Perception & Psychophysics
1989, 46 (6), 579-586
Extraretinal information about eye position
during involuntary eye movement:
Optokinetic afternystagmus
University of Houston, Houston, Texas
Despite importance for theories of perception, controversy exists as to whether information is
available to the perceptual system about involuntary as well as voluntary eye movements. We
measured the perceived direction of targets flashed briefly in an otherwise dark field during the
primary phase of optokinetic afternystagmus (OKAN), an involuntary eye movement that persists in darkness following optokinetic stimulation. Perceived direction was measured by unseen
pointing in one experiment and by pointing made under visual control in a second experiment.
Pointing was essentially veridical in both experiments, indicating that accurate extraretinal information about eye position (presumably, as efference copy) exists for OKAN. Illusory
motion of visual targets, which can occur during involuntary oculomotor responses, therefore
cannot be attributed to a lack of efference-copy signals for such eye movements.
It has long been recognized that the perceived direction of a visual target depends upon the retinal locus stimulated by the target's image and concurrent information
about the position of the eyes in the head (Gruesser, 1986;
Wade, 1978). For example, a target's retinal-image position can change because either the target or the eyes
move. For these two situations to be distinguished, as they
readily are under most conditions, information in addition to the target's retinal-image location is required. Retinal information provided by a structured visual field has
been shown to exert substantial influence on the perceived
direction of visual targets (see Howard, 1982, for a review; see also Matin et al., 1982; Stark & Bridgeman,
1983); obviously, this source of information is ineffective in reduced-cue situations. In such situations, and
probably under normal viewing conditions as well, perception of a target's direction depends upon extraretinal
information about eye position.
Potential sources of eye-position information are
(1) internal neural copies of efferent commands (efference copy), and (2) afference from receptors in the extraocular muscles and tendons. Research indicates that,
relative to efference copy, the role of muscle afference
is relatively minor (Guthrie, Porter, & Sparks, 1983;
Skavenski, Haddad, & Steinman, 1972).
Although the concept was anticipated by earlier authors
(see Gruesser, 1986, for a review), von Holst and MittelThis study was supported by Research Grant ROI-EY05068 and
Research Training Grant T35-EY07088 from the National Eye Institute. Part of the results were presented at the 1988 ARVO meeting. We
thank Chris Kuether for assistance in the design and construction of the
OKN drum, John Feaster for statistical consultation, and Chris Johnson and Bob Post for helpful suggestions on the manuscript. Correspondence may be addressed to Harold E. Bedell, College of Optometry,
University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-6052.
staedt (1950/1971) provided a theoretical framework for
the interaction between retinal signals of target location
and efference-copy information about eye position in the
perception of visual direction and motion. Their model
successfully accounfs for the constancy of visual direction during normal voluntary eye movements and for motion of the visual world that is perceived when intended
eye movements are prevented (e.g., by extraocular muscle paralysis) or when eye movements are generated passively (e.g., by tapping on the eye with a finger). The
model also correctly predicts that an afterimage is perceived to move in darkness during voluntary eye movements. It is noteworthy that von Holst and Mittelstaedt
postulated that efference copy originates at a low level
in the motor pathway, and stated explicitly that such
efference-copy activity occurs' 'not only for the so-called
'voluntary' movements, but also for involuntary movements ... as when the head and body are turned (labyrinthine nystagmus) or the visual world moves before us (optomotor nystagmus)" (p. 54). As evidence that involuntary
eye movements are accompanied by an efference-eopy signal, they reported observations that an afterimage, viewed
in darkness, appears to move during vestibular nystagmus.
This observation has also been reported by other authors
(Goethlin, 1946; Graybiel & Hupp, 1946; Morrison,
1984), but so has the contrary observation-of perceived
stability of an afterimage during vestibular stimulation
(Kaufman, 1974). Our own observations are that a foveal afterimage does appear to move in darkness during
vestibular stimulation, but that its motion is not striking.
