Open access
Sarah Esther Diaz-Oliva
,1 Idalmis Aguilera-Matos
Oscar Manuel Villa Jiménez
,2 Angel A Escobedo
To cite: Diaz-Oliva SE,
Aguilera-Matos I,
Villa Jiménez OM, et al.
Oesophageal eosinophilia
and oesophageal diseases
in children: are the limits
clear? BMJ Paediatrics Open
2020;4:e000680. doi:10.1136/
Received 30 April 2020
Revised 1 July 2020
Accepted 5 July 2020
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2020. Re-use
permitted under CC BY-NC. No
commercial re-use. See rights
and permissions. Published by
Pediatric Gastroentrology,
Institute of Gastroenterology,
Havana, Cuba
Institute of Gastroenterology,
Havana, Cuba
Research department,
Epidemiology, Institute of
Gastroenterology, Havana, Cuba
Correspondence to
Dr Sarah Esther Diaz-Oliva;
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, eosinophilic
oesophagitis and oesophageal motility disorders are
among the most common diseases accompanying
oesophageal eosinophilia. They have similarities and their
limits are frequently not well defined. This article reviews
the main characteristics relating to their similarities and
differences, highlighting existing controversies among
these diseases, in addition to current knowledge. In
the case of a patient with symptoms of oesophageal
dysfunction, it is suggested to carry out an integral
analysis of the clinical features and diagnostic test results,
including histology, while individualising each case before
confirming a definitive diagnosis. Future investigation in
paediatric patients is necessary to assess eosinophilic
infiltration in the various layers of the oesophageal tissue,
along with its clinical and pathophysiological implications.
Under normal physiological conditions,
eosinophils are present throughout the
gastrointestinal tract distal to the squamous
oesophagus, so the oesophagus normally
lacks these.1 Several conditions are associated
with the infiltration of eosinophils within the
oesophagus, or oesophageal eosinophilia
(box 1), many of which are uncommon or
may present distinctive clinical characteristics.2 However, in the clinical setting, there
are some frequent oesophageal diseases
with the evidence of eosinophils presented
on oesophageal histology, such as gastrooesophageal reflux disease (GERD), eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), and even oesophageal motility disorders.
EoE is the most distinctive as it relates to
the presence of significant mucosal oesophageal eosinophilia, but other disorders must
be considered in the differential diagnosis.
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis with oesophageal
involvement should be evaluated with the
study of gastric and duodenal biopsy samples.
Hypereosinophilic syndrome should be
considered when the peripheral blood eosinophil count is ˃1500×109 cells/L. Children
who have inflammatory bowel disorders,
including coeliac disease or Crohn’s disease,
can have eosinophil-predominant oesophageal inflammation. A diagnosis of EoE is not
appropriate when another condition could
account for the histological changes. Treatment should be initiated for the presumed
primary aetiology, with monitoring of the
oesophageal inflammation. If oesophageal
eosinophilia persists after the primary disease
is controlled, EoE could be diagnosed as an
overlapping condition. EoE has also been
associated with connective tissue diseases,
perhaps due to a shared pathogenic mechanism. It can also present with other unrelated
medical conditions. Many other causes of
oesophageal eosinophilia are relatively rare
and can be excluded with a comprehensive
medical history and laboratory tests; however,
in the case of GERD, it can be more complex.
Also, there are various reports of association
of oesophageal eosinophilic infiltration and
oesophageal motility disorders, with recent
studies based on its pathophysiology.2 3 It is
to these three disorders (EoE, GERD and
oesophageal motility disorders) that we will
make reference to in this article, since they
are common diseases in clinical practice,
which can overlap and sometimes their limits
are not well defined. There have been some
consensuses and multiple investigations in
regards on these diseases separately, but
many aspects may still need to be clarified.
The intention of this review is to offer a joint
approach to these three conditions, with
many similarities and sometimes their limits
are not so well defined, emphasising their
main characteristics that make they may be
similar and be different.
EoE is a chronic, inflammatory, local
disease of immunological origin and mediated by antigens, usually food. Eosinophilic
Diaz-Oliva SE, et al. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4:e000680. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680
bmjpo: first published as 10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680 on 4 August 2020. Downloaded from on November 27, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Oesophageal eosinophilia and
oesophageal diseases in children: are
the limits clear?
