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Although all roads have signboards indicating maximum speed limit for sake of driver’s safety, but still people does not obey speed limit rules and cause accidents. The project aims in designing an efficient system which can automatically monitor individual vehicle speed and also count vehicles on road. The system is designed using PIC microcontroller, IR sensors, LCD and LED indicators. The Microcontroller is programmed using Embedded C language.
This paper investigated the impact of current approaches taken to curb speeding of public service vehicles in Kenya. A qualitative research pointed out that the existing systems are inefficient and ineffective in monitoring speeding and reporting speeding offenses to the relevant authorities. In addition, public service vehicle drivers are not aware of the current speed limit zones in various locations given that the National Transport Service Authority (NTSA) periodically changes speed limit regulations along particular roads. An embedded system for vehicle speed monitoring was proposed and tested. The objective was to design a real time microcontroller based system for mapping speed limit zones and reporting cases of speeding violations to the relevant authorities through an android mobile application. An LCD Screen was integrated to the microcontroller to provide a visual display of the vehicle location and speed limit within the location. In the event of speeding, an audio alert...
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2023
Road accident due to overspeeding is a common occurrence in a developing nation such as Nigeria. Therefore, the need for a device capable of notifying a vehicle driver when the allowed speed limit of an area is exceeded arises. In this work, a microcontroller based automobile speed limiting device and alarm control system was designed and developed. The core components employed for the system design include Arduino Nano microcontroller, 1602 liquid crystal displays (LCD) module, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), buzzer, 18650 battery, I2C, infrared detectors and push buttons. Data gathering and circuit designs were implemented with microcontroller as focal point using suitable design models. Performance test was carried out on the developed system and the device's reading error was determined. The developed automobile speed limiting device and alarm control system was functional and performed satisfactorily during testing. The reading error of the device was evaluated as 5.83%. The developed speed limiting device, apart from being suitable and efficient for vehicle speed measurement, could also be deployed for general applications requiring speed measurement.
Digital Technologies and Applications
International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, 2023
We as a whole realize that over speed is the significant reason for street mishaps. In this bustling life plan, individuals generally really like to drive at very speed instead of lowing rate to come to their which would be utilized as a speed limit authorization framework. Rash driving is the cause of many accidents in India (45.12 per lakh in 2011). The existing systems either require human's intervention. There are a lot of areas to cover and it is not physically possible to cover all of them. This problem is even more enhanced at night when the authorities are off duty. Visibility is also lower which decreases the ability to identify the speed of a vehicle.
This project presents a device to detect rough driving on highways and to alert the traffic authorities in case of any violation. In past, lot of devices to detect rash driving on highways has been made. Most of the approaches require human concentration and involve a lot of effort, which is difficult to implement. In this project a system was design which is aimed at early detection and alert of dangerous vehicle driving patterns related to rash driving. The entire implementation requires an IR transmitter, an IR receiver, a control circuit and a buzzer. The speed limit is set by the police who use the system depending upon the traffic at the very location. The time taken by the vehicle to travel from one set point to the other is calculated by control circuit and displays that on seven segment displays. Moreover, if the vehicle crosses the speed limit, a buzzer sounds alerting the police. It is recommended that after the modeling of this project a real project like this should be designed and installed in the school environment for detecting speed limits of vehicles.
Nigeria and many countries of the world have been experiencing an increase in road traffic accidents much of which can be attributed to human errors such as over speeding. The car speed controller discussed in this work is designed to automatically control the speed of a car so that the car's speed will not exceed the speed limit that has been set for a particular zone by a regulating body such as the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) in Nigeria. The car speed controller operates by taking inputs from a set of three switches that can set speed limits in kilometers per hour of 40, 80, and 120 respectively. Each setting of the switch is compared with the actual speed of the car that is derived from the car's speedometer. If the speed of the car exceeds the setting, an actuator is called into operation such that the car's speed is not allowed to exceed the set limit for the zone. A microcontroller was programmed to take inputs from the switches and the speedometer; depending on the settings the microcontroller turns on light emitting diodes (LEDs) and displays appropriate messages on the screen of a liquid crystal display (LCD). In the simulation model a stepper motor was controlled by the microcontroller through a motor driver to represent the adjustment of speed in the real environment. The program for the microcontroller was written using mikroC development environment and hardware simulation was carried out with the aid of Proteus Design Suite Version 8.0. The speed settings for a zone can be altered to suite the choice of a regulatory agency. The installation of the car speed controller in vehicles will not only give early warnings to drivers but will prevent over speeding thus leading to the reduction in cases of road traffic accidents.
