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2017, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2015
Computational Toxicology, 2021
New approaches in toxicology based on in vitro methods and computational modelling offer considerable potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of chemical hazard and risk assessment in a variety of regulatory contexts. However, this presents challenges both for developers and regulatory assessors because often these two communities do not share the same level of confidence in a new approach. To address this challenge, various assessment frameworks have been developed over the past 20 years with the aim of creating harmonised and systematic approaches for evaluating new methods. These frameworks typically focus on specific methodologies and technologies, which has proven useful for establishing the validity and credibility of individual methods. However, given the increasing need to compare methods and combine their use in integrated assessment strategies, the multiplicity of frameworks is arguably becoming a barrier to their acceptance. In this commentary, we explore the concepts of model validity and credibility, and we illustrate how a set of seven credibility factors provides a method-agnostic means of comparing different kinds of predictive toxicology approaches. It is hoped that this will facilitate communication and cross-disciplinarity among method developers and users, with the ultimate aim of increasing the acceptance and use of predictive approaches in toxicology.
Chemical research in toxicology, 2018
Changes in chemical regulations worldwide have increased the demand for new data on chemical safety. New approach methodologies (NAMs) are defined broadly here as including in silico approaches and in chemico and in vitro assays, as well as the inclusion of information from the exposure of chemicals in the context of hazard [European Chemicals Agency, " New Approach Methodologies in Regulatory Science ", 2016]. NAMs for toxicity testing, including alternatives to animal testing approaches, have shown promise to provide a large amount of data to fill information gaps in both hazard and exposure. In order to increase experience with the new data and to advance the applications of NAM data to evaluate the safety of data-poor chemicals, demonstration case studies have to be developed to build confidence in their usability. Case studies can be used to explore the domains of applicability of the NAM data and identify areas that would benefit from further research, development, a...
Journal of Cheminformatics, 2020
Environmental Health Perspectives
The Jews of Provence and Languedoc, 2024 This exhaustive history of Provençal Jewry examines the key aspects of Jewish life in Provence—cultural, religious, political, economic, and literary—over some 1,500 years. The Jewish response to the Albigensian Crusade, the annexation of Languedoc by the Kingdom of France, and other historical events was an unprecedented cultural florescence that was to have far-reaching and enduring consequences. Crucially, it was in Provence that philosophical and scientific works were first translated from Arabic to Hebrew, allowing the Jews of Christian Europe to absorb and assimilate the achievements of the Jews of Muslim Spain. The emergence in Provence of the Maimonidean-Aristotelian philosophical school sent spiritual shock waves throughout the Jewish world, and it was also in Provence that the first esoteric teachings of kabbalah emerged. But cultural innovations went beyond the religious and philosophical: secular Hebrew poetry written by Jewish troubadors offered a glimpse of Jewish merrymaking, romanticism, and eroticism that drew criticism from the rabbis, and even allowed women’s voices to be assertively raised in the public sphere. First published in Hebrew in 2017 to scholarly acclaim, this is a seminal examination of the crucial role of the Jews of Provence in shaping medieval Jewish culture in the Mediterranean basin.
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L'Eglise armenienne entre grecs et latins fin XIe Siecle - milieu XVe siecle, eds. Isabelle Auge & Gerard Dedeyan, 2009
Diritto alla portabilità dei dati fra la tutela della concorrenza e la tutela della persona, 2019
Studia i Prace WNEiZ, 2016
Asian Social Science, 2015
Optical Materials, 2018
Psychonomic Science, 1969
Innovation in Aging, 2019
Functional Ecology, 2006