published: 03 June 2010
doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2010.00006
Reading as active sensing: a computational model of gaze
planning in word recognition
Marcello Ferro1,2, Dimitri Ognibene 2, Giovanni Pezzulo1,2* and Vito Pirrelli 1
Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” – CNR, Pisa, Italy
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione – CNR, Rome, Italy
Edited by:
Angelo Cangelosi, University of
Plymouth, UK
Reviewed by:
Frank van der Velde, Leiden University,
Marco Mirolli, Istituto di Scienze e
Tecnologie della Cognizione, Italy
Giovanni Pezzulo, Istituto di Scienze e
Tecnologie della Cognizione - CNR,
Via S. Martino della Battaglia,
44 - 00185 Rome, Italy.
e-mail: giovanni.pezzulo@cnr.it
We offer a computational model of gaze planning during reading that consists of two main
components: a lexical representation network, acquiring lexical representations from input texts
(a subset of the Italian CHILDES database), and a gaze planner, designed to recognize written
words by mapping strings of characters onto lexical representations. The model implements
an active sensing strategy that selects which characters of the input string are to be fixated,
depending on the predictions dynamically made by the lexical representation network. We
analyze the developmental trajectory of the system in performing the word recognition task
as a function of both increasing lexical competence, and correspondingly increasing lexical
prediction ability. We conclude by discussing how our approach can be scaled up in the context
of an active sensing strategy applied to a robotic setting.
Keywords: reading, active sensing, SOM, prediction, serial order encoding, lexical representation network
The human visual system is essentially active, its processing strategies being tightly coupled with the specific demands of an ongoing
task (Yarbus, 1967; Ballard, 1991; Johansson et al., 2001; O’Regan
and Nöe, 2001). There is ample evidence that in everyday activities,
such as driving, walking or reading, gaze shifts are used to gather
task-relevant information (Triesch et al., 2003; Hayhoe and Ballard,
2005; Land, 2006). Whenever possible, this is done through efficient,
timely selection of the specific information required for a given
stage of the task to be carried out, with no need to store information (Ballard et al., 1995). In most tasks, since visual information
is required at the very early stages of action planning, the strategy
gives rise to anticipatory saccades (e.g., by fixating objects that are
manipulated shortly later, or even seconds later).
One visual task that has been the focus of intense investigation is text reading. Somewhat contrary to commonsense, it does
not consist in the serial fixation of written words from left-toright, but it is a truly active task. In reading a text, some words are
skipped, and occasionally a gaze regression is made to words that
were either already fixated, or skipped. Patterns of eye movements
(including, among other things, the time spent on each fixation
and the average distance the eyes move along while scanning a
text) are complex and depend on a number of factors, including
word frequency, lexical predictability and ambiguity, complexity
in the syntactic structure of input text etc. (see Rayner, 2009 for
a recent review).
In line with this evidence, the present paper intends to investigate the interlocked relationship between processes of self-organizing
lexical storage and learning on the one hand, and, on the other
hand, active sensing strategies for reading that exploit expectations
on stored lexical representations to drive gaze planning. For this
purpose, we shall capitalize on currently emerging views on morphological processing and on the role of anticipatory processes
in reading.
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Word processing has recently been conceptualized as the outcome of simultaneously activating patterns of cortical connectivity,
reflecting (possibly redundant) distributional regularities in the
input at the graphemic, morpho-syntactic and morpho-semantic
levels (Burzio, 2004; Baayen, 2007; Post et al., 2008). This view
argues for a more complex and differentiated neurobiological substrate for human language than both classical dual-route
(Pinker and Prince, 1988; Prasada and Pinker, 1993; Pinker and
Ullman, 2002; Ullman, 2004) and connectionist one-route models (McClelland and Patterson, 2002; Westermann and Plunkett,
2007) can posit. Brain areas devoted to word processing appear
to maximize the opportunity of using both general and specific
information simultaneously (Libben, 2006), rather than maximize
processing efficiency and economy of storage.
Topological models of lexical self-organization can shed light
on such a dynamic view of word processing from a computational
perspective (Pirrelli, 2007; Pirrelli et al., in press). In these models, lexical storage and learning is based on the concurrent selforganization of “spatial” word-based information (e.g. segmental
or graphemic patterns) and temporal (i.e. sequential) information,
accounting for concomitant effects of redundant morphological
structure and predictive parsing, as well as for short-term and longterm memory effects in the encoding and processing of symbolic
sequences. This makes spatio-temporal self-organizing networks
of this kind ideally suitable for investigating anticipatory processes
in word recognition and reading.
Experimental studies based on ERP (event-related potentials)
and eye-movement evidence show that people use prior (lexical and semantic) contextual knowledge to anticipate upcoming
words (Altmann and Kamide, 1999; Federmeier, 2007). DeLong
et al. (2005) demonstrate that expected words are pre-activated in
subjects’ brain in a graded fashion, reflecting their expected probability. This body of evidence provides a solid empirical ground to
the probabilistic approach to lexical prediction and gaze planning
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proposed here. In our model, the probability distribution of stored
lexical representations is the main input to the gaze planner, since
(parts of) words predicted with high accuracy can be skipped
safely during reading (as demonstrated empirically by Ehrlich and
Rayner, 1981; Rayner and Well, 1996). Moreover, new information
that is (retrospectively) judged as unpredictable and surprising
can determine longer fixations, regressions, or revision of lexical
The aforementioned evidence provides the foundations of our
modeling approach to gaze planning, in which two components
interact: a lexical representation network, and a gaze planner
proper. We offer a model of how lexical representations and lexical
predictions can be exploited as a basis for an active reading strategy,
and analyze the developmental trajectory of the system in a word
recognition task as a function of increasing lexical competence and
lexical prediction ability. It is worth noting that the interactions
between (predictive) learning of task representations and active
sensing strategies during task learning and execution are not confined to the linguistic domain, addressed here, but are characteristic
of a wide variety of sensorimotor tasks: hence the interest of our
approach in developmental robotics studies in general.
of classes of sensory data. Processing in such neural aggregations
(called brain maps) consists in the activation (or firing) of one or
more neurons, each time a particular stimulus is presented. A crucial
feature of brain maps is their topological organization (Penfield and
Rasmussen, 1950; Penfield and Roberts, 1959): nearby neurons in
the map are fired by similar stimuli. Although some brain maps are
taken to be genetically pre-programmed, there is evidence that at least
some aspects of such global neural organization emerge as a function
of the sensory experience accumulated through learning (Kaas et al.
1983; Jenkins et al. 1984). Functionally, brain maps are thus dynamic
memory stores, directly involved in input processing, and exhibiting
effects of dedicated long-term topological organization.
A THSOM is a SOM augmented with a temporal connection layer
(Figure 1). Classical components of a SOM are parallel processing nodes (or receptors) arranged in a grid or map. Each node in
the map is synaptically connected with all elements of the input
layer, where input vectors are encoded. Each connection is treated
as a communication channel with no time delay, whose synaptic
strength is modeled by a weight value. Each receptor is thus associated with one space weight vector defined on the spatial connection
layer. We distinguish here the input space, staked out by the defining
dimensions of the input layer, from the map space, i.e. the (usually
two-dimensional) grid where receptors are spatially located.
