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Air Transportation: Irregular Operations and Control by Michael Ball Robert H Smith School and Institute for Systems Research University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 mball@rhsmith.umd.edu Cynthia Barnhart Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Room 1-235 Cambridge, MA 02139 cbarnhart@mit.edu George Nemhauser School of Industrial and Systems Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332 george.nemhauser@isye.gatech.edu Amedeo Odoni Massachusetts Institute of Technology Room 33-219 Cambridge, MA 02139 odoni@mit.edu January 27, 2006 1 1. Introduction Commercial aviation operations are supported by what is probably the most complex transportation system and possibly the most complex man-made system in the world. Airports make up the fixed “nodes” on which the system is built. Aircraft represent the very valuable assets that provide the basic transportation service. Passengers demand transportation between a multitude of origins and destinations, and request specific travel dates and times. Crews of pilots and flight attendants operate the aircraft and provide service to passengers. These disparate entities are coordinated through a flight schedule, comprised of flight legs between airport locations. The flight schedule itself defines three other layers of schedules, namely the aircraft schedule, the crew schedule and passenger itineraries. The aircraft schedule is an assignment of the legs in the flight schedule, with each aircraft assigned to a connected sequence of origin to destination flight legs. When an aircraft carries out a flight between an origin and destination airport, it follows a flight plan that defines a sequence of points in the airspace through which it proceeds. The crew schedule is an assignment of the legs in the flight schedule to pilots and flight attendants, ensuring that all crew movements and schedules satisfy collective bargaining agreements and government regulations. Passenger schedules, which represent the endcustomer services, define the familiar itineraries consisting of lists of origin and destination airports together with scheduled arrival and departure times. Typically, pilots and flight attendants have distinct schedules. The itineraries of a specific crew and a specific aircraft may coincide for several flight legs, but they, like passengers and aircraft, often separate at some point during a typical day’s operations. The fact that a single flight leg is a component of several different types of schedules implies that a perturbation in the timing of one leg can have significant “downstream” effects leading to delays on several other legs. This “fragility” is exacerbated by the fact that most of the largest carriers rely heavily on hub-and-spoke network configurations that tightly inter-connect flights to/from many different “spokes” at the network’s hubs. Thus, any significant disturbance at a hub, rapidly leads to disruptions of extensive parts of the carrier’s schedules. Notable categories of events leading to such disruptions include: 1. Airline resource shortages stemming from aircraft mechanical problems, disrupted crews due to sickness, earlier upstream disruptions, longer than scheduled aircraft turn times caused by lack of ground resources to operate the turn, longer than expected passenger embarking and disembarking times, or delayed connecting crews or connecting passengers. 2. Airport and airspace capacity shortages due to weather or to excessive traffic. Inclement weather is cited as the source of 75% of airline disruptions in the United States (Dobbyn 2000). In 2000, about 30% of the jet-operated flight legs of one major U.S. airline were delayed, and about 3.5% of these flight legs were cancelled. Yu et al (2003) report for another major U.S. airline that, on average, a dozen crews are disrupted every day. The effects of 2 these disruptions are exacerbated when applied to optimized airline schedules, for which cost minimization and intensive resource utilization tend to go hand-in-hand. Nonproductive resources, such as idle aircraft and crew on the ground, are costly. Hence, optimized schedules have minimal non-productive, or slack, time between flight legs. In these finely tuned, optimized schedules, delay often propagates with no slack to absorb it, making it very difficult to contain disruptions and to recover from their effects. A mechanical delay affecting a single aircraft can result in delays to passengers and crews assigned to aircraft other than those delayed, due to the interconnectivity of passengers, crews and aircraft. This network propagation phenomenon explains why weather delays in one geographical area, delaying flights in and out of that area, can result in aircraft, crew and passenger delays and cancellations in locations far removed from the weather delay. In fact, such local delays can impact network operations globally. The significance of the delay propagation effect is illustrated in Figure 1 (reprinted from Beatty et al 1998). This graphic is based on an analysis of American Airlines passenger and aircraft schedule information. The x-axis tracks time of day from early morning to evening. The y-axis tracks increasing values of an initial flight delay. The color of each box in the x-y plane corresponds to the multiplier that can be applied to an initial delay to estimate the impact of delay propagation. For example, an initial delay of 1.5 hours at 8:00 is colored dark green indicating a delay multiplier of 2.5. This means that an original delay of 1.5 hours on a particular flight induces 2.5*1.5 = 3.75 hours in total flight delay. Note that the delay multiplier increases with the size of the original delay and is greatest during the peak morning periods. The economic impact of disruptions is great. According to Clarke and Smith (2000), disruption costs of a major U.S. domestic carrier in one year exceeded $440 million in lost revenue, crew overtime pay, and passenger hospitality costs. Moreover, the Air Transport Association (http://www.airlines.org/econ/files/zzzeco32.htm) reported that delays cost consumers and airlines about $6.5 billion in 2000. These costs are expected to increase dramatically, with air traffic forecast to double in the next 10-15 years. The MIT Global Airline Industry Program (http://web.mit.edu/airlines/industry.html) and Schaefer et al (2005) indicate that, at current demand levels, each 1% increase in air traffic will bring about a 5% increase in delays. 3 Figure 1.1: Estimation of Delay Propagation Multiplier (from Betty et al 1998) In this chapter we consider problems related to the management of air traffic and airline operations for the purpose of minimizing the impact and cost of disruptions. The considerable system complexity outlined above makes these problems challenging and has motivated a vibrant and innovative body of research. We start in Section 2 by providing background which is essential to understanding the fundamental issues and motivating the subsequent material. We first review the “physics” and characteristics of airspace system elements and airspace operations in order to explain why capacity constraints are so unpredictable and variable from day to day. Of critical importance are the arrival and departure capacities of airports, which depend on weather, winds, and the number of active runways and their configuration. Providers of air traffic control services, such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Eurocontrol, have responsibility for overall airspace management and as such are interested in achieving high levels of system-wide performance. The two broad classes of “tools” at their disposal include restricting schedules and air traffic flow management (ATFM). The former tool, which is treated in Section 3, is strategic in nature. It seeks to control or influence the airline schedule-planning process by ensuring that the resultant schedules do not lead to excessive levels of system congestion and delays. Restricting schedules is particularly challenging in that the competing economic interests of multiple airlines must be balanced. In fact, recent research in this area has been investigating the potential use of market-based mechanisms for this purpose, including auctions and peak-period pricing. The second tool, ATFM, is tactical in nature and is treated in Section 4. ATFM encompasses a broad range of techniques that seek to maximize the performance of the airspace system on any given day of operations, while 4 taking into account a possibly broad range of disruptive events. Many ATFM actions and solutions involve an allocation of decision-making responsibilities between the air traffic control service provider and an airline. This is most notably the case for solutions employing the Collaborative decision making (CDM) paradigm, which has the explicit goal of assigning decision making responsibility to the most appropriate stakeholder in every case (Section 4.4). A brief Section 5 describes some simulation models that can be useful support tools in understanding and visualizing the impact of certain types of disruptive events on airport, airspace and airline operations and on air traffic flows, as well as in testing the effectiveness of potential responsive actions. Sections 6 and 7 address schedule planning and operations problems from the airline perspective. The introductory paragraphs of this section described several factors, which lead to the high complexity of these problems. This complexity is compounded by two additional important considerations: 1. The predominant concern with safety and the significant unionization of crews that, in combination, have led to the imposition of a very large set of complicated constraints defining feasibility of flight plans and of flight, aircraft and crew schedules. 2. The size of airline networks and operations, including, in the United States alone, over 5,000 public-use airports serving over 8000 (non-general aviation) aircraft transporting approximately 600 million passengers on flights covering more than 5 billion vehicle miles annually (http://www.bts.gov/publications/pocket_guide_to_transportation/2004/pdf/entire. pdf). The aircraft- and crew-scheduling problem, also referred to as the airline schedule planning problem, involves designing the flight schedule and assigning aircraft, maintenance operations and crews to the schedule. The typical size of this problem is so large that it is impossible to solve it directly for large airlines. Instead, airlines partition it into four sub-problems, namely: i) schedule generation; ii) fleet assignment; iii) maintenance routing; and iv) crew scheduling. The sub-problems are solved sequentially, with the solutions to the earlier, higher-level sub-problems serving as the fixed inputs to subsequent ones. The schedule generation problem is to determine the flight legs, with specified departure times, comprising the flight schedule. These legs, which define the origin-destination markets served and the frequency and timing of service, have significant effects on the profitability of airlines. Given the flight schedule, the fleet assignment problem is to find the profit maximizing assignment of aircraft types to flight legs in the schedule. Where possible, the goal is to match as closely as possible seat capacity with passenger demand for each flight leg. With the fleeted flight schedule and the size and composition of the airline’s fleet as input, the maintenance routing problem is to find for each aircraft, a set of maintenance-feasible rotations, or routes that begin and end at the same place and satisfy government- and airline-mandated maintenance 5 requirements. Finally, given all the schedule design and aircraft assignment decisions, the crew scheduling problem is to find the cost minimizing assignment of cockpit and cabin crews to flights. Crew costs, second only to fuel costs, represent a significant operating expense. A detailed description of the airline schedule planning problem is provided in Barnhart, Belobaba and Odoni (2003). From the airline perspective, the focus of this chapter is motivated by the fact that, despite advances in aircraft and crew schedule planning, optimized plans are rarely, if ever, executed. Thus, we shall not provide broad coverage of airline schedule planning but rather focus on the topics that address the development of schedules and operating practices and policies that provide operational robustness. In Section 6, we cover the theme of optimizing airline schedule recovery. The associated tools are designed for use in a near real-time mode to adjust operations in response to a variety of disruptions. In Section 7, we address, by contrast, the more strategic topic of developing schedules that provide operational robustness. This more recent area of study builds upon the longstanding and well-known body of research on aircraft and crew scheduling described in the previous paragraph. Finally, in Section 8, we conclude with a very general assessment of the state of research and implementation in this subject area. 2. Flow Constraints in the Infrastructure of Commercial Aviation The airspace systems of developed nations and regions consist of a set of often extremely expensive and scarce nodes, the airports, and of air traffic management (ATM) systems that provide aircraft and pilots with the means needed to fly safely and expeditiously from airport to airport. The essential components of ATM systems are: a skilled workforce of human air traffic controllers; organization of the airspace around airports (“terminal airspace”) and between airports (“en route airspace”) into a complex network of airways, waypoints and sectors of responsibility; procedures and regulations according to which the ATM system operates; automation systems, such as computers, displays, and decision support software; and systems for carrying out the functions of communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS) which are critical to ATM. Any flow constraints encountered during a flight may result from an obvious cause (e.g., the closing down of a runway) or from a set of complex interactions involving failure or inadequacy of several of the components of the ATM system. A controlled flight is one for which an approved flight plan has been filed with the air traffic management (ATM) system. Airline and general aviation operators prepare and file flight plans usually based on criteria that consider each flight in isolation. Air carriers typically employ sophisticated software, including advanced route optimization programs, for this purpose. Far from being just a “shortest path” problem, the selection of an optimal route for a flight typically involves a combination of criteria, such as minimum time, minimum fuel consumption, and best ride conditions for the passengers. Midkiff, Hansman and Reynolds (2004) provide a thorough description of air carrier flight planning. By accepting a flight plan, the ATM system agrees to take responsibility for the safe separation of that aircraft from all other controlled aircraft in the airspace and to provide many other types of assistance toward the goal of completing the flight safely 6 and expeditiously. Practically all airline flights and a large number of general aviation flights are controlled. The focus of this entire chapter is on flow constraints that such flights often face and on how ATM service providers, airport operators and airlines attempt to deal with them. Figure 2.1 illustrates schematically the fact that such constraints or “bottlenecks” occur when flights are departing from and arriving at airports and when they seek to access certain parts of the airspace. airport departure rate waypoint waypoint A2 airport arrival rate A1 sector Figure 2.1: Airspace Flow Constraints This section will seek to review the “physics” of the constraints, with emphasis on explaining the causes of two of their most distinctive characteristics – variability and unpredictability. It is these characteristics that make the constraints so difficult to deal with in practice, as well as so interesting for many researchers. Emphasis will be given to the specific topic of capacity-related flow constraints at major commercial airports, due to the enormous practical significance and cost consequences of these constraints. 2.1. The “Physics” of Airport Capacity Airports consist of several subsystems, such as runways, taxiways, apron stands, passenger and cargo terminals, and ground access complexes, each with its own capacity limitations. At major airports, the capacity of the system of runways is the most restricting element in the great majority of cases. This is particularly true from a long-run perspective. While it is usually possible – albeit occasionally very expensive – to increase the capacity of the other airport elements through an array of capital investments, new runways and associated taxiways require great expanses of land and have environmental and other impacts that necessitate long and complicated approval processes, often taking a couple of decades or even longer, with uncertain outcomes. The capacity of runway systems is also the principal cause, by far, of the most extreme instances of delays that lead to widespread schedule disruptions, flight cancellations and missed flight connections. There certainly have been instances when taxiway system congestion or unavailability of gates and aircraft parking spaces have become constraints at airports, but these are more predictable and stable. The associated constraints can 7 typically be taken into consideration in an ad hoc way during long-range planning or in the daily development of ATFM plans (Section 4). By contrast, the capacity of the runway system can vary greatly from day to day and the changes are difficult to predict even a few hours in advance. This may lead to an unstable operating environment for air carriers: on days when an airport operates at its nominal, good-weather capacity, flights will typically operate on time, with the exception of possible delays due to “upstream” events; but, with the same level of demand at the same airport, schedule reliability may easily fall apart on days when weather conditions are less than ideal. The capacity of a runway, or of a set of simultaneously active runways at an airport is defined as the expected number of movements (landings and takeoffs) that can be performed per unit of time in the presence of continuous demand and without violating air traffic control (ATC) separation requirements. This is often referred to as the maximum throughput capacity, C. Note that this definition recognizes that the actual number, N, of movements that can be performed per unit of time is a random variable. The capacity C is simply defined as being equal to E[N], the expected value of N. The unit of time used most often is one hour. To understand better the multiple causes of capacity variability, especially its strong dependence on weather and wind conditions, it is necessary to look at the “physics” of the capacity of runway systems. It is convenient to consider first the case of a single runway and then (Section 2.1.4) the case of a system of several runways. 2.1.1. Factors Affecting the Capacity of a Single Runway The capacity of a single runway depends on many factors, the most important of which are: 1. The mix of aircraft classes using the airport. 2. The separation requirements imposed by the ATM system. 3. The type (high speed or conventional) and location of exits from the runway. 4. The mix of movements on each runway (arrivals only, departures only, or mixed) and the sequencing of the movements. 5. Weather conditions, namely visibility, cloud ceiling and precipitation. 