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PHYTOLOGIA BALCANICA 24 (2): 217 – 224, Sofia, 2018 217 Notes on some taxa of Hieracium and Pilosella (Asteraceae), new for the Greek flora Franz G. Dunkel1 & Günter Gottschlich2 1 Am Saupurzel 1, 97753 Karlstadt, Germany, e-mail: F.G.Dunkel@t-online.de (corresponding author) 2 Hermann-Kurz-Str. 35, 72074 Tübingen, Germany, e-mail: ggtuebingen@yahoo.com Received: June 07, 2018 ▷ Accepted: August 03, 2018 Abstract: During floristic investigation of the northern Greek flora, emphasis was laid on the genera Hieracium and Pilosella. As a result, six species and three subspecies of the genus Hieracium and three species of the genus Pilosella were detected in Greece for the first time and reported here. According to the original description and classification, three of these are suggested as meriting the species rank. Key words: Greece, Hieracium, new records, Pilosella, taxonomy Introduction Recent checklist of the vascular flora of Greece (Dimopoulos & al. 2013, 2016) reflects remarkable diversity of the genera Hieracium L. and Pilosella Vaill. (Asteraceae) in Greece. Many of these species belong to endemic sections of the Balkan Peninsula or have their center of evolution and diversity in this area, i.e., the Hieracium sect. Bracteolata Zahn, H. sect. Cernua R. Uechtr., H. sect. Naegeliana Zahn ex Szeląg and H. sect. Pannosa (Zahn) Zahn. As with the entire flora, the basic set of the Greek Hieracium species had already been detected in the “golden age of botanical exploration of Greece” (Dimopoulos & al. 2013) by Heldreich and Orphanides and described by Boissier in the middle of the 19th century (Boissier 1842–1859). Later collections made by Sintenis, Haussknecht, Baldacci, Halacsy, Bornmüller and others were evaluated and determined by Freyn (1895, 1897) and Zahn. This resulted in about six new descriptions by Freyn (partly with Sintenis) and many more by Zahn (1921–23), mainly in his last monographic account for Ascherson & Graebner’s Synopsis der Mitteleuropäischen Flora (Zahn 1922–38). Zahn did not limit himself to the actual geographical range in this publication; rather, he extended his tremendous work to all species of the genus across the Balkans and up to Greece. In the second half of the 20th century, several new Hieracium species were described (Buttler 1991). They were followed only recently with some lectotypifications by Szeląg (2014). Collection activities generally remained on a rather low level. Hieracium specimens were mostly gathered unsystematically, as “bycatches” of other botanical projects. In several recent materials seen by one of the authors (G.G.), some collections proved to be new taxa for the Greek flora (Gottschlich & al. 2006, 2013, 2014). This led to a hypothesis that a more systematic collection activity with special emphasis on Hieracium and Pilosella would substantially increase the knowledge about these genera in Greece. This assumption has been sustained by collections of the first author since 2012. The new field project “Hieracium and Pilosella in Greece” has started in the northern parts of the country (Epirus, West, Central and East Macedonia 218 Dunkel, F. & al. • Hieracium and Pilosella taxa, new for the Greek flora (Fig. 1). Here, in the granite mountains of Central and East Macedonia, the highest biodiversity could have been expected. Indeed, a richness of different species was found combined with high local abundance along the forest roads, especially bordering on the woods and on decomposed granite slopes. In the calcareous mountains, habitats rich in species of Hieracium and Pilosella are restricted to subalpine and alpine meadows, screes and rocks. As a result of the present investigation, twelve taxa (nine species, and three subspecies) have been