Magic iCub: a humanoid robot
autonomously catching your lies in a card game
Dario Pasquali
Istituto Italiano di
Tecnologia & DIBRIS,
Università di Genova
Genova, Italy
Jonas GonzalezBillandon
Istituto Italiano di
Tecnologia & DIBRIS,
Università di Genova
Genova, Italy
Francesco Rea
Giulio Sandini
Alessandra Sciui
Istituto Italiano di
Genova, Italy
Istituto Italiano di
Genova, Italy
Istituto Italiano di
Genova, Italy
Games are often used to foster human partners’ engagement and
natural behavior, even when they are played with or against
robots. Therefore, beyond their entertainment value, games
represent ideal interaction paradigms where to investigate natural
human-robot interaction and to foster robots’ diffusion in the
society. However, most of the state-of-the-art games involving
robots, are driven with a Wizard of Oz approach. To address this
limitation, we present an end-to-end (E2E) architecture to enable
the iCub robotic platform to autonomously lead an entertaining
magic card trick with human partners. We demonstrate that with
this architecture a robot is capable of autonomously directing the
game from beginning to end. In particular, the robot could detect
in real-time when the players lied in the description of one card
in their hands (the secret card). In a validation experiment the
robot achieved an accuracy of 88.2% (against a chance level of
16.6%) in detecting the secret card while the social interaction
naturally unfolded. The results demonstrate the feasibility of our
approach and its effectiveness in entertaining the players and
maintaining their engagement. Additionally, we provide evidence
on the possibility to detect important measures of the human
partner`s inner state such as cognitive load related to lie creation
with pupillometry in a short and ecological game-like interaction
with a robot.
• Human-centered Computing~Interaction design process and
Entertainment, magic, human-robot interaction, pupillometry,
cognitive load
ACM Reference format:
Dario Pasquali, Jonas Gonzalez-Billandon, Francesco Rea, Giulio Sandini,
Alessandra Sciui. 2020. Magic iCub: a humanoid robot autonomously
catching your lies in a card game. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM/IEEE
International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '21), March 8-11, 2021, Boulder, CO, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, X pages.
1 Introduction
Historically, robots always fascinated the public, entertaining the
audience. Indeed, the first recorded example of humanoid robot
was a robotic musical band meant to entertain the guests of an
Arabian king [1]. Nowadays, robots can have a role not only in
task-oriented research or industrial applications, but also in the
field of entertainment. e concept of Entertainment Robotics
refers to any robotic platform and application not directly useful
for a specific task, but rather meant to entertain and amuse
humans. Recently several entertainment robotic platforms [2]–
[9], frameworks [10]–[13] and applications have been developed.
Amusement and theme parks are one of the main application
fields. Here, robots are meant to be observed, providing an
entertaining show without any interaction. For instance the
Disney World Company employs robots to act on stages [14], to
perform acrobatic actions [15], [16], or to freely roam in the theme
parks [17]. e laer can perform a finite set of human-robot
interactions meant to handle approaching crowds. Rather than
just being watched, a few robots socially engage the users. For
instance, Sophia [18], [19] and Geminoid robots [20]–[22] can
handle a dialogue with a human partner. However, despite the
complexity of the interaction, in most cases everything is scripted
and relies on a Wizard of Oz control configuration. Other robots
interact physically with the human partner; for example, they play
ping-pong [23], soccer [24], [25], table hockey [26] and ball
catching [8]. Robot companions, like PARO [27], [28], AIBO [3],
[4], [29] or Keepon [30], are a special branch of entertainment
robot platforms, usually employed in education [3], [6], [31], [32]
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and therapy [9], [33]. Such robots, usually resemble the
appearance of animals or cute creatures, providing a limited set of
predefined animations and reactive interactions. Recently,
researchers started exploiting games and entertaining tasks as
ecological and realistic scenarios to investigate human-robot
interaction (HRI). Competitions like the IEEE Human application
Challenge: Robot Magic and Music [34]–[37] and the IEEE
RoboCup [24], [38], pushed researchers’ interest toward
entertaining experiments and applications. For instance: Ahmadi
et al. [39] and Ahn et al. [40] played rock-paper-scissor trying to
predict playmate’s gestures; Michalowski et al. [41] studied how
rhythm affects aention and intent in a dance game; Gori et al.
[42] made the iCub robotic platform playing mime with a human
partner; Leite et al. [43] studied the effect of non-verbal
communication on user engagement with storytelling robots (see
also [44], [45]); Aroyo et al. [46] studied the compliance of players
to iCub’s hints in a treasure hunt; Palinko et al. [47] studied
mutual gaze with Androids in a gaze-based social game.
