Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Deep Transfer Learning Based Unified Framework for COVID19
Classification and Infection Detection from Chest X‑Ray Images
Sankar Ganesh Sundaram1 · Saleh Abdullah Aloyuni2 · Raed Abdullah Alharbi2 · Tariq Alqahtani3 ·
Mohamed Yacin Sikkandar3 · Chidambaram Subbiah4
Received: 4 March 2021 / Accepted: 5 July 2021
© King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 2021
The presentation of the COVID19 has endangered several million lives worldwide causing thousands of deaths every day.
Evolution of COVID19 as a pandemic calls for automated solutions for initial screening and treatment management. In
addition to the thermal scanning mechanisms, findings from chest X-ray imaging examinations are reliable predictors in
COVID19 detection, long-term monitoring and severity evaluation. This paper presents a novel deep transfer learning based
framework for COVID19 detection and segmentation of infections from chest X-ray images. It is realized as a two-stage
cascaded framework with classifier and segmentation subnetwork models. The classifier is modeled as a fine-tuned residual
SqueezeNet network, and the segmentation network is implemented as a fine-tuned SegNet semantic segmentation network.
The segmentation task is enhanced with a bioinspired Gaussian Mixture Model-based super pixel segmentation. This framework is trained and tested with two public datasets for binary and multiclass classifications and infection segmentation. It
achieves accuracies of 99.69% and 99.48% for binary and three class classifications, and a mean accuracy of 83.437% for
segmentation. Experimental results and comparative evaluations demonstrate the superiority of this unified model and signify
potential extensions for biomarker definition and severity quantization.
Keywords COVID19 · Classification · Segmentation · Chest X-ray · Transfer learning · Residual SqueezeNet · SegNet
* Sankar Ganesh Sundaram
Saleh Abdullah Aloyuni
Raed Abdullah Alharbi
Tariq Alqahtani
Mohamed Yacin Sikkandar
Chidambaram Subbiah
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science,
KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Coimbatore 641407, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Public Health, College of Applied Medical
Sciences, Majmaah University, 11952, Al Majmaah,
Saudi Arabia
Department of Medical Equipment Technology, College
of Applied Medical Sciences, Majmaah University, 11952,
Al Majmaah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Information Technology, National
Engineering College, Kovilpatti 628503, Tamil Nadu, India
1 Introduction
COVID-19 has evolved into a global pandemic since its
outbreak in December 2019. Essentially, Coronavirus diagnosis depends on polymerase chain response (PCR) tests,
while the use of clinical imaging as a symptomatic test for
Coronavirus was dubious. Chest X-rays [1] (CXR) are preferred for COVID-19 screening owing to the ease of acquisition, cheaper cost, portability of the imaging mechanism
and minimized risks of virus spreading. Several studies of
CXR images [2, 3] divulged a low sensitivity for COVID19
detection from 25 to 69%. However, the ability to detect the
disease correctly, i.e., the specificity, is achieved around 90%
with these images.
Radiologists also recommend CXR image examinations
for lung related pathologies in conjunction with COVID19
infection. CXR images are found appropriate for COVID19
patients to assess [4] the course of the disease and evaluate
the severity. These imaging examinations reveal opacities
such as consolidations, Ground Glass Opacity (GGO) and
nodular shadowing in the peripheral and lower lung regions.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
High penetration of COVID19 and characteristic findings from the chest images call for automated detection of
the infections and localization of the infections. Deep learning models capable of intrinsic data representation, deep
feature extraction and learning from priors are deployed in
COVID19 detection and management. They are built on
classical models pretrained on large datasets which are finetuned to specific applications such as COVID19 detection
and infection segmentation.
In [1], three pretrained Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) models based on ResNet50, InceptionV3 and
Inception ResNet V2 networks are deployed for COVID19
detection from CXR images, achieving the best classification accuracy of 98% with the ResNet50 network. Further,
segmentation networks based on CNNs are also used in
the COVID19 triage along with classifier models. A lung
segmentation model proposed in [5] based on UNet for
detection of nodules and assessment of infection staging
and quantifications from CXR images reports a Dice score
of 97.5%. However, there is a lack of integral models for
COVID19 detection and infection segmentation from CXR
Prior investigations have shown that CXR images tend
to be broad-spectrum in nature, with symptoms matching other types of viral infections. Nevertheless, GGOs
common in COVID19 patients manifest as patches in the
bilateral, peripheral and subpleural lung regions which
modify the density and size of the lung lesions in various
stages of the infection. Further, gap consolidations are also
found to co-occur with opacities in viral pneumonia and
COVID19 cases. Though CXR image findings are insightful in COVID19 detection, they differ with severity of the
infections and co-morbidities. This renders the detection of
COVID19 difficult and demands for segmentation of infections after classification, for better clinical decisions. Hence,
the proposed framework is realized as a two-stage classification-segmentation model facilitating COVID19 detection
and localization of infections.
Further, compared to other diseases, design of COVID19
detection and segmentation models poses the following
1. Overlap of symptoms with other virus infections
2. Risk of misclassifications which may result in adverse
outcomes or false alarms
3. Need for large public datasets for testing the models
4. Lack of benchmarks for comparative analysis
Inspired by the performance of discrete deep learning
models for classification and segmentation, this paper proposes a unified framework for COVID19 detection and
infection segmentation from CXR images. This framework is deployed with a novel classification-segmentation
pipeline harnessing the potential of pretrained classification and segmentation networks and unsupervised segmentation driven by meta-heuristic optimization. The proposed
framework is unique of its kind in COVID19 management
for infection detection and prognosis.
