Regenerative medicine in urology
Felix Wezel*‡, Jennifer Southgate* and David F.M. Thomas†
*Jack Birch Unit for Molecular Carcinogenesis, Department of Biology, University of York,
York; †Paediatric Urology, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds, UK, and ‡Department of
Urology, University Medical Centre Mannheim, Germany
Accepted for publication 19 January 2011
What’s known on the subject? and What does the study add?
Urology was one of the first specialties to report the introduction of regenerative
medicine into clinical practice and has been at the forefront of scientific innovation.
Despite the scale of investment and research effort, the promise of regenerative medicine
remains largely unfulfilled. We review recent developments underpinning the emerging
science of regenerative medicine and evaluate critically both the potential for novel
regenerative therapies to transform urological practice and the outstanding challenges
that remain to be addressed.
The term ‘regenerative medicine’ encompasses strategies for restoring or renewing tissue or
organ function by: (i) in vivo tissue repair by in-growth of host cells into an acellular natural
or synthetic biomaterial, (ii) implantation of tissue ‘engineered’ in vitro by seeding cultured
cells into a biomaterial scaffold, and (iii) therapeutic cloning and stem cell-based tissue
regeneration. In this article, we review recent developments underpinning the emerging
science of regenerative medicine and critically assess where successful implementation of
novel regenerative medicine approaches into urology practice might genuinely transform the
quality of life of affected individuals. We advocate the need for an evidence-based approach
supported by strong science and clinical objectivity.
regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, stem cells, biomaterial, urothelium, bladder
Tissue engineering has been defined as the application of biological and engineering
principles to construct functional tissues to supplement or replace diseased or defective
body parts. More recently, the broader term of ‘regenerative medicine’ has been coined to
encompass the creation, replacement and repair of tissues or organs by a range of
therapeutic strategies.
In this article, we review recent
developments underpinning the emerging
science of regenerative medicine and
consider current and potential future
applications of regenerative medicine within
urology, with particular reference to lower
urinary tract reconstruction.
Regenerative medicine has attracted
extensive media interest ranging from
informed analysis, to coverage that has
more in common with science fiction.
Within the scientific and clinical
communities, the excitement engendered by
the initial promise of regenerative medicine
has unfortunately prompted exaggerated
claims by some researchers and more
worryingly, examples of culpable misconduct
and scientific fraud. For this reason, we will
endeavour to provide a critical assessment
of the current status and therapeutic
potential of regenerative medicine in
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2 0 11 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L | 1 0 8 , 1 0 4 6 – 1 0 6 5 | doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10206.x
urology with respect to the following
1 What is the extent and impact of the
urological condition for which a new
therapeutic approach is being advocated?
2 How effective are current forms of
treatment and therefore how great is the
incentive to seek innovative alternatives?
3 What potential advantages are offered by
regenerative medicine when compared with
existing treatments and are these likely to
be sufficient to justify the cost and any
(largely unknown) long-term risks to
patients? In this context it is important to
distinguish ‘technology in search of an
application’ from areas of research directed
at life-threatening or severely disabling
conditions, where the successful
implementation of a novel regenerative
medicine approach might genuinely
transform the prospect for survival or
health-related quality of life (HRQL) of
affected individuals.
There are several specialities in which
regenerative medicine has made the
transition into the clinical domain, but as
yet, there are none where it can be regarded
as standard practice. Examples include repair
of skin defects with in vitro-expanded
autologous keratinocytes [1,2], cornea repair
using in vitro-expanded limbal epithelial SCs
[3] and a tissue-engineered trachea [4].
Urology has a commendable track record in
devising solutions that entail appropriation
of tissues from outside of the urinary tract
to solve problems in reconstructive urology.
Examples include the use of intestinal
segments for bladder reconstruction,
use of the appendix for the creation of a
catheterizable continent conduit, and the
use of buccal mucosa and post-auricular
skin in urethral and penile reconstruction.
Perhaps it is not therefore surprising that
Urology was one of the first specialties to
report the introduction of regenerative
medicine in clinical practice, with the
publication from Boston in 2006 of the
short-term results of a fully tissueengineered cystoplasty in a small series of
patients with meningomyelocele [5].
However, as we shall discuss, many
questions remain unanswered and we
advocate the need for robust science-led,
evidence-based studies that will, with time,
allow the true potential of regenerative
medicine to be realised.
Therapeutic approaches in regenerative
medicine aim to restore tissue or organ
function. Generally, these may be divided
• cell-based
• biomaterials-based
• or combined (i.e. tissue engineering)
organ reconstruction, whereas the clinical
need is for regeneration of end-stage
diseased or damaged tissues. This represents
a particular problem in diseases where
the underlying pathology has not been
Where the inherent regenerative capability
of a tissue is compromised by disease or in
situations where the need is to repair a
poorly regenerative tissue, it may be
necessary to consider alternative cell
sources. This introduces further challenges
of: (i) identifying a suitable alternative,
ideally autologous, cell source and (ii)
determining how to (re)direct cell
differentiation towards a functional
tissue endpoint. At this point, it is worth
emphasising that the in vitro differentiation
tests used commonly by the regenerative
medicine research community typically assay
for expression of isolated differentiationassociated markers and very rarely predict
the capacity of cells to form a fully
functional tissue.
Where a tissue has good self-repair
characteristics, the potential exists to
implant a biomaterial that becomes
‘Stem cell’ is a broad term used collectively
integrated in situ as a result of harnessing
to refer to cells which, over the lifetime
the regenerative capacity of the tissue. An
of an individual, have the potential to
alternative is to harvest and propagate
reconstitute or repair a tissue, organ or
the appropriate cells in vitro, prior to
transplanting them
back into the body,
‘There are several specialities in
either alone or
which regenerative medicine has made the
combined with a
transition into the clinical domain, but as yet,
‘scaffold’ to provide
there are none where it can be regarded as
structure. For most
standard practice’
tissues, the latter
approach is
whole organism. SCs can therefore equally
complicated by a lack of unequivocal
markers to distinguish/isolate the progenitor refer to the totipotent cell of the early
embryo, the multi-potent haematopoietic SC
cell population. In addition, most
(HSC) of the bone marrow, or the lineageexperimental systems rely upon the use of
restricted progenitor cells resident in an
healthy animals for cell harvest and tissue/
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First allogeneic
bone marrow stem
cell transplantation
Successful isolation
of mouse ESC from
the inner cell mass
(ICM) of the
blastocyst [14].
Successful isolation
of human
ESC from the ICM
of bone
stem cells
Sheep ‘Dolly’ is
the first mammal
to be cloned from
a somatic cell
using the
process of
somatic cell
nuclear transfer
(SCNT) [8].
FIG. 1.
Landmarks in SC research [7–14].