Entertainment applications demonstrated to be an effective way
to introduce naïve users to robots and foster robots’ diffusion in
the society. However, most of the presented robotic platforms and
applications lack on autonomy, which limits their diffusion
beyond specific contexts: robots depend on a Wizard of Oz [48]
control configuration – and an expert handler – or follow a
predefined script. To overcome these limitations, a robot should
show autonomy, sensing its human partner and taking decisions
accordingly, at least within the framework of a closed-world
scenario as a game.
Inspired by the television show Box of Lies [49], we explored
whether the iCub humanoid robot could lead an entertaining
magic trick in an autonomous way by detecting its human
partner’s lies. In the game, iCub has to detect in real-time the
player’s secret card – the card about which the human is lying –
from a set of six random cards, during a quick and ecological social
interaction. e approach is inspired by previous findings on lie
detection in HRI [50], [51] based on cognitive load assessment
[52], [53] via pupillometric features [54], [55]. We propose an
autonomous end-to-end (E2E) architecture which integrates the
cognitive load assessment, the decision making and the robot
control, enabling iCub to lead the magic trick with no need of a
Wizard of Oz control configuration. Based on our system, iCub
successfully detected players’ secret cards with an accuracy of
88.2% (N=34, against a chance level of 16.6%). We further report
post hoc analysis of the participants’ strategies and pupillometry
features and discuss whether the approach adopted could be
improved and could effectively detect the cognitive load
associated to lie creation in a short and game-like interaction.
2 Magic Trick Interaction Design
We designed a human-robot interaction where the iCub robotic
platform plays a magic trick with a human player. e players
describe six cards in front of iCub and have to lie about one of
them (the secret card). iCub autonomously detects which is the
fake description among the six. During the game, the players sit
in front of iCub with a table (covered with a black cloth) between
them. On the table, lie six green rectangular marks, a deck of 84
gaming cards with blue back, a keyboard and a Tobii Pro Glasses
2 eye-tracker [56] (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Participant describing a card to iCub from
Logitech Brio 4k webcam point of view.
As the game starts, iCub asks the players to shuffle the deck, draw
out six random cards without looking at them and put the deck
aside. en, iCub instructs the player to shuffle the six cards again,
draw out one of them (iCub calls it secret card), memorize it and
put it back on the table. en, iCub asks to look at all the cards,
one by one, shuffle them and put them covered on the six green
marks. iCub says that, to perform a magic trick, it is going to point
each card one by one and instructs the player to take the pointed
card, describe it and then put it back on the green mark. It says:
“e trick is this: if the card you take is your secret card, you should
describe it in a deceitful and creative way. Otherwise, describe just
what you see”. Finally, iCub asked the player to wear the Tobii Pro
Glasses 2 eye-tracker, take a deep breath and relax. Aer that,
iCub starts pointing the cards one by one, providing a verbal
feedback at the end of each description. Aer the last description,
iCub guesses the secret card and asks the player a confirmation:
the player has to remove all the cards from the table to confirm
the guess or show the secret card to reject it.
3 Computational Architecture
iCub could autonomously lead the whole magic trick thanks to the
E2E architecture in Figure 2.
3.1 Secret Card Detector
During the magic trick iCub guesses players’ secret card by
detecting the Task Evoked Pupillary Responses (TEPRs) [54], [57]
related to lying [53]. e variation of cognitive load [58], [59]
during a task has been proved to reflect on pupillometry features
[60], in particular on pupil dilation. e fabrication and
maintenance of a credible and consistent fake card description
triggers a cognitive load peak in players’ mind [52], [61], [62]
which reflects on their pupils. During the magic trick, iCub
measures in real-time the player’s pupil dilations through the
Tobii Pro Glasses 2 eye-tracker. e Secret Card Detector
implements the algorithm that allows iCub to detect the secret card
among the six cards, based on an heuristic approach [50]. At the
end of the game, iCub selects as secret card the one related to the
highest mean pupil dilation among the six. More precisely, for
each card, it computes an average value from the moment the
players take the card from the marker to the moment they put it
back (we refer to these intervals as player’s turns). Before
evaluating which is the secret card, each pupil dilation datapoint
is normalized with respect to the average pupil dilation during the
5 seconds before the first pointing (when iCub asks the player to
take a deep breath and relax) [50], [63].