This is realized as a classification-segmentation model
which classifies a candidate image into one of the target
classes viz. COVID19, viral pneumonia and Normal,
and segments the infections from the COVID19 positive
images. In order to improve the segmentation accuracy,
the Classification Activation Maps (CAM) of the classifier are subjected to a Gaussian Mixture Model [6] super
pixel segmentation and Region of Interest (RoI) construction based on a Cuckoo Search Optimization (CSO) [7]
The classifier and segmentation subnetworks are built
on the pretrained Residual SqueezeNet [8] and the SegNet
[9] models, respectively, and this framework is called the
RSqz-SegNet after the underlying models.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows.
1. An integral framework for COVID19 detection and
infection segmentation is proposed
2. This framework detects diverse infections including opacities, granulomas and subtle infections from
COVID19 positive images
3. The potential of CAMs in classification and infection
detection is established
4. The subnetworks can be isolated and employed as classifier and segmentation models
5. The proposed framework demonstrates superior classification and segmentation performances, featuring
potential extension for severity grading.
The experimental results achieved by this framework on
two public datasets, interpretation of results and statistical
analyses demonstrate the superiority of this model compared to the state-of-the-art approaches.
Rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, a
background of the deep learning and deep transfer learning
approaches pertaining to this research is given. A comprehensive review is presented on the prior work in the context of this research in Sect. 3. The datasets, architectures
of the baseline models and other approaches employed in
realizing the framework and details of implementation are
described in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5, the architecture of the proposed framework is described with a schematic diagram
followed by the functions of the subnetworks. The experimental results, performance analyses and comparisons are
given in Sect. 6. An analysis of the results and ablation
study are presented in Sect. 7. The paper is concluded in
Sect. 8.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
2 Background
In the recent years, deep learning models are widely used
in the screening, diagnosis and treatment management of
several pathologies by extracting discerning features from
medical images. Contrary to the machine learning models
which are trained on hand-crafted features, deep learning
models are capable of learning intrinsic features from the
images for clinical diagnosis. With the COVID19 upsurge,
numerous automated models have been deployed for
detection and classification of pathologies, segmentation
of infected regions, severity analysis etc. Deep learning
models deployed with state-of-the-art algorithms, trained
on large and diverse datasets, run on high-end computing
devices demonstrate superior prediction and classification
abilities. This section presents a concise view of the deep
learning and deep transfer learning approaches employed
in this research.
2.1 Deep Learning
Deep learning is a class of machine learning which employs
multiple layers to transform the raw input to gradually
extract higher-level features at each layer. The word deep
refers to the number of layers in a model through which
the data is progressively transformed. Deep learning models
are generally built with algorithms including Deep Neural
Network (DNN), Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
(Deep CNN) and Deep Belief Networks (DBN). CNNs [10]
are superior to other algorithms in extracting low, mid and
high level image features, learning from image content and
have shown remarkable performances in image classification, detection, segmentation, and retrieval tasks. A CNN
comprises an input layer, several hidden layers and an output layer. Basically, hidden layers consist of convolutional,
pooling and Fully Connected (FC) layers. A convolutional
layer is modeled with the following attributes.
i. A set of convolutional filters
ii. Number of input and output channels
iii. Padding, stride and dilation operators
The convolutional layer extracts features at various
levels from the input images in the form of feature maps
which are passed as input to the subsequent layers. The
pooling layers operate independently on the feature maps,
reducing their and computational costs in turn. The FC
layers form the last few layers of the CNN which perform
classification with a flattened vector constructed from the
output of the previous layers. The schematic of a simple
binary CNN classifier is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 CNN classifier architecture
A comprehensive survey by Sufian et al. [11] reports
numerous studies exploring the potential application of deep
learning models in COVID19 management.
CXR and CT images are widely used in the COVID19
clinical imaging examinations. Deep learning models trained
with these images have simplified lung detection, infection
localization, disease detection and classification, improving
diagnostic values of these images. Mei et al. [12] employed
two deep learning models for rapid COVID19 diagnosis. The
first model was implemented with two CNN subnetworks,
viz. Inception ResNet v2 and ResNet18 for identification of
abnormal slices from CT volumes and disease diagnosis. The
second model was implemented as a joint model combining
the CNN and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). Combined feature vectors comprising 512 dimensional features extracted
from the CT image by the CNN and 12 clinical features
were used to train the MLP for COVID19 classification.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
This model reportedly achieves better classification accuracies compared to human experts. Similarly, Zhang et al. [13]
proposed a two-stage deep learning framework for COVID19
management with CT lung images. It comprises a lung lesion
segmentation network and a detection network which is
trained with the lesion map. Further, this framework also
supports prognosis analysis with clinical metadata and lung
lesion features extracted from the lesion maps.
Though CT imaging examinations are highly recommended in COVID19 diagnosis, several deep learning
models based on CXR images have been reported recently,
due to their fast acquisition, low cost and simple imaging
mechanism. Considering the significance of CXR images
in COVID19, a public dataset called COVIDx containing
13,975 CXR images of 13,870 patients and a deep learning network called COVID-Net are presented by Wang and
Wong [14]. This network reportedly achieves a classification
accuracy of 93.3%.
