Nuclear Translocation of Cardiac G Protein-Coupled
Receptor Kinase 5 Downstream of Select Gq-Activating
Hypertrophic Ligands Is a Calmodulin-Dependent
Jessica I. Gold1, Jeffrey S. Martini1, Jonathan Hullmann1, Erhe Gao2, J. Kurt Chuprun2, Linda Lee4,
Douglas G. Tilley2,3, Joseph E. Rabinowitz2,3, Julie Bossuyt4, Donald M. Bers4, Walter J. Koch1,2,3*
1 Center for Translational Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 2 Center for Translational Medicine, Temple
University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 3 Department of Pharmacology, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States of America, 4 Department of Pharmacology, University of California Davis, Davis, California, United States of America
G protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) kinases (GRKs) play a crucial role in regulating cardiac hypertrophy. Recent data from
our lab has shown that, following ventricular pressure overload, GRK5, a primary cardiac GRK, facilitates maladaptive
myocyte growth via novel nuclear localization. In the nucleus, GRK5’s newly discovered kinase activity on histone
deacetylase 5 induces hypertrophic gene transcription. The mechanisms governing the nuclear targeting of GRK5 are
unknown. We report here that GRK5 nuclear accumulation is dependent on Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM) binding to a specific site
within the amino terminus of GRK5 and this interaction occurs after selective activation of hypertrophic Gq-coupled
receptors. Stimulation of myocytes with phenylephrine or angiotensinII causes GRK5 to leave the sarcolemmal membrane
and accumulate in the nucleus, while the endothelin-1 does not cause nuclear GRK5 localization. A mutation within the
amino-terminus of GRK5 negating CaM binding attenuates GRK5 movement from the sarcolemma to the nucleus and,
importantly, overexpression of this mutant does not facilitate cardiac hypertrophy and related gene transcription in vitro
and in vivo. Our data reveal that CaM binding to GRK5 is a physiologically relevant event that is absolutely required for
nuclear GRK5 localization downstream of hypertrophic stimuli, thus facilitating GRK5-dependent regulation of maladaptive
Citation: Gold JI, Martini JS, Hullmann J, Gao E, Chuprun JK, et al. (2013) Nuclear Translocation of Cardiac G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 5 Downstream of
Select Gq-Activating Hypertrophic Ligands Is a Calmodulin-Dependent Process. PLoS ONE 8(3): e57324. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057324
Editor: Yulia Komarova, University of Illinois at Chicago, United States of America
Received September 9, 2012; Accepted January 21, 2013; Published March 5, 2013
Copyright: ß 2013 Gold et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This research was supported in part by United States National Institutes of Health grants P01 HL091799 (to WJK) and P01 HL07544 Project 2 (to WJK)
and a Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Award from the American Heart Association Great Rivers Affiliate (to JIG). This work was also supported in part by National
Institutes of Health grants NIH grant P01-HL080101 (to DMB) and R01HL103933-01 (to JB). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:
to ventricular pressure-overload, as evidenced by augmented
cardiac hypertrophy and accelerated HF following aortic banding
[12]. This accelerated pathological phenotype differs greatly from
mice overexpressing GRK2, which respond to pressure-overload
similarly to wild-type mice [12]. This phenotypic disparity is
rooted in differences between the structure and subcellular
localization of GRK2 and GRK5, predominantly the ability of
GRK5 to enter the nucleus [12–15].
Among GRK family members, GRK5’s ability to enter the
nucleus is unique. First shown in cardiomyocytes of spontaneously
hypertensive HF (SHHF) rats, the ability of GRK5 to translocate
to the nucleus was further reinforced by uncovering a nuclear
localization sequence (NLS) within its catalytic domain [13–15].
We recently identified the first nuclear target of GRK5 activity –
the class II histone deacetylase (HDAC), HDAC5, which occurs
after GRK5 nuclear accumulation following in vivo and in vitro
hypertrophic stimuli mediated via Gq-coupled signaling activation
[12]. Like other known class II HDAC kinases [16–19], enhanced
Canonically, G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) kinases
(GRKs) desensitize GPCRs via agonist-dependent phosphorylation. Seven members of the GRK family have been identified to
date with GRK2 and GRK5 being the most abundant in the heart
[1,2]. These kinases have been shown to play important roles in
physiological cardiac signaling, particularly via regulation of badrenergic receptor (bAR)-mediated contractility [2–5]. GRK2
and GRK5 appear to be critical in cardiac pathophysiology [2,3],
as upregulation of both GRK2 and GRK5 has been shown in a
spectrum of cardiac pathology including failing human myocardium [1,6–11]. Despite similar functions in GPCR desensitization,
increased expression of GRK2 and GRK5 play divergent roles in
compromised myocardium during the pathogenesis of heart failure
(HF). Utilization of genetically engineered mouse models has been
key to understanding how GRK2 and GRK5 elevation lead to
distinct cardiac phenotypes. For example, transgenic mice with
cardiac-specific overexpression of GRK5 demonstrate intolerance
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
100% carbon dioxide followed by cervical dislocation. Ventricular
cardiomyocytes were isolated from 1- to 2-day old neonatal rat
hearts (NRVM) as previously described [29]. NRVM were
cultured in DMEM supplemented with penicillin/streptomycin
(100 units/ml) and 5% FBS at 37uC in a 5% humidified
atmosphere for 2–3 days. At 24 hrs post-isolation, NRVM were
infected with recombinant, replication-deficient adenoviruses
expressing the following genes with their respective MOIs:
GRK5 (50 MOI), Gq-CAM (5 MOI), GRK5W30A (15 MOI).
Equal particles of an adenovirus expressing LacZ were used to
control for non-specific adenoviral effects. NRVM were serumstarved for 24 hours prior to harvest in DMEM supplemented with
penicillin/streptomycin and.5% FBS at 37uC in a 5% humidified
atmosphere. AdRbM were isolated as described elsewhere [18].
Myocytes were seeded on lamin-coated chamber slides and
cultured in supplemented PC-1 with penicillin/streptomycin. Four
hours after seeding, myocytes were infected with adenoviruses
expressing either GRK5-GFP (100 MOI) or GRK5W30A-GFP
(200 MOI) and cultured for 24 hours prior to experimentation.
nuclear GRK5 activity increases transcription of genes associated
with cardiac hypertrophy, through derepression of critical
transcription factors [20]. Most important among these transcription factors is myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2), the upstream
regulator of several hypertrophic genes [16,21,22].
This expanding range of substrates is coupled to greater
complexity of the kinase’s regulation, particularly in light of
GRK specificity for distinct receptors. For example, each GRK
can directly interact with Ca2+ binding proteins in vitro [23]. These
interactions tend to decrease kinase activity at the receptor [24].
Ca2+/Calmodulin (CaM) is able to bind all GRK family members,
but with varying affinities [25]. CaM preferentially binds GRK5
(IC50,50 nM) at a CaM binding domain in either terminal
domain [25]. Once CaM-bound, particularly at the amino (N)terminal site, GRK5 demonstrates decreased kinase activity at the
receptor and activity at cytosolic substrates including synuclein
and tubulin [26]. Alternatively, phosphorylation by PKC at a
carboxy (C)-terminal site inhibits GRK5’s activity against all
substrates, membrane-bound and cytosolic [27]. Despite growing
interest in GRK regulation, corresponding in vivo studies demonstrating physiological relevance have been scarce.
