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AI-generated Abstract
This paper investigates the function approximation capabilities of neural networks, with a focus on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) networks. It presents methods for generating function data, utilizing MATLAB and SIMULINK for simulations, and assessing the performance of the neural network approximations against known functions. The results indicate that MLP networks can effectively approximate continuous functions, especially within defined intervals and under certain conditions.
I used to thought that BP Neural Networks algorithm belongs to supervised learning, however, after learned about Sparse Autoencoder algorithm, I realized it can also be used for unsupervised learning (use the unlabeled data itself as both input and output). BP neural networks is the base of a lot of other advanced neural networks algorithm, it is easy, but powerful. NEURON AND NEURAL NETWORKS Neural networks is built by certain amount of computational units, each of these unit is called a 'Neuron', the reason of using these biological words is that, neuroscientists told us how our brains work, and we are trying to mimic part of a brain, make machines more powerful. First we did, as usual, establish an ideal model which describe the neural system, and our definition of neuron is something like this: Neuron is an unit which have inputs and outputs, accompanies with each inputs, there is a weight that decide how this input value distributes, means what percentage of this input value will be taken by each neuron. For the above neuron, the input is W1 * X1 + W2 * X2 + W3 * X3 + 1 * b, sometimes, we also treat this bias b as W0, and set X0 always has the value +1, so the input can also be written as W T X. What about the output? The output is output = f(input), we call this f() as activation function, here, I'll use sigmoid function as the activation function (sure you can use tanh() as well, as I said in the Logistic Regression post), that is, O1 = O2 = O3 = sigmoid(W T X). If we have multi-neurons, we get a neural network, a simple example is like this: In this particular case, we say we have 3 layers in the network, 1 input layer (L1), 1 hidden layer (L2), and 1 output layer (L3). In both input layer and hidden layer, we have a " +1 " unit, we call these bias units, we can either count bias as one of the neuron in its layer or not counting it, this is depend on how you implement the neural networks algorithm. See the rightmost of this network, the output of output layer h W,b(x), means the value of output that calculated using current weight W and b, this is exactly the same as Linear regression and Logistic regression.
Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 1998
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2005
Training multilayer neural networks is typically carried out using descent techniques such as the gradient-based backpropagation (BP) of error or the quasi-Newton approaches including the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. This is basically due to the fact that there are no analytical methods to find the optimal weights, so iterative local or global optimization techniques are necessary. The success of iterative optimization procedures is strictly dependent on the initial conditions, therefore, in this paper, we devise a principled novel method of backpropagating the desired response through the layers of a multilayer perceptron (MLP), which enables us to accurately initialize these neural networks in the minimum mean-square-error sense, using the analytic linear least squares solution. The generated solution can be used as an initial condition to standard iterative optimization algorithms. However, simulations demonstrate that in most cases, the performance achieved through the proposed initialization scheme leaves little room for further improvement in the mean-square-error (MSE) over the training set. In addition, the performance of the network optimized with the proposed approach also generalizes well to testing data. A rigorous derivation of the initialization algorithm is presented and its high performance is verified with a number of benchmark training problems including chaotic time-series prediction, classification, and nonlinear system identification with MLPs. Index Terms-Approximate least-squares training of multilayer perceptrons (MLPs), backpropagation (BP) of desired response, neural network initialization. I. INTRODUCTION A LTHOUGH examples of neural networks have appeared in the literature as possible function approximation and adaptive filtering tools as early as 1950s [1]-[5], due to the Manuscript
Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering
The study of the influence of learning speed (η) on the learning process of a multilayer neural network is carried out. The program for a multilayer neural network was written in Python. The learning speed is considered as a constant value and its optimal value at which the best learning is achieved is determined. To analyze the impact of learning speed, a logistic function, which describes the learning process, is used. It is shown that the learning error function is characterized by bifurcation processes that lead to a chaotic state at η> 0.8. The optimal value of the learning speed is determined. The value determines the appearance of the process of doubling the number of local minima, and is η = 0.62 for a three-layer neural network with 4 neurons in each layer. Increasing the number of hidden layers (3 ÷ 30) and the number of neurons in each layer (4 ÷ 150) does not lead to a radical change in the diagram of the logistic function (xn, η), and hence, in the optimal value of t...
