Cabbage Aphid, Brevicoryne
brassicae (L.) (Hemiptera:
Beata GaBrys
University of Zielona Gora, Poland, Zielona Gora
Apterous females (called apterae) are green-yellow
or greyish-green, with a dark head and two rows
of dark spots dorsally on the thorax and abdomen.
The body is covered with a thick greyish-white or
bluish mealy wax (Fig. 1). The siphunculi (cornicles) are small and dark. The body is 1.6–2.6 mm
long. Winged females (called alatae) are green,
with the head and ventral side black, and black
transverse bars on dorsal abdomen. The wax layer
is thinner in the alatae than in the apterae. The
body is 1.6–2.8 mm long. Males are winged. The
number of chromosomes is 2n = 16.
Cabbage aphid occurs throughout all the
temperate and warm temperate parts of the world.
B. brassicae lives in colonies that can contain
hundreds to several thousand densely packed
The type of cabbage aphid life cycle depends
on the climatic conditions during winter. In colder
regions it is holocyclic (sexual forms – winged
males and apterous oviparous females (oviparae) –
appear in autumn; females release a sex pheromone, nepetalactone, and after mating they lay
overwintering eggs). Where the winter is mild,
they are anholocyclic (aphids reproduce parthenogenetically the year round). Parthenogenetic
females are viviparous (they give birth to nymphs).
Depending on the temperature and humidity
conditions, one cabbage aphid generation develops
in 7–10 days.
Cabbage aphid is monoecious, its host range
consisting primarily of plants in the family Brassicaceae (=Cruciferae) in summer as well as in
winter, including such important crops as oilseed
rape and cabbage vegetables (head cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, collards). The host
plants may be divided into three groups depending on their ability to support aphid populations:
permanent, temporal, and accidental host plants.
Permanent host plants support the cabbage aphid
population throughout the whole vegetation
period. A female may give birth to about 20
nymphs (larvae) in 10 days on these plants (e.g.,
Brassica napus L., B. oleracea L., Sinapis alba L.).
Temporal host-plants support 2–3 aphid generations. A female feeding on temporal host plants
produces about ten larvae in 10 days (such plants
as Lepidium sativum L., Isatis tinctoria L.). On
accidental host-plants, aphids may develop less
than one generation (e.g., Thlaspi arvense L. (10
larvae/10 days/female), Capsella bursa-pastoris
(L.) Med. (5 larvae/10 days/female), Lunaria annua
L. (4 larvae/10 days/female), Erysimum cheiranthoides L. (0 larvae/10 days/female).
Older nymphs and adult apterae leave plants
in response to overcrowding and decline in plant
quality; they move within a plant or between plants
via touching stems or the soil. Winged morphs
appear following overcrowding and decline in
plant quality, or in reaction to environmental
factors such as temperature (below 10–15°C for at
Cabbage Aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Cabbage Aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), Figure 1 Cabbage aphids on cabbage
leaf. Note white waxy exudates on aphid bodies.
least 24 h), and seasonal changes in day length
(photoperiod). Overcrowding alone is not responsible for appearance of winged forms in cabbage
aphid colonies.
During flight, cabbage aphid responds to
physical and chemical stimuli. Shape, size, and
density of plants, as well as light of high intensity
(especially wavelengths of 550–590 nm) are significant cues. Particularly important is the contrast
between light reflected from bare soil and plants.
Summer migrants do not respond to host plant
volatiles from large distances; however, they do
react positively to host plant volatiles in close
proximity, especially the volatile products of
glucosinolate breakdown.
While on the plant surface, B. brassicae is relatively unaffected by mechanical barriers. However,
exceptionally dense hairs can protect plant parts
against aphid infestation. Epicuticular wax structure also is important; cabbage aphids drop off
smooth surfaces. Glucosinolates typical of a given
plant species, and n-alkane mixture in epicuticular
waxes present on the plant surface, can be recognized by cabbage aphids. It is not clear whether
these chemicals bear any importance in host selection. The existence of external contact chemoreceptors at the tips of aphid antennae is not well
documented. It is assumed that aphids tend to initiate stylet probes into plant tissues regardless of
the nature of surface chemicals. Landing on an
Cabbage Looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
unsuitable plant motivates cabbage aphids for new
flights. Flight muscle autolysis occurs several days
after settling and the start of reproduction.
When probing (i.e., inserting and moving the
stylets within plant tissues), cabbage aphid selects
for high turgor and high amino acid, sucrose, and
glucosinolate content in young and growing plant
parts of its host plants. When aphid stylets are in
peripheral tissues (epidermis and mesophyll), the
continuation of probing depends on detection of
chemical stimulants – glucosinolates – in mesophyll
cells. Aphids are able to sample mesophyll cell content during brief cell punctures along the stylet pathway. Feeding deterrents may impede stylet
penetration at epidermis and parenchymatous tissues as well as at vascular tissue level. When aphid
stylets are in vascular tissues (phloem and xylem),
cabbage aphid responds positively to a high content
of amino-acid nitrogen, and at the same time it is
relatively resistant to its loss. High nitrogen fertilization of soil promotes cabbage aphid population
development under field conditions. The development of B. brassicae is positively correlated with
treonine, tyrosine, alanine, leucine, and glutamic
acid content, and negatively correlated with phenylalanine content. A minimum of 15% sucrose content stimulates feeding by the cabbage aphid. Such
concentrations occur in phloem sap of growing
leaves. Among plant allelochemicals, the glucosinolates are very strong phagostimulants for the cabbage aphid. In phloem sap of young leaves, the
glucosinolate concentration reaches 10 mM. However, most glucosinolates do not have direct effect on
aphid performance. Cabbage aphid fecundity is positively correlated with some alkenyl glucosinolates
(e.g., progoitrin, sinigrin) content, and a negative
correlation is found for indole ones (e.g., glucobrassicanapin, neoglucobrassicin). Glucosinolate metabolism in the aphid is not known. Some amount of
the ingested glucosinolates is sequestered in cabbage
aphid hemolymph. The glucosinolates may also be
hydrolyzed by endogenous aphid myrosinases
(aphid myrosinases are not identical with plant
myrosinases). High lectin content in the phloem sap
causes high mortality of B. brassicae. The possible
mechanism for this toxicity may be binding of lectin
to chitinous structures in the stylets and foregut.
Cabbage aphid may reduce plant growth by
35%, the number of side branches by 43%, and the
oil content by over 10%. Aphids may cause 85%
yield loss and may induce the increase in glucosinolate content in rapeseed. Content of certain
amino acids (e.g., methionine) increases in phloem
sap due to cabbage aphid feeding. B. brassicae
transmits about 20 plant viruses.
The natural enemies of the cabbage aphid are
primarily generalist insect predators such as Coccinellidae and Carabidae (Coleoptera), Syrphidae
(Diptera), Chrysopidae (Neuroptera), and parasitoids. There is only one primary parasitoid species
of B. brassicae – Diaeretiella rapae (Mc Intosh)
(Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae). It may reduce aphid
populations by 30–40% at the peak infestation.
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Gabrys B (1999) Semiochemicals in the biology and ecology
of the cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae (L.). Zeszyty
Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej we Wroclawiu. Rozprawy.
CLXIV. 356. 84 pp
Hafez M (1961) Seasonal fluctuations of population density of
the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) in the Netherlands and the role of its parasite, Aphidius (Diaeretiella)
rapae (Curtis).Tijdscrift vor Plantenziekten 67:445–548
Klingauf FA (1987) Host plant finding and acceptance. In:
Minks AK, Harrewijn P (eds) Aphids, their biology, natural enemies and control, vol 2B. Elsevier, Amsterdam,
pp 209–223
Markkula M (1953) Biologisch-ökologische Untersuchungen
uber die Khlblattlaus, Brevicoryne brassicae. (L.) (Hem.,
Aphididae) Ann Soc Zool Bot Fenn Van 15:1–133
Nault LR, Styer WE (1972) Effect of sinigrin on host selection
by aphids. Entomol Exp Appl 15:423–437
Cabbage Looper, Trichoplusia ni
(Hübner) (Lepidoptera:
The cabbage looper is found in many crucifergrowing areas of the world, including parts of
Cabbage Looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. However,
overwintering occurs only in warm-winter regions.
The cabbage looper is highly dispersive, and adults
have sometimes found at high altitudes and far
from shore. Flight ranges of approximately 200 km
have been estimated.
Description and Life Cycle
The number of generations completed per year varies from two to three in cool-summer climates to
several overlapping generations in warmer climates.
Development time (egg to adult) requires 18–25
days when insects are held at 32–21°C, respectively,
so at least one generation per month could be completed successfully under favorable weather conditions. There is no diapause present in this insect,
and although it is capable of spending considerable
time as a pupa, it does not tolerate prolonged cold
weather. It reinvades most temperate regions annually after overwintering in warmer latitudes. In the
eastern United States, overwintering regularly
occurs only in the southern half of Florida.
back to form a loop and then projecting the front
section (Fig. 3) of the body forward. The mature
larva is predominantly green, but is usually marked
with a distinct white stripe on each side. The thoracic legs and head capsule are usually pale green
or brown. Dorsally, the larva bears several narrow,
faint white stripes clustered into two broad white
bands. In some cases the mature larva is entirely
green. The body is narrower at the anterior end,
and broadens toward the posterior. It measures
3–4 cm in length at maturity. Head capsule width
is 0.29, 0.47, 0.74, 1.15, and 1.79 mm, respectively,
for instars one through five. Larval development
generally requires 19–20 days.
At pupation, a white, thin, fragile cocoon in
formed on the underside of foliage, in plant debris,
or among clods of soil. The pupa measures about
2 cm in length. Duration of the pupal stage
is about 4, 6, and 13 days at 32, 27, and 20°C,
Cabbage looper eggs are hemispherical in shape,
with the flat side affixed to foliage. They are deposited singly on either the upper or lower surface of
the leaf, although clusters of six to seven eggs are
not uncommon. The eggs are yellowish white or
greenish in color, bear longitudinal ridges, and
measure about 0.6 mm in diameter and 0.4 mm in
height. Eggs hatch in about 2–5 days.
The forewings of the cabbage looper moth are
mottled gray-brown in color; the hind wings are
light brown at the base, with the distal portions
dark brown (Fig. 2). The forewing bears silvery
white spots centrally: a U-shaped mark and a
circle or dot that are often connected. The forewing spots, although slightly variable, serve to
distinguish cabbage looper from most other
crop-feeding noctuid moths. The moths have a
wingspan of 33–38 mm. During the adult stage,
which averages 10–12 days, 300–600 eggs are
produced by females. Moths are considered to be
seminocturnal because feeding and oviposition
sometimes occurs about dusk. They may become
active on cloudy days or during cool weather, but
are even more active during the nighttime
Young larvae initially are dusky white, but become
pale green as they feed on foliage. They are somewhat hairy initially, but the number of hairs
decreases rapidly as larvae mature. Larvae have
three pairs of prolegs, and crawl by arching their
Cabbage Looper, Tricoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
dogbane, Apocynum spp.; sunflower, Helianthus
spp.; and others.
Cabbage Looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner)
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Figure 2 Adult of
cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni.
Cabbage loopers are leaf feeders, and in the first
three instars they confine their feeding to the lower
leaf surface, leaving the upper surface intact. The
fourth and fifth instars chew large holes, and usually do not feed at the leaf margin. In the case of
cabbage, however, they feed not only on the wrapper leaves, but also may bore into the developing
Natural Enemies
Cabbage Looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner)
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Figure 3 Cabbage
looper larva.
Host Plants
The cabbage looper feeds on a wide variety of
cultivated plants and weeds. As the common
name implies, it feeds readily on crucifers, and
has been reported damaging broccoli, cabbage,
cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mustard, radish, rutabaga, turnip, and watercress.
Other vegetable crops injured include beet, cantaloupe, celery, cucumber, lima bean, lettuce,
parsnip, pea, pepper, potato, snap bean, spinach,
squash, sweetpotato, tomato, and watermelon.
Additional hosts are flower crops such as chrysanthemum, hollyhock, snapdragon, and sweetpea, and field crops such as cotton and tobacco.
Surprisingly few common agricultural weeds
are frequent hosts. Adults feed on nectar from a
wide range of flowering plants, including clover,
Trifolium spp.; goldenrod, Solidago canadensis;
The cabbage looper is attacked by numerous natural enemies, and the effectiveness of each seems
to vary greatly. Most studies note the effectiveness
of wasp and tachinid parasitoids, and a nuclear
polyhedrosis virus (NPV). During the latter instars,
Voria ruralis (Fallen) (Diptera: Tachinidae), a solitary or gregarious endoparasite attacking the
medium or large size larvae, often is the dominant
cause of death, accounting for an average of about
53% mortality. Trichoplusia ni NPV causes about
12% mortality, and undetermined fungi about 10%.
Copidosoma truncatellum (Dalman) (Hymenoptera:
Encyrtidae) is the other significant mortality factor,
but accounted for only six to seven percent mortality. Other studies reported that egg parasitism of
cabbage looper by Trichogramma (Hymenoptera:
Trichogrammatidae), while variable, could reach
about 35%. Despite the abundance of parasitoids,
however, T. ni NPV is usually considered the key
factor affecting populations. Early signs of larval
infection by NPV are a faint mottling of the abdomen in the area of the third to the sixth abdominal
segments. This is followed by a more generalized
blotchy appearance, and the caterpillar eventually
becomes creamy white in color, swollen, and limp.
Caterpillars die within 5–7 days of contracting
the disease.
Cabbage Maggot or Cabbage Root Fly, Delia radicum (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae)
Blacklight traps and pheromone traps have been
used in an attempt to predict looper population
densities. Pheromone releasers and blacklight
traps can be combined to increase moth catches.
Insecticide resistance has become a problem in
cabbage looper control, but susceptibility varies
widely among populations. Bacillus thuringiensis
has long been used for effective suppression of
cabbage looper, and has the advantage of not disrupting populations of beneficial insects.
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Vegetable Pests and their Management
Capinera JL (2001) Handbook of vegetable pests. Academic
Press, San Diego, 729 pp
Elsey KD, Rabb RL (1970) Analysis of the seasonal mortality
of the cabbage looper in North Carolina. Ann Entomol
Soc Am 63:1597–1604
McEwen FL, Hervey GER (1960) Mass-rearing the cabbage
looper, Trichoplusia ni, with notes on its biology in the
laboratory. Ann Entomol Soc Am 53:229–234
Oatman ER, Platner GR (1969) An ecological study of insect
populations on cabbage in southern California. Hilgardia
Shorey HH (1963) The biology of Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). II. Factors affecting adult fecundity
and longevity. Ann Entomol Soc Am 56:476–480
Shorey HH, Andres LA, Hale RL (1962) The biology of
Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). I. Life history
and behavior. Ann Entomol Soc Am 55:591–597
Cabbage Maggot or Cabbage
Root Fly, Delia radicum (Linnaeus)
(Diptera: Anthomyiidae)
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Cabbage maggot (cabbage root fly) is known as a
pest throughout the northern hemisphere. It apparently was introduced accidentally from Europe to
North America in the early 1800s. Cabbage maggot
thrives under cool conditions, and rarely is reported
to be a pest south of about latitude 45 degrees
north, and when it is, it usually occurs at a high
elevation. Quite cold tolerant, it is found in some of
the northernmost agricultural regions.
Life History
The number of generations occurring annually
varies from one in the far north to three in optimal
climates, although there are occasional reports of
four generations. The generations may overlap
considerably. A developmental threshold of about
6°C has been determined for most life stages. The
time required for a complete generation is estimated at 40–60 days.
Eggs normally are laid in the soil around the
stem of cruciferous plants, but sometimes eggs are
deposited directly on the stem of plants. The elongate eggs are white in color, and taper markedly at
both ends, but one end is more blunt than the
other. One side of the egg is flattened or slightly
concave, with the opposite side convex. Eggs measure about 1.1 mm long and 0.34 mm wide. The
eggs are often laid in clumps of a few eggs, but
sometimes hundreds of eggs are found at the same
location, evidence that more than one female may
oviposit at the same spot. Females commonly produce 300–400 eggs during their life span of 30–60
days. Eggs hatch in 3–5 days, averaging about 3.5
days at 20°C.
There are three instars. The length of the
mouthparts (cephalopharyngeal skeleton) can be
used to differentiate instars, with mean lengths of
0.44, 0.80, and 1.24 mm, respectively. The larvae
are white in color and attain lengths of about 1.5,
3.7, and up to 8 mm, respectively. The mouth hooks
are black. Located immediately behind the head is
a pair of brownish fan-like spiracles, each of which
is divided into about 12 lobes. Larvae feed externally and internally on roots, and internally on
stem tissue. The larval period requires about 18–22
days under field conditions, but development time
may be altered by weather. Exposure of first and
Cabbage Maggot or Cabbage Root Fly, Delia radicum (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae)
second instar larvae to cool temperatures or short
photoperiods seems to induce diapause in the
pupal stage.
The puparium is oval, bluntly rounded at both
ends, and brown in color. The average length is 5.5
mm, with a range of 3.5–6.5 mm. The duration of
the prepupal stage is about 3–5 days, and the pupa
requires 12–25 days during the summer. However,
this is the overwintering stage, so it is prolonged
for 5–8 months in the overwintering generation(s).
Overwintering pupae require at least 22 weeks of
temperatures < 6°C to complete diapause development. The puparia from the summer generations
are usually found in the soil immediately adjacent
to the root on which the larvae last fed. Sometimes
they occur within the plant tissue, including the
aboveground stem tissue. Aestivation occurs in
response to warm temperatures, above 20°C, and
especially in response to hot temperatures,
27–30°C. In preparation for overwintering, the
larvae seem to disperse further from the plant, and
deeper into the soil. Overwintering puparia may
be found 12–15 cm from the plant, and commonly
are found in the soil at a depth of 10 cm.
The adults are dark with gray markings (Fig. 4).
The male bears three blackish longitudinal bands
Cabbage Maggot or Cabbage Root Fly, Delia
radicum (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae),
Figure 4 Adult cabbage maggot (cabbage root
fly), Delia radicum (Linnaeus).
on the thorax, but these markings are less distinct
on the female. The flies are quite bristly, and measure 5–7 mm long. Adults feed on nectar from
flowering plants. If they obtain adequate food they
may persist for 2–4 weeks, whereas they perish in
2–3 days if denied food. Adults are highly attracted
to crucifers for oviposition. The preoviposition
period of adults is about 6 days.
Cabbage maggot commonly attacks cruciferous vegetable crops, including broccoli, Brussels
sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard, kale, kohlrabi,
mustard, radish, rutabaga, turnip, and watercress.
It has been reported from noncrucifer crops on
occasion, but these are misidentifications that stem
from the difficulty in accurately identifying this fly.
Cruciferous weeds apparently do not play a significant role in the biology of this insect; although
some appear to be suitable hosts, they rarely are
mentioned in the economic entomology literature.
Important natural enemies include staphylinids of several genera, particularly Aleochara sp.
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae); a wasp, Trybliographa
rapae (Westwood) (Hymenoptera: Eucoilidae);
and a mite, Trombidium sp. (Acari: Trombidiidae).
Aleochara sp. attack the pupal stage of cabbage
maggot, Trybliographa attacks the larvae, and the
mite destroys the eggs.
Natural control has been studied extensively
in both Europe and North America. Egg predation
by staphylinids and carabids may reach 90–95%
annually. Aleochara are very effective predators,
but become active too late in the spring to have
much effect on first generation cabbage maggot.
Trybliographa is fairly effective at high host densities, often parasitizing in excess of 50% of available
hosts. Other natural enemies of the immature
cabbage maggot include numerous hymenopterous parasitoids of questionable economic importance, carabids (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and ants
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae). General predators
undoubtedly attack the adults, but they are not
considered to be important.
Fungi are commonly observed infecting flies.
Entomophthora muscae and Strongwellsea castrans
cause epizootics among adults during wet weather,
Cabbage Maggot or Cabbage Root Fly, Delia radicum (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae)
and though impressive, act too late to prevent early
season crop damage.
The spring generation tends to appear consistently, but latter generations are greatly influenced
by weather. Rain and cool weather may decrease
egg production and egg predation, and cause starvation of flies, but optimal egg production is associated with temperatures of 18–21°C, which
corresponds well with the weather occurring during most spring generations. Pupal development is
particularly susceptible to delay caused by hot
temperatures, which normally is associated with
summer generations. Dry soil is lethal to eggs.
damage results in severe crop loss, and in this case
the autumn generation may be quite important.
The summer generation causes little damage.
Damage tends to be greater on loamy sand soil
than on sand or clay soil, but as a general rule light
soils are more problem prone.
Although most eggs are laid on the soil, a
small number are sometimes deposited on plant
tissue, resulting in injury by larvae to leaflets, especially to Brussels sprout buttons. Occasionally the
growing points of plants are attacked, resulting in
multiple heads.
Larvae (Fig. 5) damage crucifers by feeding on the
roots and, to a much lesser degree, the stems or
petioles of plants. Damage to leaf crops such as
cabbage is most evident in the late spring; signs of
feeding damage are initially seen as drooping or
wilting of a few leaves, and then perhaps the entire
plant. Delayed maturity and stunting are common
responses to root maggot injury. Plant death often
coincides with drought or water stress, when the
injury to roots is fully expressed. When plants are
small, five to ten maggots are necessary to kill the
seedling. However, later in the season densities of
100 maggots or more may be supported satisfactorily if the plant has adequate water.
Cabbage maggot larvae feed on the rootlets or
feeder roots, but invariably move to the main or
tap root as they mature. They scar the surface and
burrow into the root. In the case of crops that are
harvested for their root, such as radish and turnip,
Cabbage Maggot or Cabbage Root Fly, Delia
radicum (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae),
Figure 5 Mature cabbage maggot (larva of
cabbage root fly), Delia radicum (Linnaeus).
Adult flight periods can be monitored by using
cone screen traps baited with crucifers. Baits are
more effective than yellow sticky traps, although
sticky trap captures are correlated with egg
deposition rates. Horizontal surfaces are more
suitable than vertical surfaces for landing by flies.
Dispensers that release isothiocyanates, naturally
occurring odors released by crucifers, can be used
as lures. Color, but not leaf pattern, also can influence host selection. Water traps baited with isothiocyanate can be used to monitor population,
but trap catches do not predict egg numbers
Flight activity can be predicted from thermal
unit accumulations. The overwintering (partly
developed) generation require about 300 daydegrees (above a base temperature of 43°F). Subsequent generations require about 1200 degree-days.
With the introduction of chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides, damage by cabbage maggot
was greatly reduced. Long-lasting insecticides,
applied to the soil at planting, protect the roots
from larvae. This remains the principal method of
plant protection in commercial crucifer production, but the insecticides have been changed over
time as resistance to insecticides developed. Loss
of insecticide efficacy is due not only to selection
for insecticide resistant insects, but enhanced
degradation of insecticide by soil microbes.
Cabbageworm, Pieris rapae (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
Insecticides are typically applied as a granular
formulation over the seed bed or incorporated
into the soil, or as a liquid drench. Foliar applications are sometimes made to suppress adults.
Foliar application of insecticides, timed according
to temperature accumulations, can be superior to
soil applications or calendar-based sprays. Seed
treatment can be an effective method of providing
protection to seedlings, but it does not work well
for all insecticides. Naphthalene has been investigated in Europe for repellency to ovipositing flies;
although good protection occurs for about 6
weeks, the cost of application is high.
Modification of planting and tillage practices
is often recommended for reduction in cabbage
maggot damage. Delayed planting is reported to
allow the young plants to escape oviposition by the
spring adults. Sanitation also is quite important, as
the roots and stems of crucifers left in the field can
be very suitable for autumn and early spring generations of cabbage maggot. Crop residues should
be deeply buried, or pulled and allowed to dry
completely. High plant densities are more attractive
than low densities to flies, but because there are
more plants on which to distribute the eggs, yield
may be equivalent at both plant densities. Introducing diversity into the landscape, as by undersowing portions of a crucifer crop with clover, will
disturb the normal host orientation pattern and
reduce oviposition. Similarly, single row intercropping of crucifers with unrelated plants will greatly
reduce the oviposition rate on crucifers.
Physical manipulations of the crop environment also assist pest suppression. Crops covered
tightly with row covers escape injury by cabbage
maggot. Tar paper or cardboard discs, or collars
made of other weather-resistant material, placed
around the stem of seedlings have long been
recommended as a physical barrier to reduce the
ability of females to deposit eggs at the soil-stem
interface. A precise fit is required, however, or the
flies will circumvent the barrier.
Reliable biological control techniques have
not yet been developed. Entomopathogenic
nematodes (Nematoda: Steinernematidae and
Heterorhabditidae) have been evaluated for suppression of larvae. Although heterorhabditid nematodes are attracted to cabbage maggot larvae and
pupae, under field conditions they have not been
shown to be effective. Steinernematid nematodes
provide some suppression of cabbage maggot larvae
in pot and field trials, but very high densities of
nematodes are needed, at least 100,000 nematodes
per plant. This is not entirely surprising because fly
larvae are less susceptible to nematodes than are
many other insects. In Europe, the potential of using
the predatory beetle Aleochara bilineata (Gyllenhal)
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) to achieve biological
suppression of cabbage maggot is being studied;
while technically feasible, the costs thus far are high.
Despite the common name, cabbage is less
attractive to cabbage maggots than some other
crucifer crops. Chinese cabbage, mustard, rutabaga, and turnip tend to be more severely injured
than cabbage. There also is some variation within
vegetable crops in resistance to attack; fast growing varieties seem most injured. Overall, not much
progress has been made on finding cultivars resistant to cabbage maggot.
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Vegetable Pests and their Management
Capinera JL (2001) Handbook of vegetable pests. Academic
Press, San Diego, 729 pp
Finch S (1989) Ecological considerations in the management
of Delia pest species in vegetable crops. Ann Rev Entomol
Finch S (1993) Integrated management of the cabbage root fly
and the carrot fly. Crop Protection 12:423–430
Fulton BB (1943) The cabbage maggot in North Carolina.
North Carolina. Agr Exp Stn Bull 335, 24 pp
Cabbageworm, Pieris rapae
(Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
The cabbageworm occurs in temperate regions
around the world, and is easily confused with
other common cabbage white butterflies. In most
Cabbageworm, Pieris rapae (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
temperate areas, it is a serious pest if insecticides
are not used to protect cabbage. In North America,
it is known as the imported cabbageworm because
it is an invader; in Europe it is known as the small
white cabbage butterfly.
Life Cycle and Description
The complete life cycle of this insect requires 3–6
weeks, depending on weather. The number of generations reported annually is two to three in cool
climates such as Canada, increasing to six to eight
in southern areas.
Eggs are laid singly, usually on the lower surface of
outer leaves of plants. The egg measures 0.5 mm in
width and 1.0 mm in length, and initially is pale
white in color but eventually turns yellowish. The
egg is laid on end, with the point of attachment
flattened and the distal end tapering to a blunt
point. The shape is sometimes described as resembling a bullet.
about 15 days to complete its development during
August. Average development times for each instar
at 19°C was observed to be 4.5, 3.0, 3.3, 4.1, and 7.8
days, respectively. All larval stages except the first
instar bear a narrow yellow line running along the
center of the back; this stripe is sometimes incomplete on the early instars. A broken yellow line, or
series of yellow spots, also occurs on each side.
Pupation normally occurs on the food plant. The
chrysalis is about 18–20 mm in length, and varies
in color, usually yellow, gray, green and speckled
brown. A sharply angled, keel-like projection is
evident dorsally on the thorax, and dorsolaterally
on each side of the abdomen. At pupation, the
chrysalis is anchored by the tip of the abdomen to
the silk pad, and a strand of silk is loosely spun
around the thorax. Pupation during the summer
generations lasts about 11 days. The chrysalis is
the overwintering stage, however, so its duration
may be prolonged for months. The proportion of
pupae that diapause increases as autumn progresses, so that at the time of the final generation
all pupae are in diapause.
The larva is green, velvety in appearance (Fig. 6),
and bears five pairs of prolegs. There are five
instars. Head capsule widths are about 0.4, 0.6,
0.97, 1.5, and 2.2 mm, respectively. Body lengths at
maturity of each instar averages 3.2, 8.8, 14.0, 20.2,
and 30.1 mm, respectively. The larva requires
Upon emergence from the chrysalis the butterfly
has a wingspan of about 4.5–6.5 cm. It is white above
with black at the tips of the forewings. The front
wings are also marked with black dots: two in the
central area of each forewing in the female, and one
in case of males (Fig. 7). When viewed from below,
the wings generally are yellowish, and the black spots
usually show faintly through the wings. The hind
wing of each sex also bears a black spot on the anterior edge. The body of the butterfly is covered with
dense hair, which is colored white in females, but
darker in males. The adult typically lives about
3 weeks. The female produces 300–400 eggs. The
adult is very active during the daylight hours, often
moving from the crop to flowering weeds to feed.
Cabbageworm, Pieris rapae (Linnaeus)
(Lepidoptera: Pieridae), Figure 6 Larva of
cabbageworm, Pieris rapae.
Cabbageworm, Pieris rapae (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
Cabbageworms feed on foliage, and if left
unchecked often will reduce mature plants to
stems and large veins. Although they prefer leafy
foliage, larvae may burrow into the heads of broccoli and cabbage, especially as they mature. Larvae
are often immobile, and difficult to dislodge, and
may be overlooked when cleaning produce. Larvae produce copious quantities of fecal material
which also contaminate and stain produce.
glomeratus (L.) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) attacks
the early instars, and emerges from the mature
larva as it prepares to pupate. A. glomeratus is readily observed in the field, searching diligently on
foliage for larvae. Dead cabbageworm larvae are
often found with clusters of 20–30 A. glomeratus
cocoons attached. In some areas tachinids (Diptera: Tachinidae) are more important than wasps.
Virus and fungal diseases of imported cabbageworm have been reported, but the predominant natural disease in a granulosis virus (GV).
P. rapae GV occurs most commonly under high
density conditions, and often among late instar
larvae after they have consumed the exterior foliage
of plants and are forced into close contact. Over
90% mortality of larvae due to natural occurrence
of this disease has been reported. In the early
stages of infection, larvae are inactive and paler in
color. As the disease progresses, the caterpillar
body turns yellow, and tends to appear bloated.
After death, the body blackens, the integument
ruptures, and the liquefied body contents ooze on
the plant foliage. Rainfall has a major roll in assisting the spread of the virus on the plant, and from
the soil to the plant.
Host Plants
Larvae of this insect feed widely on plants in the
family Cruciferae, but occasionally on a few other
plant families that contain mustard oils. Commonly attacked are vegetable crops such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard,
horseradish, kale, and kohlrabi. Also sometimes
attacked are flowers such as nasturtium and sweet
alyssum, and weeds in the family Cruciferae.
Adults sip nectar from flowers, and are commonly
seen feeding at a number of plants.
Imported cabbageworm are readily killed by foliar
application of insecticides, including the bacterial
insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis. Crucifer crops
differ is their susceptibility to attack by imported
cabbageworm. Chinese cabbage, turnip, mustard,
rutabaga, and kale are less preferred than cabbage,
collards, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower.
Some cultivars of certain crops also have moderate levels of resistance to infestation by imported
cabbageworm. Cabbage butterflies avoid ovipositing on red cabbage varieties. However, larval survival is favored by red cabbage, so red varieties
are not a satisfactory solution to the caterpillar
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Vegetable Pests and their Management
Cabbageworm, Pieris rapae (Linnaeus)
(Lepidoptera: Pieridae), Figure 7 Adult of
Natural Enemies
The imported cabbageworm is subject to numerous predators, parasitoids, and diseases. Apanteles
Cactus Flies
Capinera JL (2001) Handbook of vegetable pests. Academic
Press, San Diego, 729 pp
Chittenden FH (1916) The common cabbage worm. USDA
Farmers’ Bull 766, 16 pp
Harcourt DG (1963) Biology of cabbage caterpillars in eastern Ontario. Proc Entomol Soc Ontario 93:61–75
Richards OW (1940) The biology of the small white butterfly
(Pieris rapae. ), with special reference to the factors controlling its abundance. J Anim Ecol 9:243–288
Cactus Flies
Members of the family Neriidae (order Diptera).
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis
cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera:
Jesusa C. LeGaspi, BenJamin C. LeGaspi Jr.
USDA-ARS, FAMU-Center for Biological
Control, Tallahassee, FL, USA
USDA-ARS, FAMU-Center for Biological
Control, Tallahassee, FL, USA
The cactus moth became a textbook example of
successful classical biological control after it was
imported from Argentina into Australia in 1926 to
control invasive Opuntia cacti. To date, the moth
continues to play an active role in controlling
Opuntia in Australia. In 1989, Cactoblastis was
found in Florida (USA), subsequently spreading
northward to South Carolina and westward to
Alabama by 2004. The arrival of the moth in the
United States was cause for concern in the cactus
industry. In the United States, cacti are grown
primarily as ornamentals in Arizona, California,
Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas. Highest nursery
production is in Arizona (wholesale and retail
values of $4.5 million and $9.5 million, respectively),
followed by southern California. Despite attempts
to prevent migration to the valuable cactus growing regions in Mexico, Cactoblastis was found in
Isla Mujeres, Mexico, in August 2006. Over
250,000 ha are cultivated in Mexico producing
annual economic revenue of about $50 million
Although the importations into Australia and
the invasion into the USA and Mexico occurred
many years apart, the Cactoblastis moth has now
become a cautionary example in the practice of
biological control. Research on the moth has
shifted from mass release to control. Here, we
attempt to summarize the current state of knowledge on the biology, distribution and control
methods against Cactoblastis.
Like other cactus-feeding moths, the Cactoblastis
female lays its eggs (Fig. 8) on top of each other to
form an “eggstick,” often averaging 60–100 eggs
per eggstick. Young larvae burrow into the cactus
cladode through a single entry hole, negating the
effect of the cactus secretions. Larvae feed collectively within the cladode for about 2 months in the
summer and four in the winter. Afterwards, the
larvae exit the plant to pupate in the leaf litter or
soil. Adult lifespan is short, about 9 days, or ranging from about 5 days at 34°C to about 12 days at
18°C in females. Sex ratios are typically 1:1.
Depending on climate and season, Cactoblastis
undergoes 2–3 generations per year. In South
Africa, summer and winter generation times are
113–132 days and 234–256 days, respectively. In
Australia, summer and winter generation times
are 100–120 and 235–265 days, respectively. Under
laboratory conditions, generation time ranges
from 67 days at 30°C to 185 days at 18°C. Duration
of lifestages is generally: egg (50 days); larval
(130–180 days); pupal (40–70 days). Duration of
immature life stages is affected by temperature
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Figure 8 Life cycle of Cactoblastis
cactorum: (a) eggs deposited on a cactus spine, forming an “eggstick”; (b) larvae hatching from eggs; (c)
mature larvae are strikingly colored orange and black; (d) pupae and a pupal case, with arrows pointing
to the genital slit, a character that can be used to sex the pupae; (e) male (left) and female (right) moths;
(f) a cactus pad hollowed out by feeding of the larvae. Note that the larvae are visible within the pad
(photographs by Ignacio Baez).
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
(Table 1, Fig. 9). At 30°C, development from eggs
to pupae averages 64.8 days, increasing to 179.9
days at 18°C. Duration of immature life stages was
used to generate a development rate curve (Fig. 9)
and to calculate a theoretical development threshold temperature of 13.3°C.
Lifetime fecundity is about 172 eggs on Opuntia ficus-indica, compared to 138 on O. aurantiaca
for the summer generation. Respective values for
the winter generation were 177 and 159. Total
fecundity of winter generations ranges from 88–97
in South Africa, and 99–125 in Australia, although
some estimates for total fecundity are as high as
200–300 eggs per female. Total lifetime fecundity
changes with temperature, and ranges from about
12 at 34°C to about 100 at 26°C. The combined
effects of insect age and temperature are shown
using an Enkegaard oviposition rate surface using
the equation: eggs = (−11.241 + 0.854T) d exp
(−0.020Td); where T is temperature (°C) and d is
time (days) (Fig. 10). The estimated parameters
p and q describe how quickly maximal oviposition is reached as a function of temperature; and
w how quickly it returns to zero. Net reproductive rate (R0), gross reproductive rate (GRR),
generation time (T), intrinsic rate of increase (r),
finite rate of increase (λ), and doubling time
(DT) were 43.68 females/female, 44.02 females/
female, 67.14 days, 0.0562 females/female/day,
1.058 females/female/day, and 12.33 days, respectively, at 30°C. The life history parameters of
Cactoblastis (Table 2) indicate an insect with
relatively low reproductive potential and susceptibility to control measures at the egg stage that
is exposed for periods of 20–48 days, depending
on temperature.
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Table 1 Immature development of
Cactoblastis cactorum (mean ± SE; days)
Life stage
Temperature (°C)
47.90 ± 0.28
29.60 ± 0.22
22.50 ± 0.22
20.90 ± 0.23
22.90 ± 0.35
78.39 ± 2.58
61.36 ± 2.77
33.52 ± 0.61
29.89 ± 0.80
30.08 ± 1.05
53.46 ± 1.52
24.91 ± 0.14
16.28 ± 0.51
13.88 ± 0.66
13.79 ± 0.67
179.86 ± 2.92
115.96 ± 2.84
72.22 ± 0.79
64.75 ± 0.88
67.04 ± 1.65
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Figure 9 Development rate for
Cactoblastis cactorum immatures (eggs to pupae). Development rate was fitted to the logistic equation
rate = 0.0165/(1 + (T/20.7093)−5.8823). The linear portion of the curve was used to estimate a lower
development threshold temperature of 13.3°C.
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
After importation into Australia from Argentina
in 1926, Cactoblastis moths dispersed throughout
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg)
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Figure 10 Enkegaard
surface showing simultaneous effects of time
and temperature on mean oviposition rate
(female eggs). The estimated equation is:
eggs = (−11.241 + 0.854T) d exp (−0.020Td)
(F = 16.96; df = 3, 54: P < 0.001; R2 = 0.35).
infested areas, exceeding all expectations of the
Australian government and resulting in collapse
of cactus stands at the original release sites by
1932. In 1956, Cactoblastis was shipped from South
Africa to the Caribbean island of Nevis where it
established and provided successful biological
control against a complex of native prickly pear
cacti. Successful introductions followed in
Montserrat and Antigua in 1960. Through natural
migration, intentional or unintentional human
action, Cactoblastis has been reported throughout
the Caribbean (or West Indies; including St. Kitts,
the US Virgin Islands, Hispaniola [Haiti], Cuba, the
Dominica Republic, the Bahamas, the Cayman
Islands, Puerto Rico, Barbados), New Caledonia,
Hawaii, Mauritius, St. Helena, and Ascension
Island with varying degrees of establishment and
success against Opuntia. The moth was imported
into Pakistan and Kenya but apparently failed to
In 1989, the arrival of Cactoblastis in mainland
North America was documented by reports in
south Florida. Cactoblastis likely entered Florida
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Table 2 Life history parameters for
Cactoblastis cactorum at different temperatures
Net Reproductive
Rate (R0)a
Gross Reproductive
Rate (GRR)b
Generation Time (T)c
Intrinsic Rate of
Increase (r)d
Finite Rate of
Increase (λ)e
Doubling Time (DT)f
Temperature (°C)
R0 = ∑ lxmx expressed in units of female/female; egg numbers divided by 2 because of 1:1 sex ratio
GRR = ∑ mx in female/female
T = (∑ xlxmx)/R0 in days
r = ln R0/T in female/female/day
λ = exp(r) in female/female/day
DT = ln (2)/r in days
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
through commercial importations of Opuntia from
the Dominican Republic into Miami. By 1999, Cactoblastis had spread northwards and was found
throughout the eastern Florida coastline and as far
north as Tampa on the western coast. By 2002, the
moth had expanded westward to Pensacola, Florida and northward along the eastern coast to
Charleston, South Carolina. In July, 2004, westward
migration had reached Dauphin Island, Alabama
and Bull Island, South Carolina (about 80 km north
of Charleston). The westward migration of Cactoblastis in the southeastern United States is estimated at 160 km/year with arrival at the Texas
border predicted to occur in 2007. The muchdreaded arrival of Cactoblastis in Mexico occurred
in August 2006 on Isla Mujeres, a small island off
the northeast coast of the Yucatan peninsula in
Mexico. The method by which Cactoblastis
migrated into Mexico is unknown, although speculation centers on winds and hurricanes, or accidental transport via tourists or commercial trade.
The analysis of insect distributions may be
assisted through the use of bioclimatic models such
as CLIMEX. Bioclimatic models incorporate
known ecological and climatic tolerances of organisms in their native habitats to predict potential
distribution or densities in other geographical
regions. The twofold process typically consists of
replicating the known distribution of the target
species in its native habitat by estimating biological
and stress parameters using experimental data or
estimates from the literature. Afterwards, the geographical area of interest is extended or a new area
is chosen where the target species may be introduced intentionally, as in a biological control agent,
or unintentionally, as in an invasive pest species.
Temperature index parameters were estimated
using the laboratory data on development time at different constant temperatures (Table 3). The moisture
index parameters were based on those of the Mediterranean fruitfly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae), with a native South American distribution similar
to that of Cactoblastis. The target area of distribution
was the documented native habitat of Paraguay, Uruguay, southern Brazil and northern Argentina.
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg)
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Table 3 CLIMEX
parameter file for Cactoblastis
Temperature Index
Lower temperature
Lower optimum temperature 25
Upper optimum temperature 30
Upper temperature threshold 36
Moisture Index
Lower soil moisture
Lower optimal soil moisture
Upper optimal soil moisture
Upper soil moisture
Cold Stress
Cold stress temperature
Cold stress temperature rate
Cold stress degree-day
Cold stress degree-day rate
Cold stress temperature
threshold (average)
Cold stress temperature rate
Heat Stress
Dry stress threshold
Dry stress rate
Wet stress
Wet stress threshold
Wet stress rate
Degree days per generation
Predicted and known worldwide distributions of Cactoblastis are shown together in the
map. In its native distribution range of Uruguay,
Paraguay, south Brazil and north Argentina, Cactoblastis appears to be limited by cold stress to the
south and along the Andes mountain range, and
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
by wet stress to the north in parts of Brazil. Areas
in eastern Brazil may be conducive to moth survival despite the absence of records in that area.
The fact that no records of Cactoblastis exist in this
area may be due to the absence of host Opuntia
species, or the lack of efforts to find the moth. The
model suggests potential distribution may occur
in North America (from the Caribbean Islands to
Florida, Texas and Mexico), Africa (South Africa,
and parts of the eastern coast), southern India,
parts of Southeast Asia and in the northeastern
coast of Australia. As partial validation of these
predictions, the moth was recorded in the Caribbean, including Cuba, Bahamas and Puerto Rico.
Furthermore, the moth has been recorded in
southern Africa and Australia. Cactoblastis was
released, but apparently did not establish, in Kenya
and Pakistan. Based on the model output, establishment might have been expected in Kenya, but
not in Pakistan. New Caledonia, Hawaii and the
islands of St. Helena and Ascension did not appear
on the maps generated. Based on the current
parameter values, the moth is close to its predicted
northern range along the Atlantic coast. However,
new data and revised parameter values could allow
further expansion northwards. Therefore, the current projections are likely to be conservative estimates of Cactoblastis range in North America.
Because the potential range is likely to be
conservative, more problematic is that the predicted range already encompasses Florida, Texas,
eastern Mexico, as well as a bridge of favorable climate linking Florida to Texas along the Gulf Coast.
Therefore, even without human intervention such
as contaminated shipments of cacti, climatic conditions may support natural migration of the moth
from Florida into Texas, provided adequate Opuntia populations exist along the Gulf Coast. Other
bioclimatic models yield results similar to those
from CLIMEX. GARP (Genetic Algorithm for
Rule set Prediction) was used to estimate distribution of host cacti. Flora Map predicted potential
distribution of Cactoblastis. When the distribution
maps of both host plant and cactus moth were
overlaid, possible invasion routes into Mexico
were predicted to be along the northern border
through Texas, or less likely, through southeastern
The validity and utility of bioclimatic models
is controversial. Clearly, distribution of organisms
is determined by factors other than climate. The
problems encountered in collecting data to both
calibrate and validate the CLIMEX model are
likely to be typical for most scientists attempting
similar studies. Detailed distribution records are
difficult to obtain, despite the fact that Cactoblastis
is a well-documented insect. There is a need to
determine definitively whether the absence of
records from large regions such as eastern Brazil is
because sampling was performed, but no moths
were collected, or simply because no sampling
efforts were undertaken. Absence data is almost as
important as presence data. In addition to problems with distribution record data, weather data
may not be available for specific times and locations of interest. In an insect as cosmopolitan as
Cactoblastis, a potentially significant complication
is that strains of different geographical origins
have differing bionomics, perhaps as adaptations
to local climate. Despite numerous valid criticisms
against the climate matching approach, in the
absence of appropriate data, climate matching
may be the only viable option to predict species
Currently there are no consistently effective chemical or biological methods to control Cactoblastis.
To limit Cactoblastis infestations, adequate surveillance and early detection are critical. Effective
surveillance may require the use of specialized
traps such as those baited with virgin female
moths. In areas where Cactoblastis has established
as a pest, the selection of a control agent is determined by considering the value of the crop, the
size of the affected area, and if the moth is itself
used as a control agent against invasive cactus species. Control methods may include management
Cactus Moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
practices such as the collection and destruction of
infested cacti. Systemic insecticides have not
proven effective against Cactobastis, but selected
contact insecticides may be used against early
instars, before they penetrate the cactus.
There are many potential biological control
agents against Cactoblastis, but none appear to be
specific. As discussed in the Biology section, the
moth is characterized by a relatively low reproductive potential, which suggests that potential biological control agents need not possess extremely
high reproductive rates. Candidate agents for evaluation might include egg parasitoids or predators
that attack the vulnerable and exposed egg stage.
Egg parasitoids belonging to the genus Trichogramma have been suggested as agents, possibly in
augmentative biological control programs. In Australia, Trichogramma minutum Riley caused up to
32% egg parasitism. This egg parasitoid is commercially available. In South Africa and Australia, egg
predation by ants is a significant regulatory factor
in the Cactoblastis populations. Important ant
predators include Crematogaster liengmei Forel,
Pheidole sp., Tetramorium erectum Emery, T. bacchus Forel, Tetramorium sp., Monomorium albopilosum Emery, M. minutum Mayr, and Camponotus
niveosetosus Mayr. Egg mortality due primarily to
ant predation has been found to range from 55 to
78% depending on season and cactus species.
Other ant species suspected of being egg predators
on Cactoblastis are Technomyrmex albipes Smith,
Monomorium delagoense Forel, Camponotus eugeniae Forel, and C. rufoglaucus (Jerdon).
Alternatively, potential agents might be those
specialized for searching and attacking the moth
larvae within the cactus plant. Possible classical
biological control agents from South America
include one braconid larval parasitoid, five to six
ichneumonid wasps, and a tachnid fly. Apanteles
alexanderi Brethes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
can cause parasitism levels over 30%. The ichneumonid Temelucha sp. caused 5–30% larval parasitism. The tachinid fly Epicoronimyia mundelli
(Blanchard) also attacks other species of cactus
moths. The braconid wasp, Bracon hebetor Say,
parasitized up to 25% of the larvae in South Africa;
this wasp can be mass reared on alternate hosts.
Larval predators of Cactoblastis include ants
(Pheidole sp. and Anoplolepis steingroeveri (Forel))
and a tachinid (Pseudoperichaeta sp.). Pupal predation by the ant species Dorylus helvolus (L.) has
been measured at about 13–34%. Pupal parasitism
by chalcid parasites Invreia sp. and Euchalcidia sp.
was estimated at about 5%. In Florida, the chalcid
parasite Brachymeria ovata Say, attacked 55% of
Cactoblastis pupae at one site. Limited work has
been done on evaluating insect pathogens as a
control agent against Cactoblastis. Beauveria sp.
caused high larval death rates in Australia and the
species B. bassiana may have potential in inundative control programs. The protozoan Nosema cactoblastis has been reported from South Africa, but
recorded infection levels are only 0–6%. The
pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner has demonstrated efficacy against Lepidopteran pests but
is not likely to be effective against Cactoblastis
inside the cactus plant.
The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) method is
being developed to study Cactoblastis populations,
and possibly for eradication in colonization sites
or for controlling dispersal and movement into
new areas. SIT may have the most potential in the
northern Gulf coast region where cacti are rare
and Cactoblastis populations are low, although
control will be expensive.
Control measures against Cactoblastis infestations in the United States will probably be limited in most regions because Opuntia species are
usually a low value crop. Life history data indicate
that the moth does not display particularly high
reproduction, so its pest status is due largely to
the protection afforded by the cactus plant once the
larvae have gained entry into the cactus tissue. The
most vulnerable life stage appears to be the egg
stage, both because it is exposed, and also because
of its relatively long duration. Natural predation
by ants may be encouraged. However, even after
moth larvae have entered the plant, specialized
natural enemies may be effective in seeking and
attacking larvae inside the cactus plant. Effective
Caddisflies (Trichoptera)
integrated pest management of Cactoblastis will
require an understanding of all the management
options available to develop comprehensive, yet
cost-effective strategies under different geographical and socio-economic situations, while limiting
detrimental effects against non-target organisms.
Sterile Insect Technique
Area-Wide Insect Pest Management
Biological Control of Weeds
Foreign Exploration for Insects that Feed on
Legaspi JC, Legaspi BC Jr (2007) Life table analysis for Cactoblastis cactorum immatures and female adults under
five constant temperatures: implications for pest management. Ann Entomol Soc Am 100:497–505
Mahr DL (2001) Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in North America: a workshop of assessment and
planning. Fla Entomol 84:465–473 (and papers contained in this volume)
Sutherst RW, Maywald GF, Bottomley W, Bourne A (2004)
CLIMEX v2: user’s guide. CSIRO, Queensland Australia
Zimmermann HG, Moran VC, Hoffmann JH (2000) The
renowned cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum: its natural history and threat to native Opuntia floras in Mexico
and the United States of America. Divers Distrib
Zimmermann HG, Bloem S, Klein H (2004) Biology, history,
threat, surveillance and control of the cactus moth,
Cactoblastis cactorum. International Atomic Energy
Agency, Vienna, Austria, 46 pp
Caddisflies (Trichoptera)
Lewis s. LonG
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
The Trichoptera, or caddisflies, is an advanced order
of aquatic insects that, as adults, are easily distinguished by the presence of two pairs of wings covered with hair and held in a roof like manner over
the abdomen. They typically exhibit a rather dull
appearance (some being distinctly patterned) with
long, slender antennae. They possess chewing type
mouthparts with reduced mandibles, but feed
mainly on liquid diets as adults and are detritivorous
or predaceous as larvae. Adults are nocturnal and
typically found alongside lakes and streams, but may
also be encountered away from bodies of water. Larvae are found in a variety of aquatic habitats, mainly
cool swift-flowing streams. Caddisflies are an important component in aquatic food chains and also are
used as bioindicators of pollution.
Caddisfly larvae can be distinguished from
other aquatic insects by the presence of modified
anal prolegs and a portable case or silken retreat
that protects their delicate body. Larval cases are
constructed from a variety of materials, ranging
from stick and leaf fragments to small stones and
grains of sand, and are held together by silk produced by labial silk glands. Larval caddisflies
(Fig. 11) have a closed respiratory system marked
by the absence of spiracles and the presence of
abdominal gills in some members. Respiration of
larvae occurs through the cuticle and gills (if present). Abdominal undulation and morphological
adaptations, mainly humps on the anterior segments of the abdomen and lateral fringes of hair,
allow for circulation of water through the case.
Larvae go through five to seven instars before
pupation. They cease feeding and become inactive
for up to several weeks inside the silken pupal
cases. Pharate adults use their sharp mandibles to
cut away the case, and then float to the surface and
emerge from the pupal integument.
Adults live for approximately a month (up to
three in some families). After mating, females enter
the water to deposit eggs on the underside of rocks.
Hairs on the body act as a water-proof layer, essentially allowing the adult to breathe underwater by
preventing the spiracles from coming into contact
with the surrounding water. The eggs of some
species are surrounded by a gelatinous mass that
swells to form a protective covering.
Caddisflies are a product of their environment. One reason they are so diverse is their ability to occupy so many diverse habitats, from cool
flowing streams to warm still waters. Morphology
and behavior of the larvae allow a variety of means
to collect food, in addition to several families
Caddisflies (Trichoptera)
Caddisflies (Trichoptera), Figure 11 Diagram of adult male and larval caddisflies.
occupying different feeding guilds. For example,
aperture size of the net-spinning caddisfly retreat
is directly correlated to the size of their food item:
a larger aperture for larger prey, and a smaller
aperture for particulate material. Morphological
modifications found in some families allow for a
diet of diatoms by scraping the surface of rocks,
while others are more suited for a filtering collecting lifestyle using forelegs or delicate nets and
retreats. Nets, cases and tubes constructed by the
larvae also allow for protection and concealment
while feeding or during pupation. Cases match
the habitat in which the larvae are found, from
sand and pebble cases in sandy streams, to plant
material found in many springs, lakes and ponds.
Caddisflies are considered the sister group to
butterflies and moths(Order Lepidoptera) and are
unique in the fact that they are the only holometabolous group of insects that are considered
aquatic. Some Trichoptera also share similar pheromone detection systems like these found in some
primitive Lepidoptera.
Currently, there are an estimated 1,400 species
of caddisflies recognized from North America
within 27 families, and approximately 7,000 species
in 60 extant families worldwide. Weaver and
Morse (1986) reviewed different phylogenies and
examined feeding and case-making behavior to
hypothesize that an ancestral tube-dwelling caddisfly gave rise to other forms. Keys to caddisfly larvae, pupae and adults of North American species
can be found in the publications cited in the “References” section. A worldwide database and current higher classification is available at the website,
hierarch.htm. An overview of classification is:
Order Trichopteralt
Suborder Annulipalpia
Superfamily: Hydropsychoidea
Family: Dipseudopsidae
Family: Arctopsychidae
Family: Ecnomidae
Family: Hydropsychidae
Family: Polycentropodidae
Family: Psychomyiidae
Family: Xiphocentronidae
Superfamily: Hydroptiloidea
Family: Glossosomatidae
Family: Hydroptilidae
Superfamily: Philopotamoidea
Family: Philopotamidae
Superfamily: Rhyacophiloidea
Family: Hydrobiosidae
Family: Rhyacophilidae
Suborder: Integripalpialt
Superfamily: Limnephiloidea
Caddisflies (Trichoptera)
Family: Apataniidae
Family: Brachycentridae
Family: Goeridae
Family: Lepidostomatidae
Family: Limnephilidae
Family: Rossianidae
Family: Uenoidae
Superfamily: Phayganeoidea
Family: Phryganeidae
Superfamily: Leptoceroidea
Family: Calamoceratidae
Family: Leptoceridae
Family: Molannidae
Family: Odontoceridae
Superfamily: Sericostomatoidea
Family: Beraeidae
Family: Helicopsychidae
Family: Sericostomatidae
A brief synopsis of the more common families follows.
Family: Brachycentridae (Humpless
The larval cases of this family range from pieces of
plant material to small pebbles and grains of sand.
Some members of this family are filter feeders,
collecting food particles from the current with the
use of their hairy forelegs, switching to a predaceous diet in later instars. The genera Brachycentrus and Micrasema are the two more common
genera that are found throughout North America.
Family: Glossosomatidae (Saddlecase Caddisflies)
Larvae of this family form saddle-like cases that
are similar to turtle shells. The upper portion of
the case is comprised of large stones while the
lower portion is generally made up of sand. They
are usually found on the upper surface of stones in
swift, cool streams. Two common genera are Glossoma and Agapetus.
Family: Helicopsychidae
(Snail-case Cadisflies)
This family is unique within the order with larvae
constructing coiled cases similar in appearance to
snail shells. They are found primarily in swift flowing waters with sandy substrates and the wave
swept shores of lakes and also in springs. Helicopsyche is the only genus within the family.
Family: Hydropsychidae
(Net-spinning Caddisflies)
These caddisflies are known for their cup-shaped
nets that allow for both a secure place to reside
and a means of collecting food. The net acts as a
strainer and is permanently held in place with
pupation occurring inside of the structure. Hydropsyche, Cheumatopsyche and Ceratopsyche are the
more diverse and widely distributed genera within
this family.
Family: Hydroptilidae
Microcaddisflies are unique in that the first four
instars are free-living with later instars increasing
in size and making a purse or flask-shaped case
open at each end. Larval case material is varied,
ranging from pure silk to plant material and grains
of sand. Hydroptila, Ochrotrichia and Oxythira are
the most diverse and widespread genera within
the family.
Family: Lepidostomatidae
(Lepidostomatid Caddisflies)
Generally found in cool headwater streams, these
caddisflies are also known from springs. Larvae
construct four sided cases or slender tubes of concentric rings, each made up of sticks, twigs and
Caddisflies (Trichoptera)
sand. Lepidostoma is a common genus, accounting
for most of the diversity within the family.
Family: Leptoceridae (Long-horned
Named for their long antennae in both the larval
and adult stages, long-horned caddisflies are primarily detritivorous or predaceous with some members known to feed on freshwater sponges. Larval
cases vary, with some resembling short, stout “log
cabins” of twigs to slender tubes made of silk and
plant material. Oecetis, Ceraclea and Triaenodes are
three widespread genera found within this family.
Family: Limnephilidae (Northern
This is the largest family of caddisflies in North
America with more that 300 species, with the
widespread genus Limnephilus accounting for
almost a third of the diversity. Larvae are found in
both lentic and lotic habitats and cases differ
between young and older larvae.
Family: Molanidae (Hood-case
much smaller lower opening, which results in the
collection of food particles within the net. Pupation occurs in a silk lined pebble case. Three widespread genera, Chimarra, Doliphiloides and
Wormalida, are found within this family.
Family: Phyrganeidae (Large
As the name implies, these are larger than most
caddisflies, found primarily in cold, lentic habitats
and sometimes along the slow margins of streams.
Larval cases consist of portions of grass stems
arranged spirally. Representative genera within
the family are Agrypina and Ptilostomis.
Family: Polycentropodidae
(Trumpet-net Caddisflies)
These caddisflies are found in a variety of lentic
and lotic habitats and within a variety of retreats
and cases. Some members construct delicate trumpet-shaped retreats while others have rigid tubes
strengthened with sand. Primarily collectors,
members of this family are also known to be predaceous. Common genera include Neureclipsis and
This widespread family is only represented by a
few species known mainly in eastern North America in lentic habitats. The case is distinctive in that
it consists of a tapered tube of sand with a flattened hood, allowing the larvae to feed in the open
under concealment. Molanna is the more common genus of this family.
Family: Rhyacophilidae (Primitive
Family: Philopotamidae
(Finger-net Caddisflies)
The larvae of this family are found primarily on
rocks in swiftly flowing, cold streams. The finger
shaped tubes have a large upper opening and a
This family is caseless, or free-living, until pupation
and is typically predaceous. The genus Rhyacophilia is a diverse group containing over 100 species
and is typically found in swift mountain streams.
McCafferty WP (1981) Aquatic entomology. Science book
international, Boston, MA, 448 pp
Merritt RW, Cummins KW (eds) (1996) An introduction to
the aquatic insects of North America, 3rd edn. Kendall/
Hunt, Dubuque, IA
Weaver JS III, Morse JC (1986) Evolution of feeding and casemaking behavior in Trichoptera. J North Am Benthol
Soc 5:150–158
Wiggins GB (1996) Larvae of North American caddisfly general Trichoptera, 2nd edn. University of Toronto Press,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Cadelle, Tenebroides mauritanicus
(Linnaeus) (Coleoptera:
This is a grain and flower-infesting species.
Stored Grain and Flour Insects
A family of psocids (order Psocoptera).
Bark-Lice, Book-Lice or Psocids
Caecum (pl., caeca)
A sac-like or tube-like structure, opened at one
end only.
Gastric Caecum
application technology, calibration refers to adjustment of nozzles on a spray apparatus, or determination of the amount of pesticide that is produced
by a sprayer when it is operated.
California Red Scale, Aonidiella
auranti (Maskell) (Hemiptera:
This is a major pest of citrus in California, USA.
Citrus Pests and their Management
A family of insects in the order Strepsiptera.
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera) also known
as Old World butterfly moths.
Old World Butterfly Moths
Butterflies and Moths
A family of mayflies (order Ephemeroptera).
A family of caddisflies (order Trichoptera).
Moveable spurs at the tip of the tibia.
A process designed to standardize or correct the
measuring devices on instruments. In pesticide
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as blow flies, bluebottle flies, and greenbottle flies.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as cedar beetles.
Newly molted individuals whose exoskeleton is
still relatively soft and lightly pigmented.
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera, superfamily
Rican natural history” followed his sabbatical leave
in Costa Rica in 1909–1910. He was president of
the American Entomological Society from 1901 to
1915, editor of Entomological News from 1911 to
1944, and one of the founders of the Entomological
Society of America. He died on August 23, 1961.
A family of psocids (order Psocoptera).
Bark-Lice, Book-Lice or Psocids
A family of damselflies (order Odonata).
They commonly are known as broad-winged
Dragonflies and Damselflies
Calvert, Philip Powell
Philip Calvert was born in Philadelphia on January
29, 1871, and grew up there, leaving school in 1888
and graduating from the University of Pennsylvania in 1892 with a certificate in biology, and in 1895
with a Ph.D. He then spent a year in Germany, at
the universities of Berlin and Jena. In 1907 he began
to teach zoology at the University of Pennsylvania,
retiring in 1959 with the rank of Emeritus Professor. Teaching played a major role in his life. His
research contribution was on Odonata, on which
group he published over 300 papers, beginning in
1899. He wrote especially on taxonomy, but also on
anatomy, distribution, paleontology, and ecology.
Some of his major publications were (1893) “Catalogue of the Odonata (dragonflies) of the vicinity
of Philadelphia with an introduction to the study
of this group of insects,” (1901–1906) “Insecta Neuroptera Odonata” in Biologia Centrali-Americana,
(1909) “Contribution to a knowledge of the Odonata of the Neotropical Region, exclusive of Mexico
and Central America,” and (1944) “The rates of
growth, larval development, and seasonal distribution of the genus Anax”. A book, “A year of Costa
*Mallis A (1971)Philip Powell Calvert. In: American entomologists. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ, pp
Rehn JAG (1962) Philip Powell Calvert (1871–1961). Entomol
News 63:113–121
Schmieder RG (1962) Additions to the bibliography of
Philip P Calvert, subsequent to 1950. Entomol News
Schmieder RG, Phillips ME (1951) Bibliography of Philip P
Calvert. Entomol News 62:3–40
Calypter (pl., calypteres)
A small fold or lobe in the hind margin of fly
wings (Diptera) covering the haltere.
Pertaining to nests, particularly wasp nests, in
which the combs are surrounded by an
Camel Crickets
A family of crickets (Rhaphidophoridae) in the
order Orthoptera.
Grasshoppers, Katydids and Crickets
Cameron, Malcolm
Malcolm Cameron was born in London in 1873,
and died there on October 24, 1954. He obtained
Candeèze, Ernest Charles Auguste
an M.D. degree at The London Hospital and
entered the British navy as naval surgeon. He
served in the British navy during the Boer War
and in the first World War (campaigns in the Falklands and East Africa). He retired in 1920 and
devoted the rest of his life to entomology, although
he had about 40 publications before retirement.
He went to India, where he collected Staphylinidae extensively, but returned in 1925 to London
due to a lung illness. His five-volume contribution
on Staphylinidae of British India was his major
work, but 206 other papers on Staphylinidae
worldwide together enabled him to describe 4,136
species and 195 genera in Staphylinidae, making
him the most profuse describer of species of this
family after Max Bernhauer. Like Bernhauer, he
did not provide illustrations or keys for most of
his works (the Fauna of British India was an
exception), so identification of specimens of the
species he described is not easy. His collection of
some 55,000 specimens was bequeathed to the
British Museum (Natural History), later called
The Natural History Museum.
Herman LH (2001) Cameron, Malcolm. Bull Am Mus Nat
Hist 265:51–52
Puthz V (1986) Bibliographie de Publikationen Malcolm
Cameron’ s (1873–1954). Philippia 5:301–310
Cambrian Period
A geological period of the Paleozoic era, extending from about 580 to 500 million years ago. Chelicerate arthropods date from this time.
Geological Time
Camillid Flies
Members of the family Camillidae (order Diptera).
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as camillid flies.
Inhabiting open fields.
A family of diplurans (order Diplura).
Campodeiform Larva
A term used to describe larvae that are elongate
and flattened, with well-developed thoracic legs
and antennae, and a prognathous head. Such larvae
are usually active and predacious. It is named for
Campodea, a dipluran. This body form is found in
the orders Ephmeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera,
and Neuroptera.
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as beach flies.
Candeèze, Ernest Charles
Ernest Candèze was born in Liège, Belgium,
on February 27, 1827. He studied medicine in
Paris and Liège, and became a physician and
director in a hospital for the insane. In Liège he
was a pupil of Lacordaire. His taxonomic interest was the study of Elateridae (Coleoptera), in
which family he became a world authority, and
Canine Babesiosis
his most notable achievement (1857–1860) was
a four-volume monograph on Elateridae supplemented by papers in Annales de la Société
Entomologique de Belgique. Additionally, he
published on insect pests of horticulture, was a
member of the Academie de Belgique and of the
Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, president of
the Société Entomologique de Belgique in 1873 and
1874, one of the five commissioners of the Muséum
d’ Histoire Naturelle of Brussels, and a member of
several foreign entomological societies. One of his
collections of Elateridae is in the Natural History
Museum (London) and another in Brussels. His
wife died in 1872; they had five children, of whom
Léon Candèze became an entomologist. He died
near Liège on June 30, 1898.
*EssigEO (1931) Candèze, Ernst Charles Auguste. In: A history of entomology. MacMillan, New York, pp 563–564
Lameere A (1898) Notice sur le Dr. Ernest Candèze. Ann Soc
Entomol Belg 42:504–519
Canine Babesiosis
This is a tick-transmitted protozoan disease. It is
also known as canine piroplasmosis.
Canine Piroplasmosis
This is a tick-transmitted protozoan disease. It is
also known as canine babesiosis.
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Cannibalism is intraspecific predation. It occurs
widely among arthropods. It is best known in
predatory species, though it also occurs among
detritivores and herbivores. Cannibalism is often
viewed as a population self-regulatory measure, acting to limit population size and suppress population
outbreaks. Shortage of food, high density, or both of
these factors contribute to cannibalism. Elimination
of competition is considered by some to be the basis
for such cannibalism. However, possibly of equal
benefit is the fitness advantage resulting from
improved nutrition by cannibalistic individuals.
Cannibals can benefit from larger food supplies following the elimination of competition, but also from
the higher nutritional quality of feeding on arthropod body tissues rather than plant tissues. Probably
less important are the benefits derived from reduced
predation and parasitism following cannibalism;
lower host densities often result in less frequent
attack by predators and parasitoids. Cannibalism
may select for shorter egg development times, as
eggs are a particularly vulnerable stage. Cannibalism
likely has contributed to development of parental
care. In eusocial insects, cannibalism can be used to
adjust caste ratios or sex allocation ratios.
Cannibalism is a normal phenomenon for
many arthropods, not an anomaly. Cannibalism has
been documented in many insect orders, including
Odonata, Orthoptera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera,
Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Neuroptera,
Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera. It occurs among
predatory species and herbivores, and involves predation by the mobile adults and larvae or nymphs
on each other, and on immobile eggs and pupae.
Arthropods occurring at high densities, faced with
inadequate food availability, or spatially constrained
(e.g., limited to feeding within a fruit or stem) more
commonly display cannibalism. Also, generalist
species are more prone to display cannibalism than
are specialist species, and females are more cannibalistic than males. The greater occurrence of cannibalism among females may simply be a
manifestation of the greater size of females, allowing them to overpower prey more easily. Cannibalism is common among freshwater insects. Perhaps
surprisingly, cannibalism is quite common among
some groups of herbivorous insects.
Some adaptations to deter cannibalism are
evident. Deposition of eggs on long thin stalks by
lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) is often
given as an example of evolution of a cannibalismdeterring behavior. Synchronous hatching of eggs
is much more widespread, and similarly deters the
early-hatching individuals from taking advantage
of their late-hatching siblings. Dispersion of individuals, particularly of eggs, is another good way
to reduce cannibalism.
Population Regulation
Cannibalism can reduce population size before
resource (food) shortages occur, thereby averting
physiological stress. This is not unlike other population regulation behaviors such as spacing, dispersion, and the benefits resulting from marking
pheromones (which serve to deter insects from
ovipositing repeatedly into a limited food resource).
For many species, cannibalism is correlated with
frequency of encounter, and higher levels of cannibalism occur if there is an abundance of susceptible
prey. For example, ladybird beetle (Coleoptera:
Coccinellidae) larvae often feed on nearby
unhatched eggs, but if hatching is simultaneous
there is no cannibalism. Cannibalism occurs among
herbivorous insects even when normal food is
plentiful, as in the ladybird beetle example mentioned above. Hatching Danaus spp. (Lepidoptera:
Nymphalidae) caterpillars feed readily on their
siblings (eggs), even while feeding on foliage.
The importance of cannibalism in population
regulation is generally poorly documented. Often
such losses are simply attributed to disappearance,
and it is unknown whether losses are due to
intraspecific or interspecific predation, or dispersion. Cannibalism also is hard to measure because
it may be restricted to a short period in time, and
often is detectable only via direct observation. As
noted above, ladybird beetle larvae often feed on
eggs, but once hatch occurs, predation diminishes
or disappears because eggs, not other larvae, are
the preferred alternate food. It may be necessary to
actively seek out cannibalism data to document
the relative importance of cannibalism. For example, studies of Gerris water striders (Hemiptera:
Gerridae) have shown that the presence or absence
of older water striders significantly influences
survival of young Gerris. If broods overlap, the
older bugs feed heavily on the younger, but if
the older insects are artificially removed, survival
of the young bugs is quite high. This effect of
cannibalism is not easy to discern without the
artificial manipulation of the older age class.
After hatching, the predatory and cannibalistic Mormon cricket (Fig. 12), Anabrus simplex
Haldeman (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), forms
groups (called “bands”) that move each day, stopping only briefly to feed and to rest at night. The
benefit of almost continuous movement is thought
to be a mechanism to protect the defenseless molting individuals from being consumed by their siblings, as the molting crickets are left behind while
the non-molting and aggressively cannibalistic
individuals continue to seek food. If these highdensity aggregations were not moving the molting
individuals would be easy prey and most would be
killed. This may represent an unusual example of
the significance of cannibalism, and the evolution
of a novel defense against it.
Cannibalism can also be important in maintaining populations during periods of food scarcity.
From the perspective of population persistence, it is
better to have a few well-fed cannibalistic individuals surviving than to have all individuals die from
temporary lack of food. Physiological quality can be
as important as abundance. Population stability and
persistence is enhanced during periods of food
deprivation if the few survivors are well fed and
capable of reproduction; the alternative may be
more but malnourished individuals incapable of
Conflicting data exist on the nutritional benefits
of being a cannibal. For example, a study of
Cannibalism, Figure 12 Cannibalism by Mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex Haldeman (Orthoptera:
Tettigoniidae). (i) Cannibalism of a cricket; this species attacks congeners whenever the opportunity
arises. Perhaps because of this, it forms groups (called “bands”) that move each day, stopping only briefly
to feed and to rest at night. The benefit of almost continuous movement is thought to be a mechanism
to protect the defenseless molting individuals from being consumed by their siblings, as the inactive
molting crickets are left behind while the non-molting and aggressively cannibalistic individuals
continue to seek food. (ii) When cricket bands cross highways some are killed by the tires of passing
vehicles. The other crickets are quick to take advantage of this food source and stop to feast on their
killed or injured comrades. They, in turn will be killed by additional vehicular traffic. After several vehicles
have passed by, the roadways are marked by slippery, greasy bands marking the paths of vehicle tires.
predatory ladybird beetles showed that although
individuals cannibalizing eggs did not benefit in
terms of survival rates, they displayed more rapid
development and (in the case of females) a higher
final body weight. Both rapid development and
higher body weight are considered favorable to
population growth. Another study involving Harmonia axyridis ladybird beetles found that cannibalism allowed beetle larvae to supplement an
otherwise inadequate diet of aphids and to survive
to maturity. Cannibalistic willow leaf beetles, Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae),
gain a size advantage and are more successful at
initiating feeding sites on tough vegetation as
compared to non-cannibalistic individuals. Similarly, many aquatic detritivores supplement their
diet with animal material obtained through cannibalism, and a study of caddisflies (Trichoptera)
found that individuals with animal material in
their diet had higher larval survival, shorter larval and pupal development times, earlier emergence dates, larger adult body mass (30–40%),
and higher fecundity (30% more eggs). In contrast, a study of the herbivorous caterpillar Acsia
monuste (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) found no benefit
from cannibalism of eggs or larvae, and study of
the caterpillar Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) found lower body rates and
development times among cannibals. However,
many studies do not separate the effects of density per se (higher density increases the rate of
cannibalism but decreases fitness) from the
effects of cannibalism (which sometimes benefits
the cannibal).
Herbivorous insects have greater difficulty in
obtaining protein than many other insects, particularly predators and parasitoids, due to the relatively low levels of protein in their diet. Not
surprisingly, many have evolved supplemental
feeding behaviors that provide additional protein,
including feeding on pollen, exuviae, and members of the same species (conspecifics). Early stages
of development especially benefit from extra protein, and later in life it is not unusual for holometabolous insects to shift toward more carbohydrates
in their diet. The level of cannibalism displayed by
an herbivorous species can change according to
dietary levels of protein. Addition of casein to a
laboratory diet of pure cellulose greatly diminished cannibalistic behavior of the Pacific dampwood termite, Zootermopsis angusticollis (Isoptera:
Hodotermitidae). The level of cannibalism by the
beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae), was inversely related with the nitrogen level of the host plant. Thus, armyworm larvae
Cannibalism, Table 4 Levels of cannibalism
and subsequent egg production by beet
armyworm larvae fed on sugarbeet foliage
grown in nutrient solution with nitrogen
deficiency (0N), normal nitrogen (1N), or twice
the normal level of nitrogen (2N) (adapted from
Al-Zubaidi and Capinera (1983) Environ Entomol
Nutrient level (N)
Foliage + pupae
Foliage only
Cannibalism (%)
Mean no. eggs after fed:
were able to compensate for poor quality diet by
increasing cannibalism, with a subsequent boost
(Table 4) in egg production.
Trophic Eggs
Trophic eggs ar e homologous to fertile eggs but
they cannot develop into viable offspring and are
normally eaten by siblings. Thus, in a sense, consumption of these eggs is an expression of cannibalism. They are most commonly found in
eusocial (social) insects such as Isoptera (termites) and Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants) but
sometimes in other, non-eusocial groups such as
owlflies (Neuroptera), crickets (Orthoptera),
ladybird beetles (Coleoptera), psocids (Psocoptera), and spiders (Aranea). Trophic eggs likely
evolved due to the survival benefits of having
viable or nonviable (sterile) eggs available for
offspring to feed upon. Trophic eggs provide a
uniform food for offspring, and in the case of
colonial species, can be stored for use during
unfavorable periods. Trophic eggs are most common among eusocial species due to the interdependency on the different castes and (usually)
the ability of the queen to manipulate the members of the colony.
Sexual Cannibalism
This is a special type of cannibalism wherein an
insect (usually a female) consumes a conspecific,
normally a male, in association with mating. Such
cannibalism usually occurs after copulation, and is
widespread among mantids (Mantodea) but
uncommon in other taxa. In mantids, this has been
documented to be a significant source of nutrition
for the female. It is easy to understand the benefits
of cannibalism to the female, and some have postulated that cannibalism pre-coitus is more likely
with unsuitable males and post-coitus more likely
with more suitable mates. What is less apparent,
however, is why the male is successfully duped
into becoming a food resource for his mate. With
mantids, the larger size of females perhaps accounts
for the female’s success; it is easy for her to overpower him. On the other hand, it can be argued
that natural selection favors post-coitus sexual
cannibalism because the male is making the
“supreme” parental investment in his offspring.
Perhaps this is consistent with other nuptial gifts
such as the large proteinaceous sperm capsule
(spermatophylax) provided to females by males of
some katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) such as
the Mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex. If such sacrifice on the part of male mantids occurs willingly,
it certainly represents an extreme form of paternal
investment. Though not well understood, it appears
that males are rather cautious with females, and
strive to escape after mating.
Costs of Cannibalism
Cannibalism clearly is not always beneficial.
Cannibals risk injury or death from the defensive
responses of their prey. Typically, cannibals prey
on smaller or younger conspecifics, minimizing
their risk of injury. Cannibalism can also result in
the transmission of microbial pathogens to the
predatory individual. Infected individuals early in
the disease cycle are sluggish, and are relatively
easy prey, but they may harbor a lethal dose of
pathogens if they are ingested. Thirdly, cannibalism often is particularly widespread among siblings because adults deposit clusters of eggs. This
can result in reduction of inclusive fitness, because
there is little opportunity to distinguish relatives
from nonrelatives. Aggressive cannibals may also
eliminate prospective mates if they consume all
conspecifics. The genetic costs of destroying relatives and eliminating prospective mates are likely
very important evolutionary factors in the selection against cannibalistic behavior. Finally, many
insects benefit from living in groups. Although
most apparent for social insects, even nonsocial
insects enjoy benefits from group living such as
easier exploitation of food resources or more
effective deterrence of predation. Cannibalism
works against the accrual of such group-derived
Facultative Predators
Nutrient Content of Insects
Praying Mantids (Mantodea)
Mormon Cricket, Anabrus simplex Haldeman
Gregarious Behavior in insects
Bernays EA (1998) Evolution of feeding behavior in insect
herbivores. Bioscience 48:35–44
Elgar MA, Crespi BJ (1992) Cannibalism. Ecology and evolution among diverse taxa. Oxford University Press,
Oxford, UK, 361 pp
Fox LR (1975) Cannibalism in natural populations. Ann Rev
Ecol Syst 6:87–106
Joyner K, Gould F (1987) Conspecific tissues and secretions as
sources of nutrition. In: Slansky F Jr, andRodriguez JG
(eds) Nutritional ecology of insects, mites, spiders, and
related invertebrates. Wiley, New York, NY, pp 697–719
Simpson SJ, Sword GA, Lorch PD, Couzin ID (2006) Cannibal
crickets on a forced march for protein and salt. Proc
Natl Acad Sci 103:4152–4156
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera, suborder
Cape Honey Bees, Apis mellifera capensis Escholtz
Cape Honey Bees, Apis mellifera
capensis Escholtz
The leafy part of plants or trees.
Infestation of the organs of the body, including the
alimentary canal, with beetle larvae. This is an
unusual condition, and most often occurs by consuming flour or other grain products that are
infested with grain beetles.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as soldier beetles.
A defensive chemical produced by blister beetles
and found in their blood. It can cause blisters on the
skin of humans if they crush the beetles. Blisters
can also form in the mouth and digestive tract of
animals that consume the beetles along with forage
plants. Horses are more susceptible to injury and
death than other livestock. In North America,
alfalfa hay is the principal source of blister beetles,
and it is contaminated when hay is crimped
(crushed) to hasten drying, as beetles are also killed
at this time and incorporated into the hay. Problems occur mostly during or following grasshopper outbreaks because Epicauta spp. blister beetle
larvae develop on the eggs of grasshoppers, and the
adults move to alfalfa blossoms to feed.
Blister Beetles
Multifunctional Semiochemicals
A chitinous process that, in some insects, divides
the eyes into an upper and lower half.
Jamie eLLis
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
The Cape honey bee, Apis mellifera capensis
Escholtz is a subspecies (or race) of western
honey bee, A. mellifera Linnaeus, that occurs
naturally in the Cape region of South Africa.
Upon casual observation, Cape bees look very
similar to another race of honey bee present
in South Africa, Apis mellifera scutellata (the
“African” honey bee of the Americas). Yet reproductively, Cape bees differ significantly from
Apis mellifera scutellata and other honey bee
races, making it perhaps the most distinctive
race of A. mellifera worldwide.
Cape bees have been distinguished from scutellata
and other African races of honey bees using morphometric techniques. Genetic analyses are used
increasingly as complications with morphometric
techniques arise. Most beekeepers in South Africa
use other characteristics to identify Cape bees,
namely (i) the ability of worker bees to produce
female offspring, (ii) the highly developed ovaries
in Cape laying-workers, and (iii) small, queenless
swarms. Once these phenotypes can be detected,
Cape bees usually are established already.
The natural distribution of Cape bees mirrors that
of the fynbos region in the southwestern section
of South Africa. Part of the Cape Floral Kingdom
(one of six floral kingdoms worldwide), the fynbos
is a narrow strip of land stretching from the southwestern-most corner of South Africa, eastward to
Port Elizabeth. Even though it is small, the fynbos
region contains over 80% of the flower diversity
Cape Honey Bees, Apis mellifera capensis Escholtz
found in the Cape Floral Kingdom, and it has more
plants species than any area in the world, including tropical rain forests.
Because it is rich in plant biodiversity, the fynbos region is able to support a remarkable diversity of life, from insects to higher animals. Cape
honey bees specialize in foraging on plant species
found in the fynbos, and beekeepers in this area
use Cape bees as their bee of choice. Like other
western honey bee races, Cape bees can be managed readily for purposes of pollination and honey
Because the fynbos region is limited climatically to the small belt stretching from southwestern South Africa eastward to Port Elizabeth, Cape
bee distribution is limited to this area as well
(Fig. 13). Here, one can find the “pure” race of Cape
bee. However, Cape bees can hybridize with Apis
mellifera scutellata, and they begin to do so just
north of the fynbos belt. This zone of hybridization also encompasses a narrow stretch of land,
running the entire length of area just north of the
fynbos region. North of the zone of hybridization,
one will find the “pure” race of Apis mellifera
Reproduction in Cape Bees
Understanding reproduction in Cape bees is fundamental to understanding their biology and
behavior. For the most part, reproduction in Cape
bees follows that of other races of honey bees.
Queens are the reproductive individuals in honey
bee colonies. When queens emerge from the waxy
cells in which they pupate, they spend the first
10–14 days of their lives maturing and mating.
During this time, a queen bee will leave the colony
in search of drones or male honey bees. Queens
and drones mate in the air, following which the
drones die. The queen will repeat this process over
the course of a few days, mating with anywhere
from 10–20 drones. Queens store all of the semen
collected from the various drones in an organ
called a spermatheca.
Cape Honey Bees, Apis mellifera capensis Escholtz, Figure 13 The distribution of Cape honey bees in
South Africa (shaded gray). The area shaded black represents where A.m. capensis and A.m. scutellata
hybridize. The checkered area indicates the natural distribution of A.m. scutellata (modified from
Hepburn and Radloff, 1998).
Cape Honey Bees, Apis mellifera capensis Escholtz
When a queen bee lays an egg, she can control
whether or not the egg is fertilized. If she chooses
not to fertilize the egg, the resulting offspring will
be a male bee or drone. If she chooses to fertilize
the egg, the resulting offspring will be a female bee,
either a queen or a worker. This type of reproduction is referred to as haplodiploid reproduction
because male honey bees (from unfertilized eggs)
are haploid while female honey bees (from fertilized eggs) are diploid.
Queen and worker bees both originate from
the same type of egg. The quantity and quality of
food they are fed while young determines whether
the female larvae will become a queen or a worker.
So it is correct to suggest that workers are underdeveloped queens (though, some rightly argue that
the reciprocal is most true, at least behaviorally
and physiologically) because they were fed less
food while developing as larvae.
Worker bees, despite being sexually immature, have ovaries but they are unable to mate. They
can, however, lay eggs. Because the eggs cannot be
fertilized, workers are able to produce only drone
offspring. This leads to an interesting dynamic in
honey bee colonies. The presence of a queen in a
colony suppresses a worker’s desire to reproduce.
As long as the colony has a functioning queen,
worker bees typically do not oviposit.
However, honey bee colonies may lose their
queens for a number of reasons. This event usually
results in the rearing of a new queen, a feat accomplished by worker bees that begin to nurture a young
female larva originally produced by the now-deceased queen. Despite this safety mechanism, many
colonies fail to requeen themselves before the female
larvae in the colony become too old to become
queens. Because of this, many colonies become
hopelessly queenless and are destined to perish.
Despite the fact that the colony will die without a queen, it does have one last chance to pass its
genetics on to other honey bees in the area. When
a colony has become hopelessly queenless for a
period of time (usually > 2 weeks), some workers’
ovaries develop, and the workers begin to oviposit.
The resulting, haploid offspring all become drones.
Drones produced from laying workers are sexually
viable, thus they are able to mate with virgin
queens from other colonies in the area.
This is the point in the reproductive cycle where
Cape bees differ from all other races of honey bees.
When a Cape bee colony goes queenless, it attempts
to rear a new queen. And if for whatever reason the
colony becomes hopelessly queenless, some workers’
ovaries will develop and the workers will begin to
oviposit. However, unlike eggs produced by laying
workers in other honey bee races, eggs produced by
Cape laying workers are usually diploid, even though
Cape workers cannot mate. This means that Cape
workers are fully capable of producing female offspring, both workers and queens.
The process by which Cape workers produce
diploid eggs is called thelytokous parthenogenesis –
they can produce males and females parthenogenetically. In this system, the egg pronucleus fuses
with one of the polar bodies that results from meiosis, thus forming a diploid nucleus that continues to
develop normally into a female bee (either a queen
or worker). Queenless colonies of Cape bees can
survive for some period of time and even rear a new
queen from one of the laying worker’s eggs. If, however, the colony fails to requeen itself, the population
will dwindle and the colony will die. Even multiple
laying workers present in a colony cannot maintain
the reproductive output of a single queen.
Thelytoky in Cape bees leads to a number of
different important considerations. For example,
worker offspring produced by Cape laying workers
are a type of clone, being genetically identical to
their mother (who provided both sets of chromosomes). Furthermore, the ability of workers to lay
diploid eggs breeds a type of reproductive conflict
not seen in colonies of other races of honey bees.
For example, queenless Cape colonies have a number of options: (i) produce a new queen from a
queen mother egg, (ii) produce a new queen from
a worker-laid egg, (iii) proceed as a laying worker
colony, or (iv) proceed as a laying worker colony
and later produce a queen from a worker-laid egg.
It is important to note that thelytoky is not
unique to Cape bees. It is believed that workers
Cape Honey Bees, Apis mellifera capensis Escholtz
from most (if not all) races of honey bees are capable of laying diploid eggs. However, < 1% of worker-laid eggs are diploid in other honey bee races.
So while it is the exception, rather than the rule, in
other honey bee races, thelytoky is common and
the predominant scenario in Cape bee colonies.
A number of hypotheses have been proposed
for the prevalence of thelytoky in Cape bees. Perhaps the leading hypothesis is that because the
Cape region of South Africa is very windy, Cape
colonies experience a significant queen loss when
queens leave the colonies to mate. Colonies with
thelytokous capabilities would not suffer the loss
of a queen the same way as colonies without thelytokous capabilities, thus favoring the propagation
of colonies with thelytokous workers.
Biology and Behavior
Behaviorally, Cape bees are not unlike other
African races of honey bees. They are “flighty” on
the comb (run on the comb when the colony is
disturbed), abscond (completely abandon the
nest) readily in response to nest disturbances or
diseases/pests, have smaller colonies than European races (an artifact of being in a warmer climate), use copious amounts of propolis (resins
collected from trees and plants, used as a weatherproofing agent and antibiotic in the colony), and
are well-suited to warm climates. Unlike other
African bee races (especially Apis mellifera scutellata), Cape bees are docile, at least usually. Yet,
there is a key behavioral difference that separates
them from all other races of honey bees. Cape bees
are considered social parasites.
Social parasitism in Cape bees is not understood fully. In instances of larger numbers of colonies
per unit area (e.g., managed-colony situations),
worker bees and drones will “drift” between colonies.
When the drifting bees are Cape worker bees, the
worker bees can takeover or parasitize the “host”
colony. In this regard, the mother queen of the
host colony is lost (a process not understood fully
at this point) and the Cape worker becomes the
reproductive individual in the colony. This process
can be exacerbated when two or more Cape worker
bees drift into the same colony.
Laying workers not only possess the ability to
produce female offspring, but their pheromonal
bouquet changes from that of a worker to that of a
queen. This is especially true with respect to the
pheromones of the mandibular glands, which
change to a very queen-like scent. This change in
scent makes the Cape laying worker become
adopted by the parasitized colony as its new queen.
That is why it is difficult to requeen a laying worker
colony. The bees in the colony think they have a
queen. Any introduction of a new queen into a
Cape laying worker colony almost always results
in the new queen’s death.
The ability of Cape workers to produce female
offspring elicits another interesting behavior in Cape
colonies – worker policing. In worker policing, workers produced from one Cape laying worker can detect
eggs oviposited by other laying workers and destroy
or eat those eggs. This establishes a dominance hierarchy within Cape laying worker colonies whereby
females from the same mother police the colony and
destroy their aunts’ offspring in favor of their own
mother’s offspring (their sisters). Research has shown
that this behavior has led to territory grabbing within
Cape laying worker colonies.
Because a Cape laying worker colony is composed of many laying workers, all whose offspring
are working to ensure their mother is the dominant laying force in the colony, bees produced by
the same laying worker may congregate in the
same area of the colony. So within a colony, one
might find smaller “sub-colonies,” each headed by
a laying worker. This system is truly amazing and
has advanced the study of the development of
sociality and reproductive castes.
Problems for Beekeepers
Although the biology and behavior of Cape bees are
fascinating, they present a problem for beekeepers in
South Africa. Cape workers can parasitize colonies
Carabid Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as Parasitoids
of any race of A. mellifera. Migratory beekeepers
managing scutellata in the northern part of South
Africa have moved bees into the fynbos region of
South Africa where the Cape bee is present (the
reciprocal also happens). This has allowed Cape
workers to drift into and parasitize Apis mellifera
scutellata colonies. This action has been a significant
problem for beekeepers because Cape-parasitized
colonies often dwindle and die. Furthermore, Cape
bees are specialist foragers in the fynbos region and
they often perform poorly when taken outside of this
region. So Apis mellifera scutellata colonies parasitized by Cape bees in the northern part of South
Africa can become useless to beekeepers.
Beekeepers in South Africa often consider
Cape bees more of a serious threat to their colonies than varroa mites (Varroa destructor, the most
prolific pest of honey bees). Because of this,
researchers globally have taken notice of Cape
bees. Many fear that if Cape bees ever spread outside of South Africa, they may be a significant
problem for beekeepers worldwide.
The protein coat or shell of a virus particle; the
capsid is a surface crystal, built of structure units.
Some members of the family Miridae (order
Plant Bugs
A cluster of structure units arranged on the surface of the nucleocapsid, in viruses possessing
cubic symmetry.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as ground beetles.
Hepburn HR (2001) The enigmatic Cape honey bee, Apis mellifera capensis. Bee World 82:181–191
Hepburn HR, Radloff SE (1998) Honeybees of Africa. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 370 pp
Johannsmeier MF (ed) (2001) Beekeeping in South Africa.
Plant protection handbook No. 14, Agricultural Research
Council, Pretoria, South Africa, 288 pp
Having an expanded tip or club-shaped, and usually used in reference to antennae.
Antennae of Hexapods
A family of stoneflies (order Plecoptera). They
sometimes are called small winter stoneflies.
Carabid Beetles (Coleoptera:
Carabidae) as Parasitoids
donaLd C. weBer, paveL saska, CaroLine
s. ChaBoo
USDA Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville,
Crop Research Institute, Praha, Czech Republic
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA
Several genera of carabid beetles are ectoparasitoids
as larvae. The parasitoid habit is uncommon in
beetles; only eleven beetle families include parasitoid
species, compared to a much wider diversity of parasitoids in the Diptera and Hymenoptera. The evolution
and ecology of these parasitoid beetles is fascinating,
but their host associations are poorly known.
Carabid beetles have been stereotyped as
ground-dwelling generalist predators, yet in recent
Carabid Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as Parasitoids
years many counter-examples have shown the Carabidae to be more diverse in form, habit, and trophic
association. Many carabids, especially tropical species, are arboreal. Granivory, herbivory, and specialized predatory habits are widespread. Three of the
76 recognized tribes are known to have parasitoid
species: Brachinini, Peleciini, and Lebiini. All of
these are ectoparasitoids on pupae of other beetles
or, in one Peleciine genus, on immature millipedes.
In all known parasitoid carabids, the larva
passes through three distinct development phases.
First, the free-living first larval instar emerges from
an egg laid in the host’s habitat, and locates a host.
Then, the larva feeds on a single pupal or pre-pupal
host, while it molts zero to four times. Third, after
the host is consumed, the larva undergoes a nonfeeding larval stage (“pre-pupa”) with zero to two
molts; it then pupates next to the remains of the host.
The total number of larval instars often deviates
from the three molts typical for Carabidae, ranging
from one (Pelecium) to five instars (some Brachinus).
The adults live in the host habitat and may have a
narrow or broad range of prey, including the immature stages of the host.
The best-known genera of parasitoid carabids
are Brachinus, Lebia, and Lebistina. Brachinus, the
celebrated bombardier beetle, emits a directed,
explosive spray of boiling-hot quinone solution,
which is considered the most highly evolved defensive secretion of the many types documented in the
Carabidae. Studies by Eisner and colleagues have
shown the elaborate mechanisms which allow the
orchestration of this exothermic reaction while
protecting the emitter and instantly repelling potential predators. They have also shown the chain of
evolutionary developments leading to this impressive set of defensive organs. North American Brachinus are found in littoral habitats near fresh water,
where the known beetle hosts in families Hydrophilidae, Dytiscidae, and Gyrinidae emerge to
pupate from their larval aquatic habitats. Recently,
dryland European Brachinus have been associated
with carabid hosts of the genus Amara, broadening
the known hosts to 11 species, for only nine of the
approximately 300 Brachinus species described.
On the basis of fragmentary observation, it
appears that Pelecium sulcatum (Pelecinii) develop
as parasitoids on chrysomelid pupae and immature millipedes, and have only one larval instar.
Lebia species number over 450 and the genus is
cosmopolitan, with 47 in North America. Adults
typically seek prey in plant canopies, and all known
larvae are ectoparasitoids of chrysomelid beetle
pupae, yet only four species’ hosts have been documented. Many additional Lebia species are reported
to be associated (often with adult mimicry) with
specific chrysomelids, particularly flea beetles (Alticinae) and casebearers (Cryptocephalinae), implying
a host-parasitoid relationship. Two species parasitize
economically important hosts: L. scapularis on elm
leaf beetle, Xanthogaleruca luteola in Europe, and
L. grandis on (Fig. 14) Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata in North America. Although
elm leaf beetle is a significant invasive pest of
ornamental elms in North America and elsewhere,
L. scapularis apparently has not been considered for
classical biological control. In contrast, L. grandis
was introduced to France in the 1930s, and its parasitoid life history discovered, as part of a USA-France
Carabid Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as
Parasitoids, Figure 14 Lebia grandis fed first instar
larva (top) with its prepupal host, Colorado potato
beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (photo by
Caroline Chaboo).
classical biocontrol program. Since the carabid was
originally described from North Carolina in 1830,
over 60 years before Colorado beetle arrived there,
its putative original host was the false potato beetle,
L. juncta, the only Leptinotarsa present. Although the
introduction to Europe failed, there is interest in
future classical biocontrol because of the apparent
host specificity and the fact that the adults are the
most voracious predators known on eggs and larvae
of Colorado potato beetle. Lebia adults are typically
found in close association with their host species,
and females oviposit in close proximity to the host
pupal habitat; in the case of L. grandis, this takes
place in the soil below infested host plants.
Lebistina, an African genus closely related to
Lebia, shows adult mimicry of its chrysomelid hosts,
a pattern shared with some Lebia species. Lebistina
is one part of a complex anthro-ecological story
involving the San indigenous tribe of Southern
Africa. San tribe members dig underground for
the pupae of chrysomelids and their carabid parasitoids, both associated with the aromatic shrub
Commiphora in the incense tree family, Burseraceae.
Pupae of both the chrysomelid Diamphidia, and
especially its parasitoid Lebistina, are collected for
their potent neurotoxic arrow-poisons, which allow
San hunters to fell large prey such as giraffes with
small bows and arrows, but usually only after several
days of tracking the injured animal.
Parasitoid carabids present some fascinating
evolutionary questions, not the least of which is why
both the impressive arrow-poisons and the explosive exocrine toxins are associated with these genera.
Yet, at most, 1% of their hosts are known. In addition, the possible management of predator/parasitoid beetles may offer an interesting opportunity for
“double control” of chrysomelid pest species.
Erwin TL (1979) A review of the natural history and evolution
of ectoparasitoid relationships in carabid beetles. In:
Erwin TL, Ball GE, Whitehead DR, Halpern AL (eds)
Carabid Beetles: their evolution, natural history, and
classification. Dr W Junk, The Hague, The Netherlands,
pp 479–484
Robertson H (2004) How San hunters use beetles to poison
their arrows. Iziko museum of Cape Town. Available at
alticinae/arrows.htm (accessed 26 March 2008)
Saska P, Honek A (2004) Development of the beetle parasitoids, Brachinus explodens and B. crepitans (Coleoptera:
Carabidae). J Zool (Lond) 262:29–36
Weber DC, Rowley DR, Greenstone MH, Athanas MM (2006)
Prey preference and host suitability of the predatory
and parasitoid carabid beetle, Lebia grandis, for several
species of Leptinotarsa beetles. J Insect Sci 6:9. Available
online at http://insectscience.org/6.09/
Carabiform Larva
This is another term for campodeiform larva.
Campodeiform Larva
Caraboid Larva
A larval form that is similar to campodeiform,
but usually more chitinized and with stronger
mandibles and short antennae. It is found in the
families Staphylinidae, Carabidae, Dytisidae, and
Hydophylidae (all in the order Coleoptera).
Campodeiform Larva
This is not a term used with insects (hexapods). It
is used to describe the fused dorsal covering of
Eggleton P, Belshaw R (1993) Comparisons of dipteran,
hymenopteran and coleopteran parasitoids: provisional
phylogenetic explanations. Biol J Linn Soc 48:213–226
Eisner T (2003) For love of insects. Belknap Press, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA, 464 pp
A family of insects in the superfamily Coccoidae
(order Hemiptera).
Carbamate Insecticide
Carbamate Insecticide
One of a class of cholinesterase inhibiting insecticides derived from carbamic acid.
A large class of carbon-hydrogen-oxygen compounds, including simple sugars (monosaccharides) such as glucose. Glucose is the major fuel
for most organisms and is the basic building
block of polysaccharides such as starch and
Carboniferous Period
A geological period of the Paleozoic era, extending from about 360 to 300 million years ago. The
oldest insect fossils date from this period.
Geological Periods
A substance or agent capable of causing cancer.
A family of earwigs (order Dermaptera). They
sometimes are called seaside and ring-legged
A term that is used differently among orders
(Fig. 15) and structures, but most commonly refers
to the base or proximal section of a maxillary
Mouthparts of Hexapods
Cardo, Figure 15 External lateral aspect of the left
maxilla in an adult grasshopper, showing some
major elements.
Careers in Entomology
Linda wiener
St. John’s College, Santa Fe, NM, USA
Entomologists are lucky to have a wide range of
career choices. These include research in a wide
variety of contexts, from universities, to many
government agencies, to private corporations. The
following is a summary of the institutions which
hire entomologists, the types of work available
and the qualifications usually required.
Faculty research, teaching, and extension
positions almost always require a Ph.D. in entomology or a related field. Leadership positions in
government agencies and heads of research groups
in industry and government require a Ph.D. plus
related administrative experience.
Research assistant positions are available for
most graduate students. These are funded positions to perform research which also include
tuition and a stipend. Teaching assistant positions
are also available to graduate students. These
Careers in Entomology
include helping professors teach lecture and laboratory classes and grade papers and projects. Post
doctoral fellowships are available to people with a
Ph.D. to perform research on funded projects.
There are a wide variety of research technician
jobs that require an M.S. or relevant work experience or a combination of education and work
experience. Positions in county extension and
many regulatory positions require a B.S. and/or
relevant work experience. There are many part time
and intern positions which are available to high
school or college students without a degree. Jobs in
the urban pest control industry rarely require any
special education.
Regulatory work involves inspection of plants
and animals entering an area with the goal of detecting, excluding, containing, or eradicating pathogens, weeds, and other undesirable organisms.
Industry work may involve research, but also inventing, patenting, and marketing new products. This
also involves service oriented skills such as advising clients and providing pest control services.
Qualifications and Skills
Each job listing will have a list of desired qualifications and skills.
Educational Institutions
Land Grant Universities and Cooperative
Research requires skills in areas such as devising, setting up, and running experiments, taking
data, analyzing and recording data using computer programs, writing up results for publication and presenting results in lectures and
Teaching skills include knowledge of the field
and the ability to help students learn through lecture and discussion as well as designing courses
and putting together course materials for a class.
Extension usually requires a combination of
research skills and facility interacting with the
public and other government organizations.
These institutions usually have a focus on agricultural
research and teaching with a network of extension
stations throughout the state. Faculty positions
generally involve a combination of research and
teaching, often, but not always, focusing on applied
rather than “pure” research. The research portion of
the work involves the design and implementation of
research projects, identifying sources and applying
for research funding, training of graduate students
and other students who participate in the research,
writing up papers for publications, delivering lectures at conferences, and (if extension) interacting
with and advising farmers. These positions usually
include teaching in an area of expertise as well as
teaching entry level courses in entomology.
Land grant universities have insect collections
for reference and research. Positions are available in
the museums for taxonomists and collections managers
who help identify, sort, label, and collect specimens.
Extension work involves research on agricultural and urban plant and animal husbandry.
Careers in Entomology
Extension positions are available and based in
each county to advise people about raising and
caring for plants and animals. Extension work
involves research and survey work as well as considerable interaction with the public and other
government agencies. Extension positions often
focus on agriculture and animal husbandry, but
increasingly focus on urban landscapes and other
urban pests. Positions also are available in the
extension research stations connected with the
university, but located in agricultural areas.
Other Public and Private Research
There are many other research universities that
hire entomologists as part of biology departments
or departments of entomology, ecology, behavior,
or evolution. Medical and veterinary schools also
hire entomologists to do research on insect transmitted diseases and other insect related illnesses.
Duties and qualifications are similar to the above.
and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and
the Forest Service. They hire for research, extension,
and regulatory positions.
Armed Forces
The Navy, Army, and Air Force hire entomologists
to do research on insects which transmit vector
borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and
encephalitis as well as pest control specialists who
work on ships and bases.
Other Agencies
Other agencies hire specialists in mosquito control and to track and advise on other public health
concerns such as bubonic plague. The National
Park Service and other government agencies hire
entomologists for implementing IPM programs
and handling pest control problems.
Undergraduate Colleges and Universities
with a Focus on Teaching
There are many smaller universities and colleges
where a professor’s primary duties are in teaching.
In these institutions, teaching duties can be quite
various and a person with training in entomology
might find herself teaching human anatomy or
animal physiology, as well as courses in her specialty. Many professors also have research projects,
though these are not as central to advancement as
in the aforementioned research universities.
United States Government
U.S. Department of Agriculture
The principal agencies hiring entomologists include
the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Animal
Urban Pest Control and Landscape
This is a large and diverse industry that services
business and residential customers. They need
entomologists to do identifications, advise customers, and apply pesticides and other pest
Pesticide and Pest Control Device
These businesses need entomologists to design
and run evaluation tests on the pesticides and
devices that a company markets. They also need
experts to identify areas of need in the pest control
industry and to consult with distributors and
Careers in Entomology
Food, Tobacco, and Drug Companies
These industries hire entomologists to research
methods of keeping insects out of their packaged
products and out of their manufacturing and processing areas. They also hire entomologists to do
pest control in processing and packaging areas.
International Aid Organizations
A variety of agencies such as the World Health
Organization (WHO), the United States Agency
for International Development (USAID), and the
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
(CIAT) hire entomologists to work on a variety of
public health and agriculture projects overseas.
There are many non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) which hire entomologists for similar
projects. These are research and extension positions,
generally temporary, and may require foreign
language skills.
Independent Entomologists
This section will focus on entomologists who
choose not to work for an institution, but who go
into business for themselves. It is anticipated that
this section will give ideas, inspiration, and some
caution to those who are thinking of working
independently as an entomologist.
The individuals consulted for this section
chose the independent route for a great variety of
reasons. Some did not have the formal education
to get a job in a university or government following established routes. Others did not like being a
part of a large institution, or preferred working by
themselves. Others could not realize their ambitions or dreams at a university and so formed their
own foundations and businesses. Circumstances
of all sorts cause some aspiring entomologists to
put together a career in a location that lacks universities or industries that fit their skills or their
family situations. Many independent entomologists got their start working at a university or in
industry and later struck out on their own. The
following are typical examples of the work of independent entomologists. Keep in mind that these
categories are rather general and not mutually
exclusive. Many independent entomologists work
in several of these areas.
This brief survey should show that there are
numerous opportunities available to those who
prefer to work independently. Undoubtedly, there
are some possibilities left out or still to be invented.
The benefits mentioned most frequently of
doing independent work are the ability to do what
you love all the time, making (more or less) your own
hours, the diversity of contacts that are developed,
and the ability to conceive of a dream and bring it to
fruition, while offering a valuable service not otherwise available. Some, with a lifelong passion for entomology but little or no formal education, have found
their way to satisfying careers via the independent
route. A few of these people have eventually obtained
traditional jobs in universities or industry.
Naturally, there is a downside to such work.
Difficulties include the lack of support staff and the
necessity of doing everything yourself, including
all the bookkeeping, hiring, firing, advertising,
phone answering, etc. Also, there is a frequent
necessity of looking for new work which may
involve lots of phone calls, drawing up of proposals, and periods without much income. On the
other hand, many people mentioned that getting
started was difficult, but after a few years, the work
just keeps coming in with very little necessity to go
out and look for it. Many independent entomologists have second jobs on the side ranging from
teaching to police officer.
Research and Development of Products
Entomologists working in this area often contract
to test and develop products for pest control as
well as helping the developers through the complex procedures for registering a new product.
Caribbean Fruit Fly, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae)
People doing this work generally started out with
standard jobs in universities or industry where
they received training and made the contacts
necessary to run a business on their own.
Lectures, Workshops and Other Courses
Entomologists working in this area design and teach
courses on a wide range of topics from parasitic
insects to tropical biology to urban pest control to
the design, building, and maintenance of insect zoos.
Such courses may be for professionals, graduate or
undergraduate students, or the general public. They
may also develop and sell educational materials.
Lectures and classes on insects are also popular with garden clubs, elementary schools, nature
centers, museums, state and national parks, elder
hostels, agricultural associations, and many others.
traditional chemical control programs), advising
about rearing and displaying live insects, and advising industry about development or marketing of
products. Many entomologists contract with other
organizations to do specific tasks such as curating a
particular group of insects for a museum, surveying
private or public land for butterflies and other
insects, and scouting fields for pests and beneficial
insects and making control recommendations.
Non Profit Organizations
These organizations usually are focused on conservation of particular insect groups or insect
habitats. These organizations also may include
insects and pest control in a larger context such as
preserving traditional agricultural techniques.
Retail or Wholesale Business
Writing and Photography
Many independent entomologists write field guides,
children’s books, and other books about animals and
insects. A passion for photography or art involving
insects frequently is the driving force for those who
pursue a career in publishing books on insects.
Urban Pest Control
Perform routine and specialized pest control for
home owners and businesses. This involves diagnosing problems, applying pesticides or otherwise controlling pest populations. It may also involve doing
home repairs and other preventive measures.
At least one intrepid entomologist has a store specializing in insect toys, jewelry, food, books, and
other products. Other businesses sell insect control devices and chemicals.
Caribbean Fruit Fly, Anastrepha
suspensa (Loew) (Diptera:
This fly affects various fruits in the Caribbean
Citrus Pests and their Management
Tropical Fruit Pests and their Management
Carina (pl., Carinae)
Consultant and Contract Work
Consultants are probably the largest category of
independent entomologists. Consulting work can
range from pest control in urban or agricultural settings (often involving IPM and other alternatives to
A ridge or keel. This character is evident on many
orthopterans, and both lateral and medial carinae
occur on the pronotum of some grasshoppers. It
has considerable diagnostic value at the species
level in grasshoppers.
Thorax of Hexapods
Carnivorous Plants
Carnid Flies
Members of the family Carnidae (order Diptera).
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as carnid flies.
A flesh-eating organism (contrast with herbivore).
Carnivore Fleas
Members of the family Vermipsyllidae (order
Feeding on animals.
Carnivorous Plants
James CressweLL
University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom
Carnivorous plants use entrapped animal tissues,
mainly insects, as a source of nutrition. There are
approximately 600 species of carnivorous plants in
six angiosperm subclasses, which include both
monocotyledons and eudicotyledons. The multiple, polyphyletic origins of the carnivorous plants
suggest that the syndrome is an adaptation to the
low nutrient, bright, waterlogged habitats that
the plants typically inhabit. Carnivorous plants are
found worldwide in varied climates that span
extremes of temperature and rainfall. All carnivorous plants are insectivorous except for the few
species with aquatic traps.
Among the insectivorous plants, there are
three kinds of structures that are responsible for
trapping insects: mucilage (sticky) traps (found
among the Lentibulariaceae, Roridulaceae, Byblidaceae, Droseraceae and Dioncophyllaceae); pitfall
(pitcher) traps (Sarraceniaceae, Nepenthaceae,
Cephalotaceae and Bromeliaceae); and snap traps
(Droseraceae). Stalked glands bearing a droplet of
adhesive liquid are the basis of mucilage traps. The
glands are borne on leaf surfaces, and insects
become entangled in the mucilage when they alight
on or walk onto the glandular surface. Enzymatic
juices are released by the plant and digestion of the
prey ensues. Pitcher traps are modified leaves that
are formed into vase-like structures that are held
erect with the aperture uppermost. The lip of the
pitcher may bear nectaries and pigment patterns
that serve to attract insect visitors. Below the nectaries, the interior surface of the pitcher is smooth
and slippery, and may be covered with minute,
downward-pointing projections that prevent insect
feet from obtaining a firm grip on the surface. The
hapless insect visitor falls into the fluid in the base
of the pitcher and drowns. Pitcher plants have
digestive glands, but the dissolution of the prey is
further assisted by various pitcher inhabitants,
including microbes and insect larvae. Plants with
snap traps have a pair of lobed structures that are
capable of movement at the end of certain leaves.
The trap responds to stimulation of trigger hairs on
the trap surface by rapidly closing the lobes, which
have marginal spines that interdigitate and thereby
enclose the insect visitor. The trap reopens after the
prey is digested by secreted enzymes.
The prey of insectivorous plants typically
are small, mobile individuals from a diverse array of
taxa: Collembola,Diptera,Hymenoptera,Coleoptera,
Hemiptera, Thysanoptera; with less frequent representation from Lepidoptera, Odonata, Orthoptera
and other orders. Spiders, mites and isopods are also
caught. To attract insects, the traps of some carnivorous plants provide nectar rewards and some are
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant
pigmented, scented or glisten in ways that may emulate the attributes of flowers or carrion. Other traps
rely simply on the tendency of insects to alight on, or
walk across, convenient surfaces. Insect tissues are
particularly rich in nitrogenous compounds, and
plants reportedly obtain 10–75% of their nitrogen
from prey, depending on species and location. Prey
capture promotes flower production and the reproductive success of the plant.
All carnivorous plants are pollinated by
insects and there is a potential conflict between
prey capture and pollination. Many plants have a
spatial or temporal separation between their flowers and their traps that promotes segregation of
these processes, so evidence for the existence of
this conflict is rare.
Pitcher traps often support a “phytotelm,”
which is a plant-borne pool that comprises an
aquatic ecosystem. The volume of phytotelms
ranges from a few milliliters in Sarracenia pitchers
to approximately 2 L in Nepenthes rajah. The insect
members of the phytotelm community are Dipteran larvae, and different species adopt various
lifestyles, such as filter feeding (e.g., mosquito larvae), saprophagy and predation. These inhabitants
are sometimes referred to as pitcher “inquilines”
or the “infauna.” Phytotelms are much studied by
community ecologists looking at patterns of coexistence and community structure. There are also
non-aquatic associates of pitcher traps. Ants (e.g.,
genus Camponotus) inhabit pitchers in certain
pitcher plants (Nepenthes bicalcarata) and scavenge from the pitcher fluid. Additionally, spiders
occasionally spin webs across pitcher apertures,
thus acting as resource parasites.
Insectivorous Plants
Cresswell JE (2000) Resource input and the community
structure of larval infaunas of an eastern tropical pitcher
plant. Ecol Entomol 25:19–25
Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ (2001) Evolutionary ecology of the
carnivorous plants. Trends Ecol Evol 16:623–629
Juniper BE, Robins RJ, Joel DM (1989) The carnivorous plants.
Academic Press, London, UK
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the
Purple Pitcher Plant
donna GiBerson
University of Prince Edward Island,
Charlottetown, PE, Canada
Pitcher plants are a widely recognized group of
carnivorous plants, well known for capturing and
digesting small animals to supplement more
usual nutrient sources. Carnivorous plants have
fascinated biologists for centuries, despite making up only a tiny percentage of the species of
flowering plants. Only about 600 species occur in
six angiosperm subclasses. They generally inhabit
nutrient-poor habitats, and the captured and
digested insects provide a source of nitrogen,
phosphorus, and micronutrients. Pitcher plants
make up a substantial proportion of the carnivorous flora, with known representatives in three
unrelated families: the new world Sarraceniaceae
(27 + species), the tropical Nepenthaceae
(103 + species) and the Australian Cephalotaceae
(one species).
The pitcher plants have modified tubular
leaves or “pitchers” that act as simple pitfall traps
for insects and other small terrestrial animals.
Insects are attracted to the plant by color patterns
or production of extrafloral nectar, then may lose
their footing and fall into the pitcher to drown in
fluid retained in the pitchers. In many cases, slippery surfaces and/or downward pointing hairs
prevent the insects from climbing out and escaping.
Some pitchers exclude rainfall by hoods that cover
the pitcher opening (e.g., Nepenthes, some Sarracenia) and secrete fluids that include digestive
enzymes (including proteases, esterases, acid phosphatases, and amylases) that collect at the bottom
of the pitcher. Other species (e.g., Heliamphora
spp. and Sarracenia purpurea) collect rainwater
and may or may not secrete digestive enzymes into
the water.
One reason for the fascination with these
plants is that they represent a type of plant/insect
interaction that falls outside of the more expected
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant
interactions such as herbivory or pollination.
Therefore, many studies have concentrated on
aspects of carnivory, such as cost-benefit analyses
(i.e., cost of attracting insect prey versus nutritional benefit from prey), prey species composition, digestive enzymes, etc. Other researchers
have focused on pitcher plants as habitat for a wide
variety of organisms. Pitcher plant inhabitants
include aquatic taxa that live in the fluid in the
pitcher (insects, mites, rotifers, protozoa, and bacteria), but may also include wasps that build nests
in the pitchers, ants that live in specialized parts of
the plants, and spiders that spin webs across the
mouth of pitchers. Because the pitchers function
as discrete habitats with clear boundaries between
the internal and external environment, they have
been the subject of many process-related studies,
examining food-web, energy flow, and community
questions within entire ecosystems. This is particularly true for the purple pitcher plant, Sarracenia
purpurea, which is the most widely distributed
pitcher plant in North America, and which has
relatively long-lived pitcher habitats.
Sarracenia Species in North
The Sarraceniaceae includes three genera in the
New World: Sarracenia (8–11 species, depending
on taxonomic opinion), Darlontonia (a single species in California and Oregon) and Heliamphora
(at least 15 species in South America). Sarracenia
is North American, and is mainly a genus of the
American southeast (Table 5). As many as five species may occur naturally at a single site along the
Gulf coast, but pitcher plant habitat is declining
dramatically in these areas, and many species and
subspecies in the genus are threatened by habitat
loss. One species, S. purpurea (the purple pitcher
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant, Table 5 Sarracenia species in North America
S. alata
S. flava
S. leucophylla
S. minor
S. oreophila
Common name
pale pitcher plant, or
winged pitcher plant
yellow pitcher plant
white-topped pitcher plant
hooded pitcher plant
green pitcher plant
S. psittacina
S. purpurea
parrot pitcher plant
purple pitcher plant
S. purpurea var.
(or S. rosea)
S. rubra
S. rubra alabamensis (or S.
S. rubra jonesii
(or S. jonesii)
Burke‘s variety
US Gulf coastal plain; SW Alabama to Texas
US southeastern coastal plain; SW Alabama to SE Virginia
US Gulf coastal plain; Florida to E Mississippi
Northern Florida to North Carolina
rare in North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama; protected
US southern Gulf coast; Georgia to Mississippi
fragmented locations through the eastern US from Florida
north to Maine and westward to Minnesota; widespread
across Canada from the Atlantic coast to the northern prairie provinces and into northern British Columbia and southern Northwest Territories
US Gulf coastal plain; some elevate this to species status as
S. rosea
sweet pitcher plant
canebrake pitcher plant
SE USA; North Carolina to Florida and Mississippi
rare in Alabama; protected; some elevate this to species
status as S. alabamensis
mountain pitcher plant
rare in North and South Carolina; protected; some elevate
this subspecies to species status as S. jonesii
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant
plant), ranges throughout much of North America,
from Florida and Labrador in the east, and northwestward through Minnesota and the Canadian
prairie provinces, into northern British Columbia
and the southern Northwest Territories. Populations are generally stable in the northern parts of
the range, especially in the less human-populated
areas of the Canadian boreal zone. Species are
perennial, and have tube-shaped leaves that form
pitfall traps for small, mobile invertebrates. All
species also produce photosynthetic non-tubular
leaves in response to light intensity and nutrients.
Sarracenia species interact with insects in
four major ways, (i) carnivory, (ii) pollination,
(iii) herbivory, and (iv) symbiosis. All pitcher
plants are carnivorous and attract insects as prey.
The plants can self-pollinate, but several insects,
especially bumblebees, are important in providing
cross-pollination for the plants. Several insects
feed on different parts of pitcher plants, and some
of them are obligate pitcher herbivores, especially
noctuid moths in the genus Exyra. Finally, some
insects live inside the pitchers, especially in S. purpurea, which provides a relatively long-lasting
aquatic habitat. Some wasps and spiders may also
build nests in pitchers, and block the capture of
prey by the plant. Information on herbivory and
pollination ecology of pitcher plants can be found
in the excellent review of pitcher plant-arthropod
interactions by Debbie Folkerts.
Most Sarracenia species secrete a small
amount of fluid that collects in the bottom of the
pitcher, and prey collects in this moist zone rich in
digestive enzymes. The types of prey that are
attracted and retained by the plant vary with
pitcher morphology, mainly relating to the height
of the pitchers and the size of the pitcher opening,
but ants are a frequent prey item in most pitcher
species. Most species have a hood that covers the
pitcher opening, preventing rain from diluting
the digestive enzymes. In contrast, pitchers in
S. purpurea lack this covering hood, so the pitcher
fills up with rain, providing a larger and more
complex aquatic habitat than other Sarracenia
species. Most North American studies of carnivory
and symbiosis have concentrated on S. purpurea
because its wide distribution and ability to hold
water for relatively long periods of time allow the
development of a surprisingly complex community of inhabitants.
The Purple Pitcher Plant,
Sarracenia purpurea
Sarracenia purpurea is a long-lived herbaceous
perennial that is widespread over much of North
America. Pitcher-shaped leaves are produced in a
rosette, with new pitchers produced every 15 or 20
days. Soon after a new pitcher opens, it fills up with
rainwater and begins attracting insect prey, and
several new leaves may be produced over the summer. The purple pitcher plant is exposed to a wide
variety of conditions throughout a range which
encompasses 30° longitude and 70° latitude. In the
south, the species grows year round in a variety of
nutrient poor habitats, whereas in the north, it has
a relatively short growing season and is strongly
associated with peatlands. Unlike other pitcher
plants, pitchers of S. purpurea provide a stable
habitat for several months, including over the
winter, before degrading and losing water in their
second year. In the northern part of the range, the
pitcher fluid may freeze during the winter, but the
pitcher retains its integrity for at least a few weeks
into the new season and continues to hold water.
Like most carnivorous plants, purple pitcher plants
are associated with habitats where nutrients are
not generally available. Interestingly, the plants
have been shown to be nutrient limited in localities even where nitrogen amounts do not appear
limiting. In these cases, soil microbes and plants
such as Sphagnum intercept the nutrients before
angiosperms like the pitcher plants can assimilate
them. The ability to capture and digest animal prey
provides nitrogen, phosphorus, and some micronutrients, and though the plant can grow without
prey, the added nutrients are thought to be important for plant processes like flowering.
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant
Carnivory in Purple Pitcher Plants
Insects are attracted to the pitchers by both visual
and chemical cues. The plant produces extrafloral
nectar containing both carbohydrates and amino
acids, allowing it to attract a wide variety of insects
and other small invertebrates. Nectar, which is
most abundant in newer pitchers, is produced in
nectaries around the pitcher rim, where it accumulates and entices insects to move downward on
the plant. UV light guides and purple streaks are
found at the top of the pitchers and these also
direct insects into the plant and downward into
the pitcher fluid. Downward pointing hairs prevent the insects from escaping, and they eventually drown and are digested by the plant. In most
Sarracenia species, digestion occurs through
the action of digestive enzymes (e.g., proteases,
hydrolases) produced in glands in the epidermis.
Digestive glands and plant-produced enzymes had
not been shown conclusively in S. purpurea and
digestion was believed to result from proteolytic
activity from bacteria and autolytic enzymes from
the drowned victims. However, recent study has
shown that not only does S. purpurea produce
digestive enzymes (hydrolases), but that enzyme
induction relates to pitcher developmental stage
and to the presence of prey. Newly opened pitchers produce hydrolases even before the pitcher fills
with water and before any bacteria or prey are
present, but hydrolase levels decline if no prey
are captured. The production of hydrolases can be
re-induced, though, if prey is attracted to the
pitcher at a later time. This may be a strategy to
minimize the “cost” of carnivory to the plant, since
digestive enzymes are produced only during the
time when the pitcher is most attractive to prey or
when prey are actually present.
Carnivory is usually examined by identifying
the captured and decomposing prey found in
pitchers. Ants generally make up the majority of
the prey items, but flies, bees, wasps, moths, beetles,
leafhoppers, grasshoppers, and spiders are also
found. Despite all the adaptations that the pitcher
shows to attract and retain prey, videotape of
actual pitcher plant-insect interactions show that
many insects are able to escape from the pitchers
and capture efficiency is really quite low. In one
study, several thousand insects were recorded in
and around the pitcher mouth, but only about 2%
were captured, and some groups (e.g., ants) were
quite successful in escaping the pitcher trap. Most
pitchers that have been evaluated in this author’s
lab, though, have had significant deposits of
decomposing insect detritus in the bottom, and no
pitchers were devoid of prey, so even if capture
efficiency is low, it is likely still high enough to add
nutrients to the plant. Young pitchers attract the
most prey, possibly due to the relatively large
amounts of nectar produced in new pitchers compared to old ones. Pitchers continue to accumulate
prey throughout the summer, however, and the
highest overall amounts of detritus are found in
the older, overwintered pitchers.
Limnological Characteristics in
Pitchers of the Purple Pitcher Plant
Individual pitchers on purple pitcher plants
form temporary aquatic habitats that can hold
up to about 60 ml of water (for large pitchers),
but more typically hold between 20 and 40 ml.
The plant maintains a clean water environment
in pitchers through uptake of CO2 and ammonia,
and infusion of oxygen during photosynthesis.
Oxygen levels are usually maintained at or
near saturation for given temperatures (usually
5–10 mg/L), and pitchers rarely go anoxic in the
field, and only if prey volumes are unusually high.
However, other conditions within pitchers are
usually highly variable, on both short and longterm scales, with large fluctuations in pH, temperature, and nutrients. Reported pH levels range
from highly acidic (pH of about 3.0) to near
neutral, depending on the pH of rainwater that
fills the pitchers, the pH of plant secretions, and
the pattern of prey decomposition. Several
researchers have reported that pitcher pH declines
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant
over time as prey is captured, and have related
the declines to the decomposition processes in
the leaves. We have also found dramatic diurnal
variations in pH within individual pitchers, due
to low alkalinity conditions and the uptake and
release of CO2 during photosynthesis and respiration by the plant.
Temperature patterns within the pitcher can
also be highly variable, both geographically (over
the extremely large geographical range of the
plant) and seasonally or diurnally within a site.
Pitcher plants usually grow in open bogs in full
sunlight, so can be exposed to a wide range of
ambient temperatures. Conditions within the
pitcher usually do not vary as much as in the surrounding bog.
Nutrient levels in the fluid depend on the age
of the leaf, mainly because of temporal differences in the amount of prey captured. Hydrolases
are secreted as the leaf opens and begins attracting insect prey, and then these enzymes combine
with bacterial action and prey-derived autolytic
enzymes to release ammonia and other dissolved
nutrients. A steady supply of soluble nitrogen is
therefore supplied for the plant through the
breakdown of prey. Nitrogen fixing bacteria are
also found in pitcher fluid, and these provide a
further source of nitrogen to the plant. Animals
living within the pitchers (arthropods and
rotifers) feed on bacteria, protozoa, and the
decaying prey and they excrete ammonia, which
prevents nutrients from becoming sequestered
in the bacteria and protozoa. The ammonia does
not accumulate to toxic levels since the plant
actively takes it up, especially when temperatures
and light are at high levels.
Aquatic Pitcher Inhabitants
All Sarracenia species are associated with a suite
of organisms (arthropods, rotifers, protozoa, bacteria) that reside within the pitcher and form
communities of varying levels of complexity. Since
S. purpurea pitchers hold water and provide habitat
for several months, they form surprisingly complex
aquatic communities comprising several trophic
levels. The inhabitants have sometimes been referred
to as resource parasites, intercepting prey that has
been captured by the plant and using it for their
own growth and development. However, it is now
clear that these species also free up nutrients
and prevent them from becoming sequestered in
bacteria or protozoa, and can actually enhance
release of nutrients to the plant. In return, the
pitcher provides habitat and maintains a clean
water habitat by actively taking up the toxic ammonia
and CO2 produced by the living organisms in the
Several species of aquatic insect have been
recorded alive in S. purpurea pitchers, but many of
these (including stoneflies, caddisflies, midges,
etc.) are thought to wash into pitchers during bog
flooding events, and survive to emerge but not to
actively colonize new pitchers. Three Diptera species (the pitcher plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii;
pitcher plant midge, Metriocnemus knabi; and
pitcher plant fleshfly, Fletcherimyia fletcheri) are
obligate inhabitants of S. purpurea, and have been
widely studied across their range, which approximates the range of the plant. At least eight other
sarcophagids are associated with Sarracenia spp.
pitchers, including Sarcophaga sarraceniae, and
the other species of Fletcherimyia, but these are
not as well studied as Fletcherimyia fletcheri. Other
organisms that have been reported from purple
pitcher plants include mites (especially Sarraceniopus gibsoni), a rotifer (Habrotrocha rosa), and a
suite of protozoa and bacteria species.
Wyeomyia smithii (Coquillett)
(Diptera: Culicidae): The Pitcher
Plant Mosquito
The pitcher plant mosquito is, without doubt, the
best studied of the pitcher plant inhabitants. Its
range is slightly smaller than that of the pitcher
plant itself, but it still extends over a wide area of
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant
North America. The life history patterns vary
depending on latitude. The species is univoltine in
the north and bivoltine or even multivoltine in the
south. It is autogenous for its first ovarian cycle
throughout its range, but will take a blood meal to
mature additional egg batches. It is an obligate
pitcher plant inhabitant and is restricted to the
purple pitcher plant in the north, though it will
oviposit in other Sarracenia species in the south.
Adult females are attracted to the pitchers through
chemical cues and oviposit preferentially into new
pitchers, increasing the chance that the pitcher will
retain water throughout the insect’s life cycle. In
the more northerly parts of the range, adult emergence and oviposition correspond to the period
when pitchers are just opening in spring. Adults
desiccate easily, and do not travel far from their
natal pitchers. In one study in Prince Edward
Island, Canada, it took 6 years for mosquitoes to
recolonize pitcher plants (Fig. 16) that had been
transplanted from another bog, despite a rich supply of pitchers with mosquito inhabitants within a
few meters of the transplanted plants.
Wyeomyia smithii larvae (Fig. 17) overwinter
as larvae throughout their range, but again, there
are differences that relate to latitude. They overwinter as 4th instar larvae in the south, and as 3rd
instar larvae in the north (often frozen in the
pitcher fluid), and diapause is both initiated and
terminated via photoperiod. Recent work has
shown that the photoperiodic responses are changing in response to global warming, and that measurable changes in the required daylength to
induce diapause have occurred over the last 30
years. Despite their ability to overwinter in the frozen pitcher fluid in northern locations, they are
not very tolerant of low temperatures, and will die
if winter temperatures are too cold, or if sufficient
snow cover is not available for insulation. Therefore, at northern edges of the range, there are many
plants, and even entire bogs, where the mosquito
is absent. They also die if there isn’t enough aquatic
habitat for survival, for example, if the fluid dries
under drought conditions or if the pitcher develops a hole through which the water escapes.
The mosquitoes feed by filtering bacteria, protozoa, and fine detritus from the water column,
and they obtain their oxygen directly from the air
through a breathing siphon, and through their
cuticle. They are tolerant to wide diurnal variations in temperature, oxygen, and pH.
Metriocnemus knabi Coquillet
(Diptera: Chironomidae): The
Pitcher Plant Midge
The pitcher plant midge has been less studied than
the mosquito, but is found in pitchers throughout
most of the range of the plant, and is often present
in very high numbers in pitchers. Larvae (Fig. 17)
can overwinter in more than one instar, depending upon the stage of development when daylength
begins to shorten; for example, different cohorts
may overwinter as 2nd or 3rd or 4th instar larvae.
Life cycles may be univoltine or bivoltine, depending on the summer temperatures during development, and oviposition occurs in both young and
older leaves. The midges are more tolerant to cold
than the mosquito, and they are found in many
northern bogs where the mosquitoes are absent.
Similar to the mosquito, the midge requires enough
water to maintain an aquatic environment, but if
the pitcher loses water (common in older pitchers
that can lose their integrity), the midge larva can
crawl from one pitcher to another on the same
plant. They pupate in a gelatinous mass on the
sides of the pitchers, and adults emerge and mate,
then search for oviposition sites.
The midge lives in the wad of detritus that
collects at the bottom of the pitcher, and feeds by
chewing into the bodies of the drowned insects or
scavenges on the decomposing particulate material. They respire cutaneously and are relatively
intolerant of low oxygen, so will only be found in
pitchers with sufficient oxygen for respiration.
Few natural pitchers experience anoxia, however,
so it is rare to find pitchers in northern peat bogs
without a strong complement of pitcher plant
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant, Figure 16 Glenfinnan bog and pitcher plants, Prince
Edward Island, Canada: (a) bog habitat; (b) purple pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea.
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant, Figure 17 (a) Larvae of pitcher plant midge,
Metriocnemus knabi; (b) larva of pitcher plant flesh fly Fletcherimyia fletcheri; (c) larvae of pitcher plant
mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii; (d) modified tubular leaves or “pitchers” that act as simple pitfall traps for
insects and other small terrestrial animals, and serve as a home to the aforementioned flies.
Fletcherimyia fletcheri (Aldrich)
(Diptera: Sarcophagidae): The
Pitcher Plant Flesh Fly
Sarcophagid flies are usually not associated with
aquatic habitats, but several species, particularly
within the genus Fletcherimyia, are found in
pitcher plants. Fletcherimyia fletcheri is the most
aquatic of the suite of pitcher plant species, and is
an obligate inhabitant of the purple pitcher plant.
Larvae (Fig. 17) are deposited directly into pitcher
plants, with larvipositing females preferring new
pitchers at the height of their prey attractance.
Usually only one larva is found per pitcher, since
larvae are aggressive and territorial and will kill or
chase away any additional larvae. Not all larvae die
after territorial encounters, though, since they are
capable of limited movements to other pitchers.
They are usually considered to be univoltine in the
northern part of the range, and multivoltine in
Carnivory and Symbiosis in the Purple Pitcher Plant
the south. Larvae develop in the pitchers, then
crawl out to pupate in the surrounding moss.
Larvae feed at the surface of the water on
newly drowned prey items. They attach to the surface tension and breathe surface oxygen through
posterior spiracles, so are tolerant to wide variations in oxygen in the water.
Other Pitcher Plant Inhabitants
Mites are often found in pitcher plants, and feed
either on the captured prey or on other mite species. It isn’t clear how the mites disperse from
pitcher to pitcher, but they may travel on the bodies of the adult insect inhabitants or be associated
with some of the obligate herbivores of pitcher
plants. A species of bdelloid rotifer, Habrotrocha
rosa, is also common in purple pitcher plants,
though it is rarely seen unless pitcher fluid is
examined without preservation, since the rotifers
don’t preserve well and are usually washed through
sieves before examination. The rotifers are very
active, however, and can be fascinating to watch, if
a researcher is patient enough to look for them.
The rotifers feed on bacteria and particulate
organic matter in the water column, and may be
critical in providing soluble nitrogen and other
nutrients to the plant. Protozoan and bacterial
species diversity have rarely been enumerated, but
at least 40 Protozoa species and several bacterial
types have been recorded from pitchers.
Pitcher Plants as “Model
Purple pitcher plant leaves provide ideal systems
for investigating a variety of ecological questions.
The pitchers form small, discrete, aquatic systems
that support complex aquatic communities consisting of at least three trophic levels. Although
they are aquatic ecosystems, they are located
within terrestrial ecosystems, and therefore provide small “islands” of habitat where colonization
and dispersal patterns, as well as food webs and
energetics, can be studied relatively easily, and
with a degree of replication that is not possible in
most habitats. They are also easily manipulated,
since it is relatively simple to add or remove food
materials or top predators, to monitor population
effects. Since purple pitcher plants occur over a
vast geographical area, it is also possible to study
ecological processes in entire ecosystems over a
wide latitudinal range.
The pitcher ecosystem is mainly detritus based,
with energy coming from the insects that are captured by the plant, then drown and decay in the
pitcher fluid. The lowest level of the food web is
therefore made up of detritivores, including bacteria, some mites, the pitcher plant midge, and when
present, the flesh fly. The pitchers may also contain
phytoplankton. Protozoans and rotifers feed on the
bacteria and algae, then are themselves fed on by
the top predator in the system, the pitcher plant
mosquito. There are usually no predators for the
midges and flesh flies, despite their low position in
the food web. Manipulations of various food web
components have shown that pitcher plant communities respond to a combination of “top-down”
and “bottom-up” regulation. Generally, the lower
trophic levels are resource limited with respect to
both population size and taxonomic richness, so as
resources (prey) are added to pitchers, abundance
and richness increases. In contrast, predator limitation targets specific groups only, so that addition of
mosquito larvae results in a decrease in rotifers, but
increases in bacterial abundance and richness.
Many other studies have concentrated on
other aspects of community structure, especially
the interactions among the pitcher macrofauna
(midges, mosquitoes, flesh flies). Some studies
have found that the feeding of the midges releases
nutrients that support mosquito populations, in a
processing chain commensalism. Others have
not found relationships among the major insect
groups, suggesting that these patterns may relate
to food availability. A recent study which evaluated latitudinal trends in species richness across
most of the range of the purple pitcher plant found
Carob Midge Complex, Asphondylia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus
that species richness (mainly of the bacteria and
protozoa) increases with increasing latitude, contrary to most predictions of latitudinal patterns.
This may also be driven by food web patterns,
since the top predator in the system, the mosquito,
declines in abundance with increasing latitude.
The purple pitcher plant is a widespread carnivorous plant which interacts with insects through
carnivory and by providing habitat, as well as
through herbivory and pollination. The pitchers
form discrete aquatic habitats within a terrestrial
landscape, and provide a home to a surprisingly
complex community of aquatic organisms. Because
of the ease of studying and manipulating these
habitats, considerable information is available on
both the individual taxa and their interactions,
over a wide geographical range.
Carnivorous Plants
Insectivorous Plants
Bromeliad Fauna
Bradshaw WE, Creelman RA (1984) Mutualism between the
carnivorous purple pitcher plant and its inhabitants. Am
Midl Nat 112:294–304
Bradshaw WE, Holzapfel CM (2001) Genetic shift in photoperiodic response correlated with global warming. Proc
Natl Acad Sci 98:14509–14511
Buckley HL, Miller TE, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ (2003) Reverse
latitudinal trends in species richness of pitcher-plant
food webs. Ecol Lett 6:825–829
Dahlem GA, Naczi RFC (2006) Flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) associated with North American pitcher
plants (Sarraceniaceae), with descriptions of three new
species. Ann Entomol Soc Am 99:218–240
Dress WJ, Newell SJ, Nastase AJ, Ford JC (1997) Analysis of
amino acids in nectar from pitchers of Sarracenia purpurea. (Sarraceniaceae) Am J Bot 84:1701–1706
Fish D, Hall DW (1978) Succession and stratification of
aquatic insects inhabiting the leaves of the insectivorous
pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea. Am Midl Nat
Folkerts D (1999) Pitcher plant wetlands of the Southeastern
United States: arthropod associates. In: Batzer DP, Rader
RB, Wissinger SA (eds) Invertebrates in freshwater wetlands of North America: ecology and management.
Wiley, New York, pp 247–275
Gallie DR, Chang S-C (1997) Signal transduction in the carnivorous plant Sarracenia purpurea: regulation of secretory hydrolase expression during development and
response to resources. Plant Physiol 115:1461–1471
Giberson DJ, Hardwick ML (1999) Pitcher plants (Sarracenia
purpurea) in eastern Canadian peatlands: ecology and
conservation of the invertebrate inquilines. In Batzer DP,
Rader RB, Wissinger SA (eds) Invertebrates in freshwater wetlands of North America: ecology and management. Wiley, New York, pp 401–419
Heard SB (1994) Pitcher-plant midges and mosquitoes: a processing chain commensalism. Ecology 75:1647–1660
Juniper BE, Robins RJ, Joel DM (1989). The carnivorous
plants. Academic Press, London, UK
Kitching RL (2001) Food webs in phytotelmata: “bottom-up”
and “top-down” explanations for community structure.
Ann Rev Entomol 46:729–760
Rice BA (2007) Carnivorous plant FAQ v11.0. Available
at (http://www.sarracenia.com/faq.html.) Accessed 2
May, 2007
Rymal DE, Folkerts GW (1982) Insects associated with pitcher
plants (Sarracenia: Sarraceniaceae) and their relationship to pitcher plant conservation: a review. J Alabama
Acad Sci 53:131–151
Van Breeman, N (1995) How Sphagnum bogs down other
plants. Trends Ecol Evol 10:270–275
Carob Midge Complex,
Asphondylia spp. (Diptera:
Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus
GeorGe m. orphanides
A Research Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
In Cyprus, a cecidomyiid complex, Asphondylia
spp. attacks the pods of carob, Ceratonia siliqua,
causing a fruit stunting deformation known as
brachycarpia. This malformation is reported to
have been noticed on the island for the first time
around 1870. The adult female (Fig. 18) inserts the
eggs with its ovipositor in the carob pods when
these are about 0.5 cm long. Infestation becomes
evident 7–10 days later with the pod swelling
gradually as the midge larva grows. The pupa is
formed in the infested pod in a rather hardened
Carob Midge Complex, Asphondylia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus
Carob Midge Complex, Asphondylia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus, Figure 18 Adult of the
carob midge, Asphondylia sp.
whitish niche. Upon completing its development
the adult emerges leaving the pupal skins halfprotruding from the infested pod. Initially it was
believed that the cecidomyiid responsible for
brachycarpia was Asphondylia gennadii (Marchal)
and that it attacked only carobs. Later biological
studies in Cyprus, however, revealed that the
midges from carob pods (Figs. 19–20) required an
alternate host for the summer. The adults of the
overwintering generation emerging from carob
pods in April would not deposit their eggs in the
few out-of-season young carob pods that could
sometimes be available. No alternative points of
attack on the carob tree could be found. Instead,
they would search for secondary host-plants
like caper (Capparis spinosa), pepper (Capsicum
annuum), potato (Solanum tuberosum), garden
rocket (Eruca sativa), mustard (Sinapis spp.), sea
squill (Urginea maritima), asphodel (Asphodelus
fistulosus), and St. Johnswort (Hypericum crispum).
The successful development of the carob midge on
all these host plants was proved experimentally in
cages and supported by meticulous observations
in isolated areas under natural conditions. On
caper the females insert the eggs within the flower
bud among the petals, the stamens and on the
ovary. On pepper, squill, potato and St. Johnswort
they insert their eggs in the ovary during the flowerbud stage (Fig. 21). As a result, infested flower buds
harden and never bloom. Five or six generations
develop on the secondary plants, which are available for infestation until September–October. At
that time, the midges return to carobs to lay their
eggs in the newly formed pods of the normal flowering season for the overwintering generation.
The above findings stimulated a re-examination
of the generic placement and the overall taxonomic
status of the carob gall midge. Adults, larvae and
pupae from all the mentioned host plants are
anatomically identical, suggesting that all these
midges may belong to one species. However, there
is a differential host preference among adults from
the various secondary hosts. For example, adult
females from pepper readily attacked only pepper
and garden rocket, rarely attacked caper and
did not attack squill and St. Johnswort. Those from
caper readily attacked caper, mustard, garden
rocket, asphodel and St. Johnswort, rarely attacked
Carob Midge Complex, Asphondylia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus
Carob Midge Complex, Asphondylia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus, Figure 19 Normal (n) and
midge-infested (i) carob pods.
Carob Midge Complex, Asphondylia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus, Figure 20 Ovipositor of the
carob midge, Asphondylia sp.
Carob Midge Complex, Asphondylia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus
Garden Rocket
St. Johnswort
Carob Midge Complex, Asphondylia spp. (Diptera:
Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus, Figure 21 Differential
host preference among carob midge adults from
squill, pepper and caper.
pepper and did not attack squill. Finally, midges
from squill readily attacked squill, garden rocket
and mustard but did not attack pepper and St.
In an older survey (1970–1972) midge infestation on carobs and caper, in contrast with that
on the other host plants, was widely distributed
all over the island. A striking difference, however,
was observed with the infestation on pepper that
occurred only on the northern coast and the
whole Karpasia peninsula (Fig. 22). The southern
part of the island is still free from midge infestation on pepper. The northern part is now inaccessible to repeat the survey. This characteristic
distribution of midge infestation on the different
host plants and the midge behavior on host preference indicates that the carob midge complex
consists of the overwintering generation of a
morphologically homogenous but biologically
heterogeneous population of Asphondylia. It is
possible that there are three races or sibling
species of this gall midge.
On carobs, the estimated loss of yield is significantly lower than the apparent one. The number
Carob Midge Complex, Asphondylia spp. (Diptera:
Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus, Figure 22 Distribution
of carob midge infestation on pepper in Cyprus.
of carob pods on each inflorescence is generally
very large and certainly not all of them reach
maturity. All the unfertilized pods drop at an
early stage of their development unless the carob
midge attacks them. Infested pods do not drop.
The majority of the fertilized pods will also
drop at their early growing stages because trees
cannot bear to maturity all the pods produced.
Consequently, it is misleading to calculate the
damage by comparing the infested and normal
pods because among the infested pods, a significant number would have dropped even in the
absence of the carob midge. The relationship
between the estimated loss of yield and the
observed infestation was found to be described
by a second-degree polynomial curve with the
equation ŷ = - 0.12 + 0.177x + 0.00247x2.
Mortality Factors
The natural mortality factors recorded were:
(i) the parasites – Eurytoma sp. A., Eurytoma sp.
B., Pseudocatolaccus nitescens (Walker), Tetrastichus
brevicornis (Panzer), Eupelmus urozonus Dalm.,
Adontomerus sp. and Paraholaspis sp.; (ii) predators –
ants, earwigs, spiders; (iii) unidentified molds; and
(iv) weather conditions.
Carpenter Ants, Camponotus spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Molds appear in the interior part of the
infested carob pods, causing the death of the midge
larva. Subsequently, the pods drop. Ants have been
observed cutting holes through the infested carob
pods and earwigs would enlarge these holes. The
midge larvae or pupae would then be destroyed
either by these predators or by the development of
molds or they would dry up. Spiders attack adult
midges while the latter rest during the day. The
midge mortality occurring from November to
April is mainly due to abiotic factors (weather).
The effectiveness of the biotic factors (parasites,
predators and molds) becomes evident from April
Anon (1914) Entomological notes. Cyprus Agr J 35:805–807
Gagné RJ, Orphanides GM (1992) The pupa and larva of
Asphondylia gennadii (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and
taxonomic implications. Bull Entomol Res 82:313–316
Gennadius P (1902) The carob tree. Government Printing
Office, Nicosia, Cyprus, 30 pp
Harris KM (1975) The taxonomic status of the carob gall midge,
Asphondylia gennadii (Marchal), comb. N. (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae), and of other Asphondylia species recorded
from Cyprus. Bull Entomol Res 65:377–380
Morris HM (1930) Report of the entomologist for 1929.
Report of the Director of Agriculture, Cyprus, pp
Orphanides GM (1975) Biology of the carob midge complex,
Asphondylia spp. (Diptera, Cecidmyiidae), in Cyprus.
Bull Entomol Res 65:381–390
Orphanides GM (1976) Damage assessment and natural
control of the carob midge complex, Asphondylia spp.
(Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) in Cyprus. Bollettino del
Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria “F. Silvestri”
Carotenoids are among the most common and
important natural pigments. They are fat-soluble, and
found principally in plants and photosynthetic
bacteria, where they are abundant in chloroplasts
and play a critical role in photosynthesis. They also
occur in some non-photosynthetic microbial
organisms. Animals are incapable of carotenoid
synthesis, but they obtain them from their diet
where they serve as antioxidants, serve as a precursor to vitamin A, and impart bright coloration.
Carotenoids are responsible for much of the red,
orange, yellow, and brown color found in plants, as
well as some of the coloration of animals, including insects.
At least 600 different carotenoids are known.
They are derived from a 40-carbon polyene chain,
and display alternating single and double bonds.
The specific end groups on these molecules affect
polarity and help determine how they interact
with membranes. The hydrocarbon carotenoids
are known as carotenes. The oxygenated carotenoids are called xanthophylls. Beta-carotene is
perhaps the best known carotenoid.
In insects, carotenoids are responsible for
the yellow color of such insects as pierid butterflies and the orange of ladybird beetles. Combined with blue pigment, carotenoids can produce
green color. One of their most important functions is the production of the visual pigment
Carpenter Ants, Camponotus spp.
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
John h. kLotz, LaureL d. hansen
University of California, Riverside, Riverside,
Spokane Falls Community College, Spokane,
Carpenter ants play critical roles in forest ecosystems as predators of defoliating insects,
decomposers of cellulose, and as vital links in
food webs. They may become serious household
pests, however, when they infest structures and
damage wood.
Carpenter ants belong to the highly diverse
and cosmopolitan genus, Camponotus, in the
Carpenter Ants, Camponotus spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
subfamily Formicinae (Table 6). The formicines
are characterized by their production of formic
acid in the venom gland, a potent alarm pheromone and defensive compound that is sprayed
on its victims. There are 19 other subfamilies in
the family Formicidae. Of the 288 genera of ants,
with approximately 11,800 species described so
far, Camponotus is one of the most impressive
with an estimated 1,000 species worldwide.
In the United States and Canada there are
approximately 50 species of Camponotus, of which
24 are considered to be structural or nuisance
pests. Those causing the most damage belong to
the subgenus Camponotus. Since the majority of
species in this group nest in wood, they are commonly called carpenter ants. Two of the most common species that infest structures are black
carpenter ants, C. modoc in western states, and
C. pennsylvanicus in central and eastern states.
Colony Development
The claustral mode of colony founding, wherein
the queen seals herself off in a chamber and rears
her first brood in isolation, is typical for carpenter ants. After the spring mating flights, inseminated queens search for suitable nest sites in
wood where they construct a cavity and lay a
clutch of eggs. The queen does not leave the
chamber to forage, instead metabolizing her fat
bodies and wing muscles to provide nourishment
for herself and the growing brood. Depending on
temperature and species, complete metamorphosis (development of egg-larva-pupa and adult
stages) takes from 6 to 10 weeks before the first
workers emerge. These first workers are small due
to the limited food supply and are therefore called
minims. With their arrival, foraging commences
and the colony begins to grow. The queen lays a
second clutch of eggs in late summer but these
do not complete development until after winter
dormancy. After the first year, the queens of
C. modoc and C. pennsylvanicus have two annual
periods of oviposition, the first in late winter or
early spring and the second in summer. Major
(larger) and media (smaller than major, but larger
than minim) workers are not produced until
the third season, and reproductives only after
several years.
Carpenter Ants, Camponotus spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Table 6 Some common species of
carpenter ants and their geographic distribution
Camponotus species
Geographical distribution
C. americanus Mayr
Eastern and central USA, SE Canada
C. chromaiodes Bolton
Eastern and central USA, SE Canada
C. herculeanus (Linnaeus)
Northern USA, Canada, Alaska, Europe
C. ligniperdus (Latreille)
C. modoc Wheeler
Western USA, southwestern Canada
C. novaeboracensis (Fitch)
Northern USA, southern Canada
C. pennsylvanicus (DeGeer)
Eastern and central USA, SE and S central Canada
C. essigi Smith
NW Mexico to S Canada
C. nearcticus Emery
Northern USA, eastern USA, S Canada
C. sayi Emery
Southwestern USA and Mexico
C. floridanus (Buckley)
Southeastern USA
C. castaneus (Latreille)
Eastern central USA
C. variegatus (Smith)
Hawaiian islands
C. vicinus Mayr
Western USA, Mexico to S Canada
Carpenter Ants, Camponotus spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Mature colonies are partitioned into a main
or parent nest where the queen resides, and into
satellite nests that contain workers, mature larvae,
pupae, and winged reproductives. Generating satellite nests expands the territory of a colony, while
a network of interconnecting trails maintains
communication and flow of resources between
the nests. The number of satellite nests per colony
and their size varies. For example, ten nests
were counted in a colony of Florida carpenter
ants, C. floridanus, and 12,000 workers were found
in a satellite nest (Fig. 23) of C. modoc. Thus, the
total number of ants in a colony may attain over
50,000 in the case of C. modoc and more than
100,000 in C. vicinus. The difference in size may
be attributed to the presence of multiple queens
(polygyny) in C. vicinus colonies versus a single
queen (monogyny) that is typically found in colonies of C. modoc and C. pennsylvanicus.