newly found for Greece. Three taxa were suggested as warranting the rank of species, according to the original description. Abbreviations used in the data sets: NE, NC, NPI = phytogeographical regions according to Dimopoulos & al. (2013), Go- = specimen in the herbarium of G. Gottschlich, Du- = specimen in the herbarium of F. G. Dunkel, Hier. Eur. Sel. = specimens distributed in the exsiccata series Hieracia Europaea Selecta (B, FI, FR, H, IBF, LI, M, PAL, PRA, UPA, W, Hb. Brandstätter, Hb. Dunkel, Hb. Gottschlich); ! = specimen seen by G.G. Hieracium argyrotrichum Freyn ≡ H. olympicum subsp. argyrotrichum (Freyn) Zahn Hieracium argyrotrichum is recorded for Greece as H. olympicum subsp. argyrotrichum (Freyn) Zahn. Al- though H. olympicum shows great morphological variation, H. argyrotrichum differs substantially from this species. The shape of the broad lower leaves is similar to that of H. racemosum (see Szeląg 2014: Fig. 2). Therefore, H. argyrotrichum can be interpreted morphologically as an intermediate species “olympicum > racemosum” and should be treated in the rank of species. NE – Nom. Serres, road from Serres to Leilias, 1410 m (41°14'27''N 23°34'24''E), Pinus-Fagus-forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 17.07.2017, Go-68311; NE – Nom. Serres, road from Serres to Leilias, 1360 m (41°14'13''N 23°34'33''E), Pinus-(Abies-Fagus)-forest, granite, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 17.07.2017, Go-68309, Du-34745+46; NE – Nom. Serres, street from Serres to Leilias, 1280 m (41°13'51''N 23°34'45''E), granite, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 17.07.2017, Go-68305, Du-34741; NE – Nom. Drama, Mt. Orvilos E Katafito, 700 m (41°21'06''N 23°42'10''E), sunny slopes along the road, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 01.08.2016, Du-33806-1/2; NE – Nom. Serres, Menikio, 590 m (41°11'33''N 23°48'05''E), Castanea grove, 17.07.2017, leg. G. Gottschlich, Go-68334; NE – Nom. Drama, Paranesti, Forest of Frakto, above Thermia, 800 m (41°29'19''N 24°26'07''E), cemented detritus of granite, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 15.07.2017, Go-68234; NE – Nom. Drama, Paranesti, Forest of Frakto, above Thermia, 880 m (41°29'50''N 24°26'16''E), detritus of granite, F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 15.07.2017, Go-68237, Du-34662; Fig. 1: Localities of the collected Hieracium specimens. Phytol. Balcan. 24(2) • Sofia • 2018 NE – Nom. Xanthi, between Dipotama and border to Bulgaria, 850–1150 m (41°23'26''N 24°37'37''E), slopes along the road, silicates, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 03.08.2016, Du-33860-1; NE – Nom. Xanthi, Stavroupoli, road to Livaditis, S Kato Karyofito, 520 m (41°15'18''N 24°40'42''E), detritus of granite, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68215, Du-34612; NE – Nom. Xanthi, above Kallithea, 1250 m (41°17'19''N 24°44'19''E), Pinus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Du-34596; NE – Nom. Xanthi, above Kallithea, 1190 m (41°16'50''N 24°44'40''E), detritus of granite under Fagus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68174, Du-34635; NE – Nom. Xanthi, Stavroupoli, between Kallithea and Dasiko Chorio, 1209 m (41°17'03''N 24°44'45''E), slopes along the road in Fagus forest; leg. F.G. Dunkel, 30.07.2016, Du-33837-1-4; NE – Nom. Xanthi, between Likodromio and Kallithea, 490 m (41°13'59''N 24°45'22''E), stony slopes along the road, granite, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68154; 219 NE – Nom. Xanthi, between Likodromio and Kallithea, 680 m (41°15'01''N 24°45'33''E), bushy slopes along the road, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68166, Du-34629; NE – Nom. Xanthi, between Likodromio and Kallithea, 550 m (41°14'15''N 24°45'51''E), shady humid slopes along