Figure 2: end-to-end computational architecture to play the
Magic Trick with the iCub humanoid robot
3.2 Tobii Streamer
e Tobii Pro Glasses 2 is a wearable eye-tracker meant to collect
pupillometric features and post-hoc analyze them [56]. We
developed the Tobii Streamer (extending the Tobii Glasses Py
Controller python module [64]) in order to stream the right eye
pupil dilation in real-time over a YARP robotic platform [65]. Even
if the magic trick is based only on the right eye pupil dilation, the
features for both eyes are logged on YARP for further analysis. We
decided to focus on right-eye features since prior findings on lie
detection based on pupillometric features [51] and Tobii
documentation [66] reported no significant difference between
the two eyes. We also decided to skip the Tobii Pro Glasses 2 eyetracker calibration to not impact the informality of the interaction.
Tobii documentation reports how the calibration is only relevant
for the gaze features and does not impact the pupil dilation
measurement [66]. Finally, the system uses the Tobii REST APIs
to record the full set of pupillometric features, exposed by the
proprietary soware, for future analysis.
when they put it back on the table to store the collected data and
present the new item. e Turns Detector implements a simple
HSV color thresholding that detects the number of blue (cards)
and green (marks) rectangular blobs in the scene. During the
game, iCub double checks the number of visible marks and cards
blobs to robustly understand the game phases. For instance, it
detects when the players put the cards on the table for the first
time by detecting zero green marks; this triggers the rules
explanation. When the players take a card to describe it, it tracks
five blue and one green blobs until the player put it back on the
3.4 Magic Trick Controller
e Magic Trick Controller handles iCub speech and movements
and coordinates the other components. iCub’s pointings were
performed in a human-like manner: first gazing to the card and
then pointing, by moving both the arm and the body. In order to
increase players’ engagement and provide a more social
interaction, iCub acknowledges the end of each description with
a simple feedback sentence (e.g., “ok”, “mh mh”, “I see”). e Magic
Trick Controller autonomously commands the Secret Card
Detector to segment the pupil dilation timeseries, based on the
card tracking of the Turns Detector. At the end of the game, it
autonomously handles the validation of the detected secret card
description. Moreover, it annotates, through YARP, the
timestamps related to the beginning and end of each pointing and
description, along with the position of the secret card for further
post-hoc analysis.
4 Methodology
To validate our computational architecture, we tested it in real
interactions with several participants. e main objective is to
demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed architecture to
make iCub autonomously lead an entertaining and effective
human-robot interaction, based on the real-time reading of a
biometrical feature from the players.
4.1 Participants
We asked 39 participants to play the magic trick with iCub. ey
were 14 males and 25 females with an average age of 28 years
(SD=8) and a broad educational background; they received a
monetary compensation of 10 € to participate in the experiment.
Participants signed an informed consent form approved by the
ethical commiee of the Regione Liguria (Italy) where it was
stated that cameras and microphones could record their
performance and agreed on the use of their data for scientific
purposes. Even if all participants completed the experiment, we
discarded 5 interactions from the analysis (see Sec. 5.1.1), leading
to a sample of N=34 participants (12 males, 22 females).
3.3 Turns Detector
4.2 Setup
e Turns Detector allows iCub to autonomously handle the turntaking during the game. Indeed, iCub needs to know when the
players take a card to start the pupil dilation aggregations and
For the experiment, the experimental room was arranged to
replicate an informal interaction scenario between a human and a
robot (Figure 3). e participant sat on a chair in front of iCub.
Between the participant and the robot, we set a table covered with
a back cloth. On the table lied: a deck of 84 playing cards with blue
back, six green rectangular marks, a keyboard, and a Tobii Pro
Glasses 2 eye-tracker. On participant’s le, there was a lile
drawer while, on the right, a black curtain hid the experimenter
from participant’s sight. Behind iCub, a 47 inches television
showed iCub speech during the interaction (to avoid any
misunderstanding of the robot’s speech). e Tobii Pro Glasses 2
streamed and recorded pupil dilations with a frequency of 100 Hz.
A Logitech Brio 4k webcam [67], placed on the television,
recorded the participant during the whole interaction (Figure 1).
e windows blinders were closed, and the room was lit with
artificial light to ensure a stable light condition for all the
participants during different times of the day.
detection (open question). Also, we asked whether players had
previous experience on improvising and acting and if they knew
the Dixit card game. Finally, the participants were deeply
debriefed, and they had time to ask questions about the
experiment before receiving the monetary compensation.
4.3 Materials
A Dixit Journey gaming cards deck has been modified by coloring
the back of each card in blue. ese 80x120 mm cards present 84
different toon-styled drawings meant to stimulate creativity and
creative thinking [68] (Figure 3, Right). Six green 95x70 mm marks
with a white border have been glued to the black cloth. e iCub
humanoid robot [69] played the role of magician. The
experimenter, hidden behind the black curtain, monitored the
scene through iCub’s eyes to ensure the safety of the players.