2.2 Deep Transfer Learning
Transfer learning is a deep learning approach which makes
use of the learning ability of a model for a particular problem to solve a similar problem. When the training dataset
is smaller for a particular classification problem, transfer
learning is applied to fine-tune the pretrained models trained
with large volumes of data for a prior classification problem.
Generally, transfer learning follows two approaches. In the
first approach, the pretrained model is employed as a feature
extractor and the learnt features are transferred to the new
classifier which is trained with a smaller dataset specific
to a classification problem. The second approach modifies
the architecture of the pretrained models for improved classification performances. Generally, the convolutional layers
are preserved for feature extraction at various levels and the
Fully Connected (FC) layers of the pretrained models are
replaced with new FCs with randomly initialized weights,
which learn new discriminating patterns from the features
extracted by the convolutional filters.
A pretrained VGG-16 model fine-tuned with a small CXR
dataset of 1428 images is proposed in [15], achieving classification accuracies of 96% and 92.5% for binary and three
class COVID19 classifications. This model is constructed by
modifying the FC head of the VGG-16 with three FC layers
with 512, 64 and 2 nodes for binary classification and 512,
64 and 3 nodes for three class classifications.
A most recent work in this context proposed in [16] presents a small dataset of chest CT and CXR images and two
CNN architectures for COVID19 detection. The first CNN is
implemented with a single convolution layer with 16 filters,
followed by the batch normalization layer, a Rectified Linear
Unit (ReLU), two FC layers and a softmax layer. This classifier achieves classification accuracies of 94% and 94.1% for
COVID19 detection with CT and CXR images, respectively.
The second classifier is realized by modifying the last layers of
the AlexNet [17] trained with millions of images. The weights
and bias of the pretrained AlexNet are transferred to the new
classifier which is fine-tuned with the smaller dataset. This classifier achieves classification accuracies of 82% and 98% for
COVID19 detection with CT and CXR images, respectively.
A recent investigation [18] on the application of machine and
deep learning models for COVID19 triage emphasizes the
usage of data driven deep learning models and transfer learning
approaches in imaging examinations for COVID19 detection.
3 Related Work
As discussed in Sect. 2, deep learning models are successfully employed in COVID19 screening, diagnosis and treatment protocols with Chest CT and CXR images. However,
a closer observation of the exiting deep learning models for
COVID19 detection reveals that CXR images are best suited
compared to CT images. In line with this observation, this
section reviews excerpt literature and presents the research
gaps from an inclusive study of the deep learning models for
COVID19 detection and segmentation from CXR images.
Clinical findings in [19] show that peripheral distribution,
GGO and bilateral involvement are widely observed in CXR
images. COVID19 detection and segmentation models are
trained to learn deep features from the CXR images to classify and segment them.
An investigation in [20] shows that high specificity and
accuracy are achieved by MobileNetv2 and VGG19 models
in comparison with the Xception, Inception and Inception
ResNet V2 models, in COVID19 detection from two datasets
with CXR images of normal, pneumonia and COVID19 cases.
This study shows that VGG19 achieves highest accuracies of
98.75% and 93.48% for binary and three class classifications,
while the best specificity is achieved with the MobileNetv2.
The authors extended the MobileNetv2 in [21] for
the detection of six pulmonary disease classes such as
COVID19, edema, effusion, emphysema, fibrosis and pneumonia which reportedly achieves an accuracy of 99.18% in
COVID-19 detection. With the highest classification accuracy demonstrated by this model, the authors proceeded to
standardize the deep features extracted from the CXR images
as potential biomarkers of COVID19. The Covid-Resnet
[22] constructed by adaptively fine-tuning the Resnet50 with
decaying learning rates in three stages demonstrates stability
with arbitrary test data achieving 96.23% overall accuracy.
COVIDX-Net [23], an integral framework of seven
binary classifiers including the DenseNet201, InceptionV3,
InceptionResNetV2, MobileNetV2, ResNetV2, VGG19
and Xception networks trained on a small dataset of CXR
images, achieves the highest classification accuracy of 90%
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
with the VGG19 and Densenet classifiers. Similarly, few
studies have been performed evaluating the performance
of several deep learning models for COVID19 detection.
Narin et al. [24] have tested the pretrained InceptionV3,
Inception ResNet V2 and ResNet50 networks on a small
dataset with 50 COVID19 and 50 normal CXR images for
COVID19 detection and achieved the highest classification
accuracy of 98% with ResNet50. In [25], the authors have
evaluated eleven CNNs on a small dataset and reported the
highest classification accuracy of 95.38% with a combination
of the Resnet50 for feature extraction and SVM classifier.
Recently capsule [26] networks which encode spatial
information and probability of existence of an object in an
image are employed in imaging problems. A capsule-based
binary classifier, called the COVID-CAPS [27], reportedly achieves a classification accuracy of 95.7% without
pretraining. This model exhibits an accuracy of 98.3%,
pretrained on a small CXR dataset.
COVIDiagnosis-Net [28] is based on the lightweight
SqueezeNet CNN, leveraging its small size, few parameters and demonstrated better accuracy compared to conventional CNNs. The hyper parameters of this classifier
are tuned by and Bayesian optimization techniques to build
an ideal classifier model. This model achieves an accuracy of 98.3% tested on the COVIDx dataset [14]. The
COVID-Xpert [29] model based on DenseNet achieves a
classification accuracy of 88.8% in three class COVID19
classification with CXR images.
