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Course Description The Middle East Studies Cornerstone is a required seminar for students beginning the Middle East Studies MA Program. Its aim is to introduce students to the study of the Middle East from a multidisciplinary perspective. The course is designed to provide a shared language for researchers in the field, introduce them to the evolution of the field itself from its genesis as “Oriental Studies” to the present, and help them understand the different “ways of knowing” that each discipline or professional approach brings to the study of the region. Each class session highlights distinctive issues of research design, methodology, or disciplinary perspectives. The seminar format combines lectures with discussions, with an emphasis on students' active participation and presentations.
Human Rights Review, 2015
JEUNESSE C. (2020) Elite houses or specialised buildings? Some comments about the special buildings of Göbekli 53 Tepe in relation to Chapters 2 and 3, In: A.B. Gebauer, L. Sørensen, A. Teather, A.C. Valera (eds.), Monumentalising Life in the Neolithic. Rarratives of Change and Continuity, Oxbow Books, Oxford and Philadelphia, 53-56. This article examines the functional interpretation of the “special buildings” at Göbekli Tepe. The vast majority of specialists interpret them as collective buildings with a ceremonial purpose. Field observations from recent excavations have led to this hypothesis being called into question and the idea that these buildings may in fact have been domestic residences being brought back to the fore. Ethnographic comparisons reinforce the validity of this hypothesis.
This thesis is an ethnographic study of Kurdish political music at three cultural centers in Istanbul, Turkey. Activists at these cultural centers engage in musical activities that perform the Kurdish nation in Istanbul, outside of the Kurdish homeland but home to a large Kurdish migrant community. By drawing on diverse musical sources, activist musicians create and perform music that promotes an ideological narrative of history and politics in which the Kurdish freedom struggle plays a central role. The efforts of these musicians are fundamental to creating and maintaining a Kurdish activist public in Istanbul. I examine the complex process of identifying what is Kurdish in Turkey to introduce how activists perform this identification musically. Activists draw from musical behaviors they view as traditional, including singing by dengbêj singers and govend dance, to reinforce links to the homeland. These links take the form of affective symbols that in turn inform the aesthetics of ...
The magister equitum, a subordinate to the Roman dictator during the Roman Republic, has been little studied to-date, in part due to the scattered and antiquarian nature of the evidence. This book addresses this gap by providing a definitive description and analysis of the office, focusing on three core questions: first, and most importantly, what were the powers and role of the office?; second, what senatorial rank did the magister equitum have?; finally, how did the magister equitum evolve under the first century BCE dictators, Sulla and Caesar? The book engages with recent advances in understanding the constitutional foundations and development of the Republican state to re-assess the role played by the office and its occupants in crucial moments of Roman history. It argues that the magister equitum was, and was understood by Romans to be, a central and significant part of the Roman Republican constitution.
The development of Islamic law in the modern world shows that Islamic law of inheritance (faraid) has become the most persistent part to the influences of modernity. The sacredness of faraid and its detailed Quranic regulation are among the reasons behind this situation. The development of Muslim family system from extended to become nuclear family system, however, has forced Muslim countires to reform their regulation of law. One of important fruits of the reform is strengthening the right of spouse and the descendant of muwarith, as the member of nuclear family. Husband or wife has a right to receive return (radd). Orphaned granchildren can replace the position of his/her parent to receive the wealth from his/her granparents under the framework of obligatory will or substitute heirs (plaatvervuling). Abstrak: Dalam sejarah perkembangan hukum Islam di dunia modern, ketentuan waris Islam (faraid) menjadi aspek hukum yang paling lama dapat bertahan dari pengaruh kemodernan. Adanya keyakinan akan sakralitas faraidl di kalangan umat Islam dan aturan yang sangat terperinci dalam sumber hukum utama (al-Qur'an) merupakan salah satu sebab konsistensi umat Islam dalam menggunakan ketentuan faraidl. Akan tetapi, perubahan sistem keluarga dalam masyarakat Muslim ke arah sistem keluarga inti (nuclear family) telah memaksa negara-negara Islam untuk melakukan reformasi hukum waris. Hasil dari reformasi hukum waris mewujud dalam bentuk penguatan aturan tentang hak waris angggota keluarga inti, yaitu pasangan dan keturunan pewaris (cucu yatim).
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The Reading Teacher, 2020
Information, 2019
Diversitas Journal, 2024
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2014
Global journal for research analysis, 2019
Iraqi Journal of Science
Revista de Musicología, 2006
Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1992
Acta Tropica, 2004
sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 2019