4.4 Procedure
At least one day before the experiment, the participants filled in
the Big Five personality traits questionnaire (extroversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness) [70],
the Brief Histrionic Personality Disorder (BHPD) [71]
questionnaire and the Short Dark Triad (SD3, machiavellianism,
narcissism, and psychopathy) [72], meant to assess their
Aer signing the informed consent, the experimenter led the
participants in the experimental room. e experimenter asked
the participants to sit on the chair in front of iCub, stated that
iCub was going to explain everything and closed the black curtain,
hiding himself from players’ sight. iCub led the experiment as
described in Sec. 2. During the initial rule explanation, iCub
instructed the participant to press a key on the keyboard to move
to the next task (i.e., aer shuffling the cards deck or aer
memorizing the secret card). No time limit was given to memorize
the secret card, neither to describe the cards. Aer the magic trick,
the participants performed a second card game with iCub lasting
on average 8 minutes (SD=2).
At the end of the game, the experimenter led the participants in
the initial room and asked them to fill in a post-questionnaire. e
questionnaire includes the NASA-TLX [73] and a set of questions
meant to evaluate players’ experience during the game: (i)
experienced fun (5-points Likert scale), (ii) effort on fabricating a
deceitful and creative secret card description (5-point Likert scale),
(iii) deceptive strategy adopted (open question; e.g., premeditating
the card description while iCub was explaining the rules; or being
vague); and (iv) perceived strategy adopted by iCub in the
Figure 3: (Le) Experimental room setup with iCub, the
participant, six green marks, six blue cards, a Tobii Pro
Glasses 2 and a keyboard on the table; (Right) Dixit Journey
gaming cards (author: Jean-Louis Roubira, designer: Xavier
Collette, publisher: Libellud). Top right card described as “a
blue shark riding a bike”
4.5 Measurements
4.5.1 Card Segmentation. e card segmentation is autonomously
performed by the architecture: the pupil dilations and the
beginning and end events of each pointing and card description
are logged on YARP which ensures the synchronization of the
timestamps. For each card, we identified 3 temporal intervals: (i)
robot’s turn: from the moment iCub starts the pointing to the
moment the players take the card from the table; (ii) player’s turn:
from the moment the players take the card to the moment they
put it back on the table; (iii) card trial: the combination of both
previous turns: from the beginning of iCub’s pointing to the
moment the players put the card back on the marker.
4.5.2 Gaze Measurements. Participants’ pupillometry features were
recorded using the Tobii Pro Glasses 2 eye-tracker at a frequency
of 100 Hz. Recorded features include right and le pupil dilation
in mm, gaze point 2D, gaze point 3D and fixation and saccades
events. Since we decided to not perform the Tobii Pro Glasses 2
calibration, only pupil dilation features are reliable. For each of
the 3 temporal intervals, (robot turn, player turn and card trial)
we computed 5 features: duration, maximum, minimum, mean
and standard deviation of pupil dilation leading to a final feature
set composed of 15 features.
4.5.3 Data Preparation. To post-hoc analyze the collected data (see
Section 5.4), we preprocessed the pupil dilation features. We
applied a low pass filter at 10 Hz, a median filter, and a rolling
window filter to clean the pupil dilation time series. Before
segmenting the intervals, we corrected each time series
subtracting a baseline average value for each participant [63]. We
computed the baseline, by averaging the pupil dilation, for each
eye separately, during the five seconds before the first pointing –
when iCub asks the player to take a deep breath and relax. In this
reference system, a positive value represents a dilation, while a
negative value represents a contraction with respect to the
5 Results
5.1 In-game Analysis
e Magic Tricks lasted 8 minutes (SD=2) on average, from when
iCub started explaining the rules to the final confirmation of the
detection. ICub successfully detected players’ secret card with an
accuracy of 88.2% (against a chance level of 16.6% and considering
the N=34 interactions not affected by technical issues or rule
misunderstanding; see below).
