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Obesity Surgery, 14, 1222-1226 Elevated Serum Parathormone after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Maria de Fátima Haueisen Sander Diniz, MD1; Marco Túlio Costa Diniz, PhD2; Soraya Rodrigues Almeida Sanches, PhD2; Patrícia Paz Cabral de Almeida Salgado, MD1; Maristane Mendes Andrade Valadão, MD1; Flávia Caldeira Araújo3; Daniele Siríaco Martins3; Alexandre Lages Savassi Rocha, MD2 1Serviço de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, 2Instituto Alfa de Gastroenterologia, 3Medical student, Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Background: Abnormalities in calcium and vitamin D metabolism are observed early after gastric bypass, whereas clinical or biochemical evidence of metabolic bone disease might not be detected until many years after the procedure. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of bariatric surgery on bone metabolism determined on the basis of postoperative laboratory changes in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, alkaline phosphatase and parathormone (PTH) levels. Methods: 110 patients submitted to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) were followed after surgery, and the following parameters were determined: intact PTH molecule (PTHi; chemiluminescence), alkaline phosphatase (colorimetric method), ionic calcium (selective electrode), phosphorus and magnesium (colorimetric method). Results: Elevated serum PTHi levels were observed in 29% of the patients and hypocalcemia in 0.9% from the 3rd postoperative month and afterwards (3 to 80 months after surgery). Conclusion: There is a need for careful evaluation of bone metabolism and for routine calcium replacement after RYGBP. Key words: Morbid obesity, gastric bypass, parathyroid hormone, metabolic bone disease, calcium metabolism Reprint requests to: Maria de Fátima Haueisen Sander Diniz, MD, Departamento de Clínica Médica da Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG. Av Alfredo Balena, 110 4˚ andar 30130-100, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. E-mail: mfhsdiniz@ufmg.br 1222 Obesity Surgery, 14, 2004 Introduction The prevalence of overweight and obesity has been increasing in epidemic proportions in the western world, including morbid obesity. The World Health Organization emphasizes the need for obesity prevention and management strategies adapted to each local situation. Class III morbid obesity is accompanied by a significant increase in morbidity and mortality, mainly due to cardiovascular causes.1 The quality of life of massively obese individuals is comparable to that of a patient with severe cirrhosis of the liver.2 In terms of public health, the high cost of treatment of co-morbidities associated with morbid obesity supports the need for effective treatments for weight loss. Numerous epidemiological studies have confirmed the improvement, or even resolution, of comorbidities associated with morbid obesity, after weight loss.3,4 However, the prolonged efficacy of dietetic and pharmacological treatments for class III obese individuals does not exceed 10%. Within this context, bariatric surgery is the most effective therapeutic modality for weight loss and maintenance in the long term.5 However, the postoperative complications of this procedure justify a rigorous followup of these patients. Because the most frequently employed surgical techniques combine restrictive effects and malabsorptive mechanisms, nutritional © FD-Communications Inc. Elevated PTH after RYGBP deficiencies become a constant concern.6-8 Abnormalities in calcium and vitamin D metabolism start early after bariatric surgery.9 However, clinical or biochemical evidence of metabolic bone disease may not be detected until many years after the procedure.10,11 Osteometabolic diseases found in operated patients include secondary hyperparathyroidism, osteoporosis and osteomalacia, with secondary hyperparathyroidism generally preceding the other disorders.12 The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of bariatric surgery on bone metabolism determined on the basis of laboratory changes in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, alkaline phosphatase and parathormone (PTH) during the postoperative period in patients submitted to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP). Materials and Methods Included in the study were class III obese patients (body mass index BMI ≥40 kg/m2)1 attended within the Brazilian public health system, who underwent RYGBP by the Capella technique13 between January 1996 and January 2003 