Open access
► Eosinophilic oesophagitis
► Eosinophilic gastritis, gastroenteritis or colitis with oesophageal
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
Achalasia and other disorders of oesophageal involvement
Hypereosinophilic syndrome
Crohn’s disease with oesophageal involvement
Infections (fungal, viral)
Connective tissue disorders
Hypermobility syndromes
Autoimmune disorders and vasculitides
Dermatological conditions with oesophageal involvement
Drug hypersensitivity reactions
Pill oesophagitis
Graft-versus-host disease
Mendelian disorders (Marfan syndrome type II, hyper-IgE syndrome,
PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome, Netherton syndrome, severe atopy metabolic wasting syndrome)
infiltration of the oesophagus was initially described in
1978 in biopsies of a patient that was diagnosed with
achalasia.4 Eosinophilic infiltration was initially considered a consequence of GERD. It has been recognised as
a clinicopathological entity from a report made in 1993.5
Subsequently, the response to dietary therapy was identified.6 The general recognition of this new disorder was
in the current millennium, when it has been reported
in adults and children.7 8 It is predominantly inflammatory during childhood (inflammatory phenotype) and
with progression to fibrosis in adulthood (fibrostenosing
phenotype), characterised by signs and symptoms of
oesophageal dysfunction related to eosinophilic inflammation limited to the oesophagus.9 According to the
latest international consensus update on the diagnostic
criteria for EoE, suspicion of EoE was defined as symptoms of oesophageal dysfunction (concomitant atopic
conditions can increase suspicion of EoE) and at least
15 eosinophils/high-power field (hpf) or approximately
60 eosinophils/mm2 in oesophageal biopsy. Confirmed
EoE was defined as symptoms of oesophageal dysfunction and at least 15 eosinophils/hpf or approximately 60
eosinophils/mm2 on oesophageal biopsy (eosinophilic
infiltration should be limited to the oesophagus), after
evaluation for other causes of oesophageal eosinophilia.2
In this consensus, there is recognition that it is the same
disease in children and adults. The need to evaluate for
conditions that might contribute to oesophageal eosinophilia has been recognised. This allows the diagnosis of
EoE to coexist with that of GERD and other conditions.
The North American Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) and
European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) Clinical Practice Guidelines defines
GER as the passage of gastric contents into the oesophagus with or without regurgitation and vomiting. GERD
is when GER leads to troublesome symptoms and/or
complications.10 However, GERD shares symptoms and
complications with EoE, making it difficult to distinguish
these conditions. It also shares symptoms with some
motility disorders and both entities may be present in
the same patient. Therefore, a definition based on symptoms that can be shared with other conditions may not be
completely clear (table 1).
The diagnosis of oesophageal motility disorders is
based on alterations present in oesophageal manometry.
Conventional manometry has been gradually replaced by
high-resolution manometry (HRM), which is currently
the ‘gold standard’ for diagnosis. The Chicago Classification (CC), which defines oesophageal motility disorders,
was first published in 2008, and its last update was in 2015
(V.3.0).11 12 The CC provides uniformity in diagnoses,
consisting of a hierarchical analysis; it initially focuses
on disorders within oesophagogastric junction (OGJ)
outflow obstruction (achalasia, OGJ outflow obstruction),
later on major disorders of peristalsis (diffuse oesophageal spasm, Jackhammer oesophagus (JO), absent
contractility) and finally minor disorders of peristalsis
(ineffective motility, fragmented peristalsis).13 14 The CC
was based on manometric studies carried out in a healthy
adult population; therefore, it may have limitations in
the paediatric population. The limitation for obtaining
similar studies in a healthy paediatric population is an
ethical consideration.15 Studies have been carried out to
Table 1 Main similarities and differences between eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
(GERD) and oesophageal motility disorders in terms of concept and clinical aspects
Definition2 10 11
Symptoms are mentioned in both definitions and may be common. Some
complications of GERD are also common to EoE
Histology is important in EoE definition; in both diseases, there is
eosinophilia mucosa
Generally higher number of
Some complications are typical of
eosinophils on biopsy
GERD (Barrett’s oesophagus)
Clinical aspects
Symptomatology compatible (symptoms of oesophageal dysfunction)
More frequent history of atopy
There may also be atopy and respiratory manifestations
Oesophageal motility
Based mainly on manometric
parameters, so it does not
exclude other aspects
Diaz-Oliva SE, et al. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4:e000680. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680
bmjpo: first published as 10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680 on 4 August 2020. Downloaded from on November 27, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Box 1 Conditions associated with oesophageal
Open access
In paediatric patients, diagnostic guidance based on
symptoms is difficult, especially at younger ages, when
symptoms are more non-specific, and generally reported
by caregivers, and therefore depend on their interpretation.