Chowdhury et al. [30] employed three shallow and five
deep learning models for COVID19, normal and viral
infection detections. Binary and three class classifications are performed on a CXR image dataset constructed
from six subsets with and without image augmentation.
Performance evaluation of these models without augmentation shows that best classification accuracy of 99.41%
is achieved by ResNet18 and CheXNet for two class,
and 97.74% is achieved by CheXNet for three class classifications. Best accuracies of 99.70% and 97.94% are
achieved for binary and three class classifications by the
DenseNet201 under image augmentation. These results
show that the deep CheXNet pretrained on a large CXR
dataset demonstrates superior performance compared to
other shallow and deep networks.
In spite of several classification models, COVID19 detection from CXR images with subtle details and rare morphologies is highly challenging. It is essential that deep learning
models are trained with diverse training images to learn the
intrinsic features, generalizing well with arbitrary test data.
COVID19 treatment regime can be enhanced with integral
classification and segmentation models to localize and segment the infections for further clinical triages.
A unified model called the COVID_MTNet [31] performs
COVID-19 detection and infected region segmentation from
CT and CXR images, implemented with two distinct networks, an Inception Recurrent Residual Convolutional Neural Network (IRRCNN) and a NABLA-N [32] network for
model for COVID-19 detection and segmentation, respectively. This network shows an accuracy of 84.67% for CXR
test images. A classification and detection pipeline proposed
in [33] performs COVID19 classification, labeling lung
manifestations and segmentation of manifestations from
chest CT scans.
Concerned with segmentation of opacities from the CXR
images, Tang et al. [34] have proposed a UNet-based semantic segmentation network with a ResNet18 backbone for
segmentation of opacities from CXR images. This network
achieves an average Intersection over Union (IoU) > 0.5 in
the segmentation of opacity regions. A review of recent literature reveals that there exist several deep learning models
for COVID19 detection from CXR images. Recently, the
significance of infection segmentations from lung regions
is well understood for COVID19 detection and explorations
are performed in this context. It is evidenced that, despite
the wealth of literature in this area, there are limited studies on localization of infestations in the CXR images. Segmentation of infections from CXR images is pertinent in
COVID19 treatment pipeline to expedite clinical decisions.
Overview of the existing works shows that prior works typically address either classification or segmentation and there
is a strong need for unified models for classification and
4 Materials and Methods
The proposed framework implemented as an integral model
performing classification and segmentation attempts to solve
COVID19 detection and infection segmentation, incorporating two subnetworks and segmentation and optimization
algorithms. This framework is trained on augmented image
subsets and tested on standard image subsets for performance evaluation and visual interpretations. This section
presents an overview of the implementation of the proposed
system and the underlying architectures and methodologies.
4.1 Datasets and Details of Implementation
In this research, we have employed two datasets, viz. the
Kaggle CXR [35] public database for COVID19 detection
and The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) [34] for opacity segmentation. The Kaggle CXR dataset contains 1143
COVID19-positive images, 1345 viral pneumonia images
and 1341 normal images of dimension 1024 × 1024 in png
format. The entire dataset is divided into training and testing datasets. The training dataset is further augmented with
images generated by translation, rotation and scaling of the
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
training images. The TCIA contains 221 chest X-ray images
and corresponding masks of the infections. This dataset is
employed exclusively for testing the classifier model, and
training and testing the segmentation subnetwork. Though
this dataset contains 221 images, the segmentation network
is trained with COVID19 images correctly classified by the
classification subnetwork. Out of 221 images, 215 images
are classified as COVID19 under three class classification
and these images are used for training and testing the segmentation subnetwork. Out of the 215 images, 100 images
are arbitrarily chosen and augmented with 200 more images
for training and 115 image are employed in testing the segmentation subnetwork.
The summary of the training and testing data is presented
Table 1. The proposed framework is implemented with Matlab 2020b software in an i7-7700 K processor with 32 GB
DDR4 RAM equipped with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX1060
3 GB Graphics card.
4.2 GMM Super pixel Segmentation
GMM models based on the stochastic Gaussian process
are leveraged with clustering algorithms in unsupervised
learning problems. In this research, GMM super pixels are
employed in the segmentation of CAMs into semantically
identical regions.
In an image segmentation problem, a GMM models each
image pixel as a mixture of Gaussian distributions, constructing a set of super pixels, each of which is associated
one of the distributions. Each pixel is assigned a super pixel
label based on Expectation Maximization (EM) and posterior probability as described below.
For a given image I of size M × N, with the total number of
pixels T = M × N, each image pixel is assigned an index i in
the range [0 T − 1]. The GMM super pixel algorithm clusters
the image pixels based on dx and dy, which are the maximum
window sizes of the super pixels along the horizontal and vertical directions such that M mod dx and N mod dy evaluate to 0.
A set of L super pixels {SP1, SP2,… SPL} is generated, where
L, the number of super pixels, is computed as in Eq. 1.
⌊ ⌋
, ky =
; L = kx ⋅ ky
kx =
Generally, for a random variable x, the probability density function (pdf) following a normal distribution is given
in Eq. (2).
(x − 𝜇)2
exp −
, −∞ < x < ∞
fX (x) = √
2𝜎 2
where µ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation.
A super pixel l ϵ L is associated with a Gaussian distribution defined by the p.d.f p(z;ϴl) as in Eq. (3) for the variable z.
�T �
exp − z − 𝜇l
z − 𝜇l
p z; 𝜃l =
(2𝜋)D∕2 det(Σl )
where ϴl = {𝜇l ,∑l} and D is the number of components in z.
