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The Brain and Consciousness in Terms of the Science of Consciousness, 2021
The article demonstrates the ability of the science of consciousness to offer solutions to scientific problems that are unsolvable in other fields of knowledge. The problem chosen for this demonstration is the relationship between the brain (usually considered a part of the physical world) and consciousness (which is not something physical). This choice can be considered random given the variety of philosophical and scientific questions that can only be answered through the science of consciousness.
Abstract: Consciousness and Brains A series of three review articles appeared recently in Science News detailing the question of the relation of consciousness to certain brain and physiological processes. The first part of the paper reviews the findings and descriptions of this recent research. I draw the conclusion that there is great disagreement and confusion among the scientists themselves. Second the language used to express their assumptions and conclusions is a virtual land mine of philosophical difficulties housed in metaphor, comparisons and analogies. The second section of the paper turns attention to the work of Wittgenstein and O.K. Bouwsma on the question of the nature of consciousness. I show that the confusion in the research can be traced to the acceptance of a philosophical confusion surrounding the idea of consciousness itself. I conclude with a quote from the notes: I look at the stone and I see it. If course I’m there, about 10 feet from the stone and my eyes are open. How does consciousness accompany me and the stone, a sort of third party? (Why must she always go along? Bouwsma humor). Consciousness as a diaphanous, invisible membrane that quivers when I see. Sometimes it quivers and sometimes it doesn’t.
Research Gate , 2023
The exploration of the human brain, mind, and consciousness reveals a complex relationship between the tangible and the intangible aspects of human cognition. This text distinguishes between the brain and the mind, drawing an analogy between them and computer hardware and software. While the brain serves as the physical organ associated with the body, the mind is portrayed as the realm of thoughts, emotions, and imagination. In everyday language, the terms "brain" and "mind" are often used interchangeably, despite their distinct roles. The brain acts as the biological foundation for mental activities, while the mind encompasses processes such as thought, perception, emotion, and memory. This text underscores the unique cognitive abilities of the human mind, including logical reasoning and problem-solving, enabling humans to interpret their environment and develop practical solutions. It highlights the essential role of the human mind in advancing scientific knowledge, replacing superstitions with empirical explanations for phenomena, including the causes of diseases. In short, this exploration deepens our understanding of the intricate interplay between the brain and the mind, affirming the mind's pivotal role in human cognition, scientific progress, and the evolution from superstition to knowledge. Keywords: Human brain, Mind, Consciousness, Brain-mind relationship, Cognitive processes, Logic and reasoning, Scientific advancement, Superstitions, Empirical knowledge, Disease causation, Perception, Thought, Emotion, Memory, Problem-solving,
NeuroQuantology, 2013
In the last 400 years physics has achieved great success, in theory and experimentation, determining the structure of matter and energy. The next great step in the evolution of science will be exploring the role of mind and consciousness in the universe, employing mathematics and fundamental theoretical constructs to yield specific predictions. Based on recent findings in biological autonomy, we propose to approach consciousness from the key aspect of decision-making. This approach allows us to develop a quantitative theory of consciousness as manifested in information processing. Since decision-making occurs at a certain level of organization, natural relations are obtained between consciousness at one level of organization and unconsciousness at another. By following this chain of argument, we also consider the possibility that levels of consciousness and unconsciousness form a self-closing hierarchy. This line of reasoning has led us to theoretically formulate the possible relationships between mind, cellular activity (both neuronal and non-neuronal), and the universe, working with the categories of consciousness, self-consciousness, and unconsciousness. What we propose in the present paper is a natural and straightforward extension of information theory to quantitative measures of consciousness at different levels and scales. A framework that integrates data from multiple disciplines can help us develop a broader theory of consciousness than what is possible from any single field alone. We present quantitative estimations for the rates of information processing at the global and cellular levels of the human organism and suggest values at the level of the universe. Our picture yields a new, quantitative picture of the mental capabilities of Homo sapiens and a reformulation of our place in the universe.
The present article, The Nature of Consciousness, relates consciousness to brain activity without assuming consciousness to be a brain process capable of affecting other brain processes. Consciousness is assumed to be a pure passively emergent epiphenomenon automatically accompanying certain neural brain processes and having no influence on those processes. Consciousness simply being how we perceive sensations from outside and inside our body, including brain processes like thinking. This is in contrast to existing theories of consciousness, which considers consciousness to be a brain process capable of affecting neural brain processes, and even orchestrating major functions of the brain. It is suggested that this notion of consciousness, being able to affect brain processes, is an illusion resulting from consciously and continuously perceiving brain thought processes and erroneously getting the impression that consciousness is governing those thought processes while all the time failing to distinguish brain generated constructs from the conscious perception of them. The present notion of consciousness, being a purely passive epiphenomenon, furthermore shows promise of throwing light on the Mind-Body problem, settling the question of free will, explaining the nature of a self, and showing its relation to evolution.