Wood with high moisture content is selected
for colony initiation by inseminated queens. Moisture is a requirement for the development of eggs
and young larvae, and parent nests will often be
located in areas outside structures where there is
sufficient humidity. Satellite nests are typically
found in drier areas because eggs and young larvae
are not present. These nests are often found in
structures under insulation, in attics, wall voids,
and subfloors where higher temperatures and
humidity occur.
case of C. pennsylvanicus, for example, odor trails
are the primary orientation cue, but workers are
also capable of landmark and celestial orientation.
As with other ants, tactile cues are also used for
orientation, and edge-following is commonly
observed in carpenter ants, particularly along
structural guidelines in man-made environments.
Home Range
The territory of a colony is determined by its daily
activity range, which includes the network of trails
connecting its various nests with resource sites.
The area covered by a large mature colony may be
considerable. For example, in the case of the Florida carpenter ant nest complex mentioned above,
it spread over an area measuring 43 m across; and
trails 200 m long have been reported for C. modoc.
Many species of carpenter ants are nocturnal, and
they have evolved special adaptations for finding
their way in the environment at night. In the
Honeydew is a favorite food of carpenter ants.
Excreted by homopterans such as aphids, it contains sugars, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.
Carpenter ants have specialized digestive tracts
for handling this liquid diet, and removing solids
with a filtration mechanism in their mouthparts.
The crop, also known as the social stomach, is a
distensible sac located in the gaster of the ant
which expands to hold liquids that are stored,
transported, and finally regurgitated and shared
via trophallaxis with other ants. This food-sharing
Carpenter ants use group foraging to exploit ephemeral resources. The discovery of a food item too
large to handle individually prompts a scout to
deposit a chemical trail pheromone on the ground
as she returns to the nest. The trail pheromone is
produced in the hindgut and, in combination with
formic acid, stimulates trail-following by other ants
that the scout actively solicits when she arrives back
at the nest. Established trails are used for more permanent resource sites such as aphid colonies that
may remain in use from one season to the next. It is
thought that the foraging population makes up no
more than 10% of the colony population. Some of
the larger species make prime targets for visual
predators such as birds, so it is not surprising that
their foraging is conducted primarily at night. The
onset of foraging in C. pennsylvanicus and C. modoc
is a dramatic event to observe, with large numbers
of ants pouring out of the nest at dusk.
Carpenter Ants, Camponotus spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Carpenter Ants, Camponotus spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Figure 23 Carpenter ants and damage:
workers of Camponotus vicinus in a nest (above); satellite nest of Camponotus modoc under subfloor
insulation (center); damage caused by Camponotus modoc to building timber (below) (photos by Laurel
Carpenter Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Xylocopinae)
behavior among workers, and from workers to
larvae and the queen, is a fundamental bond in the
social behavior of ants.
Pest Management
The structural pest management industry ranks carpenter ants as one of the most important economic
pests. In certain regions of the United States, such as
the Northeast and Pacific Northwest, carpenter
ants outrank termites as wood-destroying organisms. They are also notoriously difficult to control.
In order to be effective, a management program for a household infestation of carpenter ants
must be based on a thorough inspection. Ideally,
all of the nests on the property should be located,
both inside and outside. Structural infestations are
more commonly caused by satellite nests; however,
the original source of the problem often results
from a parent nest located outside.
Locating nests is often difficult due to the
cryptic behavior of carpenter ants. In this regard,
a “feed and follow” technique can be helpful.
Chopped insects such as crickets or mealworms
are provided to the ants, which are then followed
back to their nest. This technique is most effective
when conducted at night when the majority of
foragers are active. Outdoor nests may be located
in live or dead trees, stumps or logs, landscape
timbers, firewood piles, and buried wood. Indoors,
common nest locations include crawl spaces and
attics, often in or under insulation. In addition,
satellite colonies will nest in exterior and interior
wall voids, and hollow doors. Ant activity is often
associated with moist conditions in and around
sinks, dishwashers, bathtubs, showers, and toilets.
Once the nests have been located, they can be
treated with a contact insecticide appropriate for
the situation (e.g., a dust formulation in a wall
void, or spray for infested landscape timbers). If
nests are not located, there are other treatment
options offered by pest control companies. In what
is known as a perimeter treatment, a band of insecticide is sprayed around the outside foundation
of a structure, along door and window frames, and
under the lower edge of siding. Depending on the
insecticide used, some act as barriers to the ants
while others are non-repellent. In the latter case,
the insecticide is picked up by the ant and carried back to the nest where it can be spread to
other ants. Toxic baits may be effective if they are
sufficiently attractive to the ants. Their recruitment and food-sharing behavior facilitates the
distribution of a toxicant throughout the colony.
Cannon CA, Fell RD (1992) Cold hardiness of the overwintering black carpenter ant. Physiol Entomol
Hansen LD, Akre RD (1985) Biology of carpenter ants in
Washington State (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Camponotus). Melanderia 43:1–63
Hansen LD, Klotz JH (2005) Carpenter ants of the United
States and Canada. Cornell University Press. Ithaca,
New York, 224 pp
Klotz JH, Greenberg L, Reid BL, Davis L Jr (1998) Spatial
distribution of colonies of three carpenter ants, Camponotus pennsylvanicus, Camponotus floridanus, Camponotus laevigatus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology
Hedges, SA (1998) Field guide for the management of structure-infesting ants. Franzak & Foster Co, Cleveland,
OH, 155 pp
Carpenter Bees (Hymenoptera:
Apidae: Xylocopinae)
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
The common name of these insects is derived
from their nesting habits. Although small carpenter bees, Ceratina spp., excavate tunnels in pithy
stems of various bushes, the large carpenter bees,
Xylocopa spp., chew nesting galleries in solid wood
or in stumps, logs, or dead branches of trees. Obviously, the wood-attacking species are the basis for
the “carpenter bee” name designation. The latter
bees may become economic pests if nesting takes
Carpenter Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Xylocopinae)
place in structural timbers, fence posts, and other
wood structures. It is Xylocopa that most people
know about or are concerned about, at least in
North America. The easiest method of separating
Ceratina from Xylocopa is by size: Ceratina are < 8 mm
in length, whereas Xylocopa are 20 mm or larger.
At various times, carpenter bees have been
placed in the families Anthophoridae, Xylocopidae,
or Apidae, though the most recent placement is
within the Apidae. This family is characterized, in
part, by the jugal lobe of the hind wing being
absent or shorter than the submedian cell and by
the forewing having three submarginal cells.
Within the family, carpenter bees are distinguished
most easily by the triangular second submarginal
cell, and by the lower margin of the eye almost in
contact with the base of the mandible (i.e., the
malar space is absent).
Xylocopa spp. generally resemble bumble bees
in size and color. They are black, metallic bluish or
greenish black, or purplish blue. Some males have
yellowish areas on the face. Both sexes may have
pale or yellowish pubescence on the thorax, legs, or
abdomen, but there tends to be less yellow color
than in bumble bees. Sometimes they are unicolorous, ranging from entirely yellow to entirely black.
Large carpenter bees are readily distinguished from
bumble bees primarily by the absence of pubescence on the dorsum of the abdomen, which is
somewhat shiny. They also lack a malar space
(present in bumble bees), and the triangular second
submarginal cell.
Xylocopa virginica is the species of most concern in the USA, though locally other species can be
abundant. Xylocopa virginica normally uses dry,
coniferous woods as nesting sites, including Pinus,
Juniperus, and Taxodium spp., but some deciduous
woods used in fence railings are also used. Hardwood timber is usually avoided. Xylocopa virginica
selects nesting sites in well-lighted areas where the
wood is not painted (though they may not be
deterred by stains) or covered with bark. In general,
these bees are gregarious, often building several
tunnels in the same location, and also tending to
nest in the same areas for generations. Old nests are
refurbished, but new nests are also constructed at
old locations. In new nests, female bees chew their
way into the wood, excavating a burrow about 15 mm
in diameter. Boring proceeds more slowly against
the grain (about 15 mm a day) than with the grain.
The direction of galleries in the wood appeared to
depend on the direction of the grain. If the grain is
oriented vertically, the nests are vertical; if horizontally, then the nests tend to be horizontal with
respect to the ground. Galleries extend about 30–45 cm
in newly completed nests. New tunnels are smooth
and uniform throughout, but older galleries show
evidence of less uniformity with random depressions and irregularities. Apparently these older
galleries are used by several generations of bees.
Also, several bees may use a common entry hole
connecting to different tunnels. After excavating
the gallery, female bees gather pollen, which is
mixed with regurgitated nectar. The pollen mass is
placed at the end of a gallery, an egg is laid, and the
female places a partition or cap over the cell composed of chewed wood pulp. This process is repeated
until a linear complement of six to eight end-to-end
cells is completed. Females apparently construct
only one nest per year in northern locations, with
bees emerging in the late summer and overwintering as adults, and with mating taking place in the
spring. In warm-weather areas such as Florida,
however, at least two generations are produced per
year, with broods occurring in February-March and
during the summer. In Florida, adult bees are
active from November to January and from April to
Several types of “damage” are directly associated with carpenter bees: weakening of structural
timbers in barns, sheds and other open structures
where bees have ready entry; defacing of wood
trim on structures, usually the eves of houses; gallery excavation in wood water tanks (much less a
problem now that metal has replaced wood in
most instances); and human annoyance. The last
point is included because carpenter bee females
may sting (rarely, and males do not sting), and
male bees may hover or dart at humans who venture
into the nesting area. In general, carpenter bees are
Carpenter, Frank Morton
not much of a threat to people, but this does not
prevent people from becoming alarmed because
these are large insects. Also, there sometimes is an
indirect effect of carpenter bee colonization on
structures. Occasionally woodpeckers are attracted
to tunnels to feed on the brood. If the tunnels are
in a structure, the damage resulting from the
woodpecker can be significant.
A buzzing or drilling sound is heard when a
carpenter bee is boring into the wood. If the hole is
not visible, as often is the case when the bee is boring under the eves of houses, their activities can be
detected by the presence of sawdust on the ground
under the hole. As noted previously, carpenter bees
rarely attack painted or varnished wood. In areas
frequented by these insects, damage to structures
can often be prevented by painting. If this is not
effective or desirable, a small amount of insecticide
that is labeled for bees and wasps can be applied to
the affected area, including the entryways of the
tunnels. Also, the holes could be plugged with
caulking, putty, or similar substance, or screened. A
common approach is to spray or dust the tunnels
with insecticide, allow the bees a day or two to contact the insecticide and move it around the tunnel,
and then plug the hole. Alternatively, because the
number of bees is usually not great, and because
the bees are fairly docile, it is usually possible to
capture them all with an insect net and freeze or
crush them, thereby avoiding the cost and hazard
of insecticides.
Carpenter bees generally are not pests. Even
those species considered to be occasional pests,
such as X. virginica, offset their damage by pollination services, including pollination of economically
important plants.
Small carpenter bees are never pests because
they excavate nests and provision only the hollowedout stems of twigs. Like the larger xylocopines,
they excavate nests with their mandibles, and use
these cavities for both nesting and overwintering
sites. The female provisions the nest with pollen and
nectar, deposits an egg, then caps the cell with
masticated plant material. Typically she repeats
the process again and again until several cells are
stacked within the hollowed stem. The last cell area
is left incomplete, and she uses this area to rest and
to defend her nest from intruders. She remains close
to the nest until her offspring emerge. Interestingly,
because the first laid eggs hatch first, and they are
deepest within the hollow stem, the new adults
(which do not chew their way laterally through the
wall of the stem) must navigate around the younger,
less developed siblings stacked above in order to
escape. The new adults chew through the cell caps,
moving the debris down but being careful not to
damage any wasps still in the pupal stage, and
moving the pupae up to rest on the new, elevated
floor of the cell. It may take several days for the firsthatching wasp to dig its way out, and by this time
other wasps likely have hatched, resulting in a trail
of adults, all working in tandem to pass cell cap
material down.
Bees (Apidae)
Balduf WV (1962) Life of the carpenter bee, Xylocopa virginica
(Linn.). Ann Entomol Soc Am 55:263–271
Daly HV (1973) Bees of the genus Ceratina in America north
of Mexico. UC Publ Entomol 74:1–113
Howard LO (1892) Note on the hibernation of carpenter bees.
Proc Entomol Soc Washington 2:331–332
Hurd PD Jr (1955) The carpenter bees of California. Bulletin
of the California Insect Survey 4:35–72
Hurd PD Jr (1958) Observations on the nesting habits of
some new world carpenter bees with remarks on their
importance in the problem of species formation. Ann
Entomol Soc Am 51:365–375
Hurd PD Jr (1961) A synopsis of the carpenter bees belonging
to the subgenus Xylocopoides Michener. Trans Am
Entomol Soc 87:247–257
Hurd PD Jr, Moure JS (1963) A classification of the large carpenter bees (Xylocopini). UC Publ Entomol 29:1–365
Rau P (1928) The nesting habits of the little carpenterbee, Ceratina calcarata. Ann Entomol Soc Am
Carpenter, Frank Morton
Frank Carpenter was born in Boston, USA, on
September 6, 1902. His father, although an
Carpenterworm Moths (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)
employee of a business company, had a strong
interest in natural history, and encouraged
Frank’ s interest in insects. He entered Harvard
University in 1922, and graduated with an A.B.
degree in 1926, a master’ s degree in 1927, and a
D.Sc. in 1929. His doctoral thesis on fossil ants
was published in 1930, but was preceded by
seven of his earlier papers on fossil insects. In
1928 he was appointed at Harvard University as
research fellow in applied biology, in 1931 as
associate in entomology, in 1932 as assistant
curator of invertebrate paleontology, in 1935 as
instructor in zoology, in 1936 as curator of fossil
insects, in 1939 as assistant professor of entomology, in 1945 as Alexander Agassiz professor
of zoology, in 1969 as Fisher professor of natural
history, and in 1973 became emeritus professor.
This is the man who built the fossil insect collections of Harvard University’ s Museum of Comparative Zoology. For nearly 40 years, he taught
entomology and paleontology. He was chairman
of the Department of Biology in 1952–1959 and
had a heavy role in extension. His research in
fossil insects spanned 70 years, and he specialized in the Paleozoic fauna. The fossil dragonfly
that he described as Meganeuropsis americana,
with a wingspan of 29 inches is the largest insect
known. In addition to work on fossil insects, he
worked on systematics of present-day Neuroptera, Raphidioidea and Mecoptera. After retirement in 1973, he continued voluntarily to curate
the collection of fossil insects and to edit Psyche,
the journal of the Cambridge [Massachusetts]
Entomological Club (a job he held from 1947 to
1990). His wife Ruth, to whom he was married
for 64 years, was a constant companion and
helper. He died in Massachusetts on January 18,
Furth DG (1994) Frank Morton Carpenter (1902–1994): academic biography and list of publications. Psyche
Carpenterworm Moths
(Lepidoptera: Cossidae)
John B. heppner
Florida State Collection of Arthropods,
Gainesville, FL, USA
Carpenterworm moths, family Cossidae, total 682
species worldwide; actual fauna probably exceeds
750 species. The group is a relict family which has
retained many primitive features and often is classified closer to Tineidae and Psychidae. There are
five subfamilies, two of which are exclusively
Neotropical (Chilecomadiinae and Hypoptinae):
Chilecomadiinae, Cossulinae, Cossinae, Hypoptinae,
and Zeuzerinae. The family is in the superfamily
Cossoidea (series Cossiformes) in the section
Cossina, subsection Cossina, of the division Ditrysia.
Adults small to very large (9–240 mm wingspan),
with head small and average or slightly rough
scaling; labial palpi upcurved; maxillary palpi
small, 1–2-segmented; antennae filiform or bipectinate (antennal tips usually thinner). Wings are
elongated (Fig. 24) and hindwings often rather
small and rounded; body very robust (the largest
female cossids rival hawk moths in size and mass).
Carpenterworm Moths (Lepidoptera: Cossidae),
Figure 24 Example of carpenterworm moths
(Cossidae), Stygia leucomelas Ochsenheimer from
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
Maculation usually various dark shades of brown
or gray, with various spots or markings; some
lighter or colorful. Adults are nocturnal. Larvae
are borers in trunks and limbs. Host plants are
recorded in a large number of plant families, especially all those with larger tree species. A number
of species are economic pests of forest trees.
Arora GS (1976) A taxonomic revision of the Indian species
of the family Cossidae (Lepidoptera). Rec Zool Surv
India 69:1–160
Barnes W, McDunnough JH (1911) Revision of the Cossidae
of North America. Contr Nat Hist Lepidoptera North
Am 1:(1)1–35, pl 1–7
Buser R, Huber W, Joos R (2000) Cossidae – Holzbohrer. In:
Schmetterlinge und ihre Lebensräume: Arten-Gefährdung
Pro-Schutz. Schweiz und angrenzenden Gebiete, 3:97–116,
pl 2. Pro Natura-Schweizerische Bund fuer Naturschutz,
Schoorl JW Jr (1990) A phylogenetic study on Cossidae (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia) based on external adult morphology.
Zoologische Verhandlingen 263:1–295, 1 pl
Seitz A (ed) (1912–1937) Familie: Cossidae. In: Die GrossSchmetterlinge der Erde, 2:417–431, pl 52–55 (1912);
2(suppl):241–245 (1933); 287, pl 16 (1934); 6:1264–1287,
pl 167, 169, 181–184 (1937); 10:807–824, pl 93, 96–99
(1933); 14:540–551, pl 79–80 (1929). A. Kernen, Stuttgart
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera). They commonly are known as fruitworm moths.
Fruitworm Moths
Butterflies and Moths
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera:
derek s. sikes
University of Alaska Museum, Fairbanks, AK,
Despite the association of silphids with carrion,
which is often repugnant to humans, the biology
of these organisms includes a rich and complex
array of fascinating evolutionary and ecological
Silphids (Fig. 26) have the largest bodies and
are the most conspicuous of the staphylinoid beetles. However, the family is not very species rich by
beetle standards, containing only 183 extant species.
Commonly, they are known as “carrion beetles”
due to their frequent association with vertebrate
carcasses. They are sometimes referred to as “large
carrion beetles” to distinguish them from other
beetles associated with carrion, such as those in the
family Leiodidae (which are sometimes called
“small carrion beetles”). Most species eat carrion
although many will also prey on carrion associated
insects, such as maggots, or other carrion beetles.
Some species are phytophagous, or exclusively predaceous, while at least one species has been found
only in dung. The primary food source for the
larvae of most species, however, is vertebrate carrion. A radical departure from this ancestral life
history pattern is seen in the species Nicrophorus
pustulatus which, although capable of breeding on
carrion, has recently been discovered to be a parasitoid of snake eggs – perhaps the only known
example of a parasite of a vertebrate that kills and
consumes its host (in this case, snake embryos).
The family contains two subfamilies, each of
which specializes on a different size of carrion.
Carrion feeding members of the subfamily Silphinae, which lack parental care, prefer large vertebrate carcasses (>300 g), and are often found on
megafaunal carcasses, such as elk, moose, or bison.
They must share these carcasses with vertebrate
scavengers and a large suite of necrophilous insects
such as the larvae of blow- and fleshflies, some of
which become prey for the beetles. Adults of the
subfamily Nicrophorinae, which display parental
care and complex subsocial nesting behaviors,
generally only breed by monopolization of a small
carcasses (<300 g, usually <100 g) such as those
of birds or rodents. These beetles remove small
carcasses from the competitive arena of flies,
ants, and other scavengers by burial into a subterranean nest – hence their common name of
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
“burying beetles” or “sexton beetles.” This remarkable behavior attracted the attention of early
naturalists and remains the focus of research today.
Distinguishing Characteristics and
The family as a whole has only one, somewhat
ambiguous, synapomorphy (diagnostic character) –
a bulge on the posterior quarter of each elytron.
However, silphids can be easily recognized by a
combination of characters including their necrophilous habits (most species), their size (usually
1–2 cm), their weakly to strongly clubbed antennae, their very large scutellum, which is sometimes
as wide as their head, and their tricostate elytra.
There is strong evidence indicating silphids are
closely related to members of the family Staphylinidae. Some evidence suggests silphids may actually
belong inside the family Staphylinidae (which
would require changing the family Silphidae into a
subfamily of the Staphylinidae).
Members of the subfamily Nicrophorinae do
possess an unambiguous synapomorphy – a pair
of stridulatory files on the dorsal surface of
abdominal segment 5 which are used for auditory
communication between adults before mating
(courtship songs) and between adults and larvae
during development, and for defense when disturbed. The files are scraped by the underside of
the elytral apices when the beetles pump their
abdomens forward and backward. Paired stridulatory files are absent from the Silphinae but adults
of the basal genera Ptomaphila (Australia) and
Oxelytrum (Neotropics) possess stridulatory
morphology – at least one species of Oxelytrum
has been observed stridulating. These beetles have
spines on the underside of the elytra that can be
scraped by the abdominal intersegmental membrane when the beetles move their abdomens from
side to side – a phenomenon that has yet to be
studied in the silphines. Because silphines do not
nest, presumably the only function of their stridulation would be defense.
Length 7–45 mm (usually 12–20 mm); ovate to
moderately elongate, and slightly to strongly dorsoventrally flattened (Silphinae). Frontoclypeal
(epistomal) suture absent (Silphinae), or present
as fine line (Nicrophorinae). Antennae are 11-segmented but appear as 10-segmented in Nicrophorinae due to reduced second segment fused
to third segment; ending in 3-segmented club,
usually preceded by two or three enlarged but
sparsely setose segments (Silphinae and basal
Nicrophorinae) or antennomeres 9–11 forming a
large club (Nicrophorus). Pronotum with lateral
edges complete, sometimes explanate. Scutellum
large – often as wide as head. Elytra truncate,
exposing 1–5 abdominal tergites in Diamesus,
Necrodes, and Nicrophorinae; not truncate in
remaining Silphinae, covering abdomen; never
striate; in Silphinae bearing 0–3 raised costae or
carinae per elytron (present but indistinct in
Nicrophorinae); with raised callus near posterior
end of outermost costa; epipleura usually welldeveloped and with ridge complete almost to apex.
The elytra of most Nicrophorus, Ptomascopus and
Diamesus species usually have broad colored
bands or spots (fascia and maculae) extending
laterally to meet epipleura. Abdomen with sternite
2 not visible between hind coxae but visible laterally of metacoxae; sternites 3–8 visible in females,
3–9 visible in males. Legs with five tarsal segments
per tarsus. Males usually with broadly expanded
protarsal segments and longer protarsal setae
(midtarsal also expanded in male Diamesus), proand midtarsi of female similar.
Length 12–40 mm, campodeiform (most Silphinae) or eruciform (Nicrophorinae); elongate, more
or less parallel-sided to ovate, slightly to strongly
flattened, relatively straight or slightly curved
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
ventrally. Body surfaces heavily pigmented and
heavily sclerotized (Silphinae), or lightly pigmented and lightly sclerotized (Nicrophorinae).
Stemmata 6 (Silphinae) or 1 (Nicrophorinae) on
each side. Mandibles lacking mola. Thoracic terga
and abdominal terga and sterna consisting of one
or more sclerotized plates, without patches or rows
of asperities, each tergum with 1 (Silphinae) or 2
(Ptomascopus) lateral tergal processes extending
beyond edges of sterna or without such processes
(Nicrophorus) but with four spinose projections
along posterior margin of abdominal terga. One
or two segmented, well developed urogomphi.
Classification, Diversity, and
In recent years there have been some changes to
the classification and newly described species
added, so a current classification, with updated
species counts, and distributional information is
provided below (Table 7). The family currently
stands at 183 species.
The distribution of an organism is the result
of both ecology and evolutionary history. Silphids,
especially the nicrophorines, are rare in warmer
climates, such as lowland tropical forests, and virtually absent from dry climates like deserts – these
ecological constraints certainly have limited their
distribution in places like Africa, Australia, and
Tibet. A few silphids in northern Africa survive in
cooler, wetter mountainous regions but the Sahara
presumably prevents southward dispersal. The
family Silphidae is thought to have originated in
the northern hemisphere on the paleocontinent of
Laurasia. The subfamily Nicrophorinae best represents this with only three species in territory once
part of the southern landmass of Gondwana. These
three species are thought to have radiated down
the Andes of South America, having survived in
the cooler, montane climate.
The nicrophorines are distributed in the
northern hemisphere, with species radiations having occurred in the Malay Archipelago, resulting
in various endemic island species restricted to
montane habitats, and into South America along
the Andes. None are found in Africa south of the
Sahara, in Australia (Fig. 25), or Antarctica. These
beetles were once thought to be absent from the
Indian subcontinent south of the Himalayas, but
there may be a population of the recently described
species Nicrophorus sausai in Meghalaya India, a
mountainous region isolated from the Himalayas.
This unusual, and perhaps relict, population begs
additional study and confirmation.
The silphines are more widespread than the
nicrophorines, with greater representation on
Gondwanan areas. This is thought to be related to
their greater generic diversity (12 genera) and
possible greater age. There are four species in
Australia and New Guinea (Ptomaphila, 3 endemic
species; Diamesus 1 species) and a larger radiation in South America than is seen in the nicrophorines (Oxelytrum, 8 species). It has been
suggested that this radiation of the Silphinae into
South America and consequently Australia (via
Antarctica) took place 50–60 million years ago
producing these, the only two silphid genera
endemic to the southern Hemisphere. There are
also three silphine species in South Africa
(Thanatophilus, 2 species; Silpha, 1 species) and
an entire silphine genus (Heterotemna, 3 species)
endemic to the Canary Islands off the northwest
coast of Africa. However, as with the nicrophorines, most species of the Silphinae are found
in the northern hemisphere, although they seem
to be somewhat more tolerant of warm habitats
than are the nicrophorines. This tolerance is perhaps due to their preference for larger carcasses
which they do not (and could not) defend from
competitors. Nicrophorus species, probably due to
their requirement for small carcasses that can be
buried and defended, do not appear to compete
well with the ants, flies and carrion-associated
scarab beetles that are more abundant in warmer
Together, the Silphidae show an amphitropical
or amphipolar distribution, i.e. they are restricted
to northern and southern temperate zones but
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae), Table 7 Carrion beetle classification, species counts, and
Order Coleoptera
Superfamily Staphylinoidea
Family Silphidae Latreille, 1807
Subfamily Silphinae Latreille, 1807
15 genera, 183 species
12 genera, 111 species
Aclypea Reitter, 1884
13 species, Holarctic
Dendroxena Motschulsky, 1858
2 species, Eurasia
Diamesus Hope, 1840
2 species, Asia, Australia
Heterosilpha Portevin, 1926
2 species, West Nearctic
Heterotemna Wollaston, 1864
3 species, Africa: Canaries
Necrodes Leach, 1815
3 species, Holarctic
Necrophila Kirby and Spence, 1828
17 species, Holarctic
subgenus Necrophila Kirby &
Spence, 1828
subgenus Eusilpha SemenovTian-Shanskij, 1890
subgenus Calosilpha Portevin, 1920
subgenus Deutosilpha Portevin, 1920
subgenus Chrysosilpha Portevin, 1921
Oiceoptoma Leach, 1815
9 species, Holarctic
Oxelytrum Gistel, 1848
8 species, SW Nearctic/Neotropical
Ptomaphila Kirby & Spence, 1828
3 species, Australia, New Guinea
Silpha Linnaeus, 1758
25 species, Eurasia, Africaa
subgenus Silpha Linnaeus, 1758
subgenus Phosphuga Leach, 1817
subgenus Ablattaria Reitter, 1884
Thanatophilus Leach, 1815
Subfamily Nicrophorinae Kirby, 1837
24 species, Holarctic & Africa, Madagascar
3 genera, 72 species
Eonecrophorus Kurosawa, 1985
1 species, Nepal
Ptomascopus Kraatz, 1876
3 species, Asia
Nicrophorus Fabricius, 1775
68 species, Holarctic, N Africa, S America, SE Asia
One species of Europe, Silpha trisits Illiger, has been introduced and established in North America (southern Quebec)
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae), Figure 25 Map of the subfamily Nicrophorinae (Silphidae). 6,736
localities from 17,250 specimens examined showing the known distribution (99% of records are
Nicrophorus). The lack of records throughout much of Russia is almost certainly a collection artifact
whereas the absence of records in Australia, sub-Saharan Africa, most of India and South America is not.
A corresponding map for the subfamily Silphinae has not yet been prepared – see text for description of
the distribution of the Silphinae.
generally absent from the intervening tropics
(with the exception of tropical montane habitats).
The lesser generic diversity of the nicrophorines
(3 genera) compared to the silphines, combined
with their almost pure Laurasian distribution, supports preliminary estimates for a younger age of
the main radiation in the Nicrophorinae (the
genus Nicrophorus) based on fossil and molecular
divergence dating methods. All known fossils of
the genus Nicrophorus are Eocene or younger, less
than 50 million years old, with the majority being
known from the Pleistocene. Molecular dating
methods provide a preliminary, and wide, range
for the radiation of the genus having happened
50–24 million years ago. The transition to the
Oligocene from the Eocene is thought to represent
the most dramatic climatic change of the Cenozoic era, in which the Mesozoic “hot house” world
was transformed into the Neogene “ice house”
world that persists today. Given the absence of
Nicrophorus from lowland tropical habitats and
the preference of these organisms for cooler climates, it seems reasonable to infer these beetles
may have radiated during this cooling event of the
Oligocene. Roughly concurrent with this cooling
event, many modern rodent families appeared and
radiated – and these would have been ideal prey
items for Nicrophorus beetles. In addition to a
small-mammal radiation during this time, most
modern bird orders and families appeared between
the early Eocene and the late Oligocene-early
Miocene, during a period of intense diversification. Small birds are also ideal prey items for
The family is thought to have originated in
the Old World, and the subfamily Nicrophorinae
certainly shows this pattern in which all but one of
the five genera/subgenera are endemic to Asia. The
New World has the minority of world species for
all groups that are also found in the Old World,
and has only two endemic genera: Oxelytrum
and Heterosilpha. One new species of Nicrophorus,
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae),
Figure 26 Nicrophorus olidus Matthews, a silphid
found in Honduras and Mexico; female, dorsal and
lateral view.
N. hispaniola, was recently discovered and described
in the Dominican Republic. This was the first
Nicrophorus described in the New World since
1925, bringing the total to 21 New World species
of Nicrophorus. There are 25 species of Silphinae
in the New World, combined with the 21 species
of nicrophorines yielding 46 species of silphids
in the New World.
Silphids are most frequently encountered at vertebrate carrion but are sometimes found associated
with dung or fungi, or at electric lights. Most
species will prey on fly larvae or other insects present on carcasses or dung, in addition to eating the
carcass itself. Some species are phytophagous
(11 species of Aclypea) while others are predacious
(Dendroxena, some Silpha and possibly Ptomascopus
zhangla, a poorly known and recently discovered
species from China). The silphine Necrodes surinamensis as an adult feeds primarily on fly larvae
but can survive on carrion alone. The majority of
silphids that have been studied are nocturnal or
crepuscular (active at sundown and sunrise),
which might help avoid predation by birds.
Some species of the genus Nicrophorus have
become model organisms for research in ecology,
physiology, and behavior – particularly dealing
with questions about parental care, the evolution
of sociality, competition, and other behaviors of
nesting organisms (e.g., brood parasitism). There
have been over 150 behavioral ecology studies on
these species in the past 25 years. Subjects of these
studies include, for example, the ability of adults to
regulate their brood size to match the size of the
carrion resource via control of the number of eggs
produced and subsequent parental culling of
“extra” larvae by cannibalism. Other subjects
investigated include adult competition and fights
to win a carcass, pheromone emission, adult stridulatory communication (between parents and
larvae, precopulatory, and defensive), duration
and explanation for paternal care, and antimicrobial properties of anal and oral secretions, among
many others. Biparental care, as seen in Nicrophorus,
is rare in insects in general, and has been the focus
of much investigation.
The typical progression from discovery to
new offspring for Nicrophorus species proceeds as
follows: A small vertebrate carcass, like that of a
mouse, is found soon after nightfall and often on
the day of its death. If numerous Nicrophorus
beetles find the carcass the beetles begin to fight to
dominate the resource. Larger bodied beetles tend
to win these competitions with losers retreating,
sometimes with minor injuries (missing leg parts
or cuts in their wing covers). The loser females
sometimes lay eggs near the carcass and some of
her offspring might enter and develop in the nest
of the winning beetles. The beetles’ fights usually
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
result in a single species remaining, with smaller
bodied species having been excluded. Within the
larger species the males fight the males and the
females fight the females until the largest male and
largest female remain in control of the carcass.
Courtship stridulation occurs and can lead to
rejection of the male by the female if he cannot
stridulate as expected. This may help beetles identify conspecifics but no one has carefully investigated how this is accomplished. The mechanisms
by which closely related species avoid hybridization are equally unstudied. The male and female
pair work together to bury the carcass by digging
beneath it. If the substrate is too tough the pair
might move the carcass to more suitable ground
by laying beneath it and moving it with their legs.
If a male finds a carcass and no females are present
he will emit a pheromone to attract a female.
Sometimes males without carcasses will emit
pheromone to attract females with whom they try
to mate. Females, like all insects, can store sperm
for later use and sometimes can find and bury carcasses alone, using sperm from prior mating to
fertilize her eggs.
It can take 5–24 h for a carcass to be secured
below-ground (with smaller-bodied species tending to bury less deeply than larger bodied species).
The carcass is rolled into a ball that minimizes its
surface area. Fur or feathers are removed and a
brood chamber is built that will house the carcass
and the developing larvae. The carcass is treated
with oral and anal secretions that help preserve
the resource from microbial decay. The female will
then lay eggs based on the mass of carcass (between
10 and 50 eggs is typical) although more eggs are
typically laid than larvae that will be reared.
Because body size is critical to winning contests
for carcasses, larger bodied offspring will be more
likely to successfully reproduce than smaller bodied offspring. A carcass resource can yield either
many small burying beetle offspring, or fewer large
burying beetle offspring. This selection pressure
has resulted in a behavior known as filial cannibalism – the parents kill and consume “extra” larvae
that would otherwise lower the average body size
of the resulting offspring. These beetles, therefore,
regulate the size of their brood carefully – both by
laying a clutch size appropriate to the mass of
the carrion resource, and by later “fine-tuning” the
clutch size if too many eggs hatch by eating the
late arriving larvae.
Parent beetles stay with the larvae during
their approximate 2-week development period –
defending them against possible usurpers (this
being the major advantage of paternal care). The
parents also tend the larvae, maintain the brood
ball and regurgitate food for the larvae. The burying
beetles are unusual among insects in having peak
levels of juvenile hormone (normally considered a
gonadotropic hormone in adult insects) during
the early parental period when the ovaries are
small. Parental regurgitations to young larvae
increase larval growth rates, and in some species,
are essential for molting from the first to second
instar. The larvae molt between each of three
instars and either pupate to adult and overwinter
as adults or overwinter as a final larval instar
This life history of Nicrophorus species is
based on finding, concealing and monopolizing
small carcasses before their competitors. However,
they cannot exclude all interested parties – in
addition to a vigilance that prevents usurpation
by other Nicrophorus adults, the parents must contend with both bacterial and fungal decay of the
carcass. Recent studies in both North America and
Japan have shown that the treatment of the carcass
with oral and anal secretions by Nicrophorus adults
greatly reduces the microbial decay, and a number
of antimicrobial agents have been identified.
Other animals that often accompany the
beetles into their nest include both nematodes and
mites (Acari). The nematode-beetle relationship
is poorly known with considerable potential for
future work. At least two nematode species, Rhabditis stammeri, and R. vespillonis, have been documented as associates of Nicrophorus vespilloides
and N. vespillo, respectively, although it is certain
that many more, probably undescribed, nematode
species associate with silphids. The nematodes
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
breed on the carrion and their offspring disperse
to new carrion resources with the new generation
of beetles – traveling in the gut of the beetle larvae
and using the adult hindgut and/or genitalia for
transport to a new carcass. Nematodes have been
observed in laboratory settings to reach enormous
population sizes – causing the beetles to abandon
the carcass – but it is unknown if this happens in
the wild. The new generation of nematodes will
form large aggregations on the surface of the
carcass, each will arch upwards and start to wave.
They will also form small, living, waving towers by
climbing on one another. This behavior brings the
nematodes in contact with the beetles, onto which
they climb. It is not known how or if the beetles
have adapted to competitive pressure from these
nematodes, nor is it known to what degree the
nematodes reduce the beetles’ fitness.
The mite-beetle relationship is better understood than that of the nematodes, but remains one
of the more complex and rich areas for future
research. It is not known how many species of silphids carry mites (phoretic associates) but most of
the Nicrophorus species that have been studied
ecologically carry them. Like the nematodes, the
mites’ life cycle is tied to that of the beetles with
the deuteronymphs (the last pre-adult stage) dispersing phoretically on the adult beetles. Mites
present on silphine species probably are using
them as alternate hosts opportunistically until
they can transfer to a burying beetle. Many of the
mites appear to be host-specific, and considerable
taxonomic work remains to done with them. Over
14 species of mites from four families (Parasitidae,
Macrochelidae, Uropodidae, and Histiomatidae)
were found on Nicrophorus species in Michigan,
USA. The most frequently encountered and wellstudied mites in this system are those in the genus
Poecilochirus (Mesostigmata: Parasitidae). Initial
work in the 1960s indicated an apparent mutualistic mite-beetle relationship resulting from the
mites’ predation on fly eggs that would otherwise
hatch and compete with beetle offspring. However,
more thorough examination of this relationship
has found much greater complexity – including
examples of mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism, varying with species and conditions. What
was once thought to be a single species of mite,
Poecilochirus carabi, has since been discovered to
be a species complex of several morphologically
similar, but reproductively isolated species that are
specific to their host beetle species. Only a few of
these cryptic mite species have been described or
examined in detail. It is likely that most of the 69
known Nicrophorus species have their own (probably undescribed) Poecilochirus species.
An even more poorly-known symbiotic relationship involving the Silphidae awaits study:
nematodes of the family Allantonematidae have
been reported as parasites of the burying beetles’
Poecilochirus mites!
In the USA, much attention has been focused
recently on the American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus Olivier, a federally listed endangered species and one of five “giant” species in the
genus. As recently as the 1930s, this species was
considered to be common over most of the eastern
half of the North American continent. However, it
now occurs in <10% of its former range (populations are now restricted to a few islands offshore of
Rhode Island and Massachusetts and the western
periphery of the historic range). This species was
first listed in 1989 and represents an unusual case
of species endangerment in that there are no apparent causal factors for its decline that simultaneously
explain why the eight other co-occurring Nicrophorus species have not declined. Many weakly
supported hypotheses have been suggested, including DDT contamination, extinction of the passenger
pigeon, deforestation, artificial lighting, loss of
carrion availability, and an unknown, intrinsic,
genetic effect. One important difference between
N. americanus and its congeners is that this species
requires larger carcasses (>80 g) than its congeners
to maximize its reproductive success. Subsequent
work and review of the literature points to a “best,”
Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
albeit provisional, explanation of this species’
decline based on (i) known population declines
of optimally sized carrion “prey” species such as
ground nesting birds and the passenger pigeon,
and (ii) increased vertebrate scavenger and congener competition for the reduced carrion available.
The greater pressure from vertebrate scavengers
may have resulted from competitive release after
the loss of larger predators (such as the gray wolf
[Canis lupus] and the mountain lion [Felis concolor]) and an increase in habitat fragmentation
and edge habitats. Nicrophorus americanus may
have declined because it is experiencing greater
vertebrate and congener competition for a reduced
resource base. The species is being bred in captivity
and work is underway to establish new populations. The attention it has received due to its federal
protection has helped its prospects considerably.
Given the well-documented and recent rise in
mean global temperature, some conservationists are
worried about montane island endemics that cannot
survive in the warmer lowlands. As our climate
changes, the size of these cooler, montane habitats
will contract as they gradually move higher in elevation. There are at least ten Nicrophorus species
endemic to the higher elevations of various islands
in the Malay Archipelago. These species, among
many other similarly adapted organisms, could
become threatened with extinction if their cooler,
montane habitats start to disappear. Some are already
living at the highest elevations available to them.
mammals – and possibly caused by the key innovation of small carcass monopolization.
From other recent research we have learned
that females with a carcass will not attack males
who have recently been in contact with a carcass
and typically cared for a brood. These males are
considered to have a “breeder’s badge”, a profile of
cuticular hydrocarbons that identifies them as
parental – and those males lacking this scent are
attacked. This addresses questions of how these
social beetles recognize each other.
It had already been determined that adults
cannot recognize their own larvae from those of other
couples, nor even, of other species of nicrophorines
(in Japan, Ptomascopus larvae are sometimes
brood parasites, mixed into broods of Nicrophorus
concolor larvae and raised by Nicrophorus parents).
The mechanism by which parents can minimize
such brood parasitism is temporal – they kill larvae
that arrive too early or too late around the window
of time that their own larvae appear.
Our understanding of the biology and evolution of the Silphidae progresses, with continuing
work on the phylogenetics, reproductive behaviors
of basal lineages, brood parasitism, communal
breeding, endocrinology, use of stable isotopes to
determine larval diet, and host shifts, although
many questions remain uninvestigated.
Decomposer Insects
Beetles (Coleoptera)
Recent Research
Recent work on these beetles has resulted in
some interesting discoveries. In addition to 11
newly described species since 1999, primarily
from Asia, there has been phylogenetic work
underway which has suggested that the relatively
high species richness of the genus Nicrophorus
may have resulted from a rapid radiation – a burst
of evolution. This radiation was possibly coincident with the global cooling during the Oligocene
and the subsequent radiation of small birds and
Ratcliffe BC (1996) The carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
of Nebraska. Bull Univ Nebraska State Mus 13:1–100
Peck SB (2001) Silphidae Latreille, 1807. In: Arnett RH,
Thomas MC (eds) American beetles: archostemata,
myxophaga, adephaga, polyphaga: staphyliniformia,
vol 1. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 268–271
Scott MP (1998) The ecology and behavior of burying beetles.
Ann Rev Entomol 43:595–618
Sikes DS (2005) Silphidae. In: Kristensen NP, Beutel RG (eds)
Handbook of zoology, vol IV Arthropoda: Insecta part 38,
Coleoptera, Beetles, vol I: Morphology and systematics
(Archostemmata, Adephaga, Myxophaga, Polyphaga
partim) (RG Beutel RAB Leschen, eds) Walter de Gruyter,
Berlin, NY, pp 288–296
Sikes DS, Newton AF, Madge RB (2002) A catalog of the
Nicrophorinae (Coleoptera: Silphidae) of the world.
Zootaxa 65:1–304
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera, superfamily
Carter, Herbert James
Carter HJ (1933) Gulliver in the bush – wanderings of an
Australian entomologist. Angus & Robertson, Sydney,
Australia, 234 pp
Zimmerman EC (1993) Australian weevils, vol 3. CSIRO, East
Melbourne, pp 493–494
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera) also known
as Australian silkworm moths.
Australian Silkworm Moths
Butterflies and Moths
GeorGe hanGay
Narrabeen, NSW, Australia
Herbert James Carter was born on the 23rd of
April 1858 in Marlborough, Wiltshire, England.
He was educated in England, receiving his Bachelor of Art Degree in Cambridge. At the age of 24
he migrated to Australia and took up the position
of Mathematical Master at Sydney Grammar
School. Later on, in 1902, he was appointed as
Principal of Ascham Girls’ School in Sydney
where he worked until his retirement in 1914.
Although he was a devoted educator, his interest
in entomology and his contribution to knowledge of the Australian insect fauna were very
significant. He became interested in entomology
soon after his arrival in Australia and produced
his first paper on Australian Coleoptera in 1905.
He traveled and collected extensively in New
South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia
and Western Australia. He collaborated with A.M.
Lea and a number of other entomologists of his
era, including with K.G. Blair, the Coleopterist
of the British Museum. During his long life he
published 65 papers, including major works on
Tenebrionidae, Buprestidae and Colydiidae. He
described 55 genera and 1,234 species new to
science. After retirement he continued his entomological work until his sudden death on the
16th of April 1940, in the Sydney suburb of
The paper manufactured by Hymenoptera for nest
An inert material serving to dilute a pesticide, and
to carry it to its target.
Carrying Capacity
The theoretical maximum population size that an
area can support indefinitely within defined set of
Casebearer Moths (Lepidoptera:
John B. heppner
Florida State Collection of Arthropods,
Gainesville, FL, USA
Casebearer moths, family Coleophoridae, comprise over 1,525 species worldwide, with most
being Palearctic (1,082 sp.) and in the genus,
Casey, Thomas Lincoln
Casebearer Moths (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae),
Figure 27 Example of casebearer moths
(Coleophoridae), Coleophora sp. from Florida, USA.
Coleophora. Most are in subfamily Coleophorinae, while non-casebearers are in Batrachedrinae. The family is part of the superfamily
Gelechioidea in the section Tineina, subsection
Tineina, of the division Ditrysia. Adults small
(5–24 mm wingspan), with head smooth-scaled;
haustellum scaled; labial palpi recurved; maxillary palpi minute, 2-segmented. Wings usually
very elongated and hindwings spindle-shaped
with long fringes. Maculation shades of brown
or gray, sometimes mostly white, and unicolorous or with various markings or stripes, but
rarely more colorful and with iridescence. Adults
may be mostly crepuscular but many are diurnal.
Larvae make small cases (except for Batrachedrinae), often distinctly shaped for each species
(Fig. 27), skeletonizing host leaves, but some
are seed borers, leafminers, or stalk borers, or
skeletonize leaves beneath frass webs. A few
Batrachedrinae are predaceous on scale insects
(Hemiptera). Various host plants are utilized. A
few species are economic. Ovovivipary has been
recorded for a few species.
Baldizzone G (1996) A taxonomic review of the Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera) of Australia. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 139:97–144
Hodges RW (1966) Review of the New World species of
Batrachedra with descriptions of three new genera
(Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea). Trans Am Entomol Soc
Landry J-F, Wright B (1993) Systematics of the nearctic
species of metallic-green Coleophora (Lepidoptera:
Coleophoridae). Can Entomol 125:549–618
Toll S (1962) Materialien zur kenntnis der paläarktischen
arten der familie Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera). Acta
Zool Cracoviensia 7:577–720, 133 pl
Vives-Moreno A (1988) Catalogo mundial sistematico y de
distribucion de la familia Coleophoridae Hübner, [1825]
(Insecta: Lepidoptera). Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal
Casey, Thomas Lincoln
Thomas Casey was born at West Point, New
York state, on February 19, 1857. His father was
a general of the U.S. army, and he graduated
from the U.S. Military Academy in 1879. As a
soldier, he traveled widely in the USA, and used
every opportunity to collect beetles as well as
building his collection by purchase from others.
He also was interested in applied astronomy. He
was a prolific describer of insect species, publishing 77 papers between 1884 and 1924, and in
them describing more than 9,000 species. However, he has been widely criticized not only
because his descriptions were brief and lacked
illustrations, but because he often selected
superficial differences between specimens as
the basis of species separation. In other words,
he failed to recognize that morphological characters may vary considerably within species.
Consequently, many of the species names that
he proposed have subsequently been sunk as
synonyms. His collection of almost 117,000
specimens including 9,200 holotypes was
bequeathed to the U.S. National Museum of
Natural History. He died on February 3, 1925.
Herman LH (2001) Casey, Thomas Lincoln. Bull Am Mus Nat
Hist 265:53–54
Cassava Mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Cassava Mealybug, Phenacoccus
manihoti Matile-Ferrero
(Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
peter neuensChwander
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture,
Cotonou, Bénin, West Africa
This is one of many insects that came to the attention of science only after it had been inadvertently
transported and established on a new continent.
In the early 1970s, mealybug infestations suddenly
devastated cassava (in French: “manioc”) in the
Congo and what is today the Democratic Republic
of Congo, around the two capitals Brazzaville and
Kinshasa, respectively. From there, this new plague
spread rapidly, at a speed of over 100 km per year.
It got new footholds in Nigeria, near the border to
Benin, then on the border between Gambia and
Senegal, and within a few years had covered the
entire cassava growing area of Africa from Senegal
to Ethiopia and to South Africa. By the mid-1990s,
only the Indian Ocean Islands including Madagascar were still free of this pest, and they have
remained so up to today (2001).
Wherever this mealybug, which was newly
described as Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero,
and belonging to the family Pseudoccocidae,
turned up it became the most important cassava
pest, threatening the supply of the main staple
food for about 200 million Africans.
Morphology and Biology
This is a typical mealybug; pinkish, covered with
white waxy dust, oval in shape (3–4 mm length)
with no wings, weak legs, and long sucking mouth
parts on the ventral side (Fig. 28). Yellowish
eggs are laid in daily batches protected by wax filaments, mostly underneath the tip of the abdomen
of the female. The tiny first instar larvae disperse
all over the plants and can be transported by wind.
The three nymphal instars resemble each other and
the adult, except for the size increase. This species is
parthenogenetic, which means that it reproduces
without males.
The life cycle is completed within 1 month
and the mealybug reproduces throughout the
year, without any resting stages. It attacks cassava,
Manihot esculenta Crantz (Euphorbiaceae), the
related Ceara rubber Manihot glaziovii Mull. Arg.,
as well as the interspecific hybrid of these two
plants, which are of South American origin. At
extreme outbreak levels the infestation spills over
to many other plants of different species which
happen to grow in the vicinity of infested cassava,
but when infestations are low no other plant
species are attacked.
Mealybugs suck preferentially in the growing tip
and on the underside of leaves. During heavy
attacks the undersides of leaves are covered with a
white mass. Mealybugs eject surplus sugar water,
which accumulates on the leaves below as a sticky
cover of honeydew, which is subsequently attacked
by fungi. The resulting black “sooty-mold” cover
reduces photosynthesis, and sucking of the insect
in the growing tips leads to stunting. In areas
where cassava leaves are eaten as a vegetable,
such use is made impossible by heavy mealybug
infestation. Accumulation of carbohydrates in the
storage tubers, which in cassava is a continuous
process, is reduced, and quality is impaired. Tuber
yield losses of up to 80% have been recorded. In
addition, because of the stunting, planting sticks
are of poor quality, which compromises the following year’s crop. Thus, cassava cultivation has
disappeared from vast areas during the height of
the cassava mealybug epidemic.
Control Options
Wherever this mealybug appeared for the first
time, extension services tried to combat it with
pesticides. As the mealybug is often hidden in the
Cassava Mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Cassava Mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), Figure 28
The cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti, on a cassava leaf (upper left); the exotic parasitoids
Apoanagyrus lopezi (upper right) and A. diversicornis (middle left); one of the widespread and
common indigenous coccinellids, Hyperaspis pumila (middle right); and cassava field devastated by
cassava mealybug (lower) (from Neuenschwander (2005) In: Evaluating indirect ecological effects of
biological control. CABI, Wallingford, UK).
buds, insecticides are generally inefficient, all the
more because they also preferentially kill the natural
enemies. In fact, it was demonstrated that repeated
insecticide applications led to an explosion of the
mealybug population.
Similarly, cassava varieties were tested in a
quest to find and/or develop resistant varieties.
As stand-alone component, resistant/tolerant
varieties did, however, not give satisfactory
Cassava Mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
The Solution: Biological Control
Cassava was brought to Africa from South America
by Portuguese traders in the sixteenth century,
though it acquired today’s importance only in the
early twentieth century. It was therefore surmised
that this new mealybug came from South America
and that classical biological control, i.e., the transfer of natural enemies that keep this insect under
control in its original home, could bring the
solution. “Foreign exploration”, i.e., the search for
natural enemies, in Latin America was undertaken
by several international research organizations,
including CAB International and the International
Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), but the
cassava mealybug remained elusive. In the course
of this exploration, another mealybug was discovered, Phenacoccus herreni Cox and Williams, but
when its parasitoids were tested they did not attack
the P. manihoti known from Africa.
In 1981, a researcher from the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) finally
found P. manihoti in Paraguay. Under the leadership of IITA, “foreign exploration” was then concentrated and P. manihoti was found on cassava in
a few sites in the Rio de la Plata valley in Paraguay,
Brazil and Bolivia.
The first natural enemy of P. manihoti to be
discovered, the parasitic wasp Apoanagyrus
(Epidinocarsis) lopezi de Santis (Hymenoptera,
Encyrtidae), eventually also proved to be the best
biological control agent. Mated females lay their
eggs into mealybugs (second to fourth instars),
where a larva develops freely floating in the
coelom of the mealybug. Sometimes the host tries
to mount a defense action by encapsulating the
parasitic larva, but this is successful only in about
10% of cases (which might include larvae that
died for other reasons). The larva pupates in the
sausage-shaped dry remains of the mealybug,
called a “mummy”, from where the adults emerge,
after a total life cycle of about 2 weeks. Because
the female determines the sex of its offspring by
adding or withholding sperm during oviposition
into the host, she can exploit the host to its best.
Second instar hosts yield only male parasitoids,
which though small are fully functional; fourth
instars yield mostly females, which because of
their large size can produce more eggs than small
Several other natural enemies, among them the
wasp A. diversicornis Howard and several predatory
lady beetles, mainly Hyperaspis notata Mulsant
and Diomus hennesseyi Fürsch (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), were collected mostly in Paraguay and
Brazil in the course of several years and shipped to
CABI in the United Kingdom for quarantine.
There, the insects were reared and checked to
be: (i) free of diseases, (ii) not harmful to plants,
(iii) not hyperparasitic, i.e., harmful to indigenous
parasitoids, and (iv) not harmful to useful insects
like bees and silkworms. They were then sent to
IITA in Nigeria, with the necessary Nigerian
import permits and under the umbrella approval
of the Inter-African Phytosanitary Council of the
Organization for African Unity. Further studies,
mass rearing with specially developed equipment,
and releases followed. In the early 1980s, on the
strength of encouraging results in Nigeria, these
exotic insects were sent to all African countries
requesting them. Releases were executed mostly
from the ground and, in a few instances, by aircraft
using a specially developed apparatus. Thus, a
total of about 150 releases was made by IITA,
always in close collaboration with the quarantine
authorities and scientists of the various African
By the mid-1990s, A. lopezi was established
everywhere in Africa where P. manihoti occurred.
It sometimes had dispersed long distances from
the release sites (170 km within ten generations of
A. lopezi was documented). The other parasitoid
failed to establish (i.e., it could not be recovered
after 1 year) and the two coccinellids (Fig. 28)
established only locally in the Democratic Republic
of Congo, Malawi, and perhaps some East African
countries, where they had to compete with numerous common indigenous lady beetle species.
A. lopezi became the target of extensive impact
studies, using paired sleeve cages, chemical
Cassava Mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
exclusion experiments, simulation modelling on
the basis of laboratory studies, and direct monitoring
through field surveys in many countries. As a result,
this is one of the best-researched examples of classical biological control of an exotic arthropod pest.
Wherever A. lopezi had been present for about 2
years (3–4 years in the East African highlands),
mealybug populations dropped tenfold to noneconomic levels, thus validating the model predictions. In local spots with exceedingly poor soils,
such as pure sand without any mulch, mealybug
populations, though lower than before, remained
high enough to cause damage despite the presence
of A. lopezi. For such conditions, any further release
of A. lopezi is useless, but strengthening the plants
by applying mulch successfully tipped the balance
and reduced mealybug infestation considerably.
The key features that made A. lopezi such a
successful biological control agent (particularly in
comparison to A. diversicornis) were: (i) an exceptional host finding capacity, higher than any of its
exotic or local competitors; (ii) acceptance of a
wide range of host stages; (iii) extensive host feeding,
whereby the female wounds its host and sucks its
hemolymph, thereby killing small hosts outright;
(iv) fast development (almost two generations for
one by its host; he same as for A. diversicornis).
These advantages clearly outweighed the perceived low reproductive rate, low (but density
dependent) parasitism rate, and the fact that
A. lopezi was attacked by local hyperparasitoids. In
fact, 16 species of wasps were found to have switched
over to A. lopezi. They came from parasitoids, mostly
Anagyrus spp. (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae), that
attack Phenacoccus madeirensis Green, a common
mealybug on cassava. Except for an odd case, these
Anagyrus spp. could not reproduce on P. manihoti.
Though at the time of the release in the early
1980s no indigenous mealybug species had been
tested and the whole concept of non-target effects
was not yet prominent, food-web studies after
the establishment showed that A. lopezi developed
on P. manihoti only. Environmental effects of this
biocontrol project were thus limited to the
impact on a ecosystem that had been temporarily
disturbed by the invasion of P. manihoti, which
offered numerous indigenous predators a new and
ample food. With the collapse of this food source,
the abundance of these general predators, as well
as of hyperparasitoids, declined drastically, presumably back to pre-invasion levels.
The population equilibrium of P. manihoti has
remained low for the last 20 years, with an occasional
short-term low peak in abundance. Ten to 15 years
after the establishment of A. lopezi, extension services
and governmental research organizations in most
previously affected countries reclassified P. manihoti
as an insect of minor importance. The stability of
the system is only disturbed where insecticide interventions on neighboring crops like cotton, or against
grasshoppers, disturb the balance by killing the
wasps. This leads to an upsurge in P. manihoti populations, a situation well known to practitioners of
integrated pest management.
In field experiments, yields under conditions
of biological control of P. manihoti were compared
with those where mealybug infestations had been
artificially boosted. In surveys, various factors
affecting yield were quantified and their contribution to yield attributed. On the basis of these results,
the savings due to biological control of P. manihoti were extrapolated to all affected countries and
compared with the investment into this project.
According to different scenarios of how farmers
can cope with loss of cassava, returns for each
dollar invested were between $200 and $740. For
this evidently successful project, its former leader
was honored with the World Food Prize.
Area-Wide Pest Management
Gutierrez AP, Neuenschwander P, Schulthess F, Herren HR,
Baumgaertner JU, Wermelinger B, Loehr B, Ellis CK
(1988) Analysis of biological control of cassava pests in
Africa. II. Cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti.
J Appl Ecol 25:921–940
Hammond WNO, Neuenschwander P (1990) Sustained biological control of the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus
manihoti (Hom.: Pseudococcidae) by Epidinocarsis
lopezi (Hym.: Encyrtidae). Entomophaga 35:515–526
Cassava Pests and their Management
Herren HR, Neuenschwander P (1991) Biological control of
cassava pests in Africa. Ann Rev Entomol 36:257–283
Neuenschwander P (1996) Evaluating the efficacy of biological control of three exotic homopteran pests in
tropical Africa. Entomophaga 41:405–424
Neuenschwander P (2001) Biological control of cassava
mealybug in Africa: a review. Biol Control 21:214–229
Neuenschwander P, Markham R (2001) Biological control
in Africa and its possible effects on biodiversity. In:
Wajnberg E, Scott JK, Quimby PC (eds) Evaluating
indirect ecological effects of biological control, CABI
Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp 127–146
Zeddies J, Schaab RP, Neuenschwander P, Herren HR (2001)
Economics of biological control of cassava mealybug in
Africa. Agric Econ 24:209–219
Cassava Pests and their
anthony C. BeLLotti
CIAT (International Center for Tropical
Agriculture), Cali, Colombia
The origin of cassava (Euphorbiaceae: Manihot
esculenta Crantz) is the Neotropical Americas,
where it is estimated that domestication occurred
some 7,000–9,000 years ago. At present this perennial shrub is grown throughout the tropical regions
of the world. The highest production is in Africa
(ca. 55%); while Asia and Latin America account
for 27 and 18%, respectively. In the case of yields
on an average per-hectare basis, they are highest in
Asia (14.1 t/ha) and the Americas (12.7 t/ha) and
lowest in Africa (8.5 t/ha). Cassava is cultivated
mainly for its starchy roots and is ranked as the
sixth most important caloric source in the human
diet and the fourth most important staple in the
tropics. Cassava leaves may also be consumed and
may be an important source of protein in some
African countries and Northeast Brazil.
Cassava is vegetatively propagated, has a long
growth cycle (8–24 months), is drought tolerant,
and is often intercropped with staggered planting
dates so it is almost always present in farmers’
fields. Most cassava is grown by small-scale farmers
in traditional farming systems, often on marginal
or fragile soils under rain-fed conditions, using
few purchased inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. As yields are low in these systems, pest
control is of low priority due to the high costs and
the long crop cycle, which may require various
The dynamics of cassava production are
changing, however, as trends in the food, feed and
industrial sectors are leading to an increased
demand for high-quality cassava starches. In Latin
America, there are indications of a shift toward
larger scale production units where cassava is
grown as a plantation crop, and it is advantageous
for farmers to employ a multiple planting and
harvesting production system in order to meet the
constant market demands of the processing industries. In this type of production system, the cassava
crop will be found at several different growth
stages in the same or surrounding fields. Evidence
now indicates that pest problems will be compounded in these overlapping production systems.
Populations of certain pests such as whiteflies,
hornworms and mealybugs tend to increase when
a constant food supply (e.g., young cassava foliage)
is available. Given this trend, with the concomitant
increase in pest populations and damage, there
will be a greater tendency to apply pesticides to
control pest outbreaks.
The Consultative Group for International
Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has two research
centers – the International Center for Tropical
Agriculture (CIAT, Cali, Colombia) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA,
Ibadan, Nigeria) – with global and regional (Africa)
mandates, respectively, for cassava, oriented toward
resource-poor farmers. Today, there is a need to
invest in cassava research in order to understand
fully the role of pests and diseases in these multiple
production systems, where different stages of
the crop overlap, providing a constant source of
Following is an overview of the cassava
arthropod complex, and the corresponding damage
to the crop, aspects of biology, behavior, and management of the most important pests are explored
for the following categories: foliage feeders,
Cassava Pests and their Management
stemborers/stem feeders, soil-borne pests and
secondary pests. This is followed by a look at future
The Cassava Arthropod Pest
Complex and Crop Damage
Not surprisingly since cassava originated in the
Neotropics, the greatest diversity of arthropods
reported attacking the crop is from these regions
(Table 8). More than 200 species have been
reported, many of which are specific to cassava
and have adapted in varying degrees to the array
of natural biochemical defenses in the host, which
include laticifers and cyanogenic compounds.
The pest complex varies greatly among the
major cassava-growing areas in the Americas, Africa
and Asia. The crop, whose origin is in South America, was introduced into Africa in the 1500s and
into Asia in the seventeenth century. In Asia, none
of the major Neotropical pests has become established, and native arthropods that have adapted to
cassava have not been reported as causing serious
economic damage. In Africa, the whitefly Bemisia
tabaci is presently considered to be the major pest
of cassava because it is the vector of cassava mosaic
disease (CMD). Moreover, recent reports indicate
that B. tabaci is also causing root yield reductions
due to direct feeding on the crop. There is also the
possibility of the accidental introduction of pests
via planting material, which can wreak havoc. The
cassava green mite (Mononychellus tanajoa) and
the cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti),
which were introduced from South America, have
caused considerable crop losses and have been the
target of massive biological control efforts.
Studies indicate that several arthropod species can cause considerable yield loss and that the
pest complex is not geographically uniform. Two
cassava mealybug species offer an example of the
geographic influence on crop damage. Phenacoccus
herreni, which has caused considerable damage in
northeast Brazil, was probably introduced from
northern South America (Venezuela or Colombia),
where mealybug populations are controlled by
natural enemies not found in Brazil. Phenacoccus
manihoti, which has caused severe crop damage in
Africa, had, until recently, been reported only
from Paraguay, the Mato Grosso area of Brazil,
and the Santa Cruz area of Bolivia. In 2005, this
species was collected from the states of Bahia and
Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil. The spread of
P. manihoti into the drier, hotter regions of Brazil
is probably associated with the movement of
cassava planting material (i.e., stem cuttings) from
southern Brazil into the northeast.
The cassava pest complex can be divided into
two groups: those that have probably co-evolved
with cassava, which is their primary or only host;
and generalist feeders that may attack the cassava
crop sporadically or opportunistically and are often
limited in geographic distribution. The first group
includes the Mononychellus mite complex, mealybugs, the hornworm Erinnyis ello, lacebugs, whiteflies, stemborers, fruit flies, shoot flies, scales, thrips
and gall midges. The generalist feeders consist
mainly of a complex of white grub species, termites,
cutworms, grasshoppers, leaf-cutting ants, burrower bugs, crickets, Tetranychus mite species and
other stemborers.
The most serious pests of cassava – those
causing economic damage or yield losses – are
generally those that have co-evolved with the crop,
including mites, hornworms, whiteflies, mealybugs, lacebugs and stemborers. Generalist feeders
reported causing yield losses, often on a localized
basis, include burrower bugs, white grubs, leafcutting ants and grasshoppers.
Most cassava arthropod pests cause indirect
plant damage because they are foliage or stem
feeders, reducing leaf area, leaf life or photosynthetic rate. Those pests that can attack the crop
over a prolonged period, especially during seasonally dry periods (3–6 months) can cause severe
yield losses as a result of decreased photosynthesis,
premature leaf drop and death of the apical
meristem. Potential yield reduction by these pests
can be greater than that by cyclical pests such as
hornworms, leaf-cutter ants and grasshoppers,
Cassava Pests and their Management
Cassava Pests and their Management, Table 8 Global distribution of important arthropod pests
of cassava
Arthropod pest
Major species
Mononychellus caribbeanae
Mononychellus tanajoa
Tetranychus urticae
Oligonychus peruvianus
Chilomima clarkei
Coelosternus spp.
Lagochirus araneiformis
Lagochirus spp.
Vatiga illudens
Vatiga manihotae
Vatiga lunulata
Amblystira machalana
Cyrtomenus bergi
Pangaeus piceatus
Tominotus communis
Heterotermes tenuis
Coptotermes sp.
Phyllophaga menetriesi
Phyllophaga obsoleta
Phyllophaga sneblei
Burrower bugs
White grubs
Leucopholis rorada
Erinnyis ello
Erinnyis alope
Tiger moth
Phoenicoprocta sanguinea
Leaf-cutter ants
Atta sexdens
Atta cephalotes
Acromyrmex landolti
Aonidomytilus albus
Parasaissetia nigra
Ceroplastes sp.
Saissetia miranda
Araecerus fasciculatus
Lasioderma serricorne
Rhyzopertha dominica
Tribolium castaneum
Sitophilus oryza
Scale insects
Pests of dried cassava
Cassava Pests and their Management
Cassava Pests and their Management, Table 8 Global distribution of important arthropod pests of
cassava (Continued)
Arthropod pest
Major species
Sitophilus zeamais
Prostephanus truncatus
Gall midge
Jatrophobia brasiliensis
Aleurotrachelus socialis
Aleurothrixus aepim
Aleurodicus dispersus
Bemisia afer
Fruit flies
Root mealybugs
Bemisia tuberculata
Bemisia tabaci
Trialeurodes variabilis
Neosilba perezi
Silba pendula
Anastrepha pickeli
Anastrepha manihoti
Phenacoccus manihoti
Phenacoccus herreni
Phenacoccus gossypii
Phenacoccus madeirensis
Ferrisia virgarta
Pseudococcus mandio
Stictococcus vayssierei
Empoasca bispinata
Sacphytopius fuliginosus
Scaphytopius marginelineatus
Zonocerus elegans
Zonocerus variegatus
Frankliniella williamsi
Corynothrips stenopterus
Scirtothrips manihoti
Scolothrips sp.
which cause sporadic defoliation; however, these
highly visible pests often induce cassava producers
to apply pesticides.
Few cassava pests damage cassava roots directly.
Three exceptions are burrower bugs (Cyrtomenus
bergi), white grubs (Scarabaeidae) and root mealybugs (e.g., Pseudococcus mandio). Cyrtomenus bergi
causes root punctures during feeding that can introduce fungal pathogens that reduce root yield and
quality. White grubs have been found feeding
directly on cassava roots causing yield loss and
severe root rot. Yield losses of 17% have been
reported for P. mandio feeding on cassava roots in
southern Brazil.
Cassava Pests and their Management
In general, arthropod pests are most damaging during the dry season, being less severe in
areas of considerable and consistent rainfall; however, there are exceptions to this rule. Hornworm
attacks will frequently occur at the onset of the
rainy season when there is considerable new
growth and young leaves. Severe whitefly attacks
often coincide with the rainy season when young,
succulent leaves are preferred for oviposition.
Studies have also shown that burrower bugs and
white grubs prefer soils with higher soil moisture
The cassava plant is well adapted to long periods of limited water and responds to water shortage by reducing its evaporative (leaf) surface
rapidly and efficiently and by partially closing the
stomata, thereby increasing water-use efficiency.
The crop has the potential to recover and compensate for yield losses from seasonally dry periods
and pest attack due to the higher photosynthetic
rate in newly formed leaves. Younger leaves play a
key role in plant carbon nutrition. Most pests prefer the younger canopy leaves; thus, dry-season
feeding tends to cause the greatest yield losses in
Climate change predictions indicate that certain agricultural lands will receive less rainfall in
the future. The cassava crop may have a comparative advantage in these extended seasonally drier
regions; however, increased cassava production in
the Neotropics and Africa could result in more
severe pest outbreaks, reducing yields and/or
increasing pesticide use.
Management of Cassava
Arthropod Pests
Foliage Feeders
Considered one of the world’s most damaging
agricultural pest groups, both as direct feeders and
virus vectors, whiteflies attack cassava-based agroecosystems in the Americas, Africa and, to a lesser
extent, in Asia. Currently, they may be causing
more crop damage and yield loss on cassava than
any other pest attacking the crop.
There is a large species complex associated
with the crop, the importance of which can vary
between regions or continents. The largest complex on cassava is in the Neotropics, where 11 species
are reported, including Aleurotrachelus socialis,
Trialeurodes variabilis, Aleurothrixus aepim, Bemisia
tuberculata and Bemisia tabaci (=B. argentifolii).
Aleurotrachelus socialis and T. variabilis cause
considerable direct damage and yield losses in
northern South America (Colombia, Venezuela
and Ecuador) and in certain regions of Central
America. Trialeurodes variabilis is observed
primarily in the higher altitudes (over 1,000 m),
while A. socialis is confined to lower altitudes (up
to 1,200 m). Aleurothrixus aepim is found in
high populations causing yield loss in Northeast
Bemisia tabaci, the vector of CMD, caused by
several geminiviruses, has a pantropical distribution, feeding on cassava throughout most of Africa,
several countries in Asia and more recently in the
Neotropics. It has been speculated that the absence
of CMD in the Americas may be related to the
inability of its vector to colonize cassava effectively.
Prior to the early 1990s, the B. tabaci biotypes
found in the Americas did not feed on cassava.
The B biotype of B. tabaci, regarded by some as a
separate species (B. argentifolii), has been collected
from cassava in several regions of the Neotropics.
Although seldom observed in high populations, it
is now considered that CMD poses a more serious
threat to cassava production given that most traditional cultivars grown in the Neotropics are highly
susceptible to the disease.
Whiteflies can cause direct damage to cassava by
feeding on the phloem of leaves, inducing leaf
curling, chlorosis and defoliation. High populations, combined with prolonged feeding, result in
considerable reduction in root yield. Yield losses
resulting from A. socialis and A. aepim activity are
Cassava Pests and their Management
common in Colombia and Brazil, respectively.
With A. socialis feeding, there is a correlation
between duration of attack and yield loss. Infestations of 1, 6 and 11 months resulted in a 5, 42 and
79% yield reduction, respectively. More recently,
yield losses of 58% due to T. variabilis feeding have
been recorded in the Andean region of northern
South America. In several East African countries,
yield losses due to direct feeding by B. tabaci
have been recorded in recent years as a result of
the higher populations observed. In Uganda,
over 50% reductions in root yield have been
Biology and Behavior
Research with A. socialis and A. aepim indicates
that populations of both species can occur
throughout the growing cycle (1 year or more) but
are usually highest during the rainy season when
there is considerable new growth. Aleurotrachelus
socialis females prefer ovipositing on the undersides of the young apical leaves, reaching a high of
244 eggs (avg. 181, min. 155) per female. The individually oviposited banana-shaped eggs hatch in
about 10 days and pass through three feeding
nymphal instars and a pupal stage (4th instar)
before reaching the winged adult stage. During the
third instar the body color changes from beige to
black, surrounded by a waxy white cerosine, making
this species easy to distinguish from other whitefly
species feeding on cassava. Aleurotrachelus socialis
egg-to-adult development was 32 days under
growth chamber conditions (28 ± 1°C, 70% RH).
Aleurotrachelus socialis may be specific to cassava
as populations have not been observed on other
plant species.
Integrated management of cassava whiteflies
depends on having effective, low-cost, environmentally sound technologies available for farmers.
A successful whitefly control program requires
continual research input to acquire the basic
knowledge needed to develop the technologies
and strategies for appropriate implementation.
A recent survey in an important cassava-growing
region of Colombia showed that 34% of the
farmers surveyed applied chemical pesticides
for whitefly control versus only 4.6% applying
biological products. Farmer field trials in the
region revealed a 58% reduction in yield due to
whitefly attack; however, 52% of the farmers
surveyed employed no control measures. Pesticide applications have not provided adequate
control, probably for lack of knowledge of
whitefly biology, especially the immature stages
(the presence of eggs and early-instar nymphs).
Moreover, around 88% of the farmers had little
or no knowledge of whitefly biology, behavior
and management. This has resulted in inappropriate timing of applications and the misuse of
chemical pesticides.
Recent research and field observations on
cassava whiteflies in the Neotropics indicate that
control measures, especially pesticide applications, are compromised because of the whitefly’s
capacity for rapid population increases and its
ability to develop high levels of pesticide resistance. When A. socialis feeds on a susceptible cassava variety, it doubles its population every 4.2
days. When there are overlapping crop cycles (e.g.,
multiple plantings) and favorable rainfall patterns, the conditions are ideal for a rapid buildup
in whitefly populations as a constant food supply
of young cassava leaves are available for adult
feeding, high oviposition and nymphal development. Field observations indicate that once whitefly populations begin this rapid increase, they are
very difficult to control, requiring repeated pesticide applications that disrupt natural biological
control and that are also uneconomical for small
farmers. This capacity for rapid population
buildup makes it urgent to introduce efficient
management practices early in the plant growth
cycle, possibly during the first month of plant
growth and before the economic threshold is
Four methods of whitefly control in cassava
are discussed: host plant resistance (HPR), biological, cultural and chemical.
Cassava Pests and their Management
Host Plant Resistance
This form of resistance to whiteflies is rare in cultivated crops. HPR studies initiated at CIAT more
than 20 years ago have systematically evaluated
the accessions in the CIAT cassava germplasm
bank for resistance to whiteflies, especially A. socialis. Of approximately 5,500 genotypes evaluated in
the field in Colombia, about 75% are susceptible,
with damage ratings above 3.5 (1 = no damage,
6 = severe damage). Emphasis is placed on those
genotypes with damage ratings under 2.0 (about
8%). As there may be susceptible escapes due to
insufficient selection pressure, they are reevaluated in subsequent trials. Several sources of resistance to A. socialis have now been identified:
Genotype MEcu 72 has consistently expressed a
high level of resistance, while MEcu 64, MPer 334,
MPer 415 and MPer 273 express moderate to high
levels. When feeding on resistant genotypes,
A. socialis has less oviposition, a longer development period, smaller size and higher mortality
than those feeding on susceptible genotypes. Aleurotrachelus socialis nymphal instars feeding on
MEcu 72 and MPer 334 suffered 72.5 and 77.5%
mortality, respectively, mostly in the early instars.
A cross between MEcu 72 (female parent,
whitefly resistant) and MBra 12 (male parent,
high yielding, good plant type) resulted in 128
progeny, four of which were selected for whitefly
resistance, yield and cooking quality. These four
hybrids, along with susceptible genotypes and
local farmer varieties, were evaluated at three sites
in Tolima Province in Colombia by CORPOICAMADR (Colombian Corp. for Agricultural
Research/Ministry of Agricultural and Rural
Development) over a 4-year period. CG 489–31
was selected for high whitefly resistance, high
yield and good cooking qualities. In 2003, it was
officially released by MADR under the name of
Nataima-31. It has attained yields of 33 t/ha,
outyielding the regional farmers’ variety in Tolima
by 34% with no pesticide applications. Nataima-31
is now being grown commercially in several areas
of Colombia and has been introduced into Ecuador and Brazil.
Given that B. tabaci is a pantropical species
that is the vector of CMD, which causes severe
cassava crop damage in Africa and India, several
cassava genotypes were sent by CIAT to NRI (Natural Resources Institute-UK) to be evaluated for
resistance to B. tabaci. Genotype MEcu 72 had
the lowest rate of B. tabaci oviposition so it was
introduced into Uganda during 2005 and will be
included in a breeding program to develop whitefly-resistant varieties.
Biological Control
Numerous natural enemies are found associated
with whiteflies on cassava in the Neotropics
(Table 9). In recent field explorations in Colombia,
Ecuador, Venezuela and Brazil, a complex of parasitoids, predators and entomopathogens were collected from several whitefly species. The most
representative group is that of the microhymenopteran parasitoids. The richness of species in
Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador is primarily
represented by the genera Encarsia, Eretmocerus
and Amitus, frequently associated with A. socialis.
Gaps in knowledge about this natural enemy complex have limited the determination of their effectiveness in biological control programs. There is
little knowledge regarding levels and rates of parasitism by species or specification of the host and
its effect on the regulation of whitefly populations.
Eleven species of parasitoids (5 genera) were
collected from the cassava-growing regions of
Colombia; an additional five species were collected
from Ecuador and seven from Venezuela. On the
Caribbean Coast of Colombia, A. socialis was parasitized by eight species, with the genus Eretmocerus
comprising 70% of the parasitoids. In Magdalena
Province, 73% of A. socialis parasitism was by Amitus macgowni, followed by Encarsia sp. (26%). In
the Andean region Eretmocerus spp. parasitized all
whitefly species, but Encarsia pergandiella was the
predominant parasitoid of T. variabilis.
More than 20 species of entomopathogens
have been reported infecting whiteflies on cassava,
including Aschersonia sp., Lecanicillium (Verticillium) lecani, Beauveria bassiana and Paecilomyces
Cassava Pests and their Management
Cassava Pests and their Management, Table 9 Natural enemies of important cassava arthropod pests
Principal species
Amitus macgowni
Delphastus sp.
Beauveria bassiana
Encarsia sp.
D. quinculus
Lecanicillium lecani
Encarsia hispida
D. pusillus
Aschersonia aleyrodes
E. bellotti
Chrysopa sp. nr. cincta
E. sofia
Condylostylus sp.
E. luteola
E. americana
E. cubensis
Metaphycus sp.
Euderomphale sp.
Signiphora aleyrodis
Eretmocerus spp.
Aleurothrixus aepim
Cladosporium sp.
Encarsia porteri
E. aleurothrixi
Aleurodicus dispersus
Encarsia sp.
E. haitiensis
Aleurotonus vittatus
Eretmocerus sp.
Bemisia tuberculata
E. hispida
Condylostylus sp.
E. pergandiella
Euderomphale sp.
Encarsia sp. prob.
Metaphycus sp.
Eretmocerus sp.
Bemisia tabaci
Encarsia sophia
Delphastus pusillus
E. lutea
Condylostylus sp.
E. formosa
E. mineoi
Eretmocerus mundus
Trialeurodes variabilis
Encarsia sp.
Chrysopa sp. nr. cincta
Aschersonia aleyrodes
E. pergandiella
Condylostylus sp.
B. bassiana
E. Sophia
E. luteola
E. strenua
L. lecani
Cassava Pests and their Management
Cassava Pests and their Management, Table 9 Natural enemies of important cassava arthropod pests
Principal species
E. hispida
E. bellotti
E. nigricephala
Eretmocerus spp.
Encarsia guadeloupae,
Encarsia desantisi
Nephaspis namolica
Hirsutella thompsoni
Stethorus tridens
Neozygites floridana
S. darwin
N. tanajoae
S. madecasus
Oligota minuta
O. gilvifrons
O. centralis
O. pigmaea
Delphastus argentinicus
Chrysopa sp.
Typhlodromalus manihoti
T. aripo
Neoseiulus idaeus
Galendromus annectes
Euseius concordis
Euseius ho
Apoanagyrus lopezi
Cleothera onerata
Acerophagus sp.
Hyperaspis sp.
Nephus sp.
Chrysopa sp.
Sympherobius sp.
Typhlodromalus aripo
Phenacoccus herreni
Acerophagus coccois
Ocyptamus sp.
Cladosporium sp.
Apoanagyrus diversicornis
Sympherobius sp.
Neozygites fumosa
Aenasius vexans
Hyperaspis sp.
Anagyrus insolitus
Nephus sp.
A. thyridopterygis
Cleothera onerata
A. pseudococci
C. notata
Cassava Pests and their Management
Cassava Pests and their Management, Table 9 Natural enemies of important cassava arthropod pests
Principal species
Anagyrus sp. nr. Greeni
Diomus sp.
Aenasius sp. nr.
Coccidophylus sp.
Prochiloneurus dactylopii
Scymnus sp.
Chartocerus sp.
Olla sp.
Hexacnemus sp.
Curinus colombianus
Eusemion sp.
Cycloneda sanguinea
Hippodamia convergens
Azya sp.
Chrysopa sp.
K. coccidarum
Zelus sp.
Phenacoccus gossypii
Anagyrus sp.
Curinus colombianus
Apoanagyrus sp.
Cleothera onerata
Aenasius masii
Coccidophylus sp.
Acerophagus coccois
Scymnus sp.
Hexacnemus sp.
Olla sp.
Eusemion sp.
Hippodamia convergens
Haltichella sp.
Azya sp.
Prospaltella sp.
Chrysopa sp.
Signiphora sp.
K. coccidarum
Cladosporium sp.
Pentillia sp.
Sympherobius sp.
Ocyptamus sp.
Kalodiplosis coccidarum
Zelus sp.
Emesaya sp.
Frankliniella williamsi
Orius sp.
Scirtothrips manihoti
T. aripo
Vatiga illudens
Zelus sp.
Vatiga manihotae
Zelus nugax
Erinnyis ello
Trichogramma spp.
Chrysopa spp.
Bacillus thuringiensis
Telenomus sphingis
Podisus nigrispinus
baculovirus of E. ello
Cotesia americana
P. obscurus
Cotesia sp.
Polistes carnifex
Beauveria bassiana
Euplectrus sp.
P. erythrocephalus
Paecylomices sp.
Cassava Pests and their Management
Cassava Pests and their Management, Table 9 Natural enemies of important cassava arthropod pests
Principal species
Drino macarensis
P. versicolor
Nomuraea rileyi
Drino sp.
P. canadensis
Cordyceps sp.
Euphorocera sp.
Polybia emaciata
Sarcodexia innota
P. sericea
Thysanomia sp.
Zelus nugax
Belvosia sp.
Zelus sp.
Forciphomyia eriophora
Calosoma sp.
Cryptophion sp.
Dolichoderus sp.
Ooencyrtus sp.
Alcaeorrhynchus grandis
Chetogena scutellaris
Erinnyis alope
Trichogramma spp.
Telenomus sp.
Chrysopa sp.
Chilomima clarkei
Brachymeria sp.
Tetrastichus howardi
Beauveria bassiana
Trichogramma sp.
undetermined virus
Prodilis sp.
Aonidomytilus albus
Saissetia miranda
Anagyrus sp.
Metaphycus sp.
Scutellista cyanea
Anastrepha pickeli
Opius sp.
Anastrepha manihoti
Opius sp.
Cyrtomenus bergi
Nerthra sp.
Heterorhabditis sp.
Steinernema sp.
Campsomeris dorsata
Beauveria bassiana
Zonocerus elegans
Anoplolepis tenella
Cassava Pests and their Management
Cassava Pests and their Management, Table 9 Natural enemies of important cassava arthropod pests
Principal species
Beauveria bassiana
Zonocerus variegatus
Beauveria bassiana
Torymoides sulcius
fumosoroseus; however, there has to be a careful
selection of the species, as well as the identification of native isolates of entomopathogenic fungi.
Greenhouse experiments at CIAT with an isolate
of L. lecani resulted in 58–72% A. socialis nymphal
mortality and 82% egg mortality. The L. lecani isolate has been formulated into a commercial biopesticide BioCanii®. The commercial biopesticide
Mycotrol®, (isolate of B. bassiana, a product of
Laverlam S.A.), gave very effective control (over
90% mortality of the egg and first two nymphal
instar stages) of A. socialis in greenhouse experiments at CIAT. Mycotrol®, which is also effective
against B. tabaci and T. variabilis, is presently being
evaluated in field trials.
The most frequently observed predators feeding on cassava whiteflies are chrysopids (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). These generalists feed on the
eggs and immature stages of numerous arthropods.
Chrysoperla carnea is frequently collected feeding
on A. socialis in cassava fields. In lab studies at CIAT,
A. socialis egg and nymphal consumption by
C. carnea were measured by recording the time
required for 50% consumption of the prey state
being offered. Chrysoperla carnea adults required
80 h to consume 50% of the nymphal instars and
pupae and 77 h to consume 50% of the eggs.
Cultural Control
In traditional cropping systems cassava is often
intercropped, a practice that has been shown to
reduce populations of certain pests. Intercropping
cassava with cowpeas reduced egg populations of
A. socialis and T. variabilis by 70% compared to
those in monoculture. Yield losses in cassava/
maize, cassava monoculture and mixed cultivar
systems were ca. 60% versus only 12% in cassava/
cowpea intercrops.
When cassava is grown in overlapping cycles
or multiple plantings, it is difficult to break the
whitefly development cycle so rapid population
buildups occur. Upon emerging from the pupal
stage, adults migrate to feed and oviposit on
recently germinated young plants in adjacent
fields. A successful tactic for countering this situation is to implement a “closed season,” defined as
an interdiction or prohibition when cassava cannot be present in the field. Field observations at
CIAT have shown that a 1- to 2-month period with
no cassava in the field decreases whitefly populations dramatically over a 4-year period. The success of this ban is enhanced by the fact that A.
socialis does not appear to have efficient alternate
hosts so their populations “crash” when adults cannot find an alternate host species to sustain or
increase populations. Nevertheless, the economic
practicality of this strategy for the producers is
debatable. In many regions a constant supply of
cassava roots is economically desirable for meeting the demands of local fresh and processing
markets. This same tactic would not be as effective
for a species such as B. tabaci, which has numerous
alternate hosts where its populations can be sustained and multiply.
Chemical Control
Several products with new or novel active
ingredients have been evaluated for controlling
Cassava Pests and their Management
A. socialis and T. variabilis. Foliar applications of
theamethoxam and imidacloprid were most
efficient in reducing whitefly populations. Best
control was obtained when applied as a drench at
a high doses (0.8 and 0.6 l/ha) on young plants.
The treatment of cassava planting material (stem
cuttings) with a 7-min emersion in a solution of
theamethoxam (Actara®) (1 g/l H2O) is also giving promising results. More than two pesticide
applications during the crop cycle should be
avoided. Field experiments have shown that pesticides need not be applied after 6 months of crop
growth as yield loss due to whitefly attack will not
occur. A cost-benefit analysis indicates that chemical pesticide applications for whitefly control in
cassava are generally uneconomical for small
farmers and only slightly beneficial for large farmers who can generally receive a higher price for
the product. Research is under way to evaluate the
feasibility of substituting entomopathogens as
biopesticides to replace chemical pesticide
losses of 21, 25 and 53%, respectively. Under high
mite populations on the Colombian Atlantic
Coast, yields were reduced by 15% in resistant
cultivars compared with an average 67% loss in
susceptible cultivars. In Africa, M. tanajoa was
first reported from Uganda in 1971; within 15
years it had spread across most of the cassavagrowing belt, occurring in 27 countries and causing
estimated root losses of 13–80%. CGM has been
the objective of a major biological control effort
since the early 1980s.
Cassava Mites
More than 40 species of mites have been reported
feeding on cassava in the Americas, Africa and
Asia. The most important are Mononychellus tanajoa (syn. = M. progresivus), Mononychellus caribbeanae, Tetranychus cinnabarinus and Tetranychus
urticae (also reported as T. bimaculatus and T.
telarius). Cassava is the major host for the Mononychellus spp., while the Tetranychus spp. have a
wide host range. Mononychellus tanajoa, the cassava green mite (CGM), is the most important
species, causing crop losses in the Americas and
Africa. It is native to the Neotropics, first being
reported from northeast Brazil in 1938. It is presently found in most cassava-growing regions in
the Americas, especially in seasonally dry regions
of the lowland tropics in Brazil, Colombia and
Biology and Behavior
Mites, especially the cassava green mite, are dryseason pests that can cause yield losses where
there is a seasonally dry period of at least 3
months. At the onset of the rainy season, mite
populations decrease and cassava plants produce
new foliage. If the rains do not persist, cassava
green mite populations will again increase, causing defoliation and more severe yield losses. This
pattern has been observed in the semiarid cassava-growing regions of Northeast Brazil. Cassava
green mite populations prefer to feed on the
undersides of young emerging leaves, which
develop a mottled whitish to yellow appearance
and may become deformed or reduced in size.
Heavy infestations will cause defoliations, beginning at the top of the plant, often killing apical
and lateral buds and shoots.
The adult is green in color with an average
body length of about 350 µm. Females oviposit on
the leaf undersurface; eggs hatch in 3–4 days (30°C
and 70 ± 5% RH). At 15, 20, 25 and 30°C, the eggto-adult stage is 41.4, 19.5, 10.3 and 7.8 days,
respectively. These data indicate that cassava
green mite populations can increase rapidly in
warm regions of the lowland tropics. At 30°C, each
female oviposits 90–120 eggs; during the initial
population buildup, mostly females are produced,
adding to the rapid population increase.
In experimental fields in Colombia, M. tanajoa
attacks of 3, 4 and 6 months resulted in yield
Pesticide applications for controlling mites on a
long-cycle crop such as cassava are not a feasible or
Cassava Pests and their Management
economic option for low-income farmers. Moreover,
even low doses of pesticides have adverse effects on
natural enemies. Cultural control methods have not
been explored, and there is little mention of their
use in the literature. Research into the control of
M. tanajoa has followed two main thrusts: HPR and
biological control. It is expected that these two complementary strategies can reduce cassava green mite
populations below economic injury levels.
Host Plant Resistance
It is hypothesized that in the presence of efficacious
natural enemies, only low-to-moderate levels of
HPR are needed to reduce CGM populations below
economic injury levels. A level of resistance that
would hinder, delay or suppress the initial buildup
of cassava green mite populations could provide
sufficient opportunity for establishing effective
natural enemy populations that would prevent an
eruption of the cassava green mite population.
Therefore an important objective of an HPR strategy is to develop cultivars that are not highly susceptible to the cassava green mite and that hopefully
contain low-to-moderate levels of resistance.
Immunity or even high levels of resistance do not
appear to be available in M. esculenta germplasm.
A considerable effort has been made to identify
cassava green mite resistance in cultivated cassava.
CIAT, IITA and several national research programs
in the Americas and Africa have screened cassava
germplasm for cassava green mite resistance. Of
the more than 5,000 landrace cultivars in the CIAT
cassava germplasm bank, only 6% (300 cultivars)
were identified as having low-to-moderate levels of
resistance. A select number of cultivars with moderate levels of resistance have been released to farmers
after a considerable effort by plant breeders and
entomologists. Two hybrids (ICA Costeña and
Nataima 31), both with low levels of mite resistance,
are being grown by cassava farmers in Colombia.
Most mite-resistance field evaluations by
CIAT have been carried out in the lowland tropics
with a prolonged dry season (4–6 months) and
high mite populations (Colombian Atlantic Coast).
In Brazil, cassava green mite evaluations were
conducted by CNPMF/EMBRAPA, primarily in
the semiarid regions of the northeast. Of the 300
cultivars identified by CIAT as promising for CGM
resistance (over several years and 2–7 field cycles),
72 have consistently had damage ratings below
3.0. Low-to-moderate levels of resistance are indicated by 0–3.5 (0–6 damage scale).
Mite resistance-mechanism studies indicate
strong antixenosis (preference vs nonpreference)
for oviposition, as well as moderate antibiosis.
In lab studies, M. tanajoa displayed a strong
ovipositional preference for susceptible varieties.
When paired with the moderately resistant cultivars MEcu 72, MPer 611 and MEcu 64 in freechoice tests, 95, 91 and 88%, respectively, of the
eggs were oviposited on the susceptible cultivar
CMC 40. Antibiosis is expressed by mites having
lower fecundity, a longer development time, a
shorter adult life span, and higher larval and
nymphal mortality when feeding on resistant
versus susceptible cultivars.
Biological Control
Beginning in the early 1980s, extensive evaluations of the natural enemy complex associated
with cassava mites were conducted at more than
2,400 sites in 14 countries of the Neotropics. The
primary target in most of these field and lab studies was the cassava green mite. These ongoing
extensive surveys indicate that the cassava green
mite is present throughout much of the lowland
Neotropics. High populations, which can cause
significant yield loss, occur most frequently in
Northeast Brazil and can be localized.
Geographic regions of the Americas were
identified and prioritized using GIS support to
assist in targeting specific areas for exploration.
Homologous maps based on agrometeorological
data and microregional classification comparing
Africa and the Neotropics were prepared as one of
the major targets for biological control in those
areas of Africa where the cassava green mite was
causing economic damage.
A total of 87 phytoseiid species were collected
and stored: 25 are new or unrecorded species; 66
Cassava Pests and their Management
were collected from cassava. The current predator
mite reference collection held at CIAT conserves
primarily those related to phytophagous mites
found on cassava. A taxonomic key on the species
associated with cassava is being prepared with
Brazilian colleagues. The CIAT-Brazil collection is
a true reference collection with accompanying
database and can be readily used for species
description. Explorations also identified several
insect predators of cassava green mite, especially
the staphylinid Oligota minuta and the coccinellid
Stethorus sp. After extensive lab and field studies
of this cassava green mite predator complex, it
was generally agreed that the phytoseiid predators
offer the best potential for controlling mites, especially when occurring in low densities. The phytoseiid development cycle is shorter than that of
the cassava green mite. In studies at CIAT with the
species Neoseiulus anonymus, the egg-to-adult
development period at 25 and 30°C was 4.7 and
4.0 days, respectively. This is approximately half
the development period for the cassava green mite
at those temperatures. Survey data also revealed
that cassava green mite densities were much higher
in northeast Brazil than in Colombia, but the richness of phytoseiid species was greater in Colombia.
Field data from experiments in Colombia
demonstrated that a rich phytoseiid species complex could reduce cassava green mite populations
and prevent cassava yield loss. When natural enemies
were eliminated by applying low doses of an acaricide that did not affect the cassava green mite
population, cassava root yields were reduced by
33%. Application of an acaricide did not increase
yields, indicating the effectiveness of biological
A major objective of the surveys for cassava
green mite natural enemies and the substantial
research that followed was to identify the key
phytoseiid species controlling cassava green mite
populations and introduce them into Africa. This
was a collaborative effort between CIAT and
EMBRAPA in the Americas and IITA in Africa. Of
the phytoseiid species identified as feeding on
CGM, those most frequently collected were
Typhlodromalus manihoti (found in over 50% of
the fields surveyed), Neoseiulus idaeus, Typhlodromalus aripo, Galendromus annectens, Euseius
concordis and Euseius ho.
More than ten species of phytoseiids were
shipped from Colombia and Brazil to Africa, via
quarantine in England (IIBC-International Institute
of Biological Control). None of the Colombian
species became established, but three of the Brazilian
species did (T. manihoti, T. aripo and N. idaeus).
Typhlodromalus aripo, the most successful of the
three species, has now spread and is found in more
than 14 countries. Typhlodromalus aripo inhabits
the apex of cassava plants during the day and
forages on leaves at night; it can persist during
periods of low cassava green mite densities by
consuming alternative food sources (e.g., maize
pollen). On-farm trials in Africa indicate that
T. aripo reduces CGM populations by 35–60% and
increases fresh root yield by 30–37%.
Neozygites sp. is a fungal pathogen (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) found on mites throughout cassava-growing regions of the Neotropics.
Isolates of Neozygites floridana from Brazil and
Colombia, and from M. tanajoa from Brazil and
Benin were evaluated on the cassava green mite in
Africa. Laboratory and field studies indicate that
the Brazilian strain of N. floridana was the most
virulent. Although this fungus shows considerable
promise for biological control of the cassava green
mite, further research and field evaluations are
Exotic phytoseiid mite predators can play an
important role in reducing CGM populations in
Africa; however, field observations in the Neotropics
indicate that they are very sensitive to disturbances
in the agroecosystems, especially the use of pesticides. For example, when insecticides were applied
at CIAT for controlling thrips, cassava green mite
populations erupted, and few phytoseiid predators
were detected in the fields. Studies in Colombia
showed that low acaricide doses that did not cause
mortality to cassava green mite were lethal to phytoseiids, causing a considerable increase in mite populations and cassava yield losses. In the Neotropics,
Cassava Pests and their Management
especially on larger plantations, cassava farmers may
use pesticides to control hornworm, whitefly or
thrips outbreaks. This could result in mite outbreaks
and yield losses if biological control is the only control measure, and highly susceptible cultivars are
being grown.
ranged from 68–88%, depending on cultivar susceptibility. Farmers in northeast Brazil estimated
their losses to be over 80%, and cassava production decreased in the region during the 1980s. In
Africa, yield losses due to P. manihoti feeding and
damage were around 80%.
Cassava Mealybugs
Although more than 15 species are reported attacking the crop, only two are important economically,
Phenacoccus herreni and P. manihoti, both of
Neotropical origin. Phenacoccus manihoti was
introduced inadvertently into Africa in the early
1970s, where it spread rapidly across the cassavagrowing regions of that continent, causing considerable yield loss. This species has been the object of
a successful biological control program. In the
Americas P. manihoti was first found in Paraguay
in 1980 and later collected from certain areas of
Bolivia and Mato Grosso do Sul state in Brazil,
causing no economic damage. More recently
(2005), P. manihoti was collected from two northeastern states, Bahia and Pernambuco.
The origin of P. herreni is probably northern
South America, where it was found in cassavagrowing regions of Colombia and Venezuela. It
was first reported in northeast Brazil during the
mid-1970s, where high populations caused considerable yield losses. Surveys in the region found
few parasitoid natural enemies, suggesting that
P. herreni is an exotic pest, probably coming from
northern South America where parasitoids are
frequently observed.
Biology and Behavior
Both species are morphologically similar and originally thought to be only one species. Phenacoccus
manihoti is parthenogenic, whereas males are
required for reproduction of P. herreni. The females
deposit ovisacs containing hundreds of eggs on the
undersides of leaves and around apical and lateral
buds. Eggs hatch in 6–8 days, and there are four
nymphal instars; the first instars are highly mobile
and will spread over the plant or between plants.
The fourth instar is the adult stage for females,
while males have four nymphal instars plus the
adult stage. The third and fourth instars occur in a
cocoon, from which the winged male adults emerge,
living only 2–4 days. The life cycle of the female
is 49.5 days; that of the male, 29.5. The optimal
temperature for female development is 25–30°C.
Populations of both species peak during the dry
season. The onset of rains reduces pest populations
and plant damage, permitting some crop recovery.
Mealybug dissemination between regions,
countries or continents is probably through infested
stem cuttings. The introduction of P. manihoti into
northeast Brazil from southern Brazil can probably
be traced to the movement of cassava varieties
between these two regions.
Both species cause similar damage: adult and
nymph feeding causes leaf yellowing, curling and
cabbage-like malformation of the apical growing
points. High populations lead to leaf necrosis,
defoliation, stem distortion and shoot death.
Reductions in photosynthetic rate, transpiration
and mesophyll efficiency – together with moderate increases in water-pressure deficit, internal
CO2 and leaf temperature – were found in infested
plants. Yield losses in experimental fields at CIAT
Cassava mealybug management is a welldocumented example of classical biological control,
both in Africa and the Americas. In Africa, P. manihoti is being controlled successfully after introducing the parasitoid Anagyrus lopezi from the
Neotropics. After several years of exploration in the
Neotropics by scientists from IIBC, IITA and CIAT,
the target species P. manihoti was finally located by a
CIAT scientist (A.C. Bellotti) in Paraguay in 1980.
IIBC collected natural enemies of P. manihoti that
Cassava Pests and their Management
were sent via quarantine in London to IITA in Benin
for multiplication and release in Africa. The encyrtid
parasitoid A. lopezi and the coccinellid predators
Hyperaspis notata, Hyperaspis raynevali, and Diomus
sp. became established in Africa. The parasitoid is
credited with being the principal agent reducing
the mealybug populations. Anagyrus lopezi became
established in all ecological zones occupied by
P. manihoti and is now found in 27 countries, covering an area of 2.7 million km2. Cassava losses have
been reduced by 90–95% with an estimated savings
of US$7.971–20.226 billion.
Surveys in Colombia and Venezuela identified numerous parasitoids, predators and entomopathogens associated with P. herreni. Several
parasitoids show a specificity or preference for
P. herreni: Acerophagus coccois, Anagyrus diversicornis, Anagyrus putonophilus, Anagyrus isolitus,
Anagyrus elegeri and Aenasius vexans. Based on
numerous field and lab studies, three encyrtid parasitoids (A. diversicornis, A. coccois and A. vexans)
were identified as effective in P. herreni infestations.
Comparative life-cycle studies show that they
completed two cycles for each cycle of P. herreni.
This is a favorable ratio for biological control.
Anagyrus diversicornis prefers third instar nymphs,
where as the smaller A. coccois parasitizes male
cocoons, adult females and second instar nymphs.
Aenasius vexans prefers second and third instar
nymphs. Field studies with natural populations of
A. diversicornis and A. coccois estimated P. herreni
mortality at 55% for their combined action.
Through the combined efforts of CIAT and
CNPMF/EMBRAPA, these three parasitoids were
exported from CIAT to EMBRAPA, Brazil, where
they were mass reared and released into P. herreniinfested cassava fields, primarily in the northeastern
states of Bahia and Pernambuco from 1994 to
1996. More than 35,000 parasitoids were released,
and all three species became established. Studies
prior to release had determined that none of these
species existed in this region. In Bahia, A. diversicornis dispersed 120 km in 6 months after release
and 304 km in 21 months. A. coccois was recovered
in high numbers 9 months later, 180 km from its
release site. Aenasius vexans was consistently
recaptured at its release site in Pernambuco, having dispersed only 40 km in 5 months.
Personal observations in recent years indicate
that P. herreni populations have decreased considerably as cassava farmers in the region have not
reported severe outbreaks and cassava cultivation
has returned to areas where it had been previously
abandoned due to P. herreni damage. However,
the recent introduction of P. manihoti into the
region has resulted in reports of severe mealybug
damage in Bahia, causing alarm among cassava
producers. An effort by local institutions and
researchers is needed to determine if key P. manihoti
parasitoids are present or need to be introduced
into the region.
Several species of thrips are reported feeding on
cassava, primarily in the Americas. The most
important include Frankliniella williamsi, Corynothrips stenopterus, Scirtothrips manihoti, Caliothrips
masculinus and Scolothrips sp. More recently a
new species of thrips (Thrichinothrips strasser)
associated with cassava was reported from Costa
Rica. Frankliniella williamsi is reported feeding on
cassava in Africa, and high populations of S. manihoti have recently been reported from central Brazil.
Frankliniella williamsi appears to be the most
important species and the only one reported causing yield losses.
Frankliniella williamsi larvae and adults feed on the
growing points and young leaves of cassava, which
do not develop normally; leaflets are deformed and
show irregular chlorotic spots. The rasping-sucking
stylet-like mouthparts damage leaf cells during
expansion, causing deformation and distortion; and
parts of the leaf lobes are missing. Brown wound
tissue appears on the stems and petioles, and internodes are shortened. Growing points may die, causing growth of lateral buds, which may also be attacked,
giving the plant a witches’-broom appearance that
can be confused with viral disease symptoms.
Cassava Pests and their Management
Yield reductions induced by F. williamsi range
from 5–28%, depending on varietal susceptibility.
The average reduction for eight varieties in Colombia
was 17.2%. Thrips damage and yield reduction are
especially pronounced in the seasonally dry tropics where the dry season is at least 3 months. Plants
recover with the onset of the rainy season.
Frankliniella williamsi is not considered a major pest
of cassava as it is not often reported causing yield
losses in farmers’ fields. It can be controlled easily by
using resistant pubescent cultivars. Approximately
50% of the CIAT cassava germplasm bank are pubescent, and resistant to F. williamsi. Resistance is based
on leaf bud pilosity, and increasing pubescence of
unexpanded leaves increases thrips resistance.
Observations indicate that most landrace varieties
grown by farmers in the seasonally dry lowland
tropics are pubescent. It is hypothesized that cassava
growers may have selected pubescent varieties over
time for the absence of thrips damage.
Cassava Lacebugs
Reported as pests of cassava only in the Neotropics, five species of the genus Vatiga show a decided
preference for feeding on cassava: Vatiga illudens,
V. manihotae, V. pauxilla, V. varianta and V. cassiae. The first two are the most widely distributed
and the most damaging to cassava. Vatiga illudens
predominates in Brazil but also occurs throughout
the Caribbean region and may be present in other
areas. Vatiga manihotae, the most widespread lacebug, is consistently found on cassava in Colombia
and Venezuela, but is also reported from Cuba,
Trinidad, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Argentina and
Brazil. Vatiga spp. have also been reported feeding
on wild species of Manihot. In 1985 the black lacebug, Amblystira machalana, was first observed
causing damage to cassava in different regions of
Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador.
Lacebug adults and nymphs feed on the undersurface of lower and intermediate leaves, but can also
damage upper leaves. Feeding by Vatiga spp. causes
leaves to form yellow spots that eventually turn
reddish brown, resembling Tetranychus mite damage. Amblystira machalana feeding is characterized
by white feeding spots that increase in area until
leaf centers turn white and eventually darken. High
lacebug populations will cause leaves to curl and
die, often resulting in defoliation of lower leaves.
Higher populations are observed on younger plants
(4–5 months) but decline as plants age.
The relationship between damage and population density and duration is not entirely understood. In recent field trials with natural populations
of A. machalana at CIAT, yield losses ranged from
8.1–42.7%, depending on cultivar susceptibility
and duration of lacebug attack.
Populations of V. illudens in Brazil are endemic
and appear to be causing yield losses, especially in
the central Campo Cerrado regions, although high
populations are also reported from the south and
Biology and Behavior
Prolonged dry periods favor high populations of
V. illudens and V. manihotae. In contrast, A. machalana attack can occur during both wet and dry
seasons, but is more likely during rainy periods.
Observations in Colombia indicate shifts in lacebug
populations. Vatiga manihotae was the predominant species in the Cauca Valley until the
mid-1980s. By 1990, A. machalana populations
dominated. More recently, V. manihotae increased
and is once again the predominant species, while
A. machalana is difficult to find. The cause for this
shift in populations is unknown. In Ecuador, populations of A. machalana remain high.
The egg stage of V. manihotae is 8–15 days,
followed by five nymphal instars averaging 16–17
days; adult longevity was 40 days under field conditions. Laboratory studies with V. illudens in Brazil
reported a nymphal duration of 13.5 days and an
average adult longevity of 27 days. In lab studies with
A. machalana, the egg stage averaged 8.2 days;
the five nymphal instars, 14 days; average adult
longevity was 22 days.
Cassava Pests and their Management
Lacebugs are the least studied of the important
cassava pests, so considerable research is required
before sound and efficient management practices
can be recommended. These studies should be
conducted in Brazil where V. illudens is endemic.
Lacebug control appears difficult as few natural
enemies have been identified, and chemical
control should be avoided. In Colombia and
Ecuador, observations indicate that V. manihotae
or A. machalana populations are not high enough
to warrant pesticide applications. Preliminary
screening of cassava germplasm in Brazil and
Colombia indicates that HPR may be available, but
no germplasm development program is attempting
to develop resistant cultivars. In insectary studies
in Brazil using caged V. illudens-infested plants,
isolates of the fungal entomopathogens Metarhizium
anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana caused 100 and
74% mortality of the lacebugs, respectively, indicating
the potential of these fungi for lacebug control.
Cassava Hornworms
Several lepidopterans feed on cassava, the most
important being the cassava hornworm, Erinnyis
ello, which causes serious damage to cassava in the
Neotropics and has a broad geographic range,
extending from southern Brazil, Argentina and
Paraguay to the Caribbean Basin and southern
USA. The migratory flight capacity of E. ello, its
broad climatic adaptation, and wide host range
probably account for its wide distribution. Several
other species of Erinnyis (E. alope, and subspecies
E. ello ello, E. ello encantado) are reported feeding
on cassava in the Neotropics, but they appear to be
of minor importance and do not cause economic
damage to the crop.
Hornworm larvae feed on cassava leaves of all
ages, and high populations will also consume
young, tender stems and leaf buds. Severe attacks
cause complete plant defoliation, bulk root loss
and poor root quality. In farmers’ fields, natural
attacks resulted in 18% yield loss; simulated
damage studies resulted in 0–64% root loss,
depending on number of attacks, plant age and
edaphic conditions. Repeated attacks are more
common when poorly timed pesticide applications fail to destroy fifth instar larvae or prepupae.
Frequent attacks often occur on larger plantations
(over 100 ha), where subsequent populations can
oviposit and feed on areas not previously defoliated. Severe attacks and complete defoliation do
not kill cassava because carbohydrates stored in
the roots enable recovery, especially during the
rainy season.
Biology and Behavior
Although hornworm outbreaks are sporadic, they
mostly occur during the rainy season when foliage is abundant. The grey, nocturnal, migratory
adult moths have strong flight abilities. Erinnyis
ello females oviposit small, round, light green to
yellow eggs individually on the upper surface of
cassava leaves. In field cage studies, females oviposited an average of 450 eggs, although as many
as 1,850 eggs/female were observed. This high
level oviposition, combined with the mass migratory behavior of adults, helps explain the rapid
buildup of hornworm populations and their sporadic occurrence. During the larval period, each
hornworm consumes about 1,100 cm2 of foliage,
about 75% of this during the fifth instar. At 15, 20,
25 and 30°C, the mean duration of the larval stage
is 105, 52, 29 and 23 days, respectively, indicating
that their peak activity may occur at lower altitudes or during the summer in the subtropics.
When considerable leaf area is present, up to 600
eggs may be found on a single plant, and larval
populations may exceed 100 per plant. It is estimated that 13 fifth instar larvae can defoliate a
3-month-old plant in 3–4 days, especially on low
fertility soils. Given the foregoing, hornworm outbreaks must be controlled when populations are
in the early larval stage.
The migratory behavior of hornworm adults
makes effective control difficult to achieve and
Cassava Pests and their Management
reduces the impact of natural biological control.
Insect migration has been described as an evolved
adaptation for survival and reproduction, and
some researchers speculate that the hornworm’s
migration evolved as a mechanism to survive low
food availability, unfavorable environmental conditions and attack by natural enemies. It is important to detect hornworm outbreaks while in the
early development stages. Successful control
requires monitoring field populations to detect
migrating adults, oviposition or larvae in the early
instars. This can be done with black light traps for
adults or by scouting fields for the presence of eggs
and larvae.
Pesticides give adequate control if applied when
hornworm populations in the early larval instar
stages are detected and treated. Larval populations
in the fourth and fifth instars are difficult to control.
Farmers often react only when considerable defoliation has occurred, with excessive, ill-timed costly
applications that can lead to repeated or more severe
attacks. Pesticide use may also disrupt natural enemy
populations, leading to more frequent attacks, a
common occurrence on larger plantations.
More than 30 species of parasites, predators
and pathogens of the egg, larval and pupal stages
have been identified and reviewed extensively;
however, their effectiveness is limited, most likely
due to the migratory behavior of hornworm adults.
Eight microhymenopteran species of the families
Trichogrammatidae, Scelionidae and Encryrtidae
are egg parasites, of which Trichogramma and
Telenomus are the most important. In recent field
surveys during a hornworm outbreak at CIAT, egg
parasitism reached 68%, 57% due to Trichogramma
sp. and 11% to Telenomus sp. Tachinid flies are
important dipteran larval parasitoids and the Braconidae, especially Cotesia spp., are the most
important hymenopteran. Chrysopa spp. are common egg predators while important larval predators include Polistes spp. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
and several spider species. Important entomopathogens include Cordyceps sp. (Aconycites:
Clavicipitaceae), a soil-borne fungus that invades
hornworm pupae causing mortality. Recent lab
studies show that certain isolates of Beauveria sp.
and Metarhizium sp. cause high larval mortality.
Hornworm outbreaks can be controlled with
timely (early instars) applications of commercial
biopesticides of Bacillus thuringiensis.
The effectiveness of biological control agents
in a hornworm management strategy depends on
the ability to synchronize the release of large numbers of predators or parasitoids to augment natural
biological control. Predator and parasitic effectiveness
in hornworm control is limited by poor functional
response during outbreaks, which are of short
duration (15 days). In the absence of a reliable
commercial source of Trichogramma or other parasitoid or predator species, the cost of maintaining
these natural enemies in continuous culture to
guarantee availability when an E. ello outbreak
occurs is economically prohibitive and impractical for most cassava farmers.
The complexities of inundatory releases of
parasitoid and predator species suggest the need
for a cheap, storable biological pesticide. A granulosis virus of the family Baculoviridae was found
attacking E. ello in cassava fields at CIAT in the
early 1970s. Pathogenicity studies using virus
material extracted from infected larvae collected
in the field were carried out on cassava plants in
the lab and field. Larval mortality reached 100% at
72 h after application. Studies on the effect of virus
concentration on mortality of larval instars showed
a sigmoidal relationship for the first, second and
forth instars. LD50 studies show that progressively
higher concentrations are needed for adequate
control of each succeeding larval instar. Most fifth
instar larvae reached the prepupal stage, but few
female adults emerged and those that did had wing
deformities and died without producing progeny.
Although the baculovirus can be managed by
small farmers, this technology has been most successful with larger producers or where research
and extension services have provided access to it.
Growers can collect and macerate diseased larvae
and apply the virus suspension to cassava fields.
The virus can be stored for several years under
refrigeration, and for a few months at room
Cassava Pests and their Management
temperature. Hornworm management with the
baculovirus was implemented in southern Brazil
during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Researchers
and extension workers trained farmers in the handling and use of the virus and distributed free samples. By 1991 the virus was being applied on about
34,000 ha in Paraná state at a cost of only about
US$1/ha. In Santa Catarina state, virus applications
to early instars resulted in almost complete control,
and pesticide applications were reduced by 60%.
In Venezuela, where the hornworm is endemic,
the virus preparation was applied (70 ml/ha) to
large cassava plantations (7,000 ha) via overhead
sprinkler irrigation systems when larvae were in
the first and second instars. This not only resulted
in 100% control but also eliminated pesticides; the
cost of gathering, processing, storing and applying
the virus preparation was only US$4/ha.
In Colombia, a baculovirus biopesticide was
developed by a private company (Biotropical) in
collaboration with CIAT. The product has been
approved for commercial release by MADR and is
available as a wettable powder. Field trials to evaluate the efficacy of this product (Bio Virus Yuca®)
were carried out in two locations in Colombia: the
provinces of Tolima and Risaralda. During natural
hornworm attacks, the baculovirus applications
(300 g/ha) resulted in 93% hornworm mortality in
Tolima and 85% in Risaralda.
The key to effective hornworm control is
training farmers to detect outbreaks through light
trapping of adults or field monitoring combined
with the timely application of a biopesticide (or
chemical insecticide) when larvae are in their early
instars (1–3).
Stemborers and Stem Feeders
Numerous insect species can feed on and damage
cassava stems and branches. Although some species are nearly worldwide in distribution, the most
important are in the Neotropics. Four pests will be
discussed in this section: stemborers, scale insects,
fruit flies and shoot flies. Several other pests can
also damage the stem (e.g., mites, thrips, mealybugs, hornworms and grasshoppers); however,
they are primarily leaf feeders and are discussed
elsewhere. Dipteran fruit flies (Anastrepha spp.)
and shoot flies (Neosilba sp.) can also bore into the
stem and are discussed here.
Stemborers can damage cassava in two ways;
they can (i) weaken the plant by tunneling in the
stems, causing breakage that will reduce yields,
and (ii) destroy or reduce the quality of stem
cuttings, thereby affecting germination and vigor
of the planting material.
A complex of arthropod stemborers that includes
both lepidopteran and coleopteran species feed on
and damage cassava. In the Neotropics stemborers
are most important in Colombia, Venezuela and
Brazil. Seven species of Coelosternus (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae) can reduce cassava yields and
quality of planting material in Brazil; however, the
damage is generally sporadic and localized, and
significant yield losses are not reported. Although
stemborer species have been identified in Africa,
there are no reports of severe damage or yield
Populations of the stemborer Chilomima
clarkei (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) have increased
dramatically in Colombia and Venezuela in recent
years, to the point where it is now considered an
important pest of cassava, causing yield losses and
damage to stem cuttings. On the Atlantic coast of
Colombia (provinces of Magdalena and Cesar),
C. clarkei damage was detected in 85% of the
cassava plantations surveyed.
Chilomima clarkei populations can occur throughout the year but are higher during the rainy season. From 4–6 overlapping cycles can occur during
the 1-year crop cycle, increasing potential damage
and making control more difficult. Stem breakage
can occur when there is extensive tunneling by
larvae. When over 35% of the plants suffer stem
breakage, yield losses range from 45–62%. Larval
Cassava Pests and their Management
tunneling can also lead to stem rot and a reduction
in the quantity and quality of planting material.
Attacks are easily detected by the presence of
excreta, sawdust and exudates ejected from burrows made in infested stems.
Biology and Behavior
Adult females are nocturnal and oviposit in cassava
stems, usually around the bud or node. The tancolored females can oviposit more than 200 eggs
in a 5–6 day period. The egg stage averages 6 days
(28°C). The highly mobile first instar larvae feed on
the outer bark or stem epidermis. Upon finding an
appropriate feeding site, usually around lateral buds,
the larvae form a protective web, under which the
first four instars feed, enlarging the web with each
instar. Stem penetration occurs during the fifth
instar larval stage. Extensive tunneling can occur
as the larval cycle is completed (6–12 instars). Pupation occurs in the stem and winged adults emerge.
The larval stage is 32–64 days, followed by the pupal
stage (12–17 days). Female adults live 5–6 days;
males, 4–5 days.
Stemborer control is difficult once the larvae
enter the stem and tunneling begins. In addition, the web formed by the early larval stages
acts as a protective devise against natural enemies and pesticide applications. The mobile
first instar larvae are vulnerable and more
exposed to both natural enemies and pesticides. Biopesticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis
(Bt) are recommended; however, with overlapping generations, several applications may be
required, which would be too costly for small
producers. Intercropping with maize will reduce
C. clarkei populations, but only until the intercrop is harvested.
Cultural practices such as selection of clean
cuttings and burning plant residues, especially
stems and branches, are recommended for reducing
stemborer populations. Natural enemies such as
hymenopteran parasitoids (Bracon sp., Apanteles
sp., Brachymeria sp., Tetrastichus howardi and
Trichogramma sp.) have been identified, but their
role in regulating stemborer populations has not
been investigated. The fungal entomopathogens
Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana
have been identified as possible biological control
CIAT has worked on identifying cassava germplasm resistant to C. clarkei. More than 1,000
genotypes have been evaluated on the Colombian
Caribbean coast, where C. clarkei populations are
consistently high. Evaluations are based on the
number of holes and tunnels and percent stem
breakage. Genotypes with 0–1 holes/stem indicate
varietal influence and the need for further evaluation. As natural field populations of C. clarkei are
used in these evaluations, results may be misleading because genotypes exhibiting low infestation
may be “escapes” (i.e., have avoided damage by
chance). CIAT has initiated research to introduce
insect-resistant Bt genes through Agrobacteriummediated transformation into cassava embryonic
tissue to develop resistant cultivars.
Scale Insects
Several species of scales are reported attacking
cassava stems and leaves in the Americas, Africa
and Asia. Although reductions in yield due to scale
attack have been reported, they are not considered
to be serious pests of cassava. The most important
species are Aonidonytilus albus and Saissetia
miranda. Aonidonytilus albus has been reported
on cassava throughout most of the cassava-growing regions in the world and is considered the
most widely distributed cassava pest. It is easily
disseminated from one region to another through
stem cuttings, which probably accounts for its
wide distribution.
Outbreaks are more severe during the dry season.
Their incidence increases when scale-infested
stem cuttings are used for planting material. High
A. albus populations may cover the stem and
lateral buds. Leaves on heavily infested stems
yellow, and defoliation can occur. With severe
Cassava Pests and their Management
attacks the plants are stunted and stems can desiccate, leading to plant mortality. Some scale species
can attack the leaves, but the greatest damage
appears to be the loss of planting material. The
germination of heavily infested cuttings is greatly
reduced; when they do germinate, the roots are
poorly developed, reducing plant vigor. Yield
losses of 19% were recorded at CIAT on plants
heavily infested with A. albus and there was a
50–60% loss in germination.
The most effective means of control is through the
use of clean, uninfested planting material and
destroying infested plants to prevent the spread of
infestation. Stem cuttings for vegetative propagation should be carefully selected from uninfested
plants. The mussel-shaped A. albus grey to white
female is difficult to detect, especially when populations are low and attached to stems around the
lateral buds.
Treating stem cuttings that have originated
from fields with scale attack is highly recommended. Dipping the cuttings in a pesticide emulsion for 5 min is effective against light A. albus
infestations. Heavily infested cuttings should not
be sown as they will germinate poorly even if
treated with a pesticide. Storing healthy cuttings
with infested ones will increase dissemination and
infestation as the first nymphal instars (crawlers)
are highly mobile.
Fruit Flies
Two species of fruit flies, Anastrepha pickeli and
Anastrepha manihoti (Diptera: Tephritidae:),
whose origin is the Neotropics, are reported to
attack cassava fruits from several regions of
Central and South America. Anastrepha montei
is reported infesting seed capsules in Costa Rica.
Infestation of cassava fruits causes no economic
damage and is of no concern to cassava producers. When oviposition occurs in the fruit,
the larvae bore throughout the fruit, destroying
the developing seed, which is a problem for plant
With respect to damage, the tan to yellow
colored females will oviposit in the tender upper
portion of the cassava stem in certain areas
during the rainy season. The developing larvae
become stemborers, tunneling into the apical
stem, which provides an entrance for soft rot bacteria such as Erwinia caratovora, resulting in
severe rotting of stem tissue and apical dieback.
Several larvae may be found in one stem; their
presence can be noted by the white liquid exudate
that flows from their tunnel. Damage is more
severe on younger (2–5 months) plants. Nevertheless, the plants can recover from fruit fly
damage. Yield losses have not been reported, but
there is a reduction in the quality of stem cuttings
for planting material. When there is severe damage to the pith region of the stem, there is a reduction in germination. Yield losses can occur if
severely damaged cuttings are used as planting
material. It is therefore important that only stem
cuttings without damage to the pith regions be
sown for vegetative propagation.
Shoot Flies
Damage has been observed in most of the cassavagrowing regions of the Americas but has not been
reported from Africa or Asia. The most important
species are Silba pendula and Neosilba perezi
(Diptera: Lonchaeidae). Severe attacks have been
reported from Cuba, southern Brazil and parts of
Central America, especially Costa Rica.
Larval feeding damage is manifested by a white to
brown exudate flowing from cassava growing
points, which eventually die. This breaks apical
dominance, retards plant growth, and causes germination of side buds which leads to excessive
branching. The dark metallic blue S. pendula adults
deposit eggs in the growing points between the
unexpanded leaves, and the young larvae tunnel in
the soft tissue, eventually killing the apical bud.
Attacks may occur throughout the year but are
more prevalent at the onset of the rainy seasons
Cassava Pests and their Management
and on recently germinated or young plants, resulting in a reduction in growth of the stems used for
planting material. Yield is seldom affected.
increase were highest on peanuts and forage peanuts, followed by maize. Sweet cassava, sorghum
and onions are not favorable hosts, and C. bergi
could not complete its life cycle on bitter cassava.
If plants are being grown for quality cuttings, the
crop needs to be protected only during the first 3
months of growth. Usually one timely pesticide
application suffices to protect the crop.
Cyrtomenus bergi nymphs and adults feed on cassava roots by penetrating the peel and parenchyma
with their strong thin stylet, leaving fine lesions
in the plant tissue. This feeding action permits
the entrance of several soil-borne pathogens (e.g.,
Aspergillus, Diplodia, Fusarium, Genicularia,
Phytophthora and Pythium spp.), causing local rot
spots on the parenchyma. The brown to black
lesions begin to develop within 24 h after feeding
is initiated.
In cassava, a quantitative scale to assess root
damage was established, using a 1–5 rating based
on the percentage of the parenchyma surface covered by rot lesions (1 = no damage, 2 = 1–25%,
3 = 26–50%, 4 = 51–75% and 5 = 75–100%). Studies
show that even low C. bergi populations (close to
zero) can cause more than 20% of the root to be
covered with rot lesions. The darkened lesions on
the white root parenchyma are not acceptable for
the fresh consumption market; middlemen reject
shipments of root with 20–30% damage, which
translates into 100% loss for the farmers. Field
trials in Colombia showed that damage can reach
70–80% of total roots, with more than a 50%
reduction in starch content, thereby reducing the
commercial value for the processing industry. As
damage is not detected until roots are harvested
and peeled, producers can lose the value of the
crop as well as labor, time and land use.
Soil-Borne Pests
The majority of the arthropod pests of cassava are
“source” pests, feeding on leaves and stems, which
causes indirect damage by reducing root yield. Few
are “sink” pests, which cause direct, irrevocable damage to the edible roots. The most important and
damaging root feeders appear to be generalists,
and there is a hypothesis that cyanogenic potential
in cassava is a defense mechanism against them. All
cassava varieties have a high cyanogenic potential
in leaves, stems and root peel. It can also be theorized that the root peel acts as a protective device,
especially in those varieties with low cyanogen
levels in the root parenchyma. Three soil-borne
pests are discussed here: the burrower bug, white
grubs (several species) and root mealybugs.
Cassava Burrower Bug
First recorded as a pest of cassava in Colombia in
1980, Cyrtomenus bergi (Hemiptera-Heteroptera:
Cydnidae) appears to be native to the Neotropics,
is a polyphagous feeder that attacks a wide range
of crops, and is one of the few arthropod pests that
feeds on the tuberous root of cassava. Additional
hosts include onions, peanuts, maize, potatoes,
Arachis pintoi (forage peanuts), sorghum, sugarcane, coffee, asparagus, beans, peas, pastures and
numerous weeds. It has also been reported feeding
on cassava in Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama and
Brazil (states of São Paulo and Pará).
Cassava is not the optimal host for C. bergi.
Fecundity, survival and intrinsic rate of population
Biology and Behavior
Cyrtomenus bergi has five nymphal instars. It had a
lifespan of 286–523 days when fed on slices of
low-HCN cassava roots in the lab (23°C, 65 ± 5%
RH). Egg eclosion averaged 13.5 days; mean development time of the five nymphal stages was 111
days; mean longevity for adults was 293 days.
Cyrtomenus bergi is strongly attracted to
moist soils, and populations can occur in the
Cassava Pests and their Management
soil throughout the crop cycle. It will migrate
when soil moisture content is below 22% and is
most persistent when it exceeds 31%. Thus, the
rainy season greatly favors adult and nymphal
survival, behavior and dispersal, whereas there
is increased nymphal mortality during the dry
Feeding preferences may be related to levels of
cyanogenic glucosides in the cassava roots. Adults
and nymphs that fed on high-HCN (>100 mg/kg)
cultivars had longer nymphal development, reduced
egg production and increased mortality. Oviposition
on CMC 40 (43 mg HCN/kg) was 51 eggs/female
versus only 1.3 on MCol 1684 (627 mg HCN/kg).
Adult longevity on CMC 40 (235 days) was more
than twice that on MCol 1684 (112 days). Additional studies indicate that the earliest instars are
most susceptible to root cyanogenic potential
(CNP). Due to the short length of the stylet, feeding during the first two instars is confined mainly
to the root peel, whereas third to fifth instars can
feed on the root parenchyma. CMC 40 has a low
cyanogen level in the root parenchyma, but a high
level in the root peel (707 mg HCN/kg). Feeding
experiments in the lab resulted in 56% mortality of
first and second instar nymphs feeding on CMC
40 and 82% for those feeding on MCol 1684. The
high cyanogen level in the peel of CMC 40 is probably responsible for the high mortality.
Feeding preference studies carried out in the
field in Colombia show that low HCN cultivars
suffer more damage than high-HCN ones. Three
cassava varieties – MCol 1684 (high CPN), MMex
59 (intermediate CPN) and CMC 40 (low CPN) –
were evaluated in field studies to determine the
effect of CPN on C. bergi root damage. Ten months
after planting, root damage on the low, intermediate
and high CPN varieties was 85, 20 and 4%, respectively. These data indicate that CPN may act as a
feeding deterrent and that C. bergi should not be a
problem where cassava with high CNP is cultivated
(i.e., northeast Brazil and many parts of Africa).
However, in many cassava-producing regions, low
CNP or “sweet” varieties are preferred, especially for
fresh consumption or starch markets.
Cyrtomenus bergi can be the target of extensive
chemical control, given the nature of the damage it
causes to cassava as well as other crops. For example, in Colombia, control of C. bergi on crops such
as onions, peanuts and coriander requires considerable pesticide use, with only marginal results. In
cassava, pesticide use can reduce populations and
damage; however, frequent applications may be
required and they are costly and often fail to reduce
damage below economic injury levels.
Cyrtomenus bergi control is difficult due to
the polyphagous nature of the pest and its adaptation to the soil environment. As the initial damage
can occur early in the crop cycle, control methods
should be implemented either prior to or at planting, or during the first 2 months of crop growth.
Intercropping cassava with Crotalaria sp. (sunn
hemp) reduced root damage to 4% versus 61%
damage in cassava monoculture. This practice also
reduces cassava yields by 22%; because Crotalaria
has little commercial value, this technology has
not been readily adopted by producers.
Recent research indicates that there is considerable potential for biological control of C. bergi.
Isolates of native Colombian strains of the entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and
Paecilomyces sp. have been evaluated in the laboratory. An isolate of M. anisopliae infecting C. bergi
in the field resulted in 61% mortality of fifth instar
nymphs and an overall mortality of 33%. More
recent studies with M. anisopliae strains CIAT 224
and CIAT 245 caused mortalities of 34.7% and
49.3%, respectively.
Applications of M. anisopliae (Isolate CIAT
224), combined with a sublethal dose of the insecticide imidacloprid, were evaluated in the laboratory and greenhouse. Cyrtomenus bergi nymphal
mortality was always significantly higher when
M. anisopliae was applied in combination with
imidacloprid, compared to applications of the
fungus alone (80.3% vs. 34.2%). Thus, entomopathogens combined with sublethal doses of insecticides such as imidacloprid can be an effective
tool in an IPM strategy for controlling C. bergi
Cassava Pests and their Management
or other soil-borne pests; however, field studies
are required before acceptable technologies can be
Several species of nematodes have been identified parasitizing C. bergi. Steinernema carpocapsae
successfully infected C. bergi in the laboratory,
resulting in 59% parasitism after 10 days. Strains
of S. feltiae and a native species of Colombia, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, were compared in greenhouse studies with C. bergi adults. The penetration
rate for S. feltiae was 93.9%, compared to 72.1% for
H. bacteriophora. However, H. bacteriophora caused
higher mortality (42.2%) than S. feltiae (8.6%) after
15 days. Field studies are needed to evaluate the
potential of H. bacteriophora and other nematode
species in an IPM strategy.
White Grubs
A complex of rhizophagous white grubs
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is associated with the
cassava crop in many regions of the Americas,
Africa and Asia. White grubs are classified as
hemi-edaphic (along with ants and termites) as
they spend only a portion of their life cycle in the
soil. It is during their larval stages in the soil that
they can damage the cassava crop; the adult scarab
beetles are not reported feeding on the aboveground organs of the plant. Recent surveys in cassavagrowing regions of Colombia showed that white
grubs were well represented in the edaphic communities associated with the crop. In Risaralda
province, 1,858 white grubs (eight species) were
collected from cassava plots. It is often difficult to
distinguish the species actually causing damage
to the crop. The genus commonly associated with
damage to cassava in the Neotropics and Africa is
Phyllophaga spp. Leucopholis rorida is reported
causing damage to cassava in Indonesia and other
countries in Asia.
Severe attacks of white grubs can destroy the stem
cuttings used to establish new plantations. In one
field study in Colombia there was a 95% loss in
stem cutting germination due to white grub attack.
Grubs feed on the bark, pith and buds of stem cuttings, hindering germination. They also can cause
plant death by feeding on the basal part of young
Recent studies in Colombia on Phyllophaga
menetriesi with potted cassava plants under controlled conditions showed that one larva caused a
30% reduction in plant survival and three larvae
per plant destroyed 50% of the plants in 56 days.
White grub feeding damage has also been observed
on the roots including the swollen tuberous root.
Biology and Behavior
Laboratory studies with P. menetriesi resulted in
an average of 13 days for the egg stage and 19, 27
and 175 days for the first, second and third instars,
respectively. After the third instar, the larvae
entered a diapause stage averaging about 30 days,
followed by a pupal stage averaging 34 days. Adults
remained in the pupal chamber for about 73 days,
followed by a 15-day flight period. The complete
egg-to-adult cycle of P. menetriesi averaged 386
Phyllophaga menetriesi is mostly observed at
altitudes between 1,000–1,600 m, and damage to
cassava is primarily during the rainy months when
the crop is planted and early growth occurs.
White grubs populations can often be detected
during land preparation prior to planting. Farmer
surveys in a major cassava-growing region in
Colombia (Risaralda and Quindio provinces) disclosed that 71% of the farmers applied pesticides
to control soil pests, while only 14% used biological
control. Biological control through the use of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi offers promise
for white grub control. A native Colombian strain
of Heterorhabditis sp., when applied in high doses
(10,000 infective juveniles/ml) to first and second
instar larvae of P. menetriesi in lab studies, resulted
in 88.3 and 83.4% mortality, respectively. In lab
studies at CIAT, several isolates of M. anisopliae
caused high levels of mortality of P. menetriesi.
Two isolates (CIAT 515 and CIAT 418) caused
Cassava Pests and their Management
more than 60% white grub mortality. Isolate CIAT
515, in combination with a low rate of imidacloprid, resulted in 90% mortality of second instar
larvae. The effectiveness of these biological control
agents needs to be tested in farmers’ fields before
they can be recommended as part of a white grub
management strategy.
Adequate control measures have not been
determined for either species. Recommendations
for management of S. vayssierei in the Cameroon
include planting on ridges and monocropping
Secondary Pests
Cassava Root Mealybugs
Two mealybug species have been reported feeding on and causing damage to cassava roots. In
South America, Pseudococcus mandio (Hemiptera:
Pseudococcidae) has been recorded from southern Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia; it is reported as
causing root damage only in Brazil. Stictococcus
vayssierei (Hemiptera: Stictococcidae) is reported
from the Cameroon and neighboring Central
African countries. Stictococcus vayssierei is referred
to in the literature as the root mealybug, the root
scale or the brown root scale insect of cassava.
Pseudococcus mandio can result in reduced
quality of tuberous roots and cause some plant
defoliation. Females have three nymphal instars,
and adults oviposit an average of 300 eggs, indicating a capacity for rapid population increases. The
life cycle from oviposition to adult was 25 days for
females and 30 for males. Yields losses of 17% have
been reported in southern Brazil.
Stictococcus vayssierei larvae and adults attack
young feeder roots on germinating stem cuttings,
resulting in defoliation, wilting, tip dieback and
plant death. Mature tuberous roots are often
small, covered with mealybugs, and unattractive
for the commercial market. Females (males are
rare) are dark red in color, circular and flattened.
Eggs are protected by wax threads secreted beneath
the female body. Larvae are creamy white and
mobile. Stictococcus vayssierei infestation is severest
during the dry season and on unfertile, lateritic and
clay soils. Infestations were more severe when cassava was planted on flat lands than when planted
on ridges. Plant vigor and root yield improved by
approximately 22% when planted on ridges. Intercropping favored higher mealybug infestations than
cassava grown in monoculture.
Numerous species of arthropods feed on cassava
without causing major economic damage to the
crop. These occasional or incidental pests may
occur sporadically or at such low population levels
that yield is not affected. If their populations
increase or outbreaks occur in localized areas,
some of these pests could cause yield losses. These
secondary pests discussed briefly here include gall
midge, termites, leaf hoppers, leaf-cutting ants and
Zonocerus elegans and Zonocerus variegatus are
potentially the most destructive of this group.
They attack cassava primarily in Africa and are
rarely reported feeding on cassava in the Neotropics
(occasionally from Brazil). Several African countries including Nigeria, Congo, Benin, Uganda,
Ivory Coast, Ghana and Central Africa report
thousands of hectares of cassava defoliated in
some years, probably causing yield reductions.
Grasshoppers feed on the leaves, causing defoliation, but during outbreaks the young tender bark
can be stripped. Young plants are preferred and
attacks are more severe during the dry season.
Yield losses as high as 60% have been estimated.
Biology and Behavior
In Nigeria, grasshopper oviposition usually occurs
at the onset of the rainy season; eggs hatch at the
start of the dry season (6–7 months later). This
population attacks cassava as the dry season progresses when other preferred herbaceous food
plants become scarce. Experiments show that large
Cassava Pests and their Management
amounts of HCN in the leaves can act as a deterrent to grasshopper feeding. The early instars (1–4)
will not consume growing cassava, while instars
5 and 6 will eat it only if deprived of other food
sources. Wilted cassava leaves are readily consumed by all stages and result in a high grasshopper
growth rate.
Chemical control of grasshoppers is feasible but
may not be financially or ecologically sustainable,
especially for small, resource-limited farmers. It is
not considered an effective mid- or long-term
solution as pesticide applications may lead to a
resurgence of other pests such as the cassava
mealybug or the cassava green mite when their
natural enemies are killed indiscriminately.
Biological control with fungal entomopathogens offers a more effective long-term solution for
grasshopper control. Metarhizium anisopliae var.
acridum (also known as M. flavoviride), Beauveria
bassiana and Entomophaga grylli have been identified infecting Z. variegatus. Efforts are currently
underway to develop effective biopesticides for
grasshopper control. Results with M. anisopliae
have been encouraging.
Gall Midges
Iatrophobia brasiliensis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
has been recorded on cassava only in the Americas. They are considered of little economic importance and do not require control. However, the
yellowish green or red galls on the upper leaf surface are highly visible to farmers, who may apply
pesticides. A severe attack, especially on young
plants, may cause leaf yellowing, and retarding of
plant growth has been reported. Destruction of
infested leaves is recommended to reduce midge
Leaf-cutter Ants
Several species of leaf-cutter ants (genera Atta and
Acromyrmex) are reported feeding on cassava in
the Neotropics, especially in Brazil. Commonly
reported species are Atta sexdens, Atta cephalotes
and Acromyrmex landolti. Ants cut semicircular
pieces of leaves, which they carry to their underground nests. Cassava plants can be completely
defoliated when a large number of worker ants
attack a crop. Outbreaks occur most frequently
during the early months of crop establishment, but
plants usually recover from ant damage. Recent
field trials in Venezuela resulted in a 55% reduction
in root yield due to leaf-cutter ant defoliation. Ant
nests are usually visible because of the mound of
soil deposited around the hole. Control of leaf-cutter
ants is difficult; toxic baits are recommended.
Termites are reported as pests in several cassavagrowing regions of the world, but primarily in
Africa. They attack cassava mainly in the tropical
lowlands, feeding on stem cuttings, feeder roots,
swollen roots or growing plants. In Colombia, termites have been observed causing losses in germination as well as death of young plants, especially
in regions with sandy soils. Feeding on swollen
roots can lead to root rot (due to soil pathogens)
damage. Losses in germination of 30% and 50%
loss in stored planting material have been recorded.
Control in the field is difficult, but stored planting
material can be protected with an application of
an insecticide dust.
Several species have been collected feeding on
cassava. Several collections have been made by
CIAT in Colombia, and numerous specimens from
three families (Cicadellidae, Cixiidae and Delphacidae) are being identified. None is considered to
be a pest causing yield losses, and all are usually
observed in low populations. However, several of
these species are being studied as possible vectors
of cassava frog skin disease (CFSD), which probably originated in the Amazon regions of South
America and has now spread to several countries
in the region causing considerable crop loss. The
disease has been described as a virus of the family
Reoviridae and/or phytoplasm. Damage is characterized by the suberization and thickening of the
Cassava Pests and their Management
swollen root epidermis, resulting in low production of little commercial value. Several species have
now been mass reared, and vector-transmission
studies are being carried out.
Future Trends and Considerations
The success of an ecologically oriented IPM program for cassava requires the implementation of a
strategy that minimizes or prevents chemical pesticide use. Given the increased emphasis on commercial-scale plantations, where the crop has a
high commercial value, there is a tendency to apply
pesticides when noticeable crop damage occurs.
Pests that trigger pesticide application include the
cassava hornworm, whiteflies, mites, white grubs,
burrower bugs, mealybugs and thrips.
Crop-protection technologies based on host
plant resistance, microbial and arthropod biological
control agents, together with appropriate agronomic
practices, should be developed and implemented.
This holistic approach has formed the basic philosophy for IPM research at international agricultural
research centers such as CIAT and IITA, as well as
in several national research programs such as
EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corp.,
Brasilia, Brazil), NARO (National Agricultural
Research Organization, Uganda).
CIAT, IITA and the Brazilian national program EMBRAPA maintain large germplasm banks
that offer entomologists and breeders a potential
pool for pest-resistance genes. Traditional farmers
will adopt new varieties cautiously if they are
adapted to local agroecological and socioeconomic conditions. New or introduced varieties
should not be highly susceptible to major pests in
a given region. In the Neotropics this is especially
true for mites, whiteflies, thrips and mealybugs.
Biological control agents have been identified
for many of the cassava arthropod pests; however,
the efficacy of naturally occurring biocontrol
agents to maintain pests below economic damage
levels has not been well documented. Classical
biological control has been successful in Africa
against two introduced pests from the Americas,
the cassava mealybug (P. manihoti) and the green
mite (M. tanajoa). Although natural biological
control is probably effective in controlling some
pests in the Neotropics, pest outbreaks and subsequent yield losses continue to occur. For example,
the hornworm Erinnyis ello has a large complex of
natural enemies including predators, parasites and
pathogens; however, they are not effective in maintaining the hornworm below the economic injury
level. The adult’s migratory abilities and sporadic
attacks serve as a defense against the more than 30
natural enemies. The stemborer Chilomima clarkei
causes considerable damage in certain regions of
Colombia, but effective natural enemies have not
been identified. In recent years whitefly populations and damage have increased in several regions
of the Neotropics as well as in Africa, causing considerable yield reduction. Several natural enemies
have been identified, but their role in a biological
control program has not been determined.
It should be kept in mind that in cropping systems where cassava is grown as a functional perennial, certain pests and their associated natural
enemies may be in equilibrium. When cassava is
grown year round in the tropics, often with overlapping cycles, pest species may be present throughout and thereby able to increase rapidly when
environmental conditions become favorable to
their dynamics. Natural enemy populations may not
respond rapidly enough to suppress the increasing
pest populations so outbreaks occur. Populations
of mites, mealybugs, lacebugs and whiteflies,
although present in the subtropics of the Americas,
do not increase as rapidly or reach the levels of
their counterparts in the tropical regions. During
the “winter” months in subtropical regions, cassava
will lose most or all its foliage. This can cause considerable reduction in pest populations so any
increases may be retarded when warmer, more
favorable, growing conditions return in the spring.
Biotechnology tools offer the potential for
developing improved pest-resistant cultivars
and enhancing the effectiveness of natural control organisms including parasitoids and
Cassava Pests and their Management
entomopathogens. Wild Manihot species are a
rich source of useful genes for the cultivated species M. esculenta and for resistance to pests and
diseases. Their use in regular breeding programs
is restricted by the long reproductive breeding
cycle of cassava and “linkage drag” associated with
the use of wild relatives in crop improvement.
This source of resistance genes has been exploited
for controlling CMD in Africa. CMD resistance
was obtained by intercrossing cassava varieties
with Manihot glaziovii, which resulted in interspecific hybrids that were backcrossed to cassava
until CMD-resistant varieties were produced.
Several wild Manihot species have been evaluated in the greenhouse and field for resistance to
mites (M. tanajoa), mealybugs (P. herreni) and
whiteflies (Aleurotrachelus socialis). Genotypes
(accessions) of the wild species Manihot flabellifolia
and Manihot peruviana displayed intermediate
levels of resistance to M. tanajoa and P. herreni
and high levels of resistance to A. socialis. In addition, M. tanajoa oviposition was greatly reduced
when feeding on accessions of Manihot alutacea
and Manihot tristis. Interspecific crosses between
these wild Manihot species and M. esculenta landrace varieties have resulted in numerous interspecific progeny, which are being evaluated for
pest resistance. Initial results indicate that the
resistance is heritable as numerous progeny have
been identified with resistance to M. tanajoa and
A. socialis. Three polymorphic molecular markers
for M. tanajoa that showed clear differences
between resistant and susceptible individuals were
identified in M. flabellifolia. A project is under way
to develop low-cost tools for accelerated markeraided introgression of useful pest-resistance genes
into cassava gene pools.
It is predicted that cassava production in
Africa, Asia and the Americas will increase considerably during the next decade. This growth will
be market driven and influenced by the processing
and private sectors. Cassava can provide the raw
material for the animal feed, starch and bio-fuel
industries, as well as remaining an important food
for human consumption. Pest management will
continue to play an important role in sustaining
high cassava-production levels. This will require
continued research input to develop new integrated pest management (IPM) technologies.
In order to meet the demand for increased
cassava production, farmers will seek new higher
yielding varieties. This will increase the movement
of germplasm – usually vegetative stem cuttings –
between regions, countries and even continents.
Quarantine measures to prevent the movement of
pests, especially into Asia, are an important issue.
Cassava pests have shown the ability to disseminate
great distances as shown by the introduction of the
mite and mealybug into Africa from the Americas.
There are several additional pests that could cause
severe crop losses if introduced into Africa or Asia,
including several mite species, lacebugs, whiteflies,
stemborers, mealybugs and thrips. Moreover, what
may be considered a secondary pest in the Neotropics could become a major pest outside its center of
origin, as evidenced by the mealybug, P. manihoti.
Bellotti AC (2002) Arthropod pests. In: Hillocks RJ, Thresh
JM, Bellotti AC (eds) Cassava: biology, production and
utilization. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon, UK,
pp 209–223
Bellotti AC, Arias B (2001) Host plant resistance to whiteflies
with emphasis on cassava as a case study. Crop Protect
Bellotti AC, Riss L (1994) Cassava cyanogenic potential and
resistance to pests and diseases. Acta Hortic 375:141–151
Bellotti AC, Arias B, Guzmán OL (1992) Biological control
of the cassava hornworm Erinnyis ello (Lepidoptera:
Sphingidae). Fla Entomol 75:506–515
Bellotti AC, Peña J, Arias B, Guerrero JM, Trujillo H, Holguín
C, Ortega A (2005) Biological control of whiteflies by
indigenous natural enemies for major food crops in the
Neotropics. In: AndersonPK, Morales F (eds) Whitefly
and whitefly-borne viruses in the tropics: building a
knowledge base for global action. CIAT Publication No
341, Cali, Colombia, pp 313–323
Bellotti AC, Smith L, Lapointe SL (1999) Recent advances
in cassava pest management. Ann Rev Entomol 44:
Braun AR, Bellotti AC, Guerrero JM, Wilson LT (1989) Effect
of predator exclusion on cassava infested with tetranychid mites (Acari: Tetranychidae). Environ Entomol
Braun AR, Bellotti AC, Lozano JC (1993) Implementation of
IPM for small-scale cassava farmers. In: Altieri MA (ed)
Crop protection strategies for subsistence farmers.
Westview, Boulder, Colorado, pp 103–115
El-Sharkawy MA (1993) Drought-tolerant cassava for Africa,
Asia, and Latin America. BioScience 43:441–451
Herren HR, Neuenschwander P (1991) Biological control of
cassava pests in Africa. Ann Rev Entomol 36:257–283
Holguin CM, Bellotti AC (2004) Efecto de la aplicación de
insecticidas químicos en el control de la mosca blanca
Aleurotrachelus socialis Bondar en el cultivo de yuca
Manihot esculenta Crantz. Rev Colomb Entomol
Melo EL, Ortega-Ojeda CA, Gaigl A, Ehlers RV, Bellotti AC
(2006) Evaluación de dos cepas comerciales de entomonematodes como agentes de control de Cyrtomenus
bergi Froeschner (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). Rev Colomb
Entomol 32:31–38
Neuenschwander, P (2004) Cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus
manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).
In: Capinera JL (ed) Encyclopedia of entomology.
Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 464–467
Ngeve JM (2003) The cassava root mealybug (Stictococcus
vayssierei Richard) [Hom: Stictococcidae]: present status and future priorities in Cameroon. Afr J Root Tuber
Crops 5:47–51
Onzo A, Hanna R, Sabelis MW (2005) Biological control of
the cassava green mite in Africa: Impact of the predatory mite Typhlodromalus aripo. Entomol Beric 65:2–7
Yaninek JS, Onzo A, Ojo JB (1993) Continent-wide releases of
Neotropical phytoseiids against the exotic cassava green
mite in Africa. Exp Appl Acarol 17:145–160
A form or type of individuals in social insects.
