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The Big Picture in Three Parts I have just amassed what I feel should be enough information to fully satisfy the need for an equation to satisfy why certain “gray Areas” in human origins research exist. There are several issues that a foothold can be gained if we redirect our thoughts to the acceptance and or removal of perspectives drawn from the very onset of anthropology, as a science. The question of the Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas’ in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago. Willamet, C. M., and G. A. Clark (1995) 29, 489. 1995 Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science.” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” Clark, G.A. NAGPRA, the Conflict between Science and Religion, and the Political Consequences. Society for American Archaeology (1998), Vol. 16, No. 5., pp. 22-25. (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones) ABSTRACT (TITLE ONE) As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” Page 118 of Fossil Evidence for the Origin of Homo sapiens Jeffrey H. Schwartz1 and Ian Tattersall YEARBOOK OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 53:94–121 (2010) https://www.academia.edu/86905105/Fossil_evidence_for_the_origin_of_Homo_sapiens?email_work_card=title hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research. Willamet, C. M., and G. A. Clark. Paradigm crisis in modern human origins research Journal of Human Evolution (1995) 29, 487-490. 1995”. Keywords/Discussion Points: First and Second World People, Terra Patria (homeland) Terra Aliena (foreign land), Terra Ignatia (settled foreign land), Sudden Replacement, the Mousterian Problem, Human Evolutionary Theories, “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form,” a Reduced Paleolithic, Hidden Populations, Historical and Evolutionary Anthropology Doutorando no Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Email: alentraia@yahoo.es Doutorando no Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Email: alentraia@yahoo.es