A mathematical model of architecture and learning processes of multilayer artificial neural netwoks is discussed in the paper. Dynamical systems theory is used to describe the learning precess of networks consisting of linear, weakly nonlinear and nonlinear neurons. Conjugacy between a gradient dynamical system with a constant time step and a cascade generated by its Euler method theorem is applied as well.
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 2007
A neural network is a collection of neurons that are interconnected and interactive through signal processing operations. The traditional term "neural network" refers to a biological neural network, i.e., a network of biological neurons. The modern meaning of this term also includes artificial neural networks, built of artificial neurons or nodes. Machine learning includes adaptive mechanisms that allow computers to learn from experience, learn by example and by analogy. Learning opportunities can improve the performance of an intelligent system over time. One of the most popular approaches to machine learning is artificial neural networks. An artificial neural network consists of several very simple and interconnected processors, called neurons, which are based on modeling biological neurons in the brain. Neurons are connected by calculated connections that pass signals from one neuron to another. Each connection has a numerical weight associated with it. Weights are the basis of long-term memory in artificial neural networks. They express strength or importance for each neuron input. An artificial neural network "learns" through repeated adjustments of these weights.
Neural networks consist of a large class of different architectures. In many cases, the issue is approximating a static nonlinear, mapping ( )
The most useful neural networks in function approximation are Multilayer Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) networks. Here we concentrate on MLP networks.
A MLP consists of an input layer, several hidden layers, and an output layer. Node i, also called a neuron, in a MLP network is shown in Fig. 1. It includes a summer and a nonlinear activation function g.
Figure 1
Single node in a MLP network. the neuron are multiplied by weights ki w and summed up together with the constant bias term i θ . The resulting i n is the input to the activation function g. The activation function was originally chosen to be a relay function, but for mathematical convenience a hyberbolic tangent (tanh) or a sigmoid function are most commonly used.
Connecting several nodes in parallel and series, a MLP network is formed. A typical network is shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2
') gi=input('Strike any key to continue......'); % Maximum fitting error Maxfiterror = max(max(z-a)) Maxfiterror = 0.1116
Input layer Hidden layer Output layer
From (3) we can conclude that a MLP network is a nonlinear parameterized map from input space K ∈ x R to output space m ∈ y R (here m = 3). The parameters are the weights k ji w and the biases k j θ . Activation functions g are usually assumed to be the same in each layer and known in advance. In the figure the same activation function g is used in all layers. The procedure goes as follows. First the designer has to fix the structure of the MLP network architecture: the number of hidden layers and neurons (nodes) in each layer. The activation functions for each layer are also chosen at this stage, that is, they are assumed to be known. The unknown parameters to be estimated are the weights and biases, ( )
Many algorithms exist for determining the network parameters. In neural network literature the algorithms are called learning or teaching algorithms, in system identification they belong to parameter estimation algorithms. The most well-known are back-propagation and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms. Back-propagation is a gradient based algorithm, which has many variants. Levenberg-Marquardt is usually more efficient, but needs more computer memory. Here we will concentrate only on using the algorithms.
Summarizing the procedure of teaching algorithms for multilayer perceptron networks:
a. The structure of the network is first defined. In the network, activation functions are chosen and the network parameters, weights and biases, are initialized. b. The parameters associated with the training algorithm like error goal, maximum number of epochs (iterations), etc, are defined. c. The training algorithm is called. d. After the neural network has been determined, the result is first tested by simulating the output of the neural network with the measured input data. This is compared with the measured outputs. Final validation must be carried out with independent data.
The MATLAB commands used in the procedure are newff, train and sim. Default parameter values for the algorithms are assumed and are hidden from the user. They need not be adjusted in the first trials. Initial values of the parameters are automatically generated by the command. Observe that their generation is random and therefore the answer might be different if the algorithm is repeated.
After initializing the network, the network training is originated using train command. The resulting MLP network is called net1.
The arguments are: net, the initial MLP network generated by newff, x, measured input vector of dimension K and y measured output vector of dimension m.
To test how well the resulting MLP net1 approximates the data, sim command is applied. The measured output is y. The output of the MLP network is simulated with sim command and called ytest.
( 1, ) The goal is still far away after 1000 iterations (epochs).