Our gaze planning model consists of a lexical representation network,
and the gaze planner proper. The lexical representation network is
implemented as a Temporal Hebbian Self-Organizing Map (THSOM;
Koutnik, 2007), an extension of Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Maps
(SOMs; Kohonen, 2001) that, in addition to developing topological patterns of input data, models their temporal sequences and
supports prediction.
Based on the input provided by a THSOM trained on written
words, the gaze planner implements an active sensing strategy for
reading. The model actively selects where the next fixation should
be placed, rather than passively scanning all text input, from leftto-right at an even pace. We model the problem of planning gaze
sequences in reading as a Bayesian sequential decision process. The
eye/gaze controller plans an optimal active sensing strategy (under
uncertainty) by weighting up future (lexical) information gain and
costs. In particular, our target function is to maximize the (expected)
information gain (i.e., how much new lexical information is gained
through each gaze), minimize the amount of uncertainty in lexical
representations (i.e., disambiguate between competing words, say,
“house” and “horse”), and minimize costs (i.e., time spent, effort
required for short and long saccades). We tested the gaze planner
at different stages of lexical acquisition and analyzed the developmental trajectories of eye-movement patterns as a function of
(i) the growing lexical complexity of input text, and (ii) the level
of reader’s lexical competence modeled by a THSOM. Our gaze
planning algorithm was eventually compared with two (Bayesian)
strategies that use complete information on word statistics.
(Topological) Temporal Hebbian Self-Organizing Map (T(2)HSOM)
SOMs define a class of unsupervised clustering algorithms that
mimic the behavior of medium to small aggregations of neurons in
the cortical area of the brain, involved in the specialized processing
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FIGURE 1 | Architecture of a THSOM.
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In a classical SOM, learning is measured in time steps, with
each step corresponding to exposure to a single stimulus token.
A time step includes three phases: input encoding, input activation
and input learning. When a stimulus is encoded on the input layer,
all map nodes are activated in parallel as a function of how close
their weights are to values of the current input vector. Learning
consists in adjusting weights on the spatial connection layer for
them to get closer to the corresponding values on the input layer.
Weight adjustment does not apply evenly across map nodes and
time steps, but depends on similarity to the input vector, learning
rate and space topology. At each time step, the most strongly adjusted
node is the most highly firing one, or Best Matching Unit (BMU).
All other nodes are adjusted as a function of their distance from
BMU on the map (or neighborhood function). Weights of nodes
that lie close to BMU are made more similar to input values than
weights of nodes lying further away from BMU. After adjustment,
the time step counter is increased by one tick, the map activation
is reset and another input stimulus is encoded. Both learning rate
(α) and neighborhood function (ν) vary through time to simulate
the behavior of a brain map losing its plasticity.
A THSOM models synchronization between two BMUs firing at
consecutive time steps. This means that a THSOM can remember, at
time t, its state of activation at time t−1 and can make an association
between the two states. This is possible by augmenting traditional
SOMs with an additional layer of synaptic connections between
each single node and all other nodes on the map (Figure 1). For each
node, this defines a further association with a time weight vector.
Connections on this layer (referred to in Figure 1 as the temporal
connection layer) are treated as communication channels whose
synaptic strength is modeled by a weight value updated with a fixed
one-step time delay. Weights on the temporal layer are adjusted
with a Hebbian learning strategy (Hebb, 1949) based on activity
synchronization of BMU at time t−1 and BMU at time t.
During training, the temporal connection between the two
BMUs is potentiated (Figure 2A), while the temporal connections between all other nodes and BMU at time t are depressed
(Figure 2B). Logically, this amounts to enforcing the entailment
BMUt → BMUt−1. Finally, unlike classical SOMs, the level of activation of a THSOM node at time t is determined by the summation
of two vector distances: the distance between the current input
vector and the node’s space weight vector (as in traditional SOMs),
and the distance between the node’s time weight vector and the state
of activation of the whole map at time t−1.
When trained on time series of input vectors, a THSOM develops (i) a topological organization of receptors by their sensitivity
to similar input vectors (or spatial similarity) and (ii) a first-order
time-bound correlation between BMUs activated at two consecutive time steps.
Knowledge of a trained THSOM is stored in the synaptic weights
of its nodes. We can calibrate the map by assigning a label to each
map node. A label is the input symbol which the node is most
sensitive to, that is whose input vector matches the node’s space
vector best. Labeling reveals the topological coherence of the resulting organization (Figure 4). Receptors that are fired by similar
FIGURE 2 | THSOM temporal layer plasticity. (A) potentiation; (B) depression.
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input vectors tend to stick together in the map space. Large areas
of receptors are recruited for frequently occurring input vectors. In
particular, if the same input vector occurs in different contexts, the
map tends to recruit specialized receptors that are sensitive to the
specific contexts where the input vector is found. The more varied
the distributional behavior of an input vector, the larger the area
of dedicated receptors (space allowing).
This dynamics is coherent with a learning strategy that minimizes entropy over inter-node connections. For each map node nj,
we transform connection weights into transition probabilities by
simply normalizing the weight of a single outgoing (post-synaptic)
connection by the summation of the weights over all outgoing connections from nj. The resulting transition matrix is used to analyze
the performance of the model at recall and in particular: (1) the
entropy level of each node according to Shannon and Weaver’s
equation; (2) variation in the entropy of an input sequence as it
unfolds its activation over the map; (3) the ability of the map to
predict an input sequence, expressed in terms of average (un)certainty in guessing the next transition.
We shall return to a detailed analysis of these aspects later in
the paper. Suffice it to say at this juncture that the topological
dynamics of a map constrains the degree of freedom to recruit
dedicated receptors, as all receptors compete for space on the map.
As a result, low-frequency input vectors may lack dedicated receptors after training. By the same token, dedicated receptors may
generalize over many instances of the same input vector, gaining
in generality but losing in modeling their distributional behavior.
The main consequence of a poor modeling of the time-bound
distribution of input vectors is an increasing level of entropy, as
more context-free nodes present more post-synaptic connections.
However, topological generalization is essential for a map to learn
symbolic sequences whose complexity exceeds the map’s memory
resources (i.e. the number of available nodes). Moreover, lack of
topological organization makes it difficult for a large map to converge on learning simple tasks, as the map has no pressure to treat
identical input tokens as instances of the same type.
Pirrelli et al. (in press) originally extend Koutnik’s THSOM
architecture by using the neighborhood function as a principle
of organization of connections on the temporal connection layer
(Figures 3A,B). An additional depressant Hebbian rule penalizes
the temporal connections between BMU at time t−1 and all nodes
lying outside the neighborhood of BMU at time t (Figure 3C).
This is equivalent to the logical entailment BMUt−1 → BMUt. Taken
together, the temporal connections depicted in Figure 3 enforce
a bi-directional entailment between BMUt−1 and BMUt inducing
a bias for biunique first-order Hebbian connections. THSOMs
that are augmented with this bias are called Topological Temporal
Hebbian Self-Organizing Map (T 2HSOM).