Generation of induced
pluripotent stem (iPS)
cells from a mouse
fibroblast by
overexpression of 4
transcriptions factors,
Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and
Myc, a process called
‘cellular reprogramming‘
epithelial tissue. However, it should not
be inferred that all SCs are equal and
recognition that some SCs may have an
increased potential for malignant
transformation highlights the need for
caution and careful risk assessment when
considering the use of SCs for therapeutic
In the absence of a generic SC marker, SCs
are defined operationally by their potential
for self-renewal to maintain a pool of
SCs and their capacity to give rise to
differentiated progeny. From this arises the
concept of symmetrical division, where both
daughter cells are identical to the parent
SC, and asymmetrical division, where
one of the two
daughter cells
‘SCs in modern medical history began in the
acquires lineage
commitment and
1960s with the transplantation of autologous
and allogeneic hematopoietic SCs to
Maintaining a SC
reconstitute ablated bone marrow’
population in
culture may prove
difficult and may result in failure of SC
The story of SCs in modern medical history
began in the 1960s with the transplantation
of autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic
SCs to reconstitute
ablated bone
‘SC treatments are destined to form an
marrow. This
important part of the future medical landscape’ approach has
developed to
become a standard
treatment for leukaemia and represents a
rare contemporary example of routine
clinical SC application [6]. Since then, SC
biology has evolved dramatically (Fig. 1)
[7–14]. The first isolation of human
of human
iPS cells
embryonic SCs (ESCs) in 1998 appeared to
be a breakthrough for accessing an
unlimited supply of pluripotent cells to cure
developmental, degenerative and malignant
diseases [7].
While the use of pluripotent SCs has, until
very recently (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/
health-11517680), been restricted to
experimental systems, adult SCs and
progenitor cells have found their way into
applied regenerative medicine. The annual
‘Survey on cellular and engineered tissue
therapies in Europe in 2008’ catalogued
1040 patients treated with ‘novel cellular
therapies’ [15]. Bone marrow-derived
mesenchymal SCs (MSC) and HSCs isolated
from bone marrow, placenta, cord or
peripheral blood were applied as
treatments for a range of cardiovascular,
musculoskeletal and neurological diseases,
including multiple sclerosis. The outcomes
of these trials await full evaluation, but the
report anticipates that SC treatments are
destined to form an important part of the
future medical landscape.
For therapy, the use of orthotopic
autologous SCs offers clear advantages, but
this approach is limited in tissues and
organs where isolation of progenitor/SCs is
not feasible, or the tissue is compromised by
disease. The in vitro-generation of patientspecific pluripotent SCs either by somatic
cell nuclear transfer (SCNT, or ‘therapeutic
cloning’) or by the more recently described
reprogramming of cells using defined
factors, may overcome this problem (Fig. 2)
SCNT was the first cloning method
successfully applied in mammals (‘Dolly’ the
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FIG. 2. Strategies and cell sources for regenerative applications [7,9,16–22,23–25].
SC therapies can potentially be applied using somatic SCs/progenitor cells, embryonic SCs (ESCs) or
patient-specific SCs generated by reprogramming or nuclear transfer.
Adult SCs/progenitor cells
In addition to haematopoietic SCs (HSCs) and bone marrow-derived SCs, multi-potent or uni-potent adult
SCs are intrinsic to many adult tissues, where they have a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis during
tissue turnover and repair.
Alternatively, fetal/placental-derived SCs may be derived from the placenta, amniotic fluid (AFSCs), or cord
blood. These cell types show remarkable plasticity, but although AFSCs were shown to produce markers of
all three germ layers in vitro, they are by definition multi-potent, as they seem not to form teratomas after
xenotransplantation [16]. These cells may have the potential for future tissue engineering applications, as
they are more easily accessible (e.g. amniocentesis) and less problematic ethically than human ESCs. The
creation of SC banks derived from fetal/placental tissue to cover large parts of the population with
genetically matched cell lines has been proposed [17]. However, a precise assessment of the differentiation
and tumour-forming potential of these cells is as yet incomplete.
Pluripotent SCs
Teratoma cells were the first cells described as pluripotent. These mixed-cell tumors contain cells with
unlimited capacity for self-renewal and the potential to give rise to differentiated cells and tissues
characteristic of all three germ layers. However, their tumorigenic phenotype prevents therapeutic use.
Pluripotent ESCs can be isolated from the inner cell mass (ICM) of the embryonic blastocyst, which
develops 5 days after fertilization [7,18,19]. ESCs have the potential to differentiate into tissues of all three
germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm, although specific pathways for directed differentiation
are often unrevealed. The potential therapeutic benefits of ESCs were indicated in animal models, with
reports of successful treatment of Parkinson’s disease, retinal disease and spinal cord damage, amongst
others [20–22]. A major disadvantage of using human ESCs clinically is that a genetic match between
recipient and donor is required to avoid a host-vs-graft reaction.
Generated patient-specific SCs
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) – ‘therapeutic cloning’
SCNT describes the replacement of the nucleus of an oocyte by a donor nucleus from a somatic cell, such
as fibroblasts [154–156]. When the reconstructed embryo reaches the blastocyst stage in vitro, cells from
the ICM can be isolated and expanded in culture. As a result, donor-specific and genetically identical
pluripotent cells can potentially be obtained.
Induced-pluripotent SCs (iPSCs) – ‘Reprogramming’
Somatic cells (e.g. fibroblasts) can be reverted into a pluripotent phenotype by introducing four ‘key’
transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and Myc [9]. These so-called iPSCs are very similar to ESCs regarding
cell morphology, gene expression profile and differentiation potential. This cellular reprogramming method
was successfully applied to human fibroblasts, keratinocytes, melanocytes, HSCs and even hair follicle
cells [23–25]. The relative simplicity of the technique and its ethical superiority over embryonic-derived
SCs are considered as major advantages over SCNT. In a potential future therapeutic setting, the patient
could receive his own cells after being reprogrammed, expanded and re-differentiated in vitro. However,
there remain open questions regarding the reprogramming process (Table 1)
Somatic Cell, e.g. Fibroblast
Nuclear Transfer
Oct4, Sox2,
Klf4, Myc
Isolation of
Somatic Stem/
Progenitor Cells
Pluripotent Stem Cells
sheep; [8,26]). However, ethical, practical and
technical problems have limited its
application and the derivation of SCs from
human embryos using SCNT has not
succeeded ([27,28]; Table 1).
In 2006, Takahashi and Yamanaka [9]
reported the reversion of murine fibroblasts
into pluripotent cells, the so-called ‘induced
pluripotent SC’ or iPSC, by introduction of
four transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4
and Myc (Fig. 2). Soon thereafter, this
cellular reprogramming method was
successfully applied to human fibroblasts
and it was shown that these iPSCs were
similar, although non-identical to ESCs in
terms of morphology, gene expression and
differentiation potential [29–30].
The first reprogramming protocols used viral
vectors to integrate the fore-mentioned
transcription factors into the genome [10].
As this manipulation directly alters the
genome and may increase the risk of
untoward effects, notably malignant
transformation, it is considered unsuitable
for clinical use. Subsequently techniques
have been developed to induce pluripotency
by non-viral and non-integrative methods
[31–34], and also by external application of
recombinant proteins [35]. However, a major
problem of these potentially safer methods
is their extremely low reprogramming
The emergence of iPSCs appears to provide
a more acceptable and technically feasible
solution for regenerative medicine than
other pluripotent SC types. However, there
remain many questions that must be
addressed before this technology can be
safely applied in patients. An important
issue is that of epigenetic changes during
the reprogramming into an ESC-like state
[36], as the consequences of epigenetic
reprogramming on differentiation potential
or aberrant behaviour in vivo are as yet
unclear. Certainly, a general feature of
all pluripotent cells (iPSCs or ESCs) is
teratoma formation when transplanted
in immunodeficient mice [37] and this
highlights the need for failsafe methods to
harness the differentiation potential to form
a functional end-product.
Allogeneic Donor
The successful implantation of a tissueengineered airway comprising a
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TABLE 1 SC sources for regenerative applications: advantages and limitations
Cell source
Autologous SCs/ progenitor
Low risk of malignant transformation. Perfect genetic
match and histocompatibility.
Limited expansion potential and limited plasticity. Restricted to
certain cell or tissue types.