In this study, our goal was to uncover the molecular
mechanisms responsible for GRK5 nuclear localization during
hypertrophic Gq activation and signaling in myocytes. Understanding the mechanism behind nuclear translocation of GRK5
could present a novel therapeutic target for prevention of
maladaptive cardiac remodeling. This is especially important
because although we have shown nuclear GRK5 to be pathologic,
GRK5 action at the plasma membrane has shown to be
cardioprotective under certain circumstances [28]. Here, we show
that select hypertrophic agonists of Gq-coupled receptors cause
GRK5 nuclear translocation from a plasma membrane pool in
myocytes. These specific ligands target CaM binding to Nterminal residues within GRK5 that we demonstrate to be an
absolute requirement for nuclear translocation and GRK5mediated pathological cardiac signaling. Targeted inhibition of
CaM binding to GRK5 leads to less nuclear accumulation, activity
and hypertrophic signaling and, interestingly, greater GRK5
retention at the membrane, even after GPCR activation. Of note,
we find an in vivo pathophysiological link between a direct CaMGRK5 interaction and maladaptive cardiac hypertrophy. This
increased understanding of the pathological mechanisms of
nuclear GRK5 activity provides a potential therapeutic target to
limit cardiac maladaptation while potentially preserving beneficial
GPCR-desensitizing properties.
Western Blotting
Western blots for GRK5 (05–466, Millipore), fibrillarin (C13C3,
Cell Signaling), b-tubulin (ab40862, Abcam) and glyceraldehyde3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) (MAB374; Chemicon)
were performed as described previously using protein extracts
from cell lysates [12]. Visualization of Western blot signals was
performed using secondary antibodies coupled to Alexa Fluor 680
or 800 (Molecular Probes) on a LI-COR infrared imager
(Odyssey). Pictures were processed by Odyssey version 1.2 infrared
imaging software. All densitometry scans were carried out in the
linear range of detection.
Myocytes were fixed on glass coverslips using 4% paraformaldehyde as previously described [12]. Membranes were permeabilized using a.1% Triton X buffer. Cells were washed and blocked
using.5% BSA. Primary antibodies for GRK5 (sc-565, Santa Cruz)
were added at 1:1,000. Secondary antibodies were conjugated to
AlexaFluor 488 or 568 (Invitrogen).
TIRF (Total Internal Refraction Fluorescence Microscopy)
An argon laser light (488 nm) was directed through the
objective with a multiple band dichroic mirror. TIRF emission
was selected with a filter of 515/30 nm for GFP [30]. Filter
transitions and shutter events were automated with MetaMorph
acquisition software. Myocytes were imaged every 10 seconds for
12 minutes. Ligand was added 120 seconds after imaging was
initiated. At least 30 cells from 4 adult rabbit isolations were
imaged for each group.
Materials and Methods
PE, AngII, ET-1, Iso, CDZ, W-7, Bis1, Go6976, KN-93 were
all purchased from Sigma Aldrich. 2-APB and Adenophostin were
acquired from Calbiochem. Antibodies used against GRK5 were
either from Millipore (05–466) or Santa Cruz (sc-565). Antifibrillarin was purchased from Cell Signaling (C13C3). AntiGAPDH was from Chemicon (MAB374). b-tubulin was acquired
from Abcam (ab40862).
Cellular Fractionation
Cellular fractionation in the NRVM was performed as
previously described [31]. Cellular fractionation from cardiac
tissue was modified from the referenced procedure. Isolated tissue
was first homogenized using a Dounce homogenizer in a buffer
containing: 4 mM Hepes, 320 mM sucrose, 10 mM KCL, 5 mM
EDTA, 2 mg NaF, 8 mg MgCl2,.1% Triton x-10, 1.094 g DTT,
and protease inhibitors. The homogenate was filtered through a
70 mm cell filter. Total cell lysate was taken at this point. Then the
lysate was subjected the same protocol as that for the NRVM.
Cell Culture and Adenoviral Infection
All animal procedures and experiments were performed in strict
accordance with the guidelines of the Institutional Animal Care
and Use Committee (IACUC) of Thomas Jefferson University
under IACUC-approved protocol 731W. All surgery was
performed under isoflurane anesthesia, and all efforts were made
in minimize suffering. Our euthanasia method was inhalation of
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
Mini-osmotic Pumps
Chronic infusion of hypertrophic ligands of Gq-coupled
receptors was achieved using Alzet 3-day mini-osmotic pumps
(model 1003D, DURECT Corporation). Pumps were filled
following the manufacturer’s specifications with sterile PBS, PE
(30 mM/kg/day), AngII (200 nM/kg/min) and Iso (60 mg/kg/
day). Briefly, Mice were anesthetized with isoflurane (2.5% vol/
vol) and pumps were implanted subcutaneously through a subscapular incision, which was then closed using 4.0 silk suture
(Ethicon). The contents of the pumps were delivered at a rate of
1.0 ml/hour for 3 days. Mice were monitored daily and euthanized
on day 3.
All the values in the text and figures are presented as mean 6
SEM from at least three independent experiments from given n
sizes. Statistical significance of multiple treatments was determined
by one-way ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni’s post hoc test
when appropriate. Statistical significance between two groups was
determined using the two-tailed Student’s t test. P values of ,0.05
were considered significant.
The nuclear localization of GRK5 in cardiac myocytes has been
shown previously under generalized stress, such as in SHHF rats
[14,15], post-transverse aortic constriction (TAC) in mice, or
in vitro by infecting myocytes with an adenovirus expressing a
constitutively active Gaq (Gq-CAM) subunit [12]. Regardless of
the model, these findings all show that GRK5 localizes to the
nucleus downstream of Gq, the nodal signaling trigger for
pathological hypertrophy [34–36]. Due to qualitative similarities,
it is possible to use these varied models in a complementary
fashion. To further advance our understanding of hypertrophic
agonist-induced nuclear GRK5 localization, we investigated select
Gq-coupled receptor ligands known to induce cardiac hypertrophy. Specifically, we tested phenylephrine (PE), endothelin-1 (ET1), and angiotensinII (AngII). Immunostaining was used to assess
the subcellular localization of GRK5 in adult rabbit ventricular
myocytes (AdRbM) following stimulation with PE (50 mM), ET-1
(100 nM) or AngII (10 mM). Data in Fig. 1A show that PE and
AngII can induce GRK5 translocation to the nucleus of adult
rabbit ventricular myocytes (AdRbM), while ET-1 does not lead to
nuclear accumulation of this kinase.
The ability of PE and AngII to cause nuclear translocation of
GRK5 was further studied in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes
(NRVM). Overexpression of GRK5 in these cells results in
significant basal levels of GRK5 in the nucleus (On-line Fig. S1A).
In comparison, endogenous in vivo cardiac GRK5 is normally
present at low levels in the nucleus with the majority of the kinase
non-nuclear (Fig. 1A and on-line Fig. S1B). In NRVM, additional
nuclear accumulation of GRK5 was measured after PE treatment.
At time-points of 30 min and longer, PE stimulation led to
significantly greater nuclear GRK5 levels with an increase to
241630% of baseline by 180 min (Fig. 1B, C). AngII treatment of
NRVM resulted in a similar increase (On-line Fig. S2A). In
contrast, treatment of NRVM with ET-1 over the same period
caused no change in nuclear GRK5 (On-line Fig. S2B). NRVM
were also treated with isoproterenol (Iso) (10 mM), a drug that can
cause myocyte growth through Gs-coupled bARs. However, this
ligand did not increase nuclear GRK5 (On-line Fig. S2C). The
lack of Iso-induced nuclear GRK5 suggests that GRK5’s nuclear
translocation lies solely downstream of Gq-coupled GPCRs,
specifically the a-adrenergic receptor (a1AR) and the AngII
receptor (AT1R).
