focused on the western and southern
coasts of the Persian Gulf. Their results are not fully applicable
to the Eastern Persian Gulf, because of considerably different
Author's personal copy
biological and physical characteristics (Sheppard et al. 1992).
The knowledge of the intertidal habitat and associated decapod
assemblages in the eastern Persian Gulf is still scarce and there
is almost no information on zonation and community structure.
Some taxonomic/faunistic studies on the decapod fauna in the
intertidal zone of the Iranian coasts have been performed (e.g.
Pretzmann 1971; Bahmani 1997; Hosseini 2009; Naderloo and
Schubart 2009, 2010; Naderloo and Türkay 2009, 2011; Anker
et al. 2010; Naderloo et al. 2011). These mostly deal with a
single species/taxon or focus on a small patchy habitat.
Since October 2007, a research program is being undertaken along the Iranian coastline of the Persian Gulf, including
Qeshm Island, focusing mainly on the intertidal habitat and
their associated decapod crustacean assemblages. The results
regarding decapod crustacean communities relating to different types of habitats of Qeshm Island are presented herewith.
Currently, no detailed data are available on the physical and
biological characteristics of the shoreline of this island.
Höpner et al. (2000) presented a very short account on the
intertidal area of the Persian Gulf, with brief reference to the
intertidal habitats of Qeshm Island. Kavousi et al. (2011)
provided basic information on the coral reefs at two locations
along the south coast of Qeshm Island. The decapod crustacean fauna of the island, like in most parts of the mainland coast
of Iran, was completely unknown. Naderloo and Türkay (2009)
were the first to describe a decapod crustacean from Qeshm
Island, Nanosesarma sarii Naderloo and Türkay 2009, and to
redescribe N. jousseaumei Nobili, 1905, as a new record for the
Persian Gulf. Naderloo and Schubart (2010) described a further
sesarmid crab, Parasesarma persicum, from the Persian Gulf
with records from Qeshm Island, as did Anker et al. (2010) by
describing a new caridean shrimp (Athanas iranicus) from the
island. Macrophthalmus sinuspersici was recently described
from the Persian Gulf and recorded from the island (Naderloo
and Türkay 2011). However, these are all isolated taxonomic
studies not dealing with the whole decapod crustacean communities and providing no information on their occurrence and
distribution around the island.
The present study provides a basic description of habitat
characteristics of intertidal regions together with their associated decapod crustacean assemblages. It is intended to inform
future ecological surveys and underpin management decisions
regarding the sustainable use of marine resources and regional
conservation programs.
Materials and methods
The research area is located in the south-western part of the
Persian Gulf, a few kilometres (about 1.8 km at the closest
position between Laft Port of Qeshm Island and Pohl Village
on the mainland) off the southern coast of Iran, at the entrance
to the Strait of Hormuz. It is the largest island in the Persian
Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
Gulf, with a length of about 110 km, a maximum breadth of
34 km (between Laft and Shibderaz) and a minimum breadth
of 10 km (between Salakh and Tabl); with an area of
1,491 km2, it is twice as large as one of the western coastal
states, Bahrain. Climatic conditions are arid to semi-arid, with
a mean annual rainfall of 160 mm (
The largest mangal ecosystem of the Persian Gulf is located
along the north coast of the island (26° 40′-27° 00′N, 55° 21′55° 52′E). It has been assigned in “the Ramsar Convention
list” under the name of “Khuran straits” with a total protected
area of 100,000 ha. This ecosystem is now regarded as a
Biosphere Reserve of IUCN Management Category IV and
IX (Höpner et al. 2000).
Sampling surveys were primarily conducted to investigate
the biophysical structure of the intertidal habitats of Qeshm
Island. In a rapid scanning survey, 120 coastal sites around the
island were visited, covering almost the entire coastline of the
island. Habitat structure was defined mainly using four general substrate categories, comprising: muddy, sandy, rocky/
cobble and mangrove. In most cases, the width of the intertidal
region together with the relative slope was measured and their
general profile sketched. The salinity of shore water was
measured using a hand refractometer. Air and water temperatures were recorded. Accurate site locations were recorded
using a hand-held GPS (Garmin, Olathe, KS, USA), and all
sites were photographed. Surveys were usually performed
during low spring tides, when the major extent of the shore
was exposed. A tidal time-table was extracted from http:// The tidal system of Qeshm
Island completely follows the usual tidal regime of the
Persian Gulf, which is generally semidiurnal. Tidal range is
fairly regular and considerable, varying from about 4.5 m in
the north-eastern end (e.g. Dargahan) to about 3.8 m in northeastern end (e.g. Basaeedu). Most of the sampling surveys
were performed in the summer months, when two low tides
occur during daylight, one early in the morning and a successive one in the late afternoon. Mapping of the coastal structure
was performed by Geographic Information Service (GIS)
using software ArcGIS 10.
Since 2007, samples have been collected around the
Qeshm Island, irregularly from October to April. Taxonomic
surveys, assessing the crustacean faunal assemblages, were
performed at 40 selected sites, covering all representative
habitats (Fig. 1). Our sampling transects ran from land to the
sea, i.e. we collected samples along a vertical line. Hence, we
refer to the vertical distribution of species along the transects
throughout the manuscript. Here vertical does not mean vertically in the sediment, but vertical to the coast line. Samples
were collected by a group of at least four biologists, who spent
2–3 h at each site, depending on the shore type. Samples were
collected at least twice from all the selected sites in order to
ensure a high probability that all existing species were collected. It must be noted that caridean shrimps received less
Author's personal copy
Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
Fig. 1 The location of Qeshm Island in the Persian Gulf, indicating 40 taxonomic sampling sites. Major cities and villages along the island are indicated
attention than other decapods and that the real species numbers for this group will therefore be higher than the ones
presented here.
Intertidal regions were divided based upon tidal inundation
into three main categories: high, mid, and low intertidal zones.
In most cases, the supralittoral zone, and in a few cases the
sublittoral zone, were also included in this survey. Specimens
from the different zones were collected in separate jars or
plastic bags. Material was mainly collected by hand, digging
in muddy substrate and sieving the fine sediments. At some
sites, a hand-made pushnet (metal frame, 75×27 cm; length of
net, 130 cm; mesh size, 1 cm) (Manning 1975) was used to
Author's personal copy
Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
Table 1 List of families and species collected around Qeshm Island
No. sitesb
Alpheidae (16)
Alpheus lobidens De Haan, 1850
Alpheus edamensis De Man, 1888
Alpheus edwardsi Audouin, 1827
Alpheus macrodactylus Ortmann, 1890
Alpheus paracrinitus Miers, 1881
Alpheus lutosus Anker & De Grave, 2009
Alpheus n. sp. 1
Alpheus n. sp. 2
Athanas dimorphus Ortmann 1894
Athanas djiboutensis Coutiere, 1897
Athanas iranicus Anker, Naderloo & Marin, 2010
Athanas n. sp.