Aside from the contradictory reports on afterimage motion in darkness during involuntary eye movement, reported motion of an afterimage must be viewed circumspectly, since perceived motion can be generated without
vestibular stimulation by attending to one side or the other
Copyright 1989 Psychonomic Society, Inc.
of a stabilized image (Cushman, Tangney, Steinman, &
Ferguson, 1984; Kommerell & Taeumer, 1972). In addition, reflex vestibular eye movements increase in amplitude when an afterimage is visible in an otherwise dark
field (Yasui & Young, 1976). Thus, additional evidence
bearing on whether or not efference-copy signals accompany involuntary as well as voluntary eye movements is
Several authors have implicitly or explicitly questioned
the neural level at which ypo~ecnrf
signals are generated, by postulating that such information accompanies
only voluntary (presumably cortical), and not involuntary or reflex (presumably subcortical), eye movement
(Evanoff & Lackner, 1987; Hoernsten, 1979; Post &
Leibowitz, 1985; Whiteside, Graybiel, & Niven, 1965).
By assuming that efference copy is available only for
voluntary eye movements, an explanation is provided for
the illusory displacement and motion of visual targets that
can occur during involuntary eye movements. For example, the illusory motions of visual targets that occur during per-rotary or caloric nystagmus are accounted for by
the retinal-image motions produced by the nystagmus, if
they are not offset or canceled by concurrent internal signals of eye movement. Similarly, Hoernsten (1979) concluded that efference-copy signals exist neither for the
pathological nystagmus in patients with acute vestibular
neuritis nor for the accompanying offset of average eye
position in darkness, and thereby explained these patients'
inaccurate reports of the direction of isolated visual targets in an otherwise dark field.
Evidence that the brain is informed about involuntary
eye movements comes from a study in which eye position could be correctly returned to straight ahead following vestibular eye movements induced by body rotation
(Hansen & Skavenski, 1977). However, Bridgeman,
Lewis, Heit, and Nagle (1979) suggested that motor and
perceptual systems receive different information about eye
movements. Thus, perceptual reports suggesting that efference copy fails to offset retinal-image shifts during involuntary eye movement might arise because only the motor system, and not perception, is informed about such
eye movements.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether or
not eye-position information, presumably as efference
copy, is available during optokinetic afternystagmus
(OKAN), an involuntary eye movement that persists in
darkness following optokinetic stimulation. To do so, the
perceived direction of briefly presented visual targets was
measured, in the first experiment by unseen manual pointing and in the second experiment by pointing made under visual control.
Apparatus and Stimuli
Full-field optokinetic stimulation was produced by the rightward
rotation of a cloth drum, within which the subject sat. The drum
was 1.5 m in diameter and consisted of alternate l-em-wide white
and gray (contrast = 40%) vertical stripes. At the subject's view-
ing distance of 70 em, each stripe subtended a visual angle of 0.82° .
A smalllightbulb, suspended from the drum's hub, illuminated the
white stripes so that their luminance was about 1.2 cd/m'.
Horizontal eye movements were recorded with a Model 200 EyeTrac (available from Gulf+ Western), which compares reflected
infrared light from the nasal and temporallimbi. The infrared sensors and light source were mounted on a blank spectacle frame,
strapped behind the subject's head to minimize movement. Head
position was maintained by a large, foam head-rest on the back of
the subject's chair, into which the subject's head fit snugly. This
chair was sufficiently tall so that the subject's feet did not reach
the ground.
The eye-position signals were fed through an 8-bit AID converter
(Connecticut Microcomputer) to a Commodore 4032 PET computer.
A machine-language computer program sampled eye position at intervals of less than I msec and identified quick phases of nystagmus
according to a velocity criterion. After an electronic signal from
the experimenter, the program identified the next quick phase, waited
for 150 to 500 msec (depending upon the value input during initialization of the program), and then presented a red laser target
for approximately 20 msec by activating a noiseless shutter. The
laser target was projected from a mirror galvanometer (General
Scanning Model G330) onto the outside surface of the cloth drum,
through which the target was visible to the subject. The position
of the target on the drum was varied pseudorandomly within a range
of about 15° right and left of straight ahead, according to the voltage input to the mirror galvanometer. The straight-ahead direction was defined by the last position of the continuously visible laser
target (placed in the subject's apparent median plane) during the
eye-position calibration before each period of optokinetic stimulation. Calibration (from sequential fixation at three or more positions of the laser spot) was repeated after each trial as well. The
horizontal positions of the left and right eyes, and the position and
time of presentation of the laser target, were recorded on an oscillograph (Hewlett-Packard Model 7404A) for off-line analyses.
