Microbes Environ. Vol. 27, No. 3, 334–337, 2012
http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsme2/ doi:10.1264/jsme2.ME11347
Short Communication
Carbonate-Dissolving Bacteria from ‘Miliolite’, a Bioclastic Limestone,
from Gopnath, Gujarat, Western India
Department of Microbiology & Biotechnology Centre, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of
Baroda, Vadodara-390002, Gujarat, India; and 2Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja
Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara-390002, Gujarat, India
(Received December 5, 2011—Accepted February 17, 2012—Published online March 23, 2012)
In the present investigation, the abundance and molecular phylogeny of part of the culturable bacterial population
involved in the dissolution of “miliolite”, a bioclastic limestone, from Gopnath, India, was studied. Carbonate-dissolving
bacteria were isolated, enumerated and screened for their ability to dissolve miliolite. Amplified ribosomal DNA
restriction analysis (ARDRA) indicated 14 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) to be distributed in 5 different clades
at a similarity coefficient of 0.85. Then, 16S rRNA sequence analysis helped to decipher that the majority of carbonatedissolving bacteria were affiliated to phyla Firmicutes (Families Bacillaceae and Staphylococcaceae) and Actinobacteria
(Family Promicromonosporaceae) indicating their role in miliolite weathering.
Key words: Carbonate-dissolving bacteria, Limestone ‘miliolite’, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, Staphylococcus sp.
Biogeochemistry of carbonate minerals is considered to be
vital in global carbon cycling, alkalinity generation, and the
cycling of major and trace elements among the oceans,
continents, and in the atmosphere (6, 32). In the recent past,
world-wide attention has been focused on microbially mediated weathering of carbonate rocks, which forms an important
link within the exogenic biogeochemical cycle of elements
in the karst environment (7, 11, 12, 17, 31, 36). The
mechanisms of microbial carbonate weathering include
acidolysis, alkaline hydrolysis, complexation, secretion of
extracellular polysaccharides and the involvement of enzymes
(5, 6, 8, 10). It has been shown that bacteria are able to
differentially induce the precipitation or dissolution of
carbonates depending on the accessibility of nutrients for
their growth (19, 20). Studies show that microbial weathering
of rocks is not a simple process of metabolism; instead, it is
a process in which microorganisms need to extract one or
more limited nutrients from special minerals (2, 11, 33).
Therefore, the microbial weathering rate of carbonate rocks
depends on trace nutrition components and microbial ecological factors, including their community structure.
Cultivation-independent studies of the bacterial community
structure of carbonated caves and crusts have been reported
earlier (1, 29, 37). These reports indicate that cyanobacteria, proteobacteria, actinobacteria and firmicutes represent the abundant bacteria in carbonated systems; however,
several questions remain to be addressed, such as the
community structure of carbonate-dissolving bacterial subpopulations, which are crucial for the weathering of carbonates, and the functional role of these bacteria in carbonated
environments. Therefore, in the present investigation, for
the first time we report a cultural approach to study the
carbonate-dissolving bacterial population from a carbonated
* Corresponding author. E-mail: archanagayatri@yahoo.com, garchana
@india.com; Tel: +91–0265–2794396; Fax: +91–265–2792508.
bioclastic limestone “Miliolite”. The relative abundance,
distribution and carbonate-dissolving capability of the
isolates are presented on the laboratory scale.
Quaternary carbonate deposits known as miliolites or
miliolitic limestone, also referred to as calcarenite (a type of
limestone), are deposited in the Saurashtra and Kachchh
provinces of Gujarat and appear as patchy outcrop inlands
up to 180 km from the miliolite-bearing coast. This limestone
derived its name ‘miliolite’ from the foraminifer genus
“Miliolinae”, which was found abundantly in these deposits
(3). Geomorphological, chronological and geochemical
studies of these deposits are well established (3). The results
show that miliolite deposits predominantly consist of calcite
(calcium carbonate [CaCO3], mean 86.8%) with aragonite
and quartz as minor components. Miliolite clays show the
dominance of illite, which is principally generated by the
weathering of granite and is brought by the Indus River.
Upon weathering, miliolite forms red soil sequences, which
are important landscapes in the regions of Saurashtra and
Miliolite and surface red soil sequences studied in the
present investigation were collected from the miliolitebearing natural section in Gopnath (21° 12' 27.21 N; 72° 06'
30.08 E), Saurashtra, Gujarat, India. The miliolite-bearing
section is pristine in nature and no anthropogenic or animal
activities have been noted. Miliolite rocks in the region are
weathered and porous. The area is mostly covered with a red
soil sequence; however, in many places bare limestone
escarpments are present. Triplicate composite miliolitic
limestone samples up to a depth of 5 cm were collected using
a sterile rock chisel and hammer and were placed in sterile
plastic bags in an ice box. Prior to the collection of soil
samples, the sites were cleaned by scraping the surface layer
up to 1 cm. Triplicate composite red soil samples were
collected in sterile plastic bags and immediately placed on
ice for transport, as described previously (27). Samples
Limestone-dissolving bacteria
retrieved were denoted M for miliolite rocks and RS for red
soil sequences. The soil samples were sieved (<4 mm),
cleaned of visible roots and plant residues, and stored at 4°C.