A pixel i belongs to a super pixel l, only if it exists in the
pixels set Il which is defined by Eqs. (4)–(8), where b and c are
the lower and upper bounds of the super pixel l.
Il = {i|xl,b < xi < xl,c , yl,b < yi < yl,c , i ∈ I}
xl,b = max 0, dx lx − 1
xl,c = min M, dx lx + 2
yl,b = max 0, dy ly − 1
yl,c = min N, dy ly + 2
⌊ ⌋
For a super pixel l ϵ L, lx = l mod kx and ly = kl , for any
pixel i ϵ {0, 1,…T − 1} the super pixel Label Lbi is computed
as in Eq. (9).
Table 1 Training and testing datasets
Kaggle CXR
Kaggle CXR
Kaggle CXR
No. of images in
No. of training
No. of training images after
image augmentation
No. of testing images
Binary classification
Viral pneumonia
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
p z; 𝜃l
Lbi = argl max ∑
l∈Li p z; 𝜃l
From the above descriptions, it is understood that the GMM
super pixels exhibit a good trade-off between accuracy and
regularity. Further, the above computations can be parallelized
increasing the speed of segmentation.
4.3 Cuckoo Search Optimization
Several image processing problems with nonlinear constraints
are modeled as optimization problems solved by meta-heuristic algorithms. CSO is a kind of bio-inspired approach characterized by its simplicity and minimum number of tuning
parameters. This algorithm has been successfully employed in
complex medical image segmentation problems in segmenting
the anatomical structures and RoI.
In this research, McCulloch’s algorithm, encoded from the
stable [36] random variable generation to model levy flights,
is employed in levy flight generation and the Kapur’s Entropy
(KE) [37] is optimized for infection segmentations. The classical CSO algorithm is based on the following assumptions.
1. A cuckoo randomly chooses a nest at a time and lays an
2. The nests with best eggs will be carried over to the next
3. Always the total number of available host nests is fixed
A host can discover a foreign egg with a probability pa ϵ [0,
1], on which it may throw the egg or destroy the nest. This
algorithm is extended to grouping the super pixels to construct the RoI, where each super pixel is analogous to a nest. A
super pixel is either rejected or merged with other super pixels
maximizing the Kapur’s entropy, discriminating the infected
regions from the normal regions. The CSO algorithm starts
with a random solution and iteratively updates it by finding
an alien egg until the solution converges. Similarly, in superpixel-based RoI segmentation, a super pixel is treated to be a
part of a RoI after evaluating its fitness and is either merged
with the prospective super pixels or discarded.
4.4 Residual SqueezeNet Classifier Model
Compared to the conventional CNNs, the basic SqueezeNet
classifier characterized by fewer hyper parameters is considerably smaller and highly accurate. In this research, a variant
of this model called the Residual SqueezeNet which employs
bypass connections to improve the learning accuracy is used
in the classification of the CXR images. The architecture of
the Residual SqueezeNet and its building blocks are depicted
in Fig. 2. This network comprises a sequence of fire modules
which consists of a squeeze layer with 1 × 1 filters in the first
layer followed by an expansion layer with 1 × 1 and 3 × 3
filters. Finally, the output layer concatenates the outputs of
the filters from the expansion layer. The skip connections
enable the network to learn an identity function to learn the
residual between the output and input, increasing the speed
of learning. In this research, this architecture is employed
in the construction of binary and three class classification
models. Figure 2a shows the three class classifier based on
the Residual SqueezeNet and construction of the CAM.
4.5 Semantic Segmentation Network
The SegNet meant for road scene segmentation which follows an encoder-decoder architecture is fine-tuned in this
research to segment the opacity regions. The schematic of
this network is shown in Fig. 3. The encoder is built with
convolution layers from the VGG-16 network and maxpooling layers and the convolution and upsampling operations
are performed at the decoder. The final layer is a softmax
layer which classifies each pixel of the decoder output to
construct the segmentation masks.
5 Proposed System
The proposed COVID19 detection and opacity segmentation system is realized as a two-stage framework with a
classifier subnetwork cascaded to a semantic segmentation
subnetwork. The schematic of this model is given in Fig. 4
and the four phases of implementation are described in the
following subsections. This system harnesses the potential
of deep transfer learning in COVID19 detection and infection localization. It follows the domain adaptation transfer learning approach when the source and target domains
are different. By this approach, the deep learning models
trained with a large dataset of a source domain are tweaked
to adapt to a target domain with a comparatively smaller
dataset. The residual SqueezeNet and the GMM super pixel
driven SegNet employed in this framework are the novel
and original contributions of this research. Basically, the
conventional SqueezeNet trained with more than a million
of images classifies input images into categories of objects
such as mouse, key board, and animals. In this research, the
pretrained SqueezeNet is strengthened with residual connections for faster learning and fine-tuned with the CXR
images, preserving the original weights. This approach significantly improves the prospective of the classifier network
to learn discerning features from CXR images for improved
COVID19 classification.
Similarly, the original SegNet trained for indoor and
road scene segmentation for object detection is fine-tuned
with the RoIs extracted from the CXR images. While the
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Fig. 2 a. Residual SqueezeNet architecture, b. Residual SqueezeNet building blocks
learned weights of the basic VGG-16-based semantic segmentation network are preserved, the softmax layers of
this network are modified as a 2-class classifier to classify
each pixel of the segmented RoI as background or infection. The proposed framework offers significant advantages in terms of training speed, accurate classifications
and localization of infections.