Salmoneus gracilipes Miya, 1972
Synalpheus coutierei A. H. Banner, 1953
Synalpheus gracilirostris De Man, 1910
Synalpheus hastilicrassus Coutiere, 1905
Latreutes anoplonyx Kemp, 1914
Lysmata vittata (Stimpson, 1860)
Lysmata sp. 1
Lysmata sp. 2
Thor amboinensis (De Man, 1888)
Cuapetes elegans (Paulson, 1895)
Cuapetes grandis Stimpson, 1860
Palaemon cf. serrifer (Stimpson, 1860)
Palaemon cf. debilis Dana, 1852
Palaemonetes sp. 1
Philocheras Parvirostris Kemp, 1916
Microprosthema validum Stimpson, 1860
Upogebia carinicauda (Stimpson, 1860)
Upogebia pseudochelata Tattersal, 1921
Upogebia darwinii (Miers, 1884)
Upogebia cf. savignyi (Strahl, 1862)
Callianidea typa H. Milne Edwards, 1837
Michaelcallianassa indica Sakai, 2002
Neocallichirus jousseaumei (Nobili, 1904)
Emerita holthuisi Sankoli, 1965
Coenobita scaevola (Forskål, 1775)
Calcinus latens (Randall, 1840)
Clibanarius signatus Heller, 1861
Diogenes avarus Heller, 1865
Diogenes karwarensis Nayak & Neelakantan, 1989
Diogenes planimanus Henderson, 1893
Diogenes tirmiziae Siddiqui & McLaughlin, 2003
Sandy (sup, high)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Sandy, muddy-sand, cobble (high, mid)
Muddy-sand (high, mid)
Sandy, cobble (high, mid)
Sandy, cobble (high, mid)
Sandy, cobble (mid)
Cobble (mid)
Cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Hippolytidae (5)
Palaemonidae (5)
Crangonidae (1)
Spongicolidae (1)
Upogebiidae (4)
Callianassidae (3)
Hippidae (1)
Coenobitidae (1)
Diogenidae (8)
Paguridae (1)
Porcellanidae (11)
Areopaguristes perspicax (Nobili, 1906)
Areopaguristes sp.
Pagurus kulkarnii Sankolli, 1961
Pachycheles natalensis (Krauss, 1843)
Pachycheles tomentosus Henderson, 1893
Petrolisthes boscii (Audouin, 1826)
Habitat and zonee
Muddy, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Muddy (mid)
Sandy, cobble (mid)
Muddy (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid)
Rocky bed (mid)
Sandy, rocky (mid, low)
Sandy, cobble (mid, low)
Muddy-sand with shells (mid)
Muddy-sand with shells (mid)
Cobble (mid, low)
Cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Jellyfish (low)
Rocky (mid, low)
Cobble (mid, low)
Rocky (sponge) (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Muddy-sand (mid, low)
Muddy-sand (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Cobble (mid, low)
Muddy-sand (high, mid)
Rocky bed (high, mid)
Rocky (sponge) (mid, low)
Rocky (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Muddy-sand (mid, low)
Rocky (mid, low)
Exposed sandy (mid)
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Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
Table 1 (continued)
Dromiidae (1)
Matutidae (1)
Leucosiidae (4)
Hymenosomatidae (1)
Majidae (7)
Portunidae (10)
Eriphidae (1)
Menippidae (1)
Oziidae (2)
Pseudoziidae (1)
Xanthidae (7)
Pilumnidae (10)
No. sitesb
Petrolisthes leptocheles (Heller, 1861)
Petrolisthes rufescens (Heller, 1861)
Pisidia dehaani (Krauss, 1843)
Pisidia gordoni (Johnson, 1970)
Pisidia inaequalis (Heller, 1861)
Polyonyx loimicola Sankolli, 1965
Polyonyx obesulus Miers, 1884
Raphidopus indicus Henderson, 1893
Cryptodromia fallax (Lamarck, 1818)
Matuta victor (Fabricius, 1781)
Ebalia abdominalis Nobili, 1906
Nursia rubifera Müller, 1887
Hiplyra variegata (Rüppel, 1830)
Ryphila cancellus (Herbst, 1783)
Elamena sindensis Alcock, 1900
Achaeus lacertosus Stimpson, 1907
Menaethiops nodulosa (Nobili, 1905)
Menaethiops n. sp. 1
Menaethiops n. sp. 2
Menaethius monocerus (Latreille, 1825)
Micippa platipes (Rüppel, 1830)
Schizophrys aspera (H. Milne Edwards, 1834)
Charybdis helleri (A. Milne-Edwards, 1867)
Gonioinfradens paucidentata (A. Milne-Edwards 1861)
Portunus segnis (Forskål, 1775)
Scylla serrata (Forskål, 1775)
Thalamita admete (Herbst, 1803)
Thalamita crenata Rüppell, 1830
Thalamita poissonii (Savigny, 1817)
Thalamita prymna (Herbst, 1803)
Thalamita rubridens Apel & Spiridonov, 1998
Thalamita savignyi A. Milne-Edwards, 1861
Eriphia smithi MacLeay, 1838
Menippe rumphii (Fabricius, 1798)
Epixanthus frontalis (H. Milne Edwards, 1834)
Lydia tenax (Rüppell, 1830)
Pseudozius caystrus (Adams & White, 1849)
Actaea jacquelinae Guinot, 1976
Atergatis laevigatus A. Milne-Edwards, 1865
Leptodius exaratus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834)
Medeaops neglectus (Balss, 1920)
Phymodius drachi Guinot, 1964
Xanthias sinensis (A. Milne-Edwards, 1867)
Zozymodes xanthoides (Krauss, 1843)
Eurycarcinus integrifrons De Man, 1879
Eurycarcinus orientalis A. Milne-Edwards, 1867
Heteropanope glabra (Stimpson, 1858)
Heteropilumnus trichophoroides (De Man, 1895)
Pilumnopeus convexus (Maccagno, 1936)
Habitat and zonee
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Muddy (high, mid)
Rocky, (sponge) (mid, low)
Rocky, muddy (mid, low)
Rocky bed (mid)
Exposed sandy beach (low)
Sandy, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid)
Sandy (mid, low)
Sandy (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky (mid, low)
Rocky bed, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky bed, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky bed, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky bed, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky (mid, low)
Rocky (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Sandy, rocky (mid, low)
Mangroves (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Sandy, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Oyster bank (low)
Sandy (low)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid)
Rocky, cobble (mid)
Rocky, cobble (mid)
Rocky, cobble (mid)
Muddy (mid, low)
Muddy (mid, low)
Cobble (mid)
Cobble (mid)
Rocky, cobble, muddy (mid, low)
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Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
Table 1 (continued)
Dotillidae (4)
Macrophthalmidae (7)
Camptandriidae (3)
Ocypodidae (4)
Grapsidae (4)
Sesarmidae (3)
Varunidae (2)
Pinnotheridae (1)
No. sitesb
Pilumnopeus vauquelini (Audoun, 1826)
Pilumnus longicornis Hilgendorf, 1879
Pilumnus savignyi Heller, 1861
Pilumnus sp.