the road, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68155, Du-34620; NE – Nom. Xanthi, between Likodromio and Kallithea, 640 m (41°14'54''N 24°45'53''E) bushy slopes along the road, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68163, + Du-34627 + Du-34628; NE – Nom. Rodopi, NE Organi, 410 m (41°15'34''N 25°42'05''E), Rubus shrubbery, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 16.07.2017, Go-68273, Du-34693; NE – Nom. Rodopi, SW Virsini, 530 m (41°17'56''N 25°47'36''E), Quercus shrubbery, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 16.07.2017, Go-68276, Du-34704; NE – Nom. Rodopi, NW Virsini, 580 m (41°18'23''N 25°48'36''E), fine granite waste, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 16.07.2017, Go-68282, Du-34706; NE – Nom. Rodopi, NE Arriana, 700 m (41°11'22''N 25°50'47''E), slopes along the road in Fagus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 16.07.2017, Go-68300, Du-34735. Hieracium crinitopannosum Szeląg & Vladimirov This recently described species is known from the Central Rhodopes of Bulgaria (Szeląg & Vladimirov 2013). Morphologically, it is very similar to the collective species H. chalcidicum Boiss. but differs by its sharply dentate leaves. Now, it can also be documented as occurring in the Greek parts of the Rhodope Mountains. NE – Nom. Drama, Mt.Orvilos E Katafito, 700 m (41°21'06''N 23°42'10''E), sunny slopes along the road, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 01.08.2016, Du-33813-1, Go-66678. Hieracium jankae subsp. wagneri Zahn (Fig. 2) H. jankae subsp. wagneri is characterized by long branches and subglobose capitula. It has been known so far only from Bulgaria but obviously is widespread in North Greece. NC – Nom. Florina, Triklário, street to lake Prespa, near lookout point, 1120 m (40°45'02''N 21°10'40''E), slope with detriFig. 2: Hieracium jankae subsp. wagneri (Du-34536, Go-68114). tus, 12.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68114, Du-34536; 220 Dunkel, F. & al. • Hieracium and Pilosella taxa, new for the Greek flora NC – Nom. Florina, Pisoderi, N-slope Kalo-Nero: street Pisoderi → Ag.Germanos, 1900–2100 m (40°49'30''N 21°14'00''E), stony slopes with single Fagus trees, silicate, 19.7.2016, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Go-66811, Du-33653; NC – Nom. Florina, Mt.Vernon, surroundings of Vitsi Ski Center, 1750–1850 m, 40°38'24''N 21°22'35''E, silicate, 10.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68066, Du-34458; NC – Nom. Kozáni, M.Askion, Kataphygion → M.Askion, 1360 m (40°25'30''N 21°33'51''E), slope with detritus, 12.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68107, Du-34523; NC – Nom. Kozáni, M.Askion, Kataphygion → M.Askion, 1380 m (40°25'24''N 21°34'11''E), edge of Fagus forest, 12.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68104, Du-34520; NC – Nom. Kozáni, Pieria, Katafigi → Velventós, 1380 m (40°14'43''N 22°04'44''E), granite rock, 13.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68146; NC – Nom. Kozáni, Piéria, Velventós → Katafigi, 1340 m (40°14'45''N 22°08'26''E), granite detritus, 13.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68122, Du-34553; NC – Nom. Kozáni, Piéria, Velvent¢s → Katafigi, 1390 m (40°14'39''N 22°08'44''E), granite rock, 13.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Du34556; NE – Nom. Serres, Serres, road to Leilias, 18 km NNE Serres, 1485 m (41°14'45''N 23°34'24''E), mixed Fagus forest; 28.7.2016, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Go-66810, Du-33732-1; NE – Nom. Serres, Serres, road to Leilias, 1410 m (41°14'27''N 23°34'24''E), Pinus/Fagus forest, 17.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68313, Du-34749; NE – Nom. Serres, road to Leilias, 1360 m (41°14'13''N 23°34'33''E), Pinus/Abies/Fagus forest, granite, 17.