A trial began with a 3D-sec period of rightward optokinetic stimulation at a drum velocity of 45°/sec, followed by complete darkness. This duration and velocity of stimulation has been reported
to produce good OKAN in normal subjects (Cohen, Henn, & Raphan, 1981; laFortune, Ireland, Jell, & DuVal, 1986a, I986b).
Indeed, in preliminary trials, primary OKAN (in the same direction as the previous stripe motion) was elicited in 25 of27 normal
subjects, with an average initial velocity (measured 5 sec after optokinetic stimulation ceased) of 9.8°/sec and an average duration of
40 sec. As noted previously, substantial individual variability existed in the velocity and duration of OKAN responses (Waespe,
Huber, & Henn, 1978) and, after repeated stimulation within a
session, OKAN tended to reduce (Cohen, Matsuo, & Raphan,
1977). A few seconds after the offset of the optokinetic stimulus,
the experimenter signaled the computer to look for a nystagmus
quick phase and to trigger presentation of the laser target. In Experiment I, as soon as the subject detected the laser target, he/she
closed both eyes and pointed bimanualiy with a penlight to indicate the target's perceived direction. Using landmarks on the outside of the drum, the experimenter noted the direction of pointing
(to 0.5 cm), which was later compared with the target's physical
direction. The subject was instructed to extinguish the penlight and
then open his/her eyes for additional target presentations, which
continued until the primary (rightward) phase ofOKAN ceased (see
Figure I).
Trials in Experiment 2 differed in that the subject kept both eyes
open while pointing in the perceived direction of the flashed target
and, hence, directed the penlight under visual guidance. Because
fixation of stationary visual contours greatly reduces or eliminates
primary OKAN even after darkness is restored (Cohen et al., 1977;
Figure 1. Horizontal eye position (upper tracing) for Subject J.E. in Experiment 1 during optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) and optokinetic afternystagmus (OKAN) subsequent to light off. Downward deflections represent rightward eye movement, except for the large
OKAN occurred during upward
downward deflections that signify blinks (cf. 1 sec prior to light om. Presentations of the target d~ring
deflections in the lower tracing. Horiwntal lines between the upper and lower tracing identify periods of eye closure while the subject
made unseen pointing responses. The straight-ahead direction of the eyes was identified from fixation of a stationary target during calibration
prior to OKN and foUowing OKAN. Calibration bars indicate 2-sec duration and a 10' change of eye position.
Waespe et al., 1978), in Experiment 2 only a single target presentation was made after each 3G-sec period ofoptokinetic stimulation.
Control trials, in which pointing was made without prior optokinetic stimulation, were conducted for all but I subject (] .E.) either
before OKAN trials or on a separate experimental day. On these
trials, target presentation was triggered by spontaneous saccadic
eye movements that the subject made in darkness.
The subjects were instructed to maintain their gaze straight ahead
at all times (except when pointing in the direction of the target in
Experiment 2), but to attempt to keep the moving stripes clear when
they were visible. Although the experiments were performed binocularly, no subject reported diplopia.
Different groups of 7 subjects participated in each of Experiments
I and 2. All had normal corrected visual acuity and ocular motility. During rightward optokinetic stimulation, all subjects reported
the sensation of leftward self-motion (vection) which, except for
Subject C.T. (see Results), faded rapidly in darkness. Recordings
made during control trials in the dark indicated no spontaneous nystagmus, except for Subject S.T. in Experiment I. In darkness, this
subject exhibited a small-amplitude, right-beating jerk nystagmus
with an average slow-phase velocity of less than I'/sec but,
nevertheless, demonstrated rightward OKAN following periods of
optokinetic stimulation. Subject N.T. was tested on 2 separate days
for Experiment 2; otherwise, all experimental trials were completed
in a single 1-1.5-h session.
