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"Concepts create idols; only wonder comprehends anything. People kill one another over idols. Wonder makes us fall to our knees."- Saint Gregory Of Nyssa Unfortunately, human history - from a certain perspective - is a history of genocides and atrocities. Extreme forms of violence in certain "conflicts with outgroups" is a too well documented fact in human history - a problem deeply embedded in human culture and human consciousness - that only proper understanding and education will solve. That fact is excluded by mainstream social psychology and from social identity theory. Relevance: The recent FBI report said hate crimes hit an all-time high in America It is readily apparent, from even a precursory view of history, that “Some circumstances trigger extreme forms of violence in some "conflicts with outgroups" - a very consistent factor in history. On top of that, groups related instincts - powerful emotions correlated with ingroup-outgroup conflicts are a factor in wars of course. Setting the stage, the deadly wars of places like Rwanda, Bosnia, and Ethiopia claimed the lives of 30 million people and made refugees of another 45 million. Why are these extreme forms of violence important? As the authors of the article "Beyond the Group Mind: A Quantitative Review of the Interindividual–Intergroup Discontinuity Effect" which was published in Psychological Bulletin, observed, “It is estimated that just in the final decade of the twentieth century, the deadly wars of places like Rwanda, Bosnia, and Ethiopia claimed the lives of 30 million people and made refugees of another 45 million (McGuire, 1998). Still, even though human relations may be as “stubbornly set” as ever, this meta-analysis underlines that great strides have been made toward understanding why intergroup relations are often more antagonistic and competitive than interindividual relations." Is Modern Materialist psychology facilitating scapegoating & racism? There is truth to the maxim - Out of sight, out of mind!
Pimenta Cultural, 2023
A pesquisa de Doutorado de Lívia Fortes, conduzida em uma escola pública do estado do Espírito Santo no ano de 2017, traz importantes considerações sobre o ensino de inglês no Brasil por meio de reflexões inéditas e bastante relevantes para linguística aplicada crítica, sobretudo para a educação crítica de língua inglesa, a formação de professores e a formação de sujeitos e identidades na sala de aula de língua inglesa.
Programa completo, 2024
Las catedrales conforman una de las piedras angulares de las sociedades occidentales. En las edades media y moderna gozaron especialmente de gran poder y la vida en ellas fluctuaba entre servicios y ceremonias litúrgicas, entre las que destacaban, por su esplendor y magnificencia, las procesiones. A pesar de que las catedrales hispanas gozan de una historiografía considerable, las investigaciones sobre ellas están lejos de haberse agotado. Este congreso pretende ahondar en torno a los usos y costumbres de las iglesias catedralicias de la Península Ibérica hasta 1700 aproximadamente.
Time to event data arise in several fields including biostatistics, demography, economics, engineering and sociology. The terms duration analysis, event-history analysis, failure-time analysis, reliability analysis, and transition analysis refer essentially to the same group of techniques although the emphases in certain modeling aspects could differ across disciplines. SAS® procedures LIFETEST, LIFEREG, PHREG, RELIABILITY, and QLIM have different capabilities for analyzing duration data. Methods include Kaplan-Meier estimation, accelerated life-testing models, and the ubiquitous Cox model. Recent developments in SAS extend their reach to include analyses of multiple failure times, recurrent events, frailty models, Markov models and use of Bayesian methods. We present an overview of these methods with examples illustrating their application in the appropriate context.
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