Castes may be distinguished by different morphology and behavior.
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Castes can be defined as subsets of individuals
within a species that are morphologically or biologically distinct. Although “polymorphism” usually
is understood to mean the occurrence of discretely
different morphotypes and biologies within a
species, and therefore overlaps with this definition
of castes, within the social insects the term “castes”
is always used to describe this condition. In social
insects, there may or may not be marked differences
in appearance of the subsets, but they definitely
display differences in behavior and biology. An
alternate term for describing the discretely different
(lacking intermediate forms) intraspecific variation
occurring within insects is “polyphenism.” (In contrast, phenotypes that show gradual change in
response to environmental variation, without
producing discretely different subsets, are called
“reaction norms.”) Regulation of caste is determined by hormones, which trigger different patterns of gene expression, leading to alternative
phenotypes. Ultimately, however, it is the environment, acting through hormone intermediaries, that
promotes development of polyphenisms such as
castes. In social insects, the castes cooperate with
each other in a nest to accomplish tasks benefiting
the entire colony. Some of the castes are sterile,
serving as workers or soldiers to facilitate reproduction by a small number of reproductives. The sterile
castes presumably have evolved through the process
of kin selection.
Phenotypic plasticity occurs in all organisms,
and the phenotype that is expressed depends on
environmental conditions. Interestingly, the environment to which the alternative phenotype is an
adaptation is often not the same as the environment that induces the development of that phenotype. As noted above, some phenotypes display
incremental changes in response to environmental
variables. Others display discrete changes, resulting
in two or more discrete alternative phenotypes. In
either event, it can be advantageous to an organism
to have the ability to develop multiple phenotypes
without requiring genetic polymorphism.
The developmental switch that leads to production of alternative phenotypes is regulated by
hormones. For morphological expression of polyphenism, a molt is normally required. Thus, the
developmental trigger typically is in the instar
preceding the expression. Within that sensitive
period when change can be triggered, often there
is only a brief period when hormones can alter
developmental pathways. The relevant hormones
generally are juvenile hormone and ecdysone, but
sometimes other hormones are involved.
Among the ants, female castes are usually expressed
as worker, soldier and queen castes. Males do not
display different castes. Soldiers are often referred
to as major workers, with the coexisting smaller
members called minor workers. Not all castes occur
in all species. Castes are determined by a number of
factors, including larval nutrition, winter chilling,
post-hibernation temperature, egg size, queen age,
and queen influence. The function of castes or
“caste polyethism” is well described by the aforementioned designations. Queens are mostly concerned with production of eggs, though early in the
life of the colony the queen may perform various
tasks, and some grooming of workers may occur
indefinitely. Soldiers are specialized for colony
defense, and often bear a large head and oversized
mandibles to aid in this task. Workers repair the
nest, gather food, and tend larvae and pupae, and
the other colony members. Workers may also be
involved in colony defense, especially the larger
workers. Males exist only to fertilize queens. Temporal changes also occur over the course of the
ant’s lifespan; this is called “age polyethism.” For
example, young workers tend to work inside the
nest, whereas older workers tend to forage outside.
Over the years, some authors have recognized
variants, phases, or anomalies within castes in an
attempt to recognize small differences in behavior
and morphology, and this has led to confusion.
Castes can be defined by both morphological
and behavioral characteristics, of course, and E.O.
Wilson has proposed a system of caste naming
that integrates both types of characters: The males
play no direct role in colony maintenance, being
only sperm donors. The queen or “gyne” is the
principal reproductive, although “gyne” sometimes
is used to include all reproductive females. She is
anatomically distinctive due to an enlarged abdomen. The worker ordinarily is a sterile female. Such
females have reduced ovarioles and lack spermathecae for sperm storage. So if they eventually
become reproductives, they can only reproduce
parthenogenetically. The worker caste is often
subdivided into subcastes such as “minor,” “media,”
and “major,” and is based on size. When workers
are specialized for defense, they are called soldiers.
The ergatogyne is a reproductive caste intermediate between worker and queen. It can be subdivided into “intercaste” which is anatomically
intermediate between workers and queens, but
lacks a spermatheca so cannot mate, and “ergatoid
queen” which also is intermediate but possesses a
spermatheca and can replace the queen. The
gamergate is not common, but occurs in a few
groups of ants, and is strictly a physiological caste.
In this case, the reproductive is morphologically
indistinguishable from the worker, but can be
inseminated and produce eggs. The most distinguishing feature of the dichthadiiform ergatogyne
is that it possesses an extremely enlarged gaster,
but this reproductive also has some additional
minor morphological modifications. The final
caste would be considered to be the temporal caste.
In the temporal caste, differentiation is based solely
on behavior and age.
Social Bees and Wasps
Among social bees and wasps, the more primitively eusocial groups lack mophological differences but display different behaviors. More
interesting is the general lack of the worker subcastes such as those that are found in ants and termites. This is despite the fact that bees and wasps,
at least the species with very large colonies, display
a sophisticated division of labor (polyethism). In
bees and wasps, however, the division of labor is
based less on production of castes, and more on
temporal polyethism. In temporal polyethism the
same individual passes through different stages of
specialization as it grows older. Some differences
exist based on size, however, with larger individuals tending to forage more and smaller individuals
tending to conduct nest work and brood care.
In social bees and wasps, there is a correlation
between caste evolution and colony size. E.O. Wilson
divides this into four steps:
Colony size of 2–50 adults – the females are semisocial or begin life as workers and later become
egg layers.
Colony size of 10–400 adults – externally, the
queen is still identical to the worker caste, but there
is functional differentiation of the worker caste
from the queen. The egg-laying females maintain
the workers in a subordinate position by aggressive
dominance behavior. This can be expressed by the
stealing and eating of eggs laid by rivals. Temporal
poyethism is weakly developed among workers.
Colony size of 100–5,000 adults – some external
differentiation of queens and workers is evident,
and this is under the control of nurse workers
that feed larvae differently. Queens do not display
dominance behavior. Temporal polyethism is
weak among workers.
Colony size of 300–80,000 adults – queen and
worker dimorphism is strong. Queen dominance
is absent and queens maintain control with pheromones. Temporal polyethism is strongly developed among workers.
Superficially, termites and ants have similar caste
systems. However, these taxa are phylogenetically remote from each other, and careful examination shows some important differences, so it is
clear that sociality and caste systems evolved
separately in Hymenoptera and in Isoptera. Both
ants and termites have evolved a soldier caste
with specialized head structure and behavior,
and both are populated primarily by similarlooking but behaviorally versatile workers. Their
systems of temporal polyethism also are similar.
Termites differ, however, in that males do not
exist solely for fertilization. Termite workers can
be either sex, whereas in the holometabolous
social insects (ants, bees, wasps) the workers are
always female. Also, termite immatures are workers, whereas immatures of the other social insects
require continual care by adult workers.
Termite castes have some unique features. In
the lower termites, the reproductives secrete sexspecific pheromones that inhibit metamorphosis of
the immatures into additional reproductives. Termites also are capable of producing “supplementary
reproductives.” If the primary reproductives are
removed, fertile but wingless individuals of both
sexes develop in the colony. Thus, termite colonies
display “immortality”; they may never completely
perish because reproductives can be generated as
necessary. Termite soldiers seem to be capable of
suppressing the development of workers into soldiers,
maintaining a larger number of termites arrested in
the worker stage, probably to the benefit of the colony.
The classification of termite castes is as follows:
The larva (a wingless nymph, as these are hemimetabolous insects) lacks evidence of wings and of the
features that characterize soldiers. The nymph (brachypterous nymphs) develops from the larval stage
but possesses wing buds initially, and wing pads
after some molts. Eye differentiation also occurs at
this stage. A worker stage occurs in the higher termites, but not the lower. Workers lack wings, and
eyes are reduced or lacking. The head and mandibles
are well developed. Lacking the worker stage, the
lower termites have instead a stage called pseudergate. Pseudergates develop from nymphal stages or
larvae. Soldiers have morphological features that are
specialized for defense. This includes large mandibles, large heads, and glands capable of discharging
defensive secretion. Primary reproductives are
derived from colony-founding queens and males.
If the primary reproductives are removed from
the colony, often supplementary reproductives
can appear. The supplementary reproductives take
three forms: (i) the adultoid reproductive, found in
the higher termites only, which appears identical to
the primary reproductive and may already exist but
changes behavior in the absence of the primary
reproductive; (ii) the nymphoid reproductive is a
Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides felis felis Bouché (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
supplementary male or female derived from a
nymph and retaining wing buds; (iii) the ergatoid
reproductive is also a supplementary male or female,
but is larval in form and lacks wing buds.
The primary reproductives construct an initial
cell and rear the first brood, providing them not
only with food but the protozoans necessary for
independent feeding on cellulose. The first brood
workers (or worker-like pseudergates or nymphs)
soon take over responsibilities for foraging, nest
construction and nursing. The queen and male
become specialized reproductive organisms. Interestingly, the worker caste is morphologically uniform but behaviorally diverse when species are
compared. The soldier caste is morphologically
diverse but behaviorally uniform. Soldiers can use
their mandibles effectively in defense against insects
their own size, or in the case of those practicing
chemical defense, their glands can secrete or spray a
number of bioactive substances to deter intruders.
Nijhout HF (1999) Control mechanisms of polyphenic development insects. Bioscience 49:181–192
Wilson EO (1971) The insect societies. Belknap Press,
Cambridge, MA, 548 pp
Zhou X, Oi FM, Scharf ME (2006) Social exploitation of
hexamermin: RNAi reveals a major cast-regulatory
factor in termites. Proc Natl Acad Sci 103:4499–4504
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera) also known
as giant butterfly moths.
Giant Butterfly Moths
Butterflies and Moths
The larva of a butterfly, moth (Fig. 29), sawfly, and
some scorpionflies.
Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides felis felis
Bouché (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
nanCy C. hinkLe1, phiLip G. koehLer2
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Ananthakrishnan TN, Whitman D (eds) (2005) Insect
phenotypic plasticity. Diversity of responses. Science
Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire, 213 pp
Hölldobler B, Wilson EO (1990) The ants. Belknap Press,
Cambridge, MA, 732 pp
Miura T (2004) Proximate mechanisms and evolution of caste
polyphenism in social insects: from sociality to genes.
Ecol Res 19:141–148
Miura T (2005) Developmental regulation of caste-specific characters in social insect polyphenism. Evol Dev 7:122–129
Cat fleas are the most common ectoparasite on
both dogs and cats in North America. These small
(2 mm), reddish brown, wingless insects have bodies that are laterally compressed (i.e., flattened
side-to-side) and covered with many backwardprojecting spines, making them, like a cocklebur,
difficult to remove from the animal’s coat. Their
anal spine
thoracic legs
Caterpillar, Figure 29 Lateral view of a moth caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae).
Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides felis felis Bouché (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
hind legs are long and well adapted for jumping.
Adult fleas feed exclusively on blood and their
mouthparts are equipped for sucking blood from
the host. Cat fleas attack a variety of warm-blooded
hosts, including humans and pets, making them
both a veterinary problem and household pest.
Although cat fleas have been collected from more
than 30 species of urban and suburban wildlife,
most of these animals are not satisfactory hosts.
Cat fleas do not commonly serve as disease
agent vectors. However, they are capable of transmitting the causative agents of flea-borne typhus
(Rickettsia typhi) and cat scratch disease (Bartonella henselae). The cat flea is the intermediate host
for the dog tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum, which
can affect small children as well as dogs and cats. It
is supposedly capable of transmitting plague (Yersinia pestis), but has been important in epidemic
situations only outside the U.S.
Probably the most common flea symptom is
that pets bite and scratch themselves repeatedly.
Severely flea-infested puppies and kittens risk lifethreatening anemia. Sensitized people suffer pruritus stimulated by antigens in flea saliva, and
resultant scratching opens the skin to infection.
Flea saliva has been described as one of the most
irritating substances known to man, and very
small amounts cause great irritation and itching.
Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is a severe condition found primarily in dogs, but also occasionally
seen in cats. In a flea-allergic animal, flea salivary
antigens stimulate intense itching that results in
self-inflicted trauma such as scratching and biting.
Affected animals display obsessive grooming behavior, hair loss, and weeping sores with secondary
infection. Until successful FAD immunotherapy is
developed, treatment involves flea elimination from
the animal’s environment and flea bite prevention.
But only one bite can stimulate a full cascade of
symptoms in sensitive animals.
Fleas and their associated diseases can constitute over half a veterinary practice’s caseload in
some regions. More energy and money are spent
battling these insects than any other problem in
veterinary medicine.
The cat flea is a cosmopolitan, eclectic species,
having been recorded from over three dozen species,
including opossums, raccoons, skunks, coyotes,
and even birds. Infested wildlife can move flea infestations from infested premises to previously noninfested areas. The combination of wide host range
and movement of fleas by urban wildlife explain the
fleas’ ability to repopulate domestic animals following suppression efforts. Because it lacks host specificity and tends to feed on humans, the cat flea is a
pest of both companion animals and their homes.
Once adult cat fleas locate a host, they tend to
remain on that animal unless dislodged. They feed
readily, taking several blood meals every day. They
not only feed, but mate and lay eggs while on the
host, unlike rat fleas that hide in rodent burrows
between blood meals. Flea eggs (Fig. 30) are not
sticky so they readily fall off into the host’s environment, with large numbers accumulating in
areas frequented by the animal. Scratching caused
by saliva in flea bites speeds the drop of eggs from
the host. Once the adult flea finds a host, it begins
to feed. The female mates and begins oviposition
within a couple of days. On the host, a female flea
averages about one egg per hour and, as a female
flea can live on the host for several weeks, potential production can amount to hundreds of eggs in
her lifetime. Only the adult stage is parasitic; all
other life stages develop off the host.
Cat flea eggs are approximately one mm in
length, with little surface structure. Typically eggs
hatch within 24–48 h following oviposition, with
more rapid hatching at warm temperatures.
Small, white, eyeless, legless larvae emerge from
the eggs with chewing mouthparts. They graze
through their habitat, feeding on organic debris and
adult flea feces (partially digested blood). As they
seldom travel far from where they hatch, cat flea
larvae are usually found in furniture, carpeting, or
outside in areas frequented by host animals. In
efforts to avoid light, flea larvae typically burrow
deep into carpet or, outdoors, into duff.
Flea larvae are highly subject to desiccation
and dry out rapidly. Humidity over 50% in the
larval environment is essential for development,
Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides felis felis Bouché (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides felis felis Bouché (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae), Figure 30 The cat flea life cycle:
(left) a flea egg is not sticky so readily falls from the host and hatches a few days later; (second from left)
flea larvae coil when disturbed; (third from left) within the cocoon the larva completes development
through the pupal stage to an adult flea; (right) adult fleas feed exclusively on blood.
and this susceptibility to heat and desiccation
makes it unlikely that flea larvae survive outdoors
in sun-exposed areas. Because hosts prefer shaded
areas, flea eggs are more likely to be deposited in
shade, and flea larvae develop where the ground is
shaded and moist. Likewise, indoors flea larvae
are protected under the carpet canopy where air
movement is minimized and humidity is highest.
Most flea larvae, therefore, tend to be located in
areas where pets spend most of their time.
Under favorable conditions, flea larvae can
complete development in as little as 10 days. Cool
temperatures, food shortages, or other unsuitable
environmental conditions may extend larval developmental time to several weeks or a month. In
areas like south to central Florida, flea larvae can
develop outdoors from egg to pupal stage, even
during the winter months of November to March,
due to the mild temperatures and high humidity.
When mature, the larva locates an appropriate site
for pupation and spins a silk cocoon to which
adheres environmental debris, making the cocoon
appear as a small dirt clod or lint ball.
Within its cocoon, the larva molts to the pupa
and continues metamorphosis, becoming an adult
flea within about 4 days under favorable conditions.
The pre-emerged adult stadium has the most variable length of any stage in the flea life cycle, ranging
from days to several months (or perhaps over a
year). The pre-emerged adult flea within the cocoon
is more resistant to desiccation than either eggs or
larvae. Stimuli such as pressure, carbon dioxide, and
warmth (triggers associated with mammalian hosts)
cause adult fleas to emerge from their cocoons. This
emergence from the cocoon causes many problems
in homes and apartments where infested pets previously lived. When the hosts are removed from a residence, the eggs and larvae all develop to the
pre-emerged adult stage, waiting for a host. As soon
as a new resident occupies the house, thousands of
fleas emerge at once, stimulated by the movement,
warmth, and carbon dioxide. Emergence of these
adults from their protective cocoons may persist for
3–6 weeks despite all efforts to control them.
Most fleas emerge within a couple of weeks
following cocoon formation. Upon emergence, the
flea can survive for approximately 7–10 days (or
longer under high humidity and low temperature
conditions) if it does not locate a host.
Because fleas must have blood from a mammal host to survive, treating host animals to use
them as “bait” is the most efficient and successful
suppression tactic. There are several on-animal
products that are effective for flea control. Many
contain pyrethrins, which are safe, effective
products but kill only fleas on the animal at time
Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides felis felis Bouché (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides felis felis Bouché (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae), Figure 31 Fleas are ornamented
with spines and combs that help anchor them in the host’s coat.
of treatment and do not provide residual control.
Other over-the-counter compounds include
spot-on permethrin products, which are limited to
canine use as they can be lethal to cats.
Veterinarians can prescribe products that
provide several weeks of control with a single
application. These are applied in a small volume
(a few milliliters) on the back of the animal’s neck
and distribute over the body surface in skin oils. In
addition to spot-on formulations, some products
are available as sprays. These adulticides kill fleas
on the animal within a few hours, then provide
residual flea suppression for several weeks.
After pets are treated, fleas will continue to
emerge and hop onto the animal; the host will
“harvest” fleas from the surrounding environment
until they have been killed and no more are emerging. Because it will take a while for fleas in the
environment to die off, some fleas may be seen on
the animals for up to a month following treatment,
but that does not indicate product ineffectiveness.
When used prior to flea population build up, insect
growth regulators can break the flea life cycle.
While these compounds do not kill adult fleas, they
do prevent eggs and larvae from completing development, ensuring that any fleas brought into the
area will not establish a sustaining population.
Due to their wide host range, fleas can continually move into homes and reinfest. Homes
without pets can develop severe cat flea problems
if wild or feral animals (raccoons, opossums,
skunks, etc.) nest in the crawl space or attic and
share their fleas. Typically migrants den under the
structure in the spring; as their young abandon the
nest, fleas left behind climb up through subflooring, seeking a blood meal from any warm-blooded
host. Excluding potential carriers from the property will reduce opportunities for reinfestation.
Sanitation is an important flea suppression tactic; by eliminating larval development sites and
destroying immature stages before they develop to
the pestiferous adult stage (Fig. 31), pets and people
can be protected from fleas. Areas frequented by pets
accumulate flea eggs and larval food, so these microhabitats should be vacuumed and treated with insect
growth regulators or borate products to prevent
flea infestations. Such areas include under furniture,
animal bedding and sleeping quarters, and utility
rooms or other locations where the pet spends time.
Cattle Grub, Hypoderma spp.
(Diptera: Oestridae)
Livestock-infesting flies that migrate through the
host’s body.
Veterinary Pests and their Management
Cattle Ticks
Several ticks can be important parasites of cattle.
Area-Wide Pest Management
The pointed tip of the abdomen, the modified
ninth abdominal tergum, in aphids. It is sometimes called the “tail.”
Abdomen of Hexapods
Pertaining to the anal end of the body.
Caudal Filaments
Thread-like processes at the tip of the abdomen
(Fig. 32), often referred to as “tails” by nonentomologists.
Abdomen of Hexapods
Durden LA, Traub R (2002) Fleas (Siphonaptera). In: Mullen
GR, Durden LA (eds) Medical and veterinary entomology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA
Dryden MW, Broce AB, Cawthra J, Gnad D (1995) Urban
wildlife as reservoirs of cat fleas, Ctenocephalides felis.
In: American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists,
40th Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA, p 65
Holland GP (1964) Evolution, classification, and host relationships of Siphonaptera. Ann Rev Entomol 9:123–146
Rust MK, Dryden MW (1997) The biology, ecology, and management of the cat flea. Ann Rev Entomol 42:451–473
Caudal Lamellae
The caudal gills of damselflies.
Having a tail-like process at the anal end of the
Caudell, Andrew Nelson
Maxillary palpus
Compound eye
Median ocellus
Labial palpus
Abdominal appendage II
Eversible sac
Lateral caudal filament (cercus)
Median caudal filament
Caudal Filaments, Figure 32 Dorsal (left) and ventral (right) view of a silverfish (Collembola).
Caudell, Andrew Nelson
Andrew Caudell was born in Indianapolis on August
18, 1872, and moved with his parents to a farm in
Oklahoma where he grew up. He became interested
in insects and later studied at Oklahoma Agricultural
College. After a brief employment in Massachusetts
with the Gypsy Moth Project, in 1898 he joined the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, studied Orthoptera,
and became custodian of Orthoptera at the U.S.
National Museum. Study of this group of insects,
but including Zoraptera, became his life’s work, and
he published numerous papers on it. His other accomplishments included being president of the Entomological Society of Washington in 1915, and publishing
with Nathan Banks “The Entomological Code. A code
of nomenclature for use in entomology”. Married,
and with one daughter, he died on March 1, 1936.
Mallis A (1971)Andrew Nelson Caudell. In: American entomologists. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ,
pp 198–200
Cave Adapted Insects
Cave Adapted Insects
steven J. tayLor
Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, IL,
Insects inhabit nearly every conceivable habitat on
earth and often exhibit unique adaptations corresponding to these environments. Caves are certainly among the more unusual and fascinating of
these habitats. Insects and other organisms living
in caves have evolved to deal with a set of unique
environmental conditions, and the species of cave
inhabiting insects vary in the degree to which they
are limited to life in caves. Species that must spend
their entire lives within caves are called troglobites.
Environmental conditions typical of habitat deep
within caves include:
Complete absence of light
Stable and usually very high (>95%) humidity
Relatively low levels of available nutrients
Nearly constant temperature
Troglobites are among the most interesting of
the cave-adapted species. Because they live in the
absence of light, many troglobitic insects have
non-functional eyes. Most commonly, this is evidenced by the reduction or even complete loss of
the compound eyes. Instead, troglobitic insects
may have greatly elongated antennae and legs
(Fig. 33) relative to their nearest epigean (aboveground) relatives. Equipped with elongate setae,
these appendages allow the insects to detect nearby
potential prey or predators in the absence of light.
Troglobitic insects also may be particularly attuned
to detecting vibrations and chemosensory cues.
There is little selective pressure for elaborate
coloration (camouflage, warning coloration) in the
absence of light, and, as a result, many troglobitic
insects are whitish or pale brown in coloration. The
high humidity of the caves, often in excess of 98%,
means that moisture retention is less of a problem
than in many epigean habitats. Consequently,
many cave insects have a thinner, less waxy cuticle
Cave Adapted Insects, Figure 33 Haedonoecus
subterraneus (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae),
adult female. Note extremely long legs, palps,
and antennae – adaptations that are
advantageous in a cave. (Source: Packard AS
(1888) Cave fauna of North America. Memoirs Natl
Acad Sci 4:1–156 + 27 plates.)
than their nearest surface relatives, further enhancing the often pale appearance we associate with
cave-adapted animals.
Perhaps the most important aspect of cave
life relating to the absence of light is its effect on
the availability of energy. In the dark zone of caves
there are no primary producers – no photosynthesizing plants. Interesting exceptions to this do
occur, but by and large, cave communities depend
on organic debris that falls or washes into caves,
the bodies of organisms that accidentally fall or
wander into caves, and fecal material and sometimes the bodies, eggs, or young of trogloxenes
(species that live in caves but must leave the cave
for part of their life cycle) that bring in energy
from outside the caves, such as bats and cave
crickets. The cave community, then, is basically a
decomposer community. In many caves, insects
play important roles in this community.
The relatively low levels of energy available
in many caves means that life is sparse, and, consequently, predators are rare. In comparison to
their surface kin, troglobitic insects often move
more slowly, live longer, and produce fewer and
larger eggs, all adaptations to deal with the lower
energy levels of the cave environment. For example, the European catopid cave beetle, Speonomus
longicornis, may live more than 3 years.
Cave Adapted Insects
The near constant conditions in the cave
usually mean that troglobites do not have very
pronounced circadian rhythms of activity. This
does not, however, mean that there are no environmental cues to indicate the passing of days or
seasons. Many caves “breathe,” taking in air or
releasing it as the barometric pressure changes
or as the temperature above ground rises and falls.
The movements of trogloxenes, such as cave crickets
and bats, also may be informative to the cavelimited species. Seasonal flooding of cave streams
also can provide information about seasons (as
well as provide an influx of new nutrients).
What specific organisms, then, live under the
above environmental conditions and exhibit these
sorts of adaptations?
The hexapod order Collembola (Springtails)
contains many troglobites; a few of the genera with
cave-inhabiting species include Pseudosinella,
Onychiurus, and Folsomia. These tiny organisms
feed on minute organic debris and the ubiquitous
fungi that break down leaf litter, twigs, and fecal
material. Springtails sometimes are found on
the surface film of drip pools on cave floors (e.g.,
some Arrhopalites species). Troglobitic springtails
are sometimes present in large numbers, visible
to us as tiny white flecks moving about on the
Trogloxenic cave or camel crickets of the
genus Ceuthophilus are one of the more prominent
insect inhabitants of many Nearctic caves. These
orthopterans roost in caves, usually high on walls
or on ceilings where they are less susceptible to
predation by cave visitors such as mice and raccoons. At night, some portion of the cave’s population of Ceuthophilus sp. will emerge from the cave
(often about dusk) to forage for food above ground.
Most cave-inhabiting Ceuthophilus species exhibit
adaptations that suit them both for their nighttime excursions (mottled brown and black coloration, large powerful legs for jumping out of harm’s
way) and for life in the cave (most notably, their
long, attenuated appendages, especially the antennae). Other genera of Rhaphidophoridae occur in
caves in the United States (e.g., Haedonoecus), in
Europe (e.g., Troglophilus), in Australia and New
Zealand (where cave-dwelling species of Gymnoplectron and other genera are known as “cave
wetas”) and elsewhere.
The feces of the roosting crickets provide food
for other cave organisms, and the adult female
crickets typically deposit their eggs in the protection of the cave, inserting their ovipositor into the
soft sandy cave soils. These eggs, of course, are a
dense source of nutrients, and in some areas there
are troblobitic beetles of the family Carabidae. In
the United States, common beetle genera that are
cave cricket (Ceuthophilus, and the more caveadapted but less widespread Haedonoecus) egg
predators include ground beetles of the genera
Rhadine and Neaphaenops (Fig. 34). Troglobitic
carabid beetles are often a pale rusty red in color,
and the more cave-adapted species have no eyes,
or compound eyes reduced to only a few facets.
Some cave-adapted carabid predators of cricket
eggs have a narrowed and elongated head and
Cave Adapted Insects, Figure 34 Neaphaenops
tellkampfi, a cave cricket egg predator found in
some Kentucky, USA, caves. (Source: Packard AS
(1888) Cave fauna of North America. Memoirs Natl
Acad Sci 4:1–156 + 27 plates.)
Cave Adapted Insects
thorax, which presumably facilitate reaching deep
into holes where cricket eggs may be found.
The Coleoptera are one of the most successful
insect orders in caves, especially the families Carabide, Leiodidae, and Staphylinidae. The first cave
invertebrate to be described (in 1832) was a carabid
beetle, Leptodirus hohenwarti (Fig. 35), in Europe.
Many of the troglobitic carabids (ground beetles)
are predators. The North American carabid genera
Rhadine and Neaphaenops contain troglobitic
species that may spend many hours searching for
the eggs, which they extract from the ground and
consume. Psudanophthalmus is another carabid
beetle genus frequently found in caves of the eastern
United States, where they feed on a variety of different things. Southern European caves harbor an
unusually diverse cave carabid fauna.
Another group of beetles with some success
in the cave environment is the rove beetles
(Staphylinidae). While significantly fewer species
of staphylinids are troglobites, they commonly are
Cave Adapted Insects, Figure 35 Leptodirus
hohenwarti Schmidt, 1832. (Source: Jeannel (1949)
Reprinted in Vandel, A (1965) Biospeloeology: the
biology of caverniculous animals. Pergamon Press,
New York, NY, 524 pp)
found in caves, especially in the Mediterranean
region. In the United States, the staphylinid
Quedius spelaeus frequently is encountered, especially in association with cave stream riparian
zones and leaf litter. One rather distinctive looking
group of rove beetles, the Pselaphinae (mold beetles),
contains a number of very small, narrowly endemic
troglobitic species of Batrisodes, found in caves of
south-central Texas. Round fungus beetles (Leiodidae) of the genus Ptomophagus include several
troglobitic species in North America.
A surprising number of flies are found in
caves. Most famously, the larvae of the New Zealand
cave glow-worm (Arachnocampa luminosa, Mycetophilidae) are found on the ceilings of sometimes
spacious caverns. They are bioluminescent, and
dangle sticky threads down from the ceiling which
capture prey items attracted to the light. In the
United States, the predatory larva of the mycetophilid Macrocera nobilis, commonly known as the
“monorail worm,” also makes sticky, web-like
structures on walls and floors of caves and moves
effectively both forward and backward along these
narrow strands. In temperate North American
caves, adults of several species of troglophilic
heleomyzid flies commonly are found on cave
walls and ceilings. Another common cave fly in
the eastern United States is Megaselia cavernicola
(Phoridae). In the winter, it is not unusual to
encounter large numbers of mosquitoes (Culicidae) overwintering in the relatively stable and
moderate conditions of a cave.
This brief look at cave insects certainly does
not represent the true diversity of taxa and interesting adaptations that exist. While some of the
more common inhabitants of temperate North
American caves are emphasized here, the fauna of
tropical caves has been short-changed, as have the
incredible faunas of the lava tubes of the Canary
and Hawaiian islands, where pale, stilt-legged
emisine reduviids stalk their prey and cixid
hemipterans feed on tree roots and produce vibratory signals intended for potential mates. Nor
have the other arthropods found in caves been
discussed. These include an amazing array of
Cave Habitat Colonization
arachnids (spiders, mites, opilionids, ricinuliids,
etc.) and, especially in aquatic habitats, crustaceans (copepods, crabs, crayfish, isopods, amphipods, etc.). The citations below serve as an
introduction to the large body of literature on
cave invertebrates.
Cave Habitat Colonization
Camacho AI (ed) (1992) The natural history of biospeleology.
Monografias Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales,
Madrid, Spain, 680 pp
Chapman P (1993) Caves and cave life. HarperCollins,
London, UK, 224 pp
Culver DC (1982) Cave life evolution and ecology. Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, MA, 189 pp
Mohr CE, Poulson TL (1966) The life of the cave. McGrawHill, New York, NY, 232 pp
Vandel A (1965) Biospeloeology: the biology of caverniculous
animals. Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 524 pp
Cave Habitat Colonization
david sLaney, phiLip weinstein
Wellington School of Medicine and Health
Sciences, Wellington, New Zealand
Over the centuries people have keenly studied the
animals found in the sea, in rivers, and on the
land, but little attention has focused on animals
that inhabit caves. The ancient Greeks believed
that caves were the abode of the dead, and this
may have led to the belief that caves could not
possibly harbor life. However, large numbers of
cave dwelling animals representing a wide diversity of groups, such as insects, millipedes, amphipods, isopods, fish, and spiders, have been
described over the last 200 years. The first published work on biospeleology appeared in 1845,
by the Danish zoologist, J.C. Schiödte, describing
animals he collected from caves in Italy. Thereafter, biospeleological research began in earnest,
focusing on European and North American temperate caves. One of the key questions that
researchers have debated over the last 150 years is
how animals came to live in caves, and how they
have subsequently evolved. These two processes,
cave colonization and speciation, are frequently
confused in the literature. Here we describe models of cave colonization, and refer the reader to
Taylor (this volume) and references below for further details on speciation.
One of the first modern hypotheses for the
origin of cave organisms was that of Vandel (1965),
who put forward the “Pleistocene-effect” model
for the evolution of terrestrial troglobites (obligate
cave dwellers) in temperate regions. This model
has also been termed the “relictual,” “isolation,”
“refugium” or “climate-relict” model. Vandel proposed that troglobites evolved allopatrically from
epigean (surface dwelling) species, which had
adapted to the cool climatic conditions of the
Pleistocene ice ages (1.5 million–10,000 years ago).
When the glaciers retreated, these organisms were
subsequently restricted to more favorable climatic
habitats, such as deep wooded ravines, cool and
moist forest floors and caves. Over time, with continued climatic variability and subsequent surface
habitat changes, the epigean populations became
extinct. Under this model the resulting geographic
isolation of cave populations leads to the allopatric speciation of cave dwelling organisms. Vandel’s
model has been the traditional view for the origin
of cave populations, especially in temperate regions
such as Europe and North America where major
climatic changes during the Pleistocene have
But what about tropical caves? Biological
investigation of the worlds’ tropical caves did not
receive much attention until the 1970s. Before this,
scientists working in the Pleistocene-effect paradigm believed that troglobites were virtually nonexistent in tropical caves. The paucity of troglobites
in these regions was explained by the lack of past
climatic extremes required to restrict epigean populations to cave habitats. However, since the 70s
both the discovery of large numbers of terrestrial
troglobites in tropical regions such as Australia,
the Canary and Galápagos Islands, Hawaii, and
Cave Habitat Colonization
Jamaica, combined with the mounting evidence
that significant past climatic fluctuations occurred
in much of the world during the Pleistocene, has
made biologists reconsider the evolutionary origins of troglobites in the tropics. For example, it is
postulated that cavernicolous species of cockroaches in North Queensland have arisen as a
result of isolation in moist refugia during periods
of increasing aridity in Australia in the late
In 1973 Howarth proposed the “adaptive-shift”
model to account for the origin of tropical troglobites in lava tubes of the Hawaiian Islands where
epigean congeners of the cave dwelling species
have been found. This model has also been termed
the “local habitat shift” or “invasion” model. Howarth proposed that pre-adapted species move
into newly developed cave habitats to exploit the
resources not otherwise available on the surface,
with troglobites evolving parapatrically or sympatrically through an adaptive-shift rather than by
isolation induced by climatic change. Under this
model caves do not act as refugia from episodic
climatic changes, instead their colonization is a
continuing process. Speciation follows as a result
of isolation of organisms brought about by an
adaptive-shift, and does not relate directly to climate
change. As with Vandel’s model, Howarth’s model
incorporates both processes of colonization and
of speciation.
A related model to the adaptive-shift model
is the “active colonization” model put forward by
members of the Laboratoire Souterrain du CNRS
in France, which applies to temperate as well as
tropical caves. In addition to cave habitats, the
researchers have studied the colonization of
interstitial voids found in soil and screes (termed
the “milieu souterrain superficiel” or superficial
hypogean compartment). They suggest that climatic events may not be the primary factors of
cave colonization, but that colonization is an
active phenomenon in new biotypes. Climatic
changes are considered as a localized model, with
organisms colonizing caves as a result of a number of biological interactions. This model is a
variant of Howarth’s adaptive-shift theory, but
includes the possibility of subsequent events,
including climatic changes, leading to speciation.
The biological interactions that lead to colonization may include invasion as an immediate
refuge from surface abiotic stresses, opportunism (caves as new niches to be colonized) or a
result of competition or predation pressure in
surface habitats.
Hypotheses for the evolution of subterranean organisms are still debated today, with a
regular re-elaboration of the fundamental scenarios described above. To date research evidence
has failed to falsify any alternative models, and
no generalized single theory has been put forward. The origin of a particular cave dwelling
organism should perhaps best be interpreted
based on the evidence that explains the origin
of that organism, and may invoke a combination
of biological and or abiotic factors leading to colonization (and speciation) in those individual
Cave Adapted Insects
Barr TC Jr (1968) Cave ecology and the evolution of troglobites. Evol Biol 2:35–102
Culver DC (1982) Cave life: evolution and ecology. Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, MA
Howarth FG (1973) The cavernicolous fauna of Hawaiian
lava tubes. Pacific J Insects 15:139–151
Howarth FG (1987) The evolution of non-relictual tropical
troglobites. Int J Speleology 16:1–16
Rouch R, Danielopol DL (1987) L’ origine de la faune aquatique souterraine, entre le paradigme du refuge et le
modéle de la colonisation active. Stygologia 3:345–372
Slaney DP (2001) New species of Australian cockroaches in
the genus Paratemnopteryx Saussure (Blattaria, Blattellidae, Blattellinae), and a discussion of some behavioural
observations with respect to the evolution and ecology
of cave life. J Nat Hist 35:1001–1012
Vandel A (1965) Biospeleology: the biology of cavernicolous
animals (translated by Freeman BE). Pergamon Press,
Oxford, UK, 524 pp
Weinstein P (1994) Behavioural ecology of tropical cave
cockroaches: preliminary field studies with evolutionary implications. J Aust Entomol Soc 33:367–370
Cayenne Tick, Amblyomma cajennense Fabricius (Ixodida: Ixodidae)
Cayenne Tick, Amblyomma
cajennense Fabricius (Ixodida:
This disease vector is found throughout the
The double-stranded DNA copy of a eukaryotic
messenger RNA molecule, produced in vitro by
enzymatic synthesis and used for production of
cDNA libraries or probes for isolating genes in
genomic libraries.
cDNA Library
A collection of clones containing dsDNA that is
complementary to the mRNA. Such clones lack
introns and regulatory regions of eukaryotic genes.
Once cDNA molecules are transcribed, they are
inserted into a vector and amplified in E. coli.
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as gall midges.
Gall Midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera). They also
are known as gall moths.
Gall Moths
Butterflies and Moths
Cedar Beetles
Members of the family Callirhipidae (order
The fundamental unit of life. Each multicelled
organism is composed of cells. Cells may be organized into organs that are relatively autonomous
but cooperate in the functioning of the organism.
This term also is used to describe any area of a
wing that is between or bounded by veins. Wing
cells are named after the vein forming the upper
margin, and are numbered from the base
Cell Culture
The growing of cells in vitro, or in an artificial container rather than in an organism.
Cell Culture of Insects
Jun mitsuhashi
Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan
Insect tissue culture was initiated by R. Goldschmidt in 1915. He cultured spermatocytes of
Hyalophora cecropia (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
in hemolymph of the same species. He could
maintain the spermatocytes for more than 3
weeks, and observed spermatogenesis in vitro. His
culture may be taken as organ culture, because he
did not aim to proliferate cultured cells. Later,
W. Trager (1935) established standard methods for
insect cell culture. He devised media proper
for insect cell culture, and with it he successively
cultured Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) ovarian cells for several weeks. In 1956, Wyatt
formulated a synthetic medium based on the
chemical composition of insect hemolymph. The
composition of her medium is still used at present
as the base of formulation of new media. In 1962,
the first insect continuous cell line (a cell population which continues to proliferate unlimitedly)
was established by Grace. He obtained permanently growing cells from the culture of the
Cell Culture of Insects
ovarian cells of Antheraea eucalypti (Lepidoptera:
Saturniidae). Since then, more than 400 insect cell
lines have been established. They include 172 dipteran cell lines (115 from Drosophila melanogaster
and 47 from 22 mosquito species), 147 lepidopteran cell lines, 16 coleopteran cell lines, 15
hemipteran cell lines, 13 hymenopteran cell lines,
11 blattarian cell lines, and 1 orthopteran cell line.
The history of insect tissue culture development
before 1962 was reviewed by Day and Grace
Standard methods to initiate primary culture of insect tissues are as follows: The insects
used should be aseptic or surface-sterilized. Tissues or organs to be cultured are excised under
sterile conditions. The excised tissues or organs
are washed in saline, and cut into small pieces.
The resulting tissue fragments are washed again,
and transferred into culture flasks with culture
medium (explant culture). In some cases, especially D. melanogaster cell culture, excised tissues
are often dissociated further into single cells by
means of partial digestion with an enzyme, and
are seeded as separated single cells. Generally,
explant culture is common in insect cell culture,
and gives better results. At present, techniques
for insect cell culture are far from one which
enables scientists to make cell culture from any
tissue of any species, and improvement of the
techniques continues.
In explant culture, cell migration from
explants begins soon after the culture is established. These migrated cells generally consist of
epithelial-like, fibroblast-like and hemocyte-like
cells. The epithelial-like cells and fibroblast-like
cells often form cell sheets and cellular networks,
respectively, while the hemocyte-like cells do not
form any structure. The migrated cells may proliferate by mitoses, and subculture may become
possible, if the culture conditions are appropriate.
However, usually it takes several months or even
years for the cells to proliferate enough to be subcultured. By repeating subcultures, a cell line may
become a permanently growing cell population,
which is called a continuous cell line.
Physical Conditions
Culture conditions may be divided into physical
conditions and chemical conditions. As the former,
temperature, pH, osmotic pressure and illumination
will be considered. The insect cells are usually cultured. Between 20 and 30°C, the growth rate increases
with the rise of temperature. Most of insect cells,
however, deteriorate above 30°C. Usually insect
cells are not affected by the change in the pH of the
culture media between 6.0 and 7.5, and are rather
resistant to the change of osmotic pressure. Most
insect cell culture media have osmotic pressure
between 300 and 400 mOsmol/kg. However, cells
may survive even in the medium diluted to half
strength. Illumination does not affect on cell survival
or growth, although UV or sunlight is harmful to the
cells. Photoperiodism has no effect on insect cells
either, i.e., long night photoperiod does not induce
arrest of cell growth.
Chemical Conditions
For chemical conditions, composition of culture
media and gaseous phase will be considered. Cells
require inorganic salts for maintaining ion balance, sugars as energy source, amino acids for
protein synthesis, vitamins and some growth
factors for survival and proliferation. Usually
approximately six inorganic salts are used. Na+, K+,
Ca++, Mg++, PO4–, and Cl– will be required. As energy
sources, glucose satisfies the requirement. Usually
20 amino acids, which are constituents of proteins,
are incorporated into a medium, although the
essential amino acids are arginine, cystine, glutamine, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine,
lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine,
threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine. As
vitamins, water-soluble B group vitamins are commonly used. They are, in most media, thiamine,
riboflavin, calcium pantothenate, niacin, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid, p-aminobenzoic acid,
isoinositol and choline chloride. However, some of
them are not essential. For example, the flesh fly
Cell Culture of Insects
(Diptera: Sarcophagidae) embryonic cell line,
NIH-SaPe-4, requires only thiamine, riboflavin,
calcium pantothenate and either of niacin or
niacinamide. The vitamin requirement by insect
cells in culture may depend on cell line species.
Most insect cells do not require added lipid-soluble
vitamins, such as vitamin A, D, E, and K.
Instead of using individual chemicals, natural
substances, which contain necessary substances
for cell growth, may be used. Seawater may be used
instead of mixtures of inorganic salts. Some protein hydrolysates, such as lactalbumin hydrolysate,
casein hydrolysate, egg albumin digest and so on,
are used in lieu of mixture of 20 or 21 individual
amino acids. Water-soluble yeast extract products
contain usually sorts and amounts of vitamins for
insect cell growth, and are used instead of the mixture of individual vitamins. The media containing
natural substances are called “natural media”
whereas those contain only known chemicals are
called as “synthetic media”.
However, both types of media need to be fortified by addition of sera or some other growth-promoting substances. As sera, heat-treated insect
hemolymph or fetal bovine serum (FBS) is used.
Among commercially available vertebrate sera, only
FBS is markedly growth-promotive. Other sera,
such as calf serum bovine serum, horse serum,
turkey serum and sheep serum are either ineffective
or even detrimental. Other than sera, growth factors or some other growth-promoting substances
are used as an additive. As growth factors, only one
insect growth factor has been isolated from the flesh
fly cell line, so far, NIH-SaPe-4. This growth factor is
a polypeptide and acts in autocrine manner, and
seems to be species specific, or to have narrow spectrum. Vertebrate growth factors are ineffective on
insect cells, except insulin, which is reported to be
growth stimulative for D. melanogaster cells.
For the gas composition in gaseous phase as
well as in media, oxygen is required in large-scale
culture of cells. In small-scale culture, insect cells
do not consume much oxygen, and the cells can be
cultured in tightly capped flasks. For large-scale
culture (several liters to several 100 L), however,
oxygen supply is necessary, and it is performed by
oxygen sparger directly into the media. The control
of CO2 concentration in gaseous phase is not necessary for insect cells, because insect cells are insensitive to the change in the pH of the culture media.
Characteristics of Cells
The structure of the cultured cells varies even in a
cell line. The shape and the size of the cells are not
uniform. Also, karyotype of the cells varies. Tetraploid cell lines are common among lepidopteran
cell lines. The karyotype may change by repeating
subculture. Some insect cell lines are substratedependent, and form cell sheets. Others are substrate-independent and can grow in suspension.
Growth rate is different in different cell lines. The
population doubling time distributes from 20 h to
several days. Insect cell lines cannot be distinguished morphologically from each other. However,
they can be distinguished each other by analyses of
karyotype, isozyme pattern, PCR, DNA finger printing, and the combination of these techniques.
Insect cell culture is a good tool for basic studies in various fields. Established cell lines are more
or less different from cells in intact insects. The cell
lines, however, retain many characteristics that
they had when they were in insect bodies. Therefore, cell lines can be used as excellent experimental
materials, if one keeps the difference of cells in
vivo and in vitro in mind. Insect cell lines have
been used in various fields, such as cell physiology,
cytogenetics, biochemistry, endocrinology, toxicology, gene technology and pathology. Among
them insect cell cultures have been used frequently
in the studies of insect pathology, especially virus
diseases, for a long time.
Practical Applications
For practical use, insect cell culture is being used in
combination with insect viruses for production of
foreign protein, and viral insecticides. In the former
Centipedes (Class Chilopoda)
case, baculovirus vector systems are now widely
used to produce proteins not originating from
insects. For example, gene encoding human
interferon-β is inserted into the polyhedrin gene
sequence of NPV, which is previously inserted into
an Escherichia coli plasmid. The resulting plasmid is
transfected with wild virus genome to the NPV-sensitive insect cell line. In this way, recombinant NPV,
which contains the human interferon-β gene in the
sequence of polyhedrin gene, is obtained. The human
interferon-β can be produced by inoculating the
recombinant virus to the NPV-sensitive cell culture.
For the production of viral insecticides, the
process of cell culture, preparation of inoculum,
inoculation, maintenance of infected cells, and
harvest of replicated viruses have been almost
established. However, when one tries to increase
the scale of culture, various problems arise, and
the production of viruses by means of large scale
culture of insect cells and viruses has not yet
been industrialized. The problems to be solved
include oxygen supply, avoidance of shear force,
and cost of culture media. The insect cell lines
may be used for toxicity tests. In the screening
tests for insecticides, cultured cells are good
materials for screening chemicals, which act on
metabolic pathways. Drugs for human such as
anti-cancer drugs may be tested at the screening
level by the use of insect cells. Insect cells can be
cultured without a CO2 incubator, and are tolerant to the change in pH, osmotic pressure and
temperature. These are advantages of using insect
cell culture over mammalian cell culture.
A family of flies (order Diptera).
This is a very thin lipid or shellac-like layer of
integument outside the wax layer. It serves to protect the wax layer from disruption.
Integument: Structure and Function
Cenchrus (pl., Cenchri)
A roughened section of the metanotum in sawflies; it serves to hold the wings in place when they
are folded over the body.
Complete enumeration of every individual within
a defined sample universe. (contrast with sample).
Sampling Arthropods
Centipedes (Class Chilopoda)
The centipedes are not numerous, numbering
about 3,000 species around the world. However,
they are widely distributed in both temperate and
tropical regions, where they are found in soil,
under litter, and beneath stones and bark.
Day MF, Grace TDC (1959) Culture of insect tissues. Ann Rev
Entomol 4:17–38
Goldschmidt R (1915) Some experiments on spermatogenesis in vitro. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1:220–222
Grace TDC (1962) Establishment of four strains of cells from
insect tissues grown in vitro. Nature 195:788–789
Trager W (1935) Cultivation of the virus of grasserie in silkworm tissue cultures. J Exp Med 61:501–513
Wyatt SS (1956) Culture in vitro of tissue from the silkworm,
Bombyx mori. LJ Gen Physiol 39:841–852
Centipedes usually are 1–10 cm in length, but
may be larger in the tropics, where they can attain
a length of up to 26 cm. They possess but one pair
of legs per segment, a feature that allows them to
be easily distinguished from the superficially similar millipedes (Diplopoda). Like many other
Centipedes (Class Chilopoda)
arthropods (millipedes, pauropods, symphylans),
but unlike insects, the centipedes bear a head and
a long trunk with many leg-bearing segments. The
head bears a pair of antennae, and sometimes
ocelli, but not compound eyes. The mouthparts are
ventral, and positioned to move forward. Gas
exchange is through a tracheal system in which
the spiracles cannot be closed. Excretion takes
place through malpighian tubules, and unlike
insects and arachnids, centipedes excrete ammonia.. The heart is a dorsal tube with paired ostia at
each segment. The ventral nerve cord has a ganglion for each body segment. Sperm transfer is
indirect, using a spermatophore. Structures called
Tömösváry organs are found at the base of the
antennae in some centipedes. Apparently it is used
to detect vibrations. The orders Geophilomorpha
and Scolopendromorpha exhibit epimorphic
development; the young have the full complement
of segments when they hatch. Development of the
other orders is anamorphic; the young have only a
portion of their eventual complement of segments
upon hatching, and add them as they grow.
Covering the mouthparts of centipedes is a
pair of structures called maxillipeds or poison
claws. They are derived from the first pair of
trunk appendages, but are involved in feeding.
Each claw consists of four segments and is curved
inward toward the midventral line. A poison
gland is found within the base of the claw. Centipedes are well known for their poison claws, but
they have other defenses as well. In some, the
posterior-most legs may be used for pinching,
and repugnatorial glands on the last four legs are
common. As with millipedes, defensive secretions may include hydrocyanic acid. Except for
the geophilomorphs, centipedes are adapted for
running. Interestingly, the legs of some longlegged centipedes are progressively longer toward
the posterior of the body, which helps to prevent
interference with leg movement. The soil dwelling geophilomorphs do not use their legs for
running, and these animals move through the
soil using extension and contraction of the body
trunk, much the same as earthworms.
As is the case with many taxa of arthropods, the
classification of centipedes is subject to debate.
Following is a recent classification system:
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Atelocerata
Class: Chilopoda
Subclass: Epimorpha
Order: Geophilomorpha
Family: Himantariidae
Family: Schendylidae
Family: Oryidae
Family: Mecistocephalidae
Family: Geophilidae
Family: Chilenophilidae
Family: Eriphantidae
Family: Dignathodontidae
Family: Aphilodontidae
Family: Gonibregmatidae
Family: Neogeophilidae
Order: Scolopendromorpha
Family: Scolopendridae
Family: Cryptopidae
Subclass: Anamorpha
Order: Lithobiomorpha
Family: Lithobiidae
Family: Ethopolidae
Family: Watobiidae
Family: Gosibiidae
Family: Pseudolithobiidae
Family: Pterygotergidae
Family: Henicopidae
Order: Craterostigmomorha
Order: Scutigeromorpha
Family: Scutigeridae
The Epimorpha are longer centipedes, usually
consisting of at least 21 leg-bearing segments.
Young epimorphs, upon hatching, bear a full
complement of long or short legs. Tömösváry
organs are absent. In contrast, the Anamorpha are
shorter, usually with 15 leg-bearing segments.
Young anamorphs, when the hatch, bear 4–7 pairs
of long or very long legs. Tömösváry organs are
present. The order Geophilomorpha consists of
Central Nervous System (CNS)
about 1,000 species, order Scolopendromorpha of
a bout 550 species, Lithobiomorpha of about 1,100
species, order Craterostigmomorpha only two
species, and Scutigeromorpha about 130 species.
The geophilomorphs are long worm-like animals,
highly specialized, dwelling in soil, and not primitive, whereas the scutigeromorphs are long-legged
forms, commonly found around human habitations, and clearly are primitive. The Scolopendromorpha and Lithobiomorpha both consist of
heavy-bodied animals that live beneath stone,
bark and logs.
Life histories of centipedes are poorly known, but
5–6 instars occur in many species. Longevity is
often 3–6 years, and it commonly takes more than
a year to attain maturity. It is difficult to separate
instars, but head capsule width is most reliable.
The centipedes are predaceous. Most feed on
arthropods, snails, earthworms and nematodes, but
even toads and snakes are consumed by some. The
antennae and legs are used to detect prey. The poison claws are used to stun or kill the prey. Though
painful, the bite of centipedes is normally not lethal
to humans, resembling the pain associated with a
wasp sting.
Centipedes require a humid environment.
Their integument is not waxy, and their spiracles
do not close. Hence, they are found belowground,
in sheltered environments, or active above-ground
principally at night. Some centipedes have adapted
to a marine existence, living among algae stones
and shells in the intertidal zone. Apparently
they can retain sufficient air during high tides,
or capture a sufficiently bubble of air to allow
Some centipedes (scolopendromorphs and
geophilomorphs) produce a cavity in soil or
decayed wood in which to brood their egg clutch,
which often numbers 15–35 eggs. The female
guards the eggs until the young hatch. Inte remaining taxa, the eggs are deposited singly in the soil.
Lewis JGE (1981) The biology of centipedes. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK, 476 pp
Central Body
A region in the center of the protocerebrum that
serves as an integration point for different types
of information, and for activation of body movements associated with the thoracic region. The
central body is located between the bases of
the stalks of the mushroom bodies. It receives
input from both sides of the brain, and from the
optic lobes.
Central Body
Central Dogma
The Central Dogma was proposed by F. Crick in
1958. It states that the genetic information is contained in DNA, which is transcribed into RNA,
which is translated into polypeptides. The transfer
of information was proposed to be unidirectional
from DNA to polypeptides: polypeptides are
unable to direct synthesis of RNA, and RNA is
unable to direct synthesis of DNA. The Central
Dogma was modified in 1970 when RNA viruses
were found to transfer information from RNA
to DNA.
Central Nervous System (CNS)
In insects, the central nervous system consists of
the brain, ventral ganglia, and the ventral nerve
cord. The ventral ganglia and connecting nerve
cord usually lie close to the cuticle on the ventral
side of the body. The brain occurs on top of the
esophagus, and is sometimes called the supraesophageal ganglion.
Nervous System
A region of a chromosome to which spindle
fibers attach during mitosis and meiosis. The
position of the centromere determines whether
the chromosome will appear as a rod, a J, or a V
during migration of the chromosome to the poles
in anaphase. In some insects, the spindle fibers
attach throughout the length of the chromosome
and such chromosomes are called holocentric.
Centromeres are usually bordered by heterochromatin containing repetitive DNA.
A family of wasps (order Hymenoptera).
Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies
Ceratocanthid Scarab Beetles
Members of the family Ceratocanthidae (order
The fused head and thorax of Arachnida and Crustacea, and of coccids.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as ceratocanthid scarab beetles.
A family of sawflies (order Hymenoptera, suborder Symphyta). They commonly are known as
stem sawflies.
Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as longhorned beetles.
Longicorn, Longhorned, or Round-headed
Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Cerambycoid Larva
A larval body form that is straight, somewhat
flattened or cylindrical, smooth or naked, and
distinctly segmented. They tend to be found in
wood or soil, and occur in the families Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, and Elateridae (all in order
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera).
A family of fleas (order Siphonaptera). They sometimes are called bird and rodent fleas.
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as biting midges, punkies or no-see-ums
Biting Midges, Culicoides sp. (Diptera:
A family of insects in the superfamily Coccoidae
(order Hemiptera).
Cereal Stem Moths (Lepidoptera: Ochsenheimeriidae)
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera) also known
as Andean moon moths.
Andean Moon Moths
Butterflies and Moths
A family of insects in the order Hemiptera. They
sometimes are called froghoppers or spittlebugs.
Cercus (pl., cerci)
A sensory appendage (Fig. 36) located near the tip
of the abdomen, usually on abdominal segment
ten. In many insects the c erci are antenna-like in
shape, paired and jointed.
Abdomen of Hexapods
Cereal Leaf Beetle, Oulema
melanopus (Linnaeus)
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
This leaf-feeding beetle is a pest of small grain
Wheat Pests and their Management
Cereal Stem Moths (Lepidoptera:
John B. heppner
Florida State Collection of Arthropods,
Gainesville, FL, USA
Cereal stem moths, family Ochsenheimeriidae,
include only 17 species from the Palearctic (one
sp. is from Kashmir), with one sp. introduced
into North America. The family is part of the
Cercus, (pl., cerci) Figure 36 Diagrams of the tip
of the abdomen in various hexapods, showing
various forms of the cercus. Top left, earwig; top
right grasshopper, lower left, scorpionfly; lower
right silverfish.
superfamily Yponomeutoidea in the section
Tineina, subsection Tineina, of the division Ditrysia. Adults small (9–17 mm wingspan), with head
very roughened; eyes large; haustellum short and
naked; labial palpi tufted; maxillary palpi 2-segmented; antennae often basally swollen in males.
Wings rather elongated but fringes average. Maculation somber hues of brown or gray, with indistinct markings. Adults are diurnal. Larvae are
leafminers, but become stem borers in later instars,
primarily on grasses (Gramineae), sedges (Cyperaceae) and rushes (Juncaceae). The common name
for the family is derived from the single economic
species, the cereal stem moth. Some place the family as a subfamily of what is grouped as the “family” Ypsolophidae (the latter actually a subfamily
of Plutellidae). The family and nominate genus
Ochsenheimeria are named after the German lepidopterist Ferdinand Ochsenheimer (1767–1822).
Davis DR (1975) Review of Ochsenheimeriidae and the introduction of the cereal stem moth Ochsenheimeria vacculella into the United States (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea).
Smithsonian Contrib Zool 192:1–20
Davis DR (1998) Ochsenheimeriidae. In Lepidopterorum
Catalogus, (n.s.). Fasc 48. Association for Tropical Lepidoptera, Gainesville, FL, 12 pp
Karsholt O, Nielsen ES (1984) A taxonomic review of the stem
moths, Ochsenheimeria Hübner, of northern Europe (Lepidoptera: Ochsenheimeriidae). Entomol Scand 15:233–247
Réal P (1966) Famille des Ochsenheimeriidae. In: Balachowsky
AS (ed) Entomologie Appliquée à l’ Agriculture. Tome 2:
Lépidoptères, 254–255. Paris, 1057 pp
Zagulajev AK (1988) Family Ochsenheimeriidae. In: Fauna
SSSR. 4. Lepidoptera, 7: 70–177. Acad. Nauk. [in Russian],
St. Petersburg
A brown mixture of wax and propolis used by
social bees for nest construction.
Cervical Shield
A plate on the dorsal surface of caterpillars just
behind the head. It is also known as the prothoracic plate or shield.
The membranous region between the head and
thorax (Fig. 37). The cervix is analogous to the
neck in vertebrates.
Cervical Sclerites
The subesophageal ganglion, a portion of the visceral nervous system that innervates many of the
appendages associated with feeding.
Nervous System
The portion of the brain above the esophagus; the
region before the subesophageal ganglion. There
are three recognized portions, the proto-, deuteroand tritocerebrum.
Nervous System
A family of insects in the superfamily Coccoidae
(order Hemiptera). They sometimes are called
ornate pit scales.
Small chitinous plates on the membrane between
the head and the thorax.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as minute bark beetles.
Cestodes or Tapeworms
hiLary hurd
Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire, United
The majority of tapeworms (phylum Platyhelminthes, order Cestoda) that have terrestrial life cycles
utilize two hosts. The adult worms are found in the
gut lumen of the final, or definitive host, where
they undergo sexual reproduction and produce
eggs that contain a developing embryo protected
Cestodes or Tapeworms
lateral ocellus
compound eye
postocular area
cervical sclerites
tentorial suture
basimandibular sclerite
labial palpus
maxillary palpus
Cervix, Figure 37 Side view of the head of an adult grasshopper, showing some major elements.
by several membranes. These eggs are shed into the
environment with the host feces, either still contained within the tapeworm segment, or proglottis,
in which they developed, or free from it. The life
cycle continues when eggs are ingested by an intermediate host, often a coprophagous insect or other
arthropod. They hatch within the insect gut and
burrow through the gut wall with the help of 3 pairs
of curved hooks and the lytic contents of a pair
of glands. In the hemocoel, they transform into a
metacestode and, once mature, will be transmitted
and the life cycle completed if their intermediate
host falls prey to another definitive host.
Fecal material from infected definitive hosts
may be more attractive to insects than that
from uninfected hosts, as is the case for feces from
rats infected with a rate tapeworm, Hymenolepis
diminuta. This enhances the chances of the cestode’s
life cycle being completed. Another rat tapeworm,
Raillietina celebensis (also an occasional parasite
of humans), provides an example of the means
whereby a non-coprophagous insect becomes an
intermediate host. Gravid proglottides, detached
from the main tape and remaining intact, are
picked up from the fecal material by ants, carried
to the nest and fed to the ant larvae. Some larval
fleas also ingest tapeworm eggs when feeding on
host feces. The immature worms develop with the
larval flea and are ingested by the definitive host
when the adult flea is accidentally eaten during
grooming. Dogs become infected with the dog
tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum, in this way and,
for the latter species, so do cats and occasionally
Prevalence of cestode infection in the definitive host may be linked with seasonal changes in
feeding patterns. Thus, a study of the shrew Sorex
araneus araneus in Poland demonstrated that a
spring and summer diet including the coprophagous beetle, Geotrupes stercorosus, gave rise to
infections with Ditestolepis diaphana and Staphylocystis furcata in the summer and autumn.
Whereas in the winter and spring, the predominance of Pseudodiorchis prolifer infections in the
shrew reflected a change of diet in the autumn and
winter to the myriopod intermediate host of this
latter cestode, as beetles were difficult to find.
Due to the trophic nature of tapeworm transmission, definitive hosts of cestodes associated
with insects are partially or entirely insectivorous.
Thus, with the possible exception of cestode infections in the poultry industry, tapeworms that
Cestodes or Tapeworms
utilize insect intermediate hosts are of no medical
or veterinary importance and have, therefore,
attracted little research attention. The exception is
the rat tapeworm, H. diminuta, which has been the
doyen of cestode laboratory research models
due to the ease with which its life cycle can be
Several insects act as intermediate hosts for the
rat tapeworm including fleas and cockroaches
(Fig. 38), but laboratory studies have focused upon
the effect of infection on the flour beetles, Tribolium
spp. and Tenebrio molitor. Long-term studies have
revealed that infection results in a 50% depression
in the equilibrium population of T. confusum as a
result of fecundity reduction in the females. The
mechanism underlying fecundity reduction has
been extensively studied in T. molitor, and appears
to result both from the host response to the presence of the parasite and to the direct action of a
factor(s) produced by the early developmental
stages of the parasite. Several aspects of the process
of vitellogenesis or the production and uptake of
yolk protein are affected. In the ovary, yolk uptake
by developing follicles is retarded and they contain
less protein than their equivalents from uninfected
beetles. The presence of a competitive inhibitor of
Adult worm infects the rat gut
Metacestode in the
insect hemocoel
the binding site of juvenile hormone to the follicular epithelium results in a retardation in the development of patency in the follicular epithelium,
thereby affecting yolk uptake. Synthesis of yolk protein in the fat body also is inhibited but, in this case,
by a factor of parasite origin that is peptidergic in
nature. The effect of infection on male reproductive
physiology is not as well studied. An increase in the
size, protein and trehalose content of the beanshaped accessory glands has been reported and this
may account for an increase in protein and trehalose content of spermatophores produced by
infected males. In contrast, male response to female
sex pheromone is decreased by infection. The effect
of these changes on the number of offspring produced by females mated with infected males is yet
to be established unequivocally.
Although cestodes cause a reduction in the
reproductive fitness of beetles, it has been demonstrated that the life span of infected female T. molitor
is increased by 40% and males by 25%. This may be
due to changes in resource management such that
longevity is increased when fewer resources are
devoted to reproduction.
The production of aggregation pheromones is
down-regulated by infection, and several aspects
of behavioral response to environmental cues are
altered, although this does not appear to increase
the chance of host predation by rats. However,
defensive glands are everted less frequently, and
toluquinone and m-cresol production are reduced,
possibly accounting for the greater likelihood that
infected beetles will be eaten by rats. This may thus
represent an example of host manipulation that
will enhance transmission prospects.
Eggs shed
with feces
Intermediate host,
Tenebrio molitor
Cestodes or Tapeworms, Figure 38 The life cycle
of Hymenolepis diminuta, an example of an
insect-associated cestode.
Blankespoor CL, Pappas PW, Eisner T (1997) Impairment of
the chemical defence of the beetle, Tenebrio molitor, by
metacestodes (cysticercoids) of the tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta. Parasitology 115:105–110
Carver FJ, Gilman JL, Hurd H (1999) Spermatophore production and spermatheca content in Tenebrio molitor infected
with Hymenolepis diminuta. Insect Physiol 45:565–569
Chagas, Carlos Justiniano Ribeiro
Hurd H (2001)Parasite regulation of insect reproduction:
similar strategies, different mechanisms? In: EdwardsJP,
Weaver RJ (eds) Endocrine interactions of parasites and
pathogens. Bios Scientific Publishers, Oxford, UK
Kisielewska K (1961) Circulation of tapeworms of Sorex araneus araneus L. in biocenosis of Bialowieza National
Park. Acta Parasitol Pol 9:31–369
Webb TJ, Hurd H (1999) Direct manipulation of insect reproduction by agents of parasite origin. Proc R Soc Lond B
Biol Sci 266:1537–1541
Chaeta (pl., chaetae)
An outgrowth of the cuticle originating in a pit. It
is an articulated spine-like process.
A family of praying mantids (Mantodea).
Praying Mantids
The arrangement and nomenclature of chaetae
(setae). This is used to create a setal map.
Chaff Scale, Oulema melanopus
(Linnaeus) (Coleoptera:
This is an occasional pest of citrus trees.
Citrus Pests and their Management
Members of the subfamily Melolonthinae, family
Scarabaeidae (order Coleoptera).
Chagas, Carlos Justiniano Ribeiro
Carlos Chagas was a Brazilian physician who
discovered Chagas disease (Chagas’ disease), or
American trypanosomiasis. Chagas disease is an
endemic insect-borne disease found in Central
and South America from Mexico to Argentina. It
is caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi.
In discovering this malady, he became the only
individual investigator so far who described completely all elements of the disease: the pathogen,
vector, host, clinical manifestations, and epidemiology. He also developed a new and effective
approach to malaria control, a technique that
remains the principal method for malaria suppression around the world.
Chagas was born on July 9, 1879 in Oliveira,
in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. He was the son
of upper-class parents who owned a small coffee
plantation. His ancestors had come to Brazil in the
seventeenth century. His father died when Carlos
was only 4 years old, and at the age of seven he
was sent to a Jesuit boarding school. There he was
befriended by a priest who instilled in him a love
of natural history. Following his mother’s wishes
that he should become an engineer, at the age of 14
he enrolled in the School of Mining Engineering
in Oro Pieto, Minas Gerais. However, at the age of
16 he was afflicted with beri-beri and spent some
time with his uncle Carlos Ribeiro de Castro,
an M.D. who had just established a new hospital.
Brazil at this time was struggling to develop
because it had so many endemic diseases. For
example, many European ships refused to dock in
Brazil for fear of their crews contracting yellow
fever, bubonic plague, smallpox and other diseases.
Chagas’ uncle convinced him that through the
practice of medicine he could perform important
national service. Influenced by his uncle, in 1897
Chagas abandoned the plan to become an engineer and entered the Faculty of Medicine of Rio de
Janeiro where he received his M.D. in 1903.
Chagas had opportunity early in his career to
conduct research, but was attracted by clinical
practice in a hospital in Jurujuba. Following financial problems, in 1905 Chagas accepted a position
with a company in the interior of the state of São
Paulo, where malaria was a serious problem for
workers. Studying the transmission cycle closely,
Chagas, Carlos Justiniano Ribeiro
he realized that workers were being bitten while
sleeping. Up to this time, the only known effective
preventative approach for malaria control was
destruction of larvae in breeding areas (swamps).
As this was not effective, he began to use the insecticide pyrethrum to disinfect houses. This approach
proved to be very successful.
Chagas moved to the Oswaldo Cruz Institute
in 1906, which became his base of operations for
the remainder of his career. In 1909, Cruz asked
Chagas to undertake an antimalaria campaign in
Lassance, Brazil, where railroad construction was
stalled because so many workers had succumbed
to malaria. There he remained for 2 years, living
and working in a railroad car. He soon noticed
disease symptoms that were not consistent with
malaria, and later some locals pointed out to him a
blood-sucking bug called “vinchuca” that commonly were found in the huts of workers. This
blood-sucking insect, an assassin bug or kissing
bug (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), was later determined to be in the genus Triatoma, several species
of which transmit a disease later named Chagas
disease. Chagas dissected the Triatoma bugs and
found within them a trypanosome (Protozoa).
Allowing the bugs to feed on marmoset monkeys,
he found that the trypanosome could be transmitted. He identified the trypanosome and named it
Schizotrypaum cruzi after his mentor and friend
Oswaldo Cruz. Later it became known as Trypanosoma cruzi. Suspecting that these bugs could be
transmitting the trypanosome to people due to
their great abundance in rural homes, and their
blood-feeding habits, Chagas soon found tryanosomes in the blood of a young girl. He also conducted autopsies of workers dying with acute and
chronic forms of the disease, and found brain and
myocardium abnormalities accounting for the
involvement of these organs in the new disease.
He conducted surveys of animals in the area,
and determined that armadillos were the likely
reservoir of the trypanosomes.
The acute phase of Chagas disease occurs in
the first few weeks or months of infection. Often it
is symptom-free or exhibits only mild symptoms
and signs that are not unique to Chagas disease.
The symptoms noted by the infected individual
may include fever, fatigue, aches of the head or
body, rash, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting.
The signs of infection include mild enlargement of
the liver or spleen, swollen glands, and local swelling (a chagoma). The most easily recognized indication of acute Chagas disease is called Romaña’s
sign, which includes swelling of the eyelids on the
side of the face near the bite wound or where the
bug feces were deposited or accidentally rubbed
into the eye. Symptoms, if present, usually fade
away after a few weeks or months. However, if
untreated, the disease persists. Occasionally young
children die from severe inflammation of the heart
muscle or brain. The acute phase is more severe in
immuno-compromised people. The chronic phase
of infection may result in no signs of infection for
decades or even for life. However, some people
develop heart problems including an enlarged
heart, heart failure, altered heart rate or rhythm,
and cardiac arrest. Also, intestinal problems can
occur, including an enlarged esophagus or colon,
which can lead to difficulties with eating or
Chagas was widely recognized for his noteworthy achievements. He was elected to the
National Academy of Medicine in 1910, and in
1912 he received the Schaudinn Prize for outstanding work in protozoology and tropical
medicine. He was twice nominated for the Nobel
Prize, but never received the award. In 1922,
Chagas was recognized with the Great Prize of
the Pasteur Centenary Commemorative Exposition in Strasbourg. He was awarded honorary
doctorate degrees from Harvard University and
the University of Paris.
Chagas took over direction of the Institute in
1917 following the death of Oswaldo Cruz, and
remained in this position until 1934. During this
period the Brazilian government asked him to
organize a campaign against Spanish influenza,
which was devastating Rio de Janeiro, and also to
reorganize the Department of Health in Brazil (he
also served as director from 1920–1924). There he
Chagas Disease: Biochemistry of the Vector
introduced many innovations and created centers
of preventative medicine. He died in Rio de Janeiro
from a heart attack on November 8, 1934.
Chagas Disease or American Trypanosomiasis
Lewinsohn R (1979) Carlos Chagas (1879–1934): the discovery of Trypanosoma cruzi and of American trypanosomiasis (foot-notes to the history of Chagas’s disease).
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 73:513–523
Lewinsohn R (2003) Prophet in his own country: Carlos Chagas and the Nobel Prize. Perspect Biol Med 46:532–549
Chagas Disease: Biochemistry of
the Vector
m. patriCia Juárez
National University of La Plata, La Plata,
Chagas disease is caused by the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, which is transmitted by
blood-feeding insects in the subfamily Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), with 130 species
forming five tribes, among them only the tribes
Triatomini and Rhodniini possess relevant vector
capacity. Triatoma infestans (Klug) (Fig. 39) and
Rhodnius prolixus (Stål) are representative examples
of each tribe, and the most thoroughly studied,
as they are the major ones responsible for Chagas
disease transmission. Triatomins are called kissing
bugs or assassin bugs; local names are vinchuca,
chinche or picudo. Trypanosoma cruzi infects some
16–18 million people, with another 90 million at
risk in regions of South and Central America.
There is neither a vaccine against it, nor a safe
and effective drug to cure it. Fundamental research
in insect physiology was pioneered by V.B. Wigglesworth using R. prolixus. Most biochemical
studies in Triatominae are focused on blood intake,
digestion, fat body and integumental lipid metabolism and transport, and molting.
Chagas Disease: Biochemistry of the Vector,
Figure 39 Triatoma infestans, a major vector of
Chagas disease in South America.
Insect blood feeding impacts directly on human
and animal health. When a blood meal is taken,
the pathogen T. cruzi might be transmitted via
excreta deposited on the host skin. Rhodnius prolixus is capable of ingesting 300 mg of blood in 15
min. Such highly efficient blood intake is made
possible by a special mouthpart developed to avoid
blood coagulation and platelet aggregation. Purification, cloning, expression, and mechanism of
action of a novel platelet aggregation inhibitor
from the salivary gland of R. prolixus was recently
reported. Serotonin and other major biogenic
amines in insects, dopamine and octopamine, have
been reported to modulate a variety of physiological and behavioral functions, including the control
of feeding behavior in insects. Feeding was found
Chagas Disease: Biochemistry of the Vector
to be a natural stimulus for the release of serotonin
into the hemolymph of R. prolixus, and serotonin
depletion led to a reduced blood meal size in this
insect. Triatomins produce bioactive molecules in
their salivary glands that are inoculated into host
skin via saliva during feeding. Four closely related
proteins found in Rhodnius saliva behave as immunomodulators, countering their host’s haemostatic,
inflammatory and immune responses to facilitate
blood feeding, exhibiting vasodilator, anticoagulant and antiplatelet aggregation activity. Because
they bind nitric oxide, and act as a storage and
delivery system for it, they are named nitrophorins.
As a consequence of hematophagia, triatomins
feed on a protein- and lipid- rich diet, with fatty
acids as the major source for energy production.
This results in a much larger yield in the amounts
of ATP produced, as compared to that of insects
consuming carbohydrate. The fat body is the major
metabolic factory, as well as the main storage depot
of fat, glycogen and protein. Its metabolites are
transported to target organs via hemolymph.
Protein Metabolism
Many of the proteins that are crucial in the life of
insects are biosynthesized in the fat body. Protein
synthesis is often under control of juvenile hormone (JH).
Complete hydrolysis of blood-meal proteins
is mediated by exo- and endo-peptidases. Endoproteinases cleave proteins to smaller segments
that are finally completely degraded to amino
acids by exopeptidases. Triatominae midgut also
contains endopeptidases B and D, involved in
hemoglobin hydrolysis. Salivary glands have acid
phosphatase activity with anticoagulant properties to destroy hemoglobin; large amounts of
sialidase activity are also detected after a blood
meal, rich in sialic acids. Hemoglobin digestion
and detoxification of the free haem by its
sequestration into an insoluble pigment known as
haemozoin (Hz) were recently detected in the
midgut of R. prolixus.
Blood meals trigger the onset of diuresis after
the diuretic hormone is released by the neurosecretory cells of the mesothoracic ganglionic mass.
Insects then undergo a rapid elimination of urine
during which time the insect may lose 40% of the
weight of the meal. Multiple diuretic peptide factors have been suggested, and the serotonin role is
well described. Uric acid is the most important
nitrogenous waste material excreted by triatomins.
It is formed through the uricotelic pathway by
de novo synthesis from protein.
Egg production is under hormonal and nutritional
control; a blood meal is required to start vitellogenesis, and juvenile hormone (JH) secretion by the
corpora allata (CA) regulates oocyte development.
The amount of blood required for oviposition varies
from 5 to 8 mg/egg for R. prolixus to 16–25 mg/egg
for T. infestans. Vitellogenins (VG) are high molecular weight lipoproteins synthesized in the fat body of
adult females. They enter the oocytes by pinocytosis
to be converted into vitellins (VN). A molecular
weight around 4 × 105 was estimated for different
species, after characterization by immunodiffusion
(ID), immunoelectrophoresis (IEP), and electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel (PAGE). Vitellogenin
synthesis also has been detected in R. prolixus
Lipid Composition, Metabolism,
and Transport
A high lipid content (7–8%) is characteristic of
eggs, and remains high through the first instar in
T. infestans. It is close to 1.5% throughout the
whole nymphal cycle to adult stage. Major insect
and egg lipids are triacylglycerols (85%) with
energy storage function; phospholipids (4–8%),
mainly phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphaditylcholine, are involved in cell membrane formation and metabolic events; and the major sterol
Chagas Disease: Biochemistry of the Vector
component is cholesterol, sequestrated from
host blood and stored as cholesterol esters or
free (5–8%), which contributes to lipid bilayer
fluidity regulation. Small amounts of saturated
hydrocarbons (straight and multiple methylbranched chains of 27 to >41 carbons), primary
fatty alcohols (straight chains of 24–34 carbons) and
wax esters (44–48 carbons) confer water-proofing
properties to the cuticular surface, also preventing
chemicals and microorganism penetration.
The major whole-body insect fatty acid components are oleic (18:1) and palmitic (16:0), with
minor amounts of linoleic (18:2), stearic (18:0),
palmitoleic (16:1) and arachidonic (20:4) acids.
Minor components play specific functions; for
example, volatile fatty acids of short chains (VFA)
formed in the Brindley glands, are released upon
disturbance and serve as defensive secretion,
with isobutyric acid accounting for most of their
characteristic stink odor.
Very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA), up to 34
total carbons, are also present in the triatomin
integument, and are detectable precursors to
hydrocarbon and fatty alcohol formation. Specific
fatty acids precursors to cuticular waxes formation
are detected in minute amounts in the integument:
methyl-branched fatty acids of 16 and 18 carbons
in the straight carbon chain are intermediates in
methyl-branched hydrocarbon synthesis.
Dietary lipids are the only source of 18:2 and
20:4 acids in Triatominae, which lack both ∆ 5
and ∆ 6 desaturating enzymes. These polyunsaturated
components contribute to membrane fluidity and
they are precursors to the eicosanoids prostaglandins, molecules of significance in reproduction.
Large amounts of 20:4 acids are stored in male testes. They are metabolized into prostaglandins (PG)
and transferred to females via spermatophores
during copulation. Eicosanids also participate in
the immune response, i.e., to help clear bacteria
from contaminated hemolymph, and to regulate
fluid balance.
Fatty acid biosynthesis was extensively studied
in the whole insect, the fat body, the integument
and reproductive organs, both in tissue slices and
after subcellular fractionation. De novo fatty acid
assays employed radioactive precursors such as
[14C]acetate or [14C]propionate by injection into
the hemolymph for in vivo or tissue slice assays;
[14C]acetyl-CoA or [14C]malonyl-CoA were used
in cell-free assays. Whole insect, fat body or integumental tissue mostly metabolize [14C]acetate into
triacylglycerols (ca. 80%) and phospholipids
(>10%). The major fatty acids formed are 16:0,
18:1, 18:0 and 16:1, produced by a cytosolic fatty
acid synthetase (FAS) and a ∆ 9 desaturase.
Metabolites are incorporated into hemolymph
lipoproteins (Lp) that serve multiple functions in
insect development and reproduction. They transport nutrients from the site of absorption or the site
of synthesis to the site of utilization and storage in
target tissues. Other than vitellogenin, three lipoproteins have been identified in triatomins, a high
density lipoprotein (HDL) also named lipophorin,
and two very high density lipoproteins, VHDL-1
and VHDL-2. Their apo-proteins are polypeptides
from 17 to 210 kdaltons (kDa), with a 86 kDa common component. Lipid transport is mediated by
lipophorin, an ubiquitous lipoprotein, that is widely
distributed among insects. It functions as a reusable
shuttle for neutral and polar lipid transport in Triatominae. HDL from the hemolymph of T. infestans
has an apparent molecular weight of 670 kDa, with
an isoelectric point of 7.0 and a density (δ) of 1.10
g/ml. It contains 53% protein and 47% lipid. The
protein moiety consists of two apoproteins: apoLp-I
(255 kDa) and apoLp-II (70–80 kDa), rich in the
amino acids aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and
leucine. Diacylglycerols constitute 41% of the total
lipids, and satisfy the major energy requirement in
insects. HDL is also the vehicle for transport of
phospholipids, hydrocarbons, and cholesterol. It
also behaves as a free fatty acid donor to VHDL, a
hexameric storage protein (δ = 1.27 g/ml) with a
putative role related to amino acid and free fatty
acid supply involved in molting, metamorphosis
and reproduction events. Lipophorin binding sites
located on the surface of the oocyte, mainly at the
microvilli, mediate phospholipid transfer from the
hemolymph to the oocytes.
Chagas Disease or American Trypanosomiasis
The Integument
The bulk of triatomins cuticular proteins are soluble
in urea 7 M, with eight major bands separated by
electrophoresis. They contain large amounts of
hydrophobic and polar uncharged amino acids. The
abdominal cuticle is extensible through the fifth
instar, and chitin accounts for <20% (w/w). When
Rhodnius takes a blood meal, a plasticizing factor is
secreted which lowers the pH of the cuticle, and this
changes the degree of bonding between cuticular
proteins. Therefore, the cuticle becomes more flexible and the abdomen is dramatically expanded up
to nearly four times, with the cuticle becoming very
thin. Chitin synthesis is started by depletion of glycogen and trehalose from storage sites for conversion to UDP-N-acetylglucosamine units, which are
further polymerized to chitin, an aminopolysaccharide. Chitin synthesis occurs mostly in the fat body;
its formation is under ecdysteroid regulation. Chitin is not responsible for the hardness of the integument; instead this attribute is associated with tanned
proteins, their degree of sclerotization and their
distribution among the polysaccharide matrix.
Molting evokes major biochemical changes in
the cuticle of Triatominae. In preparation for molting, chitinase and proteinase are secreted to digest
the less sclerotized cuticle, but have no effect either
on exocuticle or on the surface lipids. The oenocytes, modified epidermal cells, are the site of
integumental lipid synthesis. They transfer newly
formed hydrocarbons to hemolymph, which functions as a selective shuttle, storing methylbranched
chains while releasing to the site of deposition, the
epicuticular surface, straight and methylbranched
chains in a 1:1 ratio. Inhibition of cuticular lipid
synthesis in T. infestans was shown to raise detrimental effects on hatch and insect development,
water barrier properties, and to enhance chemical
and microbial insecticide penetration; complete
degradation of T. infestans hydrocarbons by fungal
pathogens was recently shown.
Assassin Bugs
Area-Wide Pest Management
Chagas Disease or American Trypanosomiasis
Brenner RR (1987) Chagas disease vectors. Lipid composition
and metabolism. In: Brenner RR, Stoka AM (eds)
Chagas disease vectors. Biochemical aspects and control, vol 3. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp 9–35
Juárez MP (1994) Hydrocarbon biosynthesis in Triatoma
infestans eggs. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol 25:193–206
Champagne DE, Nussenzveig RH, Ribeiro JM (1995) Purification, partial characterization, and cloning of nitric
oxide-carrying heme proteins (nitrophorins) from salivary glands of the blood-sucking insect Rhodnius prolixus. J Biol Chem 270:8691–8695
Rimoldi OJ, Córsico B, Gonzalez MS, Brenner RR (1996)
Detection and quantification of a very high density
lipoprotein in different tissues of Triatoma infestans
during the last nymphal and adult stages. Insect Biochem Mol Biol 26:705–713
Wigglesworth VB (1933) The physiology of the cuticle
and of ecdysis in Rhodnius prolixus. Q J Microsc Sci
Chagas Disease or American
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Chagas (or Chagas’) disease is named after its
discoverer, the Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas.
It is caused by the trypanosome (protozoan)
parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. This pathogen is
transmitted to animals and people by kissing bugs
(Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) (Table 10).
The disease occurs in the western hemisphere
from Mexico to Argentina (Fig. 40), primarily in
rural areas where poverty is widespread. It is
estimated that as many as 18 million people in
Mexico, Central America, and South America
have Chagas disease. Interestingly, most of these
victims do not know they are infected because
the acute symptoms fade away. If the disease
remains unrecognized and untreated, however,
there can be serious consequences later in life
and the disease ultimately can be life threatening.
About 50,000 people die each year from complications caused by Chagas disease.
Chagas Disease or American Trypanosomiasis
Chagas Disease or American Trypanosomiasis, Table 10 The major vectors of Chagas disease and their
Geographic distribution
Panstrongylus herreri
northern Peru
Panstrongylus megistus
Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay
Rhodnius prolixus
southern Mexico south to Colombia and Venezuela
Rhodnius pallescens
Panama, Colombia
Triatoma infestans
Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile
Triatoma dimidiata
Mexico south to Ecuador and Peru
Triatoma pallidipennis
Triatoma phyllosoma
Triatoma maculata
Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname
Triatoma brasiliensis
Triatoma guasayana
Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina
Triatoma sordida
Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina
Chagas Disease or American Trypanosomiasis,
Figure 40 The distribution of Chagas disease in
Latin America; shaded areas indicate
regions where Chagas disease is most likely
to occur.
The acute phase of Chagas disease occurs in
the first few weeks or months of infection. Often it
is symptom-free, or exhibits only mild symptoms
and signs that are not unique to Chagas disease.
The symptoms noted by the infected individual
may include fever, fatigue, aches of the head or
body, rash, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting.
The signs of infection include mild enlargement of
the liver or spleen, swollen glands, and local swelling. The most easily recognized indication of acute
Chagas disease is called Romaña’s sign, which
includes swelling of the eyelids on the side of the
face near the bite wound or where the bug feces
were deposited or accidentally rubbed into the
eye. Symptoms, if present, usually fade away after a
few weeks or months. However, if untreated, the
disease persists. Occasionally young children die
from severe inflammation of the heart muscle or
brain. The acute phase is more severe in immunocompromised people. The chronic phase of infection
may result in no signs of infection for decades or
even for life. However, some people develop heart
problems including an enlarged heart, heart failure,
altered heart rate or rhythm, and cardiac arrest.
Also, intestinal problems can occur, including an
Chagas Disease or American Trypanosomiasis
enlarged esophagus or colon, which can lead to
difficulties with eating or defecation. A toxin is
responsible for the destruction of tissues.
Although Chagas disease occurs primarily in
the rural areas in Latin America, the movement of
large numbers of people from rural to urban areas
of Latin America, and to other regions of the
world, has increased its geographic distribution. It
is a growing threat in the United States and the
Caribbean region, where Chagas disease is not
endemic; it is estimated that about 500,000
unknowingly infected immigrants now live in
these more northern countries. In these areas,
where kissing bugs are not common or not likely
to bite humans, Chagas management should focus
on preventing transmission from blood transfusion, organ transplantation, and mother-to-baby
(congenital) transmission. Nevertheless, there are
Triatomine bug stages
Triatomine bug takes a blood meal
(passes metacyclic trypastigotes in feces,
tryposmastigotes enter bite wound
or mucosal membranes, such as the conjunctiva)
ominous reports of Trypanosoma cruzi occurring
in wild animal (raccoon, opossum) populations as
far north as North Carolina. The triatomine bugs
indigenous to North America are capable of transmitting Chagas disease (Fig. 41). The failure of
Chagas to be a problem in the USA is attributed to
the low incidence of infected bugs (6%) and vertebrate hosts (15%), but also to the habit of the
northern species not to defecate immediately after
feeding, so even if humans are bitten the bugs are
less likely to defecate on humans in North America
than in Central and South America.
In Chagas-endemic areas, the principal route
of infection is by being bitten by triatomine bugs,
primarily Triatoma spp., and especially T. infestans.
The bugs contract the typanosomes by feeding on
infected animals or people. The bite of kissing
bugs typically produces little or no pain, so the
Vertebrate host stages
Metacyclic trypomastigotes
penetrate various cells at bite
wound site. Inside cells they
transform into amastigotes.
Metacyclic trypomastigotes
in hindgut
Multiply in midgut
in midgut
Triatomine bug takes
a blood meal
(trypomastigotes ingested)
can infect other cells
and transform into
intracellular amastigotes
in new infection sites.
Amastigotes multiply
by binary fission in cells
of infected tissues.
Intracelluar amastigotes
transform into trypomastigotes,
then burst out of cells
and enter the bloodstream.
Chagas Disease or American Trypanosomiasis, Figure 41 The Chagas disease cycle in triatomine bugs
and animal hosts (adapted from CDC).
Chagas Disease or American Trypanosomiasis
sleeping host is usually unaware of the bloodfeeding episode. Once infected, the bugs pass
T. cruzi parasites in their feces. The bugs frequently
aggregate in barns, sheds or houses if they are not
insect-proof. In rural areas, many houses are made
from materials such as mud, adobe, straw, and
palm thatch, and lack window screening and in
some cases, doors. Thus, there is nothing to prevent entry of the bugs. During the day, the bugs
hide in crevices in the walls and roofs. If the roof is
straw or another material with cracks and crevices,
the bugs can hide easily and are not readily
detected. Then, during the night, when the inhabitants are sleeping, the bugs emerge to feed. (Bugs
may feed during the day if their hosts are nocturnal, such as bats.) Because they tend to feed on
people’s faces, triatomine bugs have also come to
be known as “kissing bugs.” After they bite and
ingest blood, they commonly defecate on the person. The person becomes infected if T. cruzi parasites in the bug feces enter the victim’s body
through mucous membranes or breaks in the skin.
The unsuspecting, sleeping person may accidentally scratch or rub the feces into the bite wound,
eyes, or mouth, facilitating entry of the trypanosomes. This is the principal form of T. cruzi entry
into humans, but disease transmission also occurs
through consumption of uncooked food contaminated with feces from infected bugs, congenital
transmission (from a pregnant woman to her
baby), blood transfusion, organ transplantation,
and (rarely) accidental laboratory exposure. Animals can contract the disease by consuming
infected prey, as in consumption of mice by household cats.
The natural reservoirs of Trypanosoma cruzi
are wild animals such as monkeys, opossums,
amphibians, lizards, armadillos, sloths, bats, porcupines and ground squirrels. These natural hosts
do not develop pathologies. However, T. cruzi is
also harbored in infected humans, and domestic
animals like cats, dogs, rabbits, and guinea pigs.
Canine trypanosomiasis is of veterinary importance in Latin America. In nature, kissing bugs are
found in hiding places such as caves, tree holes,
hollow trees, fallen logs, palm fronds and epiphytes. Though kissing bugs feed on birds, and the
bugs can be quite numerous in chicken houses on
farms, birds seem to be immune against infection
and therefore are not considered to be a T. cruzi
reservoir. The different vectors of Chagas disease
have differing host preferences, so the disease
transmission cycle varies accordingly.
The generalized infection cycle is as follows:
The infected triatomine bug ingests blood and
defecates feces containing trypomastigotes near
the feeding site. The victim, irritated by the bite,
scratches the area, thereby rubbing the trypomastigote-containing feces into the wound or into
intact but susceptible mucosal membranes, such as
the conjunctiva. Once inside the host, the trypomastigotes invade cells, where they differentiate
into intracellular amastigotes. The amastigotes
multiply by binary fission and differentiate into
trypomastigotes, which are released into the bloodstream. Cells from a number of different tissues
are susceptible to infection by the trypomastigotes,
and once inside, they transform into intracellular
amastigotes at new infection sites. Intracellular
amastigotes destroy tissues such as the intramural
neurons of the autonomic nervous system in the
intestine and heart, leading to digestive and heart
problems, respectively. Replication resumes only
when the parasites enter another cell or are ingested
by another vector. The final step in the cycle is
infection of the vector, which occurs when the
bug feeds on an infected host containing trypomastigotes. Once ingested by the bug, the ingested
trypomastigotes multiply and differentiate (amastigote and epimastigote forms) in the midgut and
transform into infective metacyclic trypomastigotes in the hindgut. The feces may contain thousands of metacyclic tryptomastigotes.
Management of bugs to disrupt disease
transmission is possible. In many areas of Latin
America, the interiors of houses are treated with
pyrethroid insecticides to eliminate kissing
(Triatoma) bugs. At least two South American
countries have rid themselves of the problem in
this manner. However, complete control is difficult
Chalaza (pl., chalazae)
to accomplish, and houses are often reinfested
because some bugs escape the insecticide within
the homes by hiding, or because the homes are
reinvaded from nearby, untreated areas. Animal
shelters are often good harborages for Triatoma,
and if they are not adequately treated and are near
homes, the bugs quickly disperse to the treated
home. A distance of at least 1,500 m is considered
necessary as a buffer zone between untreated and
treated harborages. An economic and effective
alternative to chemical control is bed nets, though
the edges of the net must be tucked beneath the
mattress to assure that bugs cannot enter. Also, the
net and mattress must be large enough that the
human sleeping beneath the net does not come
into contact with the bed netting, because there is
risk that bugs will feed through the netting if the
human is immediately adjacent. The logistics and
cost of meeting these requirements often prove
daunting to poor people, so insecticide treatment
is more practical. Likewise, improved housing and
sanitation would virtually eliminate this problem,
but achieving this is presently not possible due to
the cost.
Detection of infection is often done by examining the patient’s blood to look for trypanosomes
or T. cruzi-specific antibodies. However, a procedure called “xenodiagnosis” is sometimes used,
wherein laboratory-reared bugs free of trypanosomes are fed on patients, incubated, and then
examined for presence of trypanosomes in the
alimentary tract. Xenodiagnosis is very sensitive
because the trypanosomes, even if few in number
in the human host, build up to large numbers in
the bug and are easily detected.
Treatment of infected people is difficult
because medication is usually effective only if
administered during the acute phase, and many
victims are unaware of their condition. This issue
is compounded by the resistance of the trypanosome to medication is some regions, and by the
toxicity and side effects of the drugs. During the
chronic phase of infection, treatment consists
mostly of treating the symptoms, and both heart
replacement and intestinal surgery are practiced.
Treatment in either the acute or chronic phase
does not guarantee a cure. A vaccine was developed in the 1970s and it proved fairly successful,
but implementation is constrained by the high
cost of production.
The effect of Chagas disease is measured less
by mortality and more by morbidity. Chronically
infected people often suffer decades of weakness
and fatigue that effectively removes them from the
workplace and prevents them from enjoying a
normal life. This results in considerable social
disruption and economic loss. A survey of the
incidence of Chagas disease found that about 12%
of the residents of Chile and Paraguay were infected,
and in Argentina and Bolivia the rate was 8%.
Assassin Bugs, Kissing Bugs and Others
(Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
Chagas Disease: Biochemistry of the Vector
Area-Wide Pest Management
Beard CB, Gordon-Rosales C, Durvasula RV (2002) Bacterial
symbionts of the Triatominae and their potential use in
control of Chagas disease transmission. Ann Rev Entomol 47:123–141
Brenner RR, Stoka AM (eds) Chagas disease vectors, vols 1–3.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL
Dias JCP, Schofield CJ (1999) The evolution of Chagas disease
(American Trypanosomiasis) control after 90 years
since Carl Chagas discovery. Memorias do Instituto
Oswaldo Cruz 94:103–121
Kirchhoff LV (1993) American trypanosomiasis (Chagas
disease) – a tropical disease now in the United States.
N Engl J Med 329:639–644
Zeledón R, Rabinovich JE (1981) Chagas’ disease: an ecological appraisal with special emphasis on its insect vectors.
Ann Rev Entomol 26:101–133
Chalaza (pl., chalazae)
A pimple-like protuberance of the body wall bearing a seta. Chalazae are commonly found on
Chaudoir, Maximilien Stanislavovitch De
A family of wasps (order Hymenoptera).
Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as aphid flies.
A fungus disease of honey bee larvae caused by
Ascosphaera apis. The disease causes the larvae to
become mummified, and usually to take on chalky
white appearance, but sometimes gray or black.
Early in the infection process the larvae are covered with a fluffy white growth of mycelia, but later
they shrink and acquire the chalky appearance.
Though not usually considered serious, occasionally it can be damaging. It occurs widely, though
often going unnoticed. Young bees are susceptible
to infection, and normally are infected after being
fed spores and then exposed to cool weather.
Because the chilling is necessary, it is usually the
cells at the periphery of the hive that are infected.
Bees usually acquire the disease by ingestion
of honey or pollen, and the spores successfully
overwinter and remain infective for many years.
Poor ventilation and excessive precipitation and
humidity are associated with greater expression of
this disease. Poor nutrition is also a factor, as is
colony weakening due to other diseases, mites, and
poor beekeeping practices. The pathogen can also
be acquired from native bees.
Management is usually accomplished by
reversing the conditions that bring about expression of the disease: improved ventilation, better
nutrition, keeping the hives closed during winter,
and better sanitation. Destruction of infected hives
is helpful. Antibiotics are not usually suggested.
Ascosphaera API
Honey Bees
Morse RA, Nowogrodzki R (1990) Honey bee pests, predators
and diseases, 2nd edn. Cornell University Press, Ithaca,
NY, 474 pp
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as phantom midges.
A family of wasps (order Hymenoptera).
Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies
Chaudoir, Maximilien
Stanislavovitch De
Maximilien de Chaudoir was born on September
12, 1816, at Ivnitza, a village in the Ukraine. He
inherited the title of Baron which had been conferred on his grandfather by King Maximilien
Joseph of Bavaria, and had later been made hereditary by Czar Nicholas I of Russia. His private
tutor was Jean Wavre, who interested him in natural history. In 1831 he was sent to study law to
Dorpat (Tartu), but there spent most of his time
working on the insect collections assembled by
J.F. Eschholtz. In 1834 he was made a member of
the Société Entomologique de France, and the following year (at the age of 18) presented his first
entomological paper at one of its meetings. After
his return to the Ukraine, his entomological collection, especially of Carabidae, grew by purchase
from collectors and dealers and from his own collecting expeditions in the Ukraine and other Russian territories in the Caucasus. He published
frequently in the Bulletin de la Société Imperiale
des Naturalistes de Moscou. In 1863 he moved to
Champion, George Charles
France, later transporting his worldwide collection of Carabidae there and working on it until
his death on May 6, 1881. His publications include
108 works on Carabidae including major taxonomic revisions, and are written mainly in French,
although he knew Russian, German, English, and
Italian. His collection was acquired in 1952 by the
Muséum National d’ Histoire Naturelle of Paris.
Ball GE, Erwin TL (1982) The Baron Maximilien de Chaudoir: inheritance, associates, travels, work, and legacy.
Coleopt Bull 36:475–501
Basilewsky P (1982) Baron Maximilien de Chaudoir (1816–1881)
[including a bibliography]. Coleopt Bull 36:462–474
Champion, George Charles
George Champion was born in London on April
29, 1859. He became interested in beetles early in
his life, and was employed in his late twenties by
Frederick Godman and Osbert Salvin to collect
beetles for the Biologia Centrali-Americana project in Central America. Later, he wrote for the
project and assisted in editing its publications. His
taxonomic work on beetles then continued, and he
wrote many publications on specimens collected
by his son H.G.C. Champion in India, eventually
publishing more than 420 papers. He died in Woking, England, on August 8, 1927.
Herman LH (2001) Champion, George Charles. Bull Am Mus
Nat Hist 265:54–55
Chapman, Reginald Frederick
eLizaBeth a. Bernays
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Reg Chapman was born at London, England on
July 2, 1930. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in
zoology in 1951 at Queen Mary College of
London University, United Kingdom. Then,
with a scholarship from the Anti-Locust Research
Centre he studied factors governing roosting
behavior in locusts, first in the laboratory in
London and later in Africa. Chapman lived and
worked in a locust outbreak area in one of the
smaller valleys of the East African rift system
from 1953 to 1957. There was no town, electricity, phone or radio. He was one of the first to
make quantitative observations on insect behavior in the field, and one of few combining field
and lab work (he built his own house and lab).
He soon learned that the locusts did not sundown, and if he really wanted to understand
what was governing their behavior he needed to
work as they demanded – a lesson he passed on
to many. In this remote place Reg Chapman
made his first contributions to behavior of
locusts and grasshoppers (and lizards), including relationships between hemolymph potassium levels and feeding activity. He was strongly
influenced by three extremely rigorous scientists who guided his PhD – Boris Uvarov, Donald
Gunn, and John Kennedy.
At the University of Ghana he studied hostfinding by tsetse flies for 2 years. In 1959, Reg
was appointed to a faculty position at Birkbeck
College (another college of the University of
London). His main responsibility was to teach
invertebrate zoology and advanced entomology.
Subsequently, he developed a masters course
which he taught single-handed, and this led to
what he is best known for – The Insects – Structure and Function. First published in 1969, this
book with its various revisions and finally a total
rewrite (1998) has been a major resource for students, teachers, and researchers round the
At Birkbeck, Chapman extended his interests in insect feeding to include the sensory system, with locusts and grasshoppers as models
with a small, but quite productive, research group
including Liz Bernays who was to become his
wife. One finding, that insects can differentiate
Chelating Agent
between plants on the basis of the surface wax on
the leaves, was quite novel at the time, and his
interest in the plant surface continued. He initiated work on chemoreceptor physiology with
another student, Wally Blaney, and on the significance of receptor numbers among other things.
He was successively, lecturer, University Reader
and University Professor in the University of
In 1970, Chapman became Director of the
Research Division at the Anti-Locust Research
Centre and as well as continuing research, directed
studies on other topics such as insect flight, plant
chemistry and insects and crop plant resistance.
As the Centre increased its coverage of insect
pests in developing countries, he developed and
was responsible for, a wide range of research programs in many parts of the world – groups in the
Philippines working on brown planthopper of
rice, in India on varietal resistance of sorghum to
pests, in Botswana on sorghum pests, in Nigeria
on a pest grasshopper, the impact of soil termites
on grasslands, and the impact of pesticide use on
non-target organisms, and in Mali a radar group
studying grasshopper migration. He spent a week
at a time with each, examining data and discussing the next steps. As well as revising The Insects
at that time, he wrote a small book on locust
When Liz Bernays was offered a position in
Berkeley in 1983, Reg Chapman, in his usual way
of putting others first, went with her to an unsalaried situation. However, in 1987, the University of
Arizona made irresistible offers to both, and Chapman was a professor of insect neurobiology until
his retirement in 2001. In Arizona, his work on
taste physiology was productive, with the help of
several postdocs and students.
Besides The Insects, and A Biology of Locusts,
Reg wrote Host-plant Selection by Phytophagous
Insects with Liz, edited four books, and wrote 20
critical reviews, ten book chapters, 110 research
papers, and twenty entries for encyclopedias
and other popular books. Reg’s research
accomplishments and reviews, especially in the
area of feeding behavior and physiology, are a
major contribution, but much of the work he did
is under the authorship of others – he always
wanted his students and coworkers to get the
credit. Similarly, he was a major influence on
hundreds of graduate students; he loved to help
them, and constructively criticize all who came
to him, not just the 37 he formally guided. His
breadth of knowledge and his ability to quickly
see to the heart of a problem was legendary. He
cared deeply about getting it right and doing it
properly. He will be remembered as one of the
most modest, yet broadly knowledgeable and
critical entomologists, and a great classroom
teacher. Reg Chapman died at Tucson, Arizona
on May 2, 2003.
Checkered Beetles
Members of
The lateral part of the head between the compound
eye and the mouth.
The terminal portion of a limb that bears a clawlike structure. This term is sometimes used to
describe the forelegs of mantids, which effectively
grasp prey.
Chelating Agent
A molecule capable of binding metal atoms; one
example is EDTA, which binds Mg++.
Chelicera (pl. chelicerae)
Chelicera (pl. chelicerae)
The pincer-like first pair of mouthpart appendages
in arachnids.
A family of earwigs (order Dermaptera). They
sometimes are called black earwigs.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They
commonly are known as turtle beetles.
Cheloniform Larva
A larva that is oval or circular, strongly flattened,
and with a concealed head; resembling a turtle.
Chemical Ecology of Insects
heather J. mCausLane
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Ecology is the study of the effects on organisms of
their biotic (i.e., living) and abiotic (i.e., nonliving)
environments. Chemical ecology is simply the
study of the effects on organisms of chemicals
produced by living organisms in their environment
(i.e., their biotic environment). Thus, chemical
ecology is a sub-discipline of ecology, emphasizing
interactions within and among species that are
mediated by chemicals. The behavior and/or
physiology of all major groups of organisms examined to date, from bacteria to plants to insects to
humans, are to some extent influenced by chemicals produced and released into the environment
by other organisms.
Chemical ecology as a recognized scientific
discipline came into being in the early 1970s. At
this time there was increasing interest in nonpesticidal methods of insect control because of the
growing awareness of environmental problems
caused by persistent, toxic pesticides. Simultaneous rapid advances in the instrumentation required
to analyze minute amounts of chemicals found in
nature (i.e., gas chromatographs, mass spectrometers
and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopes)
spurred the development of chemical ecology.
Over the last 30 years, the breadth of insect
chemical ecology has increased from the study
of insects interacting within one trophic level to
two-trophic level interactions involving insects
and their food organisms to multitrophic-level
interactions. Chemical ecologists work on problems ranging from applied to basic in nature. For
many chemical ecologists, the primary goal of
their research is to find ways to reduce insect
populations to acceptable levels without using
broad-spectrum insecticides by changing the
insects’ behavior so that they inflict less harm on
our food, our livestock and us. Other chemical
ecologists study the chemical ecology of insects to
understand better the more basic aspects of their
species of interest; who is related to whom, why
they eat a particular food plant and not others,
how they defend themselves, etc…
The chemicals that mediate interactions between organisms in nature are termed semiochemicals. This comes from the Greek word “semeon”
which means a mark or a signal. The semiochemicals that mediate interactions between organisms
of the same species (intraspecific interactions)
are pheromones whereas semiochemicals that
mediate interactions occurring between different
species (interspecific interactions) are allelochemicals.
Pheromones were the first semiochemicals
that received intense scientific study and to date,
well over 500 have been identified, most of these
being sex attractant pheromones of Lepidoptera.
Insects use pheromones to communicate with
members of their species to facilitate reproduction
(sex pheromones), locate food sources (trail
Chemical Ecology of Insects
pheromones), warn of danger (alarm pheromones)
and maintain the function and cohesion of large
colonies (many pheromones of social insects). We
can use pheromones to disrupt communication
among members of a pest species so that they do
less damage to our crops and animals. We can also
use pheromones to detect the presence of insect
pests, monitor their changes in population size,
and time applications of insecticides or other control measures.
Interspecific interactions, involving insects
and other insects, plants or other organisms, are
mediated by allelochemicals. These chemicals are
significant to organisms of a species different from
their source, for reasons other than food. Three
types of allelochemicals are recognized: allomones,
kairomones, and synomones. The designation of a
particular chemical depends on which species in
the interaction benefits and which, if any, is harmed
after perceiving the chemical. For example, an allomone is a chemical that is produced or acquired
by one organism that causes a behavioral or physiological response in the receiver of another species that is beneficial to the emitter but not to the
receiver. The organism, either plant or insect,
releasing the allomone is benefited by preventing a
potential predator from eating it. The receiver of
the allomone is harmed because it is denied what
would otherwise be a suitable meal.
Many plants produce allomones that repel
herbivorous insects and protect their tissues from
herbivore damage. Ecologists, such as Gottfried
Fraenkel, Paul Erhlich and Peter Raven, in the 1950s
and 1960s suggested that the huge diversity of insectrepellent and deterrent chemicals found within
angiosperm plants might actually have evolved in
response to the selection pressure of feeding by
herbivorous insects. Today, most ecologists believe
that these secondary plant compounds, so named
because they did not appear to have a function in
the primary metabolism of plants as nutrients or
structural compounds, probably arose as defenses
against plant pathogens and to help in plant-plant
competition rather than as defenses against insects;
however, their effects on insects are undisputed.
Allomones in the cabbage plant family (the
Brassicaceae) are the reason that relatively few
insects feed on these plants. Most members of this
plant family produce sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates that deter feeding of
herbivores. These chemicals give mustard, collard
and turnip greens their distinct taste (which many
humans consider an “acquired” taste). Volatile
breakdown products of the glucosinolates, the
isothiocyanates and other compounds, which
repel most insects, give the condiment mustard its
pungent aroma. Plants in the squash, pumpkin
and melon family (the Cucurbitaceae) are well
defended with exceedingly bitter large steroidtype molecules called cucurbitacins. Most insects
will not feed on wild species of the Cucurbitaceae
because of the bitter cucurbitacins. However, when
humans began domesticating these crops for
human consumption, they selectively bred out the
bitter taste and reduced the levels of the allomones
that the plants use to defend themselves. Thus,
cucurbit species grown for human consumption
are non-bitter and are readily attacked by many
pest insects.
Chemical ecologists can apply their knowledge of plant-produced allomones for pest management by developing them as biopesticides or
by increasing their levels in non-edible portions of
a crop with the help of plant breeders. Azadirachtin
from the Indian neem tree Azadirachta indica, oils
of various herbs such as mint, rosemary, and
thyme, pyrethrum from chrysanthemums, and
rotenone from the roots of the legume Derris,
among others, have all been developed as botanical
insecticides or plant protectants because of their
toxic or repellent effects on insects.
Many insect species produce allomones, often
surprisingly similar in structure to those of plants,
which repel or deter predators that may try to eat
them. For example, Heliconius butterflies and
Zygaena moths release the cyanogenic glycosides,
linamarin and lotaustralin, which break down to
release hydrogen cyanide, when predators threaten
them. Coincidently, clover and birdsfoot trefoil
also rely on the same cyanogenic glycosides to
Chemical Ecology of Insects
deter herbivores and grazers. The venoms of wasps,
bees and ants are allomones that are highly deterrent to predators, including the human variety.
The list of allomones synthesized or acquired by
insects to defend themselves is lengthy and is
reviewed elsewhere.
A second group of allelochemicals is the kairomones. A kairomone is a semiochemical that is
produced or acquired by an organism that causes a
behavioral or physiological response in the receiver
of a different species that is beneficial to the receiver
but not to the emitter. We know that many species
of predators and parasitoids are attracted to their
hosts or prey by volatile chemicals (kairomones)
released by the prey or from by-products of the
prey (e.g., pheromones and excretory products
such as frass and honeydew). For example, some
species of ant-decapitating flies in the genus Pseudacteon (family Phoridae) are attracted to their
hosts, worker fire ants in the genus Solenopsis (family Formicidae), by the odor of the ants’ alarm
pheromone. Specialist herbivorous insects (those
that oviposit on and whose larvae feed on only a
narrow range of plant species) use distinct chemicals produced by their host plants as signposts or
guides to their plants. For example, moths that
specialize on plants in the cabbage family, such as
the cabbage white butterfly Pieris rapae, are
attracted to the volatile isothiocyanates, which are
allomones for most other insects that do not feed
on cabbage. Thus a kairomone can be a chemical
cue that the emitter legitimately uses as a pheromone or an allomone but that an illegitimate
receiver turns to its advantage. A single chemical
compound could be called a pheromone, a kairomone or an allomone, depending on who benefits, the emitter or the receiver.
The last class of semiochemicals that is recognized today is the synomones. This term was proposed for chemicals that mediate mutualistic
interactions in which both the emitter and the
receiver benefit. For example, the blend of chemicals released by plants when under attack by
herbivorous insects may properly be called a
synomone when it attracts parasitoids or predators
that then parasitize the insect herbivore, thus
reducing the damage to the plant. The receiving
organism, the parasitoid, benefits by being provided an additional source of cues with which
to help it locate a potential host. For example,
the braconid parasitoid, Cardiochiles nigriceps, is
attracted to tobacco, cotton and corn plants that
have been damaged by larvae of its host, the tobacco
budworm Heliothis virescens (Noctuidae), by volatile chemicals that are released by the damaged
plants. Interestingly, the synomonal blend released
by the plant is specific to the herbivorous insect
that is feeding on it; the parasitoid ignores plants
that have been damaged by larvae of a closely
related noctuid, the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea,
which is not a viable host for this parasitoid.
The odor of flowers that attracts pollinating
insects can also be considered synomonal because
it is beneficial to both the flower whose pollination
is ensured and, usually, to the receiving insect,
which is guided to a necessary resource – nectar,
pollen, or some other reward. However, some plants
have turned their synomones into allomones, by
attracting insects and then providing them with
nothing in return. For example, many species of
orchids in the Mediterranean and other places in
the world attract male bees and wasps of certain
species with floral odors that mimic the sex pheromone of their own species. The males are attracted
to the flower and attempt to mate with it. During
this “pseudocopulation”, the flower is pollinated
but the male insect gains nothing, and is perhaps
even harmed by wasting its time and energy on an
activity that will not increase its genetic fitness.
Alarm Pheromones
Attraction of Insects to Organic Sulfur
Compounds in Plants
Host Location in Parasitic Wasps
Host Marking Pheromones
Host Plant Selection by Insects
Natural Enemy Attraction to Plant Volatiles
Plant Secondary Compounds and
Phytophagous Insects
Chestnut Gall Wasp Classical Biological Control in Japan
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Tiger Moths
Sex Attractant Pheromones
Social Insect Pheromones
Tritrophic Interactions
Bell WJ, Cardé RT (eds) (1995) Chemical ecology of insects 2.
Chapman & Hall, New York.
De Moraes CM, Lewis WJ, Paré PW, Alborn HT, Tumlinson
JH (1998) Herbivore-infested plants selectively attract
parasitoids. Nature 393:570–573
Dicke M, Grostal P (2001) Chemical detection of natural
enemies by arthropods: an ecological perspective. Ann
Rev Ecol Syst 32:1–23
Harborne JB (2001) Twenty-five years of chemical ecology.
Nat Prod Rep 18:361–379
Haynes KF, Yeargan KV (1999) Exploitation of intraspecific
communication systems: illicit signallers and receivers.
Ann Entomol Soc Am 92:960–970
Morehead SA, Feener DH Jr (2000) Visual and chemical cues
used in host location and acceptance by a dipteran parasitoid. J Insect Behav 13:613–625
Schiestl FP, Ayasse M, Paulus HF, Löfstedt C, Hansson BS,
Ibarra F, Francke W (1999) Orchid pollination by sexual
swindle. Nature 399:421–422
Chestnut Gall Wasp Classical
Biological Control in Japan
seiiChi moriya
National Agricultural Research Center, Tsukuba,
The chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus
Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), is one of
the most serious chestnut-tree pests. It is thelytokous and univoltine. This wasp is now thought
to have originated in China and to have been accidentally introduced from there into Japan around
1940. Chestnut gall wasp was also introduced into
South Korea and Georgia, in the southeastern
United States, in 1958 and 1974, respectively,
probably via Japan.
The adult emerges from the gall during a relatively brief part of the early summer, and immediately lays eggs inside chestnut buds (Fig. 42)
When the buds start to develop the following
spring, immature larvae that hatched in the previous year resume their growth, and the galls begin
to swell rapidly. Consequently, in heavily infested
trees, the yields of chestnuts are diminished, and
the trees themselves may die.
Application of agricultural chemicals, including
insecticides, through the irrigation system.
A kinesis response with respect to a chemical
A sense organ that perceives chemical stimuli.
A taxis with reference to a chemical gradient (taste,
Chestnut Gall Wasp Classical Biological Control in
Japan, Figure 42 Dryocosmus kuriphilus
ovipositing on the bud of a chestnut tree (photo
by S. Moriya).
Chestnut Gall Wasp Classical Biological Control in Japan
After entering Japan, the pest spread so fast
that it was distributed throughout most of Japan
by the end of the 1950s, seriously damaging chestnut production. Because the larva of chestnut gall
wasp is protected by the thick wall of the gall, no
method of chemical control was feasible. But
chestnut gall wasp could be controlled very effectively at first by using resistant chestnut varieties.
Therefore, all of the susceptible varieties of chestnut trees were rapidly replaced by resistant ones.
However, a stronger strain of chestnut gall wasp
emerged, and the galls began to appear again
around 1960, even on the highly resistant varieties.
The breakdown of resistance alarmed chestnut
growers, because the use of resistant varieties was
the only available method of controlling the pest.
After diplomatic relations between Japan and
China were re-established in 1972, a Japanese
entomologist found that chestnut gall wasp had
been recorded on a Chinese chestnut, Castanea
mollissima Blume, much earlier in China than in
Japan. Furthermore, it was found that chestnut gall
wasp had not been a serious pest in China even
though Chinese chestnut varieties were highly susceptible to chestnut gall wasp. Thus, a Chinese parasitoid, Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hymenoptera:
Torymidae), was selected for introduction to
Japan. In the spring of 1982, a mere 260 mated
females were released onto Japanese chestnut trees,
C. crenata Sieb. et Zucc., growing on the grounds
of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science
(NIFTS), Tsukuba, about 50 km northeast of
Tokyo. Like chestnut gall wasp, the parasitoid is
univoltine, and yet the population of T. sinensis in
Japan increased steadily year after year. The density of T. sinensis females in 1989 was more than 25
times higher than that in 1983. T. sinensis is now
completely dominant among the native parasitoids of chestnut gall wasp at NIFTS. The effect of
the 1982 release of T. sinensis on the chestnut gall
wasp population was evaluated by observing gall
formation ratios (Fig. 43) on chestnut trees. Infestation of chestnut gall wasp steadily decreased
after the release until it reached a level of about 3%
in 1988, then decreased to < 1% in the early 1990s.
Chestnut Gall Wasp Classical Biological Control in
Japan, Figure 43 Torymus sinensis attacking a gall
of Dryocosmus kuriphilus (photo by S. Moriya).
Thus, the single release of T. sinensis at NIFTS ultimately reduced chestnut gall wasp infestation to a
level far below that which chestnut trees can tolerate (the tolerable injury limit is about 30% infestation of current shoots). The rate at which T. sinensis
expanded its distribution range was also determined. The parasitoid spread gradually during the
first few years, at a rate of <1 km/year, followed by
more rapid and accelerated spreading in the next
few years. In the spring of 1989, T. sinensis was
detected in an area more than 12 km from NIFTS.
Since then, a steady expansion, at a constant rate
of about 60 km per year (=per generation), has
been observed. Consequently, the parasitoids seem
to have dispersed by themselves several hundred
kilometers from the point of release by the mid1990s.
In Kumamoto Prefecture, in southwestern
Japan, T. sinensis was also released in 1982 and was
later confirmed to have become established there.
However, unlike the case in Tsukuba, the population density did not increase significantly. This
Chewing and Sucking Lice (Phthiraptera)
delay in population increase might be attributable
to the high mortality of T. sinensis associated with
the activity of native facultative hyperparasitoids.
A native Japanese parasitoid, T. beneficus
Yasumatsu et Kamijo, which is closely related to
T. sinensis, consists of at least two strains that differ
from each other only in the time of the adult emergence period. The female of either strain of T. beneficus has a shorter ovipositor sheath than does the
female of T. sinensis, whereas the male T. beneficus
cannot be distinguished morphologically from the
male T. sinensis. The emergence period of T. sinensis is in between those of the two strains of T. beneficus and more or less overlaps them. Thus, it
should be noted that crossing between T. sinensis
and T. beneficus occurs under natural conditions.
When these two torymids were artificially
crossed, morphologically intermediate females
were observed among the offspring, and they were
fertile. Although there was no evidence of direct
competition between T. sinensis and T. beneficus,
the number of T. beneficus apparently decreased
after T. sinensis was introduced into the chestnut
groves at NIFTS.
Moriya S, Inoue K, Mabuchi M (1989) The use of Torymus
sinensis to control chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus
kuriphilus, in Japan. Food Fertilizer Technology Center
Technical Bull 118:1–12
Moriya S, Inoue K, Shiga M, Mabuchi M (1992) Interspecific
relationship between an introduced parasitoid, Torymus
sinensis Kamijo, as a biological control agent of the
chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu,
and an endemic parasitoid, T. beneficus Yasumatsu et
Kamijo. Acta Phytopathol Entomol Hung 27:479–483
Murakami Y (1997) Natural enemies of the chestnut gall
wasp: approaches to biological control. Kyushu University Press, Fukuoka, Japan, 308 pp (in Japanese)
Murakami Y, Gyoutoku Y (1995) A delayed increase in the
population of an imported parasitoid, Torymus (Syntomaspis) sinensis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) in Kumamoto, southwestern Japan. Appl Entomol Zool
Shiga M (1997) Classical biological control of the chestnut
gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus: present status and
interactions between an introduced parasitoid, Torymus
sinensis, and native parasitoids. In: Yano E, Matsuo K,
Shiyomi M, Andow DA (eds) Biological invasions of
ecosystem by pests and beneficial organisms. National
Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba,
Japan, pp 175–188
Chevrolat, Louis Alexandre
Auguste Chevrolat was born in Paris on March 29,
1799. He had numerous sisters, and was brought
up not by his parents but by his grandmother and
a maternal aunt in the town of Melun. He showed
an early interest in natural history, collecting birds
and all sorts of insects, but decided to specialize in
beetles. He made friends with notable entomologists (Latreille, Duméril, Dejean, and Guérin) and
began to publish descriptions of new species of
insects, the first being Doryphora 21-punctata
published in Magasin de Zoologie. He was charged
by Duponchel to edit the section on chrysomelids
for the dictionary directed by d’ Orbigny. In 1832
he was a founding member of the Société Entomologique de France, and in 1875 was elected an
honorary member of it. He published more than
180 papers during his lifetime, his two most frequent outlets were Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, and Magasin Zoologique,
and he published more on Curculionidae (in the
broad sense) than on any other insect family. He
died on December 16, 1884.
Reiche L (1884) Notice necrologique sur Auguste Chevrolat.
Ann Soc Entomol Fr (6) 4:357–360
Chewing and Sucking Lice
This order of wingless ectoparasitic insects is
thought to have evolved from barklice (Psocoptera).
Chewing and Sucking Lice (Phthiraptera)
Certainly it is not difficult to imagine insects
dwelling in animal nests (many Psocoptera) evolving into insects that dwell on birds and mammals
(Phthiraptera), and morphologically they are similar. Traditionally, the order Phthiraptera has been
treated as two separate orders (or two suborders),
the chewing lice (Mallophaga) and the sucking
lice (Anoplura). However, modern treatment of
this group has Mallophaga divided into three suborders (Amblycera, Rhyncophthirina, Ischnocera),
with Anoplura the fourth suborder. Both chewing
and sucking lice are obligate parasites, and cannot
survive long off their hosts. They are the only truly
parasitic group among the exopterygote insects.
They display remarkable host specificity, and most
individuals spend their entire life cycle on a single
host. They relocate opportunistically only when
individuals are in close proximity, and so they have
developed diverse morphology due to their high
degree of isolation. Their basic specializations are
based on feeding on skin debris, fur, feathers, and
blood. The order name (Phthiraptera) is derived
from the Greek words “phtheir” (louse), plus “a”
(without), and “pteron” (wing).
About 3,000 species of chewing lice from around
the world are distributed in three suborders, and
often associated with specific bird hosts, but sometimes mammals. There are about 15 families of
sucking lice, containing only about 500 species,
though many species probably remain to be
described. Most species of lice are quite host specific. Some families have common names that
reflect their hosts.
Class Insecta
Order Phthiraptera
Suborder Amblycera
Family Menoponidae – poultry lice
Family Trinotonidae
Family Laemobothriidae – hawk lice
Family Ricinidae – hummingbird lice
Family Trochiliphagidae
Family Boopidae – marsupial chewing lice
Family Gryropidae – guinea pig lice
Family Trimenoponidae – marsupial lice
Family Abrocomophagidae
Suborder Ischnocera
Family Trichodectidae – mammal chewing lice
Family Philopteridae – bird lice
Family Heptapsogasteridae
Suborder Rhyncophthirina
Family Haematomyzidae
Suborder Anoplura
Family Polyplacidae – spiny rat lice
Family Linognathidae – pale lice
Family Enderleinellidae – squirrel lice
Family Hoplopleuridae
Family Neolinognathidae
Family Hamophthiriidae
Family Ratemiidae
Family Microthoraciidae
Family Echinophthiriidae – seal lice
Family Pthiridae – pubic lice
Family Pedicinidae
Family Pecaroecidae – peccary lice
Family Hybothiridae
Family Haematopinidae – ungulate lice
Family Pediculidae – body lice
The hosts of the chewing lice, other than those
suggested by the aforementioned common names,
are hummingbirds for trochiliphagids; ducks,
geese and swans for trinotonids; a rodent for the
only known abrocomophagid; many birds for heptapsogasterids; and elephants and warthogs for
haematomyzids. The sucking lice feed on mammals. Interestingly, although humans have domesticated animals for thousands of years, they have
rarely acquired lice from them. Instead, the lice
associated with humans are in the genera Pthirus
and Pediculus, which they share with the higher
primates, particularly the apes.
Chewing lice are small ectoparasites, generally
measuring 0.5–6 mm long, and wingless. The head
Chewing and Sucking Lice (Phthiraptera)
is wide, or at least wider than the thorax (Fig. 44),
and bears small eyes and short antennae(3–5 segments). The form of the antenna varies; in the suborder Amblycera they normally are capitate,
whereas in the suborder Ischnocera they are filiform. Ocelli are absent. The mouthparts, as suggested by the common name, are the chewing
type. The body is flattened and has six or fewer
spiracles. The legs have one or two claws. Cerci
are lacking. The metamorphosis is incomplete
(hemimetabolous development). These hemimetabolous insects have three nymphal instars.
Sucking lice also are small ectoparasites, measuring only 0.5–5 mm in length, and oval in shape.
Their head is narrow, a distinguishing character
relative to the chewing lice (Fig. 45). Their eyes are
reduced or absent; ocelli are absent. The antennae
are short, and 3–5 segmented. The mouthparts,
which are about as long as the head, are highly
modified and are adapted for piercing and sucking.
The mouthparts are retracted into the head when
not in use. The body is dorsoventrally flattened.
The segments of the thorax are fused, and the
thoracic spiracles located dorsally. The abdominal
Maxillary palp
Ventral ledge of
antennal groove
Antenna groove
Preocular slit
Transverse suture
Pleural ridge
Longitudinal suture
Pleural ridge
Pleural ridge
Spiracle of 3rd
Abdominal segment
Pleural ridge
Sternal apophysis
Pleural ridge
Antecoxal sclerite
10th abdominal
Chewing and Sucking Lice (Phthiraptera), Figure 44 A diagram of a chewing louse showing a dorsal view
(left) and a ventral view (right).
Chewing and Sucking Lice (Phthiraptera)
Clypeofrontal suture
Postfrontal suture
Ocular lobe
Prothoracic pleural ridge
Mesothoracic pleural ridge
Thoracic sternum
Tergal pit
Metathoracic pleural ridge
Median tergites
Chewing and Sucking Lice (Phthiraptera), Figure 45 A diagram of a sucking louse showing a dorsal view
(left) and a ventral view (right).
segments are distinct. The tarsi consist of only one
segment, and there is only one large claw on each
tarsus. Cerci are absent. Metamorphosis is incomplete, as with the chewing lice.
Probably all species of birds are affected by chewing lice, but only about 20% of mammals host
these lice. The eggs are attached to the feathers or
hairs of the host with glue. The nymphs and adults
feed on feathers, hair, skin, blood, and the oils produced by the skin. Blood feeding seems to be of
minor importance, and substantial infestations
can occur with little ill effect, though the common
behavior among birds of taking a “dust bath” is
probably an attempt to rid themselves of lice.
However, when populations are very high, they
can be of veterinary importance, especially to
young fowl. They are not important in disease
transmission. They spread from animal to animal
by body contact, and often leave their host soon
after it perishes.
Sucking lice feed only on blood of mammals.
Two (or three, depending on how Pediculus humanus
is treated) species affect humans, and about 12 species affect domestic animals. The families tend to
contain lice with very similar feeding habits. For
example, the echinophthiriids feed on seals, sea lions,
walruses and river otter; the enderleinellids on squirrels; the haematopinids on ungulates such as pigs,
cattle, horses and deer; the hoplopleurids on rodents
and insectivores; the linognathids on even-toed
ungulates such as cattle, sheep, goats, reindeer and
deer, and on canids such as dogs, foxes and wolves;
the pecaroecids on peccaries; the pediculids on the
head and body of humans; the polyplacids on
rodents and insectivores; and pthirids on gorillas
and humans. The eggs generally are cemented to the
hairs of the host. There are three nymphal instars in
nearly all species.
Because lice are co-evolved (co-speciated) with
their specific hosts, the extinction of hosts results in
extinction of lice species as well. Due to pervasive
host extinction (for example, about 67% of the genera of mammals are thought to be extinct), many
species of lice likely have disappeared. However, lice
do not preserve well, and are virtually absent from
the fossil record, so their history is not well known.
Human Lice
Arnett RH Jr, (2000) American insects, 2nd edn. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL, 1003 pp
Ash JS (1960) A study of the Mallophaga of birds with particular reference to their ecology. Ibis 102:93–110
Durden LA, Musser GG (1994) The sucking lice (Insecta,
Anoplura) of the world; a taxonomic checklist with
records of mammalian hosts and geographical distributions. Bull Br Mus Nat Hist 218:1–90
Grimaldi D, Engel MS (2005) Evolution of the insects. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 755 pp
Hopkins GHE (1949) The host-associations of the lice of
mammals. Proc Zool Soc Lond 119:387–605
Kim KC, Ludwig HW (1978) The family classification of Anoplura. Syst Entomol 3:249–284
Kim KC (1987) Order Anoplura. In: Stehr FW (ed) Immature
insects, vol 1 Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IA, pp
Kim KC, Pratt HD, Stpjanovich CJ (1986) The sucking lice of
North America. An illustrated manual for identification.
Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park,
Price MA, Graham OH (1997) Chewing and sucking lice as
parasites of mammals and birds. U.S. Department of
Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1849, 309 pp
Price RD (1987) Mallophaga. In: Stehr FW (ed) Immature
insects, vol 1. Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IA,
pp 215–223
he relocated to the Temporary University in Ghangsha, Hunan, and then to Southwestern Associated
University in Kunming, Yunan. The latter involved
an incredible 68-day overland trek by Chiang and
his fellow students. After graduating, he joined
the Agricultural Research Institute in Kunming.
Kunming was the terminus of the Allied Forces air
supply route from India, and Chiang interacted
with a military anti-malaria unit, which allowed
him to make important contacts and to improve
his English. Chiang contacted the University of
Minnesota and enrolled in 1945. He completed his
graduate studies in 1948, and accepted a temporary
position studying European corn borer. This, and a
temporary stint as an instructor of entomology at
Minnesota, led to a permanent faculty position
where he worked until retiring in 1984.
Huai Chiang is best known for his work on
corn pests, and he authored about 250 publications, including two articles in the Annual Review
of Entomology. He was considered an expert in
biological control and insect ecology. He was active
in international and government agencies and
programs, and was honored by several universities
and countries for his research and service. He died
on March 30, 2005, in Ithaca, New York.
Radcliffe T (2005) Huai C. Chiang. Am Entomol 51:126–127
Chewing Mouthparts
Mouthparts that consist of opposable, non-sucking structures; biting mouthparts.
Mouthparts of Hexapods
Chiang, Huai C.
Huai Chiang was born February 15, 1915, in Sunjiang County, Jiansu Province, China. He attended
Tsinghua University in Beijing, where he was first
exposed to entomology. During the Sino-Japanese
war of 1937–1945, his studies were disrupted and
A mite of the family Trombiculidae.
keLLy roe, kenneth w. mCCravy
Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, USA
Chikungunya is an Alphavirus in the family Togaviridae. It is an arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus)
transmitted to humans primarily by Aedes aegypti,
the yellow fever mosquito. Togaviruses replicate in
the cytoplasm and mature by budding out from
the cell membrane. They are not very stable in the
environment and are easily destroyed or inactivated by disinfectants. The genus Alphavirus has
27 member viruses, all of which are mosquitoborne. Eleven of these viruses cause disease in
humans, and eight of them produce significant
epidemics: Chikungunya, Ross River virus, eastern, western, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis,
O’nyong-nyong, Mayaro, and Sindbis. Chikungunya virus is widespread throughout Africa, India,
and Southeast Asia, including the Philippines.
Devastating epidemics, sometimes lasting for
months or years, have occurred and reoccurred in
Africa and Asia. A majority of an urban population can be infected within a few months. Under
these circumstances A. aegypti can maintain the
virus in a human-mosquito-human cycle.
Symptoms, Treatment, and
Chikungunya received its name from a Swahili or
Makonde term meaning “that which bends up,”
referring to the stooped posture of patients afflicted
with severe joint pain associated with this disease.
Chikungunya is a debilitating but generally selflimiting febrile viral disease. It is characterized
by arthralgia or arthritis, typically in the small
joints of the extremities, such as ankles, knees,
toes, wrists, and fingers. Other symptoms include
high fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, maculopapular rash, buccal and palatal
enanthema, myalgia, chills, flushed face, lymphadenopathy, stooped posture, and, in some cases,
bleeding from the nose and mild hemorrhaging.
The incubation period can range from 2–12 days,
but is usually 3–7 days. The onset of this disease is
sudden, and is marked by a rapid increase in body
temperature followed by severe pain in the limbs
and spine. These symptoms usually last 3–5 days
followed by recovery in 5–7 days. However, the
virus has shown signs of greater virulence in the
recent Indian Ocean epidemic. Occasionally joint
pain can reoccur intermittently for months or
even years. Unapparent Chikungunya infections
do occur, but how commonly this occurs is
unknown. It is thought that life-long immunity
is conferred through clinical or unapparent infection with the Chikungunya virus.
Chikungunya is diagnosed based on symptoms and serological testing. At this time there is
no cure for the disease. Vaccine trials were carried
out in 2000, but funding for the project was eliminated and the project was discontinued. There is
no vaccine or antiviral treatment available for
Chikungunya fever. The illness is generally selflimiting and the symptoms usually resolve over
time. Symptomatic treatments are recommended
after excluding other more dangerous diseases,
such as dengue and yellow fever. These treatments
include rest, plenty of fluids, and acetaminophen,
naproxen, ibuprofen, or paracetamol to relieve
fever and aching. Aspirin should not be taken to
treat Chikungunya fever. An infected person
should stay indoors to protect against further
mosquito exposure and transmission of the disease to other people during the first few days of
illness. Other measures to reduce the spread of
Chikungunya fever include use of insecticides to
kill adult and larval mosquitoes. Measures that can
be taken by individuals include elimination of
standing water where mosquitoes can breed, use
of insect repellents containing permethrin or
DEET, wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts,
and use of screens on windows and doors to prevent entry by mosquitoes.
The present strain of the Chikungunya virus in
the Indian Ocean region appears to be more virulent than those causing previous epidemics. A number of patients have developed complications and
died. The death of a 10 year old boy had no other
plausible explanation; Chikungunya virus was the
only pathogen present in his blood. The death toll
from the Chikungunya virus continues to increase.
In the Indian Ocean region, 77 death certificates
issued in January through March 2006 state
Chikungunya as the cause of death, although for
most cases co-morbidity played a significant role.
Aedes aegypti is the most important vector of the
viruses of Chikungunya, dengue, and yellow fever.
This mosquito is widely distributed between 40°N
and 40°S latitude. Aedes aegypti does not thrive in
hot dry climates and is vulnerable to extreme temperatures. The primary food source for female A.
aegypti is blood from a vertebrate host; male mosquitoes do not suck blood. The blood meal for A.
aegypti is commonly human blood, but they will
also feed on other mammals and birds. Aedes
aegypti has been recognized as the chief vector of
Chikungunya for approximately 50 years, although
other species of Aedes (see below) and Culex have
also been implicated.
In the 1950s an aggressive mosquito control
campaign greatly reduced A. aegypti on the island
of Réunion, east of Madagascar in the Indian
Ocean. Reducing the primary vector of Chikungunya should have reduced or eliminated the
spread of this disease. This proved not to be the
case. Aedes albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito,
was not viewed as a significant threat, and remained
abundant due to lack of control measures. This
mosquito is of Asian origin, and is usually found
far away from human habitation. Aedes albopictus
feeds readily on many species of mammals and
birds. It was assumed to be an inefficient vector of
Chikungunya in nature because of its habit of
feeding on non-susceptible hosts that do not contribute to the transmission cycle. However, the
recent outbreak and epidemic of Chikungunya on
Réunion, with roughly 265,000 people infected
(34% of the total population of the island), indicates that A. albopictus can be an effective vector
of Chikungunya.
The Chikungunya virus was first isolated
from the blood serum of a febrile human by R.W.
Ross in 1953 in the Newala district of Tanzania.
It was later recovered in Bangkok in 1958, and
has more recently caused massive epidemics in
many countries. The Chikungunya virus is geographically distributed in Africa, India, and
Southeast Asia. The virus is maintained in Africa
through a sylvatic transmission cycle between
Aedes luteocephalus, Aedes furcifer, or Aedes taylori mosquitoes and wild primates. The Chikungunya virus is transmitted among baboons and
humans by A. furcifer. In Africa, baboons are the
primary vertebrate host from which the virus
extends into the human population. In Asia, the
Chikungunya virus is transmitted from human
to human by A. aegypti through an urban transmission cycle. Because neither a vertebrate reservoir nor a sylvan transmission cycle has been
identified outside of Africa, it is thought that the
Chikungunya virus originated in Africa and was
later introduced into Asia and other parts of the
world. The Chikungunya virus has caused outbreaks and epidemics in East Africa (Tanzania
and Uganda), Austral Africa (Zimbabwe and
South Africa), West Africa (Senegal and Nigeria), and Central Africa (Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of the Congo) since
its discovery in 1953.
Chikungunya virus in the Indian Ocean
region has recently caused one of the largest epidemics reported in the last 40 years, involving
hundreds of thousands of people. The severity and
magnitude of the epidemic has surprised public
health specialists and the governments. Chikungunya virus infection has steadily increased within
the human population. In 2005 there were an estimated 12,400 cases reported, whereas in 2006
there were over 200,000 cases reported through
April alone. These numbers do not include cases
that are misdiagnosed or unreported.
It has been suggested that many cases of Chikungunya fever are misdiagnosed as dengue fever.
The clinical symptoms of Chikungunya infection
often mimic those of dengue fever, and Chikungunya virus is present in regions where dengue virus
is endemic. There have been documented cases
of simultaneous co-infection with dengue and
Chikungunya viruses. A human-mosquito-human
Chilli Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
cycle has sustained urban epidemics involving
A. aegypti as the vector, and Chikungunya-dengue
and Chikungunya-yellow fever outbreaks have
been described. The association of Chikungunya,
dengue, and yellow fever is likely due to transmission by the same vector species, A. aegypti. Aedes
aegypti is not limited to Africa and Asia, so there is
the possibility that the Chikungunya virus could
spread elsewhere.
In 2006, six complete genome sequences of
selected Chikungunya viral isolates were studied.
Results of this study suggest that the Chikungunya
virus can adapt to new environmental conditions,
and can evolve the ability to survive in vectors that
it was incapable of surviving in previously. These
results underscore the possibility that the Chikungunya virus can spread to other parts of the world.
The Chikungunya virus continues to be a growing
problem since its discovery in 1953.
Enserink M (2006) Massive outbreak draws fresh attention to
little-known virus. Science 311:1085
Effler PV, Pang L, Kitsutani P, Vorndam V, Nakata M, Ayers
T, Elm J, Tom T, Reiter P, Rigau-Perez JG, Hayes JM,
Mills K, Napier M, Clark GG, Gubler DJ (2005) Dengue
fever, Hawaii, 2001–2002. Emerg Infect Dis 11:742–749
Higgs S (2006) The 2005–2006 Chikungunya epidemic in the
Indian Ocean. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 6:115–116
Jupp PG, McIntosh BM (1988) Chikungunya disease. In:
Monath TP (ed) The arboviruses: epidemiology and
ecology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 137–157
Kettle D (1995) Medical and veterinary entomology, 2nd edn.
CABI Publishing, New York.
McIntosh BM, Jupp PG, Dos Santos I (1977) Rural epidemic
of Chikungunya in South Africa with involvement of
Aedes furcifer and baboons. S Afr J Sci 73:267–269
Myers RM, Carey DE (1967) Concurrent isolation from
patient of two arboviruses, Chikungunya and dengue
type 2. Science 157:1307–1308
Reiter P, Fontenille D, Paupy C (2006) Aedes albopictus as an
epidemic vector of Chikungunya virus: another emerging problem? Lancet Infect Dis 6:463–464
Ross RW (1956) The Newala epidemic. III. The virus: isolation, pathogenic properties and relationship to the epidemic. J Hyg 54:177–191
Salvan M, Mouchet J (1994) Aedes albopictus and Aedes
aegypti at Ile de la Réunion. Ann Soc Belg Med Trop
Tesh RB, Gubler DJ, Rosen L (1976) Variation among geographic strains of Aedes albopictus in susceptibility to
infection with Chikungunya virus. Am J Trop Med Hyg
World Health Organization. Chikungunya and dengue in the
south west Indian Ocean. Available at http://www.
WHO.int/csr/don/2006_03_17/en. Accessed 25 May
Chilli Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis
Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
dakshina r. seaL, waLdemar kLassen
University of Florida, Homestead, FL, USA
The common names of Scirtothrips dorsalis are
chilli thrips, chili thrips, castor thrips, Assam
thrips, strawberry thrips and yellow tea thrips.
Taxonomists now regard Neophysopus fragariae
Girault, Heliothrips minutissimus Bagnall, Anaphothrips andreae Karny and S. dorsalis var. padmae
Ramakrishna as synonyms of S. dorsalis Hood.
Economic Importance
Scirtothrips dorsalis has long been a pernicious pest
of various vegetable crops, cotton, citrus and other
fruit and ornamental crops in its principal range in
southern Asia, where it may kill newly emerged
seedlings, severely distort leaves and scar the surface
of fruits of its favored hosts. In India, S. dorsalis is a
serious pest of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.),
chilli pepper (Capsicum annum L. var. annum), peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), cotton (Gossypium spp.),
onion (Allium cepa L.), rose (Rosa spp.) and other
flowers. In Taiwan, S. dorsalis is a significant pest of
citrus, especially satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshui
Marc), tea (Camellia sinensis [L.] O. Kuntze), and
the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.). In
Japan, S. dorsalis is notorious for its damage to citrus, tea, and grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). In Côte
d’Ivoire, it is a serious pest of cotton. In Indonesia,
S. dorsalis is a serious pest of soybean (Glycine max
Chilli Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
[L.] Merr.). In Queensland, Australia. S. dorsalis is a
significant pest of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa
Duchesne X F. virginiana Duchesne).
Scirtothrips dorsalis has spread to South
Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Oceania, Australia
(Queensland), Papua New Guinea, Indonesia,
and the Solomon Islands; in 2003 it was found to
be established on St. Vincent, an island in the
Caribbean Sea. Since 2003, S. dorsalis has
emerged as a major pest in certain Caribbean
islands, Suriname, Venezuela, Florida and southern Texas. The pest is still absent from the European and the Mediterranean Region. In the New
World, S. dorsalis is now damaging crops as follows – St. Vincent and St. Lucia: commercial
fields of chili pepper; Barbados: sea island cotton
(Gossypium barbadense L.), and carrot (Daucus
carota L.); Florida: Celosia argentea L., coleus
(Plectranthus scutellaroides [L.] R. Br.), Coreopsis
spp., geranium (Pelargonium x hortorum Bailey),
Gerber daisy (Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus ex
hook f.), “Knockout” rose, pepper transplants
(Rosa spp.), impatiens (Impatiens spp.), Japanese
privet (Lagustrum japonicum), lisianthus (Eustoma russellianum), pentas (Pentas lanceolata
[Förrsk.] Deflers), petunia (Petunia x hybrida),
pittosporum (Pittosporum spp.), plumbago
(Plumbago auriculata), snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), verbena (Grandualaria x hybrida
[Gönland & Rűmpler] Neson & Pruski), Victoria
blue (Salivia farinacea), pansy Viola x wittrockiana Gams, zinnia (Zinnia elegans) and many
other ornamental plants. Lawn care operators
and other landscape management firms in Florida regard S. dorsalis to be nearly as threatening
as insecticide-resistant western flower thrips,
Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande). Thus, where
the two species both occur, it is important that
measures taken against one species do not exacerbate the difficulty of suppressing the other.
Also in Florida, S. dorsalis has been found frequently on pepper seedlings in retail outlets,
but it has not yet become problematic in the
commercial production of pepper or any other
vegetable crop.
Scirtothrips dorsalis is a vector of various viral
and bacterial diseases, including peanut bud
necrosis virus (PBNV), peanut chlorotic fan virus
(PCFV), tobacco streak virus (TSV) and tomato
spotted wilt virus (TSWV).
Recognizing S. dorsalis Infestations
Scirtothrips dorsalis feeds on the meristems of host
plants’ terminals and on other tender above-ground
parts, and creates damaging feeding scars, distortions of leaves and discolorations of buds, flowers
and young fruits (Fig. 46). It does not feed on mature
tissue. Scirtothrips dorsalis causes damage by sucking the contents out of individual epidermal cells,
which leads to necrosis of the tissue. Initially such
tissue has a silvery sheen, but soon the damaged
areas turn brown or black. In heavily infested pepper fields the appearance of the plants is known as
“chilli leaf curl.” Heavy feeding causes the tender
leaves and buds to become brittle, so that total defoliation and severe crop loss may occur.
Usually, S. dorsalis adults are no longer than 1.2
mm and have pale bodies and dark wings. Dark
spots are found dorsally on the abdomen, forming
an incomplete stripe. Typically, the first instar larvae, second instar larvae and pupae are 0.37–0.39,
0.68–0.71 and 0.78–0.80 mm long, respectively, and
all have pale bodies. The presence of distorted
or discolored plant parts is suggestive of presence of
S. dorsalis. Larvae feed on the undersides of young
tender pepper leaves, and cause the leaf edges to
curl upwards and brownish areas to develop
between the veins. Corky tissue develops on infested
fruits. Scirtothrips dorsalis larvae and adults tend
to aggregate along the midvein or at the borders of
damaged leaf tissues. In some instances, S. dorsalis
infested plants superficially resemble broad mite
infested plants, but broad mites cause pepper leaves
to curl downwards and become narrow. On the
other hand, when S. dorsalis populations become
dense, the pest then feeds on the upper sides of the
leaves of a number of host plants.
Chilli Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Chilli Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), Figure 46 Chilli thrips and damage:
(a) adult of chilli thrips (photo by L. Mound), (b) larva of chilli thrips (photo by C. Sabines), (c) chilli
thrips-infested rose plants (photo by C. Sabines), (d) chilli thrips damage on a pepper plant (photo by I.
Maguire) (e) chilli thrips damage on a cotton plant (photo by I. Maguire).
Chilli Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Scirtothrips dorsalis individuals can be dislodged onto a white or black paper or plastic sheet
on which they are readily visible. Samples can be
taken by rinsing these thrips from plant material
using 70% ethanol. The ethanol solution is then
poured onto a fine sieve, and the specimens can be
removed from the latter with a camel hair brush
and mounted on slides for examination under a
microscope. Adults are attracted to yellow sticky
cards and perhaps to a lesser extent to yellowishgreen, green or white surfaces. In Japan sticky suction traps above the canopies of tea plants are used
to monitor the flight of S. dorsalis and other thrips.
Life History
The life cycle stages of S. dorsalis are egg, first instar
larva, second instar larva, prepupa, pupa and adult.
The microscopic eggs are creamy white, kidney
shaped and about 0.075 mm long and 0.070 mm
wide. They are deposited inside plant tissue above
the ground, and they hatch in 2–5 days. Larvae and
adults tend to aggregate along the midvein or at the
borders of damaged leaf tissues. Usually the pupae
are found in the axils of the leaves, in curled leaves,
under calyces of flowers and fruits, although they
may also be found in the leaf litter or soil. Larval
development requires 8–10 days and prepupal and
pupal development together require 2.6–3.3 days. At
about 28°C, the period spanning the first instar to
the adult ranged from 11.0 days on pepper to 13.3
days on squash. S. dorsalis adults lived 13.6 days on
tomato and 15.8 days on eggplant. The base and
upper development temperatures of S. dorsalis are
9.7°C and 33.0°C, respectively. The species has a
thermal requirement of 265 degree days from egg to
adult and 281 degree days from egg to egg. Thus, the
species is believed to undergo up to 18 generations
per year in warm subtropical and tropical areas and
about eight generations per year in warm temperate
areas. It is believed that S. dorsalis cannot overwinter
outdoors in areas where the minimum temperature
reaches −4°C for 5 or more days. Scirtothrips dorsalis
tends to become more abundant during prolonged
dry periods than during rainy periods, and its abundance is negatively affected by torrential rainfall
events. The flight activity of S. dorsalis is greatest
between noon and 2 p.m. Not all eggs are fertilized
as a result of mating. Fertilized eggs develop into
females, and unfertilized eggs develop into males.
The sex ratio is often shifted in favor of female
Host Plants
Before S. dorsalis became established in the Western
Hemisphere, it was already known to attack a wide
range of hosts belonging to 112 plant taxa in about
40 families; as the pest invades new territory it
attacks many additional taxa of plants. Economically important hosts of S. dorsalis, include the
following: banana (Musa spp.), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.), castor
(Ricinus communis L), Chinese bitter cucumber
(Momordica charantia L.), citrus (Citrus spp.), corn
(Zea mays L.), cocoa (Theobroma cacoa L.), cotton
(Gossypium spp.), eggplant (Solanum melongena L.),
golden dew drop (Duranta erecta Lindl.), grape
(Vitis spp.), kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch), litchi
(Litchi chinensis Sonn.), longan (Dimocarpus longan
Lour.), mango (Mangifera indica L), melon (Cucumis
melo L.), onion (Allium cepa L.), passionfruit (Passiflora edulis Sims), peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch),
peanut, (Arachis hypogaea L.), pepper (Capsicum
spp.), poplar (Populus spp.), sacara (Sacara spp.),
sacred lotus, (Nelumbo nuciferae Gaertn.), soybean
(Glycine max L.), strawberry (Fragaria ananassa
Duchesne X F. virginiana Duchesne), sweet potato
(Ipomoea batatas L.), tea (Camellia sinesis L.),
tobacco (Nicotianum spp.), tomato (Lycopersicon
esculentum L.), viburnum (Viburnum suspensum
Lindl.), wild yam (Discorea spp.), and yedda hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis umbellata (Thunb.).