6. The technological state and overall performance of the ATM system. The impacts of 1-4 are summarized below, while 5 and 6 are discussed in the more general context of multi-runway systems in the next subsection. Mix of aircraft: The FAA and other Civil Aviation Authorities around the world classify aircraft into a small number of classes for terminal area ATC purposes. For example, the FAA defines four classes, based on maximum take-off weight (MTOW): “Heavy” (H), “Large” (L), the Boeing 757 (a class by itself), and “Small” (S). Most other Civil Aviation Authorities have adopted the same or very similar classifications. Roughly speaking, the H class includes all wide-body jets, and the L class practically all narrow- 8 body commercial jets – including many of the larger, new generation, regional jets – as well as some of the larger commercial turbo-props. Most general aviation airplanes, including most types of private jets, as well as the smaller commercial turboprops and regional jets with about 35 seats or fewer comprise the S class. The aircraft mix indicates the composition of the aircraft fleet that is using any particular runway (e.g., 20% S, 60% L, 5% B757 and 15% H). Separation requirements and high-speed exits: The single most important factor in determining runway capacity is the separation requirements, which impose safety-related separations between aircraft that limit the service rate of the runway, i.e., its maximum throughput capacity. For every possible pair of aircraft using the same runway consecutively, the FAA and other Civil Aviation Organizations specify a set of separation requirements in units of distance or of time. These requirements depend on the classes to which the two aircraft belong and on the types of operation involved: arrival followed by Trailing aircraft H L + B757 S H 4 5 6* Leading B757 4 4 5* aircraft L 2.5 2.5 4* S 2.5 2.5 2.5 Table 2.1: FAA IFR separation requirements in nautical miles (nmi) for “an arrival followed by an arrival”. Asterisks indicate separations that apply when the leading aircraft is at the threshold of the runway. arrival, “A-A”, arrival followed by departure, “A-D”, etc. Table 2.1 shows the separation requirements that currently apply at most of the busiest airports in the United States for the case in which a runway is used only for arrivals under instrument flight rules (IFR). Pairs of consecutive landing aircraft must maintain a separation equal to or greater than the distances indicated in Table 2.1 throughout their final approach to the runway, with the exception of the cases marked with an asterisk, where the required separation must exist at the instant when the leading aircraft reaches the runway. The 4, 5 and 6 nautical mile separations shown in Table 2.2 are intended to protect the lighter trailing aircraft in the pair from the hazards posed by the wake vortices generated by the heavier leading aircraft. These are therefore often referred to as “wake vortex separations.” In addition to the “airborne separation” requirements of Table 2.2, a further restriction is applied: the trailing aircraft of any pair cannot touch down on the runway before the leading aircraft is clear of the runway. In other words, the runway can be occupied by only one arriving aircraft at any time. 9 The more restrictive of the two requirements – “airborne separation” and “single occupancy” – is the one that applies for each pair of aircraft. When arrivals take place in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), “airborne separation” is almost always the most restrictive. However, “single occupancy” may become the constraint when visual airborne separations on final approach are allowed (instead of the distance requirements of Table 2.1), as is often done in the United States under visual meteorological conditions (VMC). In this case, high-speed runway exits and well-placed runway exits (the third of the factors identified above), which reduce runway occupancy times for arriving aircraft, can be helpful in increasing runway capacity. High-speed exits can also be useful when the runway is used for both arrivals and departures: if landing aircraft can exit a runway quickly, air traffic controllers may be able to “release” a following takeoff sooner. Departures/hour 4 3 Feasible region 45 0 o 2 1 Arrivals/hour Figure 2.2: A capacity envelope for a single runway Mix of movements: Separation requirements, analogous to those in Table 2.1, are also specified for the other three combinations of consecutive operations, A-D, D-A and D-D. Because the separation requirements for each combination are different – see, e.g., Chapter 10 of de Neufville and Odoni (2003) for details – the capacity of a runway during any given time period depends on the mix of arrivals and departures during that period, as well as on how exactly arrivals and departures are sequenced on the runway. This also suggests that there is an important tradeoff between the maximum arrival and departure rates that an airport can achieve. 2.1.2. Capacity envelope and its computation The runway capacity envelope (Figure 2.2) is convenient for displaying the arrival and departure capacities and associated tradeoffs. The capacity envelope of a single runway 10 is typically approximated by a piecewise linear boundary that connects four points (Gilbo, 1993). Points 1 and 4 indicate the capacity of the runway, when it is used only for arrivals and only for departures, respectively. Point 2 is known as the “freedepartures” point because it has the same capacity for arrivals as Point 1 and a departures capacity equal to the number of departures that can be inserted into the arrivals stream without increasing the separations between successive arrivals – and, thus, without reducing the number of arrivals from what can be achieved in the all-arrivals case. These “free” departures are obtained by exploiting large inter-arrival gaps such as the ones that arise between a “H-followed-by-S” pair of landing aircraft. Point 3 can be attained, in principle, by alternating arrivals and departures, i.e., by performing an equal number of departures and arrivals through an A-D-A-D-A... sequence. This sequencing strategy can be implemented by “stretching,” when necessary, inter-arrival (inter-departure) gaps by an amount of time just sufficient to insert a departure (arrival) between two successive arrivals (departures). Because it is difficult for air traffic controllers to sustain this type of operation for extended periods of time, Point 3 can be viewed as somewhat theoretical. However, it provides a useful upper limit on the total achievable capacity (landings plus takeoffs) when arrivals and departures share a runway in roughly equal numbers. Several mathematical models have been developed over the years for computing the capacity of a single runway under different sets of conditions, beginning with Blumstein’s (1959) classical model of a single runway used for arrivals only. The models have become increasingly sophisticated over the years and include treatment of some of the input parameters as random variables. Barnhart, Belobaba and Odoni (2003) provide a literature review. The most recent of these models ((Long et al 1999; Stamatopoulos, Zografos and Odoni 2004; EUROCONTROL 2001) incorporate most of the best features of earlier models and generate capacity envelopes, such as the one in Figure 2.2. 2.1.3. The Sequencing Problem As a result of the airborne separation requirements shown in Table 2.1, certain aircraft pairs require longer separation distances than others and thus the total time needed for the landing of any set of aircraft on a runway depends on the sequencing of the aircraft. For example, the “H followed by S” sequence will consume much more time than “S followed by H”. Given a number n of aircraft, all waiting to land on a runway, the problem of “determining the sequence of landings such as to minimize the time when the last aircraft lands” is a Hamiltonian path problem with n points (Psaraftis 1980; Venkatakrishnan, Barnett and Odoni 1993). This is a problem entirely analogous to several well-known job-sequencing problems in manufacturing. However, the Hamiltonian path approach addresses only a static version of a problem. In truth, the problem of sequencing aircraft on a runway is dynamic: over time, the pool of aircraft available to land changes, as some aircraft reach the runway while new aircraft join the arrivals queue. Moreover, minimizing the “latest landing time” (or maximizing “throughput”) should not necessarily be the objective of optimal sequencing. Many alternative objective functions, such as minimizing the average waiting time per 11 passenger, are just as reasonable. A further complication is that the very idea of “sequencing” runs counter to the traditional adherence of ATM systems to a first-come, first-served (FCFS) discipline, which is perceived by most as “fair” (see also Section 4). These observations have motivated a great deal of research on the runway sequencing problem with the objective of increasing operating efficiency while ensuring that all airport users are treated equitably. Dear (1991) developed the concept of constrained position shifting (CPS), i.e., of a limit in the number of positions by which an aircraft can deviate from its FCFS position in a queue. For instance, an aircraft in the 16th position in an FCFS queue, would have to land in one of the positions 14 through 18, if the specified maximum position shift (MPS) is 2. Through many numerical examples and for several reasonable objective functions, Dear showed that, by setting MPS to a small number, such as 2 or 3, one can obtain most (e.g., 60-80%) of the potential benefits offered by unconstrained optimal sequences and, at the same time, ensure reasonable fairness in accessing runways. Several researchers (e.g., Psaraftis 1980; Venkatakrishnan, Barnett and Odoni 1993; Beasley, Sonander and Havelock 2001) have investigated a number of increasingly complex and realistic versions of the sequencing problem. Two advanced terminal airspace automation systems, CTAS and COMPAS, that have been implemented in the US and in Germany, respectively, incorporate sequencing algorithms based on CPS (Erzberger, 1995). Gilbo (1993), Gilbo and Howard (2000) and Hall (1999) have gone beyond the sequencing of arrivals only, by considering how available capacity can best be allocated in a dynamic way between landings and take-offs to account for the distinct peaking patterns in the arrival and departure streams at airports over the course of a day. They propose the application of optimization algorithms that use capacity envelopes (Figure 2.2) within the context of ATFM to achieve an optimal trade-off between arrival and departure rates and, by implication, between delays to arrivals and to departures. 2.1.4. Factors Affecting the Capacity of Multi-Runway Systems Most (but certainly not all) major airports typically operate with two or more simultaneously active runways. The term runway configuration refers to any set of one or more runways, which can be active simultaneously at an airport. Multi-runway airports may employ more than ten different runway configurations. Which one they will operate on at any given time will depend on weather and wind conditions, on demand levels at the time and, possibly, on noise considerations, as will be explained below. The six factors listed in Section 2.1.1 clearly continue to affect the capacity of each individual active runway in multi-runway cases. In addition, at least four other factors may now play a major role: 7. The interactions between operations on different runways, as determined by the geometric layout of the runway system and other considerations. 8. The allocation of aircraft classes and types of operations (arrivals, departures, mixed) among the active runways. 9. The direction and strength of winds. 12 10. Noise-related and other environmental considerations and constraints. Interactions between operations on different runways: The influence of the geometric layout on the interactions among runways can most simply be illustrated by looking at situations involving two parallel runways. Depending on the distance between their centerlines, operations on the two runways may have to be coordinated all the time, or may be dependent in some cases and independent in others, or may be completely independent. For example, in the United States, two parallel runways separated by less than 2,500 ft. (762 m) must be operated with essentially single runway separations in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). This means, for instance, that, if two arriving aircraft are landing, one on the left runway and the other on the right runway, they are subject to the same set of airborne separation requirements as shown in Table 2.1 for a single runway. At the opposite extreme, if the centerlines are separated by more than 4,300 ft (1,310 m) the two runways may be operated independently and can accept simultaneous parallel approaches. (With special instrumentation, the FAA will consider authorizing independent parallel approaches with centerline separations as small as 3,000 ft (915 m).) Finally, for intermediate cases, contemporaneous arrivals on the two parallel runways are treated as “dependent”, i.e., must be coordinated, but an arrival on one of the runways and a contemporaneous departure from the other can be handled independently. It follows that the combined capacity of the two runways will be highest in the case of independent operations, intermediate in the “partially dependent” operations case, and lowest when every pair of operations on the two runways must be coordinated. In a similar way, the combined capacity of pairs of intersecting runways or of runways that do not intersect physically but intersect at the projections of their centerlines depends on many geometry-related parameters such as: the location of the intersection or of the projected intersection; the direction of operations on the two runways; the types of operations and the mix of aircraft; and, obviously, the separation requirements for the particular geometric configuration at hand. Systems of three or more active, non-parallel runways typically involve even more complex interactions. Allocation of aircraft and operations: With more than one active runway, there is some opportunity to “optimize” operations by judiciously assigning operations and/or aircraft classes to different runways. For example, in the case of intermediately spaced parallel runways (centerline separations of 2,500 to 4,300 ft in the United States) it may be advisable to use one runway primarily for arrivals and the other primarily for departures. Since, in this case, arrivals on one runway can operate independently of departures on the other, this allocation strategy minimizes interactions between runways and reduces controller workload. Similarly, when two or more runways are used for arrivals, air traffic managers often try to assign relatively homogeneous mixes of aircraft to each of the runways, e.g., keep the “Small” aircraft on a separate runway from the “Heavy” and “Large”, to the extent possible. In this way, air traffic controllers can avoid the extensive use of the 5 and 6 nautical mile wake-vortex separations that are required when a Small aircraft is landing behind a Large or a Heavy (Table 2.1). Weather-related factors: It is easy to infer from what has been said so far that weatherrelated factors (numbers 5 and 9 in our list) are critical in determining the variability of 13 the capacity of any system of runways. First, for individual runways, the actual separations between consecutive operations are strongly influenced by visibility, cloud ceiling and precipitation. This is especially true in the United States where, in good weather, pilots are usually requested to maintain visual separations during the final approach phase from the aircraft landing ahead of them. This practice results in somewhat closer spacing of landing aircraft than suggested by the IFR separations of Table 2.1. It also means smaller deviations from the required minima, as pilots can adjust spacing as they approach the runway. This second effect is also present at airports where the practice of “visual separations on final” in VMC has not yet been adopted. The overall effect is that, with the same aircraft mix and the same nominal (IFR) separation requirements, the capacity of individual runways in VMC is typically greater than in IMC, occasionally by a significant margin. Second, when it comes to multi-runway configurations, good visibility conditions have a similar effect. For example, in the case of two parallel runways, the FAA generally authorizes simultaneous parallel approaches in IMC, when the separation between runway centerlines is 4,300 ft or more, as noted earlier. But in VMC, simultaneous parallel approaches can be performed to parallel runways separated by only 1200 ft (366 m) when Heavy aircraft are involved and by only 700 ft (214 m) when they are not. As a consequence, San Francisco International (SFO), one of the most delay-prone airports in the world, has an arrival capacity of about 54 per hour in VMC, when simultaneous parallel approaches are performed to a pair of closely-spaced parallel runways, and of only 34 per hour in IMC, when the same two runways are operated essentially as a single runway, as described earlier. The impact of VMC is similar when it comes to operations on a pair of intersecting runways, as illustrated by New York’s LaGuardia Airport (LGA). In VMC, LGA has a nominal capacity of 81 movements per hour and, with the same two runways, a capacity of 63 (or 22% less) in IMC. Wind direction and wind strength are just as critical in determining which runways will be active at a multi-runway airport at any given time. First, landings and takeoffs are conducted into the wind – the maximum allowable tailwind is generally of the order of 5 knots. Thus, the direction of the wind determines the direction in which the active runways are used. Equally important, there are limits on the strength of the crosswinds that aircraft can tolerate on landing and on takeoff. For any runway, the crosswind is the component of the wind vector whose direction is perpendicular to the direction of the runway. The crosswind tolerance limits vary according to type of aircraft and to the state of the runway’s surface (dry or wet, slippery due to icy spots, etc.). Thus, airports are often forced by crosswinds and tailwinds to utilize configurations that offer reduced capacity. For example, with strong westerly winds, Boston Logan (BOS) is forced to operate with two main runways even in VMC, instead of the customary three. This reduces capacity by about 30 movements per hour from the VMC norm! State and performance of the ATM system: An obvious underlying premise to all of the above is that a high-quality ATM system with well-trained and experienced personnel is a prerequisite for achieving high runway capacities. To use a simple example, tight separations between successive aircraft on final approach (i.e., separations which are as 14 close as possible to the minimum required in each case) cannot be achieved unless (a) accurate and well-displayed information is available to air traffic controllers regarding the positions of the leading and trailing aircraft, and (b) the controllers themselves are skilled in the task of spacing aircraft accurately during final approach. Major differences exist in this respect between ATM systems in different countries. Environmental considerations: Finally, runway usage and, by extension, airport capacity at some major airports may be strongly affected by noise-mitigation and other measures motivated by environmental considerations. In the daily course of airport operations, noise is one of the principal criteria used by air traffic controllers to decide which one among several usable alternative runway configurations to activate. (A choice among two or more alternative configurations may exist whenever weather and wind conditions are sufficiently favorable.) Environmental considerations act, in general, as a constraint on airport capacity since they tend to reduce the frequency with which certain highcapacity configurations may be used. The capacity envelope for multi-runway systems and its computation: The complexity of computing the capacity envelopes of multi-runway airports depends on the complexity of the geometric layout of the runway system and the extent to which operations on different runways are interdependent. The simplest cases, involving two parallel or intersecting runways, can still be addressed through analytical models, because they are reasonably straightforward extensions of single-runway models (Stamatopoulos, Zografos and Odoni 2004). Analytical models also provide good approximate estimates of true capacity in cases involving three or more active runways, as long as the runway configurations can be “decomposed” into semi-independent parts, each consisting of one or two runways. This is possible at the majority of existing major airports and at practically every secondary airport. When such decomposition is not possible or when a highly detailed representation of runway and taxiway operations is necessary, simulation models can be used. Generalpurpose simulation models of airside operations first became viable in the early 1980s and have been vested with increasingly sophisticated features since then. Two models currently dominate this field internationally: SIMMOD and the Total Airport and Airspace Modeler (TAAM). A report by Odoni et al (1997) contains detailed reviews of these and several other airport and airspace simulation models and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each. At their current state of development and with adequate time and personnel resources, they can be powerful tools not only in estimating the capacity of runway systems, but also in studying detailed airside design issues, such as figuring out the best way to remove an airside bottleneck or estimating the amount by which the capacity of an airport is reduced due to the crossing of active runways by taxiing aircraft. However, these simulation models still involve considerable expense, as well as require significant time and effort and, most importantly, expert users. 