High plasticity and putative potential to form
differentiated tissue of all three germ layers, i.e.
liver, muscle and neurones.
Suitable donor for genetic match required.
Major ethical and legal concerns (destruction of human embryos).
Tendency for teratoma-formation.
Generated patient-specific
Perfect genetic match and histocompatibility.
High expansion and pluripotent differentiation
Tendency for teratoma formation.
Differentiation pathways largely unknown.
Requires large amount of donor oocytes.
Low efficiency, expensive and technically demanding – has never
been successful in humans.
Introduces unknown risk of maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA.
Easily accessible cell sources.
Technically feasible.
decellularised human donor trachea
incorporating autologous epithelial cells and
MSC-derived chondrocytes [4] has shown
the genuine potential of tissue engineering
approaches to bring major benefit over
Use of potential oncogenes in the reprogramming process.
Epigenetic changes not yet fully understood, i.e. is there a higher risk
of malignant transformation when reprogramming damaged cells
(e.g. ultra-violet-damaged skin cells)?
scaffolds. Frequently, there is a failure in the
biomaterials/tissue engineering literature to
differentiate between 3D biomaterials that
provide an extended two-dimensional cell
culture substrate, vs true scaffolds that
genuinely promote
3D tissue
‘The basic purpose of a scaffold is to provide
both adequate structural support and access to It is important to
appreciate that
cells and nutrients to enable cells to engraft,
tissue formation is
survive, interact and differentiate’
an emergent
property, primarily
associated with
existing therapies. It also shows the
fetal development and is not, by nature,
complexity of the process, with local
built on a predetermined matrix. In effect,
cell : cell and cell : matrix interactions
this means that the ideal biomaterial
playing a critical role in achieving the
scaffold is not necessarily a mimic of the
desired organ function, and the host
mature tissue matrix, but must provide a
response directed towards vascularisation
suitable biophysical microenvironment or
and tissue integration/repair, rather than
‘niche’ to direct cell behaviour towards
inflammation, fibrosis and rejection.
functional tissue generation. The magnitude
of this challenge is reflected in the fact
The basic purpose of a scaffold is to provide
that until recently, most examples of
both adequate structural support and access successful tissue engineering have
to cells and nutrients to enable cells to
described relatively simple, self-organising
engraft, survive, interact and differentiate.
homotypic epithelial tissues (skin and
Whereas scaffolds are considered crucial
cornea), rather than complex heterotypic
for supporting the transition from two to
tissue structures, such as the example of
three-dimensional (3D) cell growth, the
trachea given above.
specific requirements of the biological
system are insufficiently understood to
Several categories of biomaterial scaffold
allow a rational approach to the advanced
have been described for soft tissue
development and design of biomaterials and
(a) decellularised natural matrices produced
from various tissues, including small
intestine submucosa, bladder, pericardium
and dermis;
(b) matrices produced from natural
extracted polymers (e.g. collagen, alginate,
chitosan and hyaluronan);
(c) synthetic polymers including
poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), poly(lacticco-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and poly(εcaprolactone) (PCL), discussed in more detail
below [38,39].
The argument for natural vs synthetic
materials has not been won by either
side, as each offers potential advantages
(Table 2).
Scaffolds may be processed from
extracted biological or synthetic polymers
using various techniques, including
electrospinning, phase separation, gas
foaming, particulate leaching, inkjet-printing
and chemical cross-linking [40]. These
techniques have been used to create
scaffolds of different shapes and porosity to
facilitate cell engraftment. Scaffolds may be
further functionalised by incorporation,
surface adsorption or chemical-attachment
of growth and other bioactive factors.
Although in theory attractive,
functionalisation represents a dilemma of
its own, as it may be difficult to direct
tissue behaviour using single doses of a
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TABLE 2 Overview over different types of biomaterials
Decellularized biomaterials,
e.g. SIS and bladder matrix
Retain tissue-specific architecture.
Tissue-specific cell : matrix interaction and differentiation
May retain tethered growth factors
Potential contamination by xenogeneic factors.
Risk of incomplete decellularization and residual cell bodies.
Biological variability.
Organic polymers (e.g.
collagen, alginate,
chitosan and hyaluronan)
Biological recognition with cellular-adhesion binding sites.
Biological variability.
Synthetic (e.g. PLGA, PCL)
Lower price.
Standardized raw materials and processing reproducibility.
No risk of contamination with xenogeneic factors.
Lack substantial characterization of cell : matrix interactions.
Inflammatory response (rare)
SIS, small intestinal submucosa.
monosyllabic growth factor, and protein
binding strategies may affect growth
factor bioavailability and/or bioactivity.
Nevertheless, this type of approach has
been used to enhance angiogenesis and
encourage vascularisation [41–45]. Other
functionalisation approaches include the
covalent bonding of heparin to the
biomaterial surface, where through the
action of tethering, natural heparin-binding
growth factors are sequestered and
presented in an optimal natural
configuration to engrafting cells [46].
Animal-derived decellularised matrices retain
tissue-specific architectures, providing a
wide range of biological and physical
material properties specified by the nature
of the originating tissue [47,48]. The high
degree of conservation of matrix proteins
between species (collagens, laminins and
fibronectins) means that these matrices
tend to be non-immunogenic and represent
natural substrates for influencing cellular
re-population and tissue integration. The
potential to introduce xenogeneic pathogens
did originally prompt some concerns with
this approach, although these appear to
have diminished as the clinical use of such
materials has become accepted [49,50].
The physical properties of a scaffold can
vary considerably depending on the material
used, with no clear ‘rules’ yet emerging,
although it is suggested that the elastic
modulus of the material needs to
approximate the tissue it is to replace. Such
physical properties have been shown to be
important in modulating cell : matrix
interactions and may provide a determining
influence on cell phenotype [51–53]. For
example, it has been shown that human
MSCs may be directed along neuronal,
muscle or bone lineages by varying the
stiffness of the scaffold [54]. Nevertheless,
Regardless of the underlying cause,
the precise means to control or modulate
bladder dysfunction of sufficient severity
cell : matrix and cell : cell interactions is
to warrant augmentation or substitution
poorly understood and there is scope to
better understand
how nano- to
‘analysis is needed to prioritise research effort
and to direct limited resource towards
scaffold properties
influence cell and
regenerative medicine applications where there
tissue biology; this
is clear potential for improved outcome over
would permit more
current best practices’
rational design to
be applied to the
development, design and application of
is characterised by reduced functional
biomaterials [55].
capacity, elevated intravesical pressure
and poor compliance that pose a threat to
upper tract function. Depending on the
competence of the bladder outlet and
In Tables 3–7 [56–68], the extent of the
sphincter complex, severe bladder
clinical problem and the effectiveness of
dysfunction is also associated with varying
current treatment options are considered in
degrees of urinary incontinence (UI).
terms of identifying where regenerative
medicine has the potential to transform
An ideal tissue engineered urinary bladder
current urological practice. Such analysis is
would mimic the range of functions fulfilled
needed to prioritise research effort and to
by the normal healthy bladder. During
direct limited resource towards regenerative
filling and voiding, the bladder undergoes
medicine applications where there is clear
dramatic changes in size and is exposed to
potential for improved outcome over current considerable mechanical forces. Adequate
best practices. Based on our assessment
compliance is critical to the low pressure
below, we proceed in the following section
storage of urine and protection of the upper
to review progress in those areas of
urinary tract. As normal bladder function is
reconstructive urology that we believe are
dependent on a complex interplay between
most likely to benefit from the introduction
neuronal circuits, detrusor muscle and
of a regenerative medicine approach.
sphincteric complex, the creation of a
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TABLE 3 Urinary bladder: state of the art and current status in regenerative medicine
Nature and extent of the clinical
Current treatments: options and
Possible advantages offered by
regenerative medicine over
currently available treatment
Is a regenerative medicine approach
1. Bladder cancer: >100 000 new cases in Europe annually [56].
2. Neuropathic bladder – predominantly spinal injury in adults, congenital aetiology in younger age group –
meningomyelocele and other forms of dysraphism.