In T2HSOM, input vectors can be similar for two independent
and potentially conflicting reasons: (i) they have vector representations that are close in the input space; (ii) they distribute similarly,
i.e. they tend to be found in similar sequences. Unlike a THSOM,
which is sensitive to space similarity only, a T2HSOM tries to optimize topological clustering according to both criteria for similarity
at the same time. Pirrelli and colleagues show that the dynamic
cooperation/competition between the two criteria for similarity is
instrumental in capturing paradigmatic effects in the topological
organization of the morphological lexicon.
To sum up this long excursus, the overall organization of a
T (2)HSOM1 after training can be characterized as follows: (1) if
space allows, one topologically connected cluster is present for each
Hereafter, we shall use the acronym T(2)HSOM when we want to say things that
apply to both temporal variants of SOMs illustrated in the present section.
FIGURE 3 | T2HSOM temporal layer plasticity. (A) potentiation; (B,C) depression.
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symbol; for lack of space, receptors can act as abstract states, fired
by a class of similar symbols; (2) receptors that are sensitive to
similar symbols are close on the map; (3) the temporal distribution of a symbol may carve out hierarchical sub-clusters within the
main cluster for that symbol; (4) the size of a cluster depends on
both frequency and the temporal distribution of the corresponding
symbol. In the following section we illustrate how T(2)HSOM can
be used to develop lexical representations.
Building a Lexical Network with a T(2)HSOM
A T(2)HSOM can learn word forms as time series of alphabetic
characters flanked on either side by a start-of-word symbol (‘#’)
and an end-of-word symbol (‘$’), as in “#,F,A,C,C,I,O,$”.
At each time step, the map is exposed to one single character in
its left-to-right order of appearance. Upon exposure to the endof-word symbol ‘$’, the map resets its Hebbian connections thus
losing memory of the correlation between two consecutive word
forms. In fact, word forms are repeatedly presented to the map in a
random order as a function of their frequency in the training data
set. Such a deliberately simplified version of the language learning
task helps the map to focus on aspects of word-internal structure,
abstracting away from other potentially confounding factors.
By being trained on several lexical sequences of this kind, a
T(2)HSOM (i) develops internal representations of alphabetic
characters, (ii) connects them through first-order Hebbian links,
(iii) clusters developed representations topologically. The three
steps are not taken one after the other but dynamically interact in
non trivial ways. From a logical view point, step (i) corresponds
to learning individual symbols by recruiting specialized receptors that are increasingly more sensitive to one symbol or class of
symbols. Generally speaking, low-frequency symbols are slower in
recruiting dedicated receptors than high-frequency symbols are.
Step (ii) allows the map to develop selective paths through consecutively activated BMUs. This corresponds to learning word forms
or recurrent parts of them. Once more, this is a function of the
frequency with which symbol sequences are presented to the map.
Finally, step (iii) uses either spatial information only (THSOMs)
or both spatial and temporal information (T2HSOMs) to cluster
nodes topologically. Accordingly, nodes that compete for the same
symbol stick together on the map. Moreover, they tend to form subclusters to reflect distributionally different instances of the same
symbol. For example, the symbol A in “#,F,A,C,C,I,O,$” (faccio, ‘I
do’) will fire, if space allows, a different node than the same symbol
in “#,S,E,M,B,R,A,$” (sembra, ‘it seems’).
An example of a trained lexical map is shown in Figure 4. The map
is calibrated, with each node being labeled by the alphabetic character
that most strongly activates it. Arrows pictorially represent synaptic
connections between consecutively activated BMUs. In the figure,
shades of grey represent different transition probabilities (connection
weights), from black (high values) to light grey (low values).
In some cases, it is possible to follow a continuous path of connections going from ‘#’ (start-of-word) to ‘$’ (end-of-word). Only
high-frequency word forms, however, are associated with a full path
of inter-node connections after training. In the vast majority of
cases, only recurring subsequences of activated nodes show strong
connection patterns. These may correspond to inflectional endings
(such as “I,A,M,O,$” in the figure), verb stems or parts of them.
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FIGURE 4 | Sample map during learning. Darker edges represent more
probable transitions, and lighter edges represent less probable ones.
The second component of our model is the gaze planner. A gaze
planner can be conceptualized as a Bayesian ideal-observer, i.e. “a
theoretical device that performs a given task in an optimal fashion,
given the available information and some specified constraints”
(Geisler, 2003, p. 825) spelled out in the framework of Bayesian
statistical decision theory. In this framework, one typically assumes
that in vision tasks humans behave as (approximate) optimal
Bayesian decision makers. Alternatively, one can use the ideal-observer perspective to derive an optimal strategy, without assuming
that humans use it, and compare human performance against it
with the objective to discover analogies and differences.
In Bayesian analysis, one important aspect of information acquisition is the reduction of uncertainty over the variables that are
relevant to the task at hand (e.g., location of objects in space, and/
or their orientation, etc.). Reduction of uncertainty is not only
valuable per se, but also in connection with action execution and
behavioral decisions to be taken in the task. This aspect is captured
by the notion of value of information (Howard, 1966): information
has a value, which depends on the extent to which it is expected to
disambiguate alternative beliefs and (particularly) make behavioral choice effective. That is, new information that could prompt
a decision change is more valuable. By estimating the expected
value of gazes, a system can select the gaze planning strategy that
maximizes the value of acquired information (Sprague and Ballard,
2003; Nelson and Cottrell, 2007 among others).
To design our gaze planning algorithms, we drew inspiration
from the Bayesian ideal-observer analysis. Here ‘task knowledge’
consists in lexical representations, and the task to be performed is
recognizing written words in a text by reading a variable number of
characters from left-to-right. Note that word recognition is simpler
than reading, as only the latter requires a grapheme-to-phoneme
mapping function. In word recognition, a Bayesian ideal-observer
strategy makes use of lexical predictions to estimate the expected
value gain of prospective gazes. This is conducive to gaze plans
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that aim to maximize such gain under time constraints and in the
presence of uncertainty. On the basis on this general idea, we tested
three gaze planning algorithms.
Algorithm 1
The first algorithm implements a simplified prediction-based procedure, which consists in skipping all characters that can be predicted reliably (i.e., above a given threshold) by a T(2)HSOM.
All characters (with the exception of the start-of-word symbol
‘#’) making up a written input word are initially masked by ‘*’. For
example, at the outset, the word “#,F,A,C,C,I,O,$” is shown to the
gaze planner as the string ‘#,*,*,*,*,*,*,*’. The algorithm starts from
the first unmasked character ‘#’ and looks into a trained T(2)HSOM
for a set of (probabilistic) predictions over all ‘#’-ensuing characters.
