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A speeding truck locks its brakes and it skids to a stop. If the truck's mass were doubled, its skidding distance would be greater, less or the same? the same A tennis ball and a steel ball with the same diameter are dropped at the same time. Which ball has the greater force acting on it? the steel ball A tennis ball and a steel ball with the same diameter are dropped at the same time. Disregarding air resistance, which ball has the greater acceleration? They both have the same acceleration. The speed of an object dropped in air will continue to increase without limit. True or False False  The acceleration of an object is inversely proportional to the net force acting on it. True or False? False A 2kg ball is thrown at 3m/s. What is the ball's momentum? 6kg x m/s Physics is the most basic science because  a.the foundation of biology is chemistry and the foundation of chemistry is physics.  b. it is about the nature of basic things like forces, energy, and motion.  c. the ideas of physics extend into more complex sciences.  d. you can better understand science in general if you understand physics.  e. all of the above E  Which one of the following steps is NOT a part of the scientific method?  a.Perform experiments to test the predictions. b.Repeat the experiments until the answers match the predictions.  c.Formulate a general rule based on the predictions and experimental outcome.  d.Make a guess about the answer to a problem and predict its consequences. e.Recognize a problem. B  A scientific fact is  a. something you believe is true because you have been taught it.  b. a guess that has been tested over and over again and always found to be true.  c. close agreement by competent observers of observations of the same phenomena.  d. an educated guess that has yet to be proven by experiment.  e. a synthesis of a collection of data that includes well-tested guesses. C  A theory is  a. an educated guess that has yet to be proven by experiment. b. a synthesis of a large collection of information including well-tested guesses. c. close agreement by competent observers of observations of the same phenomena. d. a guess that has been tested over and over again and always found to be true.  e. a science story about atoms and molecules. B  Which of these is a scientific hypothesis?  a. Atoms are the smallest particles of matter that exist.  b. Albert Einstein is the greatest physicist of the twentieth century. c. The universe is surrounded by a second universe, which cannot be seen. A  Which of the following statements is not true? a. Science is a method of answering theoretical questions. b. Technology is a method of solving practical problems.  c. Technology may produce problems for society. d. Science and technology make up a large part of everyday lives.  e. A good scientist is influenced by his or her likes and dislikes. E  Science, art, and religion do not contradict one another because  a. if you choose religion and art you can forget about science.  b. all three have different domains.  c. if you choose the right one, you can forget the other two.  d. if you choose science you can forget about religion and art. B  Which of the following is a reason to express scientific findings mathematically?  a. The findings become more difficult to prove by experiment. b. The findings become easier to verify by experiment.  c. The findings become more confusing. d. The findings become less appealing to the public. B  A science teacher, an art instructor, and a religious studies teacher are arguing about their respective disciplines.Which of the following could be a claim that each teacher makes?  a. The goal of my discipline is to search for order and meaning in the world  b. The goal of my discipline is to discover and record natural phenomena c. The goal of my discipline is to describe human experiences  d. The goal of my discipline is to worship a supreme being A In order to find the components of a vector, you should  a. draw the vector with correct magnitude and orientation.  b. measure the sides of the rectangle.  c. draw a rectangle so that the vector is the diagonal.  d. all of the above D Acceleration is defined as the change in what? velocity divided by the time interval  As an object falls freely in a vacuum, does its velocity or acceleration increase? velocity  If you drop a feather and a coin at the same time in a tube filled with air, which will reach the bottom of the tube first? the coin  Consider drops of water leaking from a water faucet. As the drops fall they get farther apart or closer together? get farther apart  A ball is thrown straight up. At the top of its path its acceleration is about what? 10m/s^2  A ball is thrown straight up. At the top of its path its velocity is about what? 0m/s  The vertical height attained by a basketball player who achieves a hang time of a full one second is about what? 1.2m  Suppose a jumper claims a hangtime of 2 seconds. What is the vertical distance that jumper must be able to jump? 5m  An object following a straight line path at constant speed has zero acceleration. True or False true  What is friction where does it come from and what does it do? Comes from tiny bumps that act as obstructions to the object's motion, is the name given to the force acting between surfaces sliding past one another and acts in a direction that opposes the motion of an object.  How much does a 3kg bag of bolts weigh? 29.4 N  An object weighs 30Non Earth. A second object weighs 30N on the Moon. Which has greater mass? the one on the moon