If, during OKAN, accurate signals of eye position are
available to be combined with information about a target's retinal-image location, then pointing responses to
visual stimuli should be essentially veridical. On the other
hand, if no eye-position signals accompany involuntary
eye movements during OKAN, then pointing should
reflect the target's retinal-image location, because internally represented eye position remains straight aheadwhere the subjects were attempting to hold their gaze. To
be accurate, each pointing response would have to be com-
pensated by adding the eye position measured at the instant of target presentation.
The results for Experiment 1 (Figure 2) illustrate that
open-loop (unseen) pointing was indeed quite veridical
for targets presented during OKAN. The best-fit line to
the data has a slope of 1.08 and an intercept of 0.23, not
significantly different from the values for slope (1.11) and
intercept (0.04) found during control trials, when there
was no OKAN [multiple regression for coincidence of two
regression lines using a dummy-group variable, F(2,163)
= 0.15, p = .86]. Moreover, the correlation of 0.92 between target position and pointing on OKAN trials is similar to the value obtained during control trials (0.95) and
is significantly higher [t(IOO) = 7.53, p < .001] than the
correlation of 0.72 between target position and compensated pointing responses (pointing + eye position). Indeed, pointing errors during OKAN were uncorrelated
with eye position (r = 0.03), indicating that the addition
of measured eye position to compensate pointing responses
actually introduced extraneous variability and reduced the
correlation with target position (see the Appendix). Besides being uncorrelated with eye position, pointing was
also uncorrelated with the velocity of eye movement (r
= 0.13) which, on OKAN trials, averaged 4 0 /sec to the
Similar results were obtained for closed-loop pointing
(made under visual control) in Experiment 2. During
OKAN, pointing was again accurate on average
(Figure 3), the best-fit regression line having both a slope
and an intercept of 1.01. The correlation of target position with pointing was r = 0.93, comparable to that dur-:-,
ing control trials (r = 0.95) and was significantly better
than the correlation with compensated pointing [r = 0.79,
t(6O) = 5.22, p < .001]. Like Experiment I, the bestfit regression lines did not differ significantly from coin-
Figure 2. Upper panel-Unseen (open-loop) pointing responses for 7 subjects
plotted against the position of the Dashed target in Experiment 1 (positive = rightward). Lower panel-The relationship with target position when each pointing
response is compensated by adding measured eye position, under the hypothesis
that no extraretinal signal exists for involuntary OKAN. Solid lines are the best
fit to the data points; dashed lines indicate veridical pointing.
cidence for OKAN and control trials [F(2,1l0)
= 2.52,
P = .09). Again, pointing errors were uncorrelated with
eye position (r = 0.03) and eye velocity (r = -0.16),
which averaged 6.1 0 Isec to the right on OKAN trials.
Subject C.T. was unusual in that, subsequent to each
of the first four periods of optokinetic stimulation in Experiment 2, she perceived vivid leftward self-motion that
persisted during OKAN in the dark. Pointing responses
on these four trials were excluded from analysis because
her pointing error averaged 13.3 0 rightward of the physical direction ofthe targets. These large, systematic pointing
errors could not be attributed to the absence of eyeposition information because, when pointing was compensated by adding measured eye position, the average
r = 0.93
Figure 3. Upper panel-Pointing under visual control (closed-loop) plotted
against the position of the Dashed target for the 7 subjects in Experiment 2.
Lower panel-The relationship with target position when pointing responses
are compensated by adding measured eye position. Solid lines are the best fit
to the data points; dashed lines indicate veridical pointing.
error remained essentially unchanged at 14.2°. Our explanation for Subject C.T. 's large rightward pointing errors during trials on which she experienced a strong sensation of vection is that her pointing incorporated a
"correction" for her illusory leftward self-motion which,
in the interval between the presentation of the target and
her pointing response, was perceived as turning her away
from the target's direction.
The results of these experiments demonstrate that extraretinal information about eye position is available during OKAN, presumably in the form of efference copy.