at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (HCUFMG), Brazil. The selection criteria for bariatric surgery were those recommended by international consensus.14,15 After providing detailed information about the study, informed consent was obtained from all patients before surgery. Patients taking drugs such as glucocorticoids, which are known to interfere with bone metabolism, were excluded from the study. After RYGBP, patients were followed-up at the Endocrinology Service every 3 months until the 12th month and every 6 months thereafter. Serum was colleted in the fasting state for the assay of: ionic calcium (selective electrode, Roche OMNIC); intact PTH molecule (PTHi, chemiluminescence Immulite® 1000 Systems, DPC); phosphorus, magnesium and alkaline phosphatase (colorimetric method - OrthoClinical Diagnostics, Johnson and Johnson). All biochemical analyses were performed at the University Hospital. The criterion established for analysis was an alteration in PTHi levels above 60 pg/ml during postop- erative follow-up. The means and medians of the results of the collected examinations were calculated. Results A total of 110 patients, 86 (78.2%) women and 24 (21.8%) men, were followed-up. Of these, 32 patients showed PTHi levels above 60 pg/ml, corresponding to 29% of the total sample. Among the patients with elevated PTHi, 28 (87.5%) were females. The mean age of the patients was 40 years (range 20-60, median 41.3 years). The mean time that elapsed between surgery and the detection of elevated PTHi was 41.5 months (range 3-80, median 29.1 months). PTHi levels and postoperative period were not correlated: there were no differences in PTHi levels in the early versus later postoperative periods (Pearson r=0.08). Hypocalcemia on the occasion of PTHi elevation was observed in one patient (0.9% of the total sample or 3.1% of patients with elevated PTHi). Table 1 summarizes the laboratory findings. Serum PTHi levels ranged from 62 to 147 pg/dl. Thirteen patients (40.6%) presented PTHi between 60 and 80 pg/dl, 12 patients (38%) had levels between 81 and 100 pg/dl, and 7 patients had levels >101 pg/dl. Figure 1 shows the percent distribution of patients according to the intensity of PTHi elevation. Elevated alkaline phosphatase was observed in two patients (1.8% of the total sample). None of the patients showed hypomagnesia concomitantly with PTHi elevation. Table 1. Laboratory findings for the 32 patients with elevated intact parathormone during the postoperative period Range Mean ±SD Median Parathormone (7-53 pg/dl) 62-147 91.2 ± 12.8 Ionic calcium (1.12-1.32 mmol/l) 0.95-1.32 1.21 ± 0.07 Phosphorus (2.5-4.5 mg/dl) 2.7-4.6 3.7 ± 0.0 Magnesium (1.6-2.3 mg/dl) 1.6-2.3 2.0 ± 0.06 Alkaline phosphatase (38-126 U/l) 61-133 87.8 ± 7.0 104.5 Obesity Surgery, 14, 2004 1.2 3.6 1.9 97 1223 Diniz et al 60-80pg/dl 81-100 >100 22% 40% 38% Figure 1. Distribution of patients according to PTHi serum levels. None of the patients with elevated PTHi reported diarrhea or steatorrhea during the postoperative period. Discussion Metabolic bone disorders represent complications of digestive surgeries, but are frequently underdiagnosed. Zittel et al16 found a high prevalence of alterations in bone metabolism, including secondary hyperparathyroidism, during long-term follow-up of 60 gastrectomized patients. Secondary hyperparathyroidism associated with bariatric surgery has a multifactorial etiology, including inadequate ingestion of calcium during the postoperative period, malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D, and the formation of insoluble calcium salts due to steatorrhea.17 Calcium is mainly absorbed in the duodenum and proximal jejunum, regions which remain excluded during gastric bypass. In addition, hypochlorhydria reduces the absorption of ingested calcium. In contrast, vitamin D is absorbed in the small intestine with the help of biliary salts; however, no specific area exists for its absorption. Calcium deficiency stimulates the secretion of PTH. This compensatory response permits the maintenance of normal serum levels of this ion at the expense of calcium mobilization from bone.9,18 The intensity of the PTH response probably depends on the amplitude of variation in calcemia and the velocity at which serum calcium is modified. This occurs in such a way that slow decreases in calcemia cause a moderate PTH 1224 Obesity Surgery, 14, 2004 response.18 In the population studied here, only one patient showed hypocalcemia on the occasion of PTHi elevation (0.9%). However, we may assume that more frequent measurements of calcium would permit the detection