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On the List and Bounded Distance Decodability of Reed-Solomon Codes Qi Cheng∗ School of Computer Science The University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73019, USA qcheng@cs.ou.edu Daqing Wan† University of California Irvine, CA 92697, USA and the Institute of Mathematics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, P.R. China dwan@math.uci.edu Abstract For an error-correcting code and a distance bound, the list decoding problem is to compute all the codewords within a given distance to a received message. The bounded distance decoding problem is to find one codeword if there is at least one codeword within the given distance, or to output the empty set if there is not. Obviously the bounded distance decoding problem is not as hard as the list decoding problem. For a Reed-Solomon code [n, k]q , a simple counting argument shows that for any integer 0 < g < n, there at least one Hamming ball of radius n−g, which contains at least  exists n g−k /q many codewords. Let ĝ(n, k, q) be the smallest positive integer g g  g−k n ≤ 1. One knows that such that g /q p k − 1 ≤ ĝ(n, k, q) ≤ n(k − 1) ≤ n. p For the distance bound up to n− n(k − 1), it is known that both the list and bounded distance p decoding can be solved efficiently. For the distance bound between n − n(k − 1) and n − ĝ(n, k, q), we do not know whether the Reed-Solomon code is list, or bounded distance decodable, nor do we know whether there are polynomially many codewords in all balls of the radius. It is generally believed that the answers to both questions are no. In this paper, we prove: (1) List decoding can not be done for radius n− ĝ(n, k, q) or larger, unless the discrete logarithm over Fqĝ(n,k,q)−k is easy. ∗ † This work is partially supported by NSF Career Award CCR-0237845. Partially supported by NSF. (2) Let h and g be positive integers satisfying q ≥ max(g 2 , (h − 1)2+ǫ ) and g ≥ ( 4ǫ + 2)(h + 1) for a constant ǫ > 0. We show that the discrete logarithm problem over Fqh can be efficiently reduced by a randomized algorithm to the bounded distance decoding problem of the Reed-Solomon code [q, g − h]q with radius q − g. These results show that the decoding problems for the Reed-Solomon code are at least as hard as the discrete logarithm problem over certain finite fields. For the list decoding problem of Reed-Solomon codes, although the infeasible radius that we obtain is much larger than the radius which is known to be feasible, it is the first non-trivial bound. Our result on the bounded distance decodability of Reed-Solomon codes is also the first of its kind. The main tools to obtain these results are an interesting connection between the problem of list-decoding of Reed-Solomon code and the problem of discrete logarithm over finite fields, and a generalization of Katz’s theorem on representations of elements in an extension finite field by products of distinct linear factors. 1 Introduction An error-correcting code C over a finite alphabet Σ is an injective map φ : Σk → Σn . When we need to transmit a message of k letters over a noisy channel, we apply the map on the message first ( i.e. encode the message ) and send its image (i.e. the codeword) of n letters over the channel. The Hamming distance between two sequence of letters of the same length is the number of positions where two sequences differ. A good error-correcting code should have a large minimum distance d, which is defined to be the minimum Hamming distance between two distinct codewords in φ(Σk ). A received message, possibly corrupted, but with no more than (d − 1)/2 errors, corresponds to a unique codeword and thus may be decoded into the original message despite errors occur during the communication. Error-correcting codes are widely used in practice. They are mathematically interesting and intriguing. This subject has attracted the attention of theoretical computer science community recently. Several major achievements of theoretical computer science, notably the original proof of PCP theorem and de-randomization techniques, rely heavily on the techniques in error-correcting codes. We refer to the survey [19] for details. For the purpose of efficient encoding and decoding, Σ is usually set to be the finite field Fq of q elements, and the map φ is Fq -linear. Numerous error correcting codes have been proposed, among them, the Reed-Solomon codes are particularly important. They are deployed to transmit information from and to spaceships, and to store information in optical media [22]. Notation: For a polynomial f (x) and a set S = {x1 , · · · , xn }, we use (f (x))x∈S 2 to denote the vector obtained by evaluating f (x) at the elements in S, that is, (f (x))x∈S = (f (x1 ), · · · , f (xn )). Let S be a subset of Fq with |S| = n. The Reed-Solomon code [n, k]q , is the map from (a0 , a1 , · · · , ak−1 ) ∈ Fkq to (a0 + a1 x + · · · + ak−1 xk−1 )x∈S ∈ Fnq . The choice of S will not affect our results in this paper. Since any two different polynomials with degree k−1 can share at most k−1 points, the minimum distance of the Reed-Solomon code is n − k + 1. 