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Icthyofauna of Madhumati River at Mohammadpur, Magura

Bangladesh Journal of Zoology

The investigation was conducted on the present situation of fish biodiversity and abundance of fish fauna at two different points of Madhumati River at Mohammadpur upazilla under Magura district from October 2018 to September 2019. A total of 83 species of fresh water fish species were recorded belonging to 58 genera of 28 families under 11 orders. Cypriniformes was recorded as the dominant order comprising 26 species constituting 31% of the total. According to IUCN 59% of fish species were Least Concern, 12% were Vulnerable, 11% were Endangered, 9% were Near Threatened, 1% of each were Data Deficient and Critically Endangered locally, and 7% Exotic fish species were also enlisted. Annual value of Shannon diversity index (H) was 1.974 and Sipmson diversity index (λ) was 0.272 which indicate highest diversity of fish was in March. Annual Margalef’s richness index (D) was 6.654 and Pielou’s evenness index (E) was 0.447 denote highest richness was in November and evenness was in March....

Bangladesh J. Zool. 49(1): 19-34, 2021 ISSN: 0304-9027 eISSN: 2408-8455 ICTHYOFAUNA OF MADHUMATI RIVER AT MOHAMMADPUR, MAGURA Md. Anichur Rahman, AHM Shafiullah Habib* Shova Saha and Mallika Saha Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh Abstract: The investigation was conducted on the present situation of fish biodiversity and abundance of fish fauna at two different points of Madhumati River at Mohammadpur upazilla under Magura district from October 2018 to September 2019. A total of 83 species of fresh water fish species were recorded belonging to 58 genera of 28 families under 11 orders. Cypriniformes was recorded as the dominant order comprising 26 species constituting 31% of the total. According to IUCN 59% of fish species were Least Concern, 12% were Vulnerable, 11% were Endangered, 9% were Near Threatened, 1% of each were Data Deficient and Critically Endangered locally, and 7% Exotic fish species were also enlisted. Annual value of Shannon diversity index (H) was 1.974 and Sipmson diversity index (λ) was 0.272 which indicate highest diversity of fish was in March. Annual Margalef’s richness index (D) was 6.654 and Pielou’s evenness index (E) was 0.447 denote highest richness was in November and evenness was in March. The river was found to have moderate type of diversity in terms fish species composition. Key words: Madhumati River, fish fauna, diversity status, diversity indices, diversity richness INTRODUCTION Bangladesh is favoured with various inland water bodies endowed with rich diversity in fish species (Islam et al., 2016). It has the third biggest aquatic fish biodiversity in Asia, after China and India, with about 800 species in fresh, brackish and marine waters (Hussain and Mazid, 2001). It enriched with fish fauna support at least 265 freshwater fin fish species under 154 genera and 55 families (Rahman, 2005). More detailed systematic account of the Inland Fisheries of the Indian Region and Adjacent countries including Bangladesh has been made by Talwar and Jhingran (1991). Bangladesh is one of the world’s prominent fish producing country with a total production of 4.276 million MT in FY 2017-18 (DoF, 2018). Through this remarkable achievement Bangladesh for the first time in the history has become self-sufficient in fish production * Author for corresponding: <ahmshabib@gmail.com> ©2021 Zoological Society of Bangladesh DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/bjz.v49i1.53679 20 Rahman et al. providing 62.58 g of fish per person in everyday dietary consumption. Last 10 years average growth performance of this sector is 5.26%, which seems quite consistent and encouraging (DoF, 2018). Madhumati is a very important river in Bangladesh having very wide and extensive. It is also one of the longest rivers in Bangladesh and a distributary of the Ganges flows through Kushtia, Magura, Jessore, Faridpur, Pirojpur