This is done by looking at the most highly activated node (BMU)
when the input symbol ‘#’ is shown to the map, and by inspecting the set of current BMU’s post-synaptic connections (i.e. its
outgoing transitions). The gaze planner then decides whether the
coming written character(s) should be skipped or not depending
on how accurate the T(2)HSOM’s prediction(s) are. If the highest weight of a BMU’s post-synaptic connection (say ‘#’ → ‘C’) is
above a set threshold, then an input character is skipped in reading
and the gaze planner takes ‘C’ as the next input character. If no
post-synaptic weight exceeds the threshold, control is returned to
reading and the ensuing written character is unmasked. When the
system reaches the end-of-word symbol ‘$’, then the sequence of
guessed/read symbols is returned and evaluated against the current input word.
Note that the gaze planner is provided with a fovea that fixates only one character at a time (there being no periphery). In
other terms, each landing position provides information about one
character at a time. Due to the absence of periphery, the system
cannot use the strategy that appears to be the most widely used by
human readers, i.e., planning the landing positions around the word
center (with an additional systematic error, which might derive
from Bayesian estimation; see Engbert and Krügel, 2010). For the
sake of simplicity, we further assume here that there are no landing errors, and that gazed characters are perfectly recognized. The
algorithm, intended to focus on the importance of prediction, is
not only (computationally) simpler than minimizing vocabulary
entropy (as in Algorithm 3 below), but takes into account at the
same time reduction of uncertainty and sequential nature of the
reading task, without introducing motor costs for planning saccades
of different amplitude (i.e. longer saccades are more costly for the
motor system to execute, and more noisy on average).
Algorithms 2 and 3
Like Algorithm 1, Algorithm 2 scans an input word from left-toright, starting from the first symbol and trying to make predictions
about the upcoming characters on the basis of information on their
immediate predecessor. Transition probabilities are estimated here
through complete statistical information about the distribution
of characters in the full training lexicon. If transition probabilities
exceed a set threshold, a prediction is made and the corresponding
letter in the input word is skipped. If the guessed character is not
‘$’, then a novel belief about another upcoming character is entertained, based on the previously guessed information.
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Algorithm 3 makes no full left-to-right scanning of the input
text and tries to minimize the number of reading steps required to
identify the full word correctly. At each reading step, it places the
gaze upon that position in the input string associated with the lowest
possible entropy score. Entropy here is defined as a function of the
number (and frequency) of outstanding word candidates that remain
to be evaluated once the character in the selected position is read off.
Suppose, for the sake of concreteness, that the lexicon is made up
out of two strings only, say ABC and ABD. In this case, to establish
which of the two words is currently input, reading either the first
or the second character would not minimize entropy, as it does not
reduce the number of possible candidates. Only the character in third
position would reduce uncertainty to zero and thus represents the
optimal character to be gazed at. In realistic scenarios, at each reading
step new entropic scores are estimated on the basis of a shrinking set
of candidate words, until one candidate word only is left.
The three algorithms were tested in two different experiments. For
all of them, we used the same set of training data. Training data and
testing data were identical in all reported simulations.
We tested the Algorithm 1 from Section “Gaze planning in reading:
a Bayesian ideal-observer perspective”, where gaze planning is based
on the capacity of a trained T(2)HSOM to predict written lexical
representations. A THSOM and a T2HSOM were independently
trained on the same set of Italian written verb forms and results
on both trials were compared. Both SOMs were bi-dimensional
square grids of 25 × 25 nodes.
Training materials
The training data set contained distinct present indicative forms
of 10 Italian verbs, for a total of 66 different forms, whose frequency distributions were sampled from the Calambrone section
of the Italian CHILDES sub-corpus (MacWhinney, 2000), of about
110,000 token words. The average word length was 6.5 characters
(see the frequency distribution in Figure 7A). Forms were mostly
selected from regular, formally transparent morphological paradigms. Nonetheless, some subregular high-frequency forms were
introduced in the training set to monitor their representational
trajectories during learning.
Written forms were represented as sequences of alphabetic characters between ‘#’ and ‘$’. To train the lexical network, alphabetic
characters were encoded through a distributed, grapheme-based
representation consisting of a 20-element vector, with each element
encoding a specific feature of the graphical rendering of orthographic symbols cast into the grid of Figure 5.
Training protocol
Lexical network. Both maps were trained over 100 epochs. For
each epoch, the training data set was treated as an urn containing
verb forms. In the urn, the number of (identical) verb forms of the
same type reflected the frequency of the verb type in our reference
corpus. One verb form at a time was drawn from the urn, and its
spelling retrieved. Each character in the spelling was converted
into a distributed grapheme-based input vector and was shown to
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FIGURE 5 | Representation of a capital “A” in the graphical grid.
a T(2)HSOM in its order of appearance. When the ‘$’ symbol of the
current input word form was shown, the internal clock of the map
was reset and the word discarded. Another word was then drawn
from the lexical urn and the whole training process was repeated
over again until the urn was emptied.
Gaze planner. The same set of verb forms used for training
the SOMs was then used for testing the gaze planner. Word
forms are presented as dynamically unmasked sequences of
characters (see “Gaze planning in reading: a Bayesian idealobserver perspective”).
Figure 6 shows the results of the two networks in the word
recognition task, broken down by learning epochs (which is also an
indirect evaluation of the topological organization of the trained
SOMs, see Pirrelli et al., in press). The values reported in Figure 6
are averaged over repeated (10) experiments for each network. In
particular, we measured the algorithm’s accuracy rate (the percentage
of words that were identified correctly) and prediction rate (the percentage of characters that were predicted, not necessarily correctly, and
thus skipped in reading) over 100 learning epochs, by plotting them
against increasing levels of confidence (x axis). Low levels of confidence indicate that the gaze planner has a tendency to skip characters
even though they are not strongly predicted by the network connections. Higher confidence thresholds correspond to a more conservative attitude towards reading, whereby only highly predictable ensuing
characters are skipped. Clearly, lower thresholds yield less accurate
results (the ascending solid line in the panels) and higher percentages
of guessed symbols (descending dashed line in the panels).
Careful analysis of the developmental trajectories of both models
throws some notable phenomena in relief. Both models increase their
overall accuracy rate as learning progresses. At the beginning, there
are no specialized receptors for each character in the alphabet. Hence,
networks are not able to recognize every single character. For instance,
it might happen that a ‘C’ is presented to a network, but the corresponding BMU is labeled as a ‘G’. This explains the poor performance
in the first 20 epochs, even when almost all characters are read. In
addition, over the first 30 epochs, transition probabilities are too low
to be used effectively, and nearly every character has to be read.
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Observe the different developmental stages the two networks
go through (Figure 6). Both maps converge on full scale accuracy
rates (i.e. 100%) and comparable prediction rates, with Koutnik’s
THSOM averaging 44.7% per word prediction at a 0.93 level of confidence, and the T2HSOM scoring 40.6% per word prediction at 0.89,
after 100 learning epochs. Note, however, that Koutnik’s THSOM
converges remarkably more quickly than T2HSOM. THSOM exhibits
a tendency to retain longer stretches of input words at a faster pace
than T2HSOM, as shown by the overall number of saccades of varying length in the two models (Figures 7B,C respectively). The reason
for this behavior lies in the capacity of THSOMs to “pack” more
nodes that are competing for the same symbol in a comparatively
smaller area of the map. Recall that, in T2HSOMs, competing receptors strongly inhibit each other and can coexist only at a distance.