Monitoring and Management
Host crops such as bean, corn and cotton, are
produced from seed and should be monitored as
Chilli Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
soon as the seedlings emerge, because the seedlings are especially attractive and very susceptible to severe damage by S. dorsalis. Hosts that
appear to serve as preferred, such as pepper,
“Knockout” rose, lisianthus, etc., should be monitored for symptoms of S. dorsalis infestation at
least twice per week. Samples of symptomatic
plant tissues should be sent to a professional for
The development of systems for managing
S. dorsalis is still in its infancy. The World Vegetable
Center (AVRDC) recommends the removal of any
weeds that may serve as hosts, rotation of crops,
fostering the activities of predators and parasites,
and rotating insecticides. In Japan the use of reflective synthetic films to cover the ground between
rows of citrus trees is fairly effective.
Thrips are attacked by an array of predators, parasitoids and pathogens. Practical use in
managing thrips populations in the field has
been made of minute pirate bugs, Orius spp.
(Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) and of the entomopathogenic nematodes, Thripinema spp.
(Tylenchida: Allantonematidae). Orius adults
and nymphs eat all stages of thrips, and suppress
rapidly growing thrips populations. Since Orius
also feed on aphids, spider mites, moth eggs, and
pollen, Orius populations tend to persist long
after thrips populations have been decimated.
Thripinema are tiny parasitic worms, which render
parasitized female thrips incapable of laying eggs.
Male and female thrips parasitized with Thripinema
tend to feed sparingly, cause little feeding damage
and spread pathogens weakly.
Whether releases of Orius or Thripinema
should be made will depend on the value of the
plant material to be protected. Also since releases
may be less effective outdoors than in greenhouses
and shadehouses, the cost of releases outdoors
may be prohibitive. Nevertheless every effort
should be made to conserve valuable natural enemies in field situations.
Other predators of thrips, which have not been
adequately studied to determine their practical
suppression value, include lacewings, Chrysoperla
spp., several mired bugs, ladybird beetles, and
a number of predatory thrips including Franklinothrips vespiformis, the black hunter thrips, the six
spotted thrips (Leptothrips mali), Scolothrips sexmaculatus, the banded wing thrips (Aeolothrips
spp.), and the predatory phytoseiid mites, Amblyseius spp., Euseius hibisci and Euseius tularensis.
In India the known predators of both larvae
and adults of S. dorsalis are Carayonocoris indicus,
Erythrothrips asiaticus, Franklinothrips megalops,
Geocoris ochropterus, Mymarothrips garuda,
Orius maxidentex, and Scolothrips indicus. Most
of the known parasitoids of thrips are in the
genera Ceranisus, Goetheana, Thripobius, and
Under experimental conditions, S. dorsalis
can be suppressed with several entomopathogens including Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium
anisopliae and Fusar ium semitectum. The first two
of these pathogens have been used for insect control for several decades, whereas the latter was
recently found to be effective in the laboratory
studies in India.
The advent of S. dorsalis into the Caribbean
and Florida stimulated research on its biology and
management. Notably the pyrethroid insecticides
proved to be only weakly effective. The most effective materials evaluated to date (Table 11) are
shown in the table. In order to forestall the development of resistance to any insecticide, materials
belonging to different classes should be used in a
rotation. Formulations of imidacloprid applied to
the soil as a drench are effective, and they do not
kill predators and parasites. In instances where
another pest, such as the western flower thrips in
Florida, has already developed incipient resistance
to a given insecticide, great care must be exercised
in choosing an insecticide to suppress S. dorsalis.
Possibly this problem may be avoided by the application of entomopathogenic fungi, such as Beauveria bassiana, and Metarhizium anisopliae, but
the efficacy of these preparations still requires field
The insecticide data in the table does not constitute control recommendations. All materials
Chilli Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), Table 11 Recently developed
insecticides with high effectiveness against Scirtothrips dorsalis
Class of material
Trade name
Common name
% control
Method of
Spinosyn A + Ba
Fermentation product: Agrimek; Avid
GABA inhibitor
Beauveria bassiana
Tick EX
Metarhizium anisoplae
Provado; Marathon;
Fermentation product: Spintor; Conserve
nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor activator
This indicates that efficacy was measured in field trials; absence of “a” indicates that efficacy was measured in laboratory
or greenhouse trials
must be used in strict accordance with the registration label. Use of biologically based preparations such as spinosyn A + B, spinetoram and
abamectin will allow continuation of the activity
of naturally occurring predators and parasites.
Thrips (Thysanoptera)
Ananthakrishnan TN (1984) Bioecology of thrips. Indira Pub
House, West Bloomfield, MI, 233 pp
Ananthakrishnan TN (1993) Bionomics of thrips. Ann Rev
Entomol 38:71–92
CABI/EPPO (1997) Quarantine pests for Europe, 2nd edn.
CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 1440 pp
CABI (2003). Crop protection compendium: global module.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau International,
Wallingford, UK
Chang NT (1995) Major pest thrips in Taiwan. In: Parker BL,
Skinner M, Lewis T (eds) Thrips biology and management. Plenum Press, New York, NY, pp 105–108
Moritz G, Morris D, Mound L (2001) Thrips ID. Pest thrips of
the world. An interactive identification and information
system. CSIRO Publishing, Australia
Mound LA, Palmer JM (1981) Identification, distribution and
host plants of the pest species of Scirtothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Bull Entomol Res 71:467–479
Seal DR, Ciomperlik M, Richards ML, Klassen W (2006)
Distribution of the chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis
Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), within pepper plants
and within pepper fields on St. Vincent. Fla Entomol
A family of fleas (order Siphonaptera).
Chinaberry, Melia azedarach L., A Biopesticidal Tree
Chinaberry, Melia azedarach L., A
Biopesticidal Tree
efat aBou fakhr hammad
American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Biopesticides are chemicals derived from a biological source. They are described as agents that
include natural plant metabolites, microbial pest
control agents such as entomopathogens, insect
growth regulators and behavior-modifying chemicals. Biopesticides are generally nontoxic to vertebrates and plants and are called biorational
insecticides in Integrated Pest Management programs. Biorationals are based on natural products
and synthetic analogues of naturally occurring
biochemicals and are more acceptable than conventional insecticides because they are environmentally less hazardous to humans and other
non-target organisms.
Botanical insecticides are plant-derived
chemicals used in insect control. Plants synthesize
secondary compounds that act as a defense against
pests and diseases. The plant family Meliaceae was
identified as one of the most promising sources of
compounds with insect-control properties. In particular, some members of the generas Melia and
Azadirachta were outstandingly effective against
insects, and their components also were useful in
many other respects. These components are considered important from economical, environmental and ecotoxicological standpoints because, in
general, only 20–50 g of the active principle is sufficient to treat one hectare of area to achieve a satisfactory reduction in pest populations, and also
because the products are readily biodegradable.
The non-conventional effects of these preparations can include: partial reduction or complete
inhibition of fecundity and sometimes egg hatchability, reduction of adult life span, oviposition
deterrence, direct ovicidal effects, antifeedant and
repellent effects against larvae, nymphs and adults,
and action as an insect growth regulator.
Insecticidal active ingredients from the neem
tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss, a member of the
mahogany family (Meliaceae) and other related
trees, specifically Melia azedarach L., fulfill most of
the strict requirements for modern pesticides.
These ingredients are non-toxic to mammals and
are readily degraded on plants and in the soil. The
high efficacy of these substances and their rapid
biodegradability completely fulfill the requirements of toxicological and environmental safety.
The name Melia is the Greek name for the ash-tree
Fraxinus ornus L. It belongs to the family Meliaceae,
subfamily Meloideae, and tribe Melieae. Melia azedarach also is called Persian lilac, lilac, chinaberry,
paradise tree, white cedar, umbrella tree, bead tree,
syringa, hoop tree, China tree, pride of India, etc. In
India, the most common name is Dharek. The
names azadirachtin and azedarach are said to be
derived from Persian azadirakht, which means “the
tree azadirachtin” (azadirachtin = ash), similar to
the derivatization of Melia from the Greek name for
ash (μ ε λ κ). Its common names in the Mediterranean region are Zinzalakht and Azadarakht (Day).
“Species”/forms/variations/cultivars of the
Melia complex in Asia and the Pacific region were
all considered to be M. azedarach. Consequently,
Melia dubia CAV, M. australasica A. Juss, M. toosendan Sieb. and Zucc., M. volkensii Gürke, M. conchinchinensis M.J. Roem., M. superba Roxb., M.
floribunda Morr., M. azedarach var. sempervirens
Sw., M. azedarach var. japonica Don., and numerous others are synonyms of M. azedarach. The
Texas umbrella tree, M. azedarach var. umbraculiformis, Berkmans which grows in the southern
USA, is considered a mutation of M. azedarach. In
contrast to all other M. azedarach variations/forms,
it has a flattened crown of branches.
Geographic Distribution
The origin of Melia azedarach L., the chinaberry
tree, is from northwestern India, where it is found
Chinaberry, Melia azedarach L., A Biopesticidal Tree
up to approximately 1,800 m above sea level. It is
indigenous to Baluchistan and the Jhelum valley
in Kashmir. However, it is cultivated and naturalized throughout India, Burma, and the Malay Peninsula. It occurs also in Persia and China.
It is a deciduous tree often grown for shade or
ornament on roadsides, parks and other open
places. It is found in nearly all warm climatic areas.
Due to its relatively low temperature requirements,
it grows in southern Europe and in the Mediterranean region as well as southern France, northern
Italy, and Croatia. It can be found as an avenue tree
in Algeria, Cyprus, Greece, India, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, etc. In northern Argentina, it is
planted for firewood and timber production. In
Uganda, Kenya, and South and West Africa, it is
planted as a drought resistant ornamental and
shade tree. Although the chinaberry tree is a native
to tropical Asia, it is now widely distributed in dry
regions of the southern and western United States.
In some parts of the southern USA, M. azedarach is
regarded as an “invasive” plant because its seeds are
rapidly spread by birds.
Botanical Characteristics
Melia azedarach L. is a tree reaching up to 30 m
(about 90 ft), with a thick trunk, spreading branches
and furrowed bark. Chinese and Indian cultivars
usually attain a height of 8–15 m whereas in certain areas in the Southern Hemisphere, such as
Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Indonesia, the tree may
reach 25–30 m. The blossoming time is MarchMay in the Northern Hemisphere, but some “forms”
blossom throughout the summer or even the whole
year round. The flowers are fragrant, are purplish
or lilac, in long peduncles and axillary panicles
which are shorter than the leaves and are glabrous
or sparsely puberulent. The bi- to tri-pinnate alternate leaves are usually up to 45 cm (1–3 ft) long,
while in young trees often longer (< 1 m). The leaflets are ovate and elliptic to lanceolate, acute,
sharply serrate or lobed or have a crenate to serrate
margin and are 1.2–5 cm (1–2 in) long. Leaf shedding
takes place in the Mediterranean region during
October and November. Some ecotypes in the wet
tropics (Malaysia) do not regularly shed their
leaves. The girth can reach more than 3.2 m. The
bark is relatively smooth and the heartwood is reddish. Fruits are nearly globular, yellow and smooth.
The ripe yellow fruits, or drupes, are about the size
of a cherry, globular to oval, 1/2– 3/4 in. in diameter, and are enclosed in a very hard endocarp, which
contains 3–5 elongate-oval seed kernels. The ripe
fruits can remain for several months on the trees.
The kernels have an oil content of approximately
40%. The number of chromosomes is the same as
in the neem tree, n = 14.
Phytochemical Properties
More than 280 limonoids have been isolated and
identified from Meliacae plants. The most active
constituents of M. azedarach are classified as
azadirachtin-type C-seco limonoids and apo-euphol limonoids as trichilins with a 14,15-epoxide
and a C-19/C-29 lactol bridge.
The limonoid azadirachtin is absent from M.
azedarach; it exists only in Azadirachta sp. The
toxic tetranortriterpenoids (meliatoxins A1, A2, B1,
B2) were isolated from the fruit of M. azedarach.
Meliatoxin A2 was found to be identical to A1
except that ester moiety at C-28 is 2-methylpropionyl in place of the 2-methylbutanoyl group in A1.
Meliatoxins B1 and B2 are isomeric with A1 and A2,
respectively except the epoxide ring in B1 and B2
is replaced by a 5-member ring ketone at C-15.
The chemical structure of the meliatoxins differs
from trichilin, only in the lack of the hydroxyl
substituent at C-12.
Using bioassay guided fractionation and isolation technique, the principal insecticidal constituents of M. azedarach were isolated from methanolic
extracts of green chinaberry fruits and were found
to be two very potent insecticidal tetranortriterpenoids. These terpenoids include novel meliacin,
called 1-cinnamoyl melianone, and a new derivative of meliacarpine called 1-cinnamoyl-3,
Chinaberry, Melia azedarach L., A Biopesticidal Tree
11-dihydroxymeliacarpin. Azadirachtin analogs
were found in M. azedarach fruit extracts. These
isolated compounds were 1-cinnamoyl-3-feruloyl11-hydroxymeliacarpin, 1-cinnamoyl-3-feruloyl-11hydroxy 22, 23-dihydro-23-β-methoxymeliacarpin,
and 1-tigloyl-11-methoxy-20-acetylmeliacarpine.
Other limonoids that have been found in M. azedarach are: azedarchol, nimbin, santonum, sandolactone, ochinal and ochinine actetate, sandanol,
melianone, mellanin, melianol and many others
such as flavonoids, melianoninol, meliandiol, vanillic acid, vanillin and toosendanin. It was found that
saponification of the oil from green berries of M.
azedararch yielded 65% linoleic acid and approximately 20% oleic acid. Apart from palmitic and
stearic acid, only very low quantities of other fatty
acids, saturated or unsaturated, were also detected.
The limonoids salanin and volkensin were isolated
from the fruits of M. volkensii.
Salanin, meldenin and a limonoid glycoside,
established as 6-acetoxy-11-hydroxy-7-oxo-14epoxymeliacin-1,5-diene-3-O-L-rhamnopyraside,
were isolated from 5 kg of powdered M. azedarach
seeds extracted in 30 l of ethanol. M. azedarach
leaves were also found to contain santonum,
melianone, sandolactone, ochinal and ochinine
acetate and 1-cinnamoyl melianone. Rutin and
3-O-L rhamnoside were isolated from M. azedarach in India. The two flavonol diglycosides,
rutin and kaempferol-3-O-β rutinoside, were also
isolated in high yields from the leaves of M. azedarach in Spain.
Three trichilin type limonoids with the three
known limonoids, trichilins B and D and meliatoxin A2, were isolated from ether-extracted root
bark of the Chinese M. azedarach L., namely
trichilin H, 12-acetyltrichlin B, and 7,12 diacetyltrichilin B. A biogenetically interesting ring-C seco
limonoid, salannal, and a potent insect antifeedant, meliacarpine E, were also isolated from the
root bark of the Chinese M. azedarach, along with
four other seco-limonoids, salanin, deacetyl salanin, nimbolinin B, and nimbolidin B. Sandanol,
melianol, mellanine A, and meldenin were isolated
from the seeds.
Production of Meliaceous Trees
The trees are easily propagated both sexually and
vegetatively. They can be reproduced using seeds,
seedlings, saplings, root suckers or cuttings.
Clean seeds, without the pulp, are planted in
nurseries in prepared plastic sacks. Germination
takes place after 8–15 days, depending on temperature and water supply. Shade usually is not
required, but a partially shaded nursery may be
advantageous. Ordinary seeds are ready for transplanting in 12 weeks, when they reach a height of
7.5–10 cm and their taproot is approximately 15
cm long. Transplanting is done during the rainy
season with a high survival rate. It has been
reported that trees produced through seed germination exhibit considerable variation. Hence, tissue culture technology was adopted to raise
uniform plantation permitting multiplication of
superior genotypes.
Medicinal and Other Uses
Melia azedarch is a medicinal plant used in Eastern medicine. It has been used in many places for
the treatment of a variety of human disorders. On
the Island of Maritius and in China, an extract of
the bark is used as an antihelminthic. In Algeria,
the plant is used as a tonic and antipyretic, and in
South Africa, it is used for the treatment of leprosy,
eczema and the relief of asthmatic attacks. In Asia,
leaves are used as an antipyretic while the leaves,
fruits and bark are used as an antihelminthic, however, certain “forms” are known to be poisonous to
humans and livestock. The oil of M. azedarach is
also used as an antihelminthic and antiseptic.
Ripe fruits are known to be more toxic to
mammals than green ones. Leaves seem to be less
toxic, as they are used as fodder for goats in India.
It was reported that children have died after eating
six to eight ripe fruits. Records also show that
M. azedarach is toxic to livestock, commonly affecting pigs, but the poisoning of cattle, sheep, goats
and poultry has been reported with symptoms of
Chinaberry, Melia azedarach L., A Biopesticidal Tree
nausea, vomiting, constipation or scouring, often
with blood. It was found that the approximate oral
LD50 values of purified ethanolic solutions of the
meliatoxins attributed to be the cause of high toxicity to pigs, was 6.4 mg/kg. Meliatoxins A1, A2, B1
and B2 have been shown to be responsible for the
acute nervous system dysfunction and death in
pigs. Toxicity may vary with location and stage of
growth and may be entirely absent in some trees.
Melia azedarach provides a multipurpose,
termite-resistant heartwood which is used for teaboxes, furniture, ceilings and other building purposes. The “white cedar” leaves in Australia are
used by aborigines as a fish poison.
Bioactivity of the Melia azedarach
Tree Against Insects
Persian lilac trees remained unharmed during
severe invasion by the desert locust Schistocera
gregaria both in Palestine in 1915 and during the
locust plague in India in 1926–27. It was proposed
that M. azedarach does not kill acridids but repels
them for several days and is unpalatable to Schistocerca gregaria.
In Punjab, leaves of M. azedarach used as soil
treatment at a rate of 7 tons/acre reduced the termite attack on wheat to 0.7% as compared with 8%
in untreated plots.
M. azedarach is not a good host for the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Host
preference bioassays indicated a significantly lower
number of live whiteflies on the leaves of the chinaberry tree versus the leaves of beans, cucumbers,
and tomatoes after 24 h.
Bioactivity of Extracts of Melia
Leaf extracts of M. azedarach protected plants
against locust feeding and the activity was found
to be higher in these extracts than in pulp and the
very small seed kernels. Chloroform extracts of
M. azedarach leaves were found to retard the
growth of first instar larvae of the corn earworm
Heliothis zea and the fall armyworm Spodoptera
frugiperda. At a concentration of 30 mg-eq/g diet
fed to test larvae, 100% mortality occurred and
larvae died before pupation, retarding development in both insect species. Significant weight
reduction in larvae was observed due to feeding
deterrence of the extract.
Aqueous extracts of M. azedarach applied
on bean plant leaves interfere with the longevity
and development of adults and immature stages of
B. tabaci. The interference of the extract, in a field
test, reduced transmission of viruses by 45–60%
compared to control plants. This was attributed to
the phago-deterrent effect of the plant extract
against adults. Toxicity of aqueous emulsions of
M. azedarach fruits prepared from 5% solutions in
acetone containing also Triton X-100 (0.5%) against
adults of Sitotroga cerealella was approximately
0.2% that of malathion, and activity of 4-day-old
residues was 20–40%. The extract lost its toxicity
nearly totally by the 8th day after the spray.
Fruit and leaf extracts of M. azedarach showed
a comparable and potential repellent effect against
B. tabaci adults. Fruit and leaf aqueous extracts
caused a significantly lower number of live adult
whiteflies to be encountered on treated bean leaves
than the control after 24 h, regardless of whether
these plant parts were crushed or boiled in water.
M. azedarach aqueous extracts at the rate of 1:5
(w/v) caused a possible antifeedant action against
adult B. tabaci as indicated by fewer eggs laid by
treated adults and fewer pupae produced.
The growth of 2nd and 4th larval instars of
the oak processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea
processionea, was retarded after being sprayed by
an enriched M. azedarach fruit extract; and after 4
days of spraying, the larvae became quite lethargic.
Even with lower concentrations of 0.01%, mortality of 100% was attained within a period of 1–2
weeks. Death was mainly caused by moult disruption because the larvae were not able to shed the
old exuviae. Younger larvae were more sensitive to
the plant extracts than older ones.
Chinaberry, Melia azedarach L., A Biopesticidal Tree
The Melia fruit aqueous extract significantly
lowered the number of larvae of the pea leafminer,
Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard), per Swiss
chard plant as compared to the control, at 15 days
after first spray when two consecutive sprays were
performed under field conditions. The Melia fruit
extract significantly decreased the number of live
larvae per cucumber leaf compared to the control,
10 days after each spray under greenhouse conditions. Melia fruit extracts and cyromazine caused
the formation of deformed larvae which were
partially brown rotted and oozing. This indicates
that the fruit extract may have a growth-regulating
activity similar to that of cyromazine, a triazine
insect growth regulator selective to the genus
Liriomyza. The aqueous leaf extract was found to
keep the number of live larvae per leaf at a significantly lower density than the control only at 20
days after the second treatment application. This
indicates that the leaf extract might need a longer
period of time to reveal its effect. Increasing the
number of consecutive sprays enhances the activity of these extracts under field conditions due to
the known ultraviolet degradation of botanical
The activity of mixed function oxidases in the
midgut of 5th-instar larvae of Pieris rapae was
reduced to half its value after feeding on toosendanin, an extract from the bark of M. azedarach
or M. toosendan. Esterase activity in the midgut
was also markedly reduced, but not in the
Simple preparations from M. azedarach
include: drying of the fruit, milling of the seeds,
preparation of aqueous extracts, and of a seed dust
diluted with 25% zeolite. The main pests controlled
by these preparations were: S. frugiperda,
Spodoptera sp., B. tabaci, Plutella xylostella, Mocis
latipes, Diaphania sp., Herse cingulata, H. virescens,
Sitophibus oryzae, Cyclas formicarius elegantulus,
Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae.
Methanolic extracts of M. azedarach of high
concentrations (25% and 12.5%) caused about
100% mortality of A. fabae nymphs within 4 days.
Extracts of 25%, 12.5%, and 1.25% also deterred
alates in choice experiments from ovipositing on
treated Vicia faba plants.
Adults of B. tabaci were significantly more
repelled from tomato plants treated by the undiluted methanol, acetone or water extracts when
compared to the control after 72 h. There were significant differences in percent mortality (23.0–
48.9%) of nymphal instars when exposed to the
undiluted extracts compared to the other diluted
extracts and the control. M. azedarach leaf and
fruit extracts were found to be repellent to the
whitefly adults, while the fruit extracts specifically
have shown a significant detrimental effect against
early nymphal instars. The undiluted methanol
extracts caused a very low number of live adult
whiteflies on treated plants in comparison to the
undiluted water and acetone extracts. This indicates that methanol seems to extract more of the
bioactive components from Melia compared to
that of acetone or water. Similarly, aqueous and
methanol extracts of leaves, fruits and callus of
M. azedarach have shown significant repellent
activity of 58.9–67.7% and have decreased significantly the oviposition rate of the insect without
affecting the adult whitefly emergence compared
to the control. Extracts of frozen samples were
found to be as effective against the pest as fresh
samples, thus allowing storage of Melia parts to be
used in case of shortage. The antifeedant action of
the M. azedarach extract was observed and it was
found that the rate of adult mortality of B. tabaci
on plants sprayed with M. azedarach leaf or fruit
extracts (1:5, w/v) were not significantly different
from the mortality rate when B. tabaci were kept
The two highest concentrations: 10,000 and
2,000 ppm of the ethanol extract of fruits of M.
azedarach were incorporated into artificial diet of
the fall armyworm, S. frugiperda. This caused 100%
mortality of the insect before pupation, but the
hexane extracts tended to be less effective. Treated
larvae showed significant weight loss and delay in
the time needed for pupation. Ethanol extracts of
the fruits of M. azedarach containing 32mg/100ml
caused 97%–98% mortality of the cabbage aphid,
Chinaberry, Melia azedarach L., A Biopesticidal Tree
Bervicoryne brassicae in 48 h. Ethanol seed kernel
extract of M. azedarach inhibited feeding of the
rice noctuid Spodoptera abyssina by 99.8%.
Petroleum ether extracts of M. azedarach fruits
are strong antifeedants against nymphs of the brown
planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Rice plants treated
with a hexane extract of M. azedarach were not only
repellent to adults of the green rice leafhopper,
Nephetettix nigropictus, and the macropterous
brown planthopper in choice test against control
plants, but they also reduced the feeding time of the
insects. Petroleum-ether extract (2%) of both Melia
toosendan and M. azedarach caused respectively
100% and 89.5% feeding deterrence of third-instar
larvae of Spodoptera litura.
The petroleum-ether, ethanol and methanol
extracts of M. azedarach and M. toosendan seed
kernels have bioactivity against several insect pests
such as the rice yellow stem borer Schirpophaga
incertulas, the fifth instar of the cabbage butterfly
Pieris rapae, the female rice gall midge Orseolia
oryzae, the citrus leafminer Phyllocnystis citrella,
the polyphagous beetle Anomala cupripes, and
the Asiatic corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis. High
oviposition deterrence and reduction of adult
emergence of the rice hispa and the pulse beetle
was detected when exposed to leaf or seed extracts
of Chinaberry.
The food intake of newly emerged females
of the brown planthopper, and the whitebacked
planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, on rice plants
sprayed with M. azedarach seed oil, was reduced
starting from the dosage of 5 mg/plant. The 32P
isotope tracer technique was used to verify the
antifeedant effect of M. azedarach seed oil emulsion against the citrus aphid, Aphis citricola. The
nymphal period of the cicadellid Nephotettix
nigropictus was prolonged and mortality was
obtained when the insects were fed on seedlings
treated with the oil extract.
The 0.5% emulsified seed oil extract of M. azedarach gave good control of the orange spiny
whitefly, Alevrocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance),
and its efficacy was comparable to that of the potent
acaricides amitraz or cyhexatin in controlling the
citrus red mite, Panonychus ulmi on citrus. The
chinaberry seed oil is also highly toxic to the Formosan subterranean termite.
Bioactivity of Melia azedarach
components against insects
Meliatoxins and trichilin type limonoids were
found to be antifeedants against certain insect
pests. Meliatriol isolated from fruits of M. azedarach showed strong antifeedant properties
against 5th instar of the desert locust Schistocerca
gregaria Forsk. Meliatine, an exceedingly bitter
substance isolated from the leaves of M. azedarach,
was found to effectively protect crop leaves against
the locust attack.
The steroid, estrer azaderachol, isolated from
the ether extract of the root bark of M. azedarach
var. japonica, showed antifeedant activity against
larvae of Agrotis segetum. The antifeedant properties of M. azedarach constituents: salannal,
meliacarpine E, salanin, deacetyl salanin, nimbolinin B and nimbolidin B were examined with
the larvae of Spodoptera eridania. Meliacarpinin
E showed the most potent activity at 50 ppm,
similar to meliacarpinins A-D. Other C-seco
limonoids showed only weak activities at 500–
1000 ppm. Three trichilin type limonoids from
the ether extract of the root bark of the Chinese
M. azedarach L., namely trichilin H, 12-acetyl,
and 7,12 diacetyltrichilin B. were found to be
antifeedants active against the Japanese pest
Spodoptera exigua.
Meliatoxin A2 isolated from the fruit of
M. azedarach induced a significant level of antifeedant activity against Spodoptera lituralis larvae, while the meliatoxin B1, lacking the epoxide
ring, was much less active. The salannins and
salannols isolated from M. azedarach have shown
antifeedant activity toward the Mexican bean
The two tetranortriterpenoids: 1-cinnamoyl
melianone and 1-cinnamoyl-3, 11-dihydroxymeliacarpin were found to have growth inhibitory
Chinaberry, Melia azedarach L., A Biopesticidal Tree
effects for first instar larvae of the Lepidoptera
Heliothis viriscens and S. frugiperda. Other highly
oxidized tetranorterpenoids that are azadirachtin
analogs have impaired metamorphosis of the
Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis.
Integration With Natural Enemies
Adults of the predator Coccinella septempunctata
showed no mortality after being allowed to consume adults of the mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi,
that had been exposed for 5 h to mustard leaves
treated with 1.5% alcoholic extract of the drupe of
M. azedarach.
Leaves infested with Epilachna vigintioctopunctata, and treated with a petroleum ether
extract of the drupes of M. azedarach, were less
parasitized by Pediobius foveolatus than the control. However, on exposure to parasitization 24 h
after treatment, larvae were parasitized normally
and the parasites that emerged from treated hosts
were normal.
M. azedarach oil did not affect the survival
and behavior of the larvae of Coccinella
undecimpunctata, but there was prolongation of
the fourth larval instar while the Aphis gossypii
aphid consumption was unchanged. The oil of
M. azedarach seeds was found to be only slightly
toxic against the predatory mirid bug Cyrtorhinus
lividipennis and non-toxic against the spider
L. pseudoannulata, natural enemy of the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, the brown
planthopper, N. lugens, and the green leafhopper,
Nophotettix virescens. A massive dosage of the seed
oil of M. azedarach applied topically to the wolf
spider Lycosa pseudoannulata, a natural enemy of
the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, had no
effect on the spider.
Potentials in Sustainable Systems
Extracts of tissue culture of Melia have shown repellency to different insect species similar to extracts
of Melia leaf or fruit. The synthesis of secondary
plant compound(s) in such undifferentiated cells
of Melia is clearly occurring. It may be possible to
enhance production of meliaceous allelochemicals
in tissue cultures to the extent that culture extracts
could eventually be used for production of botanical insecticides. As an alternative to harvesting an
ecologically important tree, cell-culture systems can
be used to provide a continuous supply of those
biopesticidal extracts through the propagation of
Melia all year round and using them easily and
The different ecotypes of M. azedarach are a
potential natural resource that can be utilized, as
raw material and extracts, in low-input agroecosystems. Cultivation of this meliaceous tree is an
economically feasible practice, as it is usually
planted as a common shade tree. The efficacy of
M. azedarach extracts might be enhanced by investigating the timing and frequency of application of
the plant extracts on crops for management of
major economical agricultural pests. These extracts
could provide a relatively inexpensive and readily
available insecticide to combat the pest resistance
to insecticides.
Botanical Insecticides
Abou-Fakhr Hammad EM, Zournajian H, Talhouk S (2001)
Efficacy of extracts of Melia azedarach L. callus, leaves
and fruits against adults of the sweetpotato whitefly
Bemisia tabaci (Hom. Aleyrodidae). J Appl Entomol
Ascher KRS, Shmutterer H, Zebitz CPW, Nagvi SNH (1995)
The Persian lilac chinaberry tree: Melia azedarach L. In:
Schmutterer H (ed) The neem tree. VHC Publishers,
New York, NY, pp 602–642
Kraus HS, Baumann M, Bokel U, Klenk A, Klingele S, Pohnl
M, Schwinger M (1987) Control of insect feeding and
development by constituents of Melia azedarach and
Azadirachta indica. In: Schmutterer H, Ascher KRS
(eds) Natural pesticides from the neem tree and other
tropical plants. Proceedings of the Third International
Neem Conference, Rauiscchholzhausen, Germany, pp
Lee MS, Klocke JA, Barnby MA, Yamasaki RB, Balandrin MF
(1991) Insecticidal constituents of Azadirachta indica
Chinch Bug, Blissus leucopterus (Say) (Hemiptera: Blissidae)
and Melia azedarach (Meliaceae). In: Hedin PA (ed)
Naturally occurring pest bioregulators, ACS Symposium Series 449, pp 293–304
Nakatani M, Huang RC, Okamura H, Naoki H, Iwagana T
(1994) Limonoid antifeedant from Chinese Melia
azedarach.Phytochemistry 36:39–41
Nardo EAB, De Costa AS, Lourencao AL (1997) Melia azedarach extract as an antifeedant to Bemisia tabaci
(Homoptera: Aleyrodida). Fla Entomol 80:92–94
Oelrichs PB, Hill MW, Valley OJ, Macleod JK, Molinski TF
(1983) Toxic tetranortriterpenes of the fruit of Melia
azedarach. Phytochemistry 22:531–534
Tewari GC, Moorthy PNK (1985) Plant extracts as antifeedants against Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (Fabricius) and their effect on its parasite. Indian J Agr Sci
China, William Edward
William China was born in London on December 7, 1895. His university education was in London and Cambridge, but was interrupted by
World War I. In that war, he served in France, first
in the British army, later in the Royal Air Force.
He returned to Cambridge University and earned
a degree in zoology. In January 1922, he was
appointed assistant in the Department of Entomology of the British Museum (Natural History),
in 1930 assistant keeper, and eventually in 1955,
keeper. His subject of research was the taxonomy
of Hemiptera, in which he eventually published
265 papers, describing 98 new genera and 248
species. During World War II, he was deeply
involved in temporarily moving the national
insect collections out of London to prevent damage or loss. His research resulted in his award in
1948 of a D.Sc. degree by Cambridge University.
He retired in 1970 to a little fishing village in the
county of Cornwall, where he died on September
17, 1979, survived by his wife Lita and three
Knight WJ (1980) Obituary and bibliography. Entomologist’s
Monthly Magazine 115:164–175
Chinch Bug, Blissus leucopterus
(Say) (Hemiptera: Blissidae)
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
The chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus, is found
through much of the eastern United States and
southern Canada, west to about the Rocky
Mountains. However, it is absent from the Gulf
Coast region, where it is replaced by a closely
related species, the southern chinch bug, Blissus
insularis Barber. The two species have overlapping ranges in portions of the southern states
from North and South Carolina through central Georgia and west to Texas. Southern chinch
bug feeds only on lawn and forage grasses,
particularly St. Augustine grass, and is not a
food crop pest. Other species of Blissus occur
in both eastern and western states but they
are of little consequence. The Blissus spp. may
have dispersed northwards from South America, but if so they apparently dispersed in precolonial times, as there is no record of their
The range of B. leucopterus can be subdivided because two discrete subspecies exist; B.
leucopterus hirtus Montandon in the northeast,
and B. leucopterus leucopterus (Say) in the central region of the eastern states. In eastern Canada, the New England states, and south to about
northern Virginia and eastern Ohio, the northeastern form, B. leucopterus hirtus, is a pest of
lawn grasses, but not of food crops. This subspecies is also called “hairy chinch bug” to distinguish it from the food crop-attacking
subspecies, B. leucopterus leucopterus, which is
known simply as “chinch bug.” Chinch bug
occurs from Virginia to Georgia in the east,
extending to South Dakota and Texas in the
west. Chinch bug generally is not damaging
throughout its entire range, and is considered to
be a pest mostly in the midwestern and southwestern states from Ohio in the east to South
Dakota and Texas in the west.
Chinch Bug, Blissus leucopterus (Say) (Hemiptera: Blissidae)
Life History
There are at least two generations per year
throughout the range of B. leucopterus leucopterus. The first generation commences in the
spring with oviposition by overwintering adults,
usually in April or May. The second generation
begins in June–August. Second generation adults
overwinter, often in the shelter of clump-forming
wild grasses, dispersing in the spring to earlyseason crops, and then in early summer to laterdeveloping crops where the second generation
develops. Generations overlap considerably due
to prolonged oviposition, and in the southwestern states there is some evidence of a third generation. A complete life cycle can occur in 30–60
The elongate-oval eggs are rounded at one
end, truncate at the other, and measure about 0.85
mm long and 0.31 mm wide. The truncate end
bears three to five minute tubercles, 0.1 mm in
length. The eggs are whitish initially, turning yellowish brown after a few days and reddish before
hatching. Eggs are deposited in short rows at the
base of the plant on roots, on the lower leaf sheaths
and stems, and on the soil near the plant. Females
deposit eggs at a rate of 15–20 per day over a 2–3
week period, producing up to 500 eggs. Duration
of the egg stage is about 16 days at 27°C and 8
days at 31°C.
There are five instars. Duration of the instars
is about 5, 6, 5, 4, and 6 days for instars 1–5,
respectively, when reared at 29°C. Under field
conditions, the development time may be
extended, with a developmental period of about
30–40 days normal, and 60 days not unusual.
During the early instars, the head and thorax are
brown, the legs pale. These structures become
darker as the nymphs mature, so that the mature
nymph is blackish. The first two segments of the
abdomen are yellowish or whitish, the remainder
red except for the tip of the abdomen, which is
black. The reddish abdomen becomes progressively darker, however, appearing almost black at
nymphal maturity. The wing pads become visible
in the third instar, but are difficult to discern. In
the fourth instar the wing pads extend about half
the width (Fig. 47) of the first abdominal segment. In the fifth instar the wing pads extend to
the third abdominal segment. The nymphal body
lengths are about 0.9, 1.3, 1.6, 2.1, and 2.9 mm for
instars 1–5, respectively. Nymphs prefer to feed
in sheltered locations such as curled leaves and
on roots, but are often found aggregated on the
stem near the base of the plants. When not feeding they may hide under clods of soil and rubbish, or in loose soil.
The body and legs of the adult are blackish in
color (Fig. 48). The wings of B. leucopterus leucopterus nearly attain the tip of the abdomen, and are
white in color with a pronounced blackish spot
found near the center and outer margin of the
Chinch Bug, Blissus leucopterus (Say) (Hemiptera:
Blissidae), Figure 47 Adult of chinch bug, Blissus
leucopterus (Say).
Chinch Bug, Blissus leucopterus (Say) (Hemiptera:
Blissidae), Figure 48 Fourth instar of chinch bug,
Blissus leucopterus (Say).
Chinch Bug, Blissus leucopterus (Say) (Hemiptera: Blissidae)
forewings. The adult measures 3.5–4.5 mm in
length. In the related form called hairy chinch bug,
the wings generally are abbreviated, usually not
extending beyond the middle of the abdomen.
Hosts of chinch bug consist solely of plants in
the family Gramineae, but include both wild and
cultivated grasses. It is known principally as a pest
of such grain crops as barley, corn, millet, oat, rye,
sorghum, and wheat, but oat is only marginally
suitable. However, it also damages forage grasses
including sudangrass and timothy, and feeds on
wild grasses such as foxtail, Setaria spp.; crabgrass,
Digitaria spp.; and goosegrass, Elusine indica.
Females select sorghum for oviposition over
wheat and corn; barley is intermediate in preference. Crop suitability, as measured by development time, is similar to oviposition preference.
Numerous natural enemies have been observed.
Among avian predators feeding on chinch bugs are
common birds as barn swallow, Hirundo erythrogastra Boddaert; horned lark, Otocoris alpestris (Linnaeus); meadowlark, Sturnella magna (Linnaeus);
redwinged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus (Linnaeus);
and kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus (Linnaeus). Insect
predators of special importance are insidious flower
bug, Orius insidious (Say) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), an assassin bug, Pselliopus cinctus (Fabricius)
(Hemiptera: Reuviidae), and various ants (Formicidae). Ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
and lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) frequently
have been observed on plants infested with chinch
bugs, but their effects are uncertain.
Parasitoids are sometimes found in these
small insects, but rarely are they considered to be
significant mortality factors. An egg parasite,
Eumicrosoma benefica Gahan (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), the nymphal or adult parasite Phorocera
occidentalis (Walker) (Diptera: Tachinidae), and
an unspecified, naturally occurring nematode have
been reported. The egg parasitoid, which is found
throughout most of the range of the chinch bug
and is active during much of the season when
chinch bug occurs, was reported to parasitize up
to 46% of the eggs in Nebraska, so it may be of
considerable value in biological control.
The most important natural mortality factor
is fungal disease, particularly Beauveria bassiana.
Interestingly, this fungus was intensively redistributed, particularly in Kansas, during the late 1880s
in an effort to increase suppression. However, it
eventually became apparent that the disease spread
naturally, and that the effectiveness of the fungus
was related more to weather than to the efforts of
agriculturalists and entomologists to foster epizootics. The fungus is invasive and pathogenic at
relative humidities of at least 30–100%, but fungal
replication and conidia production require humidities of at least 75%. Clumps of such bunch grasses
as little bluestem, Andropogon scoparius, serve to
harbor not only overwintering bugs, but Beauveria
as well, and may be important in initiating fungal
epizootics. The food plant of the chinch bug affects
susceptibility to B. bassiana, with a diet of corn
and sorghum suppressing fungus development
and bug mortality.
Weather has significant impact on chinch
bugs. The overwintering period is moderately critical. Adults seek shelter in stubble and debris, but
one of the most favorable locations is among the
stems of bunch grasses. Bunch grasses provide
food in the autumn before the onset of winter
temperatures, and again in the spring before it is
consistently warm and the bugs disperse. Bunch
grasses also serve to break the wind by reducing
desiccation and the severity of the wind, and by
keeping excessive rainfall from the insects. Thus,
in the absence of bunch grasses or similar shelter,
survival can be poor. Heavy snow cover is favorable, keeping the bugs warmer and sheltered from
the drying wind.
Summertime weather is perhaps even more
critical. Chinch bugs thrive in warm, dry conditions, at least in the midwestern states. Heavy
rainfall can kill many bugs, and wet, humid
weather fosters epizootics of fungal disease. In
the southwest the situation is different because
dry weather is usually assured, but the absence
of summer rain causes premature senescence of
plants, depriving bugs of green food late in the
Chinch bug is a plant sap-feeding insect, causing a
reddish discoloration at the site of feeding and
death of that portion of the plant. Plant growth
can be stunted, or plants killed when fed upon by
large numbers of bugs. Their destructiveness is
attributable, in part, to their gregarious nature. Not
only do large numbers aggregate on certain plants,
but they also disperse in tremendous numbers
from field to field. When plants are infested while
young, they suffer more damage than if infested
later in growth.
Granular and liquid insecticides are used to protect plants, particularly plants that are invaded by
nymphs or adults dispersing from senescent earlyseason crops. Systemic insecticides can be applied
at planting time, and either contact or systemic
materials after the crop has emerged from the soil.
Liquid insecticides should be directed to the base
of the plants, a location favored by the insects.
Historically, most damage occurred when
early-season small grain crops matured, and large
numbers of first generation nymphs dispersed by
walking to adjacent crops, usually corn. This was
combated by erecting barriers, usually in the form
of a ditch, between crops. Also, some destruction
of overwintering bugs in wild grasses was accomplished by burning, though it was rarely more than
50% effective. These practices are largely obsolete,
and insecticides are now used effectively. However,
it remains advisable to rotate among susceptible
and nonsusceptible crops, and to grow susceptible
crops in isolation from alternate hosts. Because
the combination of small grains and corn leads to
damage by chinch bugs, it may be desirable to
eliminate one of these crops and thereby eliminate
an important food from the chinch bug life cycle.
In southern states the crop sequence is different,
with both wheat and corn invaded by overwintering bugs early in the season.
Cultural practices that promote dense growth
and shade will increase humidity and decrease
chinch bug numbers. Thus, fertilization and irrigation can be detrimental to chinch bug survival.
There is considerable difference among crops in
susceptibility to injury, and within crops the level of
resistance also is variable. Measurable levels of difference in bug longevity and development occur when
they feed on different varieties of wheat, though there
is not a practical level of resistance. In contrast, a
resistant variety of sorghum has been identified, and
there is considerable resistance in grain corn.
Turfgrass Insects and their Management
Vegetable Pests and their Management
Leonard DE (1968) A revision of the genus Blissus (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) in eastern North America. Ann
Entomol Soc Am 61:239–250
Swenk MH (1925) The chinch bug and its control. Nebraska
agricultural experiment station circular 28, 34 pp
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as midges.
Chironomids as a Nuisance and of
Medical Importance
meir Broza
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Chironomids, the “non-biting midges” (Diptera:
Chironomidae) are one of the most important
groups of insects worldwide in freshwater, aquatic
ecosystems. Chironomids can be found on all continents, including Antarctica. They are abundant
in terms of the number of species that are known
to exist (estimated number between 15,000 and
20,000), their relative biomass or both. They play
an important role in the decomposition process.
Chironomids as a Nuisance and of Medical Importance
Large populations of midges with densities
amounting to several thousand larvae/m2 (usually
on the floor of freshwater habitats) have been
reported. They are a source of economic burden,
nuisance, and health problems. Large midge population densities create conflict with nearby human
settlements. This phenomenon is recognized
worldwide, in the United Kingdom, United States,
Japan, Italy, Spain, Israel, New Zealand and Sudan.
Chironomidae (particularly Chironomus)
emerging from polluted natural and man-made
aquatic habitats, near or in urban districts, can
become intolerable (Fig. 49). During the spring
and midsummer, evening breezes carry large
swarms of adult midges to nearby cities and communities where they can become a severe nuisance
to the residents. Adult midges are most active during the evening and they may enter the mouth,
eyes and ears, thus limiting evening activities outdoors and indoors. In 1998, a population estimated
at 40–50 billion individuals/night emerged from
200 acres of waste stabilization ponds near Tel
Aviv, Israel. Such swarms may be economically
important due to the damage they can cause to
vessels, pumps and aeroplane engines.
Chironomid larval populations (“red-worms”)
contaminate municipal drinking water supply
systems. This problem has been reported in the
United Kingdom since the 1970s, in the U.S.A.,
Israel and elsewhere. In both the U.K. and U.S.A., the
chironomid inhabiting the water systems was
identified as the parthenogenetic species Paratanytarsus grimmi. After entering the pipe system,
the pupal stage circulates in the water and may
produce egg masses without emerging as airborne
adults. Because pesticides cannot be used in a
water supply, a food-grade coagulant and water
disinfectant were suggested as control agents.
Besides the unacceptable appearance of redworms in the water supply, the larvae also may
cause technical problems by blocking water filtration systems. In countries where recycled water
is used for irrigation, the larvae may adhere to
the inner surface of pipes and contribute to the
build-up of biofilm on these surfaces. As a result of
Chironomids as a Nuisance and of Medical
Importance, Figure 49 Nuisance midges: above,
Chironomus sp. female (left) and male (right);
below, accumulation of midges on an automobile
after only a few minutes of travel.
such accumulations, greater amounts of energy
may be needed for water transport.
Many insect vectors of serious human diseases are flies. This includes nematoceran flies in
which the females feed on a vertebrate blood meal.
Chironomids are non-biting midges, and it may
seem surprising to find that they are of medical
significance. However, they are now recognized as
causing severe allergic reactions in humans. The
most thoroughly investigated case of an allergic
disease associated with chironomids comes from
the Sudan. People living south of the Aswan Dam
suffer from the mass emergence of chironomids
from Lake Nasser. In the dry winds, large numbers
of dead insects are blown into the air, causing
allergic reactions such as asthma and rhinitis. The
town of Wadi Halfa located near Lake Nasser has
been particularly plagued since the building of
the dam on the Nile. A few cases also have been
reported from the U.S.A. For example, an employee
at a hydroelectric plant in Alabama developed
seasonal hay fever in response to the mass emergence of chironomids from the dam. It has been
shown that chironomid larval hemoglobin, which
contaminates adults during metamorphosis, is a
potent human allergen. It is believed that midges
are potentially the cause of many allergic reactions
As well as causing allergies, midges may play
a role in the maintenance and transmission of
infectious diseases. Chironomid egg masses have
been reported to serve as a natural reservoir for
the cholera bacterium, possibly raising the chironomid problem from a nuisance level to a lifethreatening hazard. Cholera is a severe diarrheal
disease that kills thousands of people each year
and affects the lives of millions of others. The disease is caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae,
which is pathogenic to humans only. At present,
the disease is most common in the Indian subcontinent and less developed countries in Asia, Africa
and South America.
Ali A (1994) Pestiferous Chironomidae (Diptera) and their
management. In: Rosen D, Bennett FD, Capinera JL
(eds) Pest management in the subtropics: biological
control – a Florida perspective, Intercept Ltd, Andover,
UK, pp 487–513
Armitage P, Cranston PS, Pinder LCV (eds) (1995)The Chironomidae: the biology and ecology of non-biting
midges. Chapman & Hall, London, UK, 572 pp
Benke AC (1998) Production dynamics of riverine chironomids: extremely high biomass turnover rates of primary
consumers. Ecology 79:899–910
Broza M, Halpern M, Teltsch B, Porat R, Gasith A (1998)
Shock chloramination: a potential treatment for
Chironomidae (Diptera) larvae nuisance abatement in
water supply systems. J Econ Entomol 91:834–840
Broza M, Halpern M (2001) Chironomids egg masses and
Vibrio cholerae. Nature 412:40
A tough insoluble structural polysaccharide material that comprises variable portions of the insect
cuticle. It is a water-insoluble polysaccharide that
forms the exoskeletons of arthropods, and is one
of the most widely occurring polysaccharides in
nature. Chitin molecules are long-chain sugars
consisting of N-acetyl-glucosamines attached
together with beta-glucosidic linkages.
An enzyme that degrades chitin.
Consisting of, or containing, chitin.
Chittenden, Frank Hurlbut
Frank Chittenden was born in Ohio on November
3, 1858, and grew up in a small town there. He
studied entomology at Cornell University. Next, he
worked at the Brooklyn Museum and was one of
the founders of the Brooklyn Entomological Society and an editor of Entomologica Americana. In
1891 he was hired by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Fig. 50) and embarked on his life’s work as
an applied entomologist, contributing greatly to
the knowledge of pests of vegetables and stored
products. In 1904 he was awarded an honorary
degree of doctor of sciences by Western University
of Pennsylvania. He died in Washington, DC, on
September 15, 1929.
Chordotonal Sensory Organs
Yellowing or bleaching of normal green plant tissue, usually caused by the loss of chlorophyll.
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera). They are
commonly known as metalmark moths.
Metalmark Moths
Butterflies and Moths
Chittenden, Frank Hurlbut, Figure 50 Frank
H. Chittenden.
*Mallis A (1971)Frank Hurlbut Chittenden. In: American
entomologists. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ, pp 100–102
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
A class of synthetic insecticides containing chlorine as one of the constituents. Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides are typically very persistent
and formerly were used widely for soil and seed
treatments. These chemicals also are known as
A family of stoneflies (order Plecoptera). They
sometimes are called green stoneflies.
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as frit flies or grass flies.
An enzyme that is present in the synapse region of
nervous tissue, and which is necessary for normal
functioning of nerves in animals. Cholinesterase
inhibiting chemicals such as insecticides of the
organophosphate and carbamate classes disrupt
nerve transmission in insects.
Chordotonal Sensory Organs
James L. nation
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Insects have a plethora of sensory organs scattered
over and within their body. Many of the sensory
structures are mechanical sensors that bend, indicating contact with a surface or wind and air movement over the structure. Other mechanoreceptors
detect stress in the exoskeleton, the cuticle, caused
by movement of legs, wings, or antennae, and
enable insects to know the position of their body
and limbs. Still others detect vibrations in the substrate on which the insects may be resting, and
vibrations in the air, which we usually call sound.
Sound detectors are typically called tympanal
organs. The simplest of mechanoreceptors may
consist of a single hair or seta that projects from
the cuticle surface. Such a simple receptor, usually
with only one sensory neuron connecting it to the
central nervous system (CNS) is called a sensillum.
Chordotonal Sensory Organs
More complex sensory organs are composed of
many sensilla, i.e., they have many sensory neurons
connecting to the CNS. Although there are numerous morphological variations in a mechanoreceptor, from the simple, single hair receptor to very
complex receptors such as Johnston’s organ on the
antennae of most insects, they tend to have certain
common features. Whether one or many, each sensory neuron is enclosed in one to several sheath
cells, and connected by a relatively long axon to the
central nervous system. In mechanoreceptors the
dendrites, that part of the sensory neuron nearest
the site of the stimulus, typically are enclosed
within a sclerotized cap cell, called the scolopale.
The scolopale is attached to, or in contact with, the
site where stimulation will occur, usually some
internal structure or the cuticular surface. Any
stretching or movement of the structure to which
the scolopale is attached will stimulate the dendrites of the sensory neuron and may set up a series
of nerve impulses going into the CNS. If only one
sensory neuron and scolopale is present, the single
unit is called a scolopodium, or chordotonal sensillum. These terms are used interchangeably. More
complex mechanoreceptors contain many scolopidia or multiple scolopale units, or chrodotonal
sensilla, again terms that refer to the same things.
The subgenual organ is a complex chordotonal
organ composed of multiple scolopidia. The name
“subgenual” means below the knee, from Latin for
knee (genu), and this complex chordotonal organ
usually is located near the joint between the femur
and tibia. Subgenual organs may contain as few as
three scolopidia in some earwigs (Forficula spp.),
but in most insects usually contains more scolopidia. It acts as a proprioceptor (a receptor of internal stimuli) and detects vibrations of the substrate
on which the insect rests. The subgenual organ is
especially well developed in crickets (Gryllidae)
and katydids (Tettigonidae) and is closely associated with a tympanal organ, with both organs
located on the tibia. The two organs have separate
sensory innervation, however, and probably have
separate functions. In some insects, the scolopidia
in the subgenual organ vary in length, suggesting
that different scolopidia might respond to vibrations of different amplitude according to length.
The subgenual organ of the American cockroach
Periplaneta americana is sensitive to vibrations that
would displace the foot of the insect by as little as
10−9–10−7 cm. The subgenual organ generally is less
well developed in Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, and
Hemiptera than in the Orthoptera, and some
Hemiptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera do not have
subgenual organs. Those without a subgenual organ
display only low sensitivity to high frequency vibrations. Probably all insects have, in addition to the
subgenual organ, additional more simple chordotonal sensilla on the legs, particularly at or near the
leg joints, and some insects lacking a subgenual
organ have a similar organ at the distal end of the
tibia that may serve much the same function as the
subgenual organ.
Johnston’s organ is another large complex
chordotonal organ that typically consists of many
scolopidia. Johnston’s organ is located between the
second (the pedicel) and third joints of each
antenna of most adult insects. Some hexapods
(Collembola and Diplura) do not have a Johnston’s
organ. A simplified form of the organ occurs in
some larvae. Johnston’s organ responds to several
kinds of stimuli in different insects, including
acting as a proprioceptor to indicate movement of
the antennae, monitoring wing-beat frequency in
relation to flight speed in some Diptera, serving as
a gravity indicator, indicating ripples at the water
surface in gyrinid beetles, and functioning as a
sound reception in mosquitoes and perhaps other
insects. With its location in the second antennal
segment, Johnston’s organ is positioned to monitor
movements of the antennal flagellum, whether due
to muscles controlled by the insect, or displacements of the antennae by wind and flight. Radially
arranged scolopidia are attached to the wall of the
pedicel at one end and to the intersegmental membrane between the pedicel and flagellum. Johnston’s
organ seems to have reached its apex of development in Chironomidae and Culicidae (Diptera), in
which the pedicel is much enlarged and filled with
scolopidia. It seems to function in successful
swarming and mating. Male mosquitoes detect the
sound of the female in flight when the arista on the
male antenna vibrates in resonance to the wing
beats. Long hairs on the antennae of males also
vibrate, causing the flagellum (the major portion of
the antenna) to resonate in response to the flight
sounds of females. Males of the mosquito Aedes
aegypti are most sensitive to frequencies from 400
to 650 Hz, corresponding closely to the natural
wing-beat frequency of females. Johnston’s organ
functions as a flight speed indicator in adult Calliphora erythrocephala, and probably also in some
other insects such as the housefly, honeybee, and
related insects. It is probably an important gravity
indicator for most insects, enabling them to have a
sense of their body in relation to horizontal and
vertical planes because the weight of the antenna
excites scolopidia depending upon the pull of gravity relative to the body.
Many insects produce sounds, are sensitive to
sounds, and utilize sounds in courtship, mating,
prey location, and predator avoidance. Detection
of high frequency sound waves in the air is accomplished by a tympanum, a chordotonal organ containing scolopidia. Tympanal organs are located at
various places on the body of insects, including
near the sternum of the first abdominal segment
of Acrididae (grasshoppers) and Cicadidae (cicadas), on the tibia of Tettigoniidae (long-horn
grasshoppers) and Gryllidae (crickets), on the thorax of Notonectidae (water beetles), and on the
thorax or abdomen of some Lepidoptera. Tympanal organs are specialized for air-borne sound
pressure waves, and permit sound detection over a
relatively long distance. They are sensitive to a
wide range of frequencies from 2 kHz up to about
100 kHz. Typically in insects, as well as in other
animals, tympanal organs are paired. A single pressure receptor is not very efficient at detecting the
directionality of the sound source, but two receptors, preferably well separated from each other,
can detect directionality by differences in reception at the two locations. Tympanal ears typically
have a minimum of three components, (i) a thin
cuticular tympanum on the cuticular surface,
(ii) an air sac or other tracheal structure behind
the tympanum, and (iii) sensory neurons organized in scolopidia attached to the tympanal membrane or attached near it, so that they vibrate in
response to the vibrations of the tympanum. Airborne sound waves cause the tympanum to vibrate,
and sensory neurons enclosed in the scolopale
cells detect the vibrations and respond by sending
nerve signals to the CNS. The air cavity or tracheal
sac plays an important role as a resonating chamber. Some insects have a tympanum that can
respond to sound waves striking it from the inside
of the air chamber as well as from outside; such
tympanal organs are pressure-difference receivers,
and they are especially sensitive to directionality
of the sound. Some tympanal organs have scolopidia of different length, suggesting sensitivity to
various frequencies, but function is unproven.
Tympanal organs probably evolved from some
early form of mechanoreceptor, probably a stretchregistering proprioceptor, but they evolved independently among the seven orders of insects
having tympanal hearing. In addition to tympanal
organs, some insects also may hear some sounds
with other organs including Johnston’s organ, subgenual organs, scattered simple chordotonal sensilla, and simple hair sensilla.
Bailey WJ (1991) Acoustic behaviour of insects: an evolutionary perspective. Chapman & Hall, London, 225 pp
Hoy RR, Robert D (1996) Tympanal hearing in insects. Ann
Rev Entomol 41:433–450
Nation JL (2002) Insect physiology and biochemistry. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, 485 pp
Yack JE, Fullard JH (1993) What is an insect ear? Ann Entomol Soc Am 86:677–682
Production of a thin vitelline membrane and chorion by the follicle cell, the last step in production
of the egg.
The outer layer of an insect egg. The egg “shell.”
Chromosome components that have duplicated
during interphase and become visible during the
prophase stage of mitosis. Chromatids are held
together at the centromere.
A family of insects in the order Mecoptera.
Christophers, (Sir) Samuel Rickard
Rickard Christophers was born in Liverpool on
November 27, 1873. He graduated in medicine in
1896, and then spent some time on the Amazon. In
1898 he joined the Malaria Commission, which
had been established jointly by The Royal Society
and the (British) Colonial Office; that was the year
in which final proof was obtained of transmission
of malaria by Anopheles mosquitoes. In West
Africa, he concluded quickly that people who survive malaria are the main reservoirs of the disease,
allowing it to be transmitted by mosquitoes to
uninfected people. After that, he worked in India,
on malaria and the various Anopheles species that
transmit it, showing that successful control requires
knowledge of the habits and larval habitat of each
implicated Anopheles species. He developed standards for malarial surveys. He investigated the
anatomy and behavior of mosquitoes, including
the development of mosquito eggs. Later he worked
at the London School of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene, and then at Cambridge University. His
landmark book (1960) “Aedes aegypti (L.), the
yellow fever mosquito” was published when he was
87. At the age of 90 he retired and moved to the
county of Dorset in the west of England. He died
on February 19, 1978.
A region on a chromosome of densely packed
chromatid fibers that produce a dark band. Chromomeres are readily visualized on polytene
Chromosome Imprinting
The mechanisms involved in chromosomal
imprinting, or labeling of DNA, is associated with
methylation of DNA in many organisms. Imprinting is a reversible, differential marking of genes
or chromosomes that is determined by the sex of
the parent from whom the genetic material is
Chromosome Puffs
A localized swelling of a region of a polytene chromosome due to synthesis of DNA or RNA. Puffing
is readily seen in polytene salivary gland chromosomes of dipteran insects.
Units of the genome with many genes, consisting
of histone proteins and a very long DNA molecule;
found in the nucleus of every eukaryote.
Gillett JD (1978) Sir Rickard Christophers. Antenna 2:33
In pathology, of long duration; not acute. This is
usually used to describe a debilitating disease that
slowly infects a population as opposed to one that
quickly and dramatically infects the population.
Chronic Bee Paralysis
A disease of bees caused by a RNA virus (but not a
picornavirus). Symptoms include flightlessness
and a distended abdomen. (contrast with acute
bee paralysis)
Chronic Toxicity
The toxic effect of a chemical following long-term
or repeated sublethal exposures.
maCieJ a. pszCzoLkowski
Missouri State University and State Fruit Experiment Station, Mountain Grove, MO, USA
All eukaryotic organisms, including insects, have
developed rhythmic behavioral, physiological or
biochemical patterns synchronized with particular periods of the day, to adapt to their ecological
niches in the most optimal manner. Those oscillations, circadian rhythms, have evolved with a periodicity approximating 24 h, are of endogenous
nature and may be adjusted to lighting stimuli.
Chronotoxicology is the study of the adverse effects
of chemicals on living organisms in relation to
their circadian rhythms. In particular, it examines
toxicants’ chronotoxicity, i.e., periodic changes in
sensitivity of living organisms to toxicants.
Historical Perspective
Circadian changes in sensitivity to toxicants were
first reported in mice by Halberg and Stephens as
early as 1958. Five years later, Stanley Beck showed
that the German cockroach, Blatella germanica
(L.) exhibits a 24-h susceptibility rhythm when
administered a standard dose of potassium cyanide at different times of the day. Within a little
more than a year of Beck’s report, two papers on
insecticide chronotoxicity appeared in the prominent journal Science. Cole and Adkisson reported
diurnal variations in mortality from a standard dose
of trichlorfon applied to the beetle, Anthonomus
grandis, and Polcik and colleagues, in a paper on
dichlorvos chronotoxicity to the mite, Tetranychus
urticae (Koch) posed an important and novel concept that “the findings of a marked sensitivity pattern should emphasize the importance of considering
circadian organization [of the pest] in the evaluation
and interpretation of toxicological experiments with
insecticides.” Soon, Nowosielski et al. reported daily
changes in susceptibility of the house cricket, Acheta
domesticus (L.) and T. urticae to anesthetics (ethyl
ether, chloroform and carbon tetrachloride).
These pioneering papers demonstrated that
susceptibility to toxicants fluctuate during the day,
and are dependent not only on properties of the
toxicant, but also on endogenous rhythmic changes
in pest physiology. One might have predicted that
by now, monitoring the diurnal susceptibility to
toxicants (and, in particular, to insecticides) would
be an experimental routine for establishing toxicity parameters. However, recent inquiry suggests
that papers on the chronotoxicity of insecticides
are rarities.
Forty years after pioneering publications
of Beck, Polcik and colleagues and Cole and
Adkisson, Pszczolkowski and associates inspected
representative databases (Medline, Toxline, Agricola, and Internet Database Service-Biological
Sciences) in search of papers on pesticide chronotoxicity to insects. The search, followed by paperto-paper inquiry yielded only 16 reports referring
to diurnal or circadian changes in insecticide toxicity in insects. Four more were found more
recently. Ten of them examined difference between
the highest and the lowest mortality percent after
application of a standard dose of insecticide at
various times of the day, in the remaining reports
diurnal variations in LD50 were reported. However,
even these scanty data show that insect mortality
can be as much as nine times higher than if the
same, standard dose is applied at some other time
or times, and that, depending on the time of testing, the highest LD50 may be up to 7.5 times higher
than the lowest LD50 for the same toxicant.
Coincidence of Insecticide
Susceptibility Rhythms and Other
Biological Rhythms
Theoretically, periodic changes in insecticide sensitivity should reflect periodic changes in ratios of
penetration, ratios of detoxification (including
metabolism, elimination from hemolymph and
excretion of a given toxicant), periodic alterations
at the site of action (for instance, periodic over- or
underexpression of target receptors) or their combinations. This assumption was reiterated in publications devoted to physiological and behavioral
aspects of insect biological rhythms, e.g., in fundamental “Insect clocks.” Unfortunately, this hypothesis did not attract attention of many researchers.
Perhaps the most extensive analysis of physiological and biochemical events that underlie circadian sensitivity to an insecticide was research on
house fly, Musca domestica (L.). Mean LD50 values
for DDT were established as a function of application time in the house fly, kept in a specific photoperiodic regimen. Flies tested topically with DDT
had a significantly lower LD50 value when treated at
the end of the dark phase, and increased tolerance
to DDT during the early part of the dark phase. This
distribution was apparently caused by some endogenous oscillations, because the flies kept in total
darkness exhibited similar pattern of DDT susceptibility. This rhythmic response was not caused by
changes in cuticle permeability to the insecticide,
for regardless of the time of application, about 40%
of DDT was absorbed within 2 h. However, comparison of DDT susceptibility rhythm and rhythmic changes in respiration and DDT breakdown to
DDE do not support the hypothesis that elevation
of DDT toxicity (Fig. 51) was caused by decrease in
dynamics of detoxification mechanisms. The data
Chronotoxicology, Figure 51 Diurnal distributions
of LD50 from DDT versus diurnal changes in
respiration and DDT breakdown in WHO strain
of the house fly Musca domestica. Generally,
low respiratory rates and low DDT metabolism
correspond with high tolerance to DDT, and high
levels of detoxification correspond with high
susceptibility to DDT, which is an unexpected
correlation. For the sake of clarity, the original
measurements are normalized and expressed
as percent of the maximum value obtained for
diurnal toxicity, respiration and DDT breakdown
pattern, respectively. Shaded areas mark the dark
phase of the photoperiod. (Collated and modified
from Shipp E, Otton J (1976) Circadian rhythms
of sensitivity to insecticides in Musca domestica
(Diptera, Muscidae). Entomol Exp Appl 19:163–171;
Shipp E, Otton J (1976) Diel changes in DDT
absorption and breakdown rates and respiratory
rhythm in the housefly, Musca domestica. Entomol
Exp Appl 19:235–242.)
show an opposite trend: relatively low ratios of DDT
breakdown and respiration correspond with relatively high ratios of DDT tolerance, and vice versa.
Only at 15:00 p.m. high tolerance to DDT is correlated with high levels of respiration and DDT breakdown. Thus, circadian changes in susceptibility of
Musca domestica to DDT were generally independent of ability to detoxify DDT. Perhaps the oscillations in this insecticide tolerance were caused by
some alterations at the target site.
Time-dependent events in insect systems
involved in insecticide toxicity and metabolism
may be even more complex, given the mode of
action of insecticide studied. Research on metabolism of di-syston (0,0-diethyl S-2 (ethylthio) ethyl
phosphoditioate) in larvae of Heliothis zea (Boddie)
is a good example. Di-syston requires biological
oxidation to become active; thus, in addition to
periodic changes in ratios of insecticide penetration, detoxification, or periodic alterations at the
site of action one must consider periodic changes in
activity of oxidative enzymes which are necessary
to activate the insecticide. In this study, the experimental insects were maintained in a specific photoperiodic regimen (14 h of light- and 10 h of dark
phase) and controls were exposed to constant light.
The treatments aimed to synchronize larval biochemical processes to photoperiod, or keep them
de-synchronized, respectively. In both groups, the
larvae were injected with standard dose of isotopelabeled insecticide in various times of the day.
Radioactivity of hydrolytic or oxidative metabolites
of di-syston was determined in larval tissues and
excreta, 4 h after injection, revealing three distinct
rhythms. Oxidation (and therefore toxicity) of disyston (Fig. 52) reached the highest ratios at the end
of the light phase and at the end of the dark phase
of the photoperiod, and dropped to the lowest
values soon after lights on and after lights off. The
rhythm of hydrolase activity was bimodal too, with
peaks in the middle of either dark or light phase
of the photoperiod. The latter rhythm roughly
corresponded with the rhythm of di-syston metabolite excretion. Control larvae, maintained in desynchronizing lighting conditions, did not show
rhythmic patterns of di-syston metabolism.
This work has two important implications.
First it shows that sometimes a researcher should
consider at least one more rhythmic organismal
event influencing toxic potential of an insecticide
administered at various times of the day; in this
case time dependent changes in activation of toxic
properties of the insecticide. Second, it shows that
lighting conditions may influence periodic
responses to insecticide toxicity (in their study,
periodic changes in di-syston activation and degradation were abolished in constant light). It is a
Chronotoxicology, Figure 52 Diurnal changes
in oxidation and hydrolysis of isotope-labeled
Di-syston by Heliothis zea last instar larvae.
Standard doses of this insecticide were applied
at various times of the day. Di-syston requires
biological oxidation to become insecticidally
active, thus diurnal changes in its oxidation
reflect its actual toxic potential. Changes in
hydrolysis reflect dynamics of detoxification.
B. Diurnal changes in concentrations of
Di-syston metabolites in excreta of Heliothis
zea last instar larvae. High activity of hydrolytic
enzymes is correlated with low concentrations
of toxic products of Di-syston oxidation (A) and
products of Di-syston detoxification are excreted
immediately (B), showing bimodal diurnal pattern
of detoxification. Shaded areas mark the dark
phase of the photoperiod. (Modified from Bull
DL, Lindquist DA (1965) A comparative study of
insecticide metabolism in photoperiod-entrained
and unentrained boll-worm larvae Heliothis zea
(Boddie). Comp Biochem Physiol 16:321–325.)
pity that they did not provide information about
diurnal changes in mortality of H. zea larvae due
to di-syston. I am not aware of this information
being available in literature.
Because periodic changes in physiological or
biochemical processes are difficult to monitor, a
number of reports have suggested that circadian
rhythms in insect sensitivity to toxicants could be
correlated to locomotor activity rhythms, which
are relatively easy to record. For example, it has
been noted by several investigators that there is a
general trend of a time of greatest susceptibility
occurring at about the time of onset of increased
activity. However, the scanty data published on
coincidence of daily changes in susceptibility to
insecticide treatment and rhythms of locomotor
activity do not support this assumption. There is
no universal rule that would allow predicting the
time of the greatest sensitivity to insecticides by
monitoring circadian patterns of locomotor activity. It seems that the time of greatest sensitivity
depends on the species, mode of treatment and
the insecticide tested rather than a specific moment
in the insect’s activity pattern.
Biological Rhythms and Measuring
Toxicity Parameters
Thus, it appears that insect toxicologists should
concern themselves with not only the usual parameters of insecticide toxicity, but also with diurnal
distribution of toxicity. At the very least, circadian
time of treatment should be indicated in reports on
mortality tests, particularly if toxicity parameters
are used for comparative study of insecticide resistance. For example, in one study two samples of the
beetle Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (LeConte) were
collected, one in August 1967 and the other 12
months later, from the same location, which was
meanwhile exposed to routine sprays with diazinon. Daily distributions of LD50 (Fig. 53) were
established for either population of the beetles. If
the author had limited himself to one toxicity assay
at 7:00 a.m. in 1967, and one toxicity assay at 11:00
a.m. in 1968, he would have probably concluded
that no resistance has been built up between 1967
and 1968. In fact, the field populations of Diabrotica increased resistance to diazinon by about 70%
Chronotoxicology, Figure 53 Diurnal patterns
of Diazinon toxicity to field populations of adult
Diabrotica virgifera virgifera. The photoperiod
shown is the naturally occurring photoperiod
under which the beetles were living when
collected. Upper curve shows LD50 distribution
for the population collected in 1968. The lower
curve reflects susceptibility of the population
collected 12 months earlier. Only determination
of diurnal LD50 distributions and maintaining the
same photoperiodic regimen and similar timing
of insecticide treatment allowed demonstration
of increased resistance to Diazinon (further
explanations in text). Shaded areas mark the dark
phase of the photoperiod. (Modified from Ball HJ
(1969) Diurnal rhythm of sensitivity to diazinon
in adult western corn rootworms. J Econ Entomol
during that period of time, and only investigation
of diurnal pattern of susceptibility revealed increase
in resistance against this insecticide.
Precautionary measures should also be taken if
insecticide resistance is compared between populations of the same age, and the same history of toxicant exposure, but kept under different breeding or
testing regimens. Because insects are known to synchronize their endogenous rhythms to exogenous
stimuli such as photo- or thermoperiod (a phenomenon called “entraining to a rhythm” in chronobiological nomenclature) the diurnal distribution of
insecticide sensitivity may be synchronized to external conditions too. This was observed when house
flies were reared through multiple generations, each
experimental population in a different photoperiod.
Seven different photoperiods were used, including
constant light throughout 24-h cycle. In the first set
of experiments the flies were treated with standard
doses of trichlorfon at various times of the day. Next,
the flies were returned to their respective photoperiodic regimens and percent mortality was recorded
48 h later. Mortality depended both upon the time of
treatment commencement and the photoperiodic
regimen the insects were kept in. For instance, mortality from trichlorfon administered at 10:00 a.m.
almost did not vary, oscillating between 96 and 93 %
regardless of the photoperiod to which the flies were
synchronized, and maintained in, during the exposure (Fig. 54) to the insecticide. However, in the
Chronotoxicology, Figure 54 Susceptibility of
house flies to standard dose of trichlorfon at
various times of the day as a function of the length
of the light phase of the photoperiod. The flies
were reared in specific photoperiod for several
generations before and during exposure to the
insecticide. The light in each experimental group
came on at the same time (7:00 A.M.), trichlorfon
was administered in various times of the day.
The flies tested at 10:00 A.M. exhibited almost the
same mortality ratios regardless of photoperiod
they were reared and tested under. The flies
tested at 4:00 P.M. or 9:00 P.M. showed marked
variations in mortality from standard dose of
trichlorfon, dependent on the photoperiod they
had experienced prior to the tests and during
exposure to the insecticide. (Modified from
Fernandez AT, Randolph NM (1967) Photoperiodic
effect on the daily susceptibility of the house fly to
trichlorfon. J Econ Entomol 60:1633–1635.)
groups treated with trichlorfon in other times of the
day, marked differences in mortality were observed.
For instance, in group treated at 4:00 p.m., the
mortality varied from 78 to 95%, depending on the
length of the light phase of the photoperiodic regimen used. When the flies were exposed to the insecticide at 9:00 p.m. the differences were even greater.
In another experiment, the flies were similarly reared
in various photoperiodic regimens, and therefore
their endogenous rhythms had synchronized to
external light:dark oscillations of their specific photoperiodic regimens. Next, the flies were treated with
various doses of trichlorfon at a fixed time of the
day, corresponding not only to a fixed time of their
own photoperiodic regimen (for instance 9 h after
the onset of light) but also to a fixed time of the
astronomical day (in this case 4:00 p.m.). Subsequently the flies were transferred to constant lighting conditions, where no oscillating stimuli could
have influenced insects’ endogenous rhythms. After
48 h of exposure to trichlorfon (Fig. 55), the LD50
Chronotoxicology, Figure 55 Variability of LD50
from trichlorfon administered at fixed time of
the day to the flies that had been synchronized
to various photoperiods before the testing took
place. The flies were kept in various photoperiods
for several generations, and then exposed to
the insecticide for 48 h under constant lighting
conditions. Beginning of insecticide treatment
commenced 9 h after lights on (4:00 P.M.), in each
group. The flies that had experienced photoperiod
light:dark 14:10 prior to the test were markedly
more resistant to trichlorfon than those that
had been kept in photoperiod light:dark 13:11.
(Drawn on the basis of data by Fernandez and
Randolph, 1967.)
was calculated. The flies entrained to the photoperiod consisting of 13 h of light phase and 11 h of
dark phase were three times more susceptible to
trichlorfon than the flies entrained to only slightly
different photoperiod (14 h of light phase and 10 h
of dark phase). Analogous experiments with DDT,
endrin and dieldrin yielded similar results.
These remarkable results show that some insects
entrained to a photoperiod maintain their characteristic rhythmicity of detoxification under constant
lighting conditions, and their diurnal distribution of
susceptibility to toxicants are determined by synchronizing stimuli from the past. Entraining, as a
feature of circadian organization of insect physiology and behavior, clearly should be taken into consideration while planning toxicity tests, but many
insect toxicologists do not realize how sensitive to
entraining insect physiological systems can be.
Insect populations do not need to be exposed
to certain photoperiodic conditions for several successive generations to synchronize their organismal
oscillations to external lighting regimen. For
instance, short-lasting exposures to light during
the dark phase of the rhythm also effectively synchronize rhythms in adult insects of some species
(e.g., many dipterans). Such a stimulus may shift the
insect endogenous rhythms by several hours in
comparison to original pattern of physiological oscillations,inducing a response (so-called phase response)
that lasts for days if not weeks under continuous
lighting conditions. Even temporary changes in
insect breeding conditions may have profound
effects on detoxification rhythms and, consequently,
diurnal distribution of mortality in toxicity tests.
Concluding Remarks
An entomologist aware of time-dependent changes
in toxicity of insecticides, toxicants or narcotic
agents finds himself in a frustrating situation. On
one hand, it is reasonable to propose that circadian
organization of mechanisms that underlie insecticide uptake, detoxification, action on the target sites
or at least diurnal distribution of mortality should
be carefully studied before ultimate toxicity parameters are established and released as a basis for further use. On the other hand, chronotoxicological
experiments are labor expensive and time intensive.
The scarcity of published data does not allow any
generalization as to methodology of experimenting:
there is no universal correlation of susceptibility
patterns with daily distribution of locomotor activity. Dynamic detoxification processes sometimes do
not correlate with toxicity changes in an expected
manner; the same photoperiodic conditions may
abolish cyclic changes in insecticide metabolism
(and, presumably, toxicity) in one species, such as H.
zea larvae, or permit changes in susceptibility to
occur in another, such as adult house flies. Research
in insecticide chronotoxicology apparently does not
attract funding, and its results are not easy to interpret, discuss and publish, since there is not much
literature on this topic. Nor has monitoring the diurnal distribution of pest susceptibility to insecticides
become an experimental routine for establishing
insecticide toxicity parameters.
Impressive progress in knowledge of insect
toxicology, insecticide resistance mechanisms and
insect chronobiology has been made, but these
disciplines need integration. Perhaps younger generations of entomologists will charge themselves
with such a task.
Rhythms in Insects
Insecticide Toxicity
Insecticide Bioassays
Bainbridge CA, Margham P, Michael T (1982) Diurnal fluctuations in susceptibility to insecticides in several strains
of the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes egypti L.). Pest Sci
Ball HJ (1969) Diurnal rhythm of sensitivity to diazinon in adult
western corn rootworms. J Econ Entomol 62:1097–1098
Beck SD (1963) Physiology and ecology of photoperiodism.
Bull Entomol Soc Am 9:8–16
Bull DL, Lindquist DA (1965) A comparative study of
insecticide metabolism in photoperiod-entrained and
unentrained boll-worm larvae Heliothis zea (Boddie).
Comp Biochem Physiol 16:321–325
Cole CL, Adkisson PL (1964) Daily rhythm in the susceptibility of an insect to a toxic agent. Science 144:1148–1149
Crystal MM (1969) Changes in susceptibility of screw-worm
flies to the chemosterilant Nʹ, Nʹ-tetramethylenebis
(1-aziridinecarboxamide), with time of administration.
J Econ Entomol 62:275–276
Eesa NM, Cutkomp LK (1995) Pesticide chronotoxicity
to insects and mites: an overview. J Islam Acad Sci 8
Fernandez AT, Randolph NM (1967) Photoperiodic effect on
the daily susceptibility of the house fly to trichlorfon. J
Econ Entomol 60:1633–1635
Halberg F, Stephens AN (1958) 24-hour periodicity in mortality of C mice from E. coli lipopolysaccharide. Fed
Halberg J, Halberg F, Lee JK, Cutcomp LK, Sullivan WK, Hayes
DK, Cawley BM, Rosenthal J (1974) Similar timing of
circadian rhythms in sensitivity to pyrethrum of several
insects. Int J Chronobiol 2:291–296
Kermarrec A, Abud-Autun A (1978) Variations de la sensibilité au parathion selon l’heure chez Acromyrmex octospinosus Reich (Formicidae, Attini). Ann Zool Ecol Anim
Nowosielski JW, Patton RL, Naegele JA (1964) Daily rhythm of
narcotic sensitivity in the house cricket, Gryllus domesticus L., and the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. J Cell Comp Physiol 63:393–398
Polcik B, Nowosielski JW, Naegele JA (1964). Daily sensitivity
rhythm of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, to DDVP. Science 145:405–406
Pszczolkowski MA, Dobrowolski M, Spencer C (2004) When
did you last test your insects? The forgotten importance
of chronotoxicology. Am Entomol 50:72–74
Saunders DS (1982) Insect clocks, 2nd edn. Pergamon Press,
New York, NY, 408 pp
Shipp E, Otton J (1976a) Circadian rhythms of sensitivity to
insecticides in Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae).
Entomol Exp Appl 19:163–171
Shipp E, Otton J (1976b) Diel changes in DDT absorption and
breakdown rates and respiratory rhythm in the housefly,
Musca domestica. Entomol Exp Appl 19:235–242
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They
commonly are known as leaf beetles.
Leaf Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
A family of insects in the order Neuroptera. They
commonly are known as green lacewings.
Lacewings, Antlions and Mantidflies
Natural Enemies Important is Biological
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera) also known
as African slug caterpillar moths.
African Slug Caterpillar Moths
Butterflies and Moths
Chyromyid Flies
Members of the family Chyromyidae (order
The pupal stage of a butterfly.
A family of wasps (order Hymenoptera). They
commonly are known as cuckoo wasps.
Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as chyromyid flies.
The preoral cavity; an external space in front of
the head that is surrounded by the mouthparts but
in front of the true mouth or stomodeum.
Cicada Parasite Beetles
Cicada Parasite Beetles
Members of the family Rhipiceridae (order
Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea)
aLLen sanBorn
Barry University, Miami Shores, FL, USA
The members of the superfamily Cicadoidea Westwood are four-winged insects with sucking mouthparts that possess three ocelli and a rostrum that
arises from the base of the head.
Family Tettigarctidae White
Contains two species in the genus Tettigarcta
White (Fig. 56). The extant members of this family
are restricted in their distribution to Australia. The
Tettigarctidae exhibit ancestral morphology showing many similarities in their structure to fossil
cicadas. They have a expanded pronotum that
lacks paramedial and lateral fissures and a pronotal collar and conceals much of the mesonotum
along with peculiar wing venation. The mesonotum lacks a cruciform elevation. The hind coxae
overhang the abdomen. In addition, both sexes of
the Tettigarctidae have a timbal apparatus but the
structures are poorly developed and they lack
tympana. Males lack an acoustic resonating chamber in the abdomen. They have recently been
shown to communicate through vibrational rather
than airborne signals.
The classification within the superfamily has had
a varied history. There have been as many as six
families described within the superfamily. The
major characters used to separate these families
are structures of the sound production system,
e.g., the timbal covers and stridulatory apparatuses. The separation of the two major historical
families was based primarily on the presence or
absence of timbal covers. However, the variation
in the timbal cover anatomy is not related to a
monophyletic ancestry within the groups. Similarly, the stridulatory structures have evolved as a
means to isolate species reproductively and, therefore, appear to have evolved independently more
than once. As a result, the structures of the sound
apparati were a poor choice of characters on
which the higher taxonomy should be based. The
recent analysis of the higher taxonomy of the
Cicadoidea suggests only two families are justified within the Cicadoidea, the Tettigarctidae and
the Cicadidae.
Order: Hemiptera
Infraorder: Cicadomorpha
Superfamily: Cicadoidea
Family Cicadidae Latreille
Members of this family (Fig. 57) represent the vast
majority of extant cicadas. Characters that separate members of the family include: a pronotum
that includes a pronotal collar, paramedial and lateral fissures and is smaller than the mesonotum;
the mesonotal scutellum forms a cruciform elevation; timbals if present only found in males; males
have an abdominal resonating chamber; both
sexes have tympana. The extant genera have been
divided into three subfamilies based on the
Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea),
Figure 56 Tettigarcta crinita Distant, 1883, a
member of the family Tettigarctidae.
Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea)
Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea), Figure 57 Cicada
orni Linnaeus, 1758, a representative of the family
structure of the male genitalia, wing venation, timbal covers, and opercula. It includes the members
of all previously described families except the
Cicadas show a large range in adult body size. The
smallest species have body lengths of 1 cm and
wingspans of <2 cm while the largest species have
body lengths of 7 cm and wingspans of almost 20
cm. The body coloration varies from a uniform
reddish, green, brown, or black to a mixture of
colors. The coloration pattern of the pronotum
and mesonotum is especially useful in determining species. The head is dominated by the two
compound eyes. Three ocelli form a triangle on
the dorsal surface of the head between the compound eyes. This arrangement of the ocelli is one
of the distinguishing characteristics separating
cicadas from other bugs. The antennae are short
and are located between the postclypeus and the
compound eyes. The mouthparts form a needlelike rostrum that is inserted into plants to obtain
xylem fluid. The postclypeus houses the pumping
musculature. The thorax is divided into the three
segments characteristic of insects. Each thoracic
segment has a pair of legs and wings are attached
to the mesothorax and metathorax. The wings can
be hyaline, they may be infuscated, or they may be
opaque or pigmented. Wing venation is another
significant character used in taxonomy. The opercula are another diagnostic character that originate on the ventral metathorax but extend toward
and often cover large portions of the abdomen.
The abdomen is clearly segmented with the terminal segments modified to form the reproductive organs. The genitalia are one of the most
important structures in identifying species. The
abdomen of male cicadas is generally hollow and
acts as a resonating organ to increase the song
intensity. In addition, the timbal covers may be
found covering the timbal organ of the male.
Immature Stages
Documented life cycles of cicadas range from 1 to
17 years. The life cycle can be variable within a
species and emergence may be determined by
the quality of the food source for the nymph, or all
the individuals of a population may emerge synchronously as in the periodic cicadas (Magicicada
spp.). Eggs are laid in twigs or stems of the host
plants. The nymphs will crawl out of the egg and
fall to the ground after hatching. The nymph will
then burrow into the ground and attach to a root
to obtain nourishment. The nymph will construct
a chamber around the root in which it will grow
and proceed through its hemimetabolous development. When it is mature, the nymph will emerge
from the soil, find a vertical surface on which it
can attach and then the adult encloses from it.
Natural History
Cicadas are found on all continents except Antarctica. They have a broad distribution in the tropical
and temperate latitudes and can be found wherever
permafrost is absent. As is common in the animal
kingdom, the tropics are rich with species diversity.
There is a correlation between the described cicada
Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea)
diversity for particular geographic regions and
where cicada taxonomists have concentrated their
efforts during their individual careers either
through repeated expeditions or by living in a particular region.
One of the most distinguishing characteristics of cicadas is their acoustic behavior. The
sounds produced by cicadas are species specific
and are becoming useful tools in species identification. The sounds are generally produced by
males but females have evolved acoustic responses
to male signals. The major male sound production
system is a timbal organ. The timbal organ is a ribstrengthened, chitinous membrane located in the
first abdominal segment that is buckled by contraction of a timbal muscle. Structures such as the
abdominal air sacs, opercula, and timbal covers
can modify the sound emitted by the cicada. Stridulatory apparati have evolved in several genera as
an accessory sound production system. The stridulatory systems are generally associated with the
wings and the mesothorax but a genital system has
also been described. Finally, crepitation is used as
the primary communication signal by two genera
of North American cicadas. The stridulatory and
crepitation systems permit two way communication between the sexes in contrast to the unidirectional timbal system.
Birds are major predators of adult cicadas.
Emergences of periodical cicadas represent a
superabundant food source and many animals
(e.g., fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) change their foraging habits to include the
cicadas. Cicada killers (family Sphecidae) are natural parasites that provision their nests with adult
cicadas as food for their offspring. Nymphs burrowing into the ground are prey for ants whereas
underground nymphs are prey for animals like
moles and boars. Predators such as spiders, mantids, robber flies, and bats also take adult cicadas
as prey.
There are also several genera of entomopathogenic fungi that use cicadas as hosts. Some fungi
grow on nymphs (e.g., Cordyceps spp.) while others
grow on the adults (e.g., Massospora spp.).
Agricultural Importance
The main source of agricultural damage occurs
when the females oviposit in their host plants.
Large emergences of cicadas (i.e., periodic cicadas) and their corresponding oviposition can
cause small trees to wilt and small branches to
break off trees. In addition, the loss of nutrients to
the host tree in supporting a heavy infestation on
its roots can lead to decreased growth and fruit
production. These effects have been well documented in apple orchards located near old growth
forests that support a large cicada population.
There are several contact insecticides that can kill
the adults but they cannot be relied upon to protect the trees completely. The slow action of the
pesticides makes controlling the damage caused
by the adults difficult. Pruning trees prior to cicada
emergence decreases the availability of preferred
oviposition sites. Covering small trees with cheesecloth or some form of netting to prevent access
has been a successful strategy to protect trees particularly susceptible to damage.
Several species around the world have moved
from natural grasses as their host plant to sugarcane. These species decrease the yield of the sugarcane fields they infest. A successful control strategy
has been to till the soil which kills the nymphs.
Adults can also be controlled with contact
There have been reports of cicadas ovipositing in other food crops such as dates, asparagus,
citrus trees, cotton, grapevines, etc. These reports
are generally isolated, and cicadas do not appear to
be major agricultural pests with the exceptions
noted above.
Sound Production in the Cicadoidea
Boulard M (2001) Higher taxonomy and nomenclature of the
Cicadoidea or true cicadas: history, problems and solutions (Rhynchota Auchenorhyncha Cicadomorpha). Ecole
Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Travaux du Laboratoire Biologie et Evolution des Insectes Hemipteroidea 14:1–48
Citricola Scale, Coccus pseudomagnoliarum (Kuwana) (Hemiptera: Coccidae)
Duffels JP (1993) The systematic position of Moana expansa
(Homoptera: Cicadidae), with reference to sound organs
and the higher classification of the superfamily Cicadoidea. J Nat Hist 27:1223–1237
Moulds MS (1990) A guide to Australian cicadas. New South
Wales University Press, Kensington, Australia, 217 pp
Moulds MS (2005) An appraisal of the higher classification of
cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea) with special reference
to the Australian fauna. Rec Aust Mus 57:375–446
Myers JG (1929) Insect singers: a natural history of the
cicadas. George Routledge and Sons, Limited, London,
UK, 304 pp
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera). They commonly are known as leafhoppers.
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera). They sometimes are called bed bugs.
Bedbugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)
Circadian Rhythm
An endogenous biological rhythm with a recurrence of about 24 h. Changes in biological or metabolic functions that show periodic peaks or lows
of activity based on or approximating a 24-h cycle.
This also is known as a circadian clock.
Biological Clock of the German Cockroach,
Blatella germanica (L.)
A group of beetles (order Coleoptera), sometimes
treated as a separate family, here considered part
of Carabidae. They commonly are known as tiger
Tiger Beetles
Cigarette Beetle
Stored Grain and Flour Insects
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as minute tree-fungus beetles.
A family of sawflies (order Hymenoptera, suborder Symphyta).
Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies
Circulative Virus
A virus that systemically infects its insect vector
and usually is transmitted for the remainder of the
vector’s life.
Circumesophageal Connective
The bilateral neural connective between the tritocerebrum and the subesophageal ganglion. Usually the alimentary canal passes between the
circumesophageal connectives.
Nervous System
Citricola Scale, Coccus
pseudomagnoliarum (Kuwana)
(Hemiptera: Coccidae)
This species is a citrus pest in California, USA.
Citrus Pests and Their Management
Citrus Blackfly, Aleurocanthus woglumi (Ashby) (Hempitera: Aleyrodidae)
Citrus Blackfly, Aleurocanthus
woglumi (Ashby) (Hempitera:
This citrus pest is a black-colored whitefly.
Citrus Pests and Their Management
Citrus Greening Disease
This psyllid-transmitted disease is a serious hazard to citrus crops.
Transmission of Plant Diseases by Insects
Citrus Leafminer, Phyllocnistis
citrella (Stainton) (Lepidoptera:
This leaf-mining caterpillar is a pest of young
Citrus Pests and Their Management
Citrus Mealybug, Planococcus citri
(Risso) (Hempitera:
This mealybug threatens citrus crops in USA.
Citrus Pests and Their Management
Citrus Peelminer, Marmara gulosa
(Guillen and Davis) (Lepidoptera:
This is a minor citrus pest in USA.
Citrus Pests and Their Management
Citrus Pests and their
roBert meaGher
USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Gainesville,
Botanically, the genus Citrus L. is an evergreen tree
in the family Rutaceae. As a commercial tree, it is
composed of a scion (the variety) and the rootstock. These two parts are budded or grafted
together, with the goal of combining the best properties of each to make a tree that produces plenty
of quality fruit. The genus Citrus contains many
species and hybrids. Some of the more common
fruits are citron (C. medica L.), sour orange
(C. aurantium L.), pummelo (C. maxima Merril),
lemon (C. limon (L.) Burm. f.), mandarin or tangerine (types with red-orange skin) (C. reticulata
Blanco), common, Mexican, West Indian, or Key
lime (C. aurantifolia (Christm. et Panz.) Swingle,
Tahiti lime (C. latisfolia Tanaka), sweet lime
(C. limettioides Tanaka), grapefruit (C. maxima
var. racemosa, formerly C. paradisi MacFayden),
and orange or sweet orange (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck).
Species in Citrus can readily interbreed or hybridize. Many combinations are commercially available, such as tangelo (mandarin X grapefruit),
mandarin lime (lemon X mandarin), and tangor
(mandarin X sweet orange). Other species or
hybrids of Citrus are used as rootstocks.
History of Citrus
Citrus species probably originated in southeast
Asia and India. Various citrus fruits, such as
lemons, limes, and oranges, were cultured in the
Indus Valley over 4,000 years ago. The modern
citrus varieties most likely came from China.
Conquering armies, traders, and explorers
from the Romans to the Arabs to the western
Europeans transported citrus fruits and seeds
from Asia through southern Europe, northern
Africa and to the New World. Christopher
Columbus brought sour orange, lemon, and
citron seeds when he established colonies in
Haiti and the Caribbean. Spanish explorers
brought oranges to St. Augustine, Florida, from
1513 to 1565, and Ponce de Leon brought seeds
and ordered sailors to plant them wherever
they landed. Grapefruit arrived in Florida much
later, when a grove was planted near Tampa in
1823. Spanish missionaries introduced citrus to
California in 1769.
Citrus Pests and their Management
Pest Descriptions
This section includes the important mite and
insect species (Table 12, Figs. 58–60) that attack
citrus in the continental United States (Arizona,
California, Florida, and Texas), though many
are cosmopolitan. Pest management considerations are discussed at the end of this section.
Citrus is infested by several groups of mites
including rust and bud mites (Eriophyidae), spider mites (Tetranychidae), false spider mites
(Tenuipalpidae) and broad mites (Tarsonemidae). Mites have piercing-sucking mouthparts
that physically injure leaves and fruit by removing cell contents and by injecting plant toxins
and viruses. Mite management depends principally on protecting biological control agents,
secondarily on application of horticultural oils
to foliage, and as a last resort applications of
Citrus rust mites, Phyllocoptruta oleivora
(Ashmead), are small, light yellow, and elongated mites. They are serious pests in Florida,
Texas, and California coastal districts. These
mites injure leaves by penetrating the lower epidermal layer of cells promoting dry necrotic
areas called mesophyll collapse. This “russeting”
results in leaf drop, especially during dry periods. Feeding in fruit destroys rind cells and on
oranges this injury is also referred to as russeting. Injury to grapefruit, lemons, and limes during early fruit growth causes “silvering” of the
peel and, if severe, results in a condition called
“shark skin.” These blemishes lower the grade of
fresh fruit, reduce fruit size, and increase fruit
drop. There are several natural enemies of citrus
rust mites including the parasitic fungus Hirsutela thompsonii Fisher.
Pink citrus rust mite, Aculops pelekassi
(Keifer), is similar to citrus rust mites in feeding
and injury. They can coexist on the same leaves,
but A. pelekassi can develop larger, more damaging
populations earlier in the season. Pink citrus rust
mites are usually pink and are narrower than citrus
rust mites.
Citrus bud mite, Eriophyes sheldoni Ewing,
is primarily a pest of coastal lemons in California. They feed within leaf axil buds and developing blossoms, causing formation of multiple
buds and abnormal growth of subsequent leaf
foliage or flowers.
Several other eriophyid mites are pests in
other world citrus areas, the citrus grey mite,
Calacarus citrifolii Keifer, in southern Africa,
and the brown citrus mite, Tegolophus australis
Keifer, in coastal New South Wales and Queensland, Australia.
Citrus red mite, Panonychus citri (McGregor),
was recognized as a pest in Florida in 1885, but
was not identified in Texas until the early 1980s.
In California, it was initially a pest in coastal
areas, but by the 1930s spread to more inland districts. It is considered a sporadic pest, and occurs
mostly on lemons and grapefruit. Adult mites are
red or purple with large pink to white hairs
(setae) on the body. Adults and immatures feed
on leaves, fruit, and green twigs, but prefer the
upper surface of young leaves. Injury to leaves
and fruit is caused by extraction of chlorophyll.
This “stippling” causes a grayish or silvery appearance, and severe stippling can lead to mesophyll
collapse. High populations may cause leaf drop
and twig dieback, and fruit sunburn in summer.
During dry, cold, windy conditions, high mite
populations may cause a condition known as “firing,” “blasting,” or “burning” of the foliage. There
are many natural enemies of citrus red mites
including lady beetles (species of Stethorus) and
predaceous mites (species in the genera Galendromus, Typhlodromalus, and Euseius).
Citrus Pests and their Management
Citrus Pests and their Management, Table 12 Citrus arthropod pests, geographical area affected, and
site of injury
Taxa scientific/Common name
Geographic area
Site of injury
Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead) citrus
rust mite
world (humid areas)
twigs, leaves, fruit
Aculops pelekassi (Keifer) pink citrus rust
world (humid areas)
twigs, leaves, fruit
Eriophyes sheldoni (Ewing) citrus bud
blossoms, fruit
Panonychus citri (McGregor) citrus red
leaves, fruit, green
Eutetranychus banksi (McGregor) Texas
citrus mite
western hemisphere
Eotetranychus sexmaculatus (Riley)
sixspotted mite
western hemisphere, Asia
E. lewisi (McGregor) Lewis spider mite
southern California
E. yumensis (McGregor) Yuma spider mite
southern California, Arizona
leaves, fruit, green twigs
Tetranychus urticae (Koch) twospotted
spider mite
T. pacificus (McGregor) Pacific spider mite
western U.S.
leaves, fruit, green twigs
T. tumidus (Banks) tumid spider mite
southeastern U.S.
T. mexicanus (McGregor) Mexican spider
southern North America to
South America
Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) red &
black flat mite
fruit, leaves, twigs
B. obovatus (Donnadieu) privet mite
fruit, leaves, twigs
B. californicus (Banks) false spider mite
fruit, leaves, twigs
B. lewisi (McGregor) citrus flat mite
California, Japan
fruit, leaves, twigs
leaves, fruit
Romalea guttata (Houttuyn) eastern lubber grasshopper
southern U.S.
leaves, fruit
Schistocerca americana (Drury) American
North America
leaves, fruit
Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) broad
Citrus Pests and their Management
Citrus Pests and their Management, Table 12 Citrus arthropod pests, geographical area affected, and
site of injury (Continued)
Taxa scientific/Common name
Geographic area
Site of injury
Scudderia furcata (Brunner von
North America
leaves, fruit peel
Microcentrum retinerve (Burmeister)
angularwinged (lesser angle-wing)
eastern U.S.
leaves, fruit peel
M. rhombifolium (Saussure) broadwinged
(greater angle-wing) katydid
North America
leaves, fruit peel
Hapithus agitator (Uhler) restless bush
eastern U.S.
leaves, small fruit
Orocharis luteolira (Walker) false jumping
bush cricket
southeastern U.S.
leaves, small fruit
Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) eastern
subterranean termite
eastern North America
roots, tree bark
R. hesperus (Banks) western subterranean
western North America
roots, tree bark
Heterotermes aureus (Snyder) desert
subterranean termite
southwestern U.S., Mexico
roots, tree bark
Paraneotermes simplicicornis (Banks)
desert dampwood termite
southwestern U.S.
roots, tree bark
Kalotermes minor (Hagen) common
drywood termite
southwestern U.S., Mexico
roots, tree bark
southwestern U.S., Mexico
roots, tree bark
western North America
tree bark
Leptoglossus gonagra (F.) citron bug
western hemisphere
L. phyllopus (L.) leaffooted bug
North America
L. zonatus (Dal.) western leaffooted bug
North America
Gnathamitermes perplexus (Banks) desert
Zootermopsis angusticollis (Hagen)
common dampwood termite
Nysius ericae (Schillling) false chinch bug North America, Europe
young stems
Citrus Pests and their Management
Citrus Pests and their Management, Table 12 Citrus arthropod pests, geographical area affected, and
site of injury (Continued)
Taxa scientific/Common name
Geographic area
Site of injury
N. raphanus (Howard) false chinch bug
North America
young stems
young stems and fruit
Homalodisca coagulata (Say)
glassy-winged sharpshooter
U.S., French Polynesia
green stems
Empoasca fabae (Harris) potato
Asia, South America, Florida
young leaves
Asia, western hemisphere,
Nezara viridula (L.) southern green stink
Metcalfa prunivora (Say) flatid
Diaphorina citri (Kuwayama) Asiatic citrus
Aleurocanthus woglumi (Ashby) citrus
Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead) citrus whitefly
D. citrifolii (Morgan) cloudywinged
Asia, western hemisphere,
Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell) woolly
Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana) bayberry
Asia, Israel, Venezuela, Califor- leaves
nia, Florida
Siphoninus phillyreae (Haliday) ash
world, Arizona, California,
Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy) brown citrus
world (not Mediterranean),
T. aurantii (Boyer de Fonscolombe) black
citrus aphid
Aphis spiraecola (Patch) spirea aphid
A. gossypii (Glover) melon or cotton
A. craccivora (Koch) cowpea aphid
leaves, twigs, branches
Icerya purchasi (Maskell) cottonycushion
Citrus Pests and their Management
Citrus Pests and their Management, Table 12 Citrus arthropod pests, geographical area affected, and
site of injury (Continued)
Taxa scientific/Common name
Geographic area
Site of injury
Coccus hesperidum (L.) brown soft scale
twigs, leaves
C. pseudomagnoliarum (Kuwana) citricola
world, California
leaves, twigs
Saissetia neglecta (De Lotto) Caribbean
black scale
world, Florida
leaves, twigs, fruit
S. miranda (Cockerell & Parrott) Mexican
black scale
leaves, twigs
S. oleae (Olivier) black scale
leaves, twigs
Parasaissetia coffeae (Walker) hemispherical scale
leaves, twigs
P. nigra (Nietner) nigra scale
leaves, twigs
Ceroplastes floridensis (Comstock) Florida
wax scale
leaves, twigs
C. cirripediformis (Comstock) barnacle
western hemisphere
leaves, twigs
Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) California red
leaves, fruit, branches
A. citrina (Coquillett) yellow scale
leaves, fruit
Parlatoria ziziphi (Lucas) black parlatoria
leaves, twigs, fruit
P. pergandii (Comstock) chaff scale
leaves, fruit, branches
Cornuaspis (=Lepidosaphes) beckii (Newman) Purple scale
leaves, fruit, branches
Lepidosaphes gloveri (Packard) glover
leaves, fruit, branches
Unaspis citri (Comstock) citrus snow scale
branches, leaves, fruit
Chrysomphalus aonidum (L.) Florida red
leaves, green twigs,
Pinnaspis aspidistrae (Signoret) fern scale
leaves, fruit
Planococcus citri (Risso) citrus mealybug
fruit, leaves, twigs
Pseudococcus calceolariae (Maskell) citrophilus mealybug
fruit, leaves, twigs
P. comstocki (Kuwana) Comstock
fruit, leaves, twigs
P. longispinus (Targioni-Tozzetti) longtailed mealybug
fruit, leaves, twigs
Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) pink
hibiscus mealybug
Africa, Asia, Australia, Caribbean, Florida
fruit, leaves, twigs
Citrus Pests and their Management
Citrus Pests and their Management, Table 12 Citrus arthropod pests, geographical area affected, and
site of injury (Continued)
Taxa scientific/Common name
Geographic area
Site of injury
Frankliniella bispinosa (Morgan) flower
southeastern U.S.
F. kelliae (Sakimura) flower thrips
southeastern U.S.
Scirtothrips citri (Moulton) citrus thrips
California, Arizona
S. auranti (Faure) citrus thrips
southern Africa
S. dorsalis (Hood) citrus thrips
Japan, Africa, Florida
S. perseae (Nakahara) avocado thrips
Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché)
greenhouse thrips
leaves, fruit
Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton)
orchid thrips
tropics, Florida
leaves, fruit
Danothrips trifasciatus (Sakimura) orchid
tropics, Florida
leaves, fruit
Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) diaprepes root
Caribbean, Florida
roots, leaves
Pachnaeus litus (Germar) southern bluegreen citrus root weevil
Caribbean, Florida
leaves, roots, fruit
P. opalus (Oliver) northern blue-green
citrus root weevil
Caribbean, Florida
leaves, roots, fruit
Artipus floridanus (Horn) little leaf
Caribbean, Florida
leaves, roots
Asynonychus godmani (Crotch) Fuller rose
buds, leaves, roots
Florida, Caribbean, South
Anastrepha suspensa (Loew) Caribbean
fruit fly
Florida, Caribbean
A. ludens (Loew) Mexican fruit fly
southwestern U.S., Mexico to
South America
A. obliqua (Macquart) West Indian fruit fly
Caribbean, Texas, Central and
South America
A. fraterculus (Wiedemann) South American fruit fly
Texas south to Chile and
Prodiplosis longifila (Gagné) citrus gall
Citrus Pests and their Management
Citrus Pests and their Management, Table 12 Citrus arthropod pests, geographical area affected, and
site of injury (Continued)
Taxa scientific/Common name
Geographic area
Site of injury
A. serpentina (Wiedemann) sapote fruit
Texas south to Argentina
Bactrocera correcta (Bezzi) guava fruit fly
southern Asia
B. dorsalis (Hendel) oriental fruit fly
Asia and the Pacific
B. tryoni (Froggatt) Queensland fruit fly
B. tsuneonis (Miyake) Japanese orange fly
eastern Asia
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) Mediterranean fruit fly
C. rosa (Karsch) Natal fruit fly
throughout Africa
Phyllocnistis citrella (Stainton) citrus
Marmara gulosa (Guillen & Davis) citrus
California, Mexico
Archips argyrospilus (Walker) fruittree
North America
fruit, leaves
Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernald) orange
North America, Europe
fruit, leaves
North America
leaves, nuisance
Papilio cresphontes (Cramer) orangedog
western hemisphere
P. zelicaon (Lucas) California orangedog
western North America
Atta texana (Buckley) Texas leafcutting
western hemisphere
Solenopsis invicta (Buren) red imported
fire ant
western hemisphere
twigs, bark
S. geminata (F.) fire ant
western hemisphere
twigs, bark
S. xyloni (McCook) southern fire ant
southern U.S.
twigs, bark
Linepithema humile (Mayr) Argentine ant
western hemisphere
leaves (interferes with biological control)
Megalopyge opercularis (J. E. Smith) puss
Formica aerata (Francouer) native gray ant western U.S.
leaves (interferes with biological control)
Citrus Pests and their Management
Citrus Pests and their Management, Table 12 Citrus arthropod pests, geographical area affected, and
site of injury (Continued)
Taxa scientific/Common name
Geographic area
Site of injury
fruit, leaves, bark
Helix aspersa (Müller)
Texas citrus mite, Eutetranychus banksi
(McGregor), occurs throughout the Western hemisphere. It has been a pest in Texas citrus for many
years, but was first detected on citrus in Florida in
1951. Since 1955 it has increased in abundance to
where it is the dominant spider mite species. Adults
are tan to brownish-green with dark green to black
spots on the sides. Unlike citrus red mites, Texas
citrus mites have short, stout setae on their upper
surface. This species is abundant during periods
of prolonged dry weather. They feed on upper leaf
surfaces, rarely on the fruit and never on twigs, and
their injury is similar to that of citrus red mites.
Sixspotted spider mite, Eotetranychus sexmaculatus (Riley), was first mentioned as a sporadic
pest in Florida in 1886 and continues as a spring
season pest particularly on grapefruit and orange.
In California, these mites occur in coastal growing
areas. Adults are pale yellow to green with one to
three pairs of dark spots on the upper surface
which can sometimes be indistinct or missing.
Sixspotted spider mites differ from citrus red mites
and Texas citrus mites in that they feed on the
lower leaf surface. They initially infest the petiole
and midvein area, causing a slight depression. At
higher densities, raised yellow areas develop on
the upper leaf surface opposite that of the established lower leaf surface colonies, and severe
defoliation can follow.
Two other Eotetranychus species, Lewis spider
mite, E. lewisi (McGregor), and Yuma spider mite,
E. yumensis (McGregor), occur on grapefruit and
lemon in California and Arizona. Lewis spider
mite was found on navel oranges in southern California in 1942 and continues to be a pest in the
southern citrus districts except in desert areas.
Adults are various shades of pale amber or green
with black spots along the lateral margin. Lewis
spider mite generally damages fruit. Yuma spider
mite is distributed in the Coachella and Imperial
valleys of California and the Yuma citrus district
of Arizona. Adults are light straw to dark pink and
are most numerous in winter and late spring. These
mites feed on leaves, fruit and green twigs.
Twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae
Koch, is a serious pest of many crops but is only an
occasional pest of citrus, particularly in the San
Joaquin Valley of California. It first appears on the
underside of the leaves, but as populations increase,
can be found infesting the upper leaf surface and
fruit. Conspicuous webbing similar to that of
Eotetranychus species can occur in areas of heavy
infestation. As with all spider mites, damage potential of T. urticae varies from citrus species to citrus
species, from year to year, and is related to weather
conditions such as heat and to water stress.
Several other Tetranychus species rarely attack
citrus in the U.S. Pacific spider mite, T. pacificus
McGregor, is more of a pest of deciduous tree fruits,
but has caused damage in the central valleys of
California. Tumid spider mite, T. tumidus Banks, is
present in the southeastern U.S. and T. mexicanus
(McGregor) is occasionally a pest of citrus in Texas.
Worldwide, other members of Tetranychidae
are citrus pests. This list includes four Eutetranychus species: oriental red mite, E. orientalis (Klein),
occurring in the Mideast and Asia, and three African species, lowveld citrus mite, E. anneckei Meyer,
E. africanus Klein, and E. sudanicus Elb., Eotetranychus cendanci Rimando from southeast Asia,
and Schizotetranychus hindustanicus (Hirst) from
southern India.
Citrus Pests and their Management
Citrus Pests and their Management, Figure 58 Some common insect and mite pests of citrus. Top left,
scanning electron micrograph of citrus rust mite (photo, J. C. Allen); top right, feeding injury (dark areas
where surface temperatures did not inhibit mite feeding) by citrus rust mite (photo, J. C. Allen); second
row left, sixspotted spider mites (photo, J. Knapp); second row right, Texas citrus mite (photo, J. Knapp);
third row left, Diaprepes (citrus root) weevil (photo, J. L. Capinera); third row right, blue-green citrus
weevil (photo, P. M. Choate); bottom left, southern green stink bug (photo, J. L. Capinera); bottom right,
brown soft scale (photo, L. J. Buss).
Citrus Pests and their Management
Citrus Pests and their Management, Figure 59 Some common insect and mite pests of citrus. Top left,
Florida red scale (photo, J. L. Castner); top right, cottony cushion scale adults (on stem) and immatures
(on leaf) (photo, L. J. Buss); second row left, citrus mealybug (photo, J. Knapp); second row right, adult
citrus blackflies (photo, J. Knapp); third row left, immature citrus blackflies (photo, J. Knapp); third row
right, citrus whitefly (photo, J. Knapp); bottom left, brown citrus aphid (photo, P. M. Choate); bottom
right, spirea aphid (photo, J. L. Capinera).
Citrus Pests and their Management
Citrus Pests and their Management, Figure 60 Some common insect and mite pests of citrus. Top left,
giant swallowtail, adult form of orange dog (photo, J. L. Castner); top right, orange dog, larval form
of giant swallowtail (photo, J. Knapp); second row left, adult citrus leaf miner (photo, J. L. Castner);
second row right, leaf mines caused by citrus leaf miner larvae (photo, J. L. Castner); third row left, Asian
cockroach (photo, J. L. Castner); third row right, eastern lubber grasshopper (photo, J. L. Capinera); bottom
left, American grasshopper (photo, J. L. Capinera); bottom right, Mediterranean fruit fly (photo, J. Knapp).
Citrus Pests and their Management
Four species of false spider mites in the genus
Brevipalpus attack citrus in the United States.
Three of these, phoenicis (Geijskes), obovatus Donnadieu, and californicus (Banks), are cosmopolitan
and occur on citrus in most parts of the world.
Infestations usually begin in the interior of the
tree canopy on the underside of leaves near the
midrib, but false spider mites are also found on
fruit and woody tissue (twigs and branches).
Brevipalpus mites are flat, reddish, and difficult to
notice because they are small and slow moving.
They have a relatively long life cycle compared
with other phytophagous mites. Brevipalpus mites
are economically important because they vector a
bacilliform virus that causes leprosis. This disease
can be found on fruit, leaves, and tree branches,
and is commonly referred to as nailhead rust. The
fourth species, B. lewisi McGregor, is found in the
desert and interior valleys of California’s citrus
growing region. It is a secondary invader that feeds
on rind tissue damaged by other insects. B. phoenicis mites have gained fame lately when it was
discovered that they only exist in the haploid state
(one copy of chromosomes).
Several species of grasshopper, katydid, and cricket
cause minor damage to citrus due to feeding with
their chewing mouthparts. These species rarely
warrant control actions, but when they do foliar
insecticides are employed.
Broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), is
a very important pest of “Tahiti” lime in Florida and
an infrequent pest of coastal lemons in California.
They are distributed across the world and feed on
many horticultural plants. Adult females are light
yellow, amber, or green with an indistinct white
median stripe on the back, and males are similar in
color but without the stripe. Broad mites are found
on newly formed leaves or on young fruit. Heavy
infestations on leaves cause distortion, curling, or
stunting, but the most important damage is russeting on young fruit. Fruit that are severely russeted
are not available for the fresh market and must be
used for processing. Natural enemies include several predatory mite species.
Two grasshopper species, eastern lubber grasshopper, Romalea guttata (Houttuyn), and American
grasshopper, Schistocerca americana (Drury), are
sporadic pests in citrus groves. Lubber grasshopper
adults are yellow with red and black markings and
American grasshoppers are light brown with black
markings. Injury is caused by nearly full grown
nymphs which feed on foliage and occasionally
fruit and the most serious damage occurs when
young citrus trees are defoliated.
Three species of katydid attack citrus. In Florida, only broadwinged katydid, Microcentrum
rhombifolium (Saussure), causes economic damage. In California, forktailed katydid, Scudderia
furcata Brunner von Wattenwyl, is the species
that causes damage, although angularwinged
katydid, M. retinerve (Burmeister), is also present. Katydid feeding resembles that of grasshoppers and is mostly restricted to foliage. When
fruit rinds are attacked, large, smooth, sunken
areas on the fruit surface result.
Two species of bush cricket, restless bush cricket,
Hapithus agitator Uhler, and false jumping bush
cricket, Orocharis luteolira Walker, may be present
in large numbers in Florida citrus groves. Both
species feed on small fruit, leaves, and twigs in the
Citrus Pests and their Management
lower canopy. Fruit drop and peel blemishes may
result in economic damage.
cover of groves, protection of predators and parasitoids, application of horticultural oils, and foliar
insecticide applications.
The only termite species in Florida that attacks citrus is eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes
flavipes (Kollar). Attack starts below ground where
they feed on bark and cambium of young trees.
They can become serious pests of citrus in groves
where nearby pine woods support large populations. Two other species, desert subterranean termite, Heterotermes aureus (Snyder), and western
subterranean termite, R. hesperus Banks, have
damaged citrus in California.
Desert dampwood termite, Paraneotermes simplicicornis (Banks), has damaged grapefruit trees in
the Coachella Valley of California by feeding on
the taproot and lateral roots. This species has also
damaged young trees in Texas. Common drywood
termite, Kalotermes minor Hagen, has damaged
citrus in California by feeding either below ground
or above ground by gaining entry through wounds
or crevices. Two other termite species, desert
termite, Gnathamitermes perplexus (Banks) (Termitidae), and common dampwood termite, Zootermopsis angusticollis (Hagen) (Termopsidae),
occasionally damage citrus in California.
Citron bug, Leptoglossus gonagra F., leaffooted bug,
L. phyllopus (L.), and western leaffooted bug, L.
zonatus (Dal.), are three plant bug species that
puncture the fruit rind and suck the juices from
underlying vesicles. Citron bug (Figs. 58–60) is
dark brown to black with the front margin of
the thorax yellow. Populations build on nearby
melons and weeds in the grove during spring and
summer, and injury to citrus usually occurs by
fall. Leaffooted bug occurs in Arizona, the Gulf
states, and Florida, where its principle host plants
are thistles (Cirsium spp.). It is dark brown with a
pale yellow line across the wings. Damage by plant
bug feeding can cause fruit drop and also may
provide access for various pathogens. Damage is
more common on citrus fruit with thinner rinds.
Western leaffooted bug is primarily a pest of pomegranates in California, although they will occasionally attack tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit.
Two false chinch bug species, Nysius ericae (Schil.)
and N. raphanus Howard, occasionally are very
destructive to young trees in California. Adults are
small and light to dark gray. Nymphs and adults
sometimes congregate in large numbers on
younger wood.
At least 12 families have been documented to
occasionally cause economic damage on citrus,
and some of the most important pests are found in
this group. All Hemiptera have piercing-sucking
mouthparts, and are usually controlled by
improved management of plants in the ground
Southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.), is
green and is abundant in the fall and early winter.
Although other species of stink bugs attack citrus,
this species is usually the only one found in high
numbers. Most stink bugs breed on a variety of
Citrus Pests and their Management
weed plants. In Florida, this insect is most destructive to tangerines.
Glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata (Say), is native to the southeastern United
States, but recently has invaded California. Specimens from a citrus grove in Ventura County were
identified in 1989. This large leafhopper is dark
brown to black with yellowish spots on its head
and back. Glassy-winged sharpshooters vector
the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa which causes
many plant diseases. Infections affect the xylem of
the plant and is known as Pierce’s disease (grape),
almond leaf scorch, phony peach disease, alfalfa
dwarf, and oleander leaf scorch. Citrus variegated
chlorosis, a serious disease of oranges in South
America vectored by H. coagulata, is not currently
present in the U.S. In California, the major
concern is transmission of Pierce’s disease in vineyards. Although the disease has been present in
California for many years, glassy-winged sharpshooter is a more efficient vector than the native
sharpshooters because of higher mobility and the
ability to occupy a wide range of new habitats and
host plants.
Potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris), is
a common insect that attacks over 100 crop plants
throughout the U.S. It is an occasional pest of citrus in California, especially in groves near tomato
or cotton fields in the San Joaquin Valley. Adults
are small, greenish, and very active insects. Potato
leafhopper feeds on fruit by puncturing rind cells,
causing yellowish to light brown scars.
One flatid planthopper species, Metcalfa prunivora
(Say), is an occasional pest of citrus in Texas. It is
grayish-white and feeds on twigs. This insect only
completes one generation per season. Grapefruit
trees appear to be favored over orange trees.
Asiatic citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama,
was found in southeastern Florida in 1998 and in
southern Texas in 2001. Its native range includes
much of southern Asia, although it has been found
in Brazil and Honduras. African citrus psyllid, Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio), is the only other psyllid worldwide that is an economic pest of citrus.
D. citri is a small active insect with a brown, mottled appearance and is found on the lower sides of
new flush leaves. Damage caused by this insect is
either direct feeding injury resulting from the
withdrawal of fluids from the foliage, development
of sooty mold on leaves, and/or transmission of
organisms that cause citrus greening disease,
though this disease is not yet known from American populations. Greening symptoms include
mottling and yellowing of leaf veins, irregular leaf
and flower production, abnormal fruit drop, and
an unpleasant flavor in the juice. Asiatic citrus
psyllid management in Florida is being conducted
using classical biological control, wherein parasitoids from Asia are collected and released.
There are eight whitefly species that are considered
citrus pests. Whitefly nymphs extract phloem sap
from leaf tissues causing leaves to wilt and drop if
there are large populations. Feeding on such a sugary liquid diet means that the waste product, honeydew, is also a very sugary liquid substance. The
creation of honeydew provides a food source for
sooty mold fungus which “blackens” the leaves and
interferes with the tree’s ability to make food
through photosynthesis. Honeydew also attracts
ants, which sometimes interfere with biological
control. The combined effects of feeding by
nymphs and associated sooty mold can result in
death of young trees and serious fruit yield reductions for producing trees. Fruit that has sooty mold
on it ripens later than normal fruit and is also discolored. Many of these whitefly species that attack
Citrus Pests and their Management
citrus are also pests of horticultural crops in greenhouses in northern states.
Citrus blackfly, Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby,
is of Asian origin that was first detected in the
Western Hemisphere in Jamaica in 1913 and then
in Key West, Florida, in 1935. It was rediscovered
in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, in 1976 and spread to
neighboring citrus-producing counties. It first
invaded the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas in
1955 on residential citrus, and again in Brownsville in 1971 in both residential and commercial
groves. Adults are slate-blue with a median white
band; the abdomen and head are bright red.
Females lay eggs on the underside of leaves in a
characteristic spiral pattern. This insect has over
300 host plants, but citrus is one of its favorites.
There is a very successful history of both classical
and augmentative biological control of citrus
blackfly through release of two parasitic wasps in
many areas of the Western Hemisphere including
Mexico, Florida, and Texas.
Citrus whitefly, Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead),
and cloudywinged whitefly, D. citrifolii (Morgan),
are two other Asian pests that invaded Florida in
the late 1800s. In the 1920s, whiteflies were considered the most serious pests of citrus in Florida.
They can still be a serious pest, although not at the
same level that they once were. Both species are
found in Texas citrus, and citrus whitefly also is
found in California. Both citrus and cloudywinged
whitefly adults are small and white, although
cloudywinged adults have a darkened area at the
end of each wing. Many natural enemies are used
in biological control of both whitefly species,
including fungi, predators, and parasitoids.
Woolly whitefly, Aleurothrixus floccosus
(Maskell), was first found in Florida in the early
1900s and also is found in Texas and California.
Adults are yellowish-white and seldom fly. The last
nymphal stage (pupa) is surrounded by waxy filaments. Adult females lay eggs in a circle on mature
leaves. Like other whiteflies on citrus, they are
mostly controlled by natural enemies.
Barberry whitefly, Parabemisia myricae
(Kuwana), is an Asian species first discovered in
California in 1978 and Florida in 1984. Like other
whiteflies, they have several hosts other than citrus.
Adults are small, whitish-yellow insects. Females
prefer to lay eggs on young, tender foliage. Several
natural enemies attack barberry whitefly, and the
first populations found in Florida were already
under natural biological control, apparently because
the parasitoids were introduced with the whitefly.
Ash whitefly, Siphoninus phillyreae (Haliday),
is a species from temperate and subtropical regions
of Europe, northern Asia and north Africa. It was
first collected in southern California in 1988, and
is now present in Arizona and Nevada. It has arboreal hosts, including several fruit trees, and in
Europe this pest causes severe damage to pear and
apple. Adults are small, whitish insects with a light
dusting of wax. Natural enemies from Israel and
Italy were imported to California for biological
Aphids comprise a large and diverse group of
small, fragile insects that are economically important because of direct damage and transmission of
plant diseases. Many species are winged (alate)
and wingless (apterae), depending on the season.
Their biologies are complex because a species may
contain both sexual and parthenogenetic (able to
reproduce without fertilization by males) forms
at different times of the season or on different
host plants.
Brown citrus aphid, Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy), is one of the world’s most serious pests of citrus. It is found in southeast Asia, southern Africa,
Australia and New Zealand, South America, the
Caribbean, and since November 1995, in Florida.
These aphids are larger than other species on citrus
and have slender antennae. Wingless adults are
shiny black, while nymphs are dark reddish-brown
and reproduce parthenogenetically by producing
nymphs, thus, there are no males and no eggs. They
damage citrus by producing copious amounts of
honeydew so that leaves and fruit become black
Citrus Pests and their Management
with sooty mold. However, their most serious damage to trees is by vectoring a phloem-limited virus
called citrus tristeza closterovirus. This virus causes
tristeza stem pitting disease. One of the most devastating citrus crop losses ever reported followed
the introduction of this aphid into Brazil and
Argentina, where 16 million trees on sour orange
rootstock were killed. Several different management measures are being studied in Florida, including cultural control through rootstock improvement,
biological control, and chemical control.
Black citrus aphid, Toxoptera aurantii (Boyer
de Fonscolombe), is a related species and is found
throughout the world where citrus is grown. It is
found in all citrus areas of the U.S. It is smaller
than brown citrus aphid, with the adult apterae
dull black. The antennae and legs appear to be
striped. Black citrus aphid is not a serious pest of
citrus and is either a poor or nonvector of citrus
Spirea aphid, Aphis spiraecola Patch (formerly
known as A. citricola Van der Goot), is a small
green aphid that originated in eastern Asia. It was
found in Florida and California in the 1920s, and
now is present in Texas. Aphids attack new growth
leaves, causing them to curl or roll, and cause damage by retarding the growth of young trees, reducing fruit set, and production of sooty mold. Winged
forms develop when the aphid colony becomes
crowded or when leaves mature. Spirea aphid
reproduces parthenogenetically throughout the
season, and may spend the summer on alternate
(non-citrus) host plants.
Melon or cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover,
is a cosmopolitan pest that feeds upon and injures
many horticultural and agronomic crops. It is
about the same size as spirea aphid, but on citrus is
generally dark gray or dull black. It infests citrus
during the spring flush of growth. Melon aphid
can transmit citrus tristeza virus, but apparently is
not an efficient vector.
Several other aphid species occasionally are
found on citrus in Florida, including cowpea
aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch, oleander aphid,
A. nerii (Boyer de Fonscolombe), potato aphid,
Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), and green
peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer).
Only one member of this family is a pest on citrus.
Cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi Maskell, is a
large scale insect originally from Australia but that
has now dispersed throughout the world wherever
citrus is grown. It was first discovered in California
in 1868 and by the late 1880s was severely damaging citrus in the southern part of the state. A coccinellid predator from Australia, vedalia beetle
[Rodolia cardinalis (Mulsant)], was imported to the
Los Angeles area and released in 1888–1889. The
beetle multiplied quickly and the cottony cushion
scale was brought under control. This was the first
successful use of a classical biological control agent
in the U.S. Cottony cushion scale was accidentally
sent to Florida in a shipment of vedalia beetles in
1893. Vedalia beetle provides effective control
nearly everywhere. Mature female scales have
bright orange-red, yellow, or brown bodies that are
partially covered by wax. The body is also covered
by a large, fluted egg sac filled with red eggs. Females
are actually hermaphrodites, having the sex organs
of both males and females. Males are rare and are
winged. When females self-fertilize, only hermaphrodites are produced, whereas if a hermaphrodite
mates with a male, more males and hermaphrodites are produced. Cottony cushion scales congregate along the midrib of leaves and on trees. They
damage citrus by decreasing tree vitality, increasing fruit drop and defoliation.
Unarmored or soft scales are represented by several
species on citrus. They have no protective covering
like armored scales but do secrete a wax-like substance which protects them. Female soft scales do not
have wings, but are mobile until eggs start to form.
Adult males usually have one pair of wings, and don’t
Citrus Pests and their Management
live very long. Young scales are called crawlers, and
they either hatch from eggs or are born alive. Later
stages produce large amounts of honeydew upon
which sooty mold fungus grows and, along with
armored scales, are among the most serious pests of
citrus in the world. Many parasitoid species attack
and control soft scales, but ants will protect scale
populations from their natural enemies.
Two species of Coccus are citrus pests. Brown
soft scale, Coccus hesperidum L., has a worldwide
distribution on a variety of plants. In Florida, it
is not a pest of concern, but is the most serious
soft scale pest in Texas. The scale body is flat and
oval, light brown to yellowish. Females give birth
to pale yellow crawlers. Brown soft scale is a more
serious problem on young trees due to feeding
and honeydew production. Mature trees suffer
from reduced vigor, twig dieback, and reduced
fruit yields. There are several parasitic wasps that
attack brown soft scale.
Citricola scale, C. pseudomagnoliarum
(Kuwana), is found in California. It is more of a
serious pest in the San Joaquin Valley than other
citrus districts. Young citricola scale are very flat
and more transparent looking than young brown
soft scale, while mature citricola scales are gray.
Crawlers appear in late April and settle on the
underside of leaves. By November, they migrate to
twigs, where their development speeds up. By the
next spring, mature female scales lay eggs which
hatch into crawlers. Damage to citrus is similar to
that of brown soft scale.
Three species of black scale, Saissetia, are citrus
pests. Caribbean black scale, S. neglecta De Lotto, is
a pest in Florida. Adult females are brown to black
and have a tough circular or hemispherical shell.
Two lateral ridges and one longitudinal ridge create an “H” shaped pattern. Crawlers move from
leaves to small twigs and fruit stems. Females lay
eggs and usually reproduce without fertilization by
males (parthenogenesis). Mexican black scale, S.
miranda (Cockerell & Parrott), is found in the
southern U.S. and Mexico on a wide variety of
plants. It is seldom found in Florida. Black scale,
S. oleae (Olivier), a pest of olive trees and oleander,
is found in the southern citrus districts of California and in Florida. This scale’s appearance is similar
to that of other black scales. Excreted honeydew
supports growth of sooty mold and feeding reduces
tree vigor and causes leaf and fruit drop.
Four other species of soft scales are occasional
pests in the U.S. Hemispherical scale, Parasaissetia
coffeae (Walker), is widely distributed across the
world and is found in the coastal sections of southern California. Nigra scale, P. nigra (Nietner), is a
tropical species that is found rarely in California.
Florida wax scale, Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock,
is an important pest of citrus in the Mideast and
Asia, and is occasionally a problem in Florida.
Adults are highly convex, somewhat angular, and
oval. Males have not been reported. Barnacle scale,
C. cirripediformis (Comstock), is an occasional pest
of citrus in California, Texas, Florida, and Mexico.
The thick wax coat is dirty white and is divided
into distinct plates, one on top and six on the side.
Armored scales are represented by several species
on citrus. Females and immature males are covered
by coatings of wax and cast skins (exuviae) of earlier
instars. As crawlers, females insert their mouthparts
into the plant and never move again. They will lay
either eggs or live young under the armor (cover),
depending on species. Armored scales injure citrus
by feeding, not by production of honeydew and
resulting sooty mold. The level of damage varies
greatly among armored scale species.
California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii
(Maskell), and yellow scale, A. citrina (Coquillett), are
two armored scales that are major pests in the citrusgrowing districts of California. California red scale is
found also in Texas, while yellow scale is found in
Florida. Adult females have circular covers. Immature male covers are more elongated, and adults are
small, two-winged insects that live for only a few
hours. Females give birth to live young (crawlers),
which search for locations to settle. California red
scale infest all parts of the tree, including leaves, twigs,
Citrus Pests and their Management
branches, and fruit. Yellow scale is found rarely on
twigs and branches. Plant tissue is injured as a result
of plant fluid removal and injection of toxic substances. Damage is caused by leaf yellowing, leaf
drop, and fruit drop, and serious damage to trees
occurs when twigs and branches are killed. Biological
control is an important management tactic used
against these scales, with Aphytis and Comperiella
parasitoids mass reared and released.
Black parlatoria or ebony scale, Parlatoria
ziziphi (Lucas), was discovered infesting citrus in
southern Florida in 1985. It is considered a major
pest in countries bordering the Mediterranean,
tropical Asia, parts of South America, and the
Caribbean. The female covering is black,
rectangular, and with a fluted surface while the
male covering is white, except at one end, flat,
and elongate. The armor is almost impossible to
remove from host tissues. Scales infest leaves,
twigs, and fruit, and because they adhere so
strongly, cause rejection of fresh fruit in markets.
Large populations cause chlorosis and early drop
of leaves, dieback of twigs and branches, and distortion of fruit.
Chaff scale, Parlatoria pergandii Comstock,
has a similar distribution as black parlatoria scale,
except that it is also found in the Gulf states. This
is the most common armored scale in Texas. The
scale covering is circular to elongated, thin, and
brown to gray. The female body, eggs and crawlers
are purplish. Chaff scales often are found in depressions on fruit or along midribs on leaves, and are
also found on tree bark. When fruit mature, areas
around the scale remain green, rendering the fruit
unsuitable for the fresh market.
Purple scale, Cornuaspis (=Lepidosaphes)
beckii (Newman), was the most common and
damaging armored scale in Florida prior to 1960
and the introduction of a parasitoid (Aphytis lepidosaphes Compere). It is found in Texas and in
more humid areas of California. Adult females are
curved and oyster-shaped (broad and tapering),
with a purplish-brown cover and a white scale
body color. Immature male covers are shorter and
more slender than those of the female. Adult males
are small winged insects. Females lays eggs under
her scale cover. Purple scales prefer trees with a
dense canopy and infest leaves, wood, and fruit.
On leaves, they cause yellow chlorotic spots which
lead to defoliation. Fruit quality is affected because
fruit infested with scales do not change color.
Glover scale, Lepidosaphes gloveri (Packard),
also known as “long” scale, is found in association
with purple scale. It is found in Florida, Texas, and
limited areas in California. Adult female covers
are long and narrow, purplish-brown, with white
to purple colored scale bodies. They infest leaves,
twigs, bark, and fruit, and when on woody bark,
orient with the grain of the bark. Parasitic wasps
generally keep this species under biological
Citrus snow scale, Unaspis citri (Comstock),
was known to infest citrus since 1880, but became
an important pest in Florida in the early 1960s.
Replacement of trees after a severe freeze in 1962
brought thousands of infested nursery stock to
groves. Female covers are oyster-shaped with a
longitudinal ridge, and are purplish-brown with a
gray border. Immature male covers are white with
a center ridge and fainter ridges on either side.
Adult males are winged and yellowish. Although
they infest all parts of a tree, citrus snow scales primarily attack the trunk and large branches. Declining tree vigor and lower fruit production result
from high populations.
Florida red scale, Chrysomphalus aonidum
(L.), affects citrus in Florida and Texas, but is seldom found in groves in California. It was introduced into Florida from Cuba in 1874 and was a
major pest until release of the parasitoid Aphytis
holoxanthus DeBach in 1960. In Texas, California
red scale and Florida red scale can be misidentified. Florida red scale female covers are more
circular, are dark reddish-brown, and have a conspicuous light brown nipple. The female’s body is
yellow, and the female’s cover is more easily
removed than those of California red scale. Adult
males are winged insects that fertilize adult
females. Females lay eggs which hatch into very
active, bright yellow crawlers. Unlike other
Citrus Pests and their Management
armored scales, Florida red scales attack only
leaves and fruit. On leaves, they cause yellow chlorotic spots which lead to defoliation. They also
cause yellow spots on fruit which render it unmarketable as fresh fruit.
Fern scale, Pinnaspis aspidistrae (Signoret), is
found in Florida, South America, and Japan. Female
scale covers are pale brown, flat, and pear-shaped.
Immature males are white and elongated, resembling male citrus snow scale. They are found only
on leaves and fruit. They have a wide host range
and never cause economic damage to citrus.
Mealybugs are soft, oval, flat, distinctly segmented
insects covered with a white, mealy wax that
extends into spines (filaments) along the body
margin and the posterior end. Unlike scales,
mealybugs remain motile throughout their life
cycle. Species differ in external appearance by the
waxy covering and the thickness and length of
filaments. Mealybugs injure plants by extracting
sap from trees and secreting large amounts of
honeydew, which serves as a food source for sooty
mold. Feeding on foliage and twigs reduces the
vigor of trees and may result in defoliation. Feeding on fruit results in distortions and scars which
lower the grade of the produce.
Citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso),
occurs in Florida, Texas, and in the coastal citrus
districts in California. They have pinkish bodies
that are visible under the powdery wax. Adult
males are winged insects. Eggs are laid in a white
cottony mass, and nymphs are light yellow. Citrus
mealybugs prefer protected areas such as the calyx
of fruit or along the stem. Feeding along the stem
usually results in fruit drop. There are several natural enemies including pathogens, parasitoids, and
the ladybird beetle, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
(Mulsant). This predator was imported from
Australia to California in 1891.
Three species of Pseudococcus are citrus pests.
Comstock mealybug, P. comstocki (Kuwana), a
native of Asia, is primarily a pest on lemons in the
San Joaquin Valley of California. It differs from
citrus mealybug by having a thicker wax cover and
two spines at the posterior end. The citrophilus
mealybug, P. calceolariae (Maskell), and longtailed
mealybug, P. longispinus (Targioni-Tozzetti), are
present in California. Longtailed mealybugs differ
from other species because young are born as
active nymphs. They are usually not a problem on
citrus because of the work of natural enemies.
An exotic species, pink hibiscus mealybug,
Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green), is a serious pest
of citrus and other plants in Africa (Egypt), southeast Asia and northern Australia. It was found in
the Caribbean in 1994, in southern California in
August 1999, and just recently in Florida in June
2002. It has a high reproductive rate and infests
many horticultural, ornamental, and agronomic
crops. This mealybug feeds on soft tissues of plants
and injects a toxin which causes leaf curling and
distortion. Feeding also promotes growth of sooty
mold because of honeydew excretion.
Thrips are a group of small, elongated insects with
fringed wings. Their mouthparts have been
described as “rasping-sucking,” but it is likely that
certain parts pierce rather than rasp leaf and
flower tissue. The majority of thrips species feed
on plants, but some feed on fungus and others are
predaceous on small arthropods. Life cycles consist of an egg stage, two larval stages that feed, one
prepupal stage that doesn’t feed, one non-feeding
pupal stage, and an adult stage that feeds. Several
species are pests on citrus.
Two species of flower thrips are found on citrus in
Florida. Frankliniella bispinosa (Morgan) occurs
throughout the state, while F. kelliae Sakimura is
found in central and southern growing areas. Both
Citrus Pests and their Management
species have wide host ranges, but on citrus have
been shown to injure navel and “Valencia” oranges.
Flower thrips migrate aerially during the flowering cycle from January through April. They have
been documented to feed, oviposit, and develop
on various flower parts, such as the ovary, style,
petals, anthers, pistil, and calyx. Resulting damage
is by reducing fruit set. Recently a relationship
between thrips feeding and the fungal pathogen
Colletotrichum acutatum J. H. Simmonds was
associated with post bloom fruit drop.
Three Scirtothrips species are recognized as
citrus pests, S. auranti Faure in South Africa,
S. dorsalis Hood in Japan and Africa, and citrus
thrips, S. citri (Moulton), in California and Arizona. Citrus thrips is an important pest on navel
oranges in the San Joaquin Valley, on desert citrus
including grapefruit and tangerine, and on lemons grown in the coastal districts. They are small,
yellowish-orange, and have fringed wings. They
feed on leaves, young fruit (especially under the
sepals), and green twigs. Leaf injury is along the
midrib or leaf margins, causing leaf deformities,
and injury to fruit is by puncturing epidermal
cells, leaving uniform scars. Scars in young fruit
form a ring around the stem, and as the fruit
grows, the ring increases and is found further
from the stem. Natural enemies include several
predators including mites (Eusieus tularensis
Congdon). A fourth species, S. perseae Nakahara,
recently was found infesting avocado in southern
California. It is not known if this Central American native will attack citrus.
Greenhouse thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché), is a New World species that is also
found in Europe, the Mideast and north Africa.
In the U.S. it is found in central and southern
Florida and southern California along the coast.
Adult females are black with a reticulated body
surface and yellow-white legs. Greenhouse thrips
develop parthenogenetically. They injure rind tissue by feeding on epidermal cells, which may
cause ring spotting or irregular russeting. Injury
occurs where fruits, fruits and leaves, or fruits
and twigs are in contact. In Florida economic loss
to growers is restricted to red grapefruit varieties,
but in California greenhouse thrips attack “Valencia” oranges, lemons, and avocados. Feeding
from fruit epidermal cells removes pigment. No
scars or deformities develop, but fruit may be
Two other thrips species occur in Florida citrus. Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton) females
are yellow with distinctive dark banding on the
wings. They are most common on grapefruit and
are present throughout the year. Fruit injury
resembles that of greenhouse thrips. Danothrips
trifasciatus Sakimura is present in low numbers in
association with C. orchidii.
Beetles represent the largest order of insects in
number of species. As might be expected, this is an
extremely diverse group with species that specialize in phytophagy (plant feeding), zoophagy or
carnivory (feeding on animals, usually as predators or parasitoids), fungivory (fungus-feeding),
and saprophagy (feeding on dead material). However, relatively few species specialize or infest
citrus. The primary family of beetles that attack
citrus is Curculionidae, the weevils.
Diaprepes weevil, Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.),
has several other common names such as “Apopka
weevil” and “sugarcane rootstalk borer weevil.” It is
native to the Caribbean, and is only found in the
U.S. in Florida and Texas. It was first reported in
central Florida (Apopka) in 1964 and since has
spread over the southern two-thirds of the state.
Adults are black with white, reddish, or yellowish
scales on the wing covers (elytra). This is the largest weevil species that infests citrus in Florida.
Eggs are laid on new flush leaves that have been
clustered or glued together by females using an
adhesive material. Young larvae fall to the soil and
begin feeding on roots. During the course of its
development, which can last anywhere between
6 and 24 months, larvae may consume any part of
the tree’s root system. Diaprepes pupate in the soil
Citrus Pests and their Management
and then emerge to find mates. Although adults
fly, they do not disperse far from their emergence
site. Adults may nibble or “notch” the margin of
leaves, but important injury is caused by larval
feeding. Young trees can be killed by a single larva
and older trees suffer when major roots or the
taproot is girdled. Feeding on roots also allows for
the introduction of plant pathogens, which injure
an already stressed tree. There is a considerable
amount of research being conducted by federal
and state entomologists in Florida in detecting,
controlling, and preventing damage by this insect.
Two species of blue-green citrus root weevils
are found in Florida. Pachnaeus litus (Germar)
is found in south-central to southern Florida;
P. opalus (Oliver) is commonly found in north and
north-central Florida. At least two Pachnaeus species also occur in Texas citrus groves. Adults of
both species are gray-green to aqua and can be
separated by structures on the wing covers. Larvae
are root feeders and will attack all root parts except
the crown. Adults feed by notching the leaf margins. As with other citrus root weevils, many other
plant species can be used as hosts.
Fuller rose beetle, Asynonychus godmani
Crotch, is found in Florida, Texas and California.
It was reported in Florida in 1916 and has been
known as Pantomorus cervinus (Boheman) and A.
cervinus (Boheman). Its distribution in Florida
ranges from the southern tip to north-central
areas. Adults are brownish-gray, flightless, and are
all females that develop parthenogenetically. Eggs
are usually laid under the calyx of the fruit. Larvae
take from 9 to 12 months to develop and feed on
all root parts except for the crown. Fuller rose beetle is not a serious economic pest by itself, but
because eggs are laid on fruit, they are a quarantine pest when fruit is to be exported. One management tactic developed in California is the use
of parasitic nematodes [Steinernema carpocapse
(Weiser)] for biological control.
The smallest root weevil in Florida is the little
leaf notcher, Artipus floridanus Horn. This insect
was reported as early as 1876 and is found mostly
along the east coast. Adults are grayish-white,
flightless, and are all female. Unlike the other species discussed in this group, A. floridanus has a
much shorter life cycle. Larvae can complete development in as little as 35 days. Also unlike the other
species, larvae feed only on smaller root parts such
as pioneer and fibrous sections.
This large, diverse order contains two families that
attack citrus. Gall midges (Cecidomyiidae) are
infrequent pests of citrus buds and flowers. Fruit
flies (Tephritidae) from the genera Anastrepha,
Bactrocera, and Ceratitis attack fruits and vegetables. Females insert eggs under the skin of fruit
and larvae feed within, causing direct injury and
decay. Fruit fly species are also quarantine pests,
where whole loads or even a season’s worth of produce may be denied entry within regions of a
country or among countries because of the threat
of infestation.
The citrus gall midge, Prodiplosis longifila Gagné,
is a small black-yellowish fly that attacks citrus,
tomatoes, potatoes, and cotton in Florida, the
Caribbean, and South America. Large populations
developed in 1984 on limes in southern Florida.
Eggs are laid in flower buds and larvae feed on
flowers, injuring several flower structures. Larvae
complete development, drop to the ground, and
pupate in the soil. Damage occurs when flowers
are killed and drop from the tree.
Three genera, Anastrepha, Bactrocera, and Ceratitis,
contain fruit fly species that are considered serious
citrus pests. Eggs are inserted under the skin of
various fruits, berries, nuts, and vegetables. Larvae
then mine the host, promoting decay and causing
Citrus Pests and their Management
the fruit to be unmarketable. Fruit flies are direct
pests in countries where they are established, but
are also regulatory or quarantine pests in countries where particular species are not established.
There has been much research worldwide into
detection or monitoring of adults, and management tactics other than insecticide sprays, such
as bait stations, sterile insect technique (releasing
sterile flies to mate with wild flies) and biological
Species in the genus Anastrepha are New World
flies that attack tropical and subtropical fruits. The
Mexican fruit fly, A. ludens (Loew), is important in
the United States because it is subtropical rather
than tropical. It is found in southern Texas, California and Arizona, where continuous detection and
eradication programs, such as sterile insect technique, are in place. It was detected in Florida in 1934
and again in 1972, but did not become established.
This relatively large yellow-brown fly is native to
Mexico but can be found as far south as northern
South America. In Texas, grapefruit appears to be
the preferred host, and several deciduous hosts such
as peach, pear and apple also can be attacked.
The Caribbean fruit fly, A. suspensa (Loew), is
a yellow-brown fly that is native to the West Indies.
This species has an interesting history in Florida. It
was documented in Key West in 1931, although
was believed to have been established for many
years. This “strain” attacked guavas (Psidium guajava L.) and noneconomic fruits but did not infest
citrus. This strain differed from populations found
in Puerto Rico that did feed on citrus. The Key
West populations apparently were eradicated
through fruit removal and insecticide sprays and
died out sometime after 1936. Since 1965, a new
introduction into Florida spread from southern
areas to central Florida groves. It attacks mature
and overripe citrus, and its seriousness as a pest is
still being investigated. Exports require an elaborate fly-free zone system that requires several million dollars a year to maintain. Even so, in some
years up to 16,000 hectares (40,000 acres) of grapefruit have been lost to export markets because of
fly captures within protocol areas.
Three other Anastrepha species are pests in
the Western Hemisphere and are potential pests in
Florida if they become established. The West Indian
fruit fly, A. obliqua (Macquart), is nearly identical
to A. suspensa and occurs throughout the Caribbean, southern Texas, and south to Argentina. It
was found in Key West in the 1930s during surveys
for A. suspensa. It was also eradicated and hasn’t
been found in Florida since 1935. This species has
a long host list, but mangos (Mangifera indica L.)
and guavas can be economically damaged. It rarely
attacks citrus. The South American fruit fly, A.
fraterculus (Wiedemann), is economically the most
important species in South America (Brazil, Argentina, Peru), but is also found in Central America
northward to southern Texas. However, this species may be part of a species complex since specimens identified as A. fraterculus vary widely from
populations in Brazil, Mexico, and Texas. It also has
a wide host range that includes tropical, subtropical and temperate fruits including sweet orange
and peach. The sapote or serpentine fruit fly, A. serpentina (Wiedemann), is a brown fly that is common from southern Texas to Mexico, Central
America and South America. It can be a severe pest
of ripened sapote (Calocarpum spp.) and sapodilla
(Manilkara zapota L.) in Mexico. Although many
flies are trapped in south Texas, there is only one
record of an infestation in grapefruit.
Species in the genus Bactrocera (formerly
Dacus) are flies native to Africa, the Mediterranean, Asia and the Pacific. None of the citrus-infesting species are currently established on the
mainland United States, but several are occasionally trapped in California and Florida. The oriental
fruit fly, B. dorsalis (Hendel), is a variably colored
medium-sized fly that infests fruits and vegetables
throughout Asia (Pakistan, India, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, etc.) and the Pacific, including Hawaii.
It was introduced into Hawaii in the mid-1940s by
returning servicemen that were stationed on several Pacific islands, but has become partially under
control through the introduction of parasitoids. In
Japan, several management tactics including the
use of attractant baits and sterile male release has
Citrus Pests and their Management
been successful. Guava fruit fly, B. correcta (Bezzi),
is a small, brightly colored, predominately black
fly that occurs in southern and southeastern Asia.
Adults have been trapped in California and Florida but it hasn’t established. It is a potential pest of
citrus, peach, and other subtropical and tropical
fruits. Queensland fruit fly, B. tryoni (Froggatt), is
a small brown-yellow fly that is wasplike in appearance. The distribution of this species includes the
eastern half of Australia, although flies have been
trapped in Western Australia, New Guinea, and
several Pacific islands. It is a pest of pome and
stone fruits as well as citrus. Biologically, this species is more temperate in distribution and does
not breed continuously but overwinters as an
adult. Japanese orange fly, B. tsuneonis (Miyake),
infests orange, grapefruit and mandarin orange in
Japan, southwestern China and probably Taiwan.
There have been no interceptions of this fly in the
U.S., mostly because of an embargo of citrus from
infested areas. Changes to the embargo laws may
increase the chances of introducing this pest.