5.1 Image Preprocessing
The images in the kaggle CXR dataset are resized to
227 × 227 to match the input size of the image input layer
of the pretrained residual SqueezeNet. The TCIA dataset contains chest X-ray images and corresponding segmentation masks in JPG and PNG formats, respectively.
These images are of varying large dimensions such as
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Fig. 3 SegNet architecture
Pooling Indices
Opacity Mask
Fig. 4 RSqz-SegNet COVID19
detection and infection segmentation network
CXR Dataset
Stage 1
TCIA Dataset
Stage 2
Pre-trained Classifier
(Residual SqueezeNet)
Transfer Learning
Transfer Learning
GMM Super Pixel
Class Activation
Classifier Output
1760 × 1760, 2846 × 2330 etc. and they are uniformly
resized to 256 × 256.
5.2 COVID19 Detection with Residual SqueezeNet
As shown in Fig. 4, the COVID19 detection subnetwork
is modeled as a multiclass classifier which is built from
the Residual SqueezeNet pretrained with the ImageNet
[38] dataset. Initially, each CXR image is convolved with
the convolution filters and maxpooling is applied. This is
Super Pixel Map Segmented RoI
Opacity Mask
followed by a sequence of fire modules with skip connections and a max pooling layer. The output from the final
fire module is convolved with the final convolutional layer.
In CNN classifier models, Generalized Gradient-weighted
Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) [39] is employed in
the construction of class localization maps from the gradients of the target classes to analyze the model behavior. In
the proposed framework, the Grad-CAM is applied on the
CAMs output from the final convolutional layer. The global
average pooling layer converts these CAMs into a single
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Table 2 Training parameters of residual SqueezeNet classifier
Table 3 Training parameters for RoI segmentation
Maximum epochs
Learning rate
L2 regularization parameter
No. of super pixels
No. of nests
Maximum iteration
Number of dimensions
Levy exponent β
Discovery rate of alien solutions pa
Lower bound
Upper bound
value, based on which the softmax layer provides probability
distributions of the target classes. The CAMs constructed
from the final convolution layer provide a visual interpretation of the regions which attribute the classifier decision.
The training parameters of this classifier subnetwork are
given in Table 2.
5.3 RoI Segmentation with CSO
Segmentation of the RoI from the CAMs can considerably
improve the segmentation accuracy of the opacity regions
from the chest X-ray images. In this research, RoI segmentation is performed by clustering the GMM super pixels of
the CAMs following the CSO approach as in Algorithm 1.
In Algorithm 1, the segmentation problem is conceptualized as a maximization problem to maximize KE in the
super pixels. This process is characterized as classifying the
super pixels as background or RoI based on the entropy. The
random numbers for Levy flight generation are obtained with
the McCulloh’s algorithm to select the GMM super pixels in
each iteration. The super pixels with high entropy are added
to the RoI and the others are discarded. For given set of L
super pixels, RoI segmentation is performed applying multilevel thresholding on the GMM super pixels as described
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
For each super pixel SPi, the mean intensity value ranges
from 0 to 255. Let the number of distinct intensities of N
nests be D. The entropy values of L super pixels are as given
in Eqs. (10)–(12).
∑ pi
log2 i , w1 =
E1 = −
E2 = −
EL = −
∑ pi
log2 i ,
i=t1 2
w2 =
log2 i ,
i=tL L
wL =
where t1, t2 … tL are the maximum intensities of super
pixels SP 1, SP 2 … SP L. For each super pixel SP i, the
entropy computed and the sum of the entropies of these
super pixels are maximized to separate the RoI. This algorithm results in the separation of the RoI of the CAMs
contributing to the classifier output. The tuning parameters
of the CSO algorithm for RoI segmentation from CAM are
given in Table 3.
subsampling results in a large spatial context governed
by each pixel.
However, this results in smaller feature maps with
blurred boundaries which are not desirable for semantic
segmentation. In order to match the resolution of the segmented region with that of the input CAM, upsampling
is performed by decoder. The segNet stores the maxpooling indices of the feature maps generated by the encoder,
to capture the boundary information which is passed to
the decoder which generates sparse feature maps at high
resolutions. Dense feature maps are generated with the
trainable filter banks at the decoder. The final stage of
the decoder is connected to the softmax classifier which
segments the opacity region by classification of the pixels
in the dense feature maps. The training parameters of this
segmentation subnetwork are given in Table 4.
6 Experimental Results and Comparative
The classification and segmentation results obtained with the
proposed framework are presented in this section.
5.4 Opacity Segmentation with SegNet
6.1 COVID19 Detection with Residual SqueezeNet
Opacity regions in COVID19-positive CXR images feature
lung consolidations, GGO and haziness. Segmentation of
these infections from the chest X-ray images is challenging
due to the diversities of these patterns. In this research,
the pretrained SegNet semantic segmentation network is
trained to segment the opacities from the RoIs segmented
from the CAMs. As shown in Fig. 4, the segmentation subnetwork is a pretrained encoder-decoder model, with symmetric layer to layer propagation. The encoder–decoder
pairs capture feature maps of the CAMs for pixel-wise
classification at different resolutions. Boundary information invariant over spatial shifts is very important for
localization of the opacities. The maxpooling operation
which provides translation invariance combined with
The residual SqueezeNet classifier is initially fine-tuned
with the augmented training dataset and tested with the test
dataset as in Table 1. The classifier is trained and tested
for binary and thee class classifications. During training,
the training dataset is divided into training and validation
subsets in the ratio 70:30 for binary and three class classifications. The Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC)
curves for the classifiers are shown in Fig. 5 which testify
their learning accuracy.