2.1.5. The Variability and Unpredictability of the Capacity of Runway Systems 15 The variability of the capacity of runway systems at major airports can now be easily explained with reference to the previous discussion. There are three main causes of drastic reductions in airport capacity. Two are related to weather: severe events, like thunderstorms or snowstorms; and more routine weather events, like fog or very strong winds. The third major cause is technical or infrastructure problems, such as air traffic control equipment outage or the temporary loss of one or more runways, due to an incident or accident or to maintenance work. For this last case, it should be noted that major airports schedule runway maintenance carefully, so as to minimize impact on airport traffic. Thunderstorms and snowstorms are events that pose hazards to aviation. Thus, they impede severely the flow of air traffic into and out of airports and through major portions of affected airspace. They carry the potential for even shutting down airports completely for several hours and, occasionally for a few days at a time in the case of snowstorms. The more routine events can be much more frequent, such as heavy fog at the San Francisco, Milan and Amsterdam airports or strong winds in Boston. These typically cause a severe reduction of capacity, from the best levels achievable in VMC to levels associated either with IMC or with non-availability of some runways due to winds. The FAA in a 2001 study compared the maximum throughput capacities of the 31 busiest commercial airports in the United States under optimum weather conditions, with the capacity of the most frequently used configuration in IMC (FAA, 2001). The study found that, on average, the capacity was reduced by 22% in the latter case, with 8 of the 31 airports experiencing a capacity reduction of 30% or more! Note that other, less frequently used IMC configurations at these airports often have even lower capacities. The overall effect of weather on an airport’s capacity can be summarized conveniently through the capacity coverage chart (CCC), which is essentially a plot of the probability distribution of available capacity over an extended period of time such as a year. An example for Boston’s Logan International Airport (BOS) is shown in Figure 2.3. (The CCC is somewhat simplified to indicate only five principal levels of capacity.) It indicates that the capacity varies from a high capacity of 115 movements or more per hour, available for about 77% of the time – the leftmost two levels of capacity – and associated with the most favorable VMC, to a low of about 55-60 movements per hour for about 6% of the time and associated with low IMC. (The airport also has capacity of zero, meaning it is closed down due to weather conditions, about 1.5% of the time.) One of the two intermediate levels of capacity (third from left) of about 94 movements per hour is associated with the presence of strong westerly winds in VMC. As mentioned in the previous section, these force the airport to operate with only two active main runways. To prepare the CCC, it is necessary to examine historical hourly weather records (visibility, cloud ceiling, precipitation, winds) for a long period of time (e.g., five years) and identify the capacity available at each of these hours. The CCC is drawn under the simplifying assumptions that (a) the mix of arrivals and departures is 50%-50% and (b) the airport is operated at all times with the highestcapacity configuration that can be used under the prevailing weather conditions. While neither of these assumptions is exactly true in practice, the CCC nonetheless provides a 16 good indication of the overall availability of capacity during a year, as well as of the variability of this capacity. Obviously a CCC that stays level for the overwhelming majority of time – as one might expect to find at airports that enjoy consistently good Capacity Coverage: BOS 140 120 ru oh100 re ps 80 tn e 60 m ev o 40 M 20 0 0 20 40 60 % of time 80 100 Figure 2.3 The capacity coverage chart for Boston Logan International Airport. weather – implies a more predictable operating environment than the “uneven” CCCs of BOS, SFO, LGA and other airports where weather is highly variable. Although the associated technology is improving, meteorological forecasts still have not attained the level of accuracy and detail needed to eliminate uncertainty from predictions of airport and airspace weather, even for a time-horizon as short as one or two hours. When it comes to impact on the operations of any specific airport, the challenge is twofold: predicting the severity of an anticipated weather event at a quite microscopic level; and, equally important, determining narrow windows for the forecast starting and ending times of the event. For example, a few hundred feet of difference in the cloud ceiling or the presence or absence of “corridors” for the safe conduct of approaches and departures in convective weather may make a great difference in the amount of capacity available at an airport. Similarly, over- or under-predicting by just one hour the ending time of a thunderstorm may have major implications on a Ground delay program (see Section 4) and, as a result, on the costs and disruption caused by the associated delays and flight cancellations. 2.2. The Capacity of Airspace Sectors 17 Within the airspace itself, safety concerns and the need to separate aircraft leads to yet another set of constraints. The most prevalent of these is associated with a sector. A sector is a volume of airspace for which a single air traffic control team of one or two individuals has responsibility. The principal constraint on the number of aircraft that can safely occupy a sector simultaneously is controller workload. Both in North American and in European airspace, it is generally accepted that this number should not exceed the 8-15 range, depending on a number of factors. This limitation, in turn, translates to typical upper limits of the order of 15-20 on the number of aircraft that can be scheduled to traverse a sector during a 15-minute time interval in U.S. en route airspace. This capacity may be reduced significantly in the presence of severe weather. Because of its heavy dependence on controller workload, it is difficult to compute the capacity of a sector, in terms of either the number of simultaneously present aircraft or the number of aircraft traversing the sector per unit of time (Wyndemere, 1996; Sridhar, Seth and Grabbe 1998). Numerous factors affect the complexity of the controller’s task. Hinston et al (2001) classify these into three major categories: (a) Airspace factors: sector dimensions (physical size and shape, area that the controller must effectively oversee); spatial distribution of airways and of navigational aids within the sector; number and location of standard ingress and egress points for the sector; configuration of traffic flows (number and orientation relative to the shape of the sector, complexity of aircraft trajectories, crossing points and/or merging points of the flows); and complexity of required coordination with controllers of neighboring sectors (e.g., for “hand-offs” of aircraft from one sector to the next). (b) Traffic factors: number and spatial density of aircraft; range of aircraft performance (homogeneous traffic vs. many different types of aircraft with diverse performance characteristics); complexity of resolving aircraft conflicts (which depends on many variables); sector transit time. (c) Operational constraints: restrictions on available airspace, e.g., due to the presence of convective weather or of special use airspace; limitations of communications systems; and procedural flow restrictions at certain waypoints (see Section 4.1.2) or noise abatement procedures in place. Several attempts have been made in recent years to develop quantitative relationships between some of these factors and controller workload – see, e.g., Manning et al (2002). To deal with this complexity and handle a large number of aircraft, controllers attempt to introduce a “structure” to the traffic patterns they handle. Examples include (Hinston et al, 2001): spatial standardization of the flows of aircraft within sectors along specific paths; consideration of aircraft in groups, with members of each group linked by common attributes; and concentration around a few “critical points” of the location of potential aircraft encounters or of other occurrences requiring controller intervention. In order to effect such structuring, flow may usually be directed through a few waypoints or fixes, which have an associated maximum flow rate. These maximum flow rates can be derived from minimum separation standards or alternatively the maximum rates can be 18 specified by the ATM system itself in order to limit the amount of flow passing downstream. In this latter case, the maximum flow rate can be viewed as a control variable. Finally, it is noted that airspace constraints typically have a less severe effect on airline operations than airport constraints. This is especially true in the more flexible ATM environment of the United States. The reason, quite simply, is that a capacity-constrained en route sector can often be bypassed at limited cost by selecting an alternative route, whereas a flight has no choice but to eventually end up at its destination airport. 3. Restricting Schedules 3.1. Options and Current Practice on Airport Scheduling With the background of Section 2, we can now proceed to review how the two principal types of airspace system stakeholders attempt to deal with unpredictable and variable capacity constraints in daily operations. This and the next section will discuss strategies associated primarily with ATM service providers (Civil Aviation Authorities and other national and international organizations) while Sections 6 and 7 will present the strategic and tactical options available to the airlines. To ATM service providers (e.g., the FAA) two approaches are essentially available. One, restricting schedules (RS), is of a static and “pro-active” nature as it places, in advance, limits on the maximum number of aircraft movements that can be scheduled during a unit of time at an airport or other airspace element. The second, ATFM, is dynamic and reactive: its goal is to prevent airport and airspace overloading by adjusting in “real time” the flows of aircraft on a national or a regional basis in response to actual conditions. In essence, the focus of RS is on controlling the number of scheduled operations through airspace elements and of ATFM on controlling the number of actual operations through these elements, given a schedule. This section reviews briefly the RS approach, while the next deals more extensively with ATFM. A far more frequently used term for RS, especially among aviation policy-makers, is “demand management”. It refers to any set of administrative and/or economic policies and regulations aimed at constraining the demand for access to airspace elements during certain times when congestion would otherwise be experienced. This term is avoided here, because it may cause confusion with a major aspect of ATFM, which is also concerned with “managing demand” in a dynamic way in order to match it with available capacity. RS is not used currently in the United States, with the exception of four airports (New York LaGuardia and Kennedy, Chicago O’Hare and Washington Reagan) where limits on the number of movements that can be scheduled per hour – the so-called “high-density rules” (HDR) – have existed since 1968. The HDR will be phased out by 2007 according to the so-called AIR-21 legislation of 2000 and, in fact, in some cases, e.g. Chicago, the restrictions have already been relaxed. However, RS is widely practiced outside the US: 19 about 140 of the world’s busiest airports are “fully coordinated”, meaning that they place strict limits on the number of movements that the airlines can schedule there. These airports serve the great majority of air travelers outside the US every year. The concept underlying RS is the declared capacity, i.e., a declared limit on the maximum number of air traffic movements that can be scheduled at an airport per unit of time. At a few airports, separate limits are specified for the number of landings, the number of takeoffs and the total number of movements. The typical unit of time is one hour, but some airports use finer subdivisions of time. At a few airports, the declared capacity may also vary by time of day, e.g., more departures than arrivals may be allowed during certain hours and vice versa for other hours. The declared capacity is determined by the capacity of the most restricting element of the airport – the so-called “bottleneck element”. In most cases, this is the runway system of the airport. However, the bottleneck element can also be the passenger terminal, or the apron area, or some other part of the airport. Even in such cases, the computed limit (e.g, the number of passengers that can be scheduled per hour at the passenger terminal) is converted to a declared limit on the number of air traffic movements. The RS approach – and the concept of declared capacity – can be extended to air traffic control sectors. The declared capacity in this environment is primarily determined by workload considerations, as noted in Section 2.2, taking into consideration traffic patterns, traffic mix, route configuration, etc. EUROCONTROL, the agency that coordinates air traffic management systems over Europe, in effect uses such capacity figures for en route sectors in its six-month advance planning of traffic loads in European airspace. 3.2. Critical Issues Regarding Restricting Schedules If traffic volumes at airports and airspace sectors are restricted to levels that can be handled comfortably all the time, the RS approach can clearly be effective in reducing major delays and important schedule disruptions. However, the approach is also characterized by several fundamental problems, three of which are described here. First, implicit in the approach is the need to make a tradeoff between delays, on the one hand, and resource utilization, on the other, on the basis of only very aggregate information. Consider, for example, the case of Boston’s Logan International Airport (BOS). As suggested by Figure 2.3, the maximum achievable arrival rate at BOS under favorable weather conditions (visibility, cloud ceiling, winds, precipitation) is around 60 per hour. Such conditions prevail about 77% of the time. During the other 22%, the maximum arrival rate is lower – and can be as low as 30 per hour for about 6% of the time. Were BOS to declare an arrival capacity of 60 (and assuming that the airlines and general aviation operators actually scheduled that many movements), delays at BOS would reach high to unacceptable levels during about 22% of the peak traffic hours over any extended span of time, such as a year. On the other hand, declaring an arrival capacity of 30 would practically ensure the absence of serious delays, but would result in gross underutilization of the airport’s resources most of the time. In general, one should note that any choice of 20 the value of the declared capacity must be made on the basis of very aggregate statistical information: when an airport “declares a capacity” for the next six months (as is currently done under the process organized by IATA – see below), all it has to go on is historical statistics about weather conditions at the airport and the resulting available capacity. By contrast, as described in Section 4, the ATFM approach uses real-time capacity forecasts with a maximum time-horizon of about 12 hours. In this light, it is not surprising that no single, internationally accepted methodology exists today for determining and setting the declared capacity of airports and airspace sectors. Practices vary greatly from country to country and, in some cases, from airport to airport within the same country. Some major international airports in Europe and in Asia clearly opt for allowing for a considerable margin of “comfort” by declaring very “conservative” capacities, i.e., capacities near the low end of the available range. This results in wasting significant amounts of extremely valuable capacity. The second problem with RS is the way it is currently practiced. The declared capacities of the major airports, as updated at six-month intervals, are communicated to international aviation authorities and to the airlines and serve as the basis for scheduling airline operations at busy airports during the international Schedule Coordination Conferences (SCC) that are organized by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and take place in November and June every year. During the SCC, a “schedule coordinator” allocates the available capacity (“slots”) among the airlines that have requested access to each fully coordinated airport. If the number of available slots is insufficient to satisfy demand, then some requests are simply denied. The criteria used to allocate slots are described in detail in IATA (2000) and discussed in de Neufville and Odoni (2003). For our purposes, it is sufficient to note that the dominant and overriding criterion is historical precedent: an airline which was assigned a slot in the same previous season (“summer” or “winter”) and utilized that slot for at least 80% of the time during that previous season is automatically entitled to the continued use of that “historical slot.” No economic criteria are used for slot allocation and, in fact, buying and selling of slots is prohibited – at least, under the official rules. The net result is that some of the older, traditional airlines maintain in this way a “lock” on most of the prime slots at the world’s most economically desirable airports. Airlines that wish to compete in these markets and may be willing to pay high fees for the right to operate at the airports in question are effectively “frozen out”. Third, and perhaps most important, the RS approach, as currently practiced, distorts the functioning of the marketplace and suppresses potential demand by placing an arbitrary cap on the number of operations at some of the world’s busiest airports. This, in turn, creates an illusionary equilibrium, i.e., an artificial balance between demand and capacity. Thus, current RS practices do not provide decision-makers with true information about the economic value that airspace users and the traveling public may attach to additional capacity at the schedule-coordinated airports or at other elements of the airspace. A great deal of research has been performed over the years on these and related issues, focusing primarily on the second of the problems described above and, to a lesser extent, 21 on the third. Several classical and more recent papers have dealt with the application of “market-based” mechanisms, typically in combination with administrative measures, to improve the current capacity allocation process of IATA – see Vickrey (1969), Carlin and Park (1970), Morrison (1987), Daniel (1995), DotEcon Ltd (2001) and Ball, Donohue and Hoffman (2005), for a sample. Such papers examine the use of congestion pricing and of slot auctioning at major airports. Interestingly, some ongoing research on realtime capacity allocation and slot-exchange mechanisms in connection with ATFM – see, e.g., Vossen and Ball (2005b) and Ball, Donohue and Hoffman (2005) – has also focused on market-based approaches (see also Section 4.4). Other recent work has investigated less generic issues related to computational and implementation issues associated with such approaches. For example, advances in the application of queuing theory have facilitated greatly the estimation of external delay costs (Andreatta and Odoni 2003). Fan and Odoni (2002) and Hansen (2002) report applications of queuing methodologies to the detailed estimation of external delay costs at New York/LaGuardia and Los Angeles International, respectively. These independent studies come up with strikingly similar results: many flights at these airports impose external delay costs which exceed by at least an order of magnitude the landing fees these flights pay. For example, Fan and Odoni (2002) estimate that the external delay cost per movement for much of the day at New York/LaGuardia was about $6000 in August 2001, whereas the average fee per movement amounted to about $300. The implication is that access to many busy airports may be greatly under-priced, thus attracting excessive demand, which exacerbates congestion. This is especially true in the United States where landing fees are comparatively very low. A third area of recent research addresses some difficult problems that set the application of market-based mechanisms at airports apart from analogous applications in other contexts. For example, Bruckner (2003) and Fan (2003) point out that each airline operates a (possibly large) number of flights at airports, in contrast to highway traffic where each user operates a single vehicle. When any single airline operates a large fraction of the total movements at an airport, it also automatically absorbs (“internalizes”) a similarly large fraction of the external delay costs that its flights generate. That airline should therefore be charged only that portion of the external costs that it does not internalize. But a pricing system under which different airlines would pay different landing fees for the same type of aircraft would be both controversial and technically difficult to implement. This and other complications, along with the presence of many social policy objectives (service to small communities, access to airports by regional carriers and by general aviation, etc.) suggest that any future RS schemes that incorporate market-based features, will be governed by a complex set of rules that may include exemptions, subsidies for certain carriers, slots reserved for certain types of flights, etc. 4. Air Traffic Flow Management 4.1. Background and ATFM Controls 4.1.1. Basic Premises 22 Air traffic management (ATM) is now viewed as consisting of a tactical component and a strategic component. The tactical component, Air Traffic Control (ATC), is concerned with controlling individual aircraft on a time horizon ranging from seconds to 30 minutes for the purpose of ensuring safe separation from other aircraft and from terrain. The strategic component, Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) works at a more aggregate level and on a time horizon of up to about 12 hours in the United States and 48 hours in Europe. Its objective is to ensure the overall unimpeded flow of aircraft through the airspace, so as to avoid congestion and delays and, when delays are unavoidable, to reduce as much as possible their impact on airspace users. The primary airports and primary airspace are dominated by the operations of scheduled air carriers. Air carrier schedules generate airspace demand and also serve as the basis for measuring the performance of ATFM systems. The fundamental premise of ATFM is that, roughly speaking, if all operations occurred at their scheduled times and if all airspace elements were in their “normal” operating states, then there would be little need for any flow management. Under such ideal conditions – and with the possible exception of some brief periods at a few of the busiest airports – demand on all airspace elements would be less than capacity and operations would generally proceed as if there were no constraints. But ATFM recognizes that the complexity of the airspace system, its susceptibility to weather conditions and the large number of possible ways in which equipment and/or operations can fail to operate as planned, all imply that the probability that the entire system will operate exactly according to schedule on any given day is essentially zero. ATFM procedures are therefore in greatest demand when there are significant imbalances between capacity and demand on airspace elements, usually caused by capacity reductions due to weather or equipment failures. Demand surges can also cause capacity-demand imbalances. Such surges may occur, for example, when problems early in the day cause the postponement of scheduled operations into a time interval that already contained significant numbers of operations. Additionally, the number of unscheduled flights is growing and is having a greater impact on overall system performance. Finally, as the number of scheduled operations has increased, there have been instances where scheduled demand actually exceeded the capacity of network elements for extended time periods each day. Probably the most notable example along these lines occurred at LaGuardia airport between May 2000 and February 2001, i.e., during the period between enactment of the so-called Air-21 legislation – which opened access to LaGuardia for certain types of flights – and the imposition of slot lotteries aimed at relieving the resulting congestion. In such cases, even the routine operation of the air transportation system requires the use of ATFM procedures. 