Pilumnidae sp.
Dotilla blanfordi Alcock, 1900
Scopimera crabricauda Alcock, 1900
Ilyoplax frater (Kemp, 1919)
Ilyoplax stevensi (Kemp, 1919)
Ilyograpsus rhizophorae (Barnard, 1950)
Macrophthalmus sinuspersici Naderloo & Türkay, 2011
Macrophthalmus grandidieri A. Milne-Edwards, 1867
Macrophthalmus depressus Rüppell, 1830
Macrophthalmus dentipes Lucas, 1836
Macrophthalmus laevis A. Milne-Edwards, 1867
Macrophthalmus sulcatus H. Milne Edwards,1852
Manningis arabicum (Jones & Clayton, 1983)
Nasima dotilliformis (Alcock, 1900)
Opusia indica (Alcock, 1900)
Ocypode rotundata Miers, 1882
Uca inversa (Hoffman, 1874)
Uca iranica Pretzmann, 1971
Uca sindensis Alcock, 1900
Grapsus albolineatus Lamarck, 1818
Grapsus granulosus H. Milne Edward, 1853
Metopograpsus messor (Forskål, 1775)
Metopograpsus thukuhar (Owen, 1839)
Nanosesarma sarii Naderloo & Türkay, 2009
Nanosesarma jousseaumei (Nobili, 1906)
Parasesarma persicum Naderloo & Schubart, 2010
Metaplax indica H. Milne Edwards, 1852
Thalassograpsus harpax (Hilgendorf, 1892)
Arcotheres placunae (Hornell & Southwell, 1909)
Habitat and zonee
Rocky, cobble, (mid)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid)
Rocky (mid)
Sandy flat (high)
Sandy flat (high)
Muddy, mangroves (mid, low)
Muddy, mangroves (high, mid)
Muddy, mangroves (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (mid)
Sandy-mud (high, mid)
Muddy, mangroves (mid, low)
Muddy, muddy-sand (mid, low)
Muddy-sand (high, mid)
Muddy-sand, sandy (high, mid)
Muddy, mangroves (mid, low)
Muddy, mangroves (high)
Muddy, mangroves (mid, low)
Sandy (high)
Sandy-mud (high)
Muddy-sand, mangroves (high)
Sandy-mud, mangroves (high)
Rocky (high)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Rocky, muddy, mangroves
Muddy, mangroves (high, mid)
Cobble, muddy, mangroves (high, mid)
Cobble (high, mid)
Muddy, mangroves (high, mid)
Muddy, mangroves (mid, low)
Rocky, cobble (high, mid)
Muddy-sandy/sandy flat (high)
Total number of species in each family is given in parentheses
Number of sites where species have been found
Indicating first records from the Persian Gulf
Indicating first records from Qeshm Island
High, mid and low included in parentheses refer to high-intertidal, mid-intertidal and low-intertidal, respectively
sample in shallow subtidal zones of sandy beaches. In a few
cases, shallow subtidal zones of rocky shores were investigated
by snorkelling. Samples were preserved in 70 % ethanol and
some specimens were preserved in 96 % ethanol for further
genetic analyses. The material was first shipped to the Zoology
Museum of the University of Tehran (ZUTC), where it was
sorted and identified preliminarily. Taxonomic examinations of
the species were undertaken in the Senckenberg Museum in
Frankfurt am Main, Germany (SMF), where they were
compared with specimens deposited in the collection or with
loaned material from other museums. The material of the
present survey is deposited at the ZUTC and SMF.
A multivariate cluster analysis of all 40 taxonomic sites
was conducted for the decapod species composition using the
software package Brodgar 2.6.6. Hierarchical clustering based
on Euclidean distance was applied using Ward’s method in
order to group the sites with similar species compositions.
Taxa which could not be identified to species level were
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Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
ignored. Species which were found on more than four sites
and also species with ten occurrences at any site (if occurring
at less than four sites) were included in the statistical analyses.
Faunistic survey
A total of 131 decapod species were collected along the intertidal coast of Qeshm Island (Table 1), of which 11 species could
not be exactly assigned reliably to hitherto known species. Of
these, three alpheid shrimps, including two from the genus
Alpheus Fabricius, 1798 and one from the genus Athanas
Leach, 1814, are currently being described as new to science.
Three caridean species from the families Hippolytidae and
Palaemonidae are subject of an ongoing study. The remaining
five species in different suborders were unidentifiable, mostly
due to being small-sized juveniles.
Taxonomic composition
The 131 species collected belonged to five different infraorders,
i.e. Caridea, Stenopodidea, Thalassinidea, Anomura and
Brachyura. The highest number of species (74) or 56 % of all
species belonged to the Brachyura (Fig. 2). The species within
Brachyura fell into 20 different families, of which Portunidae
and Pilumnidae, each with ten species (14 %), were the best
represented along the coast of Qeshm Island. Two families
Macrophthalmidae (with species characteristics of muddy/
sandy habitats) and Xanthidae (mostly occurring on stony
substrate), each with seven species (11 %), had a considerable diversity (Fig. 3). Seven families each were represented
by one species only, including: Dromiidae, Matutidae,
Hymenosomatidae, Eriphidae, Menippidae, Pseudoziidae and
Pinnotheridae. Of seven rare brachyuran families, two
(Dromiidae and Menippidae) occurred at a single site (Table 1).
The infraorder Stenopodidea was represented by a single
species (Microprosthema validum). Caridea and Anomura
comprised 27 species (20 %) and 22 species (17 %), respectively, which were relatively well represented in the intertidal
region of Qeshm Island. Four families were recorded among
caridean shrimps. Alpheidae had the highest species richness,
comprising 62 % (16 species) of all collected shrimps, with
eight species belonged to the well represented genus Alpheus.
