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2010, ACS Chemical Biology
7 pages
1 file
A plausible route for the spontaneous synthesis of an activated ribonucleotide that is poised for polymerization has been put forth (Powner et al., Nature 2009f, 459, 239-242). A key step in this route necessitates the regioselective phosphorylation of the secondary alcohol on C 3′ , of an anhydroarabinonucleoside in the presence of the primary alcohol on C 5′. Here, we propose that this regioselectivity relies on electron delocalization between a lone pair (n) of O 5′ and an antibonding orbital (π*) of C 2 =N 3. This n→π* interaction modulates reactivity without the use of a protecting group. Thus, a stereoelectronic effect could have opened a gateway to the 'RNA world', the chemical milieu from which the first forms of life are thought to have emerged on Earth some 4 billion years ago.
Understanding the mechanism of spontaneous formation of ribonucleotides under realistic prebiotic conditions is a key open issue of origins-of-life research. In cells, de novo and salvage nucleotide enzymatic synthesis combines 5-phospho-α -D-ribose-1-diphosphate ( α-PRPP) and nucleobases. Interestingly, these reactants are also known as prebiotically plausible compounds. Combining ab initio simulations with mass spectrometry experiments, we compellingly demonstrate that nucleobases and α -PRPP spontaneously combine, through the same facile mechanism, forming both purine and pyrimidine ribonucleotides, under mild hydrothermal conditions. Surprisingly, this mechanism is very similar to the biological one, and yields ribonucleotides with the same anomeric carbon chirality as in biological systems. These results suggest that natural selection might have optimized – through enzymes – a pre-existing ribonucleotide formation mechanism, carrying it forward to modern life forms.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016
The reaction pathways for the prebiotic formation of nucleobases are complex and lead to the formation of a mixture of products. In the past 50 years, there has been a concerted effort for identifying a unified mechanism for the abiotic origin of the biomolecules but with little success. In the present theoretical study, we identified two prominent precursors for the building up of RNA and DNA nucleobases under prebiotic conditions: (a) 1,2-diaminomaleonitrile (DAMN), which is a tetramer of hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and (b) formamide, a hydrolysis product of HCN; it is important to emphasize that HCN is the source of both precursors. We find that free radical pathways are potentially appropriate to account for the origin of nucleobases from HCN. The current study unites the formamide pathways with the DAMN pathways. The mechanisms for the formation of the RNA and DNA nucleobases (uracil, adenine, purine, cytosine) were studied by quantum chemical computations using density functional ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2018
Understanding the mechanism of spontaneous formation of ribonucleotides under realistic prebiotic conditions is a key open issue of origins-of-life research. In cells, de novo and salvage nucleotide enzymatic synthesis combines 5-phospho-α-D-ribose-1diphosphate (α-PRPP) and nucleobases. Interestingly, these reactants are also known as prebiotically plausible compounds. Combining ab initio molecular dynamics simulations with recently developed reaction exploration and enhanced sampling methods, we show that nucleobases and α-PRPP should spontaneously combine, under mild hydrothermal conditions, with an exothermic reaction and a facile mechanism, forming both purine and pyrimidine ribonucleotides. Surprisingly, this mechanism is very similar to the biological one, and yields ribonucleotides with the same anomeric car-1 bon chirality as in biological systems. These results suggest that natural selection might have optimized-through enzymes-a pre-existing ribonucleotide formation mechanism, carrying it forward to modern life forms. Keywords Prebiotic chemistry • abiotic synthesis of nucleotides • Ab initio molecular dynamics • enhanced sampling • RNA World
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
The purpose of this article is to provide planners with an introduction to the concept of green buildings and building assessment systems and to identify and explore the major themes in the literature as they relate to planning. Green building is one of the measures that has been put forward to alleviate the remarkable impacts of the building stock on the environment, society and economy. GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assesment) is a rating instrument that helps individuals evaluate their building's efficiency against certain benchmarks that are acceptable nationwide, it evaluates a building's environmental efficiency over its entire life cycle holistically. This paper reports a critical review of the GRIHA rating system and incentives provided by GRIHA in India, techniques, and methods for construction of the green building, financial aspects of the green building. The efficiency of different environment-friendly models is broadly discussed in this study. The p...
