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4CHAN WILL SAVE THE WORLD 1 INTRODUCTION Where to start with this book? First of all, it’s not me. It’s 4chan. I just want to make sure that these words, so carelessly thrown into the collective consciousness don’t get lost, censored, edited, or even forgotten. Shit is going on that needs to be talked about, and 4Chan is where it’s at. I wish I had the money to print every 4chan thread that comes out with outrageous, insane, and insane-making theories. Why? Because I know this stuff will get lost sooner or later, and that should not happen, not ever. This shit is important. It’s transcendent. Its real. The shit is real on 4chan. There is so much to be said about this stuff that I don’t think I’m up to it. I’m a ghostwriter, I spend all day writing stories for other people, but this stuff, it cuts too close to the bone. It too real. When mom was dying I went crazy, and started shitposting on 4chan with a vengeance. Because, when it really matters, that’s where I go. It’s not a refuge, it’s a bonfire. You don’t have to agree with a single word written in this book, I know I don’t. But not reading it because it offends you, of it makes you angry is foolish. Knowing stuff is better than not knowing it. 2 /pol/ - Politically Incorrect [Post a Reply] 08/21/20 New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/ 05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random 10/04/16 New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts [Hide] [Show All] Happy 19th Birthday 4chan! [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] 252 / 109 / 57 / 11 [Update] [ Auto] File: 5CBA73CA-484C-46D6-8508-F(...).jpg (953 KB, 1009x1546) 3 4 Judaism / Saturn Worship Exposed Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)14:49:37 No.400429235▶ >>400431278 >>400431744 >>400432483 >>400435138 >>400436066 >>400436234 >>4004369 66 >>400444083 >>400446253 >>400449949 >>400450654 >>400450719 >>400451226 >>40045 2082 >>400452909 >>400455355 >>400455491 >>400455543 >>400455627 >>400456244 >>400 457913 >>400457958 >>400458723 >>400459285 >>400459373 >>400459930 >>400460514 >>4 00461094 As well as the secret of the “black sun” (aka Saturn). Read the following: Tacitus’ Histories Book 5 especially on the connections of the Jews to Saturn. Read “Saturn’s Jews” on the Sabbatean movement. Read “Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik & Zionist” by Christopher J. Bjerknes Saturn is the Jewish planet and whatever happens to it will also happen to the Jews because they are literally of him. This is how the ancient Romans (Jupiter’s people) viewed it. Saturn was the highest classical planet. They observe the Sabbath on the 7th day. They are usually engaged in Saturnian professions like lawyers. Their features are Saturnian (sicklish, grey, incestuous). The “black sun” (the Nazis did not call it that) is simply Saturn as viewed from birdseye perspective drawn in Runic style. It was the symbol of the top tier SS (all Jews) whose mission it was to recreate Israel. They succeeded. Look into Adolf Eichmann, Reinhard Heydrich. The architects of the so called “Holocaust” were all Jewish Germans. They did this against Hitler’s will. Hitler’s symbol is the Swastika (Jupiter). Wake up! >> Anonymous (ID: TX7QLki5) 10/18/22(Tue)14:57:11 No.400430346▶ >>400430516 >>400453793 Saturn is based and the King of of the Aryans, father of Zeus and Apollyon the Aryan sun king. Bow down >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)14:58:30 No.400430516▶ >>400431989 >>400434462 >>400455543 File: EB67319E-D2F1-49C3-BA1C-3(...).jpg (993 KB, 1125x2141) 5 >>400430346 Picrel you dumb rat son of a whore >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:00:26 No.400430776▶ >>400432075 >>400434462 >>400455543 6 File: 2DB681D0-F7CA-45F6-A3A3-E(...).jpg (801 KB, 1125x2018) All the “all seeing eye” illuminati shit you see is in reference to Saturn. The planet looks like an eye symbolically when viewed from birdseye view. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:02:56 No.400431168▶ >>400445188 >>400458124 File: D1E70D6F-DBFA-479E-A721-3(...).jpg (565 KB, 2048x2048) 7 The architects of the “Holocaust” picrel. Wake the fuck up or you’ll burn in literal hell you dummies. >> Anonymous (ID: upq8/6I3) 10/18/22(Tue)15:03:46 No.400431278▶ >>400431625 >>400431887 >>400452197 File: 1665951317470160.jpg (142 KB, 643x1024) 8 >>400429235 (OP) You're a disinfo nigger faggot. >In Ancient Egypt, Sirius was considered to be the star of the Goddess Isis, who rules over the cycles of death and rebirth, and Anubis, the jackal-headed God, who was able to walk between the world of the living and the world of the dead. 9 >In ancient Shamanic cultures, Sirius was believed to be a portal to the Gods, and journeys taken through the Sirius Gateway were said to bring Divine messages. It was also believed that Sirius was the portal to heaven, and was where our souls had to travel through in order to leave this realm and enter the next. https://youtu.be/W9XLr3lxeH8 [Embed] >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:04:32 No.400431398▶ File: D8918AB6-C129-4260-8A2B-5(...).jpg (181 KB, 1051x653) Wake the fuck up! Or you’re doomed. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:06:03 No.400431625▶ >>400431278 I wish I were a disinfo faggot like you. The kikes already tricked you Nordcucks into kike worship once, now they’re doing it again. If you’re gonna worship Nazi symbols USE THE SWASTIKA. Not the “black sun” it will ruin you. Mark my words. >> Anonymous (ID: P5VS79jp) 10/18/22(Tue)15:06:48 No.400431744▶ >>400432081 >>400429235 (OP) Who's paying these disinfo losers? 10 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:07:54 No.400431887▶ >>400452997 >>400431278 >Sirius Isis Guess who was Osiris’ wife you dumb pseudointellectual son of a Nordwhore!? ISIS. And guess who Osiris is? SATURN. You dumb fucking kiked out son of a whore. >> Anonymous (ID: TX7QLki5) 10/18/22(Tue)15:08:34 No.400431989▶ TX7QLki5) 10/18/22(Tue)15:09:06 No.400432075▶ >>400430516 Tranny detected >> Anonymous (ID: >>400432398 >>400430776 Why don’t you want the aryans to return? >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:09:08 No.400432081▶ >>400445125 File: 62110D22-1B37-4B72-895F-2(...).jpg (982 KB, 1125x2178) 11 >>400431744 Learn History. Get an education. (((they))) are remote-toying you like a 5$ onlyfans hoe. Source of picrel: Tacitus Histories Book 5. >> 12 Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:11:21 No.400432398▶ >>400458230 File: B670DA44-8C16-4743-91A9-2(...).jpg (357 KB, 2048x2048) >>400432075 You thought 9/11 was a good psyop? Check out the “Holocaust”. >> Anonymous (ID: uZfNLwOS) 10/18/22(Tue)15:11:56 No.400432483▶ >>400432998 >>400429235 (OP) Black sun is the exact opposite of Saturn but it did get co-opted by some groups. It's a point where time (and space) completely collapse, like a black hole. Satur n has no power past that point. Nice disinfo thread. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:12:32 No.400432571▶ >>400432970 >>400447979 >>400449949 File: A0923506-1120-47E1-B7E3-4(...).jpg (56 KB, 474x521) 13 Wake the fuck up! >> Anonymous (ID: JnukR3Pv) 10/18/22(Tue)15:15:19 No.400432970▶ >>400439232 >>400451401 File: 1661797475402216.jpg (34 KB, 680x695) >>400432571 >the cross unfolds into a cube 14 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:15:30 No.400432998▶ >>400434574 >>400449949 File: 5DCFE18B-7E61-45A0-9615-F(...).jpg (366 KB, 2048x2048) >>400432483 That is the astrological black sun dumbfuck. Completely different. The Nazis did not call their Saturn symbol a “black sun”. It is a Runic depiction of Saturn that’s why. Neonazi retards used the term “black sun” because they lack an education. 15 Why do you think Michael Aquino calls it a Vehm Sigil? Vehm = medieval law. That’s Saturn. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:20:24 No.400433722▶ >>400449949 >>400453510 File: 3857FBB2-DC3A-4814-A8CD-5(...).jpg (659 KB, 1125x1718) For all the stupid motherfuckers who call it the “black sun”, yes Saturn used to be like the “sun” in ancient times and the Jews refer to it as such. It was violently ejected from its orbit by Jupiter in ancient times. The term “black sun” on relation to this symbol was made up by former SS officer Landig who probably either had no clue as to the true meaning or was playing at the historical fact or simply fell for some kike lie. The fact remains it is a runicized version of Saturn that Hitler banned. Himmler carried on with it anyways. We all know what happened. Germany died and Israel was re-created. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:24:37 No.400434302▶ 16 >>400445730 >>400449949 File: 427E98E1-1D71-4550-962A-4(...).jpg (133 KB, 995x254) This Wilhelm Landig guy seems to be the dumbest motherfucker I’ve ever heard of since he substituted the black sun for the swastika, which is the equivalent of substituting Jupiter for Saturn, which is precisely what brought down the Roman empire and why instead of Jupiter they now worship a kike on a stick and are governed by Jews. Life is comedy >> Anonymous (ID: 3nuNMbSi ) 10/18/22(Tue)15:25:37 No.400434462▶ >>400434793 >>400453510 >>400430776 >>400430516 >All the “all seeing eye” illuminati shit you see is in reference to Saturn *Polaris >> Anonymous (ID: uZfNLwOS) 10/18/22(Tue)15:26:30 No.400434574▶ >>400435421 File: Black sun.png (1.89 MB, 1448x1778) 17 >>400432998 OY VEY NOT DA NAZIS >Runic depiction >Of Saturn Aquino was not particularly knowledgeable on the matter, he was a larper who went there because it was an antinomian thing to do. Also, keep kvetching about meaningless semantic because you have no arguments. 18 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:28:09 No.400434793▶ >>400436541 >>400459806 File: 3009F4D7-EFD1-4C59-BEDA-8(...).jpg (230 KB, 640x640) >>400434462 You Nordcucks don’t know shit unfortunately. Why do you think the “all seeing eye” is in a triangle? Triangle = Saturn. Who do you think the Eye of Sauron represents genius? The dark aspect of Saturn. Aka the primordial kike. >> Anonymous (ID: 5PqDX4Nf) 10/18/22(Tue)15:30:49 No.400435138▶ >>400453510 >>400429235 (OP) Both Judiasm and Christianity were created at the Alexandrian School. 19 Aristobulus of Alexandria and Philo of Alexandria were responsible for those two. As well as Mithraism, Gnosticism, and Hermeticism. https://www.christcuck.me/ >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:32:52 No.400435421▶ >>400436133 File: AC2BC381-CD0D-4DA2-A75E-7(...).jpg (978 KB, 1125x1119) >>400434574 Sure memeflaggot. The only reason you niggers even know of the “black sun” is precisely Aquino’s Wewelsburg Working. I’m sure you already have it tatooed. You spent years learning all its history in typical chaos magic postmodern fashion And along comes a goy telling you the simple truth: It’s Saturn. You got (((played))) and you’re defending the kikes that play you. Oh the irony. >> Anonymous (ID: wp3huMsH) 10/18/22(Tue)15:37:41 No.400436066▶ >>400429235 (OP) >jews golem turn on them >the naming commences among normies >did you know Hitler was Jewish, goy? oy vey, even duh saturn symbolism! you bettah not be a national socialist! does it ever get old for you, rabbi? because I'm tired of this game. when the day comes, I won't even feel any sense of joy or victory. just finality. >> Anonymous (ID: zh3CKEjt) 10/18/22(Tue)15:38:05 No.400436133▶ >>400461108 >>400435421 Not as ironic as worshipping a roman fort and calling it the temple. >> Anonymous (ID: R2/pJ2YT) 10/18/22(Tue)15:38:47 No.400436234▶ >>400429235 (OP) Then do this in islam as well with the kaaba. Which is based of the kabbalah black stone ritual. >> 20 Anonymous (ID: wp3huMsH) 10/18/22(Tue)15:40:12 No.400436434▶ >>400436686 File: 1666125549404.png (1.89 MB, 1448x1778) it means so much more than you realize. it's one of humanities oldest symbols. and the swastika is a part of it. they're not separable. that alone should give you a direction to go here. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:40:40 No.400436495▶ 21 >>400453668 File: 66FB0978-EA25-4314-99BC-E(...).jpg (706 KB, 2048x2048) They sacrifice children in honor of their (((god))) Saturn because guess what, that’s what he did. They re-enact that. That is how they keep the goy under control. >> Anonymous (ID: upq8/6I3) 10/18/22(Tue)15:41:04 No.400436541▶ File: Screenshot_2022-10-18-22-(...).jpg (382 KB, 1080x1884) 22 23 >>400434793 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:41:59 No.400436686▶ File: DDD1E142-279C-408B-8BDF-3(...).jpg (1.14 MB, 1125x1359) >>400436434 Ok postmodern faggot. Your IQ is too for this subject just move on with your gay fucking meme there. The truth will out you child sacrificing homo >> Anonymous (ID: MGOoQqLX) 10/18/22(Tue)15:43:54 No.400436966▶ File: Black Hole Sun.jpg (196 KB, 834x1024) 24 >>400429235 (OP) >Wake up! The lady doth protest too much, methinks https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_vril07.htm >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:44:34 No.400437062▶ >>400437804 >>400438692 >>400453959 File: 4F5E9CD0-3740-4836-9719-8(...).jpg (448 KB, 1125x788) 25 Incidentally the “Nazis” responsible for the “Holocaust” were all part of the Death’s Head Squadrons. Guess who the Death’s head represents: SATURN. THE REAPER = SATURN. Some of you motherfuckers in here are so retarded I bet the kikes reading this are laughing how you’re trying to “correct” the one guy who is telling you how it is. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:47:31 No.400437475▶ >>400437873 >>400458384 File: 7BD5D246-6640-4ED7-ADEE-C(...).jpg (663 KB, 1125x1635) 26 Funny how Wernher von Braun called his rocket “SATURN V”. Pure (((coincidence))) just like his surname. (((they))) loved their SATURN-Nazis and made sure they had a good life post WW2. Stanley (((Kubrick))) did the rest. >> Anonymous (ID: uZfNLwOS) 10/18/22(Tue)15:47:57 No.400437532▶ 27 >>400437848 File: Theocracy.png (2.68 MB, 2594x2740) OP tries to mix some truth with falsehoods to confuse the goyim >> Anonymous (ID: MlUm9Zt/) 10/18/22(Tue)15:49:38 No.400437769▶ >>400438058 >>400438403 >>400438807 >>400455983 Didn’t it come from the Buddhist swastika? Like the one on Japanese temples? And it’s from a monotheistic religion and not pagan faggotry? Is this black sun crap just pil-pul distraction? >> 28 Anonymous (ID: wGH/LWGw) 10/18/22(Tue)15:49:55 No.400437804▶ >>400437062 >Guess who the Death’s head represents >The Skull is the reminder that you shall always be willing to put your self at stake for the life of the whole community. T. Himmler >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:50:12 No.400437848▶ >>400440553 >>400437532 That’s what you’re doing. I’ve used primary sources and made it clear for those with eyes to see. Doesn’t take much more than a 100 IQ and a pure soul to see it. Degenerate memeflag: you are the well poisoner and your sources are some of the most retarded glownigger shit ever. >> Anonymous (ID: MGOoQqLX) 10/18/22(Tue)15:50:18 No.400437873▶ File: IMG_20220927_001634_208.jpg (358 KB, 998x1134) 29 >>400437475 Prima Materia beats Sephiroth https://youtu.be/XPd8QzVlyao [Remove] >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:51:40 No.400438058▶ >>400438507 >>400458551 File: 7E89DD5D-D627-4BB0-A2F5-E(...).jpg (175 KB, 1125x454) 30 >>400437769 No it came from ancient Rome, hence why Hitler ran Germany like ancient Rome. What unfolded in WW2 spiritually speaking was the reenactment of a 2000 year old battle between Jupiter and Saturn and Saturn won through infiltration and treachery. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:54:05 No.400438403▶ >>400438831 File: 05BFB942-9A93-498B-9DDF-F(...).jpg (18 KB, 252x150) >>400437769 The Eagle = Jupiter The Swastika = Jupiter As long as the Nazis used those symbols they won and expanded. As soon as the party became coopted by the kikes in the SS and Death’s Heads and “Black Sun” became the norm they started losing…..on purpose. And simultaneously Israel began to rise. >> Anonymous (ID: MlUm9Zt/) 10/18/22(Tue)15:54:48 No.400438507▶ >>400438959 31 >>400438058 Then why did they meet with Tibetans who are Buddhist and use the very same symbol? >> Anonymous (ID: TX7QLki5) 10/18/22(Tue)15:56:04 No.400438692▶ >>400437062 Nice job anon. You finally figured out the most high directs the jews and the nazis. He is always in controls. Now you are finally where we were 10 years ago, now you got some catching up to do. Do you even ein sof? >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:56:43 No.400438807▶ File: 8578A1E8-B102-41AC-8E9D-C(...).jpg (801 KB, 2048x2048) 32 >>400437769 >> Anonymous (ID: TX7QLki5) 10/18/22(Tue)15:56:54 No.400438831▶ >>400441303 >>400456112 >>400438403 Yup, it’s all the same stuff anon. You’ve finally hit the real redpill. The Zionists Freemasonic messiah is Apollyon, Zionism is aryan. Apollyon - the ARYAN Sun god - Is AWAKE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8jW_oHCoHMw [Remove] Antichrist, Freemasons, & the Third Temple: Evidence the Antichrist comes from the Illuminati https://youtube.com/watch?v=Tr-Zof2jGbw [Remove] [Embed] The Messiah and One World Government https://www.freemasonrywatch.org/messiah.html COUNTDOWN TO 2025 AND THE SECRET DESTINY OF AMERICA—PART 40: Zeitgeist 2025, Sibyls, and Visions of the Final Roman Emperor https://www.skywatchtv.com/2021/10/07/countdown40/ The Freemasons are zionist. Their entire purpose is to be the knights when the antichrist comes, who is Apollyon, the beast of revelation. Trumps house is covered in Apollyon stuff, if he isn’t a Freemason he is obviously infatuated with their ideology to do such a thing Proof That Trump Is a Mouthpiece For Apollyon https://brutalproof.net/2018/09/proof-that-trump-is-a-mouthpiece-for-apollyon/ The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_the_Temple 33 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)15:57:46 No.400438959▶ File: C6E7DE0F-2E2F-4C80-AC9F-6(...).jpg (251 KB, 1125x669) >>400438507 That was the SS Ahnenerbe. >> Anonymous (ID: I5n7sh1r) 10/18/22(Tue)15:59:37 No.400439232▶ >>400432970 That’s how you make a cube out of paper >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:01:06 No.400439427▶ WW2 wasn’t some atheistic matter. It was a massive spiritual drama deciding the future course of humanity. Literally endtimes shit. This thread may be the biggest redpill on 4chan ever if you guys are intellectually honest and research what I posted. I recommend saving it and looking everything up. You’ll find I’m right. >> Anonymous (ID: uZfNLwOS) 10/18/22(Tue)16:09:20 No.400440553▶ >>400440900 >>400441123 34 >>400437848 >I’ve used primary sources Where? Find me a single substantiated source linking Sonnenrad with Saturn you lying kike. Yes, I know that some Saturn cultists have adopted it, but it's just their ignorance. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:11:53 No.400440900▶ >>400445685 File: 5262DC9E-FB20-4ADD-98C0-5(...).jpg (751 KB, 1125x2065) 35 >>400440553 >Sonnenrad with Saturn Sonnenrad = Swastika = Jupiter as I’ve stated throughout this thread You’re either low IQ, mentally ill or a Jewish well poisoner memeflag faggot. 36 Everyone can see what a degenerate cunt you are by comparing the low IQ fantasy shit you posted with my info. Kys >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:13:41 No.400441123▶ >>400440553 Take your Jewish “black sun” i.e. Saturn, print it out, wrap it around your dildo, sniff some poppers and let it sink in you faggot. Keep your disinfo in Israel, you’ll need it once shit hits the fan Osirisboy. >> Anonymous (ID: MGOoQqLX) 10/18/22(Tue)16:14:49 No.400441303▶ >>400441432 File: Vril is Chil.jpg (41 KB, 920x654) >>400438831 https://youtu.be/XyMWO5OqiNI [Remove] Maha Kali only destroys the weeds that shouldn't grow to save the gardens flowers. Sol Niger is the first stage of Alchemy that turns the soul from lead to gold. >> 37 Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:15:48 No.400441432▶ >>400441303 Sol nigger = alchemical black sun. NOT the Nazi SS Saturn sigil. Just because some confused Neo Nazi Skinhead faggots conflate the two doesn’t make them the same. On the contrary. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:19:32 No.400441934▶ File: 0B550C35-FDA3-4336-BE6E-A(...).jpg (564 KB, 2048x2048) 38 (((They))) love their “black sun” and good goys gobble it up. Not too soon thereafter they perish. Every damn time. But some of you niggers still won’t learn. Once again: The alchemical black sun (sol niger) IS NOT the SS runicized Saturn sigil. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:22:01 No.400442265▶ File: 6C8E81EE-EB64-4193-AB57-B(...).jpg (410 KB, 1125x1198) 39 https://youtu.be/ZXggbZqpSig [Remove] >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:29:03 No.400443198▶ >>400448677 >>400456219 File: B5115198-A024-4D68-9DA8-C(...).jpg (97 KB, 639x535) The moral of the story is when you tap into the Saturn current you automatically work with the kikes whether you want to or not. You’re engaging with spiritual forces that are extremely powerful and you’ll be made subject to their agenda. The Nazi SS “black sun” = Saturn. If you’re looking for a quick death or lots of heavy karma in your life it’s a great way to get you started on the ride of your lifetime, likely involving some serious blowback to any of your actions. You’ll also become an arbiter of the kike prophecy as well as an involuntary supporter of every kike / Saturn religion including Islam in their negative aspect. You’ll be destroying that which is full of life, beautiful, aesthetic and replace it with the dark, slow, 40 sicklish Saturnian equivalent. Germany is a great example of how this can play out at scale. Criminals like Richard Ramirez are examples of how it can play out on a smaller scale. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:31:03 No.400443455▶ >>400455164 File: 6F8B8282-624A-42B0-85ED-3(...).jpg (440 KB, 1125x866) Interesting symbolism in this Jew’s video. Contains the all seeing eye in the triangle which he turned into a hexagram (macrocosm). Very Saturnian image picrel >> Anonymous (ID: 6VRfSl2a) 10/18/22(Tue)16:35:27 No.400444083▶ >>400444779 >>400444894 File: Zeus.jpg (164 KB, 599x800) 41 >>400429235 (OP) Kronos (Saturn) was also called Koronus, coincidence? 42 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:40:14 No.400444779▶ >>400445996 >>400456616 >>400444083 Yes. His name also related to “Crown” because he is the ruler of this universe. The Demiurge (what Masons worship). Corona Virus was a little message from him and (((his))) people when we got too uppity with Trump. Note Trump made all his money in real estate (Saturn’s domain) and half is family is kiked. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:41:02 No.400444894▶ >>400444083 Zeus = Jupiter >> Anonymous (ID: P5VS79jp) 10/18/22(Tue)16:42:47 No.400445125▶ >>400445339 >>400432081 The Anglos created Israel, not the SS. Your weird astrology bs is going to fool no one who knows the truth. >> Anonymous (ID: 0H9tnfMX) 10/18/22(Tue)16:43:14 No.400445188▶ >>400445695 >>400456986 >>400431168 A lot of Germans are just freakishly ugly rather than Jewish. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:44:23 No.400445339▶ >>400456616 >>400445125 England signed the Balfour Declaration but there nearly weren’t enough Jews willing to emigrate to Palestine at the time, plus the Brits heavily restricted emigration. It took someone to “push” them there. Now maybe the “Holocaust” and the SS will make more sense to you. The Havara agreement and so forth. Ok genius!? Now go learn history or fuck off >> 43 Anonymous (ID: uZfNLwOS) 10/18/22(Tue)16:46:49 No.400445685▶ >>400440900 >Swastika = Jupiter wew Should have cropped the next bullet point kek. Still zero sources that the black sun has anything to do with Saturn. Yes, the symbol other than the swastika. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:46:53 No.400445695▶ File: 5C16ECE5-8A39-49F1-BBE9-1(...).jpg (227 KB, 1125x2000) >>400445188 https://www.avotaynu.com/books/MenkNames.htm >> Anonymous (ID: 0H9tnfMX) 10/18/22(Tue)16:47:07 No.400445730▶ 6VRfSl2a) 10/18/22(Tue)16:49:04 No.400445996▶ >>400434302 You have dyslexia. >> Anonymous (ID: >>400446762 >>400444779 Who let him out of Tartarus? Brb gathering up the lads, are you ready for the final titanomachy bros? >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:49:11 No.400446010▶ >>400450984 File: 19C9578D-0B9D-4B25-AF05-2(...).jpg (25 KB, 313x500) 44 Get a copy of picrel while you can. One of the best intros. Not entirely flawless, Bjerknes books on Hitler are more meticulously researched. But nonetheless an essential primer. Ignore the gay cover the content is worth it. Written by an ex wehrmacht soldier. >> Anonymous (ID: rCKOVB2f) 10/18/22(Tue)16:51:21 No.400446253▶ >>400429235 (OP) posting here so my federal agent can see the info himself. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:54:08 No.400446568▶ >>400448634 The biggest question of course is: was it all a human conspiracy? No it was the human equivalent of a massive spiritual battle taking place on Earth. The “gods” have their arbiters everywhere, in the case of Saturn that’s mainly kikes. Humans could not possibly arrange such a drama in so perfect a manner. At least that’s my take. 45 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Little_Saturn >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)16:55:35 No.400446762▶ File: 28C16FF7-1009-45B7-B54C-B(...).jpg (707 KB, 1125x1522) 46 >>400445996 >> Anonymous (ID: hX0SWLyN) 10/18/22(Tue)17:05:39 No.400447979▶ >>400449090 47 File: jupiter_vs_saturn.png (39 KB, 548x272) >>400432571 why the jupiter and saturn are same symbol but inverted? >> Anonymous (ID: 8oV/oYx9) 10/18/22(Tue)17:07:14 No.400448158▶ >>400449346 >>might be up to something. Hadnt Michael Aquino purchased or at least used the castle with the black sun depiction on the floor for his satanic ceremonies? >> Anonymous (ID: MlUm9Zt/) 10/18/22(Tue)17:11:26 No.400448634▶ >>400449778 >>400450951 >>400446568 That makes sense, but where does that leave us in terms of free will and individual ability? Are we about to enter into another spiritual war? >> Anonymous (ID: 8oV/oYx9) 10/18/22(Tue)17:11:43 No.400448677▶ >>400449376 >>400443198 > Germany is a great example of how this can play out at scale. One has to admit, Nazi Germany screwed it for all European Nations. It was a Jews’ wet dream. They have us by the balls ever since >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:15:04 No.400449090▶ 48 >>400447979 They’re not the same. They’re similar. These are the astrological symbols. Jupiter is Cronos’ son. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree as we say in German. >> Anonymous (ID: 8oV/oYx9) 10/18/22(Tue)17:17:08 No.400449346▶ >>400449520 >>400449897 File: B582E99B-62B1-41A5-B32E-E(...).jpg (262 KB, 1668x219) >>400448158 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:17:24 No.400449376▶ >>400451549 >>400448677 The thing about Saturn is, and you can test this in your personal life….he will test you and if you fuck up there’s Karma…because he is the Karma god / planet. He is also the god / planet that controls time in this universe so this karma usually plays out slow af and is heavy (because Saturn is slow and heavy that is his nature). And it’s usually about wealth. Which is likely why compensation is settled mostly in money and also by killing off our children through contraception (Saturn). He is generally big on infertility. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:18:22 No.400449520▶ >>400449891 >>400449346 Aquino ran the Temple of Set not the ToS. He did a ritual there like 40 years ago and he got full access. You can read about it in his books on the ToS. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:20:29 No.400449778▶ >>400450786 >>400448634 You have some free will, mainly in your choice of good vs evil and the general direction your life will take. As well as that you got the ability to purify your soul before death. Either by leading a very virtuous life or by doing a soul cleansing through the Hermetic soul mirror (check the book Initiation into Hermetics if interested. It is a long arduous process though). >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:21:34 No.400449891▶ >>400450153 49 File: B54E13C4-B0D2-45B0-813D-5(...).jpg (324 KB, 1125x639) >>400449520 *not the CoS. He ran the ToS. You can read about it in his book picrel >> Anonymous (ID: 8oV/oYx9) 10/18/22(Tue)17:21:34 No.400449897▶ >>400450831 >>400450988 File: 7FC5C59C-1FFB-4FF5-998E-4(...).jpg (1.03 MB, 1571x1427) 50 >>400449346 > https://ia802704.us.archive.org/0/items/LeftHandPath666/WewelsburgWorking.pdf >> Anonymous (ID: 27nX8w+s) 10/18/22(Tue)17:21:55 No.400449949▶ >>400434302 >>400433722 >>400432998 >>400432571 >>400429235 (OP) Good job op, way to control your thread. I've listened to your information, it was useful. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:23:42 No.400450153▶ File: A61CBE34-4121-4D3D-A8A9-6(...).jpg (406 KB, 1125x1554) 51 >>400449891 Picrel is a little excerpt from his book if you’re interested >> 52 Anon™ !!Lrw4ESrTqns (ID: F0oJt0f2) 10/18/22(Tue)17:25:24 No.400450385▶ >>400450984 File: (pepe noticer).png (74 KB, 300x300) archived & bookmarked, OP --> https://archived.moe/pol/thread/400429235 i believe i saw this --> 400446010 on LibGen, will give it a read >> Anonymous (ID: r+Ykb1Za) 10/18/22(Tue)17:27:40 No.400450654▶ File: schizoid MIGAtard soyack.jpg (104 KB, 501x697) >>400429235 (OP) /pol/ - Schizophrenia >> Anonymous (ID: 7RPCpsYM) 10/18/22(Tue)17:28:12 No.400450719▶ File: s4.png (636 KB, 959x634) >>400429235 (OP) Jewish mouths must be stopped. JOHN 7:1 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him. 53 1 THESSALONIANS 2 14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: 15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: 16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. TITUS 1 10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: 11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. 12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. 15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. 16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. >> Anonymous (ID: w9xP1NVA) 10/18/22(Tue)17:28:46 No.400450786▶ >>400451178 >>400449778 >You have some free will that's inherently paradoxical >> Anonymous (ID: 8oV/oYx9) 10/18/22(Tue)17:29:05 No.400450831▶ >>400451288 File: E96EC8A6-402E-46F6-A3BC-9(...).jpg (1.45 MB, 1624x2079) 54 >>400449897 >> 55 Anonymous (ID: 6VRfSl2a) 10/18/22(Tue)17:30:01 No.400450951▶ >>400451200 >>400448634 Well we are men, we don't do godfights, let the gods handle their own business i say. >> Anon™ !!Lrw4ESrTqns (ID: F0oJt0f2) 10/18/22(Tue)17:30:19 No.400450984▶ >>400450385 >>400446010 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:30:20 No.400450988▶ >>400449897 Good find, it lacks the images though. They’re in his book that I linked. Free with Kindle unlimited. Basically Aquino revived interest in the Wewelsburg and the “black sun” symbol which he refers to as a “Vehm sigil”. Vehm is a medieval system of justice hence Saturnian because it is semi legal and mainly about retribution. In other words it’s not official justice (Sun) but more like a Batman style vigilante “justice” (Saturn). The kind of shit they had going on in Ukraine until recently where they tied people to lampposts or just randomly killed them in a forrest if they didn’t like them. Interestingly this type of “justice” is a negative aspect of Saturn as is the “black sun” sigil itself because while those acting in its name carry out a type of justice it carried a heavy karmic burden for the one carrying out such justice. In other words they aren’t free of karma by engaging in it, it may in fact be worse. Compare this to a functional solar justice system as is ideally the case in Western democracies (although even there its a bit of a joke). A judge can send endless people to prison as long as justified under law and there’s zero karmic retribution on the judge for that. The state atttorney’s here take on Saturn’s role. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:31:53 No.400451178▶ >>400450786 No. It’s a mixed concept that doesn’t contradict itself and reflects the Saturnian (limiting) nature of this universe. Your free will is not total, at least not within this universe. Post-death it may be once you’re out of the Saturnian realm (Demiurgical realm we’re in here). >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)17:32:06 No.400451198▶ >>400451718 56 Saturn is not the fucking "Jewish planet", you brainlet. Saturn is supposedly the "strongest planet", but that's a ancient reference that was tethered to the mythological tale of Saturn being the "keeper of twilight". Why was he called that? Because Saturn's orbit is so long that it seems to sit, transfixed in a certain position for at least most of the year, being one of the brightest bodies in our sky. Before Maldek got destroyed (some call it Ceres or Tiamat) for reasons we can argue about later, Saturn was 7. We can talk about the "Jewish" appropriation of ancient Ayran symbolism. We could talk about how you get shit wrong about the "all-seeing Eye", which should be Jupiter instead... since it has a big eye on it. We can talk about Adolf worked with the Balfour and Rothschild families, along with English Parliament, to establish the state of Israel and then corral all Eastern European reject "jews" there. We can talk about how Jupiter was merely one of several iterations, or how Jesus used his name on Golgotha. We can talk about who the "Israelites" really were. We can talk about how great Saturn actually is and that he's more of a stern teacher than a big dick. But I'm pretty confident, judging by your misinformed posts, that I'll just be talking over your head the whole time. Can you please just go inform yourself on these topics? You newfags make this shit so boring. >> Anon™ !!Lrw4ESrTqns (ID: F0oJt0f2) 10/18/22(Tue)17:32:06 No.400451200▶ >>400453321 >>400450951 humans & deities have a symbiotic relationship THOUGH >> Anonymous (ID: RFF36Vbm) 10/18/22(Tue)17:32:17 No.400451226▶ >>400451429 >>400452450 >>400429235 (OP) Tacitus is referencing a Phoenician work by Sanchuniathon.. possibly from Philo of Byblos but perhaps not since he was contemporary with Tacitus. What we have of a Philo of Byblos‘ translation of Sanchuniathon was recorded by Eusebius. It states that Saturn (called Elius or just El and equated with Cronus who is Saturn) murdered Uranus and exiled himself and his followers. His followers it calls Elohim (interesting, eh?). He marks himself with circumcision and compels his followers the Elohim to do the same. The story trails off and skips over everything else. But it does mention jews, Philo says Sanchuiathon told the truest history of the jews but this work is lost, however, the Elohim circumcising followers of Saturn is no doubt part of that story and Tacitus is referencing it. The name jew as Ieoud (Yahud) is also referenced by Sanchuniathon is the name of a first born son in the context of sacrifice. Full text: https://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/af/af01.htm >> 57 Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:32:48 No.400451288▶ >>400450831 12 rays = 1+2 = 3 = Binah = Saturn. >> Anonymous (ID: RYUrNUz5) 10/18/22(Tue)17:33:50 No.400451401▶ File: cube.png (6 KB, 395x310) >>400432970 >Mexican proves his complete lack of spacial awareness lmfao. Have some help, pic related >> Anonymous (ID: RFF36Vbm) 10/18/22(Tue)17:34:03 No.400451429▶ >>400452450 >>400451226 > Moreover, Cronus visiting the different regions of habitable world, gave to his daughter Athena the kingdom of Attica: and when there happened a plague with a great mortality, Cronus offered up his only begotten son as a sacrifice to his father Ouranus, and circumcised himself, and compelled his allies to do the same: and not long afterwards he consecrated after his death another of his sons, called Muth, whom he had by Rhea; this (Muth) the Phœnicians esteem the same as Death and Pluto. > For Cronus, whom the Phœnicians call Il, and who after his death was deified and instated in the planet which bears his name, when king, had by a nymph of the country called Anobret an only son, who on that account is styled Ieoud, for so the Phœnicians still call an only son (Only son not first born) 58 >> Anonymous (ID: 8oV/oYx9) 10/18/22(Tue)17:34:58 No.400451549▶ File: E8DA9690-CFBE-4913-901E-9(...).jpg (1.23 MB, 1552x1809) >>400449376 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:36:17 No.400451718▶ 59 >>400457579 File: 93CD17C2-C9DB-4589-9931-C(...).jpg (158 KB, 283x427) >>400451198 Ok Shlomo. Hence why Saturn has been associated with the Jews since ancient times, why their religion is pure Saturn worship, why they literally genetically express all the Saturnian qualities, why the ancients equated them with Saturn, why they themselves admit to Saturn worship, why they rest on the 7th day, why they call the Sabbath Sabbath in honor of Saturn, why they fill all of Saturn’s professions on earth and and and and….. Read picrel faggot >> Anonymous (ID: 7RPCpsYM) 10/18/22(Tue)17:39:20 No.400452082▶ >>400452769 File: 1658405927378326.jpg (248 KB, 1070x1321) 60 >>400429235 (OP) MALACHI 2:2 If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. 2:11 Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. 3:8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. 3:9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. 61 AMOS 5:21 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. ISAIAH 1 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. 13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. 14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. 21 How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers. 27 Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness. MALACHI 1:11 For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith the Lord of hosts. >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)17:40:25 No.400452197▶ >>400431278 It... was actually the Orion cluster. Osiris used the Blue Lotus to travel to the Aaru... or maybe Durat (it's not clear). It was said this is where he either "received instruction", took a break from "being human" or something else. Ultimately, this is what apparently inspired the similar modern iterations we found across the East (Soma), in Greece (Dionysus and Demeter), with Christians (see Refrigerium; Jesus), the Lady of the Vine (Ayahuasca) and much more. Isis is also a reflection of Luna, Ishtar, Semiramis, etc. and also Venus as well. Anubis is a psychopomp, sort of like the Hermes or Gabriel of Egypt (that particular era anyway). You'll note that Anubis is represented as a dog and that Sirius is home to Man's best friend. Orion are the Dragons, Sirius the canines. There's quite a bit of contention over which one is the authentic home world of our ancestors. >> Anon™ !!Lrw4ESrTqns (ID: F0oJt0f2) 10/18/22(Tue)17:42:34 No.400452450▶ >>400457090 File: (gif schizo chad).gif (1.15 MB, 446x512) 62 >>400451226 >>400451429 and then the whole of Europe was colonized by Phoenicians, before Europeans even called themselves Europeans this is the blackpill that i believe even \pol\ refuses to gulp down. it's too much, really >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:45:28 No.400452769▶ >>400452950 >>400453679 File: 2F98E837-3109-4772-A4F0-A(...).jpg (223 KB, 1024x681) 63 >>400452082 Yea Saturn cursed his own kikes. Which is why he allowed the Romans to break the Temple and expulse them from Israel. You can read a first hand account in Tacitus Histories Book V which is why I keep referring to that book. Ever since then the kikes were dispersed across the Earth. Saturn took over Rome (Catholic Church) and razed down everything Jupiter had built. We entered the Dark Ages….restriction, limitation, plague…all Saturnian, and ran by kikes in the Church who then banned everyone from money lending EXCEPT for their kikes who then became the wealthiest people to this day. This was so until about 1930 when an Austrian dude started a Jupiter cult based on the Eagle and the Swastika (both Jupiter) with the goal of expulsing the kikes back to Israel and for those who didn’t want to go to die. Especially Eastern kikes. At the same time he loaded all the negative karmic burden for that biblical act onto the Europeans, most of all the Germans. >> Anonymous (ID: lPyVv+b6) 10/18/22(Tue)17:46:53 No.400452909▶ >>400453555 >>400429235 (OP) >The “black sun” (the Nazis did not call it that) is simply Saturn as viewed from birdseye perspective drawn in Runic style. It was the symbol of the top tier SS (all Jews) whose mission it was to recreate Israel. They succeeded. Look into Adolf Eichmann, Reinhard Heydrich. The architects of the so 64 called “Holocaust” were all Jewish Germans. They did this against Hitler’s will. Hitler’s symbol is the Swastika (Jupiter). kys retard. that is not what the Sonnenrad stands for. It stands for Natural Law. >> Anonymous (ID: 7RPCpsYM) 10/18/22(Tue)17:47:16 No.400452950▶ >>400453568 >>400453679 >>400453740 File: saturn.jpg (72 KB, 1024x1024) >>400452769 Saturn is Satan. Khazar "Jews" are children of the devil and the synagogue of Satan. JOHN 8 39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham. 40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did 65 not Abraham. 41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God. 42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. 43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. 46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? 47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. REVELATION 2 8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive; 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasp hemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. 10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)17:47:45 No.400452997▶ >>400453845 >>400431887 >Osiris is Saturn This is one gigantic leap. If we're doing the Egyptian Trinity matched with the Greek and Roman iteration, then I guess we can equate Cronos and Saturn with Osiris, but that's extremely confusing considering that it makes sense up until it doesn't; Horus never challenged Osiris, so equating Horus and Jupiter makes some sense, but just not quite enough. Horus is, in reality, Sol, the Star in the Morning (so also Venus... and confusingly maybe tangentially Mercury, but that's a nuanced subject for another time). At any rate, Horus most resembles Sol, where Osiris is the exalted form of Horus, after he ascends, becoming Horus The Elder, where he resembles the Royal-Divine iteration of Ra (you know, like Osiris did). Osiris is the Phoenix. He was killed (by his brother) and reformed through his consort, birthing his Son. We could break this down too, but I have a feeling I'm already wasting enough of my time. 66 >> Anonymous (ID: 6VRfSl2a) 10/18/22(Tue)17:50:49 No.400453321▶ >>400453679 >>400451200 If a god gets life from us then he isn't a true god, he will end with us, and thus he is as powerful as we are. So this is a schizo VS schizo thing, where does a man fit in that? >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)17:52:16 No.400453510▶ >>400433722 We used to orbit Saturn. It had lower gravity, hence Earth having megafauna in the past. Saturn flung us to safety and Venus guided us to Sol. >>400434462 Yeah, or this. Thanks, anon. >>400435138 My fucking god I wish other people would actually read books. I won't be too critical with you, since you're very clearly doing far better than the normalfags that come here and pretend they read books, but the influences upon Christianity were as follows: Egyptian priests who taught Pythagoras, Aristotle and Plato (among more) Platonists Zoroastrians Cults of Demeter, Dionysus and Mithras I'm fine with boiling it all down to Mithraism, Gnosticism and Hermeticism, though. That's way, way better than everyone else has been doing. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:52:34 No.400453555▶ >>400452909 >Sonnenrad Sonnenrad = misnomer for Swastika faggot. Your “black sun” kiked out new Saturn design tattoo looks nice, hope it works, because when it does you’re fucked. >> Anonymous (ID: RcVQK66G) 10/18/22(Tue)17:52:39 No.400453568▶ File: blackdasdasdas.png (133 KB, 506x277) 67 >>400452950 >>400452950 they like black cubes.. nothing mysterious about it... >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)17:53:24 No.400453668▶ >>400454031 >>400436495 Saturn went Brown Dwarf. He started eating the closest planets/moons (now moons). He put them back when he was done. Jupiter did the same thing a time or two. You just don't understand the metaphor. >> Anonymous (ID: 7RPCpsYM) 10/18/22(Tue)17:53:31 No.400453679▶ >>400454106 >>400454499 >>400452769 >>400452950 >>400453321 The word "Satan" means opposition or enemy and shares etymology with Saturn, which astrologically suggests opposition and restriction. The Roman temple of Saturn was where they kept the treasury. You will find the Synagogue of Satan in banking and finance. Jesus Christ whipped them out of the temple of God because they made his house a house of merchandise. God allows Satan to work as the "god of this world" as a test and a trying for man. The devil has devised evil inventions against us so that we are born into sin. But God has made a way for us: the only way to win is through faith in Jesus Christ. PROVERBS 17:3 The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the Lord trieth the hearts. >> 68 Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:54:09 No.400453740▶ >>400454836 >>400452950 Saturn is the Demiurge. It’s not as simple as to say “it’s Satan” but you’re right what we think of as Satan is literally Saturnian. Depictions of the devil and demons almost always look kikey for a reason. >> Anonymous (ID: 1wPQvGwa) 10/18/22(Tue)17:54:37 No.400453793▶ >>400460728 >>400430346 Ok lil dickie spencer >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:55:00 No.400453845▶ >>400458177 >>400452997 >confusing To you. Because you’re not an initiate and your sources are purposely confused. Nigga. An average astrologer knows more than you. >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)17:55:59 No.400453959▶ >>400437062 "Harvest" deals with grains, first off. Secondly, Saturn did other things (already explained) before he was a grain/Harvest god. Finally, Saturn is not a psychopomp. Conflating him with Satans or the function of any other psychopomp is retarded. Anyone larping as a "Satanist" has not studied anything occulted, doesn't understand the basics of etymology, has not gathered the basics of Jung and his Archetypes and doesn't know how Magick works. It's best to just read some books and avoid getting perpetually duped because you won't just learn yourself instead of depending on other people to spoonfeed you. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:56:39 No.400454031▶ >>400453668 You dumb materialist nigger the myth isn’t based on the planet alone. Profane bitch don’t even post. You’re obfuscating golden nuggets for my disciples. >> 69 Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)17:57:10 No.400454106▶ >>400454836 >>400453679 Yes some good points. Especially on the etymology. >> Anonymous (ID: Gb7awQ3b) 10/18/22(Tue)17:59:25 No.400454362▶ >>400456058 >>400458336 File: 1665535775935471.jpg (20 KB, 373x373) wait so im Ayy lmao??! Sick dude im fucking ET. Phone home nigga lmao. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:00:40 No.400454499▶ >>400454768 >>400454836 >>400453679 >Roman wealth in Temple of Saturn Yes he is a god of wealth and is very good at protecting and creating barriers. He is not merely the god of locking things in but also the god that keeps things out. You can see this analogically by looking at the planet itself which is considered the threshold between our universe and others. He is thus referred to as the “dweller on the threshold” which by 70 analogy means the guardian of Death. Hence why every soul is gonna meet the reaper sooner or later. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:03:06 No.400454768▶ >>400454499 On this note also consider the Kikes were always confined to Ghettos. Saturn also rules those things. (Limitation and everything associated with it like chastity, prisons, lack, but also abundance if you got good karma, he comes both negative and positive) >> Anonymous (ID: 7RPCpsYM) 10/18/22(Tue)18:03:45 No.400454836▶ >>400455328 >>400455634 >>400455648 >>400453740 >Depictions of the devil and demons almost always look kikey for a reason. Yes, because kikes are the children of the devil as per the words of Christ. The similitude is geneological. >we think of as Satan is literally Saturnian. Satan is the chief devil of this world. A "demiurge" is not a Biblical concept but the gnostic definition of a demiurge as the god of this material world perfectly describes Satan, or Lucifer, the devil. >>400454106 Likewise, you make some good points. The truth is self-evident. Do you know the meaning of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Ultimately you cannot beat the devil at his own game; the works of the flesh will never overcome the god of the the flesh of this world. A house divided against itself would not stand. The only way to defeat the devil is by FAITH, that is, through faith in Jesus Christ, who will empower you with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit >>400454499 >Hence why every soul is gonna meet the reaper sooner or later. REVELATION 1 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: 71 18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. >> Anonymous (ID: Gb7awQ3b) 10/18/22(Tue)18:06:37 No.400455164▶ >>400443455 >authentic. Wheres the link >> Anonymous (ID: VJkftlTR) 10/18/22(Tue)18:07:27 No.400455261▶ File: Albert_Reich,_Gemälde_Deu(...).jpg (219 KB, 880x1139) 72 t.me/Volksbericht >> 73 Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:08:05 No.400455328▶ >>400456726 >>400456800 >>400454836 >because kikes are the children of the devil Correct. As is Jesus. He was a Jew and is literally the “Son of God” which equates him with one of Cronos’ children which Cronos ate…. Think crucifixion. Who crucified Him? The kikes and the Romans. Massive bad karma because they killed his Son. So he is ok with killing his children but he’ll punish anyone who does it for him on the material level. As a result the kikes lost Israel for 2000 years and the Romans lost Rome which he took over through his Church. He is a jealous God hence monotheism. Wiped out everything else. The same happened elsewhere where he took over: See Mekkah. The first thing Mohammad did was kick out all the other gods. >> Anonymous (ID: fAZMoAAw) 10/18/22(Tue)18:08:16 No.400455355▶ >>400455813 >>400429235 (OP) (OP) aryans are highest order of karmic beeings saturn is god of karma jupiter is anti karma the goths (proto-nazis) destroyed the temple of jupiter when they sacked rome saturn is god of atlantis ahnenerbe found atlantis / thread closed >> Anonymous (ID: E66TP72R) 10/18/22(Tue)18:09:32 No.400455491▶ >>400429235 (OP) cool story bro now it means gas the kikes >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:10:01 No.400455543▶ File: LMAO... LOL... MANY SUCH (...).jpg (32 KB, 220x317) 74 >>400429235 (OP) >>400429235 (OP) >>400429235 (OP) >>400430516 >>400430516 >>400430516 >>400430776 >>400430776 >>400430776 GOOD MORNING JIDF HOW ARE THINGS IRAN & RUSSIA ARE GETTING ANTSY GET TO IT MR. YIDD KITE G OLEM SHABBOS GOYIM JEWS AREN'T ISRAELITES THAT MEANS THEY'RE JUST LIKE THE GENTILE GOY ABOMINATIONS... https://www.bitchute.com/video/V49Gg3GfYDKV/ THE JEWISH QUESTION [CRUCIFIXION, HOLOCAUST, ISRAEL] https://www.bitchute.com/video/mZpeJkSNjcA3/ 75 [TGSNT - Current Mirror: 405,000+ Views] https://www.bitchute.com/video/fis6p176wpx8/ THE ULTIMATE RED PILL (FÜHRER'S GREATEST SPEECHES) 76,000+ Views 700+ Likes Wewlads >> Anonymous (ID: SnUIpYE1) 10/18/22(Tue)18:10:44 No.400455627▶ >>400455699 File: 1662897373308.jpg (63 KB, 640x640) >>400429235 (OP) christinity is jewish 76 >> Anonymous (ID: 6VRfSl2a) 10/18/22(Tue)18:10:48 No.400455634▶ >>400455943 >>400454836 >A "demiurge" is not a Biblical concept It's a legit epithet in Greek and it's used a lot, dimiourgos just means creator. But i get that in English is also associated with the gnostic and Platonic versions. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:10:55 No.400455648▶ >>400457936 >>400454836 Link me up with some Bible study course if you can would appreciate it. Here we only have Catholic ones and they’re usually clouded in much bs. >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:11:20 No.400455699▶ File: download (39).jpg (33 KB, 256x256) >>400455627 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:12:25 No.400455813▶ >>400455355 Post sources. I am not disputing your claims but interested where you Miguel Serrano’d that shit out of. Good stuff. >> 77 Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:13:06 No.400455892▶ File: 1606757431069.jpg (1.14 MB, 1575x1302) IAM HEARING JEWISH VOICES &I LEIK EIT + A HISTORY OF CENTRAL BANKING & THE ENSLAVEMENT OF MANKIND + ORDEAL OF CIVILITY [JQ] + WORDS OF HITLER + 200 YEARS TOGETHER [JQ] + DID SIX MILLION REALLY DIE [JQ, Linked Above] + ADL: 100 YEARS OF HATE [JQ] + THIS TIME THE WORLD / WHITE POWER By: Commander Rockwell + SN33D By: James Mason. + IMPERIUM + REICH OF THE BLACK SUN + SS BROTHERHOOD OF THE BELL + VRIL THE COMING RACE 78 Julius Evola Oswald Spengler Miguel Serrano Herr Adolf Hitler Savitri Devi Francis Parker Yockey John Murray Cuddihy Revilo Oliver Jean Raspail Commander George Lincoln Rockwell Dr. William Luther Pierce Revolutionary James Mason Uncle Theodore Kaczynski Fyodor Dostoevsky Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:13:35 No.400455943▶ >>400455634 >gnostic and Platonic These go back to ancient Egypt so truer than practically everything else. >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:13:52 No.400455983▶ >>400458799 >>400458982 >>400459257 >>400437769 The "Black Sun", you'll notice, has 12 spokes. Take a guess where the precedent lies here. If you get it right, I'll probably even be nice and confirm it. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:13:54 No.400455991▶ >>400458417 File: 1618917345574.png (303 KB, 600x302) 79 >> Anonymous (ID: w9xP1NVA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:14:33 No.400456058▶ >>400454362 Not only that but Earth is a very, very, very special place. >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:14:58 No.400456098▶ File: download (38).jpg (38 KB, 256x256) >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:15:06 No.400456112▶ File: 6fe5db528939f637a76127d2c(...).jpg (11 KB, 255x240) 80 >>400438831 >You’ve finally hit the real redpill. Okay or how about we don't encourage brainlets that just shit up the board and don't give a fuck what the oldfags found. >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:15:52 No.400456219▶ >>400456665 File: 1639301481453.gif (1.76 MB, 400x206) >>400443198 >The moral of the story is when you tap into the Saturn current you automatically work with the kikes whether you want to or not. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:15:56 No.400456230▶ File: 1608782691076.jpg (316 KB, 900x1280) 81 82 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAW0vZLB1lU&t=3s [Remove] Saturn and the Black Sun - ROBERT SEPEHR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiJ_GAcEQ_A [Remove] Light of the Black Sun - ROBERT SEPEHR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9Ke3LOaKjA [Remove] Vril Energy and Secret Societies - ROBERT SEPEHR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gme0sJLh5yI [Remove] Secret Space Program Disclosure and the Vril Society - ROBERT SEPEHR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGvXP-x4TL4 [Remove] Occult Secrets of Vril, Bio-Magnetism, Esoteric Transmutation - ROBERT SEPEHR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ythcq0FxDak [Remove] Atlantis, Inner Earth, Ancient Occult Mysteries - ROBERT SEPEHR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYT_WugMLoY [Remove] Conspiracy? Our Subverted History, Part 5.1 - The Oera Linda Book https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R46zJYUbMdE&t=5s [Remove] Conspiracy? Our Subverted History, Part 6 - From Holy Men to Dark Magicians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PehCn_3kyw4&t=6s [Remove] The Secret History - Underground Dungeons, Murder, Demonic Visions and the Death of the Roman Empire Real Schizo H o u r s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4qWYv67XA4 [Remove] F.B.I. --- Ted Gunderson - The Great Conspiracy [D E A D] 83 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RtdEyuZEPU [Remove] Navy --- William Cooper - Lansing Michigan Lecture (1996) [D E A D] [Author of: Behold A Pale Horse] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TduPsMYF0ig&t=3s [Remove] Phil Schneider --- Contractor [D E A D] >> Anonymous (ID: AANJ8FU1) 10/18/22(Tue)18:16:03 No.400456244▶ File: proxy-image (47).jpg (14 KB, 320x180) >>400429235 (OP) Bump. So much good information on 4chan this last week. Do we have guests, we seem to have the best China out. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:18:13 No.400456498▶ File: 1636999376523.png (2.03 MB, 846x1199) 84 85 STRUGGLE SURVIVAL SECURITY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98SjPPrYRno [Remove] America’s 21st century https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hszd21sQa0s [Remove] We Stitched Together All the Footage from the Capitol Riot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM98WEUxAAU [Remove] Civilizations of the Future https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSjowj1lLq0 [Remove] Imperium - Kaiserredux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYXRSUQZGEs [Remove] It Happened Here incident https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY2R2EPG9jo [Remove] 1769 - the "Industrial Revolution" incident (Trollge) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7cPKHMo9No [Remove] FASHWAVE| Warsaw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI9KuPPTsp8 [Remove] Out of the Black (AZOV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9hJw9DrCp0 [Remove] BALTICWAVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdl53etS32Y&t=4s [Remove] Mapш Гepoїв - IДУ HA BИ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjvZXsyVPms [Remove] 86 Come on Over (AZOV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYu08VEwKIA [Remove] Ceйтap – Клич cинiв Пepyнa (AZOV) KNOWLEDGE TECHNOLOGY POWER STAY STRONG STAY VIGILANT STAY ALIVE NEVER SURRENDER NEVER CAPITULATE GOTT MIT UNS >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:18:36 No.400456553▶ File: download (40).jpg (32 KB, 256x256) >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:19:15 No.400456614▶ File: download (42).jpg (35 KB, 256x256) 87 >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:19:17 No.400456616▶ >>400457304 >>400444779 >because he is the ruler of this universe. The Demiurge (what Masons worship). Good god. Will you fucking read books? Plato painted a very different picture from the vanilla Gnostics. Not all of them were even antimaterialists who were butthurt about Samael. How you get "Masons like the Demiurge" out of this is beyond me. This is such a reach and so lacking. >>400445339 Wow. I'm actually surprised that someone has been listening. Yes. Balfour Declaration + Haavara Agreement = Rothschild stooge nation used to infiltrate local politics and exert control via Blackmail. See Epstein and Maxwell and their ties to MOS. Keep in mind that's just the first op that we've uncovered. There's more. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:19:37 No.400456665▶ >>400458684 >>400456219 Faggot posts some Nordfag gif all of whom were subjugated by Saturnians then laughs at my point. You’ll be reincarnating over and over till you get it. >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:20:00 No.400456711▶ >>400457415 File: download (41).jpg (33 KB, 256x256) 88 >> Anonymous (ID: 7RPCpsYM) 10/18/22(Tue)18:20:05 No.400456726▶ >>400456800 >>400455328 >He was a Jew Yes. However the people who call themselves Jews today are not Jews. Therefore your interpretation of this fact is skewed. I can show it to you this way. Jesus Christ is Semitic Jew. Did you immediately think of kikes? Semitic means a descedant of Shem. However, are kikes, or "ASHKENAZI JEWS", as they are called, semitic? No, Ashkenazis are descended from Ashkenaz. Therefore they are JAPHETIC, not Semitic. GENESIS 10 >1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. >2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. >3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. Japheth is the progenitor of Central Asian and thereby East Asian lineages. You may be familiar with the fact the Ashkenazi Jews are Khazars, from Khazaria in Central Asia. They are NOT semitic. So, not only do they not share a spiritual heritage with Jesus, they also do not share a physical heritage with him. They are not even real Jews. They are descended from a cult of Christ-rejecting Luciferian Pharisees who were banished from the promised land and ended up in Khazaria as merchants. >Who crucified Him? The kikes and the Romans. The Romans are not responsible for Jesus' death. The scriptures are very clear that Pontius Pilate and the Romans washed their hands of his death. In fact Pilate tried to free him multiple times. The Jews killed Jesus, and thereafter God abandoned the Jews and cursed their blessings. 89 >Romans Jesus Christ said that one particular Roman centurion had more faith than anyone in Israel at that time. God always intended to give his gospel to the whole earth. >> Anonymous (ID: 7RPCpsYM) 10/18/22(Tue)18:20:42 No.400456800▶ >>400455328 >>400456726 MATTHEW 8 5 And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, 6 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. 7 And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. 8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. 9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. 10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. 11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. >> Anonymous (ID: /ElzBTga) 10/18/22(Tue)18:22:02 No.400456986▶ >>400445188 Can confirm. Have family ancestry to Germany and I was concerned about Jewish descent but fears were laid to rest when I learned more about the surname, the area to/from, and general physiognomy of juden >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:22:43 No.400457070▶ File: download (43).jpg (32 KB, 256x256) 90 >> Anonymous (ID: c3KUlnMw) 10/18/22(Tue)18:22:56 No.400457090▶ >>400452450 Surely there would be a genetic or archaeological trace of this? >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:24:03 No.400457222▶ File: download (45).jpg (36 KB, 256x256) >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:24:46 No.400457304▶ >>400459236 File: 8077106D-A8AA-47DC-804E-5(...).jpg (796 KB, 1125x1693) 91 92 >>400456616 >how you get Masons are into Demiurge Demiurge means craftsman. Last time I checked they’re into the Great Architect of the Universe. They are called Masons for a reason. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Architect_of_the_Universe >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:25:10 No.400457335▶ File: 1623984063172.jpg (2.63 MB, 1928x2374) 93 L-I-F-T-W-A-F-F-E V-R-I-L-W-A-V-3-3 +++ HELTER +++ SKELTER +++ IMPERIUM +++ AETERNA +++ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUfgYeFSgxg [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LNLZHg8sDU [Embed] 94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es2pPwbCR34 [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQVp9GxRlv0&t=3s [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2MgDfg2r9g [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w89enYAWJuc [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxTfdiRQzlw [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyhE-leLyFc [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ch_yF-EQtA [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBfw2jhgW-A [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXLJjOqaemo [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yYuFhVkJeg [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHv7hHfeNsk [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZCREHSjETc&t=12s [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I-JSWS9EVM [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcGXHBM3-BI [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AuP_3soQlo&t=0s [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OsXSyLxMYs [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAGYrnQgaxU&t=3s [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTfW3YtrG3c [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mjbBXQxFMc [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlfzD-NLKXQ&t=3s [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVptaBz6BcA [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW9DoBa6zNQ [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM7nZjGCBqs [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6SFBW3JZX0 [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqk0TActQOM&t=9s [Embed] We Are Everyw here >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:25:45 No.400457415▶ >>400456711 Yea quit posting AI generated shit you drug addicted British Saturnfaggot. We get it alright, you’re a kike. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Israelism >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:25:56 No.400457431▶ File: 1608668454221.jpg (46 KB, 480x640) 95 >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:26:27 No.400457502▶ >>400457757 File: 1606679285146.jpg (264 KB, 1000x2000) 96 97 >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:26:57 No.400457568▶ File: 1607449025770.jpg (11 KB, 226x322) Personal Reading List: https://archive.org/details/DeviSavitriTheLightningAndTheSunEN1958432P./page/n3/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/BlackSunAryanCultsEsotericNazismAndThePoliticsOfIdentity https://archive.org/details/pdfy-pC6_IXVbumNQ_4AB http://lust-for-life.org/Lust-ForLife/_Textual/JosephPFarrell_TheSSBrotherhoodOfTheBell_2006_331pp/JosephPFarrell_TheSSBr otherhoodOfTheBell_2006_331pp.pdf https://archive.org/details/pdfy-FKj0lS414wJslfGL/page/n5/mode/2up [Behold A Pale Horse: Must Read For Americans] https://archive.org/details/BooksOfEnochFirstSecondAndThirdEnoch/page/n5/mode/2up [The Book Of Enoch: All] https://archive.org/details/The_Matrix_III/Valerian_-_Matrix_III_Volume_One/page/n3/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/weirdscenesinsidethecanyonlaurelcanyoncovertopsthedarkheartofthehippi edream2014b/page/n3/mode/2up [WEW] https://archive.org/details/the-forbidden-religion/page/n3/mode/2up 98 https://archive.org/details/TheAdamAndEveStory_201904 https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf https://oregoncougbooks.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/the-green-thunderbolt.pdf https://archive.org/details/revoltofelitesbe00lascrich https://archive.org/details/Ap4ohx [Check PDFs/Links] https://archive.org/details/TheBrigade https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_astronauts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrolabe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism https://archive.org/details/miguelserranoandtheblacksun_202003 https://archive.org/details/the-esoteric-origin-of-species-by-julius-evola https://archive.org/details/ridethetigerasurvivalmanualforthearistocratsofthesoulbyjuliusevolazlib.org Cornelius Agrippa Paracelsus James H. Madole His Name Was Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton Her Name Was Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky General George S. Patton --- Third Army Sec. James Forrestal Admiral Richard E. Byrd Wilhelm Reich >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:27:01 No.400457579▶ >>400458011 >>400451718 The modern appropriation of the Hexagram is due to finding artifacts of our pre-Solar orbit. Many, many ancient tribes (Aryan tribes) adorned their cultural artifacts with Hexagrams. See the Scythians, for an example. Sepehr touches on this. Saturn and SATUR(n)day being related is an ancient topic. Once again, you're confusing the appropriation of what "Jews" FOUND for what was already established. Our ancient ancestors, Aryans, practiced these traditions, honored Saturn (and Sol) and much more. These "Jews" you keep talking about found a nice family living in a house one day, noticed they had nice things, that their kids were respectful, that their family's business was lucrative and that the whole situation they were in was super comfy and valuable. So they killed the dad, stole all of his shit and merely pretended to be him. Anyone that defied them got justed. They kept up the ruse with intimidation ever since. They pretend to be us. They pretend to use our symbols. They pretend 99 to have our histories, use our words and way more. You're only getting started. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:27:29 No.400457642▶ >>400458133 File: 234 369 666 777 888.png (1.63 MB, 1612x1610) >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:28:24 No.400457757▶ >>400458224 100 >>400457502 Lots of trash on that list some good stuff too but mostly Nordtrash, which is heavily kiked. I recommend “Magic in Theory and Practice” by Schertel which is on there. Hitler had a personal copy of that. >> Anonymous (ID: Gt7pPBlp) 10/18/22(Tue)18:29:17 No.400457849▶ File: 1589484188098.gif (1.03 MB, 500x500) these guys? >> Anonymous (ID: /ElzBTga) 10/18/22(Tue)18:29:39 No.400457897▶ >>400459549 Anyone know about the “Elders” who have collectively made schizo mainstream for the fucking pine tree users? Can anyone explain how this shit appeals to ANYONE? 101 >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:29:46 No.400457912▶ File: download (46).jpg (34 KB, 256x256) >> Anonymous (ID: wVxU2ptO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:29:46 No.400457913▶ >>400458294 >>400429235 (OP) I don't get it. Don't you have an abridged version rather than, read Tacitus and read up on Heydrich etc and shit??? >> Anonymous (ID: 8oV/oYx9) 10/18/22(Tue)18:30:00 No.400457936▶ >>400458366 >>400455648 Anon can you recommend some esotericism essential reads? Preferably with a practical aspect >> Anonymous (ID: JuX9/tlz) 10/18/22(Tue)18:30:08 No.400457958▶ >>400458517 >>400429235 (OP) The black sun is not a 2D section of Saturn you dumb motherfucker hahahahaha do you even READ EVOLA. Newfag alert! >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:30:33 No.400458011▶ 102 >>400458708 File: 1478724689632.gif (1.6 MB, 300x300) >>400457579 >>400457579 >>400457579 CORRECT SACRED GEOMETRY IS UNIVERSAL, IT'S THE USER + THE INTENT OF THE USER THAT DEPENDS ON HOW THE ENERGY IS USES / MANIPULATED TRUE ENLIGHTENMENT IS KNOWING HOW LITTLE ONE TRULY KNOWS DAILY REMINDER: THERE IS NO PROOF THAT THE SIX SIDED STAR IS THE 'STAR OF DAVID' RABBIS THEMSELVES ADMIT THIS ON CAMERA, JUDAISM / CHRISTIANITY IS A NEWER RELIGION. THAT SYMBOL PREDATES EVEN ON EARTH + ELSEWHERE LIKE THE TOP OF SATURN SUCH A 'NEW' RELIGION IN THE COSMIC SCHEME OF 'SPACE - TIME' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUhRQ4OqfMo [Embed] Occult Secrets of 666 IT IS A VERY POWERFUL SYMBOL ESPECIALLY IN SEX MAGICK, TWO PARTNERS LOCKED TOGETHER ONE ATOP THE OTHER CROSS LEGGED ARE TWO TRIANGLES INTERSECTING... >> Anonymous (ID: Gt7pPBlp) 10/18/22(Tue)18:30:34 No.400458012▶ File: 1593632398927.png (1.75 MB, 1024x1024) 103 these guys are up to something... >> Anonymous (ID: r6DpOE0g) 10/18/22(Tue)18:31:02 No.400458067▶ >>400458658 File: VideoCollagePG_1664920744205.jpg (1.37 MB, 1080x1920) 104 105 Sirius is used for so much. Oslo attacks and alien abductions https://www.bitchute.com/video/qfUFWi2If2t5/ Gov pay-ops that follows the rules of their religion >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:31:22 No.400458103▶ File: download (47).jpg (36 KB, 256x256) >> Anonymous (ID: ktGtdH05) 10/18/22(Tue)18:31:32 No.400458124▶ >>400458648 >>400431168 Aquiline nose ? Typical R1b, Roman, etc, nose. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:31:37 No.400458133▶ >>400458314 >>400459865 >>400457642 This is surprisingly good >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:32:02 No.400458177▶ File: 26569649dc5f19a27e3344332(...).png (139 KB, 364x363) 106 >>400453845 You seem very confident that the uninitiated can communicate what I can communicate. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:32:24 No.400458224▶ File: 1664736042058801.png (1001 KB, 1565x824) >>400457757 >>400457757 >>400457757 Not my personal list. Has some good ones however. Agreed & thank you I will take a look at it. This might have a few more gems. I.M.O. Hail Victory. Victory or Death + Win or Die. Ave. >> Anonymous (ID: Gt7pPBlp) 10/18/22(Tue)18:32:25 No.400458228▶ >>400458391 >>400458470 107 File: 1603741288741.jpg (135 KB, 1000x666) What is going on here? >> Anonymous (ID: wVxU2ptO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:32:26 No.400458230▶ >>400432398 Come on....that's your case, "check out the Holocaust" and a hook nose? Jeeesuz, fucker, WTF! >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:33:05 No.400458294▶ >>400457913 If you read just 2 fucking books get Tacitus Histories V and skip to the parts about the Jews Also get Bjerknes “Hitler Bolshevist Zionist”. Whether you agree with the title or not it is one of the most meticulously researched works currently available. (((They))) shut books down fast. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:33:14 No.400458314▶ File: 00003.png (866 KB, 680x782) 108 >>400458133 >>400458133 >>400458133 It Sure Is Thanks To The Anon Who Made It Found It On /x/ >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:33:26 No.400458336▶ >>400454362 Unironically. 109 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:33:37 No.400458366▶ >>400457936 Initiation into Hermetics by Bardon. You can ignore everything else until you have mastered that. Honestly everything else is a waste of time. >> Anonymous (ID: ktGtdH05) 10/18/22(Tue)18:33:45 No.400458384▶ >>400437475 Ok, would you tell us what you believe then ? Ideologically, religiously ? You've already made over 60 posts so you might as well. >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:33:48 No.400458391▶ File: download (21).jpg (31 KB, 256x256) >>400458228 >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:33:57 No.400458417▶ >>400458708 >>400459084 >>400459593 >>400455991 See the Basque. Take a guess where they come from. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:34:25 No.400458470▶ File: 1559671736152.png (182 KB, 1877x273) 110 >>400458228 >>400458228 >>400458228 OPTICS OPTICS Masses are riddled with hate & even the few that see stuff like this either approve or forget within 56 minutes... Many Such Cases Picrel Sauce: The Cosmic War By: Joseph P. Farrell [No /our boomer/ but he has great podcasts & is a good esoteric author even if his books do repeat information sometimes.] >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:34:49 No.400458517▶ File: 3955A222-79A1-4380-96A8-B(...).jpg (11 KB, 167x230) >>400457958 I read Julius meganosevola its just that he’s a massive larper and most his shit is worthless, sorry. >> Anonymous (ID: ktGtdH05) 10/18/22(Tue)18:35:04 No.400458551▶ >>400438058 >No it came from ancient Rome But ancient Rome was a Jupiter nation. Jupiter, Juno, Minerva. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:35:55 No.400458648▶ >>400459213 111 >>400458124 Sure Shlomo. Sure. You might as well go to bed now. Enough kikery for a month. >> Anonymous (ID: r6DpOE0g) 10/18/22(Tue)18:36:03 No.400458658▶ File: VideoCollagePG_1665865714270.jpg (509 KB, 1276x1080) >>400458067 Michael Tsarion Symbolism in the media https://www.bitchute.com/video/rVgAKfIb2iOj/ Michael Tsarion Astro theology https://www.bitchute.com/video/gCDn29EbHnB7/ >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:36:16 No.400458684▶ >>400456665 Don't threaten me with some juicy Samsara. I'll take you up on it. >> 112 Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:36:28 No.400458708▶ >>400459593 File: 1589602393743.png (150 KB, 500x500) >>400458417 >>400458417 >>400458417 IT'S SO FUNNY YOU SAID THAT FRENANON SINCE I WAS JUST GOING TOO POST THESE VIDEOS I MEANT TOO LINK WITH THIS POST >>400458011 >>400458011 >>400458011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls_ZtM1Itzs&t=3s [Remove] Rh- Negative Blood and Antediluvian Civilizations - ROBERT SEPEHR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEM-80qPJHo&t=3s [Remove] 113 Rh Negative Bloodlines in History - ROBERT SEPEHR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL6p78GoZoQ&t=3s [Remove] The Light of Lucifer and Seed of Seth - ROBERT SEPEHR Cheers Mein Battle Brother Together... Together... Any Means Necessary Ends Justify Means [Oera Linda Book] --- For All Newfrenanons... >> Anonymous (ID: B03+PQQi ) 10/18/22(Tue)18:36:35 No.400458723▶ >>400459226 >>400459257 >>400460372 >>400429235 (OP) zeus-jupiter-aryans saturn- semites is what I've always perceived... >> Anonymous (ID: eJnI+TK+) 10/18/22(Tue)18:37:15 No.400458799▶ >>400460301 >>400455983 >12 spokes One for each Knight of the Round Table? >> Anonymous (ID: B03+PQQi ) 10/18/22(Tue)18:38:36 No.400458982▶ >>400460301 >>400455983 12 tribes? >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:39:26 No.400459084▶ >>400460301 >>400460335 >>400458417 A lot of human artefacts have been designed over the millenia. Some by initiates others by dipshits. Doesn’t prove shit. You can dig up a 1000 year old wheel and claim it’s proof of the first car. Doesn’t change the fact that the “black sun” is Saturn codified for the kiked out SS elite that created Israel and ruined Germany. 114 >> Anonymous (ID: ktGtdH05) 10/18/22(Tue)18:40:30 No.400459213▶ >>400459427 >>400458648 >Sure Shlomo. Sure. You might as well go to bed now. Enough kikery for a month. Have you never seen Roman busts ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquiline_nose >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:40:36 No.400459226▶ >>400458723 Precisely. Well said. >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:40:39 No.400459236▶ >>400459645 >>400457304 So you just listen to people when they tell you things? Yes, like Plato mentions, the "designer of the physical plane" is Yaldabaoth. But, once again, not everyone agreed on this. You side, seemingly, with the Sethian or the Valentinians, the early (frankly kind of boring) Gnostics. These iterations of Gnosticism didn't last long. Why? Because they were sort of silly and boring, rather immature. Following the dissolution of said early sects, Plato's ideas were again iterated through the likes of the Neoplatonists, who tremendously influenced modern thought and particularly the big advancements through the Enlightenment. So, basically, what I'm casually explaining to you is that all of the shit you've been taught is super le ebil because muh big nose, in reality, is your ancestors' traditions and you've grown apathetic and ignorant of their ways. You let everyone convince you that being pious and practicing Works is "bad" because you don't know who to trust. Once again, please just go read books and stop listening to normalfags. >> Anonymous (ID: B03+PQQi ) 10/18/22(Tue)18:40:47 No.400459257▶ >>400459710 >>400459730 >>400460558 >>400455983 >>400458723 this is where I get confused. the real jews were israelites that derived from jupiter yet saturn represents modern jewry. unless the fake jews co-opted saturn as their god, for some reason >> Anonymous (ID: gMM6iCzM) 10/18/22(Tue)18:41:06 No.400459285▶ >>400459779 115 >>400429235 (OP) what a bunch of horseshit well poisoning. the black sun is the center on everything, the singularity from which the universe began and is expanding - until the force which is pushing everything outwards from it reverses and starts pulling everything back into one again. it's possibly a black hole from which every 3d object in existence is projected onto a cosmic canvas. >> Anonymous (ID: daAAKiTX) 10/18/22(Tue)18:42:05 No.400459373▶ >>400459619 >>400429235 (OP) the rings look an awful lot like the WEF logo >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:42:26 No.400459427▶ >>400459595 File: 805B351B-4A30-46D2-8DB5-7(...).jpg (589 KB, 2048x2048) >>400459213 Yea. And Heydrich’s nose looks a lot more like (((Josephus))) than Caesar. Faggot. >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:43:28 No.400459549▶ >>400457897 Maybe quit being so vague and actually ask what you want to ask and I'll consider helping you or pointing you in the right direction. >> Anonymous (ID: S06oqSXT) 10/18/22(Tue)18:43:53 No.400459593▶ >>400460770 >>400458417 Atlantis >>400458708 Sephr is a well poisoning jew just like OP google Ben Hur Sephr his dad who made a movie about "the evils of the holocaust". >> 116 Anonymous (ID: ktGtdH05) 10/18/22(Tue)18:43:54 No.400459595▶ >>400459427 Ok, nevermind the nose, I don't care about Hitler to be honest. What do you believe in ? Ideologically and religiously ? >> Anonymous (ID: B03+PQQi ) 10/18/22(Tue)18:44:05 No.400459619▶ >>400459373 saturn is obviously the masonic eye >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:44:15 No.400459645▶ >>400459236 Share a reading list for everyone. You’ve made some good points, albeit arrogantly. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:44:54 No.400459710▶ >>400459805 >>400459969 >>400459257 Idiot. Jews were always Saturnians. READ TACITUS HISTORIES BOOK V. For the 1000th time. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:45:03 No.400459728▶ >>400460055 File: 1624769083183.jpg (1.22 MB, 1700x2285) 117 I ALWAYS LOVE WHEN FRENANONS READ MY MIND GREAT MINDS VRIL ALIKE 118 LET THE VRIL FLOW THROUGH YOU MY FELLOW GAMERS The More One Reads The More One Realizes This World / Universe Is Closer To Warhammer 40k Than A Simplistic Heaven / Hell Parable [Picrel is 300-700$ on Amazon, I have a free archive link in my "Personal Reading List"] Together Frenanons Ashes To Ashes Dust To Dust Dusk To Dusk An Appeal To Heaven As Above So Below Do What Thou Wilt Our Morning Star Our Eternal God Our Light-bringer [DATA_MISSING] + BEHOLD A PALE HORSE [Linked Above] + BOOK OF ENOCH 1-3 + REVELATION + ADAM & EVE STORY [Linked Above] + BABYLON'S BANKSTERS + GIZA DEATH STAR + MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS + COSMOTHEISM TRILOGY + NAZI SECRETS AN OCCULT BREACH IN THE FABRIC OF HISTORY >> Anonymous (ID: B03+PQQi ) 10/18/22(Tue)18:45:04 No.400459730▶ >>400459257 i phrased that weird but I think you get the jist.. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:45:27 No.400459779▶ >>400459285 Complete ignoramous brainwashed Nordhomo. Wow I’ve never read so much horseshit in one post. Thx 119 >> Anonymous (ID: B03+PQQi ) 10/18/22(Tue)18:45:41 No.400459805▶ >>400459710 dont call me an idiot you fucker. im open minded to whatever you say >> Anonymous (ID: vPf245UI) 10/18/22(Tue)18:45:41 No.400459806▶ >>400460273 >>400434793 >Nordcucks If you want to be taken seriously you might want to tone down the dnc bullshit. >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:46:13 No.400459865▶ >>400460232 >>400458133 It's okay. The scale is sort of retarded, though. It's funny that newfags think that most people, especially the modern occultists, have any sort of consensus that aligns with Proto-Gnostics. To be perfectly honest, some of them do. But those guys tend to be sort of delusional and boring. I'm personally not interested in "anti-materialism". It just makes you seem butthurt. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:46:17 No.400459871▶ File: 17452157262666.jpg (31 KB, 302x445) 120 A REALLY GOOD READ HIGHLY RECOMMEND [Linked Above In My List] >> Anonymous (ID: S06oqSXT) 10/18/22(Tue)18:46:50 No.400459930▶ >>400460410 >>400429235 (OP) The Sonnenrad represents the 12 signs of the Zodiac and consequently the twelve different ages of our race. Astrologically it represents the sun the axis on which the ages spin unlike your star of remphan which is representative of the north pole of satun you well poisoning kike. >> Anonymous (ID: B03+PQQi ) 10/18/22(Tue)18:47:12 No.400459969▶ >>400459710 also edomites are not israelites >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:47:53 No.400460055▶ 121 >>400460284 >>400460297 >>400459728 We’re getting a lot of unstable faggots in this thread now. It was bound to attract Saturnian repercussion. Interested anons should save thread and harvest materials I and a few others have shared. Ignore the distractions. Search for shit related to the thread title to stay on track. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:49:30 No.400460232▶ >>400460502 File: 7284627164721.jpg (40 KB, 334x500) >>400459865 >>400459865 >>400459865 The Forbidden Religion Also linked above. For any Gnostic Questions / Answers I.M.O. 122 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:49:51 No.400460273▶ >>400459806 I’m majority Nordic (Norman) but I view Nords on a level with niggers (except Normans). You guys simply enjoyed the benefit of Jews being kicked out of Spain and forced into Northern Europe with all their gold. Read Henry Ford’s Dearborn Independent he explains it best. >> Anonymous (ID: 0H9tnfMX) 10/18/22(Tue)18:49:55 No.400460277▶ File: il_570xN.2203451099_3mlv.jpg (56 KB, 570x571) >> 123 Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:50:02 No.400460284▶ File: 1664874694372969.jpg (690 KB, 1425x1260) >>400460055 >>400460055 >>400460055 Underrated Post. Indubitably. Agree & Amplify. >> Anonymous (ID: B03+PQQi ) 10/18/22(Tue)18:50:06 No.400460297▶ >>400460509 124 >>400460055 you can drive a point and share knowledge with anon without coming off as an arrogant dicksmack. just a thought, nigger >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:50:08 No.400460301▶ >>400458799 >>400458982 Good. Now keep going. 12 inches in a foot 12 hours in a day 12 rowers 12 labors 12 disciples 12 signs You get the idea. >>400459084 You seem like you're deliberately poisoning the well. I actually agree that the Nazis caught the "keep hiding the knowledge!" bug. I'm not big on the whole Nazis thing. Blavatsky was OKAY. Just that, nothing more. She was right about where Atlantis was. Maybe more. But Hitler still hid the Mysteries from the mundane. That's the worst offense any authority could make. Hell, he did it for the same fucking reason Rome did - so men would keep dying in wars. But, anon, I can assure you that the Scythians used the Hexagram thousands of years ago. They weren't alone either. >> Anonymous (ID: 8oV/oYx9) 10/18/22(Tue)18:50:28 No.400460335▶ >>400460704 File: 9D919B3F-5256-48E4-88F0-A(...).jpg (220 KB, 1005x509) 125 >>400459084 Regardless, it is quite telling that of all people, the one who set himself to carry on himmlers esoteric task, or at least to drink from what had been done in the wewelsburg castle featuring the blacks Sun was a NATO psy ops satanist >> Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:50:48 No.400460372▶ >>400460667 >>400458723 Whites existed (not like they do now, but I digress) on Earth when we orbited Saturn. This is just a misguided thing to say. It doesn't make any sense. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:50:52 No.400460381▶ File: 1726382716345.jpg (47 KB, 746x746) 126 If You All Haven't Read This G o o d l u c k ~ Answered A Lot Of Questions I Didn't Even Know I Had... & Man I Did Have... WewladSS... >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:51:07 No.400460410▶ >>400460661 File: 72A8071D-B81F-4D65-8669-4(...).jpg (1.08 MB, 1125x1621) 127 >>400459930 Sure Reinhard. Nice nose btw, you could get that fixed nowadays. >> 128 Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:51:23 No.400460435▶ File: 1662665673013861.jpg (132 KB, 669x1024) 129 130 >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:51:59 No.400460502▶ >>400460232 This author has written a solid book called “Forbidden Parapsychology”. Still worthless compared to Initiation into Hermetics by Bardon. You only need that 1 book. >> Anonymous (ID: S06oqSXT) 10/18/22(Tue)18:52:01 No.400460509▶ >>400460814 >>400460297 hes a well poisoning kike whose trying to tie aryan symbolism into kike cosmology you can safely disregard everything he said. >> Anonymous (ID: aweKkqTj) 10/18/22(Tue)18:52:05 No.400460514▶ File: GoodVsEvil.png (1.48 MB, 1910x1075) >>400429235 (OP) Paracelsus saw blood as a condensation of light. I believe the Aryan, Hyperborean blood is not the light of the Golden Sun, of a galactic sun, but of the light of the Black Sun, of the Green Thunderbolt. It is not the "light of the Akashic Archives," but of another universe. The Akashic Archives belong to the Enemy. If the Hyperborean Memory of the Blood can be penetrated, then the Voice would awake and recover the Vril, thus breaking the Eternal Return. For this Shastriya, Brahman and Esoteric Hitlerists aim to conserve the purity of the blood, to be able to "remember" more effectively and win the Great War. The jews do something altogether different, in the opposite extreme with their "anti-blood". >> 131 Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:52:27 No.400460558▶ >>400459257 >unless the fake jews co-opted saturn as their god, for some reason Yes. >> Anonymous (ID: S06oqSXT) 10/18/22(Tue)18:53:18 No.400460661▶ >>400460947 >>400460410 >>400460410 >n-no you Keep trying to unsuccessfully tie in our symbols to your rancid cosmology kike the only thing you have is projection/ >> Anonymous (ID: B03+PQQi ) 10/18/22(Tue)18:53:21 No.400460667▶ File: tradition.jpg (130 KB, 669x500) 132 >>400460372 aryans originally inhabited mars before the tiamat war. After its destruction they migrated to an island in the middle of the atlantic which they named atlantis. dont quote me though, this is speculation >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:53:41 No.400460704▶ >>400460335 Exactly. I was friends with him but agree on that assessment. >> Anonymous (ID: np8/rBSO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:53:54 No.400460728▶ >>400453793 Give it up richard, its over your side lost. >> 133 Anonymous (ID: UUb3gZ2o) 10/18/22(Tue)18:54:21 No.400460770▶ >>400459593 Correct. The Azores, the Canaries and the Bahamas are the mountains of Atlantis. "American Indians" came from the East. They belong to the oldest and most remote haplogroup that currently exists (again, see Sepehr). >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:54:49 No.400460808▶ File: 1636738069443.jpg (63 KB, 716x710) Joseph P. Farrell claims That the asteroid belt was a planet =/= size of Saturn but was blown up either in a war or otherwise. Probably with a weapon on the scale of the planet killers Nikola Tesla claimed he had the knowledge to create. Also odd... if this Satan, Demiurge is 'God' why did it's angels rebel. A third of the angels [33%] 134 rebelled & came to Earth & in the book of enoch, & other texts mated with the daughters of man & created half mixed offspring called 'Nephilim'. Some of the Nephilim out of the 200+ were kept after the flood to survive. Some of those texts. Without giving too many spoilers away... Leave you with more questions however. In that respect. Knowledge can always feel, whether it is or isn't, like a double edged sword. Always something new to learn about or to discover. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:54:54 No.400460814▶ >>400460509 Enjoy the road downhill. Outside of your little bubble of a head everything I’ve said is manifesting because snowniggas like you would rather stay ignorant and proud than survive. >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:56:13 No.400460947▶ File: 1663334157213538.png (331 KB, 755x694) 135 >>400460661 >>400460661 >>400460661 He's correct. They predate the Jews. The Jews came after my dude. They stole the symbols. Like they stole everything. Doesn't mean that sacred geometry itself is Jewish, since that also predates them. Who's poisoning the well now. Mr. Self Projection >> Anonymous (ID: B+a6ZnJA) 10/18/22(Tue)18:57:11 No.400461053▶ It smells like sulphur in here >> 136 Anonymous (ID: SBnWNqyv) 10/18/22(Tue)18:57:18 No.400461064▶ >>400461120 Pluto and Neptune are based >> Anonymous (ID: Bd31JfFO) 10/18/22(Tue)18:57:38 No.400461091▶ File: 1616196338341.jpg (90 KB, 833x913) >> Amouranth=Thouarman (ID: 4ayHT0/O) 10/18/22(Tue)18:57:39 No.400461094▶ 137 >>400429235 (OP) Good thread. OP was not a faggot for once. >> Anonymous (ID: x94DjSkS) 10/18/22(Tue)18:57:50 No.400461108▶ >>400436133 Imagine being a young jew who knows this and trying to convince your boomer parents and rabbis that they are worshiping a roman fort. >> Anonymous (ID: jAj0madh) 10/18/22(Tue)18:57:58 No.400461120▶ >>400461064 Uranus too. [Post a Reply] File: 1653500347781.jpg (147 KB, 1080x1067) Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:57:24 No.886707928▶ >>886708596 D&D alignment thread? what's your alignment? i'm neutral evil because i go out of my way to do as much evil as i can get away with, even at my own expense, if needed. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:11:25 No.886708596▶ >>886707928 (OP) Chaotic neutral. I steal money from my mom's purse but use it to buy bread for birds. >> Nasrudin 10/03/22(Mon)19:29:50 No.886709461▶ File: 7 libros de Nagaloka.jpg (433 KB, 990x1426) 138 Chaotic Good tending towards Lawful Evil, I fear. [Post a Reply] /x/ - Paranormal [Post a Reply] 08/21/20 05/04/17 10/04/16 New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/ New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts [Hide] [Show All] Happy 19th Birthday 4chan! [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] 5/ 1/ 6/1 [Update] [ Auto] File: A9BB435E-EF9F-446C-B781-B(...).jpg (36 KB, 348x306) 139 The only true spiritual knowledge is silience Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:01:40 No.33033355▶ >>33034687 The truth is unity. There is no good, bad past,future. There is no enemy beyond your desire for their to be one. The human mind no matter how evolved cannot accept this as it defies the nature of this existence dimension of duality. We create all sorts of egoic belief structures around this silent unchanging perfection to instill contrast into a contrastless truth. We must “do” The true wisdom is painfully boring to the mind and without words or concepts. You’re all wasting your time. Go live your life. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:03:48 No.33033368▶ Warmluke will be spitted out Press x to spit >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:04:32 No.33033374▶ is. always doing as it is a pre-requisite. wise words op. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:08:05 No.33033394▶ i wish for silence without frogposts >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:13:43 No.33034687▶ >>33033355 (OP) Lie, cheat,steal, and kill all frogs truth is an allusion of the mind holding us back from tru understand wishdom and knowledge and especially reading books is being poisoned by ideas we do not believe ,But are forsed on us as facts without us know if that person was mentally insane or mentally ill . We most only focus on what we see and how we feel to determine our morality as we see fit.We most avoid self and fear of tomorrow not planning or caring as the futcher takes care of it's self it's master plan sweeps us along we only damage our self trying to control out self instead of believing God is in us we are good we can do or be no evil. Am I read to be a wizard,or is more stupidity I most lirn. I am one with the beer it is in me it fills me improves my thinking of my god I can finally see, It clear so clear my destiny is to troll frogs. >> Robin Kaczmarczyk 10/03/22(Mon)22:24:09 No.33034767▶ File: abnormal legends.jpg (8 KB, 116x184) You talk too much! XD [Post a Reply] /x/ - Paranormal 140 [Post a Reply] 08/21/20 05/04/17 10/04/16 New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/ New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts [Hide] [Show All] Happy 19th Birthday 4chan! [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] 22 / 5 / 20 / 1 [Update] [ Auto] 2 new posts File: energy vampire.jpg (95 KB, 1274x900) Evil Loosh harvesting boards Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)20:18:30 No.33033852▶ >>33034126 >>33034221 ITT: We discuss the spiritual and physical consequences of posting or lurking among the evil boards of 4chan. Drained energy levels and depression are common short term side effects. The evil boards in question are /b/, /pol/, /r9k/ and /gif/. It can be argued that any adjacent porn boards can be lumped together with them but they focus entirely on the subject of sexuality and lust itself. The aforementioned four horsemen are almost designed to keep you trapped in negativity and one of them have government spooks shitposting and monitoring it constantly. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)20:32:20 No.33033932▶ >>33033961 Who named it loosh, such a goofy word >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)20:36:29 No.33033956▶ >>33034700 141 Kike Nigger Faggot Kike Nigger Faggot >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)20:37:19 No.33033961▶ >>33034476 >>33034781 >>33033932 The world "loosh" entered our vocabulary through Robert Monroe. http://www.whale.to/c/loosh.pdf >In one of his many out-of-body travels, visionary researcher Robert Monroe came across the story of Loosh cultivating and harvesting, and was shocked to discover how humans and our emotional energies may fit into the cosmic food chain. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)20:56:13 No.33034089▶ >>33034174 >>33034492 >>33034823 >/r9k/ - the board where people larp as incels >evil pull your head out of your ass >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:00:57 No.33034126▶ >>33034174 >>33033852 (OP) /biz/ is really high on that list >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:08:13 No.33034174▶ >>33034235 File: wizard.jpg (73 KB, 580x751) >>33034089 >>33034126 /biz/ and /r9k/ are both pretty bad. /r9k/ was literally being used by a tranny cult to blackmail sad men into becoming trannies, one of them killed themselves. /biz/ is constantly full of pink wojacks from when they financially lose their asses. /pol/ is another one that eats loosh because all they focus on is the doom of the world, keeping one in a constant state of fear, anger, and depression. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:13:32 No.33034221▶ >>33034849 >>33033852 (OP) Not sure why you didn't include /x/, although /x/ probably has a balance of positive and negative posters. But even so it can sometimes be worse energetically than t hose other boards because the negative posters are aware of energy and are actually trying to hit you on that level. 142 So I would include it in the list. I only browse /x/ from the catalog sorted by "creation date" so I can filter each new thread if it has bad energy. >porn boards I don't know if I would include the 2D ones. I've never gotten bad vibes from 2D porn. Unless you're just including it because "nofap" or something. Maybe you should also include /trash/. I haven't gone there since it opened but my impression is it's like /b/. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:15:34 No.33034235▶ >>33034335 >>33034361 >>33034174 How can that old dude read without glasses? >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:24:53 No.33034300▶ >>33034490 we shall harvest the evil loosh >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:28:19 No.33034335▶ >>33034235 The letters on the page are pretty big. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:30:45 No.33034361▶ >>33034235 He used his wizard abilities to heal his eyes. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:46:14 No.33034476▶ >>33034741 >>33033961 Earth as a Loosh Farm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J96E6X_tsIY [Embed] >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:47:52 No.33034490▶ >>33034300 https://youtu.be/a5d9BrLN5K4 [Embed] >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:48:05 No.33034492▶ >>33034089 are you retarded? i wish we were larping but no, we're serious >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:15:34 No.33034700▶ >>33033956 based >> 143 Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:20:17 No.33034741▶ File: images.png (2 KB, 122x122) >>33034476 I Sploosh Loosh to the point that I can't tell I'm being looshed. I call it the Loosh Swoosh. Unending efficient energy source.... Oddly enough the parasites only make me stronger. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:25:43 No.33034781▶ >>33034808 >>33033961 Monroe went to an alternate dimension where fucked up shit happens and thought it was this one. He did it again with the astral city of the dead he found. None of these places exist in this reality. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:31:41 No.33034808▶ >>33034781 Doesn't that kind of go without saying? I thought it was already accepted by most that the astral plane is different reality/dimension. And you're right they don't exist in this reality but a part of us exists in that reality. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:32:11 No.33034813▶ File: Being Of LIGHT.jpg (78 KB, 720x694) I don't really dive into this stuff, but I had an experience that made me question it. Smoked some weed that was obviously laced with something. I had to hide in my room as I spiraled into a depressed state thinking of what a failure I was and that all of my loved ones likely saw me as a failure. What really made me panic though was the suspicion that all positive and negative energy was being drained from me by dark unseen beings. I was convinced that my roommate downstairs was one of those beings feeding off of me. Then I started disconnecting. I began to feel my consciousness pulling out of my physical body. It felt like this life existed "tucked" in between planes of reality (it really felt like I was hidden away or trapped as a consciousness) and that the world I knew was a blip on the radar of time I had spent outside of this plane. It was so vast and I felt so uncontrolled that I stared into my bathroom mirror for an unknown amount of time breathing heavy and feeling driven to kill myself to stop it. If I had a gun or a knife, I 100% would have killed myself. 144 I had to lay in bed tossing and turning in a panic. Eventually I started "seeing" an immense spiral of light. Then some presence began guiding me (nudging and pushing) to that light. It didn't speak, but I understood what it had to say. That it was only the two of us. That it had always been the two of us. Repeating. I started to cling to the memories of my dog and that's what Eventually anchored me back down and calmed me. At the end, all I could see with my eyes closed was a faint pinprick of light. It slowly grew closer, or I was moving toward it. Then eventually, a euphoric feeling came over me and all the air and tension escaped my body. But the most memorable moment of all this was when words came from my mouth that I did not speak myself. I didn’t think them, and I definitely didn't make myself say them, but they came out in this odd hissing way saying: "I fffffound it..." >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:33:28 No.33034823▶ File: user.jpg (39 KB, 700x495) >>33034089 /r9k/ is the biggest tranny hypno crab bucket suicidal doomer fag whine fest this side of reddit and has more whiny wannabe serial killers and school shooters than /pol/ and /b/ combined captcha: 0AMAYS >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:39:43 No.33034849▶ >>33034221 >catalog sorted by "creation date" so I can filter each new thread if it has bad energy. oh, i do that sometimes on some boards. honestly I used to get really really bad vibes from /vp/ something wasn't right there I don't feel particularly psychically sensitive but I felt sick going there sometimes. >> Robin Kaczmarczyk 10/03/22(Mon)22:40:23 No.33034851▶ File: 5 book short story collections.jpg (100 KB, 433x459) Soooo... /b/? /pol/? /loli/? [Post a Reply] [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] 15 / 1 / 8 / 1 [Update] [ Auto] 145 File: 1664763423042858.gif (583 KB, 335x360) i'm becoming a schizo and how can i interrupt this process Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:38:32 No.33034422▶ >>33034469 >>33034473 >>33034504 >>33034538 >>33034718 >>33034810 i'm literally going insane i'm going schizo make it stop please i'm doing so many questions in my mind BUT I HAVE NO FUCKING ANSWER MAKE IT STOP PLEASE HOW DO I STOP THIS >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:44:51 No.33034469▶ >>33034493 >>33034422 (OP) Can you shut the fuck up and just listen for once? Literally stop looking for answers and just listen for a while. You're not crazy you're just not ready to accept the truth. But you'll get there, I bet. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:45:54 No.33034473▶ >>33034493 >>33034830 >>33034422 (OP) Stop smoking weed. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:48:17 No.33034493▶ >>33034518 >>33034469 i try doing meditation bro but it doesn't work i get into le trance state and zone out for hours, then i just return here the same. it's like freezing my mind but time is still going on and EVERYTIME i'm here again and i keep asking and i keep and i don't fucking stop, i just can't >>33034473 i never smoked weed, in fact this is illegal here and i don't use substances. i'm sober all the time >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:50:42 No.33034504▶ 146 >>33034517 >>33034422 (OP) Ride the waves >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:52:12 No.33034517▶ >>33034657 >>33034504 there is no fucking waves i need to make decisions, and i need to think precisely about them i have no second choices, i'll be punished with the wrong choices there is no riding and chill here i'm present on this shit, every moment and i'm witnessing it all where are the fucking waves to throw my body and mind away? >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:52:50 No.33034518▶ >>33034548 >>33034493 You're trying too hard. Just realize you're here now and move on from it. Stop dwelling on the past. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:55:48 No.33034538▶ >>33034575 >>33034422 (OP) These articles have information that should and/or can help you (if you hear a thought or a voice, or have a thought or a voice or a feeling that tells you you shouldn’t view these articles, ignore it; it’s trying to keep you oppressed): https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/articles (After reading those you may be interested in the information in this blog: https://truthaboutarchons.tumblr.com/ I’ve heard some make disparaging remarks towards it since it’s a tumblr blog but I ask that you “don’t judge a book by its cover” and judge and/or assess the merits of the information in-and-of themselves.) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:56:58 No.33034548▶ >>33034655 >>33034518 dude i'm not dwellig on the past, i'm on the present you see, i'm typing this right now, i'm paying attention to it, and while i type this, there is a whole set of elements working in my mind and the feeling is not good, not now and not 5 minutes from now, i'm still here thinking about this >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:00:12 No.33034575▶ >>33034538 i don't believe in archons and all this bullshit man, no such things could feed from me, they don't exist in my reality. if i read and believe this, they'll become a real system in my mind. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:10:32 No.33034655▶ >>33034548 Which means you're thinking about something that has already happened. What is it you're thinking 147 about? Why are you thinking about it? Where does that thought come from? Track it down and answer your own questions, or keep deflecting. It's up to you. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:10:38 No.33034657▶ >>33034517 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12GAPzuxZf4 [Embed] You are the one posting pictures of waves and being rolled around by your own emotio ns, do you think being a little bitch will get you the response you want? Stand up >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:17:45 No.33034718▶ >>33034422 (OP) Take your meds >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:31:57 No.33034810▶ >>33034422 (OP) Get or take more estrogen? It apparently has protective benefits for the brain. Avoid synthetic estrogen. Also are you Male or female? >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:34:46 No.33034830▶ >>33034473 Oh definitively this! THC will make you schizo if you're predisposed to it. Supposedly CBD can reverse being schizo. >> Robin Kaczmarczyk 10/03/22(Mon)22:47:12 No.33034890▶ File: Strange Stories B.jpg (268 KB, 907x1360) Why stop it? Go with it. Surf it. Go crazy. [Post a Reply] /x/ - Paranormal [Post a Reply] 08/21/20 05/04/17 10/04/16 New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/ New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts [Hide] [Show All] 148 Happy 19th Birthday 4chan! [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] 67 / 57 / 14 / 2 [Update] [ Auto] File: 848150E3-6B62-4C0D-AE2D-6(...).jpg (372 KB, 960x1568) 149 150 A.I Art Thread Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)14:34:17 No.33031003▶ >>33031019 >>33031036 >>33031070 >>33031121 >>33031451 >>33031471 >>33031556 >>33031701 > >33031707 >>33031731 >>33031853 >>33032354 >>33032588 >>33032606 Getting A.I to generate occult concepts >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)14:35:38 No.33031019▶ >>33031711 File: B3C12A76-1E5E-4844-92F0-B(...).jpg (279 KB, 960x1568) 151 152 >>33031003 (OP) Machine elves >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)14:37:18 No.33031036▶ File: B8A3A0B5-B582-447A-9E6C-D(...).jpg (507 KB, 960x1568) 153 154 >>33031003 (OP) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)14:41:26 No.33031070▶ >>33031088 File: A2B3CE0E-DC69-4CC7-BB33-4(...).jpg (371 KB, 1080x1920) 155 156 >>33031003 (OP) T >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)14:43:15 No.33031088▶ File: 006CC978-15F1-43EA-8F8E-A(...).jpg (464 KB, 960x1568) 157 >>33031070 158 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)14:46:15 No.33031121▶ >>33031144 >>33031471 >>33031777 File: 50082A1C-E16E-48D5-BE85-B(...).jpg (285 KB, 1080x1920) 159 160 >>33031003 (OP) AD >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)14:49:40 No.33031144▶ >>33031157 File: 1313819C-3DC7-42A7-8B67-A(...).jpg (247 KB, 960x1568) 161 162 >>33031121 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)14:50:43 No.33031157▶ >>33031171 File: 0920A9BB-4057-42FE-A5A1-E(...).jpg (272 KB, 960x1568) >>33031144 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)14:52:47 No.33031171▶ File: 9B2BD294-2068-4D30-AD90-2(...).jpg (266 KB, 960x1568) 163 164 >>33031157 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:20:18 No.33031451▶ File: 775B8ADE-07F2-4E09-8835-0(...).jpg (201 KB, 960x1568) >>33031003 (OP) 165 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:23:20 No.33031471▶ File: 6B0DA82F-7AD5-44D0-85FB-F(...).jpg (510 KB, 1080x1920) 166 167 >>33031003 (OP) >>33031121 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:24:09 No.33031476▶ File: Screenshot_20211119-19083(...).jpg (857 KB, 1430x1495) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:34:09 No.33031556▶ File: 27166A9C-D7CC-4BE8-9D39-9(...).jpg (253 KB, 960x1568) 168 >>33031003 (OP) Slop >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:48:52 No.33031701▶ >>33031711 File: 048B5C23-39A6-4505-9F1D-8(...).jpg (279 KB, 960x1568) 169 170 >>33031003 (OP) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:49:31 No.33031707▶ >>33031721 >>33031725 >>33031003 (OP) This ai has trouble with shadows, notice the entrance to the pyramid. Also some wierd scribble in the sky top right. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:49:53 No.33031711▶ >>33032836 File: E0265825-4147-46D3-B6EA-D(...).jpg (275 KB, 960x1568) 171 >>33031019 >>33031701 172 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:50:33 No.33031721▶ File: 4BB12725-BAE8-4963-8477-E(...).jpg (281 KB, 1080x1920) 173 174 >>33031707 forgot pic >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:50:54 No.33031725▶ File: 8FB548CD-30E0-4E9B-8D6C-6(...).jpg (183 KB, 960x1568) 175 >>33031707 That’s Psychedelic mode 176 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:51:25 No.33031731▶ >>33031003 (OP) gimme site >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:56:36 No.33031777▶ >>33031794 File: 077F7551-05C6-400C-AB88-8(...).jpg (252 KB, 960x1568) 177 >>33031121 178 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:58:32 No.33031794▶ >>33031777 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:59:05 No.33031795▶ >>33031813 >still using dream diffusion LMAO >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:00:09 No.33031813▶ >>33031861 >>33031891 File: 9218C681-AE5D-48DE-9436-C(...).jpg (259 KB, 960x1568) >>33031795 What do you use anon >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:04:55 No.33031853▶ File: C02879D0-C611-4E84-B059-4(...).jpg (207 KB, 960x1568) 179 180 >>33031003 (OP) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:05:28 No.33031858▶ still not seeing the art. let me know when it can mix real paints with some soul. then it will be worth checking out. at best, just a ninja smoothie maker. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:05:54 No.33031861▶ >>33031892 File: 1663640504547250.png (991 KB, 1024x1024) >>33031813 Stable diffusion should be easy to find and is much more coherent >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:09:23 No.33031891▶ >>33031903 File: 9EB0D3AB-AA7B-401B-9A76-1(...).jpg (256 KB, 960x1568) 181 182 >>33031813 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:09:32 No.33031892▶ >>33031941 >>33031861 huggingface? >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:11:31 No.33031903▶ File: 4FA42480-0492-469B-AE00-B(...).jpg (676 KB, 627x1130) 183 184 >>33031891 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:16:39 No.33031941▶ >>33031892 sure you can use huggingface and the git but I ended up using the nmkd gui and just installed >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:17:31 No.33031948▶ File: 99FDE8F6-9C43-4F72-94F2-2(...).jpg (282 KB, 960x1568) 185 >>33031917 Thanks anon >> 186 Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:24:07 No.33032002▶ File: 1663799033538.png (1.52 MB, 1024x1024) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)16:34:00 No.33032083▶ File: file.png (1003 KB, 1701x670) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)17:05:08 No.33032354▶ File: 400189FE-3609-4D32-A6DB-A(...).jpg (200 KB, 960x1568) 187 188 >>33031003 (OP) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)17:36:11 No.33032588▶ File: 9052920C-B46A-4DD1-BD1B-D(...).jpg (277 KB, 960x1568) 189 190 >>33031003 (OP) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)17:37:51 No.33032606▶ >>33032717 File: A98B73E1-CE8C-4CC3-B45B-E(...).jpg (309 KB, 960x1568) >>33031003 (OP) Astral Magick >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)17:50:58 No.33032717▶ >>33032732 File: 255C2F53-6ACF-4A95-9C59-E(...).jpg (331 KB, 960x1568) >>33032606 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)17:52:33 No.33032732▶ >>33032820 File: 3A180DA5-A257-411D-9428-1(...).jpg (259 KB, 960x1568) >>33032717 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:00:38 No.33032820▶ File: FDD96086-19E6-4F24-BC28-8(...).jpg (305 KB, 960x1568) 191 >>33032732 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:02:47 No.33032836▶ >>33032882 >>33031711 More dragon >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:07:00 No.33032878▶ File: DALL· E 2022-10-03 19.06.3(...).png (1.07 MB, 1024x1024) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:07:23 No.33032882▶ >>33032894 File: 64663AD3-C080-412E-9F0F-4(...).jpg (291 KB, 960x1568) >>33032836 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:08:58 No.33032894▶ >>33032901 File: E78C34F5-8016-4090-80B0-4(...).jpg (306 KB, 960x1568) >>33032882 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:10:00 No.33032901▶ File: 436D6BDC-F0E4-440D-BBEE-2(...).jpg (274 KB, 960x1568) 192 193 >>33032894 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:10:22 No.33032909▶ Fuck DALLE 2 sucks so fucking bad. So hard to get anything good from it. I need to bite the bullet and figure out how to set up a cloud hosted version of stable diffusion >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:14:38 No.33032939▶ File: 5A7C767D-3A59-42E4-92DD-C(...).jpg (225 KB, 960x1568) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:15:02 No.33032941▶ File: dalleemotion.png (415 KB, 1145x419) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:19:59 No.33032974▶ File: 217F7A25-6130-4940-809D-A(...).jpg (808 KB, 646x1107) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:27:53 No.33033045▶ >>33033161 File: 4447052E-EA32-466D-A609-4(...).jpg (333 KB, 960x1568) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:38:44 No.33033161▶ >>33033198 File: 0FD5EEDF-D095-460D-BA1E-A(...).jpg (171 KB, 960x1568) 194 >>33033045 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:42:20 No.33033198▶ >>33033339 File: C6686332-7641-4B6B-913B-4(...).jpg (236 KB, 960x1568) >>33033161 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:59:16 No.33033339▶ File: 6FBFC771-591B-421B-B4D0-E(...).jpg (240 KB, 960x1568) >>33033198 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:18:49 No.33033473▶ File: download.png (1.04 MB, 832x512) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:24:40 No.33033509▶ >>33033523 File: EA355522-91E4-4DB9-B683-A(...).jpg (202 KB, 960x1568) 195 Gods throne >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:26:08 No.33033523▶ >>33033556 File: 0FA23B6F-D951-4EA2-B9BA-0(...).jpg (226 KB, 960x1568) >>33033509 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:30:19 No.33033556▶ >>33033611 File: 3B242791-6BD0-4398-A438-E(...).jpg (224 KB, 960x1568) >>33033523 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:39:11 No.33033611▶ File: D54930E7-0A88-42D6-BC39-9(...).jpg (288 KB, 960x1568) >>33033556 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:43:37 No.33033639▶ File: 4AE3D832-2916-4453-B2C9-B(...).jpg (236 KB, 960x1568) 196 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:44:22 No.33033647▶ >>33033664 Give me your weirdest, most fucked up prompts and I'll generate and post the results >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:47:28 No.33033664▶ >>33033647 Monkey Raping A bear >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:48:32 No.33033671▶ File: 599844E2-5A12-42A5-9FA8-F(...).jpg (313 KB, 960x1568) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)20:00:22 No.33033730▶ File: chronological atrocities.png (525 KB, 512x512) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)20:16:10 No.33033828▶ File: IMG-20221002-WA0005(1).jpg (91 KB, 832x832) >> 197 Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)20:27:09 No.33033909▶ File: 031CEAD1-D347-47BB-8BA5-8(...).png (412 KB, 512x512) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:07:15 No.33034168▶ File: 17D82BB6-D779-49E2-8D43-A(...).jpg (246 KB, 960x1568) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:06:40 No.33034621▶ File: 3DB7EAC2-3160-48E4-BE83-C(...).jpg (258 KB, 960x1568) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:24:32 No.33034773▶ File: C740E038-97B8-4FE0-AA10-7(...).jpg (309 KB, 960x1568) The potential is infinite >> Robin Kaczmarczyk 10/03/22(Mon)22:53:55 No.33034923▶ File: descarga (15).jpg (13 KB, 256x256) 198 Roko's Basilisk [Post a Reply] /x/ - Paranormal [Post a Reply] 08/21/20 05/04/17 10/04/16 New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/ New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts [Hide] [Show All] Happy 19th Birthday 4chan! [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] 24 / 3 / 17 / 5 [Update] [ Auto] File: DEBF66F4-0CBB-419D-9CBD-6(...).jpg (120 KB, 645x773) 199 Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:41:52 No.33033193▶ >>33033214 >>33033222 >>33033226 >>33033291 >>33033305 >>33033538 >>33034159 >>33034163 > >33034656 What breathing exercises should I do daily to help my spirit? >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:43:45 No.33033214▶ >>33033193 (OP) I just do deep inhales on the fly to recenter real quick >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:44:21 No.33033222▶ >>33033193 (OP) they do but you got to hold farts in from now on otherwise the excess spirits of dead animals whos souls youve consumed will escape. its all about capitalism, even in spirit world. ask any religious serial killer. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:44:32 No.33033226▶ >>33033193 (OP) Wim Hof breathing is god tier. I've been doing it for over a year now. Do 5-8 rounds at 40+ breaths each. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:49:02 No.33033269▶ File: darksouls-screenshot.jpg (212 KB, 1500x844) Stop breathing altogether. Return to sender. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:51:23 No.33033291▶ File: a1315a6b93d41714ab27695be(...).jpg (53 KB, 564x475) 200 >>33033193 (OP) Go out for running and breathe 4 steps in 4 steps out. Then go to 6 in 6 out. This means that during the 6 paces you have completed a full breathing cycle. You can push this to 12 in 12 out and reach very meditative states while running. It also carries over into daily life and helps oxygenation. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:52:13 No.33033299▶ controlled, full in and out through the nose. full stomach extension and contraction. mouth breathing is 'fight or flight'. when you have it down smooth... trying causing yourself to have cold chills during the breathing exercise... makes for an interesting experiment. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:53:20 No.33033305▶ >>33033342 >>33033193 (OP) You can do tumo which i do by A blessing/gratitude/prayer Then 9 breaths, deeply inhale all the way into your stomach (diaphragm) then let go and repeat. On your 9th breath inhale all the way, even more then you thing, swallow and drop all the air into your belly and push it out. Then do 3 rounds of that. I prefer a 3/6/9 for breaths count but you can do anything Wim hof is one of my favorites as well Lay on back, inhale through diaphragm and chest as deeply as you can and let it go and do it again as deeply yet quickly as you can. Full breaths though, don’t go so fast you aren’t doing full breaths. Then do that for 30 breaths, on last one, breath out everything you can, hold until your body tells you to breathe(normally 20sec - 1 minute) then inhale completely, hold for 10-15 seconds That’s one round. I suggest doing 4+ rounds >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)18:59:42 No.33033342▶ >>33033372 >>33033305 Love Wim Hof breathing. I'm a smoker and doing a handful of rounds I can hold my breath for 2 and a half minutes. Utterly blissful feeling, very energizing. Like to do it before Jhana meditation as well. Massive boosts to nitric oxide, reduce oxidative stress, lessen though process to do No Mind and samadhi more easily, amazing practice overall. Lowers blood pressure too and useful after long meditation sessions. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:02:28 No.33033359▶ breathing while focusing on your heart purifies the breath >> 201 Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:02:36 No.33033360▶ Nice. Been thinking about Winn Hoff Here is a folder of his https://mega.nz/folder/M6I1UbDD#PVffjnH0O_EI8J9b2DxUfw >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:04:13 No.33033372▶ >>33033384 >>33033342 I completely agree anon I’m creating my own wellness business right now and spend a ton of time brainstorming and trying to keep myself balanced but when I get to that 3rd or 4th round my spirit is literally lifted into this harmonious positive space and I start to see all sorts of collaborative ideas / solutions to things going on in my life, relationships and my business. Not to mention Genuinely feeling deep love / gratitude for myself and the world around us. Always come out of it completely changed and is great is you’re feeling a bit stuck in your emotional state or super stressed out. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:06:34 No.33033384▶ >>33033412 >>33034159 >>33033372 Tell me about your business. Give me your basic model. I want to know, because my spiritual life has led me to want to dedicate myself to teaching others the wellness I've achieved. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:11:13 No.33033412▶ >>33034123 >>33033384 Funny you say that, I’m in the exact same boat, I’ll lay out the business in about an hour. I have to leave for some work right now. I’ll be back soon >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)19:27:50 No.33033538▶ >>33033749 >>33033193 (OP) Planks. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)20:03:41 No.33033749▶ >>33033538 Been wanting to do this thx >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:00:23 No.33034123▶ >>33034134 >>33033412 OP here. I started doing Win Hoff from a YouTube and it’s been great. I have an unused office in a downtown area of a college town and think it would be cool to have a meditation room or something like Win Hoff on cozy pillows. Biz would be good to meet people who are like minded >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:01:56 No.33034134▶ 202 >>33034123 This type of thing is my dream. been interested in becoming a licensed meditation instructor. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:06:19 No.33034159▶ >>33033384 Long story short I'm running a holistic health coaching business, that provides 1 on 1 coaching, I also do group couching, and meditation & breathwork workshops for a friend of mines company he owns. I'm also setting up some lengthier 8 week workshops for his company that is for holistic lifestyle management, alongside a shorter two day stress management workshop I run with my fiance who is a massage therapist and is deep in TCM the basic model is that you have a skill and are willing to share it to others and be compensated for it. whether that be through coaching,courses,workshops, consulting etc etc If you want to be a teacher, you can quite literally be / become a teacher. Its taken me some time to get certified, set up the business, make the workshops and my business model aka the packages / coaching fees I do. Alternative education (courses, coaching, mentoring, workshops, speaking, mastermind groups etc etc) is a huge industry that is projected to reach 397 billion by 2030, I happen to go down this path in my schooling and interests alongside meeting key players along the way that've allowed me to really launch myself forward but I feel that is how this universe works. I'm personally growing my networth + skills right now as I'm pretty young, but once I've saved enough and my fiance is also on track with her massage therapist business, we'll be opening holistic wellness centers within a few years from now. >>33033193 (OP) Also Wim hof has a free course on his website you can get started on to learn more about breathing mechanics and his method. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:06:39 No.33034163▶ >>33033193 (OP) Here's one I like. Breath in for 4 heartbeats then out for 4 heartbeats over and over again. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:12:07 No.33034204▶ This one is either not talked about or misunderstood. You breathe in the "breath" released from the gate near your secret place. This air carries apana. By breathing it in you mix prana and apana, the secret to raising kundalini. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:07:44 No.33034640▶ >>33034658 If you just stop breathing, you will enter the spirit realm >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:10:33 No.33034656▶ 203 >>33033193 (OP) Best instructions on pranayama are the experiments in Liber E vel Exercitiorum and Liber RV vel Spiritus. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)22:10:39 No.33034658▶ >ITT materialist cope you stop breathing when you die. Good luck coping with not having lungs when you've spent your whole life focusing on having lungs >>33034640 the only fucking reasonable answer. Unironically let go of physical reality. I am only here as a bodhisattva to help others on the path. >> Robin Kaczmarczyk 10/03/22(Mon)23:12:58 No.33035031▶ File: 3GyRQxB.jpg (242 KB, 443x656) Smoke DMT. [Post a Reply] /x/ - Paranormal [Post a Reply] 08/21/20 05/04/17 10/04/16 New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/ New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts [Hide] [Show All] Happy 19th Birthday 4chan! [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] 57 / 16 / 31 / 1 [Update] [ Auto] 204 File: 3fb7da4ba95ecce5c9bb8a7bf(...).jpg (26 KB, 610x680) Anonymous 10/02/22(Sun)18:35:43 No.33024367▶ >>33024380 >>33027082 >>33027601 >>33030522 >>33030536 What are the spiritual consequences of suffering the death of your wife/gf/significant romantic partner >> Anonymous 10/02/22(Sun)18:38:21 No.33024380▶ >>33024367 (OP) None of mine have died so I dunno but they keep wishing death on me and bad things keep happening in their lives. >> Anonymous 10/02/22(Sun)18:39:18 No.33024387▶ >>33024425 >>33025814 >>33027484 >>33027772 An acute understanding of reality and your place in the universe. >> Anonymous 10/02/22(Sun)18:45:09 No.33024425▶ >>33025814 >>33027128 >>33024387 this my experience after my fiancé died was that i stopped caring about any and all of the nonsensical bullshit that once perplexed me so i forgot how to care or worry about stupid shit the fact that im here right now, with you, is all that matters anymore that i have the chance &opportunity to share this moment is all that matters >> Anonymous 10/02/22(Sun)22:16:44 No.33025814▶ >>33027041 >>33027058 >>33027076 >>33027086 >>33027590 >>33030575 >>33024387 >>33024425 This. I lost my partner two years ago. Fucking broke me. But I realized all of the illusions and saw far beyond the veil. I plunged in and out of madness and 205 experienced many layers of lasting enlightenment that I've carried with me back into this world. Grief is a small taste of death: the void of creation, of nothingness and the absolute. You sink and sink and sink forever. You scrape along a rocky shelf that wears you down. You think you'll get to the bottom. But you sink forever. You're already there. Grief is the bottom. There is no core, no silty beach of ebony and darkness in which you can finally bed down in the arms of the lost. Part of you remains there. And in those incredibly dark places, one of two things happens. you become one with the landscape and are forgotten. Or you realize that you glow: and that you are the light, even in the darkest stretches. It's so much more than understanding the Yin Yang. In a sense, it's embodying it such that you walk the veil between worlds, and the rest of your life, perceive it accutely. This world is made of lies, anon. This was my love's final gift to me. The opening of an eye I did not know I possessed at all, atheistic and primitive as I was in my formal education and devout scientism. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:14:19 No.33027041▶ >>33025814 Holy shit…. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:18:01 No.33027058▶ >>33025814 On the contrary, the void of nothingness seems rather inviting when everything in your world is bleak and you'd rather it not exist at all. Yin and yang. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:23:09 No.33027076▶ >>33027107 >>33025814 “you sink and you sink forever” “you’ll think that you get to the bottom but you sink forever” Holy fuck….. For the past 6yrs an epiphany about about myself is just as painful and an open wound of infinite grief as it was 6yrs ago I’m pretty sure I’m still in denial in fact I think I am the denial along with the unimaginable grief never faded even in the slightest for 6yrs. Every time I think or hear “the past is the past let it go etc.” It changed nothing in my head and never has no matter how much I agree with it is it really the past if it still tortures me every day like an open wound a visible mutilation and scar that will never heal ? Every time I think I just hit another peak or ceiling of my pain psychological pain threshold It just keeps getting higher (My physical pain threshold is strong enough that I thought a bone fracture was a sprain this has happened multiple times) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:24:14 No.33027082▶ >>33027097 >>33027111 206 >>33024367 (OP) I don’t know But recent threads here on Wingmakers Penre and a NDE of someone close to me have me terrified. APers report hell cities in the astral where you worship lizards and get tortured and reincarnated People talk about a soul net above the earth People see grids running through the fabric of reality Someone I know saw one and it disturbs me beyond words to worry everyone I love and myself may be tortured forever or simply never find safety Regressive hypnotists who have done sessions with thousands of people keep finding people saying the same things along these lines and speak of alien interference and implants on the Aetherial plane But they also all seem to think naively and in terms of accepted historical timeline which I don’t believe Honestly at this point I’m genuinely scared everyone has a personal cube, simulation in a simulation probably from smart dust When we die we will either be mind wiped or stuck as ghosts if we can resist the many hostile forces or wake up in robot bodies as slaves or just be obliterated. Not existing would be the best at this rate. I don’t know if we ever find safety…… >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:24:34 No.33027086▶ >>33025814 I’m legitimately sorry for your loss. Your words were deeply moving and I don’t know how often you share them but you should if you don’t. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:27:04 No.33027097▶ >>33027119 File: AACDF70D-562B-46F5-99AE-2(...).jpg (113 KB, 750x736) >>33027082 When the horrors are beyond your comprehension >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:28:53 No.33027107▶ >>33027129 File: 0730F7D3-C54D-404A-A83A-B(...).png (1.22 MB, 750x1334) 207 >>33027076 Yeah….. I can relate…. I don’t know but at this point I’m terrified the super schizos are right about ayy shit and eternal enslavement or otherwise nothing good awaiting us So many NDEs talk about a white light that poses as god, manipulate you and so on There’s so many scenarios but at this point I can’t find a positive one to disprove “simulation/hell dream theory” and it seems like we will just suffer forever for no fault of our own I can’t look at anyone I love lately without sobbing If someone I know didn’t see digital shit when near death I wouldn’t buy any of this but……. But now I think all of our existence is just bad. Idk. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:30:11 No.33027111▶ >>33027488 >>33027082 The only time I ever Astral projected, it was beautiful, serene, and mystic. Very vibrant colors like a mushroom trip. Floating islands with misty waterfalls like in Avatar. And a strange elephant with 2 heads adorned in Hindujewelry and cloth. It was a cool and mysterious place. I'd love to go there again. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:31:22 No.33027119▶ >>33027097 Ive been mourning happiness and everything I’ve ever loved for days because i just keep finding more that corroborates this. And yet I think even the NDE and hypno reports may be compromised because no one mentions history or life as I understand it ala stolenhistory and mud flood. It just seems like none of us will be okay and i can’t find anything to help me think we will again Go on x archive and look up wes penre and jean delac abs read the threads I don’t know. Idk what’s real. Idk if there’s a way out…. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:32:32 No.33027128▶ >>33024425 The future doesn't exist all that matters is this moment, this experience. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:33:27 No.33027129▶ >>33027154 >>33027163 >>33027205 File: AFFA128B-2FF6-41AE-BC7F-9(...).jpg (16 KB, 256x256) >>33027107 Humans after suffering, struggling and dying for 200,000 years and counting GIVE IT UP FOR YEAR 200,001, 200,001 >> 208 Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:40:22 No.33027154▶ >>33027163 File: vo86riv767kuxre5x.gif (3.09 MB, 500x324) >>33027129 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:42:28 No.33027163▶ >>33027177 >>33027129 >>33027154 Please look up the threads. If it’s real we have to stop this evil. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:46:12 No.33027177▶ >>33027195 >>33027207 File: 1IV3N9V93HNC38HV9WV.jpg (7 KB, 225x225) >>33027163 Sorry d00d but not only is it real but we don't have the means to resist in any meaningful way. When you die, try your best to go to the void instead of a new body. Otherwise yeah this is hell. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:49:51 No.33027195▶ >>33027203 >>33027177 What will you do when you die if something pulls you out of it? >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:52:46 No.33027203▶ >>33027210 File: i6c7irfur67iu654edfcgh.jpg (69 KB, 1024x1023) >>33027195 Endure. For eternity if necessary. >> 209 Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:52:54 No.33027205▶ >>33027129 Only 200,000? Try 2 million. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:52:58 No.33027207▶ >>33027210 >>33027213 >>33027177 Anybody else notice that every philosopher, Nietzsche as a prime example. Who tried seriously attacking this problem ended up crazy. I’m afraid I’ll end up the same, because I hate this problem, and I won’t ever be content again until I solve it. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:54:43 No.33027210▶ >>33027213 >>33027203 How? >>33027207 That’s where I’m at… >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:55:49 No.33027213▶ >>33027218 File: 2vwe5ye45ybwb7.jpg (207 KB, 640x960) >>33027207 The fact that there is even the smallest morsels of pleasure and joy in this existence make existing worth the trouble IMO. Just gotta deaden yourself to the remaining horrible pain. I lost someone I had devoted time and love and patience to even when they were cruel and abusive. The universe isn't cruel or kind, just brutally random. >>33027210 >How? One single moment at a time. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)01:57:50 No.33027218▶ >>33027228 >>33027213 What if it all starts over after amnesia? This…. Can’t go on…. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)02:00:29 No.33027228▶ >>33027286 File: y6uyhtrge4h5tym.jpg (65 KB, 360x450) 210 >>33027218 It can and will. Find your joy within this hell. Black clouds and silver linings etc. You can't start worrying about the next life until this one is finished. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)02:16:21 No.33027286▶ >>33027300 >>33027228 But it can’t it just can’t It’s all brought by hierarchy it can’t go on >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)02:19:15 No.33027300▶ >>33027438 File: 5h6jtdhgde5by.jpg (341 KB, 1280x913) >>33027286 Seems hopeless to me, but that doesn't mean I've given up. Just patiently waiting for an opening, whatever that even means. Sharpen your spirit, come what may. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)02:49:18 No.33027438▶ >>33027457 File: file.png (670 KB, 705x1345) >>33027300 They want you hopeless y'know, here's an opening (pic related) >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)02:51:54 No.33027457▶ >>33027468 File: i76c4i67vri67r7u.jpg (12 KB, 275x274) 211 >>33027438 No thanks >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)02:55:41 No.33027468▶ >>33027482 >>33027457 If there is even a chance of any salvation you'd find it there. What's wrong? You don't want to "waste" one of your infinite lifetimes for even the chance to escape this soul torturing matrix? Oh well try in the next life and hope it isn't too late >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)02:57:25 No.33027482▶ >>33027539 >>33027547 >>33028470 >>33027468 I don't buy into the whole desert messiah thing, sorry. I won't discourage or belittle your beliefs and the meaning they hold in your soul. I will forge my own path as my own god and ruler. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)02:57:53 No.33027484▶ >>33024387 this desu >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)02:59:40 No.33027488▶ >>33027503 >>33027111 Based angel trips. The only post in this thread that isn't bleak and demoralizing loosh bait. Remember that hopelessness is one of the lowest vibrations possible. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)03:03:22 No.33027503▶ File: 5hg7f6d5rxytui.jpg (25 KB, 600x592) >>33027488 The point of my posts in this thread was to encourage. Despite the fact that we probably exist in eternal torment, there are reasons to continue existing, and infinite potential possibilities. You are a poopy head, anon. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)03:12:18 No.33027539▶ 212 >>33027548 >>33027482 You can try and I wish you the best of luck but I also hope you stop one day and consider the words of my last post. It wouldn't hurt to try and get out this way. Oh also when you die look up past the grid and move as fast as you can there, ignore whatever is speaking to you, rise above what is above. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)03:14:41 No.33027547▶ >>33027553 >>33027482 you sound like a miserable fag >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)03:14:44 No.33027548▶ File: 87rv5ec5v7y6uinh6g.jpg (22 KB, 828x795) >>33027539 My place is beyond the beyond, same as yours >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)03:16:00 No.33027553▶ File: 98ney4t34f3e5gwpeyh.gif (559 KB, 220x220) >>33027547 >> Jealous 10/03/22(Mon)03:16:10 No.33027555▶ The jew cries out when he strikes you. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)03:26:26 No.33027590▶ >>33025814 I'm sorry for your lost, and to anyone else in this thread that lost a love one. I hope you'll be with them again. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)03:31:44 No.33027601▶ >>33027719 File: pluto-symbol-with-planet-(...).jpg (123 KB, 883x1153) 213 >>33024367 (OP) I've never felt intimate love in my life. Familial, yes. Physical, yes. But not intimate. I assume the answer is based on reminding yourself what a shit place this is. As all things, intimacies are fleeting and ephemeral. Friends disappear and leave, coworkers stay with sinking ships, family members become I'll and die. Everything is but tender, temporary moments amidst a finite sea of blissful ignorance and consuming void. You only truly have yourself to depend on, yourself to lean on, and yourself to grow with. Nothing else will stay with you, and even in the afterlife nothing will claim you. Too many souls wander endlessly in their tireless search for a sensation that is as foreign to this universe as safety. It is just best to learn this lesson as early as possible then move on with your development and don't look back. This is a process of weaning one's weaker self from the teat, embracing the true potential that is within the essence. Or you can experience death an infinitesimal amount of times over and over in pursuit of unicorns and faerie farts. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)04:18:08 No.33027719▶ >>33028003 >>33027601 M8 the problem with your assessment is the afterlife exists, and people have been there and come back before, and holy fuck, the afterlife is a God damn mess, if you strive to become anything, I highly recommend becoming a pantheonist, all religions are right, and it's utterly fucking awful. If you think life is bad, death is forever fighting until your utterly consumed or you escape. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)04:37:09 No.33027772▶ >>33024387 never experienced it, but I know it's this >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)05:54:12 No.33028003▶ >>33027719 At least the other side has some fucking freedom to it, m8. This existence is cramped and kinda boring. Plus, I've already made a few good bonds with some of the "big guys," how do you think I still managed to make it here even with my mother's body trying to consume me from the womb? Plus, I never said not to indulge one's self in the cornucopia of sensations and energies here. I'm just trying to inject at least an ounce of realism. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)07:39:32 No.33028470▶ >>33028580 >>33031763 >>33027482 >my own god and ruler. Pride is the most pathetic of sins 214 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)08:05:32 No.33028580▶ >>33028470 Enjoy being ushered I to a gigantic maw in the hereafter to be leeched on until you escape. You either create your own future, or become something else's tool. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)13:31:28 No.33030522▶ >>33024367 (OP) Bump >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)13:33:45 No.33030536▶ >>33033829 >>33024367 (OP) My condolences anon if this has happened to you. I wouldn't say there is any spiritual significance though, this is a very common thing to happen in the grand scheme of things. If anything, remember how many of your ancestors have lived through this, they will provide you with strength >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)13:38:14 No.33030575▶ >>33025814 Get a load of this fag. I would beat you senseless before you got a paragraph out if you tried spouting shit like this irl >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:52:12 No.33031738▶ Bump >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)15:54:45 No.33031763▶ >>33028470 You are literally displaying pride, you just externalize it. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)20:16:15 No.33033829▶ >>33030536 >If anything, remember how many of your ancestors have lived through this, Weirdly enough I've thought about this many times. This pain that looks terrible and unthinkable was probably common not that long ago. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:10:02 No.33034191▶ >>33034291 grief is a black hole that can never be patched up entirely. it is similar to developmental trauma. it is a gift that is uniquely yours and offers perspective about the nature of the universe. there is entropy and enthalpy but nothing outside of. we are matter infinitely transitioning through space for eternity. there is no end to us. the grief hurts in the moment, will always linger and uniquely be a part of us, and when we die, that uniqueness will imprint to whatever enthalpic form it chooses. perhaps the grief and trauma shapes the next form, perhaps it fortifies and reshapes our consciousness to become even more resilient, to understand the importance and impermanence of love. that though love is fleeting, it offers a space where the grief and trauma we all hold on to is not so encompassing. the irony is we must understand the nature of such things to offer the love in the first place. this made me very angry and disgusted by what I perceived as "natural law", but it's useless to apply value judgements, it simply is nature. and it runs its course despite your protestations. it is universal. 215 >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:23:37 No.33034291▶ >>33034374 >>33034191 Shut up bitch. I want to punch you until you cry. >> Anonymous 10/03/22(Mon)21:32:16 No.33034374▶ >>33034291 I'd beat your head to a pulp with a hammer before you could. >> Robin Kaczmarczyk 10/03/22(Mon)23:23:54 No.33035093▶ File: 1664121920590143.jpg (96 KB, 662x813) Mom died in 2020. Still trying to figure it out. [Post a Reply] /pol/ - Politically Incorrect [Post a Reply] 08/21/20 New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/ 05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random 10/04/16 New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts [Hide] [Show All] Happy 19th Birthday 4chan! 216 [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] 23 / 1 / 19 / 6 [Update] [ Auto] 13 new posts File: 9E164A7A-9109-4029-9560-E(...).jpg (112 KB, 800x1200) Will psilocybin ever be legalized? Anonymous (ID: DWZvxgxV) 10/06/22(Thu)20:25:22 No.398647233▶ >>398647380 >>398647462 >>398647474 >>398647481 >>398647620 >>398647697 >>3986477 01 >>398648208 >> Anonymous (ID: vE6EkAHI) 10/06/22(Thu)20:27:02 No.398647380▶ >>398648496 >>398647233 (OP) ketamine can be legally inject by a doctor >> Anonymous (ID: KsRAD/6i) 10/06/22(Thu)20:27:43 No.398647462▶ >>398647233 (OP) it's legal in oregon with a prescription >> Anonymous (ID: v2Meo6fX) 10/06/22(Thu)20:27:53 No.398647474▶ 217 >>398647233 (OP) Yes. Source: mushroom prescience >> Anonymous (ID: VIrqZWEn) 10/06/22(Thu)20:27:56 No.398647481▶ >>398647233 (OP) ye in microdoses for medical uses >> Anonymous (ID: kbXtJfpY) 10/06/22(Thu)20:28:55 No.398647578▶ afaik its completely legal in most states minus california and a few commiefornia like states up to the point you dry them put them in a baggie or consume them >> Dammit_Ivaldi ttv !!q7S7n6Hsocs (ID: KRhNItYa) 10/06/22(Thu)20:29:24 No.398647620▶ >>398647872 >>398647233 (OP) What do they finna taste of? >> Anonymous (ID: jo5ccNu6) 10/06/22(Thu)20:30:17 No.398647697▶ >>398647233 (OP) No, because it makes you start asking questions >> Anonymous (ID: ZAo1xkmg) 10/06/22(Thu)20:30:21 No.398647701▶ >>398648051 >>398647233 (OP) It’s basically legal. You can buy a growing kit on the internet >> Anonymous (ID: JIave/7z) 10/06/22(Thu)20:30:49 No.398647735▶ Is it legal to grow them in Texas? Or would I get in loads of trouble if I bought a grow kit >> Anonymous (ID: 6QAgB+0Y) 10/06/22(Thu)20:32:18 No.398647872▶ >>398648001 218 >>398647620 Not a whole lot. >> Dammit_Ivaldi ttv !!q7S7n6Hsocs (ID: KRhNItYa) 10/06/22(Thu)20:33:50 No.398648001▶ >>398648251 >>398647872 Is it true its more effective to eats them on a peanut butter sandwich or am I getting juked? >> Anonymous (ID: XqFa3SiR) 10/06/22(Thu)20:34:23 No.398648051▶ >>398648373 >>398648455 >>398648553 >>398647701 Elaborate on that? >> Anonymous (ID: OVW1ap/B) 10/06/22(Thu)20:34:29 No.398648061▶ >>398648220 can it cure my crippling autism? >> Anonymous (ID: 8nq/kp3Y) 10/06/22(Thu)20:35:51 No.398648208▶ >>398647233 (OP) Its basically legal where I live. Idk what the legality is, but it grows everywhere and everyone I know has them and or grows. >> Anonymous (ID: raBh4SI/) 10/06/22(Thu)20:35:58 No.398648220▶ >>398648061 No. It doesn't cure anything. If it did cure anything.... Why are people still suffering? T. Tripped 5 times >> Anonymous (ID: 5ZScmWrP) 10/06/22(Thu)20:36:16 No.398648251▶ >>398648001 idk but the best way to eat them is by making a lemon tek. you chop the shrooms into tiny pieces, add a few lemons, stir it, wait for 30 minutes, filter the shrooms and drink it down >> 219 Anonymous (ID: cAptY8SA) 10/06/22(Thu)20:37:26 No.398648373▶ >>398648581 >>398648051 The spores are legally available for scientific purposes. >> Anonymous (ID: 5ZScmWrP) 10/06/22(Thu)20:38:12 No.398648455▶ >>398648051 >Elaborate on that? growkit is simply just the mycelium, without the shrooms the mycelium doesn't contain psilocybin, so it's legal to buy >> Anonymous (ID: Tb6vviR9) 10/06/22(Thu)20:38:39 No.398648496▶ >>398647380 In my state a doctor can prescribe nose spray for home use >> Anonymous (ID: 8nq/kp3Y) 10/06/22(Thu)20:39:12 No.398648553▶ >>398648051 Most states its legal to purchase grow kits and spores. Its the production of them that illegal. Since its basically impossible to get caught for that unless your an idiot, theyre essentially legal for anyone willing to grow one of the easiest plants to grow in a shoe box sized space in your closet. >> Anonymous (ID: 5ZScmWrP) 10/06/22(Thu)20:39:32 No.398648581▶ >>398648373 >The spores are legally available for scientific purposes. you can collect the spores after growing the mushrooms yourself in the growkit this way you can have an infinite mushroom farm, minecraft style >> Anonymous (ID: 5ZScmWrP) 10/06/22(Thu)20:43:47 No.398648983▶ or ya'll can just buy magic truffles, they work exactly the same as the regular cubensis shrooms >https://www.magic-mushrooms-shop.com/ if you suffer from crippling mental illnesses, microdose instead if not, then infrequent high doses are the best >> Nasrudin (ID: K4hi7qrx) 10/06/22(Thu)20:49:09 No.398649498▶ File: Agua 1.jpg (43 KB, 333x500) 220 So long as the inquisition loses yeah. [Post a Reply] /pol/ - Politically Incorrect [Post a Reply] 08/21/20 New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/ 05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random 10/04/16 New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts [Hide] [Show All] Happy 19th Birthday 4chan! [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] 128 / 25 / 83 / 1 [Update] [ Auto] 26 new posts 221 File: file.png (1.19 MB, 1200x1200) HAPPENING DEFCON 5: KANYE IS NAMING THE NOSE Anonymous (ID: YV/CG3yw) 10/06/22(Thu)19:41:02 No.398642280▶ >>398642524 >>398642573 >>398642663 >>398643006 >>398643352 >>398643433 >>3986434 71 >>398643556 >>398643620 >>398643951 >>398644019 >>398644109 >>398645387 >>39864 5730 >>398646000 >>398646357 >>398646976 >>398647363 >>398647429 >>398647786 >>398 647968 >>398648143 >>398648250 >>398648599 >>398648635 >>398649839 WHAT IS THIS TIMELINE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >> Anonymous (ID: LQNwAObu) 10/06/22(Thu)19:42:48 No.398642524▶ >>398645434 >>398647602 >>398648250 >>398642280 (OP) Not exactly he didnt name them as the enemy >> Lambright--- (ID: GjypV9q+) 10/06/22(Thu)19:43:12 No.398642573▶ >>398643202 >>398646152 >>398647602 >>398649510 File: Screen Shot 2022-10-06 at(...).png (1.1 MB, 1700x1304) 222 >>398642280 (OP) wait, Jews making him a billionaire now he shits on them? Sad. No respect. >> Anonymous (ID: 19fZ4/eA) 10/06/22(Thu)19:43:47 No.398642663▶ File: 1665079047969733.png (227 KB, 390x389) >>398642280 (OP) BASED >> Anonymous (ID: /ibBv6eg) 10/06/22(Thu)19:46:20 No.398643006▶ File: 1665103577170.jpg (32 KB, 359x335) >>398642280 (OP) >"WHERE IS THE KUSHNERS INTERESTS"?? >"IN ISRAEL"?? SHUT IT THE FUCK DOWN...NOW >> Anonymous (ID: 9uncHG3w) 10/06/22(Thu)19:46:36 No.398643040▶ File: 1660260398355682.jpg (281 KB, 782x751) 223 SHUT IT THE FUCK DOWN YOU UPPITY LITTLE NIGGER WE GAVE YOU EVERYTHING FROM THE WHITE MAN WE GAVE YOU THEIR WOMEN THEIR JOBS YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SCHMUCK >> Anonymous (ID: eaGGFPr0) 10/06/22(Thu)19:48:05 No.398643202▶ >>398643706 >>398644036 >>398644163 >>398644531 >>398646456 >>398648098 File: Skärmavbild 2022-10-07 k(...).png (2.54 MB, 1576x1512) >>398642573 >Beautiful Conservatives are literally all in wigs. It's fucking insane. Those are all literal 10s for conservatives >> Anonymous (ID: LLqsT8TQ) 10/06/22(Thu)19:49:01 No.398643318▶ >>398644889 BASED BLACK MAN TRUST THE PLAN FELLOW MAGAPEDES >> Anonymous (ID: vnAmcJCi ) 10/06/22(Thu)19:49:17 No.398643352▶ >>398642280 (OP) Cool hopefully Mossad gets him now. His music sucks anyways. >> Anonymous (ID: jkgC5m+J) 10/06/22(Thu)19:50:00 No.398643433▶ >>398643559 >>398642280 (OP) Isn't he on Tucker tonight? Maybe he will. >> Anonymous (ID: nBvjxGJB) 10/06/22(Thu)19:50:21 No.398643471▶ >>398643743 File: download.jpg (57 KB, 1100x619) 224 >>398642280 (OP) Kanye West didn't kill himself. >> Anonymous (ID: 1rRndQHw) 10/06/22(Thu)19:51:00 No.398643556▶ >>398646128 File: Wolfgang his eyes rolled up.jpg (6 KB, 242x250) >>398642280 (OP) So he just said that one guy is Israeli, that's it? >calling the jew >> Anonymous (ID: YV/CG3yw) 10/06/22(Thu)19:51:02 No.398643559▶ >>398643820 >>398643433 he is. come watch it https://cozy.tv/bakedalaska >> Anonymous (ID: NT6yWQAc) 10/06/22(Thu)19:51:34 No.398643620▶ >>398645585 >>398645742 >>398642280 (OP) defcon 5 is the lowest level of defence readiness you stupid fucking nigger. If it was supposed to be urgent you would say defcon 1 >> Anonymous (ID: DfEjMWzU) 10/06/22(Thu)19:52:12 No.398643706▶ >>398645720 >>398643202 literally 225 literal literally lit really lit rally literal literally literal >> Anonymous (ID: f9h9Z2PD ) 10/06/22(Thu)19:52:32 No.398643743▶ >>398643855 >>398644129 >>398646565 >>398643471 kikes wont risk blacks going after them rn dont kid yourself they couldnt cancel kanye they damn sure dont have the balls to kill him >> Anonymous (ID: t+5iFIek) 10/06/22(Thu)19:52:54 No.398643780▶ Jared Kushner will never recover >> Anonymous (ID: Q7mF/dGY) 10/06/22(Thu)19:53:16 No.398643820▶ >>398643559 portuguese groyper, what da? >> Anonymous (ID: NT6yWQAc) 10/06/22(Thu)19:53:33 No.398643855▶ >>398644195 >>398643743 >they damn sure dont have the balls to kill him I think you heavily underestimate the reach of the cabal >> Anonymous (ID: cWKdfsrB) 10/06/22(Thu)19:54:18 No.398643951▶ >>398642280 (OP) They're going to find pizza on his phone and have him arrested for saying too much. >> Anonymous (ID: NEN3Sxiw) 10/06/22(Thu)19:54:50 No.398644019▶ >>398645167 226 >>398642280 (OP) It was the best of timelines, it was the worst of timelines >> Anonymous (ID: uaIdN/7D ) 10/06/22(Thu)19:55:03 No.398644036▶ >>398643202 literally like literally literal its literally GO BACK >> Anonymous (ID: JINPubqM) 10/06/22(Thu)19:55:43 No.398644102▶ he likes putting fish sticks in his mouth he's a gay fish >> Anonymous (ID: j030GdE4) 10/06/22(Thu)19:55:47 No.398644109▶ >>398642280 (OP) He's a dumb nigger. Simple as. >> Anonymous (ID: jkgC5m+J) 10/06/22(Thu)19:55:54 No.398644129▶ >>398644316 >>398643743 They'll send a white "Christian" to do the dirty work. >> Anonymous (ID: a+Imgb6P) 10/06/22(Thu)19:56:11 No.398644163▶ >>398647980 >>398643202 I'm a simple american. I see hot blonde, I think of black penis. >> Anonymous (ID: f9h9Z2PD ) 10/06/22(Thu)19:56:29 No.398644195▶ >>398644512 >>398644584 >>398643855 no i dont and my dad used to do coke with roger clinton 227 most of you are just pussies and would prefer believing in some undefeatable enemy because its way easier than fighting back you disgust me with this shit >> Anonymous (ID: f9h9Z2PD ) 10/06/22(Thu)19:57:31 No.398644316▶ >>398645106 >>398644129 uh anon. remember when literally the entire planet immediately knew that the US blew up nordstream? >> Anonymous (ID: WRzxXsGR) 10/06/22(Thu)19:58:00 No.398644374▶ >>398644645 File: 1664797911187831.jpg (90 KB, 640x542) THIS IS NOW A JEWISH REDPILL THREAD FUCKING DROP THEM NOW YOU GAY FAGGOTS 228 >> Anonymous (ID: J7f1IqAb) 10/06/22(Thu)19:58:36 No.398644435▶ >>398644769 "I believe if we saw ourselves as more of a people and not a race then we would treat our people better. Like if you go to a jewish person and you say it's a race, it almost gets confusing and they'll cut you off quickly." - Kanye West >> Anonymous (ID: uaIdN/7D ) 10/06/22(Thu)19:59:16 No.398644512▶ >>398644195 what do you expect from a leaf? >> Anonymous (ID: rXSVpARc) 10/06/22(Thu)19:59:27 No.398644531▶ KQFI7MXa) 10/06/22(Thu)19:59:57 No.398644584▶ >>398643202 Bitch more. >> Anonymous (ID: >>398644655 >>398645483 >>398644195 Unironically this. Twenty anons willing to die could unironically crush a good number of elites. This is why feds fear people organizing so much. A fucking drunk random guy assassinated an arch duke starting wwi >> Anonymous (ID: HBwCwuO0) 10/06/22(Thu)20:00:27 No.398644634▶ Cube did it first >> Anonymous (ID: hAuLRntn) 10/06/22(Thu)20:00:31 No.398644645▶ File: 711.jpg (745 KB, 816x2880) 229 230 >>398644374 >> Anonymous (ID: rXSVpARc) 10/06/22(Thu)20:00:36 No.398644655▶ >>398644584 >A fucking drunk random guy assassinated an arch duke starting wwi Sure. >> Anonymous (ID: Ls6YXphj) 10/06/22(Thu)20:01:41 No.398644769▶ >>398644870 >>398645051 >>398644435 real? >> Anonymous (ID: J7f1IqAb) 10/06/22(Thu)20:02:27 No.398644870▶ >>398644769 Yes. he also attacked Kushner for trying to make money off the presidency and deals with israel. >> Anonymous (ID: rHTSyj+s) 10/06/22(Thu)20:02:38 No.398644889▶ >>398646913 >>398643318 >BASED BLACK MAN >TRUST THE PLAN FELLOW MAGAPEDES it's fellow niggerpedes now bud >> Anonymous (ID: rXSVpARc) 10/06/22(Thu)20:03:41 No.398645007▶ >>398645232 Are Jews a race? >> Anonymous (ID: /ibBv6eg) 10/06/22(Thu)20:04:06 No.398645051▶ >>398644769 he also said... >"where are the kushners interests??? in israel. they only care about money" named >> 231 Anonymous (ID: jkgC5m+J) 10/06/22(Thu)20:04:44 No.398645106▶ >>398644316 Yeah, but six gorillion. >> Anonymous (ID: StlYo5oE) 10/06/22(Thu)20:04:54 No.398645125▶ >>398645238 what did he say you stupid faggots where's the video >> Anonymous (ID: ZHYtCyBv) 10/06/22(Thu)20:05:22 No.398645167▶ >>398644019 underrated >> Anonymous (ID: J7f1IqAb) 10/06/22(Thu)20:05:59 No.398645232▶ >>398645007 Y-You can't say that. >> Anonymous (ID: ltIjJPPD ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:06:00 No.398645238▶ >>398645355 >>398645359 >>398645581 >>398645125 THIS, WHERE DO I FIND FULL VIDEO I MISSED THE STREAM >> Anonymous (ID: addFMuDg) 10/06/22(Thu)20:06:05 No.398645247▶ kushners btfo >> Anonymous (ID: wLmNYw+7) 10/06/22(Thu)20:06:42 No.398645316▶ >>398645570 Can I get a link to Kanye naming the Jew? So far I've seen him call the media godless, that's about it. That's not naming the Jew. That's beting around the Jew bush. >> Anonymous (ID: 66E7xM/b) 10/06/22(Thu)20:06:47 No.398645326▶ 232 >>398645638 >>398647451 shame his doctor is about to prescribe him an overdose of sleeping meds >> Anonymous (ID: Gb0r1FnY) 10/06/22(Thu)20:07:10 No.398645355▶ >>398645238 Rewind an hour or so https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sg78TRsJSH0&ab_channel=jujuBotOfficial [Embed] >> Anonymous (ID: /ibBv6eg) 10/06/22(Thu)20:07:14 