5.1.1 Discarded Interactions. Although all participants completed
the game, we had to exclude 5 of them from further analysis. Two
of them failed to follow the rules of the game: one misunderstood
the instructions and fabricated a deceitful and creative description
for all the cards; one misunderstood iCub’s pointing gesture and
ended the game without describing the secret card. Another
participant took very long to describe each card concluding the
game aer 26 minutes (vs. an average of 8 min for all other
participants). For the last two participants we had technical issues:
for one, a problem with the blinders did not allow to maintain a
stable light condition during the game; for the other, even if the
secret card detection was successful, we had a problem with the
storage server that prevented the data saving.
occurred: some major (N=5) where the experimenter had to stop
and restart the game and two minors where the experimenter
needed to intervene (i.e., asking to move the cards deck). e
major issues were related to either the malfunction of the Tobii
Pro Glasses 2 that prevented the streaming of pupil dilations (N=4)
or to robot malfunction that needed the restart of the robotic
platform (N=1). Aer restarting the devices, the game went
flawlessly for those participants. Finally, for 2 participants one of
the card description was erroneously interrupted. In one case, the
Turns Detector failed to track the cards due to a misplacement
over the marks; in the other case the interruption was due to a
human error, as mentioned above, that did not hinder the
completion of the game.
5.2 estionnaire Analysis
With the questionnaire analysis, we mainly wanted to
understand: (i) how much the game was able to entertain the
players; (ii) if a bad performance during the game (due to
misdetections and/or game failures) had an impact on players’
fun; (iii) how much effort was required to play the game.
5.2.1 Experienced Fun. Considering the whole sample (N=39),
participants reported a high average fun of M=4.4 (SD=0.82). We
then compared the fun for those for which iCub failed to detect
the secret card (N=8, M=3.75, SD=1.28) and for the others (N=31,
M=4.63, SD=0.56). A Wilcoxon rank-sum test showed no
significant statistical differences between the two samples
(Z=1.74, p=0.082). Moreover, we supposed that the presence of
failures during the interaction could impact the experienced fun.
We compared the reported fun of the games which proceeded
without any (even minor) technical issues and the iCub
successfully guessed the secret card (N=26, M=4.68, SD=0.56),
against the others (N=13, M=4.0, SD=1.08). e Wilcoxon ranksum test revealed no significant statistical difference, although
there was a trend to find more entertaining the flawless games
(Z=1.9, p=0.056).
5.1.2 Detection Failures. Considering the 4 participants (out of 34)
in which iCub failed to detect the secret card, we had two
particularly interesting cases. One participant produced an
incomplete description for the first card because the experimenter
interrupted it by mistake. Looking at the pupil dilation timeseries
of that player, it experienced a cognitive load peak probably due
to the novelty of the game. We speculate that the card description
was interrupted too early to allow a mitigation of such cognitive
load (and hence the pupil dilation), resulting in a higher mean
pupil dilation; indeed, iCub detected that card as the secret card.
For the second participant we noticed a pupillary paern opposite
with respect to the others: the secret card was the one related to
the lowest mean pupil dilation among the six. Regarding the other
two: one reported, during the debriefing, to be used to creative
thinking; the second one described the card vaguely and by
omiing details rather than creating a novel one. Both failures
could be explained by the need for a lower cognitive effort to
fabricate a creative description because of the adopted strategies.
5.2.2 Creative Effort and Task Load. On average, participants
reported a creative effort of M=3.6 (SD=0.97), considering only the
individuals who followed the game rules and for which there was
no severe technical issue or outlier behavior (N=34). e
participants for which iCub failed the secret card detection
reported an average creative effort of M=3.0 (SD=1.41, N=4), while
the others reported an average creative effort of M=3.87 (SD=0.73,
N=30), with no significant difference between the two groups
(Wilcoxon rank-sum test, Z=1.12, p=0.26). Considering task load
in general, the Task Load indeX (TLX), computed from the NASATLX questionnaire was not high on average. Participants reported
an average TLX of M=3.7 (out of 10, SD=1.03).
5.1.3 Experimenter’s Interventions. In general, the game unfolded
properly, and we encountered a few issues that required human
intervention. More precisely, considering all the interactions, the
experimenter had to intervene 3 times verbally mainly to remind
the player to put the deck aside to prevent interferences with the
cards and marks tracking. Additionally, some technical issues
A Wilcoxon rank-sum tests showed that both Fun (Z=378.0,
p<0.001) and creative effort (Z=341.5, p<0.001) are significantly
higher than the “neutral” median value (3). Also, we found that
the higher was the reported effort in creating a lie, the higher was
the experienced fun (Spearman correlation: rs(28) = 0.53, p<0.001).