3. Intractable idiopathic bladder dysfunction, interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome.
4. Bladder exstrophy and ‘urethral valves bladder’.
A wide range of therapeutic options is available depending upon the underlying problem, age group and associated
1. For bladder cancer the surgical options include cystectomy and cutaneous urinary diversion or orthotopic
bladder substitution.
2. Neuropathic bladder. Intermittent catheterization and anti-cholinergics remain the key components of
conservative management but often fail to provide continence and protect the upper tracts. Recently, intravesical
injection of botulinum toxin A has been widely adopted, but the benefit is of limited duration and repeated
treatments are required.
2, 3 and 4 Bladder augmentation (enterocystoplasty) transformed the management of the neuropathic bladder and
has also been used in the management of idiopathic bladder dysfunction, interstitial cystitis/painful bladder
syndrome, bladder exstrophy and ‘urethral valves bladder’. It is associated with significant complications
attributable to interaction between urine with intestinal epithelium. These include: mucus production, infection,
stone formation, metabolic disturbance and latent long-term risk of malignancy [57–60].
A tissue-engineered bladder augment or neobladder lined by autologous urothelium (rather than intestinal
epithelium) could be predicted to overcome most of the serious complications associated with conventional
enterocystoplasty. The risks and complications associated with intestinal resection in poor-risk patients
undergoing cystectomy for bladder cancer might also be obviated by the availability of a tissue-engineered
urinary conduit.
TABLE 4 The kidney: state of the art and current status in regenerative medicine
Nature and extent of the clinical
Current treatments: options and
Possible advantages offered by
regenerative medicine over
currently available treatment
Is a regenerative medicine approach
1. Increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) with an estimated 360 million patients affected by
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in 2006 (cited in [61]).
2. RCC is the third most common genitourinary tumour with 57 760 new estimated cases in the USA in 2009 [62]
3. Renal trauma
Renal transplantation – limited by organ shortage and toxicity of immunosuppressive medication.
Haemodialysis is the most common applied therapy. Although an effective method of renal replacement therapy it
is very costly and carries a significant burden of morbidity and mortality [63].
Regenerative approaches are still at an early experimental stage. Research focuses on cellular therapies to
regenerate renal function at an early stage of CKD or acute renal trauma using kidney stem/progenitor cells or
alternative autologous and allogeneic cell sources. Organ reconstruction using scaffolds represents a major
challenge in view of the structural complexity of the kidney.
Extracorporal bio-artificial renal tubule assist devices that are intended to reproduce endocrine, metabolic and
immune modulatory functions of the kidney in addition to excretory function [64], have entered phase II
clinical trials [65,66].
Yes, but most advances are towards ex vivo applications and are still a long way from a regenerative medicine
functioning neobladder may in fact
represent one of the most challenging tasks
for tissue engineering. However, as an
interim approach, it seems reasonable
to assume that clean intermittent
catheterisation can be relied upon to
substitute for the voiding component of
bladder function.
The drawbacks and complications of
conventional enterocystoplasty can be
almost entirely attributed to the fact
that the structure and physiological
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TABLE 5 Penis: state of the art and current status in regenerative medicine
1. Penile reconstruction. Rare – indications include extensive loss of penile tissue as a result of malignancy
or trauma, phalloplasty in patients undergoing gender re-assignment surgery and congenital anomalies,
e.g. micropenis.
2. Erectile dysfunction (ED). Prevalence rate of 52% of males aged 40–70 years has been reported [67]
Nature and extent of the clinical problem.
Current treatments: options and
1. Penile reconstruction. Current treatment options generally unsatisfactory and include, e.g. use of
myo-cutaneous flaps and implantation of prostheses.
2. ED. Pharmacological treatment is the first-line approach in the overwhelming majority of patients but
surgical options include implantation of inflatable or semi-rigid prostheses.
1. Preliminary experimental work has been reported on the replacement of corporal tissue using acellular
matrices or decellularized donor corpora seeded with cavernosal SMCs and endothelial cells. The possible
application to penile reconstruction is still largely hypothetical at present.
2. ED. Experimentally, cartilaginous rod-like structures have been created by the injection of autologous
chondrocytes into the corpora. This work remains at a very early stage.
Yes, but very limited application, mainly confined to major penile reconstruction. Very unlikely to find a
role in ED.
Possible advantages offered by regenerative
medicine over currently available
Is a regenerative medicine approach
TABLE 6 Urethral sphincter: state of the art and current status in regenerative medicine
Nature and extent of the clinical problem.
Current treatments: options and
Possible advantages offered by regenerative
medicine over currently available
Is a regenerative medicine approach
Urethral sphincter
Stress or sphincteric weakness urinary incontinence is a widely prevalent disorder (estimated to affect 200
million people worldwide). Acquired causes include pelvic floor weakness, post-partum damage,
post-prostatectomy incontinence, idiopathic and age-related sphincteric weakness. The principal (but
rare) congenital cause is epispadias.
A wide range of conservative and surgical treatment options exist; including pelvic floor exercises,
colposuspension/bladder neck slings and periurethral/sphincteric injection of bulking agents. Success is
variable depending upon the nature and severity of the underling aetiology. Complications of surgical
management include the risks of erosion and infection with slings and similar devices.
Research activity has centred on the concept of periurethral injection of autologous or non-autologous cells
including myoblasts, chondroblasts, fibroblasts or other stem cells. Although it is hoped that implanted
cells would exhibit functional properties or actively contribute to regeneration of contractile sphincteric
tissue the benefit reported in experimental studies may largely reflect a passive bulking effect.
function of intestinal epithelium is poorly
suited to prolonged contact with urine [69].
The ideal material for bladder augmentation
or substitution would, therefore, combine
the compliance conferred by smooth muscle
with a urinary barrier, as provided by the
urothelium. Three fundamentally different
approaches have been researched to
augment or reconstruct the urinary bladder
to meet this goal, as described below.
Acellular natural or synthetic biomaterial
In this approach, the bladder is augmented
with an acellular biomaterial graft which
becomes incorporated through in-growth
of cells from the surrounding native host
decellularised matrix [70–73], or reprocessed
bladder. This strategy is in many ways the
natural materials [74] show urothelial cell
most attractive, as it both circumvents the
and smooth muscle cell (SMC) integration
need for expensive
and complex
‘The ideal material for bladder augmentation
cell-based or
or substitution would, therefore, combine the
procedures and
compliance conferred by smooth muscle with a
opens the way for
urinary barrier, as provided by the urothelium’
an affordable
product. However, only limited progress has
after incorporation into the bladder as a
been made to identify suitable synthetic
patch. The best studied natural decellularised
polymers for bladder reconstruction (see
materials are small intestinal submucosa
above) [38]. By contrast, several groups have [75] and bladder acellular matrix graft
described animal studies where
[76,77], which have been used in bladder
biocompatible, resorbable scaffolds of
reconstruction studies in rodent, canine and
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TABLE 7 Urethra: state of the art and current status in regenerative medicine
Nature and extent of the clinical problem.