The families Hippolytidae and Palaemonidae each with five
species (19 %), and Crangonidae with only one species (2 %)
were further caridean families found in the survey area
(Fig. 2). The infraorder Thalassinidea with seven species
(5 %) belonging to the two families, Upogebiidae and
Callianassidae, had a relatively low species richness. Within
the thalassinidian shrimps, the genus Upogebia with four species, namely U. carinicauda, U. darwinii, U. pseudochelata and
Upogebia cf. savignyi, was well represented along the coast of
Qeshm Island.
Anomuran crabs belonged to five different families, including: Hippidae, Coenobitidae, Diogenidae, Paguridae and
Porcellanidae. The families Hippidae (Emerita holthuisi),
Coenobitidae (Coenobita scaevola), and Paguridae (Pagurus
kulkarnii) were represented by a single species each. The majority of the anomuran species belonged to the two families
Diogenidae and Porcellanidae, with eight species (36 %) and
11 species (50 %), respectively. These families had the highest
species richness amongst Anomura. Five species of the hermit
crabs of the family Diogenidae belonged to the genus Diogenes
Dana, 1851, while the genera Calcinus Dana, 1851, Clibanarius
Dana, 1852, and Areopaguristes Thomson, 1899, were represented with one, one and two species, respectively. The crab-like
Anomura of the family Porcellanidae were particularly diverse
at Qeshm Island, and were represented by five genera. Of these,
Petrolisthes Stimpson, 1858 and Pisidia Leach, 1820 each
comprised three species, and Pachycheles Stimpson, 1858 and
Polyonyx Stimpson, 1858 each comprised two species, while
Raphidopus indicus was the only species within the genus,
occurring in the survey area (Table 1).
Evaluating the family-level occurrence (i.e. number of sites at
which a taxon was found) and distribution, it is apparent that the
Pilumnidae (33 of 40 sites), Sesarmidae (32 sites), Grapsidae (31
sites), Alpheidae (29 sites) and Ocypodidae (28 sites) were the
most widely distributed families around Qeshm Island.
Diogenidae (26 sites), Coenobitidae (25 sites), Xanthidae (24
sites), Macrophthalmidae (23 sites) Porcellanidae (20 sites), and
Portunidae (18 sites) were also common. The family
Coenobitidae was represented by as single species (Coenobita
scaevola), but occurred at more than half of the surveyed sites
(71 %). Several abundant families, which were not as diverse in
terms of species richness, were represented by low numbers of
species (e.g. Sesarmidae with three species, Grapsidae and
Ocypodidae with four species each).
The most frequently collected decapod species were
Metopograpsus messor (28 sites), Nanosesarma sarii (27
sites), Alpheus lobidens (27 sites), Pilumnopeus convexus
(26 sites), and Coenobita scaevola (25 sites) (Table 1).
Description of coastal environments
Four main types of substrate (muddy, sandy, rocky/cobble and
mangrove) occurred along the intertidal zone of Qeshm Island.
The majority of the study sites were a combination of these four
substrates. Generally, the north coast was sedimentary, mostly
sheltered sandy-mud (covering 38 % of the coastline) or muddy
(covering 25 % of the coastline), together covering more than
half of the northern coastal line (Fig. 4). Mangroves (Tabl mangal
system together with the patchily distributed mangrove stands)
were the second most common habitat along the north coast
covering about 33 % of the northern coastline. Rocky/cobble
Author's personal copy
coasts were less common and showed a more patchy distribution,
their coverage hardly reached 5 %. Pure sandy beaches were
totally lacking on the north coast, while sandy/rocky was the least
represented substrate (3 %) (Fig. 4). Over than half of the more
exposed south coast was sandy in combination with rocky and
cobbles, which covered about 53 % of the southern coastline. In
contrast, pure sandy beaches were a less common habitat, covering 18 % of the southern coastline. Rocky shores were the
second most common coastal habitat (22 %), generally
found in association with cobble. Sedimentary flats occurred only in the central part of the south coast (between
Shib Deraz and Nagasheh), where a small stand of planted
mangrove was present (Fig. 4).
Multivariate cluster analyses of the 40 sites with reference
to their species composition (Fig. 5), separated the northern
sites from the southern ones. Group A includes mostly northern coastal sites plus one site (station 11) from the south coast
comprised sedimentary habitats with muddy, sandy-mud or
muddy-sand substrates. Group A is further divided into two
distinct subgroups: subgroup I includes sedimentary sites with
much coarser substrate (usually sandy-mud or muddy-sand).
Station 11 (habitat with artificial mangroves at Naghasheh),
which had a muddy-sand substrate, is included in this subgroup. Sites included in subgroup II had muddy substrate,
containing a similar species composition.
Group B comprises more than 70 % of all study sites,
including all southern sites and five sites from the north coast.
This group is also clearly subdivided into two subgroups.
Subgroup III (Fig. 5) contains the seven most diverse sites,
which were generally composed of rocky/cobble substrate.
The species composition of station 24 (Basaeedu) was closely
related to the diverse southern sites and was included with
them in the same group. Amongst these seven diverse sites,
four sites were considerably decapod crustaceans diverse [station 1 (43 species), station 5 (36 species), station 21 (39
species), and station 24 (34 species)]. Subgroup IV (Fig. 5)
of group B contains sites with rocky/sandy substrate. Within
this subgroup two smaller groups are distinguishable, a small
group (with 6 sites) comprising sandy substrate, and a larger
group (with 13 sites) comprising sandy/rocky substrate.
Main habitats and decapod communities
Mud flat
The north coast of Qeshm Island lays in an extremely sheltered location without wave action and with very limited tidal
energy, resulting in a wide, gently sloping, muddy-sandy/
sandy-mud flat. Sedimentary flats of the northern coastline
were generally soft with a high proportion of coarse particles
(sand and shell fragments) in the high-intertidal zone, usually
fringed with narrow bands of sandy beach towards the
supralittoral zone. Different intertidal zones of extensive
Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
sedimentary flats are very difficult to determine according to
spring and neep tide levels. But the zonation of the muddy flat
was clearly defined by the vertical distribution of decapod
species belonging to the superfamily Ocypodoidea (Table 2).