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68308; NE – Nom. Serres, road to Leilias, 1480 m (41°14'50''N 23°34'33''E), thinned-out Pinus forest, 17.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68320, Du-34758; NE – Nom. Serres, road to Leilias, 3,2 km NNW Oreini, 1500 m (41°14'54''N 23°34'40''E), Pinus/Fagus forest, 28.7.2016, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Du-33745-1/2; NE – Nom. Serres, road to Leilias, 6 km NNW Oreini, 1540 m (41°16'10''N 23°36'06''E), Fagus forest, 28.7.2016, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Du-33752-2; NE – Nom. Serres, road to Leilias, 5,1 km NNW Oreini, 1332 m (41°14'07''N 23°34'41''E), Pinus forest, 29.7.2016, leg. F.G.Dunkel, Du-33728-1; NE – Nom. Serres, Serres, road to Leilias, 1280 m (41°13'51''N 23°34'45''E), slope with granite rocks, 17.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68306a, Du-34743; NE – Nom. Serres, Leilas, near Kataphygion, 1580 m (41°15'52''N NE – Nom. Drama, Paranesti, Forest of Frakto above Thermia, 1080 m (41°30'27''N 24°27'03''E), granite detritus in young Pinus stands, 15.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68246, Du-34675; NE – Nom. Drama, Paranesti, Forest of Frakto above Thermia, 1150 m (41°30'06''N 24°27'05''E), bushy slope, 15.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68256, Du-34684; NE – Nom. Drama, Paranesti, Forest of Frakto above Thermia, 1250 m (41°30'27''N 24°27'59''E), slope under Pinus nigra forest, 15.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go68262, Du-34698; NE – Nom. Drama, 6,0 km NE Loutra Thermion, 4,3 km S border of Bulgaria, 1347 m (41°30'46''N 24°28'49''E) rocks along the road, 8.7.2013, leg. T. Gregor, FR; NE – Nom. Drama, Paranesti, Forest of Frakto above Thermia, 1340 m (41°30'46''N 24°28'49''E), granite rocks and granite detritus, 15.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68267; NE – Nom. Drama, 25 km N Paranesti, NE Thermia, Forest of Frakto, 1300 m 41°30'46''N 24°28'50''E), along the forest road, 8.7.2013, leg. L. Meierott; NE – Nom. Drama, 25 km N Paranesti, NE Thermia, virgin forest, 1380 m (41°30'32''N 24°29'14''E, forest opening, stony grassland, 8.7.2013, leg. L.Meierott; NE – Nom. Xanthi, Livaditis, 2 km E Neohori → Karyofyto → Livaditis, 1000 m (41°16'50''N 24°39'22''E), pasture with shrubbery and rocks, 13.8.2012, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Go59575+76+77, Du-29514+16+17+19+22; NE – Nom. Xanthi, Stavroupoli, 3,8 km S Livaditis, between Ano Karyofyto and Livaditis, 650 m (41°16'04''N 24°39'47''E), slope, 28.7.2016, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Du-33691-1; NE – Nom. Xanthi, Stavroupoli, road to Livaditis, 1260 m (41°17'46''N 24°39'53''E), granite detritus under young Pinus stands, 14.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go68208+09, Du-34606+07; NE – Nom. Xanthi, Stavroupoli, 900 m S Livaditis, 1266 m (41°17'47''N 24°39'54''E), slope in Fagus forest, 28.7.2016, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Go-66693, Du-33700; NE – Nom. Xanthi, Livaditis, 2 km E Neohori → Karyofyto → Livaditis, 1210–1280 m, (41°17'26''N 24°39'57''E), granite rocks and detritus, 13.8.2012, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Go-59535+79, Du-29528+29; NE – Nom. Xanthi, 0,9 km SSW Livaditis, 1266 m (41°17'48''N 24°39'59''E), slope along the road in Fagus forest, 10.7.2013, leg. T. Gregor FR; NE – Nom. Xanthi, Livaditis → Kallithea, E Livaditis, 1160– 1245 m (41°18'37''N 24°40'08''E), granite rocks, Fagus forest, 13.8.2012, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Go-59547+580, Du-29545+46; NE – Nom. Xanthi, Stavroupoli, road to Livaditis, 1190 m 23°36'26''E), granite rocks in Pinus forest, 28.7.2016, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Du-33754-1; (41°18'40''N 24°41'35''E), granite detritus, 14.