Current treatments: options and
Possible advantages offered by regenerative
medicine over currently available
Is a regenerative medicine approach
1. Hypospadias, common – incidence 1 : 200 to 1 : 300 – with ≈85–90% of cases of mild-to-moderate
severity and 10–15% severe (proximal) hypospadias.
2. Urethral trauma and urethral strictures with an estimated incidence rate of 0.6% in the male population
1. Hypospadias. Modern single-stage repairs, e.g. tubularized incised plate provide consistently satisfactory
results (90–95%) in the hands of a committed hypospadias surgeon. Complications (5–10%), generally
amenable to simple correction. Proximal and re-do cases are more challenging and may require
two-stage correction with vascularized or free grafts, e.g. preputial buccal or post-auricular skin.
2. Urethral strictures/reconstruction. A range of options is available, depending upon the severity and site
of the stricture and length of urethroplasty. For cases requiring a graft, buccal mucosa and skin grafts are
widely used as materials of choice.
1. Hypospadias. Surgical repair using tissue-engineered urothelium offers no discernable benefit over
conventional procedures in the overwhelming majority of cases. However, it might conceivably play a very
limited role in severe or re-do cases if no other graft material is available.
2. Urethral stricture/reconstruction. Tissue-engineered urothelium or buccal mucosa unlikely to offer any
advantages over currently available treatment but could offer an option as a last resort when other
options have been exhausted.
Yes – but largely confined to complex or ‘re-do’ cases with limited availability of native tissue.
porcine experimental models. Generally,
there is limited information available on the
compliance and other functional properties
of bladders augmented with such patches.
Nevertheless, whereas some studies have
reported development of a cellularised patch
resembling native bladder [70,71,78], other
studies have reported graft contraction in
association with an extensive fibrotic
‘scarring’ reaction and incomplete tissue
layer formation [72,79–81]. These apparently
contradictory outcomes may in part reflect
differences in the processing or derivation
of the patch material [82,83]. This is
particularly relevant to commercial ‘off the
shelf’ decellularized materials which,
although derived from biological sources,
undergo manufacturing processes such as
glutaraldehyde cross-linking and terminal
sterilization [47,84].
A further reason for the discrepancy in
findings is that the dimension of the
decellularised graft used in many
experimental studies is very different to
what would be required for augmentation in
the clinical situation. Typically, the area of
detubularised segment of ileum used in a
clam ileocystoplasty might exceed 200 cm2,
as opposed to 16 cm2, the patch size
used in the porcine model reported by
Akbal et al. [85]. The ratio of the dimensions
of the perimeter of the patch to its surface
area is the defining parameter and it is
difficult to envisage that the centre of a
large acellular matrix graft could become
populated from native tissue adjacent
to the periphery of the graft, without the
benefit of an enhanced vascularization
response. The concept of the ‘smart patch’
has been advocated, whereby growth
factors and other biologically-active
factors are incorporated into the patch
material [44,86]. Alternatively, the use of
omentum as a vascularization bed may be
advocated [87].
With few exceptions, experimental patch
studies have been undertaken in animals
with normal bladders, which may have a
greater potential to integrate acellular
patches than the contracted, thick-walled
neuropathic bladder that is the principal
indication for bladder augmentation. To
address this criticism, Akbal et al. [85]
developed a model of BOO that successfully
created a thick, pathological bladder wall.
After relief of BOO, partial cystectomy and
augmentation was performed with 4 × 4 cm
segments of a decellularized dermal matrix,
which showed excellent regeneration when
implanted in the normal porcine bladder,
but fibrosis and incomplete smooth muscle
generation in the obstructed bladders.
The authors concluded that decellularized
dermal matrix could not be recommended at
that time for human use and recommended
that material intended for clinical use
should be tested in animals with
experimentally-induced bladder dysfunction.
In vitro tissue engineering
In this approach, the neotissue is
constructed or ‘engineered’ in vitro by
combining cultured cells, typically of
urothelial and smooth muscle derivation,
into biomaterial scaffolds. The construct
may be allowed to develop in culture before
implantation at the time of bladder
augmentation. The in vitro phase may
require the use of a bioreactor to maintain
an appropriate metabolic and nutritional
environment and this phase may also be
used to introduce physical simulation to
promote tissue maturation [88]. Animal
studies have supported the importance of
postoperative mechanical distension of the
neobladder (‘bladder cycling/mechanical
loading’) to facilitate the development and
maintenance of adequate capacity and
compliance [89].
At this juncture, it is worth stating that
whilst there are well-characterized
procedures described for urothelial cell
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FIG. 3. Postoperative changes of bladder capacity
assessed by urodynamics in patients receiving
autologous tissue-engineered bladders published
by Atala et al. [5]. Preoperative data was compared
against the latest available follow-up time-point
(patient 2: 13–24 months; patients 1 and 7: 25–36
months; patients 3–6: 49–61 months).
Bladder Capacity, mL
Omentum wrap
Collagen scaffold Collagen-PGA scaffold
4 5 6 7
Capacity preoperatively
Capacity postoperatively
expansion and differentiation in vitro
[90–92], research aimed at identifying
suitable growth factor/scaffold conditions
to support expansion and differentiation
of isolated SMCs into functional smooth
muscle tissue is at a much earlier stage
[93]. The latter is important, as the
dedifferentiation of SMC into myofibroblasts
that produce excessive amounts of collagen
has been suggested to contribute to scar
formation and graft shrinkage [94,95], which
could contribute to a loss of function of the
Bladder wall constructs comprising scaffolds
seeded with urothelial cells and SMCs have
been the most extensively researched
strategy for bladder reconstruction, with a
consensus that seeded constructs are better
than unseeded scaffolds for limiting graft
shrinkage and loss of function [5,72,81,96–
98]. This is exemplified by Jayo et al. [96],
where in a subtotal cystectomy canine
model with a follow-up of 2 years, a
synthetic polymer matrix seeded with
autologous urothelial cells and SMCs was
reported to result in tissue formation similar
to the native bladder, including a threelayered detrusor muscle. Urodynamic studies
showed similar viscoelastic characteristics
compared with the control group in which
the native bladder was re-implanted and the
dogs were able to void by increasing their
abdominal tone. Moreover, the constructs
were reported to grow during skeletal
maturation of the young animals.
The approach of expanding urothelial and
detrusor cells in vitro before combining into
a biomaterial scaffold was taken into the
clinical setting by Atala et al. [5]. After a
preliminary experimental study in dogs [81],
the authors proceeded to treat a small series
of patients [5]. Collagen or collagen-coated
polyglycolic acid scaffolds fashioned into
the shape of the bladder were seeded with
in vitro-expanded autologous detrusor
muscle cells and maintained in an incubator
for 48 h before seeding of autologous
urothelial cells onto the inner surface of the
scaffold. The interval between bladder biopsy
and cystoplasty with the tissue-engineered
neobladder was 7–8 weeks. In all, nine
patients with neuropathic bladder were
treated by this technique, but with data
only reported on seven patients aged
4–19 years [5]. Differences in functional
outcome were reported between
neobladders, with the best outcome in
patients receiving cell-seeded collagencoated polyglycolic acid scaffolds that were
wrapped in omentum as a vascular bed at
the time of reconstruction (Fig. 3) [5]. Whilst
the authors expressed the view that the
urodynamic results ‘were similar to those
that would be expected with the use of
gastrointestinal tissue’, it is probably
reasonable to say that most reconstructive
urologists would be disappointed to achieve
such modest increases in bladder capacity
after conventional enterocystoplasty. Further
patients have been treated in a phase II
study, but no data have yet been published.