1.1 Related works If the radius of a Hamming ball is less than half of the minimum distance, there is at most one codeword in the Hamming ball. Finding the codeword is called unambiguous decoding. It can be efficiently solved, see [2] for a simple algorithm. If we gradually increase the radius, there may be two or more codewords lying in some Hamming balls. Can we efficiently enumerate all the codewords in any Hamming ball of certain radius? This is the so called list decoding problem. The notion was first introduced by Elias [6]. There was virtually no progress on this problem for radius slightly larger than half of the minimum distance, until Sudan published his influential paper [18]. His result was subsequently improved, the current p best algorithm [11] solves the list decoding problem for radius as large as n − n(k − 1). The work [11] sheds new light on the list decodability of ReedSolomon codes. To the other extreme, if the radius is greater than or equal to the minimum distance, there are exponentially many codewords in some Hamming balls. The decoding problem of Reed-Solomon codes can be reformulated into the problem of curve fitting or polynomial reconstruction. In this problem, we are given n points (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), · · · , (xn , yn ) in F2q . The goal is to find polynomials of degree k − 1 that pass at least g points. In this paper, we only consider the case when the n given points have distinct x-coordinates. If we allow multiple occurrences of x-coordinates, the problem is NP-hard [7, Theorem 6.1], and it is not relevant to the Reed-Solomon decoding problem. If g ≥ (n + k)/2, decoding of p it corresponds to the unambiguous p Reed-Solomon codes. If g > n(k − 1), the radius is less than n − n(k − 1), which is essentially the Johnson radius [12, 10], the problem can be solved by the 3 Guruswami-Sudan algorithm [11]. If g ≤ k, it is possible that there are exponentially many solutions, but finding one is very easy. It is known that any Hamming ball of the Johnson radius contains only polynomially many codewords. In this paper, we study the following question: How large can we increase the radius before the list decoding problem or the bounded distance decoding problem become infeasible? The question has been intensively investigated for Reed-Solomon codes and other error-correcting codes. The case of general non-linear codes has been solved [7], where it was proved that there exist codes with exponentially many codewords in Hamming balls of radius a little bigger than Johnson radius. The case for linear codes is much harder. Some partial results have been obtained in [9, 8], where it was proved that there exist linear codes with super-polynomially many codewords in Hamming balls of radius close to Johnson radius. However, none of them apply to Reed-Solomon codes. No negative result is known about the list decoding of Reed-Solomon codes, except for a simple combinatorial bound given by Justesen and Hoholdt [13], which states that for any positive integer g < n, there exists at least one Hamming ball of radius  g−k n n − g, which contains at least g /q many codewords. This bound matches the intuition well. Consider an imaginary algorithm as follows: randomly select g points from the n input points, and use polynomial interpolation to get a polynomial of degree at most g − 1 which passes these g points. Then with probability 1/q g−k , for a random word in Fnq , the resulting polynomial has degree k − 1. The  sample space has size ng . Thus heuristically, the number of codewords in Ham ming balls of radius n − g is at least ng /q g−k on the average. In the same paper, Justesen and Hoholdt also gave an upper bound for the radius of the Hamming balls containing a constant or fewer number of codewords. 1.2 Our results If we gradually increase g, starting from k and going toward n, then n g−k gp/q  will fall below 1 at some point. However, g is still very far away from n(k − 1).  