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68204, Du-34605; Phytol. Balcan. 24(2) • Sofia • 2018 NE – Nom. Xanthi, NE Livaditis, 1300 m (41°20'42''N 24°43'13''E), rocky slopes along the forest road, 10.7.2013, leg. L. Meierott; NE – Nom. Xanthi, above Kallithea, 1350 m (41°18'19''N 24°43'31''E), light Fagus forest, 14.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68196, Du-34602, UPA; NE – Nom. Xanthi, above Kallithea, 1250 m (41°17'19''N 24°44'19''E), Pinus forest, 14.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68183, Du-34589; NE – Nom. Xanthi, NW Xanthi: Lykodromio → Kallithea → Livaditis, 973 m (41°14'51''N 24°45'14''E), rocky slopes along the road, 5.7.2014, leg. F.G. Dunkel, Go-64740, Du-32159; NE – Nom. Rodopi, NE above Chloi, near the windmills, 990 m (41°17'28''N 25°52'18''E), grassland with shrubbery, 16.7.2017, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, Go-68294. Hieracium klisurae Zahn ex Urum. Hieracium klisurae s. str. has been known so far only from Bulgaria (SOM-13080!, SOM-89659!). It can be regarded as intermediate between H. sparsum and H. racemosum. Both presumptive parents are very common in the Rhodope Mountains. However, the character of the species – a primary recent or stabilized hybrid? – is so far unknown. NC – Nom. Florina, Kalo Nero 4 km E Pissoderi, 1460 m (40°26'57''N 21°16'38''E), grassy slopes along the road, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 30.06.2014, Du-31532; NE – Nom. Xanthi, above Kallithea, 1330 m (41°18'01''N 24°43'55''E), slopes along the road, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68194. Hieracium olympicum subsp. permulticeps Jasiewicz & Pawł. Found/Discovered in the Central Rhodopes of Bulgaria (Pawłowski 1963, type: KRAM!), it differs from the type subspecies (G!) by its large basal leaves, which are strongly dentate. NE – Nom. Drama, Sidironero, Betula pendula forest, 1100–1350 m, leg. E. Eleftheriadou, 1994, Eleftheriadou-s.n.; Go-26602; NE – Nom. Drama, Paranesti, Forest of Frakto, above Thermia, 800 m (41°29'19''N 24°26'07''E), cemented detritus of granite, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 15.07.2017, Go68235; NE – Nom. Drama, Paranesti, Forest of Frakto, above Thermia, 880 m (41°29'50''N 24°26'16''E), detritus of granite, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 15.07.2017, Go-68238; 221 NE – Nom. Xanthi, above Kallithea, 1210 m (41°17'34''N 24°44'13''E), detritus of granite in Fagus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68186; NE – Nom. Rodopi, between Virsini and Kalivea, 550 m (41°16'54''N 25°49'54''E), detritus of granite, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 16.07.2017, Go-68283, Du-34709. Hieracium penzesii Kováts & Zahn ex Pénzes ≡ H. jankae subsp. penzesii (Kováts & Zahn ex Pénzes) Greuter Hieracium penzesii can be regarded as a forgotten species. Described just before the World War II in a new but little-known journal (Pénzes 1939), it was never adopted in the Bulgarian floras (Stojanov & Stefanov 1948; Stojanov & al. 1967 and Assyov & Petrova 2006). Only Greuter listed it recently (Greuter & Raab-Straube 2007). According to the estimation of H. jankae as “sparsum > pannosum” by Zahn, Greuter transferred it to H. jankae in the rank of subspecies. However, H. jankae is densely villous in all parts and possesses subplumose hairs. Contrary to H. jankae, H. penzesii is only covered with (not subplumose, only distinctly dentate) hairs on both surfaces of the leaves. The upper part, including the synflorescence, is almost glabrous and resembles completely H. sparsum (isotype: B-101024849! represents a plant that is not completely developed; a better one is illustrated in Fig. XVII in Pénzes 1939). Therefore, the