23 4.1.2 Controls ATFM performance is measured primarily with reference to deviations from schedules. That is, ATFM systems generally seek to minimize the amount of time by which actual operations (most importantly, the arrivals of aircraft at their destination airports) deviate from scheduled operations. Thus, the key performance indicators usually involve measures of delay. The next fundamental question to consider in describing and analyzing ATFM systems is what controls can be used to impact system performance. Before directly addressing this question we discuss two basic characteristics of controls: who makes and implements the control decisions and what are the timing constraints associated with the control. The two critical entities involved in ATFM decisions are the air traffic service providers and the airspace users. Airspace users could range from the owner/operator of a general aviation aircraft to a large air carrier. Within a large air carrier there can be multiple decision-makers: most central to this discussion are the airline operational control centers (AOCC) and the pilots. On the air traffic service provider side, the units involved are the regional air traffic control centers (Air Route Traffic Control Centers -- ARTCC in the U.S.), as well as the central traffic flow management units (Air Traffic Control System Command Center – ATCSCC in the U.S.). Properly distributing decision-making among all these entities can be critical to the success of ATFM systems and is at the heart of the recent emergence of the Collaborative decision making (CDM) paradigm, which is described in Section 4.3. The time constraints associated with control actions can greatly impact the manner in which they can be applied and the manner in which multiple actions can be coordinated. The key issue, in this respect, is the length of time that elapses between a control decision and the implementation of that decision. A rough categorization is that strategic decisions are typically made hours in advance of implementation, whereas tactical decisions involve shorter time scales. Generally, the appropriateness and effectiveness of any particular control action, strategic or tactical, depend on system dynamics and on the level of uncertainty associated with future states of the airspace system. We now describe the most important types of ATFM control actions. Ground holding (including ground stops): Ground holding involves delaying the departure of a flight in order to avoid overloading a capacitated system element. Ground holding is most often implemented in the U.S. through a Ground delay program (GDP), which is put into effect when the demand for arrivals into an airport is predicted to exceed significantly the arrival capacity. In Europe, ground holding is commonly used to avoid overloading of en route sectors. Ground holding is generally considered a strategic decision. A “ground stop” is a more tactical and extreme form of ground holding, whereby all departures of aircraft bound for a particular destination airport are temporarily postponed. A ground stop typically applies only to a specified set of airports, usually ones that are proximate to the affected destination airport. In the past, air traffic service providers were the sole decision makers when it came to decisions regarding ground holding. More recently, however, CDM procedures have led to shared decision making with airspace users. 24 Airborne speed control and airborne holding: Airborne speed control and airborne holding are tactical controls used to avoid overloading (en route or terminal) airspace elements by adjusting the time at which flights arrive at those elements. Speed controls can involve simply slowing down or speeding up aircraft or aircraft vectoring implemented through minor directional detours. Airborne holding is usually implemented by having aircraft fly in oval-shaped patterns. The providers of air traffic services usually make these control decisions. Route choice and route adjustments: Generally speaking airspace users control route choice. As discussed at the beginning of Section 2, airline and general aviation operators choose and file flight plans based on several criteria including winds and other weather conditions, fuel usage, en route turbulence predictions, safety constraints, etc. Flight plans may be filed several hours in advance of departure but in many cases are not filed until shortly before departure (even within an hour of departure) in order to take advantage of the most recent information on weather conditions and congestion. For purposes of managing congestion, air space managers can reject flight plans leading to new filings. In some cases, standard reroute strategies are specified, e.g. the air space manager designates that all flights originally filed along one airspace path should re-file along a second alternate path. A variety of more tactical route adjustments are possible. For example, alternative “departure routes” might be specified by an airline; then, immediately before departure, one would be chosen based on a negotiation process between the airspace manager and user. Once airborne, major or minor route adjustments might be made. These decisions generally involve some level of collaboration between the regional air traffic service provider and the pilot or AOCC. A very extreme form of route adjustment is the diversion of a flight, which involves altering its destination airport. Flight cancellations: The cancellation of a flight is another drastic, although not particularly unusual, ATFM measure. Responsibility for flight cancellations always rests with the airline or the general aviation operator. Arrival sequencing: The sequencing of flights can be very important as the maximum arrival rates into airports depend on the sequence and mix of aircraft types (Section 2.1.3). Due to the uncertainty of en route operations this should be considered a tactical decision. Primary responsibility in this respect rests with the air traffic service provider, although CDM concepts are now being applied to this setting, leading to some air carrier participation in sequencing decisions. Airport arrival or departure rate restrictions: As discussed in Section 2, there can be a tradeoff between the maximum airport arrival and departure rates. Evaluating this tradeoff and setting these rates should be considered a tactical decision that traditionally is made by regional air traffic service providers (Gilbo 1993, 1997). Proposals to allow air carrier participation in this decision have been made (Hall 1999). Waypoint flow restrictions: An important and widely used control within the U.S. airspace system is the so-called miles-in-trail (MIT) restriction. Regional air traffic 25 service providers impose such restrictions in order to ensure that the flow of aircraft into a region of airspace is kept at a safe level. When such a restriction is put in place, the adjacent “upstream” regional air traffic service provider has responsibility for maintaining a traffic flow at or below the restricted level. This can be done in a variety of ways, including the use of airborne holding, rerouting of some traffic and issuing similar flow restrictions on flights further upstream. In this way, it is possible for a flow restriction to propagate through much of the airspace system, possibly eventually leading to ground holds at airports of origin. 4.2 Deterministic Models Using as a starting point the capacity constraints described in Section 4.1, one can formulate large-scale optimization models that map airspace demand onto the various elements of the airspace in such a way that all capacity constraints are respected. Such models trace flights through both space and time and seek to minimize some global demand function. In Section 4.2.1 we describe a large-scale comprehensive modeling approach and then, in Section 4.2.2, specialize this model to the ground holding problem. 4.2.1 Global Models There are two broad classes of global air traffic flow models. The first assumes that the trajectory (route) of each flight is fixed and optimizes the timing of the flight’s operations. The second allows the route of each flight to vary, as well. Clearly, the second type of model has a much larger decision space. We start with models of the first type. The modeling approach chooses a time horizon of interest and decomposes it into a discrete set of time intervals. A geographic scope is also selected. This determines the set of capacitated elements under consideration, including airports, sectors and waypoints. The combination of the model’s temporal and geographic scope determines the set of flights to be considered. The basic decision variable specifies the airspace element occupied by a flight at each time interval, i.e., xfte = 1 0 if flight f occupies airspace element e during time interval t; otherwise. For airports, the capacitated airspace element would be either the airport’s arrival or departure component. For example, LaGuardia Airport (LGA) would be represented by an arrival element LGA1 and a departure element LGA2, with xf1,t,LGA1 indicating the time interval t of a flight f1’s arrival to LGA and xf2,t,LGA2 indicating the time interval t for flight f2’s departure from LGA. The capacity constraint associated with an element e and time interval t is of the form: ∑f xfte ≤ cap(t,e) for all t and e, 26 where cap(t,e) is the capacity of element e during time interval t. For airport arrival and departure capacities and for waypoints, cap(t,e) is equal to the maximum number of flights that could flow through that element during time interval t. For a sector, it is equal to the maximum number of flights that can occupy the sector simultaneously. The remaining constraints define temporal restrictions on the manner in which each flight can progress through the airspace. For example, they might specify that, once a flight enters a sector, it must remain in the sector for 3, 4 or 5 time intervals. In this case, 3 time intervals would correspond to traversing the sector on a direct path at maximum speed and 5 time intervals might correspond to a longer traversal time based on application of some type of speed control. We note that since the flight’s route is an input, the progression from departure airport through a specific sequence of sectors to a destination airport is a fixed model input, as well. Bertsimas and Stock Paterson (1998) have shown that models of this type can be solved very efficiently. Of particular note is their use of an alternative set of decision variables. Specifically, the xfte variables are replaced with a set, wfte, defined by: wfte = 1 0 if flight f arrives at airspace element e by time interval t; otherwise. While the w variables can be obtained from the x variables through a simple linear t transformation (wfte = ∑ x fse ), the w variables are much easier to work with because they s =1 produce very simple and natural temporal progression constraints. Further, the associated linear programming relaxations are very “strong” in the sense that they lead to the fast solution of the associated integer programs. Bertsimas and Stock Patterson show that a variety of additional features can be included in the model, including the propagation of delays that occurs when a delay in the arrival of a flight arrival causes the delay of an outbound flight that uses the same aircraft. The model can also capture the dependence between an airport’s arrival and departure capacities and choose the appropriate combination of the two for each time interval. A second type of model also allows for flight routes to vary. Bertsimas and Stock Paterson (2000) extend the model described above to this case. Since the decision space becomes much larger, aggregate variables and approximate methods must be employed in order to solve problems of realistic size. 4.2.2 Deterministic Ground Holding Models A simple, yet very important special case of the model just described is the deterministic ground holding problem. For this problem, en route constraints and airport departure constraints are ignored leaving only a constraint on arrival capacity. These assumptions allow a large multi-airport problem to be decomposed into separate problems, one for each arrival airport. This model is very important to the U.S. ATFM environment since it underlies the Ground delay programs (GDP) as currently operated. Although the control 27 variable for a GDP is ground delay at the origination airport of each flight, the problem can be modeled as one of assigning flights to arrival time intervals at the destination airport. For each flight a (constant) en route time is then subtracted from the arrival time to obtain a departure time, which in turn implies an amount of ground delay at the origination airport. Define the following inputs: for a set of time intervals t (t = 1, 2,…, T) and set of flights f (f = 1, 2,…, F), let bt e(f) cft = the constrained airport’s arrival capacity at time interval t, = the earliest time interval at which flight f can arrive at the constrained airport, = the cost of assigning flight f to arrive at time interval t, and the variable: xft = 1 0 if flight f is assigned to time interval t; otherwise. Then, the deterministic ground holding problem can be formulated as: Min s.t. ∑f ∑t cft xft ∑f xft ≤ bt ∑t≥e(f) xft = 1 xft ≥ 0 and integer for all t, for all f, for all f and t. As can be seen, this is a simple transportation model that can be solved very efficiently. This model was first described in Terrab and Odoni (1993). In Ball et al (1993), various issues related to its practical use were investigated. In particular, it was suggested that the definition cft = rf (t – e(f))1 + ε is attractive since flight delay costs tend to grow with time at a greater than linear rate. In addition, solutions produced using this objective function are attractive from the standpoint of equity or fairness – see Vossen and Ball (2005a) for a detailed discussion of this issue. Hoffman and Ball (2003) investigate generalizations of this model that preserve the proximity of banks of flights associated with airline hubbing operations. Vranas, Bertsimas and Odoni (1994) describe a multiairport version of the problem where both airport arrival and departure rates are constrained and flights are “connected” to each other, in the sense that the late arrival of a flight f at an airport may also imply the late departure of one or more subsequent flights from that airport. This can happen if the departing flight must use the same aircraft as flight f or, less obviously, if flight f carries many transfer passengers who must board subsequent departing flights. 4.3 Uncertainty and Stochastic Models Uncertainty on multiple levels has led to the failure of many attempts at practical implementation of various air traffic flow management models. This is particularly true 28 for models that attempt to optimize over a broad geographic area and/or extended periods of time. To be effective, models must include stochastic components explicitly or they must address problems restricted to limited geographic and time domains for which available information is less subject to uncertainty. We use the term demand uncertainty to describe the possibility that, due to random or unforeseen events, flights may deviate from their planned departure or arrival times or from their planned trajectories. Similarly, capacity uncertainty refers to the possibility that random or unforeseen events will cause changes to the maximum achievable flow rates into and out of airports or through airspace waypoints or to the maximum number of flights that can occupy simultaneously a portion of the airspace. Examples of factors contributing to demand uncertainty include problems in loading passengers onto an aircraft, mechanical problems, queues on the departure airport’s surface or in the air and en route weather problems. Examples of factors contributing to capacity uncertainty include weather conditions at an airport or in the en route airspace, failures or degradation of air traffic control equipment, unavailability of air traffic control personnel and random changes in flight sequences and aircraft mix that require alterations of anticipated flight departure or arrival spacing. The largest body of work in this area has focused on ground holding models that explicitly take into account uncertainty in airport arrival capacity. These models are covered in Section 4.3.1. There is a less extensive body on work on capacity uncertainty for GDPs, which is covered in Section 4.3.2. The performance of a GDP planning and control system can be evaluated based on three measures: the total assigned ground delay, the total airborne delay and the utilization of the available arrival capacity. Figure 4.1 illustrates a generic model (Odoni, 1987) that is convenient for evaluating the tradeoffs among these three performance criteria and for understanding how they are impacted by demand and capacity uncertainty. The airport’s arrival component (terminal airspace and runways) is viewed as a server subject to demand uncertainty. The assigned ground delay (the control mechanism) and the random events that perturb the planned arrival stream of flights determine the rate of arrivals at the server. Thus, demand uncertainty impacts the rate of arrivals at the server and capacity uncertainty impacts the service rate. The planning and control of a GDP must balance the possibility of too low an arrival rate, which leads to underutilization of the server, with too high an arrival rate, which leads to a large airborne queue and excessive airborne delay. Generally speaking because of demand and capacity uncertainty, the “best” policy calls for some degree of airborne delay in order to ensure an acceptably intensive utilization of the available arrival capacity. The starting point for defining airport arrival capacity is specifying the number of flights that can land within a time interval (this quantity is referred to as the airport acceptance rate – AAR). A key observation in light of this discussion is that the presence of demand and capacity uncertainty makes it necessary to distinguish between the planned AAR (PAAR) and the actual AAR. In the following two sections we discuss two types of models: those that assign ground delay to individual flights and those only concerned with determining a PAAR vector. The second objective (determining a PAAR vector) is appropriate in the context of Collaborative Decision Making (CDM), where the assignment of ground 29 delays to individual flights results from a complex set of distributed decision making procedures. Thus, the second set of models is the one more directly geared to the CDM environment. Interestingly, some models in the first set can also generate the same PAAR vectors through a simple “post-processing” step, as has been shown by Kotnyek and Richetta (2004). reduced arrival capacity origin airports airborne queue ground delay airborne delay destination airport airport throughput