g−k n Let ĝ(n, k, q) be the smallest positive integer such that g /q is no great than 1. Roughly speaking, a Hamming ball with a random center and the radius n − ĝ(n, k, q) contains on average about one p codeword. The following lemma shows that there is a gap between ĝ(n, k, q) and n(k − 1). √  Lemma 1 For positive integers k < g < n, if g > nk, then q g−k ≥ ng−k > ng . √ This implies that ĝ(n, k, q) ≤ nk. For a fixed rate k/n, the radius n−ĝ(n, k, q) has relative radius approaching the relative distance as n approaches infinity. However it is not known whether there 4 exist Reed-Solomon codes such that some Hamming balls of radius n − ĝ(n, k, q) contain exponential number of codewords. Then how hard is it to do list decoding for the radius n − ĝ(n, k, q)? Instead of trying to find a Hamming ball with a large number of codewords of radius n − ĝ(n, k, q), we take another approach. We show that even if there is only a small number of codewords in every Hamming ball of this radius, the list decoding problem is still infeasible, by relating this question to discrete logarithm over finite fields. The discrete logarithm problem in finite field Fqm , is to compute an integer e such that t = γ e , given a generator γ of a subgroup of F∗qm and t in the subgroup. The general purpose algorithms to solve the discrete logarithm problem are the number field sieve and the function field sieve (for a survey see [16]). They have a conjectured subexponential time complexity exp(c(log q m )1/3 (log log q m )2/3 ) for some constant c, when q is small, or m is small. We prove that if the list decoding of the [n, k]q Reed-Solomon code is feasible for radius n − ĝ(n, k, q), then the discrete logarithm over Fqĝ(n,k,q)−k is easy. In other words, we prove that the list decoding is not feasible for radius n − ĝ(n, k, q) or larger, assuming that the discrete logarithm over Fqĝ(n,k,q)−k is hard. Note that it does not rule out the possibility that there are only polynomially many codewords in all Hamming balls of radius n − ĝ(n, k, q), even assuming the intractability of the discrete logarithm over Fqĝ(n,k,q)−k . Theorem 1 If there exists an algorithm solving the list decoding problem of radius n−ĝ(n, k, q) for the Reed-Solomon code [n, k]q in random time q O(1) , then discrete logarithm over the finite field Fqĝ(n,k,q)−k can be computed in random time q O(1) . Let us consider a numerical example. Set n = 1000, k = 401, q = 1201. The unambiguous decoding algorithm can correct up to ⌊(n p − k + 1)/2⌋ = 300 errors. The Guruswami-Sudan algorithm can correct ⌊n − n(k − 1)⌋ = ⌊1000 − √ 1000 ∗ 400⌋ = 368 errors. Can we list decode up to n − ĝ(n, k, q) = 1000 − 499 = 501 errors in reasonable time? The theorem shows that if we can, then the discrete logarithm over F120198 can be solved efficiently, which is widely regarded as unlikely at present. When the list decoding problem is hard for certain radius, or a Hamming ball contains too many codewords for us to enumerate all of them, we can ask for an efficient bounded distance decoding algorithm, which only needs to output one of the codewords in the ball, or output the empty set in case that the ball does not contain any codeword. However, we prove that the bounded distance decoding is hard as well. 5 Theorem 2 Let q be a prime power and h be a positive integer satisfying q ≥ max(g 2 , (h − 1)2+ǫ ) and g ≥ ( 4ǫ + 2)(h + 1) for any constant ǫ > 0. If the bounded distance decoding problem of radius q − g for the Reed-Solomon code [q, g − h]q can be solved in random time q O(1) , the discrete logarithm problem over Fqh can be solved in random time q O(1) . For q, g, h satisfying the conditions in the theorem,  q (g 2 )g−h (q/g)g q g−h g ≥ = g g−2h ≥ g 4h/ǫ . ≥ = gg gg qh q g−(g−h) Hence there is a Hamming ball of radius q − g containing exponentially many codewords. It is infeasible to do list decoding under these parameters. This result has a drawback that it can only be applied to the low rate codes, since g − h ≤ g ≤ √ q. It is generally believed that the list decoding problem and the bounded distance decoding for Reed-Solomon p codes are computationally hard if the number of errors is greater than n − n(k − 1) and less than n − k. This problem is even used as a hard problem to build public key cryptosystems and pseudo-random generators [15]. A similar problem, noisy polynomial interpolation [3], was proved to be vulnerable to the attack of lattice reduction techniques, hence is easier than originally thought. This raises concerns on the hardness of polynomial reconstruction problem. Our results confirm the belief that polynomial reconstruction problem is hard for certain parameters, under a well-studied hardness assumption in number theory and hence provide a guideline for selecting parameters for many protocols based on the problem. 