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Jews and the Law


Jews are a people of law, and law defines who the Jewish people are and what they believe. This anthology engages with the growing complexity of what it is to be Jewish — and, more problematically, what it means to be at once Jewish and participate in secular legal systems as lawyers, judges, legal thinkers, civil rights advocates, and teachers. The essays in this book trace the history and chart the sociology of the Jewish legal profession over time, revealing new stories and dimensions of this significant aspect of the American Jewish experience and at the same time exploring the impact of Jewish lawyers and law firms on American legal practice.

Copyright © 2014 by Ari Mermelstein, Victoria Saker Woeste, Ethan Zadoff, and Marc Galanter. All rights reserved. Individual chapters are also copyright © their respective authors. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, copying its digital form, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or the chapter author. " " " CONTENTS Published in 2014 by Quid Pro Books. ISBN 978-1-61027-227-8 (pbk) ISBN 978-1-61027-229-2 (hbk) ISBN 978-1-61027-228-5 (ebk) +ºßø渭˚ßÆæº"• 8Æ˚ßæøÆ̇"5̇Ł̋ø"9æ̋œß̋" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ""な" Jewish"Lawyers"in"Life"and"Practice ,̋¬œ"ƺ"ß̶̋")̋øŒ̇º".̋̌̇Ø"2øæ̨̋œœÆ溜 "'Œ̇º˚Æı̇ßÆæº "" #œœÆŒÆØ̇ßÆæº "'®˚Ø­œÆæº"•"-̋ºº̋ß̶".̋¸̨æø¸" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "なぬ" QUID PRO BOOKS Quid Pro, LLC .æ­Æœ"/̇øœ̶̇ØØ ",­ØÆ­œ"*̋ºø "%æ̶̋º "$̋ºª̇ŒÆº"%̇ø¸æ æ "̇º¸"ß̶̋"" 0̋¬";æøŁ"'Œ̋ø̌̋º˚ "4̋ºß".̇¬œ"æ̨"なひにど"•"5̇Œ­̋Ø".̋©Æº̋" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "ぬば" 5860 Citrus Blvd., Suite D-101 New Orleans, Louisiana 70123 www.quidprobooks.com 6̶̋",̋¬Æœ̶".̇¬"(ÆøŒ "2̇œß"̇º¸"2ø̋œ̋ºß"•"'ØÆ"9̇ظ" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ""はの" ,̋¬Æœ̶".̇¬ ̋øœ"̨æø"%̇­œ̋œ"æ̨"ß̶̋"2æØÆßÆ˚̇Ø"4Æ̶̌ß" "#ºº"5æ­ß̶¬æøß̶" " " " " " " " ". "なにの" Jews,"Antisemitism,"and"Legal"Development""" qp )̋ºßØ̋Œ̇º œ"#̌ø̋̋Œ̋ºß "6̶̋"#ºßÆœ̋ŒÆßÆ˚"1øÆ̌ƺœ"æ̨"4̋œßøÆ˚ßÆ溜"" æº"5ßæ˚Ł̶æظ̋ø".ÆßÆ̌̇ßÆæº"•".̇¬ø̋º˚̋"/Æß˚̶̋ØØ". . . " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "なねな" (øæŒ"'Œ̇º˚Æı̇ßÆæº"ßæ"#œœÆŒÆØ̇ßÆæº "+œ"5̋˚­Ø̇ø".Æ̈̋ø̇ØÆœŒ"5ßÆØØ"" )ææ¸"̨æø",̋¬Æœ̶".̇¬ ̋øœ "•"4­œœ̋ØØ"2̋̇ø˚̋"̇º¸"#¸̇Œ"9ƺ̋ø" " " " " " " " " " " "なばな" Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication *̇ßƺ̌"ß̶̋".̇¬"̨æø"%̶øÆœßÆ̇º"4̋̇œæºœ "6̶̋"4̋ØÆ̌Ææ­œ"4ææßœ"" æ̨"#Œ̋øÆ˚̇º"#ºßƺæŒÆ̇ºÆœŒ"•",̇ "/Æ˚̶̇̋Øœæº" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "にどば" Mermelstein, Ari. Jews and the law / ed. by Ari Mermelstein, Victoria Saker Woeste, Ethan Zadoff, and .̇¬ ̋ø",æŁ̋œ"̇º¸"ß̶̋",̋¬Æœ̶"3­̋œßÆæº ",̋¬œ ".̇¬ ̋øœ "̇º¸"" .̋̌̇ØÆœŒ"ƺ"#Œ̋øÆ˚̇º".Æ̨̋" "/̇ø˚")̇Ø̇ºß̋ø" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " にばひ" Marc Galanter. p. cm. — (Legal history & biography) Legalism"and"the"Jews"" ,̋¬œ"̇º¸".̋̌̇Ø"4̋̇ØÆœŒ"• /æøßæº"*æø¬Æß " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "ぬどひ" Includes bibliographical references. ,̋¬œ"̇º¸"#Œ̋øÆ˚̇º".̋̌̇Ø"2Ø­ø̇ØÆœŒ"•"&̇ØÆ̇"6œ­Ł"/Æß˚̶̋ØØ" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "ぬにな" ISBN 978-1-61027-227-8 (pbk) 6̋®ßœ "8̇Ø­̋œ "̇º¸"*ÆœßæøÆ˚̇Ø"%̶̇º̌̋ "4̨̋Ø̋˚ßÆ溜"æº"ß̶̋"" & º̇ŒÆ˚œ"æ̨",̋¬Æœ̶".̇¬" "&̇©Æ¸"$̋ø̌̋ø" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "ぬねば" 1. Jews—United States—Identity. 2. Ethnic relations—United States. 3. Judaism—United States. I. Woeste, Victoria Saker. II. Zadoff, Ethan. III. Galanter, Marc. IV. Title. V. Series. E184.J4.M49 2014 +œø̇̋ØÆ".̇¬ ̋øœ"̇º¸"ß̶̋"(̇ÆØ̋¸",̋¬Æœ̶"4̋©æØ­ßÆæº"" æ̨"なひねぱ" "#œœ̨̇".ÆŁ̶æ©œŁÆ" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "ぬのひ" 305'.04'135—dc22 #̈æ­ß"ß̶̋"'¸Æßæøœ" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ぬぱの" 2014133972 " The cover design is based on the painting “Moses Smashing the Tablets of the Law” (1659), by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606–1669). This image and other images in the volume derive from material not currently falling under copyright protection; no copyright is claimed in the foundational work. " "