and Khulna districts in the country. The river has been named as the Gorai in the upper part and Madhumati in the lower. The Gorai River started its course at Talbaria, north of Kushtia town and 19 km downstream from Hardinge Bridge. South of Kushtia its first branch, the Kaliganga joined with the Kumar River near Shailkupa. The main river is divided and rejoined several times as it flows southeast to Mohammadpur upazila under Magura district. From this point it changes its name to Madhumati (Banglapedia, 2014). Works on status of freshwater fish and diversity of fish in Bangladesh have been done by Shafi and Quddus (1982), Hossain et al. (2013), Galib et al. (2013), Joadder et al. (2015), Islam et al. (2016) and Easmin et al. (2018), whereby checklist of fish, showing conservation status of fish and diversity of fish was made. IUCN Red list of Bangladesh (2015) reported a total of 253 fish species were assessed of which 64 species have been found threatened consisting 25.3% of the total species. Among them 9 species were evaluated as Critically Endangered (CR), 30 species as Endangered (EN), 25 species as Vulnerable (VU), 27 species as Near Threatened (NT), 122 species as Least Concern (LC) and the rest 40 species were considered Data Deficient (DD). No fish was identified as extinct or regionally extinct. The deterioration of natural water bodies resulting from human interference due to construction of roads, deforestation, embankments, invasion to agricultural lands, indiscriminate use of pesticides and natural causes had negative impact of fish diversity in the river. It was selected for its contribution in fisheries sectors. Fish status in the river may impact on the society of the river area. The rich diversity may elucidate further fish resources in the area which may ensure the protein supply of the local people. Instead, the indiscriminate harmful techniques of fishing, use of different fishing gears threatens the biodiversity of the seasonal floodplains. In case of less diversity awareness program may be initiated alongside the river for the development of the fish fauna of the river. Hence, there is necessity to update the species checklist of fish available in the Madhumati River and present status of the fish and Icthyofauna diversity in madhumati 21 their diversity, richness and evenness in the river. This exploration was aimed to build up authentic information about the species available at the Madhumati River in south-west part of country. MATERIAL AND METHODS The Madhumati River was selected for this study to assess the fish fauna and their current status. The fish samples were collected monthly from the river during October 2018 to September 2019. Two points were selected in Magura District at Mohammadpur Upazila, which were Elangkhali Ghat (23°24΄29.7˝N and 89°36΄16.5˝E) and Jhama Bazar Ghat (23°36΄03.4˝N and 89°57΄94.3˝E). Monthly fish samples were collected from the selected spots directly from the fishermen, retailers, ‘Nikari’, ‘Bapari’ and ‘Aratdar’ from the two preselected sites. Some fishes were directly identified in the sampling spots and rest of the fish specimens were carried in ice box or safeguarded in 4 to 6% buffered formalin solution to the Fisheries Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Jagannath University for identification and further taxonomic study. Large fishes were easily counted and recorded but small fishes were counted using the following formula (Iqbal et al. 2015): Where, N is the total number of a fish species, Ns is number of individual small fish in each subsample, Wt is the total weight of small fish found in the sample and Ws is weight of subsample. Fish species were identified based on their morphometric and meristic characters following Fish Base (2020), Rahman (2005), Talwar and Jhingran (1991) and Bhuiyan (1964). Identified fishes were systematically arranged according to Nelson (2006). Fish status were categorized according to IUCN Redlist (2015, Volume 5: Freshwater Fish). Diversity, richness and