Classically, GRK5 has been shown to be strongly associated
with the plasma membrane [2,37], which is consistent with our
findings in AdRbM (Fig. 1A and On-line Fig. S1B, C). One
question we wanted to address was whether the accumulated
GRK5 in the nucleus after PE and AngII treatment was related to
the pool of GRK5 at the plasma membrane. To address specific
movement of membrane-bound GRK5, we used total internal
reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. AdRbM were infected
with an adenovirus expressing a GFP-tagged GRK5 and imaged
every 10 sec for 700 sec. At 120 sec, treated cells received the
Determining a Physiological Stimulus for Nuclear GRK5
Echocardiography was performed as previously described [29].
To measure global cardiac function, echocardiography was
performed at 8 weeks of age prior to mini-osmotic pump
implantation and 72 hours following pump implantation by use
of the VisualSonics VeVo 770 imaging system with a 707 scan
head in anesthetized animals (1.5% isoflurane, vol/vol). The
internal diameter of the left ventricle was measure in the short-axis
view from M-mode recordings in end diastole and end systole.
Confocal Imaging
GRK5-GFP and GRK5W30A-GFP signals were measured by
confocal microscopy using argon laser excitation at 488 nm and
emitted fluorescence at LP 500. Data were analyzed using Image J
software with the intensity of the regions of interest (ROI)
normalized to area. ROI measurements were also corrected for
background signal [18]. At least 30 cells were imaged per group
from 3 adult rabbit isolations.
Luciferase Assay
Cells were harvested 48 hrs after infection in passive lysis buffer
(Promega). Luciferase activity was measured according to manufacturer’s protocol (Promega) using a Victor plate reader.
Luciferase units were normalized to total protein [12].
Measurement of IP3
IP3 generation can be measured by the stable accumulation of
IP1 in cells in the presence of LiCl following agonist binding to Gqcoupled receptors [32]. IP1 measurements were performed by
ELISA (Cisbio), according to the manufacturer’s protocol, and
optical density at 450 nm was read using a Victor plate reader.
Myocardial Gene Delivery
Adenoviruses expressing either GRK5W30A or GRK5 CTPB
were delivered as previously described with minor changes [33].
Briefly, 8 week-old global GRK5KO mice were anesthetized with
2% isoflurane inhalation and not ventilated. A skin cut (1.2 cm)
was made over the left chest and a purse suture was made. After
dissection of pectoral muscles and exposure of the ribs, the heart
was smoothly and gently ‘‘popped out’’ through a small hole made
at the 4th intercostal space. Each adenovirus was diluted to
2.561011 particles and 25 ml was then injected directly into LV
free wall with a Hamilton syringe (Hamilton Co. Reno, Nevada)
with the needle size of 30.5). Three points injections are
performed: 1) starting from apex and moving toward to the base
in LV anterior wall; 2) at the upper part of LV anterior wall; and
3) starting at the apex and moving toward to base in LV posterior
wall. After the gene delivery, heart was immediately placed back
into the intrathoracic space followed by manual evacuation of
pneumothoraces and closure of muscle and the skin suture.
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
Figure 1. PE and AngII induce translocation of GRK5 from the membrane to the nucleus. (A) Representative immunofluorescence staining
of endogenous GRK5 in AdRbM shows increased nuclear GRK5 following PE (50 mM) and AngII (10 mM) treatment, but not ET-1 (100 nM). (B) NRVM
were infected with Ad-GRK5 (50 MOI). After 48 hr, cells were treated with 50 mM PE for 5 different time points, harvested by subcellular fractionation.
Nuclear were fractions immunoblotted for GRK5 and fibrillarin. (C) The amount of GRK5 in the nucleus was calculated by denistometry, normalized to
fibrillarin, and reported as Fold Change over baseline. *p,0.05, one-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni correction, n = 4. (D) Rabbit myocytes were
infected with an adenovirus expressing GRK5-GFP and cultured overnight. Using TIRFM cells were imaged at 10 sec intervals for 700 sec. Baseline
myocytes were untreated while stimulated myocytes were treated with either PE (50 mM), AngII (10 mM), or Et-1 (100 nM) at 120 sec. Fluorescence
was normalized and reported as fold change versus baseline. n = 4. (E) Representative TIRF images for each agonist at the beginning and end of
determining the role of PE and AngII in vivo. Here, we utilized
our transgenic mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of GRK5
(Tg-GRK5) [12,38]. Male Tg-GRK5 mice or non-transgenic
littermate control (NLC) mice were subjected to three days of
chronic infusion of a subpressor dose of PE (30m M/kg/day) or
AngII (200n M/kg/day) via implanted osmotic minipumps.
Control Mice were infused with phospho-buffered saline (PBS).
Cardiac function and dimensions were measured by echocardiogram prior to pump implantation and at the end of the 72 hr
period. Importantly, after fractionation of homogenized hearts, we
found that 3 days of PE or AngII treatment led to significantly
elevated GRK5 levels in the nuclear fraction (Fig. 2A–D). As a
further control for Gq-specific GRK5 nuclear translocation, 3 days
of Iso (60 mg/kg/day) treatment in Tg-GRK5 mice did not lead
to increased GRK5 levels in the nucleus of myocytes (On-line Fig.
S3). Surprisingly, we found that after only 3 days of treatment with
AngII, Tg-GRK5 mice had slight, but significant cardiac
above agonists (PE, ET-1, or AngII) at given concentrations. In
cardiomyocytes treated with PE or AngII, we found a swift and
sustained decrease in fluorescence, signifying movement of GRK5
away from the membrane (Fig. 1D, E). Interestingly, myocytes
treated with ET-1 showed no change in fluorescence over basal
measurements, indicating that this Gq-coupled receptor agonist
does not cause translocation of GRK5 from the plasma
membrane. The specificity of TIRF data from these hypertrophic
agonists’ shows a correspondence between loss of GRK5 at the
plasma membrane and nuclear accumulation of the kinase
suggesting that nuclear GRK5 originates from the membrane
Defining the Role of PE and AngII on Nuclear GRK5
in vivo
The above results examined the role of Gq-coupled agonists in
adult and neonatal myocytes. We were also interested in
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
myocytes, we turned our attention to potential downstream
mechanisms. We initially identified a handful of downstream
effectors of Gq signaling that have been shown to interact with
GRK5: PKC, CaM, PKD and CaMKII [25–27]. Inhibitors
targeting these effectors were utilized to elucidate any potential
role in GRK5’s nuclear translocation following Gq activation. We
co-infected NRVM with a GRK5-containing adenovirus (AdGRK5) and the Gq-CAM adenovirus (Ad-Gq-CAM). After 48 hrs
of infection, we treated cells for 1 hr with either DMSO, as the
control vehicle, or various inhibitors (targets listed in parenthesis):
BIM1 (PKC), CDZ (CaM), Gö6976 (PKD), or KN-93 (CaMKII).
Nuclear levels of GRK5 were then determined (Fig. 3A). As
expected, Gq-CAM increased nuclear GRK5 levels significantly
over basal conditions (68.9614.3%). As shown in Fig 3A–B cells
infected with Gq-CAM and treated with BIM1, Gö6979 and KN-
hypertrophy. This was evidenced by increased heart weight-tobody weight (HW/BW) ratios (4.8160.057 mg/g PBS-infused vs.
5.36360.138 mg/g AngII-infused, p,0.01) (Fig. 2E), and increased left ventricular (LV) posterior wall thickness during systole
(1.4860.038 mm vs. 1.63560.035 mm, PBS- and AngII-infused,
respectively, p,0.001) (Fig. 2F). Notably, this dose and treatment
schedule of AngII in NLC mice did not lead to increased cardiac
size (Fig. 2E–F), indicating that AngII-driven nuclear GRK5 seen
in Tg-GRK5 mice can induce and potentiate cardiac hypertrophy.