Burrows of Nasima dotilliformis were characteristic of the highintertidal zone, extending normally landwards into the
supralittoral zone, where they burrowed in relatively consolidated substrate among salt-marsh plants. In the high intertidal zone,
Uca sindensis was sympatric with N. dotilliformis, which was
also sympatric with (or sometimes replaced by) Uca iranica in
regions with high proportions of coarse particles. Two smallsized species, Ilyoplax stevensi and Opusia indica overlapped in
their occurrences with N. dotilliformis in its lower limit in the
high-intertidal zone. High-intertidal zones were characterised by
muddy-sand mixed with shell fragments patchily fringing with a
thin veneer of limestones in their higher limit. Such zones were
dominated by a newly recorded thalassinid shrimp, Upogebia
carinicauda. Chimney-shaped structures of burrows of this mud
shrimp with an average height of 4 cm were characteristic in the
summer months (April-June). Macrophthalmus laevis and M.
sulcatus were two common macrophthalmid crabs of this zone,
occurring slightly below in the high-intertidal zone of this
habitat. The mid-intertidal zones were generally marked by
burrows of a large macrophthalmid crab (Macrophthalmus
dentipes) which tended to burrow in loose sandy-mud substrates. The most distinct associate of M. dentipes was the
mudskipper (Periophthlamus waltoni). A wide variety of decapod crustaceans was found sympatric with M. dentipes in the
mid-intertidal zone (see Table 2).
The low-intertidal zones of mud flats could be determined by
the occurrence of Macrophthalmus depressus. This mediumsized macrophthalmid crab was usually found in a narrow band
of low-intertidal zones, together with some common decapod
crustaceans of the mid-intertidal zone, mainly Metaplax indica,
Eurycarcinus orientalis, Eurycarcinus integrifrons and Opusia
indica, Alpheus lobidens, Michaelcallianassa indica (Table 2).
The Qeshm mangal ecosystem “Harra of Tabl” is the largest
mangrove system in the Persian Gulf covering over 6,800 ha.
The mangrove forest was monospecific with Avicennia marina
(Forskål, 1775), containing well-developed trees reaching up to
4–6 m in height and located in a fully sheltered embayment in
the northwestern coast of Qeshm. The muddy banks of the water
channels in most areas of the Qeshm mangal system were
occupied by oyster. Presence of the dead shells promote the
establishment of mangroves via the trapping of sediments and
hosts oyster-specific brachyurans (e.g. Actaea jacquelinae,
Pilumnopeus convexus and Nanosesarma sarii). Sometimes,
they were replaced by the barnacle Microeuraphia permitini,
which was found growing only on the trunks of the trees. On the
muddy banks of the mangroves (low-intertidal zone), the most
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Fig. 2 Percentages of the different suborders of Decapoda of Qeshm Island (above); percentages of four families of Caridea of Qeshm Island (below,
left); percentages of five families of Anomura of Qeshm Island (below, right)
common decapod species were Macrophthalmus depressus,
Metaplax indica, Eurycarcinus orientalis, Ilyograpsus
rhizophorae, Opusia indica, Alpheus lobidens and Manningis
arabicum (Fig. 6). Among the pneumatophores and trunk zones,
usually impenetrable, was a habitat for the most common
grapsoid crabs, Parasesarma persicum and M. messor, with
juveniles distributed on the sediment surface, while adults were
generally found in the canopy zone of trees. The rare species
Metopograpsus thukuhar was found at only two sites in syntopy
with M. messor. Other decapod species found in this zone are
presented in Table 1. The landward edge of the Qeshm mangal
stand was usually a wide band of muddy flats with sparse
halophytic plants, mainly Salicornia sinus-persica, Arthrocnemum macrostachyum and Halocnemum strobilaceum. This
zone was dominated by two ocypodoid crabs, Nasima
dotilliformis and Uca sindensis. Remarkable burrow structures
of N. dotilliformis were one of the prominent features of this
zone, which extended to the high-intertidal zone.
There were also patchy mangrove swamps which were artificially planted along most parts of the north coast. Most of these
fringing artificial mangroves are exposed to the open sea; the
majority of planted mangrove bushes had not established or had
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Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
Fig. 3 Percentages of different
families of the Brachyura
collected from Qeshm Island.
Seven families, each with one
species, are included in Others
developed very poorly, most likely due to the loose nature of
muddy-sand/sandy substrate, and partly perhaps because of
their immediate exposure to the sea. The single best developed
mangrove stand occurred at Holor coast. The substrate was
dominantly muddy-sand, trees reaching up to 2 m in height, but
not densely populated. This was inhabited by some mangalcharacteristic decapod crustaceans, common fiddler crab, Uca
iranica in the N. dotilliformis zone, where it replaced U.
sindensis in relatively coarser sediments.
On the southern coast of the island, a small stand of A. marina
occurred between Band-Chapi and Naghasheh (Fig. 4), where
mangrove shrubs were planted along banks of artificial tidal
channels running parallel to the sea coast in the sandy or
muddy-sand flat. Sea grasses, dominantly Halodule uninervis,
were abundant in the sheltered unconsolidated sandy or muddysand substrata.
South coast mangroves had some of the brachyuran crabs
that are also characteristic for the well-developed mangroves of
the north coast. A very small population of the mud crab, Scylla
serrata, with medium-sized specimens was found in this
mangal ecosystem. Apparently this species has established
itself in this narrow habitat quite recently. A further rare species
was the fiddler crab Uca inversa, which occurred in a small
patch on consolidated substrate along the landward edge.
Sandy beaches
Most of the sandy beaches were found, usually together with
rocky patches, along the south coast of Qeshm Island. Pure
sandy beaches were a less common habitat covering about
18 % of the southern coastline (Fig. 4). To the south-east of the
island, most beaches had a relatively steep profile, with the
narrow intertidal zone sloping down, in most parts, to a rocky
subtidal. Rocky structures in the shallow subtidal or lower
intertidal zone of the sandy beaches are exposed only during
low spring tides in some regions. Supralittoral zones of the
sandy beaches were usually characterised by sandy dune belts,
vegetated mainly with halophytes (e.g. Suaeda maritima, and
Seidlitzia rosmarinus), and bordered mostly along their landward fringe with Acacia spp.
The typical decapod crustacean inhabitant of this zone was
a semi-terrestrial anomuran known as the land hermit crab,
Coenobita scaevola (Table 3). Footprints of this nocturnally
active hermit were a main feature of this supralittoral zone,
while all collected specimens were found buried in the shaded
area of coastal vegetation during day-time, emerging usually
at night to scavenge in the intertidal zone. This species was
often seen crossing the coastal road, and its footprints were
found several hundred metres further landward. The highintertidal zone of such a steep sandy beach was dominated
by the only ghost crab of the Persian Gulf, Ocypode
rotundata. Conical small pyramids of male animals, in particular, were seen during the breeding season (e.g. with a density
of two burrows per 1.0 m2 counted in May in Namakdan).