taxonomical circumscription of H. jankae does not correspond at all to the plants that were found. Summarily, H. penzesii is set apart from H. jankae, and its ranking with species seems to be more appropriate. NC – Nom. Florina, Pisoderi, northern slope of Kalo-Nero: road between Pisoderi and Ag. Germanos, 1900–2100 m (40°49'30''N 21°14'00''E), stony places with little Fagus populations, silicates, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 19.07.2016, Du-33658-1. Hieracium sparsum subsp. werneri (Szeląg) Greuter (Fig. 3) This taxon has been known so far only from Bulgaria, but it also grows in the Greek part of the Rhodope Mountains. It differs from subsp. sparsiceps (Zahn) Zahn by a greater number of cauline leaves (Szeląg 2006). NC – Nom. Florina, Pisoderi, northern slope of Kalo-Nero: road between Pisoderi and Ag. Germanos, 1900–2100 m 222 Dunkel, F. & al. • Hieracium and Pilosella taxa, new for the Greek flora (40°49'30''N 21°14'00''E), stony places with little Fagus populations, silicates, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 19.07.2016, Du-336591/2, Go-66728. NC – Nom. Florina, Pisoderi, northern slope of Kalo-Nero: road between Pisoderi and Ag. Germanos, 1900–2100 m (40°49'30''N 21°14'00''E), stony places with little Fagus populations, silicates, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 19.07.2016, Du33618-1; NE – Nom. Xanthi, between Livaditis and Kallithea, 1160– 1245 m (41°18'37''N 24°40'08''E), granite rocks, Fagus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 13.08.2012, Du-29537+40-1+3, Go59539a; NE – Nom. Xanthi, Stavroupoli, 2,2 km NE Livaditis, road to Dasiko Chorio, 1177 m (41°18'48''N 24°41'35''E), margin of Fagus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel., 28.07.2016, Du-33719-1, Go-66681; NE – Nom. Xanthi, above Kallithea, 1350 m (41°18'19''N 24°43'31''E), tinned-out Fagus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68197; NE – Nom. Xanthi, above Kallithea, 1250 m (41°17'19''N 24°44'19''E), Pinus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68184; Fig. 3: Hieracium sparsum subsp. werneri (Go-68197). NE – Nom. Xanthi, above Kallithea, 1145 m (41°16'11''N 24°45'39''E), Genista shrubbery, granite, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Go-68168, Du-34632. Hieracium subnitens Zahn (Fig. 4) This species has been treated as H. sparsum subsp. subnitens in the Euro+Med Plantbase. However, the shape either of basal or stem leaves differs strongly from all taxa of H. sparsum (see Fig. 21 in Szeląg 2015). The entire plant looks like a relative of the Central European H. lachenalii. Therefore, we contend for the original rank of species. NE – Nom. Serres, road to Leilias, 3,2 km NNW Oreini, 1560 m (41°14'55''N 23°33'41''E), Pinus-Fagus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 28.07.2016, Du-33744-1+33748-1/2, Go-66718; NE – Nom. Serres, road to Leilias, 1500 m (41°14'55''N 23°34'41''E), slope along the road, Fagus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 17.07.2017, Go-68329, Du-34762, Hier. Eur. Sel. Fig. 4: Hieracium subnitens (Du-34762, Go-68329). Phytol. Balcan. 24(2) • Sofia • 2018 223 Hieracium villosum Jacq. (Fig. 5) 2016). Therefore, the hybrid, P. biglana, was expected in Greece, too, and could now be confirmed for the country. H. villosum is well known in the Alps and also occurs on the Balkan Peninsula. From Albania, there have been several historically known but only one recent collection adjacent to the Greek border (Gottschlich & Barina 2017:129). Thus, the occurrence of H. villosum on Mt Gramos is not surprising. NPI – Nom. Kastoria, Mt. Gramos, western slope above village Gramos, 1900 m (40°20'N 20°48'E), calcareous grassy slopes, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 