Figure 4.1: Schematic representation of a single-airport GDP 4.3.1 Ground Holding Models with Stochastic Airport Capacity As discussed in the previous section, optimization models for the ground holding problem subdivide time into an arbitrary number of discrete intervals. Typical time intervals might be 10 or 15 minutes or even as much as 1 hour for the most aggregate models. One would then characterize the AAR over a period of time, e.g. four hours, as a vector that provides the AAR in each of the constituent time intervals. In a typical GDP caused by a weather disturbance that moves through a region, the AAR would start at its normal level, e.g. 60 arrivals per hour, decrease to one or more degraded levels, e.g. 30 arrivals per hours, for several time intervals, e.g. 4 hours, and then return to its original level. If it were known that such a scenario would occur with certainty, then a deterministic ground holding model (Section 4.2.2) could obviously be used with this scenario providing the capacity constraints input. By contrast, stochastic models treat the AAR as a random variable and use as input several such scenarios together with associated probabilities. For example, an “optimistic” scenario indicating no capacity degradation would consist of a vector of hourly AARs of 60 throughout the period of interest, whereas, a more pessimistic scenario might assume that the AAR will be 30 during every hour in the period. The input can thus be characterized as Dtq pq = AAR for time interval t under scenario q, for t = 1,…, T and q = 1,…, Q. = probability of the occurrence of scenario q, for q = 1, …, Q. The xft variables are then defined as in the deterministic ground holding model, but the capacity constraints are replaced with a new set of scenario-based constraints and associated variables. The new variable set is defined by: 30 ytq = the number of flights held in the air from time period t to t+1, under scenario q, for q = 1,…, Q. The new set of capacity constraints then is: Σf=1,F xft + yt-1 q - ytq ≤ Dtq for t = 1,…,T and q = 1,…,Q. Thus, under these constraints, there is a separate capacity for each scenario. However, the y variables allow for flow between time intervals, so the number of flights assigned to land in an interval under a particular scenario can exceed the AAR by allowing excess flights to “flow” to a future time interval. Note that this set of capacity constraints defines a small network flow problem for each q, with flights “flowing” from earlier time intervals to later ones. To be feasible, for each given q, the total arrival capacity for the entire period of interest, Σt Dtq, must be at least as large as the total number of flights (F). The objective function for the model minimizes the sum of the cost of ground delay plus the expected cost of airborne delay. If we define ca as the cost of holding one flight in the air for one time period then we can define the objective function as: Min: Σf=1,F Σt=1,T cft xft + Σq=1,Q pq Σt=1,T ca yt-1 q. This class of model was first described in Richetta and Odoni (1993) and a dynamic version was given in Richetta and Odoni (1994). Ball et al (2003a) defines a simpler version of this model that computes a PAAR vector (i.e., the total number of flights assigned to arrive during each time interval in the period) rather than an assignment of ground delay to individual flights or groups of flights. This model was created in order to be compatible with CDM procedures, which will be discussed in Section 4.4. The constraint matrix of the underlying integer program is the transpose of a network matrix, allowing the integer program to be solved using linear programming or network flow techniques. Inniss and Ball (2002) and Wilson (2004) describe recent work on estimating arrival capacity distributions. Willemain (2002) develops simple GDP strategies in the presence of capacity uncertainty and also takes into account the possibility of flight cancellations. Inniss and Ball (2002) also presents a dynamic approach to this problem. 4.3.2 Modeling Demand Uncertainty Recent experience with new decision support tools for planning and controlling GDPs has strongly suggested that demand uncertainty is the reason that these tools have not performed quite as strongly as expected. In this context, demand uncertainty refers to differences between the planned and actual characteristics of the stream of flights arriving at the destination airport. These differences can be attributed to three categories of causes: (1) cancellations – flights in the planned arrival stream that are absent from the actual arrival stream during the planning time period; (2) “pop-ups” – flights that arrive at the destination airport during the planning time period, but were not in the planned arrival stream; (3) “drift” – a discrepancy between the actual arrival time of a flight and the 31 flight’s planned arrival time. Ball, Vossen and Hoffman (2001b) present a demand uncertainty model, where each flight can be cancelled with a known probability, pop-ups arrive in each time interval according to a binomial distribution and flights drift within predefined intervals according to a uniform distribution. Considering only cancellations and pop-ups, the authors provide an optimization model that determines a PAAR that minimizes airborne delay subject to a constraint on the minimum allowable airport capacity utilization. This integer programming model contains embedded binomial distributions. The authors also present simulation results covering all three forms of demand uncertainty. The results not only provide new PAAR setting policies, but also give an approach to estimating the benefits of reducing demand uncertainty. For additional details see Bhogadi (2002) and for a related model Willemain (2002). 4.4 Collaborative Decision Making The Collaborative decision making (CDM) effort (Ball et al, 2001; Ball et al, 2001a; Chang et al, 2001; Wambsganss, 1996) grew out of a desire on the part of both the airlines and the FAA for improvements in the manner in which GDPs were planned and controlled. The FAA and, more specifically, the ATCSCC had realized the need for more up-to-date information on the status of flights currently delayed due to mechanical or other problems or even cancelled unbeknownst to the ATCSCC. Equally important, the success of GDPs also depends vitally on timely information regarding airline intentions vis-à-vis flight cancellations and delays over the next few hours. At the same time, the airlines did not feel the allocation procedures used by the ATCSCC were always fair and efficient. In addition, each airline wished to gain more control over how delays were allocated among its own flights. Thus, both the airlines and the FAA had specific (although different) objectives that motivated their participation in CDM. The CDM “philosophy”, broadly speaking, represents an application of the principles of information sharing and distributed decision making to ATFM. Specific goals are: • • • generating a better “knowledge base” by merging information provided by the airspace users with the data that are routinely collected by monitoring directly the airspace; creating common situational awareness by distributing the same information to both traffic managers and airspace users; creating tools and procedures that allow airspace users to respond directly to capacity/demand imbalances and to collaborate with traffic flow managers in the formulation of flow management actions. 4.4.1 CDM Resource Allocation Procedures for Ground Delay Programs CDM brings new modeling requirements to ATFM resource allocation problems including: considering allocation at a more aggregate level, e.g. by allocating resources to airlines rather than to individual flights; integrating equity criteria into model objectives and/or constraints; ensuring that resource allocation mechanisms provide incentives for information sharing; and developing inter-airline resource exchange mechanisms. These 32 concepts evolved in the process of developing new allocation methods for GDPs. We describe the GDP procedures here, as well as related recent research and efforts to extend these ideas to en route ATFM problems. ration-by-schedule (RBS) cancellations and substitutions compression Figure 4.2: CDM Resource Allocation Procedures As discussed in Section 4.2.2, the GDP planning problem can be viewed as one of assigning each flight in the GDP to an arrival time interval (or time slot). Figure 4.2 illustrates the GDP resource allocation process under CDM. The FAA, using Ration-byschedule (RBS), provides an initial assignment of slots to flights. Each airline, using the cancellations and substitution process, may then cancel flights and modify slot-to-flight assignments for its own flights (intra-airline exchange). Thus, although RBS, in concept, allocates slots to flights, the cancellation and substitution process effectively converts the slot-to-flight assignment into a slot-to-airline assignment. The final step, compression, which is carried out by the FAA, maximizes slot utilization by performing an inter-airline slot exchange in order to ensure that no slot goes unused. The assignment of time slots by RBS can be viewed as a simple priority rule. Using the scheduled arrival order as a priority order, each flight is assigned the next available arrival slot. If this rule were applied to all flights and there were no cancellations or substitutions, then the flights would arrive in their original sequence, but generally later in time. Two groups of flights are exempted from this basic allocation scheme: (1) flights that are currently airborne (clearly these cannot be assigned any ground delay) and (2) a set of flights selected according to the distance of their departure airports from the GDP (arrival) airport (Ball and Lulli, 2004). The motivation for (2) is to include in the allocation scheme flights originating from airports that are close to the GDP airport and to exempt flights from airports further away from the GDP airport. The reasoning is that flights a greater distance away must be assigned ground delays well in advance of their actual arrival at the GDP airport, e.g. 4 or 5 hours in advance. At such a long time before arrival, there tends to be a greater level of uncertainty regarding weather and, as a consequence, airport arrival capacity. If these distant flights are assigned ground delay, there is a significant likelihood that this ground delay might prove unnecessary. Thus, distance-based exemptions constitute a mechanism for avoiding unrecoverable delay, as well as for increasing expected airport throughput. After the round of substitutions and cancellations, the utilization of slots can usually be improved. The reason for this is that an airline's flight cancellations and delays may create “holes” in the current schedule; that is, there will be arrival slots that have no flights assigned to them. The purpose of the compression step is to move flights up in the schedule to fill these slots. The basic premise behind the algorithm currently used to 33 perform compression is that airlines should be “paid back” for the slots they release, so as to encourage airlines to report cancellations. FLIGHTS SLOTS FLIGHTS SLOTS AA826: 1600 1600-1601 AA826: 1600 1600-1601 AA290: 1601 1602-1603 AA290: 1601 1602-1603 UA687: 1602 1604-1605 UA687: 1602 1604-1605 US322: 1602 1606-1607 US322: 1602 1606-1607 UA950: 1602 1608-1609 UA950: 1602 1608-1609 CO822: 1606 1610-1611 CO822: 1606 1610-1611 UA543: 1606 1612-1613 UA543: 1606 1612-1613 AA334: 1607 1614-1605 AA334: 1607 1614-1605 CNX Figure 4.3: Execution of the CDM Compression Algorithm To illustrate the compression algorithm, consider the example shown in Figure 4.3. The left side of the figure represents the flight-slot assignment prior to the execution of the compression algorithm. Associated with each flight is an earliest time of arrival, and each slot has an associated slot time. Note that there is one cancelled flight. The right side of the figure shows the flight schedule after execution of the compression algorithm: as a first step, the algorithm attempts to fill AA's open slot at 16:02-16:03. Since, there is no flight from AA that can use it, the slot is allocated to UA, and the process is repeated with the next open slot, which, using the same logic, is assigned to US. The process is repeated for the next open slot, which is now assigned to AA. AA thus receives the earliest slot that it can use. The net result of compression in this case can be viewed as an exchange among airlines of the slots distributed through the initial RBS allocation. 4.4.2 CDM Concepts, Philosophy and Research Directions We now investigate the special properties of the CDM resource allocation procedures and describe how these are being extended and enhanced. RBS, Compression and Information Sharing: One of the principal initial motivations for CDM was that the airlines should provide updated flight status information. It was quickly discovered that the existing resource allocation procedures, which prioritized flights based on the current estimated time of arrival, actually discouraged the provision of up-to-date information. This was because, by updating flight status, the airlines would 34 change the current estimate of flight arrival (almost always to a later time), which in turn changed their priority for resource allocation. On the other hand, the RBS priority, which is based on the (fixed) schedule, does not vary with changes in flight status. Further, as in the example of Figure 4.3, compression most often provides an airline with another usable slot whenever an announced cancellation generates a slot that the airline cannot fill via the substitution process. Properties of RBS: We summarize some basic properties of RBS derived in Vossen and Ball (2005a). RBS assigns to each flight, f, a controlled time of arrival, CTA(f). This is equivalent to assigning a delay, d(f), to flight, f, given by d(f) = CTA(f) – OAG(f), where OAG(f) is the scheduled arrival time for f. All time values are rounded to the nearest minute under RBS, hence, each delay value d(f) is integer. If we let D equal the maximum delay assigned to any flight and ai = |{f : d(f) = i}| for i = 0 , 1, 2, …, D, then the important properties of unconstrained RBS (RBS with no flight exemptions) can be defined by, Property 1: RBS minimizes total delay = Σf d(f). Property 2: RBS lexicographically minimizes (aD,…, a1, a0). That is, aD is minimized; subject to aD being fixed at its lexicographically minimum value, aD-1 is minimized; subject to (aD, aD-1) being fixed at its lexicographic minimum value, aD-2 is minimized; and so on. Property 3: For any flight f, the only way to decrease a delay value, d(f), set by RBS is to increase the delay value of another flight g to a value greater than d(f). CDM and Equity: Property 3, which follows directly from Property 2, expresses a very fundamental notion of equity that has been applied in a number of contexts (Young, 1994). It is remarkable that procedures, such as RBS, which were developed in very practical war-gaming and consensus-building exercises have such elegant and desirable properties. On the other hand, this may not be surprising in that these properties represented the basis for reaching consensus, in the first place. The properties show that unconstrained RBS produces a fair allocation. However, one should consider whether the exemption policies described earlier, in fact, introduce bias. Vossen et al (2003) show that exemptions do introduce a bias and also describe procedures for mitigating these biases. The approach taken initially computes the unconstrained RBS solution and defines it as the “ideal” allocation. Optimization procedures are then described that minimize the deviation of the actual allocation from the ideal. These procedures build upon approaches developed in connection with just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing for minimizing the deviation of an actual production schedule from an ideal schedule – see for example, Balinski and Shihidi (1998). The resulting approaches maintain the exemption policies, but take into account the “advantages” provided to an airline by its exempted flights when allocating delays to its other flights. Compression as Trading: Although the initial interpretation of compression is as a slot reallocation procedure that maximizes slot utilization, there is also a natural interpretation of compression as an inter-airline trading or bartering process (Vossen and Ball, 2005a). For example, in Figure 4.3, American Airlines “traded” the 1602 – 1603 slot, which it could not use for the 1606 – 1607 slot, which it could use, and United Airlines reduced its 35 delay by trading the 1604 – 1605 slot for the earlier 1602 – 1603 slot. Vossen and Ball show that a bartering process can be structured so as to produce a result essentially equivalent to compression. This view of compression suggests many possible extensions. For example, Vossen and Ball (2005b) define a more complex 2-for-2 bartering mechanism and show that using this mechanism offers a substantial potential for improved economic performance. Probably the most intriguing enhancement is allowing “side payments” with any exchange as well as the buying and selling of slots. Ball, Donohue and Hoffman (2005) provide a discussion of this and other aviation-related market mechanisms. 4.5 Air Carrier Response Options As the implementation of the CDM concept expands, it will become increasingly difficult to designate certain controls as exclusive to the traffic managers or exclusive to the users (airlines). In this section we describe the types of actions and types of problems that air carriers can take in response to ATFM initiatives based on current practices. We start by noting that the decision on whether or not a flight takes place on a given day rests with the airlines, with the exception of extreme circumstances. Further, the airlines generally control the route choice for a flight subject to constraints on access to portions of airspace exercised by ATFM. The airlines can, of course, at their own discretion choose to delay the departure of flights. On the other hand, ATFM exercises strong control over the timing of operations. As described in the previous section, for GDPs in the U.S., ATFM also exercises control over flight timing by allocating arrival time slots to airlines, which in turn allocate the slots to individual flights. For the case of GDPs, we can model an airline’s response problem as one of assigning flights to the set of time slots that airline “owns”. A first-level approach to this problem would select an assignment that minimizes the “cost” of the associated flight delays. Such models should also consider the possibility and cost of canceling flights. Secondlevel models would also consider the downstream effects of the delayed flights. For example, the immediate downstream effect involves the delays on flights and passengers outbound from the GDP airport (Niznik, 2001). Broader airline network models would consider the airport arrival slots as a resource to be allocated as part of a larger optimization model. The problem of choosing a route is traditionally addressed on a flight-by-flight basis. There are a variety of safety regulations that constrain this problem. Typically, weather conditions, including winds, turbulence, convective activity, etc., play a strong role in solving this problem. Airspace congestion considerations, as well as ATFM control actions are also playing an increasingly important role. There can be a high degree of uncertainty in many of these factors leading to the need for stochastic, dynamic problem solving approaches – see, for example, Nilim et al (2001). Furthermore, as CDM concepts become pervasive, the air carriers may be allocated limited airspace resources that in turn need to be allocated to individual flights. Under such a scenario, flight-byflight route planning may no longer be viable. Berge, Hopperstad and Heraldsdottir (2003) describe a comprehensive optimization model that includes decision variables for 36 the three controls described earlier, i.e. flight cancellations, aircraft route choice and ground delay. It assumes an environment in which airspace and airport resources have been allocated to each airline. This model was developed for integration into a comprehensive Boeing airspace simulation. It can, however, also be viewed as a prototype for future operational airline decision models. Sections 6 and 7 describe models for planning adjustments to airline operations based on day-to-day changes in airspace conditions and airline resource status. Such models typically are only invoked in the case of reasonably significant disturbances to “normal” conditions and the underlying environment is called irregular operations. While these models take into account some of the concepts described in this section, a full integration of the emerging ATFM CDM philosophy with airline planning models represents a research challenge. 