Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media — An International Journal, 5 (1): 27–39 (2014)
A. J. Chamkha,1 A. M. Rashad,2,∗ Ch. RamReddy,3 & P. V. S. N. Murthy 4
Manufacturing Engineering Department, Public Authority for Applied Education and Training,
Shuweikh, 70654, Kuwait
Department of Mathematics, Aswan University, Faculty of Science, 81528, Egypt
Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology Warangal-506004, India
Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721 302, India
Address all correspondence to A. M. Rashad E-mail: am rashad@yahoo.com
Original Manuscript Submitted: 2/28/2013; Final Draft Received: 12/4/2013
This paper investigates the influence of viscous dissipation and magnetic field on natural convection from a vertical plate
in a non-Darcy porous medium saturated with a nanofluid. In addition, a convective boundary condition is incorporated
in the nanofluid model. A nonsimilarity transformation is used to reduce the mass, momentum, thermal energy, and the
nanoparticle concentration equations into a set of nonlinear partial differential equations. The obtained equations are
solved numerically by an accurate implicit finite-difference method. The accuracy of the numerical results is validated
by a quantitative comparison of the heat transfer rates with previously published results for a special case and the results
are found to be in good agreement. The effects of magnetic field, viscous dissipation, and non-Darcy and the convection
parameters on the velocity, temperature, nanoparticle volume fraction, and heat and nanoparticle mass transfer rates
are illustrated graphically.
KEY WORDS: free convection, non-Darcy, nanofluid, magneto-hydrodynamics, viscous dissipation, convective boundary condition
the sense that they are more stable and have acceptable
viscosity and better wetting, spreading, and dispersion
In recent years, the flow analysis of nanofluids has been properties on solid surfaces. Nanofluids are used in differthe topic of extensive research due to its characteristic in ent engineering applications such as microelectronics, miincreasing thermal conductivity in heat transfer process. crofluidics, transportation, biomedical, solid-state lightSeveral ordinary fluids, including water, toluene, ethylene ing, and manufacturing. In particular, nanofluids are susglycol, and mineral oils, etc., in heat transfer processes pensions of nanoparticles in fluids that show significant
have rather low thermal conductivity. The nanofluid [ini- enhancement of their properties at modest nanoparticle
tially introduced by Choi (1995)] is an advanced type concentrations. Nanofluids have been demonstrated to be
of fluid containing nanometer-sized particles (diameter able to handle this role in some instances as a smart fluid.
less than 100 nm) or fibers suspended in the ordinary The research on heat transfer in nanofluids has been refluid. Undoubtedly, the nanofluids are advantageous in ceiving increased attention worldwide. Many researchers
c 2014 by Begell House, Inc.
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Chamkha et al.
have found unexpected thermal properties of nanofluids, and have proposed new mechanisms behind the enhanced thermal properties of nanofluids. For details and
methodologies of convective heat transfer in nanofluids,
the reader is referred to the book by Das et al. (2007) and
in the review papers by Buongiorno (2006) and Kakac and
Pramuanjaroenkij (2009).
In view of these applications, many researchers
have begun research in this field. Nield and Kuznetsov
(2009a,b) analyzed the free convective boundary layer
flows in a porous medium saturated by nanofluid by taking Brownian motion and thermophoresis effects into
consideration. Chamkha et al. (2011) carried out a boundary layer analysis for the natural convection past an
isothermal sphere in a Darcy porous medium saturated
with a nanofluid. Nield and Kuznetsov (2011) investigated the cross diffusion in nanofluids. Recently, a
boundary layer analysis for the natural convection past
a horizontal plate in a porous medium saturated with
a nanofluid is analyzed by Gorla and Chamkha (2011).
Many problems of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) flows
of porous media (Darcian and non-Darcian) saturated
with Newtonian as well as non-Newtonian fluids [see
Chamkha and Aly (2010); Hamada et al. (2011)] have
been analyzed and reported in the literature due to its
importance in the various fields. Some of the authors
[e.g., Uddin (2012a); Ferdows et al. (2012)] have explored
the importance of MHD in the nanofluids. As has been
pointed out by others, magnetic nanofluids have many
applications: magnetofluidic leakage-free rotating seals,
magnetogravimetric separations acceleration/inclinations
sensors, aerodynamic sensors (differential pressure, volumic flow), nano-/micro-structured magnetorheological
fluids for semiactive vibration dampers, and biomedical
applications in plant genetics and veterinary medicine.