Although the published reports lend support
to the concept of creating a full-thickness
bladder wall from in vitro-propagated
urothelial cells and SMCs, important
questions remain, particularly about the
nature of the seeded cells and their fate in
the regenerated organ.
Composite cystoplasty
Composite cystoplasty describes the
approach to combine autologous urothelial
cell sheets grown and expanded in vitro with
a host pedicled and de-epithelialized smooth
muscle segment, such as uterus or intestine
[99,100]. The advantages of this strategy
over a full tissue-engineered approach
are that the in vitro component of the
procedure is confined to propagation of
a single, highly regenerative cell type,
the urothelium, which is then used in
combination with a preformed, vascularized
smooth muscle tissue. The rationale centres
on the fact that the complications of
conventional enterocystoplasty stem
almost entirely from the unsuitable
properties of the intestinal epithelium,
rather than the smooth muscle component
of the bowel wall.
Improvements in cell culture techniques and
the routine use of serum-free culture
conditions allows the expansion of highly
proliferative normal human urothelial cells
to generate a sufficient number of cells for
therapeutic use [90,101,102]. Urothelial cells
may also be accessed by minimally-invasive
procedures or, less invasively (but also less
efficiently) from bladder washings [103] or
possibly from urine [104]. Using defined
cues, proliferating urothelial cells can be
directed to form a stratified layered
epithelium [91,105] and express markers of
late/terminal urothelial cytodifferentiation,
such as the uroplakin and claudin proteins,
which are crucial to urinary barrier function
In a first proof-of-principle study of
composite cystoplasty in a porcine bladder
augmentation model, cultured urothelial cell
sheets were transferred via a polyglactin
(Vicryl®) mesh carrier and sutured to
de-epithelialized autologous uterus
(composite uterocystoplasty). It was reported
that augmented bladders retained increased
capacity and supported normal bladder
function for at least 3 months after
surgical implantation [99]. However,
histological analysis showed widespread
inflammation in conjunction with
incomplete urothelial coverage and some
regrowth of host epithelium due to
incomplete de-epithelialization. These
problems were overcome in a follow-up
study [100], where the technique of
extraluminal dissection described by Hafez
et al. [109] was adapted to produce a
well-vascularized de-epithelialized graft
lined by functional in vitro-generated sheets
of autologous differentiated urothelium
prior to reconstruction. Seven pigs
underwent successful reconstruction
using this technique and when killed
at 3 months, the bladder augments
were found to be viable with no
evidence of fibrosis or contraction.
When examined histologically, all the
augmented segments were completely
covered with urothelium. Importantly,
there was no evidence of colonic mucosal or
crypt regrowth and unlike the earlier study,
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there were only minimal inflammatory
changes [100].
Although the composite cystoplasty
approach seems attractive, there is an
important question regarding the source of
the cells. Lin et al. [110] noted differences
between SMC cultures sourced from normal
vs neuropathic bladders. Furthermore,
whilst human urothelial cells show good
proliferative capacity when harvested
from normal tissues, there is some
evidence that the regenerative capacity of
urothelial cells may be compromised in the
patient group requiring reconstruction for
end-stage benign (neuropathic or nonneuropathic) bladder disease [111] and
may be unsuitable for use when derived
from patients with bladder cancer. This
means that alternative cell sources may be
required. One possibility is to use an
alternative epithelium, such as buccal
mucosa, which has a good history of
transplanted use in the urinary tract
[112] and has been cultured successfully
in vitro [113–115]. An alternative would be
to use urothelial differentiation-directed
Different groups with interests in bladder
tissue engineering have assessed
experimentally the potential of multipotent
SCs (including hair-follicle derived [79],
adipose-derived [80,116], MSC [117,118] and
pluripotent ESC [119–121]) to form stratified
epithelial tissue or SMCs for integration
with scaffold matrices. Differentiation was
induced using defined cues [119] or by
placing them into a bladder-specific
microenvironment (e.g. fetal bladder
mesenchyme [121]). These approaches
are some way off potential clinical use,
with insufficient characterization of
differentiated function or pathogenic
potential. Nevertheless, there has been
some progress, with Fox-A1 identified as a
common transcription factor required to
differentiate both mESC and normal
human urothelial cells along a urothelial
programme [119,122].
The long term durability of tissues arising
from implanted cell-scaffold constructs will
need to be addressed in future studies,
especially in paediatric patients in whom the
regenerated tissue would be retained over
their remaining life-time. A recent 10-year
follow-up report of patients receiving limbal
SC therapy for corneal damage showed a
significant association between long-term
corneal regeneration/permanent corneal
restoration and the ratio of p63+ SCs in
the cell transplant, with those patients
receiving high numbers of SCs (vs more
committed progenitor cells) attaining
the best long-term outcomes [3]. The
mechanisms of urothelial tissue regeneration
in vivo are still poorly understood and,
although the presence of slow-cycling cells
in rat urothelium has been described [123],
a distinct resident human urothelial SC
population has not yet been identified.
Isolated human urothelial cells show a
highly proliferative phenotype, but enter
a senescent state after a finite number
of cell divisions in vitro [90,124]. It will be
clinically relevant to assess whether ex vitro
urothelium shows a long term regenerative
capacity in vivo.
The potential to acquire full voiding
function by a reconstructed urinary
bladder is questionable. Although SMC
contraction has been reported from
cultured SMCs [125] and different studies
have indicated the formation of neuronal
structures [73,89], a voluntarily-controlled
voiding function seems unlikely, particularly
where the graft exceeds a critical size.
Bladder reconstruction is mainly indicated
in patients with neurological co-morbidities
or in the older adult age group in whom
co-morbidity may impose practical
limitations. Most of these patients will
almost certainly be dependent upon clean
intermittent catheterization to ensure
effective bladder emptying.
Finally, it is tempting to ask whether
development of tissue engineering for
bladder reconstruction has already been
sidelined by the introduction of effective
alternatives, such as intravesical botulinum
toxin A. Caine and Rink [126] in Indiana
reported that follow up of the use of such
therapies is still relatively short and, drawing
upon their experience of treating large
numbers of young patients with neuropathic
bladder over many years in Indiana, they
concluded that ‘despite the best medical
management, there are still patients who
develop a small-capacity, poorly compliant
bladder and in this scenario, we would still
recommend enterocystoplasty as the gold
standard’. In summary, whilst the number
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of patients requiring bladder augmentation
for various indications is likely to fall with
the availability of alternative treatments,
the development of a safe and effective
urothelial-lined alternative to conventional
enterocystoplasty remains one of the
most important and relevant goals in
reconstructive urology.
The principal properties required of
materials used in urethral reconstruction
are mechanical integrity coupled with a low
tendency for scarring. In this context it is
noteworthy that whereas the bladder is
lined by specialized urothelium that provides
a barrier function, the urethra is lined
by a non-cornified stratified squamous
epithelium that is more mechanically
Whilst modern techniques for the correction
of hypospadias and urethral strictures can
yield satisfactory long-term results using
native tissue [112], bioengineered tissue
may be of value for more extensive
urethral substitution where larger grafts or
flaps are required. This consideration applies
particularly to patients with previous history
of buccal mucosa surgery or in whom
there is insufficient availability of nonhair-bearing skin [127]. In principle,
similar techniques described for bladder
reconstruction have been applied to
urethral repair including unseeded and
cell-seeded matrices in both flat and tubular
configurations. As urethral reconstruction
represents a less complex functional
challenge than cystoplasty, it may find
an earlier role in clinical urology.