5. Simulation Models Simulation models are useful support tools in understanding and visualizing the impact of certain types of disruptive events on airport, airspace and airline operations and on air traffic flows, as well as in testing the effectiveness of potential responsive actions. This section reviews briefly some of these tools. For analyzing impacts at the local airport or airspace level or for testing the effectiveness of tactical ATFM actions, simulation models need to be highly detailed. When it comes to questions at a regional or strategic level, models of a more aggregate nature are often more appropriate. Detailed (or “microscopic”) simulation models of airport and airspace operations first became viable in the early 1980s and have been vested with increasingly sophisticated features since then. The models that currently dominate this field internationally are the Airport and Airspace Simulation Model (better known as SIMMOD), the Total Airport and Airspace Modeler (TAAM), and the Reorganized ATC Mathematical Simulator (RAMS). The first two are widely used in studies dealing with the detailed planning and design of airports and/or of volumes of airspace. SIMMOD is publicly available through the FAA, but more advanced proprietary versions can be obtained through private vendors (see, e.g., ATAC, 2003). TAAM is a proprietary model (Preston, 2002). Finally, RAMS (Eurocontrol, undated) is also a proprietary model limited to detailed simulation of airspace operations and procedures and is used either as a training tool for air traffic controllers or for studies of controller workload in airspace sectors. To our knowledge, none of these, or any other, detailed simulation models is currently utilized on a routine basis as a “real time” support tool for the types of dynamic tactical or strategic ATFM actions described in Section 4. However, the models have reached a state of development where such use is technically feasible. For example, in a case where a runway at an airport is temporarily out of use (e.g., due to weather conditions or to a disabled aircraft), one could simulate and compare the effectiveness of alternative allocation schemes for the assignment of arrivals and departures to other runways or of various runway-use sequences. Odoni et al (1997) provides detailed – and somewhat dated, by now – descriptions of several microscopic simulation models, including the three mentioned above. 37 Another class of models has been developed to support more aggregate analysis typically involving a broader scope than the problems addressed by SIMMOD or TAAM. For example, NASA has sponsored the development of FACET (Future ATM Concepts Evaluation Tool – Bilmoria et al, 2000). Typical uses might involve analyzing the impact over the entire national airspace of new traffic flow management initiatives, airground distributed control architectures and decision support tools for controllers. FACET models system-wide en-route airspace operations over the contiguous United States. It strikes a balance between flexibility and fidelity enabling the simultaneous representation of over 5,000 active flights on a desktop computer. The CDM activities have also required the extensive use of human-in-the-loop (HITL) experiments in order to test new distributed decision-making ideas. These experiments were initially supported by one-of-a-kind computer-communications architectures. More recently the FAA has funded the development by Metron Aviation of the Jupiter Simulation Environment (JSE). JSE can emulate the message stream generated by the FAA’s Enhanced Traffic Management System (ETMS). ETMS provides real-time information on the status of all flights operating within the U.S. Airline operational control centers and FAA facilities can connect their traffic monitoring systems to the JSE and participate in HITL experiments involving new decision support tools or operational concepts. For example, the JSE allowed for the rapid testing and evaluation of the slot credit substitution (SCS) concepts and tools prior to their release. Simulation models are equally important on the airline operations side. To evaluate the recovery procedures and plans for fleets and crews under operational conditions, it is necessary to have them simulated by a model of airline operations. MEANS (Clarke et al 2004) and SIMAIR (Rosenberger et al 2002) are such simulations. The MIT Extensible Air Network Simulation (MEANS) can be used to predict the effects of air traffic control, traffic flow management, airline operations control and airline scheduling actions on air transportation system performance, measured in terms of airport congestion and throughput, and aircraft, crew, and passenger delay and disruption. MEANS has a modular architecture and interface, with each module corresponding to a set of operational decisions made by air transportation coordinators and controllers. For example, flight cancellation and re-routing decisions are made in the Airline Module; the amount of traffic allowed between airports is determined by the Traffic Flow Management Module; and the sequencing and spacing of aircraft is performed by the Tower/TRACON Module. This modular structure provides flexibility for implementing additional and/or more complex modules without requiring changes to the core interfaces. Another stochastic model of airline operations, SIMAIR, uses an Event Generator module to generate events such as arrivals, departures and repaired planes. The generator samples random ground time delays, block time delays and unscheduled maintenance. SIMAIR contains two modules for decision-making. The Controller module maintains the state of the system. It emulates an Airline Operational Control Center in the sense that it recognizes disruptions and implements recovery policies. If a disruption prevents a 38 leg from being flown as planned, the Controller requests a proposed reaction from the Recovery Module, which it can accept or request another, time permitting. SIMAIR has been used to evaluate the recovery procedures and robust plans presented in several of the papers discussed in Sections 6 and 7. A SIMAIR Users Group is in place, consisting of several research groups and airlines that have used or contributed to the development of SIMAIR. 6. Airline Schedule Recovery When disruptions occur, airlines adjust their flight operations by delaying flight departures, canceling flight legs, rerouting aircraft, reassigning crews or calling in new crews, and re-accommodating passengers. The goal is to find feasible, cost-minimizing plans that allow the airline to recover from the disruptions and their associated delays. To address this challenge, airlines have established Airline Operational Control Centers (AOCC) to control safety of operations, exchange information with regulatory agencies, and manage aircraft, crew and passenger operations. The AOCC is comprised of (Bratu 2003, Clarke, Lettovsky and Smith 2000, and Filar, Manyem and White 2000): • Airline operations controllers who, at the helm of the AOCC, are responsible for aircraft re-routing, and flight cancellation and delay decisions for various types of aircraft. • Crew planners who find efficient recovery solutions for crews and coordinate with airline operations controllers to ensure that considered operations decisions are feasible with respect to crews. • Customer service coordinators who find efficient recovery solutions for passengers and coordinate with airline operations controllers to provide an assessment of the impact on passengers of possible operations decisions. • Dispatchers who provide flight plans and relevant information to pilots. • An air traffic control group that collects and provides information, such as the likelihood of future ground delay programs, to airline operations controllers. The AOCC is complemented by Station Operations Control Units, located at airport stations, responsible for local decisions, such as the assignment of flights to gates, ground workforce to aircraft and personnel for passenger service. Airline operations recovery is replete with challenges, including: 1. The recovery solution must take into account the recent flying history of the aircraft, crews and passengers to ensure that crew work rules are satisfied, 39 aircraft maintenance and safety regulations are met, passengers are transported to their desired destinations, and aircraft are positioned appropriately at the end of the recovery period. 2. The recovery solution can utilize additional resources, namely reserve crews and spare aircraft (Sohoni et al 2002 and Sohoni, Johnson and Bailey 2003). 3. There are multiple recovery objectives, namely: minimizing the cost of reserve crews and spare aircraft used; minimizing passenger recovery costs; minimizing the amount of time to resume the original plan; and minimizing loss of passenger goodwill. 4. The recovery problem often must be solved quickly, often within minutes. To meet these challenges, most airline recovery processes are sequential (Rosenberger, Johnson and Nemhauser 2003). The first step in the process is to recover aircraft, with decisions involving flight leg cancellation or delay, and/or aircraft re-routing. The second step is to determine crew recovery plans, assigning crews to uncovered flight legs by reassigning them or utilizing reserve crews. Finally, the third step is for customer service coordinators to develop passenger re-accommodation plans for disrupted passengers. A disrupted passenger is one whose planned itinerary is broken and impossible to execute during operations because: 1) at least one of the flight legs in the itinerary is canceled; or 2) the connection time between consecutive flight legs in the itinerary is too short due to flight delays. While the AOCC decision process is hierarchical in nature, airline operations controllers, crew planners and passenger service coordinators consult with one another during the process to assess the feasibility and impact of possible decisions. This sequential decision process, first aircraft, then crew and finally passenger recovery, is reflected in the research on airline recovery performed to date. In the following subsections, we present selected airline recovery research. 6.1 Aircraft Recovery When schedule disruptions occur, the aircraft recovery problem is to determine flight departure times and cancellations, and revised routings for affected aircraft. Re-routing options include ferrying (repositioning an aircraft without passengers to another location, where it can be utilized); diverting (flying to an alternate airport); over-flying (flying to another scheduled destination); and swapping (flight legs are re-assigned among different aircraft). These modifications must satisfy maintenance requirements, station departure curfew restrictions and aircraft balance requirements, especially at the start and end of the recovery period. At the end of the period, aircraft types should be positioned to resume operations as planned. The aircraft balance requirements add complexity to cancellation decisions. Normally, to ensure that aircraft are positioned where needed to fly downstream flight legs, 40 cancellations involve cycles of 2 or more flight legs. To cancel only a single flight leg l and still be able to execute the remaining schedule, it is necessary to deploy a spare aircraft of the type assigned to the destination of leg l. Because spare aircraft are typically in very limited supply, canceling only a single flight leg is not usually an option. Beyond the inherent complexities of re-routing aircraft, scheduling delayed flight departures and making cancellation decisions, an effective aircraft recovery solution approach accounts for the downstream costs and impacts on crew and passengers. The extent to which these complexities are captured in models varies, with increasing sophistication achieved over time. Arguello, Bard and Yu (1997) present an integrated aircraft delays and cancellations model and generate sequentially, for each fleet type, a set of aircraft routes that minimize delays, cancellations and re-routing costs. Their model ensures aircraft balance by matching aircraft assignments with the actual aircraft locations at the beginning of the recovery period and with the planned aircraft locations at the end of the period (that is, the end of the day). The model includes two types of binary decision variables; namely, maintenance-feasible aircraft routes and schedules, and flight cancellation decisions. An aircraft route is a sequence of flight legs spanning the recovery period, with the origin of a flight leg the same as the destination of its predecessor in the sequence, and the elapsed time between two successive legs at least as great as the minimum aircraft turn time. Routes for aircraft with planned maintenance within the recovery period are not altered to ensure that the modified routes satisfy maintenance requirements. Let P be the set of aircraft routes, Q be the set of aircraft, and F be the set of flight legs. Aircraft route variable x kj equals 1 if aircraft k is assigned to route j and 0 otherwise. Its cost, denoted d kj , equals the sum of the delay costs associated with flight delays implied by assigning aircraft k to route j. Note that d kj is infinite for each aircraft route j commencing at an airport location other than that of aircraft k at the start of the recovery period. A flight cancellation variable, denoted y i , is set to 1 if flight leg i is cancelled and 0 otherwise. The approximate cost associated with the cancellation of each flight leg i is ci ; ht equals the number of aircraft needed at airport location t at the end of the recovery period to ensure that the next-day plan can be executed; δ ij is equal to 1 if flight leg i is covered by route j; and btj is equal to 1 if route j ends at the airport t. The aircraft recovery model is: MIN ∑ ∑d k∈Q j∈P k j x kj + ∑ ci y i i∈F subject to 41 ∑ ∑δ k∈Q ij x kj + y i = 1 tj x kj = ht for all airports t at the end of the recovery period for all flight legs i, (1) j∈P ∑ ∑b k∈Q j∈P ∑x k j =1 for all aircraft k (2) (3) j∈P x kj ∈ {0,1} for all routes j and aircraft k (4) y i ∈ {0,1} for all flights i in F. (5) Constraints (1), together with constraints (4) and (5), require each flight to be included in an assigned route or to be cancelled. Constraints (2) ensure that at the end of the day (that is, at the end of the recovery period), aircraft are repositioned so that the plan can be resumed at the start of the next day. Finally, constraints (3) enforce the requirement that each aircraft be assigned to exactly one route, commencing at its location at the start of the recovery period. The objective is to minimize flight cancellation and delay costs. A challenge in formulating this model is to estimate the objective function costs. Because passengers and crews often travel on more than one aircraft route, the costs of delays and cancellations cannot be expressed exactly as a function of a single flight-leg, or as a function of a single aircraft routing. Instead, these costs depend on the pairs or subsets of flight legs comprising the passenger and crew connections. Hence, approximate delay and cancellation costs are used in the model. The Arguello, Bard and Yu model and heuristic solution approach is applied to a relatively small data set representing the Continental Airlines flight schedule for Boeing 757 aircraft, with 42 flights, 16 aircraft, and 13 airport locations. They report that for over 90% of the instances tested, their approach produces a solution within 10% of the lower bound within 10 CPU seconds. Rosenberger, Johnson and Nemhauser (2003) extend the Arguello, Bard and Yu model to include supplementary slot constraints. Let A equal the set of allocated arrival slots, Rk(a) equal the set of routes for aircraft k that include legs landing in arrival slot a, and let H ( j , a ) represent the number of flight legs in route j using slot a. Then, the slot constraints are of the form: ∑ ∑ H ( j , a ) x kj ≤ α a for all a in A. (6) k j∈R ( a ) k∈Q These constraints ensure that the number of aircraft arriving in each allocated time slot in the recovery period does not exceed the airport’s restricted capacity, as mandated by ground delay programs, described in Section 4. Additional work on recovering airline operations under conditions of insufficient airport capacity are reported in VasquezMarquez (1991), Richetta and Odoni (1993), Hoffman (1997), Luo and Yu (1997), 42 Andreatta, Brunetta and Guastalla (2000), Carlson (2000), Chang et al (2001), and Metron Inc. (2001). The body of literature on aircraft recovery is growing as information technology capabilities expand. Selected additional references include Teodorovic and Guberinic (1984), Teodorovic and Stojkovic (1990), Jarrah et al (1993), Teodorovic and Stojkovic (1995), Yu (1995), Mathaisel (1996), Rakshit, Krishnamurthy and Yu (1996), Talluri (1996), Yan and Yang (1996), Yan and Young (1996), Cao and Kanafani (1997), Clarke (1997), Lettovsky (1997), Yan and Lin (1997), Yan and Tu (1997), and Thengvall, Yu and Bard (2000). 6.2 Expanded Aircraft Recovery Bratu and Barnhart (2005a) analyze the operations of a major U.S. airline for the months of July and August 2000, and report that: (a) Flight delays are not indicative of the magnitude of delay experienced by disrupted passengers. On the same day that disrupted passengers experienced average delays of 419 minutes, the average delay of non-disrupted passengers was only 14 minutes, nearly matching the average flight delay that day; and (b) Disrupted passenger delays and associated costs are significant. Bratu and Barnhart estimate for the airline they study that disrupted passengers represent just about 4% of passengers but account for more than 50% of the total passenger delay. Associated with these disrupted passengers are direct and indirect costs, which can include lodging, meals, re-booking (possibly on other airlines), and loss of passenger goodwill. Bratu and Barnhart conclude that delay cost estimates that do not take into consideration the costs of disruption cannot be accurate. Recognizing this, Rosenberger, Johnson and Nemhauser (2003) expand their aircraft recovery model to identify disrupted crews and passengers, and their associated costs, by adding constraints and variables to: (i) compute the delay of each flight leg that is not cancelled; (ii) determine if a connection is disrupted; and (iii) identify disrupted crews and passengers. They then estimate delay costs, separately, for disrupted passengers and crews, and for non-disrupted passengers and crews. These, in turn, are included in the objective function of their extended model to achieve a more accurate estimate of delay costs. To solve their model, Rosenberger, Johnson and Nemhauser limit the number of aircraft routes considered using an aircraft selection heuristic in which routes are generated only for a selected subset of aircraft. They evaluate their approach using a stochastic model (Rosenberger et al, 2002) to simulate 500 days of airline operations. Simulated disruptions include two-day unscheduled maintenance delays and severe weather disruptions at hub airports. They compare the results of their extended model that accounts for crew and passenger disruptions with those of the simplified model. They report that, compared to the simplified model’s solutions, those generated with the extended model exhibit significant reductions in passenger inconvenience and 43 disruptions, at the expense of on-time schedule performance degradation, increased overall delay, and increased incidence of flight cancellation. Bratu and Barnhart (2005b) report similar findings. They also consider disrupted passengers and crews, and develop an aircraft recovery model to determine flight departure times and cancellations that minimize recovery costs, including the costs of reaccommodating disrupted passengers and crews, re-routing aircraft, and canceling flight legs. Unlike many of the more recent models, their aircraft routing decision variables are flight-leg based, rather than route-based. This reduces the number of decision variables significantly, allowing them to generate recovery solutions for aircraft, crew and passengers simultaneously. To ensure the satisfaction of maintenance requirements, they do not allow modification of routes for maintenance-critical aircraft, that is, aircraft for which maintenance is scheduled that day. They apply their approach to problem instances containing 303 aircraft, 74 airport locations (3 of which are hubs), 1088 flight legs per day on average, and 307,675 passenger itineraries. They achieve solutions within 30 CPU seconds on a PC and report expected reductions of more than 40% in the number of disrupted passengers, more than 45% in the number of passengers required to overnight at a destination other than that planned, and more than 33% in the total delay minutes of disrupted passengers. To achieve this, total delay minutes of non-disrupted passengers increased by 3.7% and the airline’s on-time performance, as measured by the US DOT 15-minute on-time performance metric, worsened. This is an expected result when one considers that intentionally delaying aircraft that otherwise would be onschedule can reduce passenger misconnections and hence, reduce overall passenger delays. 