The same constraint does not hold for THSOMs, where contextsensitive receptors of the same symbol do not fight for short-range
survival. A wider range of context-sensitive receptors minimizes the
number of post-synaptic connections, thereby minimizing per node
entropy and facilitating memorization of longer symbol chains.
On the other hand, strong competition between symbol tokens
in complementary distribution is helpful in learning morphological
structure. Tested on the task of identifying morpheme boundaries
within inflected forms, the two maps show a reversed accuracy pattern: T2HSOMs are consistently better at finding morpheme transitions than THSOMs are. A 15 × 15 nodes T2HSOM is able to identify
morpheme boundaries with 71% accuracy, while a THSOM of the
same size has an accuracy of 64% on the same task and test data.
Once more, when map size increases, accuracy scores of the two
maps level out. Figure 8 shows transition probabilities at morpheme
boundaries in the present indicative forms of the verb CREDERE
(‘believe’), plotted against learning epochs. In a THSOM (Figure 8A)
lack of inhibition between complementarily distributed endings
blots out the difference in frequency distribution among them. On
the other hand, a T2HSOM proves to be sensitive to the uneven
distribution of forms in the paradigm (Figure 8B). This is shown to
have important consequences in learning and access of lexical representations in human speakers (Baayen, 2007) and is demonstrably
related to levels of difficulty in reading morphologically complex
words by dyslexic and non dyslexic subjects (Burani et al., 2008).
In this experiment we tested the results of the two Bayesian models
of gaze planning informally described in Section “Gaze planning
in reading: a Bayesian ideal-observer perspective”. Like our T(2)
HSOM-based models, Algorithm 2 skips upcoming characters
that are predicted reliably, but operates on complete word statistics and uses Bayes rules to update transition probabilities. Results
are illustrated in Figure 9, plotted against levels of confidence.
Unsurprisingly, the performance of the system is better; in particular, with a threshold of 0.85, the system reaches 100% performance and predicts 54% of the characters. In addition, even
with lower thresholds the correctness rate is high; this is due to
the high prediction accuracy of the system. Therefore, the main
lesson learned from this comparison is that the lexical representation network is still limited in its prediction ability, due to its
local learning steps and its incrementality. We argue that this is
the price we have to pay for modeling human behavior in a more
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FIGURE 6 | Results of the word identification experiment for 66 words in the corpus. The vertical dotted line indicates the optimal confidence threshold. (A)
THSOM model; (B) T2HSOM model.
realistic way. In fact, it is dubious that children can supposedly be
engaged in a search for global optimization strategies in learning
word reading.
Algorithm 3 (also adopted in the design of Mr. Chips, Legge
et al., 1997, 2002) implements the Bayesian ideal-observer procedure described above2. It calculates the expected informa2
The algorithms we present here were selected as benchmarks for their simplicity,
and many others could be adopted that implement similar ideal-observer strategy,
with the addition of extra constraints. First, note that the strategy implemented
here is myopic, in that the information gain is calculated only for the next saccade,
and not (cumulatively) for whole sequences of saccades. Although the latter strategy is optimal in principle, it is however extremely demanding in computational
terms. In addition, one could take into consideration extra factors, such as (motor)
costs for the saccades, so that longer saccades are dispreferred, or costs for errors
in the word recognition, so that system must find the minimum cumulative loss
instead of simply minimizing the number of saccades. Note also that alternative
Bayesian strategies have been proposed such as the “optimal ambiguity resolution”
procedure of (Chater et al., 1998), which introduces a bias to choose interpretations
which make specific predictions, and which might be falsified quickly.
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tion gain (i.e., difference between future and present entropy)
of each possible character, and gazes the one with the highest
information gain, independently of its position in the word.
This is done again until the word is identified with 100% probability. This algorithm is optimal in Bayesian terms, with 2.42
gazes on average per word (from 2 to 4 gazes), corresponding to
30.1% read characters only, with a variance of 0.09. Recognition
is 100% accurate. As expected, its performance is significantly
better than the other algorithms presented here, at the cost of
stronger assumptions (complete knowledge and indifference to
the order of characters in words). The comparison sheds light on
the difficulty of the task we designed. Indeed, our results show
that the number of characters that could be skipped while preserving optimal performance is limited (consider however that
in human reading and comprehension, predictions can be done
at multiple levels, e.g., lexical, syntactic, semantic; see Pickering
and Garrod, 2007).
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FIGURE 7 | Training corpus word frequency histogram (A) and saccade frequency histogram test results; (B) THSOM model; (C) T2HSOM model.
Our experimental results, on the other hand, cannot be compared directly to human reading data. Not only human reading
skills are considerably more sophisticated compared to our algorithm, but there are differences in the task requirements too. The
human fovea can see about four or five characters around the
fixation point with 100% acuity, and up to 10 times more with
increasingly less acuity. On the contrary, we used a ‘fovea’ that
only extracts 1 character per time. For this reason, it is reasonable that human saccades are on average 2–3 times longer (7–9
characters) than those obtained in our experiments (2–3 characters on average). In addition, the task we used was simplified
compared to reading. For instance, humans ‘backtrack’ while
reading (probably for correcting implausible interpretations).
Our system was not allowed to backtrack, instead; wrong interpretations counted as errors.
We have implemented a computational model of eye movements in
language reading that integrates two components: a lexical representation network and a gaze planner. The lexical representation network
is a temporal self-organizing map, combining overlaying memory
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patterns with chains of first-order weighted Hebbian connections.
From a cognitive perspective, this novel network architecture has
two interesting implications.
A trained temporal map behaves like a first-order stochastic
Markov chain, with inter-node connections building expectations
about possible word forms on the basis of a global topological
organization of already known forms. The model prompts a reappraisal of the traditional melee between one-route and dual-route
models of morphology processing and learning, as it contextually represents lexical memory patterns and rule-like predictions.
Furthermore, the architecture has something to say about the representation of serial order information in short-term and long-term
memory structures.
Botvinick and Plaut (2006) contrast two general computational
approaches to modeling short-term memory for serial order:
weight-based models and activation-based models. In weight-based
approaches (see, e.g., Grossberg, 1986; Houghton, 1990; Burgess
and Hitch, 1992, 1999; Houghton and Hartley, 1996; Hartley and
Houghton, 1996; Henson, 1996, 1998; Brown et al., 2000), serial
encoding and recall depend on transient associative links between
item and context representations, with associative links being
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FIGURE 8 | Transition probabilities over morpheme boundaries in
CREDERE (‘believe’). (A) THSOM model; (B) T2HSOM model.
established by changing the connection weights between processing units, upon presentation of a sequence to be recalled. Weightbased models may differ in the nature of the context representation
they use, but they all agree that serial recall does not involve incremental learning. Thus, although they prove to be able to replicate a wide range of detailed behavioral findings about human
subjects, they have so far failed to simulate effects of background
long-term knowledge (e.g. Baddeley’s so-called bigram frequency
effect, Baddeley, 1964).