1.3 Techniques We rely on the idea of index calculus to prove these two theorems. Our application of index calculus however is different from its usual applications, in that we use it to prove a hardness result (a computational lower bound), rather than a computational upper bound. We naturally come across the following question in the proofs: In a finite field Fqh , for any α such that Fqh = Fq [α], can Fq +α generate the multiplicative group (Fqh )∗ ? This interesting problem has a lot of applications in graph theory, and it has been studied by several number theorists. Chung [5] proved that if q > (h−1)2 , then (Fqh )∗ is generated by Fq +α. Wan [21] showed a negative result that if q h −1 has a divisor d > 1 and h ≥ 2(q logq d+logq (q +1)), then (Fqh )∗ is not generated by Fq + α for some α. Katz [14] applied the Lang-Weil method, and showed that for every h ≥ 2 there exists a constant B(h) such that for any finite field Fq with q ≥ B(h), any element in (Fqh )∗ can be written as a product of 6 exactly n = h + 2 distinct elements from Fq + α. By a simple counting argument, B(h) has to be an exponential function in h. In this paper, we use Weil’s character sum estimate and a simple sieving to prove that if q ≥ max(g 2 , (h − 1)2+ǫ ) and g ≥ ( 4ǫ + 2)(h + 1) for any constant ǫ > 0, then any element in (Fqh )∗ can be written as a product of exactly g distinct elements from Fq + α. In comparison to Katz’s theorem, we use a bigger n and manage to decrease B(h) to a polynomial function in h. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we show the connection between the decoding problem of Reed-Solomon codes and the discrete logarithm problem over finite fields. In Section 3, we present the proof of Theorem 1. In Section 4, we present the proof of Theorem 2. In Section 5, we show an interesting duality between the size of a group generated by linear factors, and the list size in Hamming balls of Reed-Solomon codes. In Appendix, Section A, we prove Lemma 1. 2 The decoding problem and the discrete logarithm Let q be a prime power and let Fq be the finite field with q elements. Let S be a subset of Fq of n elements. For a positive integer g ≤ n, denote P(S, g) = {A|A ⊆ S, |A| = g}.  Clearly, the set P(S, g) has ng elements. For any A ∈ P(S, g), let PA (x) = Y (x − a). a∈A This is a monic polynomial of degree g which splits over Fq as a product of distinct linear factors. Let 1 < h < g be integers. Let h(x) be an irreducible monic polynomial over Fq of degree h. Define a map ψ : P(S, g) → Fq [x]/(h(x)) by ψ(A) = PA (x) (mod h(x)). For any f (x) in Fq [x]/(h(x)) with degree at most h−1 , if ψ −1 (f (x)) is not empty, then there exists at least one monic polynomial t(x) ∈ Fq [x] of degree g − h and one A ∈ P(S, n) such that f (x) + t(x)h(x) = PA (x). 7 For any a ∈ A, PA (a) = 0 and t(a) = −f (a)/h(a). Recall that h(x) is irreducible over Fq hence h(a) 6= 0 for all a ∈ A. Since f (x) + t(x)h(x) has degree g, there are exactly g elements in S which are the roots of f (x) + t(x)h(x) = 0, the curve y = t(x) passes exactly g points in the following set of n points: {(a, −f (a)/h(a))|a ∈ S}. For any polynomial f ∈ Fq [x] of degree at most h − 1, let Tf (x) be the set of monic polynomial t(x) ∈ Fq [x] of degree g − h such that f (x) + t(x)h(x) = PA (x) for some A ∈ P(S, g). Let Cf (x) be the set of codewords with distance exactly n − g to the received word (−f (a)/h(a) − ag−h )a∈S in Reed-Solomon code [n, g − h]q . It is then easy to prove Lemma 2 There is a one-to-one correspondence between elements of Tf (x) and Cf (x) , by sending any t(x) ∈ Tf (x) to (t(a) − ag−h )a∈S . Remark 1 According to the pigeonhole principle, there must exist a polynomial fˆ(x) such that  n |P(S, g)| g |ψ −1 (fˆ(x))| ≥ = h. |Fq [x]/(h(x))| q This provides another proof that there is a Hamming ball of radius n − g with many codewords. (ng) qh Suppose that we know f (x) and h(x), but not t(x), can we still find A? Formally we are asking the following question: Input: A prime power q, an irreducible polynomial h(x) over Fq of degree h, a polynomial f (x) ∈ Fq [x], a positive integer g and a set S ⊆ Fq . Problem I: A list of all the subsets A ∈ P(S, g) such that f (x) ≡ PA (x) (mod h(x)). Problem II: One of A ∈ P(S, g) such that f (x) ≡ PA (x) (mod