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Received: 12 October 2018 Accepted: 12 October 2018 DOI: 10.1111/jvim.15372 The European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Companion Animals (ECVIM-CA) Congress and the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicien (JVIM) are not responsible for the content or dosage recommendations in the abstracts. The abstracts are not peer reviewed before publication. The opinions expressed in the abstracts are those of the author(s) and may not represent the views or position of the ECVIM-CA. The authors are solely responsible for the content of the abstracts. RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS OF THE 28th ECVIM-CA CONGRESS Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6th to 8th September 2018 Index of Abstracts LIST OF ORAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS SCH – Society of Comparative Hepatology Thursday 6 September 2018 09.00-09.15 SCH-O-1 Lawrence Development, validation, and application of an LC-MS/MS method for the quantitative determination of trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline in dogs with chronic hepatitis 09.15-09.30 SCH-O-2 Oliveira Leal Copper-associated Hepatitis in dogs: a retrospective study of 17 clinical cases 09.30-09.45 SCH-O-3 Sato Plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration in primary hypoplasia of the portal vein with portal hypertension in dogs 09.45-10.00 SCH-O-4 Ambrosini Serum vitamin D, C-Reactive Protein, and von Willebrand’s factor in dogs with inflammatory hepatopathies 10.00-10.15 SCH-O-5 Ferreira Serum melatonin concentrations in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts ESVC – European Society of Veterinary Cardiology Thursday 6 September 2018 14.25-14.40 ESVC-O-1 Rishniw Echocardiographically obtained left-atrial-to-aortic ratio in healthy dogs: re-evaluation of historic reference intervals 14.40-14.55 ESVC-O-2 Bouvard Comparison of ECG-gated multi-detector computed tomography angiography and two-dimensional echocardiographic methods in the assessment of left atrial size using left atrial-to-aortic root short-axis ratio in dogs 14.55-15.10 ESVC-O-3 Bouvard Assessment of left atrial volume in dogs: comparisons of two-dimensional and real-time three-dimensional echocardiography with ECG-gated multi-detector computed tomography angiography 15.10-15.25 ESVC-O-4 Novo Matos Post mortem assessment of left ventricular mass by micro-computed tomography in feline cardiomyopathic hearts 15.25-15.40 ESVC-O-5 Beijerink ECG-gated computed tomography angiography of pulmonic stenosis in 31 dogs 15.40-15.55 ESVC-O-6 Mateos Radiofrequency catheter ablation of accessory pathways in the dog: the Italian Panero experience (2008-2016) Rishniw Breed does not affect the association between murmur intensity and disease 15.55-16.10 ESVC-O-7 severity in dogs with pulmonic or subaortic stenosis 16.10-16.25 ESVC-O-8 Takano Breed characteristics in cardiac reverse remodeling and left ventricular systolic function after mitral valve repair in dogs 1016 16.25-16.40 ESVC-O-9 Betschart Iron deficiency assessment in dogs with chronic heart failure Stack Effects of oral trazodone on echocardiographic and hemodynamic Friday 7 September 2018 11.20-11.35 ESVC-O-10 measurements in healthy cats 11.35-11.50 ESVC-O-11 Borgeat Prevalence of hypersomatotropism in non-diabetic cats with left ventricular hypertrophy – a silent and curable phenocopy for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 11.50-12.05 ESVC-O-12 Sebastian New genetic variants of MYH6 gene were associated with sporadic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats 12.05-12.20 ESVC-O-13 Liu Discovery of novel biomarkers for cardiomyopathies in cats with congestive heart failure 12.20-12.35 ESVC-O-14 Hanås Effect of breed and signalment on N-terminal Prohormone of Brain Natriuretic Peptide concentrations measured by ELISA in healthy cats and comparison to a point of care test 12.35-12.50 ESVC-O-15 Ivasovic Evaluation of NT-proBNP-levels in sport dogs after immediate physical activity and after an intense two months training session 14.25-14.40 ESVC-O-16 Serres Interest of a cardiac troponin I using a bedside analyzer for clinical orientation in dogs with mitral insufficiency and/or dyspnea 14.40-14.55 ESVC-O-17 Sarcinella Effect of pimobendan on left atrial function in dogs with stage B2 myxomatous mitral valve disease 14.55-15.10 ESVC-O-18 Lee The misuse (overdose) of pimobendan may potentially induce myocardial fatigue in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease 15.10-15.25 ESVC-O-19 Kiss Heart-specific and fibrosis related microRNAs in whole blood samples of dogs with cardiomyopathy 15.25-15.40 ESVC-O-20 Saponaro Heart rhythm characterization by 24-hour Holter monitoring during sudden cardiac death in dogs – A case series 15.40-15.55 ESVC-O-21 Perego R-peak time in normal dogs ESVONC – European Society of Veterinary Oncology Thursday 6 September 2018 14.25-14.40 ESVONC-O-1 Weber Tumor-specific microRNA expression in canine intestinal T-cell lymphomas and analysis of microRNA function in a canine T-cell lymphoma cell line 14.40-14.55 ESVONC-O-2 Treggiari Retrospective comparison of first line adjuvant anthracycline versus metronomic-based chemotherapy protocols in the treatment of stage i-ii, canine splenic haemangiosarcoma 14.55-15.10 ESVONC-O-3 Del Busto Castro Incidence of post-operative complications and outcome of 48 dogs undergoing surgical management of insulinoma 15.10-15.25 ESVONC-O-4 Holdsworth Owners’ perceptions of the treatment of Osteosarcoma in large breed dogs 15.25-15.40 ESVONC-O-5 McNaught Assessing serum clusterin as a potential biomarker for canine lymphoma 15.40-15.55 ESVONC-O-7 Queiroga TGFß, FOXP3 and angiogenesis in malignant canine mammary tumors: association with clinicopathological parameters and prognosis 16.10-16.25 ESVONC-O-9 Milevoj A combination of gene electrotransfer of canine IL-12, electrochemotherapy and cytoreductive surgery in the treatment of canine oral malignant melanoma 16.25-16.40 ESVONC-O-10 Kimura Evaluation of angiogenesis using semiquantitative RT-PCR for endothelial markers in various canine tumors 1017 ESVIM – European Society of Veterinary Internal Medicine Friday 7 September 2018 09.00-09.15 ESVIM-O-1 Fastrès Effect of antimicrobial drug on lung microbiota in healthy dogs 09.15-09.30 ESVIM-O-2 Carranza Comparison of the pulmonary deposition of nebulized 99mTc-DTPA through three different inhalation devices in healthy dogs 09.30-09.45 ESVIM-O-3 Cui Long-term survival and complications in end-stage tracheal collapse dogs treated with intraluminal self-expanding Wallstents™ 09.45-10.00 10.00-10.15 ESVIM-O-4 ESVIM-O-5 Dominguez Association between abnormal respiratory clinical signs and respiratory localization Ruiz in dogs and cats Le Boedec Association between tomodensitometry, rhinoscopy, and histopathology characteristics and treatment response in canine idiopathic rhinitis 10.15-10.30 ESVIM-O-6 Gori Pulmonary complications in canine acute pancreatitis: a pilot study 11.20-11.35 ESVIM-O-7 Griebsch Effectiveness of aspirin versus clopidogrel in dogs with immune mediated haemolytic anaemia evaluated by serial thromboelastography and platelet mapping 11.35-11.50 ESVIM-O-8 Whittemore Platelet function in healthy dogs receiving sustained clopidogrel, prednisone, or combination therapy 11.50-12.05 ESVIM-O-9 Black Retrospective analysis of presentation and diagnosis in 115 referred juvenile dogs presenting with pyrexia 12.05-12.20 ESVIM-O-10 Banzato Development of a frailty index to assess the risk of mortality in the dog ISCAID - International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases Friday 7 September 2018 12.20-12.35 ISCAID-O-1 Felten Prevalence of feline coronavirus shedding and associated risk factors in catteries 12.35-12.50 ISCAID-O-2 Beatty Novel hepatitis B-like hepadnavirus identified in a feline immunodeficiency virus-infected domestic cat 14.25-14.40 ISCAID-O-3 de Jong Long-term follow-up and prognostic factors in canine leishmaniasis in a non-endemic country, a retrospective cohort study 14.40-14.55 ISCAID-O-4 Francey Reduction in incidence of canine leptospirosis in Switzerland correlates with the introduction of a new quadrivalent anti-leptospiral vaccine 14.55-15.10 ISCAID-O-5 López Leptospira seroprevalence in owned dogs from Spain 15.10-15.25 ISCAID-O-6 Dorsch Urine shedding of pathogenic Leptospira spp. in cats in Southern Chile 15.40-15.55 ISCAID-O-8 Schmitt Patterns of antimicrobial use for selected feline diseases in Switzerland in 2016 ESVNU – European Society of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology Friday 7 September 2018 14.25-14.40 ESVNU-O-1 Lourenco Inflammatory and pro-fibrotic pathway upregulation in an ischemic model of feline chronic kidney disease 14.40-14.55 ESVNU-O-2 Menard Symmetric Dymethylarginine evaluation and characterization of proteinuria in dogs with pituitary-dependant hyperadrenocorticism 14.55-15.10 ESVNU-O-3 McKenna The clinical utility of glomerular filtration rate measurement in dogs 15.10-15.25 ESVNU-O-4 Lamoureux In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of urinary bacterial isolates in dogs with chronic kidney disease 15.25-15.40 ESVNU-O-5 Marques Dogs as reservoirs of uropathogenic Klebsiella pneumoniae to humans 1018 15.40-15.55 ESVNU-O-6 Pastor Urolithiasis prevalence in leishmania infantum-infected dogs treated with allopurinol in an endemic area of the South of France 16.30-16.45 ESVNU-O-7 SchweighauserEvaluation of prescription, anticoagulation, and metabolic response to membrane-based therapeutic plasma exchange in dogs 16.45-17.00 ESVNU-O-8 Ogeer Comparative Performance of IDEXX SDMA® Test and the DLD SDMA ELISA for the Measurement of SDMA in Canine and Feline Serum 17.00-17.15 ESVNU-O-9 Butty Ultrasound-guided subcutaneous ureteral bypass and microsurgical ureterotomy in cats with obstructive ureterolith 17.15-17.30 ESVNU-O-10 Olivares The utility of charcoal bacteriology swabs for storage of urine prior to culture ESCG – European Society of Comparative Gastroenterology Friday 7 September 2018 14.25-14.40 ESCG-O-1 Da Riz Are clinical and paraclinical data helpful in discriminating feline low-grade alimentary lymphoma from inflammatory bowel disease? A prospective study of 36 cases 14.40-14.55 ESCG-O-2 Freiche Histopathological and molecular characterisation of feline low-grade alimentary lymphoma and inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective analysis of 36 cases 14.55-15.10 ESCG-O-3 Berman Hypoalbuminaemia as a possible biomarker of gastro-intestinal lymphoma in cats 15.10-15.25 ESCG-O-4 Werner Treatment of Dogs with Acute Uncomplicated Diarrhea with Amoxicillin Clavulanate: A Prospective, Placebo-controlled, Randomized, Blinded Treatment Trial 15.25-15.40 ESCG-O-5 Burchell Faecal microbial transplantation in a canine model of haemorrhagic diarrhoea syndrome 15.40-15.55 ESCG-O-6 Ziese Longitudinal Assessment of Clostridium perfringens encoding NetF toxin in Dogs with Acute Haemorrhagic Diarrhoea Syndrome 16.30-16.45 ESCG-O-7 Whittemore Gastrointestinal changes in healthy dogs receiving sustained clopidogrel, prednisone, or combination therapy 16.45-17.00 ESCG-O-8 Whittemore Antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal signs in healthy dogs administered antibiotics with or without synbiotics 17.00-17.15 ESCG-O-9 Jergens Glucocorticoid effects on microbial community structure in canine inflammatory bowel disease 17.15-17.30 ESCG-O-10 Cabrera GarciaDecreased serum soluble rage concentrations correlate with the severity of histologic lesions in dogs with chronic inflammatory enteropathies 17.30-17.45 ESCG-O-11 Febo Evaluation of plasma endocannabinoids in dogs with primary chronic enteropathies 17.45-18.00 ESCG-O-12 Salavati Retrospective analysis of dogs with inflammatory protein-losing enteropathy Schmitz reveals that second-line immunosuppression is only necessary in 1/3 of cases and treatment requirements or outcome cannot be predicted by routine clinicopathological data ESVE – European Society of Veterinary Endocrinology Friday 7 September 2018 14.25-14.40 ESVE-O-1 Peterson Radioiodine treatment of feline hyperthyroidism: measuring 24-hour thyroid 131-I uptake helps predict treatment failure or development of iatrogenic hypothyroidism 14.40-14.55 ESVE-O-2 Fabres Evaluation of telmisartan administration as a suppression test for primary hyperaldosteronism diagnosis in cats 1019 14.55-15.10 ESVE-O-3 Ferri Pheochromocytoma in dogs undergoing adrenalectomy: an exploratory investigation of 24 cases 15.10-15.25 ESVE-O-4 Petroff Temporal changes in thyroid status in euthyroid dogs with positive thyroglobulin autoantibodies 15.25-15.40 ESVE-O-13 Del Baldo Validation of human immunoturbidimetric assays for the measurement of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and serum fructosamine in dogs and comparison of the two variables for the assessment of glycemic control in dogs with diabetes mellitus 15.40-15.55 ESVE-O-6 Hazuchova Effect of monthly injections of GLP-1 analogue exenatide extended release on ß-cell function in newly diagnosed diabetic cats Saturday 8 September 2018 14.40-14.55 ESVE-O-7 Bennaim A visual aid to judgement in the diagnosis of canine hyperadrenocorticism and the development of a diagnosis score 14.55-15.10 ESVE-O-8 Hazuchova Functional impact of single nucleotide polymorphisms within the putative promoter of feline ACP1 gene in lean Domestic Shorthair cats with diabetes mellitus 15.10-15.25 ESVE-O-9 Ferri Thyroidectomy in dogs with thyroid tumors: survival analysis in 99 cases (1994-2013) 15.25-15.40 ESVE-O-10 Prasinou The erythrocyte membrane lipidome profile in healthy dogs and changes in dogs with diabetes mellitus 15.40-15.55 ESVE-O-11 Blomqvist Presence of T- and B-lymphocytes in the canine pituitary gland 16.30-16.45 ESVE-O-12 Schuppisser Comparison of continuous glucose monitoring profiles and glycemic variability during day and night in healthy and diabetic cats 16.45-17.00 ESVE-O-5 Ramsey Haptoglobin and pre-trilostane cortisol as monitoring tools for the treatment of canine hyperadrenocorticism 17.00-17.15 ESVE-O-14 Peterson Spontaneous primary hypothyroidism in adult cats: More common that we think? 