EoE is suspected clinically when there are symptoms
of oesophageal dysfunction, which could manifest in
various ways, including dysphagia, food impaction, food
refusal, failure to progress with food introduction, heartburn, regurgitation, vomiting, chest pain, odynophagia,
abdominal pain and malnutrition. Atopic comorbidities
such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, or immediate food
allergies should increase the clinical index of suspicion.
In younger children, the most common symptoms are
those similar to GER, in addition to vomiting, abdominal
pain, food refusal and failure to thrive. In older children,
adolescents and adults, dysphagia to solids, food impaction and chest pain not associated with swallowing are
more frequently reported.17 Because these symptoms
are non-specific, patients should be treated as clinically
indicated. The diagnostic algorithm cannot anticipate all
clinical possibilities, and provides scope for appropriate
Among the most frequent symptoms that may be associated with GERD in infants and children are general
manifestations (irritability, food refusal, failure to thrive),
gastrointestinal manifestations (heartburn, regurgitation/vomiting, retrosternal chest pain, dysphagia,
epigastric pain) and manifestations of the airway (cough,
wheezing, stridor, apnoea episodes, asthma, pneumonia).10 18 19 Given that the symptoms of GERD are not
specific, ‘red flags’ or warning signs have been defined to
guide the need for research studies to rule out complications of GERD and underlying disorders with similar
symptoms. It should be noted that GER in infants is very
common, and is usually self-limiting. In the presence of
an infant with recurrent regurgitation, a thorough history
and physical examination with attention to warning
signals suggesting other diagnoses is generally sufficient
to establish a clinical diagnosis of uncomplicated infant
GER. In the absence of warning signs, diagnostic testing
and/or therapies including acid suppression are not
needed if there is no impact of the symptoms on feeding,
growth or acquisition of developmental milestones.
Referral to the paediatric gastroenterologist is recommended when in infants or children there are warning
signs or symptoms suggesting an underlying gastrointestinal disease.10
Oesophageal motility disorders also show a spectrum
of symptoms similar to EoE and GERD, including weight
loss (non-specific symptom predictive of abnormal
HRM), feeding difficulties, dysphagia, vomiting, manifestations of GERD, respiratory symptoms, chest pain,
failure to thrive, among others.20 More non-specific
symptoms are described in younger children, such as
vomiting, anorexia, chronic cough, which often delays
diagnosis.21 22 In oesophageal motility disorders, allergic
disorders have also been reported among the most
frequent comorbidities.15
Many of the clinical manifestations are similar in the
three entities (table 1), which makes clinical-based differential diagnosis difficult, and diagnostic procedures
should be performed when indicated.
Upper digestive endoscopy or oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) may have specific features but may also be
normal in EoE and GERD. (table 2)
In the EoE, an endoscopic reference score has been
developed: Edema, Rings, Exudates, Furrows, Strictures
that gives a score according to the degree of severity of
the finding.23 The findings of mucosa on crepe paper
and mucous friability are also described.7 24 25
In the case of GERD, it does not have a gold standard
test. EGD is recommended if the complications of GERD
need to be assessed and if underlying mucosal disease is
suspected before intensification of therapy. The probability of having erosive oesophagitis caused by reflux
varies from 15% to 71% between studies, so a normal
endoscopy does not necessarily rule out the possibility of
GERD.10 26 When GERD is erosive, the diagnosis of this
is facilitated, the most used classification is Los Angeles
classification.27 There are, of course, other complementary tests, such as pH-metry and multichannel intraluminal impedance to support the diagnosis of GERD in
necessary cases.