Species in the genus Ceratitis are originally
from sub-Saharan Africa, but now some have a
worldwide distribution. Mediterranean fruit fly,
“Medfly,” C. capitata (Wiedemann), is a yellowish
brown fly that is one of the world’s most destructive fruit pests. It has been established in Hawaii
since 1910, and has been detected at different
times in California, Florida, and Texas. For
instance, Medfly has been detected in Florida 16
times since 1929, and only massive and expensive
eradication programs have kept it from becoming
established in the continental U.S. As with other
tephritid fruit flies, eggs are laid slightly beneath
the fruit’s surface. Larvae feed within the fruit,
and generally the fruit drops to the ground and
larvae move into the soil to pupate. Over 260 species of hosts have been recorded, with peach, nectarine, orange, grapefruit, apricot, and pear being
some of the Medfly’s favorites. In addition to the
reduction in citrus yield, infested areas have the
additional expense of control measures and costly
sorting for fresh and processing fruit. Detection
and control of the Medfly has included trapping,
quarantines, cultural control (waste removal and
disposal of culls), release of sterile males, and biological control. Much research has been completed designing traps and lures for detection of
Two other Ceratitis species are pests in Africa.
The Natal fruit fly, C. rosa Karsch, is slightly larger
than the Medfly and similar in appearance. It is
distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa and on
the Indian Ocean islands of Mauritius and
Réunion. This fly overwinters in the adult stage
and can withstand below-freezing temperatures. It
attacks many temperate stone and pome fruits
including peach, nectarine, apricot, apple and pear.
Although the Natal fruit fly has been intercepted
in the United States in produce, it has never been
captured as an escapee. If accidentally introduced,
it could prove to be a serious pest. C. malagassa
Munro damages citrus fruit on the island of Madagascar. It has a smaller geographical distribution
than the other two Ceratitis species discussed.
There are several families of moths and butterflies
that attack the fruit or foliage of citrus. Fruitpiercing moths (Noctuidae) are pests in southern
Africa, Australia, and east Asia. They include species in the genera Achaea, Calpe, Emaenas, Ercheia,
Gonodonta, Othreis, and Serrodes. None of these
are apparently established in the U.S. Other noctuids, such as cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) and beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua
(Hübner) can cause considerable damage to nursery stock and young citrus. Bollworm, Helicoverpa
zea (Boddie), is a pest of citrus in Africa in areas
when cotton is planted nearby, but is seldom a
problem on citrus.
Two species in this family are pests of citrus in the
U.S. Citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton,
Citrus Pests and their Management
is an Asian species that has recently spread to
northern Africa, Central America and the United
States. It was found in late May 1993 in Dade
County, Florida, late August 1994 in the Rio Grande
Valley of Texas, and in 2000 in Imperial County,
California. Hosts include citrus and related species
within the plant family Rutaceae. Eggs are laid on
the underside of leaves and green-yellow larvae
enter leaves and begin forming mines. Pupation is
within the mine and white and silver-colored adults
emerge during the morning. Injury to foliage and
fruit can be extensive with large populations, and
damage is more serious to nursery trees or newly
planted groves. This pest appears to be able to be
controlled through the use of natural enemies.
Several Asian parasitoid species have been collected from Australia and released in the United
States, but native natural enemies also show promise
in reducing populations.
Citrus peelminer, Marmara gulosa Guillen
Davis, has seriously damaged citrus in several
areas in California including the Coachella and
San Joaquin valleys and Kern County. Larvae burrow within the epidermal surface of the fruit causing serpentine mines. It often attacks fruit located
near alternate hosts such as oleander and willows.
Although it seldom affects more than 5% of the
fruit, in 2000 citrus peelminer infested almost 70%
of the fruit in some groves. It also expanded its
geographic and host ranges in California. Research
is now being conducted to see if infested fruit
imported from Mexico during 1998 included a
new biotype or species of peelminer.
Two species can cause extensive injury to citrus.
Fruittree leafroller, Archips argyrospilus Walker,
has been a pest of citrus in California for many
years. This species is widespread across the United
States feeding on a wide variety of hosts. It has
damaged apples in Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania, and bald cypress in Louisiana. On citrus,
it feeds on spring flush growth of leaves, flowers,
newly set fruit, and later on mature fruit. Unlike
many tortricids, eggs are generally laid on woody
tissue. Orange tortrix, Argyrotaenia citrana (Fernald), is primarily a pest of “Valencia” and navel
oranges in southern California. Eggs are laid on
stems, fruit and upper leaf surfaces, and larvae primarily feed on new growth leaves and fruit. Fruit
feeding is around the sepals and holes can be eaten
in the peel.
Several other tortricid species occasionally
can attack citrus in the United States. These include
garden tortrix, Ptycholama peritana (Clemens),
variegated leafroller, Platynota flavedana Clemens,
omnivorous leafroller, Platynota stultana Walsingham, and western avocado leafroller, Amorbia
cuneana (Walsingham). These species are not specific to citrus and attack several other crops and
ornamentals. Tortricids found in other citrus-producing countries include Archips occidentalis
(Walsingham) and Tortrix capensana Walker, pests
in South Africa, Archips rosanus (L.) in Greece,
and Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) in Australia.
Like the other leafrollers, these species have relatively wide host plant ranges.
Puss caterpillars, Megalopyge opercularis (J. E.
Smith) are pests more because of their medical
importance than through defoliation. This caterpillar is the larval form of the southern flannel
moth, which is found throughout the southeast
and into Texas. Human disease from puss caterpillars usually arises from direct contact to their
urticating hairs. Field workers pruning or harvesting fruit are usually the people who come in contact with these insects.
A large number of species of swallowtail butterfly larvae (orangedogs) feed on citrus foliage
throughout the world. Orangedogs are named
Citrus Pests and their Management
because when disturbed, larvae stick out orangecolored osmeteria (scent organs located behind
the head) and give off a strong, disagreeable odor.
Two species are common in the U.S. Giant swallowtail, Papilio cresphontes Cramer, is distributed
throughout the U.S. except in the far west. It is an
occasional pest of citrus in Florida and Texas,
where young trees in groves or nurseries can be
quickly defoliated. Adults are large dark butterflies with diagonal yellow bars on the forewings.
Adults can be attracted to plants in butterfly
gardens. Citrus California orangedog or black
anise swallowtail, P. zelicaon Lucas, is a native
butterfly that feeds on perennial anise (sweet fennel) and citrus. Like other Papilio larvae, these
larvae are more damaging to young trees.
This order contains ants, wasps, and bees. Wasps
and bees can be pests when fruit workers contact
colonies in the field.
In the Rio Grande Valley, the Texas leafcutting ant,
Atta texana (Buckley), is the most serious ant pest.
These reddish-brown ants remove leaves from
trees to culture fungus for food. In areas of large
colonies, single trees may be defoliated in a single
night. Large areas underground are excavated and
may present problems for farm machinery. Multiple defoliation of young trees can slow growth or
cause tree death.
Fire ant species in the United States can be
citrus pests and include red imported fire ant,
Solenopsis invicta Buren, native fire ant, S. geminata (F.), and southern fire ant, S. xyloni McCook.
Fire ants injure trees by attacking twigs, bark, and
leaves, and young trees can be completely girdled.
Young trees also can be damaged when bark
beneath tree wraps are injured and provide a point
of entry for fungi.
Several ant species are problems on citrus
because of their interference in the development of
biological control programs. Argentine ants, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (formerly known as Iridomyrmex humilis), and native gray ants, Formica
aerata Francouer, feed on honeydew excreted by
soft scales, mealybugs, whiteflies, and aphids. In this
relationship, they protect these species from natural
enemies. They even protect other scales species that
don’t produce honeydew, such as California red
scale, from potential biological control agents.
Gastropoda: Pulmonata
Although snails are not insects, they can be serious
pests of citrus by feeding on leaves, buds, flowers,
fruit and bark. The brown garden snail, Helix aspersa
Müller, is a European species that is found in California and in most southeastern states. However, it
is not established in Florida. This species is hermaphroditic (having both male and female organs),
so during mating mutual fertilization can occur.
Large populations can be found in citrus groves
where extensive damage to leaves and fruit may
occur. At one time, snails were only found in California’s humid and cool coastal areas, but because of
drip irrigation and no-till weed control, snails are
now found in several citrus-growing districts.
Citrus Pest Management
Fresh or Processing Market
One of the most important decisions citrus growers make at the beginning of a season is whether to
market their fruit for the fresh market or processed
market. For maximum profitability of fresh market
fruit, a high level of pest control is needed to reduce
the number of external blemishes. This level of
quality is not needed for fruit destined for the processing market. Several factors are involved in the
decision-making process for market destination:
Citrus Pests and their Management
grove location and accessibility of markets, fruit
variety grown, grove history for pests, and profitability desired. Growers may decide that their fruit
will be managed for the fresh market, but after
spring bloom several abiotic (weather-related) or
biotic (tree health, disease pressure, high pest densities) factors may change that decision. Therefore,
the market decision that growers make impact the
management input in groves.
Sampling and Thresholds
Citrus growers need to be able to identify and provide estimates of the numbers of pests and natural
enemies present in their groves. The frequency and
methods used to sample or monitor for pests and
natural enemies varies depending on the pest being
sampled and the time invested. For instance, it is
suggested that sampling for citrus rust mites be
every 2 weeks during the season because their populations can expand quickly. Most other pests are
monitored on a monthly basis. Sampling may
involve trees randomly selected for each period or
permanently designated station trees. Trees that
are randomly selected should be dispersed sufficiently to be representative of the grove. Station
trees are representative trees that are flagged and
visited each sampling period. In both cases, accurate and descriptive records should be kept. Action
thresholds are pest population densities that, when
reached, signal to the grower that some type of corrective action is needed. Thresholds for a certain
pest species will vary depending on the fruit market destination, time of season, and abundance of
appropriate natural enemies. Thresholds have been
developed by entomologists for many of the important citrus pests, and are designed to provide
enough time for growers to take corrective action.
Management Strategies
Growers use three general approaches for control
of citrus pests. Cultural control is defined as using
horticultural techniques to reduce the likelihood
of pest problems. Several cultural control techniques
may be completed before or during grove establishment, such as site selection, rootstock choice,
and the use of virus-free budwood. Techniques
accomplished after grove establishment include
tree nutrition, irrigation, plant waste removal,
pruning practices, and harvesting practices.
The second management strategy that growers may employ is biological control, which is
the use of naturally occurring or imported parasitoids, predators, or pathogens to reduce pest
populations. The citrus industry historically has
encouraged the use of natural enemies, therefore, many citrus pests are partially or fully under
biological control. However, biological control
systems are easily disturbed by pesticide use.
The third management strategy used by citrus
growers is chemical control. The products that are
used include synthetic chemicals such as insecticides, acaricides, and horticultural oils, which have
different ways of killing arthropods (mode of
action). Biological products such as bacteria, fungi,
or viruses also are available and can be used in a
similar fashion as chemicals. Before chemical control is used, several factors must be considered. Is
the pesticide labeled for use against the target pest
and is it efficacious? What is the cost effectiveness
of the product and what are the hazards to natural
enemies, the environment, the fruit, and the applicators? Finally, what is the impact of the intended
product on the development of pest resistance. All
citrus-producing states have guides available each
season for growers. These guides contain lists of
labeled products and directions on how to use
them against the important pests in those areas.
Each state also has entomologists who compare
the efficacy of new and existing products under
the conditions of the local growing areas.
Hui S (1999) Sweet oranges: the biogeography of Citrus sinensis. Available at http://www.aquapulse.net/knowledge/
orange.html. Accessed 4 April, 1999
Morton JF (1987) Fruits of warm climates, Media Incorp,
Miami, FL. Available at http://www.hort.purdue.edu/
Reuther W, Calavan EC, Carman GE (eds) (1989) The citrus
industry, vol 5: crop protection, postharvest technology,
and early history of citrus research in California. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of
California, 374 pp
Texas A&M University. Available at http://aggie-horticulture.
University of California. UC pest management guidelines –
pests of Citrus. Available at http://axp.ipm.ucdavis.edu/
University of Florida. Available at http://creatures.ifas.ufl.
edu/ and http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/MENU_CH5A for
Insect Pests of Citrus and /MENU_CG for Pest Management Guides
A family of insects in the superfamily Fulgoroidae
(order Hemiptera). They sometimes are called
Cladistic Analysis
A technique that groups taxa based on the relative
recency of common ancestry.
Citrus Rust Mites (Acari:
Several mites cause russeting of citrus.
Citrus Pests and Their Management
A monophyletic group of taxa that share a closer
common ancestry with one another than with
members of any other group.
Citrus Snow Scale, Unaspis citri
(Comstock) (Hemiptera:
This is an important citrus pest in Florida, USA.
Citrus Pests and Their Management
Citrus Stubborn Disease
This is a leafhopper-transmitted disease of
Transmission of Plant Diseases by Insects
A family of psocids (order Psocoptera).
Bark-Lice, Book-Lice or Psocids
A school of thought that uses only evolutionary
relatedness (phylogenetics) in assigning taxonomic groupings in classification systems.
Cladogenic Speciation
Branching evolution of new species.
Citrus Whitefly, Dialeurodes citri
(Ashmead) (Hemiptera:
This was once a very serious pest of citrus, but is
now considered a minor pest.
Citrus Pests and Their Management
A term used two ways by different authors. Either
a dendrogram (tree) produced using the principle
of parsimony, or a tree that depicts inferred historical relationships between organisms.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as fringe-winged beetles.
A major subdivision of a phylum, and containing
a group of orders.
Classical Biological Control
marJorie a. hoy
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Biological control is a method of pest control that
employs parasitoids, predators, microbial pathogens and, sometimes, nematodes to reduce pest
populations. Pests that are targets of biological control include insects, mites, and weeds. [See the section on Natural Enemies for a description of natural
enemies used in biological control programs.]
Biological control is part of natural control,
which maintains populations within more or less
regular upper and lower limits over time. Natural
control factors may be biotic (living) or abiotic
(nonliving). Biotic control factors include the
effects of natural enemies, food quantity and quality, interspecific and intraspecific competition for
resources, and requirements for space or territory.
All insects and mites have a diverse array of
natural enemies. Microorganisms, invertebrates,
and vertebrates all affect them, causing debilitation or death. Pathogens attacking arthropods
include viruses, bacteria and fungi. Many vertebrates (including birds, lizards, fish and frogs) feed
on pest arthropods. Nematodes belonging to several families attack insects. However, by far insects
are the most numerous and diverse natural enemies of other insects, with hundreds of thousands
of species feeding on other insects.
Abiotic factors that affect insect and mite populations include weather (heat, cold, rain, drought)
and other physical factors. Biotic and abiotic control factors usually act together to limit population
growth by reducing birth rates or increasing mortality or dispersal, although one may be more
important than the other in certain situations.
Most organisms produce more progeny than
the environment can sustain, yet many natural populations maintain characteristic densities over long
periods of time. This state of dynamic equilibrium is
achieved by an interaction between the biotic potential of the species and the resistance of biotic and
abiotic factors in the environment. Some ecologists
have focused on the importance of natural population regulation by biotic factors (particularly natural
enemies), while others have emphasized the importance of abiotic factors (especially weather). Still
other ecologists have emphasized the importance of
interspecific competition in regulating population
densities. The relative importance of these factors
continues to be debated, but it is likely that each is
important and potentially capable of regulating
population densities in specific situations. Under
most circumstances both biotic and abiotic factors
together influence population densities, and it is the
degree to which any one factor affects natural control in specific situations that differs.
Physical factors generally influence populations
in a density-independent manner. This means that
the intensity of the effect of physical factors is not
related to the target population’s density. Thus, a
severe freeze usually will kill approximately the same
proportion of large populations as of small populations. By contrast, biotic factors may influence population densities in a more density-dependent manner,
with their effect increasing in intensity as populations become larger and decreasing in intensity as
populations decrease. Density-dependent population regulation acts as a negative feedback process
between population density and rate of increase. For
example, the availability of plant hosts may exert
density-dependent pressure on insect populations,
with a small number of plants being sufficient for a
small population but inadequate for a large one.
Classical Biological Control
Parasitoids, predators and pathogens potentially are capable of affecting pest populations in a
density-dependent fashion because they can respond
to changes in host population density. Some natural
enemies may increase their activities and reproductive rates as the density of their insect host increases,
and reduce these activities as the density of their
hosts declines. If natural enemies increase their
numbers with increasing pest/host population densities, this is termed a numerical response. Numerical responses occur because prey or hosts are readily
available so that the reproductive rates of natural
enemies are enhanced. A functional response is
another important component of a density-dependent response by parasitoids and predators. A functional response is the change in number of prey or
hosts consumed or parasitized per natural enemy in
response to changing prey or host density. Functional responses are influenced by several factors,
including: (i) rate of successful search, (ii) the
amount of time the natural enemy and target pest
are exposed to each other, and (iii) the time spent by
the natural enemy handling each prey or host. If pest
populations increase and, as a consequence, are
more aggregated, natural enemies may not have to
spend as much time searching for prey or hosts. Natural enemies also can increase their functional
response by consuming only part of their prey at
high densities, thus killing more prey per unit time.
Classical Biological Control
This approach involves importing and establishing
natural enemies in order to assist in the long-term
control of newly introduced, foreign pests. Classical
biological control involves a series of steps and
usually takes a number of years. Most programs
require more than 10 years of effort.
Classical biological control in the U.S.A. was
demonstrated to be a useful pest management tool
over 100 years ago after two natural enemies were
introduced and established in 1888 against the cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi, in California’s
citrus industry. The cottony cushion scale was accidentally introduced into California. It rapidly
established, spread and multiplied. The severe
effects of its feeding on citrus trees threatened the
survival of the citrus industry. In one of the more
dramatic classical biological control programs ever
recorded, the Vedalia lady beetle Rodolia cardinalis
and a fly Cryptochetum iceryae were imported and
released. Within 2 years, these natural enemies had
established, multiplied, and spread to reduce populations of the cottony cushion scale (Fig. 61) to an
insignificant level. These natural enemies have continued to provide effective control in California
ever since unless disrupted by applications of pesticides. Furthermore, these natural enemies have
been distributed to more than 25 additional countries, where they have established and provided
excellent control of the cottony cushion scale.
Naturally Occurring Biological
Many insects or mites are not pests because native
natural enemies keep them suppressed with no
assistance from humans. Naturally occurring biological control often is discovered only after natural
enemy populations have been disrupted and insect
or mite populations have increased dramatically to
become pests. Biological control also includes an
applied technology through which humans attempt
to restore, enhance, or mimic a natural phenomenon by three basic tactics: classical biological control, augmentation, or conservation.
Assumptions of Classical Biological
Insects or mites that establish in a new environment often are much more serious pests than
they are in their native range where they are suppressed by a complex of natural enemies. If a foreign pest arthropod evades regulatory and
quarantine barriers to become established in a
new environment and cannot be eradicated, the
feasibility of classical biological control should
be evaluated immediately.
Classical Biological Control
Cryptochaetum iceryae and
Rodolia cardinalis introduced
Resurgence induced by DDT
Icerya purchasi density
Economic injury level
Economic threshold
1888-89 1892
Classical Biological Control, Figure 61 The cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi, increased its
population dramatically after its introduction in 1868 into California citrus groves. In 1888, the
parasite Cryptochetum iceryae and the predator Rodolia cardinalis were introduced. Within a year
after their establishment, they reduced the scale populations below the economic injury level, where it
fluctuated around a general equilibrium position until DDT applications were made in the 1940s, which
allowed a resurgence because the natural enemies were disrupted.
The assumptions of classical biological control
are: (i) pest populations are suppressed by natural
enemies in their native land, (ii) pest populations
have escaped suppression after their introduction
without their natural enemies into a new environment, and (iii) introduced natural enemies may be
more effective in a new location if introduced free
of their own natural enemies (e.g., predators and
parasitoids may have their own natural enemies
that reduce their effectiveness against the target
pest). Another assumption is that the existing natural enemies present in the new geographic environment will be generalists, and therefore less
effective than natural enemies that have specialized
on the target pest in their original environment.
Classical biological control programs typically
require a number of years to execute, and there are no
guarantees that the pest populations will be suppressed
to a satisfactory level in the new environment.
However, if classical biological control is successful,
it can provide cost-effective and environmentally
benign pest management for a long time.
Steps in Classical Biological
Classical biological control involves a series of
steps, beginning with identifying the pest as native
or foreign in origin. If foreign, it is important to
identify the origin of the pest, because this area
may provide the most extensive array of natural
enemies for evaluation and possible importation.
Once the biology and behavior of the pest
have been reviewed, specific natural enemies are
identified as potential targets of a collecting trip.
Sometimes, a long list of natural enemies is available; sometimes, only a few natural enemy species
Classical Biological Control
Classical Biological Control, Figure 62 Endoparasitoid female, Trioxys pallidus (Hymenoptera:
Aphelinidae), inserting an egg into the walnut aphid, Chromaphis juglandicola. (Photo
provided by J. K. Clark.)
are known. Typically, only a few species are collected, shipped and evaluated further. Once the
natural enemies are obtained and shipped to a
quarantine facility, their identity is verified by taxonomic specialists and the colonies are screened
to eliminate undesirable hyperparasitoids (parasitoids of the primary parasitoid) or pathogens. Permission to release the natural enemies must be
obtained from state and or federal regulatory
agencies after a risk analysis has been conducted.
Natural enemies are then mass reared and released
(Figs. 62 and 63) with the goal of permanently
establishing them in the new environment to provide continuing control of the target pest.
Classical biological control programs are
dependent upon having taxonomic specialists to
correctly identify immigrant pests, provide information on their geographic distribution, and identify natural enemies in the country of origin.
Correct identification (Fig. 64) of pests and their
origins is important when planning collection
trips. Natural enemies also must be correctly identified before they can be released from quarantine
into the new environment. Some effective biological control programs have been delayed because
taxonomic information was lacking or incorrect.
Because financial support for systematics is
declining, fewer such specialists are being trained
which could lead to delays or failures in future
classical biological control programs. Taxonomic
specialists also can provide information on the
host or prey range of the natural enemy, which is
important when risk assessments are being conducted prior to releasing the natural enemies.
Classical biological control is an important
component of pest management programs because
foreign pests invade new environments on a continuing basis. For example, by 1971 at least 1,683
species of insects or mites found in North American
forests, rangelands, or agricultural fields were illegal
aliens. Some were pests, some were beneficial, and
some had no known economic importance. At least
235 major pests in the U.S.A. are foreign, coming
from nearly all geographic regions of the world.
Another 630 foreign arthropod species are listed as
lesser pests. In Florida, at least 209 species of foreign
insects have been found since 1970; approximately
20 are major pests, including the Mexican fruit fly,
Anastrepha ludens, Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis
capitata, Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, citrus blackfly, Aleurocanthus woglumi, citrus leafminer,
Phyllocnistis citrella, Asian citrus psylla, Diaphorina
citri, brown citrus aphid, Diaphorina citri, and the
melon thrips, Thrips palmi.
Classical Biological Control
Classical Biological Control, Figure 63 Endoparasitoid female, Cardiochiles diaphaniae (Hymenoptera:
Braconidae), inserting an egg into the melonworm, Hyalinata hyalinata. This parasitoid was introduced
from Colombia, South America into Puerto Rico and Florida, successfully establishing in the former
Based on past history, foreign insect and mite
species will continue to immigrate to the U.S.A. at
the rate of about eleven species per year. Of the
eleven, seven are likely to be pests of some importance and about every third year a pest of major
significance will be discovered. Assuming that few
of these pests can be eradicated, classical biological control remains a potentially effective method
for providing cost-effective pest suppression.
Classical biological control can be effective
against different types of pests. For example, in
the continental U.S.A. and Hawaii insects in
the orders Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera,
Hymenoptera, Diptera and Orthoptera have been
suppressed by arthropod natural enemies in classical biological control programs. Nearly complete
control was obtained in some cases, while in others
only partial control was achieved. Sometimes a single natural enemy provided substantial control; in
other circumstances several natural enemy species
were required. Effective biological control can be
achieved with a specific natural enemy in the entire
geographic region that the pest inhabits in some
cases, or this natural enemy may be effective only in
a limited part of the new geographic distribution.
Some classical biological control programs
can be accomplished without a collecting trip; if a
natural enemy has been established in one region,
scientists there can collect it and ship it to a new
region where the pest has invaded. Once the natural enemy has been processed through quarantine,
reared and released, it may provide relatively rapid
and inexpensive control (Table 13).
Cooperation Between Scientists
Aids in Citrus Blackfly Project
Classical biological control of the citrus blackfly,
Aleurocanthus woglumi, in Texas and Florida provides an example of highly successful projects that
benefited from cooperation between scientists in
different regions. The citrus blackfly invaded Texas
in the late 1960s and caused serious damage in citrus
groves there. Eradication efforts began in 1971, but
were unsuccessful. Joint efforts between scientists in
Texas and Mexico resulted in the importation, evaluation and release of two parasitoids, Amitus hesperidum and Encarsia opulenta, that provided
complete biological control of the citrus blackfly.
Classical Biological Control
Identify pest as native or foreign
If pest is exotic,
determine geographic
Evaluate information on pest’s biology & behavior and
natural enemies to define search area
Obtain natural enemies by collaboration &
exchange or foreign exploration
Import natural enemies into quarantine;
evaluate biology & risks; maintain
voucher specimens
Once out of quarantine, evaluate
natural enemy in laboratory, greenhouse
& field cages; develop mass rearing methods
Release into environment;
determine if establishment
Evaluate efficacy &
benefits : costs
Classical Biological Control, Figure 64 Classical biological control involves a series of steps before a
foreign pest can be controlled by the introduction and establishment of one or more natural enemies.
From start to finish, classical biological control programs require sustained funding and personnel over
several years.
The citrus blackfly subsequently invaded
Florida in 1976, and huge populations developed
rapidly. The honeydew produced by the blackflies
caused entire citrus groves to become blackened
by sooty mold growth. Again, eradication of the
pest was attempted, but after $15 million dollars
had been spent, the blackfly was still present and
increasing its distribution.
Classical Biological Control
Classical Biological Control, Table 13 Some cases of successful biological control of pest arthropods by
imported arthropod natural enemies in the Continental USA and Hawaii
Pesta control
Crop or host
Principal natural enemiesa
(P) = parasitoid
(Pred) = predator
Project resultsb
C = complete
S = substantial
P = partial
Oriental mole cricket,
Gryllotalpa orientalis
Larra polita (P)
alfalfa weevil,
Hypera postica
Bathyplectes curculionis (P)
Microctonus aethiops (P)
Tetrastichus incertus (P)
American cockroach,
Periplaneta americana
Household pest
Ampulex compressa (P)
Pseudaletia unipuncta
Apanteles militaris (P)
Archytas cirphis (P)
Asiatic rice borer,
Chilo suppressalis
Amyosoma chilonis (P)
Dioctes chilonis (P)
Trichogramma japonicum (P)
asparagus beetle,
Crioceris asparagi
Tetrastichus asparagi (P)
Australian cockroach,
Periplaneta australasiae
Household pest
Ampulex compressa (P)
barnacle scale,
Ceroplastes cirripediformis
Passion fruit
Coccidoxenus mexicanus (P)
birch leaf-mining sawfly,
Heterarthrus nemoratus
Birch, Alder
Chrysocharis laricinellae (P)
Phanomeris phyllotomae (P)
black scale,
Saissetia oleae
Citrus, Olive,
Metaphycus helvolus (P)
Diversinervus elegans (P)
Encyrtus infelix (P)
Metaphycus luteolus (P)
Coccophagus capensis (P)
Coccophagus cowperi (P)
Apanteles lacteicolor (P)
browntail moth,
Euproctis chysorrhoea
Forest, shade trees
California red scale,
Aonidiella aurantii
Chinese grasshopper,
Oxya chinensi
Townsendiellomyia nidicolor (P) S ?
and others
Aphytis lingnanensis (P)
Aphytis melinus (P)
Comperiella bifasciata (P)
Scelio pembertoni (P)
Classical Biological Control
Classical Biological Control, Table 13 Some cases of successful biological control of pest arthropods by
imported arthropod natural enemies in the Continental USA and Hawaii (Continued)
Pesta control
Crop or host
Principal natural enemiesa
(P) = parasitoid
(Pred) = predator
Project resultsb
C = complete
S = substantial
P = partial
Chinese rose beetle,
Adoretus sinicus
Campsomeris marginella
modesta (P)
Tiphia segregata (P)
citrophilus mealybug,
Pseudococcus fragilis
Citrus, Acacia
citrus blackfly,
Aleurocanthus woglumii
citrus mealybug,
Planococcus citri
citrus leafminer,
Phyllocnistis citrella
Florida Coconut palm
Coccophagus gurneyi (P)
Hungariella pretiosa (P)
Amitus hesperidum (P)
Encarsia opulenta
coconut scale,
Pinnaspis buxi
Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
Leptomastidea abnormis (P)
Ageniaspis citricola (P)
Telsimia nitida (Pred)
Allotropa burrelli (P)
Pseudaphycus malinus (P)
Cryptochetum iceryae (P)
Rodolia (=Vedalia) cardinalis
Comstock mealybug,
Pseudococcus comstocki
cottony cushion scale,
Icerya purchasi
Egyptian alfalfa weevil,
Hypera brunneipennis
Bathyplectes curculionis (P)
European corn borer,
OIstrinia nubilalis
Lydella thompsoni (P)
Macrocentrus gifuensis (P) and
European earwig, Forficula
Bigonicheta setipennis (P)
fern weevil,
Syagrius fulvitarsis
Native Hawaiian
Tree ferns
Doryctes syagrii (P)
Florida red scale,
Chrysomphalus aonidum
Aphytis holoxanthus (P)
gypsy moth, Lymantria
Forest, shade trees
complex of parasitoids, predators and pathogens
Japanese beetle, Popillia
Turf, pasture, fruits,
Tiphia vernalis (P)
longtailed mealybug,
Pseudococcus adonidum
Citrus, Avocado
Anarhopus sydneyensis (P)
Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
Hungariella peregrina (P)
Classical Biological Control
Classical Biological Control, Table 13 Some cases of successful biological control of pest arthropods by
imported arthropod natural enemies in the Continental USA and Hawaii (Continued)
Pesta control
Crop or host
Principal natural enemiesa
(P) = parasitoid
(Pred) = predator
Project resultsb
C = complete
S = substantial
P = partial
Mediterranean fruit fly,
Ceratitis capitata
Fruits, Coffee
Opius tryoni (P)
Opius fullawayi (P)
melon fly,
Dacus cucurbitae
Opius fletcheri (P)
New Guinea sugarcane
Rhabdoscelus obscurus
Lixophaga sphenophori (P)
nigra scale,
Saissetia nigra
Metaphycus helvolus (P)
nutgrass armyworm,
Spodoptera exempta
Sugarcane, pasture
a complex of parasitoids
olive scale, Parlatoria oleae
Olive, ornamentals,
deciduous fruit
Aphytis maculicornis (P)
Coccophagoides utilis (P)
oriental beetle,
Anomala orientalis
Campsomeris marginella
modesta (P)
Tiphia segregata (P)
oriental fruit fly,
Dacus dorsalis
oriental fruit moth,
Grapholitha molesta
Peach, pome fruits
Opius oophilus (P)
Opius vandenboschi (P)
Macrocentrus ancylivorus (P)
oriental moth, Cnidocampa Shade trees, fruit trees Chaetexorista javana (P)
pea aphid,
Acyrthosiphon pisum
Aphidius smithi (P)
pine tip moth,
Rhyacionia frustrana
Pine trees
Campoplex frustranae (P)
pink sugar cane,
mealybug Trionymus
Anagyrus saccharicola (P)
purple scale,
Lepidosaphes beckii
Aphytis lepidosaphes (P)
Rhodesgrass scale,
Antonina graminis
Orange grasses
Neodusmetia sangwani (P)
San Jose scale,
Deciduous fruit
Prospaltella perniciosi (P)
Classical Biological Control
Classical Biological Control, Table 13 Some cases of successful biological control of pest arthropods by
imported arthropod natural enemies in the Continental USA and Hawaii (Continued)
Pesta control
Crop or host
Principal natural enemiesa
(P) = parasitoid
(Pred) = predator
Project resultsb
C = complete
S = substantial
P = partial
satin moth,
Stilpnotia salicis
Forest trees
Apanteles solitarius (P)
Meteorus versicolor (P)
spotted alfalfa aphid,
Therioaphis maculata
Aphelinus semiflavus (P)
Praon palitans (P)
Trioxys utilus (P)
southern green stink bug,
Nezara viridula
Vegetables, fruits,
Trissolcus basilis (P)
sugarcane aphid,
Aphis sacchari
complex of parasitoids and
sugarcane borer,
Diatraea saccharalis
Lixophaga diatraeae (P)
Agathis stigmaterus (P)
sugarcane leafhopper,
Perkinsiella saccharacida
Sugarcane and others Tytthus mundulus (Pred)
sweet potato leaf miner,
Bedellia orchilella
Sweet potato
Apanteles bedelliae (P)
taro leafhopper,
Tarophagus proserpina
Cyrtorhinus fulvus (Pred)
torpedo bug planthopper,
Siphanta acuta
Coffee, Mango, Citrus
Aphanomerus pusillus (P)
walnut aphid,
Chromaphis juglandicola
Trioxys pallidus (P)
western grape leaf
Harrisina brillians
Apanteles harrisinae (P)
wooly apple aphid,
Eriosoma lanigerum
Aphelinus mali (P)
wooly whitefly,
Aleurothrixus floccosus
Amitus spiniferus (P)
Eretmocerus paulistus (P)
yellow scale,
Aonidiella citrina
Comperiella bifasciata (P)
Sturmia harrisinae (P)
Not all examples are cited; success ratings and scientific names of pests and natural enemies vary in different lists.
Complete successes (C) refer to complete biological control obtained and maintained against a pest over an extensive
area so that pesticide applications rarely are necessary. Substantial (S) successes include cases in which insecticidal
control is sometimes required. Partial successes (P) are those in which chemical controls are applied, but the intervals
between applications or lengthened or the outbreaks occur less often. ? refers to situations in which the results are
unknown or controversial.
Classical Biological Control
As the result of cooperation between scientists from Texas and Mexico, A. hesperidum,
E. opulenta, E. clypealis and E. smithi were introduced into Florida in 1976. Both A. hesperidum
and E. opulenta became established. Amitus
hesperidum provided rapid control of blackfly
populations, but E. opulenta eventually replaced
A. hesperidum as the dominant parasitoid after
citrus blackfly populations had been reduced.
Both parasitoids are given credit for providing
complete biological control of the blackfly in
Florida by 1981. The program cost approximately
$US 2.2 million dollars, but the benefits continue
to accrue, and were estimated to be $9.3 million
in 1980 alone.
Effective classical biological control depends
upon the establishment of one or more foreign
natural enemies in a new environment. Establishment of natural enemies in new environments is
not guaranteed, with estimates of successful
establishment ranging from 16 to 34%. There is
intense interest in learning how to increase establishment rates and the use of climate-matching
computer programs may allow scientists to
increase the establishment rate. After release, the
introduced natural enemy must find adequate
hosts and other resources as well as suitable climatic conditions in the new environment. Natural enemies must be released in adequate
numbers, in a healthy condition, at an appropriate time, and in the presence of suitable hosts or
prey if establishment is to succeed.
In some cases, different populations (biotypes)
of a particular species have different biological
attributes that make them more or less likely to
establish and be effective in the new environment.
For example, a parasitoid called Trioxys pallidus
originally was collected in France and released in
California to control the walnut aphid Chromaphis
juglandicola. The French biotype established, but
was only effective in the cooler, more humid
coastal areas of California. A biotype of T. pallidus
from Iran was subsequently established and provided highly effective control of the walnut aphid
in the hot, dry Central Valley of California.
Although classical biological control can yield
complete and lasting pest population suppression
in a many situations, many past efforts have been
only casual or have involved use of an unsuitable
natural enemy. In general, relatively little classical
biological control has been directed against pests
of range, forage, grain crops or row crops. For
example, of 110 pest species under partial to complete control by classical biological control, only
13 involved pests of row crops. This relatively poor
record has been attributed to the instability of the
row crop environment. Row crops persist only for
weeks or months, during which time the natural
enemy must discover and move into the crop, find,
attack, and build up numbers on the pest, then be
subjected to abrupt disruption at the end of the
crop season.
A large number (ca. 40%) of the pests targeted in classical biological control programs have
been scales (Hemiptera), and about 20% have
been Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, or Hemiptera other
than coccids. Many of the successes have been
achieved in warmer climates, particularly in
Hawaii and California, although it is likely that
these successes are due to the extensive efforts
employed in classical biological control. Other
trends include an emphasis on employing parasitoids rather than predators, with a majority of
successful classical biological control programs
involving highly host-specific natural enemies.
Establishment of host-specific parasitoids is considered to be lower risk than release of natural
enemies with a broad host or prey range. Such
host specificity is important in alleviating concerns about unintended effects of these natural
enemies on nontarget native species.
Successful classical biological control is
dependent on two critical elements: (i) establishing the natural enemy in the new environment,
and (ii) the efficacy of the natural enemy in the
new environment. Usually, a particular pest will
have more natural enemies attacking it than are
feasible to evaluate and release. Some guidelines
have been suggested for choosing between different natural enemy species to evaluate and release.
Classical Biological Control
Potentially effective natural enemies generally
exhibit as many of the following attributes as
Fitness and adaptability in the target environment
High searching capacity for the target species
High reproductive rate relative to that of the host
or prey
Synchronization with the host or prey and its
Host or prey specificity
An ability to increase its effectiveness as the host
or prey density increases (density-dependent
response to the pest)
A natural enemy that behaves in a densitydependent manner can respond to changes in the
population density of its host or prey, leading to an
increasing percentage of kill with increasing host
or prey density and a decreasing percentage of kill
with decreasing host or prey density. It is difficult
to document experimentally that, in fact, a natural
enemy is behaving in a density-dependent manner because it is likely that most natural enemypest interactions exhibit a time lag, and thus are
behaving in a delayed density-dependent manner.
Delayed density dependence occurs when the
response of natural enemies to the pest population
is delayed for some reason.
In many situations classical biological control
programs result in substantial pest population
reductions. However, some large, lengthy, and
expensive projects have been unsuccessful for
unknown reasons. As an example, a classical biological control project directed against the gypsy
moth, Lymantria dispar, has been slow to result in
adequate pest population suppression despite
extensive and long-term efforts involving the
importation and release of predators, parasitoids
and pathogens. Gypsy moth populations are preyed
on by native natural enemies, including vertebrate
predators. Despite the effects of native and imported
natural enemies, suppression of gypsy moth populations in North America to levels that are considered acceptable has been slow in coming.
Classical Biological Control and the
Gypsy Moth
The gypsy moth is an important forest defoliator
that was introduced into North America in 1869.
Large classical biological control projects were
initiated during three different intervals, with
the first beginning in 1905 after efforts to eradicate the gypsy moth were abandoned. That project continued through 1914 and the second ran
from 1922 until 1933. Efforts intensified again
in 1963.
During these three intervals, more than 40
species of parasitoids were introduced into North
America against the gypsy moth; ten established,
including two that attack eggs, two that attack
small larvae, four that attack larger larvae, and two
that attack pupae. In addition, the predaceous
ground beetle, Calosoma sycophanta, and a nuclear
polyhedrosis virus (a virus specific to the gypsy
moth) were established.
Despite the effects of these parasitoids,
predators and pathogens, and the depredations
of a variety of native natural enemies such as
mice, shrews, birds, spiders, stink bugs, hornets,
preying mantids, ants and bacterial and fungal
diseases, the gypsy moth continued to expand its
range in North America and cause periodic defoliations over thousands of acres of forest and
shade trees.
Recently, a fungus native to Japan, Entomophaga maimaiga, was found causing dramatic
and unexpectedly high levels of mortality to
gypsy moth larvae in the northeastern United
States. The mortality was unanticipated because
the fungus is believed to have been introduced
into North America nearly 80 years ago, but was
not discovered until 1989. No one knows why it
apparently was ineffective until recently; some
speculate that the fungus was introduced recently,
although the introduction was not conducted
with an established program and did not go
through risk evaluation.
Despite the pleasant surprise of discovering
another microbial disease agent, it is unclear
Classical Biological Control
whether E. maimaiga, in combination with the
other exotic and native natural enemies, can provide adequate suppression of gypsy moth populations in North America. Gypsy moth
populations apparently are influenced by both
biotic and abiotic factors, including vertebrate
and invertebrate natural enemies, weather, host
tree species, foliage chemistry and plant quality.
Because gypsy moth populations synchronously
reach outbreak densities over large areas, it is
possible that a combination of weather and other
mortality factors is responsible for the onset of
periodic outbreaks. There is considerable debate
over the degree and type of control exerted by
various vertebrate and invertebrate natural enemies, and it is unclear whether establishment of
additional foreign natural enemies would contribute significantly to suppressing the stillexpanding distribution of the gypsy moth in
North America.
Even in southern Europe, where an extensive
array of natural enemies occur and the gypsy moth
is a native, gypsy moth populations reach damaging levels periodically. Thus, the gypsy moth
appears to represent a foreign pest that may be
managed only by a multi-tactic pest management
Sometimes, classical biological control programs can reduce the pest population to a level
that can be lived with over a very large area. The
cassava mealybug classical biological control
program is one of the most successful and large
scale programs ever conducted. This program
has gone through all the steps involved, including an economic analysis of the costs and
Continent-Wide Control of the
Cassava Mealybug in Africa
Cassava, Manihot esculenta, was brought to
Africa about 300 years ago from South America.
Cassava serves as a subsistence crop for 200 million people because it is hardy, and adapted to a
variety of farming systems and to sub-Saharan
climatic conditions. Cassava is estimated to provide up to 50% of the daily caloric intake of 200
million people in Africa and, because cassava
roots can remain in the ground for up to 2 years,
provides an even higher proportion of the diet
when other crops fail. Cassava is an insurance
crop against famine.
In the early 1970s, the cassava mealybug
Phenacoccus manihoti was accidentally introduced into Africa, probably because quarantines
were ignored and planting material was introduced illegally. The cassava mealybug spread
rapidly across much of the sub-Saharan region
of Africa and caused devastating losses
(10–100%) by the early 1980s, estimated to be at
least $2 billion per year.
Chemical control was not ecologically, economically, or logistically feasible. Famine was possible if control was not achieved. A breeding
program was initiated to develop resistant varieties, but this was recognized to be a potential solution that would take at least 10–20 years.
At the same time as the breeding program
was initiated, a classical biological control program was begun. Surveys in Central and South
America were conducted for natural enemies of
the cassava mealybug and an encyrtid parasitoid
Apoanagyrus lopezi was introduced, reared and
released by the Africa-Wide Biological Control
Programme of the International Institute for
Tropical Agriculture and by national agencies of
many African countries. Subsequent to its first
release in 1981 and 1982, A. lopezi has established
in at least 19 countries and is providing effective
control of the mealybug throughout most of its
distribution in Africa.
The economic benefits of this classical biological control program were estimated from 1977
through 2002, using the following very conservative assumptions: that cassava has a value of US
$60/ton; production would remain stable at 1980
levels; an average yield loss of 20% would occur
due to mealybug; and A. lopezi would reduce losses
due to mealybugs by only 60%; by 2002 other
Classical Biological Control
control methods (plant resistance, integrated pest
management programs) would provide effective
An estimated $2,205,000,000 are estimated
to have been saved by the introduction of A. lopezi,
as compared to the classical biological control
program which cost $14,800,000. This produced a
benefit to cost ratio of 149:1, which is unusually
high. The benefits are so high because the program was developed quickly, was unusually effective across a wide geographic region, and cassava
is a very important crop. This estimate demonstrates how well classical biological control can
work and has encouraged its use against another
pest of cassava introduced into Africa, the cassava
green mite.
Conservation of Natural Enemies
Conservation of natural enemies involves protecting and maintaining natural enemy populations.
Conservation is crucial if either native or introduced natural enemies are to be maintained in
agricultural crops. Conservation most often
involves modifying pesticide applications.
As a general principle, pesticide applications
should be made only when pest populations
exceed specified levels and when no other control
tactic is available. In some cases, changing the
active ingredients, rates, formulations, timing,
and/or location of pesticide applications can allow
natural enemies to remain effective. Maintaining
untreated refuges also protects natural enemy
populations; for example, alternate rows are treated
with pesticides so that the lady beetle Stethorus
punctum can survive to control European red
mites, Panonychus ulmi, in Pennsylvania apple
Effective Natural Enemies
The effectiveness of natural enemies in controlling
pest populations depends on the characteristics of
the specific system. However, as a general rule, the
most effective natural enemies:
Exhibit a high degree of prey or host specificity
Have a high relative reproductive rate compared
to their prey or host, and
Exhibit a tolerance of abiotic factors similar to that
of the host or prey
The host or prey searching ability of arthropod natural enemies has been studied rarely in the
field. What we know about their behavior usually
comes from observations in the laboratory or
other artificial situations. Arthropod natural enemies respond to physical and chemical cues from
the host or prey itself, from its host plant, and from
an interaction of the two.
Prey/host selection has been divided into four
steps: (i) habitat selection, seeking a particular
environment where an appropriate host plant
occurs; (ii) prey or host finding, identifying prey
or host individuals on the plant; (iii) prey or host
acceptance, examining individual hosts or prey in
the environment to determine whether to feed on
or parasitize it; and (iv) prey or host suitability, the
ability of the parasitoid to develop on or within
the host or the predator to feed on the prey.
Biological Control in Relation to
Other Pest Management
The goal in pest management is to reduce a pest’s
density to a lower density than would otherwise
occur. Fluctuations in density are expected to
occur over time, which may be either small or
large. Ideally, the average density remains below
the level that causes economic injury. However,
the degree of biological control achieved is not
always sufficient to provide economic pest
The term strategy describes the long-term
plan or theoretical framework of an operation.
The term tactics describes the methods used to
Classical Biological Control
attain or fulfill that strategy. There are several
strategies for managing pests, including: exclusion or quarantine of foreign pests, eradication,
suppression of pest populations by plant resistance, biological control or chemical control, and
integrated pest management (IPM). Within each
strategy, there are various methods or tactics
Exclusion or quarantines can prevent or delay
the introduction of foreign pests into a new geographic region. Eradication of foreign pests by
means of pesticide applications, release of sterile
males, or removal of suitable host plants is feasible
in some circumstances. Plant resistance can provide substantial to partial suppression of many
insect or mite pests, but resistant plant varieties
are not available for all pests. Furthermore, insects
and mites can evolve resistance to plant resistance
mechanisms. Thus, each strategy is valuable but
may be limited in scope.
Classical biological control can provide
effective suppression of many invasive insects,
mites and weeds. However, it is rare that all invasive pests can be controlled by the importation
and release of natural enemies in classical biological control programs. Nor is chemical control
able to suppress all pests because resistance to
pesticides and concerns about damage to the
environment and health hazards are increasing.
As a result, integrated pest management is an
increasingly important approach; it involves
deploying several approaches, perhaps including
the use of transgenic (pest resistant) plants,
releases of sterile male insects, cultural controls,
and release of pheromones (chemicals used to
communicate between individuals within a species, such as mating pheromones), in a harmonious manner to control pests.
Classical biological control should always be
considered when a new pest invades because classical biological control generally is compatible
with nonchemical management tactics in IPM
such as plant resistance, cultural controls, and a
variety of biorational methods. Biorational pest
management methods include tactics such as pest
mating disruption by release of pheromones, disruption of normal development of pests after
application of insect hormones, or applications of
antifeedant materials. Techniques that are compatible with the use of biological control, or have
little impact on natural enemies, are often considered biorational.
Under many circumstances, pest managers
will need to employ multiple tactics to achieve
economic suppression of all the pest populations.
Tactics used in IPM programs include plant resistance, biological control, chemical control, cultural
controls, or biorational controls. How should the
pest manager prioritize the pest management tactics to be evaluated and employed? One principle
should be that all tactics considered should be
examined for their effects on natural enemies.
The conceptual basis for organizing an IPM
program with biological control as a key component was spelled out over 45 years ago. That project, designed for California alfalfa, demonstrates
some of the concepts and complexities of creating such programs. The spotted alfalfa aphid,
Therioaphis maculata, invaded California and
was detected in 1954. The aphid spread rapidly
throughout the state, causing millions of dollars
of crop loss damage. Shortly after the aphid
became established, research was initiated to find
or develop varieties of alfalfa resistant to the
aphids; to develop a classical biological control
project; and to identify pesticides that would
control this pest at a reasonable cost. An important component of the IPM program included
the introduction and establishment of the spotted alfalfa aphid parasitoids Praon pallitans and
Trioxys utilis in a classical biological control project. However, classical biological control was
combined with other tactics to achieve effective
pest management in alfalfa.
A variety of alfalfa was identified that was
able to tolerate feeding by the aphid and several
pesticides were found that controlled the aphids.
Analysis of the effects of insecticide treatments
on a complex of native predators, as well as the
introduced parasitoids Praon pallitans and Trioxys
Classical Biological Control
utilis, indicated that parasitoids of the spotted
alfalfa aphid could survive many pesticides if the
parasitoids were in the pupal stage when treated.
Importantly, because the aphid was not the only
alfalfa pest and the alfalfa caterpillar Colias eurytheme had to be controlled as well, a polyhedrosis
virus was found to be effective in controlling the
alfalfa caterpillar either alone or in combination
with a selective chemical insecticide. Monitoring
was recognized to be a key component in the program. Population levels of the alfalfa caterpillar
and its parasitoid, Apanteles medicaginis, were
monitored regularly and chemical control was
recommended only if the pest: parasitoid ratio was
unfavorable. Thus, both the aphid and the caterpillar could be controlled without disrupting control
of the aphid by natural enemies.
This project laid out a number of concepts
that remain central to designing an effective IPM
program in which biological control is a central
component. This study defined integrated control
as “…applied pest control which combines and
integrates biological and chemical control…,” and
emphasized that chemical control should be used
only as necessary and in a manner which is least
disruptive to biological control, cautioning that
when “…chemicals are used, the damage from the
pest species must be sufficiently great to cover not
only the cost of the insecticidal treatment but also
the possible deleterious effects, such as the harmful influence of the chemical on the ecosystem,”
thereby introducing economic and ecological considerations into the pest management equation.
Thus, biological control and chemical control were
shown to be potentially complementary or, with
adequate understanding, made to augment one
This project also articulated an important
principle: the ideal pest suppression tactic is not
one that eliminates all individuals of the pest while
leaving all of the natural enemies. Pest elimination
would force the host- or prey-specific natural enemies to leave the treated area or starve. The goal
should be to suppress pest populations rather than
eliminate them.
Evaluating Classical Biological
Control Programs
The degree and quality of evaluations of classical
biological control programs vary dramatically. In
some cases, detailed documentation has been provided (for example, the cassava mealybug project),
but in other cases few records were kept.
Classical biological control programs can be
difficult to evaluate; sometimes the results are so
spectacular that assessment appears to be unnecessary. At the least, however, assessments of pest status “before” and “after” need to be made, although
such evaluations provide only circumstantial evidence that natural enemies are effective.
Designing controlled experiments to document the effectiveness of classical biological control is particularly difficult when there are no
untreated plots because natural enemies have dispersed rapidly. Also, low pest populations are difficult to monitor. When no reduction in pest
populations occurs, it is easy to assume that the
natural enemies were ineffective, although the natural enemies may, in fact, be providing some degree
of suppression. Partial suppression is even more
difficult to evaluate; natural enemies often behave
differently at high and low host or prey densities.
Identifying the reasons for changes in pest
population density is difficult because natural
enemies are but one of the mortality factors
influencing populations of pests. Both biotic and
abiotic factors influence pests and in many crops
several to many species of natural enemies influence pest populations, but unraveling the impact
of each is difficult. Even the simplest ecosystem
is sufficiently complicated that population models developed to describe them are not easily
tested in the field.
Two questions are often asked when evaluating natural enemies: (i) are natural enemies controlling a pest, and (ii) how is the control achieved?
Three major approaches are employed to answer
the first question. These may be used either singly
or in combination. Research efforts to answer the
second question are more complex.
Classical Biological Control
Exclude, Eliminate, or Reduce
Natural Enemies
Several exclusion techniques have been employed to
demonstrate that one or more natural enemies can
control a pest population. A branch, tree, or other
whole plant can be isolated to prevent movement of
natural enemies into the system. Isolation can be
achieved by hand picking, providing sticky barriers
for nonflying natural enemies, or by cages. The size of
mesh on cages can be modified to exclude different
natural enemies based on size. Evaluation of natural
enemies by exclusion has been most useful when
combined with other evaluation methods such as
behavioral observations or population sampling.
Unfortunately, none of these techniques is
completely satisfactory. Cages may alter the microclimate (light intensity, temperature, humidity and
wind speed) and this change can influence the
effects of the natural enemies. For example, cooler
temperatures can reduce the growth and activity
rates of pests or natural enemies. Few have the time
and patience to hand pick natural enemies, and the
area which can be manipulated by this method is
relatively small. Most natural enemies are able to
fly over sticky barriers. It is usually difficult to identify which members of the predator or parasitoid
complex are essential for the suppression of the
pest population unless the complex consists of one
or a few easily segregated species.
Natural enemies can be eliminated by application of pesticides that are nontoxic to the pest
and, if an outbreak occurs subsequently the natural enemy or natural enemies can be assumed to
have been controlling the pest. This approach was
accidentally employed when effective control of
the cottony cushion scale by the Vedalia beetle was
disrupted by application of DDT; this pest has
been under excellent control for nearly a century
and the control agents have been effective when
introduced elsewhere. However, relatively few pesticides are nontoxic to pests, and subtle sublethal
effects can alter the pest’s response.
Natural enemies can be added to one plot and
not to another and changes in pest density in the
release site can be attributed to the effects of the
natural enemies. Likewise, prey or hosts can be
added to a field plot and the efficiency of natural
enemies can be estimated by changes in pest density. Direct observation of predation is useful in
identifying prey and predator species; observations reveal where and when a predator searches,
which is useful in designing a sampling scheme.
Direct observation requires no manipulation of
the environment and pests or natural enemies can
be added or removed to determine the responses
of the natural enemy to changes in pest density.
Unfortunately, this method is time consuming and
difficult to employ if the natural enemy is cryptic,
active only at night, or easily disturbed.
A variety of biochemical methods also have
been employed to determine whether predators
are preying on specific prey, including the enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), precipitin
tests, polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis,
and prey marking by labels.
Another approach is to correlate the damage exerted
by the pest, or the crop yield, with natural enemy
population levels. If high natural enemy populations are correlated with low damage levels or high
crop yields, the natural enemies may be providing
effective pest suppression. However, correlation is
not causation and other changes in crop management practices such as crop cultivar or cultural
methods may influence the amount of damage
inflicted or the amount of crop yield. Ideally, blocks
with the natural enemies of interest are compared
to blocks lacking them. However, if the natural enemies are highly mobile, such comparisons may be
possible only for a very short period of time.
There are many kinds of models (including mathematical, statistical, simulation, and analytic), and
many uses to which models can be put. Computer
models have been developed which attempt to
forecast and understand pest and natural enemy
populations. Some models include crop-pest-natural enemy interactions with the goal of understanding the role of natural enemies in regulating
pest densities.
classical biological control programs directed
against invasive insect, mite and weed pests could
result in reduced pesticide use, reduced ground
water contamination by pesticides, reduced negative effects on nontarget organisms from pesticides, reduced pesticide residues on food, reduced
crop production costs, improved control of pests,
and increased farm worker safety due to reduced
pesticide use.
Risk Assessments
Classical biological control in recent years is
receiving increased scrutiny regarding possible
environmental risks associated with the importation and release of foreign natural enemies.
Claims have been made that parasitoids and
predators released into Hawaii have had a detrimental effect on native butterflies and moths.
Unfortunately, it is not clear that the observed
changes in native insect populations can be
attributed to classical biological control because
the critics failed to discriminate between the
effects of habitat destruction, pesticide use, and
the possible negative effects of released arthropod natural enemies. The release of the tachinid
parasitoid Compsilura concinnata in the classical
biological control program directed against the
gypsy moth is thought to have had negative
effects on native populations of Lepidoptera,
including the beautiful native silk moths. Because
C. concinnata is known to attack over 200 species
of Lepidoptera, it is unlikely to be considered
suitable for release under current risk assessments in classical biological control programs.
Practitioners of biological control are convinced that classical biological control of arthropod pests or weeds is environmentally safe and
low risk if carried out by trained biological control
specialists. Concerns about preservation of native
flora and fauna have led some to recommend
restrictions on the importation of all foreign
During the debate on the potential negative
effects of classical biological control, it should be
remembered that the use of natural enemies in
Clausen CP (1978) Introduced parasites and predators of
arthropod pests and weeds: a world review. Agricultural
handbook 480. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC
DeBach P (ed) (1964) Biological control of insect pests and
weeds. Reinhold, New York, NY
DeBach P, Rosen D (1991) Biological control by natural enemies, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Frank JH, McCoy ED (1992) The immigration of insects to
Florida, with a tabulation of records published since
1970. Fla Entomol 75:1–28
Herren HR, Neuenschwander P (1991) Biological control of
cassava pests in Africa. Ann Rev Entomol 36:257–283
Huffaker CB (ed) (1971) Biological control. Plenum Press,
New York, NY
Sailer RI (1983) History of insect introductions. In: Wilson
CL, Graham CL (eds) Exotic plant pests and North
American agriculture. Academic Press, New York, NY,
pp 15–38
van Driesche RG, Bellows TS Jr (1996) Biological control.
Chapman & Hall, New York, NY
In sampling, this refers to a sampling plan that
classifies population density as being either above
or below some predetermined level (e.g., economic
threshold), or belonging within some density class
(e.g., low, medium, high). Commonly used in pest
management decision making application (contrast with estimation).
In systematics, a natural arrangement of taxa
that organizes like organisms into categories.
Membership in groups traditionally has been
based on structural features, but also biological
features, and increasingly on molecular features.
Sometimes classification is considered “artificial,”
because the classification is based on features that
are convenient to see or to score, but have no phylogenetic significance. In contrast, “natural” classifications systems rely on features that are shared
due to common evolutionary descent. The principal categories used in classification of insects, in
descending (most inclusive to least) order, are:
In practice, all these categories are not often
used; the most commonly used taxa are class,
order, family, genus and species. Other categories
also exist; for example, the class Insecta is sometimes placed in the superclass Hexapoda and the
superphylum Ecdysozoa, and related families are
often grouped into superfamilies. The subclass
Pterygota is sometimes divided into two divisions,
consisting of the hemimetabolous orders and the
holometabolous orders. Possibly the only level that
can be assessed objectively is the species. Species
are grouped into genera, genera into families, and
so forth, but taxonomists differ in the importance
of characters used to cluster the taxa, so different
arrangements are possible. The names of most
orders end in – ptera; of families in – idea; of subfamilies in -inae, and of tribes in – ini.
The classification of insects is often debated,
but a common arrangement and the derivation
(from Greek or Latin) for the class Insecta follows. The order names generally are logical if you
consider the appearance of the insects in that
group. Perhaps the only obscure name is Zygentoma, which was introduced by Carl Börner, in
1904. He viewed these insects to be an evolutionary “bridge” or connection between the apterygote (wingless) and pterygote (winged) insects,
hence the name.
Subclass Apterygota: Greek a (without) = pteron
(primitive) + gnathos (jaw)
Order Zygentoma: Greek zyg (bridge) + entoma (insect)
Subclass Pterygota: Greek pteron (wing)
Infraclass Paleoptera: Greek palaios (ancient) + pteron
Order Ephemeroptera: Greek ephermeros (shortlived) + pteron (wing)
Order Odonata: Greek odon (tooth) (referring to the
Infraclass Neoptera: Greek neos (new) + pteron (wing)
Series Exopterygota: Greek exo (outside) + pteron
Superorder Plecopteroidea
Order Plecoptera: Greek plecos (plaited) + pteron (wing)
Order Embiidina: Latin embios (lively)
Superorder Orthopteroidea
Order Phasmatodea: Latin phasma (apparition or
Order Mantodea: Greek mantos (soothsayer)
Order Mantophasmatodea: from Mantodea + Phasmatodea
Order Blattodea: Latin blatta (cockroach)
Order Isoptera: Greek iso (equal) + pteron (wing)
Order Grylloblattodea: Latin gryllus (cricket) + blatta
Order Orthoptera: Greek orthos (straight) + pteron
Order Dermaptera: Greek derma (skin) + pteron
Order Zoraptera: Greek zoros (pure) + a (without) + pteron (wing)
Superorder Hemipteroidea
Order Psocoptera: Latin psocos (book louse) + Greek
pteron (wing)
Order Hemiptera: Greek hemi (half) + pteron (wing)
Order Thysanoptera: Greek thysanos (fringed) +
pteron (wing)
Order Phthiraptera: Greek phtheir (louse) + a (without) + pteron (wing)
Series Endopterygota: Greek endo (inside) + pteron
Superorder Neuropteroidea
Order Megaloptera: Greek megalo (large) + pteron
Order: Raphidioptera: Greek raphio (a needle; referring to the ovipositor) + pteron (wing)
Order Neuroptera: Greek neuron (nerve) + pteron
Superorder Coleopteroidea
Order Coleoptera: Greek coleos (sheath) + pteron
Order Strepsiptera: Greek strepti (twisted) + pteron
Superorder Panorpoidea
Order Mecoptera: Greek mecos (length) + pteron
Order Trichoptera: Greek trichos (hair) + pteron
Order Lepidoptera: Greek lepido (scale) + pteron
Order Diptera: Greek di (two) + pteron (wing)
Order Siphonaptera: Greek siphon (tube) + a (without) + pteron (wing)
Superorder Hymenopteroidea
Order Hymenoptera: Greek hymen (membrane) + pteron (wing)
Variations on this System of
Among the principal variations on this system of
classification are the grouping of Phasmatodea and
Mantodea into a single order, Dictyoptera; the
grouping of Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and
Neuroptera into Neuroptera; the splitting of
Hemiptera into two orders, Hemiptera and
Homoptera; the grouping of Mallophaga and Siphunculata into Phthiraptera; and the grouping of
Strepsiptera with Coleoptera. Also, some additional
groups of arthropods such as the Collembola,
Diplura and Protura are sometimes considered to
be insects. Classification systems (Figs. 65 and 66)
are based on morphological similarities (phenetics) and evolutionary relatedness (phylogenetics),
as well as comparative anatomy, physiology, and
behavior. Increasingly, the genetic component of
insects is being used to establish relatedness.
Characteristics of the Major
The major groups are characterized by a number
of fundamental differences. The members of subclass Apterygota lack wings, possess rudimentary
abdominal appendages, practice indirect insemination, and molt throughout their life, whereas the
subclass Pterygota possess wings (or did at one
time), generally lack abdominal appendages, practice direct insemination via copulation, and molt
only until sexual maturity is attained.
Infraclass Paleoptera consists of primitive
insects. The wings cannot be flexed over the back
when the insect is at rest. The immature stages of
existing paleopterans live in aquatic habitats. The
Neoptera, on the other hand, are a diverse group of
relatively modern insects. They can flex their wings
over the body. They display development in which
the immatures are similar to the mature form
(Exopterygota), or the immatures differ markedly
in appearance from the adults (Endopterygota).
Superorder Plecopteroidea, consisting of
Plecoptera and Embiidina, is closely related to
superorder Orthopteroidea. Both suborders have
chewing mouthparts; complex wing venation, with
the hindwings larger than the forewings; and cerci.
They differ, however, in that the forewings are not
thickened, and external male genitalia are lacking.
The members of superorder Orthopteroidea
(Polyneoptera) have chewing mouthparts, long
antennae, complex wing venation, large hindwings, thickened forewings, large cerci, and
nymphs with ocelli. Several orders are considered
to be orthopteroids: Phasmatodea, Mantodea,
Classification, Figure 65 Diagram of the possible phylogeny of the hexapods, showing relationships
among the major groups (principally insect orders) and the temporal occurrence of major evolutionary
steps in insect structure and development.
Mantophasmatodea, Blattodea, Isoptera, Grylloblattodea, Orthoptera, Dermaptera, and Zoraptera.
In many older classification systems, they were all
considered to be part of the order Orthoptera.
This is a relatively primitive group.
Superorder Hemipteroidea (Paraneoptera) is
also a large group, consisting of the orders Psocoptera, Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, and Phthiraptera.
Unlike the Orthopteroidea, they lack cerci, and have
stylet-like structures associated with their mouthparts (though in Psocoptera, chewing mouthparts
are preserved). Some groups are well designed for
piercing the host and sucking liquids. Though this
and the preceding superorders are considered to be
hemimetabolous, a few members of Thysanoptera
and Hemiptera are physiologically holometabolous.
The superorder Neuropteroidea is holometabolous, and consists of the orders Megaloptera,
Raphidioptera, and Neuroptera. Both aquatic and
terrestrial forms occur in this superorder. The
wings tend to bear numerous cells.
Superorder Coleopteroidea consists of the
orders Coleoptera and Strepsiptera. They are
similar in that the metathorax is developed for
flight, and bears functional wings. The forewings
of the Coleoptera are reduced to hard wing coverings, and even more reduced in the Strepsiptera, to small club-like appendages. They
contrast strongly in that the Coleoptera is the
largest order, and Strepsiptera one of the smaller
Panorpoidea is another large superorder,
consisting of the orders Mecoptera, Trichoptera,
Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Siphonaptera. They
share few common characters, however, such as
a tendency for a reduced meso- and metasternum, the media and cubitus of the hind wing
arise from a common stem, and the terminal
abdominal segments tend to function as an
Lastly, the superorder Hymenopteroidea
consists only of the order Hymenoptera, though
Classification, Figure 66 A recent assessment of phylogenetic relationships within Hexapoda based
on both morphological and some molecular characters (adapted from Wheeler et al., 2001, Cladistics
this is a very divergent, complex group. They bear
numerous Malpighian tubules, unlike all other
endopterygotes, which have only four to six tubules.
Also, their wing venation is often greatly reduced.
Each Individual Order
Sampling Arthropods
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera, suborder
Claustral Colony Founding
A process of colony founding in which the initial
reproductives seal themselves of in cells, and proceed to rear the initial brood using nutrients
obtained from their own tissues.
Thickening toward the tip. This term is usually
used to describe antennae with expanded tips.
Antennae of Hexapods
Clavate Larva
This term is sometimes used to describe a larva
with an enlarged thoracic region, particularly
buprestid, cerambycid, and eucnemid larvae.
The antenna beyond the pedicel. The flagellum.
Antennae of Hexapods
This term has several meanings, including the
angular hind margin of the hemelytra in Hemiptera
(Fig. 67); the club of an antenna; the knob at the
end of the stigmal or radial wing veins in
Hymenoptera; and the rounded or finger-like process in the male genitalia of Lepidoptera.
A hollow, sharp, curved organ, located at the tip of
the tarsus (foot).
Legs of Hexapods
Clearwing Moths
(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)
danieL potter
University of Kentucky, Lexington,
Adults of the family Sesiidae(formerly Aegeriidae)
are called clearwing mothsbecause a part of the
wings, especially the hindwings, lacks overlapping
scales and is therefore transparent. The body typically is dark-colored, but most species have contrasting yellow, orange, or reddish bands or
markings on the abdomen, legs, or both. Males
and females often differ in coloration, and in some
Clavus, Figure 67 Front wing of a bug (Hemiptera: suborder Heteroptera), thickened basally and
membranous distally.
Clearwing Moths (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)
cases the amount of clear area in the wings. Virtually
all species are day-flying. The moths may be seen
sipping nectar from flowers or resting on foliage
on sunny days. Many adult sesiids bear a striking
resemblance to wasps, especially paper wasps
(Polistes spp.) or yellow jackets. Being moths, they
cannot sting; however, this mimicry doubtless discourages insectivorous birds and other vertebrate
predators. The moths’ hovering flight and tendency
for some species to move the abdomen in a wasplike posture contributes to the deception.
Sesiid larvae tunnel in living branches, trunks,
root collars, or roots of trees and shrubs, and in canes
and vines of woody and some herbaceous plants.
Granular, sawdust-like frass usually is expelled from
the site of attack. Damage to the inner bark and
cambium can contribute to the decline and death of
host plants. Some species are economically important pests of forest and landscape trees, or fruit crops.
The squash vine borer, Melittia cucurbitae, is a pest
of squash, gourds, and pumpkins. A few species
induce plant galls, or feed as inquilines within galls
of other insects. Most clearwing species exploit only
a few closely-related species of trees, shrubs, or vines
as hosts. A few, such as the dogwood borer, Synathedon scitula, attack a broad range of plants.
The family Sesiidae belongs to the order Lepidoptera, suborder Ditrysia (Frenatae), and superfamily Sesioidea. Clearwing moths have a world
wide distribution with about 170 genera containing more than 1000 described species. Nineteen
genera and 155 species of sesiids are known from
North America, including such important pests as
the raspberry crown borer, Pennisetia marginata;
grape root borer, Vitacea polistiformis; squash vine
borer, Melittia cucurbitae; lesser peachtree borer,
Synanthedon pictipes; peachtree borer, Synanthedon exitiosa; dogwood borer, Synanthedonscitula;
and lilac borer, Podosesia syringae.
Adult clearwings are slender-bodied, small to
medium-sized moths, wingspan 1.4 to 4.6 cm. The
forewings are narrow, at least four times as long as
wide, with anal veins reduced. The hind wings are
shorter and somewhat more broad, with all three
anal veins present. The forewings fold downward
along their inner, rear margin, with a row of tiny
curved spines that interlock with the fold; similar
spines along the hindwing costa help to hold the
wings together. The antennae are simple to bipectinate, widening gradually and then narrowing again
to the tip. The larvae are ivory white or cream-colored except for a brownish, sclerotized head and
lighter thoracic shield. Each thoracic segment has
one pair of small jointed legs. Abdominal segments 3
to 6, and 10, have fleshy lobes (prolegs), each ending
in two transverse bands of tiny hooklike crochets.
Many clearwing species have a 1-year life
cycle. Others require two years to complete a generation, whereas a few species have two generations
per year. Winter is spent as a partially grown larva
within a gallery under the bark of the host plant, or
within stems, canes, or roots. Several sizes of larvae
may overwinter, reflecting the fact that the eggs
from which they eclosed were laid by different
females over a number of weeks. Active feeding
resumes in early spring. Some species pupate in
late winter or spring, whereas others feed longer
and pupate later in the growing season. Before
pupating, the larva extends its tunnel to the bark
surface except for a paper-thin cover. Pupation
occurs within a cocoon made from frass and bits of
bark or soil held together with silken strands. The
pupal stage lasts about 3 weeks. Empty pupal skins
often are left partially protruding from exit holes in
the bark after the moths have emerged.
Flight activity, mating, and egg-laying by
a particular species usually are finished within 4
to 6 weeks after initial emergence. Adults of different species emerge at certain times during the
growing season, and their flight activity often is
restricted to a specific time of day. These temporal
differences likely are important for reproductive
isolation, especially since females of a number of
species emit chemically-similar sex pheromones
to attract males.
After mating, females deposit eggs singly in
bark crevices, often around wounds, cankers, or old
larval feeding galleries. They seem to be attracted
to plants that are injured or weakened by root
pruning, transplant shock, insect or disease injury,
drought, or other stress factors. Individual females
typically live only about a week, during which they
may lay several hundred eggs. Eggs hatch in about
2 weeks, and larvae then bore into the bark and
mine in the phloem and cambium, lengthening and
enlarging the tunnel as they grow. Many species
later enter the sapwood. Branch dieback, limb and
trunk swellings, moist sap spots on the bark, gum
exudates, expulsion of larval frass, or protruding
pupal skins all may indicate that borers are present.
Woodpeckers are important in natural control. Ants, and in some cases field mice, moles and
skunks, prey upon the pupae. Eggs, larvae, and
pupae are attacked by various parasitic wasps or
flies. A fungus, Beauveria sp., sometimes infects
and kills the larvae.
In the early 1970s, scientists identified and
synthesized two major isomeric pheromone
components, the Z, Z- and E, Z- isomers of 3,13octadecadien- 1-ol-acetate, from the peach tree
borer and lesser peach tree borer, respectively. Subsequent field testing soon revealed cross-attraction
of other clearwing species to these pure isomers,
their corresponding alcohols, or to various blends of
these compounds. This breakthrough allowed entomologists to learn more about the flight periods of a
number of clearwing moth species, to survey local
sesiid fauna, and to develop effective attractants for
some of the key pest species.
Traps baited with commercial synthetic pheromones are used by nursery operators and landscape managers to monitor clearwing moth activity.
This helps them to fine-tune timing of control
actions. Entomologists also are evaluating use of
such attractants for mass trapping or mating disruption of pests such as peachtree borer in orchards.
The most important management strategy is to
minimize plant stress, because healthy trees, shrubs,
and vines are less likely to be attacked by borers.
Eichlin TD, Duckworth WD (1988) Sesioidea: Sesiidae. In RB
Dominick et al (eds) The moths of America north of
Mexico. Fasicle 5.1. 176 pp
Englehardt GP (1946) The North American clearwing moths
of the family Aegeriidae. Bulletin 190. U.S. National
Museum, Washington, DC
Johnson WT, Lyon HH (1988). Insects that feed on trees and
shrubs, 2nd ed. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New
Solomon JD (1995) Guide to insect borers of North American
broadleaf trees and shrubs. Agricultural Handbook 706.
USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC. 735 pp
Taft WH, Smitley D, Snow JW (1991) A guide to the clearwing
borers (Sesiidae) of the north central United States.
USDA North Central Regional Publication 394
A relationship in which one species robs the food
stores, or scavenges in the refuse piles, of another
species – but does not nest in association with the
An organism that consumes the stored food of
another from its nest.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as checkered beetles.
Click Beetles
Members of
the family Elateridae (order
Clicking by Caterpillars
Although acoustic communication is well known
among certain moths (mostly in the context of
detecting ultrasonic cries of insectivorous bats),
Clover Mite, Bryobia praetiosa Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)
acoustic communication is widespread in Lepidoptera. Vibrational signals are used by some
butterfly and moth larvae in communication
with mutualistic ants, conspecifics, and predators. However, sounds made by at least 12
families, including Tortricidae, Oecophorida,
Notodontidae, Saturniiidae, and Sphingidae, may
be involved in defense. Saturniid and sphingid
larvae produce audible (to the human ear) clicks
that have been described as “cracking” or “crackling.” Closure of the mandibles produces the
“click” sounds, and it follows disturbance of the
larvae as may occur when the insects are grasped
or pecked by birds. The clicking sound often precedes regurgitation by the larvae, and regurgitation is known to be repellent to both vertebrate
and invertebrate predators.
Vibrational Communication
Acoustic Communication in Insects
Acoustic Aposematism (Clicking) by
Brown SG, Boettner GH, Yack JE (2007) Clicking caterpillars:
acoustic aposematism in Antheraea polyphemus and
other Bombycoidea. J Exp Biol 210:993–1005
The rectum, a common chamber into which the
anus and gonopore open; the vagina.
A population of identical cells often containing
identical recombinant DNA molecules. Also a
group of organisms produced from one individual
cell through asexual processes. The offspring are
identical. The word may be used either as a noun
or a verb.
Closed Cell
A cell bounded on all sides by wing veins.
Clothes Moths
Members of the family
Fungus Moths
Butterflies and Moths
Climatic Release
The release of a population from climatic constraints by a favorable change in weather, allowing
it to attain a population increase or outbreak.
A family of web-spinners (order Embiidina).
The end point of an ecological successional sequence;
the community has reached a steady state.
A geographic gradient in the frequency of a gene.
Clover Mite, Bryobia praetiosa
Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)
These clover and grass-feeding mites damage
vegetation and also enter homes, becoming a
Club Fleas
Club Fleas
Members of the family Rhopalopsyllidae (order
A family of dragonflies in the order Odonata:
Dragonflies and Damselflies
Clumped Distribution
A distribution of organisms in which there is
some aggregation of individuals that exceeds
the clumping that would occur randomly. This
is the most common distribution displayed by
Clusiid Flies
Members of the family Clusiidae (order Diptera).
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as clusiid flies.
Cluster Analysis
A method of hierarchically grouping taxa or
sequences on the basis of similarity or minimum
distance. UPGMA is an unweighted pair group
method using the arithmetic average. WPGMA is
the weighted pair group method using the arithmetic average.
Cluster Fly, Pollenia rudis
(Fabricius) and P. pseudorudis
Rognes (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
aLLen heath
AgResearch Wallaceville, Upper Hutt,
New Zealand
The name cluster fly (or loft fly) is given to two
species of Northern Hemisphere blowflies (Calliphoridae) Pollenia rudis and P. pseudorudis
that preferentially breed in earthworms of the
genera Allolobophora, Eisenia (= Helodrilus) and
Lumbricus. Many other members of the genus
breed in earthworms, but so far as is recorded,
only P. rudis and P. pseudorudis invade buildings
in large numbers in autumn, achieving pest status, leaving again in spring. The identities of
these flies have been confused until recently.
Only in 1985 was Pollenia pseudorudis recognized as distinct from both P. rudis and P.
angustigena, and the previously named P. obscura
was subsumed in P. pseudorudis.
Apart from New Zealand records, there is
no clear indication that P. pseudorudis invades
houses elsewhere in the world, because in the
Northern Hemisphere and Hawaii, only P. rudis
is recorded as the nuisance species, although it
may just be that no effort has been made to
gauge whether P. pseudorudis is present as well.
It is possible that both species (and perhaps others) occur together in houses in North America,
and perhaps elsewhere, as they do in the wild,
but possibly because of the P. obscura synonymy
no distinction has been attempted. Lofts are a
common sanctuary, hence one of the common
names, and the flies cling together, often in ropy
clusters. They have been described as “the most
frustrating of … structural insect pests.”
First reports of cluster flies as a household
nuisance appeared in the mid nineteenth century,
although the first published mention of a fly associated with earthworms was in 1881, when Charles
Darwin, in his treatise on earthworms reported an
earlier observation by Perrier.
Cluster Fly, Pollenia rudis (Fabricius) and P. pseudorudis Rognes (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
In the 1930s, a link between earthworms and
swine influenza was postulated, with a view that
“the virus of swine influenza is a surviving prototype of the agent responsible for the great human
pandemic of 1918” and that hogs and earthworms
may serve as the source of future epidemics.
Because of its links with earthworms, the cluster
fly was regarded as a possible vector of human
influenza, an hypothesis that has not been supported by subsequent research.
The tribe Polleniini to which the cluster flies
belong occurs in four distinct geographical
groups, the Palearctic (with at least 30 species),
the Nearctic and Austro-Oriental regions, each
with at least eight species in the genus Melanodexia and two in Pollenia. The Australasian and
Oceanian regions have three genera, Anthracomyia (which is monotypic), Dexopollenia (five
species) and Pollenia (43 species, the majority in
New Zealand). However, there are still a further
17 species unnamed in New Zealand designated
as species “a” to species “q” inclusive. It appears
that only the two Northern Hemisphere (widely
distributed throughout the Nearctic and Palearctic) species, P. rudis and P. pseudorudis, congregate in houses, although further work may alter
this view. Both species have been intercepted in
New Zealand, but only P. pseudorudis, which
reached New Zealand in the early to mid-1980s,
appears to have established and, over the next 20
years or so, subsequently dispersed throughout
both main islands.
In the Holarctic, a P. rudis species group is
recognized, and contains six species of Pollenia:
P. angustigena, P. rudis, P. pseudorudis, and three
exclusively in the Palearctic: P. hungarica (Central Europe and southern parts of Scandinavia),
P. longitheca (eastern Mediterranean) and P.
luteovillosa (Algeria and Morocco). There is a
seventh species of doubtful status.
The adult flies (Fig. 68) are slow-flying, easilycaught insects; they are active in spring and summer
in pasture and gardens, and then, as ground temperatures begin to drop in autumn (fall), the flies
move towards shelter, usually houses or other
Cluster Fly, Pollenia rudis (Fabricius) and
P. pseudorudis Rognes (Diptera: Calliphoridae),
Figure 68 A recently emerged cluster fly. Normally
the fly at rest has the wings folded back more than
is shown here, and they obscure the abdomen
(photo courtesy of Lynnette Schimming).
buildings that act like large flytraps. In the afternoon
they settle on the upper parts of walls and on roofs,
facing towards the setting sun. As the sun sets, the
flies crawl into any crevice and into roof spaces, and
may enter rooms, using drapes, pictures, etc., as hiding places. For a few days, the flies will go back outside, and then return at night, but this behavior
eventually ceases, except if there is a spell of mild
weather during winter. Mild weather will break the
fragile hibernation of the flies and they will become
sluggishly active. Outside of human habitations, the
overwintering locations of cluster flies are not well
known, although they have been recorded from the
tunnels made by beetles in timber and fungi and also
in animal burrows. The flies return to the outside in
spring, again causing a nuisance as they do so.
The cluster fly P. rudis is frequently seen in
very large numbers in spring moving over moist
grass. The female deposits a batch of eggs on the
soil surface and then moves some distance away
and deposits another batch, about 100–130 eggs
in all. Three days later the eggs hatch and the larvae descend into the soil by following natural pore
spaces, such as gaps between plant stems and soil
and worm burrows, although not if the latter are
blocked by casts. It seems the larvae locate a host
Cluster Fly, Pollenia rudis (Fabricius) and P. pseudorudis Rognes (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
by a random locomotion through the soil pores
rather than following any product of the host.
Some species of earthworms emerge from their
burrows at night and move freely about on the
surface, and after rain many worms can be seen
above ground. This surface movement could be a
mechanism that would improve the potential for
cluster fly larvae to encounter potential hosts.
Adult flies are on the wing from early spring
in the Northern Hemisphere (February, March) to
late autumn (October, November). They are sometimes attracted to horse and human feces, but are
more attracted to meat and fruit, with banana
reported to be especially good bait.
Larvae enter the earthworm through almost
any point in the body wall, but mostly on the dorsal side and sometimes through spermiducal and
other pores. Larvae must penetrate a worm within
3 days after hatching if they are to survive. Penetration is attempted under the influence of a substance present in both the slime and coelomic
fluid, which has been named “penetration-inducing factor.” They have been reported to re-emerge
after a short period to produce an opening through
which they protrude the posterior spiracles. It has
been reported that during the first two stadia the
larva acts as an internal parasite, and during the
last it feeds on the host from the outside. Larvae
may also leave the host and commence feeding on
healthier parts of the same worm or on a fresh
worm. Up to seven larvae may occur in a single
worm, although a single larva will feed on as many
as three earthworms, resulting in larger pupae
than usual. The larvae can eventually eat the entire
body of the worm and pupate in the soil nearby.
Development times vary with climatic conditions. In Canada, total development time is 25–30
days at 23°C, of which 11–14 days are spent in the
pupal stage. There are three or four generations
per year. In Europe, after wintering in a dormant
state in the body cavities of earthworms, the larvae
molt twice over about a 20 day period and then
pupariate outside the host. The pupal stage typically lasts from 32 to 45 days, although it can be as
short as 7 days at high temperatures (e.g., 27°C).
A number of species of worms are variously
reported as hosts. In Europe, cluster flies attack
Allolobophora chlorotica, A. (latterly Eisenia
formerly Helodrilus) rosea, and L. terrestris, whereas
in North America both of the Allolobophora spp. as
well as A. caliginosa are parasitized. But A. rosea
and A. chlorotica seem to be the most common
hosts in North America; both are surface-dwelling
species occurring mainly in the top 10 cm of the
soil. In general, attempts to experimentally infest
worms with P. rudis larvae have met with mixed
success and only A. rosea was infested in all
attempts. It is possible to rear P. rudis in the laboratory using A. rosea as a host. Parasitism in the field
in North America is said to occur only in A. chlorotica and A. rosea, although other species (A. caliginosa, L. terrestris, L. rubellus, Eiseniella tetraedra,
Eisenia foetida, Octalasium lacteum) in a crushed
form will support first instar larvae. Studies in
Hungary showed that P. rudis, P. pseudorudis and P.
hungarica could be bred out of A. rosea.
The sexes of overwintering flies are approximately equal in numbers and the abdomen of flies
at this time is full of fat globules, possibly the remnants of larval fat bodies. The following spring, the
flies possess a shrunken or desiccated appearance
because the fat has been used up during the winter.
It has been reported that there are important
differences in the life history of P. rudis in Europe
compared with North America, with the first instar
larva as the over-wintering stage in Europe, rather
than the adult as in North America. In addition,
there is only one generation a year reported from
Europe. However, apparently there are three species
in the “rudis” species complex in North America and
the life cycle of each may differ. Discrepancies
between North American and European reports
with regard to cluster fly biology (and coincidentally
larval morphology) may be because early work may
not apply to any rudis group member and it is possible that the authors worked with different species.
Enlargement of the distribution of P. rudis
into the Oceanic and Australasian regions has
occurred relatively recently, with Hawaii recording its first flies in 1955, with A. caliginosa serving
Cluster Fly, Pollenia rudis (Fabricius) and P. pseudorudis Rognes (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
as the host. Pollenia rudis was intercepted at the
New Zealand border in 1981. This species does not
appear to have broached the border, as no specimens have been subsequently found in the wild.
However, in 1984 a species soon to be recognized
as P. pseudorudis was found in a house in Auckland, New Zealand, and over the next 19 years
spread throughout the country, but up to 2007 no
worm hosts have yet been identified.
During the first 12 years after its discovery in
New Zealand, P. pseudorudis populations established themselves throughout the North Island,
being more numerous in some years and districts
that at other times. Simultaneously, in 1996 with
the end of this initial expansion period, the first
South Island populations were recorded. Further
expansion in the South Island took place over the
next 7 years to the southernmost districts. It
appears that P. pseudorudis is not found in either
Hawaii or Australia at present, although P. rudis
occurs in the former. The clustering habit of adult
flies would provide an opportunity for them to
collect in shipping containers and facilitate their
trans-hemispheric movement.
It might be thought that the large numbers of
cluster flies appearing each year would have a detrimental effect on local earthworm faunas. In
Europe and North America, four species of earthworms are used as hosts: A. chlorotica, A. caliginosa,
A. rosea and L. terrestris. However, there have been
no reports of notable reductions in earthworm
numbers or any horticultural consequences. Given
the enormous numbers of earthworms in pasture,
variously estimated from 70,000 to around 10 million per hectare, there would seem to be enough to
spare for cluster fly population maintenance.
Apart from this unresolved question of
whether earthworm numbers suffer as a consequence of cluster fly activity, the insects evoke
strong emotional responses in humans and present a major housekeeping nuisance. If swatted
they leave greasy spots. There can also be economic effects if businesses decide to close because
of fly activity, and such closures have been
recorded. In addition, there is a potential public
health nuisance, and a town water supply contained in a large wooden reservoir tank in New
Zealand had to be drained after cluster flies settled inside and an excess of fecal coliform bacteria
was found in the water. Invasion of a hospital in
Europe provoked concern and although no bacteriologically sterile flies could be found, an enrichment culture technique had to be used to provide
sufficient bacteria for identification. This suggests
that cluster flies may be a low health threat.
Keeping cluster flies out of houses can be difficult, although finding possible entry points and
blocking them with appropriate materials such as
wire mesh can work. The flies are capable of squeezing through very small crevices, however, and even
the most assiduous search may miss openings. The
principal control method favored by pest control
firms involves insecticide application on outside
walls of buildings, fogging of interiors, such as roof
spaces, and even treatment of vegetation and soil.
Overuse of insecticides both inside and outside is
not a particularly safe option for either humans or
other animals. Simply vacuuming flies up as they
enter houses is safe and effective, especially because
flies killed by insecticides would have to be cleared
up in some manner in any event.
Heath ACG, Marris JWM, Harris AC (2004) A cluster fly, Pollenia pseudorudis Rognes, 1985 (Diptera: Calliphoridae): its history and pest status in New Zealand. NZ J
Zool 31:313–318
Oldroyd H (1964) The Natural history of flies. Weidenfeld &
Nicolson, London
Rognes K (1987) The taxonomy of the Pollenia rudis speciesgroup in the Holarctic region (Diptera: Calliphoridae).
Syst Entomol 12:475–502
Thomson AJ (1973) The biology of Pollenia rudis, the cluster
fly (Diptera: Calliphoridae). I. Host location of first-instar larvae. Can Entomol 105:335–341
Thomson AJ, Davies DM (1973) The biology of Pollenia rudis,
the cluster fly (Diptera: Calliphoridae). II. Larval feeding behaviour and host specificity. Can Entomol
Yahnke W, George JA (1972) Rearing and immature stages of
the cluster fly (Pollenia rudis) (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
in Ontario. Can Entomol 104:567–576
Clypeofrontal Suture
Clypeofrontal Suture
The suture marking the division between the
clypeus and the epicranium. The clypeal suture.
A part of the head below the front (Fig. 69) to
which the labrum is attached.
Head of Hexapods
Coarctate Larva
This term usually is applied to the third phase of
hypermetamorphic development in Meloidae. At
this point in development, which corresponds
approximately to instar six, the larva typically is
strongly sclerotized, immobile, and the legs are
greatly reduced. Sometimes it is used to describe
a larva that is similar to the puparium of a fly, in
which the cuticle of the preceding instar is not
completely shed but remains attached to the posterior end of the body.
Coarctate Pupa
A pupa that is enclosed in the hardened shell
formed by the last larval cuticle. This is usually
called a puparium.
A family of insects in the superfamily Coccoidae
(order Hemiptera). They sometimes are called soft
scales, wax scales, and tortoise scales.
Scale Insects and Mealybugs
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as ladybird beetles.
A superfamily of insects in the order Hemiptera.
They sometimes are called scale insects, though
Clypeus, Figure 69 Front view of the head of an adult grasshopper, showing some major elements.
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
mealybugs also are found in this superfamily. This
superfamily contains such families as Margarodidae, Ortheziidae, Kerridae, Coccidae, Aclerididae,
Cryptococcidae, Kermesidae, Asterolecaniidae,
Lecanodiaspididae, Cercoccidae, Dactylopiidae,
Diaspididae, Conchaspididae, Phoenicococcidae,
Pseudococcidae, and Eriococcidae.
Scale Insects and Mealybugs
Cochineal Insects
Members of the family Dactylopiidae, superfamily
Coccoidae (order Hemiptera).
Scale Insects and Mealybugs
Lacquers and Dyes from Insects
Cockerell, Theodor Dru Alison
Theodor Cockerell was born in London on August
22, 1866, and became interested in natural history
at an early age with parental encouragement. This
interest extended to insects and slugs and snails and
was further encouraged after the death of his father
by a trip to Madeira. Upon finishing school, he was
employed by a flour company, but developed
tuberculosis. At the age of 20 he sailed to the United
States and journeyed to Colorado to find a climate
that would cure his illness. That climate was beneficial and his health recovered. In Colorado he worked
on a catalogue of the flora and fauna there, but
returned to London in 1890 to work in the British
Museum (Natural History). He was invited by
Alfred Russel Wallace to help in the preparation of
a new edition of the latter’s book “Island Life.” In
1891 he was appointed Curator of the Public
Museum (now Institute of Jamaica) in Kingston
and became interested in scale insects. Unfortunately, his tuberculosis had returned by 1893. Fortunately for him, he was able to trade jobs with
C.H.T. Townsend of the New Mexico College of
Agriculture, and he moved to Las Cruces to become
entomologist at the Experiment Station and
Professor of Entomology and Zoology. But there
his wife died giving birth to a second son, who died
at the age of eight, the first son having died in
infancy in Jamaica. Later, he took an American
wife, Willmatte. In New Mexico, he developed an
interest in wild bees, studied their taxonomy and
behavior, and eventually published description of
5,480 new names for species, subspecies and varieties, together with 146 new names for genera and
subgenera. In 1903 he returned to Colorado and
took a position as Curator of the Museum of Entomology at Colorado College. Here, he continued
his work on bees but also developed an interest in
paleoentomology and paleobotany and numerous
other natural history subjects, and even art, poetry
and politics. He traveled to Europe, Japan, Thailand,
India, Siberia, Australia, Morocco and other parts of
Africa, Canada, and Honduras. Upon retirement, he
divided his time between Colorado and southern
California. His published works amount to over
3,000 items, in which he described over 7,000 species of plants and animals, extant and fossil. He died
on January 26, 1948, in California.
*Mallis A (1971) Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell. In: American entomologists. Rutgers University Press, New
Brunswick, NJ, pp 357–362
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
The cockroaches (also called roaches) are members of an ancient order of insects. The order name
is derived from the Latin word blatta, or cockroach. They are closely related to the praying mantids (Mantodea), and often are grouped with them
(as suborders) to form the order Dictyoptera.
Though the mantids evolved from the cockroaches,
they are a specialized group of predatory insects
that warrant individual recognition. Termites
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
(Isoptera) can also be placed in the order Dictyoptera, and are considered by some to be social
cockroaches. The order name for cockroaches
sometimes is given as Blattaria.
About 4,000 species are found throughout the
world, though most are tropical. They usually are
grouped into six families.
Order: Blattodea
Superfamily: Blattoidea
Family: Blattidae
Superfamily: Blaberoidea
Family: Polyphagidae
Family: Cryptocercidae
Family: Nocticolidae
Family: Blattellidae
Family: Blaberidae
The cockroaches are small to large in size, measuring from about 2 mm to over 60 mm. The largest,
Megaloblatta blaberoides, measures 100 mm when
the tegmina are included in the measurement, and
has a wing span of 185 mm. They are flattened, oval,
and often dark or reddish brown, though some are
black or green. Species that live under bark or rocks
sometimes are extremely flattened, though this
degree of compression also is useful for defending
against attack by ants because the cockroaches cling
so tightly and closely that the ants cannot get beneath
them to their more vulnerable under-surface. The
head is concealed (when viewed from above) by the
pronotum. Compound eyes are usually present
and well-developed, though absent in some cavedwelling species and myrmecophiles. The filiform
antennae are long. They possess chewing mouthparts. Both males and females usually bear two pairs
of wings, though the front wings are thickened. Both
short-winged and wingless species are known. The
cursorial legs are not greatly modified, and only
moderately long, but some species run quite rapidly.
There are five tarsal segments. Cerci are present,
though varying in length, and consisting of one to
five segments. Some species burrow, and these are
among the heaviest of the cockroaches. Megoblatta
rhinoceros, for example weighs over 30 g. Burrowers
are often wingless, heavy-bodied, hard, and bear
spines. On the other end of the scale, some cockroaches inhabiting the nests of social insects (mostly
ants and termites) are only 2.7 mm long. Indeed, it is
surprising to most people that small species predominate, but they are easily overlooked.
The accessory glands of female cockroaches
produce oothecae, or egg cases, which contain few
to many eggs. The eggs are usually are arranged in
two rows, and in many cases the ootheca is
surrounded by a thick, protective covering. The
ootheca may be inserted into a protected location
or just dropped by the female in the general environment in which she lives, but others carry the
ootheca until the eggs are ready to hatch. Cockroaches in the family Blaberidae retain their eggs
internally and give birth to living young.
Sexual dimorphism is sometimes quite pronounced. The sexes are so different in some species that they were originally described as separate
species. These differences suggest that competition
to win a mate is quite keen. The abdomen of the
female, not surprisingly, is more elongate.
As with other hemimetabolous insects
(incomplete metamorphosis), the immatures
resemble the adults in general appearance, differing primarily by the absence of the tegmina and
wings in immatures (nymphs). Immatures also
have poorly developed genitalia, and lack characters useful for identification. Some are colored
quite differently from the adult stage.
Although we tend to think of cockroaches as
nocturnal, some are active during the day. Not surprisingly, their color is quite different. Day-active
cockroaches often sport bright colors: some are
brightly colored; others are aposematically colored
because they are chemically defended; still others
mimic other species (Batesian mimics). They
commonly mimic beetles, including such brightly
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
colored species as ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae), carrion beetles (Silphidae), and metallic
wood-boring beetles (Buprestidae). Cave-dwelling
species are typically depigmented, and have a thin
cuticle, elongated appendages and loss of vision.
The cockroaches are basically terrestrial
insects, though some semi-aquatic species are
known. Flight is not well known for most species,
but most seem to fly poorly, despite the presence
of large wings. The presence of wings is the primitive condition, and wings have been reduced or
lost in many taxa. Those living below-ground or in
burrows, galleries or crevices are most prone to
winglessness, as are those living in stable habitats.
The absence of wings in the adult form of some
species is associated with retention of juvenile
characters (paedomorphosis).
Habitats and Food
Cockroaches are found in nearly all habitats, from
the forest canopy to the soil, within burrows and
caves, within logs and detritus, and in nests of social
insects, rodents, reptiles and birds. They are most
numerous in the hot, humid tropics, between 30°N
and 30°S. They are also more common at sea level
(where temperatures are warmer) rather than at
high altitudes. In the tropics, there is considerable
vertical stratification on trees at night, with most
species returning to the ground litter during the
day. The species that inhabit the most elevated portions at night are also the best fliers; not surprisingly, the flightless species are lowest on the trees.
Favored habitats of cockroaches are dark,
humid, poorly ventilated, and cramped or crowded.
Thus, they are commonly found with loose substrate such as leaf litter and clods of soil. Some
force themselves into small voids such as spaces
under bark, within the bases of palm trees, or
under rocks. Only a few excavate burrows in wood
or compacted soil, but rotting logs are popular
habitats. Caves may or may not be populated. The
presence of vertebrate guano maintains large
numbers of cockroaches in caves. Despite the
aforementioned preferences, some cockroaches
have not only managed to exploit desert environments, but have become some of the most abundant mesofauna present. Many desert dwellers live
beneath the sand, at least for a portion of the day.
They also take advantage of natural burrows created by rodents and vertebrates. Only a few species
actually inhabit the water, though many favor the
water-vegetation interface.
Cockroaches are usually thought of as scavengers or omnivores. However, this mostly reflects
our knowledge of domiciliary pest species, plus
the tendency of cockroaches to behave abnormally
when constrained to the laboratory environment.
Most display some degree of preference, though
they are by no means highly selective (Table 14).
For example, in a natural environment such as a
tropical rain forest, there seem to be three dominant night-time feeding strategies: they forage on
the forest floor, feeding on decaying vegetation but
also ingesting nematodes, fungi, insects, and other
invertebrates; they emerge from crevices and tree
holes, ascend to a preferred height in the trees, and
feed on material that has fallen onto the leaves or
is growing on the leaves; they emerge from harborages and flit about the vegetation irrespective
of height, scraping algae and other microvegetation from the tree foliage, bark, or elsewhere.
Cockroaches search actively for food but also use
olfaction to locate suitable food. They usually consume the food as they find it, though some species
will transport food elsewhere. They can learn
where food is located and return after an absence.
Juvenile cockroaches require more nitrogen than
do older cockroaches so they initially favor meals
from animal or microbial sources. Females consume more than males. Generally cockroaches are
not thought of as plant pests, but there are important exceptions. In a closed environment such as a
greenhouse, any species can be damaging if they
become sufficiently abundant. Others, such as Pycnoscelus surinamensis and Blatella asahinai, commonly are associated with plant injury, even under
field conditions. Cockroaches are quite tolerant of
starvation, living from five to over 40 days without
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
Cockroaches (Blattodea), Table 14 Diet of four species of Parcoblatta based on nocturnal observations
(after Gorton REJ (1980) The University of Kansas Science Bulletin 52:21–30)
Food source
P. pennsylvanica
P. uhleriana
P. lata
Flower petals
Cercopid spittle
Live insects
Bird feces
Mammal feces
P. virginica
Mammal cartilage
water and food. Water is a more critical resource,
and they can survive longer without food than
without water, perhaps 60–90 days. Dead conspecifics and shed cuticles are a common food
resource; not surprisingly, biting and cannibalism
are reported.
The digestive system of cockroaches is well
equipped with a diversity of microbiota. The resident fauna and flora, plus the microbes ingested
along with food, comprise a rich microbial “brew”
that enhances fermentation. They also contribute
cellulases, though endogenous cellulases also
occur. It has been postulated that cellulose ingestion indirectly benefits cockroaches by fueling
their microbial gut inhabitants, with the microbes
and their products being the primary source of
nutrition. The significance of microbes in the gut
of cockroaches is seen in the regular coprophagous (feces-feeding) behavior of young cockroaches, which provides an important inoculum
for the young insects. The wood-feeding cockroaches in the family Cryptoceridae are the link to
termites. Not surprisingly, digestion is about the
same in cryptocerids and termites, the principal
difference between the two groups being the evolution of a higher level of sociality in termites.
Fecal pellets are attractive to cockroaches.
Fecal chemicals function as short-distance attractants and arrestants. Cockroaches may aggregate
in locations with these chemicals. The response is
not species specific: they prefer the chemicals produced by their own species, but will aggregate at
sites contaminated by other species, including distant relatives. Due to their lack of specificity, the
chemicals are not usually considered to be aggregation pheromones, but they clearly are a form of
behavior-eliciting chemicals. Other factors such as
acoustic, tactile, visual and olfactory stimuli also
influence aggregation, as do environmental stimuli such as light, humidity, temperature, and air
Parental Care
Most cockroaches display some form of parental
care, though the degree of care differs (Table 15).
Care of eggs is most widespread; carrying and
hiding oothecae, and defense of oothecae, are
examples of care. Brooding behavior is a shortterm association of the mother and neonates. In
some species, the young cluster around, under
and on the mother, though this behavior may
only persist for about a day. Though often not
lasting long, this behavior allows the cuticle of
neonates to harden. The transfer of gut microbiota also may occur at this time, probably via a
fecal meal.
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
Cockroaches (Blattodea), Table 15 Parental care in cockroaches where offspring are provided with bodily
secretions by adults (adapted from Nalepa, Bell (1997) Social behavior in insects and arachnids)
Food source
Perisphaerus sp.
Cling ventrally
Trichoblatta sericea
Cling ventrally
Sternal exudate
Pseudophoraspis nebulosa
Cling ventrally
Phlebonotus pallens
Under tegmina
Thorax porcellana
Under tegmina
Tergal exudate
Gromphadorina portentosa
Abdominal tip of female
Secretion from brood sac
Salganea taiwanensis
Mouthparts of adult
Stomodeal fluids
Cryptocercus punctulatus
Abdominal tip of adult
Hindgut fluids
Cryptocercus kyebangensis
Abdominal tip of adult
Hindgut fluids
Blatella vaga
Under tegmina
Tergal exudate
Sometimes the brooding behavior is
extended for a longer period of time, perhaps 2
weeks. Females may accommodate offspring
during this period by allowing young cockroaches to cling to her body, and some have
evolved external brood chambers under their
wing covers. An example of a higher level of
brood care is found in Thorax porcellana, which
maintains its young in a brood pouch for about
7 weeks. It seems that the young feed on a pinkish material secreted by the dorso-lateral regions
of the tergites. Parental feeding of young is not
unusual. Usually it is only the female that is
involved in parental care.
Ecological Importance
Cockroaches contribute to ecosystem functioning by breaking down organic matter and aiding
in release of nutrients. They are aided both by
their endogenous cellulases and their microbial
symbionts. Cockroaches can be considered to be
soil fauna, though they rarely are acknowledged
as such. The principal diet of cockroaches is
organic material, and in living and feeding in the
litter, soil and decaying trees, they contribute to
the make-up of the soil. Their role is not in the
direct mineralization of soil, because that is the
role of microorganisms. Rather, it is to put the
organic material in contact with the microbes.
This is done by fragmenting litter, exposing litter
to microbes, and by transporting microbes to new
resources. Cockroaches are less dependent on
water for functioning than are microbes, and
microbes in the gut are afforded the correct conditions for activity. Also, the fecal pellets produced
by cockroaches are an important substrate for
microbes, and speed the return of above-ground
productivity to the soil. Microfauna such as mites,
springtails, nematodes and protozoa utilize the
bacteria and fungi growing on the pellets as a
principal food resource. The importance of litter
decomposers for soil formation and enrichment
is widely acknowledged. What is not known, however, is the relative importance of cockroaches.
We can likely assume that it is quite significant in
tropical forests, but in temperate forests they also
are abundant, often comprising about half of the
soil macrofauna.
Domiciliary Cockroaches
Some “domiciliary” species invade dwellings,
and a few species are well-adapted to living in
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
buildings and on ships, where they can become
numerous enough to be considered pests. Lack of
hygiene is normally associated with cockroach
infestation in temperate areas, though in tropical
and subtropical regions cockroaches live out-ofdoors and invade dwellings irrespective of
hygiene. Cockroaches often produce an odor that
is unpleasant, and are implicated in a limited
amount of disease transmission. They are a major
source of allergens. Cockroaches are often the target of chemical suppression efforts, especially in
food establishments. Thus, it is not surprising that
insecticide resistance is widespread in some species. Cockroaches may be eaten by predatory vertebrates, and parasitized by nematodes and mites,
but the most important natural enemies are egg
parasitoids. About six families of wasps, but particularly Evaniidae and Eulophidae, parasitize
cockroach eggs, sometimes quite effectively.
Cockroaches as Pests
Traditionally, efforts to suppress cockroach populations in the urban environment have relied almost
exclusively on repeated applications of synthetic
pesticides. However, the chemical approach to
cockroach control has become increasingly less
popular. This is primarily due to the development
of multi-chemical resistance among German cockroach populations and increased public concern
about pesticide exposure in their living environment. These two issues have led to development of
less toxic approaches to cockroach management.
The Principal Cockroach Pest
The predominant pest cockroach species in the
world is the German cockroach, Blattella germanica
(Fig. 70). German cockroaches are small, with adults
<1.5 cm in length. They are gold in color and have
two dark longitudinal bands on their pronotum near
the head. Immature German cockroaches are smaller
than adults, wingless and dark brown in color. German cockroaches are primarily indoor pests. They
have strict moisture requirements so they are usually found in kitchen and bathroom areas. Adults
live about 6 months, and during this time the female
produces from 4 to 8 oothecae. The female carries
the egg case throughout embryonic development
(3–4 weeks) often releasing it from her body only
hours before the nymphs hatch. Each female produces about 28 nymphs in each egg case. German
cockroaches are the most prolific cockroach pest
species, most likely to be insecticide resistant, and
therefore the most difficult to control.
An increasingly important species is the
brown-banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa.
Although it is favored by warm climates, it can be
quite abundant in more temperate environments,
and has replaced German cockroach as the dominant pest species in some areas. It is more tolerant
of low humidity than German cockroach, so it is
found inhabiting areas without a ready source of
water, such as bedrooms and closets. The common
name is most descriptive of the nymphal stage,
though even the adult has two dark bands on the
wings. It lacks the two parallel dark stripes found
on the prothorax of German cockroaches. The
female carries an egg capsule with up to 18 eggs
initially, but after a day or two she attaches it to an
object. The incubation period of eggs is about 70
days, and time to complete development is about
160 days.
Some other pest species include the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, Australian
cockroach, P. australasiae; brown cockroach,
P. brunnea; smoky-brown cockroach, P. fuliginosa; Oriental cockroach, Blatta orientalis; and
the Florida woods cockroach, Eurycotis floridana.
These other species of cockroaches (Fig. 70) are
much larger and heavier than German and
brown-banded cockroaches. Adults range in size
from 3 to 4 cm in length and are reddish brown
to black in color. Some of these large cockroaches
can live up to 2 years in the adult stage. Adult
females can produce an egg case about every 1–2
weeks. A typical female will produce about 20–80
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
Cockroaches (Blattodea), Figure 70 Some common cockroaches: top left, German cockroach, Blatella
germanica; top right, brown-banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa; second row left, American cockroach,
Periplaneta americana; second row right, Australian cockroach, Periplaneta australasiae; third row left,
smoky-brown cockroach, Periplaneta fulginosa; third row right, Florida woods cockroach, Eurycotis
floridana; bottom left, Oriental cockroach, Blatta orientalis; bottom right, Cuban cockroach, Panchlora
nivea (photos by J. L. Castner, University of Florida).
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
oothecae during her lifetime, each containing
15–20 nymphs. Peridomestic females release the
egg case from their body soon after it has developed. They then glue the egg case to a surface,
usually in a hidden, moist area. In contrast, German cockroach females continue to carry the egg
case throughout embryonic development.
Some cockroaches live both indoors and outof-doors, especially in warm climates, and are
called “peridomestic” cockroaches. Peridomestic
cockroaches normally breed outdoors in sewers,
palm trees, tree holes, piles of firewood, water
meters, well pumps, mulch, and flower beds. These
cockroaches usually enter homes only occasionally, when foraging for food, water or warmth. In
some situations, however, they will establish breeding populations in attics, crawl spaces, wall voids
and other indoor areas.
and toilets to keep the drain trap filled and off limits to cockroaches.
Covering vent pipes on the roof with fiberglass window screen will prevent cockroaches from migrating up from sewer connections and gaining ready
access to the roof, and hence to attics and windows.
Groceries, produce and other packaged food products may have been stored in infested locations
before they were purchased. Make an effort to visibly scan all grocery items for evidence of cockroachs before putting them away.
Children can transport cockroaches from school
to home in book bags and lunch pails. Inspect
these items on a regular basis.
Sanitation is critically important. For example, German cockroaches can remain alive for
approximately 2 weeks with no food or water and
for 42 days if only water is available. Therefore, it is
important to realize that cockroaches can survive
on minute amounts of food such as crumbs, grease
or food residue.
Exclusion and Sanitation
Long-term prevention of cockroach infestation is
the best means of ensuring a cockroach free
environment. This is most easily accomplished by
exclusion (preventing cockroach entry) and
sanitation (elimination of cockroach resources).
Not only will these measures prevent a future
infestation, they will also help to reduce an existing cockroach problem. Methods of preventing
cockroach entry include:
Cockroaches migrate easily through multi-unit
dwellings via plumbing and electrical connections.
Sealing gaps around plumbing, wall outlets and
switch plates will prevent cockroaches from
migrating from infested units to others.
Keep doors and windows closed and screened.
Also, caulk cracks and gaps that may allow peridomestic cockroaches to invade from outdoors.
Peridomestic cockroaches frequently enter homes
by coming up through dry drain traps. Periodically run the water in spare bathrooms, utility tubs
Indoor trash containers should be emptied frequently, and kept clean both inside and out. Plastic
bags lining trash containers can be kept closed
with twist ties. This will prevent cockroaches from
being attracted to the garbage area.
Filled indoor garbage containers should be removed
from the dwelling immediately and placed in outdoor containers with tight fitting lids or dumpsters.
Keeping the area around dumpsters or other outdoor garbage storage areas clean and free of debris
will also prevent peridomestic cockroach infestations in the area.
Frequent emptying of sink strainers and running
of the garbage disposal and will prevent food
build up in the sink drain.
Washing dishes immediately after a meal will prevent cockroaches from consuming food residue
on dishes. Unwashed dishes are a major source of
food for German cockroaches.
Kitchen appliances (toasters, toaster ovens,
microwaves, ovens, stoves, and refrigerators)
should be kept clean and free of food particles
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
and grease. Additionally, the areas underneath
and behind these appliances should be kept
grease and crumb free.
If pets are present, dry food should be kept in
resealable containers. Do not leave food and water
out all the time. Feed your pet at particular times
and clean up after every meal.
All foods products should be resealed after opening, stored in plastic snap-lid containers, or kept in
the refrigerator.
Regular sweeping/vacuuming of floors and furniture helps to eliminate cockroach food sources.
Regular cleaning of food storage areas and shelves
not only eliminates spilled or scattered food, but
disrupts cockroach populations that may be using
the area as a harborage.
The single most important factor in determining cockroach survival is availability of water. German cockroaches live <2 weeks without a supply of
free water, even if food is abundant. During periods
of drought, the incidence of peridomestic cockroaches indoors will often increase as these large
cockroaches invade structures in search of moisture.
Therefore, it is important to eliminate all sources of
moisture that contribute to cockroach survival.
Important steps in water management include:
Tightening loose pipes, patch plumbing leaks and
replace used washers in the kitchen sink and bathroom areas. Outdoor water spigots and sprinklers
should also be checked for drips and leaks.
Water left in the sink or bathtub after dish washing
or bathing also provides moisture for cockroaches.
These sources are eliminated by drying out sinks
and bathtubs after use.
A common source of moisture is condensation
under the refrigerator. This area should be frequently wiped dry or, if possible, a pan should be
placed under the appliance to collect water. The
collection pan should be emptied frequently. Condensation on pipes (under the sink or in wall voids)
is also a problem. Insulate these pipes, if possible.
Pet drinking dishes and aquariums are also sources
of moisture. Empty pet water dishes at night when
cockroaches are foraging but the pet is indoors or
asleep. Aquariums should have tight fitting lids or
screens to prevent cockroach entry.
Be careful not to over-water indoor plants, because
excess water is available to cockroaches.
Glasses, cups and soda cans containing water or liquid residue are common sources of moisture for
cockroaches. Be sure not to leave these containers in
bedrooms, sinks, on counter tops or other areas. Rinse
and invert cups and glasses to dry immediately after
use, and dispose of soda cans in trash containers.
Steps should be taken to eliminate places where
water collects outdoors (tires, cans, tree holes, etc.).
This will not only eliminate cockroach moisture
sources but also mosquito breeding habitat.
The third critical element for cockroach survival is harborage. By nature, cockroaches avoid
open, well-lighted areas with frequent air movement. They prefer dark, warm cracks and crevices.
Excess clutter provides numerous locations suitable
for cockroach habitation. The elimination of these
harborages (clutter) is important in controlling
infestations. Practices that reduce harborage
Adult cockroaches can fit into cracks only 1.6 mm
wide (about 1/16 of an inch). Any small gap or
hole that leads to a void is a prime cockroach harboring area. Cracks and crevices of this kind
should be sealed with a tube of caulking.
Removing clutter (boxes, bags, clothing, toys, food,
books, papers, etc.) eliminates cockroach harborages and breeding areas. It is essential to keep all
areas of the home, especially the kitchen and bathroom, uncluttered and free of useless debris.
Outside, remove debris and trash from around the
Stack firewood far away from the house, as this is a
prime harborage area for peridomestic cockroaches.
Filling in tree holes with cement also eliminates
peridomestic cockroach harborage.
Keep shrubbery and ornamentals well trimmed.
In particular, keep palm trees free of loose and
dead palm branches and remove all palm debris.
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
Usually it is desirable to eliminate the need for
toxicants, but this is not always possible. Reduced
chemical control methods currently are available
for indoor and outdoor cockroach control. The
traditional approach of cockroach control based
on application of liquid insecticides to floor, wall,
and fixture surfaces has been supplanted by more
selective application techniques. The most recent
technological advances in reduced toxic and nontoxic cockroach control have been in bait formulations, and in insect growth regulators. Other
currently used non-toxic measures include desiccating dusts, traps and biological controls. Each of
these treatment methods can contribute to an
effective cockroach management program. On the
other hand, although ultrasonic devices are frequently advertised as a non-toxic method of cockroach control, extensive research has shown that
these devices neither kill nor repel cockroaches.
areas where bait station placement is difficult. The
homeowner will often want the large bait stations
placed inside the structure in order to kill peridomestic cockroaches that are caught foraging inside.
This, however, does nothing about the population of
cockroaches that continues to breed outdoors.
Outdoor baiting products are used primarily
for the control of peridomestic cockroaches. Spreadable granular baits or bait stations are the most
common formulations used for peridomestic cockroach control. Spreadable baits are usually applied
as a perimeter band around a structure, and can
effectively suppress populations and reduce invasion rates of households. However, it is difficult to
determine the residual longevity of these products,
particularly in areas where precipitation is frequent.
Even “weatherized” baits have difficulty retaining
their residual properties where there is heavy rainfall or irrigation. This is particularly true in the
southeastern United States where precipitation can
ruin bait effectiveness in a single day.
Cockroach Baits
Insect Growth Regulators
Cockroach baits consist of a toxicant mixed with a
food source. Some baits also contain attractants or
feeding stimulants designed to make the bait more
attractive to cockroaches than other food sources
that may be available in the immediate area. Current indoor bait formulations are applied as dusts,
pastes, gels or bait stations. The bait station is one
of the more popular application methods for cockroach baits. This is because the stations are easy to
put out, safe around children and pets and have
residual activity. Gel and dust bait formulations
are formulated for injection into cracks and crevices, which reduces the potential contact of people
with toxicants, and places the toxicants in areas
frequented by cockroaches.
Bait stations for peridomestic cockroaches are
simply larger versions of those used for German
cockroach baiting. The problem with this baiting system is that peridomestic species live and breed outdoors in palm trees, woodpiles, tree holes and other
Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are a group of
compounds that disrupt the normal growth and
development of insects. The IGRs are considered to
be reduced-risk tools. They generally have very low
toxicity to mammals because they act by disrupting the hormonal processes that are specific to
insects. IGRs that mimic the juvenile hormones of
insects are called juvenile hormone analogues
(JHAs). JHAs are chemical compounds with structural chemistry that is very similar to the hormones
that the immature cockroach produces naturally.
JHAs interfere with the proper development of last
instar cockroach nymphs. Instead of the nymphs
molting into reproductive adults they molt into
“adultoids,” which often have twisted wings and are
sterile. Because the adultoids are unable to reproduce, over the course of time the cockroach population will decline. JHAs are an effective method of
long term German cockroach control. However,
because JHAs eliminate reproduction but do not
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
kill existing cockroaches, they are very slow acting
(from 4 to 9 months to achieve control). JHAs are
often combined with residual insecticides. In this
manner most of the population can be eliminated
quickly by the insecticide, and cockroaches that
survive the insecticide treatment are then sterilized
by the JHA. Insect growth regulators are available
in spray formulations or point source dispensers,
where the IGR is released on a filter paper contained in a permeable plastic station then transmigrates throughout the infested area.
Chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs) are another
type of insect growth regulator that is being developed for use in management programs targeting a
variety of insect pests. Exposure to CSIs results in
the abnormal molting of nymphs, causing them to
die during the molting process. CSIs also cause
adult cockroaches to form abnormal egg cases and
interferes with the hatching process.
Inorganic Dusts
Inorganic dusts such as silica gel and boric acid
have been used frequently for indoor cockroach
control. The dusts are applied with a squeeze-bulb
duster into cracks and crevices under sinks, stoves,
behind refrigerators, along baseboards, in electrical outlets, cabinets and wall voids. Silica gel is
simply a finely ground sand-like product that
adheres to, and absorbs, the protective waxes on
the cockroach cuticle, resulting in cockroach death
from dehydration. Boric acid is a stomach poison
that is picked up by cockroaches walking across
dusted areas. The boric acid adheres to the cockroach cuticle so when the cockroach grooms itself
it ingests the boric acid and soon dies.
One of the non-chemical tactics available for
reducing a cockroach infestation involves the use
of traps. Sticky traps can be purchased and placed
indoors, near the garbage, under the sink, in the
cabinets, under and behind the refrigerator, and in
the bathroom. Outdoors, sticky traps are not recommended because they tend to capture many
non-target animals (snakes, lizards etc.), and are
not resistant to weathering.
A second trapping method is the use of baited
jars. Any empty jar (pickle, mayonnaise, peanut
butter, etc.) with a rounded inside lip will suffice.
Coat the inner lip of the jar with a thin film of
Vaseline (to keep trapped cockroaches from escaping). The jar should then be baited with a quarter
slice of bread soaked in beer (a cockroach favorite).
If beer and bread are unavailable try other foods
like cookies, dog food, apples, etc. The outside of
the jar should be wrapped in paper towel so cockroaches have a surface to grasp as they climb up the
sides of the jar. To kill trapped cockroaches simply
pour dishwashing detergent into the jar and add
hot water. The cockroaches can then be dumped
outside or in the garbage. Wash out the jar and
repeat the process every 2–3 days. Indoor jar traps
should be placed in the same locations as those
listed for sticky traps. When trapping outdoors, jars
should be placed in trees, tree holes, mulched areas,
firewood, near trash cans, compost piles, air conditioning units and storage sheds. Covering the jars
with a dome-shaped piece of aluminum foil taped
to the sides will prevent rain from filling the traps.
Jar traps are very suitable for outdoor use because
they present little threat to non-target organisms,
and are not easily damaged by weather.
Biological Control
Natural controls do play an important role in
managing cockroach populations. Natural cockroach enemies include wasps, nematodes, spiders,
toads and frogs, centipedes, birds, lizards, geckos,
beetles, mantids, ants and small mammals (mice).
It is very important that these populations of natural enemies be maintained to help keep cockroach
populations in check. Often, the importance of
natural enemies in keeping the cockroach problem in check is overlooked.
Cockroaches and Disease
Oothecal Parasitoids
Parasitic wasps are an important natural enemy
of cockroaches. The wasps are parasitoids of the
cockroach egg case (ootheca) and can have a significant negative impact on outdoor cockroach
populations. Most species of parasitoid wasps are
associated with peridomestic cockroaches. The
majority of these wasps are minute (1–5 mm)
and do not sting humans. Peridomestic cockroaches like the American and smoky-brown live
in outdoor harborages such as palm trees, tree
holes, and woodpiles. The parasitoids live with
the cockroaches in the harborage parasitizing
their egg cases. When the adult male and female
wasps emerge they mate immediately. The female
then begins to sting other oothecae, laying her
eggs inside them. The wasp offspring eat the
cockroach embryos inside the ootheca before
hatching. This natural system results in 60–70%
of all cockroach egg cases being parasitized without any human interference.
Oothecal wasp parasitoids have been tested
for potential indoor use. Domestic populations of
brown-banded cockroaches were successfully
controlled in a California animal rearing facility
by these wasps. However, it is doubtful that parasitoid wasps will ever be reared for commercial use.
Very few individuals would welcome a population
of 200,000 wasps in their home even if they promised to eliminate a severe cockroach infestation.
Wasp parasitoids are extremely susceptible to
pyrethroid insecticides. When attempting to eliminate an outdoor cockroach infestation, it is important to realize the insecticide applications in
peridomestic cockroach harborages may not kill
all of the cockroaches but it certainly will eliminate the parasitoids. This can result in future cockroach problems because surviving cockroaches
can reproduce unchecked once the parasitoids are
eliminated. The application of bait around an
infested area is the best way to treat a population
of peridomestic cockroaches and preserve the
wasp parasitoids.
Boric Acid
Diatomaceous Earth
Baits for Insect Control
Insecticide Resistance
Urban Entomology
Arnett RH Jr (2000) American insects, 2nd edn. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL, 1003 pp
Bell WJ, Roth LM, Nalepa CA (2007) Cockroaches: ecology,
behavior, and natural history. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 230 pp
Cornwell PB (1968) The cockroach, vol 1. Hutchinson &
Company, London, UK, 391 pp
Fisk FW (1987) Order Blattodea. In: Stehr FW (ed) Immature
insects, vol 1. Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IA,
pp 120–131
Miller DM, Koehler PG (1999) Least toxic methods of cockroach control. Florida Cooperative Extension Service
Publication ENY-258
Roth LM, Willis ER (1960) The biotic associations of cockroaches. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol
141, pp 1–470
Cockroaches and Disease
Gary w. Bennett
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
The importance of domestic cockroaches (those
invading our buildings) as public health pests,
especially as vectors of disease, is somewhat uncertain. Although many pathogenic organisms have
been isolated from cockroaches, there is only circumstantial evidence to link diseases in human
beings to the causal agents of those disorders
known to be present on and in cockroaches closely
associated with humans (Table 16).
Cockroaches rank with termites as the most
important insects found in association with
humans. Cockroaches can be found in most any
place humans inhabit, especially where food is
stored, processed, prepared, or served. They seek
not only our food, but also putrefied and decaying
matter, virulent discharges, and feces. Cockroaches
Cockroaches and Disease
Cockroaches and Disease, Table 16 Pathogens associated with cockroachesa
Pathogen type
Potentially associated
Cockroach species
Alcaligenes faecalis
wound infection,
American, Oriental
Bacillus spp.
food poisoning,
American, Oriental
Campylobacter jejuni
American, Oriental
Clostridium spp.
gas gangrene, food
Escherichia coli
diarrhea, wound infection
American, Oriental, German
Klebsiella pneumoniae
pneumonia, urinary
Unspecified cockroaches
Mycobacterium leprae
German, American,
Nocardia spp.
Proteus spp.
wound infection
American, Oriental
Pseudomonas aeruginosa respiratory infections,
American, Oriental, German
Salmonella spp.
food poisoning,
Salmonella typhi
Serratia marcescens
food poisoning
American, Oriental, German
Shigella dysenteriae
Staphylococcus aureus
wound, skin and internal
Streptococcus faecalis
American, Oriental, German
Yersinia pestis
Aspergillus spp.
respiratory infections
American, Oriental
Ancylostoma duodenale
Ascaris lumbricoides
giant human roundworm
Ascaris spp.
Enterobius vermicularis
Oriental, German
Hymenolopsis spp.
Necator americanus
Trichuris trichuria
American, Oriental, German
Aspergillus niger
Cockroaches and Disease
Cockroaches and Disease, Table 16 Pathogens associated with cockroachesa (Continued)
Pathogen type
Potentially associated
Cockroach species
Entamoeba hystolytica
Oriental, Australian, German,
Giardia spp.
Unspecified cockroaches
paralytic polio
German, American,
Extracted from Roth LM, Willis ER (1960) The biotic associations of cockroaches. Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC,
439 pp
readily move from garbage disposal areas, to sewers, to toilets, to food ready for consumption. This
movement creates the opportunity for the contamination of food and food preparation surfaces
with disease-causing organisms.
Important Species
Cockroaches are tropical or subtropical in origin.
Species that have adapted to living indoors originated in tropical Africa. Cockroaches probably
became domesticated in prehistoric times when
humans were cave dwellers. As humans evolved
to more sophisticated structures, the cockroach
also moved, readily adapting to new surroundings. Homes, restaurants, hospitals – any place
that has warmth, food and water available – form
ideal environments for the proliferation of these
Only a small number of species have moved
from the fields and forests to take up residence in
our structures. And of these domestic species, the
German, Oriental, and American cockroaches are
the most important species because of their wide
distribution and common occurrence in buildings. The German cockroach is most often found
in close association with kitchens and other food
areas. American and Oriental cockroaches may
also be found in food areas, but more often are
found in basements, sewers, crawl spaces, and outdoor areas. Each of these species is routinely found
in areas of filth and decaying organic matter. Thus,
filth organisms are found both on their bodies and
within their digestive tracts.
Public Health Importance of
Numerous published papers recount the incidence
of cockroaches, their association with disease and
filth organisms, their production of odorous secretions that can contaminate and affect the flavor of
foods, the socially unacceptable nature of cockroaches in homes, and in some cases, the fear and
anxiety some individuals have of cockroaches.
These problems are justification for the large sums
of money spent each year to control these pests.
Domestic Nuisance
Cockroaches are among the most common insects
found associated with humans. They breed in our
buildings and share our food, water, warmth and
shelter. They consume the same food that we eat, as
well as dead plant or animal materials, leather, glue,
hair, wallpaper, fabrics, book bindings, and feces.
They contaminate food by crawling around and
defecating on it, or by leaving cast skins, empty egg
cases, or dead bodies in foodstuff. They regurgitate
saliva and intestinal fluids from their mouths while
feeding and deposit fecal droppings as they crawl
around on food. The nasty habits of this pest cause
fear and social embarrassment for homeowners.
Cockroaches and Disease
Cockroach Bites
Cockroaches have been reported to bite humans,
although such instances are rare and not serious.
They have been noted to gnaw on the skin and
nails of sailors aboard heavily infested ships. Cockroaches are most likely to nibble on the eyelashes,
fingernails, and toenails of sleeping children and
the infirm, and in cases of heavy infestations they
can cause small wounds on softer skin.
Accidental Invasion of the Body
Numerous accounts of cockroaches entering the
ear, nose, or other body orifices have been recorded.
These invasions usually occur at night when the
human “host” is sleeping and when cockroaches
are most active. There have also been instances of
intestinal invasion by cockroaches, usually in
young children in severely infested living conditions. As cockroaches forage for food in heavily
infested areas, it certainly is possible for them to
enter orifices of the body, especially when the person is sleeping and quite still.
Disease Carriers
Published papers recount the incidence of cockroaches and their association with disease organisms.
They document the evidence that cockroaches carry
pathogens in and on their bodies and in their excreta,
but are unable to establish any cause and effect relationship with disease in humans. So to date, cockroaches can only be viewed with suspicion.
Incriminating evidence is difficult to find linking cockroaches as vectors of disease outbreaks.
There are many anecdotal stories, such as the one
about an epidemic of food poisoning caused by Salmonella among children in the nursery of a hospital
in Brussels. The infection persisted for 2 months,
despite isolation of the patients. Cockroaches were
considered as carriers only after a night nurse drew
attention to an infestation of Blattella germanica, the
German cockroach. The insects were observed running over the bed clothing and over the children at
night. Among the cockroaches caught, one was found
to be carrying numerous bacteria identified as Salmonella. When the cockroach infestation was eliminated, the food poisoning epidemic stopped
immediately. Thus, the circumstances were very suspicious, but there was no conclusive evidence that the
cockroaches were involved in the disease outbreak.
It is important to note that over 30 species
of bacteria, most of them potentially pathogenic,
have been found on cockroaches collected from
public buildings, along with numerous viruses,
protozoans, mold fungi, intestinal helminths
(pinworms, tapeworms, etc.), and secretions
which “may have” mutagenic and carcinogenic
effects. So there certainly is not a lack of pathogens found on and in cockroaches.
Some people are allergic to cockroaches. Cockroach
secretions, body parts, and excrement contain a
number of allergens to which many people exhibit
allergic responses, such as skin rashes, watery eyes,
and sneezing. For some very allergic individuals,
and particularly for those who also have a lung disease such as asthma, allergic reactions to cockroach
allergens can be very serious and even life threatening. “Cockroach asthma” is caused by the inhalation
of any one of a number of protein fractions found
in cockroaches that can cause allergies.
High- and low-molecular-weight proteins that
have been isolated from cockroach extracts have
been used to illicit bronchospastic allergy responses
in humans, with allergies to cockroaches being the
second most common allergy in asthmatics (with
even more important sensitivity occurring in asthmatic children in severely infested homes). Dermatitis and conjunctival edema also occur in asthmatic
and skin-sensitive populations.
Exposure to cockroaches increases the incidence of reaction to cockroach allergens. Sensitivity
is quite high among asthmatic children in severely
infested homes. Any conditions favorable to an
increase in cockroach populations, as well as the lack
of fresh airflow to remove airborne allergens, will
lead to greater allergy problems. Thus, it is important
to create living environments free of cockroaches, as
well as those that have a good supply of fresh air.
Cocos nucifera L., feeding in extremely dense
aggregations that cause scarring and distortion of
the fruits. This mite is the only eriophyid mite that
is a serious pest of coconut palm, and it is considered one of the worst arthropod pests of this palm,
whether grown as a crop tree or as an ornamental.
It is distributed in many tropical countries.
Focus on Sanitation
Cockroach infestations do have the potential for serious health consequences. Acceptable hygiene standards (including cockroach elimination) must be
implemented to avoid the social unacceptability of
cockroaches, the potential contamination of foodstuffs, and the health problems that they can cause.
Alcamo IE, Frishman AM (1980) The microbial flora of fieldcollected cockroaches and other arthropods. J Environ
Health 42:263–266
*Cornwell PB (1968) Diseases. In: The cockroach, vol 1.
Hutchinson, London, UK
Ebeling W (1975) Pests on or near food. In: Urban entomology. University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Kang B, Chang JC (1985) Allergenic impact of inhaled arthropod material. Clin Rev Allergy 3:363–375
Roth LM, Willis ER (1957) The medical and veterinary importance of cockroaches. Smithsonian miscellaneous collection, vol 134, pp 1–147
A sheath, usually of silk, formed by an insect larva
as a chamber for pupation.
Coconut Mite, Aceria guerreronis
(Acari: Eriophyidae)
forrest w. howard
University of Florida, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
The coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari:
Eriophyidae), attacks fruits of the coconut palm,
The coconut mite was described in 1965 from
specimens collected in Guerrero, Mexico. The
same year it was found near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Within the next several years it was found in
many countries of Tropical America and also in
West Africa. The native home of the species,
which is especially of interest in searching for
biological control agents, has been enigmatic.
However, it was recently reported that DNA
sequence data from disparate populations of
coconut mite in the tropics of the Eastern and
Western Hemispheres revealed that populations
from the Americas were the most diverse, while
those from Africa and Southern Asia were virtually uniform. This suggests that the mite evolved
and diversified in the Americas, and spread in the
tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere from a single
introduction (presumably in West Africa). The
coconut mite has not been found in the South
Pacific Region, the original home of the coconut.
Although the coconut mite is apparently
native to the Americas, coconut palms are native
to the South Pacific. Earlier introductions were
brought first to the Caribbean Region and then
elsewhere in the American Tropics from West
Africa by Europeans in the 1500s. During this
same period, a small population of coconut palms
was found on the Pacific coast of Panama, but
these are thought to have been introduced naturally or by seafarers from the South Pacific shortly
before the arrival of the Spanish. As a worldwide
agricultural industry developed around the
coconut in the 1800s, additional coconut varieties
were introduced to many localities.
Coconut Mite, Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae)
It is not known how long this mite has been
associated with coconut, but based on anecdotal
evidence provided by farmers and other observers
in various localities of the Americas, local people
had been familiar with the damage typical of this
mite long before it was discovered and described
taxonomically. The greatest diversity of cocosoid
palms, i.e., genera related to the monotypic Cocos,
is found in South America. It has thus been suggested that the original host of the coconut mite
may have been a Cocos relative native to the
The most dramatic extension of the range of
coconut mite in recent years occurred in the late
1990s, when it was found for the first time on
coconuts in Tanzania (East Africa), India, and Sri
The adult female of coconut mite, which is the
largest stage, is 205–255 μm long and 36–52 μm
wide. The mites are white and translucent. Like
eriophyid mites in general, they are elongate and
possess two pairs of legs, instead of four pairs as
is typical of mites in general. Massive colonies of
the mites, but not individual mites, can be
detected with difficulty with a 10X hand lens. At
this magnification, the colonies appear as vague
silvery patches.
In nearly all localities where coconut mite is present, its only reported host is coconut palm. Rare
exceptions include a record of this mite on fruit
of Lytocaryum weddellianum (H.A. Wendland),
and on queen palm, Syagrus romanzoffiana
Chamisso (Glassman), both of which are cocosoid palms native to Brazil. Coconut palm varieties differ in their susceptibility to coconut
mite. Almost all varieties have some level of
Biology and Ecology
The mites infest the abaxial (lower) surfaces of the
tepals and that part of the fruit surface that is covered by the perianth. They are able to penetrate
between the perianth and fruit surface a month
after the fruit begins development. Prior to this,
the tepals are too tightly appressed to allow entry
of the mites.
The coconut mite has inefficient host-finding
capabilities that are compensated for by a high
reproductive rate and rapid development. Presumably, a population on a fruit is initiated by one or
more fertilized females usually from either infested
fruits on the same palm, perhaps even the same
raceme, or from a nearby infested palm. The mites
feed by piercing the superficial plant tissue to elicit
juices which they then imbibe. A coconut mite
develops from egg to adult in 10 days; thus, populations can build up rapidly. Often, thousands of
mites in each of several aggregations occupy the
same fruit. Massive populations of coconut mites
may be present among the tepals and on the fruit
surface beneath the perianth until about the sixth
month of the coconut’s development, after which
populations decline. They are no longer present on
mature (12-month old) fruits.
Coconut mites are probably capable of dispersing from one palm to the other on air currents
or by phoresy (e.g., riding on insects or birds that
visit palm flowers). Where coconut palm plantings
are dense, the mites may disperse to new hosts by
being blown a short distance, and in some cases
probably crawl from one palm to another on foliage that is in contact, ultimately arriving on a fruit.
Thus, their potential to spread to new host palms is
greater where the palms are in close proximity. In
densely planted coconut plantations, up to 100% of
the palms are often infested, while the percentage
infested is typically lower in more widely spaced
plantings of coconut palm. However, isolated coconut palms may sometimes be highly infested.
Some researchers indicate that the coconut
mite is most damaging to palms under dry conditions, i.e., growing in relatively dry regions or
Coconut Mite, Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae)
during the dry season in tropical areas with pronounced wet and dry seasons. Potential explanations for this relationship include that under dry
conditions the perianth may open slightly so as to
allow mites to enter more easily, that the coconut
may develop more slowly and thus remain longer
in a susceptible stage, or that fungi that help regulate the mites may be suppressed. However, other
researchers have reported that coconut mite attack
increases in wet periods, or that there is no clear
association between seasonal rainfall patterns and
coconut mite populations.
Damage and Economic Importance
The feeding site of the coconut mite is on the
surface of the meristematic zone of the coconut
fruit. This is a circular whitish zone covered by
the perianth. The fruit expands from this zone,
so that the young fruits of about 2.5–3.0 cm in
length and diameter develop to the mature coconut of up to 25 cm long during the period of
about 1 year.
An early-stage infestation of a young coconut by coconut mites (Fig. 71) is often detectable
as a small pale area, often triangular but sometimes broader, extending on the fruit surface from
beneath the perianth. With exposure to the air,
the pale area turns brown within a few days. The
location of damaged sites on individual coconuts
is partly determined by the arrangement of
tepals of the perianth. Damage tends to be greater
under tepals that overlap adjacent tepals at both
ends, because mites find more space there than
under tepals whose ends are overlapped. As an
infested coconut develops, the tissue extending
from beneath the perianth continues to incur
damage, thus the damaged area eventually covers
a large portion of the surface. In older damage,
the affected surface is suberized (cork-like), with
deep longitudinal fissures which may be intersected by horizontal cracks. If intense mite
feeding is concentrated on one side of the
fruit meristem, the fruit may develop unevenly,
Coconut Mite, Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae),
Figure 71 (above) A coconut mite, Aceria
guerreronis; (center) young coconut fruit with early
damage (pale triangular area) due to feeding of the
coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis; (below) coconuts
with suberized surfaces due to feeding of the
coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis.
Coconut Mite, Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae)
forming a distorted coconut. Highly severe damage stunts the fruits. Some observers report that
damage to young fruits causes excessive numbers of them to drop, but other researchers suggest that some fruit shedding is normal and in
many cases the additional fruit shedding that
may be caused by coconut mites may not significantly affect yield of copra and other coconut
Copra, a main product of the coconut industry, is the white kernel, or coconut “meat” after it is
dried. In one study, coconut mite damage was
found to cause a loss of up to 30% of the copra.
Other researchers have reported a less serious
impact on copra production.
In many tropical countries, millions of coconuts are sold fresh in roadside stands and farmers’
markets for coconut water, i.e., the clear liquid in
the coconut that serves as a beverage and is
sometimes erroneously called “coconut milk.” (In
the coconut industry, the latter term applies to the
paste made by grinding the kernel.) Data is not
available on the possible impact of the coconut
mite on the production of coconut water, but the
unappealing appearance of mite-damaged coconuts has been shown to adversely affect sales of
this product.
Coconut palms are an essential feature in
the landscape of tropical resort areas, and are
treasured by many residents of the tropics.
Damage by coconut mite does not affect the
vigor of the palm and the scarred coconuts are
not highly noticeable from a distance, but the
aesthetic damage is important to homeowners
or managers of areas where coconuts are seen
up close, such as in the landscaping around hotel
swimming pools.
Coconut mite damage can be spotted at a
distance, but must be confirmed by closer examination. At maturity, the surface tissues of a
coconut dry and become a tan color. Prior to
maturing, coconuts are green, yellow, bronze,
apricot, or a blend of these colors, depending on
variety. Thus, the dark brown color of coconut
mite damage is most noticeable when the fruit is
young. Any kind of mechanical damage can
result in browning of the surface of young coconuts, but coconut mite damage consistently
extends from beneath the perianth, which is not
true of other kinds of mechanical damage.
Colomerus novahebridensis Keifer is an eriophyid mite present in southeast Asia and the
Pacific that causes damage to coconuts that is
similar but much lighter and less frequent than
that of A. guerreronis. In Florida, Puerto Rico, and
presumably elsewhere in the Caribbean Region,
Tarsonemus sp. (Acari: Tarsonemidae), causes
damage similar in appearance to early coconut
mite damage. However, this mite is rare, and
apparently does not remain long on coconut
fruits, as the damage never advances beyond the
early stage. Stenotarsonemus furcatus DeLeon,
which has been found in association with damage
on coconut fruits in Brazil, may be the same or a
similar species.
Chemical Control
Some acaricides have been shown to kill coconut
mites. However, most chemicals applied topically
had to be repeated indefinitely to maintain control.
Systemic acaricides might persist longer in the
plant, but such chemicals could result in residues
in the fruits, and coconuts are harvested throughout the year. Chemical control is perhaps the least
viable option for control of coconut mite.
Mechanical Control
A simple mechanical form of control practiced by
some plantation managers is to prune all of the
coconuts in all stages of development. This is said
to result in a plantation free of coconut mites for
an extended period. However, this method would
cause a disruption in the economic benefits of the
Coconut Mite, Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae)
Cultural Control
As mentioned above, results of studies of environmental factors influencing coconut mite
populations, including wet or dry conditions
and nutrient levels, have been thus far controversial. Future research may provide a basis for
economically feasible cultural control of the
coconut mite.
Host Plant Resistance
Common coconut varieties in the Americas, viz.,
‘Jamaica Tall,’ ‘Panama Tall,’ ‘Malayan Red Dwarf,’
‘Malayan Yellow Dwarf,’ and ‘Malayan Green
Dwarf,’ are all highly susceptible to coconut mite.
Some observers have reported that certain varieties of coconut in some countries appear to be
resistant to coconut mite. A highly resistant
Cambodian variety was reported on a research
station in Africa. It was suggested that the spherical shape of the fruit of this variety perhaps
resulted in a very tight perianth that excluded
coconut mites. In a study in St. Lucia, West Indies,
highly spherical coconuts had less coconut mite
damage than elongated coconuts on the same
palm. However, extensive damage of coconut mites
on some spherical-fruited coconut varieties has
been observed.
Biological Control
Predatory mites found beneath the coconut
perianth and in some cases observed to prey on
coconut mites have been reported in various
localities. They include Bdella distincta Baker
and Balock (Bdellidae); Amblyseius largoensis
Muma, Neoseiulus mumai Denmark, N. paspalivorus DeLeon (Phytoseiidae); Lupotarsonemus
sp. (Tarsonemidae); and Proctolaelaps bickleyi
Bram. (Ascidae). Under natural conditions,
predatory mites have a minor effect at best on
populations of the coconut mite, but researchers
continue to explore the possibilities of biological control of coconut mite.
The fungus Hirsutella thompsonii (Fisher),
which is widely distributed and known to attack
various species of mites, has been isolated from
coconut mites in various countries, as has H. nodulosa Petch in Cuba. Control of several species of
mites with fungus has been attempted, but success
has often depended greatly on environmental
conditions. In general, these efforts have been
most successful under humid conditions favoring
the development of the fungi. However, some
recent advances in myco-acaricide development
have been encouraging.
Because coconut mites are almost microscopic and pass almost all of their life cycle in a
cryptic habitat, it appears possible that in some
regions the mite may be present at undetected levels. If such regions were known (e.g., if surveys in
the South Pacific Region should reveal the presence of the coconut mite at extremely low levels),
they would be promising sources of effective
natural enemies of the coconut mite.
Navia D, de Moraes GJ, Roderick G, Navajas M (2005) The
invasive coconut mite Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae): origin and invasion sources inferred from
mitochondrial (16S) and nuclear (ITS) sequences. Bull
Entomol Res 95:505–516
Fernando LCP, Moraes GJ, Wickramananda IR (2002) Proceedings of the international workshop on coconut mite
(Aceria guerreronis), Sri Lanka, 6–8 January, 2000. Coconut Research Institute, Sri Lanka, 117 pp
Howard FW, Abreu-Rodriquez E, Denmark HA (1990) Geographical and seasonal distribution of the coconut mite,
Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae), in Puerto Rico
and Florida, USA. J Agr 74:237–251
Howard FW, Moore D, Giblin-Davis R, Abad R (2001)
Insects on palms. CABI Publications, Wallingford,
UK, 400 pp
Moore D (2000) Non-chemical control of Aceria guerreronis
on coconuts. Biocontrol News Inform 21:83N–87N
Moore D, Howard FW (1996) Coconuts. In: Lindquist EE,
Sabelis MW, Bruin J (eds) Eriophyid mites – their biology, natural enemies, and control. Elsevier, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, pp 561–569
Cocoon Breaker
A structure found on Lepidoptera pupae, usually
on the head, that enables the insect to escape from
the cocoon.
Coding Strand
The strand of the DNA molecule that carries the
biological information of a gene and which is
transcribed by RNA polymerase into mRNA.
Codling Moth, Cydia pomonella
(Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera:
This is one of the most important pests of apple
Apple Pests and Their Management
A triplet of nucleotides that code for a single
amino acid.
The phylum Chytridiomycota, once considered a
member of the Mastigomycotina, is now included
with the Oomycota in the kingdom Protoctista.
Within the Chytridiomycetes, Coelomomyces
(order = Blastocladiales) is the most notable insect
pathogen. This genus contains more than 70 species
and has been found worldwide. Coelomomyces is
unique among the entomopathogenic fungi in that
it requires two different hosts to complete its life
cycle. The insect hosts are usually mosquito larvae,
although other dipterans such as black flies and
midges, as well as some backswimmers (Hemiptera),
also can become infected. The alternate hosts are
other aquatic arthropods (microcrustaceans) such
as copepods and ostracods. Alternation between
hosts is obligatory, i.e., zoospores produced in mosquitoes will not infect other mosquitoes, and zoospores from infected microcrustaceans will not
infect other Microcrustaceae. This development of
different parasitic stages within two unlike hosts is
termed heteroecism and was observed in the phytopathogenic rust fungi before it was discovered in
Coelomomyces. Heteroecism may be considered
similar to the terms digenetic or heteroxenous, used
to describe certain protozoa (Amblyospora) that
require two or more hosts for survival. Coelomomyces has not yet been cultured in vitro through its
entire, two-phase life cycle. The in vivo culture of
several species of Coelomomyces has been successfully achieved by cycling the fungus through its
respective host systems, which in some cases can be
maintained in small containers.
The occurrence of Coelomomyces epizootics is
dependent on the presence of both hosts, the relative
sizes of their populations, and the age of host mosquito larvae. Studies have shown that infection of
anopheline larvae with C. punctatus correlates with
the seasonal abundance of the alternate copepod
hosts, and that early-instar larvae are more readily
infected than those from later instars. In the field, it
has been observed that the larvae become infected
primarily at dusk. This is apparently due to the dual
photoperiodicity of gamete release from the alternate hosts, which, under laboratory conditions, also
occurs at this time. Environmental factors such as
pH and temperature of the water appear to be much
less important in infection rates of mosquito larvae
and in the progress of epizootics of Coelomomyces
than the relationship between the two host systems.
Finally, with respect to host range, some species of
the fungus may infect several genera of mosquitoes,
while others are specific for a single species.
It is significant that under natural conditions,
mosquito larvae from later instars can become
infected with Coelomomyces. Older larvae particularly are susceptible just after molting, when the cuticle is not yet completely hardened. Infection in older
larvae and even in some younger instars exposed to
a low level of inoculum may not necessarily kill the
insect. Heavily infected larvae do not pupate and
starve to death due to the depletion of nutritional
reserves from the fat body by the fungus. In contrast,
larvae with light infections may pupate and develop
into infected adults. The fungal hyphae migrate from
the hemocoel and penetrate the ovaries. Conversion
of the fungal hyphae into resting sporangia is apparently stimulated by hormones (e.g., 20-hydroxyecdysone) produced by the mosquitoes after a blood
meal; in healthy mosquitoes, the same hormones
influence egg maturation. It has been observed that
adult Aedes aegyptii mosquitoes infected with C. stegomyiae display normal reproductive behavior with
respect to copulation, sperm transfer and storage,
and oviposition. However, no eggs are produced
because oocytes of infected ovaries do not endocytose vitellogenin and, as a result, vitellin yolk granules
cannot form. During oviposition, infected females
therefore discharge piles of Coelomomyces resting
sporangia, which fill the ovaries rather than eggs.
Obviously, this provides an excellent means of dispersal of the pathogen to its alternate host.
Meiosis occurs in the germinating, resting sporangia, and the wall-less zoospores generated during this reduction division often are referred to as
meiospores. Meiospores are posteriorly uniflagellate and are released from sporangia in masses covered by thin vesicles consisting of the inner regions
of mature sporangial walls. Meiospores serve as the
infective propagules of the alternate microcrustacean hosts. In the case of C. dodgei, the copepod
hosts release substances recognized by the meiospores, increasing the probability of their attachment to the host cuticle. Meiospore attachment can
be consolidated by secretion of adhesive material
from cytoplasmic vesicles. At the time of attachment, the meiospores encyst and invade the host
via a penetration germ tube. In C. psorophorae,
appressoria may be produced and may function as
an additional mechanism for attachment of the
fungus to host surfaces; attachment of this species
to host Cyclops vernalis takes place primarily in
intersegmental regions. Meiospores are of opposite
mating types, and each meiospore develops a thallus that will form a male or female gametangium
within the alternate host. In C. dodgei, the male
gametangia are bright orange due to the presence of
carotene, and the female gametangia are light amber.
Both types can occur within an individual copepod,
and gametes, i.e., the haploid zoospores released as
products of gametangial cleavages, therefore can
fuse during swarming within the host. Alternatively,
gametes may escape from the microcrustacean
cadaver to mate outside the host. The biflagellate
zygotes that result from mating of the gametes are
the infective propagules of mosquito larvae.
Susceptibility of mosquito larvae to infection
by Coelomomyces varies and appears to depend
upon the ability of the zygotes to attach to host cuticle. Attachment of C. psorophorae zygotes to the
cuticle of a susceptible host occurs preferentially at
intersegmental membranes, on head capsules, at the
bases of anal gills, and around the anus. Attachment
is closely associated with encystment of the zygotes.