Unlike weight-based approaches, activation-based memory
mechanisms (such as recurrent neural networks and the T(2)
HSOMs presented here) adjust weights gradually, over many
learning trials, but performance of network recall is evaluated
by holding weights constant and using sustained activation patterns. Botvinick and Plaut (2006) show that recurrent neural
networks can account for long-term memory effects, while, at the
same time, replicating several behavioral facts of human recall.
However, this is achieved by accounting for short-term effects
of serial recall on the basis of long-term memory effects. This
is somewhat questionable. First, it makes short-term memory
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entirely depend on long-term memory mechanisms. In a developmental perspective, the causal relationship is in fact reversed
(although reciprocal effects are also observed). For example,
problems with short-term memory processing are known to
cause delays in child vocabulary acquisition (Shallice and Vallar,
1990; Papagno et al., 1991; Service, 1992 to mention a few). As
observed by Baddeley (2007), children with higher short-term
memory capacity are able to hold on to new words for longer,
increasing the likelihood of long-term lexical learning. Finally,
Botvinick and Plaut’s (2006) approach makes the paradoxical
suggestion that human performance on immediate serial recall
develops through direct practice on the task, rather than using
the task to probe short-term memory capacities.
In T(2)HSOMs, the learning regime is unsupervised and memory
effects are not based upon recall performance. Moreover, shortterm memory and long-term memory work according to two
different dynamics. Serial encoding in a temporal map requires
sustained activation of BMUs and their one-way associative connections. Sustained activation chains of this kind are triggered upon
presentation of an input sequence (see Building a Lexical Network
with a T(2)HSOM above). We further argue here that, by smoothing
the decay function over consecutive time steps, activation chains
can also simulate effects of immediate serial recall. Serial learning, on the other hand, adjusts connection weights gradually, for
them to keep track of the most frequently activated connections.
Hence long-term entrenchment of one-way Hebbian connections
is the result of repeated exposure to frequent time series of symbols.
When long-term entrenchment sets in, it can affect immediate recall
through anticipatory activation of the most frequently activated
connection chains. In fact, this is the same mechanism we used in
this paper to predict upcoming words. Temporal maps thus point
to a profound continuity between word prediction, repetition and
learning. Nonetheless they assume that short-term memory and
long-term memory are based on different temporal dynamics, in
line with neurobiological approaches (Pulvermüller, 2003) according to which long-term memory refers to consolidation of associative networks and short-term memory is (transient) activation of
the same networks.
The gaze planner is motivated by a Bayesian ideal-observer perspective. It bears resemblances to Mr. Chips (Legge et al., 1997, 2002),
the first computational model based on an ideal-observer analysis,
to the Bayesian reader (Norris, 2006), and to other Bayesian computational models of reading (Sprague and Ballard, 2003; Nelson and
Cottrell, 2007). In all these systems, lexical predictions drive attention in such a way that uncertainty about environmental variables
that are task relevant is reduced. This is done either by minimizing
entropy, or by minimizing a combination of entropy and movement (i.e. saccade amplitude) costs. Compared to these models, our
system adopts the simpler principle of gazing at the next character
that cannot be reliably predicted, and works on top of learned (selforganized) lexical representations and lexical predictions.
Since a T(2)HSOM modifies its lexical representations and
predictions during learning, our computational model allows
us to analyze how gaze planning varies during reading, depending on the system’s lexical knowledge. In particular, it offers a
framework to study the interrelated developmental trajectories
of (lexical) knowledge acquisition and gaze planning during
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Reading as active sensing
FIGURE 9 | Results of the first algorithm having complete knowledge of the word statistics.
reading. To the best of our knowledge, there is no extensive
empirical study of this aspect in reading, whereas relevant data
exist related to other tasks. For instance, a recent study has investigated how visual strategies change when the subject learns a
novel visuomotor task (Sailer et al., 2005). The authors found
that better performance correlated with changes in gaze planning. At a first stage, hit rate was low and gaze was reactive,
whereas in the second and third stages hit rate was higher and
gaze become increasingly more predictive. In our experiments,
we observed the same pattern of behavior, with the development of increasingly reliable predictions that were conducive
to planning anticipatory strategies.
Surely, this developmental pattern is not confined to the domain
of reading or vision. Several studies in other fields, such as motor
development (von Hofsten, 2004), have revealed that the development of predictive abilities determines an increasing reliance
on prospective behavior and is a necessary precondition for the
rise of more and more complex cognitive abilities (for a discussion of this topic, see Pezzulo and Castelfranchi, 2007; Butz, 2008;
Pezzulo, 2008).
Our approach to reading as an active sensing process is based
on representations and predictions that are increasingly refined
through learning. This makes our model particular fit for developmental robotic implementations. Through our methodology,
lexical representations can be acquired and further exploited to
engage in both linguistic and extra-linguistic tasks in humanrobot, or robot-robot scenarios. In addition, the model can be
extended to study the acquisition of referential capabilities in
robots. This could be done, for instance, by coupling many T(2)
HSOMs, one for each domain (visuomotor, linguistic, etc.), for
acquiring a combined lexical representation of a word such as
ball, a visual representation of balls, and a set of actions to be
performed on balls, so that the robot can use language to refer to
objects and actions in the world, along the lines of recent computational studies that combine linguistic and sensorimotor processes (Cangelosi and Harnad, 2001; Roy, 2005; Sugita and Tani,
2005; Wermter et al., 2005).
It is worth noting that our active sensing methodology is
applicable outside the linguistic domain. In general, the problem
of how, during development, task representations are acquired
and determine increasingly sophisticated active sensing strategies, is characteristic of any form of sensorimotor learning. In
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addition, as pointed out above, there is substantial evidence that
anticipatory processes drive visual strategies in many visuomotor tasks (Hayhoe and Ballard, 2005). Therefore, by using T(2)
HSOMs to encode sensorimotor rather than linguistic predictions, our methodology could be adopted for the visual guidance
of actions, with attention going where (task) relevant information is expected to be.
We rapidly mention here two aspects of our model that are particularly promising for future work. The predictive nature of our model
makes room for novelty detection (Bishop, 1994), i.e. identification
of novel data from on the basis of marginal density. In particular,
the model could classify words or sentences as novel. In turn, novelty detection is a fundamental precondition for active learning
based on adaptive curiosity, which consists in focusing learning on
novel but still predictable parts of the data, for which the system
can actually improve its predictions (Schmidhuber, 1991). In our
current model, the two sub-tasks of lexical acquisition and word
recognition are carried out independently. However, they could be
combined so that the gaze planning mechanism is active during
learning and the novelty detection mechanism can affect learning lexical representations in the T(2)HSOM. In the first learning
stages, when lexical representations in the T(2)HSOMs are not fully
developed and reliable, most input text contributes novel information, with few characters being skipped and lexical representations being frequently revised. When lexical representations in the
T(2)HSOMs get more deeply entrenched and dependable, novelties become more rare, more characters are skipped, and lexical
representations get revised only occasionally.