Mechanistic Role of CaM in Gq-Mediated GRK5 Nuclear
Having established specific ligands upstream of Gq leading to
physiologically relevant movement of GRK5 to the nucleus of
Figure 2. Mice with cardiac-overexpression of GRK5 (Tg-GRK5) show increased nuclear accumulation of GRK5 following 3 days of
continuous infusion of a subpressor dose of PE or AngII. (A) Osmotic minipumps containing either a subpressor dose of PE (30 mM/kg/day) or
phospho-buffered saline (PBS) were implanted subcutaneously in Tg-GRK5 mice. After 72 hr, hearts were isolated and subjected to subcellular
fractionation and immunoblotted for GRK5 and fibrillarin. (B) The amount of GRK5 in the nucleus was calculated by denistometry, normalized to
fibrillarin, and reported as the fold change increase with PE. *p,0.001 v. PBS treated, student’s t-test, n = 8. (C) Osmotic minipumps containing either
a subpressor dose of AngII (200 nM/kg/min) or PBS were implanted subcutaneously in Tg-GRK5 mice. After 72 hr, hearts were isolated and subjected
to subcellular fractionation and immunoblotted for GRK5 and fibrillarin. (D) The amount of GRK5 in the nucleus was calculated by denistometry,
normalized to fibrillarin, and reported as the fold change increase due to AngII. *p,0.01 v. PBS treated, student’s t test, n = 9. (E) HW/BW ratio
following 3 days of continuous PBS or AngII infusion in NLC and Tg-GRK5. *p,0.01 v. Tg PBS and NLC AngII, one-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni
correction, n = 5–9 (F) Systolic LV Posterior Wall thickness (LVPWT) measured in mm by echocardiogram following 3 days of continuous PBS or AngII
infusion in NLC or Tg-GRK5 mice. *p,0.01 v. Tg PBS and NLC AngII, one-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni correction, n = 5–9.
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
towards soluble substrates [24–26,40]. As shown in Fig. 4A,
GRK5 has two CaM binding sites, one in each terminal domain.
Prior analysis of these CaM-binding domains concluded that the
N-terminal binding site appears most critical for CaM-mediated
inhibition of GRK5 [25]. Two point mutations at amino acid
residues 30 and 31 (W30A, K31Q) within the N-terminal CaM
binding domain disrupt binding between GRK5 and CaM [25].
We created an adenovirus expressing GRK5 with these two point
mutations (termed here as Ad-GRK5W30A) in order to examine
the effects on CaM-mediated cellular localization of GRK5 after
Gq-activating hypertrophic stimuli. First, NRVM were infected
with Ad-LacZ, Ad-GRK5, or our new adenovirus, AdGRK5W30A. Some myocytes were also co-infected with AdGq-CAM or treated with PE at 48 hrs post-infection. Myocytes
co-overexpressing wild-type (WT) GRK5 and Gq-CAM or
stimulated with PE showed a significant increase in nuclear
GRK5 levels (Fig. 4B, C). In contrast, cells overexpressing
GRK5W30A showed significantly less nuclear GRK5 at basal
levels (2.560.34 vs. 14.160.47 for WT, P,0.05) and absolutely
no change in response to Gq-CAM expression or PE treatment
(Fig. 4B, C).
Differences in subcellular localization between WT GRK5 and
GRK5W30A were also demonstrated in AdRbM. Cells were coinfected with Ad-Gq-CAM and Ad-GRK5-GFP or AdGRK5W30A-GFP and imaged by confocal microscopy. Nuclear
fluorescence was normalized to cytoplasmic fluorescence and
plotted in Fig. 4D. Cells expressing WT GRK5 displayed a
2.9560.07 fold increase in nuclear:cytoplasmic fluorescence versus
untreated, while W30A displayed significantly smaller increase
(1.9560.06 fold). Representative images of WT GRK5 (left) and
W30A (right) are shown in Fig. 4E.
To determine any physiological significance of this lower
nuclear accumulation due to diminished CaM binding to the Nterminal GRK5 mutant, we measured the effect of GRK5W30A
overexpression on basal and Gq-mediated hypertrophic gene
transcription. Previously, we have shown that nuclear GRK5
promotes hypertrophy as a Class II HDAC kinase via activation
(de-repression) of the hypertrophic transcription factor, MEF2
[12]. Accordingly, we used a MEF2-luciferase reporter construct
that expresses a promoter with multiple MEF2 binding sites and
co-infected NRVM with Ad-LacZ, Ad-GRK5, or AdGRK5W30A. Induced myocytes were also co-infected with AdGq-CAM. Normalized to baseline, overexpression of GRK5
without a stimulus increased MEF2-luciferase activity significantly
(17.562.15 fold), while overexpression of GRK5W30A increased
MEF2-luciferase activity minimally by only 2.3860.99 fold
(Fig 4F). Gq-CAM expression robustly increased MEF2 activity
in control cells as well as in cells with concurrent WT GRK5
overexpression (50.961.86 fold). In contrast, overexpression of
GRK5W30A led to no significant increase in MEF2 activity
(Fig. 4F). Thus, restricting CaM’s ability to bind GRK5 at its Nterminal binding site limits nuclear accumulation of GRK5,
eliminating its ability to facilitate hypertrophic gene transcription.
93 also showed significantly increased nuclear GRK5 compared to
baseline. However, myocytes infected with Gq-CAM and treated
with CDZ showed no significant rise in nuclear GRK5 levels over
baseline (2.1616.7%, p = NS vs. untreated). CDZ inhibition of
CaM also led to a significant decrease in nuclear GRK5 compared
to cells expressing Gq-CAM and treated with DMSO (Fig 3A, B).
Importantly, this experiment was repeated using PE. After 1 hr of
a1AR stimulation, myocytes showed an increased level of nuclear
GRK5 that was significantly prevented by pharmacological CaM
inhibition (On-line Fig. S4A, B).
Further studies in NRVM overexpressing GRK5 and Gq-CAM
showed that CDZ treatment decreased basal levels of nuclear
GRK5 as well as Gq-mediated accumulation (Fig. 3C, D).
Additionally, in cells infected with Ad-GRK5 and treated with
PE following 30 min of CDZ pretreatment, significant decreases in
nuclear GRK5 were found–both basally and after a1AR
stimulation (On-line Fig. S4C, D).
Using immunofluorescence, we further visualized the subcellular localization and nuclear translocation of endogenous GRK5.
NRVM were infected with Ad-LacZ or Ad-Gq-CAM. On the
second day following infection, cells were treated with DMSO or
CDZ for 1 hr, fixed, and stained for GRK5 (Fig. 3E). Untreated
cells expressing Lac-Z showed a diffuse distribution of GRK5 with
some enrichment within the nuclei, while myocytes expressing GqCAM displayed a robust translocation of GRK5 to nuclei (Fig. 3E).
CDZ treatment blocked movement of GRK5 into the nucleus,
with myocytes retaining their diffuse staining pattern (Fig 3E,
bottom row).
We further explored CaM-driven nuclear translocation of
GRK5 after Gq-coupled receptor activation in myocytes by using
W7, an alternative pharmacological inhibitor of CaM. W7 also
strongly antagonizes activated CaM, but deviates in downstream
effects compared to CDZ [39]. NRVM were treated with W7 in
an analogous experiment to Fig. 3C. Nuclei isolated from cells
after 1 hr of W7 treatment showed significantly decreased GRK5
accumulation basally (DMSO: 3.6460.74; W7:1.6860.16,
p,0.01) and following Gq-CAM stimulation (DMSO:
7.5360.52; W7:1.6060.09, p,0.001) (On-line Fig. S4E, F).