Germination is initiated at one end of the cyst, where
an appressorium forms and functions in further
attaching the cyst to the host. As germination continues, a penetration tube grows from the appressorium and traverses the cuticle to the epidermal
region, where the infecting fungal protoplasts are
deposited into host cells. After penetration, the thalli
appearing as irregularly shaped, protoplast-like thalli
(hyphal bodies) invade other larval tissues, especially the fat body and the hemocoel. There is no
apparent host hemocytic response to Coelomomyces
hyphal bodies, at least in the case of C. punctatus
infecting Anopheles quadrimaculatus. This could be
due to masking of the fungal surface by host material or to production of fungal surface components
which are interpreted as self by host defense cells. As
a Coelomomyces infection progresses within host
mosquito larvae, extensive growth and branching of
hyphae occurs, and resting sporangia, which will
eventually cleave into the meiospores infectious to
the alternate host, form to complete the life cycle.
Federici B (1981) Mosquito control by the fungus Culicinomyces, Lagendium, and Coelomomyces. In: Burges HD
(ed) Microbial control of pests and plant disease. Academic Press, London, UK, pp 555–572
Coffee Berry Borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
Lucarotti CJ (1992) Invasion of Aedes aegypti ovaries by
Coelomomyces stegomyiae. J Invertebr Pathol 60:176–184
Travland LB (1979) Structures of the motile cells of Coelomomyces psorophorae and function of the zygote in encystment on a host. Can J Bot 57:1021–1035
Whisler HC, Zebold SL, Shemanchuk JA (1975) Life history
of Coelomomyces psorophorae. Proc Natl Acad Sci
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as seaweed flies.
A family of damselflies (order Odonata). They commonly are known as narrow-winged damselflies.
Dragonflies and Damselflies
Reciprocal, adaptive changes in traits of two
Coffee Bean Rot
Stink bugs introduce fungi into coffee berries
while feeding.
Transmission of Plant Diseases by Insects
Coffee Berry Borer, Hypothenemus
hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
fernando e. veGa
USDA, ARS, Sustainable Perennial Crops Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, USA
The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei
(Ferrari), known throughout Latin America as
“la broca del café,” is the most devastating insect
pest of coffee throughout the world. This minute
insect (0.5–0.8 mm length and 0.2 mm wide) is
endemic to Central Africa, and has now spread to
most coffee growing regions throughout the world.
Infestation levels can be quite high (e.g., Uganda
80%, Colombia 60%, Jamaica 58–85%, Tanzania
90%, Malaysia 50–90%, and Mexico 60%). It is
striking that out of more than 850 insects reported
on coffee, the coffee berry borer is the only one that
has adapted to use the seed of Coffea arabica and
Coffea canephora (=robusta) as its food source.
Damage begins when an adult female
(Fig. 72) bores a hole into the coffee berry and
deposits her eggs; larvae feed on the coffee seed,
lowering its quality and possibly causing abscission of the berry. An interesting aspect of the
insect’s biology is the highly skewed sex ratio
favoring females (10:1), which contributes to a
high reproductive capacity. Wolbachia, a maternally inherited bacterium known to induce parthenogenetic development and skewed sex ratios
favoring females, has been detected in coffee
berry borers from 11 different countries.
When larvae molt into adults, they mate with
their siblings inside the berry; therefore, once
females emerge, they are inseminated and ready
to deposit eggs into another coffee berry. In contrast to females, males remain in the berry, and
are unable to fly. Thus, insect development inside
the coffee berry makes this insect very difficult to
control. The highly toxic chlorinated hydrocarbon endosulfan has been widely used against the
coffee berry borer but some countries have
banned its use. Also, the insect has developed
resistance to this product. The lack of safe and
effective chemical control strategies has led to
strong efforts by coffee scientists in many countries to develop biological control methods relying on parasitoids and fungal entomopathogens.
Four of the most common coffee berry borer
parasitoids originate in Africa: two bethylids (Prorops nasuta Waterston and Cephalonomia stephanoderis Betrem), one eulophid (Phymastichus coffea
La Salle), and one braconid (Heterospilus coffeicola
Schmiedeknecht). Some of these have been introduced
Coffee Berry Borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
berry borer is being aggressively studied. The
insect has also been shown to be associated with
40 species of fungi in 22 genera. Two nematodes
have been reported as parasites of the coffee berry
borer: Panagrolaimus sp. in India and Metaparasitylenchus hypothenemi in Mexico.
Cultural practices such as complete collection
of berries on the tree and ground immediately after
harvest could greatly reduce coffee berry borer population levels. However, this laborious strategy is not
considered a feasible or cost-effective alternative.
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Berry Borer, Hypothenemus hampei
(Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae),
Figure 72 Adult coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus
hampei. Drawing by Ann Simpkins (USDA).
in coffee producing countries (e.g., Colombia,
Jamaica, Mexico) in an attempt to reduce coffee
berry borer damage, but their mass production
remains expensive due to the need for coffee seeds
in which to rear the coffee berry borers used to
rear the parasitoids.
The most common fungal entomopathogen
isolated from the coffee berry borer is Beauveria
bassiana, although Isaria fumosorosea, Paecilomyces lilacinus, and Metarhizum anisopliae have also
been reported to a lesser extent. The use of B. bassiana as a fungal endophyte to control the coffee
Baker PS (1999) The coffee berry borer in Colombia. Final
report of the DFID – Cenicafé – CABI Bioscience IPM for
Coffee Project, DFID – Cenicafé, Chinchiná, Colombia,
154 pp
Brun LO, Marcillaud C, Gaudichon V, Suckling DM (1989)
Endosulfan resistance in Hypothenemus hampei
(Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in New Caledonia. J Econ
Entomol 82:1311–1316
Bustillo PAE, Cárdenas MR, Villalba GA, Benavides MP,
Orozco HJ, Posada FFJ (1998) Manejo integrado de
la broca del café Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) en
Colombia. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café
(Cenicafé), Chinchiná, Colombia, 134 pp
Le Pelley RH (1968) Pests of coffee. Longmans, Green and Co,
London, UK, 590 pp
Pérez J, Infante F, Vega FE, Holguín F, Macías J, Valle J, Nieto G,
Peterson SW, Kurtzman CP, O’Donnell K (2003) Mycobiota associated with the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) in Mexico. Mycol Res 107:879–887
Poinar G Jr, Vega FE, Castillo A, Chavez IE, Infante F (2004)
Metaparasitylenchus hypothenemi n. sp. (Nematoda:
Allantonematidae), a parasite of the coffee berry borer,
Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Curculionidae: Scolytinae). J Parasitol 90:1106–1110
Posada F, Aime MC, Peterson SW, Rehner SA, Vega FE (2007)
Inoculation of coffee plants with the fungal entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana (Ascomycota: Hypocreales). Mycol Res 111:749–758
Varaprasad KS, Balasubramanian S, Diwakar BJ, Ramarao CV
(1994) First report of an entomogenous nematode,
Panagrolaimus sp. from coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) from Karnataka, India. Plant
Protect Bull 46:42
Vega F, Benavides P, Stuart J, O’Neill SL (2002)Wolbachiainfection in the coffee berry borer (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Ann Entomol Soc Am 95:374–378
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Pests and their
Juan f. Barrera
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Tapachula, Chiapas,
The perennial and evergreen nature of the coffee
plant (Coffea spp.) favors attack by a number of
insects and mites (Table 17, Figs. 73 and 74). All
portions of the plants are susceptible to attack,
and damage may appear at the seed bed, nursery,
plantation, or in the warehouse. Certain pests
affect the coffee plant only temporarily, while others live for several generations on the plant. In
some instances, the attack may cause the death of
the plant, but in most cases the pests only weaken
the plant, reducing yield. When the bean is
attacked, quality also may be affected.
Insects constitute the most numerous group
of coffee pests; of more than 850 species of insects
that feed on coffee in the world, approximately
200 (23.5%) have been reported in the tropical
and sub-tropical areas in America. Out of these,
hardly thirty species, mostly indigenous, cause
losses considered important. The pests and the
seriousness of the problems they cause vary from
one country to another, and from one area to
another. The coffee pest that is considered the
most important in tropical America is the coffee
berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari)
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), now cosmopolitan but originating in Africa. The coffee
leaf miner, Leucoptera coffeella Guérin-Méneville
(Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), and the root mealybugs (Pseudococcidae) are causing serious problems in several countries. Bugs of the genus
Antestiopsis (Pentatomidae), which are very harmful in Africa, have not yet been reported in the
American hemisphere.
Most of the insects that are found in coffee
plantations are beneficial because they contribute to plant pollination, degrade organic matter,
or feed on phytophagous organisms. A study
conducted in Mexico showed that parasitic and
predatory organisms, which regulate the populations of many pests, represented 42% of the total
of species collected in a coffee plantation. For this
reason, it is important to protect and maintain
the natural enemies of pests, avoiding the indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides and some
agronomic practices that are harmful to natural
control. The goal of this section is to describe the
biological and ecological characteristics of the
main insects and mites of C. arabica L. and
C. canephora Pierre ex Froehner, the damage
caused by these pests, their natural enemies, and
pest management in coffee growing countries of
tropical America. The pests to be described are
listed in Table 17, which also includes the parts of
the plant that are damaged and the development
stage of the coffee plant that they damage. The criterion applied to include these organisms in the
category of “major pests,” was that they were
reported in at least one of the manuals on coffee
pests that have been published in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico or Venezuela.
Coffee Berry Borer, Hypothenemus
hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
This is the most serious insect pest of coffee
worldwide. It originated in Africa. In the Americas,
it is found in coffee plantations from Mexico to
Brazil, including some countries in the Caribbean
region such as Cuba, Jamaica, the Dominican
Republic and Puerto Rico.
Damage and Economic Importance
Coffee berry borer (Fig. 73) is a direct pest
because it causes direct damage to the product to
be harvested, the coffee bean. The attacked green,
ripe and dry fruits or berries usually show a hole
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Pests and their Management, Table 17 The most common phytophagous insects and mites of coffee in tropical America
Taxon (scientific and
common name)
Country where the insect/
mite is reported as coffee
stage feeding in/on
the plant
Plant parts affected
Nymph, adult
Brazil, Jamaica, Mexico
Nymph, adult
Olygonychus coffeae
Guatemala, Mexico
Nymph, adult
Olygonychus ilicis (McGregor)
Brazil, Guatemala
Nymph, adult
Olygonychus punicae (Hirst)
El Salvador
Nymph, adult
Olygonychus yothersi
Colombia, Costa Rica,
Nymph, adult
All coffee growing countries in America
Larva, adult
Plagiohammus maculosus
Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras,
Stem, root
Plagiohammus mexicanus
Stem, root
Plagiohammus spinipennis
Stem, root
Brachyomus quadrinodosus
Cleistolophus similis Sharp
Costa Rica
Compsus sp.
Epicaerus capetillensis Sharp
Guatemala, Honduras,
Hypothenemus hampei
Mexico to Brazil, including
Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican
Republic, and Puerto Rico
Larva, adult
Fruit, bean
Lachnopus buchanani
Macrostylus boconoensis
Colombia, Venezuela
Pantomorus femoratus Sharp
Costa Rica
Acari: Tarsonemidae
Polyphagotarsonemus latus
Acari: Tenuipalpidae
Brevipalpus sp.
Acari: Tetranychidae
Coleoptera: Anthribidae
Araecerus fasciculatus
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Coleoptera: Curculionidae
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Pests and their Management, Table 17 The most common phytophagous insects and mites of
coffee in tropical America (Continued)
Taxon (scientific and
common name)
Country where the insect/
mite is reported as coffee
stage feeding in/on
the plant
Plant parts affected
Pantomorus godmani
Steirarrhinus sp.
Costa Rica
Xylosandrus morigerus
Mexico to Brazil
Larva, adult
Young stems,
Anomala sp.
El Salvador
Dyscinetus picipes Burmeister
Phyllophaga spp.
Widely distributed in coffee Larva
plantations in America
Phyllophaga latipes (Bates)
El Salvador
Phyllophaga menetriesi
El Salvador
Phyllophaga obsoleta
El Salvador
Phyllophaga sanjosecola
Costa Rica
Phyllophaga vicina Moser
Costa Rica
Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae
Hemiptera: Aphididae
Toxoptera auranti (Boyer de
Tropical and sub-tropical
Nymph, adult
areas of the Old World.
Widely distributed in coffee
plantations in America
Leaves, buds and
other tender parts of
the plant
Coccus spp.
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Coccus hesperidum L.
Guatemala, Mexico
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Coccus viridis (Green)
Brazil, Colombia, Costa
Nymph, adult female
Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El
Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico,
Puerto Rico, Surinam,
Aerial part of the
Parasaissetia sp.
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Parasaissetia nigra (Nietner)
El Salvador, Guatemala,
Puerto Rico, West Indies
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Saisettia spp.
El Salvador, Mexico
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Hemiptera: Coccidae
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Pests and their Management, Table 17 The most common phytophagous insects and mites of
coffee in tropical America (Continued)
Taxon (scientific and
common name)
Country where the insect/
mite is reported as coffee
stage feeding in/on
the plant
Saisettia coffeae (Walker)
Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, El
Nymph, adult female
Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Mexico, Dominican
Republic, Venezuela
Aerial part of the
Saisettia olae (Oliver)
Brazil, Cuba, Guatemala,
Aerial part of the
Nymph, adult female
Plant parts affected
Toumeyella sp.
Nymph, adult female
Toumeyella liriodendri
Nymph, adult female
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Chrysomphalus sp.
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Chrysomphalus dictyospermi
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Ischnaspis longirostris
Colombia, Cuba,
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Lepidoshaphes beckii
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Selenaspidus articulatus
Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Nymph, adult female
Hemiptera: Cerococcidae
Cerococcus catenarius
Hemiptera: Diaspididae
Hemiptera: Margarodidae
Icerya purchasi Maskell
Hemiptera: Ortheziidae
Insignorthezia insignis Browne Brazil, Colombia
Praelongorthezia praelonga
Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae
Brevicoccus sp.
Ceroputo sp.
Costa Rica
Nymph, adult female
Dysmicoccus sp.
Colombia, Ecuador
Nymph, adult female
Dysmicoccus bispinosus
Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico
Nymph, adult female
Dysmicoccus brevipes
Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras,
Nymph, adult female
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Pests and their Management, Table 17 The most common phytophagous insects and mites of
coffee in tropical America (Continued)
Taxon (scientific and
common name)
Country where the insect/
mite is reported as coffee
stage feeding in/on
the plant
Plant parts affected
Ferrisia virgata (Cockerell)
Brazil, Mexico, West Indies
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Geococcus sp.
Mexico, Venezuela
Nymph, adult female
Geococcus coffeae Green
El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Surinam
Nymph, adult female
Geococcus radicum Green
El Salvador
Nymph, adult female
Neochavesia caldasiae
Nymph, adult female
Rhizoecus sp.
Mexico, Venezuela
Nymph, adult female
Rhizoecus andensis Hambleton Colombia
Nymph, adult female
Rhizoecus coffeae Laing
Costa Rica
Nymph, adult female
Paraputo sp.
Nymph, adult female
Planococcus citri (Risso)
Brazil, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Cuba, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras,
Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto
Nymph, adult female
Root, aerial part of
the plant
Planococcus halli Ezzat &
Nymph, adult female
Pseudococcus elisae
Nymph, adult female
Pseudococcus longispinus
Nymph, adult female
Pseudococcus jongispinus
Nymph, adult female
Aerial part of the
Puto sp.
Costa Rica
Nymph, adult female
Puto antioquensis (Murillo)
Nymph, adult female
Rhizoeccus campestris
Nymph, adult female
Rhizoeccus caticans
Nymph, adult female
Rhizoeccus kondonis Kuwana
Nymph, adult female
Rhizoeccus nemoralis
El Salvador, Honduras
Nymph, adult female
Acromyrmex spp.
Acromyrmex coronatus (F.)
Acromyrmex octospinosus
Hymenoptera: Formicidae
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Pests and their Management, Table 17 The most common phytophagous insects and mites of
coffee in tropical America (Continued)
Taxon (scientific and
common name)
Country where the insect/
mite is reported as coffee
stage feeding in/on
the plant
Plant parts affected
Atta spp.
Guatemala, Ecuador,
Nicaragua, Venezuela
Atta cephalotes (L.)
Colombia, Costa Rica,
Mexico, Surinam, Trinidad
Atta fervens Say
Atta insularis GuérinMéneville
Atta laevigata Smith
Atta mexicana (Smith)
Guatemala, Mexico
Atta sexdens (L.)
Atta sexdens rubropilosa
Dalcera abrasa
Zadalcera fumata Schaus
Glena sp.
Oxydia spp.
Oxydia saturniata Guenée
Phobetron hipparchia
Brazil, Colombia
Sibine spp.
Widespread wherever
coffee is grown in the
Neotropical area
Megalopyge lanata (Stoll)
Brazil, Colombia
Podalia sp.
Lepidoptera: Apateloididae
Olceclostera moresca
Lepidoptera Arctiidae
Estigmene acrea (Drury)
Lepidoptera: Dalceridae
Lepidoptera: Elachistidae
Stenoma cecropia Meyrick
Lepidoptera: Geometridae
Lepidoptera: Limacodidae
Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae
Leucoptera coffeella (GuérinMéneville)
Lepidoptera: Megalopygidae
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Pests and their Management, Table 17 The most common phytophagous insects and mites of
coffee in tropical America (Continued)
Taxon (scientific and
common name)
Country where the insect/
mite is reported as coffee
stage feeding in/on
the plant
Plant parts affected
Agrotis spp.
Colombia, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, El Salvador
Stems of small plants
in germinating
seedbeds or recently
transplanted plants
Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel)
Stems of small plants
in germinating
seedbeds or recently
transplanted plants
Agrotis repleta Walker
Stems of small plants
in germinating
seedbeds or recently
transplanted plants
Feltia spp.
Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Stems of small plants
in germinating seedbeds or recently
transplanted plants
Pseudoplusia includens
Spodoptera sp.
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecua- Larva
dor, El Salvador
Stems of small plants
in germinating
seedbeds or recently
transplanted plants
Spodoptera eridania (Stoll)
Stems of small plants
in germinating seedbeds or recently
transplanted plants
Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) Costa Rica, Brazil
Stems of small plants
in germinating
seedbeds or recently
transplanted plants;
Trichoplusia ni (Hübner)
Oiketicus geyeri (Berg)
Oiketicus kirbyi
Brazil, Cuba
Automeris sp.
Brazil, Colombia
Automeris complicata
Lepidoptera: Noctuidae
Lepidoptera: Psychidae
Lepidoptera: Saturniidae
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Pests and their Management, Table 17 The most common phytophagous insects and mites of
coffee in tropical America (Continued)
Taxon (scientific and
common name)
Country where the insect/
mite is reported as coffee
stage feeding in/on
the plant
Plant parts affected
Automeris coresus Boisduval
Automeris illustris Walker
Eacles imperialis magnifica
Eacles masoni Schaus
Lonomia circunstans (Walker)
Paroecanthus guatemalae
Guatemala, Honduras
Adult female
Stem, branch
Paroecanthus niger Saussure
El Salvador, Guatemala
Adult female
Stem, branch
Gongrocnemis sp.
Nymph, adult
Leaves, buds, fruit
pulp, beans
Idiarthron atrispinum (Stål)
Costa Rica, Guatemala
Nymph, adult
Leaves, buds, fruit
pulp, beans
Idiarthron subquadratum
Saussure & Pictet
Colombia, Guatemala, El
Salvador, Honduras,
Nymph, adult
Leaves, buds, fruit
pulp, beans
Orthoptera: Gryllidae
Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae
on its apical portion. The hole is located at the
center or ring of the berry’s ostiole and the emission of sawdust can be observed through this
hole. Its attack reduces the yield and affects the
bean quality. Characteristic damage includes
the rotting of developing beans as a result of saprophytic microorganisms that enter through the
hole, the drop of young berries due to attack, and
the loss of bean weight due to insect feeding. The
borer can cause bean yield losses of 30–35% with
100% of perforated berries at harvest time; nevertheless, damage can be greater if harvest is
delayed. All the commercial coffee varieties and
species are attacked by this insect. However, it
shows preference for C. canephora, and its multiplication is also higher on beans of this coffee
species. Recently it was suggested that H. hampei
serves as a vector for Aspergillus ochraceus Wilh.,
which produces ochratoxin A, a potent toxin that
sometimes contaminates green coffee beans,
roasted coffee, and coffee brews, including instant
The egg is elliptical, crystalline and yellowish
toward maturity. Its length varies from 0.52 to
0.69 mm. The larva is white-yellowish, without
legs, with a “C”-shaped body and a wide thoracic
region. The head is light brown, with visible and
forward-extending mandibles. Visible hairs
spread over the head and body. Females molt
twice and males once. The length of the last larval instar is from 1.88 to 2.30 mm. The pre-pupa
is similar to the larva, but its color is milky-white,
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Pests and their Management, Figure 73 Some coffee pests: (a) Coffee berry borer,
Hypothenemus hampei (Curculionidae) infesting a coffee berry; (b) Damage of coffee leaf by coffee
leaf miner, Leucoptera coffeella (Lyonetiidae); (c) Root mealybugs (Pseudococcidae); (d) Scale insects
on coffee leaf (Coccidae).
its body is less curved, and it does not feed. The
pupa is milky-white and yellowish towards
maturity. Many of the adult’s characteristics can
be seen in the pupal stage. The pupa varies from
1.84 to 2.00 mm long. The adult is elongated with
a cylindrical body slightly arched towards the
end of the abdomen. It is about 1.50–1.78 mm
long and its body is bright black, although
Coffee Pests and their Management
Coffee Pests and their Management, Figure 74 Some additional coffee pests: (a) Coffee branch perforated by Xylosandrus morigerus (Curculionidae); (b) Coffee stem attacked by a stem borer, Plagiohammus
maculosus (Cerambycidae); (c) Aphids on coffee leaf; (d) Adults of a katydid, Idiarthron subquadratum;
(Tettigoiidae) (e) Oviposition by a bush cricket, Paroecanthus (Gryllidae) on the stem of a coffee bush.
Coffee Pests and their Management
yellowish when emerging from the pupa. The
head is ventrally located and is protected by
the pronotum. The antennae are elbowed and
clubbed at the ends. Mouthparts are the typical
chewing type and the elytra are convex and possess longitudinal grooves that alternate with longitudinal series of bristles. Females have
well-developed wings that allow them to fly,
while the males’ wings are atrophied. Females
are easily differentiated from males because they
are larger.
Biology and Ecology
Adult females initiate the infestation. In general,
a berry is infested by a single female. If the coffee
bean is watery or milky, the insect tends to abandon it and the bean usually rots. But if the bean
consistency is hard enough, the founding female
constructs a gallery where she lays the eggs. The
eggs are oviposited one by one, forming small
groups within the coffee bean. The female lays
from 1 to 3 eggs per day during the first 15–20
days; afterwards, the egg laying diminishes gradually. Both the founding female and the larvae
build tunnels in the bean, where they also feed.
Pupation takes place within the coffee bean
where the larva hatched. The duration of the biological cycle, from egg to adult, varies according
to the temperature: 21 days at 27°C, 32 days at
22°C and 63 days at 19.2°C. As the first adult offspring appear, the population inside an infested
bean typically consists of 25–30 individuals in
all stages of development, of which there are
approximately 10 females for each male. Mating
is conducted between siblings inside the bean.
The mated females leave the bean where they
developed to look for another where they will
oviposit. Several generations occur while berries
are available. After coffee harvest, the borer
continues to reproduce in the non-harvested
berries located on the plant and on the ground.
In locations with low rainfall, where there is a
clearly defined period between harvests, the
adults find refuge in the black, dry berries. Adult
females emerge massively from these old berries
with first rainfall, initiating the infestation by
attacking berries from the earliest flowerings of
the new harvest.
Natural Enemies
Coffee berry borer is attacked by several natural
enemies. Four parasitoid species from Africa are
the best known: Prorops nasuta Waterston (from
Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania,
Togo, Uganda) and Cephalonomia stephanoderis
Betrem (Ivory Coast, Togo) (both Hymenoptera:
Bethylidae), and two solitary ectoparasitoids of
the larva, pre-pupa and pupa, Heterospillus coffeicola Schimideknecht (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
(Cameroon, Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) (a
free-living wasp that deposits a single egg near a
borer’s egg cluster in a recently attacked berry)
and Phymastichus coffea LaSalle (Hymenoptera:
Eulophidae) (Togo, Kenya) (a gregarious endoparasitoid of H. hampei adults which parasitizes
the borer during the berry perforation). Other
parasitoids that have been reported attacking
H. hampei include Aphanogmus dictyna (Waterston) (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronidae) (Uganda),
Sclerodermus cadavericus Benoit (Hymenoptera:
Benthylidae) (Uganda, Zaire, Kenya), Cephalonomia hyalinipennis Ashmead (Mexico) and Cryptoxilos sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) (Colombia).
In Brazil and Colombia, there are reports of an
undescribed species of Cephalonomia parasitizing
H. hampei.
Some of the predators that have been recorded
include Dindymus rubiginosus (F.) (Hemiptera:
Pyrrhocoridae) (Indonesia), Calliodes, Scoloposcelis
(Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) (Colombia), and Leptophloeus sp. near punctatus Lefkovich (Coleoptera:
Laemophloeidae) (Togo, Ivory Coast). However,
most of the predators of H. hampei reported
from around the world (most of them anecdotal
records) have been ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), including Azteca instabilis (F. Smith),
Coffee Pests and their Management
Crematogaster curvispinosa Mayr, C. torosa Mayr,
Dolichoderus bituberculatus Mayr, Pheidole
radoszkowskii Mayr, and Solenopsis geminata (F.).
Unknown species of Azteca, Brachymyrmex,
Paratrechina, Pheidole, Prenolepis and Wasmannia
have been recorded as well.
Several entomopathogenic fungi attack the coffee berry borer, but Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo)
Vuillemin is the most common species infecting H.
hampei adults under natural conditions. Other fungi
recorded infecting H. hampei are Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend, F. avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc., Hirsutella
eleutheratorum (Nex ex Gray) Petch., Metarhizium
anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin, Nomuraea rileyi
(Farlow) Samson, Paecilomyces amoenoroseus (Hennings) Samson, P. farinosus (Holm. ex S.F. Gray), P.
fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown & Smith, P. javanicus
(Friederichs & Bally) Brown & Smith, P. lilacinus
(Thom.) Samson, and Verticillium lecanii (Zimmerman). Some of these fungi, such as M. anisopliae and
P. lilacinus, have been isolated from H. hampeiinfested berries collected from the soil.
Metaparasitylenchus hypothenemi Poinar
(Tylenchida: Allantonematidae), an entomopathogenic nematode attacking H. hampei adults, has
been reported in Mexico and appears to have a
wide distribution in coffee plantation in Mexico
and Central America
This nematode cause sterility in female borers. The natural parasitism by an undescribed
species of Panagrolaimus (Rhabditida: Panagrolaimidae) has been reported in H. hampei in India
and Mexico. M. hypothenemi and Panagrolaimus
sp. were found infecting the same H. hampei adults
in Mexico. Species from Heterorhabditidae and
Steinernematidae (Rhabditida) are able to infect
H. hampei in the laboratory, but this has not been
observed in the field.
In Colombia, infections in the coffee berry
borer caused by bacteria such as Bacillus sp. and
Serratia sp. were observed. Also, infections of
proteobacterium Wolbachia in H. hampei adults
have been reported from samples around the world.
The microsporidian Mattesia sp. was observed in a
population of laboratory-reared insects.
An integrated pest management strategy is used
against the coffee berry borer. The principal tactics
are cultural control, biological control, use of traps
baited with attractants, and chemical control with
synthetic insecticides. Sampling infested berries is
used for pest control decision-making.
Sampling Infested Berries
The proportion of infested berries is calculated
based on the following sampling protocol: in an
area of 1–5 ha, 20 uniformly distributed sites are
selected; at each site five coffee plants in a row are
selected; 20 berries of each coffee plant are examined (without tearing them off), and the number
of perforated berries is recorded.
Cultural Control
There are a number of cultural practices that may
be used to minimize damage by borers. The berries left on the plant before maturity and on the
ground after harvest are collected and boiled for
5 min to eliminate the borers in them. This practice
is also called “manual control” or “rere.” Weeds are
controlled after the harvest in order to facilitate
the collection of berries from the ground and to
increase the mortality of H. hampei by dehydration of the berries. The coffee and shade plants are
pruned to create less favorable environmental
conditions for multiplication of the borer. Coffee
plant density is decreased because high sowing
densities favor infestation. The coffee plants are
fertilized so that they have more uniform flowerings. Varieties with the same fruiting pattern are
used because the early flowering varieties are an
infestation source for late flowering varieties;
however, coffee varieties or species which flower
earlier or later than the main variety can be used
as “trap crops,” if managed properly. The harvest is
conducted as the fruits ripen.
Coffee Pests and their Management
Biological Control
The natural enemies most often used against
the borer in tropical America have been the parasitoids C. stephanoderis, P. nasuta and P. coffea,
and the entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana.
These three parasitoids were introduced to
tropical America from Africa. They are established in most of the countries where they have
been released. Nevertheless, classical biological
control with these African parasitoids has not
been sufficient to reduce the borer population
below the economic injury level. Yearly inoculative and inundative releases of parasitoids have
been used with better results. However, inundative releases are expensive because mass rearing
methods and facilities have not been developed
for area-wide releases. Parasitoids are produced
for inoculative releases in laboratories where
the borer is reared mostly in parchment coffee
(35% humidity) for use in rearing the parasitoids. A rearing system for H. hampei in an artificial diet has been developed; however, its
application for mass production of parasitoids
is not fully employed. An alternative and less
intensive rearing system to produce parasitoids
for inoculative releases is production of the parasitoids in rural areas, also known as “parasitoid
rural rearing.” In this system, the coffee growers
rear the parasitoids at their farms or communities. Such rearing is conducted using coffee
berries infested by the borer in the field. Regardless of the rearing method used, annual releases
of parasitoids are needed to manage the borer
The use of B. bassiana for borer control is
more developed than is the use of parasitoids. Its
success has resulted from the relatively easy
propagation, formulation and application of this
fungus. Strains of B. bassiana are commonly
collected for mass production from infected
H. hampei females in the field. Rice grains are used
as the propagation substrate for this entomopathogen. The fungus requires high relative humidity for
germination of the spores and it is very susceptible
to sunlight. Early in the morning is the most
effective time to apply it in the field, when the
borer is starting to penetrate the coffee berry.
Insect Traps
Traps are used for monitoring and control of the
coffee berry borer. They are made using 2 L plastic
bottles into which one or more windows have
been cut to allow the entry of flying females. Borers are attracted by a mixture of methanol and
ethanol (1:1 or 3:1) and they are caught and
drowned in the water placed at the bottom of the
trap. Typically, 16–25 traps are deployed per hectare. Each trap is suspended from a branch of a
coffee plant at 1.2–1.5 m above the ground. Borers
captured are removed from the traps and counted
weekly. The best time to use the traps for H. hampei control is after the harvest, during the massive
emergence of females from old berries. Better
results for suppression of insect infestation in the
next harvest can be obtained by combining the
use of traps with strict sanitation.
Chemical Control
There are several chemical insecticides used for
borer control, among which endosulfan is outstanding for its ability to cause high mortality of
H. hampei. However, this organochlorine insecticide is being seriously questioned for negative
side effects (it is highly toxic to fish and bees, and
it causes secondary pest outbreaks by eliminating
the natural enemies); borer resistance (apparently this pest is not resistant to endosulfan in
tropical America; nevertheless, there is concern
about the development of resistance, as in the
case of New Caledonia); and sanctions in the
international market due to the possible presence
of residues in the coffee bean. The insecticide
should only be used if the borer population
reaches the economic threshold. The best time
for spraying is when the adult borer starts
Coffee Pests and their Management
penetrating the fruit, at the so-called semi-consistency stage of development (about 20% dry
weight in the bean). This period varies, according
to the temperature, from 90 to 140 days after the
main flowering. Formerly, treatments were
throughout the plantation, but now sprays are
directed only at infested areas.
Coffee Leaf Miner, Leucoptera
coffeella (Guérin-Méneville)
(Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae)
This species is found in the Neotropics: Mexico,
Central America, South America and the Caribbean
region. It is widespread wherever coffee is grown.
Damage and Economic Importance
In some areas of tropical America, the coffee leaf
miner is considered to be the principal insect
pest of coffee; certainly this is the case in some
coffee-growing areas in Brazil. Leaves are the
only plant organs damaged by this insect. The
damage is caused by the larva. Four larvae per
leaf may cause leaf drop. The affected leaves show
irregular light-brown spots. If the damaged surface of the leaf is rubbed, the leaf separates into
two layers and between them is found a small
white worm, from 2 to 5 mm in size. The coffee
leaf miner lesions may be confused with the
symptoms of Anthracnose (Colletotrichum sp.),
but in the latter case the leaf layers do not separate when rubbed. Four months after flowering, a
reduction in the rate of growth of the coffee berries and an increase in leaf production take place;
this allows the plant to compensate for the damage caused by the miner. But when the fruit
growth starts again, if there is more than one leaf
miner lesion per leaf it will result in economic
damage. The damage increases if simultaneously
the plant is under drought stress. Attack of coffee
by leaf miner can cause severe defoliation. In
Ecuador, defoliation between 70 and 90% has
been reported on C. arabica and from 30 to 40%
on C. canephora. The lack of leaves on the plant
reduces the photosynthetic activity, and consequently the availability of nutrients for the fruits.
In Brazil, when 94–95% of the leaves were mined,
a reduction in yield between 68–80% has been
The egg is oval, translucent yellow and similar to a
flattened volcano in profile. It is 0.28 mm long, 0.18
mm wide, and 0.08 mm tall. The larva has a dorsoventrally flattened body with a more pronounced flattening of the head and the first
thoracic segment. The true legs are found on the
1st, 2nd and 3rd thoracic segments but four pairs
of prolegs occur on the 6th, 7th, 8th and 13th
abdominal segments. It has four larval instars. The
larva attains a length of 4.5 mm. The pupa is white
in the initial stage and ochre towards maturity,
except for the dorsal portion, which remains white.
The pupa is covered by a white cocoon which
resembles an elongated “H” or “X.” The adult is a
small moth between 2.0 and 3.0 mm long with its
body covered by silvery scales. The antennae are
long and thin. The front wings possess a gray oval
point distally, surrounded by a black line and
edged by a yellow stripe that extends along the
margin. Males tend to be slightly smaller than
Biology and Ecology
The female usually lays its eggs irregularly on the
upper surface of the darkest, most mature leaves,
particularly on the middle and lower parts of the
coffee plant. Eggs are laid individually or in small
clusters of up to seven eggs, with a total fecundity
that varies between 30 and 80 eggs. Upon hatching, the larva makes a semi-circular cut at its base
Coffee Pests and their Management
and penetrates rapidly into the leaf, where it
moves about, mining the palisade parenchyma
tissue. When ready to pupate, the fully developed
larva leaves the gallery very early in the morning,
making a semi-circular cut on the face of the leaf,
through which it slips down by a silk thread
which it secretes from the mouth. Cocoon formation and pupation take place on the lower face
of the coffee leaf, often on a curvature of the leaf
or close to a protruding vein. The duration of the
life cycle, from egg to adult, lasts between 25 and
75 days, depending on the temperature. Several
generations occur annually, particularly in coffee
plantations with full sunlight or only lightly
shaded. The abundance of L. coffeella is significantly affected by the onset of rainfall, and by
natural enemies, which are very numerous after
the end of the dry season.
Natural Enemies
The coffee leaf miner is attacked by a large
number of parasitoids; predators and some
insect pathogens have also been recorded. More
than 20 morphospecies of parasitoids wasps
(Hymenoptera) have been reported in tropical
America. Eulophidae are the most common parasitoids of L. coffeella; this group is largely
unknown because keys for neotropical species do
not exist. In Mexico, Neochrysocharis was the
genus with the greater number of morphospecies, and also the one that was collected most frequently. It was followed, in order of abundance,
by Pnigalio, Closterocerus, and Zagrammosoma.
Of two braconids collected in Mexico, Stiropius
letifer (Mann) was the most abundant and most
widely distributed. Wasps (Vespidae) are the most
important predators of coffee leaf miner in Brazil, but in Mexico, the most important predators
are ants (Formicidae). The bacteria Pseudomonas
aeruginosa (Schroeter) Migula and Erwinia herbicola (Löhnis) Dye, and the fungus Cladosporium sp., have been reported infecting L.
There are several useful approaches to management of coffee leaf miner. population. Sampling is
recommended prior to initiating chemical
Sampling Damaged Leaves
The recommended sampling protocol follows:
sampling is initiated when the coffee flowers, and
is conducted monthly until the berries stop growing. The coffee plantation to be sampled is divided
into areas not larger than one hectare. The sampling is conducted by selecting a zigzag path
across the coffee plantation and by selecting 12
coffee plants at random. From each coffee plant,
25 leaves are selected at random, and the number
of leaves with mines is recorded. The first two
pairs of leaves at the tip of the branches are not
Cultural Control
The shade canopy of coffee plantation should not
be trimmed immediately after harvest; it should
be thinned only when the onset of the rainy season is imminent. Adequate soil fertilization is
important. Thick mulch coverage of the soil
should be maintained. High coffee plant densities
should be avoided. The coffee plant should be
pruned to stimulate vigorous growth. Damaged
leaves should be collected and placed in containers that allow the escape of parasitoids but not of
the coffee leaf miner.
Biological Control
The introduction of natural enemies into new
areas has not been widely explored. The most
important action conducted so far has been to
protect the already existing natural enemies by
Coffee Pests and their Management
avoiding the use of broad-spectrum, residual
contact insecticides. The natural control exerted
by the coffee leaf miner’s natural enemies varies
from 2 to 70%; however, in most cases it is unnecessary to resort to the use of chemical control.
Regrettably, the use of chemical insecticides may
eliminate a large portion of the beneficial organisms, causing pest resurgence and making it difficult to implement control. In certain countries
like Honduras, high and recurring L. coffeella
infestations have diminished significantly when
the use of chemical control is not applied for several years and the beneficial fauna is restored.
This supports the idea that coffee leaf miner control should not be based on use of insecticides in
order to avoid disrupting the actions of parasitoids and predators.
Chemical Control
Numerous chemical insecticides can be used for
suppression of L. coffeella and protection of foliage. These products include both organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides. They are
inexpensive and can be applied at the same time
with other agrochemicals, but they are highly
toxic and they are more likely to cause ecological
disturbances. Organophosphorates are often
applied twice at an interval of 30–45 days, with
an additional application in cases of severe
attack. In the case of pyrethroids, one or two
applications at an interval of 45–60 days are recommended. The application of granular insecticides with systemic action to the soil is also
recommended in cases where it is difficult to
apply foliar sprays. Soil applications interfere
much less with the natural enemies of the coffee
leaf miner, and this approach can be used to control pests and soil diseases simultaneously. Granular insecticides should be shallowly buried at
the drip line of the plant once a year during the
rainy season. Where this type of product is used,
it is recommended that harvest occur 90 days
after application.
Root Mealybugs (Hemiptera:
Root mealybugs are found in Neotropical countries where coffee is grown. The principal root
mealybugs affecting coffee plants in tropical
America are shown in Table 17.
Damage and Economic Importance
These insects attack the coffee plant roots and some
species also affect the foliage. The foliage of attacked
coffee plants appears withered, the color of the
leaves fade, and they have copper, brown or necrotic
edges. Additionally, total or partial leaf drop may
occur. These symptoms are more evident during
the dry season. In case of serious attacks by Dysmicoccus bispinosus (Beardly), a thick, cork-like, dark
crust covers the main and secondary roots; the
attacked roots lose their absorbent root hairs. Heavily attacked plants perish. Infestation appears to be
associated with ants (Formicidae). The symptoms
may be confused with the symptoms of fungal
diseases and with physiological plant problems.
In the case of Neorhizoeccus coffeae (Laing) and
D. brevipes (Ckll.) infestations, the branches turn
whitish and the affected root seems to be covered
with flour, the crust separates easily, and considerable deteriorated tissue appears. The attacked plants
have little anchorage and are easily dislodged.
Root mealybugs have become important coffee
pests in some areas of tropical America during the
last 20 years. In Guatemala, the most harmful species
is D. bispinosus; in Costa Rica, N. coffeae and D. brevipes; in El Salvador, D. brevipes, Rhizoeccus nemoralis
Ham. and Geococcus coffeae Green; and in Colombia,
Chavesia caldasiae (Balachowsky). At some coffee
plantations in Colombia, Planococcus citri (Risso) has
also appeared as a pest, causing up to 30% yield loss
in the attacked trees. Other forms of damage caused
by root mealybugs include excessive extraction of
potassium, destruction of the absorbent root hairs,
Coffee Pests and their Management
development of small rotting areas which tend to
atrophy, and enhanced entry of plant pathogens. This
damage creates a general condition of weakness, slow
growth and plant death in many cases.
Dysmicoccus brevipes weakens the coffee
plants but it rarely kills them. In Costa Rica,
plants with more than 20 mealybugs per liter of
soil are more susceptible to infection by the fungus
Cercospora coffeicola Berk & Cooke. Damage is
more apparent on nutrient-deficient soils, and
where weeds are abundant. Plants in seed beds
and tree nurseries are also attacked. The varieties
of C. arabica grown in Central America (e.g.,
Caturra, Catuaí, Bourbon) are susceptible to the
mealybug attack, while tolerance has been
observed on C. canephora, C. dewevrei De Wild.
& Durand, and C. excelsa Chev.
Mealybug eggs are small (0.5 mm). The nymphs are
oval, slightly swollen, usually white, yellow or pinkcolored, and covered by a white waxy-mealy dust
with waxy filaments projecting laterally. The female
nymphs molt three times, and the males, contrary
to the females, form a waxy cocoon in the third
instar, where they pupate. The adult females have no
wings and they are similar to the nymphs but larger.
Smaller species, such as Geococcus and Rhizoecus,
are from 1.5 to 2.0 mm long and the larger ones,
such as Dysmicoccus and Pseudococcus, are from 2.5
to 5.0 mm long. Males are white, fragile-looking,
smaller than the females, and they possess a pair of
wings and a pair of terminal filaments.
Biology and Ecology
Mealybugs generally live attached to the coffee root,
forming numerous colonies. Their reproduction
may be sexual or parthenogenetic (partial or total).
Eggs are laid in groups and covered by a layer of
cotton-like wax or by an egg sac of crystalline wax
filaments. A single female may deposit 300–600 eggs.
Other species, such as Pseudococcus adonidum (L.)
are oviparous. Females die shortly after the eggs
hatch. Upon eclosion, the small nymphs start looking for an appropriate place to settle on the plant
root; at the selected site, they insert their mouthparts,
and feed by suctioning the sap from the root. Some
of them settle down permanently on a site until they
reach maturity, and others may change their feeding
site by moving short distances. Depending on the
type of soil, the humidity, aeration and age of the
coffee plant, they usually place themselves between
10 and 60 cm under the soil surface, their population diminishing as the soil depth increases. Different species prefer different parts of the root. For
example, D. brevipes and R. nemoralis prefer the
main and the lateral roots, while G. coffeae attacks
the absorbent roots; the smaller species attack the
whole root system near the soil surface.
As they feed and develop, the nymphs and
adults excrete their characteristic waxy cover and
form compact colonies. Mealybugs excrete sugary
substances (honeydew), which supports the growth
of fungi (i.e., Bornetina), which contribute to formation of the thick, cork-like, dark crust covering
and sheltering the mealybug colony; a succession of
crusts give a knotty appearance to the root. The sugary substances also attract certain ant species, which
live in a symbiotic association (trophobiosis) with
the mealybugs. In exchange for the sugary foodstuff,
the ants give them protection and transportation
from one root to another and from one plant to
another. The ants that associate with mealybugs in
South America and in some of the Caribbean
Islands are in the genus Acropyga. In Colombia, the
Hope ant (A. robae Donisthorpe) and the Amagá
ant (A. fuhrmanni Forel) are associated with N. coffeae and C. caldasiae, respectively. In Guatemala, D.
bispinosus seems to be associated with the presence
of the ant Solenopsis geminata (F.). P. citri does not
produce large quantities of sugary excretions when
it lives on the plant roots, and is not attractive to
ants. In certain cases, the mealybugs have lived for
more than a year in the absence of ants.
The life cycle, from egg to adult, requires from
30 to 120 days, according to the species and the
Coffee Pests and their Management
temperature. Five generations develop per year in
the case of D. bispinosus. Root mealybugs develop
better during the rainy season, particularly in low
or medium altitude plantations in Central America. Other conditions that favor their development
are sandy, acid pH, and medium moisture soils. In
Colombia, the damage caused by Rhizoecus sp.
seems to increase in old, poorly fertilized plantations, and in Guatemala D. bispinosus is found most
frequently in 1–5 year-old plantations. Mealybugs
are polyphagous, also attacking other plants such
as shade trees (Inga spp.), cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), sugarcane (Saccharum), banana trees
(Musa), lemon trees (Citrus) and some herbs that
grow on the coffee plantation. In Costa Rica, Anredera ramosa (Moq.) Eliasson is an alternate host of
D. brevipes; in El Salvador, D. bispinosus has been
found associated with Lantana camara L.
Natural Enemies
In general, the literature on coffee mealybugs in
tropical America does not make reference to their
natural enemies. In Cuba, Coccidoxenoides peregrinus
(Timberlake) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is cited
as a solitary, primary endoparasite of the pseudococcid complex in coffee. Other natural enemies
of mealybugs reported in Cuba are Diadiplosis
cocci Felton (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), Leptomastix
dactylopii Howard (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)
and Signiphora sp. (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae).
There are management options for mealybugs, but
insecticides are normally used once pest populations develop.
ant nests should be examined critically; from 15 to
20 plants/ha should be checked, paying more attention to those that are close to the ant nests and/or
possess yellow leaves. The surrounding shade trees
and bushes should also be checked. The plants are
checked by moving the stems in all directions in
order to gain visibility of the base of the roots.
Cultural Control
Mealybugs should not be present in the seed bed
and tree nursery. The limits of any infestation
sites should be determined and marked. Adequate
fertilization should be provided, including
addition of organic matter to the soil. Physical
conditions of the soil should be improved in
order to avoid floods. Planting coffee trees on
land previously supporting plants that are highly
susceptible to mealybugs (e.g., cassava, sugarcane)
should be avoided. Alternate host plants should
be eliminated from the plantation. Severely damaged plants should be removed and burned.
Biological Control
This is practically unexplored in the coffee growing countries of tropical America.
Plant Resistance to Insects
In Guatemala, some research has been conducted
which supports the use of plants grafted on resistant rootstocks of C. canephora (genotypes 3757,
3754, 3751, 3581, 3752 and 3756) and C. dewevrei.
Chemical Control
Sampling should preferably be conducted on young
coffee plantations (up to 6 years old). Plants near
Systemic organophosphorate and carbamate insecticides produce good results, although they are
expensive. The presence of mealybugs in seed beds
or on plants younger than 1 year old is sufficient
Coffee Pests and their Management
justification for insecticide application. On plantations older than 3 years, insecticide application is
made if more than 1.6 colonies per plant, on average,
are found. In no case should the damage be allowed
to exceed 25% of the absorbent roots. Insecticides
are applied on the drip line of the plant if the damage is on the small roots. If the damage is on the
main root a funnel-shaped hole should be made
around the tree trunk, the insecticide should be
poured in and the hole should be covered again with
soil, adding also a layer of dead leaves. Application of
granular insecticides is made at the beginning of the
rainy season or 3 months before starting the harvest.
Scale Insects, Mealybugs and
Related Foliage Pests (Hemiptera)
Different scale insects, mealybugs and related
foliage pests live on the coffee plant. The geographic distribution of some is restricted to a few
countries of tropical America, whereas others
are distributed more widely. Some are reported
attacking the coffee plant only in South America,
others only in Central America or the Caribbean
(Table 17).
Damage and Economic Importance
Scale insects, mealybugs and related species attack
the aerial part of the coffee plant and, in some species, also the root (e.g., Planococcus citri [Risso]).
The leaves, fruit, branches and young tissues of
the aerial part of the attacked coffee plant often
support colonies or groups of circular, oval or elongated scales, which may be flattened or swollen,
with a soft or hard consistency. In other cases, colonies of insects have a soft body covered with white,
cotton-like filaments. These insects cause damage
by removing large quantities of sap, which causes
plant malnutrition. Also, sticky honeydew and
blackish molds can be found covering the foliage.
When Capnodium (sooty mold) and Meliola (black
mildew) fungi grow on the honeydew excreted by
the scales, they interfere with photosynthesis. Ants
are present where scale insects are feeding.
In cases of severe attack, a dirty appearance
on the plant, general weakening, growth delay, yellowing and drop of foliage and fruit are observed.
With the articulated scale, Selenaspidus articulatus
(Morgan), old attacks may be recognized because
the site where the scales were located turns yellow
or discolored, resembling infection by the coffee
rust fungus (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. and Br.).
Some species, such as the green scale, Coccus
viridis (Green), are considered to be quite important to coffee production, though some attack a
number of different cultivated plants. Severe infestations of C. viridis may kill young tree nursery
plants. The incidence of these pests is highest on
coffee plantations lacking adequate shading.
Pest Description
The following cases are presented as examples:
C. viridis – adult females are motionless, oval, sometimes asymmetric, very flat and pale yellow. They
have some black spots centrally, and they tend to
be soft and elastic. They are about 2.2 mm wide
and 4.0 mm long. The presence of males is very
rare. Saisettia coffeae (Walker) – adult females are
motionless, almost spherically shaped and dark
brown. They are 2.0–3.5 mm in diameter. The males
are winged. P. citri – adult females are mobile, oval,
pale yellow or dark orange, with very clear segments
on the body, and 4.0 mm in size. They are covered
with a dusty white glandular secretion except for a
longitudinal stripe dorsally. They have filaments laterally. Males are smaller (1.0 mm), violet to yellow
in color, and they have well-developed wings.
Biology and Ecology
The biology of these insects varies among species and can be quite complex. The first instar
Coffee Pests and their Management
has legs and antennae and is very active. To feed,
the insects attach and insert their mouthparts.
After the first molt, they generally lose their legs
and antennae and the insect becomes sessile. By
then, it begins to secrete a waxy, scale-shaped
layer that covers the body. In the case of scales of
the family Diaspididae, this layer of scale is
almost always separated from the insect’s body.
Adult females remain under this cover and they
produce their eggs or directly give birth to the
nymphs therein. The location on the plant, and
the age of the plant they prefer to attack, depends
on the species of scale: C. viridis is commonly
located along the leaf veins, on the back of the
leaves, on young buds and on seed bed coffee
fruits of nursery plants; S. articulatus is found
mainly on the leaves and fruits of production
plants; the round scale, Parasaissetia sp., mostly
attacks the stems and branches of coffee plants
younger than 1 year; the black scale, Ischnaspis
longirostris (Signoret), infests the leaves, branches
and fruits of old, poorly attended coffee plantations; Cerococcus catenarius Fonseca gathers in
the form of a line or chain along the trunks and
branches; P. citri attacks new branches, leaves,
flower buds, fruit peduncles and fruits; Orthezia
spp. attack branches, leaves and fruits, mostly of
robusta coffee in Brazil. The males develop very
much like the females except that in the last
stage, before transforming into adults, they go
through a pupal stage; the wings develop externally over the pupa. Most of the scales reproduce
parthenogenetically. Some species are oviparous
(S. coffeae, S. olae [Oliver]) and others are viviparous (Coccus hesperidum L.). The total number
of eggs produced per female varies among the
species; for example: C. viridis, between 50 and
600 eggs; Orthezia praelonga Douglas, more than
200 eggs; C. catenarius, about 900; S. coffeae can
lay up to 1,600 eggs. The complete life cycle, from
egg to adult, lasts between 40 and 60 days. The
scale insects are more abundant during the dry
season and at the onset of the rainy period. Hard
rains and natural enemies are important factors
in the mortality of these pests.
Natural Enemies
These insects are susceptible to a large number of
parasites, predators and pathogens as natural
During the dry season, inspections should be conducted to check for the presence of scales and
related species in the coffee plantation, as well as
on other plants cultivated nearby or at the same
Cultural Control
The nursery shading should be reinforced during
the dry season. Affected plants should not be
transplanted. Weeds should be suppressed. The
pests should be kept under control on host plants
existing in or near the coffee plantations. Sanitary
pruning should be performed to eliminate (by
burning) old and unproductive branches infested
by the pests.
Biological Control
Natural enemies should be protected and preserved, using insecticide only if necessary.
Chemical Control
Chemical control is directed only at infested plants,
after checking to determine that the scale colonies
are alive. For better control, mineral oil is added to
the insecticide solution, with applications made
every 15 days until the problem is corrected. The
oil should not be used during flowering or during
sunny periods of the day. During the rainy season,
granulated insecticides may be used.
Coffee Pests and their Management
Cutworms and Armyworms
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
These insects are widely distributed in the coffee
plantations of tropical America (Table 17).
Damage and Economic Importance
Cutworms and armyworms constitute an economically important pest for many crops. Damage is
caused during the night by the larval stage. The
larvae attack the stems of small coffee plants in germinating beds, seedbeds or plant nurseries, and
recently transplanted plants. On seed beds and plant
nurseries, plant damage typically takes the form of
plants cut at the soil level or slightly above, or
withered plants. In the case of recently transplanted
coffee plants, defoliated and sometimes dead coffee
plants can be observed. Spodoptera frugiperda
(Smith) larvae feed on the stem, causing withering
and finally death of the small plants during the first
year of their lives. In other cases, the stem breaks at
the site of the ring formed by the larval feeding.
When the infestation is severe, many plants are killed
and re-sowings are needed, which increases the coffee plantation set-up costs. Damage is more frequent
in plantations that are close to fields where corn,
beans, vegetables, cassava or pasture are grown.
Biology and Ecology
Adults are moths that are active at night, laying
their eggs individually (A. ipsilon) or in groups
(S. frugiperda). During the first two larval stages,
they feed on leaves that are at soil level, and in
the last three they act as cutting worms. During
the day, they remain hidden in the soil. In some
species, such as A. ipsilon, the larvae coil up when
disturbed. Larvae pupate in the soil.
Natural Enemies
There are many natural enemies (parasitoids,
predators and pathogens) of these pests. In Ecuador, the larval parasitoids Bonetia sp. (Diptera:
Tachinidae) and Chelonus sp. (Hymenoptera:
Braconidae) and the predatory ground beetle
Calosoma sp. (Coleoptera: Carabidae), are cited.
Night-time inspection of seedbeds and the young
plantations should be made to detect initial
Cultural Control
Pest Description
The following species are presented as examples:
S. frugiperda – the larvae have a well-contrasted,
inverted “Y” on the head; neonate larvae are white
with a black head, but as they grow they turn dark.
Large worms are light brown to dark green in color
and they are about 4.0 cm long. Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) – small larvae are brown with paler back
marks, and large ones, which may be as be as large as
4.0–5.0 cm, are shiny black-gray in color, with a pale
gray line on the back and black tubercles on each of
the segments.
Seedbeds or plant nurseries should be kept clean
of weeds and dead leaves, since the larvae seek
shelter there.
Mechanical Control
Larvae should be eliminated by hand during the
night-time inspections. Heavy watering should be
applied to get the larvae out of their hiding places,
followed by manual elimination. Light traps can
be used to capture the adults.
Coffee Pests and their Management
Biological Control
Biological insecticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis
Berliner should be used, particularly at the beginning of infestations, when the larvae are small.
Chemical Control
Insecticides can be incorporated into the soil, before
or after sowing, for cutworm control. Granular
products are used in a preventive manner. The use
of poisoned baits during the night and dry weather
is also recommended.
Brown Coffee Borer, Xylosandrus
morigerus (Blandford) (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
This pest comes from the Oriental region, having
its distribution center in the Indomalayan area. It
was detected in the western hemisphere in 1958–
1959, and it is now found from Veracruz, Mexico
to Brazil.
Damage and Economic Importance
Various tree species can be attacked by X. morigerus
(e.g., avocado, cacao, cedar, coffee). This insect displays a strong preference for attacking robusta coffee, C. canephora. Some reports indicate that it
may also infest C. arabica; however, this has not
been confirmed in Mexico. The attacked coffee
plant branches and young stems typically display a
few or many holes of about 1.0 mm diameter.
Blackening of the tissues may be seen around the
perforations. A longitudinal cut of an affected
branch reveals a gallery in which the whitish larvae can be observed, along with reddish brown
adults. The attacked young branches and stems
dry up distally and then die. Apparently, the
mortality of the branches and stems is caused by
microorganisms that invade the plant tissues
through the feeding sites formed by the brown
coffee borer. Ants, termites or mites can be found
in the abandoned galleries. Often the ants cause
the death of branches or stems when enlarging the
abandoned galleries of X. morigerus to construct
their own nests. If death of branches or stems does
not occur, the yield is reduced as a result of damage to the flowering and development of the fruit.
The symptoms can be observed more frequently
on weak coffee plants, but attacks may also be seen
on the young stems of pruned plantations. This
pest is particularly important in Ecuador. In Mexico, X. morigerus is also an important pest in the
Soconusco region in Chiapas.
The egg is oval, white and very small. The larva is
milky white, with a yellowish head, and lacks legs.
The pupa is white initially, turning cream to brown
toward maturity. The adult is cylindrical and from
1.40 to 1.90 mm long. It is differentiated from
other species of the same genus by the bright
brown-reddish color, by the stouter body and
because the declivity commencing only on-third
of the elytral length from the base, and by the near
absence of punctures on the sides of the elytra
(variable). Females have well-developed wings and
fly, but males are incapable of flight. Females are
larger than males.
Biology and Ecology
Mated females take flight during the day, leaving
the gallery where they developed in search of
branches or stems, which they penetrate to
construct the new galleries. The female lays
from 20 to 60 eggs in 8–10 days. X. morigerus is an
ambrosia beetle. The adults and larvae get more
nutrition by feeding on fungi (e.g., Ambrosiaemyces zeylanicus Trotter is reported from Ecuador;
Coffee Pests and their Management
Raffaelea tritirachium Batra from Mexico) than
from the coffee plant tissues. These fungi grow
inside the gallery, which is inoculated by the founding female. The larvae have three instars. The life
cycle, from egg to adult, is 20–40 days. A gallery
may contain more than 80 individuals in all stages
of development. The sex ratio in galleries is femaledominated; various studies have found only one
male for each 7, 11 or 20 females. Mating occurs
within, or very close to the gallery. Infestation is
apparently less evident under drought conditions,
because the ambrosia fungi require moisture. Nevertheless, reports from Ecuador indicate that the
populations are larger during the dry season of the
year. X. morigerus is a pest which frequently attacks
healthy plants; however, very strong attacks may be
observed when the coffee plants have been weakened by droughts, malnutrition, nematode attacks
and competition with weeds. The attacks may be
accompanied by attacks from other Scolytinae.
ethanol have been used for monitoring flying
females in robusta coffee plantations.
Cultural Control
Infested vegetative material, particularly in
young or pruned plantations, should be cut and
burned periodically. Adequate fertilization should
be applied. Shade of coffee should be regulated by
pruning. Weeds should be suppressed by shading,
mulching, use of ground cover, and by selective
weeding by hand.
Biological Control
This approach has not yet been attempted for this
Chemical Control
Natural Enemies
No native parasitoids of this pest have been
reported in coffee growing countries in tropical
America. However, it should be mentioned that in
Indonesia, a Tetrastichus sp. (Eulophidae) has been
reported, and also probably a bethylid parasitoid.
In Ecuador, ants (Formicidae) have been recorded
as predators of the brown coffee borer, including
species of Crematogaster, Leptothorax, Pheidole,
Pseudomyrmex and Solenopsis. The entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana has been reported infecting
this insect pest.
This is recommended when the beetle population
has undergone a marked increase and natural and
cultural control cannot restrain it. Insecticides are
useful only when adults are out of the galleries or
are boring on the branches; once they have taken
refuge within the galleries, insecticides have little
or no effect on X. morigerus.
Stem Borers Plagiohammus spp.
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
No sampling methods have been developed in
coffee plantations; however, some studies indicate
that penetrated branches and stems have an aggregated distribution in the field. Traps baited with
Three species of Plagiohammus have been reported
attacking the stem of coffee plants in Mexico and
Central America. P. maculosus (Bates) has the wider
geographic distribution (Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico), while P. mexicanus
Breuning and P. spinipennis (Thomson) have
been recorded attacking coffee only in Mexican
Coffee Pests and their Management
Damage and Economic Importance
A pile of white-yellowish sawdust or powder present
at the base of coffee plants, at the soil level, in a good
indication of infestation by Plagiohammus. Infested
plants may have a withered, yellow-like and decaying appearance. Careful observation at the stem base
may help identify the hole or holes (ca. 5.0 mm in
diameter), where the sawdust originates. A longitudinal cut of the stem and root may uncover a large,
white or creamy-colored larva with long gallery
containing powder; the gallery begins at the stem
and may go as low as the tip of the central tap root.
These borers are one of the most destructive coffee
plant pests in certain areas of tropical America. The
damage is caused by the larva when it bores into the
stem and the root. The borer attack delays the plant
growth and it may cause death directly by damaging
its root, or indirectly, by facilitating stem breakage
following wind action or other factors.
ready to pupate, the larva moves close to the excretory opening, which has been made close to the
ground, and it isolates itself within the stem in a
chamber surrounded by sawdust. The larval period
lasts from 2 to 3 years. Adults are more visible at the
beginning of the rainy season (April through June),
the period when egg laying occurs. The abundance
of these cerambycids is higher in high-altitude coffee plantations (>1,000 m) and in places with long
summers or with lack of rain. Abandoned coffee
plantations are more severely attacked.
Natural Enemies
There is no information on the natural enemies of
the Plagiohammus spp.
The egg is unknown. The larva is creamy-white, with
the thorax wider than the abdomen, and legless. Its
head is light brown with strong and visible mandibles
extended forward. A well-developed larva is about
4.5 cm long. The pupa is brown and similar in size to
the adult. The adult has an elongated body, cylindrical, from 2.0 to 3.5 cm long by 0.8 cm wide. The body
is light brown with two white lines on the prothorax
and with irregular white spots on the elytra. The
antennae are longer than the body (4.0 cm).
Coffee plants having sawdust as the base of the
trunk should be searched for. If damage is recent,
the sawdust is white or pale yellow.
Cultural Control
Infested stems should be removed. Adequate
fertilization should be applied. Weeds should be
managed by shading, mulching, ground cover,
and mechanical removal.
Biology and Ecology
Biological Control
Not much is known about the bionomics of Plagiohammus spp. Adult females lay eggs on the bark of
coffee plant stems, at a height below 30.0 cm. Upon
eclosion, the larva penetrates the stem and bores
longitudinally all the way to the root, while it feeds,
grows and develops. The larvae may be found in the
stem, from the base to a height of one meter. When
This has not been attempted yet.
Chemical Control
In places where the pest appears yearly, a preventive insecticide application with a brush or a
Coffee Pests and their Management
manual pump is recommended, treating from
the stem base up to 60.0 cm high. Application may
be repeated once or twice every 20 days. In order
to kill the larva within the stem, a cotton ball
soaked in an insecticide can be inserted through
the respiration and excretion opening made by the
larva, or insecticide solution can be injected into
the opening with a syringe. When treating in this
manner, the orifice is enlarged, the product is
applied and the orifice is sealed with mud, clay
or any other material that solidifies. This step,
though effective, can be expensive due to the labor
it may require.
White Grubs (Coleoptera:
Phyllophaga is a well-represented genus of white
grubs in coffee plantations in tropical America
(Table 17). In El Salvador, P. latipes (Bates), P. menetriesi (Blanch) and P. obsoleta (Blanch) are found,
whereas in Costa Rica P. sanjosecola Saylor and
P. vicina (Moser) are reported. Other white grubs
recorded in coffee are Anomala sp. (El Salvador)
and Dyscinetus picipes Burmeister (Cuba).
Damage and Economic Importance
White grubs attack the coffee plant root. The damage
is caused by larvae that live in the soil and feed on the
root system of the plant. In the seedbed and plant
nursery, the plants wither and die rapidly; in the
coffee plantation, irregular areas on one or several
coffee plants, usually young, may be observed, which
show symptoms of yellowishness, limited growth,
scarce fruits and mummified fruits.When the affected
plants are taken out of the soil, lesions, very few small
roots and partial or total bark peeling on the main
and secondary roots are observed. In some coffee
growing areas, these pests can be economically
important, because they may cause death of the plants.
The attacks are more severe in plant nurseries, on
recently transplanted coffee bushes and on 1 year-old
plants, although mature plantations may also suffer
the attacks of these pests. In some plantations it is estimated that 2 or 3% of the transplanted coffee plants
may be lost to white grub attack. Coffee plantations
located in the vicinity of pastures are most affected.
Pest Description
The egg is white; when recently laid, they are elongated, and later on they adopt a round shape. The
larva has a milky-white colored body with a “C”
shape, with long thoracic legs covered with hair. The
head is dark or light, with strong mandibles. There
are three larval stages; the last stage grows up to
3.5–4.0 cm long. The pupa is brown-golden in color,
with a size that varies between 1.8 and 2.0 cm. The
adult is a strong, heavy bodied scarab. Depending
on the species, they may be light or dark brown
or reddish-brown in color, measuring from 0.5 to
2.5 cm in length; the antennae are enlarged distally,
with the apical expansion consisting of several
laminated segments. They are able to fly.
Biology and Ecology
Adult females, which have twilight habits, come
out at the beginning of the rainy season and they
lay their eggs within the first 10.0 cm of depth in
the soil, close to pastures or fodders. The eggs are
laid one by one or forming small groups. A female
may lay up to 200 eggs. Small larvae feed themselves with organic matter and small roots, and
when they reach the last development stage, they
are voracious root eaters. They are found at different depths, according to the soil temperature
and humidity. They are common in areas that
have been gramineous pastures. The larval stage
lasts about 6 months. Pupation takes place in a
chamber or cell located in the soil at a depth
between 10.0 and 20.0 cm. The duration of the
life cycle, from egg to adult, varies from 9 to 10
Coffee Pests and their Management
months. Adults are strongly attracted by artificial
light and they feed from the leaves of some plants,
such as cassava, African oil palm and Erythrina
trees (Fabaceae).
Natural Enemies
The larval parasitoids Campsomeris, Elis and
Tiphia (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae) have been
reported in coffee plantations. Parasitism of bacteria Micrococus sp. on larvae and parasitism of
fungi Spicaria sp. and Metarhizium sp. on pupae
has been observed. Nematodes as parasites of larvae have been observed as well. A robber fly Diogmites species (Diptera: Asilidae) has been recorded
predating larvae in the soil. Several mammal,
reptile and bird species predate on the adults.
Root and soil samples at a depth of up to 20.0 cm
should be taken, in order to determine the infestation sources. The samples are taken from three
coffee plants, at 30.0 m intervals. On areas <7 ha,
sampling should be taken diagonally and for
larger areas sampling should be taken in parallel.
manually. Light traps, preferably 40 watt blacklight traps, should be used to capture and eliminate
adults. The use of a trap for every 10–15 ha is recommended, which should be turned on from 18:00
to 21:00 o’clock. This procedure has the disadvantage of attracting a number of other night habit
insect species, which should not be eliminated.
Biological Control
Biological control has not been attempted in coffee plantations.
Chemical Control
In the case of plant nurseries and recently transplanted coffee plants (<1 year old), one larva per
plant justifies the use of granular insecticides.
The application can also be made at sowing time.
With three large larvae or seven small larvae per
square meter, insecticides are recommended for
young plants. Three year old plants withstand
up to eight larvae; for 4 year-old plants, 12–15
larvae; well-attended mature plantations withstand up to 20 larvae per coffee plant.
Black Citrus Aphid, Toxoptera
aurantii (Boyer De Fonscolombe)
(Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Cultural Control
Weeds should be suppressed principally by
shading, by mulching, by ground cover vegetation, by slashing back and by selective weeding
by hand. Shade trees should be pruned.
This aphid comes from the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the Old World. It is widely distributed
in coffee plantations in tropical America.
Physical-Mechanical Control
Damage and Economic Importance
During preparation of the seedbed or plant
nursery, the soil to be used for bag filling should
be sifted, and the larvae found therein killed
T. aurantii attacks leaves, buds and other tender
parts of the coffee plant. Coiled, deformed and curled
leaves and tender buds are signs of infestation;
Coffee Pests and their Management
also, reduced growth, and leaf and flower drop
occur. Damage may occur in seedbeds, plant nurseries, and on adult coffee plants. Yellow, green or
black insect colonies, more or less round shaped,
can be found on the lower surface of foliage. They
are easily excited, producing a characteristic noise
which may be audible if the colonies are very large.
The infestation may be accompanied by a fungus,
called sooty mold, on the foliage, and also by the
presence of ants. In general, this aphid is not very
important as a pest; however, a considerable yield
reduction may appear when severe and prolonged
attacks occur, particularly if the infestation appears
during the flowering and fruiting season. The
damage is often more severe in the plant nursery,
on growing plants. T. aurantii is reported to be
responsible for the transmission of pathogens to
coffee plants in Costa Rica and Guadeloupe.
The nymphs are similar to adults, but smaller and
dark-brown in color. The adults have a globoid,
dark green or black body, and they may or may not
have wings; apterous females are larger (2.0–2.1
mm) than winged ones (1.7–1.8 mm). They bear a
pair of cornicles on the back of the body.
Natural Enemies
More than 70 species of natural enemies have been
reported on T. aurantii around the world. In coffee
plantations in tropical America, the following
have been reported: the braconid parasitoids
Diaretus sp. and Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson);
the entomopathogenic fungus Acrostalagmus
albus Preuss; the coccinellid predators Hippodamia
sp. and Cycloneda sp.; the syrphid predators
Allograpta sp., Paragus borbonicus Macquart and
Baccha clavata Fabricius; and the green lacewing
predator Chrysopa sp. (Chrysopidae).
Growers are advised to monitor young leaves
throughout the dry season for aphids or damage.
Cultural Control
Reinforce shade of coffee plantation during the dry
season. Affected plants should not be transplanted.
Biology and Ecology
Biological Control
Adult females generally reproduce by parthenogenesis and are viviparous. Males are winged and rarely
seen. An apterous female may produce 50 female
nymphs in 7 days. The life cycle, from nymph to
adult, is 6 days at 25°C. These aphids excrete honeydew on which the sooty mold fungus grows. The
fungus gives a blackish appearance to the plant.
The honeydew is highly appreciated by ants; hence
the association of ants with aphids, providing them with
protection and transport to other plants. T. aurantii
finds conditions more favorable during the dry season. When conditions are adverse, winged females
are produced in order to disperse and colonize new
plants. Infestations appear in a cyclic manner.
It is generally acknowledged that natural enemies
contribute importantly to prevent T. aurantii from
having greater economic impact. Natural enemies
should be conserved.
Chemical Control
If chemical control becomes necessary, either
insecticidal oil or an insecticide may be used.
Chemical control should only be applied at the
first signs of damage during periods of young
leaves’ growth. Young leaves should be completely
moistened after application of chemicals.
Coffee Pests and their Management
Leaf-Cutting Ants, Atta and
Acromyrmex (Hymenoptera:
Leaf-cutting ants of the Atta and Acromyrmex
genera are found in Neotropical countries where
coffee is grown. The principal leaf-cutting ant
species affecting coffee plants in tropical America
are shown in Table 17.
Damage and Economic Importance
Leaf-cutting ants attack leaves, tender buds and
flowers of the coffee plant. The leaves of attacked
coffee plants have semi-circular cuts or these plants
are completely defoliated. Leaf fragments dispersed
on the ground are seen around the defoliated plants. In
recent attacks, the presence of ants carrying leaf and
flower pieces may be observed. It is possible to detect
earth mounds (nests) nearby or relatively far away.
Situations in which ants are direct plant pests
are rare; however, in the tropical and sub-tropical
areas of America, ants of the Atta and Acromyrmex
genera can constitute important pests of many cultivated and wild plants. In tropical America, cutting
ants constitute the dominant group of herbivorous
animals, because they consume much more vegetation than any other animal group. In the case of
coffee, these ants are generally considered of minor
importance. Nevertheless, in some areas like the
Turrialba region of Costa Rica, A. cephalotes attacks
on coffee plants can be severe in monocultures. The
damage is caused by the worker caste when they cut
the coffee foliage and flowers with their mandibles. In
some Atta species, from 5 to 28 colonies/ha have
been observed, with the possibility of having one
or more millions of workers in each colony. The
nests they construct may have dimensions that vary
between 30 and 600 m2. From one day to the other,
one or more coffee plants may be completely defoliated by these ants. Coffee plantations near woody
or weedy areas are attacked more commonly.
Pest Description
Atta cephalotes (L.) is hereinafter described. Their
colonies contain three castes: queens, males and
workers. Queens are big (16 mm), with a strong
brown-reddish color, and they have wings (although
they lose them after the nuptial flight); also, they
have a pair of horns on the occipital lobules and
another pair on the lower part of the head, close
to the mandibles. Males are winged but smaller
(13 mm) than the queens, and they do not have the
aforementioned horns. Workers are wingless. Soldier workers present abundant yellowish hair on the
forehead sides, and they are about 13–15 mm long.
Forager workers have less hair and they are about
9–10 mm long; fungus-cultivator workers are lighter
colored and smaller (from 2 to 4 mm).
Biology and Ecology
Atta and Acromyrmex ants are social insects that
use plant leaves to cultivate symbiotic fungus
(Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Möller) Singer;
Attamyces spp.), which serves as their foodstuff.
They form colonies constituted of three castes:
queens, males and workers; the latter are sterile
and present acute polymorphism and functions
(soldiers, foragers, cultivators). The mating of
queens with males takes place outside the nest
during the nuptial flight, at the beginning of
the first rains. Newly mated females dig their
nests in the soil and begin to cultivate the fungi
which will serve as their food and to lay their
first eggs. The eggs give birth to the larvae and
after 40–60 days, the first adult workers emerge.
New colonies have a single tower-like mound of
small size of <200 cm2 in area, and with a small
entrance hole, whereas older colonies are flattened, with larger entrance holes and a colony
surface area >200 cm2. The growth of the colony is
very slow at the beginning, but during the second
and third year it accelerates rapidly and then it
diminishes as the colony starts production of
males and winged queens. Towards the end of the
Coffee Pests and their Management
third year, the population is enormous, and it is
possible to observe more than 1,000 entrance/exit
holes on the nest. The Acromyrmex nests are
simpler than those of Atta. In order to reach the
plants which serve as their food, the forager workers move from the nest, which is often in noncultivated fields, through narrow paths which can
go more than 100 m in distance. The workers’
activity is more intense during the night.
Natural Enemies
Apparently these ants have few natural enemies.
Several predators, such as birds, toads, lizards and
anteaters feed on the queens and males during the
nuptial flight. In Colombia, other carnivorous ants
have been observed to be predators of leaf-cutting
ants. The importance of all these natural enemies in
regulating leaf-cutting ant populations is unknown.
The optimal time of the year to control leaf-cutting
ants has not been determined. However, the nuptial flight period, a crucial event within the ant life
cycle, should be taken into account. Considering
the ecological importance of leaf cutting ants as
plant population regulators in woody and grazing
areas, and taking into account that in certain areas
they are eaten by humans, it is recommended
that population regulation, not elimination, be
the primary goal.
No sampling techniques have been developed for
leaf-cutting ants in coffee plantations. The nests can
be located by following the narrow paths used by
the ants. Ant colony density can be estimated by
sampling four 125-m2 plots at each edge of a farm
(north, west, east and south), and a single 500-m2
area in the center of the farm (a total area of 1,000 m2).
Cultural Control
Queens should be eliminated at the recently formed
nests using a grub hoe. Repellent plants (e.g., sorghum) should be sown. Because coffee on farms
with low vegetational diversity is at greater risk of
attack by A. cephalotes, it is recommended that
shade trees be planted in order to increase shade
levels and therefore to decrease ant colonization.
Also, it may be desirable to plant shade trees that
are palatable to leaf-cutting ants, but that should
be either not commercially valuable (e.g., Erythrina
poeppigiana [Walp]. Cook, Cordia alliodora (Ruiz
& Pav.) Oken, Swietenia macrophylla King, Cedrela
odorata L.), or that are tolerant of ant attack, in
order to divert ants from foraging coffee plants.
Biological Control
Some entomopathogenic (e.g., Paecilomyces sp.
and M. anisopliae) and antagonist (Trichoderma
viride Persoon ex Gray) fungal strains have proved
to be successful against leaf-cutting ant colonies in
experimental studies. However, the practicality of
these fungi has not been assessed in commercial
coffee plantations.
Chemical Control
Insecticides are applied directly through some of
the entrance/exit holes of the nests, taking the
precaution of plugging or closing most of them
before. The “ant hill beating” procedure may also
be used, which consists of digging in the nest
with a shovel in order to uncover the ant brood,
and spraying them with insecticide. Also, leafcutting ants can be successfully controlled using
baits containing insecticides. Treatment results
can be improved by basing the amount of insecticide applied on an estimate of the colony
volume, instead of surface colony area. An
experimental study shows that mounds of dump
material can be used as a highly effective
Coffee Pests and their Management
small-scale deterrent to protect Hibiscus plants
from defoliation by A. cephalotes, but this method
has not been tested in coffee.
fungi may be involved in the damage (e.g., Phoma
costarricensis Echandi).
Long-Horned Grasshoppers or
Katydids (Orthoptera:
Two Idiarthron species, I. subquadratum Saussure
& Pictet and I. atrispinum (Stål), and one unknown
Gongrocnemis species have been reported attacking
coffee in Mexico and Central America; apparently,
I. subquadratum is present in Colombia too. Of
these, I. subquadratum is the most important katydid pest in coffee because very high infestations
have been reported in some coffee plantations in
El Salvador and Mexico. Most of the information
available on katydids comes from this species.
The eggs of I. subquadratum are brown in color,
elongated, with a hard chorion; they are oviposited
in compact clusters. There are six nymphal instars.
Newly emerged nymphs are fragile and gray in
color. Nymphs resemble adults, but are smaller,
lighter colored, and lack wings. Nymphs and adults
have strong and large mandibles and the antennae
are very thin and longer than the body. Adults have
a heavy set, more or less cylindrical body, greenish,
brown-gray or light gray in color, with females
from 5.0 to 6.0 cm long. Males are smaller. With
their thorny, strong and long back legs, they can
jump. Their ability to fly is limited and in general
their movements are clumsy. Females have an ovipositor, from 1.0 to 2.3 cm long, at the tip of the
abdomen, which looks like a spur or a knife point.
Damage and Economic Importance
Biology and Ecology
Attacked coffee leaves show irregular holes marginally and centrally; feeding can also be observed
on the tender buds, shoots and branch tips. A characteristic symptom of katydid damage is the
appearance of green and ripe fruits with damaged
pulp, so that the coffee beans are exposed. The
damage is caused by both the nymphs and adults.
In coffee plantations where heavy attacks of I. subquadratum occur, complete destruction of leaves,
buds and small branches, the fall of tender fruits
and the destruction of fruits can be observed. In
general, I. subquadratum is not an economically
important problem in coffee, although it sometimes may create some concern in certain areas of
Central America and Mexico. In southeastern
Mexico (Siltepec, Chiapas), the most critical attack
period is from June through November. Damage is
more important in very shaded and abandoned
coffee plantations. In addition to direct damage
caused by I. subquadratum, plant pathogenic
Idiarthron subquadratum is arboreal, polyphagous,
and nocturnally active. Both nymphs and adults
leave their daytime shelters at night and disperse
by jumping between tree and bush canopies. They
hide in shady places, such as dead leaves, rotten
trunks and weeds; in particular, they take refuge in
plants of wind-breaks, izote (Yucca guatemalensis
Baker) barriers, banana plants (Musa spp.) and
Sanseviera sp. This species feeds on leaves and
fruits of several plants, including coffee (Coffea
spp.), banana (Musa spp.), orange (Citrus spp.),
chayote [Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz], and pacaya
(Chamaedorea sp.). Mating occurs in plant canopies at night or in daytime shelters. Adult females
place their eggs in the soil and, in some cases,
under the bark. The eggs are placed in a mass
(from 5 to 50), and one female may lay several
hundred. In Siltepec, Chiapas, Mexico, mating
usually occurs in October, and oviposition occurs
Coffee Pests and their Management
in November and December. Adults are killed by
low temperatures in January and February, and
eggs undergo diapause. At the beginning of the
rainy season, between May and June, nymphs
emerge and start to feed on coffee plants. Generations are overlapping in warmer regions. The life
cycle from egg to adult is about 80 days at 28°C. In
El Salvador, this pest is especially common in high
altitude coffee plantations.
Some strains of B. bassiana kill nymphs in the laboratory. However, the use of this biocontrol agent
has not been attempted in field.
Natural Enemies
Chemical Control
Birds, spiders, parasitic nematodes and an unknown
tachinid fly species (Diptera: Tachinidae) have
been reported in Mexico.
When infestations are heavy, the application of
chemical insecticides at the places of refuge is recommended. Toxic baits placed inside the bamboo traps
are also recommended. The most convenient period
for chemical control is 1 month after the beginning of
rainfall and before oviposition takes place. Because
high infestations of the pest have been related to low
populations of natural enemies, insecticide use should
be avoided in order to conserve natural control.
“Shelter traps” made with a 10-cm-diameter by
30-cm-long bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad.)
internode closed at one end, can be used for sampling I. subquadratum. The bamboo traps are
placed on coffee bushes upon the first rainfall
events, and during daytime are checked every
week for captured insects.
Cultural Control
Weed control should be applied. The shade should
be regulated. Trash and rotten trunks in the coffee
plantation should be prevented. Dry banana and
plantain leaves should be eliminated.
the insects are killed manually and/or used as food
for domestic animals (e.g., chickens and dogs).
Biological Control
Bush Crickets, Paroecanthus spp.
(Orthoptera: Gryllidae)
Bush crickets appear sporadically, affecting coffee
plants and shade trees in coffee plantations in some
areas of Central America and Mexico. The reported
species are Paroecanthus guatemalae Saussure
(Guatemala, Honduras) and P. niger Saussure (El
Salvador, Guatemala). The Paroecanthus species
in Mexico remains unknown. Recently, high infestations of bush crickets have been reported in
Mechanical Control
Bamboo traps as described earlier for sampling
can be used for elimination of I. subquadratum.
The traps are placed in dark spots of the plantation
and in the vicinity of the plants that are normally
used as refuge. The traps are checked weekly and
Damage and Economic Importance
Paroecanthus spp. attack lignified stems and
branches of coffee bushes and shade trees. The
affected plants show small marks or holes, 3.0 mm
Coffee Pests and their Management
in diameter by 1.0 mm in depth, distributed in line
throughout the affected stems and branches. This
mark along the stem gives it the appearance of a
flute; hence this damage is known as “flute disease.”
If the stem or branch bark is lifted right below each
hole, an “X” shaped scar on the wood may be
observed. The damage is caused when the adult
female of the cricket lays its eggs. Heavy attacks of
the bush cricket (when there are many holes), may
cause physiological disorders in the coffee plant,
which affects its development. The cricket can be a
pathogen vector, or perhaps the lesions may favor
the penetration of diseases. A severe infestation can
kill the coffee plant. In Honduras, where high infestations have been reported, the affected plants
develop a yellowish color and they lose leaves and
The egg is white with elongated shape (1.0 by
5.0 mm). Nymphs are similar to adults, but their
wings are not well developed and they are smaller
than adults. The adult has a cylindrically shaped
body and is 2.0–2.5 cm long. The legs are yellowish
in color and the abdomen is dark brown. The
antennae are filiform and their length is almost
twice the size of the body. In the female, the wings
do not cover all of the abdomen, which at its tip
shows the cerci and a long pin-shaped ovipositor.
coffee plant. Three or four generations appear
per year. The attacks are more severe in unshaded
coffee plantations. In Honduras, acute infestations
have been reported in the dry season in plantations
located between 900 and 1,250 m above sea level.
Natural Enemies
An egg parasitoid wasp, Acmopolynema sp.
(Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), has been reported in
Honduras and Mexico.
Scouting should be conducted to determine the
limits of the infestation during the dry season. Upon
detection of damage, the trunk bark should be
scratched in search of the insect’s eggs. If the damage
is recent, the perforations are white and unhatched
eggs shall be observed; if the damage is old, the
perforations are dark and the eggs have hatched.
Cultural Control
Weeds should be controlled within and on the
edges of the plantation. Severely damaged plants
should be re-planted, or pruned of the affected
stems, and burned thereafter to eliminate the eggs.
Biology and Ecology
The bush cricket is active at night, while during
daytime it takes refuge in dark places in the weeds,
dead leaves and some plants such as bananas (Musa
spp.) and izotes (Y. guatemalensis). Only on cloudy
days and when it is very abundant can it be seen
during the day. The female lays about eight eggs in
each oviposition hole, distributing two on each end
of the scar it makes on the wood, in an “X” shape.
The nymphs emerge in about 3 weeks, and they go
through several molts for 3 months before becoming adults. Nymphs and adults can feed from the
Biological Control
This has not been attempted.
Chemical Control
In plantations that are close to the affected plantations, a preventive insecticide application with a brush
or a manual pump is recommended, treating from
the stem base up to 60.0 cm high. Application may be
Coffee Pests and their Management
repeated once or twice every 20 days. Also, an insecticidal dust can be directed to the main stem, to the soil,
and to the plantation edges during the dry season.
There is a large and diverse group of leaf-eating
caterpillar species in tropical American countries
affecting coffee. The principal leaf-eating caterpillars are shown in Table 17.
species, such as Phobetron hipparchia (Cramer), Sibine spp., Olceclostera moresca (Schaus), Megalopyge
lanata (Stoll & Cramer) and Automeris sp., among
others, have urticating hairs which cause painful
lesions to anyone touching them. Measuringworms,
which are active nocturnally, possess camouflage
which allows them to go unnoticed during the day.
In general, the pupation takes place in the soil. In
Ecuador, Automeris sp. and Eacles masoni Schaus
appear cyclically during the rainy season. The adults
or moths have nocturnal habits. Insecticide abuse
and climatological changes can affect the natural
enemies of leaf-eating caterpillars, so their populations may increase and become damaging.
Damage and Economic Importance
Natural Enemies
Coffee bushes affected by leaf-eating caterpillars
show totally or partially consumed leaves. Sometimes the fruits are also affected. Eventually,
voracious worms or caterpillar larvae, as well as,
their feces, can be observed. Some of these are
urticating caterpillars. These insects are frequently
mentioned in the coffee pest manuals of South
American countries, such as Brazil and Colombia.
Some species even defoliate entire sections of
the coffee plantation.
There are many natural enemies of leaf-eating caterpillars.Among them,birds,parasitic Hymenoptera
and Diptera, and fungal, bacterial and viral diseases are notable.
Leaf-Eating Caterpillars
Regular inspection of the coffee plantation should
be made to detect initial infestation sources.
As example of leaf-eating caterpillars, Oxidia sp.
(Geometridae), is described. When small, they are
black, and when large, they are light gray. These
caterpillars attain a length of 5.0–6.0 cm. The larvae are called inchworms or measuringworms.
Mechanical Control
The larvae of urticating worms should be eliminated manually using gloves. In the case of measuringworms, the same can be done, but at night.
Adults should be eliminated with light traps.
Biology and Ecology
Biological Control
Adults lay their eggs individually or in groups on the
foliage of various plants. The larvae or worm feeds
on the foliage. The caterpillar goes through several
molts, and as it grows, feeds itself voraciously. Some
Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner can be used, particularly at the beginning of infestations when the
caterpillars are small.
Coffee Pests and their Management
Chemical Control
Biology and Ecology
Some organophosphates and pyrethroids are
recommended. In general, the use of chemical
insecticides is not necessary, because the natural
enemies provide regulation of the populations of
these leaf-eating caterpillars. Thus, it is important to
preserve the natural enemies, and use insecticides
only in extreme cases.
Adults feed from the foliage of coffee and other
plants. A distinctive characteristic of these weevils
is that when they feel threatened they contract
their legs and snout and let themselves fall to the
ground where they seemingly disappear. Their
eggs are laid in the soil and the larvae lead a subterranean life (between 10.0 and 20.0 cm deep),
feeding from weed roots, including the coffee plant
root. The weevil populations are higher from June
through August in Honduras. In Brazil, Pantomorus leucoloma (Boheman) is more frequent in
the summer and it attacks both C. arabica and
C. canephora. In Honduras, the most frequent
attacks appear in the highest altitude areas. Very
weedy areas favor infestation.
Leaf Weevils (Coleoptera:
Various leaf weevils are present in coffee plantations in tropical America (Table 17).
Natural Enemies
Damage and Economic Importance
Leaf weevils attack the coffee bush leaves. The
leaves show irregular holes, tearing and notches
on their edges, often beginning at the tip and from
the edge towards the vein. The most affected parts
are new leaves and shoots. The damage is caused
by the adults, which feed on the coffee foliage. The
attack of these weevils can become important
when they affect the buds of recently pruned plants
and of trees <1 year old. The lesions caused by
this pest on the leaves may favor the infection of
P. costarricensis.
Predation by assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is reported in Costa Rica.
Tender buds and new leaves of the coffee plants
should be checked. When the damage only appears
on old leaves and not new ones, no control measure should be initiated.
Cultural Control
Larvae are whitish and legless. The color of adults
varies according to the species, being off-white
(Compsus sp.), light brown with yellow spots
(Macrostylus sp.), grayish, light brown or black
(Epicaerus capetilensis Sharp.) or green. Their size
varies from 9.0 to 13.0 mm. The snout is fairly well
developed in these insects.
Weeding should not be complete, so that adult and
larvae weevils have a feeding source and abstain
from attacking the coffee plants.
Biological Control
It has not been attempted.
Coffee Pests and their Management
Chemical Control
When the populations are large, applications of
insecticides to the foliage and then to the soil are
Coffee Bean Weevil, Araecerus
fasciculatus (De Geer) (Coleoptera:
Present in all coffee growing countries in America.
Damage and Economic Importance
Araecerus fasciculatus attacks stored coffee beans.
Coffee beans stored in warehouses, coffee mills and
other places used to gather the harvest will show perforations and irregular and relatively large galleries
caused by this weevil. Accumulation of a fine
yellowish powder is also observed. Highly infested
warehouses will have a large number of little beetles,
+the walls, roofs and windows. This weevil, which
attacks a wide variety of grain in storage, is considered
as one of the few economically important pests of
stored coffee in the American countries, particularly
in South America. It creates problems in warehouses
that store poorly processed coffee containing more
than 12% humidity. The damage is caused by the
weevil larvae, which live in and feed on the grains.
The attack is also favored when the warehouse temperature is higher than 27°C and relative humidity is
above 60%. In 6 months of infestation, losses of 30%
have been estimated. C. arabica apparently is more
susceptible than C. canephora. The fruits that remain
on the plant after harvest may also be attacked.
5.0 to 7.0 mm. They have about five molts. Pupal
size varies from 3.0 to 4.0 mm. The adult is oval,
with an arched body, covered by hairs and with a
length of 2.5–4.5 mm. The head has round prominent eyes, with a short, wide, curved-downwards
“snout” and the mouthparts distally.
Biology and Ecology
Adult females lay eggs on the parchment coffee
grooves, placing one per grain and approximately
three per day. The average number of eggs laid is
52. Larvae create galleries in the seed, and they
pupate there also. The life cycle, from egg to adult,
is 35–40 days. Between 55 and 74% of the descendants are composed of females. Infestation is more
acute on softened coffee beans. Up to ten generations are reported per year.
Natural enemies
In Colombia, the following natural enemies of
A. fasciculatus have been reported: Aniseptoromalus calanadrae (Howard) (Hymenoptera:
Pteromalidae), Cephalonomia gallicola (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), Cheyletus sp.
(Acari: Cheyletidae) and Monieziella sp. (Acari:
Fortnight visits should be made to the storehouses
to check the presence of weevils, particularly in the
wet season and in places with very humid weather.
Cultural Control
The larva is without legs, white, with a “C” shaped
body and a relatively wide thorax. The head is
small, light brown in color. They measure from
Adequate fertilizing, harvesting and pulp extraction should be conducted. Coffee should be stored
Coffee Pests and their Management
with adequate humidity. Warehouses and storage
places should be kept clean. Infested lots should be
set aside and placed in the sunlight.
Bilogical Control
It is not conducted.
Chemical Control
In the case of preventive treatments and the treatment of infested lots, fumigation is recommended.
After fumigation, spraying of a 3-month residual
effect pyrethroid with motorized equipment is
recommended. The preventive treatment should
be conducted when there are 1–2 weevils/m2 of
sacks. Treatment of the walls, floor and roof of the
warehouse where the coffee is going to be stored is
also recommended.
Spider Mites (Acari)
At least, six spider mite species have been
recorded in coffee in tropical America (Table 17).
Olygonychus (Acari: Tetranychidae) is the most
representative genus.
Damage and Economic Importance
Spider mites attack coffee foliage in all their stages of
development. Attacked plants present yellowish,
brown or copper colored leaves, with more undulated
edges. Sometimes the attacked leaves may dry up and
fall. Also, the leaves lose their shine and present a dirty
appearance. The symptoms take place in large patches
in the coffee plantation, and more frequently in old,
poorly attended coffee plantations, and near the roads.
These symptoms are easily recognized at a distance.
Upon examination of the upper face of the leave with
a magnifying glass, little animals moving on the leave
can be observed, and in general, silky threads which
retain dust and other residues. The damage, which
consists of the destruction of superficial cells of the
leaf, is caused by immature and adult mites when they
feed. Spider mites may be especially important in
some areas of tropical American countries during
abnormally dry weather. In severe attacks the leaf
functions are interrupted and they may drop. Leaf
defoliation and yield decreases may occur when more
than 30 mites per leaf are present, particularly under
dry weather conditions. The economic importance of
some species of mites on coffee, for example, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) (Acari: Tarsonemidae) in
Brazil, is unknown.
The egg is elliptic or spherical, bright orange, reddish or red in color, depending on the species. Its
length varies from 0.100 to 0.127 mm. The larva
has three pairs of legs, an almost circular body,
and according to the species, orange or yellow colored when hatching, turning green-yellowish as
they feed. They are from 0.15 to 0.16 mm long.
Nymphs (protonymph and deutonymph) have
four pairs of legs, and they are ovoid and about
0.20 mm long. In the deutonymph, which is larger,
females (0.20–0.26 mm) can be differentiated from
males (0.18–0.23 mm). Adult females are larger
(0.28–0.50 mm) and more oval than the males
(0.25–0.35 mm). Color varies according to the
species and the sex; however, colors such as red
and orange are blended, and in some cases the
mites have spots. The broad mite, P. latus, has a
white-milky color and it is smaller than the other
species (0.15–0.20 mm).
Biology and Ecology
Adult females reproduce sexually and parthenogenetically. The eggs are laid one by one, preferentially
on the upper face of leaves, close to the veins,
Coffee Pests and their Management
although P. latus, unlike the others, prefers the
lower side of the leaves. The eggs may be fixed to
the leaf with the silk threads (cobweb) produced by
the mites and which serves for protection and for
moving from one leaf to another. Unlike the Tetranychidae, Tenuipalpidae (Brivipalpus sp.) do not
produce silky threads. Egg laying, in the case of
Olygonychus coffeae (Nietner), occurs at a rate of
4–6 eggs/day/female for 2 or 3 weeks. Upon eclosion, the larvae feed from cells that they puncture
with their chelicerae, and in time they become protonymphs and the latter become deutonymphs. At
the end of their development, both protonymphs
and deutonymphs go through an inactive stage
called “quiescence.” An accumulation of various
residual materials such as dust and the old exuviae
of spider mites can be observed in the cobweb producing species. The egg to adult life cycle varies
from 8 to 28 days, according to the temperature.
Females mate with one or more males, and a male
may fertilize several females. Females, which are
more abundant than males, disperse from one leaf
to another and from one coffee plant to another, by
the use of silk threads. However, the factors that
contribute the most to dispersion are the wind,
humans and other animals. Spider mites prefer to
colonize the sunlit coffee plants and the older leaves,
although in severe infestations they also attack the
young leaves.
Natural Enemies
Predators such as ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
are reported. However, the literature on coffee pests
is not clear about the predator species present.
The plantation should be checked during the
summer or dry periods, preferably on roadsides.
The infestation of a coffee plantation plot is
determined by making parallel inspection routes
25 m apart from each other, and examining 24
leaves at random from four coffee plants every 25 m.
Cultural Control
Shade trees should be planted in very sunlit areas.
Weed control should be conducted. Adequate fertilizing should be applied.
Biological Control
Not applied.
Chemical Control
Some pesticides have a selective action, affecting only mites, and others (non-selective) kill
mites and insects. In case of a simultaneous
attack by mites and leaf miners, non-selective
products are recommended. However, the overuse of this practice can negatively affect the
beneficial parasitoids and predators. Applications should be made only to infested areas.
Various pesticides are recommended, making
one application and sometimes a second one. A
population of 30–40 spider mites per leaf in the
dry season cause defoliation, so this density
must be avoided.
Barrera JF (ed) (2002) Tres plagas del café en Chiapas. El
Colegio de la Frontera Sur. México, 198 pp
Cárdenas-M R, Posada-F FJ (2001) Los insectos y otros habitantes de cafetales y platanales. Comité Departamental
de Cafeteros del Quindío. Armenia, Colombia, 250 pp
Castillo-Ponce G, Contreras-J A, Zamarripa-C A, Méndez-L I,
Vázquez-M M, HolguínM F, Fernández-R A (1996) Tecnología para la producción de café en México. Instituto
Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias.
México. 88 pp. Primera reimpresión. Folleto Técnico
Núm 8
Coffee Industry Development Company Ltd (1986) Growing
coffee in Jamaica. Jamaica, 103 pp
Cold Tolerance in Insects
García-G A, Campos-A O, Barrera-S CA, Meoño-R JE (1998)
Manual de caficultura. Tercera edición. Asociación
Nacional del Café, Guatemala, 218 pp
Le Pelley RH (1973) Las plagas del café. Editorial Labor, SA,
Barcelona, 693 pp
Matiello JB (1991) O café. Do cultivo ao consumo. Publicações Globo Rural. Coleção do Agricultor. Grãos. Editora
Globo, SA, Brasil, 320 pp
Muñoz-H R (2001) Plagas insectiles del cafeto. In: Manual de
caficultura. Instituto Hondureño del Café, Honduras, pp
Páliz-S V, Mendoza-M J (1993) Plagas del cafeto. In: Manual
de caficultura. Estación Experimental Pichilingue. GTZ,
FUNDAGRO, Quevedo, Ecuador, pp 144–166
Cold Tolerance in Insects
david rivers
Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA
Exposure to low temperatures is among the most
important abiotic factors limiting the range of
insects in temperate climates. The relationship
between insects and cold is dynamic, particularly
when considering the actual temperature at the
surface of the integument versus internal and/or
ambient conditions, the length of exposure to low
temperature, and the degree of temperature fluctuation over a defined period of time (e.g., day,
week or winter season). These issues make it challenging to categorize insect tolerance to a specific
set of temperatures, particularly in terms of survival. As poikilotherms, although some are heterothermic under specific conditions, insects have
adapted to cold environments resulting in extension of locomotor and/or reproductive activity
during low temperature exposure, enhancement of
metabolic rate, and maintenance of a positive
energy balance. The implications to many of these
insects are a lengthening of the life cycle and a
requirement for individuals to overwinter one or
more times. The actual mechanisms associated
with these adaptations have received extensive
study in recent years, including attempts to decipher the underlying genetic basis of individual
and population responses to low temperatures and
seasonal change.
Classification of Cold Tolerance
Insect cold tolerance classifications have traditionally been divided into freezing tolerance and freeze
intolerant strategies. This division has been criticized in recent years by a number of investigators.
The arguments for the classification scheme have
depended on the definitions applied to the two
terms, and it is how freezing tolerant and freeze
intolerant species have been defined that evokes the
controversy. For example, in freeze tolerance, these
insects are said to be capable of withstanding ice
formation in some or nearly all parts of the body
and associated fluids. Most insects in this grouping
usually freeze at temperatures between −5 and
−10°C, though others require lower temperatures.
Once frozen, these species can tolerate cooling to
much lower temperatures, and upon thawing, the
insects recover and apparently resume normal
development and behaviors. Some experts, however, have contended that this example of freeze tolerance is at the extreme end of cold tolerance and
only represents insects which are most suited to
survive low temperatures. An examination of some
60–70 species of insects classified as freezing tolerant has led to the suggestion that there are distinct
freeze tolerance strategies that allow insects to be
grouped based on supercooling points (SCPs) and
lower lethal temperature (LLT): (i) partially freeze
tolerant species that survive a small portion of their
body water converted to ice; (ii) moderately freeze
tolerant species, if the exposure is sufficiently long,
die at temperatures <10° below their SCP; (iii)
strongly freezing tolerant insect species display LLT
twenty degrees or more below their SCP; and (iv)
freezing tolerant species possess very low SCPs and
freeze at extremely low temperatures. Insects in this
latter group are capable of surviving at temperatures a few degrees below their SCP.
Insects that are not tolerant of any ice formation in their bodies are generally termed freeze
intolerant species. The natural tendency has been
to assume that these insects will die if tissues or
body fluids freeze, and presumably if they avoid
the frozen state, these insects will survive. Such
Cold Tolerance in Insects
classification appears to be an oversimplification of
the freeze intolerant strategy, because most species
of insects found in temperate regions are susceptible to injury and possibly death at non-freezing
temperatures. For these insects, the more correct
terminology for their low temperature survival
strategy is freeze susceptible (avoidance). In this
classification, a distinction is made between freezing and chilling, recognizing that injury and death
may result from low-temperature processes occurring at non-freezing temperatures. Even in this system of classification, there is further division in
which freeze avoiding species are distinguished
from those insects susceptible to chilling. Freeze
avoidance is defined as both a low temperature
survival strategy and a description of a specific circumstance under which the insect will die, that is,
when it freezes. Chill tolerant species possess
extensive supercooling ability and a high level of
cold tolerance, but is distinguished from the freeze
avoiding insects by displaying some mortality
above the SCP, which in most cases increases with
decreasing temperatures and increasing length of
exposure. Some insects are strongly influenced by
the severity of the preceding winter conditions,
indicating that the cold tolerance of these species is
not as well developed as those that seem to be independent of yearly variations in winter temperatures. These insects are referred to as chill susceptible
and are characterized by extensive supercooling
that allows them to survive moderate low temperature exposure (0–5°C), but only brief exposure to
temperatures below −5°C can induce death. SCPs
are not indicators of cold temperature tolerance in
these species. The final category of cold tolerance is
termed opportunistic survival. It is used to describe
insects that originate in tropical or semi-tropical
regions, which implies that these species are deficient in cold hardiness adaptations or characteristics, and as such, are not likely to survive at
temperatures below the threshold that permits
“normal metabolism.” These insects may have
extensive supercooling but can only survive low
temperatures by opportunistic exploitation of a
favorable habitat or location. Essentially such
insects are non-hardy since they possess no physiological adaptations to survive low temperatures.
Mechanisms of Cold Tolerance
Cold adapted insects have developed a complex of
strategies that allow survival at their physiological
temperature minimum. These strategies broadly
include (i) morphological (e.g., melanism, hair/
pubescence, reduction in size, physical barriers); (ii)
behavioral (migration, opportunistic exploitation,
parasitism); (iii) physiological (depression of SCPs,
removal or acquisition of ice nucleators); and (iv)
biochemical (synthesis of antifreeze proteins and/or
polyhydric alcohols) adaptations. The latter two
adaptations have received considerable attention,
resulting in a fairly clear picture of the mechanisms
characteristically associated with freeze tolerant
versus freeze susceptible strategies. In freeze-tolerant
insects, potent ice-nucleating agents are produced or
acquired in the extracellular fluids, promoting a protective extracellular freezing at a few degrees below
zero. Polyhydroxy alcohols (polyols) and sugars
accumulate in extracellular fluids to cryoprotect partially frozen tissues. In addition, fat body and localized tissues synthesize antifreeze proteins that
function to inhibit secondary recrystallization of ice.
Collectively, these adaptations sharply drop the lower
lethal temperature to –40°C or below.
Other adaptations used by freeze tolerant
insects include changes in membrane composition
to maintain the liquid crystalline state at low temperatures, a process referred to as homeoviscous
adaptation. These changes can occur at low temperatures through an increase in points of unsaturation
along phospholipids fatty acid chains. Membrane
composition changes have also been shown to occur
by increasing the cholesterol content or changes in
the distribution of phospholipid classes composing
plasma membranes. Changes in membrane composition are not restricted to freezing strategies and
can occur with freeze susceptible species as well.
In contrast, freeze susceptible species generally attempt to remove or inactivate ice nucleators,
Cole Crops
most commonly through purging the contents of
the digestive tract. Many of these insects have the
ability to maintain a liquid state at temperatures
well below the equilibrium freezing point (FP) of
their body fluids through manipulation of the
colligative properties of their body fluids. This can
be achieved by increasing the solute concentration
of extracellular fluids (directly or through a reduction of water mass), accumulation of cryoprotective polyols and sugars, and through supercooling.
Production of thermal hysteresis factors function
to stabilize the supercooled state. Some species
also elicit a rapid cold-hardening (RCH) response
that protects insects against non-freezing (cold
shock) injury. Rapid cold-hardening is a swift
physiological response elicited by exposure to
mild chilling to turn on one or more of the above
mechanisms to enhance the cold hardiness of
insects, thereby affording protection from exposure to subsequent low temperature exposures.
Together, these adaptations contribute to a depression of the SCP and lower the temperatures that
promote freezing.
Overwintering in Insects
Thermoregulation in Insects
Bale JS (1996) Insect cold hardiness: a matter of life and death.
Eur J Entomol 93:369–382
Lee RE Jr, Denlinger DL (1991) Insects at low temperatures.
Chapman & Hall, New York, 513 pp
Lencioni V (2004) Survival strategies of freshwater insects in
cold environments. J Limnol 63:45–55
Sinclair BJ (1999) Insect cold tolerance: how many kinds of
frozen? Eur J Entomol 96:157–164
Zachariassen KE (1985) Physiology of cold tolerance in
insects. Physiol Rev 65:799–832
Cole Crops
Crops of the family Cruciferae, such as cabbage,
broccoli, and collard. Cole crops are also called
In an aquatic community, insects that collect fine
particles of organic matter from the water.
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera). They commonly are known as casebearer moths.
Casebearer Moths
Butterflies and Moths
An order of insects. They commonly are known as
Collecting and Preserving Insects
pauL m. Choate, J. howard frank
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Insects provide many opportunities for biological studies, ranging from detailed research to
casual field observations. Frequently the need
arises for collecting specimens to accurately
identify the species of interest. Collecting techniques and methods of preservation of insects
vary considerably. A few of these techniques are
described here.
Key elements to successful insect
Collectors frequently wish to find as many different insects as possible. In order to accomplish this,
the greater the diversity of collection techniques
employed and habitats explored, the greater the
diversity of insects that will be collected.
Collecting and Preserving Insects
Most entomology textbooks present an overview of collecting and preserving insects for study.
There are two major categories of information
dealing with these subjects, collecting techniques
and preservation techniques (how to deal with the
insects once collected).
Collecting Techniques
Collecting techniques are limited only by the
imagination of the student or researcher. Practically any technique will yield a few insects. Here
are a few:
Hand-collecting, turning over logs and rocks and other
Unbaited pitfall traps
Pitfall traps baited with carrion, dung, yeast, or fermented fruits
Hand-collecting, or use of sweep nets, beating trays, aspirators
Cutting sections of plants to place into containers within
which the insects will later emerge, breaking logs
apart with an ax or chisel, stripping bark of dead
trees to find subcortical insects
Hand-held nets
Passive intercept traps: Malaise and window traps
Attractant traps with mercury-vapor or ultraviolet
light, or carbon dioxide, or specific insect pheromones as bait
For Subterranean Insects
Sifting soil or debris with a sieve
Placing debris into a Berlese or Tullgren funnel to extract
insects by heat, or light, or a chemical repellent
Aquatic nets
Living Insects
If your objective is to collect insects alive for study
alive, then your best option to prevent damage is
to chill them as soon as they are collected. To do
this, place them into suitable containers in an
insulated chest with ice or other refrigerant, and
transport them as soon as you can. If your objective is to kill them to obtain preserved specimens,
kill rapidly to prevent damage.
Killing Methods
Large specimens typically are killed in a jar with a
closely fitting lid using a volatile toxicant such as
ethyl acetate absorbed onto plaster or sawdust or
cotton. Small specimens may be killed in vials using
the same toxicant. Alternatively, if they will not be
damaged by immersion in liquid, they may be killed
in 70% alcohol or soapy water. Freezing (several
hours) also is an option, though it may result in
certain deformities.
Vials or other containers should be labeled in the
field as the specimens are collected. Never use a
ball-point pen for insect labels; if you do not have
a pen with India ink available in the field, make a
temporary label with pencil. Record at least all the
information you may eventually need (see section
below on Labeling specimens).
Preserving Insects
Small and soft-bodied insects should be stored in
70% alcohol (either ethanol or isopropanol) in tightly
sealed glass vials. Isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) is
inexpensive and readily obtained in most countries.
Ethanol may be subject to excise laws because it may
be used for human consumption, so typically is more
expensive and more difficult to obtain, and there
seems to be no point in going to that trouble if
isopropanol can be obtained.A label should be placed
in the vial, with information printed or written in
insoluble ink. An additional label may be taped to the
outside of the vial. Insect larvae may need brief insertion in boiling water before they are preserved in
alcohol, without which they will blacken.
Collecting and Preserving Insects
These are available in many shapes and sizes.
Plastic vials are useful in the field because they
are less subject to breakage than are glass vials,
but glass vials are very much preferable for longterm storage. When specimens are stored in alcohol in vials, be aware that the type of vial and
type of stopper is important. Straight-sided glass
vials (“shell vials”) are thinner-walled and more
fragile than other types. Vials stoppered with
screw-caps or corks will sooner or later allow the
liquid contents to evaporate. Thick-walled glass
vials with necks (“homeopathic vials”), when fitted with natural rubber stoppers, seem to offer
the greatest permanence, but the rubber will
eventually crack and decompose. Stoppers of
neoprene or other synthetic materials have not yet
shown an advantage over natural rubber. If using
homeopathic vials with rubber or neoprene stoppers, it is important to seat the stopper firmly;
this may be done by inserting a straightened-out
steel paper clip alongside the stopper as the latter
is inserted, then withdrawing the paper clip to
release trapped air. All vials should be checked
periodically for leakage and loss of preservative.
Collecting and Preserving Insects, Figure 75
Spreading board used to prepare moths and
Different insects require different mounting techniques. Large moths and butterflies and some
other winged insects are mounted with wings
neatly (Fig. 75) spread on a spreading board.
increasing in thickness with increase in numerical value. Extremely narrow pins are of size 00,
and extremely thick pins are of sizes 4–7 but are
longer. Most insects large enough to be pinned
may be pinned on sizes 2 or 3. Insects are pinned
in specific locations depending on their classification. Large beetles are pinned in the middle of
their right wing cover, close to the front margin.
Other examples of pin positions are included in
the diagrams provided in the accompanying figures. (In the United Kingdom, white brass pins
once were used; their length varied with width).
Minuten pins (from a German adjective meaning
minute) are very small, fine pins used for pinning
tiny insects into a small block of pinning material, which is in turn pinned by a standard pin.
Storage in Transparent Envelopes
Insects of average size usually are mounted on
pins. In many countries, steel pins of 3.5 cm length
are used; the best quality is stainless steel with
nylon heads. Lacquered steel pins may rust, and
brass pins may corrode (become covered with
green verdigris) in humid climates. Pin widths are
numerically designated, with standard sizes 0–3
Some Odonatologists (dragonfly collectors) stuff
their specimens into semi-transparent (Glassine)
envelopes. This is an alternative to pinning (Fig. 76)
specimens, saving much museum space. However,
this is not necessarily the most desirable method
of storage because the specimens are prone to
Mounting Techniques
Collecting and Preserving Insects
Collecting and Preserving Insects, Figure 76 Position of pins in various kinds of insects.
Insects too small to be pinned safely may be
mounted on cardboard points, glued to the point
on their right side. Points should be bent down
slightly to better attach to the side of each specimen. Such points may be purchased, or may be
made by a hand-held device called a point press,
which cuts points (Fig. 77) from a sheet of cardboard. Care should be taken not to cover the
underside of the insect with glue, obscuring key
characters. This is the standard mounting technique in the USA, and it is claimed to be better
because underside characters are visible. However,
there are two major problems: (i) insects thus
mounted are very susceptible to physical damage,
Collecting and Preserving Insects, Figure 77
Examples of how to position mounting point
under right side of insect specimen.
Collecting and Preserving Insects
and (ii) adhesives used to obtain secure adhesion
to the small surface may be soluble only in harsh
solvents (benzene, toluene, xylene, acetone, etc.).
Subsequent attempts to dissect soft body tissues
are thwarted because these are destroyed.
(2) It is said that such a method of preparation is more
time-consuming. This may be true, but it varies
with the expertise of the preparator. More importantly, if the specimen is rare and from a distant
locality, it makes far more sense to spend a few
seconds more to prepare it this way (better-protected)
Card Mounts
Some groups of insects are better mounted on tiny
(Figs. 78–80) rectangular cards. Cards of standard
sizes are sold by some supply houses. This technique is popular with European entomologists. It
is claimed to be better because the specimens are
better-protected from physical damage and
because they may be viewed in one plane against
the white background of the card (as contrasted
with specimens that may be drooped over card
points), and because they may later be removed
easily for dissection. Only water-soluble adhesives
should be used. There are perhaps two problems:
(1) The underside characters are not visible without
removal from the card. However, preparators with
a series of specimens available will mount some
dorsal side up, and some ventral side up.
Collecting and Preserving Insects, Figure 78
Minuten pin used to position small insect above
piece of cork. This technique is frequently used for
delicate flies and very small moths and butterflies.
Collecting and Preserving Insects, Figure 79
Card-mounted specimen (European fashion).
Collecting and Preserving Insects, Figure 80 Large
long-legged flies such as crane flies may need to
have their body supported with an extra large
point. Alternatively, the specimen could be place on
a card mount, which will offer much more
protection from damage by protecting the legs, too.
Collecting and Preserving Insects
than to face the days or weeks and expense necessary to collect more specimen from the distant
locality, even assuming that a replacement specimen can be found for a rare species.
Many kinds of adhesives are used to secure insects
to card points. The objective is to secure the insect
firmly to the point. It is recommended that only
water-soluble or alcohol-soluble adhesives be
used. When other kinds of adhesives are used,
there will arise questions about the necessary solvents to remove the specimens (it is virtually
impossible to guess what adhesive some collector
may have used and what its solvent is). For specimens adhered to card mounts, only water-soluble
adhesives should be used. When card-mounting,
the strength of the adhesive is less important
because much more surface area is used. Many
water-soluble adhesives are available, although
the two most commonly sold in stationery stores
in the USA are unsuitable, one because it dries
hard, cracks and turns brown, and the other
because it is not truly transparent and dries from
the outside inward, forming first a sticky “skin.”
Card Mounts, Card Points, and Labels
Use only a heavy weight, high quality, non-yellowing, 100% rag card stock for making these items.
Some years ago, “Bristol board,” a laminated card,
was recommended. We see no advantage to such
laminated card stock.
It is often desirable to dissect specimens to make the
genitalia evident for identification purposes. With
card-mounted specimens, the genitalia (if large
enough and well-sclerotized) may be mounted on
the same card as the specimen, a great advantage. If,
however, they are feebly sclerotized or too small,
they may be mounted (after dehydration through
alcohols to xylene) in a drop of Canada balsam on a
small celluloid rectangle pinned directly below the
specimen (no cover slip is needed). When specimens
are card-pointed, the usual method is to place them
in “genitalia vials” pinned through the stopper below
the specimen. Such genitalia vials are tiny, of glass or
plastic, and contain a cork or stopper of some synthetic material; typically, they contain alcohol, glycerine, or a mixture of the two. When genitalia almost
fill the vial, and when such vials are checked frequently for leakage, the method may have merit.
Otherwise they can be disastrous: extremely small
genitalia in a vial can be lost when the stopper is
pulled, or the vial can leak and desiccate the parts.
Such genitalia vials are to be avoided wherever
Some insect specimens are best mounted on
microscope slides. These include very small and
soft-bodied insects as well as dissections of insect
parts. The most permanent mountant available is
Canada balsam. Some insects (scale insects,
aphids and lice, minute parasitic Hymenoptera,
and many insect larvae) typically are prepared by
clearing and differential staining before being
mounted on microscope slides.
Soft-Bodied Specimens
Because of their hard exoskeleton, very many insects
will maintain their shape when dead and dry. Some,
however, will not – they tend to shrivel. Techniques
have been developed for maintaining the shape of
dried specimens (one alternative was to preserve
them in alcohol, another to mount them on microscope slides). For decades, the preferred method
for preserving large Orthoptera (grasshoppers and
crickets), Phasmida (stick-insects) and Mantodea
(mantids) was to eviscerate them and stuff their
Collecting and Preserving Insects
abdomen with cotton before pinning and drying.
For Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies), the
method was to eviscerate them and stuff a toothpick-shaped object into the abdominal cavity. For
larvae of butterflies and moths (caterpillars), the
method was to roll the abdominal contents out
through the anus, then inflate the abdomen (by
blowing into it) while drying the inflated skin in a
tiny oven. Mosquitoes and some other flies, and
Trichoptera, having feeble exoskeletons, could not
be dealt with by such rough physical methods
because they are covered in scales, and the scales
would be lost by such treatment; they were destined
to shrivel as they dried. Many of these methods have
now been abandoned because of the availability of
critical-point drying. A critical-point drier is an
expensive piece of equipment and may be unavailable in some institutions and to amateur collectors.
The top label should contain (i) country, (ii) province or state, etc., (iii) township, etc., (iv) route
information when known if the collection was a
result of a route followed, (v) date of collection,
and (vi) collector’s name(s). A second label should
contain method of collection (bait, technique,
trap) and habitat. Dates should be written in order
day-month-year (the international standard) with
month either in letters or in Roman numerals and
the year with four digits. For example, a date of
the 4th of July 2002 should thus be written as
4-JUL-2002 or 4-VII-2002, and not as 7/04/02 (as
in commonly done in the USA) or as 4/7/02 (as is
commonly done in most of the world) or as
2002/7/4 as is commonly done in the Far East. A
third label may contain rearing information.
A fourth label may contain determination information, species name, determiner, and date of
Labeling Specimens
Pinning Blocks
Specimens without accurate and complete collection data are of little value. A proper label contains
locality data, date of collection, collector’s name,
method of collection, and identification label with
determiner’s name. Additional information may be
included (host plant, behavior, etc.). Computergenerated laser-printed labels in general seem
entirely adequate. Such labels with a font size of 3
or 4 are suitable for pinned specimens. Labels with
larger font (10 or 12) can be used in vials with alcohol. Most laser-printer inks seem stable in alcohol
(you may want to test labels made with the laser
printer available to you before relying upon them),
and printed labels are far easier to read than are
most hand-written labels, Use them wherever you
can for pinned and alcohol-preserved specimens
(provided that the ink is not alcohol-soluble).
Information on Labels
Labels for pinned insects should be placed beneath
specimens, aligned parallel with the insect’s body.
Supply houses sell blocks on which specimens
and labels may be pinned. These achieve a standard height for each specimen and label and
make a resultant collection appear more uniform.
Unfortunately, we have not seen a block from a
supply house with more than three steps. If the
steps are (i) specimen, (ii) dissections of genitalia
from the specimen, (iii) locality information,
(iv) habitat information, and (v) identification
information, then five steps are needed. The only
current option seems to be for collectors to manufacture their own pinning blocks (one of us has
done so).
Storing Collections
Insect collections require protection from atmospheric conditions such as humidity and pests
capable of destroying specimens. Such pests
include cockroaches, silverfish, ants, dermestid
and anobiid beetles, booklice, and mice. Tight
Collecting and Preserving Insects
containers, with a fumigant, will deter most pests.
Be sure not to use chemicals toxic to humans or
pets. The safest method is to store in or donate a
collection to a recognized museum where it will
be maintained safely. Museum curators often will
provide space for your materials, hoping that at
some time in the future you will donate your collection to them.
Supply Houses
Several companies maintain an inventory of entomological supplies and sell by mail order. They
sell nets, beating sheets, light traps, vials, pins,
forceps, lenses, pinning blocks, storage boxes,
cabinets, microscopes, microscope illuminators,
microscope slides, preservatives, light traps, numerous other items, and assorted entomological
Storage Containers and Cabinets
Insect specimens are typically housed in wooden
storage boxes (in the USA called Schmit or
Schmitt or Schmidt boxes) or in cabinets with
drawers. The storage boxes have tightly-fitting
lids, and the floor is lined with a material into
which pins can easily be thrust. Traditionally,
this material was cork, usually lined with paper,
but now is normally some white synthetic foam.
European cabinets were and are of numerous
sizes, each drawer lined with a pinning material.
The disadvantage of the European system is that
dozens or hundreds of specimens may have to be
moved one by one to make way for a few new
specimens. Additionally, drawers of some cabinets are exceptionally shallow, allowing vertical
space only for short pins. In the USA, another
system arose in which drawers of standard size
were designed to accept a standard number of
cardboard unit trays, the unit trays (not the
drawers themselves) are lined with a pinning
material, and all drawers accept standard 3.5 cm
pins. Unit trays are manufactured in a range of
complementary sizes so that a combination of
small and large trays, as need arises, will fit precisely into a drawer. The trays make it easy to
move groups of specimens about a drawer or
from drawer to drawer, and protect specimens
from physical damage. The “US system” was a
good idea, but, unfortunately, the “system” is at
least three systems, not one, and developed at
competing museums, which differ in dimensions
of drawers and size of unit trays so that they are
not interchangeable.
A very few species of insects have been declared
to be endangered species. They may not be collected, even on your own property, without a very
hard-to-obtain permit. In many countries, you
may collect any other insect (apart from endangered species) on your own property, or (with
permission from the landowner) on someone
else’s property. If the landowner is a government
agency and the property is a park or preserve, you
may need a written permit from that agency. In a
few countries you may not collect insects of any
kind without a government permit; even if you
use a pesticide to kill pests on your property, and
along with the pests you kill harmless or beneficial insects, you may not collect any of these
insects without a permit. So, be aware of the laws
in your country.
Hatch M (1926) Concerning the insect collection. Entomol
News 37:329–332
Lehker GE, Deay HO (1969) How to collect, preserve, and
identify insects. Extension circular 509. Cooperative
Extension Service, Purdue University, Lafayette, IA,
43 pp
Ross HH (1962) How to collect and preserve insects. Illinois
State Natural History Survey Circular 39, Urbana, IL,
71 pp
Smart J (1954) Instructions for collectors. No 4A Insects. British Museum (Natural History), London, UK, 178 pp
Steyskal GC, Murphy WL, Hoover EM (eds) (1986) Insects and
mites: techniques for collection and preservation. US
Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous Publication No
1443, Washington, DC, 103 pp. Available Online at http://
An order of hexapods in the class Entognatha,
and sometimes considered to be insects. They
commonly are called springtails.
Colleterial Glands
Female insects commonly secrete glue that
attaches the egg to a substrate. Also secreted in
some cases are jelly-like materials, oothecae, or pods
containing the individual eggs. The glands that
secrete these are known by various names, including
accessory, mucous, cement, and colleterial glands.
The introduction and establishment of a species,
usually a beneficial insect, in a new geographic
area or habitat.
A group of individuals, other than a mated pair,
which rears offspring in a cooperative manner, and
may construct a nest. (contrast with aggregation)
Colony Fission
Among social insects, the same as budding: multiplication of colonies by the departure from the
parental nest of one or more reproductive forms
accompanied by workers. Thus, the parental nest
remains functional and new ones are founded.
A family of bees (order Hymenoptera, superfamily
Apoidae). They commonly are known as plasterer
bees and yellow-faced bees.
Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies
A tube-like structure located ventrally on the first
abdominal segment of springtails (Collembola).
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera, suborder
A family of mayflies (order Ephemeroptera).
Colony Odor
The odor specific to a particular colony. This odor
allows social insects to identify their nestmates
among others of the same species.
Social Insect Pheromones
Colorado Potato Beetle,
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
donaLd C. weBer
USDA Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville,
Colorado potato beetle is the most important
insect pest of potatoes in the northern hemisphere.
Larvae and adults feed on potato foliage, and
under many agricultural conditions the pest will
completely defoliate the crop if not controlled. It is
also a major pest of eggplant (aubergine) and
tomato in some regions, as well as feeding on
Colorado Potato Beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
solanaceous weeds such as horsenettle, Solanum
carolinense. Although it is occasionally found on
other nightshade crops such as peppers (Capsicum), tobacco, and husk tomato (Physalis), it cannot complete its life-cycle on these hosts.
The original range of Colorado potato beetle
was probably restricted to southwestern USA and/
or northern Mexico, where the host plants were
the spiny nightshade herbs Solanum rostratum
(buffalobur) and Solanum elaeagnifolium (silverleaf nightshade). The species was described in
1824, but the first occurrence on potato was not
reported until 1859 in Nebraska. From there it
spread rapidly, especially eastward, reaching the
Atlantic coast of North America in 1874. By then
the potato crop was a staple food, and the spread
of Colorado potato beetle infestation prompted
early development of arsenical pesticides and
application methods in the USA.
In 1870, responding in part to the threat of
Colorado potato beetle introduction, Germany
established the first-ever quarantine law followed
within several years by other European countries.
Following the eradication of numerous isolated
European introductions, its establishment into
France in 1921 initiated another rapid geographic
invasion which now includes all of Europe (except
for the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Scandinavia), continues through central Asia eastward into
China, and threatens to spread into east and south
Asia, where one-third of the world’s potatoes are
grown. The range is now about 8 million km2 in
North America and a like area in Eurasia. Climatically favorable areas not yet infested include east
Asia, parts of south Asia temperate South America
and Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
Colorado potato beetle adults are approximately 10 mm long, convex, with cream-yellow and
black striped elytra, and variable black markings
(Fig. 81) in the pronotum. Larvae are typically
orange with two rows of black lateral spots, and as
later instars are characteristically hump-backed
in shape. Colorado potato beetle overwinters as
the adult in the soil, and has from one to several
generations per year, depending on temperature,
photoperiod, and availability and quality of host
plants. In the spring, overwintered adults emerge
from the soil and begin their search for host plants
to feed upon. This commences with walking, but
after a few days beetles may take to flight. The yellow-orange eggs, laid on leaf undersides in masses
of 20–60 (several hundred to a few thousand total
per female), soon hatch into leaf-feeding larvae
which eat about 40 cm2 of foliage. The fourth instar
larva drops to the ground and digs down a few cm
to pupate in the soil, emerging 10–20 days later as a
callow adult. Also a voracious leaf feeder, the imago
consumes up to 10 cm2 per day. Depending on food,
photoperiod, and temperature, this young adult
may mate and reproduce, or after feeding, bury
itself 10–50 cm deep in the soil to spend months in
diapause before emerging the next spring.
In areas where tomatoes abound, it has
evolved an improved fitness on this plant, as in the
southeastern USA and Uzbekistan. Even where it
does not thrive on tomato, large numbers may
damage this valuable crop. In contrast, potato
plants can tolerate light to moderate defoliation at
certain times of year, but without control, major to
complete crop loss is common. A typical economic
threshold is one adult equivalent per plant, where
small larvae are counted as equivalent to 1/4 of
one adult, and large larvae (3rd and 4th instars)
equate to 2/3 of an adult. Yield impact is dependent on timing, variety, and other crop stresses.
In early years, control relied on hand-picking,
but this gave way to arsenical insecticides and in
the 1940s the more powerful synthetic chemical
controls. No other agricultural pest better exemplifies evolution of resistance to insecticides. Within
the first decade of DDT use, it was failing against
Colorado potato beetle in the intensive potatogrowing region of Long Island, New York, USA.
Resistance followed to numerous other chlorinated
hydrocarbons, organophosphates, carbamates, and
pyrethroids. This sustained evolution of pesticide
resistance has prompted development and use of
additional novel chemical controls such as neonicotinoids and ecdysteroids, as well as transgenic
crops incorporating high levels of beetle-specific
Colorado Potato Beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Colorado Potato Beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Figure 81
Colorado potato beetle (a) egg mass, (b) larvae, (c) pupa and (d) adult. (Egg mass photo by D. Weber;
others by Doro Röthlisberger, Zoological Museum, University of Zurich.)
Colorado Potato Beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Cry3A BT toxins (derived from Bacillus thuringiensis). Transgenic potatoes were developed and
introduced as the cultivar “Newleaf ” in the 1990s,
later also incorporating resistance to important
aphid-transmitted potato viruses. Yet this highly
effective tactic met with a mixed and then negative
reception, first because it was introduced contemporaneously with an effective and broaderspectrum systemic insecticide, imidacloprid, and
later because large multinational processors
decided that using transgenic potatoes would risk
consumer opposition across their global markets.
Two years after registration in the US, major buyers
announced plans to discontinue Newleaf purchases,
and commercial sales have been discontinued.
Transgenic technology continues with limited field
trials in eastern Europe, and may be commercialized
in the future. One prerequisite for sustainable use,
as with chemical controls, is the implementation of
resistance management plans.
Periodic failure of chemical controls has
prompted research into a variety of alternatives
ranging from pedestrian to peculiar. These include
native and introduced biological controls, crop
rotation, cover crop mulches, trap crops, trenches
to disrupt crop colonization, early planting, late
planting, and multi-row propane-fueled flamers
and crop vacuums. Collectively and as complements to chemical control, these are essential tactics
to manage the pest and help avert resistance.
For an insect that is the focus of thousands of
published scientific articles, there is still surprisingly
much to learn. In just the past few years, plant-based
attractants as well as a male-produced aggregation
pheromone, (S)-3,7-dimethyl-2-oxo-6-octene-1,3diol, have been discovered. The exact role that these
behaviorally active substances will play in Colorado
potato beetle management remains to be seen, but
perhaps in combination with selective toxins and/or
antifeedants, a push-pull behavioral strategy can
succeed in suppressing the Colorado potato beetle
instead of whole-field treatments which have historically failed due to selection of resistance.
Natural enemies of Colorado potato beetle
may sometimes keep the pest below economic
threshold, but not reliably in most current cropping systems. Predatory stink bugs (Podisus and
Perillus) as well as several species of generalist
Coccinellidae and Carabidae, spiders and harvestmen are common predators. During the 1980s, the
egg parasitoid wasp Edovum puttleri was introduced to the USA from Colombia (where it is
native on L. undecemlineata (Stål)), and enjoyed
success as an inundative biocontrol in the highvalue eggplant crop. This parasitoid is not winterhardy. Rearing efforts ceased with the advent of
the systemic neonicotinoid imidacloprid.
Two of the most promising natural enemies
native to North America are quite poorly studied.
Lebia grandis is a carabid ground beetle predator of
Colorado potato beetle eggs and larvae as an adult,
whose larvae are ectoparasitoids of Colorado potato
beetle pupae. The newly hatched larvae locate the
Colorado potato beetle host soon after it buries
itself to pupate, then obtain their entire larval food
requirement from a single host pupa, emerging
weeks later as blue-metallic and orange, very
mobile and hungry adult predator beetles. Two
species of tachinid parasitoid flies of the genus
Myiopharus attack larvae or in the fall even Colorado potato beetle adults, where they overwinter as
an early-instar larva inside their host, then develop
and emerge the next season as an adult fly. Beauveria bassiana has potential to suppress Colorado
potato beetle populations under some conditions,
and commercial formulations have been developed. If the agroecosystem can somehow better
nurture natural enemies, especially early in the season before Colorado potato beetle damage the
crop, then Colorado potato beetle management
may not so frequently require costly and sometimes troublesome insecticidal inputs.
Crop rotation is consistently an effective means
to delay and reduce colonization of overwintered
adults. But in many cases, land tenure and intensive
culture may prevent farmers from rotating the
several hundred meters which constitute an effective
separation in successive years. Yet even unrotated
crops are amenable to border treatments, trap crops
or trenches to thwart beetle colonization, because
Colorado Potato Beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
many adults overwinter in wooded or other noncrop areas adjacent to crop fields. Physical controls
of flaming and vacuuming have enjoyed limited
success against the pest. Rye straw or other killed
cover crops suppress Colorado potato beetle populations, probably by a combination of abiotic and
biotic effects. One novel cultural-physical control
uses late-maturing trap crops to attract beetles to
concentrated overwintering areas which are then
stripped of their snow and mulch covering in
midwinter to enhance diapause mortality.
Colorado potato beetle is one of the most frequently used bioassay insects for toxicological and
physiological research, and usually the first beetle
to be tested with candidate insecticides. It is easily
maintained on a potato diet, hosting few diseases
in the lab, and is also amenable to semi-artificial
diet, which aids in precisely controlling its nutrition. Colorado potato beetle has played a key role
in development of concepts of host-plant location
and selection, host shifts, molecular and population mechanisms of pesticide resistance, gene flow,
and integrated pest management. There is also
active research on conventional and engineered
crop resistance, neurophysiology, dispersal behavior, biochemical and molecular reaction of host
plants to Colorado potato beetle feeding, digestive,
microbial and immunological defenses of Colorado potato beetle and, of course, novel natural
and synthetic toxins and antifeedants.
Providing sustainable control options requires
not only laboratory and molecular insights into
the mechanisms, but also ecological and behavioral insights, especially into the movement of
beetles within and between fields which could lead
to the spread or suppression of pesticide resistance
genes in agricultural populations. The quantification of gene flow and frequencies, which in turn
depends on selection, dispersal and reproduction,
provides the basis for rational deployment of refugia in resistance management. Questions of movement are also critical to effective employment of
crop rotation and pest colonization in a variety
of regional cropping systems. In some areas, the
beetle flies frequently. In others, it flies rarely. In
Siberia, it buries deeply over winter, while in milder
areas, it buries less deeply. Some beetles delay
emergence from diapause for years at a time.
Researchers express both reverence and frustration at the variability in its behavior.
Just why is the Colorado potato beetle so flexible in responding to changing ecology and toxicology? The reason may lie in its evolutionary
history of genetic and biochemical diversity in ecological and evolutionary pursuit of toxicologically
complex and ephemeral groups of host plants. This
beetle reinforces the need for flexible and integrative thinking in developing pest management strategies: one tactic alone will not quell it for long.
Witness the latest entry, the chloronicotinyl imidacloprid, starting to fail after about 10 years of intensive use in the eastern USA. Integration of multiple
effective tactics will continue to be essential for an
intelligent and sustainable approach to management of the formidable Colorado potato beetle.
Potato Pests and Their Management
Vegetable Pests and Their Management
Boiteau G, Alyokhin A, Ferro DN (2003) The Colorado potato
beetle in movement. Can Entomol 135:1–22
Casagrande RA (1987) The Colorado potato beetle: 125 years
of mismanagement. Bull Entomol Soc Am 33:142–150
Chang GC, Snyder WE (2004) The relationship between predator density, community composition, and field predation
of Colorado potato beetle eggs. Biol Control 31:453–461
Dickens JC, Oliver JE, Hollister B, Davis JC, Klun JA
(2002) Breaking a paradigm: male-produced aggregation pheromone for the Colorado potato beetle. J Exp
Biol 205:1925–1933
Ferro DN, Logan JA, Voss RH, Elkinton JS (1985) Colorado
potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) temperaturedependent growth and feeding rates. Environ Entomol
Grapputo A, Boman S, Lindström L, Lyytinen A, Mappes J (2005)
The voyage of an invasive species across continents: genetic
diversity of North American and European Colorado
potato beetle populations. Mol Ecol 14:4207–4219
Jermy T (1994) Hypotheses on oligophagy: how far the case
of the Colorado potato beetle supports them. In: Jolivet
PH, Cox ML, Petitpierre E (eds) Novel aspects of the
biology of Chrysomelidae. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 129–139
Common Stoneflies
Hough-Goldstein JA, Heimpel GE, Bechmann HE, Mason CE
(1993) Arthropod natural enemies of the Colorado
potato beetle. Crop Protect 12:324–334
Mota-Sanchez D, Hollingworth RM, Grafius EJ, Moyer DD
(2006) Resistance and cross-resistance to neonicotinoid
insecticides and spinosad in the Colorado potato beetle,
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Pest Manag Sci 62:30–37
Weber DC (2003) Colorado beetle: pest on the move. Pest
Outlook 14:256–259
Colorado Tick Fever
A viral disease transmitted by ticks in the USA.
Common Fleas
Members of the
Common Name
A vernacular name, reflecting the language of a
particular country, as opposed to a scientific name,
which is universal.
Common (Vernacular) Names of Insects
Common Oviduct
Columnar Cells
The tall, and generally most numerous cells, of the
midgut. They conduct most of the enzyme secretion and absorption of digested products.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as cylindrical bark beetles.
A median tube (median oviduct) of the female
genital tract (Fig. 82) that leads from the lateral
oviducts to the cloaca (vagina).
Common Sawflies
Members of the family Tenthredinidae (order
Hymenoptera, suborder Symphyta).
Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies
Common Scorpionflies
A layer of brood cells or cocoons produced by
social insects and clustered together in a regular
Members of the family Panorpidae (order
Common Skimmers
Comb-Clawed Beetles
Members of the family Alleculidae (order Coleoptera).
An association between two organisms from distant taxa that harms neither and benefits at least one.
A family of dragonflies in the order Odonata:
Dragonflies and Damselflies
Common Stoneflies
Members of the stonefly family Perlidae (order
Common Thrips
Common Oviduct, Figure 82 Diagram of female reproductive system, as found in Rhagoletis (Diptera)
(adapted from Chapman, The insects: structure and function).
Common Thrips
Members of the family Thripidae (order Thysanoptera).
Common (Vernacular) Names of
J. howard frank
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
There are two meanings of the word “common” as
applied to names. One is that a name is abundant
or widespread. Quite another is that a name is written in the vernacular language of the place where it
is used, rather than in Latin. Take, for example, the
species Danaus plexippus whose common name in
the USA is monarch butterfly. That name is common on both counts. But take instead the scarab
species Serica rhypha which has been assigned the
invented English language name “crooked silky
June beetle.” That “common” name is unlikely to be
known to more than a handful of people anywhere;
it is a vernacular name that is not commonly used.
Very few vernacular names are common in
the sense of abundantly used and widespread. A
more appropriate term for this entry would be
vernacular names, but this expression itself is not
common (in the sense of being widely used and
abundant), although it deserves to be so.
The English language has a few true common
names for insects. Ant, bee, beetle, butterfly, and
cricket are some of them. They are old names,
having come into use before entomologists began
to classify the five or six million insect species that
may exist. In medieval bestiaries, such names were
Common (Vernacular) Names of Insects
used as if they applied to individual species, so
that we may read in bestiaries about the habits of
“the ant” alongside habits of “the lion.”
Entomologists soon realized that they were
dealing with many species of ants, and by 1990 had
described about 8,800 species of them, with the task
of description still unfinished. Together, they are
classified as the family Formicidae, they have
8,800 + scientific species names, and entomologists
call them “the ants.” In contrast,“the lion” of medieval
bestiarists remains the one species Panthera leo.
The general public seems to have little grasp of
this complexity. News writers, when interviewing
an entomologist about ants, typically insist that the
entomologist provide a “common name” for whatever ant species is being discussed. Then, the news
writer typically uses this “common name” and
writes about it being “a variety of ant[s].” By using
the expression “variety” instead of species, the news
writer seems to be drawing on a medieval classification (that “the ant” is the classificatory equivalent
of “the lion”), refusing to acknowledge that there
may be more than one species of ant. It is a sad
reflection on public education that news writers
may have only a medieval knowledge of insect
classification and, that with such [lack of] knowledge, their task is to inform the public.
Entomologists, when challenged with the question of “what is the common name of the insect you
are talking about?,” invented some names in vernacular English. They invented such names as “the
wood ant,” “the carpenter ant,” “the black imported
fire ant,” “the red imported fire ant,” “the Argentine
ant” and a few others. But those names do not go
very far in listing the 8,800+ species of ants known
worldwide. Even those few names became cumbersome for news writers who preferred greater simplification. Thus, “the red imported fire ant” got
simplified to “the fire ant” (by which “the black
imported fire ant” became “downsized”).
There is no hope for systematically providing
“common” (vernacular) names for all the approximately one million insect species that have now
been described (and have scientific names) much
less the three to five million that have not yet been
described. Nor is there any point in doing so in
English or the world’s other over 900 current written languages. The emphasis should instead be on
providing scientific (Latin) names for all species.
Then we will have at least one name that may be
used worldwide for each species, as was the intent
of scientific names. For any group of people insisting on a name in its own language for some particular insect species where none exists, one may
be invented on the spur of the moment.
Conventionally, “common names” are not
capitalized in English. If, however, a proper noun
(such as a geographical name or the name of a
person or a month) is incorporated in that “common name,” then that word (a proper noun) alone
needs capitalization (for example, “a June beetle”).
Vernacular Names Derived from
Scientific Names
For higher taxa of insects and any other animals,
there are accepted methods of deriving English
Common (Vernacular) Names of Insects, Table 18 Examples of common (vernacular) names
Common name
Derived singular
Derived plural
1 tribe
bombardier beetles
2 subfamily
tiger beetles
3 family
4 order
5 class
6 phylum
Common (Vernacular) Names of Insects
vernacular names (“common names”) from the
scientific names. The table below gives the scientific name of a tribe, a subfamily, a family, an order,
a class, and a phylum. English vernacular names
have been derived as shown.
It is unfortunate that the derived vernacular
names in rows 1 and 2 are identical in ending.
The same method may be used for deriving
vernacular names from all names of higher taxa.
These derived names are English (not Latin) and are
typically written with all letters in the same case,
which is to say that there is no more reason to
capitalize the first letter than there is to capitalize the
first letter of the English words bird or cat. Editorial
guidelines of major entomological journals, with
no exceptions, require that they not be capitalized, to
avoid confusion with scientific names.
The same method is used to derive vernacular
names in other languages using the Latin alphabet,
but with twists according to the language in question. In French, the singular and plural from Culicidae are culicide and culicides, but many French
texts do capitalize the first letter. In Italian they are
culicido and culicidi, and it seems permissible
although not required in at least some Italian entomological journals to capitalize the first letter. In
Spanish they are culícido and culícidos, and the
tendency, as in English, is not to capitalize the first
letter. In German the plural is Culiciden, and this
word must be capitalized because all German
nouns must have the first letter capitalized; the
singular should be Culicid (capitalized), but such a
word is avoided by circumlocution.
“Official” Common Names
The Entomological Society of America has taken an
unusual step of publishing a list of “common names.”
The names selected for this list and their form are
due to opinions of a committee. By 1989 this list
had a few more than 2,000 “common names,” and
they applied to selected taxa at various levels from
subspecies to class, including some non-insect
invertebrates. The list was developed because
“standardized common names are useful when
communicating with the public and with other
entomologists.” The list includes names of “species
[that], in most cases, will inhabit the United States,
Canada, or their possessions and territories.” To
promote adoption of these approved names, the
ESA requires that only they be used in manuscripts
submitted to that society for publication. More than
100,000 species of insects inhabit the United States
and/or Canada, and far fewer than 2% of species
have been given approved “common names.”
ESA’s printed list of common names was
recently supplemented with an online capability by
which common names or scientific names may be
searched (http://www.entsoc.org/pubs/common_
names/index.htm). Long delay in implementing
this online search ability, meanwhile requiring purchase of the printed edition, may have contributed
to lack of adoption of the approved names by other
organizations within the United States. For example, in the mid-1990s, this writer used the ESAapproved “common name” for Apis mellifera (honey
bee) in a manuscript submitted as a book chapter
for publication by a commercial publishing house.
That name was changed to “honeybee” by the editorial staff on grounds that “honeybee” is the “house
style” of that publishing house. Outside the United
States, the ESA-approved “common names” have
even less weight, because contrasting “common
names” may be commonly used. For example, the
ESA-approved “common name” for the butterfly
Pieris rapae is “imported cabbageworm” (based
upon the medieval concept that its larva is a “worm,”
and the more recent concept that it was “imported”
from Europe [in fact, it probably arrived as an
immigrant, which is to say that it may have been a
contaminant or hitchhiker on some cargo, never
deliberately imported, but the possibility that it
arrived by a combination of winds and flight from
Europe or eastern Asia is hard to rule out]) but, in
the United Kingdom where it is native, it has been
called “small white” or “small white butterfly” perhaps since the eighteenth century.
Australia’s CSIRO and the Entomological
Society of Canada list “common” names of insects
Compound Eyes
on websites http://www.ento.csiro.au/aicn and
http://esc-sec.org/menu.htp, respectively, with free
public access.
ESA (1989) Common names of insects and related organisms. Entomological Society of America, Lanham,
MD, 199 pp
Competitive Displacement
Replacement of one species by another. Species
that replace other species typically are ecological
homologues, or nearly so. This also is known as
competitive exclusion.
Gause’s Principle
Complex Metamorphosis
Common Walkingsticks
A family of walkingsticks (Heteronemiidae) in
the order Phasmatodea.
Walkingsticks and Leaf Insects
Communal Behavior
A level of sociality less than eusocial behavior. A
type of presocial behavior. It involves members of
the same generation sharing a nest, but without
brood care.
Eusocial Behavior
A group of populations that interact within a
certain geographic area. The biotic portion of
an ecosystem. This is also called an ecological
Companion Planting
The interplanting of repellent and susceptible
host plants, affording protection to the susceptible
A change in body form in which the insect displays a striking change in appearance over the
course of its development. This is also referred to
as holometabolous development. The developmental process consists of the egg, larval, pupal
and adult stages. Complex metamorphosis is also
known as complete metamorphosis.
Incomplete Metamorphosis
Compliance Procedure (for a
From a regulatory perspective, this is an official
procedure that is used to verify that a consignment
(usually of plants or other regulated articles) complies with stated phytosanitary procedures.
Risk Analysis (Assessment)
Regulatory Entomology
Invasive Species
Compound Eyes
The principal organs of visual reception in most
insects, consisting of individual functional units
(ommatidia), each of which is marked externally
by a facet. The number of ommatidia present in an
eye varies greatly among taxa. Species with great
visual acuity may have thousands of ommatidia
per eye, whereas others with poor vision may have
as few as a dozen ommatidia per eye. Compound
eyes are very effective at detecting motion, but less
suitable for discerning form. Color vision apparently in present in most insects, and polarization
of light can be detected by some.
Head of Hexapods
A family of psocids (order Psocoptera).
Bark-Lice, Book-Lice or Psocids
Compound Nest
A nest containing more than one species of social
insect. Although there may be intermingling by
the adults, the broods are maintained separately.
Comstock, John Henry
Henry Comstock was born on a farm in Wisconsin on February 24, 1849. His father, in attempt to
pay off the farm’s mortgage, decided to search for
gold in California, but died of cholera on the
journey, leaving his mother to support the family.
She became ill after she moved with her son to
New York in 1853, and John was first placed in an
orphanage, then cared for by unsympathetic relatives, then taken in by a farming/sailing family.
He became a cook on sailing ships on the Great
Lakes to earn his living. In 1869 he entered
Cornell University, and in summer 1870, after
reading Thaddeus Harris’ book “Insects injurious
to vegetation” he determined to become an entomologist. Unfortunately for him no course in
entomology was being offered at Cornell University, so in summer 1872 he studied entomology at
Harvard University with Hermann Hagen. After
this brief introduction, he returned to Cornell
University and there taught entomology while he
was still a student. Until that time, he had supported himself by working as a laborer and at
other part-time jobs. Now, he was paid as a
lecturer. He continued his studies and graduated
in 1874 with a B.S. degree, the only degree that he
ever earned. He continued to lecture at Cornell
University and in 1876 was appointed (Fig. 83)
Assistant Professor of Entomology. In 1878 he
married Anna Botsford, one of his students. But
by then he had accepted and acted upon an invitation by Charles Riley to study Alabama argillacea, a pest of cotton, and the following year he
became Chief Entomologist in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the winter of 1879–1880
he began studies of scale insects on citrus in
Florida and continued them in California. He
returned to Washington, was replaced as Chief
Entomologist by Charles Riley, who reoccupied
the position, then returned to academic life at
Cornell University. His wife graduated from Cornell in 1885, and by then had taught herself
wood-engraving, which she used with acclaim to
illustrate her husband’s (1888) first part of his
“An introduction to entomology” and other
works. This was followed (1894) by “Manual for
the study of insects,” a book which was so successful that the “Comstock Publishing Company”
Comstock, John Henry, Figure 83 John Henry
Concealer Moths (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae)
was formed, and it continues to this day as a
branch of Cornell University Press and outlet for
major entomological works. Later works (1904)
“How to know the butterflies” and (1912) “The
spider book” followed. Anna Comstock’s “Handbook of nature study” was published in 1911 and
her “Pet book” in 1914. His “Introduction to entomology” was published in full in 1920. He
resigned from his university position in 1913 and
died in 1931, surviving his wife by less than a
year, having suffered a brain hemorrhage in 1926
and merely existing for the next 5 years.
Concealer Moths (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae),
Figure 84 Example of concealer moths
(Oecophoridae), Alabonia geoffrella (Linneaus)
from Italy.