REMARK 1: If you cannot observe exactly the same numbers or the same performance, this is not surprising. The reason is that newff uses random number generator in creating the initial values for the network weights. Therefore the initial network will be different even when exactly the same commands are used.
It is also clear that even if more iterations will be performed, no improvement is in store. Let us still check how the neural network approximation looks like.
% Simulate how good a result is achieved: Input is the same input vector P. % Output is the output of the neural network, which should be compared with output data a= sim(net1,P); % Plot result and compare plot(P,a-T, P,T); grid;
The fit is quite bad, especially in the beginning. What is there to do? Two things are apparent. With all neural network problems we face the question of determining the reasonable, if not optimum, size of the network. Let us make the size of the network bigger. This brings in also more network parameters, so we have to keep in mind that there are more data points than network parameters. The other thing, which could be done, is to improve the training algorithm performance or even change the algorithm. We'll return to this question shortly.
Increase the size of the network: Use 20 nodes in the first hidden layer.
Otherwise apply the same algorithm parameters and start the training process. The error goal of 0.001 is not reached now either, but the situation has improved significantly.
From the convergence curve we can deduce that there would still be a chance to improve the network parameters by increasing the number of iterations (epochs). Since the backpropagation (gradient) algorithm is known to be slow, we will try next a more efficient training algorithm.
Try Levenberg-Marquardt -trainlm. Use also smaller size of network -10 nodes in the first hidden layer. The convergence is shown in the figure.
Performance is now according to the tolerance specification. It is clear that L-M algorithm is significantly faster and preferable method to back-propagation. Note that depending on the initialization the algorithm converges slower or faster.
There is also a question about the fit: should all the dips and abnormalities be taken into account or are they more result of poor, noisy data.
When the function is fairly flat, then multilayer perception network seems to have problems.
Try simulating with independent data. x1=0:0.01:2; P1=x1;y1=humps(x1); T1=y1; a1= sim(net1,P1); plot(P1,a-a1,P1,T1,P,T)
If in between the training data points are used, the error remains small and we cannot see very much difference with the figure above. Such data is called test data. Another observation could be that in the case of a fairly flat area, neural networks have more difficulty than with more varying data.
Here we would like to find a function, which fits the 41 data points using a radial basis network.
A radial basis network is a network with two layers. It consists of a hidden layer of radial basis neurons and an output layer of linear neurons.
Here is a typical shape of a radial basis transfer function used by the hidden layer: p = -3:.1:3; a = radbas(p); plot(p,a)
The weights and biases of each neuron in the hidden layer define the position and width of a radial basis function.
Each linear output neuron forms a weighted sum of these radial basis functions. With the correct weight and bias values for each layer, and enough hidden neurons, a radial basis network can fit any function with any desired accuracy.
We can use the function newrb to quickly create a radial basis network, which approximates the function at these data points.
From MATLAB help command we have the following description of the algorithm. Initially the RADBAS layer has no neurons. The following steps are repeated until the network's mean squared error falls below GOAL.
1) The network is simulated 2) The input vector with the greatest error is found 3) A RADBAS neuron is added with weights equal to that vector. 4) The PURELIN layer weights are redesigned to minimize error.
Generate data as before x = 0:.05:2; y=humps(x); P=x; T=y;
The simplest form of newrb command is
For humps the network training leads to singularity and therefore difficulties in training.
Simulate and plot the result a= sim(net1,P); plot(P,T-a,P,T)
The plot shows that the network approximates humps but the error is quite large. The problem is that the default values of the two parameters of the network are not very good. Default values are goalmean squared error goal = 0.0, spread -spread of radial basis functions = 1.0.
In our example choose goal = 0.02 and spread = 0.1. The problem in the first case was too large a spread (default = 1.0), which will lead to too sparse a solution. The learning algorithm requires matrix inversion and therefore the problem with singularity. By better choice of spread parameter result is quite good.
Test also the other algorithms, which are related to radial base function or similar networks NEWRBE, NEWGRNN, NEWPNN.
EXAMPLE 2. Consider a surface described by z = cos (x) sin (y) defined on a square − ≤ ≤ − ≤ ≤ 2 2 2 2 x y , .
a) Plot the surface z as a function of x and y. This is a demo function in MATLAB, so you can also find it there. b) Design a neural network, which will fit the data. You should study different alternatives and test the final result by studying the fitting error.