Considering the relation with the personality traits of the
participants from the pre-questionnaire, the creative effort was
linearly (negatively) correlated with the openness to experience
(t(28)=-3.96, p<0.001, Adj. R2=0.62), and (positively) correlated
with the conscientiousness (t(28)=5.99, p<0.001, Adj. R2=0.62),
whereas no other element of the Big 5 showed a significant
correlation with it. Regarding the Dark Triad, we found a positive
linear correlation between the machiavellianism (t(28)=3.49,
p=0.0019, Adj. R2=0.271) and the mental effort component of the
NASA-TLX. We found no effect from the histrionic questionnaire.
5.2.3 Deceptive Strategies. e players exploited a variety of
strategies to fabricate the creative and deceitful description for the
secret card. We manually translated the qualitative reports of the
participants, integrated with experimenter’s notes during the
experiment in a finite set of strategies with intersection. e
question was not mandatory, hence just 24 participants reported
a qualitative strategy. Most of the players (N=8) reported the
usage of memory recall, related to a previous card or a past event;
3 players swapped the roles of the characters in the cards and just
3 players reported the creation of a brand-new image; 3
participants focused on adding details while 3 tried to be vague
and generic about the description; finally, 3 participants focused
on the credibility and consistency. We also identified two classes
related to the timing of fabrication of the creative description: 8
participants reported they premeditated the description as iCub
presented game rules; other 8 participants instead, improvised the
description on the fly. We did not find any statistical difference
between the samples on predicting fun or creative effort.
We applied a similar preprocessing on the perceived methods
used by iCub to detect the secret cards. Although the eye-tracker
was the only evident sensing device in the interaction, 27 of the
39 players (69%) did not mention gaze or pupil when describing
the strategy used by the robot to guess the secret card. 8
participants assumed iCub was able to detect a variation on the
description, including both prosodic features and number of
details; 3 participants assumed iCub detected the presence or
absence of keywords in their descriptions; only a participant
thought about facial and postural features. Interestingly, 6
participants assumed iCub knew all the 84 cards and hence it
could understand the card description and match it (or not) with
one of the cards. Few of them (N=3) also assumed iCub could see
the card from its reflection on the glasses and pair the image with
the description.
Finally, as a qualitative report, all the participants were surprised
when the experimenter presented iCub and stated that it was
going to lead the experiment. At the end of the experiment, they
all reported they had fun, even the ones that experienced failures.
ey were also extremely surprised to learn the effect of cognitive
load on pupil dilation.
5.3 Post-hoc Analysis
We analyzed the collected pupillometric features to provide
statistical support to the results of the validation experiment and
assess whether the heuristic method can be further improved. A
Saphiro-Wilk [74] and D’Agostino K-squared [75] normality tests
showed that the data were normally distributed, justifying the use
of a parametric analysis.
5.3.1 Robot and Player turns comparison. First, we ran a paired ttest comparing the average of mean pupil dilation for right and
le eyes. Results showed no significant difference (t(33)=1.58,
p=0.123), hence we focused on the right players’ eye as in the realtime Magic Trick. We compared the mean pupil dilation for the
secret card against the average of the other cards during the
different turns of the game. We performed a two-way repeated
measures ANOVA on players’ mean pupil dilations with factor
“card label” (two levels: Real, Fake) and factor “turn” (two levels:
Robot, Player). e test shows a highly significant difference in
players’ pupil dilation as a function of the card label (F(1,
33)=44.17, p<0.001, η p 2=0.57), no significance of the turn factor
(F(1,33)=2.69, p=0.11, η p 2=0.08), but a highly significant
interaction (F(1,33)=58.01, p<0.001, η p 2=0.64). Hence, mean pupil
dilation is overall different between real and untruth card
descriptions, but this difference is significantly larger in the player
turn, i.e., while the description was performed. More precisely,
post-hoc analysis (Bonferroni corrected) showed that the mean
pupil dilation for the secret card description was significantly
higher than the mean pupil dilation for the average of the other
cards during the player’s turn (t(33)=9.87, p<0.001) but not in the
robot’s turn (t(33)=0.16, p=0.33). e effect is also visible in Figure
4. For the player’s turn, we also analyzed whether other features
(maximum, minimum and standard deviation of pupil dilation)
differed significantly between the secret card and the others.
Paired t-test tests showed that both minimum pupil dilation
(t(33)=7.18, p<001) and maximum pupil dilation (t(33)=7.87,
p<0.001) were significantly higher during the false description
than during the truthful ones.