h(x)). Lemma 3 Problem I can be reduced in polynomial time to the list decoding problem of Reed-Solomon code [n, g −h]q at radius n−g. Problem II can be reduced in polynomial time to the bounded distance decoding problem of Reed-Solomon code [n, g − h]q at radius n − g. 8 Proof: The vector (−f (a)/h(a) − ag−h )a∈S can be calculated from the input. Using list decoding algorithm or bounded distance decoding algorithm, we can compute t(x) of degree at most g − h − 1 such that t(a) = −f (a)/h(a) − ag−h at g many a’s. We find A by factoring f (x) + (t(x) + xg−h )h(x). ✷ If A can be found, then in the field Fq [x]/(h(x)), f (x) can be represented as a product of elements from a small set. It is called a smooth representation with factor bases x − S in computational number theory. The capability of finding smooth representation constitutes a powerful attack against hard number theory problems like integer factorization and the discrete logarithm over finite fields. The lemma implies that decoding Reed-Solomon codes provides a way to find a smooth representation of any field element. Thus naturally an efficient decoding algorithm produces an attack for the discrete logarithm over finite fields. This idea first appeared in [4], and it provides a general framework for the following proofs. 3 The proof of Theorem 1 Given a Reed-Solomon code [n, k]q , let h = ĝ(n, k, q) − k. Recall that ĝ(n, k, q) is the smallest positive integer such that ng /q g−k is no great than 1, and h is the degree of an irreducible polynomial h(x). We show that there is an efficient algorithm to solve the discrete logarithm over Fqh = Fq [x]/(h(x)) if there is an efficient list decoding algorithm for the Reed-Solomon code [n, k]q with radius n − ĝ(n, k, q) = n − k − h. Let α = x (mod h(x)). Suppose that we are given the base b(α) and we need to find out the discrete logarithm of v(α) with respect to the base, where b and v are polynomials over Fq of degree at most h − 1. Select any S ⊆ Fq , |S| = n. We use the index calculus algorithm with factor bases (α − a)a∈S . Algorithm 1 1. Initialize an empty set of linear equations. 2. Repeat n times (a) Randomly select an integer i between 0 and q h − 2. Compute f (x) = b(x)i (mod h(x)). (b) Apply the list decoding algorithm to find the list of A ∈ P(S, ĝ(n, k, q)) such that f (x) ≡ PA (x) (mod h(x)). If the list is empty, go back to 2a. (c) Otherwise we have relations Y Y (α − a) (α − a) = · · · = f (α) = a∈Al a∈A1 9 for some A1 , A2 , · · · , Al ∈ P(S, ĝ(n, k, q)), where l is the list size. From the relations, we obtain linear equations mod (q h − 1): X X logb(α) (α − a). logb(α) (α − a) ≡ · · · ≡ i≡ a∈Al a∈A1 Add them to the set of linear equations. 3. For all s ∈ S do (a) Randomly select an integer i between 0 and q h − 2. Compute f (x) = b(x)i /(x − a) (mod h(x)). (b) Apply the list decoding algorithm to find the list of A ∈ P(S, ĝ(n, k, q)) such that f (x) ≡ PA (x) (mod h(x)). If the list is empty, go back to 3a. (c) Otherwise we have relations Y Y (α − a) (α − a) = · · · = f (α) = a∈Al a∈A1 for some A1 , A2 , · · · , Al ∈ P(S, ĝ(n, k, q)), where l is the list size. From the relations, we obtain linear equations mod (q h − 1): X logb(α) (α − a) + logb(α) (α − s) ≡ · · · i ≡ a∈A1 ≡ X a∈Al logb(α) (α − a) + logb(α) (α − s). Add them to the set of linear equations. 4. In these equations, logb(α) (α − a), a ∈ S, are unknowns. If the system has full rank, solve it; Otherwise go back to Step 2. 5. Randomly select an integer i between 0 and q h − 2. Compute f (x) = b(x)i v(x) (mod h(x)). 6. Apply the list decoding algorithm to find a list of A ∈ P(S, g) such that f (x) ≡ PA (x) (mod h(x)). If the list is empty, go back to 5. 7. Otherwise we have a relation f (α) = Y (α − a). a∈A 10 Hence i + logb(α) v(α) = X a∈A logb(α) (α − a), we can solve logb(α) v(α) immediately. Now we analyze the time complexity of the algorithm. An efficient list decoding algorithm implies: 1. There are only polynomially many codewords in any Hamming ball of radius n − ĝ(n, k, q), which along with Lemma 2 implies that |ψ −1 (f )| ≤ q c for any f ∈ Fqh and a constant c. Hence  n q ĝ(n,k,q)−k qh ĝ(n,k,q) |ψ(P(S, ĝ(n, k, q)))| ≥ ≥ = . qc qc qc Thus in Step 2b, Step 3b and Step 6, since f (α) is a random element in F∗qh , the list decoding algorithm outputs nonempty list with probability bigger n ) (ĝ(n,k,q) than 1/q c . Note that 1q ≤ qĝ(n,k,q)−k ≤ 1. 