Because OKAN is involuntary and is mediated subcortically, the results are consistent with the attribution by von
Holst and Mittelstaedt (1950/1971) of efference copy to
a low level in the motor pathway. Information about eye
position during OKAN is accurate, at least within the
range of eye positions (about 30°) and velocities (to about
16°/sec) examined, as shown by the fact that the best-fit
regression lines of pointing versus target position have
slopes very close to 1.0 in both experiments. Previous
investigators have concluded that extraretinal signals
slightly underestimate actual eye position during voluntary fixation in different directions of gaze, but in those
studies, a greater range of eye rotation was considered
(Hill, 1972; Morgan, 1978).
Residual variability about the best-fit lines of pointing
versus target position was comparable during OKAN and
control trials (fixation straight ahead in the dark), indicating that the variability of the eye-position signal is comparable under these two conditions. Pointing errors on
OKAN trials had an average within-subject variability
(standard deviation) of 2.45° in Experiment 1 and 2.69°
in Experiment 2, substantially less than the average
within-subject variability of eye positions (5.28° and
5.63° in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively). A large portion of the residual pointing errors must be attributed to
imprecision of manual pointing responses which, in prior
studies involving pointing to remembered target locations,
was on the order of 2 ° (Brown, Knauft, & Rosenbaum,
1948; Honda, 1984).
The very similar results obtained in Experiment 1 (in
which pointing was unseen) and Experiment 2 (in which
pointing was made under visual control) provide evidence
against the notion that only motor systems have accurate
information about eye position during involuntary eye
movements. Even though manual pointing responses were
employed in both experiments, these are known to be
dominated by visual input when the two are placed in conflict (Hay, Pick, & Ikeda,,1965; Rock & Harris, 1967).
Thus, the task in Experiment 2-to direct the penlight
beam to the remembered location of a flashed target-is
tantamount to asking the subject to match successively the
perceived directions of two visual targets.
How can the present results be reconciled with those
of prior investigators who reported that visual targets are
localized erroneously during involuntary eye movements?
Consider, in particular, the results of Hoernsten (1979),
who reported that patients with an involuntary lateral deviation of gaze, resulting from acute vestibular neuritis, adjusted a luminous target approximately to the direction
of gaze deviation in order for it to appear straight ahead.
These errors of directionalization occurred when the target was presented in darkness, but not with room illumination. Hoernsten concluded from these results that his
patients lacked information about their involuntarily
deviated eye position in darkness, but other interpretations are possible. First, the distinction between "straight
ahead" and "directly where one is looking" is subtle (von
Noorden, 1970), and Hoernsten's instructions to the patients may not have clearly distinguished these alternatives. Thus, the patients may have adjusted the target to
where the fovea was directed in the dark, not because they
lacked information about eye position, but because this
was how they interpreted the task. Indeed, Hansen (1979)
offered essentially this explanation to account for an observation suggesting that voluntary pursuit eye movements
are grossly underrepresented by their extraretinal signals.
This observation was that the nonpursued of two orthogonally moving targets is perceived to move along an
illusory path consistent with its path of motion on the retina; however, Hansen found that his subjects accurately
set the path of the nontracked target when instructions adequately specified that motion of the target was to be judged
with respect to the subject and not with respect to the
tracked target.
A second interpretation of Hoernsten's (1979) results
is based on the premise that, when a patient's eyes deviate in the dark (say, to the left), the patient simultaneously
receives vestibular information of self-rotation (to the
right). The presence of an eye deviation and associated
nystagmus (beating toward the primary gaze position) attest to the presence of neuritis-induced vestibular activity
that signals rotation of the head in the direction opposite
the eye deviation. If Hoernsten's patients attempted to locate the straight-ahead direction with reference to the (unseen) room, then they would be expected to adjust the luminous target in the direction of eye deviation in the dark,
because vestibular-driven eye movements normally serve
to maintain an unchanged eye position with respect to the
external world during head rotation (Robinson, 1977).