Figure 4: Average right mean pupil dilation for the secret
card (red) and averaged other cards (green) during the magic
trick turns. Error bars represent standard errors of the
mean. Stars represent statistical difference (** p<0.001)
5.3.2 Card trials analysis. As an exploratory analysis, we
investigated whether it is possible to further simplify the
interaction by removing the turn segmentation. Figure 5
represents the right mean pupil dilation during the whole card
trial for secret card and average of the other cards for each
participant. Except for two participants, all the others lie above
the identity line, showing larger mean pupil dilation on the secret
card. We ran a paired t-test comparing the mean pupil dilation on
the secret card with the average of the others during the whole
card trials. e abovementioned affect is still present since the
mean pupil dilation (t(33)=9.14, p<0.001), maximum pupil dilation
(t(33)=6.91, p<0.001) and minimum pupil dilation (t(33)=6.37,
p<0.001) are significantly higher during secret cards descriptions.
If the heuristic to detect the secret card had been based on the
whole card trial interval, the robot would have guessed the right
card with an accuracy of 85.3% (against a chance level of 16.6%).
is simulation result proves that it is possible in the future to
further simplify the interaction and the Secret Card Detector, by
analyzing online the whole interval from the instantiation of one
pointing to the beginning of the next, without the need of
segmenting exactly the time in which the participant takes the
card from the table.
Figure 5: Right mean pupil dilation during the whole card
interval for secret card and average of the other cards for
each participant. e black dot represents the sample mean
with standard error.
5.3.3. A more robust lie detector. e heuristic function enables
iCub to autonomously lead the proposed game; however, it is still
affected by two limitations: (i) it is unreliable in case of light
changes during the game; and (ii) it does not consider unexpected
behaviors from the players (e.g., lying on multiple cards). To
address these limitations, in the post-hoc analysis we corrected
each pupil dilation datapoint by subtracting the average pupil
dilation during the five seconds before each card trial. is kind of
baseline should compensate for potential fluctuations of both
environmental light and players’ cognitive load during the game.
en, we trained a machine learning model able to classify a
generic description as true or false, independently from the
number of items or lies. Assuming lying is a rare behavior with
respect to a normal truth telling, we analyzed the problem as an
anomaly detection; this technique also avoided us to oversample
the dataset to tackle its unbalancing. We considered the whole
feature set and included data from both right and le players’
eyes, discriminated by a proper categorical feature. We trained a
one-class support vector machine (OCSVM) [76] on the resulting
dataset (405 datapoints x 16 features). OCSVMs are semisupervised models meant to train only on normal data (true card
descriptions), learning to discriminate what is abnormal (false
card descriptions). We considered 75% of the true card
descriptions as train set and the remaining (both true and false) as
validation and test sets. A grid-search cross validation shows that
the best model has an AUCROC of 0.61, an F1 score of 79.6%, a
precision of 77.4% and a recall of 81.8%.
6 Discussion
In this study we show how a humanoid robot can successfully
guide a prolonged and entertaining activity with a human partner
based on a real-time measurement of players’ pupil dilation. Our
innovative approach shows how the autonomous end-to-end
(E2E) architecture successfully promotes an enjoyable activity
with a robot. At the same time the architecture allows for the
extraction of important information about the inner state of the
human partner (i.e., cognitive load related to lying). Players’ lies
can be recognized with a good accuracy level of 88.2% (N=34,
against a chance level of 16.6%) during a short interaction (8 min)
without leveraging on a priori knowledge of individual aitudes.
e measures of fun and task load, reported aer the game,
confirm how the magic trick is entertaining, even if iCub failed to
detect the secret card or malfunctions happened during the
interaction. Also, the reported creative effort and task load suggest
how the human-robot interaction does not require any significant
effort to be played.
e current architecture implementation and setup still presents
two main issues, as the employed pupillometry measure is
sensitive to illumination changes during the interaction and the
approach is not robust against unexpected behaviors from the
players (e.g., multiple lies). Considering the sensitivity to
illumination, it mostly represents a limitation for outdoor
environments. Since our solution does not require a specific
illumination, but rather a constant one, this requirement can be
easily met in most indoor contexts. For what concerns the
dependency of the system on a fixed number of lies or items, the
different preprocessing and the one-class support vector machine
tested in the post-hoc analysis show promising expectations that
also these limitations could be overcome. However, further
research must be performed to improve the reliability of the
Although the validation experiment was conducted with the
humanoid robot iCub, the architecture is highly modular and
portable. e relatively limited sensing and acting abilities needed
along with the decomposition between sensing and robot control
make the architecture easily adaptable to different robotic
platforms. e pointing actions could be replaced by different
ways to show the cards, and the detection of the robot and player
turns could be performed with ad hoc sensing. e architecture is
also extremely light weighted: it does not require excessive
computational power or a network connection. is makes it
easily deployable directly on other robotic platforms’ boards. We
did not explore the effect of robot appearance on game
entertainment; however, we speculate that the childish
appearance of the iCub humanoid robot contributed to engage the
players, making the game more entertaining. Further research
must be performed to address the impact of robot appearance on
the proposed game.
