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Publ shed n 2021 by BAR Publ sh ng, Oxford BAR Internat onal Ser es 3038 Greek, Roman, and Byzant ne Bronzes from Anatol a and Ne ghbour ng Reg ons I S BN978 1 4073 1691 8 paperback I S BN978 1 4073 5455 2 e-format do I https://do .org/10.30861/9781407316918 A catalogue record for th s book s ava lable from the Br t sh L brary © the ed tor and contr butors severally 2021 Cover Image A bronze ch ld’s head at the Museum of Amasra, northwestern Turkey. Image by Ergün Laflı, 2007 The Authors’ moral r ghts under the 1988 UK Copyr ght, Des gns and Patents Act are hereby expressly asserted. All r ghts reserved. No part of th s work may be cop ed, reproduced, stored, sold, d str buted, scanned, saved n any form of d g tal format or transm tted n any form d g tally, w thout the wr tten perm ss on of the Publ sher. L nks to th rd party webs tes are prov ded by BAR Publ sh ng n good fa th and for nformat on only. BAR Publ sh ng d scla ms any respons b l ty for the mater als conta ned n any th rd-party webs te referenced n th s work. BAR t tles are ava lable from: e ma Il ph o Ne Fax BAR Publ sh ng 122 Banbury Rd, Oxford, ox2 7 Bp, uk nfo@barpubl sh ng.com +44 (0)1865 310431 +44 (0)1865 316916 www.barpubl sh ng.com Contents List of abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................................... xi Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................................... xiii Maurizio Buora Abstract and Keywords in English, French, German, Italian and Turkish ............................................................... xv 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Ergün Laflı Part I: Pre-Greek Bronzes from Anatolia ........................................................................................................................ 5 2. The Hittite Sword from the 1991 Season at Boğazköy-Ḫattuša and its Akkadian Inscription ........................... 7 Ahmet Ünal, Ahmet Ertekin and İsmet Ediz 3. A Hittite-Mycenaean Type B-Sword from the Vicinity of Kastamonu (Northwestern Turkey) .........................11 Ahmet Ünal 4. A Significant Metallurgical Find from Çemialo Ridge, in the Upper Tigris Region in Southeastern Turkey: A Lost-Wax Mould ...................................................................................................................................... 21 Derya Yalçıklı 5. Iron Age Fibulae in the Museum of Şanlıurfa in Southeastern Turkey ................................................................ 29 Ergün Laflı and Maurizio Buora 6. Urartian Bronze Clothing Badges from the Museum of Karaman in Central Turkey ...................................... 33 Makbule Ekici Part II: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia ................................................................................... 39 7. A Bronze Kore Statuette from Artemision in Ephesus ........................................................................................... 41 Kurt Gschwantler 8. Archaic Bronzes from Nif (Olympus) Mountain in Ionia (Western Turkey) ...................................................... 51 Daniş Baykan 9. Restorations and Conservation of Bronzes from Nif-Olympus in Ionia (Western Turkey) ............................... 57 Ceren Baykan 10. Lost Bronzes of Asia Minor: Equestrian Images and Public Place ...................................................................... 61 Lucia Nováková 11. A Bronze mirror with Aphrodite and Eros from Nicomedia in Bithynia (Northwestern Turkey) .................... 67 Ergün Laflı and Gülseren Kan Şahin 12. A Group of Bronze Vessels from Arycanda in Lycia (Southern Turkey) ............................................................. 73 Bekir Sıtkı Alptekin Oransay 13. The Bronze Figurine of Hercules from Cremna in Pisidia (Southwestern Turkey) ............................................ 81 Hüseyin Metin 14. Surgical Instruments from Allianoi in Mysia (Western Turkey) .......................................................................... 87 Daniş Baykan 15. Bronze Objects Related to the Cult of Aesculapius from Allianoi in Mysia (Western Turkey) ......................... 91 Daniş Baykan 16. Surgical Instruments from the Necropolis of Juliopolis in Bithynia (Northwestern Central Turkey) .............. 99 Melih Arslan and Mustafa Metin 17. Five Roman Fibulae in the Museum of Kahramanmaraş in Southeastern Turkey .......................................... 125 Ergün Laflı and Maurizio Buora 18. Bronze Finds from the Necropolis of Juliopolis in Bithynia (Northwestern Central Turkey) ......................... 135 Melih Arslan and Candemir Zoroğlu vii Contents 39. A Bronze Figurine of Actaeon from Slovenia ....................................................................................................... 359 Vesna Pintarič Kocuvan 40. Regional Workshops for Bronze Manufacturing Along the Danube Limes in the Province of Upper Moesia (Serbia) ...................................................................................................................................... 363 Deana Ratković 41. Two Roman Bronze Cultic Objects from the Timacum Maius (Eastern Serbia) ............................................ 371 Vladimir P. Petrović and Vojislav Filipović 42. A Hackamore from Šljivovac (Eastern Serbia) .................................................................................................... 375 Milica Tapavički-Ilić and Dragana Spasić-Đurić 43. A Bronze Statuette from Gonio-Apsarus in Georgia .......................................................................................... 383 Nino Sulava 44. Some Thoughts On the Use of Saws in the Ancient Bronze Foundry ............................................................... 387 Jeffrey P. Maish 45. New Approaches for The Study of the Characterisation of Corrosion Patina on Bronze Samples Exposed to Sulfur Dioxide Corrosion Atmosphere ............................................................................................................. 391 Barbara de Filippo, Daniela Ferro and Stefano Natali Part IV: Common Bibliography of the Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions .................................................................................................................................... 399 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................... 401 ix