17.15-17.30 ESVE-O-15 Buresova Short- and long-term follow-up of kidney function using creatinine, SDMA and GFR in hyperthyroid cats treated with radioiodine ESVCP – European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Saturday 8 September 2018 09.45-10.00 ESVCP-O-1 Dröes Circannual variation in standardized haematological and biochemical markers in dogs 10.00-10.15 ESVCP-O-2 Bilbrough Frequency of clinically significant abnormal biochemistry profiles in adult dogs and cats presenting to North American veterinary practices for wellness examinations 10.15-10.30 ESVCP-O-3 Le Boedec Determination of reference intervals from small samples: how to enhance estimation accuracy 11.20-11.35 ESVCP-O-4 Tangalidi Evaluation of the paraoxonase-1 concentration in dogs with mitral valve disease 11.35-11.50 ESVCP-O-5 Prieto Biological Variation of Symmetric Dimethylarginine and Other Biochemical Analytes in Healthy Cats 11.50-12.05 ESVCP-O-6 De Witte Corrected calcium as a predictor of hypocalcaemia in hypoalbuminaemic dogs 12.05-12.20 ESVCP-O-7 Hope Evaluation of the clinical utility of a point-of-care serum amyloid A (SAA) assay for the detection of inflammatory disease in dogs 12.20-12.35 ESVCP-O-8 Davison Targeted serum metabolomic and lipidomic profiling in Miniature Schnauzers – a pilot study 12.35-12.50 ESVCP-O-9 Klainbart Acute organophosphate and carbamate intoxication in 102 dogs - a retrospective study 1020 VBPS - Veterinary Blood Pressure Society Saturday 8 September 2018 11.20-11.35 VBPS-O-1 Ioannidi Comparison of systolic arterial blood pressure between low stress and common handling conditions in cats using the Doppler method and High Definition Oscillometry 11.35-11.50 VBPS-O-2 Archontakis Comparison of Doppler ultrasonography and oscillometry with or without proprietary optimizations for non-invasive blood pressure measurement in conscious cats 11.50-12.05 VBPS-O-3 Archontakis Comparison of two Doppler ultrasonography devices for measurement of systolic blood pressure in conscious dogs ESVCN – European Society of Veterinary Comparative Nutrition Saturday 8 September 2018 15.50-16.05 ESVCN-O-1 Mazaki Tovi Arachidonic acid stimulates secretion of IL6 in feline primary adipose tissue culture LIST OF POSTER RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS SCH – Society of Comparative Hepatology SCH-P-1 Luckschander Differentiation of different types of feline liver disease by clinical features, cytology and laboratory test results ESVC – European Society of Veterinary Cardiology ESVC-P-1 Carnabuci ESVC-P-2 Chang Left shift of the ventricular mean electrical axis in healthy Doberman Pinschers Effects of a structured exercise program in sedentary dogs with asymptomatic myxomatous mitral valve disease: quality of life, and radiographic and echocardiographic parameters ESVC-P-3 Parmentola ESVC-P-4 O'Shaughnessy Indeterminate mean electrical axis of the QRS complex in the dog Clinical narrative analysis of clinical findings associated with measurement of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in dogs and cats ESVC-P-5 Duarte Adverse Effects of amlodipine on the treatment of heart failure in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease: preliminary results ESVC-P-6 Roels Assessment of pulmonary hypertension in dogs with angiostrongylosis before and after treatment ESVC-P-7 Michalek Serum uric acid concentrations in dogs with chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation ESVC-P-8 Michalek Oxidative stress in cats with asymptomatic and symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ESVC-P-9 Lo Is there an association between environmental factors and cardiovascular disease in dogs? ESVC-P-10 Caivano Longitudinal right ventricle strain and strain rate by 2-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in dogs with pulmonary hypertension ESVC-P-11 Poissonnier Epidemiological, clinical, echocardiographic features and prognosis of dogs with a thrilling murmur related to degenerative mitral valve disease: 374 cases (2006-2017) ESVC-P-12 Heseltine A retrospective multi-centre study investigating evidence of thrombosis in dogs diagnosed with atrial fibrillation ESVONC – European Society of Veterinary Oncology ESVONC-P-1 Johannes Expression of prostaglandin ep4 receptor in canine osteosarcoma ESVONC-P-2 Cueni Methadone potentiates the effect of doxorubicin on a canine transitional carcinoma cell line 1021 ESVONC-P-3 Ignatenko Clinical manifestations and response to the therapy of extragenital intranasal form canine transmissible venereal sarcoma(CTVT): retrospective study 11 dogs in Ukraine ESVONC-P-4 Granziera ESVONC-P-5 Cervone The role of electrochemotherapy in management of tumours of the head in dogs Feasibility, safety and diagnostic yield of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of cardiac masses in dogs ESVIM – European Society of Veterinary Internal Medicine ESVIM-P-1 Robin Meta-analysis of the association between Mycoplasma species and canine lower respiratory tract disease ESVIM-P-2 Roels A questionnaire-based survey of owner-reported environment and care of West Highland white Terrier with or without idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ESVIM-P-3 Fastrès Investigation of serum Kebs von den lungen 6 (kl-6) concentration as a predisposing factor and in the diagnosis of canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the West Highland white Terrier ESVIM-P-4 Nivy Trends in serum cobalamin, folate and total iron binding capacity concentrations in pregnant bitches and their association with hematological parameters and neonatal survival ESVIM-P-5 Dominguez Ruiz Inter-clinician reliability of the respiratory physical examination in dogs and cats with abnormal breathing patterns ESVIM-P-6 Galiazzo Endoscopic bronchial anatomy in the dog ESVIM-P-7 Kehl A novel CMAH gene variant leading to blood type b in ragdolls ESVIM-P-8 Pierini Evaluation of diet's effects and ability of the Hemoccult® assay for the detection of faecal occult blood in healthy dogs ESVIM-P-9 Johnson Eosinophilic lung disease in 86 dogs (2006-2016) ESVIM-P-10 Viitanen Systemic and local immunoglobulin concentrations in Irish wolfhounds with recurrent bacterial pneumonia ESVIM-P-11 Crisi Evaluation of bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage findings in cats with Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in comparision to cats with feline bronchial disease ESVIM-P-12 Palantzi ESVIM-P-13 Grotheer Long term survival in two dogs with sterile multifocal osteomyelitis Retrospective comparison of cats with feline asthma and chronic bronchitis in a clinic population (2003 – 2016) ESVIM-P-14 Grotheer ESVIM-P-15 Määttä Evaluation of long-term therapy in cats with feline asthma and chronic bronchitis Matrix-metalloproteinase-7 activity in serum of West Highland White Terriers with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ESVIM-P-16 Johnson ESVIM-P-17 Bazelle Bronchoalveolar lavage lymphocytosis in dogs (2006-2016) Assessment of adverse effects of mycophenolate mofetil for treatment of immune mediated diseases in dogs ESVIM-P-18 Blasi Brugué Prevalence of subclinical Haemotropic Mycoplasmosis in healthy indoor cats eligible to become blood donors in the Iberian Peninsula ESVIM-P-19 Cocci Hyperplasia of the suprarytenoid pharyngeal fold in brachycephalic and nonbrachycephalic toy dogs: clinical presentation, treatment and outcome in 10 cases ISCAID – International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases ISCAID-P-1 Breu Diagnostics of canine Leishmania infection by ELISA and/or PCR-a comparative study ISCAID-P-2 Su Clinical and laboratory findings of sixty naturally Babesia gibsoni infected dogs 1022 ISCAID-P-3 Aboim ISCAID-P-4 Duque Blood Cultures and the detection of multidrug-resistant bacteria in companion animals Use of neutrophil gelatinase–associated lipocalin (NGAL) in the early diagnosis of renal damage in canine leishmaniasis ISCAID-P-5 Xenoulis Seroepidemiology of feline leukemia virus (felv) and feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) in cats in Greece ISCAID-P-6 Carreton Clinical Picture of Cats Seropositive for Dirofilaria immitis in a Hyperendemic Area: Is this Feline Disease Still Being Misdiagnosed? ESVNU – European Society of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology ESVNU-P-1 van Israel Comparison of point-of-care (PocketchemTM UA) and reference laboratory protein/creatinine ratio measurements on canine and feline urine samples for diagnosis of proteinuria ESVNU-P-2 Lauenstein-Bosse Evaluation of serum transforming growth factor beta 1 in cats with chronic kidney disease ESVNU-P-3 Moberg Overweight and obesity did not predispose to subclinical bacteriuria in a mixed population of 152 middle aged and elderly cats – a prospective cross-sectional study ESVNU-P-4 Sørensen In-house culture and susceptibility reduce antibiotic over-prescription in dogs with suspected cystitis – a randomized controlled trial ESVNU-P-5 Oscarson ESVNU-P-6 Riesgo Bacterial culture results from urine and ejaculates in healthy intact male dogs Retrospective study (2004-2017) of 137 uroliths diagnosed at the Complutense Veterinary Teaching Hospital ESVNU-P-7 Dokuzeylül Clinical efficacy of the Marbofloxacin usage in dogs and cats diagnosed lower urinary tract disorders ESVNU-P-8 Sargent Moderate dietary phosphate restriction and fibroblast growth factor 23 in healthy older cats ESVNU-P-9 Monari Pattern of renal tubular damage and dysfunction in dogs with intrinsic acute kidney injury due to leptospirosis and other causes ESVNU-P-10 Scarpa ESVNU-P-11 Carreton Big endothelin-1 in cats with CKD: preliminary evaluation Evaluation of renal function in dogs infected by Dirofilaria immitis in relation to microfilaremia, parasite burden and pulmonary pressure ESVNU-P-12 Defauw Evaluation of acute kidney injury in dogs with Babesia rossi infections ESVNU-P-13 Burchell Salt and sugar in your larder make your kidneys work harder ESCG – European Society of Comparative Gastroenterology ESCG-P-1 Cerquetella ESCG-P-2 Hayashi Proteomics of canine feces from healthy Boxer dogs: a pilot study Elevated blood urea nitrogen and thrombocytopenia during treatment as prognostic factors for canine acute pancreatitis ESCG-P-3 Ohta Expression of leucine rich alpha-2-glycoprotein (LRG) in the duodenal mucosa of dogs with chronic enteropathy ESCG-P-4 Loze Differential diagnosis of ileocolic masses associated with intestinal obstruction in cats: A retrospective study of 8 cases (2015-2017) ESCG-P-5 Marolf Comparison of computed tomographic angiography and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of acute canine pancreatitis ESCG-P-6 Allenspach Canine jejunum and enteroids derived from healthy dogs are useful models to evaluate the gastrointestinal side effects of NSAIDs ESCG-P-7 Marsilio Characterization of the fecal microbiome of cats with chronic enteropathy 1023 ESCG-P-8 Lavoué Serine proteases activity in intestinal tissue of dogs with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) - a new insight into the pathogenesis of IBD? ESCG-P-9 Bertolani Hypercobalaminemia in 144 samples from cats and dogs ESVE – European Society of Veterinary Endocrinology ESVE-P-1 Oliveira Leal The use of ACTH-depot for ACTH stimulation test in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism under trilostane therapy: changes to the conventional protocol ESVE-P-2 Le Boedec Predictive model to estimate ionized calcium from routine serum biochemical profiles in cats ESVE-P-3 Burchell Episodic nocturnal hypoglycaemia in healthy New Zealand working dogs ESVE-P-4 Wehner Efficacy of orally administered anti-thyroid drugs for the treatment of hyperthyroid cats ESVE-P-5 Lamoureux Iatrogenic hypoadrenocorticism following treatment with trilostane for hyperadrenocorticism in dogs: a description of 10 cases ESVE-P-6 Stammeleer Evaluation of free T4 (fT4) measurement after equilibrium dialysis (FT4ED) and a chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (FT4CEIA) in hyperthyroid cats before and after treatment with radioiodine (131I ) ESVE-P-7 García del Real Prevalence of hypokalemia in feline diabetes Torralva ESVE-P-8 Pérez Alenza Evolution of trilostane dosage in dogs with pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism during the first year of treatment ESVE-P-9 García San José Survival of dogs with naturally occurring hyperadrenocorticism ESVE-P-10 Alonso Miguel Efficacy and safety of toceranib phospate in dogs diagnosed with beta cell neoplasia ESVE-P-11 Burlacu Neural network based model for glycemic dynamics predictions in feline diabetes mellitus ESVE-P-12 Carotenuto Use of tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for the measurement of thyroid hormones in dogs with spontaneous hypothyroidism ESVE-P-13 Malerba ESVE-P-14 Rapastella Accuracy of a flash glucose monitoring system in dogs with diabetic ketoacidosis Predictors of response to pituitary radiotherapy in dogs with and without pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism ESVE-P-15 Gónzalez Sanz Telmisartan versus benazepril on the management of systemic hypertension in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism ESVCP – European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology ESVCP-P-1 Nivy Efficacy of specific antivenin and fresh frozen plasma in reversing Daboia palaestinae venom-induced hemostatic derangement - an in vitro study ESVCP-P-2 Gerke Insulin-like growth factor-1 and 26S proteasome as possible biomarker for metabolic states in dogs suffering from chronic diseases ESVCP-P-3 Marazzi Preliminary investigation of haematological and biochemical parameters as prognostic markers in dogs with severe inflammation ESVCP-P-4 Cantos Barreda Changes in anti-leishmania antibody levels in serum and saliva after three months of treatment in dogs with clinical leishmaniosis ESVCP-P-5 Breu Prevalence of braf variant V450E in urine, smears, and biopsies of canine transitional cell carcinoma ESVCP-P-6 Nielsen Global measurement of coagulation in plasma from healthy cats – a potential tool for detection of thrombosis ESVCP-P-7 Miglio Breed Specific hemato - biochemical reference intervals for the adult hunting dogs using a blood donor data base 1024 ESVCP-P-8 Rubio ESVCP-P-9 Franco-Martínez The salivary proteome in dogs with canine parvovirosis ESVCP-P-10 Gomez Effects of different storage conditions on markers of oxidative stress in canine serum samples Beta-hydroxybutyrate and adiponectin in overweight healthy dogs Fernandez-Blanco ESVCP-P-11 Franco-Martínez Validation of a new point-of-care immunoassay for serum cortisol measurement in canine serum samples ESVCP-P-12 Vizi ESVCP-P-13 Lidbury Evaluation of a point-of-care veterinary hematocrit meter in 57 dogs Analytical validation of a point-of-care assay for the measurement of serum C-reactive protein concentrations in dogs ESVCN – European Society of Veterinary Comparative Nutrition ESVCN-P-1 Koizumi Studies on a new body condition scoring by morphometric methodin dogs (2nd report) Received: 12 October 2018 Accepted: 12 October 2018 DOI: 10.1111/jvim.15372 ABSTRACTS ESCG-O-1 effusion and jejunal lymphadenomegaly (defined by thickness superior to 6 mm) were more frequently noted in LGAL (44% vs 6%; p=0.02 Are clinical and paraclinical data helpful in discriminating feline lowgrade alimentary lymphoma from inflammatory bowel disease? A prospective study of 36 cases V.G. Freiche1, F. Da RIZ1, M.V. Paulin1, J. Beguin1, C. Bordenave1, M. Delverdier2, M.O. Semin2, N. Cordonnier1, J. Bruneau3, O. Hermine3, L. Couronné4 1 Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, France, 2Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 3Hôpital Universitaire Necker-Enfants Malades, A-P-Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France, 4 Institut Imagine, Hôpital Universitaire Necker-Enfants Malades, APHP., Paris, France Feline low-grade alimentary lymphoma (LGAL) is the most frequent and 61% vs 24%; p=0.04, respectively). To our knowledge, this is the first prospective study comparing cats diagnosed with LGAL or IBD. Our results indicate that paraclinical data such as hypocobalaminemia, abdominal effusion and jejunal lymph node thickening seem to be associated with LGAL and should prompt the clinician to investigate for this emerging disease. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESCG-O-2 digestive neoplasia in cats, characterised by the infiltration of neoplastic small T-lymphocytes, typically in the small intestine. With rising prevalence, the disease is of growing concern to clinicians. Due to similarities with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), establishing a diagnosis is challenging and may require extensive histology, immunohistochemistry and clonality analyses. However, these diagnostic tests are not broadly available. The aim of this study was therefore to determine whether usual clinical and/or paraclinical parameters may differentiate LGAL from IBD. This prospective study was conducted in the same referral centre between July 2016 and February 2018. Owners gave their consent Histopathological and molecular characterisation of feline low-grade alimentary lymphoma and inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective analysis of 36 cases V.G. Freiche1, F. Da RIZ1, M.V. Paulin1, J. Beguin1, M. Delverdier2, M.O. Semin2, N. Cordonnier1, M.E. Turba3, F. Gentilini4, O. Hermine5, L. Couronné6, J. Bruneau5 1 Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, France, 2Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 3Laboratorio Genefast, Forli, Italy, 4University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 5Hôpital Universitaire Necker-Enfants Malades, A-P-Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France, 6 Institut Imagine, Hôpital Universitaire Necker-Enfants Malades, APHP., Paris, France for investigations. Cats were included if they had a final diagnosis of In cats, differentiation between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and LGAL or IBD, based on histological, immunohistochemical and clonal- low-grade alimentary lymphoma (LGAL) is definitely a challenge for ity analyses of full-thickness intestinal biopsies. All cats underwent a clinicians. Final diagnosis is a major issue as treatment and prognosis standardized diagnostic workup including history and physical exami- are different. To date, LGAL characterisation is based upon combined nation, biochemical analyses, complete blood count, cobalamin dos- morphological and immunohistochemical analyses. Moreover, clonality age, urinalysis and abdominal ultrasonography. Values were expressed assessment can be helpful for questionable cases. We therefore per- as percentage and median. Statistical analyses were performed using formed an extensive histopathological and molecular characterization Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney and Fisher’s exact tests. of cats diagnosed with LGAL or IBD to identify differential features Eighteen cats were included in each group. Domestic-Shorthair was between both entities. the most frequent breed represented (83% in LGAL; 72% in IBD). This prospective study was conducted, with owner compliance, in the Median age and weight were similar between groups (13.3 vs same referral centre between July 2016 and February 2018. Cats 11.5 years; 3.9 vs 3.7 kg in LGAL and IBD respectively). Neutered were included if they had a final diagnosis of LGAL or IBD. Haematox- males were over-represented in LGAL compared to IBD (83% vs 39%; ylin and Eosin staining and immunohistochemistry using CD3, BLA36, p=0.015). Median duration of clinical signs was higher in cats with MAC387 and MIB-1 (Ki67) antibodies were carried out on full- LGAL than in cats with IBD (365 vs 80 days; p<0.01). Diarrhoea was thickness intestinal biopsies. Markers expressions in lamina propria significantly more frequent in LGAL group (72% vs 28%; p=0.02). and intra-epithelial lymphocytes (IEL) were assessed separately and Hypocobalaminemia (< 200 pg/mL) was strongly associated with quantified using a semi-quantitative scale. Blinded reading was per- LGAL (73% vs 27%; p=0.04). Median serum albumin concentration formed by two board-certified veterinary pathologists and one patholo- was comparable in both groups (29 vs 30 g/L in LGAL and IBD respec- gist specialised in human digestive low-grade proliferative disorders. All tively). Major ultrasonographic findings included a diffuse thickening samples were subjected to clonality testing, based on PCR targeting of of the intestinal muscularis layer in both groups. Slight abdominal the CDR3 region of T-cell receptor gamma for T-cells (TCRγ). This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes. © 2018 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. J Vet Intern Med. 2019;33:1025–1101. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jvim 1025 ABSTRACTS 1026 Eighteen cats diagnosed with LGAL localised in the duodenum (n=3), The study concluded that cats with GI lymphoma have a lower serum jejunum (n=12), and ileum (n=3) and 18 cats with IBD localised in the albumin concentration than cats with IBD and therefore serum albu- duodenum (n=1), jejunum (n=16) and ileum (n=1) were included. Vil- min concentrations can be used as biomarker to aid in differentiating lous atrophy (p=0.015), lamina propria high cellular density (p<0.01), GI lymphoma from IBD in cats. and lymphocytic cryptitis (p<0.01) were significantly more frequent in Disclosures LGAL group. An apical-to-basal gradient of cellularity was strongly No disclosures to report. associated with LGAL (29% vs 0%; p=0.02). In contrast to BLA36, CD3 expression levels in lamina propria and IEL were significantly ESCG-O-4 increased in LGAL cases (p<0.01), reflecting the monomorphic feature of tumor cell population. No difference in MAC387 expression was detected. Median values of Ki67 in lamina propria and IEL were significantly higher in the LGAL group (p<0.01). Clonality assessment revealed monoclonal TCRg rearrangement in 82% of the LGAL cases and in 56% of the IBD cases. To our knowledge, this is the first prospective histological and immunohistochemical characterisation relying on separate analysis of mucosal compartments in cats diagnosed with LGAL or IBD. Based on these results, CD3, BLA36 and Ki67 measurements could be of interest to differentiate those similar clinical entities. Clonality testing should be interpreted with caution and in the light of histopathological data. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESCG-O-3 Treatment of Dogs with Acute Uncomplicated Diarrhea with Amoxicillin Clavulanate: A Prospective, Placebo-controlled, Randomized, Blinded Treatment Trial M. Werner1, J. Suchodolski2, K. Hartmann1, S. Unterer1 1 Clinic of Small Animal Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Munich, Germany, 2Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College Station, United States of America Although antibiotics can promote antimicrobial resistance and adverse drug reactions, they are commonly used in dogs with uncomplicated acute diarrhea (AD). No studies have been performed proving a beneficial effect of antimicrobials in AD. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate a potential benefit of amoxicillin clavulanate in dogs with AD and the effect on the proportion of resistant fecal E. coli. Sixteen dogs with AD were randomly divided into a treatment (amoxicillin clavulanate 12.5–25mg/kg PO q12h for 7 days) or placebo group (lactose powder q12h for 7 days). All dogs received the same standar- Hypoalbuminaemia as a possible biomarker of gastro-intestinal lymphoma in cats dised symptomatic therapy and diet. Severity of clinical signs based C. Berman1, R. Lobetti1, E. Lindquist2 1 Bryanston Veterinary Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2Sonopath, New Jersey, United States of America tive measurement of amoxicillin-resistant E. coli in fecal samples (day Both gastrointestinal (GI) lymphoma and inflammatory bowel disease on a disease activity index was compared. Furthermore, semiquantita0, 6, and 30) was performed. Every dog improved to a clinical activity score ≤ 3 (insignificant disease) within 1–6 days (median 2 days) after presentation. No signifi- (IBD) are common and debilitating disorders of cats with similar clini- cant difference between treatment groups concerning disease cal findings and often both will show intestinal thickening on abdomi- activity scores or any individual parameter (activity, appetite, stool nal ultrasound. The diagnosis and differentiation between GI constistency, defecation frequency) was observed (p≥0.466). The lymphoma and IBD requires the histopathological evaluation of biopsy proportion of amoxicillin-resistant fecal E.coli increased significantly samples taken from the GI tract, obtained either via laparotomy (full- (p=0.031) from 0.0 on day 0 to 0.9 on day 6 only in the antibiotic thickness surgical biopsies) or mucosal biopsies (obtained endoscopi- group. On day 30 microbial resistance against E. coli was significantly cally). The latter, however, can still be difficult to conclusively differ- higher (0.2 versus 0.0) in the antibiotic compared to the placebo entiate IBD from GI lymphoma. group (p=0.001). The purpose of this study was to compare the degree of hypoalbumi- Dogs with AD recover within few days with symptomatic treatment naemia in cats with GI lymphoma and IBD with the hypothesis that and diet only. No clinical relevant benefit of treatment with amoxicillin cats with GI lymphoma would have a lower serum albumin concentra- clavulanate could be observed in this study. tion in comparison to those with IBD. Disclosures The records of 38 client owned cats that had been diagnosed with No disclosures to report. either GI lymphoma or IBD on histopathology from endoscopically derived mucosal biopsies were retrospectively evaluated. ESCG-O-5 Of the 38 cats, 25 were diagnosed with GI lymphoma and 13 with IBD. In the GI lymphoma group, ages ranged from 3-19 years with a median 10.1; whereas in the IBD group, ages ranged from 1-13 years with a median of 10.5. There was no statistically difference between the groups. In the GI lymphoma group, serum albumin concentration ranged from 1.5-2.5 g/dl with a median of 2 g/dl; whereas in the IBD group, serum albumin concen- Faecal microbial transplantation in a canine model of haemorrhagic diarrhoea syndrome R.K. Burchell1, P. Pazzi2, P.J. Biggs1, K. Gedeye1, A.C. Midwinter1, A. Gal1 Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa 1 trations ranged from 2.5-3.5 g/dl with a median of 2.75 g/dl. There was a In people, faecal microbial transplantation (FMT) cures recurrent statistically difference between the groups (p <0.05). Clostridium difficile-associated colitis possibly through the recovery ABSTRACTS 1027 of lost microbiota diversity. Similar FMT donor-recipient microbiota indicating severe AHDS. Mean CHDSI decreased significantly on day interactions in recipient sick dogs have not been reported. The 3 (p=0.015) compared to day 0 and stayed below 5.0 after day 3 indi- authors hypothesized that a single FMT would temporarily increase cating rapid recovery. microbiota diversity and aimed to determine if FMT can substantially In conclusion, a rapid decrease of netF and fast clinical recovery alter the microbiota diversity for a month. The hypothesis was tested were observed in dogs with aseptic AHDS without antibiotic in a canine haemorrhagic diarrhoea syndrome (HDS) model, which is treatment. associated with gut dysbiosis. Eight dogs with clinical signs of HDS Disclosures (1:1 ratio) were randomized to receive FMT (recipient) or saline (con- No disclosures to report. trol) via colonoscopy. The Pielou alpha bacterial diversity indexes (PABDI) were compared (through sequencing of the bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene) in faecal samples from recipients, controls and ESCG-O-7 matched donors obtained at admission (before FMT), discharge, and at 30-day recheck. We also compared a previously validated HDS clinical score between recipients and controls. The recipient PABDI differed substantially between the time of admission and discharge (P 0.02) and was similar to the donors’ PABDI at discharge (P 0.39). However, the recipients’ PABDI did not differ between the time of admission and recheck (P 0.77). In contrast, the PABDI of the donors and controls did not change at any point during the study. The HDS clinical score did not differ between recipients and controls (P 0.14). In conclusion, FMT transiently altered the recipients’ bacterial diversity. Further studies are required to determine the number of repeated FMT procedures that will lead to a long-term increase in bacterial diversity. Gastrointestinal changes in healthy dogs receiving sustained clopidogrel, prednisone, or combination therapy J.C. Whittemore1, A.P. Mooney1, J.M. Price1, J. Thomason2 1 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, United States of America, 2 Mississippi State University, Starkville, United States of America Dogs with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia are often administered glucocorticoids and clopidogrel. Although both medications can cause gastrointestinal bleeding in people, gastrointestinal effects of combination therapy in dogs are unknown. The aim of this study was to compare gastrointestinal changes among dogs administered clopidogrel, prednisone, and combination therapy. A double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial was performed using 24 healthy adult dogs (median age 3 years, range 2-7)> Dogs were Disclosures randomized to 4 groups: placebo, clopidogrel 2-3mg/kg/d, predni- No disclosures to report. sone 2mg/kg/d, or combined prednisone/clopidogrel PO for 28 days. Attitude, food intake, vomiting, and fecal score were determined ESCG-O-6 daily. Digitally-captured endoscopy was performed at baseline and Longitudinal Assessment of Clostridium perfringens encoding NetF toxin in Dogs with Acute Haemorrhagic Diarrhoea Syndrome 1 2 1 1 2 A.L. Ziese , J. Suchodolski , K. Hartmann , A. Anderson , F. Sarwar , N. Sindern1, S. Unterer1 1 Clinic of Small Animal Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, 2Gastrointestinal Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine,Texas A&M University, College Station, United States of America Recent studies suggest a significant association between C. perfringens encoding NetF toxin (netF) and acute haemorrhagic diarrhoea syndrome (AHDS) in dogs, but nothing is known about the persistence of netF over time in those patients. The study aim was to evaluate the days 14 and 28. Mucosal hemorrhages, punctate erosions (PE), invasive erosions (IE), and ulcers in the gastric body, cardia, incisura, and antrum were numerated by 2 blinded investigators (JCW, JT). A value of 201 was assigned for >200 lesions in a region. Clinicallysignificant bleeding was defined as ≥15 hemorrhages, ≥5 PE, ≥1 IE, or ≥1 ulcer. Results were compared among groups using mixed model, split-plot repeated measures ANOVAs and generalized estimating equation proportional odds models. P<0.05 was considered significant. Clinical signs did not differ among treatment groups or over time. Clinically-significant bleeding, PE, and IE differed by group, week, presence of netF and concurrent clinical signs in dogs with AHDS. and group*week (PE only). Post-hoc analysis revealed significantly Twenty-five dogs with AHDS without signs of sepsis were treated increased lesion scores over time in the prednisone [day 14, PE/IE symptomatically without antibiotics. Faecal samples were tested for 82 (7-369); day 28, PE/IE 47 (12-402)] and prednisone/clopidogrel netF by PCR on day 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 90. Clinical signs were [day 14, PE/IE 60 (4-402); day 28, PE/IE 44 (0-128)] groups ver- assessed daily for the first 8 days using the canine haemorrhagic diar- sus placebo [day 14, PE/IE 2 (0-270); day 28, PE/IE 2 (0-5)] and rhoea severity index (CHDSI). Statistical analysis (significance p<0.05) clopidogrel [day 14, PE/IE 5 (1-45); day 28, PE/IE 0 (0-14)] was performed with Chi-square test for number of dogs positive for groups. Ulcers only occurred in the prednisone (4/6) and predni- netF at each time point and Friedman test for comparison of CHDSI sone/clopidogrel (3/6) groups. Dogs receiving prednisone and over time. prednisone/clopidogrel were 12.2 and 8.2 times more likely, On day 0, 13/23 dogs (57%) were positive for netF. Percentage of respectively, to develop clinically-significant bleeding than dogs netF-positive dogs was significantly lower on all days compared to day receiving placebo. 