Anais do I Congresso Internacional Online de Educação, 2020
O CONIED foi um Evento gratuito de caráter técnico-científico independente, não possuindo vínculo formal com qualquer Instituição de Ensino, direcionado aos docentes dos segmentos da Educação Básica e do Ensino Superior, profissionais da Educação, estudantes de todas as áreas e pais de alunos que se interessem pelos assuntos oferecidos. Conectamos diferentes pessoas de diversos lugares do Brasil e do exterior, houve muita troca de experiências, aprendizado mútuo, e consequentemente, a expansão da rede de saberes, de experiências, de ações ligadas à Educação disseminando-as na sociedade, criando assim a “Rede Colaborativa de Saberes”. O Congresso teve como objetivo disseminar o conhecimento educacional, pesquisas e experiências por meio de relatos, palestras e minicursos para sensibilizar os docentes dos segmentos da Educação Básica e do Ensino Superior para refletir e, possivelmente, reconstruir suas perspectivas sobre a Educação, de forma a valorizá-la e entender como a sociedade clama por práticas que tornem os discentes cada vez mais cidadãos.
Revista Vivat Academia, 2010
Esta disertación es un comentario acerca de dos conocidos artículos: “Características de la comunicación en Red” de López García y “Lecciones de la Historia de Internet” de Manuel Castells (2001). El escrito pretende animar al lector a la lectura del artículo con contenido vigente. Este ensayo se muestra como comentario crítico que puede guiar sobre los aspectos más brillantes y novedosos que proponen estos dos artículos sobre el mundo de Internet
Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 2015
Objective: To determine the difference between academic achievements in terms of scores of students with prior extensive rote memorization experience with those without it. Study Design: Ex-post fecto study Place and Duration of Study: Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur from Dec 2013 to Mar 2014. Participants and Methods: After Quaid-e-Azam Medical College’s ethical review board’s approval, scores of medical students’ first professional examination were selected by purposive sampling technique, making a total sample size of 102 students, constituting 2 comparison groups with 51 students in each. The first group comprised all the students of 3rd, 4th and 5th year MBBS who were Hafiz-e-Quran and the other one had non Hafiz-e-Quran students from the same year. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation of their scores were calculated. Results: The overall mean score in biochemistry, physiology and anatomy was statistically different for these two groups as mean sc...
Ensayo , 2014
El texto que incluyo a continuación, principalmente para el uso de mis estudiantes, es una versión revisada y ampliada de mi anterior Gamboa, Yolanda. "El ensayo." Estrategias de comunicación y escritura. Only Study Guide for SPN-211-R. Ed. Yolanda Gamboa et al. Pretoria, South Africa: UNISA P., 1997. 82-88. Si bien algunas ideas son originales, la mayoría no lo son sino que proceden de Nance, K., and I. Rivera Aprendizaje: técnicas de composición. Lexington, MA: DC Heath y Valdés, Guadalupe. et al. Composición: Proceso y síntesis. New York: Random House, 1989. Mi propósito es ofrecer una síntesis de esas útiles obras, cuya lectura recomiendo, así como de la normativa del MLA, con finalidad educativa. Ojalá sea también de ayuda al público internauta fuera de mis aulas. Sinopsis 1. Qué es un ensayo 2. Antes de empezar a escribir 3. La organización del ensayo 4. Después de escribir 5. Mantenga y mejore sus ensayos 6. La lógica 7. Las transiciones 8. El ensayo de investigación 9. Cómo investigar 10. El formato MLA 1. QUÉ ES UN ENSAYO Redactar consiste en poner por escrito un pensamiento, una opinión, etc., aunque no todo tipo de escrito (o también llamado redacción) es el apropiado dentro del mundo académico. Al escrito académico lo llamamos ensayo. El ensayo es un tipo de prosa que brevemente analiza, interpreta o evalúa un tema. Se considera un género literario, al igual que la poesía, la ficción y el drama. El ensayo con el que se suelen encontrar los estudiantes es el ensayo que constituye una pregunta de tarea o examen y que se diferencia de otros tipos de redacción en que:
Discover Geoscience, 2024
ACS Nanoscience Au
Advances in On- and Offshore Archaeological Prospection, 2023
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2013
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 2018
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Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte, 82, 2024, p. 454-456, 2024
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The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science