6.3 Crew Recovery Although aircraft recovery decisions repair broken aircraft schedules, they often result in the disruption of crew schedules. Flight cancellations, delays, diversion and swap decisions, together with crew illness, all result in the unavailability of crews at the locations needed. Crew recovery options include deadheading of crews (i.e. repositioning crews by flying them as passengers) from their point of disruption to the location of a later flight leg to which they are assigned. Once repositioned, the crews can then resume their original work schedule. Another option is to assign a reserve crew to cover the flight legs left unassigned by the crew disruption. Reserve crews are back-up crews, not originally assigned to the flight schedules, but pre-positioned at certain locations and available to report to duty, if needed. They are guaranteed a minimum monthly salary, whether or not they are called into work, and they are limited to a maximum number of flying hours per month. In addition to possibly incurring additional reserve crew costs when using reserve crews, airlines usually must also pay the replaced crew the entire amount originally planned, even if the work was not performed. A third recovery option is to reassign a crew from its original schedule to an alternative schedule. In this case, the new assignment must satisfy all collective bargaining agreements and work rule regulations, including maximum crew work time, minimum rest time, maximum flying time, 44 maximum time-away-from-home, etc. When reassigned, crews are typically paid the maximum of the pay associated with the original schedule or with the new schedule to which they are assigned. The crew recovery problem then is to construct new schedules for disrupted and reserve crews to achieve coverage of all flights at minimum cost. Because crew costs constitute a significant portion of airline operating costs, second only to fuel costs, crew planning has garnered significant attention. Crew recovery, however, has received much less attention. One reason is that the crew recovery problem is significantly more difficult. First, because of the time horizon associated with recovery operations, recovery solutions must be generated quickly, in minutes instead of the hours or weeks allowed for planning problems. Moreover, information pertaining to the location and recent flying history of each crew member must be known at all times in order to generate recovery plans for the crew that satisfy the myriad of crew rules and collective bargaining agreements. Finally, the objective function of the crew recovery problem is multi-dimensional. Researchers often cast the crew recovery objective as a blend of minimizing the incremental crew costs to operate the modified schedule, while returning to the plan as quickly as possible and minimizing the number of crew schedule changes made to do so. By limiting the number of crews affected, the quality of the original crew plans will be preserved to the greatest extent possible. Moreover, returning to plan as quickly as possible helps to avoid further downstream disruptions to aircraft, crew and passengers. Due to these challenges, the crew recovery literature is relatively limited. Although both cabin and cockpit crews are disrupted and must be recovered, most recovery research focuses on cockpit crews, who are both more costly and more constrained than cabin crews. Pilots have fewer recovery options because they are qualified to fly only aircraft types with the same crew qualifications. Yu et al (2003) focus on cockpit crews and present a crew recovery model and solution approach. They consider a set of aircraft types with the same crew qualifications and a set of crews who (i) are qualified to fly these aircraft; and (ii) are disrupted or are candidates who are likely to improve the crew recovery solution through swaps. For each of these crews, they construct a set of feasible pairings, each beginning at the crew’s current location and commencing at or later than the time at which the crew is available. Moreover, the generated pairings satisfy all work rules and regulations, considering the amount of work completed by the crew up to the point of disruption. Pairings selected in the recovery solution satisfy cover constraints ensuring that each flight leg is either cancelled or assigned to one or more crews. When more than one crew is assigned, the additional crews are deadheaded and repositioned to their home location or to another location where they can resume work. The objective is to minimize the sum of: (1) deadheading costs; (2) modified crew schedule costs; and (3) cancellation costs due to leaving flight legs uncovered. Yu et al define the following sets and parameters: e equipment type (consisting of one or more crew compatible aircraft types) 45 I K Jk set of active flights to be covered by crews of equipment type e set of active and reserve crews available for equipment type e set of potential feasible pairings for crew k c kj cost of assigning crew k to pairing j ui cost of not covering flight leg i qk cost of not assigning a pairing to crew k di cost of each crew deadheading on flight i a ij equal to 1 if flight leg i is included in pairing j; and 0 otherwise. The variables are: x kj equal to 1 if crew k is assigned to pairing j ; and 0 otherwise zk equal to 1 if crew k has no pairing assigned; and 0 otherwise yi equal to 1 if flight leg i is not covered (is cancelled); and 0 otherwise si equal to the number of crews deadheading on flight leg i. They then formulate the crew recovery problem as: MIN ∑ ∑c k∈K k j x kj + ∑ u i y i + ∑ q k z k + ∑ d i si j∈J k i∈I k∈K i∈I subject to ∑ ∑a k∈Q ij x kj + y i − si = 1 for all i∈I (7) j∈J k ∑x k j for all k∈K (8) x kj ∈ {0,1} for all k∈K, all j∈Jk (9) y f ∈ {0,1} for all f∈I (10) z k ∈ {0,1} for all k∈K (11) s f ∈ {0,1,2,…} for all f∈I. (12) + zk = 1 j∈J k Constraints (7) ensure that all flight legs are cancelled or covered at least once, with si representing the number of crews deadheading on flight leg i. Constraints (8) determine whether crew k is assigned to a pairing or must be deadheaded to its crew base, that is, its domicile. Integrality of the solution is guaranteed by constraints (9)-(12). Yu et al state that, for typical instances, there are millions of potential crew pairings and hence, the size of the crew recovery model renders exact solution approaches impractical. 46 Using a procedure of Wei, Yu and Song (1997), they search heuristically for solutions. They modify or generate a few pairings at a time and test the quality of the solution, and then repeat the process if necessary. Using data provided by Continental Airlines, they evaluate their heuristic approach on instances corresponding to disruptions affecting 1-40 flight legs of the airline’s Boeing 737 fleet. Within 8 minutes at most, they generate near-optimal solutions, achieving at most an average 5% optimality gap. Lettovsky (1997) and Lettovsky, Johnson and Nemhauser (2000) present a similar model, but they include additional constraints restricting the number of crews deadheading on each flight leg to the maximum available capacity. Moreover, their flight cancellation costs include costs of re-assigning passengers to other flights, associated hotel and meal costs, and estimates of the loss of passenger goodwill. They design a heuristic solution approach for their model that keeps intact as many as possible of the crew schedules, altering only those of disrupted crews and of a few additional crews who greatly facilitate the recovery of crew operations. In restricting the set of crews for which new schedules are generated, optimality of the original crew schedules is preserved for crews not affected by modifications to the plan, and the size of the problem is contained, improving tractability and allowing quicker solution times. Lettovsky and Lettovsky, Johnson and Nemhauser describe heuristics to select the crews whose schedules might be altered. Stojkovic, Soumis and Desrosiers (1998) also address the operational crew scheduling problem, and present a set partitioning model and a branch-and-price algorithm to determine modified monthly schedules for selected crew members. The objective is to cover all tasks at minimum cost while minimizing the number of changes to the planned crew schedules. They generate test problems from pairings of a U.S. airline and report that quality solutions are obtained in reasonable run times. 6.4 Passenger Recovery Just as aircraft recovery decisions result in crew disruptions, aircraft and crew recovery decisions lead to passenger disruptions. The next step of the recovery process then is to reassign disrupted passengers to alternative itineraries, commencing at the disrupted passenger locations after their available times, and terminating at their destination, or a location nearby. Disrupted passengers can be assigned to itineraries beginning at least some minimum connection time after the time of their disruption. Only disrupted passengers can be reassigned, and non-disrupted passengers cannot be displaced by reassigned passengers. Clarke (2005) presents modeling strategies for re-accommodating passengers who are disrupted by operations, or by schedule changes resulting from considerations such as revenue management. Barnhart, Kniker and Lohatepanont (2002) cast this problem as a multi-commodity network flow problem. They let xpr represent the number of disrupted passengers originally scheduled on itinerary p who are reaccommodated on itinerary r. In addition to other itineraries offered by the airline, passengers can be accommodated on itineraries offered by other airlines, or itineraries on different modes of transportation. In fact, an alternate itinerary might be the null itinerary representing canceled trips, a valid choice for passengers who are disrupted before departing their origin. The planned arrival time at the destination of itinerary p is l(p), 47 and a(r) represents the actual arrival time at the destination of itinerary r. The set of flight legs is F; df is the number of seats available for disrupted passengers, that is, the total number of seats less the number of seats occupied by non-disrupted passengers, on flight f; δfr equals 1 if flight f is contained in itinerary r, and equals 0 otherwise; and np is the total number of disrupted passengers of type p. The passenger re-assignment model is then formulated as: MIN ∑ ∑ (a(r ) − l ( p))x r p (13) p∈P r∈R ( p ) k subject to ∑ ∑δ r f x rp ≤ d f for all f∈F (14) for all p∈P (15) for all p∈P, all r∈R(p). (16) p∈P r∈R ( p ) k ∑x r p = np r∈R ( p ) x rp ∈ {0,1} The objective (13) is to find the disrupted passenger reassignments that minimize the total delay experienced by disrupted passengers. Flight capacity constraints (14) ensure that only seats not occupied by non-disrupted passengers are assigned to disrupted passengers. Constraints (15) and (16) ensure that each disrupted passenger is reassigned, albeit perhaps to the null itinerary. The passenger re-assignment model can be solved exactly, but its solution time can become prohibitive for real-time operations as the number of disrupted passengers grows, thus causing the need for column generation solution approaches to be employed. Bratu and Barnhart (2005a), however, solve this problem using a flexible heuristic, termed the Passenger Delay Calculator, that allows passenger recovery policies (such as frequent flyers first, or first-disrupted-first-recovered) to be enforced. Using their Passenger Delay Calculator, Bratu and Barnhart analyze two months of airline operations and recovery data for a major airline, as well as numerous simulated scenarios. They conclude that: 1. Connecting passengers are almost three times more likely to be disrupted than passengers without connections. However, connecting passengers who miss their connections are often re-accommodated on their best alternative itineraries, that is, on itineraries that arrive at their destinations at the earliest possible time, given the timing of the disruptions. In comparison, only about one-half of the passengers disrupted by flight leg cancellations are re-accommodated on their best itineraries. This occurs because the number of misconnecting passengers per flight leg is small relative to the number of passengers disrupted by a flight leg cancellation. 48 2. The inability to re-accommodate disrupted passengers on their best itineraries is exacerbated by high load factors, with average delay for disrupted passengers increasing exponentially with load factor. 3. Alternative metrics measuring schedule performance, namely flight cancellation rates and the percentage of flights delayed by more than 45 minutes, are better indicators of passenger disruptions than the US DOT 15-minute on-time performance metric. 7. Robust Airline Scheduling Robust planning attempts to deal with data uncertainty in a planning model. In airline schedule and resource allocation planning, there are two primary sources of uncertainty: passenger demand and schedule execution. Here we only deal with uncertainties in the execution of the planned schedule. In the traditional stochastic programming approach to robust planning, it is necessary to estimate the probability of each possible outcome. One then minimizes the expected cost of the planning decisions plus the cost of the recovery that takes place as a result of the decision and outcome. Unfortunately, this approach is completely intractable in the case of airline planning at present because one has to deal with literally millions of very low probability events. Moreover, there is no obvious way to aggregate meaningfully these events in a way that would simplify the analysis. One could consider planning for only the worst possible outcome, but this would be far too conservative and costly. Nevertheless, the basic idea of including the anticipated costs of recovery into the planning model can be very useful. A planner needs to think of an optimal plan as being one for which the combined planned and recovery costs, that is, the realized costs, are minimized. This definition of optimality is at odds with the one typically employed by airline optimizers, who have historically excluded recovery costs and optimized only planned costs. In doing so, resource utilization is maximized, with non-productive time on the ground, i.e., slack time, minimized. Lack of slack, however, makes it difficult for disruption to be absorbed in the schedule and limits the number of options for recovery. One should not think of this omission as an oversight on the part of the airlines. Rather, it is based on recognition of the inherent difficulty of including recovery costs in a planning model. Enhancing schedule planning models to account for recovery costs presents both modeling and computational challenges. A number of researchers have begun to consider this challenge, recognizing that robust planning is a problem rich in opportunity and potential impact. To facilitate the generation of robust plans, they have developed various proxies of robustness, mainly focused on finding flexible plans that provide a rich set of recovery options for passengers, crews and aircraft; or plans that isolate the effects of disruptions, requiring only localized plan adjustments. 49 In the following subsections, we highlight selected work on robust airline planning, while outlining briefly the various modeling and algorithmic approaches employed. 7.1. Robust Schedule Design In this section, we describe some recent work that represents a step towards achieving flight schedule designs that are resilient when it comes to passenger disruption. It extends the cost minimization approaches described in Simpson (1966), Chan (1972), Soumis, Ferland and Rousseau (1980) Etschmaier and Mathaisel (1985), Berge (1994), Marsten, Subramanian and Gibbons (1996), Erdmann et al (1999), Armacost, Barnhart and Ware (2002) and Lohatepanont and Barnhart (2004). Lan, Clarke and Barnhart (2005) develop a new approach to minimize the number of passenger misconnections by re-timing flight departures, while keeping all fleeting and routing decisions fixed. Moving flight leg departure times provides an opportunity to reallocate slack time to reduce passenger disruptions and maintain aircraft productivity. Levin (1971) proposed the idea of adding time windows to fleet routing and scheduling models. Related research can be found in Desaulniers et al (1997 ), Klabjan et al (2002), Rexing et al (2000) and Stojkovic et al (2002). To illustrate the idea, consider the example in Figures 7.1a, 7.1b and 7.1c. In the planned first-in-first-out aircraft routing, flight leg f1 is followed by leg f2 in one aircraft’s rotation, and leg f3 is followed by leg f4 in another aircraft’s rotation. Assume that f1 is typically delayed, as indicated in Figure 7.1a. Because insufficient turn time results from the delay, some of the delay to f1 will propagate downstream to f2, as shown in Figure 7.1b. Then, assuming that f3 is typically on-schedule, expected delays are reduced by changing the planned aircraft rotations to f1 followed by f4, and f3 followed by f2, as shown in Figure 7.1c. Lan, Clarke and Barnhart apply their re-timing model to the flight schedule of a major U.S. airline and compare passenger delays and disruptions in the original schedules with those expected from the solutions to their re-timing model. They find that a 30-minute time window, allowing each flight leg to depart at most 15 minutes earlier or later than in the original schedule, can result in an expected reduction in passenger delay of 20% and a reduction in the number of passenger misconnections of about 40%; a twenty-minute time window can reduce passenger delays by about 16% and reduce the number of passenger misconnections by over 30%; and, finally, a ten-minute time window can reduce passenger delays by roughly 10% and passenger misconnections by 20%. 50 Figure 7.1a: First-In-First-Out Routings and Delayed Flight Leg f1 Figure 7.1b: Delay Propagation due to Delay of Flight Leg f1 Figure 7.1c: Revised Routings Minimizing Delay Propagation 7.2 Robust Fleet Assignment Rosenberger, Johnson and Nemhauser (2004) present a robust fleet assignment approach, building on the work reported in Barnhart et al (1998a). They identify hub interconnectivity as an important indicator of schedule robustness. Because schedules are 51 sensitive to disruptions at hubs, a more robust schedule is one in which hubs are isolated to the greatest extent possible. They quantify the degree to which a hub is isolated using a hub connectivity metric; the smaller the value of hub connectivity, the more isolated the hub. Rosenberger, Johnson and Nemhauser characterize a robust fleet assignment as one with limited total hub connectivity and many short cycles (cycles with a small number of flight legs). Short cycles allow an airline to limit the number of flights cancelled when a cancellation is necessary, thereby lessening the impact of disruptions and facilitating recovery. They let J denote the set of fleets and S be the set of strings, or sequences of flight legs beginning at a hub, ending at a hub, and flown by the same aircraft. The hub connectivity metric hjs for string s∈S and aircraft of type j∈J equals the number of legs in s if s begins and ends at different hubs, and equals 0 otherwise. The maximum value of hub connectivity is specified by a threshold value ς. For each fleet type j∈J and string s∈S, cjs is the cost of flying s with aircraft of type j and decision variable xjs equals 1 if j is assigned to s, and 0 otherwise. The set of feasible fleet assignment solutions is χ. Their model to determine robust fleet assignments with hub isolation and short cycles is then: MIN ∑ s∈ S ∑c js x js j∈J subject to ∑∑ h js x js ≤ ς s∈S j∈J x∈χ . The objective is to find the minimum cost fleet assignment with total value of hub connectivity not greater than ς. They propose a related model in which the objective is to maximize hub isolation and limit total fleeting costs to some pre-specified threshold. Using SIMAIR, they compare the solutions to their robust fleet assignment models with those obtained solving a traditional FAM model. They report that with small increases in planned costs it is possible to reduce cancellations significantly and also improve on-time performance. Smith (2004) focuses on the revenue aspects of robustness in fleet assignment. He adds purity to fleet assignment solutions, which means that he limits the number of fleet types at spokes to at most one or two. This, of course, increases planned cost, but purity adds robustness in operations by enhancing the possibility of crew swaps. It also decreases maintenance cost because the need for spare parts is reduced. Interestingly, adding the upper bound constraints on fleet types at spokes makes the FAM model much harder to solve. Smith introduces a station decomposition approach to solve this more difficult FAM model. 52 7.3 Robust Aircraft Routing Maintenance routing, as surveyed in Klabjan (2003), provides an attractive opportunity for adding robustness because modifying routes has a minimal impact on planned cost. Therefore it is not necessary to make an explicit tradeoff between planned cost and robustness. 7.3.1 Degradable Airline Scheduling Kang and Clarke (2002) attempt to achieve robustness by isolating the effects of disruptions. They partition the legs of the flight schedule into independent sub-networks, which are determined through alternative models and approaches, each applicable at a particular step of schedule planning, such as schedule design, fleet assignment, or aircraft maintenance routing. The model solutions are constrained to ensure that aircraft (and ultimately, crew) are assigned only to flight legs within a single sub-network, prohibiting them to operate between sub-networks. (Passengers, on the other hand, can travel within multiple sub-networks.) The sub-networks are prioritized based on the total revenue of the flights legs they contain, with the maximum-revenue sub-network having the highest priority. When disruptions occur, the top priority sub-networks are recovered first, shielding the associated crew, aircraft and passengers to the greatest extent possible from the resulting delays. This has the effect of relegating disruptions to the low priority subnetworks, and minimizing the revenue associated with delayed and disrupted passengers. An advantage of the approach of Kang and Clarke is that it can simplify recovery. Because delays and propagation effects are contained within a single subnetwork, the recovery process needs only to take corrective action on the flights in the affected subnetwork, and not on the entire airline network. 