The viscous dissipation effect, that is, a local production of thermal energy through the mechanism of viscous stresses, serves to modify, sometimes greatly, free,
forced, and mixed convection flows in both clear viscous
fluids and in fluid-saturated porous media. Several researchers (Gebhart, 1962; Takhar and Beg, 1997; Murthy
and Singh, 1997; Rees et al., 2003; Nield, 2007) have
focused their efforts on the effect of viscous dissipation
in porous media in regular fluids/fluid-saturated porous
medium, but there is very limited literature available on
the study of viscous dissipation in nanofluids about different surface geometries. Uddin et al. (2012b) analyzed
the influences of viscous dissipation on the free convective boundary layer flow of a non-Newtonian power-law
nanofluid over an isothermal vertical flat plate embedded
in a porous medium. The effects of suction, viscous dissipation, thermal radiation, and thermal diffusion numerically studied on a boundary layer flow of nanofluids over
a moving flat plate have been discussed by Motsumi and
Makinde (2012). Kameswaran et al. (2012) investigated
the convective heat and mass transfer in nanofluid flow
over a stretching sheet subject to hydromagnetic, viscous
dissipation, chemical reaction, and Soret effects.
There is a more common practical situation, where
heat transfer occurs at the boundary surface to or from
a fluid flowing on the surface at a known temperature and
a known heat transfer coefficient, e.g., in heat exchangers,
condensers, reboilers, etc. In view of the above said application, the aim of the present paper is to further contribute
to this open research field by describing surprising effects
of viscous dissipation and MHD on the mechanism of
nanoparticles onto a vertical plate in a non-Darcy porous
medium saturated with a nanofluid. The implicit, iterative
finite-difference method discussed by Blottner (1970) is
employed to solve the nonlinear system of this particular problem. The effects of magnetic, viscous dissipation,
non-Darcy, and Biot parameters are examined and are displayed through graphs. Based on the author’s knowledge,
the present model has not been reported in the literature.
Consider the steady two-dimensional free convection flow
of an electrically conducting fluid from the vertical flat
plate in a nanofluid-saturated non-Darcy porous medium.
The coordinate system is chosen such that the x-axis
is along the vertical plate and the y-axis is normal to
the plate. The physical model and coordinate system are
shown in Fig. 1. A uniform magnetic field is applied normal to the plate. The magnetic Reynolds number is assumed to be small so that the induced magnetic field can
be neglected. The fluid and the porous structure are everywhere in local thermodynamic equilibrium and the porous
medium is assumed to be transparent. The fluid flow is
moderate, so the pressure drop is proportional to the linear combination of fluid velocity and the square of velocity (Forchheimer flow model is considered). At this
boundary, the temperature Tw , to be determined later, is
the result of a convective heating process which is characterized by a temperature Tf and a heat transfer coefficient
hf . The nanoparticle volume fraction φ at the wall is φw .
The ambient values, attained as y tends to infinity, of T
and φ are denoted by T∞ and φ∞ , respectively. In addition, the viscous dissipation and the convective boundary
condition are incorporated.
Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media — An International Journal
Viscous Dissipation and Magnetic Field Effects
FIG. 1: Physical model and coordinate system.
By employing the Oberbeck-Boussinesq and the standard boundary layer approximations, and making use
of the above assumptions and the Darcy-Forchheimer
model, the governing equations for the nanofluid flow
problem under investigation are given by
∂u ∂v
= 0,
∂x ∂y
c K 2 K(1 − φ∞ )ρf∞ gβ
σµ2e B02 K
¶u =
(ρP − ρf∞ ) gK
× (T − T∞ ) −
(φ − φ∞ ) ,
¶2 #
∂φ ∂T DT ∂T
= αm 2 +J DB
∂y ∂y T∞ ∂y
c K 2
u+ µ
km Cp
∂ 2 φ DT ∂ 2 T
= DB 2 +
, (4)
T∞ ∂y 2
where u and v are the Darcy velocity components in the x
and y directions, respectively, T is the temperature, φ is
the nanoparticle concentration, g is the acceleration due to
Volume 5, Number 1, 2014
gravity, K is the permeability, c is the empirical constant
associated with the Forchheimer porous inertia term, σ is
the electrical conductivity of the fluid, µe is the magnetic
permeability, B0 is the strength of the magnetic field, ϕ
is the porosity, αm = km /(ρc)f is the thermal diffusivity of the fluid, ν = µ/ρf∞ is the kinematic viscosity
coefficient, and J = ϕ(ρc)p /(ρc)f . Further, ρf∞ is the
density of the base fluid and ρ, µ, km , and β are the density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, and volumetric thermal expansion coefficients of the nanofluid, while ρp is
the density of the nanoparticles, (ρc)f is the heat capacity of the fluid, and (ρc)p is the effective heat capacity
of the nanoparticle material. The coefficients that appear
in Eqs. (3) and (4) are the Brownian diffusion coefficient
DB , the thermophoretic diffusion coefficient DT , and the
last term in Eq. (3) is the viscous dissipation term, which
can be approximated as the work done by the surface and
the body forces acting on the pore [see Murthy and Singh
(1997)]. For detailed derivation of Eqs. (1)–(4), one can
refer to the papers by Buongiorno (2006) and Nield and
Kuznetsov (2009a,b).