0 (p<0.001), with 5/23 dogs (22%) being positive on day 3, 2/25 (8%) Gastrointestinal bleeding occurs commonly in healthy dogs adminis- on day 7, 0/19 (0%) on day 14, 1/19 (5%) on day 21, and 0/19 (0%) tered prednisone or prednisone/clopidogrel therapy, but not clopido- on day 90. On day 0, mean CHDSI was 13.1 (standard deviation 3.2), grel monotherapy. Though lesions were severe in many cases, they ABSTRACTS 1028 were not accompanied by changes in attitude, food intake, vomiting, ESCG-O-9 or fecal score. Disclosures No disclosures to report. Glucocorticoid effects on microbial community structure in canine inflammatory bowel disease ESCG-O-8 A.E. Jergens1, T. Atherly1, G. Rossi2, R. White1, Y. Sun1, C. Wang1, K. Allenspach1, J.P. Mochel1 1 CVM Iowa State University, Ames, United States of America, 2University of Camerino, Macerata, Italy Antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal signs in healthy dogs administered antibiotics with or without synbiotics The pathogenesis of canine inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) likely J.C. Whittemore , T.D. Moyers , J.M. Price , J. Suchodolski 1 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, United States of America, 2 Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Texas A & M University, College Station, United States of America involves complex interaction between the mucosal immune system Antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal signs (AAGS) occur in up to 60% community structure following glucocorticoid therapy. The objective of dogs receiving metronidazole. In people, combination antibiotic of this study was to evaluate the effects of oral prednisone on the therapy increases the risk of AAGS, while synbiotic administration spatial distribution of mucosal bacteria in IBD dogs. decreases AAGS occurrence. The objective of this study was to com- Eight dogs diagnosed with moderate-to-severe IBD (CIBDAI score > pare AAGS in dogs administered antibiotics followed by placebos or 6) were treated with immunosuppressive doses of glucocorticoids, synbiotics. (oral prednisone 1-2 mg/kg PO every 24 hours for 21 days, then A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled cross-over with an tapered gradually to 0.5 mg/kg at 8 weeks as a typical protocol), for 8-week washout was performed using 24 healthy research dogs. After induction of clinical remission. The mucosal microbiota from endo- a 1-week baseline period, dogs received enrofloxacin (10mg/kg qd) scopic intestinal biopsies of IBD dogs and controls (n=15 dogs) was and metronidazole (12.5mg/kg BID) with food for 3 weeks. One hour evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) targeting the after each dose of antibiotics, dogs were administered placebos or 16S rRNA genes of total bacteria, group-specific organisms, and indi- synbiotics (Proviable®-Forte with Proviable®-SB). Mean food intake; vidual bacterial species shown to be relevant in canine/human IBD. days of hyporexia (food intake<50%), vomiting, or diarrhea (fecal score Epithelial tight junction protein (TJP) expression was studied using ≥6); and mean fecal score (1-7) per week were compared between immunohistochemistry to investigate the effect of drug therapy on groups using mixed model, repeated measure, cross-over ANOVAs. intestinal barrier integrity. P<0.05 was considered significant. All IBD dogs showed a reduction in GI signs following 8 weeks of Two dogs were excluded for high baseline fecal scoring (1 per group); prednisone therapy compared with baseline CIBDAI scores (p<0.05). 1 dog was withdrawn in each treatment period due to the severity of The mucosa-associated microbiota in the intestines of healthy and dis- her AAGS. Hyporexia, vomiting, and diarrhea occurred in 42%, 83%, eased dogs was most abundant in free and adherent mucus. In IBD and 100%, respectively, of antibiotic-naïve dogs receiving the placebo. dogs at diagnosis, the total number of EUB-338 positive bacteria, Fae- Food intake differed by treatment (F=7.0, P=0.02) and period (F=18.8, calibacterium spp., and Streptococcus spp. was decreased (p<0.05) P<0.01), with less derangement in food intake in dogs receiving syn- compared to healthy dogs. The spatial distribution of mucosal bacteria biotics. Although days of hyporexia did not differ between treatment was significantly different (p<0.05) in IBD dogs following prednisone 1 1 1 2 and the intestinal microbiota. While one study compared the intestinal microbiota of dogs with IBD and food-responsive diarrhea before and after treatment, there are no studies reporting changes in microbial groups (P=0.06), it was less common in period 2 (F=4.4, P=0.04). Days therapy, with higher numbers of total bacteria, Bifidobacterium spp., of vomiting (F=4.7, P<0.01) and fecal score (F=17.9, P<0.01) differed Faecalibacterium spp., and Streptococcus spp. detected predominantly by week of treatment but not by treatment received. Fecal scores within adherent mucus compared to other mucosal compartments. were significantly lower during period 2 (F=9.9, P<0.01). Relative to other bacterial groups, the number of mucosal Enterobac- Enrofloxacin/metronidazole administration resulted in an unexpect- teriaceae was decreased (p<0.05) in prednisone-treated IBD dogs. edly high incidence of AAGS in healthy dogs. Administration of syn- The expression of TJPs occludin and zonulin was increased (p<0.05) in biotics 1 hour after antibiotics mitigated food intake derangements. IBD versus healthy dogs; however, only occludin was increased Period effects suggest that clinical effects of synbiotics persisted more (p<0.05) in IBD dogs following prednisone therapy. than 9 weeks after discontinuation, decreasing AAGS in dogs that In conclusion, the spatial distribution of mucosal bacteria differs subsequently receive antibiotics alone. between IBD dogs and healthy dogs and in response to glucocorticoid Disclosures administration. Oral prednisone therapy was associated with positive Disclosures to report. clinical outcome and changes in microbial community structure but This project was supported by a grant from Nutramax Laboratories not TJP expression. Analysis of intestinal microbiota using FISH pro- Veterinary Sciences, Inc., Lancaster, SC. The funders had no involve- vides valuable insights on the abundance and spatial distribution of ment in the design or performance of the study, writing of the mucosal bacteria which interact most closely with the intestinal abstract, or the decision to submit it for presentation. Two of the epithelium. investigators (JCW, JSS) declare past receipt of honorariums from Disclosures Nutramax Laboratories for public speaking and educational materials. No disclosures to report. ABSTRACTS ESCG-O-10 1029 Dr. Steiner and Dr. Suchodolski are directors of the Gastrointestinal Laboratory at Texas A&M University where CRP, calprotectin, and Decreased serum soluble rage concentrations correlate with the severity of histologic lesions in dogs with chronic inflammatory enteropathies A.I. Cabrera Garcia1, J. Suchodolski2, J.M. Steiner2, R.M. Heilmann1 1 University of Leipzig, College of Veterinary Medic, Leipzig, Germany, 2 Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, United States of America Chronic inflammatory enteropathies (CIE) are an important group of diseases in dogs, and the innate immunity plays a key role in CIE pathogenesis. The receptor of advanced glycation end products (RAGE), which belongs to the innate immune system, is a pattern-recognition S100A12 testing is offered on a fee-for-service basis. ESCG-O-11 Evaluation of plasma endocannabinoids in dogs with primary chronic enteropathies E. Febo1, P.E. Crisi1, T. Bisogno2, F. Piscitelli2, M. Di Tommaso1, M. Pietra3, A. Gramenzi1, M. Maccarrone4, A. Boari1 1 University of Teramo, Teramo, Italy, 2Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pozzuoli, Italy, 3University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 4Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Rome, Italy receptor recognizing pathogen-associated and endogenous molecular Diagnosis of canine chronic enteropathies (CE) is challenging and structures released with inflammation or tissue damage. In a pilot requires a thorough clinical, laboratory and histological evaluation. study, systemic concentrations of the decoy receptor sRAGE (soluble Nevertheless, disorders related to CE are further retrospectively RAGE) were decreased in dogs with CIE and normalized only in those classified by their responsiveness to sequential therapeutic trials. Con- dogs with clinical remission after induction therapy. However, the vincing evidence suggests that the endocannabinoid (eCB) system is association between serum sRAGE, disease severity, and other inflam- expressed in the gut and that eCBs can modulate major gastrointesti- matory biomarkers has not been extensively studied in canine CIE. nal functions. The purposes of the study were to estimate plasma This study aimed to evaluate serum sRAGE concentrations in a large levels of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), arachidonoylethanolamide group of dogs with CIE. (anandamide, AEA), palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), and oleoylethanola- Serum and fecal samples from 102 dogs diagnosed with CIE were mide (OEA) in healthy dogs, to ascertain their potential as diagnostic used for this study. Serum sRAGE concentrations were measured by markers of canine CEs. Dogs with CE were divided into 4 groups: ELISA and were compared among different groups of dogs using non- Food Responsive (FRE) and Antibiotic Responsive Enteropathy (ARE), parametric group comparisons. A potential relationship of serum Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Protein Losing sRAGE levels with clinical disease activity (CCECAI scoring system), Enteropathy (PLE). Plasmatic 2-AG, AEA, PEA and OEA levels were serum and fecal inflammatory marker concentrations, and histologic determined by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS). All lesion severity (4-point semi-quantitative grading system) was data were expressed in pmol/ml as medians (interquartile range), and assessed using a Spearman rank-sum correlation coefficient. Statistical were compared using non-parametric tests. The diagnostic accuracy significance was set at P<0.05. was assessed by a ROC-curve. P-values <0.05 were considered Serum sRAGE concentrations ranged from 52–3,260 ng/L (median: significant. 287 ng/L) in all CIE dogs, with 65 dogs (64%) having a serum sRAGE In healthy dogs (CONTROL, n=30) plasma levels of 2-AG, AEA, PEA concentration ≤340 ng/L (cut-off previously best separating CIE dogs and OEA were: 4.1 (2.80-6.40), 1.7 (1.50-2.20), 24.5 (17.50-31.60) and from healthy controls). Serum sRAGE levels were not associated with 52.1 (39.50-74.60), respectively. the severity of clinical signs (CCECAI scores), serum CRP, serum and Dogs with CE (n=33) showed significantly higher (P<0.01) 2-AG [10.7 fecal calprotectin, and fecal S100A12 concentrations (all P>0.05). (3.87-29.77)] and PEA [40.5 (30.05-49.27)], compared to the CON- Serum sRAGE and S100A12 concentrations tended to be inversely TROL, while no statistical differences were found for AEA and OEA.In correlated, but statistical significance for this association was not particular, in the comparison among the CONTROL, FRE (n=10), ARE reached (P=0.095). The overall histologic score was not associated (n=9), IBD (n=9) and PLE (n=5) groups, FRE showed higher levels of with serum sRAGE levels (P=0.157), but microscopic lesions in the PEA [48.9 (40.5-57.3), P<0.05] and OEA [93.0 (65.3-122.1), P<0.05], duodenum were more severe in dogs with serum sRAGE levels ≤340 ARE had higher levels of 2-AG [11.2 (6.4-24.9), P<0.01], the IBD ng/L (P=0.013). Serum sRAGE was significantly and inversely corre- group showed increased 2-AG [15.4 (7.5-130.3), P<0.01] and PEA lated with the severity of lymphoplasmacytic infiltration in the gastric [41.2 (38.2-50.2), P<0.05], while PLE dogs had increased concentra- antrum (P=0.038) and duodenum (P=0.017), and with crypt dilation tions of 2-AG [38.4 (11.2-92.1), P<0.01] and decreased amounts of (P=0.027) and the neutrophilic infiltrate in the duodenum (P=0.044). OEA [26.2 (18.2-38.0), P<0.05] and PEA [11.9 (9.9-23.7), P<0.05]. The This study confirms that the majority of CIE dogs have decreased overall accuracy of 2-AG to exclude (-LR 0.18, Sensitivity 94.4%, serum sRAGE concentrations, suggesting that the sRAGE/RAGE axis Specificity 70% at ≤3.8) or predict (+LR 7.78, Sensitivity 77.78%, plays a role in canine CIE, and that sRAGE likely functions as a non- Specificity 90% at >6.4) ARE or IBD was very high (AUC 0.90). Addi- specific decoy receptor. Further research is warranted to assess the tionally, plasmatic OEA showed a good accuracy (AUC 0.77) to gastrointestinal (and particularly the duodenal) mucosal expression of exclude (-LR 0.18, Sensitivity 90.0%, Specificity 55.56% at ≤53.3) or RAGE in dogs with CIE and in healthy controls. predict (+LR 4.5, Sensitivity 50.0%, Specificity 88.89% at >90.7) FRE. Disclosures Potential limitations were the sample size and the lack of eCBs analy- Disclosures to report. sis in intestinal biopsies. Yet, it can be concluded that 2-AG and OEA ABSTRACTS 1030 may be a promising diagnostic tool for differentiating FRE from ARE Disclosures and IBD in dogs with chronic gastrointestinal signs at presentation. No disclosures to report. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESCG-O-12 ESVCN-O-1 Arachidonic acid stimulates secretion of IL6 in feline primary adipose tissue culture Retrospective analysis of dogs with inflammatory protein-losing enteropathy reveals that second-line immunosuppression is only necessary in 1/3 of cases and treatment requirements or outcome cannot be predicted by routine clinicopathological data M. Mazaki Tovi, S. Bolin, P. Schenck Michigan State University, East Lansing, United States of America S. Salavati Schmitz, N. Bommer, R. Mellanby, A. Gow University of Edinburgh, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Easter Bush, United Kingdom depot, troglitazone, and fatty acids on secretion of adiponectin, tissue of healthy cats. Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue sam- It is commonly accepted that dogs suffering from Inflammatory ples were collected from 18 healthy intact female cats, and body con- Bowel Disease (IBD) with protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) need dition score (BCS, Range 3-7/9) was determined. Concentrations of more aggressive immunosuppressive treatment than dogs with IBD adiponectin were measured in mature adipocytes cultures and con- but no PLE. At our hospital, treatment of PLE-IBD follows a step- centrations of IL6 and TNFα were measured in stromovascular cells wise algorithm to assess response to diet, antibiotics & prednisolone (SVC) cultures following treatment with control medium, troglitazone This study aimed to determine the effects of body condition, fat interleukin-6 (IL6), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) from adipose first, with second-line immunosuppressants (SLI) only added if initial at 10μM, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), arachidonic acid (AA), or palmi- response is not satisfactory. It was hypothesised that results from tic acid, at 25μM, 50μM, or 100μM. SVC of visceral origin secreted this approach will challenge the need for SLI in many cases. Files of higher concentrations of IL6 than corresponding cells of subcutaneous dogs diagnosed with PLE from 2015 to 2017 (n=68) were retrospec- origin (P=0.003). AA treatment at 25μM, 50μM, and 100μM increased tively analysed. Exclusion criteria were lack of initial serum albumin IL6 secretion in subcutaneous (P=0.045, P=0.002, and P<0.001, (SA) value (n=5), lack of histopathological diagnosis (n=9), diagnosis respectively) and visceral (P=0.034, P=0.001, and P<0.001, respec- not compatible with IBD (intestinal lymphoma n=3, intestinal adeno- tively) derived SVC. EPA treatment increased TNFα secretion in sub- carcinoma n=2, intussusception n=3, granulomatous colitis n=2, cutaneous derived SVC at 25μM, 50μM, and 100μM (P=0.002, nutritional deficit n=1), significant intestinal bleeding contributing to P=0.001, and P=0.015, respectively) and in visceral derived SVC at protein loss (n=1), and significant concurrent disease (PLN n=1, 50μM (P<0.001). No significant effect on medium adiponectin con- endocrinopathies n=2, EPI n=1). In the remaining 38 dogs (15 FN, centration was observed following troglitazone treatment (P=0.4) or 14 MN, 6 ME, 3 FE; mean age of 7 y, sd 2.5), initial mean SA was fatty acids treatments at 25μM (P=0.2), 50μM (P=0.8), or 100μM 19.8g/l (sd 4.5) with the lowest recorded SA after diagnosis 17.7g/l (P=0.7). BCS did not have significant effects on medium concentra- mean (sd 4.7). 17/38 dogs had concurrent hypoglobulinaemia, 24/37 tions of adiponectin (P=0.4), IL6 (P=0.1), or TNFα (P=0.8). This study hypocholesterolaemia, 36/38 total and 5/31 ionised hypocalcaemia, demonstrated higher basal secretion of IL6 from visceral compared to 18/38 total hypomagnesaemia. Serum cobalamin was low in 21/36 subcutaneous adipose tissue, a stimulatory effect of AA on secretion dogs (58%). According to the treatment algorithm, 2 dogs (5%) were of IL6 and a stimulatory effect of EPA on TNFα from feline adipose treated with diet alone, 5 dogs (13%) with diet + antibiotics, 17 dogs tissue. (44%) with diet, antibiotics and prednisolone. 14 dogs (36%) subse- Disclosures quently needed SLI, which in 10/14 cases was cyclosporine and No disclosures to report. 4 dogs receiving another SLI (cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate, chlorambucil). Overall time until SA rose above 20g/l was median 11 days (range 0-136 days) and median follow-up time was 79 days (range 4-463 days). 8 dogs were deceased by the end of the study (21%). There was no difference between dogs with and without SLI regarding clinicopathological data (t-tests, Kruskal Wallis tests). No correlation between these variables, treatment requirements, time to normalisation of SA or outcome could be detected. In conclusion, contrary to previous literature, SLI were not needed in the majority of dogs with PLE-IBD (24/38 = 63%), which suggests a step-wise ESVC-O-1 Echocardiographically obtained left-atrial-to-aortic ratio in healthy dogs: re-evaluation of historic reference intervals M. Rishniw1, D. Caivano2, D. Dickson3, L. Vatne4, J. Harris5 1 Veterinary Information Network, Davis, United States of America, 2 Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, 3 HeartVets, Porthcawl, United Kingdom, 4AniCura Dyresykehus, Oslo, Norway, 5Heartvets at Vale Referrals, Dursley, United Kingdom treatment approach often used in IBD without PLE can be appropri- Echocardiographic estimates of left atrial (LA) size (indexed to the aorta, ate in these cases and might lower costs for drugs substantially. In LA:Ao) continue to be a cornerstone of determining cardiac disease sever- addition, none of the clinicopathological parameters routinely ity in dogs and cats. However, reference limits were established from only assessed in these cases correlated with prognosis or outcome, illus- 36 healthy dogs, and only at a single point in the cardiac cycle. Therefore, trating the lack of useful markers to predict the clinical course of we re-examined the reference limits of LA:Ao in a 230 healthy adult dogs PLE-IBD in dogs. of various breeds, at 3 points in the cardiac cycle. ABSTRACTS 1031 Three left atrial measurements were obtained from echocardiographs method. Levels of agreement between these modalities and intra- and at end-systole (just prior to mitral valve opening) in the right paraster- inter-observer variability were calculated. nal long-axis view, and at end-systole (at aortic valve closure, LAmax), This single centre, prospective, cross-sectional study was approved onset of atrial systole (p-wave, LAp) and end-diastole (R-wave, LAmin) by the local Veterinary Ethical Review Committee. Dogs of various in the right parasternal short axis view. Three diastolic left ventricular breeds undergoing anaesthetised thoracic MCTA for various diag- (LV) dimensions were obtained in the short axis view. Measurements nostic purposes were enrolled from a previous study on left atrial were averaged and LA:Ao calculated. The LAmax and LV measure- volume. Eligible dogs underwent a physical examination including ments were indexed to bodyweight-adjusted aortic measurements as blood pressure measurement prior to anaesthesia and cardiac aus- previously described (wLA, wLV). Dogs were considered to have no cultation to ensure that no heart murmur was present. Echocardi- LA enlargement if wLA and/or wLV were within previously established reference intervals. Reference intervals were calculated nonparametrically. 225 dogs were included in the analysis. Upper reference limits for LA: Aomax, obtained in both views, were 1.73 (90% CI: 1.67-1.76 for short axis) and 2.11 (90%CI: 2.07-2.17 for long axis), marginally greater than originally proposed. 28/225 dogs had LA:Aomax greater than the short-axis limit of 1.6; 16/225 dogs had LA:Aomax greater than the long axis limit of 2.05. Upper reference limits for LA:Aomin and LA:Aop were 1.53 (90%CI: 1.48-1.65) and 1.71 (90%CI:1.62-1.83), respectively. Our study provides more robust reference limits for LA:Ao, obtained from 2D echocardiographic images, which are marginally larger than originally proposed. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ography was performed immediately following ECG-gated MCTA. Measurements of LA:Ao were obtained at end-diastole and endsystole, identified as the frame at the onset of the QRS complex and the frame immediately after aortic valve closure respectively. Agreement between LA:Aous and LA:AoMCTA was evaluated using Bland-Altman analysis and Pearson correlation. Coefficients of variation (CVs) were calculated to quantify intra- and inter-observer variability. The correlation between LA:Aous and LA:AoMCTA was moderate at end-systole (r=0.52, p=0.018), whereas there was no correlation at end-diastole (p= 0.99). Echocardiography underestimated LA:Ao compared to MCTA at end-systole with a bias of -0.22 (95% limits of agreement: -0.68 to 0.24). Intra- and inter-observer variability for LA: Aous and LA:AoMCTA at end-systole and end-diastole were adequate (CVs<15%). In conclusion, our data demonstrate that the end-systole measurement of LA:Aous is a superior ratio-metric estimate of LA:Aous than the end-diastole measurement, but the ratio is underestimated com- ESVC-O-2 pared to LA:AoMCTA. Disclosures Comparison of ECG-gated multi-detector computed tomography angiography and two-dimensional echocardiographic methods in the assessment of left atrial size using left atrial-to-aortic root short-axis ratio in dogs J. Bouvard, F. Thierry, G. Culshaw, T. Schwarz, M. Longo, Y. MartinezPereira University of Edinburgh, Roslin, United Kingdom Left atrial size (LAS) is an important prognostic indicator in canine cardiac diseases. A widely used, unidimensional, echocardiographic method to estimate LAS is the left atrial to-aortic-root ratio (LA:Ao) using a short axis plane at the level of the root of the aorta. However, observer-dependant variability of this ratio has been reported, and measurements may vary considerably even among highly trained cardiologists. In humans, ECG-gated cross-sectional imaging modalities, No disclosures to report. ESVC-O-3 Assessment of left atrial volume in dogs: comparisons of twodimensional and real-time three-dimensional echocardiography with ECG-gated multi-detector computed tomography angiography J. Bouvard, F. Thierry, G. Culshaw, T. Schwarz, I. Handel, Y. MartinezPereira University of Edinburgh, Roslin, United Kingdom Left atrial size (LAS) aids clinical decision-making in left-sided heart disease. Left atrial to-aortic-root ratio on short axis view is commonly used to assess LAS. This unidirectional measurement might not represent changes in other dimensions. Therefore, measurement of LA vol- such as multi-detector computed tomography angiography (MCTA) ume (LAV) is recommended for evaluation of LAS. Two-dimensional are used as reference methods for measuring LAS. MCTA limits cut- methods such as biplane area length method (ALM) and biplane plane variability and should therefore provide a more accurate and method of disks (MOD) can estimate LAV, assuming the LA to be a reproducible evaluation of left atrial morphology and borders com- fixed shape. Alternatively, real-time three-dimensional echocardiogra- pared to echocardiography in dogs. phy (RT-3DE) measures LAV without geometric assumptions. In veter- We hypothesized that there is a poor correlation between LA:Ao cal- inary medicine none of these have been compared with volumetric culated by echocardiography (LA:Aous) and by ECG-gated MCTA (LA: gold standard like multi-detector computed tomography angiography AoMCTA) when aligned to the same right parasternal short axis view. (MCTA), which correlates well with cardiac magnetic resonance To investigate this hypothesis, we compared two-dimensional echo- imaging. cardiographic and 64-slice ECG-gated MCTA measurements of LA:Ao We hypothesised that RT-3DE estimation of LAV is more accurate (LA:Aous and LA:AoMCTA respectively) at end-diastole and end-systole than ALM and MOD and correlates more strongly, using ECG-gated in dogs. Measurements of LA:Ao were performed using the Hansson MCTA as gold standard. ABSTRACTS 1032 To investigate this hypothesis, we compared maximum and minimum was determined by micro-CT using 2 different methods and each LAV (LAVmax and LAVmin respectively), identified as the frame immedi- compared with actual LVM (aLVM). aLVM was determined by weigh- ately prior to mitral valve opening and immediatly after mitral valve ing the left ventricle after dissecting the great vessels, atria and right closure respectively. ALM, MOD and RT-3DE were compared with ventricle free wall. 64-slice ECG-gated MCTA in 20 client-owned dogs (9.1-44.5kg; The method with better agreement with aLVM was then used for 24.99.3). Levels of agreement and intra- and inter-observer variabil- mass determination in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. ity were calculated. Method 1 (LVM-M1) was based on short-axis images of the heart, This single centre, prospective, cross-sectional study was approved by manually tracing endocardial and epicardial borders in multiple slices the local Veterinary Ethical Review Committee. Dogs of various from base to apex. Method 2 (LVM-M2) used automated software to breeds undergoing anaesthetised thoracic MCTA for various diagnos- calculate ventricular surface area and volume from 3D reconstructions tic purposes were enrolled. Eligible dogs underwent a physical exami- of the whole left ventricle. LVM was obtained in both methods by nation including blood pressure measurement prior to anaesthesia and multiplying total volume by myocardial density. Data are reported as cardiac auscultation to ensure that no heart murmur was present. mean (95%CI). Echocardiography immediately followed ECG-gated MCTA. aLVM from 7 cardiomyopathic hearts (4 HCM, 2 RCM, 1 DCM) was The agreement between ALM, MOD, RT-3DE and MCTA were evalu- greater (8.4 g (95%CI 6.0-10.8)) than LVM-M1 (6.8 g (95%CI 4.6-8.9), ated using Bland-Altman analysis to express bias and 95% limits of p=.001) and LVM-M2 (6.9 g (95%CI 4.7-9.1), p=.001). LVM-M2 was agreement (95%LoA). Correlations were calculated along with coeffi- greater than LVM-M1 (p=0.003). Both methods underestimated LVM cients of variation (CVs) to quantify intra- and inter-observer with mean bias of 1.6 g (95% LA 0.04-3.2) for LVM-M1 and 1.5 g variability. (95% LA -0.04-3.0) for LVM-M2. LVM-M2 was greater in HCM (n=10) ALM (r=0.79 and 0.72), MOD(r=0.81 and 0.70) and RT-3DE (r=0.94 than normal cats (n=4) (6.5 g [4.6-9.8] vs 3.5 g [3.3-4.1], p=0.005). The and 0.82) correlated with MCTA for LAVmax and LAVmin respectively regression equation to predict aLVM from LVM-M2 was 0.87 (all p<0.05). Biases for LAVmax (-0.96mL, (95%LoA: [-5.6–3.7]) and (aLVM)-0.40. LAVmin (-0.67mL, (95%LoA: [-5.4–4.1]) were minimal with 3D-RTE, Micro-CT can be used to determine LVM, although underestimated reflecting MOD aLVM by approximately 2% in our study. This may be attributable to (LAVmaxbias=3.19mL, 95% LoA: [-5.7–12.1]; LAVmin=1.96mL, 95% tissue preparation technique or mass determination calculation LoA: [-4.6–8.5]) and ALM (LAVmaxbias=4.05, 95%LoA: [-5.7–13.8]; factors. LAVmin=2.80mL, 95%LoA: [-3.9–9.5]) systematically overestimated Disclosures LAV. Intra- and inter-observer variability for LAVmax and LAVmin were Disclosures to report. adequate using ALM, MOD, RT-3DE and MCTA (CVs<15%). This study was funded by the ECVIM-CA Clinical Studies Fund JCH, In conclusion, assessment of LAV with RT-3DE is a simple, non-inva- ICS and OJA are funded by National Institute for Health Research a systematic underestimation. Conversely, sive, accurate and feasible method for measuring LAS that has supe- (NIHR), MRC, RCR and Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Char- rior accuracy to ALM and MOD in dogs without cardiac disease. ity and NIHR GOSH Biomedical Research Centre PGC is funded by Disclosures Fundació Daniel Bravo i Andreu. No disclosures to report. ESVC-O-5 ESVC-O-4 Post mortem assessment of left ventricular mass by micro-computed tomography in feline cardiomyopathic hearts ECG-gated computed tomography angiography of pulmonic stenosis in 31 dogs N.J. Beijerink1, G. Benedictus2, E. Newfield1, H. Laurendet1, M. Makara1 The University of Sydney, Camperdown, Australia, 2Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands J. Novo Matos1, J.C. Hutchinson2, I.C. Simcock2, P. Garcia-Canadilla3, M.J. Dobromylskyj4, A. Cook3, O.J. Arthurs2, V. Luis Fuentes1 1 Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom, 2Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom, 3UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science, London, United Kingdom, 4Finn Pathologists, Norfolk, United Kingdom 1 Micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) is a post mortem imaging plasty. Most dogs have valvular PS (with or