The images can be processed in order to get desired results for many other applications by Digital image processing. We determine the road side speed sign detecting, monitoring and controlling by using the raspberry pi, which is single board computer. We are designing system to avoid road accidents with updated technology. Many systems are designed with implemented with wireless technology like zigbee, RF communication, Bluetooth, GPS and GSM. But we cannot reduce accidents on roads due to lot of population in now a days. So we are approaching new SOC which is most accurate in executing application. Here we are using raspberry pi, web camera, LCD, motor driver and motor. When there is any road signs are observed beside the road, the vehicle gets engine off so to make driver to observe the sign. By this system we can save life of travelers. In this project the car's speed can be controlled automatically by using motor driver when speed signs displayed on the LCD screen using raspberry pi.
Gerundium, 2023
A világhírű teológus professzor életének meghatározó része kötődött Debrecenhez. 1928 és 1932 között a Debreceni Tudományegyetem Hittudományi Karán tanult, itt szerezte meg a diplomáját, majd 1942-ben itt lett a teológia doktora. Ugyanezen a karon nevezték ki 1945 végén nyilvános rendkívüli, majd 1949 nyarán nyilvános rendes egyetemi tanárrá. Az 1949/50-es tanévben a Hittudományi Kar dékánjaként őrá hárult az egyetemről hatalmi szóval leválasztott és önálló intézménnyé vált Tiszántúli Egyházkerület Debreceni Teológiai Akadémia szervezeti rendjének kialakítása. Itt dolgozott intenzíven az új bibliafordításon 1947 és 1964 között. 1966-ban az egyházi vezetés Pákozdyt a tanszékével együtt áthelyezte Debrecenből a Budapesti Református Teológiai Akadémiára, ahol mintegy két évtizeden át oktatta a leendő lelkipásztorokat. A vallástörténész Pákozdy professzort két külföldi egyetem avatta díszdoktorává az Ószövetség, illetve a Holt-tengeri tekercsek tudományos vizsgálatáért, valamint a Biblia új magyar nyelvű fordításáért. Élete alkonyán vált lehetővé számára az MTA nyelvtudományok doktora fokozat megszerzése. László Márton Pákozdy Professor of Theology and History of Religion, Bible Translator. The world-famous theologian professor spent a significant part of his life in Debrecen. Between 1928 and 1932, he studied at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Debrecen, where he graduated, and in 1942 he received his doctorate in theology. At the end of 1945, he was appointed public extraordinary professor at the same faculty, and in the summer of 1949, he was appointed public ordinary professor. In the academic year 1949/50, as Dean of the Faculty of Theology, he was responsible for the establishment of the organizational structure of the Debrecen Theological Academy of the Tiszántúli Church District, which had been separated from the university by government action and had become an independent institution. In 1966, the church leadership transferred Pákozdy and his department from Debrecen to the Reformed Theological Academy in Budapest, where he taught future pastors for about two decades. Professor Pákozdy, a religious historian, has been awarded honorary doctorates by two foreign universities for his scholarly research on the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and for his translation of the Bible into Hungarian. In the twilight of his life, obtaining the Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences degree was made possible.
Re-thinking school leadership: Exploring the development of distributed leadership in a post-socialist European context. Scholars' Press, AV Akademikverlag, GmbH&Co, 2013
bituminous coating waterproofing method, 2021
Acta Neurologica Belgica, 2019
Radiation Measurements, 2009
Journal of Surgical Research, 2005
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2006