Another possible extension of our model is using a cascaded
asynchronous T(2)HSOM architecture, with higher-level maps
sampling the activation state of lower-level maps at increasingly
larger time intervals. In this architecture, short-range (i.e., phonological and morphological) serial correlations are captured
through low-level maps, and long-range serial correlations (i.e.,
word sequences) are represented on top-level maps. Although
a single T(2)HSOM could in principle capture correlations at all
levels (size allowing), with the benefit of the hindsight (Calderone
et al., 2007) we conjecture that cascaded architectures of this
type can encode correlations more efficiently, avoiding information overload/interference and effectively simulating the interaction of short-term and long-term memory effects in human
serial recall.
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Short-term dynamics: activation and filtering
where n is 2 when the map is two-dimensional. The topological
neighborhood function of the i-th neuron is defined as a Gaussian
function with a cut-off threshold:
In the topological processing phase, activation of each node is a
function of the Euclidean distance in the input space between its
weight vector and the input vector. The resulting topological activation of the i-th node at time t is:
− di2 (t )
2 σS (t E )
c S ,i (t ) = e
y S ,i (t ) = D −
∑[x (t ) − w
j =1
(t )]2
where D is the number of components of the input vector
X(t) = [x1(t),…,xD(t)], and wi,j(t) is the synaptic weight of the
topological connection between the i-th node and the j-th input
In the temporal processing phase, activation of each neuron is a
function of the correlation between its temporal synaptic connections and the overall activation state at the previous time step. The
resulting temporal activation of the i-th node at time t is:
yT ,i (t ) = ∑[y h (t − 1) ⋅ mi ,h (t )]
h =1
where N is the number of node of the map, Y(t−1) = [y1(t−1),…,
yN(t−1)] is the output of the T(2)HSOM at the previous time step,
and mi,h(t) is the synaptic weight of the temporal connection
from the h-th pre-synaptic neuron to the i-th post-synaptic
The resulting two activation values are summed up, so that the
resulting activation value of the i-th neuron at time t is:
y ′i (t ) = y S ,i (t ) + yT ,i (t )
if di (t ) ≤ νS (t E )
if di (t ) > νS (t E )
where σS(tE) is the topological neighborhood shape coefficient at
epoch time tE, and νS(tE) is the topological neighborhood cut-off
coefficient at epoch time tE.
The synaptic weight of the j-th topological connection of
the i-th node at time t + 1 and epoch tE, is finally modified as
∆wi , j (t ) = α S (t E ) ⋅ c S ,i (t ) ⋅[x j (t ) − wi , j (t )]
w i , j (t + 1) = w i , j (t ) + ∆w i , j (t )
where αS(tE) is the topological learning rate at tE.
Temporal learning
On the basis of BMU at time t−1 and BMU at time t, three learning steps are taken:
• temporalconnectionsfromBMUattimet−1 (the j-th neuron)
to the neighborhood of BMU at time t (the i-th neurons) are
mi , j (t + 1) = mi , j (t ) + αT (t E ) ⋅ c T ,i (t ) ⋅[1 − mi , j (t ) + βT (t E )]
− di2 (t )
2 σ (t )
c T ,i (t ) = e T E
The filtering module identifies BMU at time t by looking for the
maximum activation level:
y ′bmu (t ) = max i { y ′i (t )}
The output is subsequently normalized to ensure the network
stability over time:
Y (t ) =
• temporal connections from all neurons except BMU at time
t−1 (the j-th neurons) to the neighborhood of BMU at time t
(the i-th neurons) are depressed as well:
mi , j (t + 1) = mi , j (t ) − αT (t E ) ⋅[1 − c T ,i (t )]⋅[mi , j (t ) + βT (t E )]
Y ′(t )
′ (t )
− di2 (t )
2 σ (t )
c T ,i (t ) = e T E
Long-term dynamics: learning
In T(2)HSOM learning consists in topological and temporal
Topological learning. In classical SOMs, this effect is taken into
account by a neighborhood function centered around BMU. Nodes
that lie close to BMU on the map will be strengthened as a function
of BMU’s neighborhood. The distance between BMU and the i-th
node on the map is calculated through the following Euclidean
di (t ) =
c =1
− bmuc (t )]
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• temporalconnectionsfromBMUattimet−1 (the j-th neuron)
to outside the neighborhood of BMU at time t (the i-th neurons) are depressed as well:
mi , j (t + 1) = mi , j (t ) − αT (t E ) ⋅ c T ,i (t ) ⋅[mi , j (t ) + βT (t E )]
− di2 (t )
2 σ (t )
c T ,i (t ) = e T E
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Learning decay. As an epoch ends, an exponential decay process
applies to each learning parameter so that the generic parameter p
at tE is calculated according to the following equation:
p(t E ) = p(0) ⋅ e
A complete list of the learning parameters is shown below:
• αS: learning rate of the topological learning process
• σS: shape parameter of the neighborhood Gaussian function
for the topological learning process
• νS: cut-off distance of the neighborhood Gaussian function for
the topological learning process
• αT: learning rate of the temporal learning process
• σT: shape parameter of the neighborhood Gaussian function
for the temporal learning process
• νT: cut-off distance of the neighborhood Gaussian function for
the temporal learning process
• βT: offset of the Hebbian rule within the temporal learning
Post processing. At a given epoch tE, the transition matrix is
extracted from the temporal connection weights mi,j(tE), so that
Pi,j(tE) is the probability to have a transition from the i-th node to
the j-th node of the network (i.e., the j-th node will be the BMU at
time t + 1, given the i-th node is the BMU at time t):
Pi , j = m j ,i ⋅
The performance of the T(2)HSOM model is evaluated in terms of
accuracy and prediction rate during the execution of the reading
task of single words. During this stage the learning algorithm of the
model is turned off. The algorithm takes into account all the words
contained in the dictionary, and all the symbols contained in each
word. With the aim to identify the optimal confidence threshold
θ, the corresponding domain (0 ≤ θ ≤ 1) is sampled in 100 steps
and the performance rates are evaluated at each step.
