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Academia Oncology, 2024
Wnt/beta catenin and EGFR/PI3K/AKT are signaling pathways frequently activated in cancer. The first is related to epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) phenomena and the second to the processes of cell proliferation, invasion and mobility. Cervical adenocarcinoma and its possible precursor, adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS), are aggressive tumors that are difficult to diagnose early. For these reasons, the activity of the aforementioned pathways was investigated in relation to the mechanisms of invasion of cervical adenocarcinomas. High-risk HPV-related adenocarcinomas (HPVA) were selected from surgical materials and biopsies from the archive of the Hospital de Clínicas de C.A.B.A, Argentina. To select HPVA, HPV typing was performed using PCR. The two signaling pathways were analyzed by immunohistochemistry, using antibodies against Vimentin, α Smooth Muscle Actin (αSMA), β-Catenin, EGFR, PI3K and AKT. EMT markers (αSMA and Vimentin) were negative in adenocarcinomas; Vimentin was expressed in 13/55 of the AIS. Components of the ERGR/PI3K/AKT pathway were expressed in adenocarcinomas (EGFR: 70%, PI3K 47%, AKT 67%) and AIS (EGFR: 33%, PI3K 51%, AKT 54%). 47% of adenocarcinomas and 32% of AIS showed full activation of the EGFR/PI3K/AKT pathway. The action of HR-HPVE6 destabilizing intercellular junctions, and the activation of AKT would explain the mobility and invasiveness of cervical adenocarcinoma cells, independently of the EMT phenomenon. Keywords: Adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix, Epithelial-mesenchymal transition, EGFR/PI3K/AKT pathway
Orbis Ferrorum - Gesellschaft zur interdisziplinären Erforschung der Eisenzeit Vienna - THEETRUSCANCONNECTION, 2024
Eastern Alpine Situla art, which flourished between 650 and 450 BC, is a little-known, rich figurative tradition at the interface between the rich narrative art of Etruria and the iconographic desert of Central Europe. A remarkable and sophisticated appropriation of Mediterranean imagery by Situla artists concerns hybrid feline creatures (winged lions and sphinxes) that devour humans and animals. These monsters live mainly in a mythological Otherworld, where they are occasionally threatened by heroes. Although they are obviously connoted as hated demons, they also play a crucial role in the iconography of rebirth and redemption. The adoption of Mediterranean monsters and mythology by craftsmen and their patrons in Alpine and even transalpine communities shows that cultural contacts between the Mediterranean and Central Europe in the early Iron Age were about much more than the acquisition of prestige goods by elites. Die ostalpine Situla-Kunst, die zwischen 650 und 450 v. Chr. aufblühte, ist eine wenig bekannte, reiche figurative Tradition an der Schnittstelle zwischen der reichen erzählerischen Kunst Etruriens und der ikonografischen Wüste Mitteleuropas. Eine bemerkenswerte und raffinierte Aneignung mediterraner Bilder durch die Künstler der Situla-Kunst betrifft hybride Katzenwesen (geflügelte Löwen und Sphinxen), die Menschen und Tiere verschlingen. Diese Ungeheuer leben hauptsächlich in einer mythologischen Anderswelt, wo sie gelegentlich von Helden bedroht werden. Obwohl sie offensichtlich als verhasste Dämonen konnotiert sind, spielen sie auch eine entscheidende Rolle in der Ikonographie der Wiedergeburt und Erlösung. Die Übernahme mediterraner Monster und Mythologie durch Handwerker und ihre Auftraggeber in alpinen und sogar transalpinen Gemeinschaften zeigt, dass es bei den kulturellen Kontakten zwischen dem Mittelmeerraum und Mitteleuropa in der frühen Eisenzeit um weit mehr ging als um den Erwerb von Prestigegütern durch Eliten.
Triptiek uit Granada van Dieric Bouts, iconografische analyse (zicht op 2de stadswal rond Leuven), 2024
Triptiek uit Granada met de Kruisafneming, Dieric Bouts, begin 2de helft 15de eeuw. Poging tot identificatie van Leuvense referentiepunten in het landschap op de achtergrond en van het begrijpen van de boodschap van dit beeld, aug. 2024, dankzij macrofotografie.
Ancient Origins, 2024
The article summarizes the challenges that the Minoan script provides its aspiring glyph-breakers with and the strategies that my Team and I implemented, over the years, to better understand this elusive writing system. In particular, we tried to develop a completely unbiased approach, without any 'wild guess' inherent in the possible language (commonly called 'Minoan') 'hidden' behind Linear A. To do that, we needed to avail ourselves of cryptanalytic techniques historically used to break man-made crypto-systems, with an unavoidable and very strong computational approach. Undeciphered writing systems, despite being invented to facilitate (written) communication, became, over time, with the loss of their knowledge by speakers and people able to read and understand them, unintended crypto-systems. Attempts at deciphering them through Cryptanalysis (the branch of Cryptology - opposed to Cryptography - dealing with the decryption of ciphers) are, therefore, quite reasonable and often represent the only possible solution. In our case, we decided to implement a cryptanalytic 'brute force attack' aimed at systematically testing all the possible Linear A syllabograms against all the possible phonetic values from geographically and chronologically compatible (and deciphered) languages from the Aegean, the Mediterranean, and surrounding areas, looking for plausibly significant phonetic and phonological matches.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies
Jacobin, 2024
This paper explores teacher preparedness for the competency-based curriculum in Kenya. Competency based curriculum was introduce to Kenya’s Education system in 2016 as a pilot of curriculum to be rolled out under 2-6-33-3 education system that is replacing the three decades old 8-4-4 system. The new curriculum is seen by many as a panacea to the problem of graduate employability in Kenya. The 8-4-4 graduates have been blamed for lacking relevant job skills. Competency based curriculum aims at engaging learners in applying knowledge through demonstration as opposed to content overload. This study focused on early grade primary teacher’s preparedness to successfully implement the competency-based curriculum. Concerns have been raised at the pilot stages on the capacity of those implementers. StuffleBeam’s CIPP curriculum Evaluation model was used to interrogate the CBC as currently implemented. The objectives of the study were to find out early grade Education teacher’s understanding ...
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Corregidor, 2023
Religion & Theology, 2024
African Anthropologist, 2004
Water International, 2021
Scientific opinion: Economics and Management
Molecules, 2021
Tetrahedron Letters, 1998
Journal of medical microbiology, 2018
Cuadernos de Administración, 2011