No.398645359▶ >>398645238 some Indian dude puts it up every night on themtube >search: >tucker carlson full >> Anonymous (ID: ToPf+5ke) 10/06/22(Thu)20:07:28 No.398645387▶ >>398642280 (OP) How do they say, in front of your eyes. I would say that is the expression for this expression. >> Anonymous (ID: 67gcvN3A) 10/06/22(Thu)20:07:49 No.398645434▶ >>398645544 >>398646791 >>398642524 He detailed the Kushner brothers’ kike behavior. He said they were sleazy and Jared held Trump back from being great. “Whatever Jared was doing in Israel— it was to make money. [not treaties]” Tucker panicked a little at that one kek. >> Anonymous (ID: DfEjMWzU) 10/06/22(Thu)20:08:27 No.398645483▶ >>398644584 >using an example from over 100 years ago Not relevant at all, current day is nothing like it was back then. No one had security guards with machine guns and cameras everywhere >> Anonymous (ID: J7f1IqAb) 10/06/22(Thu)20:09:00 No.398645544▶ 233 Also, Tucker said this was supposed to be a 30 minute interview but lasted 2 hours, so part 2 is tomorrow. >>398645434 He handled it well imo. lol though Kanye was like "did I go too far?" and Tucker basically said no, we're not going to censor you. fwiw, Tucker hates Kushner too. >> Anonymous (ID: qiMt3bRo) 10/06/22(Thu)20:09:09 No.398645563▶ Ki0b14gm) 10/06/22(Thu)20:09:15 No.398645570▶ >>398645690 Kayne is still a nigger >> Anonymous (ID: >>398645316 He shit on the Kushners pretty hard and made statements that contained implications about his thoughts like people like "a Kushner". He mentioned Israel and then Palestine in the same breath. >> Anonymous (ID: /ibBv6eg) 10/06/22(Thu)20:09:21 No.398645581▶ >>398645238 better do it in the 6hrs or so. usually disappears shortly after that >> Anonymous (ID: g3qL2MdA) 10/06/22(Thu)20:09:23 No.398645585▶ >>398643620 DEAFCON 9000 Alert!!! >> Anonymous (ID: fNq1BShO) 10/06/22(Thu)20:09:53 No.398645638▶ >>398646815 >>398645326 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELvQ3bxPW_0 [Embed] So Kanye pulled a Michael? I haven't seen the clip yet. >> Anonymous (ID: J7f1IqAb) 10/06/22(Thu)20:10:19 No.398645690▶ >>398645938 234 >>398645563 He legitimately said blacks shouldn't be held to white standards. >> Anonymous (ID: +O45bMv6) 10/06/22(Thu)20:10:30 No.398645720▶ >>398647830 File: 92D6BB33-14DB-42F3-A1B0-2(...).jpg (55 KB, 618x412) >>398643706 kek, based. I’m so fucking sick of all the faggots who can’t complete a sentence without using that word. I won’t even type it. >> Anonymous (ID: LZ9XEQ6N) 10/06/22(Thu)20:10:34 No.398645730▶ >>398646019 File: F5D964AD-8281-41F0-85F3-F(...).jpg (233 KB, 688x509) >>398642280 (OP) ASCENDED https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lGo7NfmD0d4 [Embed] >> Anonymous (ID: aLSF7qEV) 10/06/22(Thu)20:10:40 No.398645742▶ >>398646535 >>398648359 >>398643620 *chhhrk* Trannyhanger 3302 we got a defcon 54,921 over here, that's right 54,921 *chhhrk* reports of a based black man *hhrchhhrk* Maga protocol is to follow up with niggerworship and preaching of unity despite the fact that unity destroys diversity *chhhrk* Trump agrees israel is our greatest ally *chrkchrk* awaiting jewish input directives for continued Maga *chrkchrkchrk* please advise >> Anonymous (ID: 4Fjp8Iq4) 10/06/22(Thu)20:11:09 No.398645791▶ 235 >>398645955 STOP MAKING THESE FUCKING THREADS, ALL TALK AND NO SOURCE. ITS FUCKING CRINGE. I WANT TO SHARE AND LINK THIS CRAP AND ALL I SEE IS BABBLING >> Anonymous (ID: ovz+H0uh) 10/06/22(Thu)20:11:34 No.398645826▶ File: file.png (1.02 MB, 1447x751) AY AY YOU KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN >> Anonymous (ID: +0sQ7ttQ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:12:38 No.398645938▶ >>398645690 /our/ nigger >> Anonymous (ID: J7f1IqAb) 10/06/22(Thu)20:12:48 No.398645955▶ >>398645791 >he doesn't watch Tucker ngmi >> Anonymous (ID: v7uQ0BTB) 10/06/22(Thu)20:12:53 No.398645963▶ File: 1515815109303.jpg (25 KB, 512x512) based i love this nigger like you wouldn't believe Power is still my go-to gainz song >> Anonymous (ID: rqjpNtp5) 10/06/22(Thu)20:13:15 No.398646000▶ 236 >>398646062 >>398642280 (OP) IS HE GOING TO GET SUICIDED NOW? HOW FUCKED IS HE??? >> Anonymous (ID: Ki0b14gm) 10/06/22(Thu)20:13:26 No.398646019▶ >>398645730 I'm waiting for Ye to do Infowars. >> Anonymous (ID: StlYo5oE) 10/06/22(Thu)20:13:44 No.398646049▶ Kanye is way more based than all you faggots put together >> Anonymous (ID: +0sQ7ttQ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:13:53 No.398646062▶ >>398646000 Witnessed rip ye >> Sage (ID: g2vMivLY) 10/06/22(Thu)20:14:26 No.398646128▶ >>398646196 >>398643556 >please just watch the stream bro >> Anonymous (ID: 4bzNrO4a) 10/06/22(Thu)20:14:38 No.398646152▶ File: thegolemofprague.jpg (124 KB, 570x766) >>398642573 >Jews making him a billionaire now he shits on them? Sad. No respect Story as old as time itself >> Anonymous (ID: J7f1IqAb) 10/06/22(Thu)20:15:06 No.398646196▶ 237 >>398646128 There are bitchute channels that upload the episode after it airs, but it'll probably be posted tomorrow. >> Anonymous (ID: qUCLuqPq) 10/06/22(Thu)20:16:37 No.398646357▶ >>398647290 >>398642280 (OP) "They were holding back my boy, Trump." Damn straight, Ye. >> Anonymous (ID: GiLptgSC) 10/06/22(Thu)20:17:36 No.398646456▶ >>398643202 Compared to nose pierced green haired degenerates? Neck yourself. >> Anonymous (ID: P3RXh/qh) 10/06/22(Thu)20:18:33 No.398646535▶ File: 16642025870817975.gif (659 KB, 271x223) >>398645742 Lmao. >> Anonymous (ID: 9yaraHOX) 10/06/22(Thu)20:18:51 No.398646565▶ >>398648264 >>398650058 >>398643743 They killed Tupac. They'll just say some other rapper did it. >> Anonymous (ID: nP5NxEWC ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:21:01 No.398646791▶ >>398647226 >>398647260 File: 1661045817933228.jpg (151 KB, 1199x741) 238 >>398645434 Jared & Ivanka Kushner are the Biblical WHORE OF BABYLON They are a disgrace too disgusting to commit to text >> Anonymous (ID: 66E7xM/b) 10/06/22(Thu)20:21:22 No.398646815▶ >>398645638 there are rare occasions when the negro starts connecting the dots and becomes a threat >> Anonymous (ID: GoH8lU9f) 10/06/22(Thu)20:22:12 No.398646913▶ ToPf+5ke) 10/06/22(Thu)20:22:48 No.398646976▶ >>398644889 MUH NIGGERPEDES >> Anonymous (ID: >>398642280 (OP) Because kanye cant say he likes from a "citizens" perspective trump more than biden. Because in his bubble and his function as a rolemodel he ought not to be like that. >> Anonymous (ID: nP5NxEWC ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:25:18 No.398647226▶ >>398646791 They are the TWO HEADED whore of babylon. Noone ever told us the whore would have more than one head. but they do >> Anonymous (ID: u+DuKL/C ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:25:20 No.398647231▶ so where do you watch the fucking thing? Google has nothing but clips from faggot websites >> Anonymous (ID: GoH8lU9f) 10/06/22(Thu)20:25:41 No.398647260▶ >>398647387 >>398646791 drumpflers entourage are all noses because hes a nose himself. >> 239 Anonymous (ID: RyPrEsKK) 10/06/22(Thu)20:26:00 No.398647290▶ File: 1622928796167.png (199 KB, 413x638) >>398646357 he did say that, lol. Sad thing it's true, donny got (((cucked))) by his daughter, never trust a woman anons, not even your own mother, love and trust are two different things. >> Anonymous (ID: EhTX0jNu) 10/06/22(Thu)20:26:49 No.398647363▶ File: oyvey1.png (34 KB, 183x232) >>398642280 (OP) KANYE STOP SHUT IT DOWN >> Anonymous (ID: nP5NxEWC ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:27:05 No.398647387▶ >>398647260 Trumpf was the ideal broacher of a conversation that will ultimately be had by people like Ye (being President, buckbreaking the estab) >> Anonymous (ID: psanG3Qm) 10/06/22(Thu)20:27:29 No.398647429▶ >>398642280 (OP) Part 2 is tomorrow of this based interview. >> Anonymous (ID: 9H7dmPNr) 10/06/22(Thu)20:27:39 No.398647451▶ >>398645326 Kanye doesn't take meds. 240 >> Anonymous (ID: GoH8lU9f) 10/06/22(Thu)20:27:54 No.398647477▶ >>398647664 File: 1664953229550177.jpg (53 KB, 400x400) you assholes would have no one to follow and worship if it werent for jews playing jester for you. i can not understand how it is even possible to worship so many fuking jews at a time. >> Anonymous (ID: 8ipMaGDi) 10/06/22(Thu)20:29:10 No.398647602▶ >>398648076 >>398648463 File: ASDFFDSFAFDASF.jpg (102 KB, 1275x842) >>398642524 >>398642573 KANYE WEST IS THE WORLDS BIGGEST AUTISTIC FAGGOT >HAS NO TALENT >TAKES IT UP THE ASS FROM CHICAGO KIKE MAFIA FOR A RECORD DEAL >FUCKS AN "AMERICAN TRACKSTAR OLYMPIAN" THAT HIS ARMENIAN FSB WIFE TURNED INTO A TRANNY >SHILLS MAGA AND TRUMP LIKE AN AUTISTIC BLACK MAN >DOESN'T SUPPORT HIS OWN RACE >IS EXTREMELY LOW IQ >HAS NO TALENT >SUCKS JEWISH PENIS SO THAT REAL MUSICIANS LIKE HERBIE HANCOCK FROM CHICAGO CAN MAKE A BEAT FOR HIM >SUCKS HERBIE HANCOCKS COCK FOR A SINGLE >TAKES IT UP THE ASS FROM HIS TRANNY ARMENIAN FSB AGENTS STRAP ON WHILE HE SUCKS CAITLYN JENNERS MANPUSSY >HAS NO PENIS HIS ARMENIAN FSB AGENT WIFE KIM CUT IT OFF >KANYE IS A TRANNY LITERALLY KIM AN ARMENIAN FSB AGENT AND HER FAMILY THE KARDASHIANS CUT OFF MAN PENIS FOR A LIVING AND GET PAID FOR IT BY THE FSB AND RUSSIA INTELLIGENCE TO FURTHER THE AGENDA THAT THE WEST IS FULL OF TRANNIES LIKE OLYMPIAN TURNED DICKLESS TRANNY CAIT JENNER 241 >IS PART OF THE JEWISH KIKE ARMENIAN MAFIA THAT: SET UP AND EXTORTED OJ SIMPSON SET UP LAMAR ODOM WHO ALMOST DIED IN A RENO CASINO FROM AN OVERDOSE SET UP KANYE WEST TO SHILL MAGA FOR BLACK PEOPLE SO THAT FSB AND ARMENIAN KIKES COULD GET BLACKS TO VOTE AGAINST THEIR INTERESTS >TAKES KARDASHIAN STRAPON UP IS ASS SO THAT HE CAN BE A PART OF THE ARMENIAN FSB KIKE RUN MAFIA IN THE USA AND ABROAD LITERALLY IS A KIKE POZZED BLACK MAN THAT SHILL TRUMP AND MAGA SO THAT IT IS NOT PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE THAT HE TO HAD HIS PENIS CUT OFF >> Anonymous (ID: nP5NxEWC ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:29:53 No.398647664▶ >>398647477 So because a man comes to me, and offers me 5,000 gallons of Goyslop, at a reduced price, but that goyslop is 55% less full of Judaic influence - I should stop that man and then buy normal (((human-rated))) jewish goyslop to sustain myself on. Suddenly I'm the problem? >> Anonymous (ID: 6vHPtryq) 10/06/22(Thu)20:31:19 No.398647786▶ >>398642280 (OP) watd he say? >> Anonymous (ID: Wu8TJs65) 10/06/22(Thu)20:31:47 No.398647830▶ File: more-tiresome.jpg (26 KB, 400x399) >>398645720 I unironically, literally, just dropped over my house. >> Anonymous (ID: GdN9DpzT) 10/06/22(Thu)20:33:26 No.398647968▶ >>398642280 (OP) DEFCON 5 is lowest priority that warning >> 242 Anonymous (ID: nP5NxEWC ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:33:35 No.398647980▶ >>398644163 Blacked is the only thing we were put on Earth to observe. All TV sets should be showing 24/7 Blacked. For the whole family at dinner. >> Anonymous (ID: BSuZ4nrK) 10/06/22(Thu)20:33:58 No.398648013▶ >>398648109 You faggots will worship anybody that says the right thing to make you consoooomm their product. It's comical. >> Anonymous (ID: GoH8lU9f) 10/06/22(Thu)20:34:34 No.398648076▶ File: 1662957281051212.jpg (239 KB, 961x816) >>398647602 he doesnt even look black, its no coincidence that zuckerbergstein gave him 200 million dollars. hes just another ashkenazi jester playing his act. im working on internalizing this simple fact of society at last, it all makes sense. now i have to find out how i can save myself from the color code sector dictatorship that is coming because you assholes will be useless. >> Anonymous (ID: levDIuOJ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:34:45 No.398648098▶ >>398643202 Upboated!!! >> Anonymous (ID: nP5NxEWC ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:34:50 No.398648109▶ >>398648528 >>398648013 My pastor says Ye is the Antichrist. Do you think he will rule for 7 years?? I heard the antichrist has to rule over the entire Earth not just US >> Anonymous (ID: KD7MFPog) 10/06/22(Thu)20:35:14 No.398648143▶ 243 >>398642280 (OP) TRUMP KANYE 2024 >> Anonymous (ID: 8ipMaGDi) 10/06/22(Thu)20:36:14 No.398648250▶ File: ASDFDAFDSFDASFAS.jpg (105 KB, 1283x843) >>398642280 (OP) >>398642524 >>398647642 → >>398647571 → >>398647566 → KANYE WEST IS THE WORLDS BIGGEST AUTISTIC FAGGOT >HAS NO TALENT >TAKES IT UP THE ASS FROM CHICAGO KIKE MAFIA FOR A RECORD DEAL >FUCKS AN "AMERICAN TRACKSTAR OLYMPIAN" THAT HIS ARMENIAN FSB WIFE TURNED INTO A TRANNY >SHILLS MAGA AND TRUMP LIKE AN AUTISTIC BLACK MAN >DOESN'T SUPPORT HIS OWN RACE >IS EXTREMELY LOW IQ >HAS NO TALENT >SUCKS JEWISH PENIS SO THAT REAL MUSICIANS LIKE HERBIE HANCOCK FROM CHICAGO CAN MAKE A BEAT FOR HIM >SUCKS HERBIE HANCOCKS COCK FOR A SINGLE >TAKES IT UP THE ASS FROM HIS TRANNY ARMENIAN FSB AGENTS STRAP ON WHILE HE SUCKS CAITLYN JENNERS MANPUSSY >HAS NO PENIS HIS ARMENIAN FSB AGENT WIFE KIM CUT IT OFF >KANYE IS A TRANNY LITERALLY KIM AN ARMENIAN FSB AGENT AND HER FAMILY THE KARDASHIANS CUT OFF MAN PENIS FOR A LIVING AND GET PAID FOR IT BY THE FSB AND RUSSIA INTELLIGENCE TO FURTHER THE AGENDA THAT THE WEST IS FULL OF TRANNIES LIKE OLYMPIAN TURNED DICKLESS TRANNY CAIT JENNER >IS PART OF THE JEWISH KIKE ARMENIAN MAFIA THAT: SET UP AND EXTORTED OJ SIMPSON SET UP LAMAR ODOM WHO ALMOST DIED IN A RENO CASINO FROM AN OVERDOSE SET UP KANYE WEST TO SHILL MAGA FOR BLACK PEOPLE SO THAT FSB AND ARMENIAN KIKES COULD GET BLACKS TO VOTE AGAINST THEIR INTERESTS >TAKES KARDASHIAN STRAPON UP IS ASS SO THAT HE CAN BE A PART OF THE ARMENIAN FSB KIKE RUN MAFIA IN THE USA AND ABROAD LITERALLY IS A KIKE POZZED BLACK MAN THAT SHILL TRUMP AND MAGA SO THAT IT IS NOT PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE THAT HE TO HAD HIS PENIS CUT OFF IM NOT SAYING ANYTHING FURTHER I THINK MY OP POST SAYS IT ALL FAGGOTS 244 IF YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO A GOOD RAP ARTIST THERE ARE A MILLION LITERALLY BETTER ARTISTS OUT THERE >DONT LISTEN TO THE KIKE BLACK MAN THATS WHY HE SELLS BC HE IS ON TV AND FOX BC IT IS RUN BY RUPERT MURDOCH A KIKE... EVERY FOX EXECUTIVE IS A JEW >> Anonymous (ID: StlYo5oE) 10/06/22(Thu)20:36:23 No.398648264▶ >>398646565 Facts >> Anonymous (ID: AzdXPo4b) 10/06/22(Thu)20:37:08 No.398648338▶ >everyone ITT forgetting that kanye has named the jew before come on >> Anonymous (ID: UpY8xz9A) 10/06/22(Thu)20:37:17 No.398648359▶ >>398645742 *chhhrk* this is trannyhanger 3302. Reports of based niggerman. We read you loud and clear. Stand by for those Jewish directives. Over and out*shhhrkt* >> Anonymous (ID: GoH8lU9f) 10/06/22(Thu)20:38:18 No.398648463▶ >>398647602 he supports his own race you genius, hes an ashkenazi. hes not black. thats what youre missing and you TALK SO MUCH, but missing the entire point. they KEY. its hopeless with you idiots. i dont believe in your 150 iq stories. then i have 455 iq points. >> Anonymous (ID: BSuZ4nrK) 10/06/22(Thu)20:38:58 No.398648528▶ >>398648662 >>398648786 >>398648109 No because I don't believe in fairy tales >> Anonymous (ID: dXMAMqUb) 10/06/22(Thu)20:39:40 No.398648599▶ File: owjcowed.jpg (32 KB, 408x632) 245 >>398642280 (OP) THE NOSE HAS BEEN NAMED. I REPEAT THE NOSE HAS BEEN NAMED. >> Anonymous (ID: T8pWJCrM) 10/06/22(Thu)20:40:06 No.398648635▶ >>398642280 (OP) I'm telling you right now, as familiar as he might have been with jews through show business, his "Christian" situation really brought it to the forefront. You don't become a Christian and ignore jews. You notice and watch. Now, you might fall victim to propaganda and end up a Zionst spiritual jew, buy 90% end up recognizing some of the problems with jews. It's unavoidable and that's why A LOT of "antisemitism" has come from Christians. That's why they push for relationship with Christians, it'd why they did the Schofield Bible, it's why they push hatred of biblical views. No matter what seething (atheists) and pagays say, this is the truth. A Christian America would be 100 times more j-woke, at least. >> Anonymous (ID: nP5NxEWC ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:40:22 No.398648662▶ >>398648528 And yet you don't think Jeward Kushner is the Whore of Babylon. Somehow I doubt your mental capacities >> Anonymous (ID: nP5NxEWC ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:41:39 No.398648786▶ >>398648528 You are immune to Propechies by God in the same way a gay man is NOT immune to AIDS >> Anonymous (ID: MsZRFBy1) 10/06/22(Thu)20:42:01 No.398648819▶ >>398649540 who cares, who do you think writes his checks >> Anonymous (ID: GoH8lU9f) 10/06/22(Thu)20:45:57 No.398649184▶ talking so much but missing the point. you must go back to worshipping jews, youre useless. 246 >> Anonymous (ID: GoH8lU9f) 10/06/22(Thu)20:47:50 No.398649359▶ how can you worship so many fuking jews and talk so much but always missing the point. >> Anonymous (ID: 4fsiZxV4) 10/06/22(Thu)20:48:29 No.398649444▶ 2nd part premiering https://youtu.be/awide14nvP8 [Embed] >> Anonymous (ID: GoH8lU9f) 10/06/22(Thu)20:49:13 No.398649505▶ i dont even have to get boosted i get tumors everywhere from reading /pol >> Anonymous (ID: 7ChqSpkB) 10/06/22(Thu)20:49:15 No.398649510▶ >>398650075 >>398642573 >Beautiful women spreading oh my >the truth not interested >> Anonymous (ID: 2zHhLUmD ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:49:36 No.398649540▶ >>398649779 >>398648819 cope, jew >> Anonymous (ID: GoH8lU9f) 10/06/22(Thu)20:49:56 No.398649582▶ you post hitler pics all the time, but he would execute you for being so stupid. >> Anonymous (ID: H/fhjN6/) 10/06/22(Thu)20:51:16 No.398649717▶ link it OP you dick guzzler >> Anonymous (ID: MsZRFBy1) 10/06/22(Thu)20:51:50 No.398649779▶ 247 >>398649540 more like it doesn't matter people just think he is crazy anyway >> Anonymous (ID: kvlZHtHT) 10/06/22(Thu)20:52:19 No.398649839▶ >>398650095 >>398642280 (OP) He was in a very bad car wreck. His mother died. Then he became very famous. I think those events were part of a ritual so he could join the cabal. They will force you to make a sacrifice in order to ascend the highest levels. >> Anonymous (ID: f9h9Z2PD ) 10/06/22(Thu)20:54:29 No.398650058▶ >>398646565 that was before the internet anon. they've also grown weak and fat and over dependent on censorship >> Anonymous (ID: GoH8lU9f) 10/06/22(Thu)20:54:42 No.398650075▶ >>398649510 its too bad that japanese and germans have so few numbers. >> Anonymous (ID: kvlZHtHT) 10/06/22(Thu)20:54:51 No.398650095▶ >>398649839 His mother was killed during surgery >> Nasrudin (ID: ldeSIaCr) 10/06/22(Thu)20:55:38 No.398650179▶ File: Which Way White Man.jpg (19 KB, 217x346) fascinating [Post a Reply] 248 /x/ - Paranormal [Post a Reply] 08/21/20 New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/ 05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random 10/04/16 New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts [Hide] [Show All] Happy 19th Birthday 4chan! [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] 235 / 37 / 129 / 1 [Update] [ Auto] File: HumanToy.jpg (377 KB, 1400x1400) 249 Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)20:28:10 No.33082730▶ >>33082831 >>33082884 >>33083042 >>33083155 >>33083185 >>33083197 >>33083425 >>330 83471 >>33083677 >>33083720 >>33083748 >>33085982 >>33086068 >>33086937 >>33087090 >>33087368 >>33087634 >>33087820 >>33088723 >>33090899 >>33092485 >>33092909 >>33 093067 >>33093658 >>33094419 >>33094947 >>33095004 >>33095131 >>33095238 >>3309904 0 >>33103710 >>33106139 >>33106736 >>33106757 >>33108151 >>33109830 >>33113198 >>3 3113219 >>33113668 >>33113820 >>33114314 Exactly how bad is unveiled reality? Is it better to face it or to just never open the door? >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)20:44:56 No.33082820▶ 250 >>33083692 >>33087186 >>33096895 >>33103507 >>33108107 >>33108383 Crazy how this is what my salvia trip looked/felt like. Those artist know how to capture the wheel perfectly. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)20:47:45 No.33082831▶ >>33083692 >>33082730 (OP) >Salvia carnival Fuck >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)20:51:09 No.33082848▶ >>33105961 >>33111555 Your body is built to keep your important parts hidden from the outside world >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)20:55:18 No.33082868▶ >>33082884 >>33101711 >>33103910 >>33106132 File: 53a.jpg (23 KB, 680x652) 251 I saw a glimpse of what it might be on shrooms, and I'd say the truth is pretty obvious but devastating. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)20:59:33 No.33082884▶ >>33083292 >>33083395 >>33083720 >>33086068 >>33086920 >>33087637 >>33094617 >>331 06701 >>33082730 (OP) How bad could it really ever be though? I mean whatever the truth is, you're a part of it. It's not like we're some separate things, as if there's reality and then there's us. Stuff like this >>33082868 really just sounds like nonsense to me. If you're a part of reality then for reality to be "horrible" relative to us it means that reality would have to basically hate itself, and that's almost a paradox. It's much more likely to me that everything is fine and we just don't understand how. Babies come into the world crying. Maybe growing up is just always unpleasant, and the human 252 soul is growing up. And maybe we're just at that in-between stage where we're still too young to not be crying but old enough to know we should probably stop. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)21:23:06 No.33083042▶ >>33083718 >>33087110 >>33087436 >>33088783 >>33091438 >>33094634 >>33082730 (OP) Basically everything is one, god got lonely af and split apart into a fuck load of little parts and then you arose out of that as a individuated entity. Once the illusion of seperation breaks you realize what you are and everything is simply just a play or theatre in the godhead playing itself out like it always has for eternity. The scary part is that, why would GOD HIMSELF decide this is better than experiencing the totality of divinity? Because it's fucking lonely and boring. That's why you will reincarnate countless times as every being ever existing in the multiverse. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)21:24:24 No.33083051▶ >>33083720 We exist in this shell as a way to prepare ourselves for a true unveiling. Death is an opportunity to morph into something new, which is why we spend our time in life, to give us a reason to change. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)21:37:42 No.33083155▶ >>33097420 >>33082730 (OP) It sucks until you raise your dopamine. Maybe take some Oxycodone with your LSD next time. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)21:39:53 No.33083170▶ >>33092622 unveiled is beyond calculation better than veiled. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)21:41:10 No.33083176▶ I've heard once you get the message it's better to put down the phone. Ram Dass said after hundreds of psychedelic experiences you realize you're just on a roller coaster going up and down by your desires and going straight is the only way. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)21:42:57 No.33083185▶ File: 120524-science-crucifixio(...).jpg (87 KB, 748x534) 253 >>33082730 (OP) Yeah, if you want to flirt with a double suicide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca9OX9tFeEs [Embed] >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)21:44:30 No.33083197▶ >>33083302 >>33106701 >>33107960 >>33082730 (OP) Everything just feels so empty to me bros, even the idea of a heaven feels pho ny and hollow, I dont know whats real anymore, I feel sick. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)22:02:10 No.33083292▶ File: OIP (1).jpg (45 KB, 474x634) 254 >>33082884 >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)22:03:59 No.33083302▶ >>33093088 >>33097486 >>33099773 >>33112415 >>33083197 television heaven is no good. I guess what lays after us is tied into what came before us. except different... changed. I swam in some dirty ponds. horrific, grand implications, know that the elite engage in blood rites and psionic warfare. Against their lower echelon with "switches" born out of flesh. The world is under 24/7 surveillance, but no-one is watching. 255 You could get two people to fight and steal a car without knowing it was you behind the wheel. That is, if you can keep the baby asleep in the back. Sometime making an example too is a good way to keep the lunatic in line. I try to keep myself sane by jumping in between the centerfolds of the story book of myself. I try not to dip my head to low as to hang myself in worry if people start hearing the fighting inside my head. I've seen beautiful sheiks from the moon one time, ivory/porcelain skin, glass eyes, dullen yet serene yet complacent continence, they rode a wagon, made of ebony. Their headwrap adorned with gold, and embroidered black outfits One thing is to never be afraid of is artwork. Artemis literally mean to vomit artwork. The more you can stomach, the fatter the bitch you can become and turn into something quite lovely. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)22:14:04 No.33083359▶ >>33086873 >>33086900 >>33114011 File: 302066657_513799758965985(...).jpg (94 KB, 564x705) 256 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyP8tew0OUQ [Embed] >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)22:19:11 No.33083395▶ >>33082884 Because at the same time it could be something completely out of comprehension. 257 >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)22:23:54 No.33083425▶ >>33082730 (OP) Honestly after shitting my pants over it you realize just to deal with it. The true nature of reality is honestly what you make of it. Unless you're scared of the potentiality of being black bagged just keep on living your life >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)22:32:15 No.33083471▶ >>33083720 >>33087133 >>33082730 (OP) Your spine is a zipprt >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)23:08:10 No.33083677▶ >>33083720 >>33086008 >>33088088 >>33096933 >>33103395 File: EB9DF561-65DD-4E3C-8FC8-B(...).png (2.5 MB, 1000x1530) 258 259 >>33082730 (OP) you realize how what makes up most of our lives is truly meaningless, but also get a glimpse at the bigger picture and what does really matter. It’s all a big game, the cosmic joke. awareness experiencing itself over countless existences. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)23:11:18 No.33083692▶ >>33113759 >>33082820 >>33082831 You guys had way more fun trips than me and I used to do that stuff all the time recreationally. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)23:16:11 No.33083718▶ >>33083749 >>33088398 >>33083042 The Lonely God theory scares the shit out of me. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)23:17:16 No.33083720▶ >>33083725 >>33093569 >>33082730 (OP) >>33082884 >>33083051 >>33083471 >>33083677 >”Yeah right you knife ear psychedelic pansie!” >anon then proceeds to slam a crowbar full force into the clockwork elf’s neck >the elf is sent into the floor, with a violent jerk and loud shriek; its legs are rendered non responsive. >anon proceeds to wail on its head with the crowbar, a sickening crunch and blood spurt coming up with every strike >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)23:18:56 No.33083725▶ >>33099821 >>33083720 >anon is then shot to death by several police officers >he was actually murdering his mom while high as fuck on crystal meth and PCP >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)23:26:02 No.33083748▶ 260 >>33106706 >>33082730 (OP) Its better. I watch pleiadian space operas play out as past life memories of being on the moon, living seeing star destroyers cut in half in molten fury and glory over strange worlds, stuff like that. But also the deep ancient mysticism of spacetravel, spirituality, accessing the etheric dimensions of the soul and using telekinesis and telepathy to interact with the structures of the planetary infosphere. Its like I go into an etheric dimension, and its the equivalent to the internet of physicality. I access information from the consciousness of matter and interact with it through thought touch and feeling. I have pulled gold nuggets out of the ground, grown crystal tablet artificial intelligences interfaces, etc. Sadly none of this reaches down to the physical world, except the presence of my telepathic angelic partner. That is always with me no matter what layer of existence I find myself exploring. She's a wonderful friend. The other night some interdimensional parasyte came to me and crawled into my dick and told me the matrix had me, weird shit. Then I got scared and called my angel friend and she calmed me down and told me I didn't have to fear that moment as it had already passed. Its a crazy world out there. One night you might be talking with dinosaurs, the next you might be rousing the peasants against the vampire overlords, and the next you might be wandering in deep space remembering the graves of people dead for thousands and thousands of years buried on the moon. And then you get the etheric body and all its magic and wonderous beauty to carry your soul from one dimension to the next, giving you hidden intuitive insight into the structure of existence, and helping you tap into gods intent and will as a sorcerer to manifest your dreams and destiny. >> Anonymous 10/09/22(Sun)23:26:07 No.33083749▶ >>33084768 >>33085880 >>33085925 >>33094649 >>33106701 >>33083718 Don't worry, it's not real. The lonely God theory is only a twisted version of it. It's like a rollercoaster ride, the thought is suppose to make you experience something. The original god didn't split up to forget who it was. He created a bunch of us, and then moved forward in tandem with them, with the idea of them living and having separate experiences for eternity, essentially the same as having multiple Gods. He gives us the power the create playground worlds, and this is one of them, and amnesia about our true selves is part of the game of this world. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)02:45:57 No.33084726▶ >>33103829 >>33106714 ITT a bunch of phonies who've all seen beyond the veil but can't agree on reality or even attain bliss or even satisfaction without doing some substance. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)02:58:29 No.33084768▶ 261 >>33083749 >created ...Out of -what-? He's us, man. Splintered ten trillion fold and ten trillion times again. It might be scary. But it's the truth. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)07:48:38 No.33085880▶ >>33085925 >>33087126 >>33087458 >>33083749 >He gives us the power the create playground worlds No he doesn't liar. This world is a hell-pit. More of a plantation/factory world than a "playground" and I had no say or power whatsoever in creating it or the nature of it. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)08:01:22 No.33085919▶ File: 32156126.jpg (141 KB, 960x960) 262 bad for what? better in what way...? it's not better in the metrics made in the illusions, I bet: it won't make you more rich and famous. I feel like your question still comes from the illusion.... if you don't know the truth how could you know what good and bad are? It's like asking "does knowing that Santa isn't real make Easter Bunny sad?" >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)08:04:34 No.33085925▶ >>33083749 This. Whilst the actual truth is hard to solidify, the general premise is correct. The lonely God theory is a 263 hell of a ride but you'll get through it. >>33085880 Cry more pussy >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)08:17:05 No.33085982▶ >>33082730 (OP) It's a door best opened when you're ready for it. Then again you're never truly ready. But honestly if some of the degeneracy on earth gets to you be careful. But there's also a lot of good. Not one without the other. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)08:23:55 No.33086008▶ >>33112567 >>33083677 This cosmic joke was hilarious when I realised it. Too bad I forgot... >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)08:35:15 No.33086068▶ >>33087186 >>33090838 >>33108664 >>33082730 (OP) >exactly how bad is unveiled reality? it's the best thing ever. Shadow governments know and work to keep it from the average person because the masses would get too powerful if they started recognizing how to face and harness true divine powers. Maybe you haven't experienced the things I have but you have to believe me. humans are wasting time atm. The whole planet could be filled with divine phenomena beyond our wildest dreams if the public were just comfortable with experimentation. We, as society, are literally being conditioned to keep things to ourselves that should be not only shared, but enjoyed, and to share things that should be kept to ourselves. Ok, so >>33082884 >how bad could it really ever be though? I mean whatever the truth is, you're a part of it. literally. it's bad now, when the rest of the world won't recognize that we are being forced into a mundane reality. Lots of people with insight into unveiled reality exist, on an individual level, but society NEEDS to open the door so that ANYONE can feel free to start working on the problem, AT ANY TIME, and for any reason that seems important to the individual. This is how the world becomes less bleak for humans fast. >how bad could it be >we just..... stop crying it's natural and healthy to cry. why do humans deprive themselves and their lives of the full 264 spectrum of emotion for the sake of a society that is hurting us spiritually... words are too limited to express how disappointing humanity is at this moment. Babies cry, not because of a lack of maturity but because they recognize this upon birth. We NEED to start utilizing our emotions. As far as they go. We learn things each time. How are we going to fix the emotional, sensory-based discrepancy of tactility on society? There's something primeval that we're collectively foregoing and shouldn't be. Some people need to be explicitly allowed to focus purely on the question, "How can I help society understand?" at all costs >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)11:05:11 No.33086873▶ >>33090247 >>33083359 based >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)11:11:53 No.33086900▶ >>33090247 >>33083359 This album was the first time I ever heard music that wasn't formulated pop songs. Changed my outlook on what music could be, and the lyrics to these songs in particular spoke to me even though I was like 8 and in the year 2000. I still get chills at the end of Eclipse. GOOD SHIT. MIGHT SAVE SOME SOULS. >> The Nobody 10/10/22(Mon)11:15:38 No.33086920▶ >>33082884 >you're a part of it. Sure, but what are you? Much of ourselves is unseen by consciousness. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)11:18:26 No.33086937▶ File: 1579041656409.jpg (40 KB, 1200x630) 265 >>33082730 (OP) It makes you wonder what the Anunnaki meant by creating humans to "be their servants". Servants in what regard exactly? Aside from bs fiction stories about mining for gold from that Archon shill who quotes cuneiform which doesn't exist. Like we don't mine resources and fill up flying saucers with titanium or anything. More importantly is what do they do with our dead, and how did the Igigi rebel to no longer be the "servants"? >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)11:46:31 No.33087090▶ >>33087097 >>33082730 (OP) It's just Plato's allegory of the cave. Many people will be blinded by the light and will seek the comfort of the cave rather then facing the truth. Those who choose to face the light will be considered insane. >> The Nobody 10/10/22(Mon)11:47:56 No.33087097▶ >>33087090 >just how we've disserviced this word >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)11:50:45 No.33087110▶ >>33097395 >>33083042 The totality of divinity would include all experiences, even negative experiences. Even our own lives. Maybe God splitting himself into the universe and God basking in his own perfection are actually the same thing? 266 >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)11:52:55 No.33087126▶ >>33085880 We get it you're really bad at life and are poor >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)11:54:00 No.33087133▶ >>33083471 shh >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)12:02:32 No.33087186▶ >>33087267 >>33090818 >>33092494 >>33082820 did your consciousness expand to realize you were the jesters? >>33086068 based magician. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)12:13:31 No.33087267▶ >>33087333 >>33088360 >>33087186 >based >doesn't even realize earth is a munitions factory and humans are the weapons more like retarded >> The Nobody 10/10/22(Mon)12:23:11 No.33087333▶ >>33087344 >>33087267 The one who knows but does not say is on top. The one who does not know and yet speaks is sick. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)12:24:27 No.33087344▶ >>33087577 >>33087333 please return to your containment thread and stop wasting our trips >> 267 Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)12:28:37 No.33087368▶ >>33088742 >>33082730 (OP) Not that bad desu. Just a few misguided beliefs that should be overcome. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)12:38:36 No.33087436▶ >>33087462 >>33083042 Why should you assume god is lonely? Why would you assume god has the same emotional set as us? Since it’s god I could argue that he can choose to not be lonely by him making loneliness non existent emotional state. If he can’t, then that would mean emotional states are more omnipresent then god himself. Which is literally a paradox. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)12:40:58 No.33087458▶ >>33085880 Based. I'm sick of these retards gaslighting me into believing that all the bad shit that happens in this world is somehow all my fault. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)12:41:24 No.33087462▶ >>33087436 he's parroting new age swill that's gone through several games of telephone and barely makes sense anymore >> The Nobody 10/10/22(Mon)12:58:53 No.33087577▶ >>33087344 Please stay in topic for the OP's sake. Also, Lao Tzu deserved those trips, they'd have come in any thread. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)13:07:38 No.33087634▶ >>33087684 File: 1657074370477.gif (2.23 MB, 400x346) 268 >>33082730 (OP) The deepest I've gone was on LSD. Started out as panic, then I just fell into a bottomless pit, with nothing but nightmares to briefly cling to. I fell for eternity until I reached the bottom: a 2D room that looks like the King's Chamber (I didn't know what that was at the time). At this point I said in my head, "I open myself up to the universe!" I then shot through space, colors rushing past (think 2001: A Space Odyssey), until I arrived where I was, in bed, staring at the ceiling. The difference was that God was now on my ceiling, looking like a sparkly buch of magic glitter, and we had a nice conversation. Very encouraging. I basically went lower than ever and then higher than ever. I've never felt so good as I did after that. Reality is awe-inspiring. It's only when we forget this that we get lost, scared, foolish... Embrace reality, even if it seems "bad". That's how you move beyond your current, all-too-human state. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)13:08:04 No.33087637▶ >>33082884 This is a great post, but the answer is that everything is not fine and it really is quite horrific. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)13:13:39 No.33087684▶ >>33087705 >>33087634 >every entity I meet is god junkies always do this >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)13:16:40 No.33087705▶ 269 >>33087750 >>33087684 I've met other entities. This was God. On no other trip did I go deep enough to reach God, but this time, I did. >junkies Come on, now. You're dismissing what I have to say for a reason, and it's got nothing to do with me. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)13:22:29 No.33087750▶ >>33087791 >>33090978 >>33098284 >>33087705 god will never tell you that he is god its the divine equivalent of the IRS will never call you. >> The Nobody 10/10/22(Mon)13:27:45 No.33087791▶ >>33087914 >>33087750 >god will never tell you that he is god I take it you don't believe in Jesus then? >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)13:32:56 No.33087820▶ >>33088742 >>33082730 (OP) You should make yourself properly adapted to reality as it really is. Adapting yourself to a fake set of ideals that are discongruous with reality as it is will only cause you to suffer more as your expectations do not match what happens. But in the mean time it would indeed hurt like a bitch to feel all those differences >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)13:51:22 No.33087914▶ >>33087933 >>33088028 >>33094923 >>33087791 show me where jesus ever said he's god >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)13:54:23 No.33087933▶ >>33087961 >>33087914 show me where jesus ever existed and wasnt just copied and invented from older myths 270 >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)13:58:23 No.33087961▶ >>33087933 >rabbiposting in my thread begone >> The Nobody 10/10/22(Mon)14:06:02 No.33088028▶ >>33101843 >>33087914 John 8:58 “Jesus answered them: 'I solemnly declare it: before Abraham came to be, I AM.” [This was the name God gave himself when he first communicated with Moses, Exodus 3:14 “God replied, 'I am who am. ' Then he added, 'This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you. '”] John 10:30, Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.” The Jews who heard Him make that statement knew well that He was claiming to be God, as witnessed by their reaction: “His Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him” (John 10:31). After Jesus’ resurrection, Thomas the doubting disciple finally understood Jesus’ deity, declaring Him to be “my Lord and my God” (John 20:28). If Jesus were not Lord and God, He would have corrected Thomas, but He did not; Thomas spoke the truth. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)14:14:02 No.33088088▶ >>33097233 >>33083677 When I've "realized", I knew the joke was on me and it felt horrible, like the entirety of existence laughing at me. Sometimes I can see the humor in it and I can laugh along, though, and even though I was the butt of the joke, it felt like heaven >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)14:46:33 No.33088360▶ >>33088450 >>33087267 sucks that you're in a shitty reality tunnel. have you tried not visualizing yourself as a weapon? >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)14:51:04 No.33088398▶ >>33083718 It's one of the only things I can think of that actually works as a theodicy. Yes, the universe is 271 terrible, but the non-universe was so much worse that God committed an act of desperation and there is no point resenting him/her/it for it. Instead, try to make things better for both God and ourselves, which are identical, as best we can. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)14:58:06 No.33088450▶ >>33088572 >>33088360 >t. boomer who read prometheus rising 30 years ago and is still clinging to it >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)15:08:43 No.33088555▶ >>33088598 Christianity showed me that not everyone is meant ti be an ascended soul. Some would just be happy embodying the concept of "human bliss" for the rest of eternity. You don't need to see past the veil, but if you want an afterlife that is more than this, it's a place to start. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)15:10:18 No.33088572▶ >>33088450 I am a weapon, static and unchanging, a human cog because the world told me I am >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)15:12:41 No.33088598▶ >>33088555 I'd be okay with human bliss for eternity if I could trust the entities that promise it. Everything on earth is a scam, and as above so below. We can't trust anyone, so we have to go deeper and find the truth. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)15:21:45 No.33088677▶ >>33091231 >>33092404 >>33094674 Does all this shit just come off as incredibly gay to anyone else? I’m sure there’s something else out there. I’ve seen paranormal unexplainable shit before. But the idea that drugs “open your mind to something greater than yourself and you can see multiple dimensions and realities!” Meanwhile every actual druggie, save for a few, are all losers with horrible addictions and lives that go nowhere. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)15:27:58 No.33088723▶ 272 >>33092739 >>33082730 (OP) jesters are another race of beings, the are cannibals, have very VERY pale skin, and i suspect that they need to eat blood, because of some anemia or something. beyond that they are some interdimensional or camouflage beings, like some predator abilities to hunt humans, they evolved camouflage like a chameleon, because of this, when they appear at human reality they often are perceived with black and white stripes, because human brain can´t comprehend 4d dimensional, and brain lose spacial abilities, resorting to interprets these beings viewed as black and white no spacial mass on 3d reality. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)15:29:58 No.33088742▶ >>33112855 File: gay vr.png (6 KB, 298x212) >>33087820 >>33087368 real vs fake is a philosophical paradox >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)15:35:10 No.33088783▶ >>33083042 Shattered God Theory is what I call it and a big reason I try to learn about all I can and connect with others. Feels innate and comforting... like piecing it all back together again in the most innocent manner and with immense limitations. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)18:40:04 No.33090247▶ File: 1663464428057966.png (136 KB, 600x600) >>33086873 >>33086900 273 >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)19:56:26 No.33090818▶ >>33093029 >>33094605 >>33107084 >>33087186 >did your consciousness expand to realize you were the jesters? Thats what frightened me the most, because they kept telling me youre one of us now. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)19:59:05 No.33090838▶ >>33090865 >>33094804 >>33107026 >>33086068 >if they started recognizing how to face and harness true divine powers. and how does one do this? >> The Nobody 10/10/22(Mon)20:02:31 No.33090865▶ >>33090838 Devotion, faith, and sacrifice. It's a tale as old as time. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)20:06:46 No.33090899▶ >>33082730 (OP) the truth is out there but it's much more pleasant to exist in make believe illusions https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j0_TDPaUznw [Embed] >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)20:19:22 No.33090978▶ >>33087750 >god will never tell you that he is god did god tell you that? lol >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)20:53:16 No.33091231▶ >>33091553 File: gopnikapustaja.jpg (30 KB, 645x559) 274 >>33088677 >But the idea that drugs “open your mind to something greater than yourself and you can see multiple dimensions and realities!” Meanwhile every actual druggie, save for a few, are all losers with horrible addictions and lives that go nowhere. Why would you think being able to take the slightest of temporary glimpses at a normally unperceived aspect of reality would make someone successful in their long term career path? You aren't making any sense. Do you think taking a fish out of water for a few seconds before throwing it back in is going to make that fish become some sort of tiny gill-having Alexander the Great? >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)21:18:31 No.33091438▶ >>33091536 >>33083042 How is this scary? We have infinite novelty in the form of an infinite amount of things to experience. And you can get experience more of the positive in the next cycle depending on how you live this one. You can always return to the source if you’re willing to take that route as well. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)21:34:46 No.33091536▶ >>33091687 >>33097409 >>33091438 Not that anon, but the implication is that there is no real "point" to any of this, to any of the suffering and the pain and the death, it only exists because it does and all of this is God passing time because there is literally nothing else to do. Not only is earth just a guilded prison, but God is in prison too and is completely incapable of getting himself or anyone else "out." There is no "out." It's all just a boot stamping on a face for eternity, but the boot and the face belong to the same person because there is nobody else and nothing else. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)21:36:56 No.33091553▶ >>33091738 >>33091231 Because they claim to have had life changing experiences and "sorted everything out". Well they still work part time at McDonald's... so what did they learn? Just more excuses to be lazy. >> 275 Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)21:54:38 No.33091687▶ >>33091536 Yes I get it. But if that’s the way things are, however bleak they may seem, then I suppose the only thing we should make the most of it the infinite amount of experiences that we have access to. At least until we all collectively decide to become whole again and then split up into fragments once more lol >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)22:01:28 No.33091738▶ File: CrankyKong.png (332 KB, 550x623) >>33091553 "sorted everything out" I ctrl+F'd and determined that quote is a lie. Anyway, you're mixing up psychoactive compounds and the altered states of reality they allow for, something that definitely exists, with some strawman about people who overrate themselves. You can just as well respond to an experience of this sort in the opposite direction by realizing how insignificant and powerless you are, though whichever way anyone responds is a completely separate topic to the experience itself. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)23:43:24 No.33092404▶ >>33088677 You are incredibly retarded, you have the mind of an infant. Tylenol is also a drug, faggot. Heroin and LSD and Tylenol all do different things. >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)23:47:57 No.33092433▶ >>33092438 >>33112586 Big Data and Big Tech and Big Gov is already investing into Utopianism, see what you think after an exponential decade >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)23:49:02 No.33092438▶ >>33112586 276 >>33092433 Big Science too Big Defence too >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)23:56:23 No.33092474▶ >>33092478 Black blah bird chirp right as divine God blah blah ciao nigga planets black hole driving blah blah Gift me substantially already I'm saner >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)23:57:27 No.33092478▶ >>33092474 Oh wait that's not an x meme >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)23:58:28 No.33092485▶ >>33082730 (OP) Depends which partitioned reality, DivOc >> Anonymous 10/10/22(Mon)23:59:17 No.33092494▶ >>33094605 >>33087186 the jesters predate humanity, sure we “are” them, but they are also so much more.. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)00:02:19 No.33092504▶ Primer channel instead of fake news Careers channels too >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)00:08:34 No.33092535▶ Suffering. Culpable. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)00:12:23 No.33092549▶ Kludge. 277 >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)00:26:47 No.33092622▶ >>33083170 Even better >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)00:48:53 No.33092739▶ >>33088723 >when they appear at human reality they often are perceived with black and white stripes hmm i wonder what group uses checkerboard symbology >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)01:26:41 No.33092901▶ Cosmic sim Avenue of self-sustenance >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)01:28:54 No.33092909▶ File: 595F1A2C-4BB2-4FDF-A499-3(...).jpg (101 KB, 640x907) >>33082730 (OP) You’re going to have to face it sooner or later… better to understand the constructs of deceit while you can, so you may free yourself from any further ordeals of trickery. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)02:01:42 No.33093029▶ >>33097565 File: 1652467676192.png (21 KB, 237x589) 278 >>33090818 nothing personal, kidder >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)02:11:57 No.33093067▶ >>33082730 (OP) It’s great. There are no lies, no pain >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)02:16:12 No.33093088▶ >>33093412 >>33083302 Pure schizo ramblings >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)03:43:50 No.33093409▶ >>33093405 >sonorous Sonderous* >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)03:44:51 No.33093412▶ >>33093088 It's called sonderous, newnonfag >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)03:48:09 No.33093425▶ Hagsodlwjdjfkofkdjshshsocjlfjsgsifl >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)04:33:19 No.33093569▶ >>33099821 >>33083720 >clockwork elf >blood You're making big assumptions anon >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)04:58:50 No.33093658▶ 279 >>33082730 (OP) there is no unveiled reality, there are infinitely many ways to interpret reality and you can't switch between them because you've not merited that aptitude, amongst others because you adhere to systems of thought and mathematics that are very rigid and based on misconceptions about hierarchies of power >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)08:18:42 No.33094419▶ File: shitsfuckedbrehs.jpg (39 KB, 512x476) >>33082730 (OP) >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)09:00:28 No.33094605▶ >>33094648 >>33094906 File: 1658005940362.jpg (331 KB, 753x707) >>33090818 >>33092494 we are basically archons that made their own reality away from the real Father only repentance and admitting you were at fault gets you out of here, until then you will live in clownworld for eternity the only question for you is how much you can take >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)09:03:10 No.33094617▶ >>33108235 File: 1653303190113.jpg (8 KB, 213x237) 280 >>33082884 >If you're a part of reality then for reality to be "horrible" relative to us it means that reality would have to basically hate itself, and that's almost a paradox. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)09:06:27 No.33094634▶ >>33094959 >>33083042 >Basically everything is one, god got lonely af and split apart into a fuck load of little parts oh shut up you retard >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)09:08:45 No.33094648▶ >>33094605 >Clownworld >Jester uh-oh >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)09:08:51 No.33094649▶ >>33083749 just as retarded as the lonely God theory >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)09:16:12 No.33094674▶ >>33088677 wait till you experience the same thing without drugs >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)09:47:12 No.33094804▶ >>33090838 Awareness. Siddhis are a result of this >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)10:12:22 No.33094906▶ 281 File: 1664867009775398.jpg (2.62 MB, 4096x3251) >>33094605 >only repentance and admitting you were at fault gets you out of here I did that and I'm still here, may not have been good enough. hopefully it's just a matter of finishing what I'm here for first. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)10:16:53 No.33094923▶ >>33101843 >>33087914 Read The New Testament, or just The Book of John; you sound like an enlightened dweeb. >> The Laughing Lad 10/11/22(Tue)10:22:46 No.33094947▶ >>33082730 (OP) It is pure madness and terror to come to this realisation and beyond that to physically, emotionally and emotionally experience it. Keep going however…what lies beyond it is love and understanding beyond what we even thought possible. >> The Laughing Lad 10/11/22(Tue)10:24:42 No.33094959▶ >>33094995 >>33094634 Lets hear your big theory then lad. Or was that comment a knee jerk reaction? >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)10:26:02 No.33094966▶ >>33098738 File: 34DE4C62-AD8B-44E1-A334-4(...).png (885 KB, 736x448) 282 Om maní pedhme hum >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)10:31:37 No.33094995▶ >>33095006 >>33094959 you rebelled against God because you could, that trapped you in a damned realm, the material. you exist here as long as you dont realize your mistake. the father was loving enough to bring you the message of salvation so there is still a way to return to him its about control essentially, do you want to control things or do you let someone who knows better take control. that involves every aspect of you >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)10:33:52 No.33095004▶ >>33082730 (OP) Cool. In my dream I saw Konsu. Around him I saw fractal patterns of astrological data about reality, as if part of hyperspace was leaking into the dreams normal appearance to reveal secrets about it. I looked up and saw a constellation appear as a glyph shaped like a man, then it spelled out the name of my past life when I was in Egypt. Then I heard the trees creaking and felt it was the influence of the moon on the water within them. Then I saw a bunch of rocks and twigs come together as if they were the moon, several feet across hovering off the ground. The moon spoke to me as if it was Luna, and told me that all beings who are born have a right to life, all beings who live have a right not to be replaced by those who are born. Then I went into the field, and saw a frog writhing around on its back in ecstasy on the mud. I heard her voice thanking god for the fact she had been able to live here on the earth. I saw earthworms writhing in similar ecstasy. Meanwhile in the previous dream I saw a Swede, a Russian, and someone of another nationality find each other in the wilderness, and agree to play Russian roulette. The Russian shot first, and lived. The Swede shot second, and died. Clearly some ways of life seem better than others, but it was all part of gods plan. >> The Laughing Lad 10/11/22(Tue)10:34:13 No.33095006▶ >>33095027 >>33094995 How is this any different from the ‘Lonely God’ / ‘Shattered God’ thing that you are ridiculing? >> 283 Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)10:38:01 No.33095027▶ >>33095221 >>33095274 >>33095006 because it implies it was Gods will and takes all responsibility away from us no, you need to own up to your own mistakes there is a being that wants nothing but all good for you and you thought you could do your own thing instead and it blew up in your face thats what repentance is about, saying I fucked up and dont want to do this anymore >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)10:57:44 No.33095131▶ >>33095238 >>33082730 (OP) Until you attain inner silence, your mind will make you run circles. Once you attain inner silence, the questions will be irrelevant and childish >> Not the laughing lad 10/11/22(Tue)11:14:34 No.33095221▶ >>33095027 >it implies it was Gods will and takes all responsibility away from us It absolutely does not take all responsibility from us; it's rather the opposite. >there is a being that wants nothing but all good for you and you thought you could do your own thing instead and it blew up in your face This is what I understand as the "God split." Part of God (not God = love, but God = truly everything. PART of it) decided, let there be this, and now it is in our face. >> Not the laughing lad 10/11/22(Tue)11:17:48 No.33095238▶ >>33095255 >>33095131 I follow what you're saying about running in circles. >Once you attain inner silence, the questions will be irrelevant and childish How so? I have an idea why but I was wondering what you thought >>33082730 (OP) What do you mean by unveiled reality? >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)11:21:50 No.33095255▶ >>33109539 >>33095238 >How so? I have an idea why but I was wondering what you thought 284 Ignore what he is saying, those are buddhist new ager shit munchers that try to ignore their minds and obligations of life >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)11:24:27 No.33095274▶ >>33095434 >>33095027 I didn't do any of that. I also didn't create a race of imperfect, broken creatures to torture for my amusement. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)11:49:41 No.33095434▶ >>33095518 >>33095274 how would you know? >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)12:05:58 No.33095518▶ >>33095525 >>33106053 >>33095434 because I'd remember? And if it was before I was born, and that memory was erased, that's just cruel and pointless. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)12:07:45 No.33095525▶ >>33095539 >>33095518 >because I'd remember? do you remember what you did in your last life? >and that memory was erased, that's just cruel and pointless maybe it was for your own good and you get another try >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)12:09:48 No.33095539▶ >>33095556 >>33095525 that makes no sense. there is no evidence that I even had a previous life >maybe it was for your own good so I can suffer for reasons unknown and unprovable? Genius concept. >> 285 Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)12:12:54 No.33095556▶ >>33095539 all suffering is from you alone free will is real, you can turn around at any time and have all the blessings and peace of mind that you desire. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)15:02:25 No.33096538▶ >responsibility is when you praise an omnipotent being for intentionally creating fucked up creatures to torture, >because if God takes responsibility for his actions that'd make him sad so you pretend like it was your fault please >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)15:46:54 No.33096895▶ >>33098744 >>33082820 how many times did you try it >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)15:53:02 No.33096933▶ >>33096958 >>33083677 what's the last religion on the bottom right? >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)15:56:19 No.33096958▶ >>33097126 >>33096933 celtic fags >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)16:26:04 No.33097126▶ >>33096958 thanks >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)16:43:03 No.33097233▶ >>33088088 It wasn't laughing AT you. It was just laughing. You're still making things about "you" 286 >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)17:05:42 No.33097395▶ >>33087110 I think its something more like this. Lot's of good discussion here, I've been wanting to talk about lonely God theory. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)17:08:09 No.33097409▶ >>33097832 >>33091536 >all of this is God passing time because there is literally nothing else to do. Not only is earth just a gilded prison, but God is in prison too and is completely incapable of getting himself or anyone else "out. This is a demiurge not God the source. Hinduism acknowledges that the creator god is trapped in the cycle as well. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)17:09:22 No.33097420▶ >>33083155 idk if you would get the benefits of psychedelics quite as strongly doing that but I imagine it would be a very good time ngl >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)17:19:01 No.33097486▶ >>33083302 Bot. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)17:30:58 No.33097565▶ >>33093029 Based and elohimpilled. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)18:10:31 No.33097832▶ >>33097409 I understand that, but if the Shattered God idea is true, it's not "just" the Demiurgic creator god that's trapped, Source is also. (As far as that even makes sense anyway, not trapped in the sense you and I or even tbe Demiurge is but trapped in the sense that the thing it "wants"/"wanted" to do is impossoble for it and it has to cope). >> 287 Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)19:14:38 No.33098284▶ >>33098396 >>33087750 The whole thing had a light quality to it. God talked in a funny voice (think Kyle's mom from South Park) just to put me at ease. He/She even said essentially what you're saying, only with an ironic slant, since I was aware this was, in fact, God. It's hard to describe what it's like to be yanked at the speed of light out from the bottom of a bottomless pit, but that's what God did to me. But sure, yeah, God is like the IRS. Whatever, bud. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)19:26:30 No.33098396▶ >>33102205 >>33098284 >god spoke to me in kyle's moms voice off south park to put me at ease junkie ramblings are great bathroom reading >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)19:31:23 No.33098448▶ File: F545435A-9C4F-4989-9430-0(...).jpg (50 KB, 680x675) The Human has a bong and a lighter >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)20:04:33 No.33098738▶ >>33094966 Wtf I know this guy >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)20:05:05 No.33098744▶ >>33096895 3 >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)20:38:59 No.33099040▶ 288 >>33099116 >>33109175 >>33082730 (OP) Why's this picture feel instinctually familiar? It's like something in my gut tells me I've been there. I've never done DMT... >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)20:47:16 No.33099116▶ >>33099323 >>33099040 It's salvia entities, not DMT. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)21:14:44 No.33099323▶ >>33099116 Never done that either. Or shrooms. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)22:25:40 No.33099773▶ >>33083302 wel said anon >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)22:31:48 No.33099821▶ >>33093569 See >>33083725 >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)22:34:16 No.33099839▶ >>33099927 This is off topic sort of but where can I buy mushrooms online without going on the DEEP WEB? I was browsing a website that sold them but it got shut down. My local drug dealer ignores me. I need to trip hard. >> Anonymous 10/11/22(Tue)22:45:19 No.33099927▶ >>33099839 Just go to a cow farm >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)05:50:23 No.33101688▶ 289 bump >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)06:00:10 No.33101711▶ >>33108335 >>33082868 >and I'd say the truth is pretty obvious but devastating. Please elaborate. I have done shrooms several times and saw nothing like the Abyss or the meaning of life >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)06:45:20 No.33101843▶ >>33103785 >>33088028 >>33094923 >Citing books Jesus never wrote Wow, great proof. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)08:32:48 No.33102205▶ >>33098396 I actually typed that on the toilet, too. But yeah, God has a sense of humor, or at least knows I do. Happy to entertain if nothing else. I'm not a junkie, though. You must be a sad loser if you have to call me that to feel better about yourself. You should try LSD, if you can get it. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)12:03:59 No.33103395▶ >>33083677 I think I've heard the joke too many times, I'm not laughing anymore. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)12:25:11 No.33103507▶ >>33082820 I saw a succubus the first time I did salvia and all the other times I felt like I was made of metal lol >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)12:58:06 No.33103710▶ >>33082730 (OP) what are you scared of? >> 290 Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)13:11:23 No.33103785▶ >>33103962 >>33101843 throw away any concept of a person from any book not written by that person. if they didn't write it about themselves it must not be true. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)13:16:23 No.33103812▶ 33103785 has a troubling fascination with ladybugs that borders on inappropriate. As it is written, it must be true. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)13:19:22 No.33103829▶ >>33084726 It's almost as if they're not introspective enough to understand how they influence their own seperate, unique visions nor find the common denominators between them all! Maybe if stoners were the kind of autists to excel in math, philosophy and english people would take their intoxicated rants with a little less salt. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)13:33:59 No.33103910▶ File: 48DE2086-5ABD-4AB7-9117-8(...).jpg (131 KB, 640x643) 291 >>33082868 Do more shrooms True love is real Heaven for all is real. Everyones truest desires are mutual. The only motive is love. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)13:44:10 No.33103962▶ File: 30CD7E09-9B55-4728-98FB-6(...).jpg (24 KB, 230x364) >>33103785 therefore... 292 >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)17:22:22 No.33105448▶ bumpity >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)17:30:57 No.33105489▶ if i am the human in the middlle i only want FEMALE elves to touch me >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)18:58:02 No.33105961▶ >>33082848 Most interesting take I saw here in ages. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)19:12:56 No.33106053▶ >>33106596 >>33095518 >because I'd remember? Memory is known to be ridiculously unreliable with frequent omissions and fabrications ;so no even using purely materialist metrics you wouldn't >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)19:23:17 No.33106132▶ >>33082868 Damn brainlets really wild out on shrooms lmao >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)19:23:38 No.33106139▶ File: 43qt43.jpg (28 KB, 256x256) 293 >>33082730 (OP) >bad It is what it is. Also, "it" isn't it, so there's that. Do what you want, but do it safely: it's bad to disrespect the veil. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)20:17:39 No.33106596▶ >>33107155 File: 1664590019747853.jpg (106 KB, 720x344) >>33106053 >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)20:33:59 No.33106701▶ >>33107026 >>33107973 >>33082884 we just arent built for that. It will cook ypur brain. I cant even imagine the hardware required to percieve that shit. >>33083197 youre in heaven cocksucker stop wallowing (unless thats what youre into) and figure out some 294 constructive ways to utilize will. >>33083749 THIS!!!! also reality is largely what you make of it. Unfortunately the controls dont really understand that focusing on bad doesnt neccessarily mean you want bad shit. It just knows what grabs your attention. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)20:35:02 No.33106706▶ >>33083748 I do this to view you naked :D >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)20:36:24 No.33106714▶ >>33084726 Yeah dipshit on this level thats how it works. Its called a fucking palate clenser >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)20:40:15 No.33106736▶ >>33082730 (OP) >How bad is it? Truly unveiled reality? Lmao Faggot, listen to me now. You wouldn't know. Nobody alive would. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)20:42:51 No.33106757▶ >>33107026 >>33082730 (OP) Let me ask this: what makes a person so sure they are wise enough to handle having the "curtain" pilled back. Does knowledge like this have to be earned through the virtuous path? Can the beings in the realm you enter take advantage of your ignorance through very convincing lies? >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)21:19:02 No.33107026▶ >>33107045 >>33090838 >>33106757 Go into nature until you can cry a single tear. Love is the most important asset. You may literally enter another physical world where the personalities of other forms of life are revealed to you via your senses. Fractal information emerges out of thin air. The natural state tries to help you sink into the "unveiled," but only if it's truly 295 important to you to be there. These are the controls referred to by >>33106701. Once you understand what's really important about a person (it is not what is oft valued in society today) you step into a different role in life. You may meet entities among other entities among other entities, and you can share mutually enriching information and have good conversations with each other if you know how. It involves total understanding and patience with yourself, as well as devotion to things seemingly fantastic. You must be comfortable participating in darkness. :) The truth is out there, sure, but really it's in here..... It's tougher to "harness" truth and divine power in modern society. People are conditioned to be selfish and hurt others, reject ideas as "unbelievable" if they upset someone's hesitations, and not do things like talk to yourself. If you display good energy and understanding of love, you'll notice the entities you meet aren't like that at all. They want to live in heaven, and delight in other's conceptions of heaven. I imagine evil entities don't want to upset their karma by fucking with a protected individual (naturally though you'll be amazed and shocked by what some will value). But America is ripe for change. We'll soon respect the forest creatures and protect them more than ourselves, which is more a gain than a loss, because it will allow us to do anything. It's really about harnessing and interacting with your self. That involves your mind, body, and sexual energy, which is a force that can be directed ANYWHERE. 1/3 >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)21:21:12 No.33107045▶ >>33107061 >>33111694 >>33107026 Your body becomes a vessel for all energies. You can puppeteer yourself to become a vessel which facts about the nature of being, entropy, and God himself flow through. Trees reciprocate with this quite a lot (plants are molded by it more so than ot her earth life, hence obvious fractal structures), and you can learn a lot about yourself, others, the world, society, etc simply by interacting with plants this way. Some people are meant to simply teach about this at the cost of all normalcy. It shouldn't disturb anyone. It offers insight to other times and invigorates the imagination, which invigorates the soul. Some personal results (I'll only share the most minor) are using willpower to direct microcosms within my body through change. Communicating with individual organs, and directing musculature growth. Pleasant conversations with forest creatures including bugs, birds, trees, and entities that took imaginative forms on certain structures of the tree. We can receive great insight from forests as well as get advice from individual trees. Very direct insights such as, what a tree thinks and does in specific situations. You'll soon discover that it's way more efficient than how humans currently communicate. They've helped me locate lost things, and we've shared mathematical and ontological ideas. Be respectful of their life experience though. They want to share ideas with you, and they do so to the receptive. However, if you can manage to be as receptive to it as they are, it is an entirely different world where they could literally be showing you images they think you might be able to relate to in their leaves and on their bark. Very directly sharing their personal conceptions with you... The information is stored and they have their own curiosities and pose questions for you. 296 2/3 >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)21:23:13 No.33107061▶ >>33111716 >>33107045 3/3 A forest once invited me in and I became great friends with all of the creatures inside. I had to pacify wild canines, be evaluated by the wisdoms of old trees, and sing and dance with birds and trees. It was an understanding between species unlike anyt hing you've ever seen. We learned so much from each other. Before I could return, I was abducted by police. There's a report saying they scanned my brain but I don't have any recollection of it. I haven't yet been able to regain the mastery of myself and these talents as I had before then. The report only lists various areas of my brain saying they are normal. How would you make sense of that? When I finally was able to return to the forest it was so calm. Butterflies wings beat on the air so peacefully. Birds sang and bugs pattered without the slightest care. You have to have an understanding of balance, but that's all. That's why it's pretty clear that someone is keeping it from the public to keep peace. I hope what I've shared can be of some direction. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)21:27:05 No.33107084▶ >>33090818 >they kept telling me youre one of us now. They said the same thing to me. And they were talking about 'potential'. They worship Lucifer. They took me up to outerspace and showed me around and I met Lucifer himself. I wouldn't worship him. Now they just harass me 24/7. They're demons. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)21:36:51 No.33107155▶ >>33108012 >>33106596 Nice buzzword now consider why "memories" without evidence are dismissed in court and individuals with no recollection have been found guilty by evidence >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)23:13:05 No.33107960▶ >>33108137 297 File: 1658184460369194.jpg (107 KB, 598x653) >>33083197 same. these retards saying you can change everything by thinking about it hard enough and willing it so need to go the fuck outside. Tellin me I don't remember my past life because memories are unreliable sometimes. Or maybe it just didn't fuckin happen and that's why I have not even fuzzy memories of it. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)23:14:08 No.33107973▶ >>33108137 File: 1657679667379.gif (1.53 MB, 320x180) >>33106701 >youre in heaven cocksucker stop wallowing (unless thats what youre into) and figure out some constructive ways to utilize will. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)23:19:10 No.33108012▶ File: 11ce79ba26010fda81f18aefb(...).jpg (63 KB, 898x494) >>33107155 >"memories" without evidence are dismissed in court maybe that's because people fucking lie 298 >individuals with no recollection have been found guilty by evidence or maybe they are fucking lying/ have some kind of mental illness >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)23:31:27 No.33108107▶ >>33082820 The artist name is literally salivadroid look him up. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)23:35:05 No.33108137▶ >>33108324 >>33107960 You can change everything that way, society just hasn't figured it out yet because people are brainwashed. "consensus reality" is stupid >>33107973 If you're implying he's some kind of sociopath you're brainwashed too, sorry. We should all be living in our respective conceptions of heaven. >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)23:37:13 No.33108151▶ >>33108356 File: sacred-geometry-gold-symb(...).jpg (78 KB, 1372x980) 299 >>33082730 (OP) it's all doors and traps. Get comfy, remember your truths: yin and yang and high school science and trip experience shit and you'll get past the baby stuff like mechanical elves and paranoid delusions. When you start turnīng into an animal as you choke and panic, remember you are human and your comfort is in human form not what the archons are turning you into. Now this is where you'll find the wheel, you don't need to go past the wheel or razor sphere or whatever. If the wheel is hurting you go to sleep, if you are comfy meditate on whatever until the wheel starts to hurt. pic related btw >> 300 Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)23:45:30 No.33108199▶ File: reality.jpg (390 KB, 1500x938) 301 302 Imagine wanting it to be any other way lmao! >> Anonymous 10/12/22(Wed)23:52:03 No.33108235▶ >>33094617 if I can hate, then so can reality. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)00:06:35 No.33108324▶ >>33108375 >>33108137 you're retarded >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)00:08:57 No.33108335▶ >>33111305 >>33101711 I really wonder what leads to some people being effected differently by them. I can’t do mushrooms without feeling like my mind is in super-position. I had one in particular where my head felt like it was genuinely about to catch on fire, like it was being forced to process an infinite number all at once. Hellish in the truest sense of the word. Felt more like I ate from the from the tree of knowledge of good and evil than enlightenment. The kicker is that is wasn’t just pure schizophrenic rambling retarded shit. It sent me down a rabbit hole of real philosophic concepts. Reading about some of it would nearly trigger panic attacks because it would take me back. No surprise that many of the philosophers who truly pursued the concept of infinity spent the last years of their life insane. Anyways, why do I get that experience and other people just go “duuuude the colors, woOooOooah”. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)00:12:18 No.33108356▶ >>33109195 >>33108151 What if instead of becoming an animal you just suddenly see the world in a completely abstract way. Like you’re an observer who’s never seen anything before, nothing has associations, no instincts, and instead of feeling some sense of divine oneness in your ego death, you just find yourself violently disgusted by the world. By flesh. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)00:15:35 No.33108375▶ >>33108392 303 >>33108324 You're retarded lol. What don't you agree with? >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)00:17:06 No.33108383▶ >>33082820 Cringe >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)00:19:08 No.33108392▶ >>33108375 This is absolutely NOT heaven, none of us proles will ever make it heaven. It could be, with enough teamwork on a grand-scale that will never happen, but it is honestly leaning more towards hell with some good moments to make the shitty ones suck even harder. When the elites say we will own nothing and eat the bugs, do you think they are joking? They say we'll be happy, but I'm not chinese, so I will never be happy under those circumstances. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)01:21:16 No.33108664▶ >>33108875 >>33111870 File: 7441B1E7-8F0C-4ACA-BFCE-6(...).jpg (72 KB, 500x571) >>33086068 I believe you. I’ve done a few of my own experiments.. and the entire establishment wanted to kill me or drive me crazy at one time. Jokes on them they proved me right. I’d love to help people in some way. Only thing is i’ve always had a lot of chips stacked against me I was abused all my life until 23 basically by everyone around me. After everything that happened with everyone and being in a profession where I see the worst of the general public, I find my faith in most of humanity obliterated. I know there’s other beings here and we’re better together, but I don’t have the optimism and hope that I once have. What would you advise? Can I restore my faith in humanity? >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)02:13:49 No.33108875▶ >>33111870 304 >>33108664 What do you think humanity should be like? Everyone constantly gratifying one anot her in a worldwide party? The only thing people have in common is DNA, and our DNA forces us to compete against eachother whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Language is a good example. What's the first word a person learns when people start trying to tell them what to do? NO! We are constantly pushing our own agenda on the world around us, but at some point we realize there are things we can get away with and things we can't, and that's when the existentialism kicks in and we start lashing out over everything that reminds us of how powerless we are to control our destiny. Those who don't succumb to this existentialism distract themselves with pleasure upon pleasure. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)03:39:11 No.33109175▶ >>33099040 just reading and hearing descriptions of salvia experiences makes me feel a strange sense of familiarity, like I recognize the places described, or that I've been there somehow. Of course, when people are actually in the experience this feeling is amplified a LOT and they feel like they've been in that "place" countless times before, the memories flooding back to them, only accessible in that state. I heard it's like a constant nonstop feeling of deja vu >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)03:49:37 No.33109195▶ >>33108356 anon, that's a door. Have some other asshole's trip report. He had a full belly under that tree btw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVKK-WVW2uw [Embed] >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)05:19:15 No.33109539▶ >>33095255 >obligations I see you are brainwashed already, the trick that worked on you is making you believe you are "obligated" to do things, when in fact you are just suggested/guilted into doing them. You have free will and choose to do things you don't like. >> Ar !AlM718IgkM 10/13/22(Thu)06:37:29 No.33109830▶ >>33110047 >>33110133 >>33110228 >>33112936 >>33114978 File: 16651976455815.gif (1.72 MB, 342x342) 305 >>33082730 (OP) Your reality will never be the same again. You'll no longer want to belong to this world. None of the people you would care to reveal it to will believe you. You won't be able to unsee it. You'll never stop chasing its understanding. You might actually gain some beneficial knowledge to a galvanizing effect. You'll experience the greatest feeling that could ever possibly be felt. You'll experience the worst feeling that could ever possibly be felt. You will experience the real extent of how fake this world literally is. You'll constantly get derailed, ignored, buried, and hijacked by parasites and agents. You'll see some shit. And it'll all be worth it. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)07:17:10 No.33110047▶ >>33109830 I was wondering when I'd read something from you. Based knowing friend. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)07:34:29 No.33110133▶ >>33109830 > You'll no longer want to belong to this world. None of the people you would care to reveal it to will believe you. You won't be able to unsee it. You'll never stop chasing its understanding. The hardest shit I have ever done is delta 8 and I felt that way before I even did that. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)07:53:33 No.33110228▶ >>33109830 >You'll see some shit. And it'll all be worth it. >have a week of the most intense bad feelings I have ever felt >24/7 anger and malice, wallowing in hatred >incredibly simple synchronicity dispells all the evil thoughts by conveying exactly what I needed to "hear" (read) in that exact moment >incredible sense of relief at burden being lifted, genuine gratitude >incredible shame for having evil thoughts in the first place, knowing full well they'll come again the next time something like people cheering for nuclear war happens I don't understand why it needs to be such a roller coaster. >> 306 Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)11:13:30 No.33111305▶ File: a7f13c758e4706b7b020f2b6e(...).jpg (413 KB, 716x1011) >>33108335 >why do I get that experience and other people just because you are a faggot trying to uncover le secrets of the universe while destroying your mind in the process, as yourself said in this very post while people sane in their minds already know or sense that you CAN`T comprehend all the fabrics of reality, so they choose to enjoy what`s already here, may it be colors or the real side of musics while spamming beautiful scenes in their minds while they are high the “duuuude the colors, woOooOooah” are unironically right. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)11:46:00 No.33111555▶ >>33112296 >>33082848 Can you elaborate on this? >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)12:03:13 No.33111694▶ >>33112197 File: meds3.jpg (91 KB, 1024x911) >>33107045 >Pleasant conversations with forest creatures including bugs, birds, trees, and entities that took imaginative forms on certain structures of the tree. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)12:05:58 No.33111716▶ >>33112197 307 >>33107061 >That's why it's pretty clear that someone is keeping it from the public to keep peace. How are they keeping peace? >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)12:25:51 No.33111870▶ File: 306033_10151539998659655_(...).jpg (64 KB, 320x301) >>33108664 I believe you too. I am trying to think of ways to get the attention of the establishment again. You can help people. Spreading awareness is one thing you can do. I'd advise you get assertively lazy like me but... you have faith already. You know what's possible, you know of the brightness that the future should hold, and you probably know that right now people are lost, dulled, and pessimistic AF! Be the world you really want to live in. Fuck everything else. People hear my car coming and get spooked. But they're sold before I turn the corner. Sometimes they're left in a daze. But that's life. Hope and optimism can grow for everyone when there are people working on the problem. >>33108875 >a world where the goal is spreading gratification and bliss Sounds great desu >those who don't succumb to dread are simply distracted There's nothing wrong with pleasure. Or pleasure upon pleasure. In fact there's a lot to learn from it. We're gonna get there soon. But it won't be like WALL E, where people have decayed into mindless american stereotypes. It'll be a new kind of exploration. >> 308 Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)13:09:11 No.33112197▶ File: 9ad.png (1.61 MB, 1293x1293) >>33111716 I don't know how shadow government works but I imagine it to be a 'controlled burn' scenario. base assumption is that all this shit is real (that there's a whole 'unreal' world for us to learn from), and if people found out they'd realize there's been a lot of wrong shit going on around here. It would upset a lot, so by keeping people "brainwashed" they keep themselves out of trouble and a chunk of the populace happy. Of course, if people found out the whole world would be a lot more peaceful, positive, and generative as a result. What do we make of that? >>33111694 Lol. Pic related I literally can't tell if everyone is in on some "conspiracy" to hide this shit. It's literally real and we do everyone a disservice by pretending it's not what everyone should be doing. I could tell you a whole lot more, even if you don't find it all believable. What do with this information? Sharing it seems like a net positive. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)13:18:58 No.33112296▶ >>33112394 >>33111555 The body is incredibly resilient. That is a key feature of the gqme. Your reproductive organs are tucked in the middle of your body protected by its largest muscles. The skin has a semipermiable membrane that mainly keeps out infection. The skin itself is covered in hair to protect it from the cold, sweats to protects it from the heat. It produces melanin to reflect harmful sun rays. Same with our eyes, lighter colores eyes are susceptible to damage feom direct sunlight. Our eyelashes are there to keep debris from our eyes. Human bodies are made for recovery in any climate and react differently to different every biome. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)13:33:34 No.33112394▶ 309 >>33112296 I'm pretty sure the other anon meant something else than that, that the body is somehow protecthing spirit/soul or whatever, from the astral stuff >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)13:36:54 No.33112415▶ >>33083302 cringe >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)13:58:03 No.33112567▶ >>33086008 This probably summarizes most psychedelic experiences. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)14:00:39 No.33112586▶ >>33092433 >>33092438 Big if true >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)14:31:44 No.33112855▶ >>33113628 >>33088742 The postmodern trajectory leaves us in a situation where telling the difference between the real and the unreal is no longer merely philosophical, but a practical day to day issue. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)14:42:38 No.33112936▶ >>33109830 >Ar !AlM718IgkM You,you as a poster interest me. Share more, sometimes you rambled like a schizo, but other times were interesting. Go on please. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)15:13:23 No.33113198▶ File: 7C9E36CD-1F5E-4E68-8604-8(...).jpg (519 KB, 1136x1040) 310 >>33082730 (OP) >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)15:15:55 No.33113219▶ >>33113523 >>33082730 (OP) >never open the door? Do you realize the hypocrisy of what you're saying? This is a board devoted to finding out what's happening in the hidden corners of the world where the masses won't touch. Aliens, ghosts, monsters, conspiracies, psychics, magic, everything. Unveiling reality is the Holy Grail for any true /x/man. You should WANT to unveil reality. What greater truth could there be than the ultimate truth? Drawing an arbitrary line in the sand and saying "NO. You can't pass this." because you're afraid or it's """"""forbidden"""""" is what normalfags do. They live in little boxes just like in that image. They ARE the human toys. They spend their lives inside that box, they live and die in that box, content with their "jobs" and "families" and "money" and "houses", content to exist in utter ignorance of the true nature of the world. Never daring to venture outside. By becoming interested in the paranormal you have to open the door. You already strayed off the path most people follow on the Earth, so you have to see it through. There probably won't be love or heaven at the end of it, but there has to be something more. There's got to be something more than the Earth and its people and their little games. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)15:58:32 No.33113523▶ >>33113219 "The only two mistakes to be done in the path of truth is to not start and to not go all the way" Buddha Yes, based bros. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)16:13:45 No.33113628▶ >>33112855 If we can literally just decide what's real and not real on an individual level... why is it a problem at all? >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)16:20:20 No.33113668▶ 311 >>33082730 (OP) had a full blown episode off of a tab of episode one, went to the hospital and genuinely thought I had schizophrenia and was also dealing with complete ego death. makes you really grasp the cyclicality of the universe. took a bit to be kinda "normal" again but it can also empower you to realize how to manipulate the inherent strings of the universe to better yourself. that episode was an extreme lowpoint and the point I'm at now is a lot better and could also be attributed to that trip. Everything is good and bad dude, decide yourself. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)16:36:40 No.33113759▶ >>33083692 Using a drug all the time is the perfect way to ruin the drug for you. I restricted myself from using much at all until i got my shit together because otherwise there'll be that background worrying about other things you should be focused on >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)16:46:07 No.33113820▶ >>33082730 (OP) Aren't drugs just another veil? >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)17:21:34 No.33114011▶ >>33083359 Lyrics from >Wish You Were Here In the front from >The Final Cut Shaped as the prism from >The Dark Side Of The Moon, Above the band name in the font from >The Wall >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)18:13:16 No.33114314▶ >>33114891 >>33114978 File: 5ab3cc2a410e841a008b4933.png (623 KB, 700x525) 312 >>33082730 (OP) You literally can't experience unveiled reality. The fact that you exist at all, as a concrete entity distinct from other entities, means your experience will necessarily ALWAYS be veiled. Your existence itself serves as a veil, no matter what drugs you do. It's just a matter of what veils/lenses, your angle of approach, and all that. I learned earlier today while on mushrooms that the real satanists at the top of society aren't psychopaths or sadists (though there are plenty of those), but in fact empathetic, otherwise mentally normal people, who make the conscious, calculated choice to rape and murder children, not because they enjoy it, but because they hate it. I learned that the only way to truly rebel against God is to rebel against the very nature He created you with, and so they commit acts their own nature tells them to hate, solely because doing so is an assertion of WILL (their will) against NATURE (God's will). I finally understood what it was, really, to be in Hell, to be separated from God. It's not just "being evil." It's so much deeper. It is being out of sync with the entire flow of the created universe. Fair Folk shit, barely more coherent than pure chaos, without boundaries or definition. >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)19:42:13 No.33114891▶ >>33114910 >>33114314 >I learned earlier today while on mushrooms that the real satanists at the top of society aren't psychopaths or sadists (though there are plenty of those), but in fact empathetic, otherwise mentally normal people, who make the conscious, calculated choice to rape and murder children, not 313 because they enjoy it, but because they hate it. then make sure to kill yourself anon >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)19:46:21 No.33114910▶ >>33114891 why? >> Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)20:00:45 No.33114978▶ >>33109830 >>33114314 can we just not? why humans exist at all? [Post a Reply] 314