*Mallis A (1971) John Henry Comstock and Anna Botsford
Comstock. In: American entomologists. Rutgers
University Press, New Brunswick, NJ, pp 126–138
Concealer Moths (Lepidoptera:
John B. heppner
Florida State Collection of Arthropods,
Gainesville, FL, USA
Concealer moths, family Oecophoridae, are a
large family of about 7,550 described species
from all faunal regions, with most species being
from Australia; the actual fauna may well exceed
12,000 species worldwide. There are ten subfamilies recognized: Depressariinae, Ethmiinae, Peleopodinae, Autostichinae, Xyloryctinae,
Stenomatinae, Oecophorinae, Hypertrophinae,
Chimabachinae, and Deuterogoniinae. Many of
the subfamilies have at various times been considered separate families (e.g., Ethmiinae, Stenomatinae, Xyloryctinae). Even some of the odd
tribes of Oecophorinae have been considered
separate families, such as the tribe Stathmopodini. The family is part of the superfamily Gelechioidea in the section Tineina, subsection
Tineina, of the division Ditrysia. Adults small to
medium size (5–80 mm wingspan), with smooth
head (rarely slightly roughened); haustellum
scaled; maxillary palpi 3–4-segmented and
folded over haustellum base (or reduced to one
segment). Maculation varies from somber to
very colorful and iridescent, and variously
marked; venation (Fig. 84) usually complete
(rarely reduced as in such narrow-winged groups
as Stathmopodini). Adults mostly nocturnal but
some are diurnal or crepuscular. Larvae include
many leaf litter feeders, but also leaf tiers, leaf
webbers, bark feeders, and a few leafminers, with
a very diverse assemblage of biologies involved.
Host plants include a large number of plant families, plus lichens, fungi, and detritus or leaf litter.
Some groups are recorded more on some plants,
such as Ethmiinae, which have many host records
in Boraginaceae, and the Australian Hypertrophinae, which are mostly on Myrtaceae.
*Common IFB (1994–1997) Oecophorine genera of Australia. In: Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera 3:1–390
(1994); 5:1–407 (1997), CSIRO, Canberra
*Gaede M (1938–1939) Oecophoridae. In: Lepidopterorum
catalogus, 88, 92:1–476. W Junk, The Hague
Gozmány L (2000) In: Microlepidoptera Palaearctica,
Band 10: Holcopogonidae. Goecke & Evers, Keltern,
174 pp, 8 pl
Hodges RW (1974) Gelechioidea. Oecophoridae. In: Dominick RB (eds) The moths of America North of Mexico
including Greenland, Fasc 6.2. EW Classey, London,
142 pp, 8 pl
Powell JA (1973) A systematic monograph of New World
ethmiid moths (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea). Smithsonian
Contrib Zool 120:1–302
Sattler K (1967) Ethmiidae. In: Amsel HG, Gregor F, Reisser H
(eds) Microlepidoptera Palaearctica, vol 2. G Fromme,
Vienna, 185 pp, 106 pl
*Toll S (1964) Oecophoridae. In: Klucze do Oznaczania
Owadów Polski. 27. Motyle – Lepidoptera, 35:1–174. Polskie Towardzystwo Entomologiczne [in Polish. Engl
transl 1975. 176 pp. National Science Foundation,
A family of insects in the superfamily Coccoidae
(order Hemiptera).
Conditional Lethal
A mutation that may be lethal only under certain
environmental conditions.
Member of the same genus.
Congo Floor Maggot,
Auchmeromyia senegalensis
(luteola) (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
The larvae of this curious fly feed on the blood of
humans and other mammals, though they do not
infest the tissues. The normal hosts are warthogs,
hyenas and other animals. Occasionally the females
deposit eggs on the floor of huts and the larvae live
within the earthen floor or in the bedding of primitive habitations in sub-Saharan Africa. The larvae
become active at night, feeding on sleeping inhabitants. They repeatedly feed for periods of 15–20
min, and then retreat to their hiding places. Inhabitants can avoid this pest by sleeping above the
floor, in beds or hammocks.
Conditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that evokes a response that was previously elicited by an unconditioned stimulus.
A process by means of which an appendage is
articulated at the point of attachment, and particularly the point of articulation of the mandible
and the head.
Confused Flour Beetle, Tribolium
confusum Jacquelin du Val
(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
This has several meanings, but generally means an
organism belonging to the same genus as another
organism. Congeners within the same geographical region tend to compete with one another so
many adaptations can be observed that mitigate
this pressure on populations. Congenic organisms
are organisms with very similar genomes.
A specialized hypha on which one or more conidia
are produced.
This important grain pest feeds on flour, but not
on whole grain kernels.
Stored Grain and Flour Insects
A sexual fungus spore formed at the end of a
Conservation Biological Control
Conifer Bark Beetles
Members of the family Boridae (order Coleoptera).
Conifer Sawflies
Some members of the family Diprionidae (order
Hymenoptera, suborder Symphyta).
Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies
A family of insects in the order Neuroptera. They
commonly are known as dustywings.
Lacewings, Antlions, Mantidflies
A membraneous infolded portion of the body wall
(Fig. 85) that connects two segments.
In Hemiptera, the junction of the dorsal and
ventral abdominal plates, which is marked by a
pronounced ridge.
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as thick-headed flies.
Conservation Biological Control
kenneth w. mCCravy
Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, USA
Conservation biological control is the implementation of practices that maintain and enhance the
reproduction, survival, and efficacy of natural
enemies (predators, parasitoids, and pathogens) of
pests. Natural enemies are important in regulating
populations of many agricultural and forest insect
pests. Approaches to conservation of these natural
Conjunctiva, Figure 85 Head and thorax of a grasshopper (Orthoptera).
Conservation Biological Control
enemies involve avoidance of practices harmful to
them, as well as adoption of practices that benefit
them. Like other animals, insect natural enemies
require food, water, and shelter, and protection
from adverse conditions. To achieve the goals
of conservation biological control, fundamental
knowledge of the biology and requirements of
natural enemies is needed.
Practices Detrimental to Natural
Perhaps the most important rule of conservation
biological control is the physician’s maxim, “first,
do no harm.” Many insecticides can have both
direct and indirect effects on natural enemies.
Direct effects include acute or chronic mortality as
a result of direct contact with pesticides. Direct
sublethal effects, such as decreased adult fecundity,
reduced viability of offspring, and changes in feeding
habits or other behaviors can also occur. Indirect
effects can result from mortality in populations
of alternate prey or hosts of the natural enemies.
Use of broad-spectrum insecticides that have
detrimental effects on natural enemies can lead to
rapid resurgence of targeted pest populations. In
addition, secondary pest outbreaks (rapid increase
to pest status of populations of non-target arthropods) can result if naturally occurring biological
control of these secondary arthropods is disrupted.
Use of more selective “biorational” insecticides,
or insecticides with short residual activity, can
be an effective strategy for conservation of biological control agents. Timing insecticide applications when natural enemies are absent or in life
stages that are not susceptible to the insecticide
can also aid in natural enemy conservation. Recent
research involving development of pesticideresistant natural enemies holds promise as well.
Conservation biological control also includes
implementation of agricultural and silvicultural
practices compatible with maintenance of natural
enemy populations. Monoculture environments
are highly advantageous to many herbivorous
pests, but are usually very poor environments for
natural enemies. Plowing, mowing, and harvesting
operations, dust from these practices, burning
of crop residues, and poorly timed irrigation practices can cause direct mortality of natural enemies.
Of greater importance, however, is the habitat
disruption associated with these practices. This
disruption can create harsh conditions for natural
enemies. Alternate hosts or prey, nectar and pollen
sources, free water, and refugia are generally found
in greater quantities in habitats with greater diversity
of vegetation. Microclimatic conditions are generally more moderate as well. However, increasing
reliance on intensive agriculture and forestry practices has tended to decrease habitat heterogeneity
as well as genetic diversity of crops. Densities of
parasitoids, as well as parasitism rates of pest
species, have been found to be higher in mixed
species habitats and in agricultural field edges near
mixed species habitats. Avoidance or modification
of cultural practices that disrupt natural enemy
populations is an important strategy for maintaining
natural enemy effectiveness.
Practices that Enhance Natural
Enemy Effectiveness
Incorporating practices that are beneficial to
natural enemies requires fundamental knowledge
of natural enemy ecology and life history. These
practices can be divided into two broad categories:
(i) alternate foods or hosts of natural enemies, and
(ii) shelter and refugia.
Many predators and parasitoids require alternate food sources. For instance, certain ladybird
beetles (Coccinellidae), which are important aphid
predators, feed on plant pollen before switching to
aphids. Many adult parasitoids require food in the
form of pollen, nectar, or honeydew. Availability of
such foods has been found to increase fecundity,
longevity, survival, and effectiveness of many species. Availability of plant food sources may also
increase the host searching efficiency of parasitoids, since degree of hunger can influence whether
Conservation of Ground Beetles in Annual Crops
the parasitoids spend more time searching for
hosts or for food. Starved parasitoids have demonstrated greater attraction to flower odors over hostassociated odors. Maintenance of non-crop plants
in or around agricultural fields or forest plantations
can provide these foods, and also harbor alternate
hosts or prey of natural enemies, helping to maintain natural enemy populations when pest populations are low. Provision of artificial supplementary
food sources has also been shown to increase longevity of some agricultural and forest parasitoids
in the laboratory and field.
Natural enemies also require shelter from the
elements. Artificial shelters have been found to
increase winter survival of various peach orchard
predators, allowing them to provide improved
control of early season peach pests. Windbreaks
and shelterbelts may increase searching efficiency
and oviposition of parasitoids and predators
adversely affected by high winds. Within-field and
border refugia in the form of mixed species habitats can also increase the natural enemy: pest ratio
by providing overwintering and aestivation sites.
Conservation biological control is likely to
increase in importance as agricultural and commercial forest systems become more intensively
managed and restrictions on the use of conventional insecticides increase. It is an approach that
requires integration of fundamental insect life
history and natural enemy/pest interactions with
knowledge of the ecology of the systems in which
these interactions take place. This combination of
factors makes conservation biological control
research and implementation a challenging, but
potentially rewarding, endeavor.
Barbosa P (ed) (1998) Conservation biological control.
Academic Press, New York, NY, 396 pp
Croft BA (1990) Arthropod biological control agents and
pesticides. Wiley, New York, NY, 723 pp
Landis DA, Wratten SD, Gurr GM (2000) Habitat management to conserve natural enemies of arthropod pests in
agriculture. Ann Rev Entomol 45:175–201
Pickett CH, Bugg RL (eds) (1998) Enhancing biological
control: habitat management to promote natural
enemies of agricultural pests. University of California
Press, Berkeley, CA, 422 pp
Conservation of Ground Beetles
in Annual Crops
faBián d. menaLLed, douGLas a. Landis
USDA ARS National Soil Tilth Laboratory, Ames,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) are an
important and diverse group of ground-dwelling
insects with over 2,500 species known from North
America alone, and more than 40,000 known
species worldwide. They occur in many habitats
including forests, riparian areas, grasslands,
orchards, and crop fields. As immatures, carabid
beetle larvae usually live in litter or the upper soil
layers and have ten well-defined body segments
tapering towards their posterior end. Adult beetles
are primarily nocturnal, with a body size ranging
from a few millimeters up to 3–4 cm. Adult beetles
have relatively long legs and are black or dark
reddish, although several species are colored.
Adult and larva beetles feed on insects, snails,
slugs, and weed seeds. Because of their voracious
feeding behavior and their abundance in agricultural settings, carabid beetles are considered
important biological control agents with the
potential of restricting the abundance of many
pest species. Among the different pests carabid
beetles are known to consume are: black cutworms,
Agrotis ipsilon Rottemburg; gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (Linné); cabbage maggot, Delia radicum (Linné); armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta
(Haworth); European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner); western corn rootworms, Diabrotica
virgifera virgifera LeConte; and many aphid
species. Several species of ground beetles are
omnivorous, consuming not only insects, but also
seeds of common agricultural weeds such as giant
Conservation of Ground Beetles in Annual Crops
foxtail (Setaria faberi Herm.), velvetleaf (Abutilon
theophrasti Medicus), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus
retroflexsus L.), and common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.).
Due to the potential of ground beetles as biological control agents, their biology and ecology
have been widely studied. However, ground beetles
are not commercially available for augmentation
and several studies have demonstrated that common agricultural practices such as tillage, pesticide
applications, and harvest reduce ground beetle
abundance and alter carabid beetle community
characteristics. As a result, pest control by predatory ground beetles in conventionally managed
annual crop fields is usually diminished. Moreover,
the current tendency of increasing agricultural
landscape simplification, where farmers manage
large monocultures with high mechanical and
chemical inputs, increases the impact of management practices on carabid beetle survivorship.
In row crop systems, to fully exploit the potential of ground beetles as biological control agents,
it is necessary to generate an environment that
allows their survivorship and reproduction. Habitat management represents a viable approach to
reduce the negative impact that several agricultural management practices have ground beetles.
Habitat management is defined as a series of practices aimed to alter habitats to improve availability
of resources required by natural enemies for optimal performance. Several habitat management
practices have been shown to encourage carabid
populations, including no-tillage or conservation
tillage practices, cover crops, and maintenance
of refuge habitats in close spatial association
with crop fields. The goal of these practices is
to provide ground beetles with the ecological
infrastructure necessary for their survivorship and
Several studies have evaluated the impact of
tillage on ground beetle abundance and diversity.
In general, lower number of individuals are found
in conventional tillage than in no-tillage or reduced
tillage systems. This could be due to either a direct
mortality inflicted by soil disturbance, or the
indirect effect caused by removal of resources and
food. The impact that tillage has on carabid beetles
depends on the species, but it has been found that
species diversity and evenness tends to increase in
reduced tillage fields when compared to conventionally tilled ones.
Cover crops have also been shown to be a
suitable habitat management practice to enhance
ground beetle abundance. Cover crops are crops
not grown for harvest, but rather for other benefits they provide, including protection from soil
erosion, improving soil structure, supplying soil
nutrients, suppression of weed germination and
weed growth, and contribution to management
of insect pests and plant pathogens. From an
insect’s point of view, cover crops can increase
humidity, reduce temperature, and serve as a host
for alternate prey species. In total, cover crops
often provide a favorable habitat for generalist
predators such as carabid beetles. However, it is
important to note that the increase in surface
plant material occurring in cover crop systems
may be responsible for a decrease in carabid
beetle mobility.
Due to the ephemeral characteristics of
annual crop systems, it is critical to assure the
overwinter survivorship of ground beetles. Providing refuge habitats in close association with
crop fields has been shown to be a promising
approach to conserving ground beetles. Examples
of refuge habitats include non-crop sites such as
woodlands, hedgerows, riparian buffers, cross
wind trap strips, perennial pastures, and grassy
strips. Crop field edges not sprayed with pesticides
can also act as refuge habitats for carabid beetles.
Refuge habitats benefit carabid beetles through
several mechanisms. First, refuge habitats provide
suitable overwintering sites for carabid larvae and
adults. Several studies have shown that the density
and diversity of overwintering carabids is higher
in refuge strips than in adjacent crop fields. Possible
mechanisms for these differences include a differential mortality and/or a preferential selection of
habitat. Second, refuge habitats act as a stable
resource of food such as aphids and springtails.
Conservation of Insects
This is particularly important early in the growing
season when prey have not colonized crop fields
and has been observed to correlate with an increase
in the weight and reproductive output of female
carabid beetles. Third, refuge strips provide favorable microclimates during hostile weather conditions such as high temperature and low humidity.
Finally, refuge habitats protect carabid beetles
from disruptive management practices. If pesticide applications, cultivation, or harvest damage
carabid populations, refuge habitats can serve as
sources of natural enemies that colonize agricultural fields, inflict mortality on pests, and return to
A common denominator among all habitat
management practices aimed at conserving carabid beetles in row-crops is an increase in the
planned biodiversity (organisms purposely
included in the agroecosystem by the farmer)
and the associated biodiversity (all soil flora and
fauna, herbivores, carnivores, etc. that colonize
the crop fields (Fig. 86) but are not intentionally
established by farmers). However, it is not increasing diversity per se the final objective of habitat
management. A key component is to identify the
elements of diversity that enhance ecological services necessary to secure the establishment, survivorship, and reproduction of this diverse group
of beneficial organisms. This knowledge should
be combined with an understanding of the spatial scale over which habitat management operates (within-field, farm-level, agricultural
landscape), any potential negative aspect associated with the addition of new plants into the systems (i.e., increasing the risk of pest outbreak or
weed invasion), and the associated economic
costs and benefits.
Desnder K, Dufrene M, Loureau M, Luff ML, Maelfait JP
(1994) Carabid beetles: ecology and evolution. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Landis DA, Wratten SD, Gurr GM (2000) Habitat management to conserve natural enemies of arthropod pest in
agriculture. Ann Rev Entomol 45:175–201
Lee JC, Menalled F, Landis D (2001) Refuge habitats modify
impact of insecticide disturbance on carabid beetle
communities. J Appl Ecol 28:472–483
Lovei GL, Sunderland KD (1996) The ecology and behavior
of ground beetles. Ann Rev Entomol 41:231–256
Stork NE (1990) The role of ground beetles in ecological and
environmental studies. Intercept, Andover, UK
Conservation of Insects
andrei sourakov, thomas C. emmeL
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Conservation of Ground Beetles in Annual Crops,
Figure 86 Anisodactylus sanctaecrusis (F.), a
ground beetle commonly found in agricultural
fields (Drawing by S. Kudrom).
Insect conservation is a relatively new concept.
Traditionally, invertebrates are the lowest priority for conservation organizations due to their
relative inconspicuousness to the public eye and
the lack of showy charismatic flagship species
among the large invertebrate numbers. Even our
most basic scientific knowledge of insects is relatively poor. Some taxonomists estimate that there
are more than four million insect species alone,
but other entomologists believe the number
could be as high as 50 million. Of these insect
Conservation of Insects
species, only 5–10% have scientific names. Even
for described and well known species, the information on their biology and population dynamics is scarce, which makes it harder to determine
their conservation status. There is also a misconception among the general public that a good bug
is a dead one, which makes it more difficult to
obtain public money for insect conservation
At the same time, the roles that the insects
play in our lives can hardly be overestimated. They
are responsible for reproduction of most plants,
and are essential food sources for many vertebrates
from fish to birds and even mammals. Though
most pest species indeed belong to the Insecta,
there also are many insect species that keep pests
under control through predation and parasitism.
Though we consider conservation of the pollinators and of the natural enemies to be as essential as
conservation of endangered insect species, here
we discuss only conservation of endangered
and threatened species, and focus on the diurnal
Lepidoptera as an example of the problems and
opportunities inherent in the overall field of insect
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
was signed in 1973 and entered into force in 1975.
The treaty now has 152 Parties.
CITES species are listed in Appendices
according to their conservation status. In addition, listed species must meet the test that trade is
at least in part contributing to their decline.
CITES regulates international trade in species
of animals and plants according to their conservation status.
Appendix I species are species in danger
of extinction, for which all commercial trade is
Appendix II species are not necessarily threatened with extinction, but may become so unless
trade is strictly regulated. These include species
that are in international trade and are vulnerable
to overexploitation. Regulated trade is allowed
provided that the exporting country issue a permit
that includes a finding that the trade will not be
detrimental to the survival of the species or its role
in the ecosystem. This regulation includes a
requirement for documentation from the country
of export, monitoring of imports and, in some
cases, export quotas.
Appendix III. A country may unilaterally
(without a vote) list in Appendix III any species
which is subject to regulation within its jurisdiction for which the cooperation of other Parties is
needed. Importing countries must check for export
permits for the species issued by the country of
origin for Appendix III species.
The Importance of Subspecies
The U.S. Endangered Species Act is written to
allow the preservation of any recognized unique
taxonomic entity, subspecies included. Indeed,
preserving a subspecies is as important as conservation of a species as a whole. Not only do subspecies frequently turn out to be separate species with
thorough study, but most insect populations thrive
on the gene flow that occurs between populations
in the intergrade zones and through migration.
Unique morphological characteristics of subspecies reflect the genetic diversity that allows species
to survive. These morphological features are often
linked with various ecological and physiological
characteristics. Many local populations go extinct
at one time or another, and such extinction events
are becoming more and more frequent with
shrinking of the average population size. Occasional repopulating from an extant neighboring
population is therefore required for long-term
survival of most populations. It is not enough to
conserve a species in a single locality, but in as
many localities as possible, connected by corridors
of habitat. A distribution range containing as wide
variability as possible should ideally be designated
Conservation of Insects
in a successful conservation effort. Subspecies,
under current legislation, play an instrumental
role in achieving these goals.
Butterflies as an Index Group in
Despite the large numbers of insects that have
been placed on various lists of threatened or
endangered species, and even larger numbers
that have already become extinct or are on the
verge of extinction, by far the most interest and
funding have been attracted by the butterflies.
The latter group accounts for only 20,000 species,
or half a percent of the total insect diversity, but
there are probably more books written on that
group than on the rest of the insects combined.
This popularity, the result of butterflies’ esthetic
appeal, is also responsible for the amount of
knowledge on them that has been accumulated
since the time of Linnaeus, mostly by amateur
naturalists. The last two decades have seen publication of books on the butterfly fauna of nearly
every country of the world, and there also are
numerous books that cover worldwide faunas of
particular groups or different aspects of butterfly
biology. These works, combined with the efforts
of hundreds of regional butterfly-enthusiast
organizations, provide a significant framework
for conservation. We should note that this knowledge is far from complete, as life histories and
survival requirements are still not understood
for the majority of species.
As with many conservation movements,
the conservation of butterflies takes many,
sometimes contradictory forms. For instance,
some ill-informed people, driven by good intentions focus their efforts almost entirely on prohibition of collecting. Collecting, however, has been
repeatedly demonstrated to play no important role
in endangering butterfly populations. Indeed,
quite the opposite is true: collecting is instrumental in acquiring scientific information, as well as in
attracting new people into the movement for
butterfly conservation. By far outweighing all
other factors that threaten butterflies (or any
other species) are those of habitat degradation
and pollution, in that order.
The highest diversity of insects on the
planet is found in the Amazonian rainforest, the
equatorial area which has had no recent major
cataclysms such as glaciation leading to mass
extinction. Lesser, but nevertheless impressive,
diversity of insects is found in the tropical forests of West Africa, Asia, and New Guinea.
Despite the rapid disappearance of these forests,
these are not the habitats that contain most of
the species placed on the “endangered” lists.
Instead, that dubious distinction falls to the
temperate zones. Here, conservation efforts are
much more extensive in the developed countries, such as United States, Japan, and the countries of Western Europe, where ecological
awareness and general education level are
higher. This creates a misleading impression, as
most of the potentially threatened or truly
endangered species actually occur in the developing tropical countries.
Another peculiar phenomenon is that many
species are given preference in being declared
endangered because of the demand they attract
from collectors. Normally, these are the larger and
more attractive species. Even when these species
are in decline, this decline is caused by loss of habitat, and has little to do with collecting. Habitat, at
least in the developing countries, often is not provided protection from such legislation. The focus
on collecting occurs mostly because people who
create insect conservation legislation are general
wildlife biologists, whose primary focus as well as
education and training are in the area of large vertebrate animals.
Wildlife biologists tend to extrapolate their
experiences with large vertebrates to insect conservation. Thus, they don’ t take into account that
even the smallest insect population consists of
thousands of individuals, and that most insects
reproduce with large numbers of eggs from a
single female, and have very high biotic potentials.
Conservation of Insects
The population numbers can naturally vary
tremendously from year to year, which is also
rarely taken into account by those monitoring
them. The threat from collectors seems obvious to
vertebrate wildlife biologists because it is parallel
to their experience with hunters and game animals. However, it is sometimes enough to just
mow a meadow or burn the grass in it to destroy
the whole insect population consisting of thousands of individuals: a task that could never be
even deliberately accomplished by a dozen collectors. Nevertheless, over- collecting in rare populations that are already greatly diminished in size
by habitat degradation could be a problem, and
no commercial collecting should be allowed in
such localities.
Even in the tropics, some habitats are more
threatened and contain more endangered species
than others. Mountain chains and the islands create the conditions of isolation that are often
responsible for new species formation. Mountains also support a wide variety of unique habitats associated with elevation change, with
correspondingly unique or specialized and highly
localized species of plants and animals inhabiting them. In the tropics, these habitats are often
claimed for settlements and agriculture because
they have much more favorable climatic and soil
conditions than the lowlands. Reforestation in
such areas, when it occurs, often is conducted
with exotic fast-growing tree species, such as
temperate pines and Australian eucalyptus, which
only contributes to exotic replacement and
extinction of the native insect species. The fauna
of tropical islands, such as those of Oceania, the
Antilles or Madagascar, are composed of mostly
endemic species. Some of the most threatened
insect species are found on these islands, where
overpopulation of humans often leads to deforestation and erosion. Even in the areas where
population densities are low, the demand for
cheap timber that can be easily hauled away by
sea, as well as weakness of environmental laws
and governmental corruption, lead to deforestation and extinction.
Case Studies of Four Endangered
Swallowtail Butterflies
(Papilionidae) from Different
World Regions
Ornithoptera alexandrae, New Guinea,
and other birdwing butterflies
The first specimen of the Queen Alexandra’s birdwing, Ornithoptera alexandrae (Fig. 87), the largest
butterfly in the world, was discovered in New
Guinea at the turn of the century. Recognizing it
was something new, but always flying high and out
of reach, the collector, A. S. Meek, had to fire a shotgun blast at the insect to bring it down in 1906.
Today, the butterfly persists only in small
patches of primary forest left around Popondetta.
Population surveys of this species are difficult, as
adults fly in the canopy. It is extremely local and
its distribution even before recent habitat destruction was apparently restricted, perhaps by host
specificity of the species, which feeds on three
related Aristolochiaceae vine species: Aristolochia
dielsiana, Paraaristolochia alexandriana and
P. meridionaliana.
Ornithoptera alexandrae has had the legal
status of Endangered since 1967 in Papua New
Guinea, and is listed as a CITES Appendix I species. As a result, ironically, it does not enjoy the
protection of habitat that accrues to other Ornithoptera species from local people who could be
ranching it for sale to collectors, if it were not so
listed. (Papua New Guinea and Australia are now
jointly planning a ranching project, which may
require re-listing it to Appendix II status.) In
addition, restoration of the rainforest habitat that
was lost to oil-palm plantations and volcanic
devastation (in 1951) is underway, and eventually O. alexandrae might see removal of present
restrictions on its commercial propagation and
Several other species of that colorful butterfly
genus, as well as many other insects of New Guinea,
are already raised for sale. This activity is under
the centralized control of IFTA (Insect Farming
Conservation of Insects
Convervation of Insects, Figure 87 Adult of Queen Victoria’s birdwing, Ornithoptera victoriae (photo by
Andrei Sourakov).
and Trading Agency) at the town of Bulolo. The
individual ranching incomes from this activity,
though low by the standards of the western countries, often exceed the national income average by
ten-fold. This fact provides strong incentive for
planting host plants and preserving habitat for the
species being ranched.
Ranching requires very little effort and no initial investment. Wild female butterflies from the
surrounding forest lay eggs on their respective host
plants. Most birdwing species, for example, feed on
the widespread pipe vine, Aristolochia tagala, which
readily grows in small farm plots. Caterpillars are
allowed to feed and pupate freely, while pupae are
collected and brought inside a hut. No cages are
used to hold the emerged butterflies or to keep ants
and parasitic wasps away because ranchers usually
do not have money to buy these much-needed supplies. Instead, they wait for a pupa to turn dark, and
then watch it closely until the butterfly emerges.
Then it is killed and papered for sale to IFTA, and
further commercial distribution abroad.
Following the example of Papua New Guinea,
other countries in the region have established
similar programs with different degrees of success.
For example, two birdwing species are found
exclusively on the Solomon Islands. Smaller than
O. alexandrae, they are nevertheless among the
world’s largest and most beautiful butterflies.
Males are valued by collectors for their dazzling
coloration, females for their immense size. Queen
Victoria’s birdwing, Ornithoptera victoriae, displays different shades of brilliant green, while the
wings of d’ Urville’s birdwing, Ornithoptera priamus urvillianus (Fig. 88), are sky-blue. The females
are colored inconspicuously brown and are slow
fliers that mostly stay inside the forest.
In the Solomons, butterfly specimens are
sold to a middleman in Honiara, who accumulates a sufficient number of butterflies to fill an
order from a Western dealer. Ranchers receive a
fraction of what a butterfly will be actually sold
for in the developed world. With more coordination brought into the program, perhaps by
the Solomon Islands Development Trust organization, some middlemen could be bypassed,
and the ranching would become more economically important to the farmers. Now that local
people have been introduced to ranching, which
is a much more efficient way of acquiring
Conservation of Insects
Conservation of Insects, Figure 88 Adult of d’ Urville’s birdwing, Ornithoptera priamus urvillianus (photo
by Andrei Sourakov).
high-quality specimens than collecting, the trade
(and thus conservation effort) is being hampered
by the fact that these birdwings are presently prevented from normal trade in the largest potential
market in the U.S. by a desire of some CITES officials there to punish the Solomon Islands government “for not doing enough for conservation.”
The environmental threat to birdwing survival
comes from the destruction of their forest habitat
through logging and slash-and-burn agriculture,
activities which disregard the presence of endangered butterflies and for which there is no punishment because the local people own the land
and can develop it as they wish. Without the economic impetus to preserve these forests for butterfly ranching and other sustainable activities,
there is no local incentive to resist the lucrative
logging concessions requested by foreign timber
companies. Thus, outside political pressure in the
form of a unilateral U.S. trade embargo, which is
not endorsed by other CITES nations, is having
an anti-conservation outcome and inhibiting
insect conservation measures undertaken in the
Solomon Islands.
Homerus swallowtail, Papilio
homerus, Jamaica
This is the largest swallowtail in the Americas.
Once it inhabited seven of the thirteen parishes of
the island of Jamaica in the West Indies, but now it
is found only in St. Thomas and Portland parishes
at the junction of the Blue Mountains and the John
Crow Range. In the late 1930s, P. homerus butterflies (Fig. 89) were relatively common. By 1945, the
species was rapidly disappearing from its larger
stronghold in the eastern Blue Mountains. It is
now one of four endangered swallowtail species
listed in the IUCN Red Data Book “Threatened
Swallowtail Butterflies of the World.”
The rugged Blue Mountains run approximately one-third the length of the island. The climate is uneven throughout the island. For instance,
the northern parish of Portland receives heavy
rainfall of 381 cm, while the south is much drier
(89 cm). Papilio homerus larvae require humidity
to be close to 100% to survive. Thus, the species
only inhabits wet limestone forest at the western
end of Jamaica, and lower montane rain forest at
Conservation of Insects
Conservation of Insects, Figure 89 Adult of Homerus swallowtail, Papilio homerus (photo by Thomas C.
the eastern end. The first area is characterized by
trees such as Jamaican cedar, prickly yellow and
figs. Secondary succession areas frequently have
bracken ferns and citrus trees. The second area
supports mountain guava, Santa Maria, cobywood,
roadwood and tree ferns. Papilio homerus normally occur below an elevation of 1,000 m. Hernandia catalpifolia, locally known as water mahoe
or water wood, and H. jamaicensis (pumpkin
wood, suck axe) are the larval host plants, in the
family Hernandiaceae. Ocotea nr. leucoxylon (loblolly sweetwood in the Lauraceae) may also be
used by larvae.
Forest reserve areas were established in these
mountains, including prohibition of cutting trees.
However, FIDCO (Forest Industries Development
Company), formed by the Jamaican government
in 1979, began cutting 2,000 hectares of rainforest
per year to plant Caribbean Pine to help the charcoal production industry. With the rapid disappearance of the wet streamside rain forests, this
activity presented the major threat to P. homerus
survival. In 1984 the film “Papilio homerus, the
vanishing swallowtail,” was produced. This film
and other similar publicity efforts over the potential national symbol represented by this rare flagship species, have created a positive movement of
preservation, culminating in the establishment of
Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park in
1991, with Papilio homerus as the official symbol
of the Park Service. Subsequent educational efforts
have continued annually in Jamaica’s elementary
schools, with written materials on the butterfly’s
life history and the manifold importance of the
montane rain forest habitat to watershed protection, wildlife, recreation, and tourism-based economic benefits. After Hurricane Gilbert destroyed
most of the planted Caribbean Pines at the end of
the 1980s, the establishment of the montane rain
forest park has allowed natural succession to begin
reclaiming these areas. Fortuitously, Hernandia
species are among the foremost recolonizing rain
forest trees, rapidly increasing the potential habitat for the Homerus Swallowtail.
Conservation of Insects
Parnassius apollo, Europe
This is the first butterfly species that was placed on
the CITES list for prevention of trade. While
numerous cases of local extinction are known for
the species throughout Europe, none of them has
been linked to collecting. Acid rains were blamed
for its demise in the 1970s in Germany and the
Alps, while around Moscow the mass spraying for
gypsy moth might be a key factor for its disappearance. Everywhere, habitat loss is also a significant factor. In our view, one of the weaknesses of
the current conservation legislation concerning P.
apollo (Fig. 90) (as well as of all other endangered
butterfly species) is that it targets the species rather
than the habitat. Additionally, this legislation recognizes all subspecies of P. apollo as endangered,
despite the fact that many of them, particularly in
Central Asia mountain ranges, are very common.
Some captive breeding and reintroduction programs for the endangered European subspecies
are being developed locally.
Schaus’ Swallowtail, Heraclides
aristodemus ponceanus Schaus,
The Schaus’ swallowtail is the resident H. aristodemus subspecies that is found in South Florida and
the Florida Keys. An assortment of other distinct
subspecies is found on some of the Bahamian and
Caribbean islands. Only a few of the Keys have
suitable hardwood hammock habitat today, and
even fewer support the Schaus butterflies. This is
one of the cases where pollution by mosquito control practices has evidently contributed significantly to the demise of the species. Were it not for
this impact since 1972, the population (though
impaired by the loss of habitat) would be substantially above present precarious levels.
The adult butterflies (Fig. 91) emerge from
their pupae after the first rains in May, following
a long dry season. The major population is that
on Elliott Key, an isolated, seven-mile-long and
quarter-mile-wide island, where there are no recent
human developments or mosquito control practices.
The annual number of adults flying there has usually
hovered at several hundred to as many as a thousand, though it varies from summer to summer.
Schaus’ swallowtail was once widespread
throughout south Florida, but its population size
and distribution have been reduced by the growth
of Miami and urbanization of the Keys, and, later,
by the spraying of Dibrom and Baytex pesticides.
Prior to the development of the area, butterflies
migrated freely around the northern Keys and
mainland. Capture/recapture data shows individuals fly as much as 3.5 miles within a few hours.
This movement supported the genetic diversity of
each of the smaller populations, and ensured population of new sites and natural repopulation of
those suffering a temporary extinction.
Today, Elliott Key has the only large population of the butterfly, and the area is currently
protected as a part of Biscayne National Park.
When Schaus’ swallowtail was recognized as an
endangered species by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife
Service in 1984, a research group from the University of Florida began looking for ways to secure
its future. Although now protected, the Schaus’
swallowtail, even on Elliott Key, remains at risk.
The small size of this sanctuary, and the absence
of secure populations outside it, make the Elliott
population vulnerable. Should it be wiped out
by an ecological disaster, there would be no
natural source of Schaus’ swallowtails to repopulate
the islands.
Schaus’ swallowtail shares Elliott Key with two
similar-looking swallowtails: the Bahama swallowtail, Heraclides andraemon bonhotei, apparently a
very low-level resident population or an occasional
visitor, and the Giant swallowtail, H. cresphontes,
which forms a persistent but smaller resident population. The Giant swallowtail flies synchronously
with Schaus’, but can easily be identified by its larger
size and more powerful flight. Schaus’ swallowtails
usually have slow fluttering flight to maneuver
through the dense jungle of tropical hardwood
hammock while avoiding lethal spider webs. It is
Conservation of Insects
Conservation of Insects, Figure 90 Adult of Parnassius apollo (photo by Alexander Dantchenko).
not uncommon to see a Schaus’ even “backing up,”
a rarity among butterflies. While giant swallowtail
larvae would feed on any citrus (Rutaceae) tree,
Schaus’ larvae can complete development only on
wild lime (Zanthoxylem fagara) and torchwood
(Amyris elimifera). Females especially prize the
latter for Therefore, Schaus’ require these host
plants and the thick hardwood hammock, which
provides a relatively cool, shady microclimate in
the hot Keys.
When Hurricane Andrew hit south Florida
in August 1992, the hammock on Elliott Key was
devastated: no canopy was left to protect the delicate undergrowth of torchwood and wild lime
Conservation of Insects
Conservation of Insects, Figure 91 Adult of Schaus’ swallowtail, Heraclides aristodemus ponceanus (photo
by Andrei Sourakov).
from the desiccating rays of the sun. Elliott Key’s
wild Schaus’ population survived Hurricane
Andrew in very low numbers (only 17 in 1993),
and was later buttressed by releases of captively
reared individuals. Fortuitously, 100 wild Schaus’
eggs had been removed to establish a captive
colony at the University of Florida just 2 months
before the hurricane. This colony was expanded
to produce several thousands of Schaus’ swallowtails that were then released back in the wild at a
series of sites on the south Florida mainland
and the Florida Keys in 1995, 1996, and 1997.
Capture-recapture data showed (Fig. 91) recovery
to about 1,200 adults flying in 1996 and 1997.
However, the possible genetic bottleneck that the
population went through during the immediate
post-hurricane years could cause serious problems for the population in the future. Additionally,
a 5-year drought (1998–2002) in South Florida
reduced the Schaus populations to, at most, 200
adults by mid 2002.
In captivity a female can live up to 32 days and
lay up to 430 eggs; in nature, she lays at most 80
eggs before dying at an average age of 3.6 days.
Most of the eggs in nature are eaten by predators
such as ants, or parasitized by wasps. Thus, captive
propagation can work well with this species. The
females can easily be hand-paired, and lay eggs on
either torchwood or wild lime. The young larvae
are raised in vials with fresh torchwood leaves, and
later can be placed on potted trees. At maturity
they are transferred back into individual plastic
cups, in which the larvae pupate. Then, either pupae
or emergent adults are released into the wild at
suitable sites.
Future studies will tell whether the 13 wild
populations that were established after Hurricane
Andrew through this captive propagation program are viable. In addition to monitoring the success of the introductions, there is a need for
continuing the search for remnants of suitable,
reintroduction-worthy habitat. The program’s survival greatly depends on funding, which has so far
been provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and private donations.
Endangered Species
Construction Behavior of Insects
Collins M, Morris MG (1985) Threatened swallowtail butterflies of the world. The IUCN red data book. IUCN,
Cambridge, UK, 401 pp
New TR (ed) (1993) Conservation biology of Lycaenidae
(Butterflies). IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, 173 pp
New TR (1997) Butterfly conservation. Oxford University
Press, Oxford, UK, 248 pp
Samways MJ (1994) Insect conservation biology. Chapman &
Hall, London, UK, 358 pp
Organisms belonging to the same species.
Construction Behavior of Insects
hoLLy downinG
Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD, USA
One of the most complex and exciting areas of
insect biology is that of nest architecture and construction behavior. There are four major groups of
insects that are well-recognized builders, while
there are individual species in other groups that
also build structures. The four major groups of
builders are the Isoptera (termites),the Hymenoptera
(ants, bees and wasps), the Lepidoptera (butterflies
and moths, though only moths build), and the
Trichoptera (caddisflies). The moths and caddisflies
build individual cases, cocoons, or group retreats,
but the termites, ants, social bees and social wasps
build the most elaborate structures. Some nests
are enormous relative to the size of the builders
(several miles high if the height is made proportional to human dimensions), able to maintain
nearly constant temperature and humidity, and able
to withstand years of harsh sun and driving tropical
rains. Small insect groups that build, or with only a
few building species, include the Diptera (flies),
Embioptera (webspinners), Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets), Hemiptera (cicadas, hoppers),
Neuroptera (lacewings, antlions, mantispids), and
Coleoptera (beetles).
Types of Structure and Nest
Of the many different types of structures built by
insects, some of the simplest structures are the
bubble nests of the froghoppers (Hemiptera).
Bubble nests function in anti-predator defense
and water conservation and are produced by frothing up secretions of the Malpighian tubules into a
tight bubble mound around the builder.
Another very simple form is the cocoon built
by a moth caterpillar preparing for pupation. The
larva finds a spot for this transitional stage to take
place and begins the process of building the
cocoon. The larva has large salivary or labial
glands that produce a remarkable material called
silk. This complex protein is drawn from the
glands forming a durable and water resistant
thread. The larva touches the substrate and
attaches the end of the silk to one side and then
draws out a length of silk in an arch and attaches
the silk to the substrate on the other side of its
body. Repeatedly attaching and looping over itself,
the larva creates a covering that will protect and
attach the denser cocoon pouch on the inside.
Once the outer layer is in place, the larva will spin
silk around and around itself to create the protective cocoon. In a cocoon of the silkworm moth,
the length of the single thread is 500–1,300 m
long. Silk material is made from the threads that
are unwound from these cocoons. The cocoons
are soaked in hot water and the loose outer thread
is caught on a turning spool. The cocoon unwinds
as one very long silk thread. Multiple strands are
collected at the same time and combined to create
a remarkably strong thread that can then be dyed
and woven into a beautiful cloth. The larvae of
other moth groups, such as the bagworms and the
case making clothes moths, build individual silk
cases with fragments of their food material or
vegetation incorporated in the walls. The case is
dragged around, serving to protect the larva as it
feeds, and is spun closed during pupation.
Other Lepidoptera species, including some
tent caterpillars, lay their eggs in clusters. When
Construction Behavior of Insects
the larvae hatch, they work together to spin a
common retreat. The silk in the walls of the retreat
is so tightly layered that it takes on an almost
leather-like appearance and texture. Some individuals are more active foragers and lay down
silken trails to foraging locations, which the others
follow. During the day, they return to the safety of
the multi-layered retreat that protects them from
predators and dampens temperature and humidity fluctuations.
The Embioptera or webspinners are members
of a small order of insects, but unique in that they
use silk from tarsal glands in their front legs to spin
silken passageways. Groups of individuals live
together in what becomes a network of galleries.
The caddisfly larva is the immature form of
the Trichoptera. This insect group is closely related
to the butterflies and moths, but it has little hairs
instead of scales on its wings. Although the adult is
a terrestrial insect, its immature larva is aquatic,
living in streams among the rocks and vegetation
at the bottom. As in the Lepidoptera, this group
builds using silk produced by the salivary or labial
glands. The caddisfly larvae build a variety of structures, depending on the species. Some build a silken
web, which they use in straining food from the
water flowing around them. Others build retreats
by attaching small pebbles (Fig. 92) or plant material to silk in a case surrounding their body. As they
grow, they add more building material on the front
lip of the case, always keeping it just large enough
to draw back into for safety, but small enough to
drag around. The type of material and the form
that the case takes is species-specific, so the characteristics of the case can help in identifying the animal that made it. Studies have shown that the larvae
are very careful in their selection of building material, turning each item around repeatedly before
rejecting or accepting it. If accepted, the item is
then carefully oriented and glued with silk into
position. Macronema transversum is a species of
caddisfly that builds a more elaborate, curved case.
This U-shaped case, which has an incurrent funnel
facing upstream and a smaller excurrent funnel
immediately downstream, not only provides a safe
retreat, but also is used to support a web spun
across the interior chamber and to filter food particles from the water.
There are some insects that use the leaves of
plants to create safe feeding locations for their
developing brood. The females of a group of leafrolling weevils (Coleoptera) first use the mandibles at the end of a long proboscis to chew into the
leaf petiole just at the base of the leaf. The female
then moves out on the leaf and begins to break
open the epidermal layer with tarsal claws and
mouthparts until the leaf begins to curl with loss
of turgor pressure. The female then aligns herself
with the edge of the leaf and using the legs on one
side, pulls the leaf edge over to begin the tight curl.
The leaf is rolled to completion and glued tight
with anal secretion. During the construction of
the curl, the female enters the curl and lays an egg
through a slit she makes in the inner layer. Thus,
multiple leaf layers protect the egg, and when it
hatches, the larva has a secure feeding spot.
Construction Behavior of Insects, Figure 92 Caddisfly case built of small pebbles and silk by the larva.
They are found in streams and other bodies of flowing water.
Construction Behavior of Insects
Many different types of animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate, build burrows, insects
included. These burrows may be simple, consisting
of a tube dug into the ground with a single chamber,
or they may be quite complex in structure. Regardless of complexity, the burrows may serve a variety
of functions including predator avoidance, brood
rearing, feeding and vocalization enhancement.
Immature cicadas, members of the order
Hemiptera, live in burrows. The length of the
nymphal stage varies with the species, but may
extend as long as 17 years. During that time, they
live underground and feed on roots accessed from
their burrows.
Some members of the order Orthoptera build
burrows, but none more elaborate than that of
the mole cricket, Gryllotalpa vineae. The male of
this species builds a burrow with two adjacent,
horn-shaped entrances. The double-barreled burrow curves downward where the two entrances
join in a single, somewhat enlarged passage leading
to the deeper blind retreat. The male calls from
the enlarged passage while facing away from the
entrance. He rubs his forewings producing a loud
call, which is greatly amplified by the burrow
design and can be heard by a person more than
400 m away. The call frequency with maximum
energy is 3–4 kHz, while the call can reach over
100 dB at approximately a half meter above the
The antlions of the order Neuroptera build
prey-capturing traps in sandy soil, which at times
can be spotted along hiking trails. The larva has
large mandibulate mouthparts and builds its coneshaped pit by throwing sand up and out of the hole
with its flat head and mandibles. It buries itself at
the bottom of the pit and lies in wait for an unsuspecting ant or other small insect to slide down the
side of the pit. By tossing sand up the edge of
the pit, the antlion creates a mini-avalanche that
causes the struggling prey to slide further down
the side of the pit, whereupon it is bitten and
sucked dry. There is a group of flies, the worm-lion,
Vermileo comstocki, that also builds a similar trap
to catch prey.
Those that build underground burrows to
protect immature offspring are members of the
Orthoptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera. Parental care may exist in the form of guarding the burrow, or provisioning the young. In the dung beetles,
male and female pairs dig out a burrow and then
pack the end of it with a ball of fresh dung (some
collect the dung first, tap it into a ball and push it
with the hind legs to a desirable location where
they then cover it with dirt). An egg is laid on the
ball of dung, or the ball may be subdivided a number of times and eggs laid on each of the balls. In
some species, there is little parental care, while in
others, the burrow is defended and the dung ball is
kept from desiccating and molding. After hatching
from the eggs, the young feed on the dung within
the protective environment of the burrow.
Burrow construction is most elaborate among
the ants, bees and wasps. In some wasps and bees,
multiple chambers are built either singly or in
clusters off the main tube, or off branching tubes.
Each chamber or cell houses one developing larva
that feeds on food provisioned within the sealed
cell. Some species, like Paralastor sp., build a mud
tube elaboration on the burrow entrance that helps
prevent parasitoids and predators from entering
during the construction and provisioning of cells.
In the stingless bees, the nest entrance has wax
added to form a chamber for guard bees and a
landing platform for returning foragers. The large
nest chamber houses wax cells where the brood is
reared and the reserves of honey and pollen are
stored. In these insects, the honey and pollen are
fed to the young and they are progressively provisioned. Tubes leading deeper into the ground provide space for water drainage and garbage
One group of amazing underground builders is the leaf cutter ants, of the tribe Attini. The
colonies of these extraordinary ants start with
the founding queen who has been fertilized prior
to sequestering herself in a newly formed blind
burrow. She takes a small amount of fungus from
her parental nest, plants it with a bit of her anal
secretion, and carefully tends this small fungal
Construction Behavior of Insects
garden. She lays a few eggs, which are destined to
become the first workers for the colony. From
this obscure beginning, the colony grows until it
has a fully formed caste system with sterile
workers and soldiers numbering in the millions.
Separate chambers are built to grow fungal gardens and rear brood. These ants forage for leaves,
which they bring back to the colony along cleared
paths. They attach the leaves to the fungal garden,
sometimes using small amounts of anal fluid.
Mycelia of the fungus are planted on the leaves
where they grow and soon cover the entire leaf.
The ants tend the fungal gardens, which in turn
produce spherical swellings that are eaten by the
ants. An Atta leafcutter queen is estimated to live
ten or more years. By the time her colony is
mature, the nest will have more than several million workers, will have thousands of chambers
and over a thousand entrances. Nests have been
described that reach as deep as 6 m below the
surface and extend over 100 m2.
Although termite nests typically start out
underground, they are built up with loads of building material until they have some structures above
ground. Even the termites with the simplest nests
have covered passages made by gluing pieces of
mud together with fecal material. Their building
process includes creating an arch and then extending that arch to form the tunnel, which protects
them from predators, the sun and desiccation. The
mounds of some termites get to be enormous, with
chimneys that extend 9–10 m above the ground.
The mound of Macrotermes bellicosus is one of the
most complex yet described. The mound has a
central living area with chambers for the king and
queen, the brood and the fungal gardens (like the
leaf cutter ants). Surrounding this central living
area is an open chamber that allows air to circulate
around the inner core. The outer protective wall is
filled with passages that act like capillaries and
maintain a constant temperature within the
mound, while decreasing potential water loss from
evaporation. Warm air, produced by the termites
and gardens within the core, rises and passes out
to the air passages within the outer protective wall.
The air cools in these outer passageways and sinks
downward. The cooler air is then drawn into the
core area as the warm air rises. Millions of workers
and chambers filled with fungal gardens generate
a great deal of heat, yet the architecture of the
mound keeps the temperature constant, within
one degree Celsius.
The shape of the termite mounds may also
contribute to colony thermoregulation. For example, the mounds of the compass termite stand
about 4 m high and are long and thin. The broad
surfaces face east and west, while the thin sides
face north and south. Thus, during the cool mornings and evenings, there is a broad surface facing
the sun to collect solar energy, while during the
heat of the day, only a narrow surface is exposed to
the sun, minimizing the heat uptake. The nests of
other species have tall towers or buttresses, which
also help to cool down the nest.
There is a group of solitary wasps that are
referred to as mud daubers. This group includes the
potter wasps, which build single or clusters of small
mud cells, each one built to house one developing
offspring and the provisioned, paralyzed insects or
spiders to feed it. In some cases, the pots truly look
like a clay pot molded into a jug-shape with an outwardly curving lip at the entrance. After the jug has
been stuffed full with paralyzed caterpillars and an
egg laid, the jug is sealed with a mud plug. Because
these wasps are small, their nests are often overlooked, and most homeowners are more likely to
notice the long mud tubes of the organ-pipe wasp
(Trypoxylon spp.) (Fig. 93) or the large cell clusters
of the common mud dauber (Scelephrons spp.). The
organ pipe nest is built by the female, as is typical in
the Hymenoptera. She adds mud to form arching
mud strips in a long half-tube attached along the
edges to the substrate. The tube is long enough to
house approximately six cells. She lines the inside,
smoothing out the interior walls and adding to
the tube along the substrate junction. She then
begins the process of provisioning the cells with spiders, laying an egg on one of the spiders and sealing
off the individual cells with mud in sequence down
the length of the tube. This is one group in which
Construction Behavior of Insects
Construction Behavior of Insects,
Figure 94 Polistes wasp female building a petiole
and the side of the first cell. Building material
is a combination of plant fibers and glandular
Construction Behavior of Insects, Figure 93
Organ-pipe mud dauber female constructing a
mud tube. She will line the tube and then
construct a series of cells down its length. Each cell
will be provisioned with spiders, have an egg laid
on one spider, and be sealed off with a mud wall.
The fly in the photograph is a nest parasite of this
the male contributes to the process of construction
and brood provisioning by guarding the tube
entrance from nest parasites that would otherwise
sneak one or several of their own eggs into the cells.
The male is then well placed to mate with the female
when she is ready to lay her eggs.
Social wasps usually use plant material of
some sort to build aerial or underground nests,
but some species use mud. Each nest is typically
made of one or more combs of hexagonal cells in
rows, and the nest may have one or many enclosing envelopes. The architecture of the nests made
by wasps is typically cryptic in that the nests are
thin and built on the underside of tree trunks, or
leaves, or in cavities, have the color of the surrounding substrate and are easily overlooked. The
nests of some social wasps have no enclosing
envelope and are attached to the substrate by a
narrow petiole (Fig. 94).
The nests of a unique group of wasps, Microstigmus, are made using plant hairs from the
underside of leaves. Microstigmus comes has been
extensively studied; these small (4 mm long) tropical wasps begin by locating a nesting spot on the
underside of a leaf of a species-specific host plant
in the genus Chryosophila. A single female, or
small group of cooperating females, then begins
to chew up plant hairs in a wide circle. The hairs
are pulled inward and a growing mound of hairs
wrapped in silk forms around the edge of the circle. The wasp or wasps keep working until a ball
of plant hairs and silk is located at the center of
the area cleared of plant hairs. The base of the ball
is worked into a long slender spiraling petiole,
which suspends the ball that will form the actual
Construction Behavior of Insects
nest. The wasps create an entrance near the base
of the petiole and excavate a space called the vestibule. This will be an area for adult wasps to
gather that is located above the cells. The remaining
ball is worked into 1–14 cells, which are lined with
silk and provisioned with Collembola. Although
some Microstigmus are progressive provisioners,
M. comes is a mass provisioner. Prior to laying
an egg, these wasps stuff each cell with enough
Collembola to supply a developing larva through
pupation. The entire nest is only approximately
1 cm3 in size.
Building Materials
The study of the building materials that insects use
is still far from complete. There are two key ways
the building material supports the weight of the
structure, (i) compression, in which the nest bears
the weight of the overlying structure like the bricks
in the wall of a building, and (ii) tension, in which
the weight of the structure is suspended and hangs.
Insects use both methods.
Silk, often used in suspension construction, is
a polypeptide that is highly diverse in structure as
well as in gland of origin when compared across
species. However, in general, it is a remarkable type
of material in that it is extremely light weight yet
has a tensile strength 2–3 times that of steel. Its
strength comes from its structure. Silk, in most
arthropods, is a fibroin– a protein with long, unbranching polypeptides. Although the sequence
and make up of the polypeptide chains vary
between species, glycine, alanine and serine make
up about 80% of most types of silk. Crystalline or
highly organized regions are interspersed with
amorphous or unorganized regions. The organized
areas have tightly packed polypeptide chains that
are in tightly linked pleats through hydrogen cross
bonding. The amorphous areas give silk its
When building, bees use a second type of
glandular secretion. Epidermal glands along the
anterior edges of the abdominal sternites and/or
tergites produce bees’ wax in thin scales. Wax is a
component of the insect integument. During the
course of evolution, it is likely that clusters of
cells that produced wax for the integument
became specialized for greater wax production.
The bees scrape the wax off the wax producing
surfaces of the abdomen and work it into a ball of
material for adding to the comb. In some species,
the wax is mixed with plant resins to make a mixture called cerumen. Although wax and cerumen
are both water resistant and pliable, cerumen is
more pliable than wax and is used for building
the softer parts of the nest such as the storage
pots and brood cells. In some species, wax is also
mixed with other glandular secretions or even
mud. Resins may even be used without the addition of wax to produce supporting pillars and
protective layers. Thus, construction material for
bees varies dramatically in the wax content and
in the nature of the additives, depending on the
species, the component of the nest under construction and the type of support the structure
Mud is often mixed with water and glandular
secretions or fecal material and used in building.
Insects building with mud usually use fine, moist
soil. In some species such as the mud-daubing
wasps, the builder vibrates as it collects and applies
the mud. This has the effect of suspending the mud
particles and liquefying the material, thus making
it easier to manipulate and shape.
The use of plant fibers and fragments requires
the addition of glandular secretion, as well. Analysis of the building material of Polistes paper
wasps shows that the glandular secretion adds a
mix of more than 20 amino acids to the plant
fibers, including glycine, serine, alanine, valine
and proline. The combined material is pliable,
strong, lightweight and water resistant. Not only
is the glandular secretion added to the building
material, but it also is added to the outer surface
of the nest, especially around the petiole and
comb back. The wasps apply the pure oral secretion by licking the nest and this often results in a
shiny, dark outer layer.
Construction Behavior of Insects
Function and Evolution of Insect
Protection is the primary function of all insectmade structures. The structure separates the insect
from the exterior world and thus, may help to
lessen fluctuations in temperature and humidity
and may act as a protective barrier between developing brood and predators, parasitoids and parasites. The bubble nests of the spittle bug, the
caddisfly case, the galleries of the Embioptera and
the towering nests of termites all share the functional role of protection. However, the structures
often have additional functions. For instance, the
bubble nests of the spittle bug help the nymph
avoid desiccation; the caddisfly case assists in feeding in some species, and helps move water over the
gills. As previously described, the termite mound
controls thermoregulation and humidity regulation, and shelters the colony from rain. It provides
housing for the members of the colony and their
sources of food.
One feature of many social insect combs that
has attracted attention is the hexagonal array of
cells. This pattern of cells occurs in the combs of
honey bees and many social wasps and appears to
be the result of packing circular cells as closely
as possible with a minimum use of building
material. The builders actually build circular cells
initially, which are possible to see along the edge of
the comb, but as they add on additional cells, the
adjoining walls straighten out. Once a cell is completely surrounded by other cells, it takes on the
hexagonal shape. Occasionally cells are four- or
five-sided, but this occurs when the cell arrangement is being adjusted for a confined space, or the
rows of cells are out of alignment.
The brood developing in the hexagonal cells
of the comb is a rich food source for a number of
predators, both vertebrate and invertebrate. The
enclosing envelope that the nests of many species
have helps to hide the comb, and the small entrance
hole is easy to defend against ants (Fig. 95), which
are an important invertebrate predator of social
insect colonies. In addition, the envelope layers of
Construction Behavior of Insects, Figure 95
Polybia occidentalis nest showing the enclosing
envelope and small entrance hole that aids in nest
defense against ants (photo R. L. Jeanne, Univ.
some wasp nests help to insulate the brood on the
inside by creating a cushion of air around them.
Nests with no enclosing envelope have a narrow attachment to the substrate as an anti-predatory
defense. The comb appears to hang from this narrow
petiole in a precarious manner, but the petiole is
strengthened with many layers of glandular secretion or silk. The narrow petiole provides protection
from marauding ants because it is difficult for them
to find, and the wasps can defend it both physically
and with applied chemical barriers.
It is possible to compare nest structure among
groups of related species and formulate hypotheses
about the evolution of the different speciesspecific structures. For instance, in the social
wasps, all of the variation in nest architecture was
shown to be a derivation of the basic horizontal
comb (cell openings facing down) hung from the
substrate by a somewhat narrowed extension of
Construction Behavior of Insects
the comb top or back. In one derived set of nests,
the comb top has become narrowed to form a
petiole of variable length and combs take a variety
of angles and forms. Another derived group developed envelopes that are the extension of the outer
walls of the outer row of cells of the comb. Petioles
may or may not be present and the envelope serves
to protect the brood from predators. A third group
of distinctive nests have narrowed petiole attachments, multiple combs and a separate envelope
that is not an extension of the cell walls. It can only
be hypothesized that predation, environmental
pressures and evolving modifications in the building material combined to produce the larger, complex nests of the highly eusocial wasps. It has been
suggested that the evolution of building material
capable of holding together a large nest was a critical precursor to the development of highly eusocial behavior and large colony size. The building
behavior has had to change as well, because as
nests become larger, more construction material is
needed for the nest attachment and supporting
walls. As a result, mature nests are often structurally quite different from incipient nests.
Regulation of Construction
As shown in previous sections, the nests of most
insects are species-specific in design and the nests
can thus be used to enhance phylogenetic studies.
There are several hypotheses attempting to explain
how species-specific construction information is
transmitted between generations. Insects could
inherit a blueprint of the finished nest design and
then build toward creating a structure that matches
the blueprint. There is no support for this hypothesis, and intuitively one can consider a small termite building in the pitch-black galleries of the
developing nest and see the difficulty. There is little
possibility that such an insect could comprehend
the entire structure and coordinate its construction with that of many other builders. A second
possibility is that there are certain individuals that
inherit the design blueprint, and these lead builders
then direct the construction of others based upon
information they have gathered while moving
systematically about the nest. There is again no
evidence supporting this hypothesis, and it would
be difficult for an individual to compare what
others are building to a blueprint design of the
finished product. In all insects studied thus far,
the only direction observed is by the queen or king
(if present), and they simply act as pacemakers.
A third hypothesis is that each individual
inherits a construction program of sorts. This program consists of the steps of construction and a
sensitivity to certain cues that regulate that construction process. When an insect builds, it has no
sense of the finished product and is simply
responding to the immediate cues, some of which
come from previously completed construction.
The process of building in response to previous
construction is referred to as “stigmergy,” a word
coined by P. Grassé.
In solitary insects, the building program follows a linear series of steps with the completion of
one step triggering the next. Cues associated with
the completion of an act are tested with the addition of a load. A simple decision is made – is the
previous step done? If no, add building material in
the same way as before, if yes, go on to the next
step of construction. By building through a specific set of construction steps and responding in a
species-specific way to certain cues, the results are
a species-specific nest. Because each individual
(Fig. 96) is independently responding to the cues
in its surroundings, no coordination among individuals is necessary.
With social insects, nests develop over a longer period of time. Throughout the nesting season,
cells are progressively lengthened as the brood
grows, entrances, chambers and cells are added,
and petioles and envelopes are enlarged. Although
the building may start out with a linear series of
construction steps, this soon can no longer
describe the process where building can take place
in any of many different sites simultaneously.
Builders must evaluate competing locations and
Construction Behavior of Insects
Construction Behavior of Insects, Figure 96
Diagrammatic representation of a
building program.
choose one site for building. In large complex
nests, like those built by termites, different areas of
the nest have distinct structures added at certain
times in the colony’s reproductive cycle (e.g., platforms are built for dispersing reproductive allates.)
This array of different structural components challenges stigmergy because the builders cannot just
keep building based on previous construction and
must switch to different building programs at
appropriate times. Thus, building in highly eusocial
insects must have a more complex regulatory
mechanism or additional components to their
building program. Nonetheless, stigmergy has
been shown to be an important means for explaining the regulation of construction in a wide array
of species, insect and non-insect, social and
non-social. Studies of construction behavior in
different organisms can help identify common
construction mechanisms. Where species differ,
these comparisons can lead to insights into the
evolution and regulation of this behavior.
The building process actually involves two
types of decisions: (i) where to build next, and
(ii) how to shape the building material in that
location. For instance in the paper wasp, Polistes
fuscatus, which builds a comb suspended by a petiole,
brood size and cell mouth angle impact the decision about which cell to lengthen next, while
the antennae are used to measure the width of
the cell as pulp is added. By constantly rotating the
antennae in adjacent cells, wasps maintain a speciesspecific cell diameter. Cut one of the antennae
and the cell wall measurements are altered. Most
behavioral studies of construction have investigated the first type of decision only. The second
type of decision and its relationship with the first
have been studied in only a few insect species and
many questions still remain to be investigated.
Individual building decisions are a part of
the larger phenomenon of colony wide activity. The
regulation of the pace of construction and how
the tasks of foraging for water, collecting wood
pulp for building and building itself are partitioned
has been studied in the swarm founding wasps.
Polybia occidentalis has been shown to have complex interactions among the builders, pulp foragers
and water foragers, with smaller colonies having
longer queuing delays that result in less efficient
task partitioning. In another swarm founding
species of wasp, Metapolybia spp., water or water
saturation of the colony appears to be a critical
regulator of task partitioning dynamics, with water
availability affecting water foraging, pulp foraging,
and consequently, the number of builders.
As it has become clear that among insects,
individuals build by rather simple rules and act
independently of one another, it has become apparent that colony wide behavior can be understood
as a culmination of all of these individual building
events. Self-organization is an epi-phenomenon
seen in some aspects of social insect behavior. The
Construction Behavior of Insects
Construction Behavior of Insects, Figure 97 Some diverse types of insect construction: top left, paper wasp nest showing detail of brood cells; top right, paper wasp nest early in construction showing
early formation of cells; second row left, tubes constructed by subterranean termites to maintain high
humidity as they seek food; second row right, mud dauber nest; third row left, pits for capture of ants
constructed by ant lion larvae; third row right, mound constructed by imported red fire ants; bottom row
left, tent constructed by eastern tent caterpillar larvae; bottom row center, paper wasp nest;
bottom row right, nests constructed by fall webworm larvae. (All photos by J. L. Castner, University
of Florida.)
honey, pollen and brood storage pattern seen in
honey bee combs can be explained through a selforganizing process. Likewise, positive feedback
during construction can amplify small differences
in worker behavior, and can lead to the distinct and
repeated patterns of galleries observed in both ant
and termite nests. Computer modeling studies have
shown that, indeed, relatively simple rules and a
programmed responsiveness to the location and
activity of other colony units within the virtual nest
can lead to clustered building and a chamber pattern of walls and spaces similar to those of real
nests and other repeating patterns seen in nature.
Modeling studies have also shown that relatively
small changes in the building program can lead to
pronounced differences in the appearance of nests.
These results suggest a mechanism for the evolution
of the diversity in nest structures observed in nature.
Much of behavior is transient, with little in the way
of a permanent record left behind. Construction
behavior (Fig. 97), however, does leave physical evidence behind that has even been fossilized. These
trace fossils include burrow remains, nests and such
things as the dung balls made by beetles some 30–35
million years ago. The amazing fact is that fossilized
ant nests from 60 million years ago show little
variation from those seen today, suggesting that at
least some social insects have not changed their
behavior over extremely long periods of time. Thus,
the complex behaviors associated with insect
construction have been around for millions of
years. Some of the evolutionary process and the
regulation of construction behavior is now understood, but this area of insect biology remains a vital
and fertile area for ongoing and future research.
Hansell MH (1984) Animal architecture and building behaviour. Longman, New York, NY, 324 pp
Matthews RW, Matthews JR (1978) Insect behavior. Wiley,
New York, NY, 507 pp
Ross KG, Matthews RW (eds) (1991) The social biology of
wasps. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 678 pp
Turner JS (2000) The extended organism. Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, MA, 235 pp
Von Frisch K (1974) Animal architecture. Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, New York, NY, 306 pp
Consumption Efficiency
The proportion of energy available that is consumed at a trophic level. In the case of herbivorous
insects, it is the proportion of net primary productivity that is ingested.
Contact Poison
A pesticide that acts after external contact of the
insect with the toxicant, and does not require
ingestion to be effective.
Contagious Disease
A disease which is naturally transmitted by hosts
of the disease; synonymous with communicable
From a regulatory perspective, containment consists of phytosanitary measures in and around an
infested area to prevent spread of a pest.
Risk Analysis (Assessment)
Regulatory Entomology
Invasive Species
Harboring of, or contact with, microorganisms (or
other organisms such as insect parasites).
Continental Drift
Continental Drift
temperatures, and the low temperatures have an
effect on insect mortality, while at other times the
controlled atmosphere directly affects the desired
insect control. Reported effects of controlled
atmosphere on insect physiology include the
reduction of NADPH levels in hypercarbonic
(>10% CO2) environments, a reduction in energy
charge as a result of slower production of ATP, the
production of glutathione is reduced, and the inhibition of the regeneration of choline to acetylcholine under hypercarbonic environments. There is
also an observed reduction of high temperature
tolerance in insects exposed to anoxic environments.
Controlled atmosphere can also mean controlling the environment surrounding an insect,
meaning the temperature, light, humidity, pressure, and atmospheric gases. Any postharvest
situation allows for the manipulation of the environment for pest control. Traditionally, controlled
atmospheres means the alteration of atmospheric
gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. This can
be achieved through the use of flow-through systems in which oxygen is lowered by a nitrogen
purge and carbon dioxide is increased by injection
of this gas. The levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide
The separation and movement of land masses in
geologic time.
Controlled Atmosphere
Technologies for Insect Control
Lisa neven, eLizaBeth mitCham
USDA, ARS, Wapato, WA, USA
University of California, Davis, CA, USA
Controlled atmosphere treatments have been
employed to control stored products pests for centuries. The first example is the storage of grains in
ancient Egypt, where the cribs were sealed tightly
to prevent the propagation and growth of insects
through the use of lowered oxygen environment.
Historically, controlled atmosphere treatments
were designed to preserve commodity quality during long-term storage. The secondary effect of
providing some level of insect control was serendipitous. Sometimes the controlled atmosphere
provides extra time to store a commodity at low
Controlled Atmosphere Technologies for Insect Control, Table 19 USDA-APHIS approved controlled
atmosphere treatments for fresh fruits as of 2007
Heating rate
Codling Moth &
Oriental Fruit
Codling Moth &
Western Cherry
Fruit Fly
25 min
Codling Moth &
Western Cherry
Fruit Fly
45 min
Nectarines &
Codling Moth &
Oriental Fruit
2.5 h
Nectarines &
Codling Moth &
Oriental Fruit
3.0 h
Controlled Atmosphere Technologies for Insect Control
Controlled Atmosphere Technologies for Insect Control, Table 20 Some potential controlled atmosphere
treatments to control arthropod pests in fresh fruits and vegetables
San Jose scale
San Jose scale
Codling moth
4 tortricid pests
Aphid & thrips
Sweet potato
Sweet potato
Sweet potato
Table grapes
Mites, thrips,
Codling moth
Fruit flies
used in controlled atmosphere treatments vary in
relation to commodity tolerance and insect intolerance. The levels of atmospheric gases necessary
to kill a target pest will vary in relation to the pest/
commodity complex.
Controlled atmosphere technologies have
unique terminology associated with them. Some
of the important terms/acronyms and their definitions are:
Controlled atmosphere (CA): Alteration of the chemical
content of the air environment from that normally
experienced at STP.
Chilling mortality: Death of an organism due to cumulative, non-freezing, low temperature damage.
Anoxic: Low oxygen to no oxygen environment.
Hypercarbonic: High carbon dioxide environment.
MAP: Modified atmosphere packaging.
Vacuum: Reduction of atmosphere through evacuation.
Reduction of atmospheric pressures below STP.
STP: Standard temperature and pressure. Internationally,
the current STP defined by the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) is an
absolute pressure of 100 kPa (1 bar) and a temperature of 273.15°K (0°C).
Hypobaric treatments: Reduction of atmospheric pressures below STP.
Hyperbaric treatments: Increase of pressure above STP.
Film wraps: Plastic impermeable or semi-permeable
wraps of fresh fruits and vegetables to reduce
respiration and dehydration.
Coatings: Usually wax or shellac type mixtures that
cover fruits and vegetables to reduce respiration
and dehydration.
Controlled Atmosphere Technologies for Insect Control
Low Oxygen
The most common types of controlled atmosphere
treatments are those that employ low oxygen environments. In the case of apples, oxygen levels vary
from 1 to 5%, and carbon dioxide levels can vary
from 0.3 to 3%. Other treatments use ultra low
levels of oxygen, such as the case with broccoli,
which employs oxygen levels of 0.0025%. Both of
these treatments are performed at temperatures
well below 5°C.
Low oxygen treatments can be effective in
killing insects provided that the temperature is
high enough to put a stress on the metabolic system of the insect. Reduced O2 consumption leads
to a decreased rate of ATP production. As a result
of energy insufficiency, the membrane ion pumps
fail, leading to K+2 efflux, Na+ influx, and membrane depolarization. The voltage-dependent Ca+2
gates are then opened, causing Ca+2 influx. The
high Ca+2 concentration in the cytosol activates
phospholipases and leads to increased membrane
phospholipid hydrolysis. The cell and mitrochondrial membranes become further permeable, causing
cell damage or death.
Omnivorous leafroller pupae use metabolic
arrest as a major response to hypoxia. The pupae’s O2
consumption rate and metabolic heat rate decrease
slightly with decreasing O2 concentration until a
critical concentration is attained, below which the
decrease become rapid. The critical concentration
points are 10, 8 and 6 kPa at 30, 20 and 10°C, respectively. Although the pupae’s metabolism decreases
quickly below the critical concentration points, the
pupae do not initiate anaerobic metabolism until
the O2 concentration is below 2 kPa at 20°C. Concentrations of O2 below the anaerobic compensation
point appear to be in the insecticidal range.
at temperatures within the normal growing range
(10–40°C). High carbon dioxide treatments have
been shown to be very effective in controlling
mites and diapausing insects. However, when elevated carbon dioxide is used in combination with
low oxygen levels, the results on insect mortality
have been variable. Combination high temperature and controlled atmosphere treatments used
effectively against lepidopteran pests do not work
as effectively against fruit flies. This may be due to
the differences in the respiratory systems and regulatory mechanisms of terrestrial (Lepidoptera)
and semi-aquatic (fruit fly larvae) insects. At low
temperatures, near 0°C, mortality of the moth
Platynota stultana is greater with 45 kPa O2 + 11.5
kPa O2 (air) as compared with 45 kPa CO2 + 0.5
kPa O2. In some cases, when only a small amount
of CO2 is present in an O2-deficient atmosphere, it
can enhance mortality by up to ten-fold.
Elevated CO2 (hypercapnia) can reduce the
rate of insect respiration. High levels of CO2 can
reduce oxidative phosphorylation by inhibiting
respiratory enzymes such as succinate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme. Reduced oxidative phosphorylation leads to reduced ATP generation,
which in turn leads to a failure of membrane ion
pumps, membrane depolarization and eventual
cell death, as described for hypoxia.
Elevated CO2 levels can decrease pH through
the formation of carbonic acid. Reduced pH can
increase intercellular Ca2+ concentration, which
causes the cell and mitochondrial membranes to
become more permeable, suggesting that high CO2
can increase membrane permeability. High CO2
levels can alter the ratio of pyruvate to lactate by
25% of normal, changing the redox potential and a
lesion in the electron transport chain, presumably
by a modification in the permeability of mitochondrial membranes.
High Carbon Dioxide
Modified Atmosphere Packaging
There are other treatments that use carbon dioxide
levels of 60% or greater, with the oxygen level not
being regulated. These treatments have been used
Controlled atmosphere can also be achieved
through the use of semi-permeable membranes,
Controlled Atmosphere Technologies for Insect Control
called modified atmosphere packaging, which
reduces the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Modified atmosphere packaging is generally
performed at temperatures between 0–20°C, with
1–18% O2, and 0–10% CO2, and is of a long duration, generally weeks to months. Modified atmosphere packaging can also be generated using film
wraps. Also, film coverings and coatings can form
modified atmospheres in fresh horticultural commodities. These treatments are usually carried out
at 20–27°C, for long durations, with variable levels
of atmospheric gases, depending on commodity
respiration rates and film permeability. The commodity will consume oxygen and increase carbon
dioxide during normal respiration processes. Normally, the reduction of oxygen and elevation of
carbon dioxide are not as severe because there is a
point where either the level of oxygen will no longer support commodity respiration or the level of
elevated carbon dioxide is inhibitory to commodity respiration. Therefore, modified atmosphere
packaging often takes longer to kill the target pest.
Temperature Combinations
Temperature control has been a traditional means
of controlling the environment to affect insect
mortality. Typically, low temperature has been the
means used to control postharvest pests. Low temperatures work because they are usually below
the optimal growth and development temperatures of most insect species. Low temperature
causes mortality through cumulative, systemic
tissue and metabolic damage, and the inability to
repair that damage. Unfortunately, low temperature controlled treatments require a significant
time, measured in days, weeks, or even months,
to affect insect mortality. The advantage of low
temperature controlled atmosphere is that it could
be applied during marine transit. A 13 day treatment with 45 kPa CO2 (11.5 kPa O2) at 2°C or
lower has been developed for control of Pacific
spider mite, western flower thrips and omnivorous
leafroller on table grapes. Although table grapes
tolerate this treatment, exposure to insecticidal
atmospheres for this length of time, even at low
temperatures, would not be tolerated by many
fresh commodities.
There has been considerable research on controlled atmosphere at intermediate temperatures
(10–28°C), but interest in this approach has been
diminishing due to increasing research on high temperature CA treatments (40–55°C). The advantage
of intermediate temperature controlled atmosphere
treatments is that they range from hours to days,
much faster than low temperature controlled atmosphere treatments. However, high temperature
controlled atmosphere treatments have gained popularity because the treatments are relatively short
and easy to apply. High temperature controlled
atmosphere applies two simultaneous stresses, which
greatly reduces total treatment time and minimizes
commodity phytotoxicity due to elevated temperatures. In fact, high temperature controlled atmosphere treatments may be beneficial for climacteric
fruits (fruits that continue to ripen after harvest)
because the elevated temperatures knock out many
of the enzymes involved in fruit ripening, and therefore extends shelf life. High temperature controlled
atmosphere treatments appear to block thermal
acclimation by blocking the synthesis of heat shock
proteins due to lack of oxygen, wherein the elevated
carbon dioxide inhibits respiration and alters internal pH, causing systematic breakdown of oxidative
phosphorylation and electron transport.
Hot water dips not only raise temperature, but
alter the levels of atmospheric gases in the commodity. As temperature rises, oxygen level in the commodity is reduced and carbon dioxide is elevated.
This is due to the interaction of cuticle permeability
and ability of the gases to dissolve in water.
Ozone, Other Chemicals and
Ozone has typically been used for control of postharvest diseases. However, the advances in ozone
generation and application of vacuum has allowed
Controlled Atmosphere Technologies for Insect Control
for treatments to be developed for arthropod
pests. The problem with ozone is that it is nonpenetrating and can only effectively control external pests. Also, ozone penetration is inhibited by
water. So, wet commodities are poor candidates
for ozone treatments. In addition, there may be
some problems with ozone if the commodities
have green stems and leaves. Ozone decomposes
chlorophyll and may cause a “bleaching” effect of
green commodities.
Hypobaric treatments have been gaining
popularity. These treatments work by reducing
atmospheric pressures below STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure), and in turn reduce both the
availability of oxygen and the ability of the spiracles
to remain closed. This may cause anoxia and desiccation stress, resulting in mortality of the insect.
Only recently, hyperbaric or hydrostatic
pressures have been tested for controlling internal feeding insects. This technology uses very
high pressures of 10,000–80,000 psi, pressures
experienced in the deep ocean environments, to
disinfest and decontaminate foods. It is not
known how these very high pressures kill insects,
but it is presumed that it causes protein denaturation and wide-scale tissue break-down.
The most attractive feature of controlled atmosphere treatments is the wide range of locations
and situations where it can be applied. Controlled
atmosphere treatments can be applied in huge
warehouses, individual pallets in cold rooms,
specially designed heat/controlled atmosphere
chambers, hot water dipping tanks, shipping containers in transit, in individual boxes (via modified atmosphere packaging), and in individual
fruits (via wraps and coatings). With today’s technology, controlled atmosphere is becoming more
affordable and portable. Nitrogen generators
needed to form low oxygen environments are
becoming more compact and affordable. Compressed tanks of carbon dioxide are still relatively
inexpensive, and are needed only when the protocol calls for CO2 levels higher than the commodity can produce. Modified atmosphere
packaging is found in every aspect of the fresh
food market. Each modified atmosphere packaging system provides an affordable and portable
controlled atmosphere system.
Approved Treatments
To date there are only a few controlled atmosphere
treatments in the USDA, APHIS treatment manual
(see “approved controlled atmosphere” table). These
treatments were the first to be approved and were
only entered into the Federal Register on April 16,
2007. These treatments employ a combination of
controlled atmosphere (Fig. 98) and hot forced air
(called CATTS for “Controlled Atmosphere Temperature Treatment System”). Other controlled
atmosphere treatments have been developed (see
“potential controlled atmosphere” table), but are
not yet in the APHIS treatment manual.
Adoption of controlled atmosphere quarantine treatments by industry has been slow because
of the wide availability of chemical fumigants like
methyl bromide. Although methyl bromide was
identified as an ozone depleter under the Montreal
Protocol, its use for commodity disinfestations is
still allowed while other uses, such as soil and
structural fumigations, are restricted. The cost of
methyl bromide has rapidly increased from US$5
for a 100 lb. tank in 1995 to nearly US$1,000 in
2007. As fumigation costs rise, alternative, nonchemical quarantine treatments will gain industry
support and become more common.
Edwards LJ (1968) Carbon dioxide anaesthesia and succinic
dehydrogenase in the corn earworm, Heliothis zea.
J Insect Physiol 14:1045–1048
Fanestil DD, Hastings AB, Mahowald TA (1963) Environmental carbon dioxide stimulation of mitochondrial
adenosine triphosphate activity. J Biol Chem
Cooloola Monsters
Controlled Atmosphere Technologies for Insect
Control, Figure 98 A commercial CATTS
(controlled atmosphere temperature treatment
system) can accommodate various types of
produce and packaging, and produce insect-free
Fleurat-Lessard F (1990) Effect of modified atmospheres
on insects and mites infesting stored products. In:
Calderon M, Barkai-Golan R (eds) Food preservation
by modified atmospheres. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL,
pp 21–38
Friedlander A (1983) Biochemical reflections on a non-chemical
control method. The effect of controlled atmospheres
on the biochemical processes in stored product
insects. In: Proceedings of the third international
working conference on stored product entomology.
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, pp
Herreid CF (1980) Hypoxia in invertebrates. Comp Biochem
Physiol (A) 67:311–320
Hochachka PW (1986) Defense strategies against hypoxia
and hypothermia. Science 231:234–241
Mitcham EJ, Zhou S, Bikoba V (1997) Controlled atmosphere
for quarantine control of pests of table grape. J Econ
Entomol 90:1360–1370
Neven LG, Mitcham EJ (1996) CATTS (controlled atmosphere/temperature treatment system): a novel tool
for the development of quarantine treatments. Am
Entomol 42:56–59
Neven LG (2005) Combined heat and controlled atmosphere
quarantine treatments for control of codling moth,
Cydia pomonella, in sweet cherries. J Econ Entomol
Neven LG, Rehfield-Ray LM (2006) Combined heat and
controlled atmosphere quarantine treatment for control
of western cherry fruit fly in sweet cherries. J Econ
Entomol 99:658–663
Neven LG, Rehfield-Ray L, Obenland D (2006) Confirmation
and efficacy tests against codling moth and oriental fruit
moth in peaches and nectarines using combination heat
and controlled atmosphere treatments. J Econ Entomol
Neven LG, Rehfield-Ray L (2006) Confirmation and efficacy tests against codling moth, Cydia pomonella, and
oriental fruit moth, Grapholitha molesta, in apples
using combination heat and controlled atmosphere
treatments. J Econ Entomol 99:1620–1627
Zhou S, Criddle RS, Mitcham EJ (2000) Metabolic response of
Platynota stultana pupae to controlled atmospheres and
its relation to insect mortality response. J Insect Physiol
Zhou S, Criddle RS, Mitcham EJ (2001) Metabolic response
of Platynota stultana pupae during and after extended
exposure to elevated CO2 and reduced O2 atmospheres.
J Insect Physiol 47:401–40
Convergent Evolution
The evolution of unrelated species or lineages
resulting in similar structures and behaviors.
Cooloola Monsters
A family of crickets (Cooloolidae) in the order
Grasshoppers, Katydids and Crickets
A family of crickets (order Orthoptera). They
commonly are known as cooloola monsters.
Grasshoppers, Katydids and Crickets
A popular term applied to human body lice.
Human Lice
Chewing and Sucking Lice (Phthiraptera)
Some members of the family Lycaenidae (order
Gossamer-Winged Butterflies
Butterflies and Moths
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera). They commonly are known as tropical fruitworm moths.
Tropical Fruitworm Moths
Butterflies and Moths
The initial chamber constructed by a pair of colony-founding termites.
Coquillett, Daniel William
Daniel Coquillett was born on a farm in Illinois on
January 23, 1856. He collected insects while a
youth, and published his first entomological paper
“On the early stages of some moths” in the Canadian Entomologist in 1880. However, he developed
an incipient tuberculosis, and his parents moved
the family to Anaheim, California, in 1882. There,
he began to specialize in flies. His entomological
activities drew the attention of C.V. Riley who
appointed him as a U.S. Department of Agriculture field agent in 1885. He worked on chemical
control of pest insects (Fig. 99) and on part of the
cottony cushion scale biological control program.
At the same time, he continued his studies of
Diptera, especially bee flies and robber flies. When
C.V. Riley’s relationships with California growers
become strained in 1893, Coquillet was called to
Washington, DC, and was made an honorary
Feeding on fecal material.
Feeding on dung or excrement by animals. Such
arthropods are said to be coprophagous or
Food Habits of Insects
A family of fleas (order Siphonaptera).
Coquillett, Daniel William, Figure 99 Daniel
W. Coquillett.
custodian of the Diptera collections in the U.S.
National Museum. There, he published extensively
on Tachinidae, Simuliidae, Culicidae, and other
flies, eventually describing about 1,000 species. A
major work was his (1910) “Type species of North
American Diptera.” He died on July 7, 1911, and
his Diptera collection became part of the US
National Museum.
Mallis A (1971)Daniel William Coquillet. In: American entomologists. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ,
pp 389–391
moths, but no cardio-stimulating action is found
in any of these other insects. In the sphinx moth,
Manduca sexta, this molecule plays a role in controlling eclosion. [Thr4, His7]-corazonin occurs
in the European commercial honey bee, Apis
mellifera, but its function is yet to be elucidated.
The last molecule is [His7]-corazonin that has
been identified from a stick insect, a grasshopper, and locusts. Immunohistochemical observations indicate that corazonin is synthesized in
the brain and sent via the axon to the corpus cardiacum where it is presumably secreted into the
hemolymph in some insects. In locusts and
grasshoppers, corazonin induces melanization
and also has other physiological functions, as
described below in association with phase
Coral Treaders
Members of the family Hermatobatidae (order
seiJi tanaka
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
(Ohwashi), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Corazonin is a neuropeptide that is found in
many insects. It consists of 11 amino acid residues, and three molecule types are known
(Fig. 100). [Arg7]-corazonin was the first molecule discovered, from the cockroach Periplaneta
americana, and is a potent cardio-stimulating
neuropeptide. It has been found in other species
including other cockroaches, a cricket, and
Role of Corazonin in the Control of
Body-Color Polymorphism in
In 1921, B.P. Uvarov proposed the phase theory
to explain that locusts that had been regarded as
two distinct species (Locusta danica and L.
migratoria) belonged to the same species, which
was designated as L. migratoria. According to
his theory, locusts display body-color polyphenism in response to population density and some
environmental factors. Locusts under low population density are called solitarious phase,
whereas those under high population density
are called gregarious phase. Solitarious nymphs
are uniformly colored. Their body color is cryptic and assumes green, brown, yellow, reddish,
grey, or black depending on the background
color of their habitat. In contrast, gregarious
[Thr4, His7]-corazonin
Corazonin, Figure 100 Corazonin molecule types. Different amino acids are emphasized.
nymphs develop black patterns with an orange
background color. Locusts growing under
intermediate population densities are often
called transient phase and display intermediate
body coloration. Juvenile hormone (JH) is
responsible for the induction of green color.
Because the green body color is common among
solitarious locusts, JH was once believed to control the phase-related body-color polyphenism.
The administration of JH to gregarious nymphs
causes them to lose the black patterns and
induces green color, but destruction of the corpus allatum, the gland producing JH, does not
induce black patterns. An albino mutant strain
of L. migratoria was used to study the hormonal
control of body color polyphenism. This strain
was derived from a laboratory culture in Japan,
and the albinism is a recessive trait controlled
by a simple Mendelian unit. The possible
involvement of a neuropeptide in the control
of body-color polymorphism was noticed in
L. migratoria in which albino nymphs turned
darker after receiving an injection of methanol
extracts of brains and corpora cardiaca taken
from normal (pigmented) nymphs. The extracts
are heat-stable, but lose the dark-color inducing
activity after incubation with a proteinase. This
dark-color inducing factor was later demonstrated to be identical to [His7]-corazonin. The
albinism of the above strain is caused by deficiency of this neuropeptide.
Albino nymphs injected with [His7]-corazonin (Fig. 101) develop not only black patterns
but also various other colors depending on the
dose and the timing of the injection. Nymphs
with a completely black body color appear if
they are injected with a high dose of the neuropeptide at the beginning of the previous stadium, whereas those injected with lower doses
at the same stage turn brown, light brown or
yellow in the following nymphal stadium. Uniformly reddish body coloration appears in
nymphs injected with the hormone shortly
before the previous ecdysis. These body colors
are similar to those normally observed in solitarious nymphs of L. migratoria in the field.
Green solitarious nymphs are brownish or reddish in the ventral side of the body as well as
some portions of the legs. Such body coloration
can be induced in albino nymphs when both JH
and corazonin are injected. As previously mentioned, gregarious nymphs typically develop
black patterns with an orange background color.
This type of body coloration can also be induced
by injection of [His7]-corazonin at a certain
stage in albino nymphs. It is highly likely that
changes in corazonin concentration control the
expression of body coloration in the locust. For
a certain type of body coloration to be maintained in successive nymphal stadia, the specific
changes in corazonin and JH concentrations
required for the expression would be repeated
Corazonin, Figure 101 Albino Locusta migratoria nymphs. The individual on the right was injected with
corazonin in the previous stadium.
in each stadium. The hormonal induction of
solitarious and gregarious body coloration is
independent of the rearing density.
Other locusts and grasshoppers also show
body-color polyphenism and corazonin appears
to be present in their central nervous system
and corpora cardiaca. Transplantation of their
brain and corpora cardiaca into albino L. migratoria induces darkening in the latter. Injection
of [His7]-corazonin causes darkening in all
locusts and grasshoppers so far tested. In the
desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, and the
American grasshopper, S. americana, [His7]corazonin has been isolated and is responsible
for the induction of black patterns, but not the
background color. An albino strain is known for
S. gregaria that is inherited by a simple Mendelian unit, as in the case for L. migratoria. However, the albinism in the former is caused by
some unknown mechanism other than deficiency of [His7]-corazonin, because this
neuropeptide is present in this strain. Some
katydids display body-color variation. The
albino bioassay suggests that their brain also
contains corazonin or a similar compound, but
injection of [His7]-corazonin has no biological
activity on the body color in the katydids.
Effect of Corazonin on Body Shape
The body dimensions of locusts are affected
by crowding. Morphometric ratios (Fig. 102)
of F/C and E/F (F = hind femur length;
C = maximum head width; E = forewing length)
are often used to evaluate the degree of “gregarization” or “solitarization.” Gregarious adults
have a smaller F/C ratio and a larger E/F ratio
than solitarious adults. In the laboratory, similar values can be obtained by rearing locusts in
a group or in isolation. Neither JH nor molting
hormone influences these ratios in a consistent
manner, indicating that these hormones play
no major role in the control of phase-related
changes in body shape. On the other hand,
Corazonin, Figure 102 Effect of corazonin injection
on morphometric ratios in Locusta migratoria.
(Based on data of Tanaka et al., 2002. Reproduced
with permission of Journal of Insect Physiology.)
injection of [His7]-corazonin induces morphometric gregarization in isolated-reared adults
of L. migratoria and S. gregaria. This gregarizing effect is greater as the injections are made
earlier during nymphal development.
Effect of Corazonin on the
Formation of Antennal Sensilla
Locusts have several types of sensilla on the
antennae. In S. gregaria and L. migratoria, the
total number of antennal sensilla is greater in
solitarious adults than in gregarious ones,
although the significance of this difference is
unknown. Corazonin causes locusts reared in
isolation to develop fewer antennal sensilla when
injected during the nymphal stage as compared
with oil-injected counterparts, and the total
number of antennal sensilla in the former
becomes similar to that for locusts reared in
groups. Among the four major antennal sensilla
(Figs. 103 and 104), basiconic sensilla do not
show a phase-specific difference in abundance.
Injection of corazonin does not influence the
abundance of this sensillum. As in the case for
Corazonin, Figure 103 Four types of antennal sensilla in Schistocerca gregaria. A: basiconic sensillum
type with high density of pores; B: basiconic sensillum type B with low density of pores; C: coeloconic
sensillum; D: trichoid sensillum with a terminal pore in the inset. (After Maeno and Tanaka, 2004.
Reproduced with permission of Journal of Insect Physiology.)
morphometric gregarization, the earlier the
injection of corazonin during nymphal development the greater the effect on the total abundance
of antennal sensilla in the adult stage.
Corazonins in Other Insects
Corazonin, Figure 104 The number of sensilla.
(After Maeno and Tanaka, 2004. Reproduced with
permission of Journal of Insect Physiology.)
Corazonins have been chemically identified in
only a small number of species. It is highly
likely that more than three molecular types of
corazonin exist in insects. Immunohistochemical observations are a powerful tool to visualize
the presence and localization of corazonin
and similar compounds in many species,
although this technique still requires laborious
Corazonin, Figure 105 Dark-color inducing activity of various organs from a heelwalker,
Hemilobophasma montaguensis when implanted into albino nymphs of Locusta migratoria. (After Tanaka,
2006. Reproduced with permission of Applied Entomology and Zoology.)
procedures. Probably the easiest and fastest
method to detect corazonin is use of the albino
L. migratoria strain as a bioassay. As mentioned
earlier, implantation of a brain or corpora cardiaca taken from normal locusts into albino
nymphs causes the latter to turn darker. Using
this method, more than 90 species of insects
have been checked. The results indicate that
insects belonging to a total of 19 insect orders
have been shown to have a dark-color inducing
activity (Table 21) when their brain or/and corpora cardiaca were implanted into albino
locusts. This includes both pterygote and
apterygote orders of insects, indicating that
corazonin or a corazonin-like compound is old
in origin. Interestingly, no coleopterans show a
sign of corazonin activity, which is also supported by immunohistochemical evidence.
Brains and corpora cardiaca taken from twistedwinged parasites, Strepsiptera, which are often
placed in the order Coleoptera, display a darkcolor inducing activity when implanted into
albino locusts. Heelwalkers, belonging to a
recently discovered new insect order, Mantophasmatodea, also have a positive response
(Fig. 105). These observations suggest that
corazonin or a similar molecule is widespread
in the Insect class including pterygote and
apterygote insects except for the Coleoptera.
Polyphenism in Insects and Juvenile Hormone
Phase Polymorphism in Locusts
Grasshoppers and Locusts
Pener MP (1991) Insect phase polymorphism and its endocrine relations. Adv Insect Physiol 23:1–79
Pener MP, Yerushalmi Y (1998) The physiology of locust polyphenism, an update. J Insect Physiol 44:365–377
Tanaka S (2001) Endocrine mechanisms controlling bodycolor polymorphism in locusts. Arch Insect Biochem
Physiol 47:139–149
Tanaka S (2006) Corazonin and locust phase polyphenism.
Appl Entomol Zool 41:179–193
Uvarov B (1966) Grasshoppers and locusts, vol 1. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK, 481 pp
Uvarov B (1977) Grasshoppers and locusts, vol 2. Centre for
Overseas Pest Research, London, UK, 475 pp
Veenstra JA (1991) Presence of corazonin in three species
and isolation and identification of [His7] corazonin
from Schistocerca americana. Peptides 12:1285–1298
Corazonin, Table 21 A list of insects tested by the
albino bioassay for dark-color inducing activity.
No. species
A family of dragonflies (order Odonata).
They commonly are known as green-eyed
Dragonflies and damselflies
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera). They sometimes are called leaf-footed bugs.
Coreid Bugs and Relatives:
Coreidae, Stenocepahidae,
Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and
Hyocephalidae (Hemiptera:
ánGeLes vázquez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid,
No. of species with a positive response/No. of species
A pollen basket. A specialized scopa, or pollen holding apparatus, found in bumble bees and honey
bees. The corbicula consists of the broad, concave
hind tibia surrounded by a fringe of long hairs.
A family of dragonflies (order Odonata). They
commonly are known as biddies.
Dragonflies and Damselflies
The superfamily Coreoidea of the suborder Heteroptera includes principally phytophagous bugs,
but also some coprophagous and carrion feeding
species. Ocelli are present on the head and the
antennae are four-segmented (Fig. 106). Usually
their metapleural scent-gland peritremes (plates
on the metapleural scent glands) are well developed, with showy orifices that emit a strong scent.
Coreoidea consists of five families:
Order Hemiptera
Suborder Heteroptera
Infraorder Pentamorpha
Superfamily Coreoidea
Family Stenocephalidae
Family Coreidae
Family Alydidae
Family Rhopalidae
Family Hyocephalidae
Coreid Bugs and Relatives: Coreidae, Stenocepahidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Hyocephalidae (Hemiptera: Coreoidea)
Coreid Bugs and Relatives: Coreidae, Stenocepahidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Hyocephalidae
(Hemiptera: Coreoidea), Figure 106 Coreoid bugs: (a) adult red-shouldered bug, Jadera haematoloma
(Rhopalidae) by golden rain tree seed, a favorite food; (b) nymph of J. haematoloma; (c) adult
Coreid Bugs and Relatives: Coreidae, Stenocepahidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Hyocephalidae (Hemiptera: Coreoidea)
The small family Stenocephalidae, with two genera
and over 30 species, possesses intermediate characters between Lygeidae and the Coreidae. This family is restricted to the Eastern Hemisphere. The
greatest species diversity occurs in the Afrotropical
Region. Stenocephalids are phytophagous, and
often polyphagous. Many species in the Palaearctic
region live in association with Euphorbiaceae.
Stenocephalidae are slender bugs, 8–16 mm
long. The head is elongated, subtriangular, with
mandibular plates longer than the clypeus. The bucculae are short and explanate (flat and spreading).
The antennae four segmented. Metathoracic glands
are present. The abdominal spiracles are located
ventrally. Females oviposit on plant surfaces.
This family consists of over 1,800 species and 250
genera, and is worldwide in distribution. Various
groups are commonly called leaf-footed bugs,
squash bugs or pod bugs. The family Coreidae was
established by Leach in 1815 and included the
present families Alydidae and Rhopalidae. All of
them plus the Stenocephalidae have numerous
veins in the membrane of the hemelytra.
Coreids vary in size from 5 mm to more than 4
cm and although most have a robust body, some are
thin or display peculiar legs and antennae and even
spiny or hairy bodies. In some species, males use the
modified hind legs for territorial combat. They show
varied coloration, though in temperate climates they
are generally brown or gray, and more or less dark. In
tropical and subtropical countries, they sometimes
are colorful. In coreids, the head tends to be small in
relation to the body and generally is shorter than the
pronotum. The antennae are four segmented. Metapleural scent-gland peritremes are well developed.
Currently, the family is considered to consist
of four subfamilies: Agriopocorinae, Coreinae,
Meropachydinae and Pseudophloeinae. Agriopocorinae contains Australian coreids that are flattened and generally wingless. They possess spiracles
on abdominal segments 2 and 3 that are visible
from above. The vast majority of coreid bugs are
contained on the Coreinae. They display very different shapes and sizes. They have a median sulcus
(groove) on the head in front of the eyes. The tibiae
possess deep grooves on the outer surface. The
abdominal spiracles are not visible from above.
This subfamily includes many tribes throughout
the world, but mainly in warmer regions. The
Meropachydinae include over 12 genera with a
small head, the hind femora large, and hind tibiae
with the distal end produced into a spine or tooth.
The abdominal spiracles are not visible from above.
This subfamily is restricted to the Neotropical
Region. The Pseudophloeinae are relatively small
in size. Their head does not have a medial sulcus in
front of the eyes, the tibiae are not grooved (sulcate) on the outer surface, and the abdominal spiracles are not visible from above. This subfamily
consists of about 28 genera and 165 species, and is
mainly old-world in distribution.
Stenocoris sp. (Alydidae), sometimes known as broad-headed bugs or rice bugs; (d) adult of cactus bug,
Chelinidea vittiger (Coreidae), a species commonly associated with prickly pear cactus
(Optuntia spp.) in North America; (e) adult of squash bug, Anasa tristis (Coreidae), a serious pest of
squash in North and Central America; (f) adult golden egg bug, Phyllomorpha laciniata (Coreidae)
with eggs carried on its back; (g) adult Euthochtha galeator (Coreidae) is found widely in eastern North
America where it occasionally can become a pest, feeding on such plants as oranges and roses; (h) adult
Leptoglossus phyllopus (Coreidae), one of the most damaging of the leaffooted bugs in North America,
where it feeds on fruits, vegetables, grains and other crops. (photo credits: a, b, d, g, Lyle Buss; f, Arja
Kaitala; c, e, h, John Capinera).
Coreid Bugs and Relatives: Coreidae, Stenocepahidae, Alydidae, Rhopalidae, and Hyocephalidae (Hemiptera: Coreoidea)
Most coreids are phytophagous, feeding on
seed or fruit. A few species are considered to be of
economic importance. Cucurbits, various nut and
fruit trees, rice, legumes and greenhouse vegetables are crops damaged by coreids worldwide.
They even can attack conifers, junipers and Eucalyptus. Among the economically important species
is the squash bug, Anasa tristis, which occurs from
Brazil to Canada, and is especially a pest in Mexico
and the USA. The genus Leptoglossus has more
than 40 species and variable feeding habits. Formerly this genus was restricted to the Western
Hemisphere, but there have been introductions to
Europe (Italy and Spain) and to northern Africa.
Some species are serious pests, such as the polyphagous Leptoglossus occidentalis and L. phyllopus.
Coreids are not generally thought of as plant
virus vectors, but their feeding secretions can be
toxic, causing phytotoxicity. Also, they are associated with the transmission of fungi and other
Few behavioral studies have been done on
Coreidae, although it is known that some males with
large femora fight for territory, and that some employ
pheromones for sexual attraction or aggregation. Of
special interest is the behavior associated with parental care displayed by some coreids. Golden egg bug
(Phyllomorpha laciniata Villiers) shows a very peculiar oviposition behavior. Females can lay eggs on
plants (Paronychia argentea), or on the bodies of
conspecifics of both sexes, where they remain until
hatching. Egg carrying on P. laciniata has been
known for over a century. It is common to see both
males and females carrying 1–15 eggs/individual
glued to their backs. The eggs laid on plants experience high rates of predation and attacks by parasitoid wasps. However, when the eggs are carried by
an adult, fewer eggs are attacked by parasitoid wasps.
Female oviposition choice may be adaptive and
minimizes offspring mortality. The golden egg bug is
not unique among insects in the sense that males
carry eggs (it is also known in belostomatid bugs)
but rather it is unique because there are different
explanations for this behavior. Some authors have
interpreted this behavior as parental care. Others
have suggested alternative explanations, such as the
notion that this behavior results from the egg-laying
female behaving as an intraspecific parasite.
The Alydidae, which are called broad-headed bugs,
are a cosmopolitan family known worldwide. It
includes about 42 genera and over 250 species,
with most living in the subtropical and tropical
regions. Many alydid nymphs are dark red-brown,
and some adults look like ants or wasps.
Alydidae includes three subfamilies: Alydinae
that feed mainly on Fabaceae, and Micrelytrinae
and Leptocorisinae that feed predominantly on
grasses. The body and appendages of alydids are
elongated. The head is subtriangular. The head relatively broad, with the width greater than half the
width of the posterior margin of the pronotum. The
bucculae is shorter than the antennal insertion. Two
ocelli are present, but they are not found on tubercles. The metathoracic glands have distinct external
peritremes, and they often produce a foul odor. The
wing membrane has numerous veins. Some species
are economically important, including Leptocorisa
acuta on Poeacea, and Riptortus linearis and R. serripes on Fabaceae.
The family Rhopalidae includes 20 genera and
about 210 species in two subfamilies: Serinethinae
and Rhopalinae. These subfamilies are represented
in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
Rhopalinae are most diverse in the Palaearctic
Region whereas Serinethinae are more tropical in
In Rhopalidae, the clypeus extends beyond the
mandibular plates. Two ocelli are present on tubercles. Rhopalidae have greatly reduced metapleural
scent-gland peritremes; for this reason they are
called scentless plant bugs.The hemelytral membrane
contains numerous veins. The secondary dorsal
abdominal scent gland opens close to that of the
first gland. All of the rhopalids are phytophagous on
herbs and woody plants, but are not known to be
economic pests of any significance. However, in
Florida, USA, the rhopalid bug Jadera haematoloma
feeds on golden rain tree, Koelreuteria spp. (Sapindaceae) and other plants in this family, becoming so
abundant as to become a significant nuisance
around homes. Niesthrea lusitanica (Sailer) is beneficial, and is used to control the invasive weed velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti.
The small family Hyocephalidae includes only two
genera and three species from Australia: Hyocephalus aprugnus Bergroth and Moevius with two
species. The adults are large, elongate, and mostly
dark in color. The head is very extended. The bucculae are enlarged, extending posteriorly to the
eyes. The gula has a labial groove. The pronotum is
trapezoidal. The scutellum is small. Macropterous
and brachypterous morphs are known. The wing
membrane contains four veins forming three basal
cells. All spiracles occur ventrally. Hyocephalids
live under stones in sandy and gravelly areas and
may be associated with Acacia and Eucalyptus.
Bugs (Hemiptera)
Paternal Behavior in Heteroptera
Squash Bug, Anasa tristis (Degeer)
(Hemiptera: Coreidae)
Lansbury I (1966) A revision of the Stenocephalidae Dallas
1852 (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Entomologists’ Monthly
Magazine 101:145–160
Mitchell PL (2000) Leaf-footed bugs (Coreidae). In: Schaefer
CW, Panizzi AC (eds) Heteroptera of economic importance. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 337–403
Moulet P (1995) Hémiptères Coreoidea (Coreidae, Rhopalidae, Alydidae), Pyrrhocoridae, Stenocephalidae, EuroMéditerranéens. Faune de France 81:1–336
Schaefer CW (1965) The morphology and higher classification of the Coreoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). III. The
families Rhopalidae, Alydidae, and Coreidae. Misc Publ
Entomol Soc Am 5:1–76
Schuh RT, Slater JA (1995) True bugs of the world (Hemiptera:
Heteroptera). Classification and natural history. Cornell
University Press, Ithaca, NY, 336 pp
Vázquez MÁ (1985) Los Coreoidea ibéricos. Tesis Doctoral.
Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de
Madrid, 322 pp
Long eversible tubes found at the tip of the male’s
abdomen is some Lepidoptera (Fig. 107). These
structures are inflated pneumatically, and release
pheromones. The pheromones released from the
coremata are thought to be aphrodisiacs, and to
function in courtship.
Brailovsky H (2002) A new species of Maevius Stål from Australia and some notes on the family Hyocephalidae
(Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Proc Entomol Soc Washington 104:41–50
Dolling WR (1991) The Hemiptera. Oxford University Press,
Oxford, UK, 274 pp
Göllner-Scheiding U (1983) General-Katalog der Familie
Rhopalidae (Heteroptera). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 59:37–189
Kaitala A (1996) Oviposition on the back of conspecifics: an
unusual reproductive tactic in a coreid bug. Oikos
Coremata, Figure 107 Fully inflated coremata in a
specimen of a tiger moth (Arctiidae) (photo by
A. Sourakov).
Corn Delphacid, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)
A family of flies (order Diptera)
A family of insects in the order Strepsiptera
The thickened basal region (Fig. 108) of the front
wing in Hemiptera.
Wings of Insects
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera). They sometimes are called water bugs
Corn Delphacid, Peregrinus maidis
(Ashmead) (Hemiptera:
James h. tsai
University of Florida, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
The corn delphacid, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead)
(Fig. 109) is known to be a vector of at least two
viral diseases of maize (Zea mays L.), and is of particular economic importance in the lowland
humid tropics. It has even been suggested that its
introduction into Central America resulted in the
collapse of the Mayan civilization.
P. maidis is pantropical, having been recorded
from most tropical regions, including the West
Indies, Central and South America, Africa, islands
in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, India, Malaysia,
Taiwan, Indonesia, China and Australia. In the
United States, it has been recorded from Washington, DC, south to Florida, and west to Ohio and
P. maidis is the only known vector of two
major viral diseases of maize, maize mosaic virus
and maize stripe virus. The former is a tropical and
subtropical disease and is found in Hawaii and in
southern Florida. Maize stripe virus, also a tropical
and subtropical disease, has been known to occur
in southern Florida.
The corn delphacid feeding causes damage
to corn and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench)
extracting a large quantity of sap and excretion
of honeydew. Both nymph and adult are efficient
vectors of maize stripe and maize mosaic viruses.
In general, the nymph is a more efficient transmitter than the adult. The virus can be acquired
in less than an hour. The average incubation
period of virus in P. maidis is 10–14 days,
Corium, Figure 108 Front wing of a bug (Hemiptera: suborder Heteroptera), thickened basally and membranous distally.
Corn Delphacid, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)
depending on age of vector and virus titre in the
infected plant. Once the viruses are acquired by
P. maidis, they are retained for life. Both viruses
multiply in the vector, and only maize stripe
virus is transovarially transmitted by P. maidis.
Corn plants and P. maidis can be doubly infected,
bearing both viruses.
The life cycle of corn delphacid varies with
temperature and host plant. The average developmental periods at 10–32°C are 2–10 days for first
instar nymph, 4–20 days for second instar, 4–24
days for third instar, 17–19 days for fourth instar
and 4–13 days for fifth instar. Nymphs undergo
five instars within the range of 16–27°C. The adult
longevity averages 10–97 days for males, and
19–108 days for females, within the temperature
range of 17–32°C. At 27°C, the average number of
eggs laid per day per female range from 15 to 25
eggs and a mean of 605 eggs, ranging from 297 to
938 eggs per female. The preoviposition period
ranges from 3 to 6 days, and the oviposition period
ranges from 11 to 48 days. The developmental
period of immature stages is also affected by the
host plants on which they are reared. At 27°C, the
respective average length of nymphal development on corn, itch grass (Rottboellia exaltata L.),
sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), goose
grass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.), barnyard grass
(Echinochloa crusgalli L.), and gamma grass (Tripsacum dactyloides L.) is 17, 18, 20, 25, 27 and 61
days. The adult longevity on these respective plants
averages 20, 28, 8, 8, 7 and 43 days.
The number of eggs laid daily per female on
corn, itchgrass and gamma grass is 21, 6 and 4
eggs, respectively. The number of eggs per female
per life on these three plants averages 612, 146 and
46 eggs.
The eggs are deposited under the epidermal
cells along the leaf sheath and midrib. The egg is
lined in one or more rows numbering 4–7 eggs.
The egg is elongate and curved with a round posterior end. The average size of egg measures 1.06
mm long and 0.28 mm wide. Freshly laid eggs are
translucent white with red eye suffusion at posterior end.
Young nymphs are mostly aggregated and
feed on the inside of the leaf sheath. It is very
common to find adults attending the nymphal
Corn Delphacid, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), Figure 109 Adult corn
delphacid, Peregrinus maidis (photo J. Tsai).
Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
aggregations in the field. The average size of the
first instar measures 1.4 mm long and 0.4 mm
wide. The average measurement of second instar
is 1.7 mm long and 0.6 mm wide. The average size
of third instar is 2.3 mm long and 0.8 mm wide.
The fourth and fifth instars measure 2.8 and 4.0
mm long, and 1.2 and 1.7 mm wide, respectively.
The morphological characters such as number of
tarsomeres on metatarsi and the development of
metatibial spur and wingpad are useful in distinguishing the instars. Both adult males and females
typically are dimorphic, containing macropterous
and brachypterous forms. In rare case, the adult
can be completely wingless.
P. maidis can be controlled by the use of pesticides that are routinely used for control of
lepidopteran pests affecting corn. Most research
emphasis is placed on breeding corn hybrids
resistant to the viral pathogens instead of the
insect vector.
Maize (Corn) Pests and their Management
Bradfute OE, Tsai JH (1983) Identification of maize mosaic
virus in Florida. Plant Dis 67:1339–1342
Falk BW, Tsai JH (1998) Biology and molecular biology of
viruses in the Genus Tenuivirus. Ann Rev Phytopathol
Tsai JH (1996) Development and oviposition of Peregrinus
maidis (Homoptera: Delphacidae) on various host
plants. Fla Entomol 79:19–26
Tsai JH, Wilson SW (1986) Biology of Peregrinus maidis with
description of immature stages (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Ann Entomol Soc Am 79:395–401
Tsai JH, Zitter TA (1982) Characteristics of maize stripe virus
transmission by the corn delphacid. J Econ Entomol
Tsai JH, Steinberg B, Falk BW (1990) Effectiveness and residual effects of seven insecticides on Dalbulus maidis
(Homoptera: Cicadellidae) and Peregrinus maidis
(Homoptera: Delphacidae). J Entomol Sci 25:106–111
Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea
(Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Corn earworm is found throughout North America except for northern Canada and Alaska. In the
eastern United States, corn earworm does not normally overwinter successfully in the northern
states. It is known to survive as far north as about
40 degrees north latitude, or about Kansas, Ohio,
Virginia, and southern New Jersey, depending on
the severity of winter weather. However, it is highly
dispersive, and routinely spreads from southern
states into northern states and Canada. Thus, areas
have overwintering, both overwintering and
immigrant, or immigrant populations, depending
on location and weather. In the relatively mild
Pacific Northwest, corn earworm can overwinter
at least as far north as southern Washington.
Life Cycle and Description
This species is active throughout the year in tropical
and subtropical climates, but becomes progressively
more restricted to the summer months with increasing latitude. In northeastern states dispersing adults
may arrive as early as May or as late as August due
to the vagaries associated with weather; thus, their
population biology is variable. The number of generations is usually reported to be one in northern
areas such as most of Canada, Minnesota, and western New York; two in northeastern states; two to
three in Maryland; three in the central Great Plains;
and northern California; four to five in Louisiana
and southern California; and perhaps seven in
southern Florida and southern Texas. The life cycle
can be completed in about 30 days.
The cuticular part of an eye.
Eggs are deposited singly, usually on leaf hairs
and corn silk. The egg is pale green when first
Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
deposited, becoming yellowish and then gray with
time. The shape varies from slightly dome-shaped
to a flattened sphere, and measures about 0.5–0.6
mm in diameter and 0.5 mm in height. Fecundity
ranges from 500 to 3,000 eggs per female. The eggs
hatch in about 3–4 days.
microspines. Although it is easily confused with
corn earworm, it rarely is a vegetable pest and never
feeds on corn. Close examination reveals that in
tobacco budworm larvae the spines on the tubercles
of the first, second, and eighth abdominal segments
are about half the height of the tubercles, but in corn
earworm the spines are absent or up to one-fourth
the height of the tubercle.
Upon hatching, larvae wander about the plant until
they encounter a suitable feeding site, normally the
reproductive structure of the plant. Young larvae
are not cannibalistic, so several larvae may feed
together initially. However, as larvae mature they
become very aggressive, cannibalizing other larvae.
Consequently, only a small number of larvae (often
only one) are found in each ear of corn. Normally,
corn earworm displays six instars, but five is not
uncommon and seven to eight have been reported.
Mean head capsule widths are 0.29, 0.47, 0.77, 1.30,
2.12, and 3.10 mm, respectively, for instars 1–6.
Larval lengths are estimated at 1.5, 3.4, 7.0, 11.4,
17.9, and 24.8 mm, respectively. Development time
averaged 3.7, 2.8, 2.2, 2.2, 2.4, and 2.9 days, respectively, for instars 1–6 when reared at 25°C.
The larva (Fig. 111) is variable in color. Overall,
the head tends to be orange or light brown with a
white net-like pattern, the thoracic plates black, and
the body brown, green, pink, or sometimes yellow or
mostly black. The larva usually bears a broad dark
band laterally above the spiracles, and a light yellow
to white band (Fig. 111) below the spiracles. A pair
of narrow dark stripes often occurs along the center
of the back. Close examination reveals that the body
bears numerous black thorn-like microspines. These
spines give the body a rough feel when touched. The
presence of spines and the light-colored head serve
to distinguish corn earworm from fall armyworm,
Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), and European
corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner). These other
common American corn-infesting species lack the
spines and have dark heads. Tobacco budworm,
Heliothis virescens (Fabricius), is a closely related
species in which the late instar larvae also bear
Mature larvae leave the feeding site and drop to
the ground, where they burrow into the soil and
pupate. The larva prepares a pupal chamber 5–10
cm below the surface of the soil. The pupa is
mahogany-brown in color, and measures 17–22
mm in length and 5.5 mm in width. Duration of
the pupal stage is about 13 days (range 10–25)
during the summer.
As with the larval stage, adults (Fig. 110) are quite
variable in color. The forewings of the moths usually
are yellowish brown in color, and often bear a small
dark spot centrally. The small dark spot is especially
distinct when viewed from below. The forewing also
may bear a broad dark transverse band distally, but
Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie)
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Figure 110 Adult of
corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea.
Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Figure 111 Corn earworm larva.
the margin of the wing is not darkened. The hind
wings are creamy white basally and blackish distally,
and usually bear a small dark spot centrally. The
moth measures 32–45 mm in wingspan. Adults are
reported to live for 5–15 days, but may survive for
over 30 days under optimal conditions. The moths
are principally nocturnal, and remain active throughout the dark period. During the daylight hours they
usually hide in vegetation, but sometimes can be seen
feeding on nectar. Oviposition commences about 3
days after emergence, continuing until death. Freshsilking corn is highly attractive for oviposition but
even ears with dry silk will receive eggs. Fecundity
varies from about 500–3,000 eggs, although feeding
is a prerequisite for high levels of egg production.
Females may deposit up to 35 eggs per day.
Host Plants
Corn earworm has a wide host range; hence, it is
also known as tomato fruitworm, sorghum headworm, vetchworm, and cotton bollworm. In addition
to corn and tomato, perhaps its most favored vegetable hosts, corn earworm also attacks artichoke,
asparagus, cabbage, cantaloupe, collard, cowpea,
cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, lima bean, melon, okra,
pea, pepper, potato, pumpkin, snap bean, spinach,
squash, sweet potato, and watermelon. Not all are
good hosts, For example, a study of relative suitability of crops and weeds in Texas found that although
corn and lettuce were excellent larval hosts, tomato
was merely a good host, and broccoli and cantaloupe were poor. Other crops injured by corn earworm include alfalfa, clover, cotton, flax, oat, millet,
rice, sorghum, soybean, sugarcane, sunflower,
tobacco, vetch, and wheat. Among field crops, sorghum is particularly favored. Cotton is frequently
reported to be injured, but this generally occurs
only after more preferred crops have matured. Fruit
and ornamental plants may be attacked, including
ripening avocado, grape, peaches, pear, plum, raspberry, strawberry, carnation, geranium, gladiolus,
nasturtium, rose, snapdragon, and zinnia. In studies
conducted in Florida, corn earworm larvae fed on
all 17 vegetable and field crops studied, but corn
and sorghum were most favored. In cage tests earworm moths preferred to oviposit on tomato over a
selection of several other vegetables that did not
include corn. Such weeds as common mallow,
crown vetch, fall panicum, hemp, horsenettle, lambsquarters, lupine, morningglory, pigweed, prickly
sida, purslane, ragweed, Spanish needles, sunflower,
toadflax, and velvetleaf, have been reported to serve
as larval. Crimson clover and winter vetch, which
may be both crops and weeds, are important early
season hosts in Mississippi. Cranesbill species were
particularly important weed hosts in this area. In
North Carolina, especially important wild hosts are
toadflax and deergrass. Adults collect nectar or
other plant exudates from a large number of plants.
Trees and shrub species are especially frequented.
Among the hosts are Citrus, Salix, Pithecellobium,
Quercus, Betula, Prunus, Pyrus and other trees, but
also alfalfa; red and white clover; milkweed, and
Joe-Pye weed and other flowering plants.
Corn earworm is considered by some to be the
most costly crop pest in North America. It is more
Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
damaging in areas where it successfully overwinters, however, because in northern areas it may
arrive too late to inflict extensive damage. It often
attacks valuable crops, and the harvested portion
of the crop. Thus, larvae often are found associated
with such plant structures as blossoms, buds, and
fruits. When feeding on lettuce, larvae may burrow into the head. On corn, its most common host,
young larvae tend to feed on silks initially, and
interfere with pollination, but eventually they usually gain access to the kernels. They may feed only
at the tip, or injury may extend half the length of
the ear before larval development is completed.
Such feeding also enhances development of plant
pathogenic fungi. If the ears have not yet produced
silk, larvae may burrow directly into the ear. They
usually remain feeding within a single ear of corn,
but occasionally abandon the feeding site and
search for another. Larvae also can damage whorlstage corn by feeding on the young, developing
leaf tissue. Survival is better on more advanced
stages of development, however. On tomato, larvae
may feed on foliage and burrow in the stem, but
most feeding occurs on the tomato fruit. Larvae
commonly begin to burrow into a fruit, feed only
for a short time, and then move on to attack
another fruit. Tomato is more susceptible to injury
when corn is not silking; in the presence of corn,
moths will preferentially oviposit on fresh corn
silk. Other crops such as bean, cantaloupe, cucumber, squash, and pumpkin may be injured in a
manner similar to tomato, and also are less likely
to be injured if silking corn is nearby.
Natural Enemies
Although numerous natural enemies have been
identified, they usually are not effective at causing
high levels of earworm mortality or preventing
crop injury. For example, in a study conducted in
Texas, <1% of the larvae were parasitized or infected
with disease. However, eggs may be heavily parasitized. Trichogramma spp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), and to a lesser degree Telenomus
spp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), are common egg
parasitoids. Common larval parasitoids include
Cotesia spp., and Microplitis croceipes (Cresson)
(all Hymenoptera: Braconidae); Campoletis spp.
(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae); Eucelatoria
armigera (Coquillett) and Archytas marmoratus
(Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae). General predators often feed on eggs and larvae of corn earworm;
over 100 insect species have been observed to feed
on H. zea. Within-season mortality during the
pupal stage seems to be important, and although
overwintering mortality is often very high, the
mortality is due to adverse weather and collapse of
emergence tunnels rather than to natural enemies.
In Texas, Steinernema riobravis (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) has been found to be an important
mortality factor of prepupae and pupae, but this
parasitoid is not yet generally distributed.
Epizootics caused by pathogens may erupt
when larval densities are high. The fungal pathogen Nomuraea rileyi and the Helicoverpa zea
nuclear polyhedrosis virus are commonly involved
in outbreaks of disease, but the protozoan Nosema
heliothidis and other fungi and viruses also have
been observed.
Eggs and larvae often are not sampled on corn
because eggs are very difficult to detect, and larvae
burrow down into the silks, out of the reach of
insecticides, soon after hatching Moths can be
monitored with blacklight and pheromone traps.
Both sexes are captured in light traps whereas only
males are attracted to the sex pheromone. Both
trap types give an estimate of when moths invade
or emerge, and relative densities, but pheromone
traps are easier to use because they are selective.
The pheromone is usually used in conjunction
with an inverted cone-type trap. Generally, the
presence of five to ten moths per night is sufficient
to stimulate pest control practices.
Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Corn fields with more than 5% of the plants bearing new silk are susceptible to injury if moths are
active. Insecticides are usually applied to foliage in
a liquid formulation, with particular attention to
the ear zone, because it is important to apply insecticide to the silk. Insecticide applications are often
made at 2–6 day intervals, sometimes as frequently
as daily. Because it is treated frequently, and over a
wide geographic area, corn earworm has become
resistant to many insecticides. Susceptibility to
Bacillus thuringiensis also varies, but the basis for
this variation in susceptibility is uncertain. Mineral oil, applied to the corn silk soon after pollination, has insecticidal effects. Application of about
0.75–1.0 ml of oil 5–7 days after silking can provide good control in the home garden. Trap cropping is often suggested for this insect; the high
degree of preference by ovipositing moths for corn
in the green silk stage can be used to lure moths
from less preferred crops. Lima beans also are relatively attractive to moths, at least as compared to
tomato. However, it is difficult to maintain attractant crops in an attractive stage for protracted
periods. In southern areas where populations
develop first on weed hosts and then disperse to
crops, treatment of the weeds through mowing,
herbicides, or application of insecticides can
greatly ameliorate damage on nearby crops. In
northern areas, it is sometimes possible to plant or
harvest early enough to escape injury. Throughout
the range of this insect, population densities are
highest, and most damaging, late in the growing
season. Tillage, especially in the autumn, can significantly reduce overwintering success of pupae
in southern locations.
Biological Control
The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, and steinernematid nematodes provide some suppression.
Entomopathogenic nematodes, which are available commercially, provide good suppression of
developing larvae if they are applied to corn silk;
this has application for home garden production
of corn if not commercial production. Soil surface
and subsurface applications of nematodes also can
affect earworm populations because larvae drop
to the soil to pupate. This approach may have
application for commercial crop protection, but
larvae must complete their development before
they are killed, so some crop damage ensues.
Trichogramma spp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) egg parasitoids have been reared and
released for suppression of H. zea in several crops.
Levels of parasitism averaging 40–80% have been
attained by such releases in California and Florida,
resulting in fruit damage levels of about 3%.
Host Plant Resistance
Numerous varieties of corn have been evaluated
for resistance to earworm, and some resistance has
been identified in commercially available corn.
Resistance is derived from physical characteristics
such as husk tightness and ear length, which
impede access by larvae to the ear kernels, or
chemical factors such as maysin, which inhibit larval growth. Host plant resistance thus far is not
completely adequate to protect corn from earworm injury, but it may prove to be a valuable
component of multifaceted pest management
Vegetable Pests and Their Management
Maize (Corn) Pests and their Management
Archer TL, Bynum ED Jr (1994) Corn earworm (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae) biology on food corn on the high plains.
Environ Entomol 23:343–348
Capinera JL (2001) Handbook of vegetable pests. Academic
Press, San Diego, CA, 729 pp
Harding JA (1976) Heliothis spp.: seasonal occurrence, hosts
and host importance in the lower Rio Grande Valley.
Environ Entomol 5:666–668
Hardwick DF (1965b) The corn earworm complex. Entomological Society of Canada Memoir 40, 246 pp
Neunzig HH (1964) The eggs and early-instar larvae of
Heliothis zea and Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Ann Entomol Soc Am 57:98–102
Oatman ER, Platner GR (1971) Biological control of the
tomato fruitworm, cabbage looper, and hornworms on
processing tomatoes in southern California, using mass
releases of Trichogramma pretiosum. J Econ Entomol
Two tubular structures located on the posterior
part (fifth or sixth abdominal segment) of an
aphid’s abdomen. They vary greatly in structure,
and are the source of aphid alarm pheromone.
They are also called siphunculi.
Abdomen of Hexapods
Corn Leaf Aphid, Rhopalosiphum
maidis (Fitch) (Hemiptera:
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
This species may be of Asiatic origin, but now has a
world-wide distribution in temperate areas. However, corn leaf aphid does not persist in areas with
severe winters, so it dies out from cold areas such as
most of Canada, and northern Europe and Asia, and
re-invades large areas of temperate regions annually.
Life History
This species overwinters as viviparous females
(displaying parthenogenetic reproduction) in
warm winter areas (such as the southern USA).
During mild winters, there is evidence that such
overwintering may occur in moderately cold winter
regions, too (such as the mid-western USA). Overwintering does not occur in cold winter areas (such
as most of Canada). Oviparous (egg producing)
forms and males are rare, though in Pakistan, eggs
overwinter on Prunus sp. The northern areas of
North America and southern Canada are thought
to be invaded annually, with the timing of invasion
and the number of subsequent generations in an
area a function of weather. The short life cycle of
this aphid, normally 6–12 days, allows production
of 20–40 generations per year in such southern
locations as Texas and about nine generations in
Illinois, but fewer further north.
There are 4 instars. The young nymph initially is pea green in color, with red eyes and colorless antennae and legs, and measures about 0.5
mm long. Body length increases to about 0.9, 1.1,
and 1.3 mm, the green body color becomes darker,
and the appendages gain some dark pigmentation
as the nymph progresses through instars 2–4.
Mean development times are 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, and 4.7
days, respectively, for instars 1–4 among nymphs
destined to grow into apterae, when cultured at
11°C. The corresponding development times for
19 and 29°C are 1.7, 1.8, 1.7, and 1.9 days; and 1.2,
1.2, 1.5, and 1.7 days, respectively. Development
times for alatae are quite similar, except that instar
4 tends to require an additional day.
The viviparous females generally are bluish
green, although they become darker with time,
some becoming almost black. Fine white powder
covers the entire body. The winged form (alatae)
has a black thorax and head, whereas in the wingless form (apterae) only the head is black (Figs. 112
and 113). The winged form also tends to bear three
black spots laterally on the abdomen, and the base
of the cornicles is enveloped in a small area of purple or black color. In both female forms the appendages are black. The alatae measure about 1.7 mm
long, the apterae about 2.4 mm. The adult male
aphid measures about 1.5 mm long. The head, thorax, and legs are black. The abdomen is dark bluish
green, with a dark spot laterally on each segment.
Corn leaf aphid feeds on numerous grasses in
addition to corn, and is considered to be a serious
pest of cereal grains due to its ability to transmit
virus diseases. The crops fed upon, in addition
to corn, include barley, chufa, oat, rye, millet,
sorghum, Sudan grass, and sugarcane. Barley is the
Corn Leaf Aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Corn Leaf Aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch)
(Hemiptera: Aphididae), Figure 112 Winged
female corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis
most important early season host. While the leaf
blades are rolled, aphid colonies develop within
the furled barley leaves. However, once the corn is
about 30 days old it also becomes very suitable for
aphids; the tassels forming within the furled leaves
are particularly suitable for aphid population
growth. As the tassel extends, aphids disperse over
the entire plant to feed.
Among weeds and prairie grasses known to
serve as hosts are barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crusgalli; buffalo grass, Buchloe dactyloides; crabgrass,
Digitaria sanguinalis; foxtail, Setaria spp.; grama
grass, Bouteloua spp.; and Johnson grass, Sorghum
These aphids feed on exposed areas of the plant
and often are subject to significant levels of predation
and parasitism. Numerous species of ladybird beetles
attack corn leaf aphid. Despite their abundance, however, the ladybird beetles generally are numerous and
effective predators only after the aphid populations
attain high and damaging densities. Other common
predators include various flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae), predatory midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae),
minute pirate bugs (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), and
lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).
Several wasps parasitize corn leaf aphid.
Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera:
Braconidae) is the most widespread and common
parasitoid, but Aphelinus varipes (Foerster)
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) is an important parasitoid in Texas. Other parasitoids include Diaeretiella
rapae (M’Intosh) and Ephedrus persicae (Froggatt)
(both Homoptera: Aphidiidae) and Aphelinus
asychis Walker (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae).
Corn Leaf Aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch)
(Hemiptera: Aphididae), Figure 113 Wingless
female corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis
Corn leaf aphid is commonly found feeding on the
tassel and silk of the corn plant in addition to
the leaves. It interferes with pollen production and
fertilization, resulting in poor kernel fill of the ears.
Infestation also can cause a delay in plant maturity,
and reduced plant size. Honeydew secreted by the
aphids supports growth of sooty mold fungus,
Corn Leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis (Delong and Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)
causing an unsightly appearance of the ears and
interfering with photosynthesis in small grains. In
general, crop plants are very tolerant of aphids, and
only extremely dense infestations cause injury. If
soil moisture conditions are inadequate, however,
then the damage by the aphids is increased, and
yield reductions are more likely.
The ability to transmit plant viruses greatly
exacerbates the damage potential of this aphid. Several diseases, including barley yellow dwarf, beet
yellows, cucumber mosaic, lettuce mosaic, maize
streak, maize dwarf mosaic, and maize stripe are
transmitted. Even in crops not successfully colonized by the aphids, corn leaf aphid is implicated in
the transmission of numerous stylet-borne viruses.
Sampling for corn leaf aphids on young leaf tissue
is usually done by visual examination of the whorls.
As the aphids disperse from the whorls, they are
readily apparent on other plant structures. As populations increase and honeydew accumulates,
remote detection of aphid populations is possible
by examination of photographs taken by aircraft
using infrared-sensitive film; sooty mold growing
on honeydew impedes the reflectance of infrared
radiation. It is advisable to monitor populations in
barley early in the season, as incidence in this
favored crop may reflect potential incidence in
corn later in the season. Populations of alate aphids
may be monitored with yellow water pan traps or
sticky traps, though aphids collected on sticky
traps are often damaged and difficult to identify.
Systemic insecticides applied to the young
plants or to the soil soon after plant emergence from
the soil are particularly effective at controlling
aphids. They may be killed by contact insecticides
as well, though the increase in crop yield does not
justify spraying on some low value grain crops.
Early plantings can escape injury, especially in
northern areas where aphids do not overwinter. In
New York, for example, corn planted before June 10
escape injury by corn leaf aphid and maize dwarf
virus, but incidence of aphids and disease increase
thereafter. Little work on the management of corn
leaf aphid as a virus vector has been reported, other
than the assessment of corn varieties for resistance.
Maize (Corn) Pests and their Management
Capinera JL (2001) Handbook of vegetable pests. Academic
Press, San Diego, CA, 729 pp
Kring TJ (1985) Key and diagnosis of the instars of the corn
leaf aphid Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch). Southwest
Entomol 10:289293.
Straub RW (1984) Maize dwarf mosaic virus: symptomatology and yield reactions of susceptible and resistant
sweet corns. Environ Entomol 13:318–323
Straub RW, Boothroyd CW (1980) Relationship of corn leaf
aphid and maize dwarf mosaic disease to sweet corn yields
in southeastern New York. J Econ Entomol 73:92–95
Wildermuth VL, Walter EV (1932) Biology and control of the
corn leaf aphid with special reference to the southwestern states. USDA Technical Bulletin 306, 21 pp
Corn Leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis
(Delong and Wolcott) (Hemiptera:
James h. tsai
University of Florida, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
The corn leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis (Delong and
Wolcott) is found only in subtropical and tropical
areas of America. Its host range is limited to maize
and its relatives.
Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the major cereal
crops; it ranks third in production following wheat
and rice with an average of 380 million tons produced annually on 120 million ha by 53 countries.
It is the world’s most widely grown crop in almost
all tropical areas of the world including tropical
highlands over 3,000 m in altitude, to temperate
areas as far north as the 65th latitude. In tropical
and subtropical areas of America, maize is often
infected with at least three serious phytoplasmal
and viral agents. They are known as corn stunt
spiroplasma (CSS), maize bushy stunt phytoplasma
Corn Leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis (Delong and Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)
(MBP) and maize rayado fino virus (MRFV). These
three pathogens are all transmitted by D. maidis in
a persistent manner. However, the former two
pathogens are known to multiply in the D. maidis.
In Florida, corn plants often have been infected by
any two of these pathogens. Occasionally, multiple
pathogens can be found in the same corn plants in
the field. CSS can be acquired by D. maidis in 15
min. All these pathogens require a protracted incubation period in the vector, ranging from 14 to 21
days, depending upon the isolate and titre of pathogen, and biotype and age of vector.
The life cycle of D. maidis varies with temperature and host plant. In general, nymphs undergo five
instars; an additional instar is often noted. The average developmental times for first through fifth instars
range from 12 to 34 days at 10°C, 6 to 13 days at 16°C,
3 to 4 days at 27°C and 2 to 4 days at 32°C. The adult
(Fig. 114) longevity averages 67 days for males and
38 days for females at 10°C, 107 days for males and
52 days for females at 16°C, 78 days for males
and 30 days for females at 27°C, and 16 days for males
and 10 days for females at 32°C. There is a minimum
of one day preoviposition period, and it is affected by
rearing temperature. The number of eggs oviposited
per day per female averages 4 eggs at 16°C, and 15
eggs at 27°C. The number of eggs laid per female per
life averages 402 eggs at 16°C and 611 eggs at 27°C.
Other plants such as Tripsacum dactyloides L.,
Tripsacum sp., Rottboellia exaltata L., Secale cerale
L., and Avena sativa L. can be used as temporary
feeding hosts, but not for rearing hosts. Besides
corn, T. dactyloides var. meridonale is suitable for
continuous rearing of D. maidis. Eggs are mainly
deposited in the mesophyll tissue of the midrib. The
egg is elongate, and curved with a round posterior
end. The average size of egg measures 1.04 mm long
and 0.25 mm wide. Young nymphs often are found
aggregating more on leaves than stems. The average
size of instar I through V measures 0.87 mm long
and 0.27 wide, 1.14 mm long and 0.37 mm wide,
1.69 mm long and 0.49 mm wide, 2.14 mm long
and 0.62 mm wide, 2.82 mm long and 0.81 mm
wide, respectively. The average size of male and
female measures 2.80 mm long and 0.81 mm wide,
and 3.18 mm long and 0.88 mm wide, respectively.
D. maidis can be controlled by the use of pesticides
that are commonly used for control of lepidopteran
pests of corn.
Maize (Corn) Pests and their Management
Corn Leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis (Delong and Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), Figure 114 Adult corn
leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis (photo J. Tsai).
Corn Stunt
Falk BW, Tsai JH (1998) Biology and molecular biology of
viruses in the Genus Tenuivirus. Ann Rev Phytopathol
Nault LR, Bradfute OE (1979) Corn stunt: involvement of a
complex of leafhopper-borne pathogens. In: Maramorosch K, Harris KF (eds) Leafhopper vectors and plant disease agents. Academic Press, New York, NY, pp 561–586
Tsai JH (1987a) Bionomics of Dalbulus maidis (DeLong and
Wolcott). A vector of mollcutes and virus (Homoptera:
Cicadellidae). In: Maramorosch K, Raychaudhuri SP
(eds) Mycoplasma diseases of crops: basic and applied
aspects. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, pp 209–221
Tsai JH (1987b) Mycoplasma diseases of corn in Florida. In:
Maramorosch K, Raychaudhuri SP (eds) Mycoplasma
diseases of crops: basic and applied aspects. SpringerVerlag, New York, NY, pp 317–325
Tsai JH, Falk BW (1988) Tropical corn pathogens and their
associated vectors. In: Harris KF (ed) Advances in disease vector research. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY,
pp 177–201
Tsai JH, Steinberg B, Falk BW (1990) Effectiveness and residual effects of seven insecticides on Dalbulus maidis
(Homoptera: Cicadellidae) and Peregrinus maidis
(Homoptera: Delphacidae). J Entomol Sci 25:106–111
Corn Stunt
A disease transmitted by leafhoppers to maize (corn).
Transmission of Plant Diseases by Insects
Corn Leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis
Juvenile Hormone
Corpus Cardiacum
Nervous System
Corpus Cardiacum (pl., Corpus
Small organs between the corpus allata (Fig. 115)
that releases PTTH to the hemolymph.
Endocrine Regulation of Insect Reproduction
Corpus Allatum
Nervous System
Corpus Pendunculatum
A portion of the protocerebral region of the brain,
also called “mushroom bodies.” The size of the corpus pendunculatum is correlated with the occurrence of complex behaviors in insects, and seems
best developed in social insects.
Nervous System
Learning in Insects
Learning in Insects: Neurochemistry and
Localization of Brain Functions
Corpora Pedunculata
The mushroom bodies of the brain. These are large
bilateral integrative centers located in the protocerebrum. They are thought to function in olfactory
Nervous System
A family of insects in the order Megaloptera.
They commonly are known as dobsonflies and
Alderflies and Dobsonflies
Corpus Allatum (pl., Corpora
Small endocrine glands behind the brain (Fig. 115),
with nervous connections to the brain, and the
source of juvenile hormone.
Endocrine Regulation of Insect Reproduction
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as minute fungus beetles.
Cosmet Moths (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae)
Corpus Allatum (pl., Corpora Allata), Figure 115 Cross section showing the relationships of the principal
endocrine glands with the brain (adapted from Chapman, The insects: structure and function).
Cosmetic Damage
Superficial injury that affects the appearance, and
hence the value of a crop, though leaving the quantity and nutritional value unaffected.
Cosmet Moths (Lepidoptera:
John B. heppner
Florida State Collection of Arthropods,
Gainesville, FL, USA
Cosmet moths, family Cosmopterigidae, total
over 1,540 species worldwide, but the extant fauna
may encompass 3,500 species. Three subfamilies
are used: Antequerinae, Cosmopteriginae, and
Chrysopeleiinae. The family is part of the superfamily Gelechioidea in the section Tineina, subsection Tineina, of the division Ditrysia. Adults
small (6–32 mm wingspan), with head smoothscaled; haustellum scaled; labial palpi recurved;
maxillary palpi 4-segmented. Wings very linear
and with long fringes on hindwings. Maculation
varies greatly (Fig. 116) but many have various
spots or lines, often with metallic-iridescence.
Adults mostly diurnal, but some are crepuscular.
Larvae mostly leafminers or needleminers, but
some are borers of various plant parts; a few are
predaceous on Hemiptera. Hosts are varied but
many records are for Leguminosae. Ovovivipary
has been recorded in a few species. Some economic species are known.
The basal segment of the leg, articulating with the
body. Also the thickened anterior-most vein that
forms the anterior margin of the wing.
Legs of Hexapods
Cosmet Moths (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae),
Figure 116 Example of cosmet moths
(Cosmopterigidae), Ithome concolorella
(Chambers) from Florida USA.
Costal Break
A section of the costal vein where the sclerotization is weak or absent, and the vein appears to be
Wings of Insects
Clarke JFG (1965) Cosmopterigidae. In: Clarke JFG (ed)
Catalogue of the type specimens of Microlepidoptera
in the British Museum (Natural History) described by
Edward Meyrick, 5:471–559. British Museum (Natural
Hisory), London
Hodges RW (1978) Gelechioidea. Cosmopterigidae. In:
Dominick RB (eds) The moths of America north of
Mexico including Greenland. Fasc. 6.1. E. W. Classey,
London, 166 pp, 6 pl
Mariani M (1935) Monografie sulle Cosmopteryx d’ Europa.
Giornale del Sciencia Naturale Economica Palermo
38:1–54 (1934)
Riedl T (1962–69) Matériaux pour la connaissance des
Momphidae (Lepidoptera) paléarctiques. Polski Pismo
Entomologica, 32:69–75 (1962); 33:101–106 (1963);
35:419–468 (1965); 36:75–84 (1966); (B) 1–2:115–118
(1966); 37:25–46 (1967); 39:635–923 (1969) [mostly
Costal Cell
The wing space between the costal and subcostal
Wings of Insects
Costal Margin
The anterior margin (Fig. 117) of the wing.
Wings of Insects
Costs and Benefits of Insects
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Distributed throughout the world, or nearly so.
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera). They commonly are known as carpenterworm moths, goat
moths, and leopard moths.
Carpenterworm Moths
Butterflies and Moths
Insects (arthropods) have a well-deserved reputation for significant economic and ecological effects,
but there tends to be over-emphasis on negative
effects and under-emphasis on beneficial effects.
The emphasis on negative effects results from wellknown insect competition with humans for food
and fiber resources, and the role of insects in transmitting diseases to humans, domesticated and
wild animals, and to crop and forest plants. The
negative effects of insects are due not only to their
direct damage (usually by feeding) and indirect
Costs and Benefits of Insects
Archetype tracheation of wing pad
basal fold
costal margin
(M4 )
jugal fold
jugal notch
anal notch
anal margin
(1R3 )
anal furrow
Archetype wing venation
Costal Margin, Figure 117 Hypothetical ancestral pattern of wing venation.
effects (often by transmission of plant and animal
diseases), but by the costs of preventing or reducing damage (Table 21). There is a rich literature
purporting to provide documentation of losses
attributable to pests, though some of it has been
challenged. In contrast, the beneficial effects are
less well documented. In part, there has not been
much incentive to document the beneficial effects
of insects. However, the under-appreciation of
insects is also due to the difficulty in assigning
monetary value to the benefits derived from insect
pollination (next to items of commerce such as
silk and honey, probably the best-documented
benefit), the decomposition of plant materials and
animal dung, the biological suppression of pest
insects and weeds, and the role of insects in recreation, or as food for fish and other wildlife. The
benefits of insects as food for humans, and in production of silk, shellac, and pigments is worth
mentioning, but small in comparison to some
other benefits.
The Negative Effects of Insects on
Crops and Livestock
Yield Loss
The reduction in crop yields and costs of preventing damage attributable to insects are notoriously
difficult to obtain. Even in the USA, where considerable efforts to estimate loss have been made,
there is considerable variation among loss estimates, and concern about their reliability. Studies
of the major crops conducted in the USA indicate
that without insecticides, 50% or more of the
major crops could be lost to insects. Generally,
crop losses in the USA due to insect and mite pests
(with pest control practices) are estimated to be
13–15%, a value of perhaps $35 billion annually
(1998 estimate). In developing countries, however,
losses are greater, usually 20–30% of preharvest
yield, and then additional losses during storage.
The cost of pesticides for prevention of crop
Costs and Benefits of Insects
Costs and Benefits of Insects, Table 21 Losses associated with some nonindigenous pests in the USA
(adapted from Pimentel et al. 2000). NA signifies information not available
Type of organism
Losses ($ millions)
Control costs ($ millions) Total costs ($ millions)
Purple loosestrife
Aquatic weeds
Melaleuca tree
Crop weeds
Pasture weeds
Feral pigs
Imported fire ant
Formosan termite
Turfgrass weeds
Wild horses and burros
Reptiles and
Brown tree snake
Green crab
Gypsy moth
Asian clam
Crop pests
Turfgrass pests
Forest pests
Zebra mussel
Crop plant pathogens
Turfgrass pathogens
Forest plant pathogens
Costs and Benefits of Insects
Costs and Benefits of Insects, Table 21 Losses associated with some nonindigenous pests in the USA
(adapted from Pimentel et al. 2000). NA signifies information not available (Continued)
Type of organism
Losses ($ millions)
Control costs ($ millions) Total costs ($ millions)
Dutch elm disease
Livestock disease
Human disease
All organisms
damage in the USA is estimated at $3 billion
annually (2003 estimate). Because about 40% of
pests are nonindigenous, their contribution to the
loss is estimated at about $15 billion. However,
nonindigenous pests are more likely to be serious
pests than are indigenous species, so this is likely
an underestimate of the effects of invaders. Also,
considerable effort is directed to preventing movement of pests from country to country, and in
eliminating (eradicating) or suppressing newly
arrived pests, so these costs should be added to the
losses associated with nonindigenous species. The
losses to livestock are estimated to total an additional $9 billion annually.
Nonindigenous (Invasive) Pests
The monetary cost of only the nonindigenous
insect pests affecting the USA was estimated in
2000 to total about 15% of the total cost of nonindigenous organisms. The effects of nonindigenous
weeds, mammals, and plant pathogens were each
estimated to be greater than the effects of insects,
but insects reportedly accounted for more loss
than birds, reptiles and amphibians, fishes, molluscs, livestock diseases, and human diseases.
Monetary loss due to nonindigenous arthropods
is considered to be about $16 billion in both the
USA and in India, and is variously considered to
represent 40–60% of the losses due to arthropods.
Sometimes the damage attributable to nonindigenous species is partitioned according to proportions of indigenous and nonindigenous species
in the pest species assemblage. This approach has
been used, but it likely underestimates the effects
of nonindigenous species, which often account
for disproportionately large amounts of damage.
For example, of the total crop losses attributable
to arthropods in three states of the USA, Hawaii,
Florida and California, the proportions due to
nonindigenous species are estimated to be 98, 95,
and 67%, respectively, much higher than the proportions of species that are nonindigenous.
The effects of nonindigenous insects are much
greater than the simple monetary loss. For example, the woolly adelgid, Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg)
(Hemiptera: Adelgidae), has killed about 90% of
Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) trees in the southern
Appalachian Mountains, disrupting local ecosystems
and leading to local shifts in avifauna. In New
England, the occurrence of gypsy moth defoliation in oak-dominated forests is apparently contributing to the decline in abundance of Saturniidae
and other large summer moths, although it is
debatable whether the decline is due to loss of
favored food, enhanced abundance of generalist
parasitoids, or nontarget effects of gypsy moth
suppression. Although biodiversity is obviously
affected, it is not possible to affix a monetary value
to these changes.
An important negative effect of pests is the cost of
preventing their damage. These costs include the
economic, environmental, and health effects of
pesticides. The world market for pesticides is estimated at about $31 billion (2005 estimate). The
Costs and Benefits of Insects
USA is the biggest market, both in terms of costs
(33%) and amount of active ingredients applied
(22%). After North America, the next biggest consumer of pesticides is Southeast Asia, followed by
Europe, South America, and finally Africa and the
Middle East. However, herbicides are used more
extensively than insecticides. The use of insecticides, as measured by amount of active ingredient,
is about 20% of all pesticide use. In North America, insecticide use in agriculture has been decreasing for some time due to both the shift to products
that are effective at lower rates of application, and
the recognition that overuse of insecticides has
many detrimental effects. In many other areas of
the world, however, insecticide use continues to
increase. The cost of insecticides used worldwide
is $7.7 billion (2005 estimate), about 25% of the
cost of all pesticides. For comparison, the cost
of other pesticides (in $ billions) is herbicides,
14.8; fungicides, 7.5; and other, 1.1. Nearly everywhere, the agricultural sector is the principal
consumer of pesticides. In the USA, for example,
agriculture uses about 77% of the pesticides
applied, whereas the urban pest control industry
(structural, building interiors, and landscape) and
government use about 14%, and consumer use
(self-applied home and garden) is only about 9%.
The Negative Effects of Insects on
Biting and Stinging
Insects can be detrimental to wildlife due to direct
effects (biting, stinging, disease transmission) or
indirect effects (nontarget effects of insecticides).
Blood feeding by mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), deer flies (Diptera: Tabanidae), ticks
(Acarina: Ixodida) and other wildlife parasites
undoubtedly causes considerable annoyance, and
sometimes determines suitability of habitat or
affects feeding behavior. For example, birds have
been known to abandon their nests and fledglings
due to the abundance of blood-feeding ticks or
mites, and many ticks can cause paralysis of mammals. Predation of ground-nesting bird nestlings,
sea turtle eggs, and other small wildlife by red
imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, is of
considerable concern in the southeastern USA, as
is predation by Argentine ant, Linepithema humile
(Mayr) (formerly Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr), on
the west coast of the USA.
Disease Transmission
Of particular importance to wildlife is the transmission of diseases by arthropods. Eastern equine
encephalitis is an example of a common wildlife
disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Found in eastern North America and south to Argentina and
Peru, the disease is due to a virus that is harbored
most commonly in passerine and other perching
birds, which serve as the amplification hosts. Mosquitoes feeding on these birds when they are viremic obtain high concentrations of virus in the
ingested blood, and in turn become infected. Upon
feeding on other birds, the mosquitoes transmit
the disease. Wildlife differ greatly in susceptibility.