Major and minor chemical elements of the miliolite were
estimated by an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer (30)
at the Department of Geology, University of Pune, India. Ca
was found to be the most abundant element in miliolite and
its proportion was found to be 75.33±6.71%, which is in
general agreement with the previous report (3). In view of
the fact that miliolite is a bioclastic limestone, a relatively
higher amount of organic matter (about 0.8%) was found
than in red soil (0.54%).
Since CaCO3 is the major mineral phase in miliolite, it
was thought that bacteria that have the ability to dissolve
carbonate may be keystone species in miliolite weathering.
In the present investigation, such species were isolated,
characterized and their phylogeny was established. Total
viable heterotrophic bacteria (THB) and total carbonatedissolving bacteria (TCB) were enumerated using R2A
medium (26) and Devenze and Bruni (DB) medium (4),
respectively (Fig. 1). In brief, miliolite rock was powdered
by a sterile mortar and pestle on a clean bench. Miliolite rock
powder (10 g) was then homogenized in 90 mL of 0.85%
(w/v) NaCl and serially diluted (10 fold) in the same. Aliquots
(100 µL) were spread on three independent replicate plates
of R2A and DB medium, the plates were incubated
aerobically at 30°C for 7 d and the colonies counted at the
end of incubation. Similarly, 10 g moist sieved (4 mm) red
soil was homogenized in 90 mL of 0.85% (w/v) NaCl, and
THB and TCB were enumerated as described above. Bacterial
colonies showing a halo zone of clearance around them on
DB medium were considered as positive for carbonate
dissolution (Fig. 1, inset).
Relatively higher numbers of heterotrophic bacteria were
found in red soil (3.1×107, Fig. 1) than in miliolite (6.5×104),
whereas a higher number of carbonate-dissolving bacteria
(1.7×103, Fig. 1) was noticed in miliolite than in red soil
(7.4×102). Moreover, the percentage of the TCB to THB was
significantly (P=0.001) higher in miliolite (27.17%) than in
Fig. 1. Enumeration of total viable heterotrophic bacteria (THB) and
total carbonate-dissolving bacteria (TCB) from miliolite (M) and
weathered red soil (R). The results are shown for three independent
measurements and error bars depict S.D. A representative plate with
carbonate-dissolving bacterial colonies on DB medium is shown in the
inset. Clear halo zone around the bacterial colony indicates carbonate
red soil (0.002%), indicating a higher abundance of carbonatedissolving bacteria in miliolite than in red soil. This
discrepancy is likely due to the geochemistry of the
surroundings, since calcium carbonate is a major mineral
phase (40–80%) in miliolite; the microorganisms need to
dissolve carbonate to extract their nutritional requirements;
as a result, high TCB were associated with miliolite. This is
in agreement with the understanding that microbial dissolution of carbonate rocks is due to the microorganisms’ limited
nutrition that they need from unavailable forms present in
minerals (2, 32). In addition, the relatively high amount of
organic matter and possibly nitrogen content of miliolite may
support the high amount of TCB in miliolite.
Based on the colony size and morphology, 21 carbonatedissolving bacterial isolates were selected for further analysis.
In vitro characterization of the miliolite dissolution efficiency
of the isolates was determined by measuring the ratio of the
zone of clearance (CZ) and colony size (CS) on miliolite
agar (reported here for the first time). Miliolite agar is a
modified DB medium in which CaCO3 is replaced by miliolite
powder. The constituents (g L−1) of miliolite agar are as
follows: glucose, 5 g; yeast extract, 1 g; peptone, 1 g; K2HPO4,
0.5 g; MgSO4, 0.01 g, NaCl, 5 g; NH4(SO4)2, 0.05 g; MgCl2,
0.01 g; miliolite rock powder, 5 g and 1.5% agar. For
inoculum preparation, bacterial isolates were grown in 3 mL
R2A broth for 72 h and 1 mL culture was centrifuged at
12,000×g for 5 min and washed three times with 1 mL sterile
0.85% NaCl. The bacterial pellet, resuspended in 1 mL 0.85%
NaCl, was used as the inoculum for experiments. A total of
5 µL inoculum (approximately 106 cells mL−1) was spotted
on miliolite agar plates and incubated aerobically at 30°C for
72 h. Plate assays were replicated three times. The opacity
of miliolite agar is due to miliolite rock powder and bacteria
that dissolve the miliolite can be distinguished due to the
apparent halo of a clear zone around the colony (Fig. 2, inset).
At the end of incubation about 14 isolates showed good
miliolite dissolution, among which CZ/CS ratios of M16,
RS34, M23, M25 and M17 were found to be relatively high
(Fig. 2), indicating their in vitro efficiency in miliolite
Amplified ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA)
Fig. 2. Zone of clearance (CZ)/colony size (CS) ratios of carbonatedissolving bacteria on DB medium and miliolite agar. Inset shows CZ
and CS of one of the isolates (M16) on miliolite agar.