Further down on a steeper slope, the suspension feeding mole
crab Emerita holthuisi inhabited a swash active zone. Similar
exposed sandy beaches, favourably populated by E. holthuisi,
were fully lacking on the north coast. This species was
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Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
Fig. 4 Distribution and extent of different habitats along the coastline of Qeshm Island
collected only at four sites along the eastern part of the south
coast in a dense population of 25 specimens per 0.25 m2. Midintertidal continued to low intertidal and shallow subtidal zones
with a gentle profile were favourite habitats of a small leucosiid
crab Ryphila cancellus. Matuta victor is a large-sized
brachyuran crab usually found sympatric with R. cancellus,
but distributed slightly deeper than the latter. Two small-sized
brachyuran species of the family Dotillidae, namely Dotilla
blanfordi and Scopimera crabicauda were common inhabitants
of sandy flats of seaward fringe of mangroves along the south
coast. Only the pinnotherid species Arcotheres placunae living
in bivalve molluscs Amiantis umbonella also occurred in such
sheltered sandy flats. The small-sized hermit crab Diogenes
avarus usually occurred on all sandy beaches, being particularly abundant on sandy flats.
Rocky shore
Rocky shores were merely found along the south coast of
Qeshm Island but not as long stretches, rather interrupting
sandy beaches in the south-eastern half and cobble-shores
mainly in the southwestern half. Nevertheless, rocky shores
covered about 18 % of the southern coastline (Fig. 4). Very
small patches of rocky substrate occurred in the northeast
of the island. These consisted mainly of a thin veneer of
sedimentary limestone rocks, and often flourished with typical
rocky fauna (e.g. in Kuweii). The coastal rocks around Qeshm
Island were mainly sedimentary (limestone), composed of
marine organisms’ fragments, mainly those of Foraminifera,
echinoderms and mollusc shells. Rocky substrates were often
combined with dead corals on the south coast, while no signs
of dead corals were found along the north coast. An interesting
limestone rocky substrate with coquina rocks occurred in the
northwestern part of the island on the Basaeedu headland.
Rocky shores of the south coast mainly included rocky cliffs
in high-intertidal zones with large boulders seawards (e.g.
Namakdan, Kani) and rocky platforms (e.g. Shib-Deraz).
Common species of the rocky shore and their relative distribution are shown in Table 3. Common species found in the
rocky beds of the Shib Deraz were Nanosesarma sarii,
Leptodius exaratus, Pilumnopeus convexus, Eriphia smithi,
Petrolisthes rufescens, and Petrolisthes leptocheles. A narrow
band (5-10 m wide) of about a 1-km long rocky bed stretched
from about 2 km of Qeshm city westwards along the south
coast. This rocky bed was a very poor habitat for the crustacean species. The herbivorous crab Grapsus albolineatus
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Fig. 5 Hierarchical cluster
analysis using the Squared
Euclidean distance performed
with Ward’s method in order to
group the sites with similar
species compositions. Cluster A
includes sites on the north coast
with mangrove, muddy, sandymud or muddy-sand substrate.
Cluster B includes all south coast
sites together with some from the
north coast, which were mostly
combination structure of sandy/
rocky or exclusively rocky or
occurred in the high-intertidal zones spreading towards the
mid-intertidal zones of nearly all rocky shores, where this
highly active crab was sympatric with Metopograpsus messor.
The scavenger eriphid crab, E. smithi was found exclusively
in crevices, slightly lower on the shore than G. albolineatus.
The most common anomuran crab Clibanarius signatus was
generally present in shaded areas. Grapsus granulosus was a
less common species (found at five sites), recorded for the first
time in the Persian Gulf and coexisting with G. albolineatus in
the mid-intertidal zone.
Table 2 Vertical distribution patterns of the common species of decapod crustaceans in muddy and sandy/muddy shores on Qeshm Island
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Fig. 6 Schematic diagram of the main mangrove system along north-western Qeshm Island in Tabl area. Most common decapod crustacean species are
shown together with their relative vertical distribution
Rocky shores at the south coast, in most cases, supported
growth of the brown algae Sargassum sp. in the sublittoral
zone. These algae reached up to 60 cm of height in some
locations, particularly during the cold season, and were found
washed-up on the shore. On the contrary, rocks of the northern
coast supported the growth of a green algal tuft. Sedimentary
rocks were densely covered with a filamentous green lawn
(Table 4).
present as well. Common species of the cobble-beaches and
their vertical distribution are presented in Table 3, together with
rocky shore species.
Cobble beaches
The faunistic results of the present survey illustrate the scarcity of the information on the taxonomy and assemblage
structure of the decapod crustaceans along the intertidal habitats of the Persian Gulf, particularly along the eastern coast
(Iranian coast). Of 131 decapod crustaceans collected, about
47 % (61 species) were new records for Qeshm Island. About
14 % (18 species) of all species collected were recorded for the
first time from the Persian Gulf. These new records include
caridean shrimps: Alpheus edamensis De Man, 1888, A. macrodactylus Ortmann, 1890, A. paracrinitus Miers, 1881, Athanas
djiboutensis Coutiere, 1897, Salmoneus gracilipes Miya, 1972,
Synalpheus gracilirostris De Man, 1910 and S. hastilicrassus
Coutiere, 1905, Cuapetes elegans (Paulson, 1895), Cuapetes
grandis Stimpson, 1860, Palaemon serrifer (Stimpson, 1860),
P. debilis Dana, 1852, Philocheras parvirostris Kemp, 1916;
Stenopodidea: Microprosthema validum Stimpson, 1860;
Thalassinidea: Upogebia darwinii (Miers, 1884) and U.
pseudochelata Tattersall, 1921; Anomura: Polyonyx loimicola
Sankolli, 1965; Brachyura: Heteropanope glabra (Stimpson,
1858), Arcotheres placunae (Hornell and Southwell, 1909).
Nine species (7 %) are new to the science, of which four had
Cobble beaches, composed of small limestone rocks, occurred
scattered only along the south coast. This kind of habitat was
usually found in the proximity of rocky shores and sometimes in
combination with sandy substrate. Such a complex habitat,
usually trapping sediments between loose rocks and supporting
algal cover, provided diverse microhabitats allowing different
species to occur together in the same locality. Consequently, this
environment was the most diverse among the coastal habitats
around the island. High-intertidal zones were characterised either by rocks (e.g. Zeytun Park Beach) or by sandy beaches
(e.g. Dustku). Cobbles were mainly present in the mid-intertidal
zone of the shore, hosting many of the species also occurring at
the rocky shores and rock beds, as well as a few on the sandy
flat. The common species of this zone, which were mainly found
under stones, are Clibanarius signatus, Leptodius exaratus,
Nanosesarma sarii, Petrolisthes leptocheles and P. rufescens.