Since data in Fig. 1 suggest that membrane GRK5 may act as
the pool of this kinase shuttling to the nucleus after select Gqcoupled receptor activation, we paired TIRF microscopy and
CDZ-treated AdRbM. Inhibition of CaM by CDZ restricts
nuclear accrual of GRK5. Due to the likelihood of translocation
by GRK5 from the plasma membrane to the nucleus, we were
curious about the effects of CDZ on GRK5 at the membrane level.
Similar to the TIRF experiments in Fig. 1D, AdRbM were
infected with GRK5-GFP. Thirty minutes prior to imaging, cells
were treated with CDZ and incubated at 37uC. Cardiomyocytes
were imaged by TIRF microscopy using the same protocol as
Fig. 1D, with addition of PE (Fig 3F) or AngII (Fig 3G) at 120 sec.
In the case of either agonist, CDZ pretreatment led to constant
measured fluorescence, blocking the swift and sustained movement
of GRK5 away from the plasma membrane seen under control
(DMSO) conditions. Additionally, pretreatment with CDZ led to a
7% fluorescence increase in non-stimulated cardiomyocytes. This
suggests that, basally, CaM affects the subcellular localization of
GRK5, and, after PE- or AngII-stimulation, CaM mediates the
movement of this kinase off the plasma membrane.
CaM Binding to the N-Terminus of GRK5 Influences
Response to Hypertrophic Agonists at the Plasma
Our TIRF microscopy experiments above (Fig. 1D) suggest that
specific hypertrophic Gq-coupled agonists induce GRK5 movement from the plasma membrane to the nucleus. Further, this
recruitment can be disrupted by pharmacological CaM inhibition.
The necessity of CaM binding to GRK5 at the plasma membrane
was further reinforced by TIRF microscopy experiments using a
GFP-tagged GRK5W30A mutant. AdRbM were infected with
CaM-Binding to a Site on the Amino-Terminal Domain of
GRK5 Directs its Nuclear Translocation
The above data is especially interesting because CaM is a
known tight binding partner of GRK5. CaM binding inhibits
GRK5 from acting on GPCRs, while retaining kinase activity
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
Figure 3. GRK5 nuclear accumulation is diminished after treatment with a CaM inhibitor. (A) NRVM were infected with Ad-GRK5 and
either Ad-LacZ or Ad-Gq-CAM. 48 hr after infection, cells were treated with DMSO or inhibitor: BIM1 (10 mM), Gö6976 (10 mM), CDZ (10 mM) and KN93
(10 mM) for 1 hr. The cells were harvested using subcellular fractionation and immunoblotted for GRK5. (B) Immunoblots were quantitated by
densitometry, normalized to fibrillarin, and reported as fold change over baseline. * p,0.05 v. untreated baseline, # p,0.05 v. CDZ, one-way ANOVA
with a Bonferroni correction, n = 4. (C) NRVM were infected with Ad-LacZ, Ad-GRK5 and Ad-Gq-CAM. 48 hr after infection, cells were treated with
DMSO or CDZ (10 mM) for 1 hr. The cells were harvested using subcellular fractionation, and immunoblotted for GRK5. (D) Densitometric analysis for
(C) with GRK5 normalized to fibrillarin and calculated as fold change over baseline. *p,0.01 v. DMSO GRK5, #p,0.01 v. DMSO GRK5+ Gq, one-way
ANOVA with a Bonferroni correction, n = 4. (E) NRVM were infected with either Ad-LacZ or Ad-Gq-CAM. 48 hr after infection, cells were treated with
DMSO or CDZ (10 mM). Immunofluorescence was detected using a polyclonal GRK5 antibody. (F) TIRF analysis of AdRbM infected with an adenovirus
expressing GRK5-GFP and cultured overnight. Cells were imaged at 10 sec intervals for 700 sec. Cells were pre-treated with CDZ or DMSO for 30 min
at 37uC prior to imaging. Baseline myocytes were untreated while stimulated myocytes were treated with PE (50 mM) at 120 sec. Fluorescence was
normalized and reported to fold change versus baseline. n = 4. (G) Same experimental design as (F) except cells were stimulated with AngII (10 mM) at
120 s. n = 4.
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
Figure 4. A mutant GRK5 (W30AK31Q) unable to bind CaM at its N-terminal CaM binding site displays less nuclear accumulation
following Gq or PE stimulation. (A) Cartoon of GRK5’s structure illustrating pertinent domains and regulatory sites. (B) NRVM infected with AdGRK5 or Ad-GRK5W30A were stimulated with Ad-Gq-CAM (48 hr) or PE (1hr). Cells were then harvested by subcellular fractionation and
immunoblotted for GRK5. (C) Quantitative analysis of (B) normalized to fibrillarin and reported as fold change over baseline. *p,0.001 v. WT GRK5,
one-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni correction, n = 4. (D) AdRbM were co-infected with an adenovirus expressing either WT GRK5 tagged with GFP or
GRK5 W30A tagged with GFP and Ad-Gq-CAM. Following an overnight culture, cells are imaged by confocal microscopy. Fluorescence within the
nucleus was measured and normalized to cytoplasmic fluorescence. *p,0.001 v. WT GRK5+ Gq, one-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni correction, n = 4
(E) Images of representative myocytes showing WT GRK5-GFP (left) and GRK5W30A-GFP (right). (F) MEF2 activity in NRVM was measured using a
luciferase assay system. Cells were co-infected with an adenovirus expressing a MEF2-luciferase reporter construct, Ad-LacZ, Ad-GRK5 or AdGRK5W30A and stimulated for 48 hr with the Ad-Gq-CAM virus. *p,0.001 v. WT GRK5, one-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni correction, n = 4, done in
triplicate. Inset shows whole cell lysate of NRVM used in this experiment.
Ad-GRK5W30A-GFP and then stimulated with either AngII or
PE. Without this N-terminal CaM-binding site, plasma membrane-associated GRK5W30A exhibited a limited, non-significant
decrease in sarcolemmal fluorescence as a response to AngII
(Fig. 5A). This diminished response to agonist was even more
evident in PE-stimulated cardiomyocytes where there was no
change in sarcolemmal fluorescence after PE application (Fig. 5B).
Thus, CaM binding N-terminally is required for dissociation of
GRK5 from the plasma membrane after hypertrophic stimulation.