Unseeded scaffolds
As in the bladder, a limiting factor is the
size of the graft and the area requiring
‘re-populating’ before fibrosis occurs [128].
Best results have been reported for the use
of scaffolds as onlay grafts compared with
tubularized matrices, which have yielded
disappointing results in animal models
[128,129]. In rabbits, epithelial in-growth
into a decellularized tabularized matrix was
observed when the length of the graft did
not exceed 5 mm, whereas in larger defects,
the central portion failed to cellularize,
resulting in contraction and stenosis [128].
The limited clinical experience of urethral
repair/reconstruction with these materials in
children and adults has been confined to
the use of unseeded collagen matrix grafts
[130–132]. Atala et al. [130] have described
the use of an acellular collagen matrix as a
free graft substitute in an onlay fashion for
the creation of a neourethra, with reported
successful outcomes in three of four
patients after previous failed hypospadias
repair (follow-up 22 months) and in 24 of
28 patients (mean follow-up 37 months
[132]), respectively. Specific complications in
patients with unsuccessful outcomes
included tissue scarring and fistula
wrapped onto a cylindrically-shaped support
to create a tube, in which urothelial cells
were seeded. The cellularized constructs
were shown to be more robust than native
porcine urethras in terms of their
mechanical properties, thus justifying
further evaluation of this approach.
Examples of translation of cell-seeded
constructs for urethral repair into clinical
application are rare and are limited to small
patient series:
Fossum et al. [137] used tissue-engineered
urothelium for the surgical correction of
severe hypospadias in a series of six patients
aged 14–44 months at the time of surgery.
In their approach, cells were harvested by
catheterization and bladder lavage and
Modification of biomaterial properties may
considerably improve cell integration and
vascularization and
this may in the
‘the development of a safe and effective
future extend the
alternative to conventional
clinical feasibility of
this approach in
enterocystoplasty remains one of the
most important and relevant goals in
urethral surgery
reconstructive urology’
Cell-seeded scaffolds
expanded in vitro before urethroplasty
with a poorly-characterized composite
tissue comprising cultured urothelial
cells on allogeneic acellular dermis. Of
the six reported patients, three developed
complications, including fistula and stricture.
The use of donor skin, bovine serum and
mouse fibroblasts as feeder cells are a
potential source of contamination that has
to be examined critically in this approach,
especially when used in paediatric patients.
Experimentally, the use of tissue engineering
for the treatment of urethral strictures
has been extensively researched. In animal
models, tubularized grafts seeded with
autologous urothelial [135] or epidermal
cells [129] have shown superior results to
acellular tubular materials [128]. For
example, DeFillipo et al. [135] created
urethral defects in male rabbits, which were
then replaced with sections of tubular
Bhargava et al. [115] reported the use of
collagen matrix seeded with urothelial cells
autologous tissue-engineered buccal skin in
and SMCs. The authors reported that
the treatment of five adults with urethral
urethral defects
repaired with
‘As urethral reconstruction represents a less
cell-seeded matrices
retained their
complex functional challenge than cystoplasty, it
patency, whereas
may find an earlier role in clinical urology’
defects repaired
with acellular grafts
alone developed strictures following collapse strictures due to lichen sclerosis. The
and contraction of the tubular matrix.
authors obtained biopsies of buccal skin
from which keratinocytes and fibroblasts
A recent innovative study reported
were isolated, cultured and combined with
the generation of a fully-autologous
de-epidermized dermis. Although these
tubularized cell-engineered graft using
composite grafts had an initial take rate of
dermal fibroblasts and urothelial cells
100%, there were significant complications,
without the use of allogeneic or xenogeneic
with two of the five patients developing
biomaterials [136]. Fibroblasts sheets were
graft fibrosis that required partial excision
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and three patients with grafts in situ
requiring instrumentation.
Whilst many experimental studies have
been published over the last decade, the
application of tissue engineering principles
for urethral reconstruction has yet to
make any meaningful impact in urological
practice. The limited data on clinical use
of these techniques has identified higher
complication rates than experienced with
conventional reconstructive techniques.
Based on current evidence, there is little
likelihood that tissue engineering will find a
useful role in the correction of hypospadias
or urethral strictures, except as a last resort
when all other options have been exhausted.
Although not life-threatening, UI
nevertheless has a serious impact on the
HRQL of affected individuals and it is clear
that considerable clinical need exists.
The first cellular-based therapy of stress UI
(SUI) built on the experiences made with
bulking agents
using a similar
‘little likelihood that tissue engineering will find technique
for periurethral
a useful role in the correction of hypospadias
injections of
or urethral strictures, except as a last resort
when all other options have been exhausted’
chondrocytes [138].
These chondrocytes,
expanded for ≈6 weeks in culture before
re-implantation, were considered by the
authors an ideal implant, being nonimmunogenic, non-migrating and nonresorbable. Of the 32 women treated, >80%
had symptomatic improvement and half of
the patients were declared ‘dry’ after 12
months. However, since the first reported
clinical results in 2001 no long-term data
have been published and the potential
benefit over conventional bulking agents
remains unproven.
Several groups have explored the possibility
of injecting autologous muscle-derived
cells into the sphincter region with the
intention that either they will proliferate
and differentiate, leading to ‘sphincter
regeneration’ or produce growth factors
and other trophic agents capable of
stimulating a regenerative response in the
host tissues of the sphincter complex. Fu
et al. [139] created a model of SUI in female
Sprague-Dawley rats. After differentiation of
adipose-derived SCs into myoblasts in vitro,
the cells were injected into the region of the
bladder neck in the experimental animals.
There were significant differences in bladder
capacity between these animals and the
controls, with increased thickness of muscle
at the site of the SC injection.
Praud et al. [140] created UI by longtitudinal
spincterectomy in a female rat model and
reported increased sphincter closure
pressure after injection with autologous
myoblasts compared with a sham-injected
control group. Furuta et al. [141] reviewing
this growing area of experimental research,
concluded ‘the dawn of a new paradigm in
treatment of stress urinary incontinence
may be near’.
Strasser and colleagues were the first to
publish results pertaining to be from a
randomized control clinical trial, comparing
the results of sphincteric injections of
autologous myoblasts and fibroblasts vs
collagen injections in a study involving
women with SUI. Outstanding results were
reported at 12 months of follow-up, but
unfortunately, serious concerns emerged
regarding the conduct of the study and
the credibility of the results. This led to
retraction of several publications and
a critical enquiry by the Agency for
Health and Food Safety of the Austrian
government. In retraction, the editors of The
Lancet noted that the original study had
been ‘flawed by multiple ethical and legal
violations’ and expressed ‘doubts as to
whether a trial, as described in The Lancet
ever existed’ [142]. Despite the setback
represented by the Innsbruck paper, the
concept of SC injection for sphincteric
regeneration is the subject of ongoing
research in several centres and the
development of improved forms of
treatment for SUI might yet prove to
be one of the major clinical benefits of
regenerative medicine.
Apart from these discredited reports, only
limited further clinical experience has been
reported. In the first North American
feasibility trial, Carr et al. [143] used
autologous muscle-derived cells for
intra- and periurethral injections in eight
women with SUI. The 1 year follow-up data
were reported for five women, with one
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woman achieving total continence and the
remaining four reporting improvements
confirmed by diary and pad weight test.