The eriphid species Eriphia smithi and different alpheid shrimps
were also characteristic of this habitat. Several different species
of the families Xanthidae, Pilumnidae and Upogebiidae were
Species richness
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Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
Table 3 Vertical distribution patterns of the common species of decapod crustaceans in exposed sandy shores of Qeshm Island
already been described from among the material of the present
survey, including: Nanosesarma sarii Naderloo and Türkay,
2009, Parasesarma persicum Naderloo and Schubart, 2010,
Athanas iranicus Anker et al., 2010 and Macrophthalmus
sinuspersici Naderloo and Türkay, 2011.
The island surprisingly includes the highest number of
decapod species known from the Iranian coast, where 150
species were recorded (Naderloo and Türkay 2012). Of these,
87 % were recorded from Qeshm Island. In terms of species
numbers, Qeshm Island is comparable with other regions in
the Indian Ocean. For instance, Socotra Island, located in the
tropical Indian Ocean with a total area of 3.796 km2, has 130
recorded decapod species (Simões et al. 2001), while Qeshm
Island (1,491 km2) with slightly larger than half the Socotra
area has roughly the same number (131) of the decapod
species. This occurs in spite of the generally harsh environmental conditions of the Persian Gulf, i.e. high salinity and
fluctuating temperatures (e.g. Jones 1986a; Sheppard et al.
1992; Apel and Türkay 1999; Naderloo et al. 2010). However,
the location of Qeshm Island at the entrance of the Persian
Gulf results in an inflow of fresh low-salinity oceanic waters
through the Gulf of Oman and this makes this island very
different from the other parts of the Gulf. The high diversity of
the island was mainly a result of the high decapod diversity in
stony habitats along the south coast, whereas the muddy
substrate of the northern coast was about as diverse as other
muddy shores within the Gulf (Apel 1994a, 1996; Clayton
1986; Naderloo and Türkay 2012). This is confirmed by
comparing the number of decapod species recorded from a
rocky/cobble site in Qeshm Island (e.g. 43 species at station
Table 4 Vertical distribution patterns of the common species of decapod crustaceans in rocky and rocky/cobble shores of Qeshm Island
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Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
1), with similar sites along the mainland coast of Iran (37
species from Bushehr, 32 species from Moghdan, Naderloo
and Türkay 2012).
Intertidal habitat and associated decapod fauna
The intertidal area of Qeshm Island includes a considerable
ecosystem diversity, varying from extensive mangroves, gently sloping sedimentary flats, exposed sandy beaches to
cobble/rocky shore. Different habitats with varying physical
characteristics favour different species communities; hence
the north coast of the island with a predominantly sedimentary
structure hosted completely different assemblages of decapod
crustaceans compared with the south coast. This was shown
by results from the cluster analysis (Fig. 5). The sites clustered
according to the nature of the physical structures, which were
favoured by different species assemblages. The high decapod
species diversity of Qeshm Island is thus a consequence of its
high ecosystem diversity.
The highest species richness was present in stony habitats, in
particular in the mixed substrates of rocky/cobble, rather than is
softer sedimentary habitats. This is consistent with results of
other local studies (e.g. Basson et al. 1977; Titgen 1982) and
generally supported by findings of similar surveys from other
parts of the world (Raffaelli and Hawkins 1996; Simões et al.
2001). The high richness is most likely due to the availability of
different microenvironments in stony substrates. Of 131 identified decapod species, 88 (67 %) were found in stony shores
(rocky, cobble, rocky/cobble), 76 of which exclusively inhabited
rocky/cobble (Table 1) in the mid-intertidal zone. Four more
common species of the rocky/cobble habitat found to be also
common along muddy shores were: Alpheus lobidens,
Metopograpsus messor, Nanosesarma sarii and Pilumnopeus
convexus. Four fairly common species in stony habitats included
Macrophthalmus sinuspersici, Nanosesarma jousseaumei, N.
sarii, Thalassograpsus harpax. These species are only known
from the Iranian coast of the Gulf and not recorded from the
Arabian side, despite of the quite extensive samplings conducted
along the western coast (e.g. Basson et al. 1977; Titgen 1982;
Jones 1986a, b; Apel 2001).
Mud-flats were less diverse, with only about 23 % (30
species) of all collected decapod crustaceans. This is less than
half of the rocky/cobble species richness. The brachyuran
community of the mud flat and the vertical distribution of
different crab species is comparable with those recorded from
the northern Persian Gulf coast of Kuwait (Clayton 1986),
Saudi Arabia (Apel 1994a, 1996) and from other Iranian coasts
of the Persian Gulf (Naderloo and Türkay 2012). The only
brachyuran species which is dominant on the high intertidal
zone of mud flats on the northern part of the Gulf (Iran, Iraq and
Kuwait) is Leptochryseus kuwaitensis (Al-Khayat and Jones
1996; Ng et al. 2009; Naderloo and Türkay 2012). This species
is completely missing along the southern coast of the Persian
Gulf and replaced by Nasima dotilliformis. The latter has been
recorded from all the Gulf States [Iran (Stephensen 1946;
present study), Iraq (Ng et al. 2009), Kuwait (Jones 1986a),
Saudi Arabia (Basson et al. 1977; Apel 1994a, 1996), Qatar
(Al-Khayat and Jones 1996, 1999)]. Although decapod diversity is relatively low in this habitat, the abundance and biomass
is considerably high. Some species (e.g. Uca sindensis, Uca
iranica and Macrophthalmus dentipes) had the highest density,
which can be attributed to the high content of organic material
in the muddy substrate.
The mangroves of Qeshm Island were not as diverse regarding the decapod crustaceans as other intertidal habitats, but still
many more species have been recorded from here compared with
other parts of the Persian Gulf. Of the 23 brachyuran crab species
recorded from Qeshm Island, 13 and 14 species have been
recorded from mangroves in Abu Dhabi (Cooper 1997) and
Qatar (Al-Khayat and Jones 1999), respectively. The mangrove
habitat shared many specific decapod assemblages with the mud
flat. Mangroves ecologically are important because of their high
primary productivity, importance as nursery grounds for shrimps
and fish larvae and as providing feeding ground for many
resident and migratory birds. Two species, Metopograpsus
thukuhar and Scylla serrata were exclusively found in mangroves. Metopograpsus messor and Parasesarma persicum were
the two most common crabs amongst the trunks and pneumatophores in the study area, whereas in east African mangroves two
species Metopograpsus thukuhar and Perisesarma guttatum are
the most common and ecologically important species (Vannini
and Valmori 1981; Gillikin and Schubart 2004). An interesting
record of the present study is the giant mud crab Scylla serrata,
which is commercially important. This species is widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific and has already been recorded from
the south coast of the Gulf of Oman (Apel and Spiridonov 1998),
its north coast along the Iranian coast in the mangroves of Jask
(Rezaie-Atagholipour et al. 2013) and mangroves of Khorkhalasi (R.N. pers. obs.). Here it is the largest and most common
species and is used as a food source by local people. Scylla
serrata has recently been recorded from the southeast Persian
Gulf in Ras al-Khaimah (UAE) by Hogarth and Beech (2001).