The above deviations in subcellular localization between WT
GRK5 and GRK5 W30A may lead to differences in GRK5’s
canonical function - desensitization of GPCRs. In fact, it is
interesting that PE and AngII, but not ET-1, caused wild-type
GRK5 to leave the membrane and enter the nucleus. Thus, a
question remains whether there are differences in GRK5’s kinase
activity on these receptors in myocytes. We assessed this possibility
by measuring the generation of downstream effectors of Gq,
specifically IP3. NRVM were infected with Ad-LacZ, Ad-GRK5
or Ad-GRK5W30A and treated with either PE or ET-1, following
which IP3 generation was quantified. In cells infected with AdLacZ, PE stimulation increased IP3 concentration from
7.1561.66 nM to 53.3614.1 nM while ET-1 treatment increased
IP3 to 97.33627.63 nM in the same cells (Fig. 5C). PE stimulation
also increased IP3 to a similar concentration 58.468.72 nM in
NRVM infected with WT GRK5 but generated significantly less
IP3 (40.8565.54 nM) when treated with ET-1 compared to LacZinfected cells (Fig. 5C). Thus, ET-1 receptors appear to be
desensitized and uncoupled with GRK5 overexpression while the
PE response is unaffected. While this finding does not represent
physiological desensitization due to the overexpression of WT
GRK5, it does coincide with earlier reports that cardiac a1ARs are
not apparent in vivo substrates for GRK5 [41]. The finding that
WT GRK5 is able to desensitize ET-1 receptors but not a1ARs
mirrors our TIRF data, where treatment with PE, but not ET-1
leads to dissociation of GRK5 from the plasma membrane. Thus,
it appears that CaM binding can occur downstream of receptors
that are not targets of GRK5’s desensitizing activity while
activation of receptors that are substrates for GRK5 do not alter
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
Figure 5. GRK5W30A displays increased plasma membrane association following agonist treatment and differential ability to
desensitize GPCRs compared to WT. (A) AdRbM were infected with an adenovirus expressing GRK5-GFP or GRK5W30A-GFP and cultured
overnight. Using TIRFM cells were imaged at 10 sec intervals for 700 sec. Baseline myocytes were untreated while stimulated myocytes were treated
with either AngII (10 mM) (A) or PE (50mM) (B) at 120 sec. Fluorescence was normalized and reported to fold change versus baseline. n = 4 (C) Changes
in GRK5 activity at the membrane was measured using an IP1 ELISA to determine changes in desensitization. NRVM were infected with Ad-LacZ, AdGRK5 or Ad-GRK5W30A. After 48 hours, cells were stimulated with PE or ET-1 for 2 hr, then assayed for IP3 generation via IP1 ELISA. *p,0.01 v. LacZ PE
and WT PE, #p,0.01 v. LacZ ET-1, one-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni correction, n = 3, done in duplicate.
hypertrophy in vivo. Ad-GRK5W30A was directly injected into
the LV free wall of global GRK5 knock-out (KO) mice, leading to
robust expression of this mutant kinase alone after 7-10 days
(Fig. 6A, and On-line Fig. S6). These mice were then treated to
chronic infusion of AngII (200nM/kg/day) or PBS for 3 days,
beginning 7 days following gene transfer. Mice were analyzed by
echocardiography before and after treatment to measure cardiac
function and dimensions. After 3 days, the animals were
euthanized and hearts removed for analysis of hypertrophy and
nuclear GRK5 levels. Importantly, and disparate from data in TgGRK5 mice in Fig. 2D, AngII treatment did not induce GRK5W30A translocation to the nucleus of myocytes in vivo; levels were
identical between PBS-treated and AngII-treated GRK5W30Aexpressing KO mice (Fig. 6B, C). Further, these cardiac mutant
mice did not have increased cardiac mass after 3 days of AngII,
which we found in WT Tg-GRK5 (Fig. 2E). In fact, GRK5W30Aexpressing mice had similar HW/BW ratios to mutant mice
treated with saline (Fig. 6D).
As a crucial, further control for the above data, we used GRK5
KO mice and expressed another mutant GRK5 that cannot bind
CaM at its C-terminal site but retains its N-terminal CaM binding
site. This mutant, GRK5 CTPB, translocates to the nucleus of
myocytes comparable to WT GRK5. In this experiment, GRK5
KO mice were injected with an adenovirus containing this mutant
GRK5 (Fig. 6E) and then treated with AngII as above. Consistent
with results in Fig. 2 for Tg-GRK5 mice, these mice, now
expressing only GRK5 CTPB in their hearts, have significant
the membrane binding or nuclear accumulation properties of this
kinase. This signaling consequence down-stream of selective Gqcoupled receptor activation has not been previously found and
leads to a novel mechanistic hypothesis – that CaM significantly
influences GRK5 activity within the nucleus and not at the level of
the membrane-embedded GPCR. This notion is further reinforced by the W30A TIRF experiments since expression of
GRK5W30A, which stays on the membrane, can now desensitize
a1ARs and more profoundly attenuate ET-1R signaling (Fig 5C).
In other words, when the CaM-GRK5 interaction is crippled
GRK5 activity at the membrane is enhanced even at nonphysiological substrates and no nuclear activity is seen.
To determine if an additional Ca2+ and CaM sources may lead
to this increased interaction in the nucleus, we explored whether
the IP3 receptor, which has been shown to be a nuclear store of
Ca2+ [18,42] could be involved. This appears to be the case as
data in NRVM shows that activation of the myocyte IP3 receptor
increases Gq-mediated GRK5 nuclear accumulation while its
inhibition leads to a loss of Gq’s effects on GRK5 nuclear levels
(On-line Fig. S5).
CaM Binding to the N-Terminus of GRK5 is an In Vivo
Requirement for Nuclear Effects of GRK5 on Hypertrophy
To further define the requirement and physiological significance
of CaM in the nuclear localization and activity of GRK5, we
tested whether GRK5-W30AK31Q could accelerate cardiac
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
Figure 6. GRK5W30A demonstrates altered nuclear translocation in vivo. (A) Total cell lysates from GRK5KO injected with Ad-GRK5W30A
into their LV free wall taken 10 days post-injection. (B) Nuclear lysates from mice with cardiac expression of only GRK5W30A that had received 72 hr
of chronic PBS or AngII infusion were immunoblotted for GRK5. (C) Quantitative analysis of the nuclear lysates for nuclear GRK5 accumulation
normalized to fibrillarin and reported as fold change. n = 8. (D) HW/BW ratio following 3 days of continuous PBS or AngII infusion for mice expressing
GRK5W30A. (E) Total cell lysates from GRK5KO mice injected with Ad-GRK5 CTPB into their LV free wall taken 10 days post-injection. (F) Nuclear
lysates from mice cardiac specific expression of only GRK5 CTPB that had received 72 hr of chronic PBS or AngII infusion were immunoblotted for
GRK5. (G) Quantitative analysis of the nuclear lysates for nuclear GRK5 accumulation normalized to fibrillarin and reported as fold change. *p,0.05,
student’s t test, n = 6 (H) HW/BW ratio following 3 days of continuous PBS or AngII infusion for mice expressing GRK5CTPB. *p,0.05, student’s t test,
n = 6.
accumulation of this kinase after AngII exposure as well as
significantly increased HW/BW ratios (Fig. 6F–H). Together,
these data indicate that CaM binding to the N-terminal site
(W30A,K31Q) of GRK5 in vivo after a hypertrophic stimulus is an
absolute requirement for the pathophysiological effects of this
kinase, which occur after nuclear translocation.
[43]. Fully delineating the path of nuclear translocation would
introduce the optimal place to disrupt this targeting, potentially
leading to novel means of preventing HF development. Indeed,
our current results, presented above, have led to the discovery of
such a molecular target as we have proven the absolute
mechanistic requirement for CaM in directing the nuclear
translocation of GRK5 after select hypertrophic signaling. Our
proposed mechanism is displayed in Fig. 7, with CaM acting as the
primary upstream effector in promoting nuclear GRK5 accumulation after select hypertrophic Gq-coupled receptor activation.
Based on our molecular signaling, imaging, and in vivo data, the
interaction between GRK5 and CaM begins rapidly after receptor
activation at the level of the membrane. Importantly, disrupting
this interaction can block nuclear activity of GRK5, preventing
maladaptive hypertrophy and HF.
The relationship between CaM and GRK5 has been previously
described, although earlier in vitro studies presented no potential
physiologic roles for this interaction [25,26,52]. GRK5 contains
two CaM binding domains, one in each terminal region flanking
the central catalytic domain (Fig. 4A). Data have shown that CaM
binding prevents GRK5 from associating with plasma membrane
and strongly inhibits its phosphorylation of GPCRs with an IC50 of
50nM [25,26,52]. Interestingly, while CaM decreases GRK5’s
ability to phosphorylate membrane-bound substrates, such as
GPCRs, it increases GRK5’s activity on cytosolic substrates [25].