For each word in dictionary, assuming si,j represents the j-th
symbol of the i-th word, the algorithm starts from the left-most
symbol (i.e. j ← 1) and performs the following steps:
(1) the j-th symbol of the i-th input word is collected:
c ← si,j
(2) the symbol c is queued in the output word:
(3) a look-up table provides the D-element vector V representing
the grapheme-based coding belonging to the symbol c:
h ,i
At the same time the labeling procedure is applied. A label Li
(i.e., an input symbol) is assigned to each node, so that the grapheme-base coding of the c-th symbol matches the i-th node’s space
vector best:
Li = arg minc
The THSOM version of the model was tested by using νT = 0
and σT = ∞.
s’i,j ← c
h =1
• temporalcut-offdistancestartingfromthemaximumdistance
between two nodes in the map, exponentially decaying over
epochs with a time-constant equal to 25 epochs
• offsetoftheHebbianrulewithinthetemporallearningprocess starting from 0.01), exponentially decaying over epochs
with a time-constant equal to 25 epochs
∑[x c , j (t ) − wi , j (t )]2
V ← (x c ,1 , x c ,2 ,..., x c ,D )
(4) the input vector V is propagated into the model and, as a
result, a new BMU gets activated:
k ← BMU
(i = 1N )
(5) the algorithm looks for the highest transition probability
among all the outgoing (post-synaptic) connections from
the k-th node of the network:
j =1
Parameter configuration
The experiments shown in the present work were performed using
the following parameter configuration:
q ← arg max h (Pk ,h )
(h = 1…N )
(6) if Pk,q is above the confidence threshold θ, then the next
symbol can be directly obtained (i.e., predicted) as the label
• 25× 25 map nodes
of the q-th node of the network:
• 20 elements in the input vector (grapheme-based orthographic character coding)
c ← Lq
• 100learningepochs
• learningratesstartingfrommaximumvalue(i.e.1.0),expo- (7) if this the case, the algorithm returns to step (2). Otherwise,
the next symbol must be collected (i.e., read) from the
nentially decaying over epochs with a time-constant equal to
input word, returning to step (1). In both cases, the algo25 epochs
rithm continues with the next symbol (j ← j + 1) of the
• shape parameters starting from a value so that the Gaussian
current word. If the end-of-word is reached, the next word
function has a gain equal to 30% at the maximum cut-off
is processed (j ← 1; i ← i + 1) until the end-of-dictionary is
distance, with no decay over epochs
• spatial cut-off distance starting from the maximum distance
between two nodes in the map, exponentially decaying over
During the previous steps, the algorithm evaluates the followepochs with a time-constant equal to 12.5 epochs
ing scores:
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• for each word, the ratio between the number of predicted
symbols and the number of total symbols of the word (the
start-of-word symbol is excluded)
• theprediction rate, which is obtained averaging the above mentioned ratio over all the words
• for each word, the Boolean comparison between the input
word si and the output word s’i
• theaccuracy rate, which is obtained as the ratio between the
number of words predicted correctly (i.e., there is no difference between the input and output word) and the total number of words in the dictionary
next step only (not of the entire sequence of gazes). In general, there
is no guarantee that a sequence of myopic actions achieves the same
decrease of entropy as an optimal non-myopic sequence.
The initial probability of word wi is b0(wi), and corresponds to
the frequency of the word in the corpus. The vector b0 is the belief
state of the agent. The following formulas describes how beliefs
(bt + 1) are updated based on (i) the previous belief state (bt), (ii) the
new observation (ot + 1), and (iii) the executed action (at).
bt (w i )
if w i (at ) = ot+1
bt (w j )
bt +1(w i ) = P[w i | bt (w i ),at ,ot+1]= w : w ∑
j (at )=ot+1
if w i (at ) ≠ ot+1
The first algorithm described in Section “Experiment 2” operates
with complete knowledge (of the order/probability of the characters
in the words) and skips predictable characters. Given the current
belief state [i.e. a vector bt(wi) that describes the probability that
the already gazed characters belong to one of the words in the
dictionary (wi)] and the current position at, the algorithm selects
the character om that has the maximum probability Pm to be the
next character (at position at + 1) in the word being read.
When the algorithm gets the character ot + 1 at position at, the
probability distribution of words is updated as follows: (i) it
becomes zero for all words that have a different character in that
position, (ii) for all the other words, the previous probability is
divided by the sum of the previous probability of all the words that
have the character in the right position. Expected entropy (EH),
given the current belief and the position gazed (at), is calculated
as indicated by the next formula:
EH(bt , at ) =
b ’∈{b = SE (bt , at , o ), o ∈O }
[τ(bt , at , b′) ⋅ H (b′)] = ∑ {H[SE(bt , at , o)]⋅ g (bt , at , o)}
bt (wi )
bt (wi )
⋅ log
= ∑ H[SE(bt , at , o)]⋅ ∑ bt (w j ) = ∑ ∑
⋅ ∑ bt (w j )
bt (w j ) w j : w j (at )= o
o w j : w j (at )= o ∑ bt (w j )
w j : w j ( at ) = o
w : w∑
j ( at ) = o
w j : w j (at )= o
Pm = max
o ∈O w :w (a +1)=o
i i t
om = arg max
o ∈O
bt (w i )
wi :wi (at +1)=o
bt (w i )
If the maximum probability is more than a threshold θ, the
algorithm assumes that om has been read (or can be skipped), otherwise it reads the character at position at + 1. Then, it updates the
belief state bt + 1(wi) and sets the new initial position (at + 1←at + 1).
This procedure continues until the end of the word.
The second algorithm described in Section “Experiment 2” uses the
probability distribution of the words in the dictionary, given the
characters already read and the priors (of which it has complete
knowledge). The aim of the algorithm is selecting the action (i.e.,
gaze position) that results in an observation (i.e. a read character),
which, in turn, minimizes (on average) the expected entropy, or the
entropy of the resulting probability distribution of the words in the
entire dictionary, given the current belief state (i.e. word probability)3.
Note that this approach is myopic, since it minimizes entropy of the
The notation used, (action a, belief b and observation o) is typical of POMDP,
which is a formalization of the problem of choosing sequences of actions under
uncertainty in order to achieve an optimal total reward.
Frontiers in Neurorobotics
Function τ(bt,at,b’) gives the probability of obtaining the
belief state b’ given current belief state bt and gazing at position
at, while H(b’) is the entropy of the belief state b’ corresponding to the distribution of probability over the dictionary {w i}.
SE(bt,at,o) is the belief state that, starting from belief state bt is
obtained after the execution of action at resulting in the observation o. g(bt,at,o) is the probability of getting observation o by
executing action at in belief state bt (i.e., the sum of probabilities
of all words matching all read characters and with character o
at position at).
It is worth noting that the use of this computational approach
in realistic reading tasks is hindered by its computational cost
(which grows quadratically with the length of the word/text to
be read), and by its huge demands in terms of knowledge (it
implicitly assumes that all the possible words/texts are already
known, and the current task consist in recognizing which word/
text one is currently reading). For text reading, a more feasible computational approach could be adopted that uses this
method at two or more levels in parallel, for instance at the
level of single words and at the same time at the level of whole
sentences (using words and not characters as observations, and
changing the priors on words). Another limit of this algorithm
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to be reading the 5th character, but actually read the 6th) and
observation (e.g., one can mistake an “l” for a “i”). Modeling
noise would result in more complex algorithms like those for
planning in POMDP.
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The
authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or
financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 18 December 2009; paper pending published: 28 January 2010; accepted:
28 April 2010; published online: 03 June
Citation: Ferro M, Ognibene D, Pezzulo G
and Pirrelli V (2010) Reading as active sensing: a computational model of gaze planning
in word recognition. Front. Neurorobot. 4:6.
doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2010.00006
Copyright © 2010 Ferro, Ognibene, Pezzulo
and Pirrelli. This is an open-access article
subject to an exclusive license agreement
between the authors and the Frontiers
Research Foundation, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
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