Nonindigenous species such as pheasants, chukar
partridge, and pigeon are most susceptible, but an
endangered native bird, whooping crane, readily
succumbs to the disease. Symptoms of infection
can include lethargy and lack of coordination;
surely such animals are more susceptible to predation even if they survive infection. Other examples
of diseases affecting wildlife include tularemia
(rabbit fever) caused by Francisella tularensis,
which is transmitted by tick and insect bites and
infects over 100 species of mammals and 25 species of birds; bubonic plague caused by Yersinia
pestis, which is transmitted by fleas to rodents,
rabbits and other mammals; Lyme disease caused
by Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted by
Ixodes ticks to deer, mice, bats, squirrels, weasels,
and others, including reptiles and birds; and West
Nile virus caused by a flavivirus, and which is
transmitted by mosquitoes to 250 species of birds
and 18 species of mammals.
Costs and Benefits of Insects
Insects can be considered detrimental to wildlife
by virtue of stimulating use of insecticides; exposure to pesticides can be deleterious to all wildlife,
but particularly to birds. A simple example is
the presence of seed-feeding flies, Delia spp.
(Anthomyiidae), which damage crop seeds planted
in the spring. To prevent damage by insects while
the seed is germinating, coatings containing insecticides are commonly applied to seeds before they
are planted. Seed treatment with insecticides (and
often fungicides) not only protects the germinating seed, but if the insecticide acts systemically it
may also impart protection to young plants, particularly from piercing-sucking insects such as
aphids. Unfortunately, birds will often feed on
seeds that have been recently planted, and thereby
ingest a lethal dose of insecticide. Another problem results from broadcast application of granular
insecticides to the soil surface. Probably because
sand is sometimes consumed by birds to aid in
grinding up seeds, birds sometimes feed on granular insecticide, again resulting in bird mortality.
Lastly, application of liquid insecticides sometimes
results in a lethal dose of insecticide being applied
directly to wildlife. Though this seems unlikely,
when aircraft are used to apply insecticides, extensive land area is treated quickly and wildlife may
not have adequate time to escape. Not only are
crop fields treated, but often adjacent border areas
(hedge rows, fence rows, irrigation ditches, road
margins) are treated deliberately or inadvertently.
In the case of nestling birds, there is no opportunity to avoid exposure. There is also a problem
with birds flying into fields that were recently
treated, perhaps to feast on dying insecticide-containing insects, thereby ingesting a lethal dose of
insecticide. Other vertebrates are not immune to
such poisoning, but it is most pronounced in avifauna and fish. The United States Fish and Wildlife
Service estimates that over 670 million birds are
exposed to pesticide on farmlands in the USA, and
that about 10% die immediately as a result. This
does not include those that are sickened and die
later, or eggs left unhatched or nestlings left to
starve. Organophosphate and carbamate insecticides are most commonly implicated.
The use of persistent lipophilic insecticides,
which tend to accumulate in animals that are
higher on the food chain, has long been known to
affect hatching success in predatory birds (raptors). The widespread use of DDT, in particular,
was linked to production of abnormally thin egg
shells and subsequent declines in successful raptor reproduction. DDT and related products
interfere with calcium metabolism. Less well
known, but not at all surprising, are the effects of
DDT and dicofol on alligators. Male alligators
living in Lake Apopka, Florida, have low testosterone levels. Lake Apopka was the site of a DDT
and dicofol (which is closely related to DDT)
spill, and the insecticides had estrogen-like
effects, resulting in feminization of the males.
The penises of male alligators were 25% smaller,
bone density was affected in females, and egg
hatching was reduced. Alligator numbers plummeted in the years after the pesticide spill. DDT
was widely used before its adverse effects were
fully appreciated, and though its use is prohibited
in many areas of the world, it remains in use elsewhere due to its effectiveness, persistence, and
low cost. Birds that migrate long distances may
move into and out of countries where DDT is
used, so it remains a continuing threat even where
it is not currently used. The benefits of DDT to
humans are not trivial, especially in countries
plagued by malaria and other mosquito-vectored
diseases, so there remains considerable interest
in continuing its use. Consequently, there is
extensive literature for and against DDT.
Although the use of DDT has attracted considerable attention as a disruptor of wildlife populations, its direct toxicity is quite limited. Certain
cyclodiene insecticides, particularly heptachlor,
dieldrin and aldrin, are similarly persistent and
more toxic. Indeed, it is the cyclodiene insecticides that accounted for most of the direct mortality to birds in the 1950s–1960s, not DDT.
Generally, use of DDT, cyclodienes, and similar
Costs and Benefits of Insects
lipophilic products that accumulate in wildlife
has declined greatly. Where use of these products
has been reduced, wildlife populations have
Pesticide use also affects wildlife indirectly,
and these indirect effects may be more important than the direct exposure of wildlife to insecticides. One important indirect effect is the
depletion of insect populations caused by insecticide use. Broad-spectrum insecticides cause
treated fields to become almost sterile, and if the
products are persistent the fields may remain
depleted of insect life for weeks. Birds will
attempt to compensate for loss of insect food by
foraging elsewhere, but there are limits as to how
far they can fly and then return regularly to a
nest with food for nestlings. If the distance is too
great, the nest will be abandoned. Due to the
high cost of insecticide development and registration, agrochemical companies favor development of broad-spectrum products because, once
registered, they can be used extensively and generate large profits before the patent expires. The
nonselective nature of such products is particularly damaging to bird populations; if only the
pests were affected, some insect fauna would
remain to support bird life.
Another indirect effect of pesticides on wildlife is the change in floral diversity (loss of edible
weeds, weed seeds, or fungi, and also depletion of
habitat or cover) caused by herbicide (and to a
lesser degree by fungicide) application. Grass and
weed seed can be an important food resource,
and clean culture of crops – though beneficial in
terms of plant growth efficiency, energy efficiency
and water conservation – can greatly reduce food
abundance for bird life. This problem is exacerbated by the ever-increasing scale (field size) in
agriculture, which usually results from merging
smaller fields, reducing crop heterogeneity, and
in destroying hedge-row and other border area
habitat. The results of the combined effects are
often dramatic. In Britain, for example, two-thirds
of farmland bird species have shown declines in
The Negative Effects of Biting Pests
and Vectors of Human Disease
Many people are killed annually by diseases that
are vectored by arthropods, and even more suffer chronic infections that impair their ability to
work efficiently and live normal lives. Probably
the top arthropod-transmitted diseases are
malaria, leishmaniasis, sleeping sickness, lymphatic filariasis, and dengue. These also are
among the most important diseases in tropical
areas of the world. Some of the important arthropod-transmitted diseases, the vector, and human
pathogen are:
African relapsing fever (Ornithodorus spp. (Borrelia spp.)
Amoebic dysentery (Musca domestica) (Entamoeba
Chagas’ disease (Triatoma spp.) (Trypanosoma cruzi)
Cholera (flies) (Vibrio cholerae)
Dengue (Aedes aegypti) (virus)
Encephalitis (mosquitoes) (virus)
Epidemic fever (Pediculus humanus) (Rickettsia
Epidemic relapsing fever (Pediculus humanus) (Borrelia recurrentis)
Filariasis (mosquitoes) (Wuchereria bancrofti)
Sleeping sickness (Glossina spp.) (Trypanosoma spp.)
Leishmaniasis (Phlebotomus spp.) (Leishmania spp.)
Loasis (Chrysops spp.) (Loa loa)
Lyme disease (ticks) (Borrelia burgdorferi)
Malaria (Anopheles spp.) (Plasmodium spp.)
Murine typhus (Xenopsylla cheopis) (Rickettsia typhi)
Onchocerciasis (Simulium spp.) (Onchocerca volvulus)
Plague (Xenopsylla cheopis) (Pasturella pestis)
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (ticks) (Rickettsia rickettsii)
Scrub typhus (Trombicula spp.) (Rickettsia tutsugamushi)
Trench fever (Pediculus humanus) (Rickettsia quintana)
Tularemia (Chrysops spp.) (Francisella tularensis)
Typhoid fever (flies) (Salmonella typhi)
Yaws (flies) (Treponema pertenue)
Yellow fever (Aedes aegypti) (virus)
Likely the most important arbovirus is
dengue, which is found throughout the world in
Costs and Benefits of Insects
tropical areas. According to the USA’s Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as
of 2005 tens of millions of people were being
infected, and tens of thousands of people were
contracting dengue hemorrhagic fever. Though
dengue usually is not lethal, the closely related
but more severe dengue hemorrhagic fever can
be very dangerous, often resulting in mortality
of about 5% of its victims. Yellow fever remains
an important arbovirus in the tropics, with perhaps 200,000 cases per year, and 30,000 deaths.
Similarly, Japanese encephalitis causes about
40,000 cases per year, inflicting 10–15,000
deaths annually in Asia. West Nile virus recently
gained access to North America, and though
only a few thousand people have contracted this
disease thus far, like other encephalitis diseases,
survivors often suffer significant neurological
impairment. Malaria remains the most important insect-vectored disease, infecting 300–500
million people per year, and resulting in about
one million deaths per year. The economic and
sociological consequences of this disease are
Domestic animals are a very important source
of food and companionship for humans, and they
also can succumb to diseases transmitted by
arthropods. Among the important diseases of
domesticated animals, the vector, and the animal
pathogen are:
African horse sickness (Culicoides spp.) (virus)
Anthrax (Musca domestica) (Bacillus anthracis)
Blue tongue of sheep (Culicoides spp.) (virus)
Cattle filariasis (blackflies) (Onchocerca gutturosa, etc.)
Dirofilariasis (mosquitoes) (Dirofilaria spp.)
Fowl spirochaetosis (Dermanyssus gallinae) (Borrelia
Heartwater of cattle (Amblyomma hebraeum) (Rickettsia ruminantium)
Mal de caderas (Stomoxys calcitrans) (Trypanosoma
Nagana (Glossina spp.) (Trypanosoma spp.)
Surra (Tabanidae) (Trypanosoma evansi)
Texas cattle fever (Boophilus annulatus) (Babesia
The Negative Effects of Urban
(Structural, Household, and
Landscape) Pests
Urban pests are among the most important
because they affect so many people, not only
those in rural/agricultural environments. Also,
the pesticide market for structural, household
and landscape pests is large and unusually lucrative for pesticide companies. Thus, pesticide use
is actively promoted at the same time that major
efforts are under way to reduce pesticide use in
crops. In some cases there is justification for pest
control in the urban environment, particularly in
the case of termite and red imported fire ant control. Other examples of important urban pests,
and the basis of their importance, include cockroaches (mostly a sanitation issue), flies (sanitation), household ants (sanitation), stored grain
insects (sanitation), carpet beetles and clothes
moths (damage to wool products), lice and fleas
(human and pet health), and turf and ornamental
plant pests (aesthetics).
Termites can be extremely destructive by
attacking wood buildings, compromising their
structural integrity. Even buildings constructed
largely of concrete can be damaged because subterranean termites will tunnel over concrete to
get to wood roof supports, and because drywood
termites and some subterranean termites will
alight on roofs and attack from above. In addition to structural materials, damage may be
inflicted to cabinetry, furniture, and wood paneling and trim. Damage by termites is a severe
problem in all but the northernmost climates, but
is especially acute in warmer areas because termites are active for longer periods of time. The
economic effect of termites is estimated at $5–6
billion per year (2006 estimate) in the USA, with
most of the damage occurring in the warmweather, southern states from Florida to California, and also in Hawaii.
Arthropods living indoors, such as house dust
mites and cockroaches, can be an important source
of allergens. Cockroach allergens are proteins shed
Costs and Benefits of Insects
by cockroaches, and also found in their feces. Exposure by children to cockroach allergens is believed
to be a major risk factor for asthma. Currently, about
20% of American children are allergic to cockroach
allergens, and asthma rates are particularly high in
inner-city areas where cockroach problems frequently occur. Such children miss more school and
have more hospitalizations for asthma. Cockroach
allergy is not limited to children, however. In addition to allergy/asthma issues, about $200 million is
expended annually in the USA for cockroach suppression in homes and businesses, particularly in
the food/restaurant industries.
Red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae), is an interesting and
complex case because not only is it a very important urban pest, but it also affects agricultural and
natural environments, and even has beneficial
aspects. A native of South America, it entered the
USA without its natural enemies and has proliferated largely unchecked. Because it stings, it threatens the lives of people, pests, livestock and wildlife.
The economic effect in the USA is estimated at $5.6
billion per year, with the principal impacts being to
residential households ($3.6 billion), disruption of
electric and communication systems ($637 million), crop destruction ($428 million), golf course
damage and treatment ($318 million), and effects
on schools and school yards ($130 million) (2004
estimates). Other ants can be a nuisance, and carpenter ants can cause structural damage, but none
approach the impact of S. invicta. On the other
hand, S. invicta is an effective predator of insects,
and in some cropping systems such as sugarcane,
this species contributes significantly to the biological suppression of other pest species.
The Benefits of Pollination and
Honey Production
Pollination is accomplished by insects, vertebrates
(birds and bats), and wind, but certain crops are
mostly dependent on insects, and bees in particular, for successful pollination. Notable among
crops requiring pollination are most fruits and
nuts, many vegetables, and a few field crops. The
grain crops, including corn (maize) are wind-pollinated. Wild pollinators can be quite important
for plants requiring insect pollination, and may be
completely effective for isolated plants or small
fields. However, in modern crop production the
high density of crops and the long distance of
crops from uncultivated areas may limit the ability
of wild pollinators to effectively provide pollination of crop plants. Therefore, hives of bees (usually Hymenoptera: Apidae and specifically Apis
mellifera) are often moved adjacent to the crops
requiring pollination. In the USA, about 2.5 million hives were rented for pollination services in
1999, clearly indicating the importance of pollination. Nearly 85% of the rentals occurred in only
seven crops (in descending order of importance):
almond, apple, melons, alfalfa seed, plum/prune,
avocado, and blueberry.
Estimates of the dependence of crops on
pollination, and the proportion of pollination
accomplished by wild pollinators versus domesticated honey bees, are shown in Table 22. Note
that dependence varies considerably from crop
to crop, and even within related crops (e.g., compare grapefruit to lemon, which are both citrus
crops). The value of pollination is estimated at
over $3 billion in the USA alone (2001 estimate),
though there are earlier estimates of $5.7 billion
in pollination benefits. Though this is a small
value relative to the total value of crops, these
insect-pollinated crops account for important
diversity in our diet. Imagine subsisting on corn,
wheat and barley, spiced up with an occasional
potato; a bland diet, indeed! The benefits of fruit
and vegetables are considerable, both for nutrition and appetite.
However, some caution should be used in
interpreting pollination data. Sometimes “insect
pollinated crops” can be produced without pollination. Thus, with asparagus, carrots and
alfalfa (for example) a crop can be obtained in
Costs and Benefits of Insects
Costs and Benefits of Insects, Table 22 The value of crop production in the USA resulting from
pollination, 2001–2003, in relation to the source of pollinators (adapted from Losey and Vaughn, 2006)
Mean annual
($ millions)
Dependent on Domesticated
pollination (%) nonindigenous
bees (%)
bees (%)
Mean value
from indigenous bees
($ millions)
Fruits and nuts
Blueberry, wild
Cherry, sweet
Cherry, tart
Plum & prune
Costs and Benefits of Insects
Costs and Benefits of Insects, Table 22 The value of crop production in the USA resulting from
pollination, 2001–2003, in relation to the source of pollinators (adapted from Losey and Vaughn, 2006)
Mean annual
($ millions)
Dependent on Domesticated
pollination (%) nonindigenous
bees (%)
bees (%)
Mean value
from indigenous bees
($ millions)
Vegetable seed
Field crops
Alfalfa hay
Alfalfa seed
Cotton lint
Cotton seed
Legume seed
Sugar beet
the absence of pollinators, but they require pollinators for propagation (seed production). A
relatively small area of carrots, if properly pollinated, can produce enough seed for all the carrots grown as vegetables. In the case of alfalfa,
the crop can be harvested several times per year,
and for several years, before replanting. The
extreme case is asparagus, which is normally
harvested for a decade before replanting. Thus,
although the existence of these crops (and many
others) is dependent on insect pollination, the
production of any particular field may not
require the presence of pollinators. In contrast,
for other crops (e.g., apple, avocado, and blueberry) every fruit harvested requires visitation
by an insect pollinator.
We take for granted that pastures and prairies will be populated by wildflowers. A spring
walk through woodlands is a wonderful way to
see small herbaceous plants in their full glory.
And what would a tropical landscape be without a profusion of flowers? Without insects to
perform pollination services, these and many
other environments would seem sterile, lacking
Costs and Benefits of Insects
in the bright colors we normally expect in our
landscapes. Most plants that produce colorful
flowers do so to attract insects, and without
these pollinators the plants would decline or
disappear. Biodiversity would decline tremendously, and highly coevolved systems, such as
some orchids, would certainly disappear. It is
difficult to assign economic or even aesthetic
values to the loss of insect pollination, but it
certainly would represent a very different world
than we now enjoy.
Honey is an important by-product of pollination. At one time, honey production was more
important; farmsteads routinely produced their
own supply of sweetener from their own hives.
Later, an industry grew up to supply honey, often
manned by migratory beekeepers who kept hundreds or thousands of hives and followed the
availability of nectar for their bees. While this
still occurs to some extent, in many instances the
importance of honey has been supplanted by
other sweeteners (from sugar cane, sugar beet, or
corn). Nevertheless, honey production is an
important supplement to pollination services for
many beekeepers, and the only product for some.
The value of honey produced in the USA was
$157 million in 2005, coming from 2.4 million
colonies. But about 60%of the honey consumed
in the USA was imported from other countries,
so this value underestimates its importance.
World honey production in 2005 was estimated
by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations to be slightly over 1.4 billion kg.
Production has increased steadily over the last
decade or so, with most of the increases coming
from Asia and South America, while honey production in the USA continues to decline, along
with the number of beekeepers and colonies of
bees. It is difficult to estimate the value of honey
throughout the world due to differing currencies, but it likely was about $3 billion in 2005.
The Benefits of Animal Dung
Although it is difficult to estimate the benefits of
insect decomposition of plant products, in a qualitative sense it is certain that insects speed up plant
matter decomposition, allowing more light to
reach the forest floor and increasing the rate of
nutrient recycling. By hastening the demise of
senescent vegetation, especially trees, insect
decomposers allow the forests to boost productivity. Averaged across ecosystems, insects consume
about 5% of available (not including woody tissues) biomass. Thus, herbivores can affect ecosystem productivity by regulating the rate of energy
input. Saprophytic species (feeding on feces and
honeydew) cannot directly affect primary productivity, but can regulate it indirectly by affecting the
rate of nutrient recycling. Feces and honeydew
allow premature release of nutrients, boosting
nitrogen flow to the plants.
One aspect of decomposition that has been
studied is consumption of dung by insects, particularly by dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Cattle produce large quantities of dung,
about 9,000 kg (about 21 cubic meters) per animal
per year. Scarab beetles are quite efficient at decomposing this waste, which otherwise smothers
vegetation, fouls vegetation leading to avoidance
by grazing animals, and ties up nitrogen in an
unusable form. Decomposition also reduces the
breeding of parasites and nuisance and biting flies
that would otherwise breed in the dung.
The accelerated decomposition of dung by dung
beetles in the USA is estimated to provide at least
$380 million in benefits annually (2006 estimate).
The economic benefits attributable to specific actions
include reduction in fouling of forage, $122 million;
reduced volatilization of nitrogen, $58 million;
reduced parasitism, $70 million; and reduced numbers of pest flies, $130 million. Dung beetle activity is
not as great in the USA as it is in many other countries due to the animal husbandry practices of the
USA. Specifically, large numbers of cattle are pastured in feedlots (beef cattle) or on concrete (dairy
Costs and Benefits of Insects
cattle) rather than on rangeland, and dung beetles do
not inhabit these areas. Also, over half of the cattle in
the USA are treated with avermectin pesticides to
control parasites, and the avermectin residues in the
dung inhibits development of dung beetles. Thus, the
benefits due to dung beetles are likely considerably
greater in countries that maintain their livestock in
pastures or do not treat with avermectins.
The benefit of dung beetles is perhaps best
seen in Australia, a continent that lacked mammals (and mammal dung) until cattle were introduced during settlement by Europeans in 1788.
The abundance of cattle in Australia (about 20
million currently) produces an abundance of dung
that is slow to decompose, which allows bush fly,
Musca vetustissima Walker (Diptera: Muscidae),
to breed in huge numbers in the dung. Marsupial
dung, the natural food source of bush fly, is much
smaller and tends to dry out quickly and become
unsuitable for fly larvae. To deal with the reduction in pasture by the slowly decomposing dung,
and to reduce fly breeding, many species of dung
beetles from Africa and Europe were introduced.
The result has been an 80% reduction of bush flies.
This approach has only recently been extended to
target dog dung, a problem in urban areas.
Losses attributed to forage fouling are derived
from the concept that cattle will not, or cannot, consume forage covered with dung. Studies conducted
in California, USA, determined that the presence of
dung beetles would increase the decomposition rate
of dung by about 20%. Projected over cattle on pasture and rangeland throughout the country, it is
possible to estimate a $122 million saving due to
dung beetles. This assumes that stocking rates are
optimized to use all food. However, this is not always
a realistic assumption. The California data may not
be applicable universally. In Australia, for example,
the benefits are much greater because dung retention time was reduced from as long as four years to
as little as 48 h.
Drying of dung causes marked reduction of
its inorganic nitrogen content, with the nitrogen
being released into the atmosphere. In contrast, if
the dung is incorporated into the soil, the nitrogen
is available to plants and thus functions as a fertilizer. The difference is considerable, about an 80%
difference in nitrogen content. The enhanced plant
growth associated with incorporation of dung into
the soil by dung beetles is estimated to increase
available forage by about $58 million per year in
the USA. As in the previous example, this is only
true if the stocking rate is adjusted appropriately
to take advantage of the additional forage.
The availability of dung allows survival of
parasites and pests, and reducing the longevity of
the dung should reduce survival of the parasites
and pests as well. The economic benefits have been
calculated to be $70 million and $380 million per
year, respectively, in the USA. As noted earlier,
however, avermectins are widely used in the USA,
so the benefit of beetles might be better in regions
not using these pesticides. Also, these calculations
are based only on beef cattle, but benefits also
accrue to other livestock such as dairy cattle, horse,
goats, and sheep, so these certainly are low estimates of the economic benefit of dung beetles.
The Benefits of Insects for
Insects are quite important as food for wildlife populations that, in turn, support recreational activities
such as hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing. The
importance of insects relative to wildlife populations is often overlooked, except for freshwater fish,
where there is considerable appreciation for the role
of insects in supporting fish populations. The
importance of wildlife in technologically advanced
countries is often limited mostly to recreation, and
the analyses reported below (2005 estimates) relate
only to such values, and are limited to calculations
made only for the USA. However, in some parts of
the world wildlife is an important part of the human
diet, so the effects of insects would be proportionally greater in such locations.
Small game, but not large game, is often critically dependent on insects for food. Chicks of such
popular game birds as pheasant, quail and grouse
Costs and Benefits of Insects
cannot survive without insects as a nutritional
resource. Therefore, the economic effects of insects,
based on the proportion of expenditures related to
hunting these birds, is about $1.48 billion annually
in the USA (Table 23). Waterfowl also eat insects,
but to a lesser degree than the terrestrial species.
Thus, the economic effect of insects as food for
waterfowl is estimated at only $0.58 billion. Other
vertebrates that are popular with hunters, such as
squirrels and raccoons, also consume insects as
part of their diet, but their contribution to the
hunting economy has not been calculated.
The majority of freshwater fish are insectivorous, so the entire value of the freshwater fishing
(recreational fishing) economy can be attributed
to insects (Table 24). This value is $27.9 billion.
Although saltwater fish are not normally thought
of as insectivorous, about 25 species spend part of
their life in freshwater habitats where they feed on
insects. If the proportion of the marine fisheries
(commercial fishing) due to these species is calculated, it represents about $0.22 billion.
Wildlife watching is an important form of
recreation, and birdwatching is central to wildlife
observation. Wildlife viewers often also appreciate
opportunities to view small mammals, reptiles and
amphibians, which often use insects as well, and
many make efforts to view insects. Nevertheless,
the benefits of wildlife watching are calculated
only on the basis of birdwatching, and only on the
basis of species of North American birds that are
primarily insectivorous. Thus, this is a very conservative estimate, but still accounts for an economic impact of $19.8 billion.
The Benefits of Biological Control
by Insects
As noted previously, insecticides are often used to
suppress pests and their damage, and this is a costly
undertaking. However, pest control would be vastly
more expensive were it not for control of insects by
their natural enemies, principally other insects. As
with other estimates of insect effects, it is difficult to
assess the benefits of natural biological control.
However, it has been estimated that 65% of insects
are being maintained in a non-damaging status
relative to their host plants by the action of natural
enemies, and only about 7% attain damaging levels
(the others do not feed on plants). In the USA, the
benefit (in 2005) of beneficial insects (predators and
parasitoids) to cropping systems has been calculated
to be about $4.5 billion annually, whereas the
benefits due to the actions of other factors (insect
diseases, weather, etc.) working in conjunction with
beneficial insects totals about $13.6 billion.
Other Benefits of Insects
Silk production (sericulture)
Silk is produced by special glands (generally modified salivary glands) in the larvae of some Lepidoptera, and by other structures in some immatures
and adults of mites and spiders. Only moth larvae,
however, have been exploited by humans for their
ability to produce silk commercially. The silk naturally serves various functions, such as larval dispersal in the wind, leaf rolling, anchoring of pupae, and
construction of cocoons. It is this latter function,
which consists of production of a single long strand
of silk, which allows the silk to be unwound from
the pupal case and harvested.
In different parts of the world, various species
have been used to produce silk, but generally it
involves insects of the superfamily Bombycoidea,
and particularly Bombyx mori L. Silk has been harvested by humans from Bombyx mori at least since
2600 B.C. It was one of the first, and most valuable,
trade commodities between China and Europe.
Though originating in China, once the insect was
smuggled out of China it was quickly spread around
the world, where its cultivation was limited only by
the ability to produce mulberry trees, its natural
host. Besides China, Japan and India are the most
important production centers. Now it can be produced on artificial diet as well. Silk is a valuable
commodity, valued at over $1 billion annually.
Costs and Benefits of Insects
Costs and Benefits of Insects, Table 23 Insectivory in North American bird species (adapted from Losey
and Vaughan, 2006)
Common name
No. primarily
No. partially
No. not
Podicipediformes Grebes
Pelicans & allies
Herons & allies
Vultures, hawks,
& falcons
Quail, grouse &
Cranes & allies
Shorebirds &
Pigeons & doves
Cuckoos &
Swifts &
Perching birds
Several scale insects (Hemiptera: Kerriidae) can be
grown on trees in Southeast Asia and used as a
source of lac, a resin that is the principal ingredient
of shellac. Laccifer lacca Kerr is the species most
commonly cultured for this purpose. India produces the largest proportion of the shellac on the
world market, though production has fallen greatly
due to the availability of synthetic resins.
Costs and Benefits of Insects
Costs and Benefits of Insects, Table 24 Value of commercially landed fish that rely on insects as a critical
nutritional resource (adapted from Losey and Vaughan, 2006)
Fish weight (kg landed)
Fish value ($)
Mullet, white
Perch, white
Mullet, striped
Perch, yellow
Salmon, chinook
Salmon, chum
Salmon, coho
Salmon, pink
Salmon, sockeye
Shad, American
Shad, gizzard
Shad, hickory
Smelt, rainbow
Trout, lake
Trout, rainbow
Salmon, Pacific
Smelt, eulachon
Whitefish, lake
Commercially important dyes have been extracted
from insects. Probably best known is cochineal dye,
obtained from the bodies of cochineal scales,
Dactylopius coccus (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae).
Cultivated on Opuntia cactus, it can be used to
produce a bright red dye that once was very popular, declined in importance as synthetic materials
became available, and now is becoming more
popular again as a “natural” dye. It also is useful in
cosmetics and food. Lac dye is a byproduct of shellac production. It has been used as a skin cosmetic,
in medicine, and for dyeing wool, silk and leather.
Costs and Benefits of Insects
Human and Animal Food
Insects are not ordinarily a major source of nutrition for humans in western societies. In some
societies, however, insects are consumed if they
are especially available or provide needed nutrition during times of famine (e.g., locusts in
Africa), or as part of cultural tradition (e.g., as a
condiment – canned grasshoppers in Southeast
Asia or Maguey worms in Mexico). In Africa,
Asia, Oceania, and Latin America it is not unusual
to find a great diversity of insects in local marketplaces, and in some countries children are especially likely to eat insects opportunistically.
Insects are good sources of proteins, lipids, and
vitamins, but it is difficult to raise them economically. Thus, they tend to be eaten opportunistically rather than cultured. The economic value of
insects as food has not been assessed, but likely is
relatively low. In a few societies, insects have been
prized as food. For example, the emperor Montezuma and the Aztec kings who preceded him
prized the eggs of aquatic Hemiptera (called
“ahuahutle”), where it was the equivalent of caviar, and transported at great effort and expense to
Tenochtitlan for ceremonies. Surely if more of
the world’s leaders would set an example of consuming insects, others would be induced to follow, setting the stage for a new insect-based food
Insects often are useful for maintenance of
pets, as they are readily accepted and nutritious.
Easily cultured insects are most generally used,
including house cricket, Acheta domesticus; mealworm, Tenebrio molitar; waxworms, Galleria mellonella; and various flies (Muscidae and Calliphoridae).
They are most often used as food or a food supplement for amphibians, reptiles and birds, but rodents
and some small mammals also accept them. They
are sold in various forms at pet shops, including
alive, dried, and frozen. In recent time, dehydrated
insects have been included in some types of wild
bird food, although this is still relatively unusual.
Also, zoos often seek live insects for their exhibit
animals, both due to their nutritional value and also
because higher animals often suffer from boredom
in a zoo environment, and it is healthy to provide
variety and diversion, which can be provided in the
form of live insects. Thus, large mobile insects such
as grasshoppers provide diversion as well as nutrition for some zoo animals, including monkeys.
Lastly, but importantly, insects are used as a lure
(bait) for fishing, as some fish take live insects preferentially. The same insects used for pet food tend
to be used as fish bait.
Medical Treatment
Though more widely used for medical treatment
in ancient societies, insects retain some uses in
contemporary treatment of human ailments,
most notably for apitherapy (bee venom therapy)
and for maggot therapy. Apitherapy is sometimes
recommended for rheumatic diseases, including
arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Traditionally,
bees were stimulated to sting the affected area,
but injected venom is now also used as a form of
treatment. Bee venom is also applied topically in
creams, liniments and ointments. Maggot therapy is more well-founded scientifically, and takes
advantage of the propensity of some fly larvae
(usually Lucilia maggots) to feed on dead and
decaying flesh, but to avoid feeding on living tissue. Thus, live maggots are introduced to wounds
of humans or pets to clean out necrotic tissue.
Also, maggots excrete products that inhibit
growth of microbes that lead to infection of living tissue and stimulate regrowth of healthy tissue. More commonly used prior to the advent of
modern antibiotics (the 1940s and 1950s), maggot therapy continues to be used for wounds that
display difficulty in healing, and with the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, there is
potential of renewed interest by the medical
Pollination and Flower Visitation
Cotton Leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval)
Invasive Insects
Natural Enemies Important in Biological
History and Insects
Lyme Borreliosis
Eastern Equine Encephalitis
West Nile Fever
Plague: Biology and Epidemiology
Eri Silkworm
Lacquers and Dyes from Insects
Entomophagy: Human Consumption of
Maggot Therapy
Midges as Human Food
Native American Culture and Insects
Nutrient Content of Insects
Cox C (1991) Pesticides and birds: from DDT to today’s poisons. J Pestic Ref 11:(4)2–6
DeFoliart GR (1989) The human use of insects as food and
as animal feed. Bull Entomol Soc Am 35:(1)22–35
DeFoliart GR (1999) Insects as food: why the western attitude is important. Annu Rev Entomol 44:21–50
Hill DS (1997) The economic importance of insects. Chapman and Hall, London, UK
Hodkinson ID, Hughes MK (1982) Insect herbivory. Chapman and Hall, London, UK
Lind PM, Milnes MR, Lundberg R, Bermudez D, Orberg J,
Guillette LJ Jr (2004) Abnormal bone composition in
female juvenile American alligators from a pesticidepolluted lake (Lake Apopka, Florida). Environ Health
Perspect 112:359–362
Losey JE, Vaughan M (2006) The economic value of ecological services provided by insects. Bioscience
Pimentel D, Lach L, Zunia R, Morrison D (2000) Environmental and economic costs of nonindigenous species
in the United States. Bioscience 50:53–65
Rosenstreich DL, Eggleston P, Kattan M, Baker D, Slavin RG,
Gergen P, Mitchell H, McNiff-Mortimer K, Lynn H,
Ownby D, Malveaux F (1997) The role of cockroach
allergy and exposure to cockroach allergen in causing
morbidity among inner-city children with asthma.
N Engl J Med 336:1356–1363
Southwick EE, Southwick L Jr (1992) Estimating the economic value of honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) as
agricultural pollinators in the United States. J Econ
Entomol 85:621–633
Ware GW, Whitacre DM (2004) The pesticide book. MeisterPro Information Resources, Willoughby, OH
Cost-Benefit Analysis
An assessment of the total costs of an activity in
comparison to its total benefits. Although environmental and societal aspects may be considered,
all costs and benefits are usually expressed in monetary terms.
Cotton or Melon Aphid, Aphis
gossypii Glover (Hemiptera:
This species is an important pest of crops and has
a wide host range.
Melon Aphid, Aphis gossypii
Cotton Leafworm, Spodoptera
littoralis (Boisduval)
John L. Capinera
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
This insect occurs in Africa, Madagascar, Europe
and the Middle East. A very similar but allopatric
insect, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (taro caterpillar or tobacco cutworm), is found in Asia, Australia, and the Pacific region. For many years these
two species were thought to be the same, and
although they have been considered to be separate
species by most authorities since 1962, confusion
lingers. Other common names applied to S. littoralis include Egyptian cotton leafworm or Egyptian
cotton worm, tomato caterpillar, tobacco caterpillar, and Mediterranean climbing cutworm, just to
name a few.
Cotton Leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval)
Life History
The number of generations displayed by this
species depends on temperature. In southern
Europe, for example, three generations are commonly observed, whereas in Egypt seven generations are not unusual. Warm, but not excessively
hot, weather favors this species. Development
ceases when temperature are less than about
10.5°C. This species lacks the ability to diapause
and is intolerant of cold winters, so in Europe,
for example, it occurs regularly only in the southernmost regions.
Eggs are spherical, somewhat flattened, and
measure about 0.4–1.0 mm in diameter. They are
deposited in clusters of 100–300 eggs, in fairly
regular rows comprising three layers, and covered
with whitish scales from the abdomen of the
female moth. The eggs are yellowish or green initially, but turn black before hatching. Eggs persist
for 2–3 days in the summer, but considerably longer under cooler condition, up to 25 days. Females
have been shown to produce 1500–2000 eggs.
Larvae initially are pale green with black
heads. The older larvae are more variable, often
appearing gray, brown or almost black and with
dark markings. The latter instars bear triangular
spots laterally on each body segment, and dorsal
stripes. They attain a length of 40–50 mm. Young
larvae feed in groups, but after the third instar
they disperse and become solitary. Normally there
are six instars. Larvae are inactive during the day,
with the older instars seeking shelter in the soil
but the younger larvae remaining motionless on
the foliage. Larval development may require only
12–18 days under hot conditions, but requires up
to 85 days under cool conditions.
Larvae burrow into the soil to a depth of
3–5 cm in preparation for pupation. Pupae are
dark red to reddish brown, and are found in cells
buried in the soil. The pupae are 15–20 mm in
length, and the last segment bears two hooks.
Pupal development time is only 5–10 days under
warm conditions, but requires up to 30 days under
cool conditions.
The appearance of adults are typical of
Spodoptera moths, with the forewings bearing
brown, yellow and white markings, and the hind
wings white with a narrow brown margin. The
wing span is about 30–44 mm. It is nearly identical to the yellowstriped armyworm, S. ornithogalli
(Guenée), of North America. Adults are active at
dusk and during the evening. They mate immediately upon emergence and can begin to deposit
eggs within two days of mating, though sometimes several days elapse before egg deposition.
The adults are short-lived, rarely surviving seven
days under warm conditions, though persisting
for three weeks under cool conditions. Sex pheromones are produced and have been identified
for use in traps.
Many naturally occurring biological control
agents have been identified, especially parasitoids
(Braconidae, Encyrtidae, Tachinidae, and Ichneumonidae) and general predators. Several disease
agents, including a baculovirus, microsporidia, fungi,
and nematodes have been observed.
Cotton leafworm, like most Spodoptera species, is
highly polyphagous. It attacks nearly 90 species of
importance in 40 plant families, including virtually
all vegetables; many flowers; avocado, citrus, and
mulberry trees; coffee; grapes; field crops such as
alfalfa, clover, cotton, grain amaranth, peanut, rice,
soybean, sugarcane, and tobacco; and many other
plants. Larvae feed on the foliage and the fruits or
pods of plants. It is considered to be an extremely
damaging agricultural pest where it occurs.
Insecticides are commonly applied for control of
this insect, particularly in cotton. However, it
can be managed by using Bacillus thuringiensis,
insect growth regulators and slow-release pheromones, thereby preserving natural enemies.
Cover, Border and Trap Crops for Pest and Disease Management
When management procedures are used in an
integrated manner, the number of chemical
insecticide applications can be greatly reduced.
Insecticide resistance is a frequent problem
when insecticides are used excessively. Not all
strains of Bacillus thuringiensis are effective.
Taro Caterpillar or Tobacco Cutworm,
Spodoptera litura (fabricius) (Lepidoptera:
Yellowstriped Armyworm, Spodoptera ornithogalli (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E.
Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Beet Armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Vegetable Pests and their Management
Baker CRB, Miller GW (1974) Some effects of temperature
and larval food on the development of Spodoptera littoralis. (Boisd.) (Lep., Noctuidae)Bull Entomol Res
*CABI and EPPO (1997) Spodoptera littoralis and Spodoptera
litura. In: Quarantine pests for Europe, 2nd edn. CABI
International, Wallingford, UK, pp 518–525
Kehat M, Gordon D (1975) Mating, longevity, fertility and
fecundity of the cotton leaf-worm, Spodoptera littoralis.
(Boisd.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Phytoparasitica
Cotton Stainers
Members of the family Pyrrhocoridae (order
Cotton Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
Gennadius (Hemiptera:
This species is also known as sweetpotato whitefly
and silverleaf whitefly, and is a serious pest worldwide.
Whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
Cottony Cushion Scale, Iceryi
purchasi Maskell (Hemiptera:
This is an important citrus pest if predators are
Citrus Pests and their Management
Scale Insects and Mealybugs (Coccoidae)
Area-Wide Pest Management
Cover, Border and Trap Crops for
Pest and Disease Management
o. e. LiBurd, t. w. nyoike, C. a. sCott
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Natural pest control provides a safer and more
sustainable approach for managing pest populations. This type of control relies heavily on complex communities, natural enemies and the
integration of cultural tactics including the use of
mulches, trap crops, cover crops and other
mechanisms that modify insect behavior to reduce
the effect of insect herbivores on crop plants. This
is also called “ecological management.” Two
hypotheses have been proposed to explain the
reduction in herbivore damage in complex crop
communities. The “natural enemies” hypothesis
proposes that more diverse food sources (nectar,
pollen, prey host species) allow for the establishment of higher densities of predators and parasites, which regulate pest populations in diverse
habitats. Secondly, the “resource concentration”
hypothesis predicts that herbivores will not want
to remain in sparsely populated plant stands
because fewer resources are available.
Conventional pest control programs rely
heavily on monoculture environments with high
usage of broad-spectrum pesticides. However,
total reliance on chemical tactics to control pests
can lead to resistance of arthropod pests, reduction in natural enemies, and resurgence of pest
populations. In addition, this strategy is harmful
Cover, Border and Trap Crops for Pest and Disease Management
to the environment and it increases the cost of production. These effects have led to the search for
other management alternatives, which are sustainable and cost effective. Such practices include use of
mulches, cover crops, trap crops and border crops.
The Role of Mulches for
Suppression of Pest Populations
Mulching is the art of using soil barriers to improve
plant growth. This helps to reduce arthropod pest
populations, disease symptoms and regulate soil
temperatures. Generally, there are two types of
mulches, which can be used to suppress pests:
organic and synthetic (Figs. 118 and 119).
Organic mulches
These types of mulches are composed of lawn clippings, leaves, straw, sawdust, bark nuggets, wood
chips, brown paper and living mulches. They are
used extensively in the production of ornamental
landscape plants but high usage also occurs within
the fruit and vegetable industry. One common
example of an organic mulch is living mulch. A living mulch is a minor crop that grows within a major
crop. Living mulches are low-cost alternatives to
synthetic mulches and are safe for the environment.
Common living mulches include buckwheat,
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, white clover, Trifolium repens L., and wheat, Triticum aestivum L. Living mulches (Fig. 119) reduce the number of insect
herbivores that alight onto crop plants. This is
accomplished by modification of insect behavior.
For instance, alate aphids locate their hosts by contrasting the soil background with the green color of
the foliage. The establishment of living mulches will
alter the appearance of the soil surface, subsequently
reducing the image that is recognized by aphids. In
addition, living mulches provide supplemental
resources that support higher numbers of natural
enemies (Fig. 118) contributing to pests’ regulation.
Living mulches have also been shown to reduce the
number of whiteflies, delay the onset of insectborne viruses and increase yields in vegetable plants.
It is, however, important to select the appropriate
living mulch suited for the crop to be planted and
the pest to be controlled. In some instances competition between the crop and the living mulch can
result in reduced yields.
Cover, Border and Trap Crops for Pest and Disease Management, Figure 118 Occurrence of natural
enemies in plots containing the living mulch buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum, compared with plots
treated with synthetic mulch; note greater abundance in the presence of living mulch.
Cover, Border and Trap Crops for Pest and Disease Management
Cover, Border and Trap Crops for Pest and Disease Management, Figure 119 Types of mulch: (above)
living mulch: buckwheat intercropped with zucchini squash; (center) zucchini squash growing on
reflective plastic mulch; (below) Sunn hemp cover crop in an organic field in Citra, Florida.
Cover, Border and Trap Crops for Pest and Disease Management
Synthetic Mulches
Various colors of synthetic mulches including
clear, white, black, yellow and silver-colored plastic (Fig. 119) are used commercially to grow
vegetable crops. In semi-tropical regions, conventional growers use white in the summer, white
on black (white top surface with black bottom) in
the fall, and black in the winter and early spring.
Black mulches increase soil temperatures during
the cool season and white mulches reduce soil
temperatures during the warm season. Ultraviolet light (UV)-reflective mulches, used by some
growers, have the added benefit of reducing pests
and the occurrence of viral diseases. They can
reduce abundance of whitefly and aphid vectors
that transmit viruses such as tomato spotted wilt
virus and mosaic virus among various vegetable
crops. UV-reflective mulches work by reflecting
short-wave light, which repels incoming insect
herbivores, thus reducing their potential for
alighting on crop plants. However, these mulches
lose their effect on insects once the reflecting
surfaces are covered by the crop canopy. UVreflective mulches have an added advantage of
increasing plant vigor and growth, which eventually results in increased yields. However, they do
not decompose easily in the environment, which
may limit their use in some farming systems.
The Role of Cover Crops in
Suppressing Pest Populations
Cover crops can be annual, biennial or perennial
herbaceous plants grown singly or within mixed
stands throughout the year to cover the bare soil.
Cover crops become green manures when they are
plowed back into the soil specifically to improve
soil nutrient quality. In addition to suppressing
weeds and nematode populations, cover crops can
influence insect population dynamics by diverting
generalist pests, confusing specialist pests, reducing the success of the pest by changing the quality
of the host plant, and by increasing natural enemy
abundance by providing supplemental resources
(food, water, and overwintering sites).
In temperate climates, cover crops are usually
winter annuals that are planted in late summer to
give soil cover during the winter. Barley, Hordeum
vulgare, and rye, Secale ceceale, are excellent examples of winter grass-like cover crops whereas hairy
vetch, Vicia villosa, is a very common winter
legume cover crop.
Summer grass-like cover crops include sorghum, Sorghum bicolor, and sudan grass, Sorghum sudanense, whereas leguminous summer
cover crops include cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata,
sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea, and velvet bean,
Mucana deeringana. In the United States, summer cover crops are planted in June, July and
August and are termed warm-season crops. In
well-managed orchards, the combination of
leguminous and graminaceous cover crops can
provide improved cover crop benefits as opposed
to using only one pure stand cover crop.
Cover crops are an important part of sustainable organic agriculture and provide good potential for managing economically important pests.
Crops that produce high glucosinolate levels have
been effective in reducing nematode populations
when they are incorporated into the soil and
allowed to decompose. For instance, residues of
nematode-resistant radish proved to be effective
in suppressing the sugarbeet nematode, Heterodera
schachtii. A significant decline in the nematode
population as well as the rate of nematode infection has been observed in sugarbeet crops when
fodder radish, Raphanus sativus L., and white mustard, Sinapsis alba L., were used as cover crops.
The Role of Barrier or Border Crops
in Suppressing Pest Populations
Barrier or border crops have been used as a cultural strategy for reducing pest populations for
more than half a century. It involves establishing
another minor crop on the perimeter of the main
crop for pests and disease suppression. Several
Cover, Border and Trap Crops for Pest and Disease Management
theories have been suggested to describe the
mechanisms by which barrier crops reduce pest
populations. Barrier crops reduce pest and related
problems (incidence of pepper veinal mottle virus
disease) by acting as a physical barrier for vectors.
However, factors including plant height can affect
the effectiveness of the barrier crop. Barrier crops
also may act as a “sink” for virus invading new
environments. For instance, aphids landing on the
barrier crop will lose their virus charge while
probing, consequently preventing them from
transmitting diseases.
The Role of Trap Crops in
Suppressing Pest Populations
Trap crops are plants grown before or with the
main crop to attract pests from the main crop
into a smaller area (the trap crop). Trap crops are
the more-preferred host when grown with the
main crop. The ecological behavior of the target
pests should be considered when selecting the
trap crop. In addition, the agronomic compatibility between the main crop and trap crop should
be known to prevent competition for natural
resources (nutrients and water). Trap crops can
increase the efficiency of control by concentrating the pests in one location and by applying a
chemical treatment without spraying the main
crop, or by destroying the trap crop and associated pests through tillage or burning. It is also
possible to release biological control agents into
the trap crop, using it as a nursery for beneficial
organisms that will then spread into the main
crop. The overall cost of management can be significantly reduced because pesticide treatments
or other management tactics are only applied to
areas on the trap crop, where the pest congregates. Monitoring the pest population density on
the trap crop is necessary in order to prevent the
pest from migrating to the main crop.
Planting a few rows of squash ahead of the
main planting can be used to protect from pickleworm, Diaphania nitidalis, infestation because
the invading moths are attracted to the blossoms of the older plants. Squash can also be
planted in conjunction with tomato to protect
against silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii,
because squash is more preferred. In both cases,
however, the squash must be sprayed with insecticide or destroyed before the insects disperse to
the main crop.
Economics of Sustainable
Ecological management of arthropod and nematode pests is a practical sustainable approach to
achieving effective pest control while protecting
the environment. The primary economic focus of
sustainable agriculture is the input cost savings
from reduced pesticide usage and fertilizer applications. In some instances, it can be less expensive
since many of the tactics employed (mulching,
cover crops, trap crops, etc.) are not imported and
are tied directly into daily farming activities. Also,
incorporating leguminous cover crops into different cropping systems may decrease the amount of
N applications, and the energy needed for crop
production. However, this may not necessarily
result in increased profits for farmers because of
two important factors affecting the profitability of
cover crops: (i) the ability to improve crop yield,
and (ii) the establishment cost of the cover crop.
Overall, more research is needed to determine the
long-term profitability of these sustainable
Alegbejo MD, Uvah I (1986) Effect of intercropping pepper
with tall crops on the incidence of pepper veinal mottle
virus disease on pepper. Niger J Entomol 7:82–87
Cradock RK, da Graca JV, Laing MD (2002) Studies on the
control of virus diseases in zucchini crops. S Afr J Sci
Csizinszky AA, Schuster DJ, Kring JB (1995) Color mulches
influence yield and insect populations in tomatoes.
J Am Soc Hortic Sci 120:778–784
Cover Crops
Frank DL, Liburd OE (2005) Effects of living and synthetic
mulch on the population dynamics of whiteflies and
aphids, their associated natural enemies, and insecttransmitted plant diseases in zucchini. Environ Entomol
Hilje L, Costa HS, Stansly PA (2001) Cultural practices for
managing Bemisia tabaci and associated viral diseases.
Crop Prot 20:801–812
Liburd OE, Frank DL (2007) Synthetic and living mulches for
control of homopteran pests and diseases in vegetables.
In: Saxena G, Mukerji KG (eds) Management of nematode and insect-borne plant diseases. The Haworth Press
Inc., New York, NY pp 67–86
Lu Y, Watkins B, Teasdale JR, Abdul-Baki AA (2000) Cover
crops in sustainable food production. Food Rev Int
Smith HA, Koenig RL, McAuslane HJ, McSorley R (2000)
Effect of silver reflective mulch and a summer squash
trap crop on densities of immature Bemisia argentifolii
(Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on organic bean. J Econ
Entomol 93:726–731
Zitters AT, Simons JN (1980) Management of viruses by alteration of vector efficiency and by cultural practices. Annu
Rev Phytopathol 18:289–310
winter season to improve soil condition), to suppress weeds, or to harbor beneficial insects.
Cover, Border and Trap Crops for Pest and Disease Management
The basal-most segment of the insect leg (Fig. 120),
attaching to the thorax.
Legs of Hexapods
Crab Lice, Phthirus pubis
(Linnaeus) (Phthiraptera:
These lice infest the genital regions of humans.
Human Lice
Cover Crops
Cultivation of a second type of crop, principally
to improve the production system for a primary
crop (e.g., legumes or rye maintained during the
A family of wasps (order Hymenoptera).
Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies
Coxa, Figure 120 Leg of a beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) leg showing its component parts, and a
close-up of one type of beetle tarsus (foot).
Crane Flies (Diptera: Tipulidae and Others)
Cranberry Fruitworm, Acrobasis
vaccinii Riley (Lepidoptera:
This is a pest of blueberries in eastern North
Small Fruit Pests and their Management
Cranberry Girdler, Chrysoteuchia
topiaria (Zeller) (Lepidoptera:
This species affects both cranberries and
Small Fruit Pests and their Management
Cranberry Tipworm, Dasineura
oxycoccana (Johnson) (Diptera:
Cranberry tipworm affects both cranberries and
Small Fruit Pests and their Management
transverse suture between mesonotal prescutum
and scutum, or roughly at the level of the wing
bases. Three other, relatively small families share
this characteristic. The Tanyderidae, or primitive
crane flies, have five branches of the radial vein
reaching the wing margin. Tipulidae have four or
fewer. Trichoceridae, or winter crane flies, possess
ocelli, while tipulids have none. Ptychopteridae,
or phantom crane flies, have a single anal vein in
each wing, compared to two in Tipulidae.
Most adult crane flies are slender-bodied, with
elongate, membranous wings and conspicuously
long, slender legs (Fig. 121). People not familiar with
insects often mistake crane flies for large mosquitoes. In fact, the colloquial term “gallinipper” has
been applied to both crane flies and mosquitoes.
However, no crane flies are able to bite. In size, crane
flies range from two species of Holorusia (originally
Ctenacroscelis) of southeastern Asia, with a wing
span of over 100 mm, or Holorusia hespera in western United States, with approximately a 70 mm wing
span, to the tiny Tasiocera ursina, with wingspread
of only 4.5–5.0 mm, smaller than that of mosquitoes. Wings of many crane flies are unmarked except
for the somewhat darkened stigma, while many
other species have the wings spotted, transversely
Crane Flies (Diptera: Tipulidae
and Others)
GeorGe w. Byers
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA
Largest of the families of true flies (Order Diptera)
in number of known species, the crane flies (Family Tipulidae, of suborder Nematocera) are abundantly represented on all continents except
Antarctica. Some 15,000 species have been named
and described, more than 10,000 of these through
the work of one man, Prof. Charles P. Alexander, of
the University of Massachusetts. Over 1,600 species are known from North America.
Crane flies can be differentiated from most
other nematocerous flies by the presence on the
dorsum of the thorax of a broadly V-shaped,
Crane Flies (Diptera: Tipulidae and Others),
Figure 121 Adult male of Tipula sp., dorsal aspect.
Body length 18 mm, wing length 21 mm. Legs are
arranged unnaturally to show relative lengths of
Crane Flies (Diptera: Tipulidae and Others)
banded, or with a mottled or clouded pattern of
brown, gray or black. The slender legs of some species are banded with dark brown, while those of others may be partially white (for example,Brachypremna
or some Hexatoma). While most kinds of flies,
indeed most insects, have the trochanter firmly
attached to the adjacent femur, the legs of crane flies
are readily broken off between trochanter and femur,
possibly so that a leg seized by a predator can quickly
be shed, to spare the fly.
The adult life of most crane flies is brief. The
adults emerge from the pupal skin, often at night in
order to have the body hardened, the wings fully
extended and the insect capable of flight by sunrise
when birds and other predators become active.
Males usually appear a night or two before females.
Males of many species form swarms to which
females are attracted. Following mating, females disperse and oviposit. Oviposition is often completed
in two or three nights. Thus, an adult life of a few
days is ordinarily adequate. Adults of Chionea, rendered inactive by night time chill, and forced to seek
shelter from severe cold, may survive a few weeks.
The adults of most crane flies do not feed but
subsist on energy acquired and stored by the larva.
Those of a few, such as species of subgenus Geranomyia of the large genus Limonia, possess elongate mouthparts or a proboscis and are known to
obtain nectar from certain flowers.
Adult Tipulidae are most often found in low, leafy
vegetation in shaded, somewhat damp areas, such as
along small woodland streams. However, there are
a few species living in grasslands or even in semidesert habitats. At temperate latitudes, they are usually the most common in spring and late summer
and may have two annual generations. Adults of
Chionea, virtually wingless and almost spider-like in
appearance, may be found on the surface of snow, in
winter, in Eurasia and North America.
The larvae of crane flies are subcylindrical and
somewhat tapered toward the ends (Fig. 122). The
Crane Flies (Diptera: Tipulidae and Others),
Figure 122 Larva of Tipula sp., left lateral aspect.
Body length 29 mm.
head, variously sclerotized according to the species,
can be withdrawn into the thoracic segments. The
larvae occur in a great variety of moist to wholly
aquatic, even marine intertidal microhabitats.
Those of aquatic species may be found in decomposing plant material near the shore or in shallow
water near sandbars. Larvae in aquatic situations
may respire by means of a pair of large spiracles on
the ninth abdominal segment that are raised to the
surface from time to time. Others have such spiracles but appear to obtain sufficient oxygen through
the skin. A few (e.g., larvae of Antocha and Hesperoconopa) have a closed tracheal system and lack
spiracles. Most aquatic tipulid larvae leave the
water to pupate. While some aquatic and semiaquatic larvae are detritivores, many others are carnivorous. The larvae of Pedicia, Limnophila and
Hexatoma, for example, feed on midge larvae, other
insect larvae and other small, aquatic invertebrates.
Terrestrial crane fly larvae may occur in and feed
upon rotting wood, fungi, or decomposing plant
debris, in mosses and liverworts, among rootlets of
grasses and other plants, and a few (e.g., Cylindrotoma) feed on leaves of herbaceous plants. The only
larval Tipulidae that are of direct economic importance are those that eat rootlets of range-land
grasses or seedling crops (particularly some species of Tipula and Nephrotoma).
Geological Record
The oldest fossil remains described as Tipulidae
are of upper Triassic age, perhaps 180 million years
old. In North America, the earliest remains, similar to modern Tipulidae, are in the fine-grained
shale of the Green River formation, of the Eocene
age, approximately 50 million years old. The Baltic
Crapemyrtle Aphid Sarucallis Kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
amber of northern Europe, which is upper Eocene
to Oligocene in age (about 45 million years old),
contains numerous species of crane flies, preserved
in fine detail.
Taxonomic Divisions
The family Tipulidae has been divided into three
subfamilies, Tipulinae, Cylindrotominae and Limoniinae. Most large crane flies belong to the Tipulinae, but there are a few large Limoniinae. For
identification keys (North America), see Alexander
1942 (somewhat revised and reprinted in 1966) or
Alexander 1967. In fairly recent years, European
authors have elevated these three subfamilies and
tribe Pediciini of Limoniinae to full family status.
*Alexander CP (1942) Family Tipulidae. In: The Diptera or
true flies of Connecticut. Connecticut State Geological
and Natural History Survey, Bulletin 64, pp 196–509
Alexander CP (1967) The crane flies of California. Bull Calif
Insect Survey 8:1–269
feeding exclusively on species of Lagerstroemia.
Interestingly, other aphid species are not known to
attack or infest crape myrtles. Crape myrtles are
popular ornamental plants throughout tropical
and subtropical areas of the world. Because aphids
can be extremely difficult to detect on plants during shipping, S. kahawaluokalani has been transported throughout the world on shipments of crape
myrtle. When aphid numbers are high, S. kahawaluokalani damages crops via a fungus that grows
on its excrement. Several insect predators attack
crapemyrtle aphids, but most are unable to provide
permanent control of aphid populations.
Crapemyrtle aphids (Fig. 123) reproduce at an
astonishing rate, giving the impression that an infestation suddenly occurred overnight. Each adult S.
kahawaluokalani gives birth parthenogenetically to
several offspring per day, and the growth of crapemyrtle aphid populations is further accelerated by
the process of telescoping generations. Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction where offspring are produced without mating. Furthermore,
crapemyrtle aphids are viviparous, meaning they
give live birth to their offspring. Telescoping generations refers to the process in which nymphs or
immature aphids begin to develop offspring inside
of them before they become adults. In many aphid
species, a nymph that is developing inside of its
mother has already begun to develop offspring
The head capsule of an insect.
Head of Hexapods
Crapemyrtle Aphid, Sarucallis
kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy)
(Hemiptera: Aphididae)
John J. herBert, russeLL f. mizeLLiii
University of Florida, Quincy, FL, USA
The crapemyrtle aphid, Sarucallis kahawaluokalani
(Kirkaldy), is native to Southeast Asia but may be
found anywhere that crape myrtles, Lagerstroemia
spp,. are grown. With the exception of henna and
pomegranate, S. kahawaluokalani is host specific,
Crapemyrtle Aphid Sarucallis Kahawaluokalani
(Kirkaldy) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), Figure 123
Winged adults and nymph of crape myrtle aphids,
Sarucallis kahawaluokalani.
Crapemyrtle Aphid Sarucallis Kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
inside of itself. Telescoping generations allows
aphids to reproduce immediately upon becoming
an adult, and S. kahawaluokalani give birth within a
few hours of reaching the adult stage. Crapemyrtle
aphids exhibit a life cycle that is more complex than
simple parthenogenesis, and under some environmental conditions, crapemyrtle aphids practice
sexual reproduction.
The life cycle of S. kahawaluokalani begins
when overwintering eggs hatch in the spring. Aphids
hatching from overwintering eggs are all female, and
such mature wingless stem mother aphids that hatch
from overwintering eggs are called fundatrices (singlular, fundatrix). Fundatrices reproduce through
parthenogenesis, giving rise to a second generation
known as virginoparae. Virginoparae reproduce
through parthenogenesis and subsequent generations of aphids throughout the summer are also
called virginoparae. In late summer and early fall,
virginoparae produce a special generation of aphids
known as sexuparae. Sexuparae give birth to both
male and female aphids. The female aphids of this
generation are known as oviparae, and after mating
with males, oviparae deposit their eggs on the
branches of crape myrtle. Eggs are deposited in loose
clusters within the crevices of bark and remain on
the plant until the following spring when the eggs
hatch and the cycle restarts.
Nymphs of S. kahawaluokalani are yellow in
color with black hair-like projections protruding
from their abdomen. Adult S. kahawaluokalani are
yellow, mottled with black spots, and have two large
black tubercles that project from their dorsum. Many
aphids produce winged adults for dispersal, but usually do so in response to overcrowding of the host
plant or a sudden drop in host plant quality. Sarucallis kahawaluokalani is unusual among aphids in that
all adults, except for oviparae, are winged and capable of dispersing. Fecundity and development of S.
kahawaluokalani are dependent on ambient temperature, and under optimal conditions, S. kahawaluokalani adults can produce over six offspring
per day, and nymphs can mature in as little as five
days. Adults can live up to 21 days, producing more
than 150 offspring within their lifetime.
Successful reproduction and development are
dependent on the assimilation of nutrients. Crapemyrtle aphids acquire their nutrition by feeding on
the phloem sap of their host plant. Phloem is rich
in sucrose and other sugars, but contains low concentrations of amino acids. In addition to having
small amounts of amino acids, phloem does not
contain all of the amino acids required for successful growth, development, and reproduction. Crapemyrtle aphids have evolved several mechanisms to
circumvent the disadvantages of feeding on
phloem. To obtain the necessary quantity of nutrients, aphids feed on large volumes of phloem and
use a special filter chamber in the gut to remove
necessary nutrients. Furthermore, aphids harbor
endosymbionts within the gut that manufacture
amino acids that are required by the aphid but not
present in the phloem. The most common endosymbiont of aphids are members of the genus
Buchnera. Phloem contains large quantities of
sucrose, which causes it to be a hypertonic solution. Thus, even though aphids feed on a liquid diet,
they are confronted with the problem of becoming
dehydrated from their source of food. Aphids can
overcome this is by changing simple sugars into
more complex sugars, which in turn lowers the
osmotic pressure by creating fewer sugar molecules
per molecule of water. Feeding on large quantities
of phloem, followed by filtering and changing of
sugar composition, creates a large amount of
unused sugar and water. Crapemyrtle aphids
excrete unused or transformed sugars, along with
water, from the anus in a droplet known as honeydew. To avoid becoming coated and entangled in
sticky honeydew, crapemyrtle aphids forcefully
eject honeydew away from their feeding site. Honeydew can be easily spotted in the field as a shiny
sticky substance on the leaves of crape myrtles.
Honeydew is rich in sugars and promotes
the growth of fungi and other microorganisms.
The honeydew of S. kahawaluokalani promotes
the growth of an undescribed black sooty mold in the
genus Capnodium. Capnodium sp. can turn the
entire plant an unsightly black color, detracting
from the visual aesthetics. Furthermore, thick
carpets of Capnodium sp. interfere with photosynthesis, causing the abscission of leaves and in some
cases complete defoliation of the plant. Established
plantings of crape myrtle do not show signs of
long term damage and bloom beautifully the following year. Damage to crape myrtles is influenced
by crape myrtle cultivar and interactions with
aphid natural enemies.
Crapemyrtle aphids are attacked by a variety
of insect predators, but are not known to harbor
any parasitoids. Lacewings (Chrysopidae), flower
flies (Syrphidae), lady beetles (Coccinellidae),
and other generalist predators feed on crapemyrtle
aphids, especially when other prey are scarce.
Predatory and parasitic hymenoptera of other
insect pests feed on honeydew, allowing them to
search for prey over greater distances. Because
crapemyrtle aphids do not cause permanent
damage to crape myrtles, and provide food for
insect natural enemies, the use of chemical pesticides is strongly discouraged. If aphids reach high
populations and control is necessary, the use of
soapy water or power washing is usually sufficient for removing aphids from a particular plant.
These methods are less harmful to insect natural
enemies and help contribute to biological and
natural control of crapemyrtle aphid and other
insect pests.
Craw, Alexander
Alexander Craw was born on Ayr, Scotland, on
August 3, 1850. He emigrated to California, USA,
when he was 23, and by 1875 was placed in charge of
a very large orange grove near Los Angeles. He helped
D.W. Coquillett in investigations of chemical control
of the new pest cottony cushion scale. He was the
first to suggest use of natural enemies for control of
this pest when chemicals failed. In 1890, he was
appointed quarantine inspector at the port of San
Francisco by the California Board of Agriculture,
and it was he who developed and put into practice
the principles of horticultural quarantine. In 1904 he
accepted a position as Superintendent and Inspector
of the Hawaiian Board of Agriculture and Forestry in
Honolulu, where he remained until his death in 1908.
Most of his publications were about control of pests
and about exclusion of new pests by quarantine, but
he did describe a few new species of insects.
*Essig EO (1931) Craw, Alexander. In: A history of entomology. The Macmillan Company, New York, NY, pp
Alverson DR, Allen RK (1991) Life history of the crapemyrtle
aphid. Proc SNA Res Conf 36:164–167
Alverson DR, Allen RK (1992) Bionomics of the crapemyrtle
aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae). J Entomol Sci
Dixon AFG (1998) Aphid ecology. Chapman and Hall,
London, UK, 300 pp
Mizell RFI, Schiffhauer DE (1987) Seasonal abundance of the
crapemyrtle aphid, Sarucallis kahawaluokalani, in relation to the pecan aphids, Monellia caryella and Monelliopsis pecanis and their common predators. Entomophaga
Mizell RF, Knox GW (1993) Susceptibility of crapemyrtle,
Lagerstroemia indica L., to the crapemyrtle aphid
(Homoptera: Aphididae) in North Florida. J Entomol
Sci 28:1–7
whitney Cranshaw
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO, USA
Crawler is the active stage of an insect immediately
after egg hatch (first instar) found among certain
insects in the order Hemiptera. The term crawler is
most commonly used to describe first instar scale
insects, but may also describe similar stages found
among mealybugs and whiteflies. The crawler stage
is noted for mobility allowing distribution within
and among host plants. Many species that have a
crawler period (e.g., Diaspididae and Aleyrodidae)
subsequently produce (Fig. 124) immature stages
that move little, if at all, following the crawler period.
Crawling Water Beetles
Crawler, Figure 124 Cottony cushion scale adults and crawlers. The adults (large with a white, fluted,
waxy secretion on the stem) are easily observed, whereas the small crawlers (small insects along the
mid-vein on the leaf) are harder to detect. (Photo by Lyle Buss, University of Florida.)
In management of insects, the crawler stage is often
one that is targeted for control because crawlers are
small and have a relatively thin wax coating that
makes them easier to kill with pesticides.
close association of humans with livestock, particularly horses and mules.
Creeping Water Bugs
Crawling Water Beetles
Members of the family Haliplidae (order
Members of the family Naucoridae (order
Creeping Myiasis
Infestation of humans by bot fly larvae that ultimately cannot complete their development and
perish in the abnormal human host. The larvae
typically die in the first instar after burrowing
beneath the skin, causing little serious injury but
causing itching and creeping eruptions. Species of
Gasterophilus are usually implicated, and follow
In Lepidoptera, a process at the tip of the abdomen,
usually bearing spines or hooks, by which pupae are
suspended from silk attached to a substrate surface.
A tem used to indicate a wavy or scalloped
Cresson, Ezra Townsend
Crenulate Moths (Lepidoptera:
John B. heppner
Florida State Collection of Arthropods,
Gainesville, FL, USA
Crenulate moths, family Epiplemidae, total about
632 species worldwide, with most being Neotropical (230 sp.) and Indo-Australian (301 sp.). The
common name for the family refers to the often
scalloped, or crenulate, margins of the wings. Two
subfamilies are known: Auzeinae, with about 25 sp.
(mostly Indo-Australian), and Epipleminae for all
others. The family is in the superfamily Uranioidea,
in the section Cossina, subsection Bombycina, of
the division Ditrysia. Adults small to medium size
(9–47 mm wingspan), with head scaling normal;
labial palpi upcurved; haustellum naked; maxillary
palpi minute, 1-segmented. Wings (Fig. 125) triangular, typically with distinct marginal emarginations and marginal points, and forewing tip often
somewhat falcate; hindwing generally rounded to
triangular and also usually with emarginations and
marginal points or tail-like projections. Maculation mostly shades of brown with few markings
and hindwings usually matching the forewing coloration; rarely more colorful; some are leaf-like.
Adults nocturnal. Larvae leaf feeders or webbers.
Crenulate Moths (Lepidoptera: Epiplemidae),
Figure 125 Example of crenulate moths
(Epiplemidae), Epiplema castanea Warren from
Host plants in several plant families, including
Bignoniaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Olacaceae, Oleaceae,
Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, and others.
*Boudinot J (1982) Insectes Lépidoptères Epiplemidae. In:
Faune de Madagascar. 60:1–55. Paris: Off. Rech. Sci.
Tech. Outre-Mer, France
* von Dalla Torre KW (1924) Epiplemidae. In: Lepidopterorum catalogus. 30:1–57. W. Junk, Berlin.
*Holloway JD (1998) Subfamily Epipleminae. In: The moths
of Borneo, 8:78–82, 92–132, pl.1, 6–8. Malayan Nature
Society, Kuala Lumpur (Malayan Nature Journal, 52).
Seitz A (ed) (1912–33) Familie: Epiplemidae. Die GrossSchmetterlinge der Erde, 2:277–280, pl. 48 (1912);
2(suppl.):171–172 (1933); 6:1141–1170, pl. 169–172
(1930); 10:577–600 (1929), 601–604, pl. 58–59 (1930);
14:390–394, pl. 67 (1928). A. Kernen, Stuttgart
*Stehr FW (1987) Epiplemidae (Geometroidea). In: Immature insects [1], 507. Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque
Organisms in which the period of activity is twilight, either pre-dawn or dusk.
Cresson, Ezra Townsend
Ezra Cresson was born on June 18, 1838, in Pennsylvania, USA. He attended public schools in
Philadelphia through the eighth grade, but then
had to drop out to help support the family. Little
of his paid employment was in entomology, and
one of his positions was as clerk in the treasurer’ s
office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
another was as secretary to a wealthy patron of
the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, and a third
was with a fire insurance company. His interest in
insects was kindled by his future father-in-law,
James Ridings. He, Ridings, and George Newman,
in 1859, were the founding members of an entomological society which, in 1867, changed its
name to the American Entomological Society, and
is now the oldest existing entomological society
Cretaceous Period
in the United States. The society, under its original
name, began in 1863 to publish Proceedings of
the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Cresson was one of the society members who set the
type for the printing: this was truly an in-house
publication. In that first issue of the Proceedings
appeared Cresson’ s “Catalogue of the Cicindelidae of North America,” after which he confined
his own publications to works on Hymenoptera.
Between 1861 and 1882 he published 66 papers
on Hymenoptera including catalogs and descriptions. In 1901 his collection, including 2,367 type
specimens representing 3,511 species, was presented to the American Entomological Society.
He died on April 19, 1926. Two of his five children
displayed a strong interest in entomology. These
were Ezra T. Cresson, Jr., who specialized in Diptera, and George Binghurst Cresson, who specialized in ants.
*Mallis A (1971) Ezra Townsend Cresson. In: American
entomologists.Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ, pp 343–348
Cretaceous Period
A geological period at the end of the Mesozoic era,
extending from about 170 to 65 million years ago.
Geological Periods
In spiders, a sieve-like structure found just in front
of the spinnerets.
This describes a structure or surface that is pierced
by narrowly spaced small holes, resembling a sieve
or strainer, or that functions as a sieve.
Certain members (suborder Ensifera, superfamily
Grylloidae) of an order or insects (Orthoptera).
Grasshoppers, Katydids and Crickets
Criddle, Norman
Norman Criddle was born in Addlestone, Surrey,
England, on May 14, 1875 and moved to Canada
in 1882 with his parents. The Criddle family established a homestead in Aweme, Manitoba. From
his early childhood, Criddle had a strong interest
in flora and fauna. This was expressed, in part, by
drawing and painting, which he developed to
great proficiency. His artistic skills were “discovered” only after he developed a poison bait, a mixture that came into wide use for grasshopper
control during periodic outbreaks on the Canadian prairie. The bait brought the attention of
Dominion Entomologist James Fletcher, who
came to admire Criddle’s artistic and entomological abilities. They coauthored a publication on
weeds in Canada in 1905. This pioneer entomologist received a government appointment in 1913,
and investigated the cause of grasshopper plagues,
attributing them to cycles of weather correlated
with changes in the numbers of sunspots. Over
the years, he also came to mentor several of Manitoba’s foremost entomologists. His entomological
interests extended well beyond grasshoppers, of
course, and he was a major proponent of understanding the biology of insects as a basis for their
control. Norman Criddle received an honorary
degree in Agriculture from the Manitoba Agricultural College shortly before his death on May 4,
1933 in Brandon, Manitoba.
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic
This virus affects humans, and is transmitted by
several species of ticks.
Crop Diversity and Pest Management
A term used to indicate the presence of a high
ridge or crest.
Critical Period
The notion that the brain is needed for a period
of time (the critical period) if the insect is to
develop properly. The brain synthesizes PTTH
that activates the prothoracic gland to secrete
ecdysone. Removal of the brain after PTTH produced (after the critical period) does not disrupt
The minute hooks found on the prolegs, mostly of
caterpillars. They usually are arranged in rows or
Crop Diversity and Pest
huGh smith
Hawaii Agriculture Research Center, Aiea,
Contemporary theories concerning the relationship between crop diversity and arthropod damage originated from observations made during the
early decades of the twentieth century in temperate tree plantations and mixed farming systems in
the tropics. Seminal studies of insect damage on
collards by Pimentel and Root provided a broad
ecological framework for examining arthropod
damage under mixed and simple cropping systems. The classic experiments of Risch and Bach in
Costa Rica demonstrated that the relationship
between mixed cropping systems and pest damage
is ultimately determined by the specifics of arthropod behavior.
Crop diversity can take many forms. Traditional
farming systems in the tropics are often characterized by intercropping, in which different crops are
arranged in alternating rows, or mixed together
without regard to row. Mixed cropping systems in
both temperate and tropical regions can resemble a
mosaic-like patchwork of distinct crops. Trees,
hedgerows, cover crops and even weeds can increase
the plant diversity on a farm. Modern examples of
crop diversity include the intentional mixing of
resistant and non-resistant wheat hybrids for Hessian fly management in the midwest of the USA.
Several hypotheses have been put forward to
explain why pest damage is sometimes less in
polycultures, as mixed cropping systems are called.
The “enemies” hypothesis, defined by Root, suggests that polycultures offer greater resources than
monocultures to parasitoids and predators in the
form of nectar and pollen, alternate hosts and prey,
and habitat. Populations of natural enemies are
hypothesized therefore to be more stable in mixed
cropping systems than in simple ones, and so better able to keep herbivore populations below economically damaging levels.
A complementary idea put forward by Root is
the “resource concentration” hypothesis. This proposes that resources provided by a crop are more
easily exploited by herbivores when “concentrated”
in a uniform stand. It may become more difficult for
the herbivore to find and exploit the crop when it is
mixed with other crops. This is because the volatiles, appearance, and leaf characteristics of nonhost plants may interfere with the host-finding
mechanisms of certain arthropods. According to
the “resource concentration” hypothesis, once an
herbivore has found a suitable host within a polyculture, within-stand effects such as shading,
increased humidity, and the presence of non-host
crops may influence the arthropod to feed and oviposit less than it would in a monoculture, and to
emigrate from the crop patch sooner than it would
from a large uniform stand.
Trap cropping is another form of polyculture
that has been used to reduce pest damage. The pest
is drawn away from the crop being protected by
Crop Diversity and Pest Management
the presence of a more attractive crop – the trap
crop. Trap crops are often sprayed with pesticides
to keep pest populations from building up and
moving on to the main crop.
Neither the enemies hypothesis, resource concentration hypothesis or trap cropping has been
shown consistently to predict how an arthropod
will behave in a mixed cropping system. In the
1970s, mathematical theories were proposed to
suggest that diverse systems should be more stable
than simple ones, and therefore that polycultures
should experience less pest damage than monocultures. The misconception that crop diversity in
itself reduces pest damage has persisted in spite of
the fact that it is inconsistent with empirical observation. Stability is not a characteristic of most
annual cropping systems, which tend to begin and
end with the complete destruction of all vegetation
in the field. Whether one or several crops are grown
in the field in the interim may have little bearing on
the long-term stability of the cropping system.
Reviews of the literature indicate that in over
fifty percent of the cases studied, intercropping
reduced arthropod damage compared to monoculture. Fifteen to eighteen percent of the time, damage
was worse in intercropped systems, and in twenty
percent of the cases the results were variable. A significant trend revealed by reviews of the intercropping literature is that damage by monophagous
insects tends to be reduced in polyculture, while
damage by polyphagous insects is more likely to be
increased or unaltered in mixed cropping systems.
Under traditional mixed cropping conditions in
Costa Rica, densities of a monophagous species of
leaf beetle are reduced under polyculture, while
densities of a polyphagous leaf beetle species are
not reduced. Studies such as this indicate that the
damage caused by an arthropod species in polyculture will be determined by the quantity and quality
of host plants in the mix rather than by crop diversity in the taxonomic sense.
In addition to host range, the host-finding
mechanisms and the mobility of an arthropod
will determine how its behavior is influenced by a
given polyculture. In Costa Rica, populations of a
monophagous chrysomelid were reduced in polyculture because they tended to emigrate more quickly
from the mixed stands. Arthropods with sensitive
host-finding mechanisms may be more easily
deterred by the presence of non-host plants than
arthropods that do not rely on specific visual or olfactory host-finding cues. Highly mobile insects such as
certain grasshoppers or beetles may abandon a patch
in which suitable hosts are hard to find more quickly
than weak fliers such as whiteflies or thrips.
Host-finding, mobility, and host range also
influence how natural enemies will behave in a
complex cropping system. Generalist predators and
parasitoids are probably better adapted than specialized natural enemies to search the varied visual
and olfactory landscape presented by a polyculture.
Like monophagous herbivores, natural enemies
with a narrow host range may be more efficient
when searching in a uniform environment.
By influencing probing behavior, mixed cropping systems may also affect the transmission rates
of insect-vectored diseases. For example, crop
combinations that encourage vectors of nonpersistent viruses such as aphids to probe more
frequently and for a shorter duration may increase
the likelihood of non-persistent virus transmission. By contrast, the transmission of persistent
viruses tends to require longer probing periods,
and so might be reduced by a cropping environment that stimulates vectors such as whiteflies to
probe for shorter periods.
Recent efforts in biological control have emphasized the introduction of perennial refugia or nursery crops for natural enemies in and around cropped
areas. This is a form of polyculture. Refugia crops
are planted to maintain stable populations of natural
enemies in a cropping system by providing habitat,
pollen, nectar, and alternate victims, so that predators and parasitoids will be available near the crop to
suppress incipient pest populations. Region-wide
approaches to managing major pests such as whiteflies and certain Lepidoptera have included the
establishment of refugia for natural enemies.
Standard methods of field research that have
been established for studying and managing pest
populations in large monocultures may require
modification for use in complex polycultures. Conventional field plot research designs require replication under uniform conditions that are often
difficult to achieve in a heterogeneous environment. The reduction of field plot variability required
for standard statistical analysis is also difficult to
accomplish in polycultures, which are by definition
highly variable environments. Elucidation of the
relationship between polyculture and pest management may require the adaptation of multiple
regression methods and spatial diversity analysis.
Similarly, methods for establishing scouting
protocols and calculating economic injury levels
have been designed to address pest behavior in
homogeneous environments, and may require adaptation for mixed cropping systems. The population
dynamics and feeding behavior of both herbivores
and natural enemies may be different on a crop
when that crop is grown in polyculture as opposed
to monoculture. The resources that can be allocated
to scouting and managing the pest complex of a
crop that represents only one component of a diverse
farm may differ from the resources available to manage the pest complex of a large monoculture.
Root R (1973) Organization of a plant-arthropod association
in simple and diverse habitats. The fauna of collards.
Ecol Monogr 43:95–124
A portion of the foregut in the alimentary canal of
insects. The crop receives the insect’s meal, and in
insects that feed only infrequently it may be greatly
expanded to accommodate the occasional meal.
Although lined with a thick lining that inhibits
digestion, in some insects the digestive enzymes
secreted from the mouth or regurgitated from the
midgut pass into the crop and perform partial
Alimentary Canal and Digestion
Crop Loss Assessment
This refers to the procedure for assessing arthropod impact on crop yield and quality.
Methods of Measuring Crop Losses
Crop Residue
Andow D (1991) Vegetational diversity and arthropod population response. Annu Rev Entomol 36:561–86
Bach CE (1980) Effects of plant density and diversity in the
population dynamics of a specialist herbivore, the
striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma vittata. Ecology
Bach CE (1980) Effects of plant diversity and time of colonization on an herbivore-plant interaction. Oecologia
Pimentel D (1961) Species diversity and insect population
outbreaks. Ann Entomol Soc Am 54:76–86
Risch SJ (1980) The population dynamics of several herbivorous beetles in a tropical agroecosystem: the effect of
intercropping corn, beans and squash in Costa Rica.
J Appl Ecol 17:593–612
Risch SJ (1981) Insect herbivore abundance in tropical monocultures and polycultures: an experimental test of two
hypotheses. Ecology 62:1325–1340
Risch SJ, Andow D, Altieri MA (1983) Agroecosystem diversity and pest control: data, tentative conclusions, and
new research directions. Environ Entomol 12:625–629
A portion of the crop that is not harvested, and
usually is returned to the land by tillage or as
Crossing Over
The reciprocal exchange of polynucleotides
between homologous chromosomes during
In pest management, the resistance of a pest population to a pesticide to which it has not been exposed
that accompanies the development of resistance to
a pesticide to which it has been exposed.
Cross-Striped Cabbageworm, Evergestris rimosalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Cross-Striped Cabbageworm,
Evergestris rimosalis (Guenée)
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
This is an important crucifer pest in the southern
Crucifer Pests and their Management
1873! One can only wonder at what he might have
accomplished had he not died so young. The insects
that he collected in the Azores are in the Natural
History Museum (London), whereas his Coccinellidae and Erotylidae are in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University.
Cross Vein
Short crosswise veins between the lengthwise wing
veins and their branches. Most insects have only a
few cross veins, but the netwinged species have
numerous cross veins.
Wings of Insects
Crotch, George Robert
George Crotch was born in Cambridge in 1842 and
obtained his undergraduate education at Cambridge
University. While still a student he was deeply
involved in collecting insects. By the time he received
an M.A. degree (1863) he had concentrated on
Coleoptera, and he published a Catalogue of British
Coleoptera. The next year he collected insects in the
Canary Islands and, on return to England, obtained
a job in the university library at Cambridge. In 1865
and 1870 he made collecting trips to Spain, and
meanwhile had published several entomological
papers including works on Coccinellidae and Erotylidae and had become sub-editor of Zoological
Record. In the autumn of 1872 he sailed to the USA
and traveled overland to California in the spring of
1873. A collecting expedition to British Columbia,
Oregon and parts of California followed. In the
autumn of 1873 he returned to Philadelphia (his
point of arrival in the USA), having accepted an
appointment from Louis Agassiz to curate insects in
the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard
University. However, he had been infected with “consumption” (tuberculosis), of which he died on June
16, 1874. Despite his travel and illness, he published
eight papers on North American Coleoptera in
*Essig EO (1931) Crotch, George Robert. In: History of entomology. The Macmillan Company, New York, pp
Crowson, Roy Albert
Roy Crowson was born in the county of Kent,
England, on November 22, 1914. He graduated
from University College, London, in 1936, and
then began anatomical research on Coleoptera. He
worked as assistant curator of the Tunbridge Wells
Museum until World War II, when he served in
the Royal Air Force. In 1948, he joined the Department of Zoology of Glasgow University. Numerous publications on structure of beetle adults and
larvae followed, with more on classification, until
his death. Major works were a series called “The
natural classification of the families of Coleoptera”
which (1955) were republished as a book, a (1971)
book “Classification and biology,” and a (1981)
book “The biology of the Coleoptera.” He died on
May 13, 1999, survived by his wife, Betty.
Wheeler Q (2000) Professor Roy Albert Crowson 1914–1999.
Coleopterists Bull 54:120–121
A plant in the family Cruciferae, such as cabbage,
broccoli, or collard. Crucifers also are called cole
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Crucifer Flea Beetle, Phyllotreta
cruciferae (Goeze) (Coleoptera:
This species is a pest of several crucifer crops.
Flea Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Crucifer Pests and their
Loke t. kok
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Crucifer crops are members of the family Cruciferae
and include cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
broccoli, rape and mustard. Grown commercially or
as garden vegetables, they attract a large number of
insects. Since the common crucifer crops are introduced vegetables, most of the insect feeders originated in Europe or are species native to the United
States that feed on a wide range of plants. The importance and abundance of a given insect species
changes with location. Insects attacking crucifers
can be divided into three groups: (i) leaf or foliage
feeders, (ii) sap feeders, and (iii) root feeders.
Leaf or Foliage Feeders:
Caterpillars and Flea Beetles
Caterpillars of moths, skippers, and butterflies in the
order Lepidoptera are important leaf feeders. The
adults have four large wings usually covered with
brightly colored scales. The most common are the
cabbage looper, the imported cabbageworm, and the
diamondback moth. Two others with potential of
becoming major pests are the cross-striped cabbageworm and the cabbage webworm. The rank of species importance generally varies with latitude. In the
more southern areas of the United States, the cabbage looper is the most abundant, followed by the
imported cabbageworm and the diamondback moth.
In the more northern latitudes, the cabbage looper
populations become more variable and the imported
cabbageworm becomes the dominant species. Both
the cross-striped cabbageworm and the cabbage
webworm are generally localized, occasional pests.
The Imported Cabbageworm, Pieris
rapae (L.) (Pieridae)
The imported cabbageworm was first discovered in
North America in 1860 when a single specimen was
captured in Quebec. Nearly 30 years later, it had
spread north to Hudson Bay, south to the Gulf of
Mexico, and west to the Rocky Mountains. It now
occurs throughout most of North America. It spends
the winter as a cocoon in or near crucifer crops. In
spring, the white adult (Fig. 126) butterfly emerges.
The male butterfly has one black spot and the female
has two black spots on each front wing. After mating, the female lays eggs within 24 h of emergence.
Eggs are laid singly on the underside of the outer
leaves of the plant. They hatch into caterpillars in
four to eight days. The caterpillars molt four times
and pass through five stages in 12–33 days. The dark
velvety green caterpillars (Fig. 127) have a faint yellow stripe down the back and along the sides. They
feed voraciously on leaves and reach 25 mm in
length. When full grown, the caterpillar changes into
a cocoon. Each cocoon changes to an adult butterfly
in 8–20 days. The butterfly lives for approximately
three weeks. Females generally lay 200–300 eggs.
They generally have two to four generations a year,
but as many as six generations have been observed
in the southern portions of its range. A tiny wasp
parasite, Cotesia glomerata (L.) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), attacks the first three caterpillar stages. It
lays 20–50 eggs into a caterpillar. The eggs hatch into
parasite grubs that feed within the caterpillar. When
the parasite grubs complete feeding on the caterpillar, they emerge as a group from the late fifth stage of
the caterpillar, and spin yellow cocoons. The caterpillar dies. Cotesia rubecula (Marshall) is an exotic
solitary wasp that is a close relative of C. glomerata.
It generally attacks the first three caterpillar stages,
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Crucifer Pests and their Management, Figure 126 Imported cabbageworm adult.
but it kills the imported cabbageworm caterpillar
soon after it molts to the fourth caterpillar stage. The
single C. rubecula grub inside it exits, and spins a
white cocoon. Another parasitic wasp, Pteromalus
puparum (L.) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) attacks
the cocoon stage of the imported cabbageworm. P.
puparum is a gregarious internal parasite of the
imported cabbageworm, attacking the newly formed
cocoon. The parasitic grubs develop within the host
and emerge as adult wasps through a small hole cut
in the cocoon case.
The Cabbage Looper, Trichoplusia ni
(Hübner) (Noctuidae)
The medium sized adult moth (Fig. 128) is grayish
brown, about 25 mm long, with wing span of 38
mm. There is a silver figure 8 design near the center
of each front wing. The back wings are light brown
with a dark margin. In spring, about 300 eggs laid
by a female singly on the upper and lower surfaces
of leaves, hatch in three days into caterpillars. The
caterpillar eats holes in leaves and reaches (Fig. 128)
full size in two to four weeks. The green caterpillar
forms a characteristic loop as it moves. It reaches
40 mm long when full grown and has a thin white
line along each side of the body and two near the
middle line of the back. It spins a cocoon and passes
the winter in this stage. It emerges as an adult in
spring. There are three to six generations a year. A
parasitic fly, Voria ruralis (Fallén) (Diptera: Tachinidae), attacks the caterpillar. There are three parasitic wasps that attack the cocoon stage: Gambrus
ultimus (Cresson), Stenichneumon culpator cincticornis (Cresson), and Vulgichneumon brevicinctor
(Say) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae).
Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella
(L.) (Plutellidae)
The diamondback moth is a cosmopolitan insect.
It is slender and grayish brown, 8.5 mm long, with
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Crucifer Pests and their Management, Figure 127 Imported cabbageworm caterpillars.
wing expanse of about 14 mm. When folded, the
wings display three diamond-shaped yellow spots
along the line where the wings meet. The colors of
the female are lighter, and the markings less distinct than the males. The back or hind wings have
a fringe of long hairs. The moth passes the winter
under leaves. In spring, the moth lays an average of
160 small yellowish-white eggs that hatch in three
to five days. The greenish caterpillars feed on the
leaves and complete development in 10–30 days.
The full-grown caterpillar (Fig. 129) is yellowish
green with erect long black hairs. It forms a fine
white mesh cocoon and the adult emerges in about
a week. There are four to six generations a year in
North America depending on temperature. In the
tropics, there can be as many as 15–18 generations
a year. The most common parasite of the caterpillar is a wasp, Diadegma insulare (Cresson)
(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), that is capable of
killing up to 70% of the caterpillars.
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Cross-striped Cabbageworm, Evergestis
rimosalis (Guenée) (Pyralidae)
The adult is a small yellowish brown moth(Fig. 130)
with a dark patch towards the end of the front
margin of the front wing. The female lays about 80
eggs in small overlapping masses on the host plant
leaf. The eggs are yellow, flattened, and hatch in
three to seven days. There are four caterpillar
stages that complete (Fig. 131) development in
6–17 days and change into a cocoon. The caterpillar is gray on the back and yellow on the lower
side, with a broad distinctive black band on each
side separating the gray from the yellow. The
cocoon stage lasts for 9–10 days, before changing
into the adult. There are three to four generations
a year. This insect has the potential to be a very
serious and destructive pest of crucifer crops in
the eastern United States. The young caterpillars
feed on leaves but the mature caterpillars migrate
to the heart or head of the plant and can riddle the
head with feeding holes making the plant unmarketable. It is naturally kept in check by a parasitic
wasp, Cotesia orobenae Forbes (Hymenoptera:
Braconidae), that feeds on the caterpillar. Indiscriminate use of insecticides that kill off the parasite will result in outbreaks of the cross-striped
Cabbage Webworm, Hellula rogatalis
(Hulst) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Crucifer Pests and their Management,
Figure 128 Cabbage looper adult.
The cabbage webworm is a sporadic but destructive pest of crucifer crops in the southeastern
United States. It is potentially the most serious pest
of broccoli. The front wing of the moth is light
brown and gray. The newly emerged adults start
laying eggs in three to four days and can deposit
up to 161 eggs per female. Newly laid eggs are
yellowish green, and turn pink as they mature.
Crucifer Pests and their Management, Figure 129 Diamondback moth caterpillar.
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Crucifer Pests and their Management, Figure 130 Cross-striped cabbageworm adult.
Crucifer Pests and their Management, Figure 131 Cross-striped cabbageworm caterpillars.
Most of the eggs are laid on the upper surface of
the leaf, and hatch in three to eight days. There are
five caterpillar stages and they complete development in 15–35 days. The first two caterpillar stages
mine the leaf between the upper and lower leaf
surface (Fig. 132). The larger caterpillars feed on
the underside of the leaf causing them to curl and
roll up. They also spin webs among the rolled
leaves. The webs protect them from insecticide
sprays. The last two caterpillar stages feed on the
leaf and midrib, breaking it into two. The caterpillar moves to the heads after eating the leaves. The
cocoon stage lasts for 7–17 days before changing
to adult. The adult lives for 11–25 days. There are
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Crucifer Pests and their Management, Figure 132 Cabbage webworm damage.
one to two generations per year. It is difficult to
control cabbage webworms because the caterpillars are protected and there are no effective parasites that attack them.
Occasional Caterpillar Pests
Caterpillars that are occasional or minor pests
include the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae); fall armyworm,
Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E.Smith) (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae); green cloverworm, Plathypena scabra
(Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae); yellowstriped armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and
southern cabbageworm, Pontia protodice (Boisduval & LeConte) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Severe
feeding on the leaves by these caterpillars results
in loss of crop yield. All plant stages, from seedling
to heading, are susceptible to attack. Before a management program is initiated, it is important to
have an understanding of the occurrence of the
individual species and their life stages during the
growing season.
Flea Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Flea beetles are small elongate, oval, black beetles of 1.6–3.2 mm with back legs enlarged for
jumping. When disturbed, they jump up resembling fleas bouncing up and down, hence their
common name, flea beetles. The adult beetle is a
general feeder of leaves, leaving tiny pits or
small holes. When they are present in large
numbers, their feeding can cause pitted areas
and numerous holes on leaves. There are two
common species among crucifers, the potato
flea beetle Epitrix cucumeris (Harris) and
the tobacco flea beetle Epitrix hirtipennis
(Melsheimer). Eggs of flea beetles are very tiny
and difficult to see. The potato flea beetle scatters its eggs in the soil close to roots of host
plants. The tobacco flea beetle eggs are laid in
batches or clusters. They hatch in about 10 days
into whitish, slender, cylindrical worms that
feed on the roots of weeds and crucifer plants.
The worms or grubs usually do not cause as
much damage as the adults. When full grown in
about four weeks, the worms are 3.2–8 mm long,
Crucifer Pests and their Management
and have tiny legs and brownish heads. They
change into the cocoon stage that lasts for 7–10
days before emerging as adults. There are usually one to two generations a year. Flea beetles
are very common on new plantings and can
cause severe damage to young seedlings or
plants. They often infest weeds near crucifer
crops and move onto young plants. Heavy infestations cause young plants to dry up.
Sap Feeders: Harlequin Bugs,
Harlequin bugs and aphids are the most serious
sap feeders of crucifers. They can be especially
damaging to young plants that cannot withstand
as much damage as the larger plants. Thus, they are
often serious pests during the early plantings or
transplantings of crucifers. Both the adults and
young nymphs suck sap from the plants.
Harlequin Bug, Murgantia histrionica
(Hahn) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
The harlequin bug (Figs. 133 and 134) is an exotic
pest originating in Central America. It was first
recorded in the United States in 1864. It passes
the winter south of the 40°N latitude. Individuals found north of the 40°N latitude most likely
are carried by wind currents or are due to seasonal migration. It was considered the most
destructive insect pest of crucifers in the
United States before the use of synthetic
insecticides because it is capable of destroying
entire crops. After the advent of synthetic insecticides, the importance of the harlequin bug
declined. However, the harlequin bug has often
caused substantial damage in crucifers during
the past decade when insecticides were not used.
The harlequin bug has a wide host range and has
been reported to feed on over 50 species of
plants, including crucifers. Cabbage, collards,
broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, mustard, turnip,
and cauliflower are a few of the economically
important crops attacked by this pest. It also has
been found on many wild plants, allowing the
bugs to survive when crucifers are not present.
The number of harlequin bug generations per
year varies by location. There are two generations in the north and up to five generations in
the South. In the North, the adult finds shelter in
cabbage stalks, grass or other debris. In the
South, the insects feed and breed during the
entire year. The adults become active in spring
when they start feeding on weeds, and are ready
to lay an average of 150 eggs when garden plants
or crucifers are available. The tiny white eggs
that look like kegs are laid mostly on the underside of leaves in two rows. There are normally 12
eggs per batch, and each egg has two broad black
loops. They hatch in 4–29 days, depending on
temperature into young (nymph) bugs. The
young bugs molt after five days. Each developing
bug molts four times and passes through five
nymphal stages in about 45 days to reach the
adult stage. Feeding damage results in death of
young plants. The younger plants succumb to
feeding injury sooner than the older plants. Time
to death is shorter when larger numbers of harlequin bugs feed together on the same plant.
Cabbage Aphids, Brevicoryne brassicae
(L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Cabbage aphids are green, soft-bodied insects often
referred to as plant lice because of the large numbers
and their rapid rate of reproduction. They are 1.6–
3.2 mm in length. They feed by inserting their sharp
needle-like stylets in their beaks into plant tissues
and suck sap from the plant.Affected leaves (Fig. 135)
curl and crinkle or become deformed. During severe
infestations, they cover the whole plant, causing the
plant to wilt and die. Infested plants that survive are
shorter and grow more slowly, and cabbage heads
that are formed are light in weight and are not suitable for marketing. The aphid can reproduce by normal sexual reproduction and asexually without
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Crucifer Pests and their Management, Figure 133 Harlequin bug adults on rape.
mating. Sexual reproduction occurs in the fall when
winged males and females are formed. These are the
fall migrants that leave the summer host. The winged
females produce wingless females that mate with the
males of the previous generation. After mating, the
true female lays small black fertilized eggs in a sheltered place to pass the winter. From these eggs rise
the stem mother the next year. The eggs hatch into
small nymphs (young aphids) and grow to full size
as stem mothers with warmer weather. These stem
mothers are wingless. Each can reproduce without
mating and gives rise to 50–100 eggs that hatch
while they are still inside the stem mother and
emerge as active nymphs in 7–14 days. These young
nymphs can reproduce just like their stem mothers
within a week. Each generation takes about a month.
The number of generations depends on temperature, and in the far south, they continue to breed
year round. Several natural enemies feed on aphids.
The most common predators are grubs and adults
of ladybird beetles and green lacewings, and the
maggots of the flower (syrphid) fly. These usually
keep the aphid population down. During heavy
infestations, chemical sprays or insecticidal soaps
may have to be used. For chemical sprays to be effective, they have to reach the underside of the leaves
where the aphids usually lodge.
Root Feeder: Cabbage Maggot
Cabbage Maggot, Delia radicum (L.)
(Diptera: Anthomyiidae)
This is a serious pest in the northern states above
40°N latitude, and in Canada. The adult fly resembles a housefly and is dark ash gray in color, but is
smaller, 6.4 mm long. It lays its eggs in cracks and
crevices in the soil near the roots. The eggs hatch
in three to seven days into small maggots. The
maggots feed on the roots of crucifers below
ground level and thus are not easily seen. Small
Crucifer Pests and their Management
Crucifer Pests and their Management, Figure 134 Harlequin bug nymph.
Crucifer Pests and their Management, Figure 135 Cabbage aphids.
roots are entirely eaten and larger roots show feeding tunnels caused by the maggots. Heavy feeding
causes the plant to wilt and become stunted. Such
plants have a sickly color. The maggots are white,
6.4–8.5 mm and without legs, and feed for three to
four weeks to reach full size. They move away from
the root to the soil and form a brown casing called
the puparium within the top few inches of the soil.
The puparium stage lasts for two to three weeks.
The adult fly that emerges begins laying eggs. There
are two to four generations a year. The winter is
passed in the quiescent pupa stage inside the
puparium casing. To control this fly, it is best to
cover the seedbeds of crucifers with thin cloth or
fine mesh gauze. Insecticidal drenches also can be
used at the time of planting or transplanting.
Chamberlin JR, Kok LT (1986) Cabbage lepidopterous pests
and their parasites in southwestern Virginia. J Econ
Entomol 79:629–632
Kok LT, Acosta-Martinez JA (2001) Development of Cotesia
orobenae Forbes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in its host,
Evergestis rimosalis (Gueneé) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
J Entomol Sci 36:9–16
Kok LT, McAvoy TJ (1989) Fall broccoli pests and their parasites in Virginia. J Entomol Sci 24:258–265
Lasota JA, Kok LT (1989) Seasonal abundance of imported
cabbageworm (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), cabbage looper
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and diamondback moth
(Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on cabbage in southwestern
Virginia. J Econ Entomol 82:811–818
Ludwig SW, Kok LT (2001) Harlequin bug, Murgantia histrionica (Hahn) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) development
on three crucifers and feeding damage on broccoli. Crop
Prot 20:247–251
Mays WT, Kok LT (1997) Oviposition, development, and host
preference of the cross-striped cabbageworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Environ Entomol 26:1354–1360
maLCoLm edmunds
University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
Crypsis is a Greek word meaning camouflage. An
animal that is cryptic is one that is camouflaged so
that it is difficult to discern from its background.
The advantage of crypsis in most animals is that it
gives protection against predators that detect prey
by eyesight. For example, many green caterpillars
are camouflaged on leaves, giving them protection
against insectivorous birds. Some predators are
also cryptic which enables them to get close to
prey that detect predators visually. For example, a
lion or a leopard crouching in yellow-brown grass
is well camouflaged so its prey may inadvertently
wander close to it. Among arthropods, the flower
mantids Pseudocreobotra and Hymenopus, and the
crab spider Misumena (Thomisidae), are all cryptic when resting on flowers while waiting to grab
insects that visit the flower for nectar or pollen.
Crypsis here could be both a defense against predators (Figs. 136 and 137) and also an aid for capturing insects that visit the flowers but do not see
them. However, it has not been demonstrated that
fewer insects visit flowers with conspicuous rather
than with cryptic predators on them, so this suggestion remains unproven.
The simplest form of camouflage involves the
animal’s color matching that of its background,
e.g., green lacewings, Chrysopa (Neuroptera), on
green leaves or transparent mosquito larvae in the
plankton of ponds. However, birds and some other
vertebrate predators have excellent eyesight and
can recognize a simply camouflaged insect either
by the shadow on its lower surface or by its characteristic outline. Two evolutionary responses of
cryptic insects to such predators are “countershading” and “disruptive coloration.”
Green grasshoppers are cylindrical so, when
sunlight comes from above, the ventral surface
will be in shadow and hence appear to be darker
green than the dorsal surface. Countershaded
grasshoppers are paler green ventrally so that this
shadow is reduced and the crypsis is improved
because the animal appears uniformly green in
side view. Green hawkmoth caterpillars usually
rest upside down under leaves and stems and have
reversed countershading with the upper ventral
surface dark green and the lower dorsal surface
pale green.
Crypsis, Figure 136 The eyed hawkmoth (Smerinthus ocellata) larva showing reverse countershading.
When the larva rests in its normal orientation (left), the body appears flat due to the lighter coloration
of the dorsal surface of the insect. When the twig bearing the larva is inverted (right), the larva becomes
very conspicuous as the sun shining on the light dorsum increases the contrast between the insect’s
dorsal and ventral surfaces (photos by M. Edmunds).
Crypsis, Figure 137 Shorthorn grasshoppers mating, with disruptive black markings that break-up the
body outline and conceal the eye (photo by M. Edmunds).
Many green grasshoppers have black streaks
and stripes on their bodies which draw the eyes of
predators to these marks rather than to the contour
of the insect. These are disruptive colors. Similar disruptive markings occur in caterpillars, shield bugs
and many other cryptic insects. Large compound
eyes are possibly a feature by which vertebrate predators can recognize an otherwise well camouflaged
insect. One way of concealing the eye is for disruptive lines to pass through it so that attention is drawn
away from the eye to the line which does not look
like insect prey. Disruptive eyestripes occur in many
grasshoppers. It is probable that disruptive colors
increase the probability that a prey insect will not be
found by a predator, but this has not been demonstrated experimentally.
Crypsis can also be perfected by morphological adaptations, e.g., by flattening of the body so
there is no ventral shadow, or by resembling a specific part of the environment, such as a stick or a
leaf. Some (Figs. 138 and 139) green lycaenid caterpillars, the green Australian mantid Neomantis
(both on green leaves) and the brown mantis Theopompa and bug Dysodius (both on bark) are all
flattened so there is no ventral shadow. Other
insects have excrescences that break up the body
outline, e.g., the grass-living mantis Pyrgomantis
and the grasshopper Cannula are both long and
slender with a pointed vertex on the head so they
resemble a blade of grass, while the mantids Phyllocrania and Hemiempusa both have foliose excrescences (leaf-like outgrowths) on the legs and head
(Fig. 140).
Looper caterpillars of geometrid and noctuid
moths are usually brown with minute legs which
are barely visible close to the head, and a slender,
cylindrical body that may be rugose like the bark
of a twig. They rest with the posterior claspers
gripping a branch and the body extended in a
straight line like a broken twig. Stick insects (Phasmida) and some praying mantids (e.g., Danuria,
Heterochaeta, Angela) also have slender bodies and
appropriate resting postures such that they closely
resemble sticks, while leaf insects (Phasmida) and
some mantids (Choerododis, Phyllocrania), butterflies (Kallima), and grasshoppers (Zabilius) closely
resemble individual leaves. Some caterpillars rest
conspicuously on the upper surfaces of leaves and
closely resemble black and white bird droppings.
Since insectivorous birds normally ignore droppings this probably gives good protection. However, as the caterpiller grows it becomes too large
to mimic a bird dropping. The final instar of the
alder moth (Apatele almi) is black and yellow
(either aposematic or mimicking a wasp), that of
Trilocha kolga changes to resemble the brown and
black feces of a large lizard or bird. In Oxytenis
naemia the final instar resembles brown leaf detritus fallen from the canopy, while in species of Papilio it is disruptively colored green and black and
no longer rests on top of leaves. There is also a
cicada, Ityraea, where a cluster of insects resembles
a spike of flowers. These highly specific resemblances
have been called stick mimicry, leaf mimicry, bird
dropping mimicry, etc. However, since they have
presumably evolved from simple camouflage by
Crypsis, Figure 138 The brown chrysalis of the hawkmoth, Atemnora westermanni, resembles a dead leaf
lying amongst brown leaves on the forest floor of Ghana (photo by M. Edmunds).
Crypsis, Figure 139 The mantid, Neomantis australis, from Queensland, Australia, shows cryptic green
coloration and a flattened body that reduces shadow (photo by M. Edmunds).
predator selection progressively eliminating the
more easily found insects, they are probably better
considered as extreme forms of crypsis, and Cott
called them examples of “special resemblance.”
A cryptic insect is only well camouflaged when
on the correct background, but if it moves somewhere else or if the background changes it is immediately vulnerable to predation. Many cryptic
insects move until they find a suitable background
on which to rest, typically one on which they are
cryptic. Thus, when the polymorphic grasshopper
Acrida turrita was given a choice of backgrounds,
significantly more green than yellow insects rested
on a green background and significantly more
yellow than green insects rested on a yellow background (p<0.001 in both cases). Similar background
choice occurs in other polymorphic grasshoppers
and in praying mantids, resulting in green insects
tending to rest on green substrates and brown ones
to rest on brown substrates. Bark-resting moths
with disruptive markings adopt resting postures
which align their markings with similar marks on
the tree. The geometrid moth Melanolophia canadaria normally rests sideways with its markings
running vertically parallel to striations in the bark.
Given a choice of resting on a white surface with
vertical or horizontal black tape strips, Sargent
found that significantly more insects rested with
the markings parallel to the strips (p<0.001) giving
excellent camouflage, but equal numbers rested
sideways and vertically (with head up or down), so
the moth adjusts its resting position to coincide
with the strips. When the experiment was repeated
with the strips covered with acetate so that there
was no difference in texture, the resting positions
of the moths were random with respect to the
strips, with equal numbers facing sideways and
vertically, so Sargent concluded that the resting
position of this moth is determined by tactile rather
than visual stimuli. The noctuid moth Catocala
ultronia normally rests with the head down and the
markings parallel with vertical ridges on the bark.
In a similar experiment, significantly more insects
rested with their markings aligned to the strips giving good camouflage (p<0.05), and almost all
moths rested head vertically down rather than horizontally (p<0.001). The resting positions were
unchanged if the strips were covered with acetate,
so in this species, resting posture is innate and not
modified by substrate pattern or texture.
Crypsis, Figure 140 The brown leaf mimicking preying mantid, Phyllocrania paradoxa, rests on brown
dead vegetation in Ghana. Note the frills on head, body, and legs which break up the outline of the
insect (photo by M. Edmunds).
Some cryptic insects can change color
(Fig. 141) so that they match their background,
but this change usually takes several days or occurs
only when the insect moults. Some swallowtail
and other butterfly pupae can be either green or
brown, usually matching their substrate. Details
vary in different species, but in Papilio polyxenes
short daylength induces most caterpillars to turn
into brown pupae which are well camouflaged
during the winter on deciduous shrubs. However,
with a long photoperiod (i.e., in summer), pupae
were usually brown on thick branches but green
on thin twigs, giving good camouflage both on
brown branches and on green twigs close to green
leaves. Final instar poplar hawkmoth caterpillars
(Laothoe populi) can be green or white depending
on whether they are resting on green or whiteleaved food plants. When reared on two different
Crypsis, Figure 141 This satyrid butterfly, Paralaza nepalica, from Nepal blends into a sandy background
(photo by A. Sourakov).
plants significantly more sibling poplar hawk caterpillars on green leaved Salix fragilis became
green rather than white while significantly more
reared on white-leaved Populus alba became white.
Similarly, various grasshoppers and praying mantids can be green or brown depending on whether
their substrate is green or brown. In all examples
that have been studied, the specific cue that determines which color the insect becomes is not substrate color but some other factor such as humidity
(in the mantid Miomantis paykullii and the grasshopper Syrbula admirabilis), light intensity (in the
mantid Sphodromantis lineola), or substrate reflectance (in the hawkmoth Laothoe populi).
Finally, there is abundant experimental evidence that crypsis does indeed reduce predation
on insects. Most experiments involve placing some
insects on a background where they are camouflaged and others on one where they are conspicuous and then exposing them to predators either in
the laboratory or in the field. Polymorphic insects
are especially good experimental subjects because
the two morphs can be placed on two backgrounds,
one of which matches the color of each morph.
Experiments of this type have shown the selective
advantage of resting on a background where the
insect is cryptic in the peppared moth (Biston betularia), caterpillars of the pine looper (Bupalus
piniarus) and poplar hawkmoth (Laothoe populi),
grasshoppers (Acrida turrita), and praying mantids (Mantis religiosa). Experiments have also
shown that countershaded green pastry prey were
found significantly less often by wild birds than
were uniformly green prey, so demonstrating the
selective advantage of countershading.
It is tempting to ask why, if crypsis is of such
great advantage to an animal, many more animals
are not cryptic. The main reason is because cryptic
animals must remain motionless, and adaptations
that perfect crypsis may conflict with other essential activities such as feeding, escape by running or
flying, or finding a mate. However, predators can
become more proficient at finding cryptic prey by
developing a “searching image” for specific insects.
One evolutionary response to this aspect of predator behavior is for the prey to evolve several different color forms (polymorphism) such that the
density of each morph remains low and the predator must acquire several different searching images
if it is to fully exploit the prey population. Cryptic
polymorphic insects occur among grasshoppers
(Acrida), mantids (Mantis, Sphodromantis),
hemipterans (Philaenus spumarius), caterpillars
(Bupalus piniarus, Herse convolvuli), and moths
(Biston betularia).
Cott HB (1940) Adaptive coloration in animals. Methuen,
London, UK, 508 pp
Edmunds M (1974) Defence in animals: a survey of antipredator defences. Longman, Harlow, UK, 357 pp
Edmunds M, Evans DL, Schmidt JO (eds) (1990) Insect
defences. State University of New York, Longman, Harlow, UK, pp 3–21
Edmunds M, Dewhirst RA (1994) The survival value of countershading with wild birds as predators. Biol J Linn Soc
Edmunds M, Grayson J (1991) Camouflage and selective predation in caterpillars of the poplar and eyed hawkmoths
(Laothoe populi and Smerinthus ocellata). Biol J Linn
Soc 42:467–480
Wickler W (1968) Mimicry in plants and animals. Wiedenfeld & Nicholson, London, UK, 255 pp
takashi okuda
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences,
Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Japan
Cryptobiosis is defined as the state of organism
when it shows no visible signs of life and when
its metabolic activity becomes hardly measurable, or comes reversibly to a standstill. Cryptobiosis is a generic term for ametabolism, and
can be further divided into five categories based
on factors inducing them: cryobiosis (induced
by freezing), thermobiosis (low and high temperatures), osmobiosis (high osmolarity), anhydrobiosis (lack of water) and anoxybiosis (lack
of oxygen).
So far, the African chironomid Polypedilum
vanderplanki is the only insect species exhibiting
cryptobiosis (anhydrobiosis, in this case). The larvae of this chironomid live in small and shallow
rock pools. When the pool dries up during the dry
season, the larvae become completely desiccated.
When the rainy season comes and the pool fills
with water, they may revive after rehydration. The
desiccated larvae also become resistant to extreme
temperature conditions. So far, 17 years is the longest record of dormancy for this insect. When
given water, the larvae quickly become active, usually within one hour, with no ill effects.
Slow dehydration is more beneficial for the
insect than rapid dehydration. Larvae make tubes
by incorporating detritus and soil with their
sticky saliva. The tube serves not only as a physical barrier against enemies and aids in feeding,
but also reduces the dehydration rate. In the
absence of tubes, larvae do not survive rehydration. During the dehydration process, larvae
accumulate large amounts of trehalose (up to
20%), which provides effective protection against
desiccation because of its high capacity for water
replacement and vitrification. Although membranes are impermeable to trehalose, a trehalose
transporter is expressed in the fat body, allowing
trehalose production and transport into the
hemolymph. Trehalose also serves to protect proteins and cell membranes. Late embryogenesis
abundant (LEA) proteins occur in the dehydrating larvae, preventing protein aggregation when
concentrated upon desiccation. The anhydrobiotic larvae attain tolerance to several extreme
conditions to such an extent that they can revive
after expose to -270 to + 103°C, irradiation up to
9 k Gy, and submersion in pure ethanol.
Clegg JS (2001) Cryptobiosis – a peculiar state of biological
organization. Comp Biochem Physiol B 128:613–624
Crowe JH, Hoekstra FA, Crowe LM (1992) Anhydrobiosis.
Annu Rev Physiol 54:579–599
Kikawada T, Minakawa N, Watanabe M, Okuda T (2005)
Factors inducing successful anhydrobiosis in the African
Chironomid Polypedilum vanderplanki: Significance of
the larval tubular nest. Integr Comp Biol 45:710–714
Kikawada T, Saito A, Kanamori Y, Nakahara Y, Iwata
K, Tanaka D, Watanabe M, Okuda T (2007) Trehalose
transporter 1, a facilitated and high-capacity trehalose
transporter, allows exogenous trehalose uptake into
cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:11585–11590
Csiki, Ernõ; (Ernst Dietl)
Watanabe M, Kikawada T, Yukuhiro F, Okuda T (2002) Mechanism allowing an insect to survive complete dehydration
and extreme temperatures. J Exp Biol 205: 2799–2802
Watanabe M, Nakahara Y, Sakashita T, Kikawada T, Fujita A,
Hamada N, Horikawa D, Wada S, Kobayashi Y, Okuda T
(2007) Physiological changes leading to anhydrobiosis
improve radiation tolerance in Polypedilum vanderplanki larvae. J Insect Physiol 53:573–579
A family of cockroaches (order Blattodea).
Cryptochetid Flies
Members of the family Cryptochetidae (order
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as cryptochetid flies.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They
commonly are known as silken fungus beetles.
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera, suborder
Producing or bearing crystals. This term is applied
to a number of Bacillus and Paenibacillus species
which, in addition to the endospore, produce
a discrete, characteristic crystal or crystal-like
inclusion in the sporulating cell.
Csiki, Ernõ; (Ernst Dietl)
GeorGe hanGay1, otto merkL2, Győző széL
Narrabeen, New South Wales, Australia
Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest,
Ernst Dietl was born on the October 22, 1875
at Zsilvajdejvulka, Hunyad Shire, Transylvania,
Hungary, today Vulcan, Romania. In 1897 he
graduated at the College of Veterinary in Budapest and shortly afterwards gained employment
in the Hungarian National Museum’s Zoological
Collections as assistant curator. He was mainly
responsible for the library and the beetle collection. In 1898 he changed his original German
name to the Hungarian “Csiki.” He remained in
the service of the museum until his retirement in
1933, eventually ascending to the position of
Departmental Head or Director. After his retirement he withdrew from active work for a few
years but as World War II ended, he returned to
the museum as an outside consultant to continue
with his entomological activities. In 1953, at the
age of 78 he received the Doctor of Biological Sciences degree. He has passed away in Budapest, on
the 7th of July 1954. Ernő Csiki was probably the
first Hungarian museum entomologist who could
devote his entire active life to his chosen group of
insects, the Coleoptera. During his years the
museum’s beetle collection grew from 120,000 to
well over one million specimens. This unprecedental growth was partially due to the personal
collecting activities of Csiki which yielded more
than 60,000 beetles and partially to the fact that in
those years the museum had sufficient funds for
purchasing valuable collections. One of the most
notable acquisitions was Reitter’s European and
Asian collection, containing over 200,000 specimens and more than 5,000 types. Ernő Csiki was
Ctenidium (pl . ctenidia)
one of the most prolific Hungarian coleopterists,
describing more than 400 species, publishing 451
works containing over 9,000 pages. He had a wide
interest, although the Carabidae was his favorite
group. His major work, Die Käferfauna des Karpaten-Beckens, 1946 is still considered a fundamental monograph of the Central-European
Carabidae. He was a major contributor to the
Junk- Schenkling Coleoptorum Catalogus. He
wrote 4,748 pages for the volumes published
between 1910 and 1940. During his life he received
numerous awards and prizes, and earned the
respect of all his colleagues. In the Second District of Budapest, where he lived, a street was
named Beetle Street, (Bogár utca) in honor of
Ernő Csiki.
Sachtleben H (1955) Gestorben Dr. Ernő Csiki. Beiträge zur
Entomologie 5:454
Székessy Vilmos (1954) Dr. Ernő Csiki (1875–1954). Folia
enomologica hungarica (S. N.) 7:1–20
Székessy Vilmos (1955) Csiki Ernő emlékezete. állattani
Közlemények 45:7–10
Ctenidium (pl. ctenidia)
A comb-like structure found on any part of an
insect, but particularly the comb of flat spines
found in fleas and certain beetles.
The fifth longitudinal wing vein. It extends from
the wing base and usually is two-branched before
reaching the wing margin.
Cuckoo Bees
Members of the family Anthrophoridae (order
Hymenoptera, superfamily Apoidae).
Wasps, Ants, Bees, and Sawflies
Cuckoo Wasps
Members of the family Chrysididae (order
Wasps, Ants, Bees, and Sawflies
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as flat bark beetles.
A plant in the family Cucurbitaceae, such as
cucumber, squash, and watermelon.
Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease
A family of wasps (order Hymenoptera).
Wasps, Ants, Bees, and Sawflies
This disease occurs in North America, and squash
bug is thought to be the vector.
Transmission of Plant Diseases by Insects
A family of flies (order Diptera).
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as mosquitoes.
A mosquito repellent. This term is derived from
the family name for mosquitoes (Culicidae) and
the Latin verb “fugere” (to flee).
Culicinomyces clavisporus
One species of the genus Culicinomyces, C. clavisporus, includes Australian, American and Canadian
strains isolated from the mosquitoes Anopheles hilli,
A. quadrimaculatus, and Culiseta inornata, respectively. The fungus is able to infect mosquito genera
that transmit diseases in higher animals (e.g.,
Anopheles, Culex, and Aedes). Culicinomyces clavisporus also is pathogenic to some other aquatic
dipteran larvae in the families Chironomidae, Ceratopogonidae, Simuliidae, Syrphidae, and Ephydridae. The three strains vary with respect to colony
morphology, conidial development, and growth
rates in different media; all three exhibit conidial
dimorphism, with the smaller type of conidia
more abundantly produced in the Australian and
American strains. In addition, conidia can be generated on polyphialides, phialides with more than
one neck, in all of the isolates. The gray-white colonies can appear more darkly pigmented in all of the
strains depending upon culture conditions. Culicinomyces has been targeted as a potential biocontrol agent because it is easily cultured under surface
or submerged conditions, and because it can recycle
within mosquito populations. Recycling is due to
the formation of external spores on dead, infected
larvae which infect later generations of larvae either
from the same genus or a different one.
Culicinomyces clavisporus is unusual because
its submerged conidia are produced both in vitro
and in vivo, and it invades host larvae through the
digestive tract (foregut) rather than the outer
integument. Ingested conidia adhere to the cuticle
of the digestive tract via their sticky outer coating.
This bonding between the conidia and host epicuticle is strong enough to resist mechanical disruption by movements of the gut wall. Growth of
C. clavisporus germ tubes through host cuticle
takes 6–18 hours. Melanized areas can form in the
cuticle around the advancing hyphae, and the fungus is then forced to grow around this resistant
material. As in the cuticle, zones of melanization
also can develop in the hypodermis. Cylindrical
blastospores form by budding from the hyphae
and circulate in the hemolymph. Mycelial formation follows, and conidiophores eventually grow
out through the thorax, abdomen, mouthparts,
and bases of antennae. A dense layer of conidia is
produced on the cadaver; however, the degree of
sporulation depends upon the time of larval death.
If the larvae die before they are completely filled
with mycelia, external conidia may not form. It is
speculated that toxins released by the high concentration of penetrating hyphae contribute to
such rapid larval death because normally, up to
one week is required for larvae to succumb to a
Culicinomyces infection.
Cooper RD, Sweeney AW (1986) Laboratory studies on the
recycling potential of the mosquito pathogenic fungus
Culicinomyces clavisporus. J Invertebr Pathol 48:152–158
Goettel MS, Sigler L, Carmichael JW (1984) Studies on the
mosquito pathogenic hyphomycete Culicinomyces clavisporis. Mycologia 76:614–625
Sweeney AW, Inmann AO, Bland CE, Wright RG (1983) The
fine structure of Culicinomyces clavisporus invading
mosquito larvae. J Invertebr Pathol 42:224–243
An agricultural plant variety or strain developed
for specific horticultural properties.
A tillage operation used to prepare land for cultivation. Cultivation also disrupts pest populations,
including weeds and soil insects.
Cultural Control of Insect Pests
Cultural Control of Insect Pests
Cultural Control of Insect Pests
John aLL
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
Cultural control is using the production or utilization methods of a commodity with a concern for
insect management. Cultural control practices are
usually multipurpose technical procedures that
create environments that either avoid high-risk
situations for infestations or develop unfavorable
conditions for pests. The operations are often the
foundation of preventive control strategies in integrated pest management (IPM) programs. Cultural controls are not usually intended to suppress
insect outbreaks, but are designed to prevent infestations from developing. These control methods
are usually inexpensive because they are generally
necessary for producing or using a commodity
often with pest management as a secondary priority. Designing and implementing cultural control
in IPM programs may call for greater professional
competence, because greater knowledge of insect
biology and behavior is usually required as compared to other insect management methods (e.g.,
control with insecticides). Patience and perseverance are important because the preventive nature
of cultural control tactics often does not show tangible results other than a lack of pest problems on
a commodity. Several cultural control methods are
frequently combined with other pest management
techniques in IPM programs for a commodity.
Examples of cultural control methods used
independently or in concert with other insect
management tactics in IPM programs are:
Sanitation is destroying the habitat associated
with a commodity so that insect pests are deprived
of shelter, protection from natural enemies, overwintering sites, etc. Sanitation also refers to methods that destroy or remove insects directly from
the commodity environment. Examples include
destruction of infested weeds and crop debris in
and around crop fields, use of vacuums and/or
high pressure water or air to clean machinery in
food processing areas and warehouses, removal of
potential termite-infested wood around homes,
and composting garden debris to eliminate pests.
Pest endurance practices are methods
designed to aid commodity tolerance of pests
without economic damage. Examples of agricultural methods that stimulate optimum health and
vigor in crops for tolerance of insect injury include
using vigorous seed, good seedbed preparation,
optimal fertilization, irrigation and weed control,
thinning, pruning, etc.
Pest preventive maintenance practices are
procedures that keep commodity environments
clean and free of materials where pests can build
up and methods that ensure rapid movement of
commodities through production, storage, and
shipment in order not to allow time for pests to
Crop and cultivar selection is choosing crops
and cultivars with consideration of their susceptibility or resistance to the insect pests, along with
high yield, produce quality, and other desirable
agronomic characteristics. It is using adapted
crops and cultivars that have the greatest profit
potential with the least hazard for insect problems.
Crop and cultivar selection includes the use of
insect resistant varieties (including insecticidal
transgenic plants), but it also includes decisions to
avoid high-risk crops or cultivars that could produce insect outbreaks. Examples include use of
cotton and corn varieties that express insecticidal
Cry proteins derived from the bacterium Bacillus
thuringiensis Berliner or the use of wheat containing native resistant genes to the Hessian fly, Mayetiola hibiscella (Swazey).
Crop rotation is switching plant species within
an environment in order that a resident insect population which is adapted to one of the crops cannot
survive when the other is planted into the field. An
example would be using corn and soybean as field
crops in alternate years so that larvae of western
corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera
LeConte, cannot survive the shift from host corn to
non-host soybean. Crop rotation is applicable to
other situations such as in greenhouses, plant nurseries, etc. and can be used during the same year in
Culture of Natural Enemies on Factitious Foods and Artificial Diets
fields where multicropping is used. Crop rotation is
also applicable for stored products as when soybean and corn are alternated in grain bins to discourage the build up of granary weevils, Sitophilus
spp., and meal moths, Pyralis farinalis L.
Disruption of phenological synchrony is
interfering with a pest population’s natural association with susceptible growth stages of a crop.
Alternating planting and harvest dates and using
cultivars of desirable maturity are ways that crop
growth can be manipulated to avoid peak levels of
pests during the season, for example, early planting of sweet corn to avoid high populations of
corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea Boddie, and fall
armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith).
Deception and concealment practices is using
lures, trap crops, or polyculturing crops to either
decoy or hide a commodity from infestations. Examples include placing Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, traps in the backyard to help lure adults
away from landscape plants; using an early maturing
soybean cultivar around the periphery of a soybean
field as a trap crop for stinkbugs, Nezara spp.; and
companion planting various herbs and aromatic
plants to hide garden plants from pests.
Cover, Border and Trap Crops for Pest and
Disease Management
All JN (1999) Ruberson JR (ed) Handbook of pest management. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, pp 395–415
Rabb RL, (1984) Defoliart GK, Kennedy GG, Huffaker CB,
Rabb RL (eds) (1984) Ecological entomology. Wiley,
New York, pp 697–728
Rajendran B, Pimentel D (ed) (2002) Encyclopedia of pest
management. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 929 pp
insect pests and useful insects which falls into
the realm of economic or applied entomology. The
second is the study of the biology of insects for
the sake of knowing without practical application,
which is generally referred to as basic entomology.
However, recently a distinct field of entomology
has been recognized called cultural entomology.
Cultural entomology is the study of the influence
of insects and other terrestrial arthropods in literature, languages, music, the arts, interpretive history, religion, and recreation. Because the term
“cultural” is narrowly defined, some aspects normally included in studies of human societies are
excluded. Thus, ethnoentomology, which is concerned with all forms of insect-human interactions in so-called primitive societies, is not
completely synonymous with cultural entomology. For example, practical uses of insects such as
entomophagy as part of the diet, in pharmacology,
or in other wholly practical uses of insects, are not
the subject matter of cultural entomology. Where
primitive societies have employed insects in cultural activities such as art and religion, ethnoentomology and cultural entomology overlap.
Hogue CL (1987) Cultural entomology. Annu Rev Entomol
Culture of Natural Enemies on
Factitious Foods and Artificial
patriCk de CLerCq
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Cultural Entomology
ron Cherry
University of Florida, Belle Glade, FL, USA
Entomology has long been concerned with two
general areas of study. The first is the study of
The use of arthropod predators and parasitoids
in augmentative biological control programs
necessitates the availability of cost-effective mass
rearing systems, allowing the production of large
numbers of beneficials at the lowest possible
Culture of Natural Enemies on Factitious Foods and Artificial Diets
In many cases, suppliers of beneficial arthropods must resort to employing so-called natural
rearing systems. Here, the beneficial is cultured on
its natural host or prey, which itself is maintained
on one of its food plants. Natural rearing systems
can be economically viable, like the production of
the parasitoid, Encarsia formosa, on tobacco plants
infested with the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes
vaporariorum. In many cases, however, the necessity to maintain three trophic levels (natural
enemy, host and host’s food plant) leads to problems of discontinuity and the high costs of rearing
facilities and labor result in a high price of the
natural enemies, making them more expensive
than chemical controls. Costs may be lowered
when the herbivorous host used for natural enemy
production can be reared on an artificial diet in
lieu of plants, which is the case for many lepidopteran larvae.
Costs may be further reduced when natural
enemies can be produced on unnatural or factitious hosts that are easier and less expensive to
rear than the natural host. Factitious hosts are
organisms that are not normally attacked by the
beneficial, mostly because they do not occur in its
natural habitat, but do sustain its development.
Eggs of the lepidopterans Ephestia kuehniella and
Sitotroga cerealella, are routinely used in the commercial production of various natural enemies
including coccinellid beetles, lacewings, predaceous heteropterans, and egg parasitoids of the
genus Trichogramma. Hatching of the eggs is prevented by gamma- or UV-irradiation or by freezing. Although these moths are easily produced on
inexpensive foods (wheat flour or grains), there
are substantial monetary investments for the
mechanization of rearing procedures and for the
health care of workers (repeated inhalation exposure to scales is known to cause allergies). Because
of a continuously high demand, this has led to
high market prices especially for Ephestia kuehniella eggs, amounting to $800 to $1,200 (U.S.) per
kilogram by the end of the 1990s. Other insects
that are frequently used as factitious food in commercial insectaries and research labs include larvae
of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (for
several ichneumonid, braconid and tachinid parasitoids and for predatory stink bugs), and of the
yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor (e.g., for reduviids and predatory stink bugs). Trichogramma
wasps can also be successfully mass produced on
eggs of the rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica and a
number of silkworms, such as the Chinese oak
silkworm, Antheraea pernyi. Commercial suppliers routinely use astigmatid mites such as Tyrophagus putrescentiae and Carpoglyphus lactis as prey
for culturing a number of phytoseiid mites. Some
non-insect materials also may hold promise for
use as foods in insect mass culturing. It has been
shown that the anthocorid Orius laevigatus and
the mirid Macrolophus caliginosus can be reared
on cysts of the brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana,
with similar developmental and reproductive success as on Ephestia kuehniella eggs. Given that
Artemia cysts are at least an order of magnitude
cheaper than flour moth eggs, they may be an economically viable alternative food for the mass
propagation of these heteropteran predators and
possibly other predaceous insects.
The availability of an artificial diet that supports the growth and reproduction of a natural
enemy offers a further alternative for the rationalization and automation of mass rearing procedures. Ideally, biochemical analyses of the natural
food along with studies of the digestive and
absorptive physiology of the insect should be used
as guidelines for diet definition, but in fact, many
successes with artificial diets were based on a
mere trial-and-error approach. A nutritionally
adequate artificial diet should contain the basic
nutrients (proteins or amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates) in appropriate proportions. In addition,
some specific minor components may be needed
as growth factors, like sterols, vitamins, minerals
and nucleic acids. Further, the diet has to be formulated and presented in a manner that makes it
acceptable for feeding or oviposition. Therefore,
physical properties such as shape, hardness, texture, homogeneity and water content are important considerations. Inert filling or gelling agents,
Culture of Natural Enemies on Factitious Foods and Artificial Diets
like agar, cellulose and gelatin, have been used to
obtain adequate consistency mainly in diets for
insects with chewing mouthparts. Several materials have been used to wrap or encapsulate liquid
and semi-liquid media, like paraffin, Parafilm and
certain polymeric coatings. Measures can be taken
to prevent spoilage of the food by micro-organisms.
This can be done by adding anti-microbial or
anti-fungal agents (provided they are non-toxic
to the insect), by adjusting pH or by sterilizing
the diet.
Artificial diets have been classified in three
general types: (i) holidic diets, in which all ingredients are known in chemical structure, (ii) meridic
diets, which have a holidic base supplemented
with one or more unrefined or chemically
unknown substances (e.g., liver extracts, yeast
products), and (iii) oligidic diets, which are mainly
made up of crude organic materials (like meat
diets). It is, however, not always easy to discriminate between these three diet types and, in fact,
only a complete description of its composition is
able to fully characterize an artificial diet. A more
relevant criterion to categorize a diet is the presence or absence of insect components. Many
artificial diets still contain host materials to fulfill
the need for certain growth factors, or to supply
feeding or oviposition stimuli. Insect additions
can vary from small quantities of host hemolymph
to whole host bodies. Supplementing artificial
diets with insect materials again implies the dependence on parallel host cultures, which may lead to
an increase in production costs. In some cases,
however, insect components are inexpensive and
easy to obtain, like the hemolymph from silkworms in the silk-producing areas of Asia and
Latin America. As an alternative to hemolymph or
host extracts, insect cell cultures have been used
to serve as a source for essential host factors in
the artificial rearing of certain parasitoids.
A number of arthropod natural enemies have
been reared with variable success on artificial
media. Several predatory heteropterans, chrysopids
and coccinellids have been reared for consecutive
generations on diets devoid of insect materials.
Promising results have also been obtained with
artificial diets for hymenopterous egg and pupal
parasitoids and for tachinid larval parasitoids.
Endoparasitoids (i.e., parasitoids which develop
inside their hosts) are generally more difficult to
rear on artificial media than ectoparasitoids or
predators; for the larvae of endoparasitoids, the
diet is not only their food, but also their living
environment. In diets for endoparasitoids, oxygen
supply, osmotic pressure and pH are major concerns. The situation is even more complex for
koinobiontic endoparasitoids. These parasitoids
do not immediately paralyze or kill their hosts,
allowing them to continue to develop for some
time after oviposition. As a consequence, the developing parasitoid larva has strong physiological
interactions with the still living host, that often
supplies it with specific growth factors. Finally,
understanding interactions with microbial symbionts may be the key to success in developing
an adequate artificial food for a number of entomophagous insects.
The main concern for natural enemies produced on artificial (or factitious) food is their
quality as biological control agents. Artificially fed
natural enemies may diverge biologically from
their naturally fed counterparts and may have
impaired abilities to find or kill their natural host.
Biological, biochemical, physiological and behavioral parameters can be used to assess the fitness
of an artificially reared beneficial in the laboratory,
but excellent field performance against the target
pest remains the ultimate quality criterion. In the
early 1990s, Trichogramma egg parasitoids were
already being produced on artificial eggs at an
industrial scale in China; the parasitoids were
being released on thousands of hectares resulting
in excellent control of different lepidopterous crop
pests. In the United States and Europe, biocontrol
companies have also started to integrate artificial
diets in their production process and some beneficials are at least partially being reared on artificial
Augmentative Biological Control
Rearing of Insects
Arijs Y, De Clercq P (2001) Rearing Orius laevigatus on cysts
of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana. Biol Control
Cohen AC (2004) Insect diets. Science and technology. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, 324 pp
Etzel LK, Legner EF, Bellows TS, Fisher TW (eds) (1999)
Handbook of biological control. Academic Press, San
Diego, CA, pp 125–197
Grenier S, De Clercq P, van Lenteren JC (eds) (2003) Quality
control and production of biological control agents.
Theory and testing procedures, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp 115–131
Thompson SN (1999) Nutrition and culture of entomophagous insects. Annu Rev Entomol 44:561–592
Waage JK, Carl KP, Mills NJ, Greathead DJ, Singh P, Moore RF
(eds)(1985) Handbook of insect rearing, vol I. Elsevier,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 45–66
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as snout beetles or weevils.
Weevils, Billbugs, Bark Beetles and Others
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Curculionoid Larva
A larval body form that is robust, C-shaped, with a
well-developed head. It is found in the weevils
(Curculionidae) and the first instar of Bruchidae
(both Coleoptera).
Curran, Charles Howard
In Hemiptera, the small triangular area at the end
of the corium on the hemelytra. In Odonata, the
small triangular structure (Fig. 142) between the
compound eyes.
A family of beetles (order Coleoptera). They commonly are known as reticulated beetles.
Howard Curran was born in the province of Ontario,
Canada, on March 20, 1894. He became interested in
insects by the age of seven and built a collection, but
left school at the age of 12. He worked in the newspaper-publishing business, at first in his father’s
office and later in the province of Saskatchewan. In
1915 he was employed as an assistant in the Dominion Entomology Branch at Vi0neland Station,
Ontario. He went to Europe with Canadian troops
in 1917, served in France in Word War I, was
wounded and invalided out. He returned to Vineland
Station in 1919–1921, and in 1921 received a B.S.A.
degree from Ontario Agricultural College (now the
University of Guelph). At the college, he met C.J.S.
Cuneus, Figure 142 Front wing of a bug (Hemiptera: suborder Heteroptera), thickened basally and
membranous distally.
Curtonotid Flies
Bethune, who encouraged his interest in Syrphidae.
At the annual meeting of the Entomological Society
of America in Toronto in 1921, he was encouraged
to apply for a fellowship at the University of Kansas
for graduate studies. This he did, was successful, and
obtained his M.Sc. degree in 1923 with a thesis on
North America Syrphidae in partial fulfillment of
the requirements. Meanwhile, in 1922, his father’s
firm began printing The Canadian Entomologist. In
1923–1928, Howard was entomologist in charge of
Diptera and stored products insects, and published
many papers in the pages of The Canadian Entomologist. In 1928 he joined the staff of the American
Museum of Natural History, rose in its ranks, retired
in 1960, and then became Curator Emeritus. He
received a D.Sc. degree from the University of Montreal in 1933 after a thesis “The families and genera
of North American Diptera.” His primary entomological contribution was the description of 2,648
taxa in 62 families of Diptera. From the 1940s, he
undertook much consulting work and his output
of publications lessened. After retirement, he
moved to Florida and was appointed entomologist
with the University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station at Leesburg. He died in Leesburg on
January 23, 1972, survived by his second wife, Ethel,
and three children.
Arnaud PH, Owen TC (1981) Charles Howard Curran (1894–
1972). Myxia 2:1–20
Curtis, John, Figure 143 John Curtis.
years he developed a talent for drawing, and began
to collect butterflies. In 1807, he began to work
for a solicitor. However, through contact with
insect collectors, he found employment as curator and illustrator of insects. After some 12 years
he began work on his series of books on “British
entomology,” whose first part was published in
1824, with the last, part 16, in 1839. These works
were illustrated by his 769 magnificent color
plates. He also (1829) published “A guide to an
arrangement of British insects.” In 1841 he
became editor of the insect part of “Gardener’s
Chronicle” and wrote over 100 articles for it,
under the pseudonym “Ruricola.” He died on
October 6, 1862, in London.
Adapted for running. This term is used to describe
legs adapted for running.
Herman LH (2001) Curtis (Ruricola), John. Bull Am Mus Nat
Hist 265:56–58
Curtonotid Flies
Curtis, John
John Curtis (Fig. 143) was born in Norwich, England, on September 3, 1791. During his school
Members of the family Curtonotidae (order
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as curtonotid flies.
the epicuticle and epidermis are always present.
During molting, the inner layers of the new
cuticle (the future exocuticle and endocuticle)
are not sclerotized into distinct layers, and is
called the procuticle, but this is a temporary
Juvenile Hormone
Cushman, Robert Asa
Robert Cushman was born in Massachusetts on
November 6, 1880. He studied at the University of
New Hampshire and at Cornell University. In 1906
he was employed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and worked in part on applied entomology
(boll weevil, pests of fruits, pests of grapes) and on
taxonomy (ichneumonid and chalcidid wasps). He
was active in the Entomological Society of Washington, and its president in 1925. He died in California on March 25, 1957.
*Mallis A (1971)American entomologists. Rutgers University
Press, New Brunswick, NJ, pp 372–373
The very thin outer layer of the epicuticle. Cuticulin is a tough, insoluble and inelastic layer of crosslinked protein and lipid molecules.
Any of a number of caterpillars in the family Noctuidae that hide in the soil, feeding there or emerging at night to feed on foliage or seedlings.
Potato Pests and their Management
Vegetable Pests and their Management
Maize (Corn) Pests and their Management
Cutworm Moths
Cuticular Lipids
Lipids comprise an important component of the
cuticle of insects.
Metabolism of Cuticular Lipids
The noncellular outer layer of the integument,
which is the outer covering of an insect. The
cuticle serves as the exoskeleton, the site for
muscle attachment and a barrier against predation, parasitism, and infection by pathogens. The
cuticle consists of several layers, including the
epicuticle, exocuticle, and endocuticle (Fig. 144).
The exocuticle or endocuticle may be reduced
or even absent on some parts of the insect, but
Members of the family Noctuidae (order
Owlet Moths
Butterflies and Moths
Cuvier, (Baron) Georges Léopold
Chretien Frédéric Dagobert
Georges Cuvier was born in Montbéliard, at that
time in Württemberg (later absorbed into France,
and now in Germany) on August 23, 1769. He was
therefore born a Württemberger and became
French. Actually, he was christened Jean Léopold
Nicolas Frédéric Cuvier, but after the early death
of his elder brother, Georges, he was renamed
Georges. He studied theology and anatomy in
Pore canal
Cuticle, Figure 144 Cross section of the insect cuticle and epidermis (adapted from Chapman, The
insects: structure and function).
Stuttgart. In 1795 he moved to Paris and was
employed as assistant in comparative anatomy at
the Jardin des Plantes (later known as Muséum
National d’ Histoire Naturelle). Much later he
became professor at the Collège de France and
chancellor of the Université de Paris. His contributions to entomology consisted of his first small
publications, and the entomological part of his
(1799–1805) work “Leçons d’ anatomie compare.”
The entomological part of his (1816) book “Règne
animal” was written not by him, but by Latreille.
He had great influence on zoological anatomy,
but little directly on entomology. Much of his
influence, however, was by his stance that animal
species are immutable – they do not evolve. Thus,
his ideas contrast with those of Lamarck, who
believed that evolution does take place, but by
heredity of acquired characters. They contrast
just as much with the later ideas of Charles Darwin about evolution. Cuvier’s ideas were adopted
by Louis Agassiz (see above). He was made grand
officer of France’s Legion d’ Honneur in 1826.
He was made a peer of France (Baron) in 1831 by
the king Louis Philippe. He died in France on
May 13, 1832.
Tuxen, SL (1973) Smith RT, Mittler TE, Smith CN (eds) History of Entomology. Annual Reviews Inc., Palo Alto, CA,
pp 95–117
Cyclical Polymorphism
A complex life cycle characterized by the occurrence of several to many morphs. Many morphs
are seasonally related, and are most clearly manifested in aphids, which produce various forms of
winged and wingless, a nd asexual and sexually
reproducing forms, over the course of a season.
Polyphenism and Juvenile Hormone (JH)
Phenotypic Plasticity
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera) also known
as giant hooktip moths.
Giant Hooktip Moths
Butterflies and Moths
pierre JoLivet
Paris, France
Cycloalexy is a form of gregarism, and involves
group reactions. The name is derived from the Greek
“kuklos” = circle and “alexo” = I defend, I protect. It is
the attitude adopted at rest by some insect larvae,
both diurnal and nocturnal, in a tight circle when
Cyclo-Developmental Transmission
either the heads or ends of the abdomen are juxtaposed at the periphery, with the remaining larvae at
the center of the circle. It can also be named the ring
defense behavior. Coordinated movements such as
the adoption of threatening attitudes, regurgitation,
reflex bleeding and biting are used to repel predators
or parasitoids. If for any reason, the circle is broken,
ants or pentatomids can easily catch some larvae.
The system is more efficient against predators than
against parasitoids that have all found a way to turn
the defense. Cycloalexy has analogy in vertebrates,
penguins and muskoxen, for instance, living in
familial groups and sometimes adopting a circular
formation of males protecting the young and females
from potential predators. Cycloalexy is mainly known
among Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, (Cassidinae,
Chrysomelinae, Criocerinae), Coleoptera: Curculionidae, sawflies, and several other insect orders (Diptera,
Ceratopogonidae, Neuroptera, Lepidoptera, etc.).
Generally, the individuals in a colony disperse
to feed upon foliage by night (or by day when they
rest during the night), one behind the other, to
reaggregate before dawn. In Pergidae, to reaggregate the larvae communicate by means of low frequency vibrations created by tapping the uropod
upon the substrate. Paropsine (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larvae in Australia also tap the substrate
with the abdomen to reunite the dispersed colony.
All the insects demonstrating cycloalexy are subsocial in the larval stage and also often exhibit
maternal care of eggs and larvae. Some cycloalexic
leaf beetles like Platyphora in Brazil are viviparous.
When dropped one by one by the mother, the
larvae congregate immediately.
Cycloalexy, like maternal care, can only be the
result of a long evolutionary history. The behavior
efficiently protects the larvae during their most
vulnerable periods (at rest, during molting). However, the defense is not always perfect. Trigonalyid
parasitoids have succeeded in having their eggs
swallowed by the sawfly larvae, thus obviating the
need to confront the defensive ring.
Younger larvae sometimes seem to be protected
inside the circle, and this could be interpreted as
altruism on the part of the larvae at the periphery
(Fig. 145). Also, reciprocal altruism may take place
when the inner and outer larvae exchange positions.
However, this interpretation has been challenged. In
Australian sawflies in the genus Perga (Perga dorsalis
Leach), some 20% of the larvae preferentially occupy
the outer positions in the resting colony and appear
to lead the foraging expeditions. Leaders are quick to
regain outer positions if removed and placed in the
center of the colony. So there seem to be differences
in the dispersal behavior of larvae in time and space.
Small colonies of larvae sometimes show
non-viability (e.g., pergids). However, when larvae
of Coelomera spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
on a leaf of a Cecropia tree are divided into two or
three subgroups, those groups seem as efficient as
big ones in repelling predators.
Gregarious Behavior in Insects
Jolivet P, Vasconcellos-Neto J, Weinstein P (1990) Cycloalexy:
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Vasconcellos-Neto J, Jolivet P (1988) Une nouvelle stratégie
de défense: la stratégie de défense annulaire (cycloalexie)
chez quelques larves de Chrysomélides brésiliens. Bulletin Societé Entomologique France 92:291–299
Vasconcellos-Neto J, Jolivet P (1989) Ring defense strategy
(cycloalexy) among Brazilian chrysomelid larvae (Col.).
Entomography 67:347–354
Verma KK (1996) Cycloalexy in leaf-beetles (Col. Chrys.).
Insect Environ 2:82–84
Weinstein P (1989) Cycloalexy in an Australian pergid sawfly
(Hym. Pergidae). Bull R Belg Entomol Soc 125:53–60
Weinstein P, Maelzer DA (1997) Leadership behaviour in
sawfly larvae, Perga dorsalis. Oikos 79:450–455
Transmission of an arthropod transmitted disease
wherein the causal organism undergoes cyclical
changes but does not multiply in the body of the
arthropod vector.
Mechanical Transmission
Cyclo-Propagative Transmission, and
Propagative Transmission
Cyclo-Developmental Transmission
Cycloalexy, Figure 145 Cycloalexy:(a) Third instar of Platyphora conviva Stål, 1858 (Coleoptera:
Chrysomelinae). Rupture of the cycloalexic ring and predation by a bug of one larva. (photo
J. Vasconcellos-Neto, 1986.) Itatiaia National Park, RJ, Brazil. (b) Eggs of Coelomera lanio Dalman
Coleoptera: Galerucinae), laid on the underside of the folioles of Cecropia adenopus (Cecropiaceae).
The newly hatched larvae will aggregate. (photo Jolivet, 1990.) Viçosa, MG, Brazil. (c) First instar larvae
of Coelomera lanio Dalman (Coleoptera: Galerucina). Cycloalexic ring. (photo Jolivet, 1990.) Viçosa,
MG, Brazil. (d) Second instar larvae of Coelomera lanio Dalman (Coleoptera: Galerucinae), on a leaf of
Cecropia adenopus. The ring has been doubled. (photo Jolivet, 1990.) Viçosa, MG, Brazil. (e) Third instar of
Coelomera lanio Dalman (Coleoptera: Galerucinae), on a leaf of Cecropia adenopus. The cycloalexic ring is
near to be broken and the larvae to go feeding (Coleoptera: Galerucinae). (photo Jolivet, 1990.) Viçosa,
MG, Brazil. (f) Cycloalexic ring of Platyphora conviva Stål (Coleoptera: Chrysomelinae). First instar. The
larvae have covered themselves with the hair of the underside of the leaves for extra protection. (photo
J. Vasconcellos-Neto, 1986.) Itatiaia National Park, RJ, Brazil.
Cyclo-Propagative Transmission
Cyclo-Propagative Transmission
Transmission of an arthropod transmitted disease
wherein the causal organism undergoes cyclical
changes and multiplies in the body of the arthropod vector.
Mechanical Transmission
Cyclo-Developmental Transmission, and
Propagative Transmission
A term sometimes applied to the higher flies (Diptera), usually treated as an infraorder, and also
known as Muscamorpha. The cyclorrhaphous Diptera differ from the other (lower) flies in that pupation and the formation of the adult form occur
within the old, hardened third instar cuticle.
Flies (Diptera)
A family of moths (order Lepidoptera) also known
as Australian parasite moths.
Australian Parasite Moths
Butterflies and Moths
A family of springtails in the order Collembola.
Cypselosomatid Flies
Members of the family Cypselosomatidae (order
A family of flies (order Diptera). They commonly
are known as cypselosomatid flies.
A small family of bugs in the order Hemiptera,
suborder Heteroptera. It is treated by some as a
subfamily of Pentatomidae.
A family of moths (order Hemiptera). They sometimes are called burrower bugs.
Cylindrical Bark Beetles
A type of hemocyte, also known as coagulocytes,
that participates in the coagulation process of
Hemocytes of Insects: their Morphology and
Members of the family Colydiidae (order Coleoptera).
A family of bugs (order Hemiptera, suborder
The complex protein respiratory enzymes occurring within plant and animal cells in the mitochondria, where they function as electron carriers
in biological oxidation.
The fluid components of the cell, outside the
Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus
An RNA virus associated with inclusion bodies
found in cytoplasm of cells.
Cytoplasmic Incompatibility
Reproductive incompatibility between two populations caused by factors that are present in the
cytoplasm. Often associated with microorganisms.
The fluid portion of the cytoplasm, excluding the
organelles in a cell.