One theory is that CaM binding lessens GRK5’s association with
the membrane, increasing the distance between GRK5 and
agonist-bound GPCRs. Thus, phosphorylation of these receptors
is lessened or effectively inhibited. This observation is congruent
with our data demonstrating CaM’s role in directing nuclear
GRK5 translocation and activity after disrupting membrane
association. GPCRs that do not drive nuclear GRK5, such as
the ET-1R, may be preferred substrates for GRK5 compared to
CaM, leading to substantial receptor desensitization and increased
sarcolemmal retention. Conversely, aAR activation does drive
rapid nuclear translocation, likely limiting GRK5’s GRK activity
(as seen, Fig 5C). Consistent with this idea, the mutant GRK5 that
cannot bind CaM at the N-terminal prevents GRK translocation
from the membrane and enhances Gq-coupled receptor desensitization. Interestingly, the loss of N-terminal CaM binding also
induces GRK5 to desensitize a1ARs, a receptor not targeted by
wild-type GRK5 in the myocyte.
Importantly, away from the membrane, CaM-bound GRK5
appears rapidly in the nucleus of the Gq-activated myocyte where
soluble nuclear molecules, such as HDAC5, become targets of its
kinase activity (Fig. 7). This was evident as GRK5W30A does not
accumulate in the nucleus after hypertrophic stimuli and loss of
this HDAC kinase activity diminishes pathological gene transcription through MEF2. Moreover, mice with cardiac expression of
only this CaM binding-deficient GRK5 mutant resulted in a
resistance to AngII-mediated cardiac hypertrophy. Therefore, it is
evident that eliminating the N-terminal CaM binding site in
GRK5 abolishes the pathophysiological effects of increased
nuclear GRK5 expression in the heart. Clearly, interruption of
Since its discovery, GRK5 has mainly been referenced in the
context of its role in GPCR desensitization at the plasma
membrane. An agonist-bound GPCR is rapidly phosphorylated
by a GRK, triggering a conformational change and creating a
docking site for b-arrestins. Internalization, followed by GPCR
recycling or degradation, completes the desensitization process
[4,23]. Abundantly expressed in muscle, including the heart,
GRK5’s predominant functions appear to encompass regulating
cardiac inotropy and chronotropy downstream of the actions of
catecholamines that bind and activate bARs. Up-regulated in
failing myocardium, adverse effects of GRK5 initially have been
attributed to bAR uncoupling and decreased inotropic reserve in
HF [38], although GRK5 phosphorylation of some bARs can
cause cardioprotection through transactivation of the epidermal
growth factor receptors [28]. Recently, we addressed the role of
endogenous GRK5 in the setting of cardiac hypertrophy. Ablation
of this kinase conferred cardioprotection following the stress of
pressure overload, blunting myocardial hypertrophy and delaying
the onset of HF. Importantly, our results demonstrated an absolute
requirement for cardiomyocyte GRK5 in the adaptive and
maladaptive hypertrophic response [43].
Indeed, classically, GRK5’s primary association has been the
sarcolemmal membrane, a fact thought to improve its GPCR
targeting [44,45]. However, increasing evidence has been amassed
describing an extensive GRK5 ‘‘interactome.’’ New diverse
substrates for GRK5 beyond GPCRs include: IkB [46], asynuclein [47], p53 [48,49], NFkB [50] and Hip [51]. Moreover,
it has been demonstrated that GRK5 will accumulate in cellular
locations distinct from the plasma membrane such as Lewy bodies
[47] and centrosomes [49]. Most important to cardiac regulation
has been the detection of GRK5 within the nucleus of
cardiomyocytes and its novel role as a HDAC kinase [12,14,15].
Nuclear GRK5 accumulation was first recognized as a potential
downstream effect of HF generation in SHHF rats [14,15]. We
then identified GRK5’s role as an HDAC kinase, perpetuating
negative effects on the stressed heart [12]. Nuclear localization and
activity is unique to GRK5 among the GRK family. It appears to
be an area ripe for potential therapeutic targeting that would
prevent facilitation of maladaptive nuclear events while maintaining GPCR desensitizing capabilities. As such, we previously found
that preventing GRK5 from entering the nucleus through
mutation of its NLS ameliorated the accelerated hypertrophy
and HF seen with increased cardiac GRK5 levels after ventricular
pressure-overload [12]. Conversely, deletion of the kinase
increases nuclear HDAC5, hindering cardiomyocyte hypertrophy
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
Figure 7. Cartoon depicting the select Gq-coupled receptor CaM-mediated translocation of GRK5 into the nucleus of
cardiomyocytes. Gq activation due to catecholamines or AngII binding at the a1AR or AT-1R, respectively, causes CaM to bind GRK5 at its Nterminus, dislodging GRK5 from the plasma membrane. Via its NLS, GRK5 is directed to the nucleus where its interaction with CaM is stabilized by
IP3R-regulated Ca2+ release. Once in the nucleus, GRK5 can act as an HDAC5 kinase, relieving repression of MEF2 and inducing hypertrophic gene
transcription. In contrast, endothelin-1 binding leads to a selective interaction between the ET-1R substrate and the desensitizing GRK5. CaM cannot
bind the kinase in this state, thus keeping GRK5 at the plasma membrane.
mediated pathophysiological effects of GRK5. Indeed, even at
three days of AngII infusion, significant hypertrophy is evident by
increased cardiac dimensions and greater HW/BW in mice with
increased levels of GRK5. However, in our hands, we see that PE
can also direct GRK5 nuclear translocation after dis-location from
the sarcolemma causing early hypertrophy in Tg-GRK5 mice.
Of potential clinical importance, this segregated signaling
downstream of Gq could be exploited when designing future
pharmacological interventions. Selectivity for nuclear GRK5
activity may also explain discrepancies in the success of current
HF treatments targeting Gq-coupled GPCRs. For example, AT1R
antagonists (ARBs) such as Losartan, demonstrate efficacy in
reversing cardiac hypertrophy in humans [56,57]. Although the
effects of ARBs are thought to be at least partly due to decreased
blood pressure and cardiac load, patients treated with Losartan
have attenuated hypertrophy accompanied by reduced cardiac
fibrosis. This is interesting since genes responsible for both
hypertrophy and fibrosis are regulated by MEF2 [58]. Concurrent
with our data presented above, ARBs are likely to inhibit nuclear
accumulation of GRK5 during cardiac stress and injury, allowing
for repression of MEF2. In comparison, nuclear GRK5 is not a
target for ET-1 and, interestingly, ET-1 receptor antagonists have
shown less success in treating HF. Patients treated with ET-1AR
and ET-1BR blockers showed no change in morbidity or mortality
[59]. Additionally, no change in cardiac dimension was evident
following a 24-week trial with an ET-1AR antagonist [60]. The
differences between these trials and the ARB trials may lie in the
distinct nuclear signaling events downstream of each Gq-coupled
GPCR. Further studies can be done to explain whether the
CaM binding to GRK5 may provide a new tool for preventing
maladaption to hypertrophic stress and HF. Interestingly, our
results with IP3 signaling show that the loss of CaM binding to
GRK5 also increases the desensitization of hypertrophic Gqcoupled receptors. Theoretically, hypertrophic attenuation
through the uncoupling of GPCR signaling could contribute
synergistically, adding potential beneficial cardiac effects.