2. And they can be found in polynomial time. Each step will take polynomial time. Thus all steps in the algorithm runs in polynomial time. So we only need to show Lemma 4 The linear system can yield a unique solution with high probability after polynomially number of iterations of the main loop (from Step 2 to Step 4). Informally since i is picked randomly, the probability that a new equation is linearly independent to previous ones is very high at the beginning of the algorithm. It would not take long time before we have an independent linear system. Solving the system of equations gives us logb(α) (α − a) for all a ∈ S. Proof: (of Lemma 4) The linear system is defined in the ring Z/(q h − 1), which is usually not a field. We may proceed with the linear system solver. If the algorithm encounters a zero-divisor in the ring, we can factor q h − 1. We then apply the linear system solver to each modulus. We get the solution for the original system using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. In the case that a modulus is a prime power, we can solve the linear system modulo the prime first, and use Hensel lifting to solve the system modulo the prime power. Since q h − 1 has at most h log q many distinct prime factors, this issue will slow the algorithm down only by a polynomial factor. Now we may assume that the linear system is defined over a finite field. 11 Let w = ⌈2 log n⌉ + 3. Let T be the set of binary vectors with length n and weight g. If the iteration of the main loop is repeated w times, we have selected in Step 2a nw many integers i1 , i2 , · · · , inw , and in Step 3a nw many integers inw+1 , · · · , i2nw , and obtained relations for bij (α) ( 1 ≤ j ≤ nw ) and bij (α)/(α − a) (nw + 1 ≤ j ≤ 2nw and a ∈ S). This amounts to selecting at least 2nw vectors from T independently. And {logb(α) (α − s)|s ∈ S} forms a basis for the linear system. According to the following proposition, proved in [17], 1 . Note that it we get n independent equations with probability more than 1 − 2n is not required that the vectors are selected uniformly. This finishes the proof of Theorem 1. ✷ Proposition 1 Let V be a vector space over a field F with dim V = n. Let T be a finite set of vectors in V and let e1 , · · · , en be a basis of V . Let w = ⌈2 log n⌉ + 3. Suppose we choose 2nw vectors u1 , u2 , · · · , unw , v1 , v2 , · · · , vnw independently from T . Let V ′ be the subspace of V spanned by u1 , u2 , · · · , unw and the vectors ej + v(j−1)w+i for j = 1, 2, · · · , n and i = 1, · · · , w. Then with probability at 1 least 1 − 2n , we have that V = V ′ . 4 The proof of Theorem 2 We first prove the following number theoretic result. Theorem 3 Let h be a positive integer. Assume q ≥ max(g 2 , (h − 1)2+ǫ ) and g ≥ ( 4ǫ + 2)(h + 1) for a constant ǫ > 0. Then for any α such that Fq [α] = Fqh , every element in F∗qh can be written as a product of exactly g distinct factors from {α + a|a ∈ Fq }. Proof: We follow the method used in [21]. Fix an α such that Fq [α] = Fqh . For β ∈ F∗qh , let Ng (β) denote the number of solutions of the equation g Y β= (α + ai ), ai ∈ Fq , i=1 where the ai ’s are distinct. Permutations of ai ’s are counted as different solutions. We need to show that the number Ng (β) is always positive if q ≥ max(g 2 , (h − 1)2+ǫ ) and g ≥ ( 4ǫ + 2)(h + 1). Let G be the character group of the multiplicative group F∗qh . That is, G is the set of group homomorphisms from F∗qh to C∗ . The group G is a cyclic group of 12 order q h − 1 and thus X χ∈G g Y χ( (α + ai )/β) = i=1 ( Q q h − 1, if β = i (α + ai ), 0, otherwise. From this, we deduce 1 Ng (β) = h q −1 X X ai ∈Fq , ai distinct χ∈G −1 χ g Y (β)χ( (α + ai )). i=1 Since the second summand is always non-negative, a simple inclusion-exclusion sieving implies that X X X 1 Ng (β) ≥ ( − ) qh − 1 1≤i <i ≤g 1 2 ai ∈Fq ,1≤i≤g ai ∈Fq ,ai1 =ai2 X χ∈G g Y χ−1 (β)χ( (α + ai )). i=1 For non-trivial character χ, one has the well-known Weil estimate [21] X √ χ(α + a)| ≤ (h − 1) q | a∈Fq and thus | X g Y ai ∈Fq ,1≤i≤g i=1 χ(α + ai )| ≤ (h − 1)g q g/2 . If χ2 6= 1, then for fixed i1 < i2 , Weil’s estimate implies that | X g Y ai ∈Fq ,ai1 =ai2 i=1 χ(α + ai )| ≤ (h − 1)g−1 q (g−1)/2 ≤ (h − 1)g q g/2 . If χ2 = 1 but χ 6= 1, then for fixed i1 < i2 , Weil’s estimate implies that | X g Y ai ∈Fq ,ai1 =ai2 i=1 χ(α + ai )| ≤ q(h − 1)g−2 q (g−2)/2 ≤ (h − 1)g q g/2 . Separating the trivial character from the above lower estimate for Ng (β), we deduce that    q g − g2 q g−1 g Ng (β) ≥ − (1 + )(h − 1)g q g/2 . 2 qh − 1 13 In order for Ng (β) > 0, it suffices to have the inequality     g g (q − )q g/2−1−h > (1 + )(h − 1)g . 