For the diagnosis of oesophageal motility disorders,
anatomic causes of the symptoms must have been
excluded by means of a contrast study of the oesophagus
and/or EGD.7 22 Therefore, EGD should be normal, which
does not exclude the presence of oesophageal disease. If
there is EoE or GERD, and oesophageal manometry is
performed, we can find the diagnosis of motor disorders
in these entities.
Although there are aspects that could help differentiate
GERD and EoE from the histological point of view, there
are some cases that are histologically indistinguishable
and both conditions can overlap (table 2). It is also more
complex if samples are only taken from the distal third of
the oesophagus, since this is the most affected in GERD,
while in EoE the entire oesophagus is affected in patches.
In addition, in severe cases of GERD, more proximal areas
can be affected.28 A study of EoE performed in paediatric
age showed a denser eosinophilic infiltrate in the distal
Diaz-Oliva SE, et al. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4:e000680. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680
bmjpo: first published as 10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680 on 4 August 2020. Downloaded from on November 27, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
evaluate manometric parameters in symptomatic children depending on factors such as oesophageal length
and age, but still without definitive conclusions.16 Being a
diagnosis based only on manometric alterations, it leaves
an open gap for other pathologies that could coexist.
Open access
Diagnostic tests
Upper digestive
Can be normal
Endoscopic reference score
(EREFS: Oedema, Rings,
Exudates, Furrows and
Los Angeles classification
for erosive oesophagitis;
stenosis, oesophageal
metaplasia, etc.
Involvement throughout the
Oesophageal motility
Organic causes of
dysphagia should be
Distal involvement
General features
Eosinophilic infiltration, basal cell hyperplasia, dilated
intercellular spaces, elongation of the papillae
Findings compatible with
GERD, with EoE and
eosinophilic infiltration of
Usually less, although in
some cases it can reach 15 the submucosa and the
muscularis propria have
been described
More intense in distal
Eosinophil number
≥15 eos/hpf
Location of eosinophil
Patched along the
Eosinophilic abscesses
Eosinophils degranulated Frequent
May be present
Damage and loss of
Useful if present
superficial squamous cells
Oesophageal manometry
It can be pathological
With alterations
EREFS, Edema, Rings, Exudates, Furrows, Strictures; hpf, high-power field.
oesophagus relative to the middle oesophagus.29 Eosinophil levels in EoE are reported to vary widely by patient,
in the same patient per biopsy sample and in the same
biopsy by hpf analysis.28 Therefore, in all cases where EoE
is a clinical possibility, even when visualising the normal
mucosa, multiple biopsy samples of two or more oesophageal levels, directed to areas of apparent inflammation,
are recommended to increase diagnostic performance.2
In the histological study, in addition to the peak of the
eosinophil count, a histological score (EoEHSS) has
been developed recently. This provides more histological
elements to evaluate EoE and has been shown to be superior in the diagnosis of EoE and in therapeutic decisionmaking.30–32
In GERD, the characteristic histological changes are:
polymorphonuclear leucocyte infiltrate, intraepithelial
eosinophils, hyperplasia of the basal area and elongation of the papillae.26 These changes are also mentioned
in EoE.25 The absence of histological changes does not
exclude GERD.10
No specific manometric pattern for EoE has been identified.33 Variable motor abnormalities, both hypocontractile and hypercontractile, were described with conventional oesophageal manometry.8 34 After the use of HRM
with CC, they have continued to report, even with a
favourable response to steroid therapy.35
In GERD, it is suggested to use manometric studies
when a motility disorder is suspected.10 The alterations
associated with GERD are dysfunction of the OGJ and
alterations in the motility of the oesophageal body,
mainly ineffective oesophageal motility.20 36 37
The association of motility disorders with oesophageal
eosinophilia in the different layers of the oesophagus
has been described for decades.8 In relation to achalasia,
the association with mucosal eosinophilia only (EoE) is
uncommon, but there are several publications about the
association with eosinophilic infiltration of the different
oesophageal tissues, especially muscularis propria.4 38–45
It is not clear when the motility disorder is due to
oesophageal eosinophilia or vice versa. In a study, a
decrease in oesophageal eosinophilia is described after
the therapy of motility disorder,33 or just clinical improvement.46 However, other authors reported a patients with