The associated boundary conditions are
v = 0, −km
= hf (Tf − T ) , φ = φw
at y = 0,
u = 0,
T = T∞ ,
φ = φ∞
as y → ∞,
where the subscripts w and ∞ indicate the conditions at
the wall, and at the outer edge of the boundary layer, respectively, where km is the thermal conductivity of the
We introduce the following nondimensional transformations,
η = Rax1/2 , ψ (x, η) = αm Ra1/2
x f (x, η) ,
T − T∞
φ − φ∞
θ (x, η) =
, S (x, η) =
, (6)
Tf − T∞
φw − φ∞
where Rax = [(1 − φ∞ )ρf∞ gKβ(Tf − T∞ )x]/[µαm ]
is the local Rayleigh number.
In view of the continuity equation (1), we introduce the
stream function ψ by
, v=−
Substituting Eq. (7) into Eqs. (2)–(4) and then using the
nondimensional transformations (6), we get the following
system of nondimensional equations:
(1 + Ha) f ′ + Grf ′2 = θ − Nr S,
Chamkha et al.
θ′′ + f θ′ + Nb θ′ S ′ + Nt θ′2 + εf ′2 (1 + Grf ′ )
′ ∂θ
′ ∂f
=ε f
Nt ′′
′ ∂S
′ ∂f
′′ 1
θ = Le ε f
, (10)
S + Le f S +
where the primes indicate partial
√ differentiation with respect to η alone, Gr = [(c K)/v][(αm )/x]Rax is the
non-Darcy parameter, Le = (αm )/(ϕDB ) is the Lewis
number, Nr = [(ρp − ρf∞ )(φw − φ∞ )]/[ρf∞ β(1 −
φ∞ )(Tf − T∞ )] is the buoyancy parameter, Nb =
[JDB (φw −φ∞ )]/[αm ] is the Brownian motion parameter, Nt = [JDT ]/[αm T∞ (Tf − T∞ )] is the thermophoresis parameter, Ha = (σµ2e B02 K)/µ is the magnetic field
parameter, and ε = [(1 − φ∞ )gβx]/Cp is the viscous
dissipation parameter (i.e., Eckert number). For most situations the Darcy number is small, so viscous dissipation
is important at even modest values of the Eckert number.
The circumstances in which viscous dissipation is important are those involving flows of relatively large velocity.
The author believes that the results in this paper are likely
to be applicable in the context of particle bed nuclear reactors.
The boundary conditions (5) in terms of f , θ, and S
, θ′ (ε, 0) = −Biε1/2
S (ε, 0) = 1,
η = 0 : f (ε, 0) = −2ε
× [1 − θ (ε, 0)] ,
η → ∞ : f ′ (ε, ∞) → 0, θ (ε, ∞) → 0,
S (ε, ∞) → 0,
where Bi = {hf /km }{ [Cp x]/[(1 − φ∞ )gβRax ]} is
the Biot number. It is important to note that as the convective parameter Bi increases, the heat transfer rates
approaches the isothermal case. This statement is also
supported by the first thermal boundary condition of
Eq. (11a), which gives θ(ε, 0) = 1 as Bi → ∞.