Fig. 3. ARDRA pattern of the carbonate-dissolving bacteria (A) and
their phylogenetic relationship (B). M indicates miliolite isolates,
whereas RS indicates red soil isolates.
is a molecular technique widely used to discern the microbial
community structure in a range of environments (14, 15, 16,
23, 34). In the present study, the phylogenetc relation among
14 isolates was deciphered by ARDRA performed as follows.
DNA was extracted from bacterial isolates (24) and checked
for purity and molecular size using conventional agarose gel
electrophoresis. Universal eubacterial primers 27F (5' GAG
TGC GGG ACT TAA CC) were used for the amplification
of 16S rRNA gene fragments suitable for ARDRA (21).
ARDRA was performed as described previously (18, 25). A
binary scoring system (1 for the presence of the band and 0
for its absence) was used to generate an input matrix, which
was analysed using UPGMA clustering and subsequent
dendrograms. The ARDRA pattern of carbonate-dissolving
bacteria (Fig. 3A) revealed that the isolates, depicted as
operational taxonomic units (OTUs), were distributed in 5
different clades at a similarity coefficient of 0.85 (Fig. 3B).
It was also noted that most of the OTUs were distributed in
major evolutionary lineages at a similarity coefficient of 0.54.
Around 9 isolates were located in a major lineage whereas
minor lineages consisted of 4 isolates.
The 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified by PCR using
bacterial genomic DNA as a template were sequenced
using commercial sequencing services (Bangalore Genei,
Bangalore, India). The best read from the chromatogram
was converted to FASTA format. NCBI-BLAST analysis as
well as RDP sequence match search was performed. Multiple
sequence alignment was carried out in RDP along with
representative sequences from the database. A phylogenetic
tree was constructed for the isolates using the neighborjoining method with the MEGA 4.0 program (28). Sequencing
results largely corroborated ARDRA results with some
variations. It was found that all 14 carbonate-dissolving
isolates belonged to phyla Firmicutes and Actinobacteria
(Table S1 and Fig. 4), indicating the prominent role of these
taxa in miliolite dissolution. These two phyla were found to
be major representatives of the bacterial communities in
carbonated environments such as karst and caves, indicating
Fig. 4. 16S rRNA gene sequence-based phylogenetic tree of
carbonate-dissolving bacteria. The evolutionary history was inferred
using the UPGMA method. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted using
MEGA4 (28). M indicates miliolite isolates, whereas RS indicates red
soil isolates. Genbank accession numbers of the sequences reported
in this study are shown in parentheses.
their ability of biomineralization (19, 20). Frozen glycerol
stocks of these bacterial strains are maintained at the
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology Centre, The
M.S. University of Baroda, India.
Earlier 16S rRNA-based culture-independent studies
demonstrated that Gram-negative bacteria belonging to the
phylum Proteobacteria contributed markedly to the bacterial
diversity in carbonated environments (13, 29, 35); however,
proteobacterial ability in carbonate dissolution is not yet
known. In the present investigation, we did not notice
any representative members of Proteobacteria which could
solubilize carbonate or miliolite. Most of the carbonatedissolving isolates showed high 16S rRNA gene similarity
(98–99%) to Staphylococcus sp. (accounting for 57%)
and to (96–100%) Bacillus sp. (accounting for up to
35.7%). Comparison of CZ/CS ratios (Fig. 2) suggested that
Staphylococcus species (M16, RS34 and M23) were more
proficient at carbonate dissolution than Bacillus sp. (M17).
The involvement of Bacillus sp. in carbonate dissolution is
known (9, 10); however, this is the first report indicating the
geomicrobial role of Staphylococcus sp. in carbonate dissolution. The sole isolate belonging to Actinobacteria, showed
high 16S rRNA gene identity (100%) to a newly identified
(22) Xylanimonas sp. in the family Promicromonosporaceae.
We conclude that Firmicutes and Actinobacteria represent
two keystone culturable carbonate-dissolving heterotrophic
bacterial phyla involved in in vitro carbonate dissolution and
attendant miliolite weathering. The mechanisms of these
isolates in miliolite weathering in the natural environment
are presently under investigation. Although the present
investigation deals specifically with the culturable bacterial
population, it does not preclude the possibility of as yet
uncultivable carbonate-dissolving bacteria for which we do
not have any information. Application of molecular tools
and isotope techniques may help to extend the knowledge
about total carbonate-dissolving microbial communities and
their specific function in situ. The present study improves
Limestone-dissolving bacteria
our conceptual understanding of microbial communities as
important players in carbonate weathering, which has a wide
range of implications; from the elucidation of biogeochemical
cycles to the potential impact of atmospheric CO2 sinks (12).
Nucleotide sequences retrieved from this study have been
submitted to Genbank under accession numbers JN092561
to JN092574.
We acknowledge the grant sanctioned by the Department of
Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, New Delhi to GA
(Project No. SR/S4/ES-21/Baroda Window/P). We are grateful to
Prof. L.S. Chamyal, Department of Geology, The Maharaja
Sayajirao University of Baroda, for critical discussions. We sincerely
acknowledge the anonymous referees for improving the article.
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