achalasia and EoE with a response to steroid therapy,47
mainly vigorous achalasia.44 45 Improvement of oesophageal eosinophilia has also been described with the use of
steroids in JO.48 49
Sato et al described the heterogeneous infiltration of
eosinophils in the oesophagus in the mucosa, submucosa
and muscularis propria. The presence of eosinophils in
the oesophageal muscle tissue is named as eosinophilic
oesophageal myositis, and was associated with hypercontractile oesophagus. In the oesophageal epithelium
of these patients, no increase in eosinophils or cytokine
Diaz-Oliva SE, et al. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4:e000680. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680
bmjpo: first published as 10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680 on 4 August 2020. Downloaded from on November 27, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 2 Some aspects of diagnostic test in eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and
oesophageal motility disorders
Open access
In managing infants with GERD, non-pharmacological
treatment such as avoiding overfeeding, thickened
feeds and continuous breast feeding in breastfed infant
are initially recommended. If there is no improvement,
consider 2–4 weeks of a protein hydrolysate or aminoacidbased formula, or in breastfed infant: elimination of
cow’s milk in maternal diet. In children and adolescents,
the initial recommendation is also lifestyle and dietary
education. If there is no improvement pharmacological
treatment is recommended: acid suppression for 4–8
weeks, preferably with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).
Refer to the paediatric gastroenterologist when patients
are refractory to optimal treatment and cannot be permanently weaned from pharmacological treatment within
6–12 months.10
GERD was previously distinguished from other diseases
and from EoE by clinical response to PPI therapy. Then,
it was found that there was a group that histologically met
the criteria for EoE but also responded to this treatment
and was termed PPI-responsive oesophageal eosinophilia
(PPI-REE). In the last diagnostic consensus of EoE, PPIREE was included in EoE because studies had shown that
it was the same disease.2 To understand this, it is necessary
to mention some aspects of the pathophysiology of EoE.
The abnormalities found in cases of EoE are increased
oesophageal mucosa permeability. It may be responsible
for entry of food and environmental allergens into subepithelial tissues and induce allergic reactions following
eosinophil infiltration. These allergens then stimulate a
Th2-type immune response with increased production
of Th2-type cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-13 and
IL-4, which increases eosinophil accumulation in the
oesophagus through stimulation of eotaxin-3 production
by oesophageal epithelial cells.51 52 Cheng et al53 showed
that in EoE and GERD cell lines, IL-4 and IL-13 activated
the eotaxin-3 promoter. Similar levels of eotaxin-3 were
observed in both diseases. PPI might have eosinophilreducing effects independent of effects on acid reflux,
and that response to PPI does not distinguish EoE from
GERD. A molecular EoE diagnostic panel (EDP) was
identified, that is composed of 94 EoE genes and distinguishes patients with EoE from control subjects. Applying
EDP, similar expression patterns were demonstrated in
EoE and PPI-REE, indicating that PPI-REE is a condition
within the same spectrum as EoE.54 Due to this, a test
with PPI is not required for the diagnosis of EoE in the
diagnostic algorithm of the mentioned disease.2 And we
cannot distinguish GERD and EoE by their response to
PPI therapy (table 3).
New hypotheses related to the mechanisms of inflammation and cytokine release have been developed to explain
the abnormalities. In the case of GERD, a new concept
has been proposed, stating that it is not reflux that
directly damages the epithelium, but rather stimulates
epithelial cells to release cytokines that induce proliferative changes and attract T lymphocytes and other inflammatory cells that they end up damaging the mucosa.52
In EoE, it is known that there is an abnormal immune
reaction mediated by Th2 ILs, in which there is a recruitment of eosinophils, inflammatory cytokines are released
and the degranulation products released by the eosinophils contribute to epithelial damage.24 By having similar
pathophysiological mechanisms, mediated by cytokines,
other similarities in GERD and EoE could be justified.52
EoE is defined by the infiltration of eosinophils into the
oesophageal mucous layer. Because of this, and for of the
invasiveness and difficult access to the rest of the layers
of the oesophageal wall, these are generally not studied.