If ε = 0, Ha = 0, and Gr = 0, the problem reduces
to natural convective boundary-layer flow in a porous
medium saturated by a nanofluid under convective boundary condition. In the limit ε → 0, the governing equations (8)–(10) reduce to the corresponding equations for a
non-Darcy porous medium saturated with nanofluid under
convective boundary condition in the presence of MHD
effects. Furthermore, if Bi → ∞, Nb → 0, Nt = Nr = 0,
ε = 0, Ha = 0, and S(η) → 0 (i.e., for the regular Newtonian fluid), and with the choice of boundary condition
at η = 0: f = 0, θ = 1, Eqs. (8)–(10) governing the nonDarcy porous medium saturated with a nanofluid reduce
to the non-Darcy natural convection from vertical isothermal surfaces in saturated porous media in the absence of
viscous dissipation and MHD effects.
The primary objective of this study is to estimate the parameters of engineering interest in fluid flow, heat, and
mass transport problems, which are the Nusselt number
Nux , and nanoparticle Sherwood number Shx . These parameters characterize the wall heat and nanoparticle mass
transfer rates, respectively.
The local heat and local nanoparticle mass fluxes from
the vertical plate can be obtained from
µ ¶
µ ¶
, qm = −DB
. (12)
qw = −km
∂y y=0
∂y y=0
The dimensionless local Nusselt number Nux = [qw x]
/[km (Tf −T∞ )] and local nanoparticle Sherwood number
Shx = [qm x]/[DB (φw − φ∞ )] are given by
= −θ′ (ε, 0) and
= −S ′ (ε, 0) . (13)
The effects of the various parameters involved in the investigation on these coefficients are discussed in the Results and Discussion section.
Equations (8)–(10) represent an initial-value problem
with ε playing the role of time. This general nonlinear
problem cannot be solved in closed form and, therefore,
a numerical solution is necessary to describe the physics
of the problem. The implicit, tridiagonal finite-difference
method similar to that discussed by Blottner (1970) has
proven to be adequate and sufficiently accurate for the solution of this kind of problem. Therefore, it is adopted in
the present work. All first-order derivatives with respect
to ε are replaced by a two-point backward-difference formula when marching in the positive ε direction. Then, all
second-order differential equations in η are discretized
using three-point central difference quotients. This discretization process produces a tridiagonal set of algebraic equations at each line of constant ε which is readily
solved by the well known Thomas algorithm [see Blottner (1970)]. During the solution, iteration is employed to
Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media — An International Journal
Viscous Dissipation and Magnetic Field Effects
deal with the nonlinearity aspect of the governing differential equations. The problem is solved line by line starting with line ε = 0 where similarity equations are solved
to obtain the initial profiles of velocity, temperature, and
nanoparticles volume fraction and marching forward in ε
until the desired line of constant ε is reached. The initial
step size ∆η1 and the growth factor K ∗ employed such
that ∆ηi+1 = K ∗ ∆ηi (where the subscript i indicates
the grid location) were 10−3 and 1.0375, respectively,
and constant step sizes in the ε direction with ∆ε = 0.01
are employed. These values were found (by performing
many numerical experimentations) to give accurate and
grid-independent solutions. The solution convergence criterion employed in the present work was based on the difference between the values of the dependent variables at
the current and the previous iterations. When this difference reached 10−5 , the solution was assumed converged
and the iteration process was terminated.
With Bi → ∞, Nb → 0, Nt = Nr = 0, ε = 0, Ha = 0,
and S(η) → 0 (i.e., for the regular Newtonian fluid), and
with the choice of boundary condition at η = 0: f = 0,
θ = 1, Eqs. (8)–(10) governing the present investigation
of nanofluid-saturated non-Darcy porous medium (with
isothermal boundary) reduce to those limiting cases of
free convection flow. Plumb and Huenefeld (1981) investigated non-Darcy natural convection from vertical
isothermal surfaces in saturated porous media in the absence of viscous dissipation and MHD effects. Also, the
results have been compared with Plumb and Huenefeld
(1981) and it is found that they are in good agreement as
shown in Table 1. Therefore, the developed code can be
used with great confidence to study the problem considered in this paper.
We have computed the solutions for the dimensionless
velocity, temperature, and nanoparticle volume fraction
functions and heat and nanoparticle mass transfer rates as
shown graphically in Figs. 2–13. The effects of viscous
dissipation parameter ε, magnetic parameter Ha, nonDarcy parameter Gr, Biot number Bi, Brownian motion
parameter Nb, thermophoresis parameter Nt, Lewis number Le, and buoyancy ration Nr have been discussed.