This species is thought to have been very common in the
past when extensive mangroves were widely distributed
along the coast of the Persian Gulf (Hogarth and Beech
2001). Numbers declined following the disappearance of
mangroves from most parts of the Persian Gulf, but there
are sign of recovery. We found this commercially important
crab in the planted mangroves along the south coast
(Naghasheh), while, despite extensive sampling survey,
no individual was recorded in the largest mangal system
along the north coast (Tabl).
Sandy beaches are the least diverse habitat within the Persian
Gulf (Jones 1986b) and all over the world (Raffaelli and
Author's personal copy
Hawkins 1996). The Decapod community of the sandy beach of
Qeshm Island is fully comparable with those of the coast of
Kuwait (Jones 1986b) and Saudi Arabia (Basson et al. 1977).
In comparison to the adjacent regions, the only genus which
appears to be under-represented in the Persian Gulf is Ocypode,
which is represented with only one species Ocypode rotundata,
while two species of the genus occur in the sandy beaches of
Pakistan (Türkay et al. 1996), four species were recorded from
Socotra Islands (Türkay et al. 1996; Simões et al. 2001) and two
species from the Red Sea (Türkay et al. 1996). The terrestrial
hermit crab Coenobita scaevola is the only hermit crab occurring in the supralittoral zone of sandy beaches in the Persian
Gulf and Gulf of Oman. This hermit crab was a common species
in the sandy beaches of Qeshm Island.
Vertical zonation pattern
The division of intertidal habitats into three different zones
(high, mid and low intertidal) is generally difficult, especially
when comparing sites with different physical and topographical
characteristics (English et al. 1997). Many workers believe that
the zonation should be based on biological elements with
determined species compositions and distribution of the key
species (e.g. Raffaelli and Hawkins 1996). As this study was
the first to determine the species composition of decapod
crustaceans and their vertical distribution along the coast of
Qeshm Island, it was only possible to use water movement
to define different zones. Therefore, we advocate that in
using the present data in comparison with data from other
regions, differences in tidal regimes and regional topography
as well as the physical nature of the shores must be taken
into consideration.
The vertical distribution of the different brachyuran species
in the mud flats of Qeshm Island is relatively similar with that
recorded from Kuwait (Clayton 1986), Saudi Arabia (Apel
1994a, 1996) and Iran mainland (Naderloo and Türkay 2012).
Unfortunately, there is no documentation on the intertidal
rocky/cobble crustacean assemblage from other parts of the
Persian Gulf, except a brief study of Jones (1986b) from
Kuwait that deals with the most common rocky fauna and
flora and this includes few crustacean decapod species.
Intertidal zone and biodiversity conservation
Monitoring and documenting the biodiversity along the coasts
of the Persian Gulf is very important since the area is under
extreme pressure due to several environmental and anthropogenic factors, including oil-related industries, coastal developments, urban sewage, developing tourist industry, immigration of invasive species and, most importantly, global
warming (e.g. Facey 2008; Khan 2008; Krupp and
Abuzinada 2008).
Mar Biodiv (2013) 43:445–462
Two recent reviews by Sheppard et al. (2010) and by Sale
et al. (2011) clearly address the environmental problems of the
Persian Gulf and the necessity for an integrative conservation
program. Mangroves and reefs of the Persian Gulf are under
greatest threat (Sheppard et al. 2010). Qeshm Island,
possessing the largest mangal ecosystem with about a 6,800ha area within the Gulf, is of major importance for conservation of this environment (Spalding et al. 2010). In the past,
mangroves were used as building material, firewood and
forage for livestock by traditional users, which is possibly
the main destructive reason for this ecosystem in the world
(Saenger et al. 1983). Currently, only the leaves and young
branches of mangroves are used as livestock fodder by rural
people. Camels are sometimes also being seen foraging
among the arid zones of the system, which locally seem to
have a small destructive effect on the mangroves. Illegal
shrimp catching is occasionally seen in the Tabl mangal
ecosystem, which seems to have the second rank in
destructing the mangroves’ fauna and flora. Further, Tabl
mangrove forest is now the most important recreational site
around the island, and the ecosystem is being opened up to
tourism, which needs an integrative tourism management.
Nonetheless, Qeshm mangroves are in relatively good condition compared with the mangroves of the other Persian Gulf
states like Saudi Arabia and UAE (Spalding et al. 2010).
No published record is available on the oil-related pollution of intertidal habitats of Qeshm Island. Considering
the location of the island in the Strait of Hormoz, which is a
main oil transporting passage, it has the potential to be
subject to a heavy oil spill. There are some pollution impacts along the northern coast due to its vicinity to the
Bandar-Abbas port.
In general, anthropogenic effects presently cannot be considered as a big threat to the intertidal habitats of the island,
mainly because of the small rural population inhabiting the
coastal area. Developing the free economic zone with subsequent impacts on the island coastal environments is by far
the greatest threat to the region. Clear evidence for such a
possible threat is seen in the coastal situation of Dubai
(Sheppard et al. 2010).
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr. Ranjbaran (School of
Geology, University of Tehran) for helping with identification of the
coastal rocks and boulders. The help of Mr. Abbas Kazemi (University
of Tehran) in field works is highly acknowledged. We are grateful to
Moritz Sonnewald (Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt) for his help with
statistical analysis and working with Brodgar software. The English of the
paper was checked by “GRAGE Language Service” of University of
Frankfurt, which is especially acknowledged.
This biodiversity project was mainly funded by Iran National Science
Foundation (INSF) and University of Tehran. Their financial help for
facilitating the biodiversity project (including the present one) in the Iranian
coast of the Persian Gulf is highly appreciated. We are indebted to DAAD
(German Academic Exchange Service) for financial support in the form of
a PhD Scholarship for R. Naderloo facilitated extensive data analysis.
Author's personal copy
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