Research Article, 2020
The readers and authors of the journal are all neuroscientists. The purpose of such review in this journal is to make them familiar with an emerging worldview that the brain is not the source of consciousness and cognitive faculty could not be localised within the specifics of the brain. Further, the relationship between consciousness, cognition and behavior are not horizontal but vertical in time involving nature"s prequantum, pre-prequantum nests and the decision-making nest of consciousness. This calls for a cautious interpretation of neuroimaging data in the context of consciousness for management of neurological, psychiatric and psychological diseases. Method: The review is based upon author"s extensive publications on the emerging worldview of a neuraxis which because of ontological reversal works like an inverted tree with roots up, open to depths of the nature and the branches down as peripheral nerves. This view has been extended to build up the idea that systems psyche works as an interphase between brain-bound and brain-independent consciousness, supported by data from some recent publications. The ways have been carved out with innovative ideas and figures how systems cosmology could be connected with systems neuroscience including molecular cell biology. The Message: Neuroscience needs an overhaul. The classical and quantum neuroscience will find its precise place with development of science of prequantum vacuum having event-generating entity with several information states and memory, followed by a science of sub-subquantum nests of nature, having sentient and homeostasis-running entities; entities are autonomous, however guided by "will" and intention sourced from the nest of consciousness. Conclusion: Consciousness cognition and behavior operate on vertical timeline involving different depths of nature and corresponding information states. Intelligence requires involvement of sentient entity, "life" and "will", and for behavioral expression, a "mind" operating through an expressive infrastructure such as brain. Artificial intelligence and artificial brain are relevant in lifeless science but are not the determinants of the future of science or humanity. Conclusion remains openended till Deep Science confirms the view that a consciousness-rooted neuroscience of live brain is more powerful, and is determinant of the rest of the science.
Philosophy Study
“Aspects of Consciousness: Essays on Physics, Death and the Mind.” Ingrid Fredricksson, editor. McFarland, 2013., 2013
Science investigates phenomena in nature that are either experienced or observed by people. However, some special classes of phenomena are generally considered outside of the realm of science if not just plain unscientific, i.e., unworthy of scientific investigation by the majority of scientists. Science has generally dismissed or ignored any phenomena directly associated with mind or consciousness, which amounts to a scientific bias against these concepts. Even psychology, the science of mind, neither directly studies nor even speculates on the ultimate nature of mind and consciousness, but hides behind behaviorism. This shortcoming of science is actually a historical artifact inherited from the earlier break between science and religion and the subsequent separation of human thought into the two realms of MIND and MATTER, but it is also likely that the unintended consequences of adopting a physical theory or model of consciousness are more than science has been willing to accept. The present shortcomings of science in this regard were institutionalized at the end of the eighteenth century by the adoption of positivistic philosophies by the majority of scientists and scholars. But nature has had her way in spite of the best intentions and efforts of science to the contrary: New research and recent discoveries point directly to the conclusion that science has reached a point in its normal advancement beyond which it cannot pass until it distinguishes between matter and the consciousness that is perceiving and interpreting matter, thus necessitating the first ever theories of both consciousness and matter. Keywords: Life, Mind, Consciousness, matter, survival of consciousness, afterlife, quantum theory, relativity, four-dimensional, space, five-dimensional, space-time, metric, memory, electromagnetism, scalar potential, vector potential, magnetic potential, physical reality
This paper compares the use of the words consciousness, mind, and intelligence in modern Western culture, which is currently influenced by reductionism (for example, " consciousness with an object "), as opposed to their use in some ancient philosophical traditions (" consciousness without an object "). A new trend in research in the fields of quantum physics and biology is also briefly examined, in consideration of a recent shift in the orientation of Western science. A broader understanding of these important words is proposed, one that aims at asserting the essential spirituality of humans and the true transcendent goal of human life, according to experiential evidence across millennia. Conscience, Esprit, et Intelligence: Recherches et notes Résumé : Cet article compare l'utilisation des mots Conscience, Esprit, et Intelligence dans la culture occidentale moderne qui est actuellement influencée par le réductionnisme, avec leur utilisation chez certaines anciennes traditions philosophiques. De plus, on y examine brièvement une nouvelle tendance dans le domaine de la physique quantique et de la biologie en tenant compte du changement récent dans l'orientation de la science occidentale. La conclusion propose une compréhension élargie de ces mots importants dont le but est d'exprimer la spiritualité essentielle de l'Humanité et du véritable but transcendant de la vie humaine, suivant l'évidence expérientiel à travers les millénaires.
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Akademik Paylaşım Platformu Publishing House, 2024
Avaliação de Desempenho de Tecnologias Construtivas Inovadoras: Conforto Ambiental, Durabilidade e Pós-Ocupação., 2017
Journal of Extreme Events, 2017
História Histórias, 2024
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2024
Advancements in Civil Engineering & Technology, 2019
ریشهشناسی اصطلاح اسلامی الله اکبر, 2022
Revista Brasileira de Qualidade de Vida, 2017
Optoelectronics Letters, 2006
Ideggyógyászati szemle, 2007
Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia, 2018