The dimensionless velocity distribution for different
values of Forchheimer number Gr and Biot number Bi
with the fixed values of other parameters is depicted in
Fig. 2(a). Since Gr represents the inertial drag, thus an increase in the Forchheimer number increases the resistance
to the flow and so a decrease in the fluid velocity ensues.
Here Gr = 0 represents the case where the flow is Darcian.
The velocity is maximum in this case due to the total absence of inertial drag. The reverse trend can be seen in
the case of convective parameter Bi. The dimensionless
temperature for different values of Forchheimer number
Gr Biot number Bi for the fixed values of other parameters is displayed in Fig. 2(b). An increase in Forchheimer
number Gr increases temperature values, since as the fluid
is decelerated, energy is dissipated as heat and serves to
increase temperatures. As such the temperature is minimized for the lowest value of Gr and maximized for the
highest value of Gr as shown in Fig. 2(b). Given that convective heating increases with Biot number, Bi → ∞ simulates the isothermal surface, shown in Fig. 2(b), where
θ(ε, 0) = 1 − ε as Bi → ∞. In fact, a high Biot number
indicates that the internal thermal resistance of the plate
is higher than the boundary layer thermal resistance. As a
TABLE 1: Comparison of dimensionless similarity functions θ′ (η) and f ′ (η) for free convection
along a vertical flat plate in non-Darcy porous medium with Bi → ∞, Nb → 0, Nt = Nr = 0, ε = 0,
Ha = 0, and S(η) → 0; with boundary conditions η = 0: f = 0, θ = 1 (Plumb and Huenefeld,
θ′ (0)
Plumb and Huenefeld (1981)
Volume 5, Number 1, 2014
f ′ (0)
Plumb and Huenefeld (1981)
Chamkha et al.
FIG. 2: Effects of non-Darcy parameter and Biot number on (a) velocity, (b) temperature, and (c) volume fraction.
FIG. 3: Variation of nondimensional heat transfer coefficient with ε for different values of non-Darcy parameter and
Biot number and fixed values of other parameters.
result, these figures illustrate that an increase in the Biot
number leads to increase of fluid temperature, efficiently.
Figure 2(c) depicts the dimensionless volume fraction for
different values of Forchheimer number Gr and Biot number Bi for fixed values of other parameters. As the parameter Gr increases, the volume fraction profile increases but
the opposite behavior can be seen in the case of Bi for
the specified conditions. The increase in non-Darcy parameter reduces the intensity of the flow but enhances the
thermal and nanoparticle volume fraction boundary layer
In Fig. 3, the nondimensional heat transfer coefficient
is plotted against the viscous dissipation parameter ε for
different values of Forchheimer number Gr and Biot num-
Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media — An International Journal
Viscous Dissipation and Magnetic Field Effects
FIG. 4: Variation of nondimensional nanoparticle mass transfer coefficient with ε for different values of non-Darcy
parameter and Biot number and fixed values of other parameters.
FIG. 5: Effects of viscous dissipation parameter and magnetic parameter on (a) velocity, (b) temperature, and (c)
volume fraction.
ber Bi. It indicates that heat transfer rate decreases with
the viscous dissipation parameter. Also, the results indicated that increases in Gr decrease the heat transfer coefficient but the reverse phenomena can be observed with the
increasing values of Bi.The nondimensional mass transfer
Volume 5, Number 1, 2014
coefficient is plotted against the viscous dissipation parameter ε for different Forchheimer number Gr and Biot
number Bi in Fig. 4. It is evident from this figure that for
increasing values of Gr the nondimensional mass transfer
coefficient decreases whereas with increasing values of
Chamkha et al.
FIG. 6: Variation of nondimensional heat transfer coefficient versus ε for different values of magnetic parameter with
fixed values of other parameters.
FIG. 7: Variation of nondimensional nanoparticle mass coefficient versus ε for different values of magnetic parameter
with fixed values of other parameters.
Bi the nondimensional mass transfer coefficient increases.
