Laws of Thermodynamics and Unitary Quantum Theory
Leo.G. Sapogin, Andrew A. Kostin
Department of Physics, Technical University (MADI), Leningradsky pr. 64, A-319, 125829,
Moscow, Russia.
This article describes preliminary analysis of 1stand 2nd Laws of thermodynamics from Unitary Quantum
Theory point of view, where particle is a wave packet of some uniform field. During motion packet
periodically appears and disappears, while envelope of such a process coincides with the wave function.
This theory allows [1] to compute mass spectrum of many elementary particles and calculate the
electron charge with accuracy of at least 1%. According to this theory energy and impulse conservation
laws do not work for individual quantum particles, they appear after averaging by particles ensemble.
Considering the Maxwell demon as a system of two potential barriers leads to the conclusion of violation
1 and 2 of laws of thermodynamics. Conclusion is supported by experimental data.
Keywords: Unitary Quantum Theory, wave packet, Laws of thermodynamics, potential barrier, wave
The Authors with some caution proceed the Laws of
thermodynamics. Today here in Russia, as over the world,
fundamental laws are out of science discussion at all. But
this was not always the case, especially in Russia, where
scientific society was not afraid to discuss fundamental
Journal «Socialist Reconstruction and Science» SORENA was published in the USSR between 1931
and 1936. Its targets and objective were as follows:
SORENA was intended to be the biggest and most
fundamental journal of science and technology in
the Soviet Union, its articles were written with the
close participation of the best scientists, engineers,
economists and administrators of the USSR. Magazine
published guidelines for the introduction of dialectical
materialism in natural and technical sciences, published
theoretical articles on all general disciplines, military
issues of modern technologies, organization of scientific
research and technical works, and covered important
news, problems and achievements of foreign scientific
and technical world. In its editorial board worked
such eminent scholars as A.F. Ioffe, L.K. Martens, A.N.
Frumkin and others. This time magazine editor was A.N.
Klushina, V. Kuibyshev ex-wife, while Managing editor
was Academician N.I. Bukharin.
In 1935 magazine published two articles: M.P. Bronstein
“Can energy be conserved?” (SORENA, 1935, 1, p.7 – 10)
and S.P. Schubin “About energy conservation” (SORENA,
1935, 1, p. 11-13). In his article S.P. Schubin paying
tribute to Bronstein’s clear presentation of physical,
experimental and theoretical arguments as proof of
Energy Conservation Law made quite low assessment
of his philosophical ideas and reviewed M.P. Bronstein’s
article with following words: “Today in nuclear physics
we have neither direct experimental evidence for or
against Energy Conservation Law nor direct theoretical
guidance that can help to decide this problem because
according to relativistic theory quantum does not exist
at all. But we, materialists-dialecticians, have a powerful
methodological principle that help us easily face the
future. It stipulates that “everything can be”. Energy
Conservation Law so strongly attracted a bourgeois
accountant who built the world in the image of a budget
book, could break down every day. Alchemists’ dream
of an eternal engine has a chance to be realized in the
future communist society».
In the end of 1936 after legal proceedings instituted
against academicians Bukharin managing editor of
magazine journal «Socialist Reconstruction and Science»
was closed, issues were removed from libraries and
destroyed. Among regular authors of this magazine was
Anatoly Grigorievich Razumnikov, professor of Bauman
Higher Technical School (MVTU) in Moscow, who
published an article with criticism of thermodynamics,
to our regret we could not find this article .Already in
1954 prof. Alexey Nikolayevich Kharin told me that
Razumnikov was considered the founder of modern
chemical thermodynamics. No further discussion of
these issues took place either in Soviet Union or Russia,
moreover any discussion of thermodynamics, quantum
mechanics or relativity was prohibited at all.
The Great Thermodynamics is based on five distinct
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postulates. Minus First Law – statement of thermodynamic
equilibrium. First Law - Energy Conservation Law that
extends to all thermal process. Second Law - restricts the
direction of thermodynamic processes by prohibiting
spontaneous transfer of heat from less heated bodies
to more heated ones. It is also formulated as the law
of entropy increase (not decrease). Third Law is not
postulate at all, it’s Nernst theorem of absolute zero
that cannot be achieved as result of finite numbers of
thermodynamic processes. Forth Law – implies that for
every point in time, the same set of variables can be used
for description of either homogeneous open equilibrium
and non-equilibrium systems state or for homogeneous
closed equilibrium systems state, slightly supplemented
by the variables characterizing the chemical
composition of the system. From logical point of view
these 5 postulates do not represent a complete system
of classical thermodynamics axioms, while statistical
physics provides a rationale for thermodynamics laws
and their relationship with laws of motions of micro
particles from which macroscopic bodies are built. It also
explores the limits of thermodynamic laws applicability,
and exceptions we are going to discuss.
If we have a look at the process of origin of Energy
Conservation law, we will see that it comes from
Newton’s equations only (detailed in [1, page 19]), while
properties of space and time arise as its consequence.
