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2023, Updating the Interpretive Turn (ed. Michiel Meijer)
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The interpretive turn allows for a paradigm shift in how readers approach the word-object relationship in the human sciences. Theories in the human sciences are often conceptualized as descriptive and explanatory in such a way that the word (or theoretical account) exists largely outside the object of inquiry (or the social-political process). By contrast, interpretivism makes it possible to read social science theories inside the stream of culture and politics—not straightforwardly descriptive but instead generative of social realities. This paper explores the worldmaking capacities of theories in the human sciences, proposing various breaches of the word-object split. These include not only narrative causal forms, like top-down technocratic imposition and techno-populist upsurges, but also non-causal forms, like ideological resonances and hypothetical, as-if scenarios. Grasping the radically different relationship between word-object in the human sciences opens up new empirical topics for investigation as well as a form of social theory that has normative and critical dimensions.
This article evaluates Mark Bevir and Rod Rhodes' interpretive approach to political analysis by examining their account of social change. Their work is significant because they have endeavoured to construct a distinctive approach which strikes a productive balance between philosophical reflection and analytical attention to the empirical domain. Moreover, in elaborating their approach, Bevir and Rhodes wage a war along a number of fronts: positivism, institutionalism and post-structuralism, and so an analysis of their work enables us to take stock of a range of contemporary methods and approaches. In considering their underlying presuppositions and commitments, we pay particular attention to their account of human agency and its relationship to social structures and political power.
Political Studies Review, 2008
This article evaluates Mark Bevir and Rod Rhodes' interpretive approach to political analysis by examining their account of social change. Their work is significant because they have endeavoured to construct a distinctive approach which strikes a productive balance between philosophical reflection and analytical attention to the empirical domain. Moreover, in elaborating their approach, Bevir and Rhodes wage a war along a number of fronts: positivism, institutionalism and post-structuralism, and so an analysis of their work enables us to take stock of a range of contemporary methods and approaches. In considering their underlying presuppositions and commitments, we pay particular attention to their account of human agency and its relationship to social structures and political power.
With the advent of Postmodernism there is a widespread disbelief in the philosophy of the subject. The “Cogito’ that propelled the Modernist conceptions of truth and certainty seems to be no more available with the demise of the subject/author. This then poses a challenge to Interpretative social sciences as with the “death of the author”, the career of interpretative social sciences needs to be refashioned. The paper attempts to portray the trajectory of interpretative social sciences beginning with the methodical interpretation of Dilthey, passing through the philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer and reaches Ricoeur’s hermeneutics. In doing so, we claim that the Postmodern challenge to interpretative social sciences, to a large extent, is preempted in the course of development of hermeneutics.
Theory, Culture & Society, 1996
The Politics of European Legal Research: Behind the Method, edited by Marija Bartl, Jessica C. Lawrence , 2022
This chapter advances a twofold analytical strategy. Firstly, an extrapolation of the legal method, i.e. the application of general rules to particular cases, into a general tool for both description and problem solving. Secondly, through the integration of the legal method with a phenomenological approach for the study of social worlds. This provides the basis for an integrated approach potentially deployable in relation to all social phenomena at the micro, meso and macro levels. This makes it an alternative to the methodology of the social sciences, i.e. economics, political economy, political science and sociology. The social sciences have become characterized by hyper formalistic and opaque modelling and simplistic assumptions resulting in a structural incapacity of scholarly innovation with the consequence that they are incapable of answering 'big questions' and lacks the ability to reflect critically upon the basic structure of society and core assumptions about the composition of the social world.
In this paper, we are addressing three issues that are at the core of scholarly reflections about the societal role of social science knowledge: (1) Social scientists tend to follow -- although this is not always a deliberate choice -- one of three models that describe their role as the producers of practical knowledge. For the sake of simplicity we have called the three models the “model of the technician”, the “model of the advisor” and the “model of the meaning producer”. (2) Due to the need for social inquiry to adopt a particular, restrictive perspective of its domain, useful knowledge is a complicated matter. Hence the need to put into question a widely supported notion at least among social scientists: When asked about the reasons for the limited “power” of social science knowledge the response frequently is that the adequacy and practical usefulness of social science knowledge is a function of its capturing the full complexity of what indeed are complex social phenomena. (3) Social scientists often tend to lament the marginal impact their intellectual efforts have on society, and they look with great envy across the divide of the so-called two cultures, wondering how and when they will be able to achieve the same kind of success and prestige the natural sciences and technology appear to enjoy in most societies. However, this unhappy view systematically understates the actual power of social science knowledge, in particular its role as a mind maker or meaning producer.
Social Science Information, 2020
Methodological narrative\institutional dualism was developed as an epistemological strategy to facilitate an approach to the study of political discourse that incorporates figures of disorder into the construction of order. The symmetrization of various theories of narration and argumentation and related analytical research approaches enables an examination of how discursive world-making engages syncretically narrative and argumentative repertoires of rhetoric and hermeneutics to ensure interconnected discursive and organizational interventions. Actors strive to occupy a strategically important position in discourse-worlds as the prelude to their occupation of influential power positions in organizational fields. Such a twofold -textual and pragmadialectical-interventionism can be uncovered by a 'perspective interplay' between complementary research strategies, one based on a narrative\routine duality (focused on communicability by studying the textualized sequencing of speech acts), the other on a duality of the pragmatic use of plot\argument (focused on the pragmatic implications of speech acts by studying the political claim-making accompanying strategic maneuvering). Our efforts at theory-building are illustrated by an empirical probe into a moment in a Czech election campaign (a three-day media dialogical network) in which the metaphor of dinosaurs was deployed as a powerful trope by candidates, opponents and journalists in credibility and consistency tests with respect to qualification for political office.
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