Finally, the nondimensional mass transfer coefficient increases with increasing values of ε. Hence the non-Darcy
parameter has an important role in controlling the flow
The variation of the nondimensional velocity, temperature, and nanoparticle concentration for Gr = 1.0,
Nr = 0.1, Nb = 0.3, Nt = 0.1, Bi = 5.0, and Le = 10
with magnetic parameter Ha and viscous dissipation parameter (i.e., Eckert number) ε are shown in Fig. 5. It
can be observed from Fig. 5(a) that the velocity of the
fluid is decreased with increase in the value of the magnetic parameter. This is due to the fact that the introduc-
tion of a transverse magnetic field, normal to the flow direction, has a tendency to create the drag known as the
Lorentz force which tends to resist the flow. Hence, the
horizontal velocity profiles decrease as the magnetic parameter Ha increases. It can be found from Fig. 5(b) that
increases in the value of the magnetic parameter increase
the temperature of the fluid in the medium. It can be seen
from Fig. 5(c) that the nanoparticle volume fraction of the
fluid is increased by increasing the value of the magnetic
parameter. As explained above, the transverse magnetic
field gives rise to a resistive force known as the Lorentz
force of an electrically conducting fluid. This force makes
the fluid experience resistance by increasing the friction
Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media — An International Journal
Viscous Dissipation and Magnetic Field Effects
FIG. 8: Effects of Brownian motion and thermophoresis parameters on (a) velocity, (b) temperature, and (c) volume
FIG. 9: Variation of nondimensional heat transfer coefficient versus ε for different values of Brownian motion and
thermophoresis parameters with fixed values of other parameters.
between its layers and thus increases its temperature and
nanoparticle volume fraction. To increase the fluid motion
we have considered the viscous dissipation term. From
this term we obtained dimensionless parameter ε. This parameter is called the fluid motion controlling parameter. It
may be noted that ε = 0 corresponds to the case of the ab-
Volume 5, Number 1, 2014
sence of viscous dissipation. Figure 5(a) shows that the
velocity field increases with the increase of Eckert number ε. The effect of viscous dissipation ε is to increase the
temperature in the boundary layer, which is displayed in
Fig. 5(b). Figure 5(c) shows that the concentration field
decreases with the increase of Eckert number ε, because
Chamkha et al.
FIG. 10: Variation of nondimensional nanoparticle mass transfer coefficient versus ε for different values of Brownian
motion and thermophoresis parameters with fixed values of other parameters.
FIG. 11: Effects of nanoparticle buoyancy ratio and Lewis number on (a) velocity, (b) temperature, and (c) volume
the effect of viscous dissipation in the energy equation
acts as an internal distributed heat source generated due
to the action of viscous stresses. Therefore, the velocity
and temperature distributions are at a higher level when
this effect is considered (ε 6= 0) than when this effect is
neglected (ε = 0).
The effects of a magnetic field and viscous dissipation on the wall heat and mass transfer rates are shown
in Figs. 6 and 7. The influence of a magnetic field is to
reduce both the wall heat and mass transfer rates. The viscous dissipation effect reduces the wall heat transfer rate
and enhances the wall mass transfer rate. The combined
Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media — An International Journal
Viscous Dissipation and Magnetic Field Effects
FIG. 12: Variation of nondimensional heat transfer coefficient versus ε for different values of nanoparticle buoyancy
ratio and Lewis number with fixed values of other parameters.
FIG. 13: Variation of nondimensional nanoparticle mass transfer coefficient versus ε for different values of nanoparticle buoyancy ratio and Lewis number with fixed values of other parameters.
effect of the magnetic field and the viscous dissipation
(see Fig. 5) is to generate more heat in the boundary layer
region and hence to reduce the wall heat transfer rate.
Figure 8 is prepared to present the effect of the Brownian motion Nb and thermophoresis Nt on the velocity, temperature, and volume fraction distributions. With
Nb = 0, there is no thermal transport due to buoyancy
effects created as a result of nanoparticle concentration
gradients. It is observed that the momentum boundary
layer thickness increases with the increase of Nb and Nt.
As the parameters Nt and Nb increase, the temperature
increases for the specified conditions. As expected, the
Volume 5, Number 1, 2014
boundary layer profile for the temperature function is essentially the same form as in the case of a regular (Newtonian) fluid. The nanoparticle volume fraction decreases
with increase in Nb but increases with Nt. It is noticed that
the nanoparticle volume fraction increases with increase
in Nb in the case of forced convection flow. We notice
that positive Nt indicates a cold surface, while negative
indicates a hot surface. For hot surfaces, thermophoresis
tends to blow the nanoparticle volume fraction boundary
layer away from the surface since a hot surface repels the
submicron-sized particles from it, thereby forming a relatively particle-free layer near the surface.
Chamkha et al.