without annular hypopla- modality that provides high-resolution three-dimensional imaging, sia), but some Bulldogs can have subvalvular PS that is associated which could be a useful tool in imaging cardiomyopathies. Left ven- with an aberrant coronary artery (CA). If an aberrant CA is suspected, tricular mass (LVM) is an important variable in cardiomyopathy classi- balloon valvuloplasty might be contraindicated. ECG-gated computed fication and this prospective cross-sectional study aimed to assess tomography angiography (CTA) can be a complementary minimally- LVM by micro-CT in cats undergoing routine necropsy. invasive way in early planning of interventional treatment. The aim of Hearts were excised, formalin-fixed and immersed in potassium tri- this prospective observational study was therefore to report CTA iodide (I2KI) for 48 hours. Whole heart micro-CT scans were recon- finding prior to balloon valvuloplasty. structed into an isotropic volume allowing virtual dissections of the A total of 31 dogs (of which 3 Australian, 3 English, and 4 French Bull- feline hearts in any plane, (mean cohort voxel size 24 microns). LVM dogs) diagnosed with PS aged 3 to 114 months and weighing 2.1 to Pulmonic stenosis (PS) is a common congenital cardiac disease in dogs. Accurate sizing of the pulmonic annulus, routinely performed with intraoperative angiography, is essential for successful balloon valvulo- ABSTRACTS 1033 27.5 kg were enrolled: all dogs were planned to undergo possible bal- ventricular pacing. When the AP was localized, radiofrequency energy loon valvuloplasty under the same anaesthetic directly after CTA. The was delivered by a conventional generator and the procedure was contrast medium injection protocol was individually tailored with total considered successful if no recurrence was noted 45 minutes post- injection time equaling the sum of diagnostic scan delay and scan ablation. duration. First, 1 ml/kg undiluted contrast medium (350 mgI/ml) was A total of 83 APs were identified (92.1% single; 7.9% multiple), of which administered for two thirds of the total injection time, directly fol- 96.4% were right-sided and 3.6% left-sided. In 68.7% of the cases, con- lowed by 2 ml/kg of 1:1 diluted contrast medium for one third of the duction along the AP was unidirectional and retrograde, while bidirec- total injection time. The CT scan was triggered manually under a single tional in 31,3%. Retrograde decremental properties were noted in 6% breath hold when the contrast bolus reached the descending aorta. of the cases. The APs mediated orthodromic AVRT in 92.1% of the In all dogs, the sagittal plane of the images was optimized for visuali- cases, and permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia in 6.5%. In zation of the pulmonic annulus and compared to the aortic annulus in one case, AVRT was not inducible. In 97.4% of dogs, RFCA was the transverse plain. Ten dogs (32%) were considered to have annular attempted with a 100% short-term success rate. Within 18 months, hypoplasia (aortic annulus: pulmonic annulus > 1.2). The CAs could be recurrence of tachycardia occurred in 6.6% of cases, followed by a sec- assessed in all dogs, and 6 dogs had an aberrant CA detected (4 dogs ond successful ablation. No mortality was observed and major compli- with a single right coronary ostium with prepulmonic left CA, 3 Bull- cations (pacemaker implantation) were identified in 2.6% of dogs. dogs and 1 Chihuahua; 2 dogs with a single left coronary ostium with This study showed that, not only AP distribution and characteristics in prepulmonic right CA, 1 Bulldog and 1 German Shorthair Pointer). A dogs are similar to what has been previously reported but also that total of 27 dogs (all except 4 of the dogs with an aberrant CA) subse- the success and complication rates of RFCA appear similar to humans. quently underwent balloon valvuloplasty, and in all these dogs the RFCA should be considered the first line therapy in dogs, as it can be suspected PS morphology could be confirmed with fluoroscopy. performed with a high success rate and low incidence of In conclusion, CTA is a is a complementary quick and minimally- complications. invasive diagnostic method that may provide additional relevant Disclosures information on sizing of the pulmonic ostium and assessment of CA No disclosures to report. anatomy prior to balloon valvuloplasty. Non-Bulldogs can also have an aberrant CA as part of the pathophysiology of PS. ESVC-O-7 Disclosures No disclosures to report. Breed does not affect the association between murmur intensity and disease severity in dogs with pulmonic or subaortic stenosis ESVC-O-6 M. Rishniw1, D. Caivano2, D. Dickson3, S. Swift4, C. Rouben4, S. Dennis5, C. Sammarco6, J. Lustgarten6, I. Ljungvall7 1 Veterinary Information Network, Davis, United States of America, 2 Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, 3 HeartVets, Porthcawl, United Kingdom, 4Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gainesville, United States of America, 5Hope Veterinary Specialists, Malvern, United States of America, 6 Compassion First Pets, Tinton Falls, United States of America, 7Department of Clinical Sciences, University Animal Hospital, Swedish University, Uppsala, Sweden Radiofrequency catheter ablation of accessory pathways in the dog: the Italian experience (2008-2016) R.A. Santilli, M. Mateos Panero, D.M. Porteiro Vasquez, A. Perini, M. Perego Clinica veterinaria malpensa, Samarate, Italy Accessory pathways (APs) are extra-nodal muscular bundles that connect atrial and ventricular myocardium. In dogs, APs are mostly right- Previous studies have demonstrated that murmur intensity is associ- sided, with non-decremental conduction, and mediate atrioventricular ated with stenosis severity in dogs with pulmonic and aortic stenosis. reciprocating tachycardias (AVRT). Radiofrequency catheter ablation However, anecdotally, some breeds provide challenges to ausculta- (RFCA) is the first line therapy in people and veterinary medicine data tion, while others are easily auscultated. Cardiologists have suggested suggest that it can be safe and successful in dogs. The objective of this that this could affect the interpretation of murmur intensity in esti- study is to confirm the anatomical distribution of APs and their elec- mating disease severity – dogs that are difficult to auscult would be trophysiologic characteristics in a large canine population and to eval- expected to have more severe disease than their murmur intensity uate long-term success and complication rates of RFCA. suggests, while dogs that are easily auscultated would be expected to Records of 76 dogs were retrospectively reviewed. All dogs presented have less severe disease than their murmur intensity suggests, espe- clinical signs or electrocardiographic evidence of ventricular pre- cially at the ends of the murmur scale. We retrospectively examined excitation (VPE) and/or AVRT. After physical examination, 12-lead murmur intensity in 1065 dogs with pulmonic or aortic stenosis, pre- ECG, thoracic radiography, and echocardiogram, electrophysiological senting to 7 cardiology centers, and evaluated the effect of breed on mapping was performed. Presence and location of APs, conduction ability to predict disease severity. pattern, refractory period of AP and AV node, type of inducible supra- Breeds represented by 10 or more individuals were used to examine ventricular arrhythmia, and cycle length of inducible AVRT were con- breed effect: 131 dogs, representing 5 breeds, had soft murmurs; sidered. The presence of APs was confirmed by the presence of VPE 123 dogs, representing 7 breeds had moderate murmurs; 179 dogs, during sinus rhythm or atrial pacing and/or the presence of rapid representing 9 breeds, had loud murmurs and 284 dogs, representing ventriculo-atrial activation during supraventricular tachycardia or 11 breeds, had palpable murmurs. We found no association between ABSTRACTS 1034 breed and disease severity at any level of murmur intensity. Power could be explained by severe myocardial remodeling, and these find- analyses suggested that we should have detected at least a moderate ings might be hard to detect preoperatively because of regurgitation. effect if one existed. Nine dogs with soft murmurs had more-than- These results suggest that MVR should be recommended earlier for mild stenoses, and were of various breeds, not usually associated with CKCSs compared with other breeds to minimize LV systolic dysfunc- auscultation difficulty. tion and dilation after surgery. Our data suggest that, despite perceived difficulties in auscultating Disclosures certain breeds, such issues do not affect clinicians’ ability to estimate No disclosures to report. disease severity. Disclosures ESVC-O-9 No disclosures to report. Iron deficiency assessment in dogs with chronic heart failure ESVC-O-8 H. Takano, K. Takamura, K. Mamada, M. Uechi JASMINE Veterinary Cardiovascular Medical Center, Yokohama, Japan A. Betschart1, M. Baron Toaldo2, F. Dondi2, I. Vannini3, A. Kovacevic4, B. Riond1, M. Wenger3, S. Burckhardt5, T. Glaus1 1 Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 3 Bessy's Kleintierklinik AG, Watt, Switzerland, 4Department of Internal Medicine, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 5Vifor Pharma, Glattbrugg, Switzerland Mitral valve repair (MVR) can be considered as a treatment option for In humans suffering from chronic heart failure (CHF) iron deficiency is severe myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs, and significant car- a common comorbidity and intravenous iron therapy significantly diac reverse remodeling (CRR) after a repair has been reported. improves exercise capacity and quality of life. Consequently, the Although predisposed breeds and the breed-specific progression of European Society of Cardiology Guidelines (2016) recommend intra- this disease have been investigated, the breed characteristics and the venous iron therapy in symptomatic patients with CHF and iron defi- outcome of cardiac reverse remodeling for MVR remain unclear. We ciency defined as serum ferritin <100 μg/L, or ferritin between hypothesized that there is a difference in breed characteristics in CRR 100–299 μg/L and transferrin saturation <20%. In dogs it is unknown for MVR, and some insights for suitable surgical timing can be if iron deficiency is a comparable comorbidity requiring supplementa- obtained. tion. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the iron status The consecutive medical records of 117 dogs that underwent MVR in dogs at various stages of chronic heart failure. between November 2016 and July 2017 at JASMINE Veterinary Car- In this multicenter, prospective case-control study, in 2017 75 dogs diovascular Medical Center were reviewed. Breed; age; sex; body with Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MMVD) and Dilated Cardio- weight; heart failure classification; presence of coughing; vertebral myopathy (DCM) Chief Class B2 to C3 were included and compared heart sum (VHS); pre- and postoperative echocardiographic parame- to 25 healthy dogs. The disease stage was based on clinical, radiologic ters including left atrial and ventricular sizes, fractional shortening and echocardiographic examinations. Cardiovascular integrity of the (FS), and severity of regurgitation; and number of cardiac medications control group was based used were obtained. Postoperative examination was performed on anamnesis, clinical examination and echocardiography. Laboratory 1 month after surgery. The dogs were divided into three groups— examinations included biochemical analysis and complete blood count Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (CKCSs), Chihuahuas, and all dogs—and including RET-HE; iron status was assessed based on serum iron, ferri- parameters were compared amongst the groups. tin, TSAT and total iron binding capacity (TIBC). Non-parametric tests A total of 99 dogs were included in the analysis, after the exclusion of were used for statistical analysis. With increasing severity of heart 10 dogs that died before the 1-month postoperative review, 6 dogs failure serum iron (p=0.002) and TSAT significantly decreased with missing data, and 2 dogs that underwent secondary surgery. The (p=0.026); medium and range of TSAT were 35% (21-63%, n=25) in overall survival rate 1 month after surgery was 91.5%. In multiple healthy controls, 36% (5-85%, n=39) in class B2, 33% (19-67%, n=17) comparison analysis, the CKCSs were significantly younger, had higher in C1, 33% (10-38%, n=15) in C2, and 28% (11-39%, n=4) in C3. Spe- body weight, preoperative VHS, postoperative normalized left ventric- cifically, dogs in C2 had significantly lower TSAT compared to healthy ular end-diastolic and end-systolic diameters, and had lower postoper- controls (p = 0.007) and dogs in B2 (p = 0.002). No differences were ative FS compared amongst the groups. Although the pre- and observed in TIBC (p=0.098), ferritin (p=0.81) and RET-HE (p=0.5). postoperative number of cardiac medications in the CKCSs tended to Decreasing serum iron concentration and TSAT support the hypothe- be high, no significant difference was observed amongst the groups. sis that iron deficiency may be present in dogs with heart failure. Nor- Although the heart failure classification did not differ amongst the mal ferritin does not rule out iron deficiency; TSAT is considered a groups, the CKCSs were significantly younger than the dogs in the more reliable diagnostic marker in humans suffering from CHF, other groups. Therefore, the progression of mitral regurgitation is con- because of inflammatory mediators affecting ferritin. RET-HE, a newer sidered to have occurred at an earlier age in the CKCSs and this find- parameter considered sensitive to assess iron status in humans and ing is consistent with previous reports. Stronger postoperative dogs, was not affected by the degree of heart failure in our dogs. irreversible cardiac dilation and systolic dysfunction observed in the In conclusion, this study provides some evidence for iron deficiency as CKCSs amongst the groups, with a similar reduction of regurgitation, comorbidity in dogs with advancing heart failure. However, it is Breed characteristics in cardiac reverse remodeling and left ventricular systolic function after mitral valve repair in dogs ABSTRACTS 1035 difficult to assess if also in dogs this affects quality of life. Therefore, significantly decreased after trazodone (pre-trazodone: 131 mmHg; routine screening for iron deficiency in heart failure dogs and iron sup- post-trazodone: 107 mmHg; P = 0.0005) with no significant change in plementation may not be recommended at this time. heart rate. Disclosures The results of this study suggest that trazodone is well tolerated and Disclosures to report. may aid in obtaining transthoracic echocardiograms. Trazodone signif- -Angela Betschart is a former employee of Vifor Pharma -Susanna icantly lowers systemic blood pressure without affecting heart rate or Burckhardt is an employee of Vifor Pharma -The study was partially echocardiographic variables in healthy cats. funded by an unrestricted research grant from Vifor Pharma - Moni- Disclosures que Wenger is married to Tony Glaus. No disclosures to report. ESVC-O-10 ESVC-O-11 Effects of oral trazodone on echocardiographic and hemodynamic measurements in healthy cats Prevalence of hypersomatotropism in non-diabetic cats with left