2 2  This inequality is clearly satisfied if both q > 2 g2 + 1 = g(g − 1) + 1 and q g/2−1−h > (h−1)g . These two inequalities are satisfied if we take q ≥ max(g 2 , (h− ✷ 1)2+ǫ ) and g ≥ ( 4ǫ + 2)(h + 1). The theorem is proved. Remark 2 As we should see immediately, the expression Ng (β)/g! is the number of codewords in the Hamming ball with radius n − g and with center at (−f (a)/h(a) − ag−h )a∈Fq where h(x) is the minimum polynomial of α over Fq and f (x) is the polynomial of degree at most h − 1 representing β. Adjusting the parameters  will give us an exponential lower bound for Ng (β)/g!. For example, if q > 2 g2 + 2 and g ≥ ( 4ǫ + 2)(h + 1), the same proof shows that Ng (β) ≥ q g−h−1 and thus Ng (β) q g−h−1 ≥ g! g! which is exponential for certain parameters q, g and h. Let q ≥ max(g 2 , (h − 1)2+ǫ ) and g ≥ ( 4ǫ + 2)(h + 1). Let h(x) be an irreducible polynomial over Fq of degree h. Then Fqh = Fq [x]/(h(x)). Denote x (mod h(x)) by α. Suppose that there exists a polynomial time algorithm to do bounded distance decoding of Reed-Solomon code [q, g − h]q at radius g − q. We prove Theorem 2 by describing a polynomial time algorithm to solve the discrete logarithm of v(α) with base b(α) in Fqh , where b and v are polynomials of degree at most h − 1. We let S = Fq . This algorithm relies on the index calculus idea as in Algorithm 1. It is simpler, as for any polynomial f (x) ∈ Fq [x] with degree g − h − 1 or less, if we run the bounded decoding algorithm with input word {(x, −f (x)/h(x))|x ∈ Fq } and distance bound n − g, the answer is never empty, according to Theorem 3 and Lemma 2. Algorithm 2 1. Initialize an empty set of linear equations. 2. Repeat n times (a) Randomly select an integer i between 0 and q h − 2. (b) Compute b(α)i , and let f (x) = bi (x) (mod h(x)). 14 (c) Run the bounded distance decoding algorithm to find A = P(Fq , g) such that Y (α − a). b(α)i = a∈A We have i≡ X a∈A logb(α) (α − a) (mod q h − 1). Add it to the set of linear equations. 3. For all s ∈ S do (a) Randomly select an integer i between 0 and q h − 2. Let f (x) denote the element b(x)i /(x − a) (mod h(x)). (b) Run the bounded distance decoding algorithm to find A ∈ P(Fq , g) such that Y b(α)i /(α − s) = (α − a). a∈A We get i≡ X a∈A logb(α) (α − a) + logb(α) (α − s) (mod q h − 1). Add it to the set of linear equations. 4. In these equations, logb(α) (α − a), a ∈ S, are unknowns. If the system has full rank, solve it; Otherwise go back to Step 2. 5. Apply the bounded distance decoding algorithm to find relation Y (α − a) v(α) = a∈A Hence logb(α) v(α) = X a∈A logb(α) (α − a). We can essentially copy the proof of Lemma 4 to prove that we only need to try O(n log n) many i’s before we solve the discrete logarithm of w(α) with base 1 b(α) with probability 1 − 2n . It is very crucial here that we have Step 3, because the system may not have the full rank if we only have Step 2. This is the case, if all the Ai ’s in Step 2 come from a subset of Fq . An easy consequence of Theorem 2 is as follows. Taking ǫ = 2 and g = 4h + 4 in Theorem 2, we get 15 Corollary 1 Let q be a prime power and let h be a positive integer satisfying q > max((4h + 4)2 , (h − 1)4 ). If the bounded distance decoding problem of radius q − 4h − 4 for the Reed-Solomon code [q, 3h + 4]q can be solved in time q O(1) , the discrete logarithm problem over Fqh can be solved in random time q O(1) . 5 Group size and list size Let S be a subset of Fq of n elements. Let α be an element in Fqh such that Fq [α] = Fqh , and h is very small compared to q. What is the order of the subgroup generated by α + S? This question has an important application in analyzing the performance of the AKS primality testing algorithm [1]. Experimental data suggests that the order is greater than q h/c for some absolute constant c for all |S| ≥ h log q. If it can be proved, the space complexity of the AKS algorithm can be cut by a factor of log p (p is the input prime whose primality certificate is sought), which will make (the random variants of ) the algorithm comparable to the primality proving algorithm used in practice. However, the best known lower bound is (c|S|/h)h for some absolute constant c [20]. We present an interesting duality between the group size and the list size in Hamming balls of certain radius. Theorem 4 Let q be a prime power. Let α be an element in the extension of Fq with degree h. Let ωα (n) be the smallest possible order for the group generated by α + S multiplicatively, where S ∈ Fq and |S| = n. Let ARS q (n, d, w) be the maximum list size in the Hamming balls of radius w in any Reed-Solomon code with block length n and minimum distance d