of hypocalcemia in a larger number of cases. In the survey of Brolin and Leung6 involving various bariatric surgeons, the prevalence of calcium deficiency after RYGBP was estimated to be 3%. We know that serum calcium measurements are not good markers of postoperative calcium deficiencies. These levels are maintained stable at the expense of mobilization from bone. Moreover, secondary hyperparathyroidism demonstrates a late consequence of calcium deficiencies. The incidence of secondary hyperparathyroidism after gastric bypass is still unknown, and studies have reported discordant results regarding calcium metabolism in patients submitted to different types of bariatric surgery.7,9,11,17,19,20 Rhode and MacLean,19 following 56 patients submitted to RYGBP for 3 to 5 years, reported elevated PTH in 14%. Amaral21 observed an increase in alkaline phosphatase in 34% of patients submitted to RYGBP, suggesting vitamin D deficiency. Alterations in calcium and vitamin D metabolism have been well recognized after biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) and jejunoileal bypass (JIB).20,22-24 In the follow-up of 82 patients submitted to BPD, Newbury et al20 reported an increase in PTH in 63.1% and vitamin D deficiency in 50%. Elevated PTH levels have been observed in 30% and 17% of patients after BPD and JIB, respectively.21 Hamoui et al23 found an increase in PTH in 42% and 13.3% of patients submitted to duodenal switch operation with common channel lengths of 75 cm and 100 cm, respectively. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation has been routinely standardized for BPD and JIB, while no consensus exists regarding the routine use of calcium after RYGBP. In a recent review, Stocker7 did not consider calcium deficiency to be significant after RYGBP. Some authors, such as Amaral,21 recommend calcium replacement, considering that an increase in alkaline phosphatase suggests subclinical bone disease. In addition, because many patients are women of fertile age who are more prone to osteoporosis and fractures during the climacteric period, calcium replacement is well indicated.21 Elevated PTH after RYGBP Eddy25 observed a 25% incidence of osteomalacia during the prolonged follow-up of patients submitted to gastrectomy, with the subjects presenting bone pains and increased alkaline phosphatase levels. In the present study, two patients (1.8% of the total sample) showed a discrete increase in alkaline phosphatase. Coates et al26 demonstrated the increase in bone resorption associated with loss of bone mineral content early after laparoscopic RYGBP. Supplementary calcium and vitamin D was protective against hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D deficiency.26 Alterations in bone metabolism and vitamin D deficiency have been described in morbidly obese individuals even before bariatric surgery.27-29 In our personal experience, some patients present elevated PTHi before surgery, accompanied by low renal calcium excretion and improvement after oral calcium supplementation (unpublished data). On our service, a calcium-rich diet and a daily polyvitamin, containing 162 mg calcium (calcium citrate) and 400 IU vitamin D, were prescribed to all patients, who are also encouraged to practice physical activities in the sun. Extra supplements of calcium were not prescribed. These recommendations were insufficient to maintain normal PTH levels in 29% of the patients operated. According to Brolin and Leung,6 the vitamin and mineral concentrations present in polyvitamins are insufficient to prevent deficiencies after surgery. Furthermore, the patients studied belonged to a low-income population attended by the public health system. The monthly cost of calcium-rich diets and polyvitamins is high in Brazil (polyvitamin cost corresponds to 10% of the minimum wage of Brazilian people), a fact leading to low compliance with the prescriptions. We do not have the accurate percentage of patients who are compliant in taking the multivitamins prescribed daily. Despite its limitations, the present study demonstrates the need for routine calcium replacement after RYGBP and careful evaluation of bone metabolism during the postoperative period. Therefore, continuous follow-up of patients submitted to bariatric surgery is fundamental, since bone alterations may occur late and can be severe.11,18 References 1. World Health Organization. Obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic. Report of a WHO Consultation on Obesity, Geneva, June 1997. 2. Karlsson J, Sjöstrom L, Sullivan M. 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