Generate data The result looks satisfactory, but a closer examination reveals that in certain areas the approximation is not so good. This can be seen better by drawing the error surface. Depending on the computing power of your computer the error tolerance can be made stricter, say 10 -5 . The convergence now takes considerably more time and is shown below.
Producing the simulated results gives the following results EXAMPLE 3: Consider Bessel functions J α (t), which are solutions of the differential equation 0 ) (
Use backpropagation network to approximate first order Bessel function J 1 , α=1, when t ∈ [0,20]. a) Plot J 1 (t). b) Try different structures to for fitting. Start with a two-layer network. You might also need different learning algorithms.
1. First generate the data.
MATLAB has Bessel functions as MATLAB functions.
Questions about simulation:
a. Generate data in appropriate range for f(x) and fit a neural network on the data. b. Simulate system response for exact f(x) and the neural network approximation. Use different initial conditions. Compare the results.
Continuation from problem 1: We have verified in SIMULINK that the neural network approximation is good. Use it in the differential equation simulation.
PROBLEM 6. Fit a multilayer perceptron network on y = 2x.
Prune the network size with NNSYSID.
x=0:0 The topology function TFCN can be HEXTOP, GRIDTOP, or RANDTOP. The distance function can be LINKDIST, DIST, or MANDIST.
Since the error is fairly significant, let's reduce it by doubling the nodes in the first hidden layer to 20 and decreasing the error tolerance to 10 -4 . After plotting this results in the following figure.
The result is considerably better, although it would still require improvement. This is left as further exercise to the reader. Apply vector notation
First construct a Simulink model of Van der Pol system. It is shown below. Call it vdpol.
Recall that initial conditions can be defined by opening the integrators. For example the initial condition x 1 (0) = 2 is given by opening the corresponding integrator.
Use initial condition x 1 (0) = 1, x 2 (0) = 1. = 50; = 0.05;net.trainParam.epochs = 1000;net.trainParam.goal = 1e-3; %Train network net1 = train(net, P, T);gi=input(' Strike any key...'); TRAINLM, Epoch 0/300, MSE 4.97149/0.001, Gradient 340.158/1e-010 TRAINLM, Epoch 50/300, MSE 0.0292219/0.001, Gradient 0.592274/1e-010 TRAINLM, Epoch 100/300, MSE 0.0220738/0.001, Gradient 0.777432/1e-010 TRAINLM, Epoch 150/300, MSE 0.0216339/0.001, Gradient 1.17908/1e-010 TRAINLM, Epoch 200/300, MSE 0.0215625/0.001, Gradient 0.644787/1e-010 TRAINLM, Epoch 250/300, MSE 0.0215245/0.001, Gradient 0.422469 The result is not very good, so let's try to improve it.
Using 20 nodes in the hidden layer gives a much better result. The result is displayed in the following figure.
The result is comparable with the previous one.
Try also other initial conditions. If x 1 (0) = 2, and another net is fitted, with exactly the same procedure, the result is shown in the following figure.
It is apparent that for a new initial condition, a new neural network is needed to approximate the result. This is neither very economic nor practical procedure. In example 6, a more general procedure is presented, which is often called hybrid model. The right-hand side of the state equation, or part of it, is approximated with a neural network and the resulting, approximating state-space model is solved. EXAMPLE 5. Solve linear differential equation in the interval [0, 10].
is a unit step. The initial conditions are assumed to be zero. Assume also that the step takes place at t = 0 s. (In Simulink the default value is 1 s.). The output x(t) is your data. Fit multilayer perceptron and radial basis function networks on the data and compare the result with the original data. Add noise to the data and do the fit. Does neural network filter data? SOLUTION: Set up the SIMULINK configuration for the system. Call it linearsec. In simulation use fixed step, because then the number of simulation points remains in better control. If variable-step methods are used, automatic step-size control usually generates more data points than you want.
Go to MATLAB Command window. Simulate and plot the result.
for different initial conditions. Function y = f(x) is has been measured and you must first fit a neural network on the data. Use both backpropagation and radial basis function networks. The data is generated using y=f(x)=sin(x).