evenness were calculated using the following formulae: Shannon–Weaver diversity index, H = -ƩPi ln Pi (Shannon–Weaver, 1949) Simpson index, λ = ƩPi2 (Simpson, 1949) Margalef’s richness index, Pielou’s evenness index, (Margalef, 1968) (Pielou, 1966) Where, H and λ is the diversity index, Pi is the relative abundance (n/N), , n is the number of individual for each species, N is the total number of individual, D 22 Rahman et al. is the richness index, E is the similarity or evenness index, S is the total number of species and ln is the natural logarithm. Statistical analysis was done with help of Microsoft Office Excel 2016. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total 83 species under 58 genera were identified belonging to 28 families under 11 orders (Table 1, Fig 7 – 89). The most dominant order was Cypriniformes comprising 31% of all the number of species recorded and the number of fish species was 26. Other dominating orders were Perciformes, Siluriformes, Clupeiformes and Channiformes which comprised 20, 19, 6 and 4 species of fish respectively. The lowest numbers of fish species representing orders were Anguiliformes, Pleuronectiformes, Synbranchiformes and Tetraodontiformes that consisted only 1 species of fish each (Fig. 1). Galib et al. (2013) reported on the fish fauna of Choto Jamuna River and a total of 63 species of fishes had been recorded under 41 genera, 23 families and 9 orders. The most dominant order was Cypriniformes comprising 34.92%, next to Cypriniformes, other dominant orders were Siluriformes, Perciformes and Synbranchiformes constituting 28.57%, 19.05% and 6.35% of species recorded respectively. Islam et al. (2016) found Perciformes as most dominant order constituting 42.62% of the total fish population followed by Siluriformes (11.48%), Clupeiformes (9.84%), Pleuronectiformes (3.29%), Synbranchiformes (3.29%), Osteoglossiformes (1.64%), Beloniformes (1.64%), Mugiliformes (4.92%), Cypriniformes (16.39%) and Tetraodontiformes (4.92%) in the Sibsa River in South-Western Bangladesh. In family composition, the most dominant family was Cyprinidae comprising 22 species under 12 genera. The minimal number (1 species) belonged to 11 families of fish viz. Ophichthidae, Pangasiidae, Synbranchidae, Heteropneustidae, Nandidae, Mugilidae, Anabantidae, Cynoglossidae, Belonidae, Hemiramphidae, Tetraodontidae (Fig. 2). Azadi and Alam (2013) reported Cyprinidae as the most dominant family comprising 20 species and other dominant families were Gobiidae, Schilbeidae and Bagridae constituting 11, 5 and 4 species respectively in the Halda River. According to IUCN (2015), 59% of fish species were Least Concern, 12% were Vulnerable, 11% were Endangered, 9% were Near Threatened and 1% was Data Deficiency and Critically Endangered and 7% Exotic species were also recorded (Fig. 3). Easmin et al. (2018) reported 77 species of fish in the Jamuna River where 59% was Least Concern (LC), 23% were Threatened including 1% Critically Endangered (CR), 12% Endangered (EN) and 10% Vulnerable (VU) species, and 5% Exotic fish was also recorded during the study period. Icthyofauna diversity in madhumati 23 Table 1. Fish species of Madhumati River of Magura Order Osteoglossiformes Family Notopteridae Scientific Name 1. Chitala chitala Local Name Chital 2. Notopterus notopterus Foli English Name Clown knife fish Bronze feather back Rice paddy eel Cuchia Local Status EN Global Status NT VU LC LC LC VU VU LC LC Anguiliformes Ophichthidae 3. Pisodonophis boro Kharu, Hijra Synbranchiformes Synbranchidae 4. Monopterus cuchia Clupeiformes Clupeidae 5. Corica soborna Kuchia, Kuicha Kachki 6. Pellona ditchela Choukka Ganges river spral Indian pellona LC NE 7. Tenualosa ilisha Ilish Hilsha shad LC LC 8. Gudusia chapra Chapila VU LC 9. Setipinna phasa Phasa LC LC 10. Setipinna taty Teli phasa LC NE 11. Channa marulius Gajar EN LC 12. Channa orientalis Cheng LC LC 13. Channa puncta Taki LC LC 14. Channa striata Shol LC LC 15. Amblypharyngodon mola 16. Aspidoparia morar Mola Morar, Morari