Since almost all equations and phenomena of classical
physics are described by and strictly derived from
Newton’s mechanics, the First law in ordinary nonquantum life remains inviolable. But for example,
according to Unitary Quantum Theory (UQT), that will
replace standard quantum mechanics as we expect,
the law of energy and momentum conservation for
a single particle does not valid, while Conservation
Laws themselves become apparent after averaging by
particles ensemble. It is evident from non-invariance
of the equation of particles motion translations by
coordinate and time. Newton’s equations are invariant
to space-time translations: neither the equations nor
the physical state of the system changes at replacement
, where a — some fixed values. It’s
quite understandable as properties of the particle are
constant and do not vary with coordinates and time
According to Unitary Quantum Theory space-time
translations do not exist for both the basic expression
of the wave function and the oscillating charge equation,
as well as conservation laws that appear only after
ensemble averaging. Intuitively, it is also understandable,
because the wave packet that describes the particle, as it
moves through space, changes, even disappears. In UQT
wave function differs from the standard wave function
of quantum mechanics by the presence of some factor
from a running structural function:
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Structural function of wave packet sets to zero de
Broglie wave in all space except its domain of existence,
and this explains the absence of ether where otherwise
wave can spread. No wave at all. All problems associated
with the reduction of the wave function disappear
immediately. We should underline that de Broglie wave
is simply geometric location of the maximal points of
a packet in motion, and appears as a result of the sum
of partial waves (harmonic constituents), that is why
it can be seen in every diffraction experiment, since all
equations are linear. And now simple square of wave
function takes special significance instead of the square
of wave function modulus, and thus the phase does not
disappear, but become valuable [1-4].
Soon after computation of thin structure constant value,
an oscillating charge equation was created, first it was
simply postulated [1, 5-7] and applied to the problem of
the interaction of Deuterium with each other to describe
the process of cold nuclear fusion. At the same time, the
main task of breaking extremely high Coulomb barrier
banning nuclear reactions at very low energies can be
solved intuitively quite easily: if particle approaches a
repellent potential in a phase where the charge is small
and continues to decrease, such particle can break
Being postulated for the first time in [1, 5-7] equation
of motion of a particle with an oscillating charge has the
form of:
where m, Q, r mass, charge and particle vector radius,
- initial phase.
U(r)-external potential,
As soon E = −gradU , and besides electromagnetic field
magnetic one should be taken into account also, and we
should consider Lorentz force as well F = [v × H ]. Values
Е and Н in electromagnetic wave are equal, for small
energies v → 0 and force F can be neglected.
Factor 2 in (2) is required for the correct transition to the
equation of classical mechanics and arises because the
average charge will be 2 times smaller. Computational
solution of classical quantum problems gives the same
results asconventional quantum mechanics [6, 10]. Later
[5-9] this equation was «obtained» from Schrödinger’s
equation and it became clear that probably mass or
specific charge were oscillating.However, to be simple,
we will continue to use the term oscillating charge.Many
years ago, A. Poincaré found out that if particle charge
and mass were increased or decreased by the same value,
this would not affect somehow the equations of motion
and this effect could not be detected experimentally.
From simple physicspoint of view, it’sevident that if
American Journal of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
a particle approaches a potential barrier in a phase
where its charge is very low (it can be assumed that the
phase is such that the packet has disappeared), particle
can tunnel through the barrier (Figure 1). If there is
another barrier at half de Broglie wavelength, particle
will also pass it through (Fig.2). Thus, particles that
passedthrough two barriers would have the same speed
and phase.If reduce distance between barriers, the higher
energywill have particle that passes barriers, in other
words, there two barriers will separate particles with
specific energies and phases.Note that in conventional
quantum mechanics, according to [4, 13], this effect
should occur also, but as far as we know, it has not been
experimentally confirmed.
Fig.1.Illustration of the tunnel effect
Fig.2. Visual image of particles passing through two potential barriers - scheme ofNew Maxwell Demon.
Fig.3.Particle in potential pit - harmonic oscillator.
And now it becomes more interesting. If a quantum
particle falls into a potential pit, then numerical
integration of such an equation for a harmonic oscillator
gives four types of solution that can be classified as
1) damped oscillations with amplitude going to zero; at
that particle sometimes passes into “phantom” state, i.e.
from wave packet point of view particle is diffused all
over the Universe;
2) irregular oscillations limited over a long period of
time, i.e. (basing on preliminary computational analysis)
3) oscillationswith monotonically increasing amplitude.
In some cases, these oscillations can leap abruptly at the
end of a certain time interval into an infinite trajectory
with the sine argument, and yet the charge of the particle
go to zero.One can say, that in this case there is a sudden
transition of a particle into a state of «ghost»;
4) almost immediately after the initial moment particle
transfers into the state of«ghost» without, preliminary
In other words, there are only four possible solutions:
with increasing or decreasing energy, stationary and
vanishing particles (going into the ghostly state). All
American Journal of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
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processes except initial conditions now depend on phase
Let’s consider some theoretical situation. For example,
we have closed volume with free electronspartitionedby
certain plate with the following parameters: plate
consists of two very narrow potential barriers with
width is about few Angstroms and the distance between
barriers several times more than their width.It is
important: half of the De Broglie wavelength should go
into these barriers and De Broglie wavelength should
correspond to the maximum number of free electrons in
the distribution curve. It’s not so difficult to do. As UQT
shows [1, 4-6, 8], such plate will play the role of Maxwell’s
Demon because: two barriers will be abnormally
permeable only for particles with half wavelength equal
distance between barriers (Figure 2).