Repeated injections in two patients led to
a further improvement of the symptoms,
but did not amount to full continence. A
further indication that recovery of muscle
contractility can be achieved by transplanted
autologous muscle-derived cells was
provided by the findings of a pilot study in
10 women affected by anal incontinence
after obstetric trauma. At 1 year after
injection of myoblasts, symptoms of anal
incontinence and overall HRQL improved
significantly in these patients [144].
The fate of transplanted cells is still
incompletely understood, including whether
delayed clinical improvement reflects a
functional integration or a bulking (e.g.
‘foreign body encapsulation’) response.
However, one study in mice with
experimentally induced sphincteric damage
(‘post-prostatectomy model’) suggested that
muscle-derived SCs did have the capability
of integrating into the existing tissue
architecture, building neuronal networks and
restoring sphincter function [145]. It is still
unclear whether such regeneration is
possible in man.
It seems likely that some form of cellularbased therapy of UI could eventually find
clinical application in selected patients. The
minimally invasive nature of this form of
treatment offers obvious attractions
compared with existing surgical treatment
strategies. Moreover, the complications
inherent in the implantation of synthetic
materials and implants would be overcome
by the use of autologous cells. However,
functional outcomes differ considerably in
the few published reports and important
parameters such as cell isolation, culture
parameters and injection technique need to
be optimized [143,146]. Long-term efficiency
and safety needs to be established. Most
critically, progress to clinical application
needs to be evidence-led, with trials
conducted and assessed within a strict
clinical and ethical framework.
The potential for tissue engineering to
generate corporal tissue for penile
reconstruction has been studied in an
experimental rabbit model. In 2002, Kwon
emerging techniques and product launches
et al. [147] reported a study in which
initiated a ‘gold-rush’ atmosphere in science
sections of the phallus were excised in
and industry. Despite enormous investment
rabbits, leaving the urethra intact.
and efforts [151], relatively few applications
Decellularized collagen matrices obtained
have made their way through to the clinic
from the penile corpora of donor rabbits
and much of the early promise still awaits
were seeded with autologous cavernosal
realization. Critical advances are awaited in
SMCs and endothelial cells and used to
the safe, robust and ordered differentiation
repair the surgically created defects in
of SCs to functional tissues and in the
the experimental rabbits, with unseeded
rationalization of fit-for-purpose
matrices serving as controls. The authors
reported that the reconstructed corpora
retained integrity at 3 and 6 months.
Some tissue-engineering approaches have
Moreover, corpora reconstructed with
not met expectations at the point of clinical
seeded matrices had better functional
translation, despite promising pre-clinical
parameters than corpora constructed
studies. This is partly attributable to the
with acellular
matrices. The same
group continued to
‘some form of cellular-based therapy of UI
explore this
could eventually find clinical application in
approach in further
selected patients’
studies [148],
leading to a recent
report of a tissue engineered replacement
transfer of the respective approaches from
of the entire corporal length [149].
healthy animals to diseased patient tissues.
Critical assessment of these experiences is
Another group seeded acellular corporal
needed to contribute to the learning
collagen matrices with SMCs derived from
process, including the implications of any
human umbilical arteries and implanted the
underlying pathology in the development of
cellularized implants into athymic mice.
disease-specific therapies.
These authors reported that the scaffolds
became cellularized to develop tissue with
To make the step into clinical practice,
anatomical and functional properties similar
tissue-engineered or cell-based approaches
to corporus cavernosum smooth muscle
have to be shown to be better than
existing ‘gold standard’ approaches in
long-term follow-up studies and supported
Although still at a very preliminary stage
by transparent and objective evaluation
and far-removed from the clinical setting,
[152]. However, in practice it is likely
this work might
ultimately find
some role in a
‘Critical advances are awaited in the safe,
very limited
robust and ordered differentiation of SCs to
cohort of
functional tissues and in the rationalization of
fit-for-purpose biomaterials’
extensive penile
after major loss of penile tissue as a result
to prove challenging to demonstrate
of malignancy or trauma.
superiority if novel procedures are only
performed as ‘last ditch’ salvage attempts
in high-risk cases.
An important priority for all innovative
The field of regenerative medicine is
approaches will be the safety of patients
developing rapidly and advances in cell
whose treatment entails the use of
research, particularly involving SCs, offer
autologous/allogeneic cells or natural/
the promise of clinical applications within
synthetic tissue matrices. This includes
the near future. However, similar claims
informed assessment of risk and production
were being promoted >10 years ago, when
processes that follow good manufacturing
2 0 11 T H E A U T H O R S
2 0 11 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L
practice guidelines (http://www.who.int/
assurance/production/en). This has
implications for capital and reimbursement
costs, with the cost-effectiveness of
tissue-engineered or cell-based therapies
essential for uptake in most healthcare
systems [153].
Whilst the translation of tissue-engineering
into urological practice is still at an early
stage, we can anticipate new developments
and progress in biomaterial and SC
research. Genuine progress is being made in
understanding the underlying mechanisms
of cell : matrix and cell : cell interactions
which, in turn, is integral to controlling
biological and/or biomaterial implants and
directing cell fate. In SC research, the
generation of iPSCs, largely free of ethical
and legal restrictions, has potentially created
a new versatile cell source for therapy. The
future holds much promise, but progress
must be led by evidence-based science
rather than ‘breakthroughs’ aimed at media
Felix Wezel is funded by the European
Urological Scholarship Programme (EUSP)
offered by the European Association of
Urology (EAU) and by the Yorkshire Kidney
Research Fund (YKRF). Jennifer Southgate
holds a research chair funded by York
Against Cancer.
None declared.
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The following important references have
appeared since this review was accepted
for publication:
Raya-Rivera A, Esquiliano DR, Yoo JJ,
Lopez-Bayghen E, Soker S, Atala A.
Tissue-engineered autologous urethras
for patients who need reconstruction:
an observational study. Lancet 2011;
377: 1175–82
2 0 11 T H E A U T H O R S
2 0 11 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L
This study presents long-term follow-up data
of a small cohort of pediatric patients after
urethral reconstruction using a cell-seeded
tubularised PGA-based scaffold.
Shin K, Lee J, Guo N et al. Hedgehog/
Wnt feedback supports regenerative
proliferation of epithelial stem cells
in bladder. Nature 2011; 472: 110–
This mouse study reveals stromal-urothelial
signalling interactions involved in
regeneration of damaged urothelium and
indicates that basal cells act as stem cells
in vivo.
Gaisa NT, Graham TA, McDonald SA
et al. The human urothelium consists
of multiple clonal units, each maintained
by a stem cell. J Pathol 2011; doi:
10.1002/path.2945. [Epub ahead of
This study describes the existence of
clonal patches in human urothelium
concluding that basal cells retain the
capacity to replenish the urothelium during
Correspondence: Professor Jenny Southgate,
Jack Birch Unit of Molecular Carcinogenesis,
Department of Biology, University of York,
York YO10 5DD, UK.
e-mail: js35@york.ac.uk
Abbreviations: 3D, three dimensional; HRQL,
health-related quality of life; PCL, poly(εcaprolactone); PEG, poly(ethylene glycol);
PLGA, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid);
(AF)(iP)(M)(H)(E)SC, (amniotic fluid)
(induced-pluripotent) (mesenchymal)
(haematopoietic) (embryonic) stem cell;
SCNT, somatic cell nuclear transfer;
SMC, smooth muscle cell; (S)UI, (stress)
urinary incontinence; ED, erectile
dysfunction; ICM, inner cell mass; SIS, small
intestinal submucosa.
2 0 11 T H E A U T H O R S
2 0 11 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L