Thai sarpunti Katla Mrigal Tatkini Common carp Carpu Indian river shad Gangatic hairfin anchovy Scaly hairfin anchovy Great snakehead Walking snakehead Spotted snakehead Snakehead murrel Mola carplet Aspidopara LC VU LC NE Java barb Exotic Exotic Catla Mrigal crap Reba Common carp LC NT NT Exotic NE VU LC Exotic Common carp Exotic Exotic Darkina Silver carp Flying barb Silver carp LC Exotic LC Exotic Big-head carp Bata Kalibaus Big-head carp Exotic Exotic Engraulidae Channiformes Cypriniformes Channidae Cyprinidae 17. Barbonymus gonionotus 18. Catla catla 19. Cirrhinus cirrhosus 20. Cirrhinus reba 21. Cyprinus carpio var. carpio 22. Cyprinus carpio var. nudus 23. Esomus danricus 24. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix 25. Hypophthalmichthys nobilis 26. Labeo bata 27. Labeo calbasu 28. Labeo rohita 29. Osteobrama cotio 30. Pethia conchonius 31. Pethia guganio 32. Pethia ticto Rui Lohasur, Keti Kanchan punti Mola punti Tit punti Bata labeo Orange fin labeo Rohu Cotia LC LC LC LC LC NT LC LC Rosy barb LC LC Glass barb Ticto barb LC VU LC LC 24 Rahman et al. Order Family Scientific Name 33. Puntius chola 34. Puntius sophore 35. Salmostoma bacaila Cobitidae Siluriformes Bagridae 36. Salmostoma phulo Fulchela 37. Botia dario 38 .Botia lohachata Rani Putul 39. Lepidocephalichthys annandalei 40. Lepidocephalichthys guntea 41. Mystus bleekeri Gutum 44. Mystus vittatus 45. Rita rita 46. Sperata aor Rita Ayre 47. Sperata seenghala Guijja, Ayre 48. Ompok pabda Madhu pabda Boal 43. Mystus tengara 49. Wallago attu Schilbeidae Pangasiidae Sisoridae Clariidae Perciformes 50. Ailia coila 51. Clupisoma garua 52. Eutropiichthys murius 53. Eutropiichthys vacha Kajuli, Baspata Ghaura Muri bacha Bacha 54. Pangasius pangasius 55. Bagarius bagarius 56. Gagata cenia 57. Clarias batrachus Pangas Baghair Cenia Magur 58. Clarias gariepinus African magur Shing Heteropneustidae 59. Heteropneustes fossilis Ambassidae 60. Chanda nama 61. Parambassis lala 62. Parambassis ranga Sciaenidae Nandidae Gutum Gulsha tengra Kabashi tengra Bajari tengra Tengra 42. Mystus cavasius Siluridae Local Name Chala punti Jat punti Narkali chela 63. Johnius coitor 64. Otolithoides pama 65. Nandus nandus Nama Chanda Lal chanda Ranga chanda Koitor poa Poa Bheda, English Name Swamp barb Pool barb Large razorbelly minnow Finescale razorbelly minnow Bengal loach Reticulate loach Annandale loach Guntea loach Local Status LC LC LC Global Status LC LC LC NT LC EN EN LC NE VU LC LC LC Day’s mystus LC LC Gangetic mystus Stripped dwarf catfish Asian striped catfish Rita Longwhiskered catfish Giant river catfish Pabdah catfish Freshwater shark Gangetic ailia NT LC LC LC LC LC EN VU LC LC VU LC EN NT VU NT LC NT EN LC LC NE LC LC EN CR LC LC LC NT LC LC Exotic Exotic LC LC LC LC LC NE LC LC LC LC NT LC NE LC Garua bacha Murius vacha Batchwa vacha Pungas catfish Devil catfish Indian gagata Walking catfish North african catfish Stinging catfish Elongated glass-perchlet Highfin glassy perchlet Indian glassy fish Coitor croaker Pama croaker Mottled Icthyofauna diversity in madhumati Order Family Mugilidae Gobiidae Scientific Name 66. Rhinomugil corsula 67. Eugnathogobius oligactis 68. Glossogobius giuris 69. Oxyurichthyes microlepis 25 Local Name Meni Khorsula Bele Bele Nuna baila Chewa Anabantidae 70. Pseudapocryptes elongatus 71. Eleotris lutea 72. Odontamblyopus rubicundus 73. Anabas testudineus Osphronemidae 74. Trichogaster chuna Chuna khailsha Khailsha Gobioididae 75. Trichogaster fasciatus 76. Trichogaster lalia Mastacembelidae Kuli, Goby Lal chewa Koi 77. Macrognathus aculeatus Lal Khailsha Tara baim 78. Macrognathus pancalus Guchi baim Pleuronectiformes Cynoglossidae 79. Mastacembelus armatus 80. Paraplagusia bilineata Sal baim Kukur jeeb Beloniformes Belonidae 81. Xenentodon cancila Kakila Hemirhamphidae 82. Hyporhamphus limbatus Ek thuitta Tetraodontidae 83. Leiodon cutcutia Tepa Tetraodontiformes English Name nandus Corsula mullet Goby Tank goby Small scaled goby Lanceolate goby Lutea sleeper Rubicundus