These classifiers are tested with the test datasets, and
the resulting confusion matrices are shown in Fig. 6. The
accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, F1-score and
Mathews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) metrics evaluated
with Eqs. (13–18) are shown in Table 5.
Sensitivity =
(TP + FN)
Specificity =
(TN + FP)
Table 4 Training parameters of SegNet
Maximum Epochs
Learning rate
L2 regularization parameter
Accuracy =
(TP + TN)
(TP + TN + FP + FN)
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Fig. 5 ROC curves a Binary b Three class classifications
F1 = 2 ∗
Precision ∗ Recall
(Precision + Recall)
MCC = √
TP × TN − FP × FN
(TP + FP)(TP + FN)(TN + FP)(TN + FN)
Fig. 6 a. Confusion matrix binary classification—Kaggle CXR dataset, b Confusion matrix three class classification—Kaggle CXR dataset
Precision =
(TP + FP)
where TP—True Positive, TN—True Negative, FP—
False Positive, FN—False Negative.
It is seen from Table 5 that best classification accuracies
are achieved for three class and binary classifications with
the Kaggle CXR and TCIA datasets, respectively. It is evident from Table 1 that the TCIA dataset has only COVID19positive images. For classification of these images, the training and test datasets are constructed with viral pneumonia
and normal images from the Kaggle CXR dataset as Non
COVID images. The confusion matrices depicting the performance of the classifiers are shown in Figs. 6 and 7 for
the Kaggle CXR and TCIA datasets, respectively, for visual
interpretation of the results.
The performance of the proposed model is compared with
that of state-of-the-art deep learning models for COVID19
detection from CXR images in Table 6.
The performance metrics show that the classification
accuracy of the proposed RSqz-SegNet is superior to other
state-of-the-art models. It is also observed that three class
classification with TCIA model results in lowest accuracy.
However, it is also seen that precision metric is higher for
this classification compared to that of binary classification
with this dataset. This disparity is attributed to the small
number of COVID19 images in this training and testing
dataset and the diversities of two datasets. In this research,
along with the conventional performance metrics, the
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Table 5 Performance metrics
Classifier type Accuracy Metrics
Kaggle CXR Binary
Three class
Three class
Fig. 7 a Confusion matrix binary classification—TCIA dataset, b
Confusion matrix three class classification—TCIA dataset
balanced measures F1 score and MCC are used to evaluate
the models under imbalanced training and testing data. The
MCC ranging from − 1 to + 1 evaluates near to + 1 only if
the balanced ratio of the TP, FP, TN and FN values is high.
A higher value of MCC signifies perfect classification. F1
score is the weighted average of the precision and sensitivity measures where precision is the ratio of the number
of correct positive predictions out of the total number of
positive predictions and sensitivity is the ratio of the number of correct positive predictions to the total number of
positive samples. F1 in the range [0 1] evaluates to the ideal
value 1 on perfect classification. These measures reported
in Table 5 demonstrate the classification efficacy of the proposed RSqz-SegNet.
Sensitivity Specificity Precision FP
F1-score MCC
6.2 Opacity Segmentation
After classification, the CAM is constructed from the gradients of each image correctly classified as COVID19 by
the residual SqueezeNet classifier subnetwork. This classifier identifies 215 out of 221 images of the TCIA dataset as COVID positive under three class classification as
seen in Fig. 7b. The RoI is constructed from these CAMs
by super pixel segmentation followed by CSO. The segmented RoI is then fused with the CXR image to fine-tune
the pretrained SegNet subnetwork. Basically, this network
is trained to predict pixel-wise class labels of the images.
The 215 images are divided into training and testing subsets comprising 100 and 115 images, respectively. The
training dataset is augmented with 200 more images by
geometric transformation of the original hundred images.
The SegNet is trained with these images superimposed
with the segmented CAMs and the corresponding segmentation masks as labels. This network is then tested with
115 test images fused with the CAMs and the segmentation masks are generated from the pixel-wise class labels
predicted by this network. The only work reported in literature, employing the TCIA dataset in [34] performs opacity segmentation with a UNet based on a ResNet backbone
and evaluates the segmentation performance with the IoU
metric. This metric quantifies the overlap between the
ground truth and the predicted segmentation masks. The
performance metric reported in [34] and those obtained
with the RSqz-SegNet are given in Table 7. In this paper,
along with the IoU, the global and mean accuracies of segmentation and Boundary F1 (BF) score are evaluated. The
global accuracy is the ratio of correctly classified pixels
out of the total number of pixels, irrespective of the target
class. Accuracy measures the number of correctly classified pixels in each class. The BF score in the range [0
1] measures the similarity of the boundaries of the target
and predicted segmentation masks. It is seen that the finetrained segNet performs better than the UNet.