Oesophageal biopsies that are limited to the evaluation of
the oesophageal epithelium are an inadequate means to
assess overall, clinical disease severity in EoE.55 However,
in a study carried out in patients with EoE, the authors
reported activated eosinophils in all oesophageal layers.56
Table 3 Aspects related to treatment in eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and
oesophageal motility disorders
There may be a good response to PPI
Response to other therapies Non-pharmacological treatment is initially
(steroids, diet)
Other treatments depending on the
evolution and severity
Oesophageal motility disorders
Treatment depending on the type of
Steroid response has been described
in some cases with oesophageal
PPI, proton pump inhibitor.
Diaz-Oliva SE, et al. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4:e000680. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680
bmjpo: first published as 10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680 on 4 August 2020. Downloaded from on November 27, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
overexpression was observed, but in muscle tissue, there
was eosinophilia, eotaxin-3 and C-C chemokine receptor
type-3 overexpression. The research has limitations as it
was a small-size pilot study and the use of patients with
achalasia as a control group.50
The relationship between oesophageal motility disorders with oesophageal eosinophilia and GERD requires
new researches, mainly in paediatric patients because
most of the researches were completed within the adult
Open access
The clinical similarity between GERD, EoE and oesophageal motility disorders, along with the possibility that
they may overlap, requires great attention from the physician. It should be remembered that other entities may
be underdiagnosed in the clinical context of GERD. We
recommend, in the presence of symptoms of oesophageal
dysfunction, if an EGD is to be performed, always take
oesophageal biopsy samples in the distal and middle/
upper thirds, even if there are no endoscopic alterations,
nor have EoE been initially considered. The results of
oesophageal manometry should be evaluated in conjunction with those of EGD and oesophageal histology. Before
reaching a definitive diagnosis, carry out a comprehensive analysis of the clinical symptoms and the diagnostic
tests performed, including oesophageal histology.
Future research, including paediatric patients, is
required to assess eosinophilic infiltration of the different
layers of the oesophagus and its pathophysiological
Acknowledgements The authors thank Dr. Adrian Van-Nooten for his linguistic
Contributors SED-O: planned the study, searched and selecting articles in
the PubMed and Cochrane Library search engines, performed analysis and
interpretation of data, writing of the manuscript, approval of final version and
responsible for overall content. IA-M: searched and selecting articles in the PubMed
and Cochrane Library search engines, performed analysis and interpretation of
data, writing of the manuscript and approval of final version. OMVJ: searched and
selecting articles in the PubMed and Cochrane Library search engines, approval of
final version and manuscript review. AAE: writing of the manuscript and approval of
final version.
Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication Not required.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data availability statement Data sharing not applicable as no datasets generated
and/or analysed for this study. There are no data in this work.
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the
use is non-commercial. See:
Sarah Esther Diaz-Oliva
Idalmis Aguilera-Matos
Oscar Manuel Villa Jiménez
Angel A Escobedo
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management of gastroesophageal reflux and gastroesophageal
Diaz-Oliva SE, et al. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4:e000680. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680
bmjpo: first published as 10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680 on 4 August 2020. Downloaded from on November 27, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Several studies have proposed hypotheses to explain
the association of achalasia and other motility disorders
with oesophageal eosinophilia. From weak evidence that
the oesophageal stasis of achalasia causes eosinophilia
mucosa,33 42 46 to the oesophageal eosinophilia causes
motility abnormalities through the release of cytokines
and neurotoxic eosinophil secretory products.39 41 56–59
Spechler has proposed that EoE, similar to what occurs
in eosinophilic gastroenteritis, could have forms with
a predominance of mucosa and forms with a predominance of muscle; the predominantly muscular form could
cause a variety of oesophageal motor disorders, including
achalasia. Some eosinophil products can cause oesophageal muscle contraction (thromboxane B2, leukotriene
D4); others cause muscle relaxation (IL-6, IL-13) and
fibrosis (transforming growth factor β, IL-13). They can
also secrete neuroactive products, or others that destroy
oesophageal intramural neurons.60
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Diaz-Oliva SE, et al. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020;4:e000680. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000680
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