Eelgoby Climbing perch Dwarf gourami Local Status Global Status LC VU LC LC LC LC LC NE LC LC DD LC NE NE LC DD LC LC Banded gourami Dwarf gourami LC LC LC LC Lesser spiny eel Barred spiny eel Zig-zag eel Fingerlip tonguesole Freshwater garfish Congaturi halfbeak Ocellated puffer fish NT NE LC LC EN LC NE NE LC NE LC NE LC LC CR= Critically Endangered, EN= Endangered, VU= Vulnerable, NT= Near Threatened, LC= Least Concern, DD= Data Deficient, NE= Not Evaluated. Fig. 1. Species composition in different orders of fish. 26 Rahman et al. Fig. 2. Species composition of different families of fish in Madhumati River. Fig. 3. Local status of fish fauna in the Madhumati River A total 25 species of fish were found as Threatened locally where the highest number 6 representing the Siluriformes following 5 representing the Cypriniformes (Fig. 4). The lowest number of Threatened species was 1 in each order of Anguiliformes, Synbracchiformes, Beloniformes, Pleuronectiformes and Tetraodontiformes (Fig. 4). In Halda River among 83 species 3 were Critically Endangered and 8 were Vulnerable (Azadi and Alam, 2013). On global context, 53 (64%) species of fish were Least Concern, 16 (19%) were Not Evaluated, 5 (6%) were Near Threatened, 2 (3%) were Vulnerable and 1 (1%) was Data Deficiency. Six (7%) Exotic species were also recorded in this study (Fig. 5). Joadder et al. (2015) working on Padma River found 72% of the total fish species to be Least Concern and global conservation status was not assessed by IUCN of 13% species. Icthyofauna diversity in madhumati 27 Fig. 4. Order-wise locally threatened fish species of Madhumati River. Fig. 5. Global status of fish fauna of Madhumati River. According to Global status, 4 species of fish were recorded as Threatened among them 2 belonged to the order Perciformes and 1 of each species was found under orders Cypriniformes and Siluriformes (Fig. 6). According to Global status, two species of each were Threatened belonging to Cypriniformes and Synbranchiformes, as reported by Easmin et al. (2018) in the Jamuna River. 30 Total number of species 20 10 0 Fig. 6. Globally threatened fish species in different orders of Madhumati River. 28 Rahman et al. Diversity, Richness and Evenness indices of fishes in Madhumati River: Higher Shannon diversity index was found in March 2.651 and lower 1.369 in January (Table 2). The higher Shannon diversity index value indicates the higher species diversity of the area. Thus in the river highest diversity Table 2. Different indices of fish fauna of Madhumati River Months October’18 November’18 December’18 January’19 February’19 March’19 April’19 May’19 June’19 July’19 August’19 September’19 Annual Number of species 38 48 34 34 36 41 33 32 32 36 36 40 83 Number of Individuals 2489 19913 29526 16058 7476 26184 18553 18394 46463 11781 10120 17841 224798 Shannon diversity index (H) 2.177 2.099 1.480 1.369 1.920 2.651 1.700 1.568 1.393 1.890 1.738 1.631 1.974 Simpson diversity index (λ) 0.180 0.110 0.336 0.429 0.245 0.099 0.277 0.282 0.313 0.238 0.298 0.351 0.272 Margalef's richness index (D) 4.732 4.747 3.206 3.407 3.924 3.932 3.256 3.157 2.884 3.734 3.795 3.984 6.654 Pielou's evenness index (E) 0.594 0.549 0.419 0.388 0.531 0.629 0.486 0.452 0.402 0.525 0.483 0.441 0.447 was seen in March and lowest diversity of fish was in January in the river. Highest Simpson index was 0.429 in January and lowest 0.099 in March (Table 2). Simpson index value ranges between 0 to 1 and low value represents higher diversity. So, according to Simpson’s index highest diversity was observed in March and lowest in January. Highest Margalef’s Richness value was 4.747 in November and lowest in 2.884 June (Table 2). Margalef’s richness index value depends on species number. Higher the species number, it expresses higher richness in that ecosystem. Highest species number was found in November and lowest species number was found in June. So, November was the highest richness and June was the lowest richness month in term of species richness. Highest