The GPCR effects of GRK5 show that ET-1 receptors are a
selective substrate for GRK5 in cardiac myocytes and that CaM
binding does not occur after activation of this Gq-coupled
receptor. This is somewhat unexpected since CaM translocates
to the nucleus in response to ET-1 [18]. One explanation is that
the N-terminus of GRKs recognizes and binds to activated
receptors [53,54]. In this situation, the N-terminal of GRK5 is
unavailable for CaM binding since activated ET-1 receptors are a
preferred binding partner of GRK5 (Fig. 7). For other cardiac Gqcoupled receptors (a1AR and AT-1), GRK5 is not the primary
desensitizing kinase and the sarcolemmal pool of GRK5 can be
induced to translocate to the nucleus following receptor activation
(Fig. 7). Therefore, the hypertrophic facilitation seen by increased
myocyte GRK5 levels is selective depending on the stimulus, a
mechanism analogous for other known HDAC kinases [30]. Of
note, ET-1 has been shown to cause HDAC5 nuclear export
through CaMKII, while PKD phosphorylates HDAC5 downstream of PE [30]. These results are consistent with GRK5independent induction of hypertrophic gene transcription downstream of ET-1. In vitro studies that show increased nuclear export
of HDAC5 by GRK5 only following AT1R activation [55] agree
with our in vivo results. Of note, AngII was the most rapid inducer
of GRK5 membrane movement, which may represent receptorPLOS ONE |
March 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e57324
Hypertrophic Cardiac Nuclear GRK5 Depends on CaM
immunoblotted for GRK5 and fibrillarin. No change in the
nuclear accumulation of GRK5 was seen.
nuclear effects of GRK5 play a role in these critical translational
and clinical findings.
It appears that, at the membrane, GRK5 demonstrates varying
efficacy at specific GPCRs. This is an interesting finding with
potential direct clinical implications since a recent human
mutation has been uncovered and described for GRK5 [61]. This
mutation, at amino acid residue 41 (a Q to L polymorphism), has
been suggested to amplify GRK5-mediated desensitization of
cardiac bARs. HF patients expressing this polymorphism do not
respond well to b-blockers, but show less morbidity when bblocker naı̈ve, a finding explained by the possibility that this
mutant GRK5 may act as an ’’endogenous b-blocker’’ [61]. It is
interesting to speculate that this alteration, proximal to the CaM
binding site, could cause a change in the membrane dynamics of
GRK5 after receptor activation that not only increases GRK
activity at the membrane but lowers nuclear GRK5 activity, a
possible contribution to the interesting positive findings in a HF
population. This is something to test in further studies.
In summary, the current study defines the first physiological,
and pathological, role of an interaction between CaM and GRK5
downstream of select Gq-coupled receptors. This dynamic
interaction induces loss of GRK5 avidity for the plasma
membrane and is an absolute requirement for the nuclear
translocation of GRK5. Once in the nucleus, GRK5 imparts a
crucial GPCR-independent activity to facilitate cardiac hypertrophy. When GRK5 is increased, as shown in human cardiac
pathologies [8,9,11], it can induce maladaptative remodeling. Our
findings indicate that disruption of CaM binding to the Nterminus of GRK5 may be a novel way to interrupt hypertrophic
signaling and prevent HF through decreased nuclear HDAC
kinase activity as well as improved GRK5 desensitizing capabilities
on pathological GPCRs at the plasma membrane.
Figure S4 Inhibition of CaM blocks nuclear GRK5
accumulation after a physiological stimulus. (A) NRVM
were infected with Ad-GRK5. Two days after infection, cells were
treated with DMSO or inhibitor: BIM1 (10 mM), Go6976
(10 mM), CDZ (10 mM) and KN93 (10 mM) for 30 min. Following
inhibitor treatment, NRVM were stimulated with PE (50 mM) for
1 hr, then harvested and fractionated into nuclei. The isolated
nuclei were analyzed by immunoblotting. (B) Immunoblots were
quantitated by densitometry, normalized to fibrillarin, and
reported as fold change over baseline. *p,0.01 v. untreated
baseline; #p,0.001 v. CDZ, one-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni
correction, n = 4. (C) NRVM were infected with Ad-LacZ or AdGRK5. 48 hr after infection, cells were pretreated with DMSO or
CDZ for 30 min, then stimulated with PE for 1 hr. Cells were then
harvested using subcellular fractionation and immunoblotted for
GRK5. (D) Densitometric analysis for (C) with GRK5 normalized to fibrillarin and calculated as fold change over baseline.
*p,0.05 v. DMSO GRK5; #p,0.01 v. DMSO GRK5+ Gq,
one-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni correction, n = 4. (E) NRVM
were infected with the same experimental design as Fig. 3C, but
treated with W7 (10 mM) for 1 hr prior to harvest. (F)
Densitometric analysis of (E) normalized to fibrillarin and
reported as fold change over baseline. *p,0.01 v. DMSO treated
GRK5, #p,0.001 v. DMSO GRK5+ Gq, one-way ANOVA
with a Bonferroni correction, n = 4.
Increasing IP3 in NRVM increases nuclear
GRK5 accumulation. (A) NRVM were infected with Ad-LacZ,
Ad-GRK5 and Ad-Gq-CAM. 48 hr following infection, cells were
stimulated with Adenophostin (10 mM), an IP3 receptor agonist,
(A) or 2-APB (2 mM), an IP3 receptor antagonist, (C) for 1 hr,
then harvested by subcellular fractionation. Nuclear fractions were
immunoblotted for GRK5 and fibrillarin. (B) and (D) Densitometric analysis for nuclear GRK5 in (A) and (C), respectively,
normalized to fibrillarin and plotted as fold change over baseline.
*p,0.001 v. untreated GRK5, #p,0.001 v. untreated GRK5+
Gq, one-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni correction, n = 4.
Figure S5
Supporting Information
Figure S1 Representative immunoblots of subcellular
fractions in NRVM (A) or adult untreated c57/B6 mouse
hearts (B). Anti-b-tubulin was used as a marker for the nonnuclear compartment while anti-fibrillarin was used as a marker
for the nuclear compartment. (C) Representative confocal images
show sarcolemmal targeting of GRK5-GFP in AdRbM.
Figure S6 Total GRK5 expression in GRK5KO hearts,
either without infection, or 10 days following infection
with Ad-GRK5W30A or Ad-GRK5CTPB. Following adenoviral-mediated gene transfer, the hearts express equal amounts of
the 2 GRK5 mutants.
Figure S2 AngII causes GRK5 accumulation in the
nucleus of NRVM, while ET-1 and Iso do not. (A) NRVM
were infected with Ad-GRK5 (50 MOI). After 48 hr, cells were
treated with 10 mM AngII for 5 different time points, harvested by
subcellular fractionation. Nuclear fractions were immunoblotted
for GRK5 and Fibrillarin. The amount of GRK5 in the nucleus
was calculated by denistometry and normalized to Fibrillarin.
Shown is a representative blot from 1 of 4 such experiments. (B)
Nuclear Fractions in NRVM following a time course with Et-1 as
described in (A) (100 nM). n = 3. (B) Nuclear Fractions in NRVM
following a time course with Iso as described in (A) (10 mM). n = 4.
We thank Zuping Qu, Jessica Ibetti, and RJ Peroutka for excellent
technical assistance.
Author Contributions
Chronic infusion of Iso leads to no increase in
nuclear GRK5. Osmotic minipumps filled with PBS or Iso
(60 mg/kg/day) were implanted into Tg-GRK5 mice. After 3
days, nuclei were isolated from the hearts of these mice and
Figure S3
Conceived and designed the experiments: JIG JSM JKC JB DMB WJK.
Performed the experiments: JIG JSM EG LL. Analyzed the data: JIG
DGT JB. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: JIG JH JKC
DGT JER JB. Wrote the paper: JIG WJK.
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