The nondimensional heat transfer coefficient decreases range of parameters. The following conclusions were obwith increasing values of stratification parameter as well tained:
as with Brownian motion and thermophoresis parameters
• Increasing the magnetic field parameter Ha resulted
as shown in Fig. 9. As ε increases, it can be observed from
in lower velocity distribution and heat and nanoparFig. 9 that the maximum of nondimensional heat transfer
ticle mass transfer rate but higher temperature and
rate decreases in amplitude. Further, it can be seen that
nanoparticle volume fraction distributions in the
the values of nondimensional mass transfer coefficient inboundary layer.
crease with an increase in both viscous dissipation parameter and Brownian motion but the reverse trend can be
• An increase in the non-Darcy parameter Gr proseen from Fig. 10 with the thermophoresis parameter.
duced decreases in the velocity distribution, heat and
The variation of the nondimensional velocity, temnanoparticle mass transfer rates, and increases in the
perature, and nanoparticle concentration for Ha = 2.0,
temperature and nanoparticle volume fraction distriGr = 1.0, Nb = 0.3, Nt = 0.1, Bi = 0.5, and ε = 0.5
with Lewis number Le and nanoparticle buoyancy ratio
Nr is shown in Fig. 11. It is noticed from Fig. 11 that an
• An increase in the viscous dissipation parameter ε
increase in the Lewis number Le results in an increase in
caused increases in the velocity and temperature disthe velocity but a decrease in the temperature and volume
tribution, nanoparticle mass transfer rate, and defraction within the boundary layer. The present analysis
creases in the nanoparticle volume fraction distribushows that the flow field is appreciably influenced by the
tion and the heat transfer rate.
Lewis number Le. As nanoparticle buoyancy ratio Nr increases, it can be observed from Fig. 11(a) that the maxi• An increase in the Brownian motion parameter Nb,
mum velocity decreases in amplitude. The location of the
enhanced the velocity and temperature distributions
maximum velocity moves farther away from the wall. It
and the nanoparticle mass transfer rate but reduced
is clearly seen from Figs. 11(b) and 11(c) that increase in
the nanoparticle volume fraction and heat transfer
Nr tends to increase the thermal and nanoparticle volume
rate in the boundary layer.
fraction boundary layer thickness.
• An increase in the thermophoresis parameter Nt reThe nondimensional heat transfer coefficient is plotsulted in increases in the velocity, temperature, and
ted against the viscous dissipation parameter ε in Fig. 12
the nanoparticle volume fraction distributions, but
for different values of nanoparticle buoyancy ratio Nr
decreases in the nondimensional heat and nanoparand Lewis number Le. It indicates that heat transfer rate
ticle mass transfer rates in the boundary layer.
decreases with the increasing values of Nr and Le. In
Fig. 13, the nondimensional mass transfer coefficient is
• An increase in the Lewis number Le produced reducplotted against the viscous dissipation parameter ε for diftions in the temperature and the nanoparticle volume
ferent nanoparticle buoyancy ratio Nr and Lewis number
fraction distributions and increases in the velocity,
Le. It is evident from this figure that for increasing values
heat transfer rate, and the nanoparticle mass transfer
of Nr and Le, the nondimensional mass transfer coeffirate in the boundary layer.
cient decreases. Finally, the nondimensional heat transfer rate decreases but nanoparticle mass transfer rate in• An increase in the Biot number Bi caused enhancecreases with increasing values of ε.
ments in the velocity, temperature, and the nondimensional heat and nanoparticle mass transfer rates,
whereas it caused a reduction in the nanoparticle vol6. CONCLUSION
ume fraction in the boundary layer.
In this paper, we studied the effect of viscous dissipation and magnetic field on free convection in a non-Darcy
• An increase in the nanoparticle buoyancy parameporous medium saturated with nanofluid under convecter Nr produced a reduction in the velocity near the
tive boundary condition. Using the dimensionless variwall and an opposite behavior far away from the wall
ables, the governing equations were transformed into a
distribution. Also, the temperature and nanoparticle
set of nonlinear parabolic equations where numerical sovolume fraction distributions increased but the heat
lution was presented using the implicit, iterative finiteand nanoparticle mass transfer rates decreased with
difference method discussed by Blottner (1970) for a wide
increases in the value of Nr.
Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media — An International Journal
Viscous Dissipation and Magnetic Field Effects
• The results also indicated that the presence of MHD
and viscous dissipation effects in the nanofluidsaturated non-Darcy porous medium influenced the
flow, heat, and the nanoparticle volume fraction significantly.
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