Pielou’s Evenness was 0.629 in March and lowest was 0.388 in January. Pielou’s evenness index value range from 0 to 1, if the value is towards 1, shows species number to be more evenly distributed. Therefore, in March the species were more evenly distributed and less evenly distributed in January. Annual Shannon diversity index, Simpson diversity index, Richness index, Evenness Index values were 1.974, 0.272, 6.654 and 0.447 respectively (Table 2). Annual values of indices shown moderately diversified, Richest and evenly Icthyofauna diversity in madhumati 7. Chitala chitala 29 8. Notopterus notopterus 9. Pisodonophis boro 10. Monopterus cuchia 11. Corica soborna 12. Pellona ditchela 13. Tenualosa ilisha 14. Gudusia chapra 15. Setipinna phasa 16. Setipinna taty 17. Channa marulius 18. Channa orientalis 19. Channa punctata 20. Channa striata 21. Amblypharyngodon mola 22. Aspidoparia morar 23. Barbonymus gonionotus 24. Catla catla 25. Cirrhinus cirrhosus 26. Cirrhinus reba 27. Cyprinus carpio var. carpio 28. Cyprinus carpio var. nudus 29. Esomus danricus 30. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix 30 Rahman et al. 31. Hypophthalmichthys nobilis 32. Labeo bata 33. Labeo calbasu 34. Labeo rohita 35. Osteobrama cotio 36. Pethia conchonius 37. Pethia guganio 38. Pethia ticto 39. Puntius chola 40. Puntius sophore 41. Salmostoma bacaila 42. Salmostoma phulo 43. Botia dario 44. Botia lohachata 45. Lepidocephalichthys annandalei 46. Lepidocephalichthys guntea 47. Mystu sbleekeri 48. Mystus cavasius 49. Mystus tengara 50. Mystus vittatus 51. Rita rita 52. Sperata aor 53. Sperata seenghala 54. Ompok pabda Icthyofauna diversity in madhumati 31 55. Wallago attu 56. Ailia coila 57. Clupisoma garua 58. Eutropiichthys murius 59. Eutropiichthys vacha 60. Pangasius pangasius 61. Bagarius bagarius 62. Gagata cenia 63. Clarias batrachus 64. Clarias gariepinus 65. Heteropneustes fossilis 66. Chanda nama 67. Parambassis lala 68. Parambassis ranga 69. Johnius coitor 70. Otolithoides pama 71. Nandus nandus 72. Rhinomugil corsula 73. Eugnathogobius oligactis 74. Glossogobius giuris 75. Oxyurichthye smicrolepis 76. Pseudapocryptes elongatus 77. Eleotris lutea 78. Odontamblyopus rubicundus 32 Rahman et al. 79. Anabas testudineus 80. Trichogaster chuna 81. Trichogaster fasciatus 82. Trichogaster lalia 83. Macrognathus aculeatus 84. Macrognathus pancalus 85. Mastacembelus armatus 86. Paraplagusia bilineata 87. Xenentodon cancila 88. Hyporhamphus limbatus 89. Leiodon cutcutia Fig. 7-89. Photographs of the fishes recorded from Madhumati River, Magura. distributed in number respectively in the Madhumati River. Easmin et al. (2018) found in the Jamuna River the annual values of Shannon diversity index (H), Simpson index (λ), Margalef’s richness index (D) and Pielou’s evenness index (E) as 3.350, 0.053, 6.931 and 0.772 respectively. Overall values of diversity, richness and evenness indices were found as 3.717, 6.954 and 0.897, respectively by Galib et al. (2013) in Choto Jamuna River. Over all values of diversity, richness and evenness indices were found to be 1.42, 6.64 and 0.86, respectively by Rahman et al. (2015) in the Talma River. From this study and according to the experiences shared by some fishermen engaged fishing in this river, the fish biodiversity of the Madhumati River has declined with time due to over exploitation, natural causes such as flooding, siltation, drought and natural Icthyofauna diversity in madhumati 33 calamities, construction of obstacle for fish migration and breeding and lack of social awareness. CONCLUSION This is a preliminary and baseline study and have some limitations. A small part of the river was considered in this study which may not reflect the exact condition of the river. This study suggests the decline trend of the existing fish fauna and degrading the biodiversity. Extensive and complete study on this river along with social impact of local people may reveal the exact condition of the river. 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