For a given CXR image, the output images generated
in the pipeline of the proposed framework are shown in
Fig. 8. The input CXR image is characterized by bilateral peripheral patchy infiltrates. The CAM captured from
the final convolutional layer of the Residual SqueezeNet
highlights the image features influencing the classifier
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Table 6 Classification
performance comparison of
deep learning models
Table 7 Comparison of
segmentation metrics
Classifier model
Test images
Classification accuracy %
Apostolopoulos et al. [20]
Sethy and Behra [25]
ResNet50 + SVM
Narin et al. [24]
Chowdhury et al. [30]
Deep CNN
Wang and Wong [14]
Hemdan et al. [23]
Kaggle CXR dataset
700 COVID19
1400 Non-COVID19
700 Viral Pneumonia
700 Normal
TCIA Dataset
221 COVID19
1400 Non-COVID19
700 Viral Pneumonia
700 Normal
224 COVID19
700 Viral Pneumonia
504 Normal
25 COVID-19( +)
25 COVID-19 (−)
50 COVID-19(+)
50 COVID-19 (−)
60 COVID-19
60Viral Pneumonia
60 COVID-19
53 COVID-19( +)
5526 COVID-19 (−)
8066 Normal
25 COVID-19( +)
25 Normal
No. of test
Global accuracy
BF score
Proposed Work
Tang et al. [34]
Fig. 8 Images generated in the RSqz-SegNet pipeline
decision. This CAM is segmented with GMM super pixels from which the RoI is constructed employing the CSO.
It is seen that the segmented CAM contains only the RoI.
This RoI is fused with the original CXR for segmentation
to train the fine-tuned SegNet. Also, the segmented mask
constructed from the SegNet output closely matches the
ground truth mask and it is overlaid on the CXR image
localizing the infections.
In continuation, the segmentation results obtained with
this subnetwork for a few test image samples with and
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Fig. 9 Segmentation results
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Table 8 Classification
performance metrics for
ablation study
Classifier type Metrics
Kaggle CXR Binary
Three class
Three class
Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Precision FPR
F1-Score MCC
without opacities are shown in Fig. 9 with annotations.
This figure shows that the proposed SegNet model captures the infections including haziness, opacities and granuloma. Also, the FPs generated by this model are reported
in the figure.
The segmentation results show that different kinds of
opacities are captured by the SegNet including the hazy
and subtle manifestations. The FPs generated are worth
further morphological analysis for understanding the
infection patterns.
7 Discussion
This paper proposes a two-stage model for COVID19
detection and infection segmentation based on deep
transfer learning and bioinspired segmentation. Several
studies show that CXR images of COVID19 patients are
non-specific, variable and overlap with the symptoms of
Human parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial viruses, H7N,
H7N9 and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
(MERS-COV), which render the detection and segmentation tasks difficult. Generally, GGOs manifest in the
COVID19 positive CXR images as basal, medial, peripheral, bilateral, posterior and subpleural regions. However,
GGOs are also evidenced unilaterally in CXR images of
viral pneumonia cases. Further, airspace consolidations
are conjoint with GGOs in COVID19 and viral pneumonia
cases.In spite of these inconsistencies, the proposed RSqzSegNet framework demonstrates exemplary classification
performances with a few misclassifications in binary and
multiclass classifications in COVID19 detection. It is
attributed to the ability of the residual classifier to learn
the discriminating features.
Though the classification results are more than 99% for
the two datasets for the two classifications categories, the
performance of the SegNet model demonstrating a mean
accuracy of 63.437% and IoU of 69.93% is not appreciable,
concerning the severity of the infections. However, the segmentation results are comparatively better than the most
recent representative work reported in [34]. It is evident
that segmentation of the CAMs facilitates the localization of
GGOs with irregular, hazy and patchy manifestations. Follow-up CXR imaging shows progressive transformations of
the infections resulting in temporal changes of lungs featuring varied severity scores. This framework can be extended
for severity assessment in future.
An ablation study is performed with this framework to
understand the significance of RoI segmentation from the
GMM super pixels of the CAM. The RSqz-SegNet model is
modified by removing the RoI segmentation process, and the
CXR image fused with CAM is directly given as input to the
SegNet. The performance metrics given in Table 8 for this
study show a noticeable degradation in the performance of
the model when the SegNet is trained with the CXR image
overlaid with the CAM.
A few limitations of this research are worth discussion,
providing insights into further research. The potential limitations are the lack of standard datasets for infection segmentation from CXR images and integral models for classification and localization. These drawbacks limit the evaluation
of the proposed framework with benchmark models. The
comparative analyses of the classification and segmentation performances presented in Sect. 6 are based only on the
results reported in existing literature. However, exercising
the benchmarked models with public datasets can provide
better perceptions of the model.
8 Conclusion
This paper presents a deep transfer learning based novel
two-stage framework called the RSqz-SegNet for COVID19
detection and infection segmentation from CXR images.
This framework comprises fine-tuned residual SqueezeNet
and SegNet subnetworks for classification and segmentation,
respectively. This classifier model is trained and tested with
two standard public datasets for binary and three class classifications of COVID19, Viral Pneumonia and Normal cases,
which achieves 99.69% and 99.48% classification accuracies
for binary and three class classifications, respectively. Similarly, the segmentation subnetwork also achieves a global
and mean accuracy of 82.95% and 3.43%, respectively. The
performance of the segmentation model is enhanced with
RoI segmentation of the CAMs employing GMM super pixels and the meta-heuristic CSO. This research paves a new
approach, integrating the classification and segmentation
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tasks for COVID19 management. This framework can be
further enhanced by improving the segmentation subnetwork
towards accurate infection segmentations for defining the
potential biomarkers for COVID19 detection and severity
evaluation in prognosis management.
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