11.07.2017, Go68091, Du-34503, Hier. Eur. Sel. Pilosella biglana (Bornm. & Zahn) S. Bräut. & Greuter NC – Nom. Florina, Kalo Nero, northern slope → Pisoderi → Ag.Germanos, 4,35 km N Pisoderi, 1963 m (40°49'38''N 21°14'00''E), dry grassland, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 19.07.2016, Du-33626-1+3+4, Go-66650; NC – Nom. Kozáni, Piéria, between Katafigi and summit, 1620 m (40°16'10''N 22°09'21''E), thinned-out Pinus forest with abundant Vaccinium, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 13.07.2017, Go-68138; NE – Nom. Xanthi, above Kallithea, 1250 m (41°17'19''N 24°44'19''E), Pinus forest, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 14.07.2017, Du-34590. Pilosella cymosiformis (Froel.) Gottschl. P. pavichii and P. leucopsilon (= Hieracium hoppeanum subsp. testimoniale) are common species in North Greece. P. leucopsilon seems to be always sexual; P. pavichii either sexual or apomictic (Krahulcova & al. P. cymosiformis (= H. fallax auct. non Willd., Gottschlich 2013) is interpreted as an intermediate species “echioides – cymosa”. Records from Hungary, Serbia and Romania are very scanty. NE – Nom. Xanthi, Nestos E Polisiko, 170 m (41°18'43''N 24°28'38''E), rock face, leg. F.G. Dunkel & G. Gottschlich, 15.07.2017, Go-68218, Du-34650. Pilosella serbica (F.W.Schultz & Sch.Bip.) Szeląg ≡ Pilosella alpicola var. serbica F.W.Schultz & Sch.Bip. = Hieracium alpicola subsp. glandulifolium Nägeli & Peter Fig. 5: Hieracium villosum (Du-34503, Go-68091). The Pilosella alpicola group comprises four vicariant species of perennial herbs (Szeląg 2008, Šingliarová & Mráz 2009) characterized by their large capitula with a silky hairy involucrum. Recent studies have shown that the taxa of this group are very closely related and diverged relatively recently, but morphologically are well defined (Šingliarová & al. 2011). At the Greek site, P. serbica grows among large populations of P. rhodopea (Rchb.) Szeląg. The former differs from P. rhodopea by black, up to 0.5 mm long glandular and sparse to scattered 3–4 mm long, simple hairs instead of dark-grey, up to 3 mm long glandular hairs and sparse, 2–3 mm long simple hairs at the peduncles. Both taxa display contrasting cytogeographic patterns with different cytotypes. P. serbica is diploid and outcrossing. It has only been known from Montenegro and Serbia. The Balkan taxon P. rhodopea 224 Dunkel, F. & al. • Hieracium and Pilosella taxa, new for the Greek flora (Griseb.) Szeląg represents a unique diploid-polyploid complex with up to five cytotypes (diploids to hexaploids) (Šingliarová & al. 2011). NE – Nom. Pellis, Monte Vóras (Kajmakčalan) – on the way to the summit, 2155 m, (40°54'55''N 21°48'10''E), alpine stony grassland on silicate soil, leg. F.G. Dunkel, 21.07.2016, Du33574. Acknowlegdements. The authors are grateful to Dr. V. Dvořak of the Vlastivědné Museum in Olumouci for providing a scan of H. subnitens from the OLM herbarium and to Prof. Dr. Z. Szeląg of Kraków, who confirmed our record of H. crinitopannosum. For the organization of a permit for collecting wild flowers in Greece, warm thanks go to Prof. Dr. P. Dimopoulos of the University of Patras, the Flora of Greece Project, and the Ministry for Environment and Energy, Directorate of Forest Management (Document No. 157299/1403/16-6-2017). Sincere thanks are extended to Prof. Dr. L. Meierott, Gerbrunn and Dr. T. Gregor, Schlitz for the permission to include their records from the Rhodope Mountains. The authors highly appreciate the assistance of Maria Lehmann for improving the English text. Gottschlich, G., Drenckhahn, D. & Meierott, L. 2006. Hieracium greuteri (Compositae), a local endemic of N Peloponnisos (Greece). – Willdenowia, 36: 351-356. Gottschlich, G., Dunkel, F.G. & Meierott, L. 2014. 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