Hence, a fixed external target should be approximately
where vestibular innervation directs the eyes; perceptually, it is irrelevant that this vestibular information is
anomalous and the (suggested) accompanying sense of rotation is illusory. As when external factors interfere with
voluntary eye movements (Matin et al., 1982; Stark &
Bridgeman, 1983), we presume (in agreement with
Hoernsten) that room illumination provides information
about visual contours that contradicts and largely overcomes the anomalous vestibular signals of rotation.
In the Results section, we advanced essentially this latter explanation to account for Subject C.T . ' s substantial
pointing errors on OKAN trials, during which she perceived herself as rotating. Thus, we suggest that the illusory motion and displacement of visual targets that can
occur when involuntary eye movements are stimulated in
normal subjects may be explained, at least partly, on the
basis of the accompanying internal signals of self-motion.
Clearly, the pattern of retinal stimulation that occurs during involuntary eye movement should also be considered
as an explanatory factor for these illusions (e.g., see
Byford, 1963).
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In this paper, we argue that it is unnecessary to compensate
subjects' pointing responses to targets presented during OKAN
by adding measured eye position. We therefore need to account
for the reasonably good correlations (0.72 in Experiment 1 and
0.79 in Experiment 2) obtained between target position (Tar)
and compensated pointing on OKAN trials. Our analysis is based
on an interpretation of the squared correlation coefficient as the
proportion of variance of one variable (here, target position)
accounted for by the other (compensated pointing; cf. Hays,
1963, pp. 501-502):
r2 =
variance accounted for by correlation
total variance
If it is assumed that pointing (Pt) is accurate during OKAN
trials, except for random error (err), then
r 2 (Pt . Tar) =
var(Pt) -
For compensated pointing (Pte), measured eye position (Eye)
is added to target position, so that
var(Ptc) = var(Pt)
However, eye position is uncorrelated with pointing error and
contributes to total variance, but not the variance accounted for
by correlation.
r 2 (Ptc . Tar) =
var(Pt) -
If both sides are multiplied by [var(Pt)
and rearranged,
+ var(Eye)]/var(Pt)
r 2 (Ptc . Tar)
+ var(Eye)
var(Pt) -
But r'(Pt . Tar)
r'(Pte . Tar)
[var(Pt) - var(err))/var(Pt), so that
Similarly, for Experiment 2, in which r(Pt . Tar)
. r'(Pt . Tar).
var(Pt) + var(Eye)
Expected r'(Pte . Tar)
78.32 + 53.44
Expected r(Pte . Tar)
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1710 Fortvi<::>w Rd., Austin (Travis) TX
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6. rull Nlme, and C"mpleto Mailing Add,... of Putt'i,h,r. Editor, Ind M'''lging Editor (nil .,.. MUST NOT ' ~ H
Anne TreiRm."n, University of California, Berkeley, CPt
Charles Eri1o:.sen, University of Illinois. Champaign, IL
Anne Dossett, 1710 Fortview Rd., Austin, TX
7 Owne, (If f/"'1I<'d b\' II t¢fJl'CraiiDot, it! __ lOW /JItd IfddfflS
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Sample•. Complimentery.•nd Othar Fre. Copie,
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PS Form 3526, Dec 1987
Federel ineo""e
purpO,IU IChrck. _J
pJJIisJw, ....sf fIIIwrtU r.qra-tiOll of
",j,It #tir starrlfWflt-J
Avereg. No. COpies Eiseh I••..,. Ouring
Pr.cecling t 2 Mo"tt",
Ext,,,, end Natur. 01 Circulltion
{Sift ;III'....Nioou Of'!
Ha. Not Changed During
Preceding t 2 Month,
= 0.77.
(Manuscript received March 10, 1989;
revision accepted for publication July II, 1989.)
I ;J.
0.863 . 85.01 + 39.56
Expectedr(Pte' Tar)
Entering the values for var(Pt) and var(Eye) from Experiment 1
and using r(Pt . Tar) = 0.92,
Expected r'(Pte . Tar) = 0.841
l~ "
ACtull No. Cooi.1 of $inllle'"ue
Publisl"led N•• reat to Filing
EfitOf . Publilher. Bu.ineas Mlnag.r. or ~lnwo
~L. O l I
Ellen Woodard, Executlve Director
QII r ~ v t r s ~ 1