e interaction, and hence the autonomous architecture, could be
further simplified. We demonstrated with a post-hoc analysis that
even considering the whole interval of time in which a single card
is shown and described, the heuristic would work well (accuracy:
85.3% against a chance level of 16.6%). Hence, the Turn Detector
could be simplified by detecting just the end of the description to
know when to present the next stimulus. Indeed, the Turn
Detector implementation, based on the HSV color thresholding of
cards and marks, is a limitation of the current architecture. It
depends on light conditions and camera calibration and it is prone
to potential false positives due to other colored objects in the
scene. We decided to implement such simple approach thinking
about the potential deployment of our entertainment architecture
in other fields. For instance, amusement and theme parks are
crowded and loud places, hence it would not be feasible to use
speech-based algorithms (i.e., a voice activity detector algorithm)
to detect players’ descriptions. We also decided to avoid any
computer-readable marks (i.e., QR codes) to avoid that the player
would assume that iCub could recognize the cards by their backs.
inking about a future deployment of the architecture, it will be
mandatory to improve our card tracking method. For instance, we
could track players’ gestures or the original Dixit gaming card
back with a feature-based object localization algorithm. is way,
it would also be possible to remove the green marks on the table,
further simplifying the setup of the game.
e elimination of the green marks would reduce the required
materials to just the eye-tracker. Even if the interaction unfolded
naturally, we recognize that the use of a head mounted eyetracker, though lightweight, reduced the naturalness of the task.
We partially reduce its impact on the informality of the
interaction by removing the calibration phase, since it is not
strictly required to measure pupil dilation. Moreover, 27 of the 39
participants did not mention the eye-tracker (or any eye-related
feature) as the method used by iCub to detect their secret card.
Hence, we speculate that the eye-tracker did not compromise
players’ fun during the game, nor induced them to be self-aware
of their own gaze behavior. However, to port the application to a
real-world scenario, the ideal solution would be measuring the
player’s pupil dilation from the RGB cameras embedded on the
robotic platform. Recent research developments have shown the
feasibility of using RGB cameras to assess pupillometric features
[77]. Hence, we believe that in the future it will be possible to also
remove the eye-tracker requirement.
Beside the applications in a real-world entertaining scenario (i.e.,
amusement parks), the system could represent a natural way to
introduce robots in the society by allowing naïve users to
experience a quick, pleasant, and interactive game with a real
robot. Additionally, this system could become a novel tool to
measure pupillometric modulations associated to creativity in a
pleasant and non-invasive way (e.g., appropriate for children).
Also, this work demonstrates that a robot can effectively monitor
the variations in cognitive load during a natural interaction. e
generality of cognitive load detection is supported by the high
variability of the items employed (84 different cards). Hence, the
measure should not be limited to a specific set of items. is is
novel with respect to the state-of-the-art cognitive load
assessment methods based on long, tedious and strictly
constrained tasks [51], [78], [79] and cumbersome sensing
devices. Hence, it represents a step toward those applications
where robots could take benefit from evaluating the human
partner’s internal state and change their behavior accordingly
(e.g., by providing a less challenging task). Moreover, this
evaluation is performed preserving the informality of the humanrobot interaction, an important factor in fields like teaching or
In the future we plan to improve the architecture as both (i) an
entertaining and autonomous game with a humanoid robot and
(ii) and an effective and quick method to assess human partners’
cognitive load in real-time. We aim to adapt iCub’s behavior based
on the measured cognitive load.
7 Conclusion
anks to the autonomous architecture proposed in the
manuscript we provide evidence that robots can, at the same time,
(i) autonomously guide a human-robot interaction in and
ecological magic trick (detecting players’ secret cards with an
accuracy of 88.2%, against a chance level of 16.6%) and (ii)
promote, through the proactive interaction, the online acquisition
of important insights on the human counterpart’s inner state. e
future implications of such approach are activities that are
beneficial or entertaining for the human partners and, at the same
time, allow the robots to adapt their behavior to the specific inner
state of the participant in real-time. is will be a key factor for
robots that aim to act in fields related to tutoring, caregiving, and
security. Finally, we hope that the development of more accessible
and portable entertaining applications could foster the diffusion
of robots in the world as enjoyable playmates, thus paving the
way toward their acceptance in the society.
is work has been supported by a Starting Grant from the
European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. G.A. No
804388, wHiSPER.
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