-5.0000 0.9589 -4.6000 0.9937 -4.2000 0.8716 -3.8000 0.6119 -3.4000 0.2555 -3.0000 -0.1411 -2.6000 -0.5155 -2.2000 -0.8085 -1.8000 -0.9738 -1.4000 -0.9854 -1.0000 -0.8415 -0.6000 -0.5646 -0.2000 -0.1987 0.2000 0.1987 Instead of typing the data generate it with the following SIMULINK model shown below.
When you use workspace blocks, choose Matrix Save format. Open To workspace block and choose Matrix in the Menu and click OK. In this way the data is available in Command side.
The simulation parameters are chosen from simulation menu given below, fixed-step method, step size = 0.2. Observe also the start and stop times. SIMULINK can be used to generate handily data. This could also be done on the command side. Think of how to do it. %Define parameters = 50; = 0.05;net.trainParam.epochs = 500;%Train network net1 = train(net,P,T); TRAINLM, Epoch 0/500, MSE 15.6185/0.001, Gradient 628.19/1e-010 TRAINLM, Epoch 3/500, MSE 0.000352872/0.001, Gradient 0.0423767/1e-010 TRAINLM, Performance goal met.
The figure below shows convergence. The error goal is reached.
The result of the approximation by multilayer perceptron network is shown below together with the error.
a=sim(net1,P); plot (P,a,P,a-T,P,T)
There is still some error, but let us proceed. Now we are ready to tackle the problem of solving the hybrid problem in SIMULINK. In order to move from the command side to SIMULINK use command gensim. This will transfer the information about the neural network to SIMULINK and at the same time it automatically generates a SIMULINK file with the neural network block. The second argument is used to define sampling time. For continuous sampling the value is -1.
If you open the Neural Network block, you can see more details.
Open Layer 1. You'll see the usual block diagram representation of Neural Network Toolbox. In our examples, Delays block is unity map, i.e., no delays are in use.
Open also the weight block. The figure that you see is shown below. The number of nodes has been reduced to 5, so that the figure fits on the page. In the example we have 20.
The result is plotted below. plot (tout,yout,tout,yhybrid) title ('Nonlinear system'); xlabel('Time in secs'); ylabel('Output of the real system and the hybrid system'); grid;
Careful study shows that some error remains. Further improvement can be obtained either by adding the network size or e.g. tightening the error tolerance bound.
If the data is noise corrupted the procedure is the same, except that it is recommended that data preprocessing is performed. The data is shown below.
The following SIMULINK model shown below is configured to simulate noise-corrupted data.
The result of the approximation by multilayer perceptron network is shown below together with the error.
As can be seen in the figure, there is still error, but since the given data is noisy, we are reasonably happy with the fit. Preprocessing of data, using e.g. filtering, should be carried out before neural network fitting. Now we are ready to tackle the problem of solving the hybrid problem in SIMULINK. Again use command gensim.
gensim (net1,-1) To convince ourselves that the block generated with gensim really approximates the given data, we'll feed in values of x in the range [-6,6]. Use the following SIMULINK configuration for comparison. What has not been studied is how well they suit for approximating hard nonlinearities.
Use SIMULINK to generate input-output data for a. saturation nonlinearity and b. relay.
Determine, which neural network structure would be best for the above. HINT: For deadzone nonlinearity the data generation can be done using sin-function input for appropriate time interval.
PROBLEM 5. A system is described by a first order difference equation
c. Generate data in appropriate range for f(u) and fit a neural network on the data. d. Simulate the system response for exact f(u) and the neural network approximation.
Compare the results. Initial condition could be zero. Input can be assumed to be noise.
The input vectors defined below are distributed over a 2-dimension input space varying over [0 2] and [0 1]. This data will be used to train a SOM with dimensions [3 5]. Here the SOM is trained and the input vectors are plotted with the map which the SOM's weights has formed. net = train(net,P); plot(P(1,:),P(2,:), '.g','markersize',20) hold on plotsom (net.iw{1,1},net.layers{1}.distances) hold off
SOMs consist of a single layer with the NEGDIST weight function, NETSUM net input function and the COMPET transfer function.
The layer has a weight from the input, but no bias. The weight is initialized with MIDPOINT.
Adaptation and training are done with ADAPTWB and TRAINWB1, which both update the weight with LEARNSOM.
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