7.3.2 Robust Aircraft Routing: Allocating Slack to Minimize Delays Lan, Clarke and Barnhart (2005) propose aircraft routing models and algorithms aimed at minimizing delay propagation and passenger delay and disruption. They partition flight leg delays into two categories, namely: propagated delay, that is, delay occurring when the aircraft to be used for a flight leg is delayed on its preceding flight leg; and nonpropagated, or independent, delay. Propagated delay is a function of an aircraft’s routing, while non-propagated delay is not. The premise underlying their approach is that propagated delay can be reduced through intelligent aircraft routing, that is, by allocating slack optimally to absorb delay propagation. By reducing propagated delay, they expect to achieve a corresponding reduction in passenger delays. Using historical delay data, they first estimate the expected independent delay for each flight leg, and then, using these estimates, compute the expected propagated delay for each possible aircraft routing by sequentially computing the earliest departure time for each subsequent flight leg in the routing, given the expected independent delay for that flight leg plus the resulting propagated delay accumulated to that point. Next, for each fleet type, they solve a daily model (that is, one that assumes the flight schedule repeats 53 daily) to select aircraft routes that satisfy maintenance requirements while minimizing propagated delay. In their model, they let S be the set of feasible strings, where a string is a sequence of connected flight legs (that is, the departure station for flight leg f is the same as the arrival station of f’s predecessor and the departure time of flight leg f is not earlier than the arrival time plus minimum turn time of flight leg f’s predecessor) beginning and ending at a maintenance station and with elapsed time not greater than the maximum time between maintenance checks. The set of daily flight legs is F, F+ is the set of flight legs originating at a maintenance station, and F- is the set of flight legs terminating at a maintenance station. The set of ground arcs (including the overnight or wrap-around arcs to ensure that the flight schedule can repeat daily) is denoted by G. The set of strings ending with flight leg i is Si-, and the set of strings beginning with flight leg i is Si+. They include one binary decision variable xs for each feasible string s, and ground variables y to count the number of aircraft on the ground at maintenance stations. The delay propagated from flight leg i to flight leg j if flight leg i and flight leg j are in string s is pdijs. If flight leg i is in string s, ais equals 1, otherwise it equals 0. Ground variable yi,d- equals the number of aircraft on the ground before flight leg i departs, and ground variable yi,d+ equals the number of aircraft on the ground after flight leg i departs. Similarly, ground variable yi,a- equals the number of aircraft on the ground before flight leg i arrives, and ground variable yi,a+ equals the number of aircraft on the ground after flight leg i arrives. The count time is a point in time when aircraft are counted. The number of times string s crosses the count time is rs ; pg is the number of times ground arc g crosses the count time; and N is the number of planes available. The model to determine robust aircraft routes is: MIN E (∑ ∑ pd s∈S s ij x s ) = E (∑ x s ( i , j )∈s k s∈S ∑ pd s ij ) = MIN (∑ x s E ( ( i , j )∈sk s∈S ∑ pd s ij )) (17) ( i , j )∈sk subject to ∑a for all i∈F (18) x s − y i−,d + yi+,d = 0 for all i∈F+ (19) x s − y i−,a + y i+, a = 0 for all i∈F- (20) is xs = 1 s∈S ∑ s∈ Si + ∑ s∈ Si − ∑r x s s + s∈ S ∑p g yg ≤ 0 (21) g∈ G yg ≥ 0 for all g∈G- (22) x s ∈ {0,1} for all s∈S-. (23) 54 The objective (17) is to select strings that minimize the expected total propagated delay. Constraints (18) ensure that each flight leg is contained in exactly one string, while constraints (19) and (20) guarantee that the number of aircraft arriving at a location equal the number departing. Constraint (21) ensures that the total number of aircraft in the solution does not exceed the number available. Constraints (22) and (23) guarantee a nonnegative number of aircraft on the ground at all times, and ensure that the number of aircraft assigned to a string is either 0 or 1, respectively. Because each ground variable can be expressed as a sum of binary string variables, the integrality constraints on the ground variables can be relaxed (Hane et al 1995). Their solution approach applies the branch-and-price algorithm (Barnhart et al, 1998), with column generation to enumerate a relevant subset of string variables. They apply their approach to four different networks, each corresponding to a different fleet type operated by a major US network carrier. They compare their robust routing solution with the routing solution generated by the airline and estimate that their solution can yield average reductions of 11% in the number of disrupted passengers, and 44% in total expected propagated delay minutes. They further report that their solution corresponds to an expected improvement of 1.6% in the airline’s Department of Transportation (DOT) on-time arrival rate. This is significant because a 1.6% improvement would allow the airline to improve its position in the DOT’s airline on-time rankings, which are publicly available and are often cited as an important indicator of airline performance. 7.3.3. Robust Routing through Swap Opportunities Ageeva and Clarke (2004) use the constraints of the string-based routing model of Lan, Clarke and Barnhart (2005) but change the objective function to optimize a different robustness criterion. They attempt to build flexible aircraft routings with maximal potential for modification during recovery by adding a reward for each opportunity to swap aircraft. Their objective is to maximize the number of swap opportunities in the routing solution. Aircraft swapping is possible when the routings of two aircraft intersect at least twice. To understand how swaps can mitigate the impact of a delayed or unavailable aircraft, consider an example in which aircraft a1 is scheduled to depart station s at time t1 but is delayed until time t2. Further, assume that aircraft a2 is scheduled to depart s at time t3 (with t3>t2>t1) but is available for departure at t1. Without swapping, the flight legs assigned to aircraft a1 experience delays as great as t2 – t1, while the flight legs assigned to aircraft a2 are not delayed. With swapping, however, none of the flights legs originally assigned to a1 or a2 is delayed. Ageeva and Clarke measure the robustness of their solutions using an opportunity index, defined as the ratio of the number of actual to potential intersecting partial rotations. They report that using their approach, optimal costs are maintained and robustness of the aircraft routing solution, as measured by the opportunity index, are improved up to 35% compared to solutions generated by a basic routing model devoid of robustness considerations. 55 7.4 Robust Crew Scheduling The crew pairing problem, with a focus on minimizing planned crew-related cost, has been studied by many researchers. Survey papers on the subject include Yu (1997), Desaulniers et al (1998), Clarke and Smith (2000) and Barnhart et al (2003a). The focus of the more recent body of research on robust crew scheduling has instead been on minimizing realized cost. The underlying motivation stems from the observation that the realized cost associated with a crew pairing solution often differs significantly in practice from the planned cost. Large additional crew costs are incurred, for example, when reserve crews are called in to complete work assigned to disrupted crewmembers no longer able to perform their originally assigned work. The causes might include crewmembers in the wrong location due to one or more flight leg cancellations, or crewmembers reaching the limit on the maximum allowable duty time before completing their work due to flight delays. The resulting cost increases can be of the order of many millions of dollars for a large airline. To address this issue, researchers, such as Ehrgott and Ryan (2002), Schaefer et al (2005), Yen and Birge (2000), and Chebalov and Klabjan (2002) have developed approaches to minimize the sum of planned and unplanned crew cost. 7.4.1 Robust Crew Pairing: The Role of Crew Connections between Different Aircraft Ehrgott and Ryan (2002) propose an approach to balance costs and robustness in generating crew pairing solutions. For each pairing, they compute its value of nonrobustness by approximating downstream effects of delays within the pairing. In their approximation, the value of non-robustness is zero if crews do not change planes, but equals the potential disruptive effects of delays if the plan requires crews to connect between different aircraft. The objective is to minimize the value of non-robustness, while maintaining the cost of the corresponding crew pairing solution to less than that of the minimum-cost crew pairing solution plus some pre-specified positive value. Ehrgott and Ryan report that small increases in cost allow considerable robustness gains. In one instance, by increasing costs by less than 1%, they were able to reduce their metric of “non-robustness” by more than 2 orders of magnitude. Their more robust solutions are characterized by longer ground times between successive flights on different aircraft within a pairing; fewer aircraft changes within pairings; slightly longer duty times; and a slight increase in the number of pairings in the solution. 7.4.2 Minimizing Expected Crew Costs Yen and Birge (2000) and Schaefer et al (2005) develop approaches that include both planned and unplanned costs in the objective function of the crew model. Yen and Birge develop a stochastic crew scheduling model and corresponding solution approach, while Schaefer et al solve a deterministic crew pairing problem with an objective to minimize 56 expected crew pairing costs. In Schaefer et al, expected costs are approximated for each pairing under the assumptions that there are no interactions between the pairings and recovery is achieved simply by delaying the next flight in the pairing until the crew is available (pushback). Pushback recovery helps to justify the no interactions assumption, but much more sophisticated recovery procedures are used in practice at hubs. Even with these simplifying assumptions, it is still not possible to calculate the realized cost of pairings analytically. Thus the cost of each pairing considered in the optimization is determined by Monte Carlo simulation. Schaefer et al denote J as the set of feasible pairings, F the set of flight legs, c~j the expected cost of pairing j, and let a ij equal 1 if flight leg i is covered by pairing j. The decision variable x j , for all all j∈P , equals 1 is pairing j is included in the solution, and equals 0 otherwise. The robust crew model of Schaefer et al is: MIN ∑ c~ j (24) xj j∈J subject to ∑a ij xj =1 for all i∈F- (25) for all j∈P-. (26) j∈J x j ∈ {0,1} The objective (24) is to minimize the expected crew costs associated with the pairings in the solution. The set of selected pairings must contain each flight leg exactly once (25). Crew schedules obtained with these expected pairing costs are compared with those obtained by using the standard deterministic costs and also a set of penalty costs whereby attributes of pairings that might lead to poor operational performance are penalized. The attributes considered are sit times between flights when a crew changes planes, flying and elapsed times of duties, and rest time between duties. The operational performance of crew schedules are evaluated using SIMAIR, with only mild disruptions considered, that is, individual delays rather than major disruptions such as those which reduce airport capacity. The standard cost measure of FTC, which is total cost in minutes of pay minus minutes of flying time divided by flying time, is used to compare schedules. For the fleets considered from a major airline, the planned FTCs were typically in the 2 - 4 % range and increased only slightly when either the expected costs or penalty costs were used. The operational FTCs ranged from 4% to 9% and were lowest for the expected cost method and very close to a lower bound. However, in an absolute sense the expected cost solutions performed only marginally better than the deterministic solutions 57 perhaps because of the assumption of mild disruptions only. Note that more severe disruptions would have invalidated the pushback assumption. 7.4.3 Move-Up Crews In an approach analogous to the idea in Ageeva and Clarke (2004) of providing flexibility through aircraft swapping, Chebalov and Klabjan (2002) develop the concept of enhancing recovery flexibility through move-up crews. A move-up crew for flight i is a crew, not actually assigned to i, but capable of being assigned to i, if necessary. For feasibility of this potential assignment, the move-up crew must have the same crew base, or domicile, as the crew currently assigned to i, must be ready to operate i before the departure time of i, and must end the pairing on the same day as the pairing currently covering i. Chebalov and Klabjan consider move-up crews only for flights i that depart hub locations and do not begin a pairing. The objective is to maximize the number of move-up crews so that recovery is more likely to be effected by swapping the assigned pairings of the delayed crew and an available, alternative crew. Let J represent the set of feasible pairings; F be the set of flight legs; a ij equal 1 if flight leg i is covered by pairing j; HL designate the set of hub locations; CB be the set of crew base locations; D be the set of the possible number of days remaining in a pairing; J cb,d represent the set of pairings starting at the crew base cb with d days remaining after flight leg i to the end of the pairing; J i be the set of pairings whose first leg is i; J i ,cb,d be the set of pairings that yields a move-up crew for flight i covered by a crew originating at cb with d days remaining from flight leg i to the end of the pairing; r be the robustness factor denoting the maximum allowable percentage increase in the cost of the solution to allow increased robustness; and M be an arbitrary number (usually 2 or 3). Chebalov and Klabjan solve the standard crew pairing problem minimizing operating costs with constraints (25) and (26) to obtain the minimum planned crew pairing costs, copt . They then include in their model four sets of decision variables. If pairing j is included in the solution, x j , for all all j∈P, is equal to 1, otherwise it equals 0. If flight leg i is covered by a pairing starting at the crew base cb with d days remaining after flight leg i to the end of the pairing, y icb,d is equal to 1, otherwise it equals 0. If flight leg i is covered by a pairing whose first leg is i, wi is equal to 1, otherwise it equals 0. The number of moveup crews for flight leg i , if i is a leg originating at a hub h∈HL, is denoted by z icb,d . The Chebalov and Klabjan model is: MAX ∑ ∑ ∑ i∈F z icb,d (27) cb∈CB d ∈D subject to 58 ∑a ij x j = y icb,d for all i∈F originating at any hub (28) for all i∈F originating at any spoke (29) j∈J cb , d ∑a ij xj =1 j = wi j∈J ∑x for all i∈F originating at any crew base j∈J i (30) ∑ ∑y wi + cb i ,d =1 for all i∈F originating at any crew base cb∈CB d ∈D (31) ∑ ∑y cb i ,d =1 for all i∈F originating at a hub but not a crew base cb∈CB d ∈D (32) ∑x j ≥ z icb,d for all i∈F originating at any hub (33) for all i∈F originating at any hub (34) j∈J i , cb , d z icb,d ≤ My icb, d ∑c j x j ≤ (1 + r )copt (35) j x j ∈ {0,1} for all j∈J (36) wi ∈ {0,1} for all i∈F (37) y icb,d ∈ {0,1} for all i∈F, d∈D, cb∈CB (38) z icb,d ∈ {0,1,…, M} for all i∈F, d∈D, cb∈CB. (39) Constraints (29) and (36) ensure that each flight leg i is covered by exactly one pairing. With constraints (37)-(39), constraints (30) identify flight legs that are the first leg in a pairing and constraints (28), (31) and (32) identify flight legs that are candidates for move-up crews. The number of move-up crews for flight leg i is bounded by 0 (constraints 33) if i originates at a spoke location or is the first leg in a pairing, and otherwise it is bounded by the minimum of M (usually 2 or 3), and the number of eligible move-up crews for i (constraints 34). Constraint (35) ensures that the pairing solution has cost no greater than an allowable tolerance above the minimum cost pairing. The objective (27) is to maximize the total number of move-up crews for all flight legs. 59 Chebalov and Klabjan present a Lagrangian decomposition method to solve their model. They perform computational experiments and report, that for certain instances, there are crew solutions characterized by only slightly higher planned costs and by a 5- to 10-fold increase in the number of move-up crews, compared to the optimal solutions to the more conventional, cost-minimizing crew pairing problem. 8. Conclusions Flight and crew schedules and passenger itineraries have become increasingly “fragile” as a result of the growing complexity of the air transportation system and the tight coupling of its various elements. The resulting direct and indirect economic costs are very large, certainly amounting to several billion dollars annually. The airline industry has a vital stake in research aimed at mitigating the effects of severe weather and other disruptive events and at expediting recovery from “irregular” operations. As this chapter has indicated, a very significant body of recent and ongoing work has led to major progress toward these objectives. Two breakthrough developments have been the primary drivers behind this progress. First, Collaborative decision making has made it possible to apply the principles of information sharing and distributed decision making to ATFM, by expanding the databases available to airline and FAA (and, soon, European) traffic flow managers, creating common situational awareness and introducing shared real-time tools and procedures. And second, there is growing recognition in the airline industry of the fact that planning for schedule robustness and reliability may be just as important as planning for minimizing costs in the complex, highly stochastic and dynamic environment of air transportation. Specific achievements that have been described herein include: improved understanding and better modeling of the physics of airport and airspace capacity and delays (Section 2); realization of the need for marketbased mechanisms to supplement widely-used administrative methods for allocating scarce airport capacity among prospective airport users (Section 3); development of models and optimization tools to support GDP decision-making under a wide range of conditions, including the presence of uncertainty regarding forecast capacity and demand (Section 4); development and implementation of airline-based models for efficient “recovery” of aircraft, crews and passengers following schedule disruptions (Section 6); and the nascent appearance of increasingly viable models for introducing robustness in airline route design and in the scheduling of aircraft, crews and passengers (Section 7). At the same time, it is fair to describe all this work as still being in its early stages in many respects – an assessment that applies equally well to the domains of both the airlines and the providers of air traffic management services. For example, in the case of the latter, approaches for dealing with uncertainty – an altogether critical issue in the ATM and ATFM context – are still quite far removed from being applied in practice. Integrated consideration and optimization of both arrival and departure schedules at GDP airports could also offer significant improvements over the existing approaches that focus solely on arrivals. Research on collaborative routing is still in its infancy. On the side of the airlines, decision support software for recovery is perhaps at the stage where planning 60 software was 15 years ago. While research is active and hardware and data support have improved substantially, optimization-based decision support tools for rapid recovery are still at an early stage of implementation at the major airlines. Finally, and most important, a full integration of the emerging ATFM CDM philosophy and associated models with airline recovery planning models and robust scheduling models has not even begun. This represents a difficult, but crucial future research challenge. 9. Acknowledgements The work of the first and fourth authors was supported in part by NEXTOR, the National Center for Excellence in Aviation Operations Research, under Federal Aviation Administration cooperative agreement number 01CUMD1. The work of the second and fourth authors was supported in part by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation as part of the MIT Global Airline Industry Program. REFERENCES Ageeva, Y. and J.P. Clarke (2004). 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