over Fq . For any integer k < n − h, we have   n RS Aq (n, n − k, n − k − h) × ωα (n) ≥ . k+h Proof: Let ωα (n, S) be the order of the group generated by α + S, where S ∈ Fq and |S| = n. Let h(x) be the minimum polynomial of α. Consider the mapping: ψ : P(S, k + h) → Fq [x]/(h(x)). The range of ψ consists of elements which can be represented as products of k + h distinct elements in α+S, thus it has cardinality at most ωα (n, S). For any element in Fq [x]/(h(x)), the number of its pre-images is at most ARS q (n, n − k, n − k − h), according to Lemma 2. Hence ARS q (n, n − k, n − k − h) × ωα (n, S)   n ≥ |P(S, k + h)| = . k+h 16 This implies the theorem. ✷ Corollary 2 Let k, n be positive integers and q be a prime power. One of the following statements must be true. 1. For any constant c1 , there exists a Reed-Solomon code [n, k]q (n/3 < k < n/2), and a Hamming ball of radius n − ĝ(n, k, q) containing more than c1 1.9n codewords. 2. The group generated by α + S, has cardinality at least q h/c2 for some absolute constant c2 , where S ⊆ Fq and |S| = ⌊h log q⌋. To prove or disprove the first statement would solve an important open problem about the Reed-Solomon codes. Recall that a Hamming ball with a random center and the radius n − ĝ(n, k, q) contains on average one codeword. To prove the second statement would give us a primality proving algorithm much more efficient in term of space complexity than the original AKS and its random variants, hence making the AKS algorithm not only theoretically interesting, but also practically important. However, at this stage we cannot figure out which one is true. What we can prove, however, is that one of them must be true. Note that it is also possible that both statements are true. Proof: (of Corollary 2) Let k = ⌊h log q/2⌋ − h and n = ⌊h log q⌋. So the rate k/n is very close to 1/2 as q gets large. Since ⌊h logn q/2⌋ is about 2h log q = q h = q h log q/2−k , ĝ(n, k, q) = h log q/2 + O(1). Assume the first statement is false, this means that there exists a constant c3 such that for any Reed-Solomon code [n, k]q with n/3 < k < n/2, the number of codewords in any Hamming ball of radius n − ĝ(n, k, q) is less than c3 1.9n . That is, n ARS q (n, n − k − h, n − ĝ(n, k, q)) ≤ c3 1.9 Hence the size of group generated by α + S is at least  n q h+O(1) q h−n log 1.9/ log q+O(1) ĝ(n,k,q) ≥ = ≥ q h/c2 . c3 1.9n c4 1.9n c4 ✷ 6 Open problems p There is a large gap between n − n(k − 1) and n − ĝ(n, k, q), where we do not know list decoding for Reed-Solomon codes [n, k]q is feasible or not. In Theorem 3, the condition q ≥ g 2 is still quadratic. It would be very interesting to obtain 17 positive results with only linear condition q ≥ cg for some positive constant c. Other interesting open questions include whether there exists a reversal reduction which maps the list or bounded distance decoding problem of Reed-Solomon code for the parameters studied in the paper to discrete logarithm over finite fields, and whether there exists a polynomial time quantum algorithm to solve these decoding problems. Acknowledgments We thank Professor Chaohua Jia for helpful discussion on the proof of Theorem 3. 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We have 1.45β β−1 αα (α+ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ 1 ) 1 α−1 1.45(1 + α + α−1 ) αα 1 1 1 ( α−1 1 ) (1 + + 1.45(1 + α + ) )α α−1 α α(α − 1) 1 α−1 1 1.45 ∗ 4 ∗ (1 + ) (1 + ) α−1 α−1 1.45 ∗ 4 ∗ e ∗ 2 < 32. 20 If α < 2, h ≤ 1.45β β−1 . (β−α)β−α There are two cases. If β ≤ 3, then h ≤ 1.452 ∗ 9 < 19. If β > 3, then β β−1 ) (β − α)α−1 β−α β β−1 1 α−1 ≤ 1.45( ) (1 + ) β−2 α−1 2 β−2 2 ≤ 1.45 ∗ (1 + ) (1 + )∗e β−2 β−2 ≤ 1.45 ∗ e2 ∗ 3 ∗ e < 88. h ≤ 1.45( ✷ Since α = hg , g > h are both positive integers, we easily have, Corollary 3 α ≥ 88/87 and β − α < 88. We are ready to prove the main theorem of this section. Proof: (of Theorem 5) We claim that β < 178. If α < 89, then β < 178. If α ≥ 89, then β − α ≤ 1 + 1/88, but n − g = (β − α)h is an integer, and h ≤ 87, so β − α ≤ 1. This means that n − g ≤ h, (1) can not hold. We verify that there is no solution by exhaustively searching for the solutions in the finite range that h < 88, n < 178 ∗ 88 = 15664 and h < g < n in a computer. ✷ g by γ and g−k by δ. To prove the second part of the lemma, it  γ(g−k) n suffices to see that g = δ(g−k) ≤ cg−k for some constant c2 depending only on 2 γ and δ. Similarly we can show that for any constant c, the inequalities   n ≥ nh−c (3) g p n(g − h) (4) g > Denote n g−k have only finite number of positive integral solutions. 21