This follows not only from UQT [1-6] but from
conventional Quantum Mechanics also [13]. Thus, only
electrons with similar energy and phase will be able to
pass through such plate. Therefore, with decrease of
distance between barriers in second chamber after the
wall the temperature is rising as barrier system will pass
through only electrons with higher energy. Incidentally,
if this chamber will have reflective walls, it is possible to
set distance between them to initiate oscillating process
and realize «maternity house» [1] decision, which will
cause increase of tension between walls and can be
useful.We should note the great outlook of systems with
two potential barriers using for energy of the future, as
it will allow to accumulatea lot of particles with the same
energy and phase.
Thus, consideration of Maxwell Daemon variant results
in violation of 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics,
and we cannot find any argument for their rescue. A
group of engineers led by Professor Thibody in American
University of Arkansas not only developed, but also
successfully tested a scheme that could detect heat
motion (Brownian motion of atoms) of graphene and
subsequently convert it to electric current, and bring
down the 1st and the 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics
[12].But for proper analyses of these process, we still do
not have enough experimental data.
Chemical catalysis and catalysts are a great mystery of
modern science [1-4, 8]. The numberof catalytic theories
equal the number of chemical catalytic processes. There
is an opinion among chemical catalysis specialists that if
there is no reaction, it is simply because no appropriate
catalyst has been found. Even Michael Faraday dealt
with these problems. He considered sponge platinum as
universal catalyst.This fact alone (platinum itself hardly
reacts) immediately suggests an idea that chemical
processes are not involved at all and that a purely
physical universal mechanism should be examined. In
UQT we already have such process -Maternity Home for
harmonic oscillator [1-4, 8].
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Probably exactly this universal idea of possibility of
energy generation in the pit is requite for development
of a general theory of catalysis [8].We should recall the
remarkable words (1954) of the well-known Russian
specialist in physical chemistry Professor A.N. Kharin,
who always said in his lectures: “The problem of chemical
catalysis is the most obscure in modern physical chemistry
and will not be solved until physicists discover some new
mechanism that explains the energy that can lower the
reaction barrier.”We hope that we may be making timid
first step in the right direction [1-4, 8].
The universal mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis,
for example, in ammonia synthesis, is as follows: usually
nitrogen is almost an inert gas, molecule of Nitrogen
enters the catalyst causeway (cavity) of several tens of
Angstrom, under some initial conditions Nitrogen starts
to oscillate with energy growth, implementing Maternity
Home solution as in common potential pit [1, page 41].
If generated energy will exceed energy of nitrogen
molecular bond, then the atomic nitrogen at the exit of
the caverns is immediately picked up by protons, forming
ammonia, and cavern is ready for new transformations.
Nowadays we have some hard confirmations of this
phenomena. Professor A. Startsev studied Hydrogen
sulfide decomposition in the Institute of Chemical
Kinetics and Catalysis of RAS, Novosibirsk [11] He
found that Hydrogen sulfide decomposed on catalyst to
Sulfur and Hydrogen with energy release and could be
reverse synthesizedto Hydrogen sulfide from Sulfur and
Hydrogen on another catalyst with energy releaseagain.
As we know he could not publish these results many
years as is contradicted First Law of Thermodynamics!!!
At the same time American scientist Adam J. Rondinone
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory) on catalyst (copper and
fullerene) without energy consumption, transformed
carbonated water into ethyl alcohol. There are a lot of
patents for catalytic decomposition of water to oxygen
and hydrogen with energy consumption almost 20 times
less than energy generated by hydrogen combustion!!!If
all this can be fulfilled, it could change the entire
automotive industry and civilization [1, page 90].
All of this is a direct violation of the Energy Conservation
Law in terms of Gibbs’ chemical thermodynamics! By
modern definition, catalyst does not add extra energy to
the process that it catalyzes.But experiments have shown
that catalysts add energy! And this example of catalytic
chemistry is not unique. Catalytic chemists every time
face excessive heat emission, however, continue to
ignore this fact just not to be referred to as “ignorant”
in elementary thermodynamic calculations.We sure that
catalyst role in modern catalytic chemistry should be
reviewed, as it has been done in [2-5, 8]. But the official
science doesn’t believe it yet. The UQT admits that it has
taken the first steps in right direction.
American Journal of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
The authors thank for discussions to professors V.A.
Boichenko, A.S. Bogomolov, V.V. Graboshnikov, S.I.
Konstantinov, Yu.P. Zarichnyak, V.I. Utchastkin.
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American Journal of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Volume 22, 2021