ventricular hypertrophy - a silent and curable phenocopy for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy R. Fries, S. Kadotani, D. Schaeffer University of Illinois, Urbana, United States of America sive evaluations and limit diagnostic testing of cats. Oral anxiolytic D.J. Connolly1, J.R. Payne2, K. Borgeat2, D.B. Church1, M. Steele1, P. Coss2, S.J.M. Niessen1 1 Royal Veterinary college, Hatfield, United Kingdom, 2Langford Referrals University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom drugs are available by prescription; however, all have disadvantages Hypersomatotropism (HS) causes reversible left ventricular hypertro- limiting their usefulness. Recently, oral trazodone administered to cats phy (LVH) in humans and cats. The estimated prevalence of HS among Stress and transportation for veterinary visits can impact comprehen- prior to a veterinary visit decreased anxiety greater than placebo and UK diabetic cats is 26–32%, however recently HS has also been iden- was well tolerated. While trazodone is a promising drug for reducing tified in non-diabetic cats. Given the high prevalence of feline hyper- veterinary care related anxiety in cats, its effects on echocardio- trophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) at 14.7% which, similar to HS graphic and hemodynamic variables are unknown. The purpose of this increases with age and given that to date only two HCM associated study was to evaluate the effects of oral trazodone on echocardio- mutations have been identified; we hypothesise that HS may be an graphic variables, heart rate, and blood pressure in healthy cats. important phenocopy of HCM in the non-diabetic feline population. If Client-owned domestic cats between 3 and 8 years of age were identified, treatment of HS can cure the cardiomyopathy. recruited. Cats were considered healthy on the basis of physical exam- The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of HS in a popu- ination, complete blood count, blood chemistry profile, urinalysis, total lation of UK non-diabetic cats with LVH and therefore presumptively thyroid level, non-invasive blood pressure measurement by Doppler diagnosed with HCM. method, and a screening transthoracic echocardiogram with simulta- Sixty six cats previously diagnosed with HCM at two referral hospitals neous electrocardiogram. Cats were discharged from the hospital after were included retrospectively. Inclusion criteria were a diagnosis of screening evaluation and returned for a separate visit within one HCM by a cardiology diplomate based on a left ventricular wall thickness week. A physical examination, baseline echocardiogram, and blood in diastole > 6mm by echocardiography. Hypertension (BP>150 mmHg), pressure measurement were performed prior to trazodone administra- hyperthyroidism (serum TT4) and other causes of LVH such as aortic ste- tion. Echocardiographic variables assessed included left ventricular nosis were excluded. Cats were considered non-diabetic based on nor- internal diameter in systole and diastole, interventricular and left ven- mal blood glucose and/or fructosamine concentration or absence of tricular free wall thickness in systole and diastole, left atrial size, left glycosuria. Serum IGF-1 concentration was measured in duplicate on auricular function, and left ventricular diastolic function assessed by residual samples frozen at -80oC for a maximum of 5 years using a vali- spectral Doppler transmitral and pulmonary venous flow velocities dated radioimmunoassay; HS was defined as a mean IGF-1 concentra- and tissue Doppler profiles. Subsequently, 50 mg of trazodone was tion of > 1000ng/ml (positive predictive value for HS 95%). administered orally to each cat. After 90 to 120 minutes, physical IGF-1 concentrations ranged from 25-1179ng/ml with a mean+/-SD examination, echocardiography, and blood pressure measurements of 539.2 +/- 230.4. Four cats had serum IGF-1 concentrations consis- were repeated. Mean echocardiographic and hemodynamic variables tent with HS (1179, 1131, 1106 and 1051ng/ml). Of these, two cats were calculated for pre-trazodone and post-trazodone exams for each presented with LVH, dilated atria with spontaneous contrast, pleural cat. Pre-trazodone and post-trazodone variables were coded as sepa- effusion and complex arrhythmias. Both cats had evidence of reduced rate groups and data were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA motion and thinning of one segment of the left ventricular free wall. A with significance set at P < 0.05. third cat presented with LVH, an enlarged left atrium with spontane- Twelve healthy cats were evaluated. Mean time for repeated evalua- ous contrast and pulmonary oedema and the final cat with a murmur tion after trazodone was 96.3 minutes and mean trazodone dose was LVH and a normal sized left atrium. 10.7 mg/kg (minimum 7.9 mg/kg; maximum 16.6 mg/kg). Trazodone A prevalence of HS of 6% was established in a cohort of UK non- was safely administered and a sedative effect was observed in all cats. diabetic cats initially diagnosed with HCM. It is estimated that there There were no significant differences in any echocardiographic vari- are over 1 million cats in the UK with HCM; these results suggest that ables after trazodone administration. Mean blood pressure was over 60,000 of them in fact suffer from HS-induced cardiomyopathy, ABSTRACTS 1036 due to excess growth hormone and IGF-1. This has significant clinical affected cats was MYH6. There were no correlation between breeds impact since medical and surgical management of HS can lead to reso- and the variants described. lution of LVH and restoration of health. Disclosures Disclosures Disclosures to report. Disclosures to report. Financial support from the Spanish Cardiology Society (Sociedad espa- This study was supported by an ECVIM Clinical Studies Fund grant. ñola de cardiología). ESVC-O-12 ESVC-O-13 New genetic variants of MYH6 gene were associated with sporadic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats Discovery of novel biomarkers for cardiomyopathies in cats with congestive heart failure P. Sebastian1, C. Gil2, J. Talavera-Lopez1, J.R. Gimeno-Blanes3, M. Sabater-Molina2, M.J. Fernández del Palacio1 1 Veterinary Hospital University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, 2Laboratory of Genetics Hospital Virgen Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain, 3Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain M.M. Liu1, P.D. Eckersall1, V. Mrljak2, A. Horvatic2, N. Guillemin2, L.S. Köster1, A.T. French1 1 The University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2Laboratory for Proteomics, ERA Chair Project VetMedZg, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common cardiomy- Cardiomyopathies (CM) are the most common heart diseases in cats. opathy in cats and humans. It is a heterogeneous genetic heart disease The disease presentations are variable; prediction of disease course is characterized by left ventricular hypertrophy in the absence of difficult, particularly due to a lack of knowledge of underlying patho- another disease that could explain the wall thickening. It is considered genesis. Congestive heart failure (CHF) and arterial thromboembolism a familial disease with autosomal dominant transmission. In humans, are common late consequences associated with feline cardiomyopa- more than 1500 causative mutations, mainly from 11 sarcomeric thies. In this study, by using proteomic techniques we aimed to identify genes have been associated with HCM. In cats, only two causal muta- novel serum biomarkers for feline primary cardiomyopathies with con- tions affecting the myosin protein binding C (MYBPC3) gene have gestive heart failure. The findings may aid understanding disease patho- been described (A31P in Maine Coons and R820W in Ragdolls). The genesis and assist in disease diagnosis, prognosis and management. aim of the study was: a) to identify possible causative mutations that The study population comprised 15 cats diagnosed with CHF and CM, could be associated with HCM in different breeds by next generation 5 cats with asymptomatic CM and 15 healthy cats. Serum proteomic sequencing and b) to explore the relationship between genotype and profiles of these different cat groups were obtained by using liquid phenotype. chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry techniques. The Wil- Nine cats with HCM (5.44.1 years, 77.8% males; 4Persian, 3Domes- coxon test and Bonferroni correction were used for statistical analysis tic shorthair, 1Sphynx and 1Chartreux) and 6 controls (3.81.8 years, on differential protein expressions. In total 28 serum proteins were 33,3% males, 2Persian, 1Domestic shorthair, 2Maine Coon and 1Nor- found differentially expressed between CHF and healthy control cats. wegian Forest) were included. HCM was defined as LVH ≥6mm, when Seventeen proteins were upregulated in CHF, mainly involved in lipo- other causes of LVH were excluded. DNA was extracted from periph- protein metabolism, inflammation and coagulation pathways. Apolipo- eral blood sample (left-over from routine haematology sample). A cus- proteins, acute phase protein ceruloplasmin, prothrombin, platelet tomized panel of 18 genes associated with HCM (ACTC1, DES, FLNC, factor 4 and serine protease inhibitors were significantly higher in GLA, LAMP2, MYBPC3, MYH7, MYH6, MYL2, MYL3, PLN, PRKAG2, CHF cats compared with healthy controls (P<0.05). Ten proteins were PTPN11, TNNC1, TNNI3, TNNT2, TPM1, TTR) was sequenced by downregulated in CHF. Tetranectin, a protein regulating fibrinolysis next generation sequencing. The variants were classified as patho- and proteolysis was significantly lower in CHF cats compared with genic when they were no present in control population and were in healthy controls (P<0.05). In human medicine this biomarker has conserved domains. recently been associated with coronary artery disease. Subsequent In the affected cats, 7 new causal variants, and 1 previously described bioinformatics analysis (Gene Ontology) predicted 21 best candidate (FLNC p.T440M rs785588805 - dbSNP-), not present in the controls, biomarkers, which were primarily associated with extracellular matrix were identified. 5/8 variants were missense (MYH6: p.A1398T, p. organization and metabolism. A1438T; DES: p.A430P; FLNC: p.T440M; TNNT2: p.F126C) and 3/8 These results suggest systemic inflammation, coagulation abnormali- affected splicing (MYH6: c.1411-4G>A; MYBPC3 c.1882+4A>C; ties and extracellular matrix remodelling occur in feline cardiomyopa- FLNC: c.2187+4A>C). All affected cats were carriers at least of one thies particularly with CHF. Identification of these biomarkers variant, 7 of them were carriers of one variant in MYH6. provides new insights for feline cardiomyopathy research. Signalment, clinical findings at diagnosis (asymptomatic, congestive Disclosures heart failure, cardiac murmur) and the echocardiographic phenotypes Disclosures to report. of affected cats such as, basilar septal bulge (1/9), obstructive HCM This study was funded by the Veterinary Fund Small Grant Scheme at (4/9) heterogeneous hypertrophy (5/9) and false tendons (5/9) were the University of Glasgow, UK. The proteomic work and bioinformat- independent of variants detected. ics analysis were conducted in the Laboratory for Proteomics, ERA In conclusion, this study describes heterogeneous novel variants in Chair Project VetMedZg, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Veterinary new genes associated with HCM in cats. The main gen involved in the Medicine. ABSTRACTS ESVC-O-14 1037 All dogs had an, echocardiographic examination at baseline. NTproBNP was measured at baseline and after exercise. GSD were Effect of breed and signalment on N-terminal Prohormone of Brain Natriuretic Peptide concentrations measured by ELISA in healthy cats and comparison to a point of care test S. Hanås1, B.S. Holst1, J. Häggström1, K. Höglund1, A. Tidholm2, I. Ljungvall1 1 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, 2Anicura Albano Animal Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden Causes of plasma variations in the cardiac biomarker B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) have not been fully evaluated in healthy cats. The objectives were to investigate effect of breed and other signalment variables on NT-proBNP concentrations in healthy cats using quantitative ELISA and to compare with a point of care test (POC). 100 healthy cats; 33 Birman, 35 Norwegian Forest and 32 Domestic exercised for 10 minutes in protection training activities, i.e. high intensity interval training, while the SH were running continuously for 10 minutes with a biker attached. After two months of scheduled training NTproBNP levels were reassessed under the same conditions. Nonparametric tests were used for statistical analysis, and data are reported as median [range]. At baseline, normalized LV diameter in diastole (LVDDN) (1.60 [1.49-1.76] versus 1.43 [1.29-1.69], p = 0.014) and NTproBNP (410 [211-2685] versus 111 [18-611] pmol/l, p = 0.010) were higher in SH than in GSH. Both groups showed a similar significant increase of NTproBNP (ΔBNP) after physical exercise (ΔBNP SH 85 [-7-272], p = 0.032, GSH 60 [20-147], p = 0.004). The increase between groups was not different. After two months of training, NTproBNP levels at Shorthair cats were included. Absence of heart disease and other sig- rest were similar compared to baseline, but still higher in SH than in nificant diseases was ensured by physical examination, measurement GSD (p = 0.017). After exercise ΔBNP was higher in SH, but not sig- of systolic blood pressure, echocardiography, hematology and blood nificantly (292 [62-1394], p 0.453), whereas it was lower, but not sig- biochemistry. NT-proBNP concentrations were analysed by ELISA at a nificantly, in GSD (ΔBNP -73 [-244-162], p = 0.212). The exercised reference laboratory. The POC test was analysed by visual inspection induced change between the groups was significant (p = 0.007). and an automated method, considered “positive” if ≥100 pmol/l. Data In conclusion NTproBNP levels were higher in SH compared to GSD, was analysed using non-parametric tests and regression analyses. NT- training and exercise affected NTproBNP in dogs, but this depended proBNP concentration for all cats was 12 pmol/l (IQR 12-31) and on intensity of training and type of exercise. Echocardiographically SH there was no significant effect of body weight or age on the NT- had larger hearts than GSD and if higher NTproBNP reflects higher proBNP concentration. Median concentration of NT-proBNP was wall tension, eccentric hypertrophy in these athletic dogs may be a twice as high in male (25 pmol/l, IQR 12-49) compared to in female sign of inappropriate compensatory hypertrophy. Alternatively, other cats (12 pmol/l, IQR 12-25.5) P = 0.0072. Three cats had ≥100 pmol/l factors like excitability and excitation associated with manipulation or with the ELISA, two of them were positive using visual inspection of upcoming exercise may cause mild transient increase in wall tension. the POC test. One cat with titre 155 pmol/l and 4 with lower titres Disclosures < 100 were positive when the POC test was automatically analysed. Disclosures to report. Sex, but not breed, body weight or age, influenced NT-proBNP con- - The study was partially financed by IDEXX Diavet AG, Switzerland. - centrations in healthy cats. Visual inspection of the POC test showed The study was partially financed by the Swiss Armed Forces. higher agreement with ELISA compared to using automated analysis. Disclosures ESVC-O-16 No disclosures to report. ESVC-O-15 Evaluation of NT-proBNP-levels in sport dogs after immediate physical activity and after an intense two months training session Interest of a cardiac troponin I using a bedside analyzer for clinical orientation in dogs with mitral insufficiency and/or dyspnea F. Serres ONCOVET, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France Diagnostic investigation of an heart murmur or dyspnea in dogs F. Ivasovic, T. Glaus, J. Novo Matos Vetsuisse Fakultät, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland requires diagnostic imaging procedures, thoracic radiographic exami- Cardiac biomarkers like N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide a high cumulative cost. In asymptomatic dogs with mitral valve dis- (NTproBNP) are used as a diagnostic tool for the clinical assessment ease, dogs with cardiac enlargement require CUS and sometimes of heart diseases in dogs, but this parameter is influenced by extracar- treatments, whereas dogs without cardiac enlargement do not. Dogs diac factors. In humans, different types of physical activity, duration with dyspnea of cardiac origins will benefit from CUS whereas in dogs of training and pre-training physical condition have all been shown to with “non-cardiac” dyspnea, TRE will be more informative. The use of affect NTproBNP. The aim of this study was to compare NTproBNP cardiac biomarkers for patient stratification is a proposed option for levels of two dog breeds before and after different physical activity accelerating diagnostic process and limiting diagnostic procedures and training. costs. Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is a biomarker of myocardial damage In this prospective cohort study, seven untrained German shepherd and can be used for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. The main lim- dogs (GSD) entering the military service and seven Scandinavian itation of cTnI in veterinary cardiology is the lack of bedside analyzer hounds (SH) used for competitive racing were examined. The latter and the high lower detection limit of some analyzer. The aim of this underwent a three week training pause before entering into the study. study was to evaluate the interest of a highly sensitive cTnI bedside nation (TRE) or cardiac ultrasound (CUS). Those procedures represent ABSTRACTS 1038 analyzer to categorize patient in a prospectively recruited population ECG and at end-diastole, one frame before closure of the mitral valve. of dogs with mitral insufficiency and/or dyspnea. Using those variables we assessed complete, passive and active LA A population of 86 dogs in which CUS and TRE were performed, were function as previously described. Pulsed wave tissue Doppler imaging prospectively recruited in an observational cross-sectional study. A (PW-TDI) of the left ventricular longitudinal myocardial velocity asso- measurement of cTnI was performed using a highly sensitive bedside ciated with atrial contraction (A’), both at the level of the interventri- analyzer (MiniVidas Biomerieux). An additional population of 21 dogs cular septum and the LV free wall, were also used as an indicator of without cardio-pulmonary symptoms and with normal CUS was pro- LA function. spectively included as a control group. Of the all variables assessed, TDI A’ of the septum and TDI A’ of the Fifty-eight dogs presented with mitral insufficiency (MI), correspond- free LA wall were significantly increased after pimobendan administra- ing to ACVIM classification B1 (n= 29), B2 (n=10), C (n=14) and D tion (p <0.01 and p= 0.04 respectively), whereas LA complete EF was (n=5). Over the same period, 28 dogs with non-cardiac dyspnea were significantly decreased after treatment (p=0.03). None of the other recruited, corresponding mostly to inflammatory/infectious disease variables assessing the LA function or LA size, were significantly dif- (n=13) or pulmonary neoplasia (n=8). ferent between pre and post pimobendan administration. The velocity Cardiac Troponine I values were significantly lower in dogs with of mitral valve regurgitation was significantly increased (p= 0.01) post ACVIM B1 MI and control group, compared to ACVIM B2 and symp- institution of pimobendan treatment. tomatic (C-D) dogs with MI (p<0,01). Dogs with non-cardiac dyspnea Estimates of LA function by TDI A’ in dogs with MVD improves after presented with significantly lower cTnI compared to symptomatic treatment with pimobendan suggesting an effect of this drug on LA (C-D) dogs with MI (p<0,01). In dogs with asymptomatic MI, a cut-off function although it is difficult to separate its effect from improve- value of 58 ng/L identifies dogs with cardiac enlargement with a sen- ments in left ventricle function. The decrease in LA complete EF may sibility and specificity of 100% and 79%, respectively. In dogs with reflect reduced mitral regurgitant fraction. Despite reduction in LV dyspnea, a cut-off value of 53 ng/L identifies dogs with cardiac dis- size, we did not document decreased LA size in the short time-course ease with a sensibility and specificity of 89% and 60%, respectively. of this study. This study suggests that cTni Could be proposed as a screening test in Disclosures dogs with MI or dyspnea, and particularly as an exclusion test when a No disclosures to report. highly sensitive bedside analyzer is used. Disclosures ESVC-O-18 Disclosures to report. Analyzer and furnitures for cTnI measurement were provided by BioMerieux. ESVC-O-17 Effect of pimobendan on left atrial function in dogs with stage B2 myxomatous mitral valve disease The misuse (overdose) of pimobendan may potentially induce myocardial fatigue in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease J. Lee1, H. Ahn1, W. Kim2, S.Y. Jeoung3, J. Ah4 1 Korea Animal Speciality Medical Institute, Seongnam, South-Korea, 2 Columbia University, New York, United States of America, 3Gangnam Animal Clinic, Chuncheon, South-Korea, 4VIP Animal Medical Center, Seoul, South-Korea F. Sarcinella1, J. Neves2, L. Bode1, H. Hodgkiss-Geere1, J. DukesMcEwan1 1 University of Liverpool, Neston, United Kingdom, 2Willows Veterinary Centre, Solihull, United Kingdom Off-label use of pimobendan may be considered for management of Left atrial (LA) function is an important determinant of left ventricular study is to evaluate the potential effect of overdosing of pimobendan (LV) filling and plays a key role in maintaining an optimal cardiac per- on cardiotoxicity with home-based chronic therapy in myxomatous formance. LA size is negatively associated with the prognosis of dogs mitral valve disease (MMVD). with mitral valve disease (MVD). Pimobendan is a phosphodiesterase In referred dogs with MMVD, eight client-owned dogs have been III inhibitor with positive inotropic and vasodilator effects and it has treated with a regimen of overdose of pimobendan (case patients; been reported to decreases the LA pressure and the overall heart size 0.9~2.7mg/kg daily for 60~240 days). Among patients treated with a in dogs with MVD. Based on the EPIC study, dogs with stage B2 recommended dosage of pimobendan (0.4~0.6mg/kg daily for MVD have been shown to benefit from administration of pimoben- 60~345 days), controls (n=12) were selected based on matching vari- dan. This study sought to investigate the effects of Pimobendan on ables such as signalment/medical history, physical examination find- LA function in dogs with stage B2 MVD. ings, and severity of CHF. For the initial analysis of homogeneity Twenty dogs with stage B2 MVD were retrospectively included. Left between case and control groups, comprehensive blood test profile atrial function was assessed prior to and 1-6 months after starting (CBC, serum biochemistry, NT-proBNP, SDMA), electrocardiographic, pimobendan. For each dog, 2-dimensional echocardiographs from radiographic, and echocardiographic data were collected. Serum car- right parasternal long axis 4 chamber view optimised for the LA was diac troponin I (cTnI) and QTc interval values (formula of Van de recorded to assess LA diameter and volume (Simpson’s method) for Water) were compared between groups. In addition, these two end- each phase of the LA function cycle: at end-systole, one frame before points were analyzed to assess the relationship to the dosage and the opening of the mitral valve; immediately before the P wave of the duration of administration of pimobendan in the case patients. acute pulmonary edema or refractory congestive heart failure (CHF). However, the risk of continuous pimobendan overdose has not yet been well investigated in dogs with stable CHF. This observational ABSTRACTS 1039 The patients group with the overdose use of pimobendan showed a by qRT-PCR (TaqMan-chemistry) and normalized to U6 snRNA by significantly higher level of cTnI (1.450.60 ng/mL) and a longer QTc ddCt method. Data evaluation was made by descriptive statistics and interval (158.508.50 msec) than controls (cTnI, 0.230.08 ng/mL; Mann Whitney U-test. QTc, 137.808.40 msec; P<0.01). Regression analysis adjusted by the In the tachypacing-induced model miR-1, miR-208a, miR-208b and duration of pimobendan administration in the case patients revealed miR-499 were up-regulated, whilst miR-21 was down-regulated in that both cTnI level and QTc interval were highly correlated to the both heart and blood samples. MiR-29 was up-regulated in heart sam- dosage (P<0.01; Adjusted R2=0.849 and 0.784, respectively). ples, while down-regulated in blood samples whilst miR-133a showed The significantly elevated cTnI level and prolonged QTc interval and the opposite tendency. In blood samples of clinical patients the same their strong correlations with the dosage and the duration of improper expression pattern could be observed and the results were significant overdose of pimobendan in the case patient group can indicate myo- (p<0,05) except miR-21. Based on the selected microRNAs, clinical cardial damage indicative of cardiac fatigue. cases could be clearly differentiated from healthy dogs using their Disclosures microRNA expression profile in blood samples. Moreover clinically No disclosures to report. asymptomatic cases with tachycardiomyopathy could be identified. Our results suggest that peripheral blood may have a potential to indi- ESVC-O-19 cate early heart-specific fibrosis in dogs. Disclosures Heart-specific and fibrosis related microRNAs in whole blood samples of dogs with cardiomyopathy No disclosures to report.  G. Kiss1, V. Kékesi2, K.V. Nagy2, L. Balogh3, L.G. Puskás4, N. Faragó4, A. Sterczer1, F. Falus1, R. Psáder1, Z. Dudás Györki1, F. Manczur1 1 University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, Hungary, 2Department of Cardiology, Heart Center, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, 3 National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, Budapest, Hungary, 4Laboratory for Functional Genomics, Biological Research Center, HAS, Szeged, Hungary ESVC-O-20 Fibrosis and extracellular matrix remodeling has a causative role in the Heart rhythm characterization by 24-hour Holter monitoring during sudden cardiac death in dogs - A case series L. Carlucci1, F. Giacomazzi1, M. Perego1, V.M. Saponaro2, R. Santilli1 Clinica veterinaria malpensa, Samarate, Italy, 2Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, Paris, France 1 pathophysiology of cardiac diseases of different origin. At cellular Malignant arrhythmias are poorly defined as the cause of sudden car- level, fibrotic processes are prior to clinical manifestation of symp- diac death (SCD) in dogs. Although SCD has been described in dilated toms. Currently there is no biomarker, which is able to detect heart- cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic car- specific fibrosis and remodeling in the peripheral blood sample despite diomyopathy, and myocarditis, as well as in inherited and congenital it’s advantages in cardiac diagnostics and monitoring of therapy. Previ- arrhythmic disorders (German Shepherd, Rhodesian Ridgeback and ously, using microarray method we identified heart-specific gene Springer Spaniels, respectively), only few contextual 24-hour Holter expression profile representing fibrotic and inflammatory processes in monitoring data is available in the veterinary literature. The aim of this the peripheral whole blood of tachypacing-induced cardiomyopathy case series was to describe the terminal arrhythmia recorded by model dogs and we successfully selected a heart-specific fibrosis 24-hour related mRNA-panel which gene expression levels in blood samples experienced SCD. clearly differentiated clinical cases from healthy dogs. MicroRNAs are The database of a Holter referral center was retrospectively searched key regulators of gene expression and highly stable molecules thus for client-owned dogs that experienced SCD during 24-hour Holter ideal biomarker candidates. monitoring between January 2006 and July 2017. Fifteen dogs of dif- Based on our previous results and using the same samples, now we ferent breeds were included in the study. The Holter analysis included aimed to investigate the cardiac and whole blood expression levels of the dominant rhythm during the recording, the prevalent arrhythmia selected microRNAs directly involved in cardiac fibrosis and heart in the period preceding death, and the terminal arrhythmia causing failure. SCD. Clinical data and echocardiographic diagnosis were also The selected panel consisted of 7 different microRNAs which have considered. key regulatory role in fibrosis, remodeling and impaired contractility. The mean age was 8.7  3.9 years (median 9 years) and mean body MiR-208a, miR-208b, miR-499 are located in genes coding different weight was 30.8  17.2 kg (median 30.0). In 60% of dogs (9/15), the isoforms of myosin heavy chain and are related to impaired contractil- cause of SCD consisted of ventricular premature complexes (VPCs), ity. MiR-133a, miR-21 and miR-29 have key role in the regulation of accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR), or ventricular tachycardia fibrosis and miR-1 is an important regulator of cardiac hypertrophy. (VT) that degenerated into ventricular fibrillation (VF). In two dogs Whole blood and left ventricular samples of tachypaced dogs (n=13), (13%) complete atrioventricular block (AVB) preceded VF. In 3 dogs healthy controls (n=7) and whole blood samples (surplus material) of (20%), asystole was the cause of cardiac arrest. Finally, in 1 dog (7%), canine clinical patients (n=10) with different severity and etiology of low penetrance atrial fibrillation was followed by ventricular arrest heart failure caused by cardiomyopathy were collected in RNA and electromechanical dissociation. Ten dogs were affected by a vari- stabilizing solution. RNA integrity was confirmed by capillary electro- ety of structural heart diseases (5 dilated cardiomyopathy; 3 arrhyth- phoresis (RIN>7). Expressions of selected microRNAs were measured mogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; 1 myxomatous mitral valve Holter monitoring in dogs in the moment they ABSTRACTS 1040 disease; 1 myocarditis), while echocardiographic examination detected precordial leads, which can be explained by the fact that V1 reads the no structural abnormality in the remaining 5 dogs. Sotalol was the thinner-walled right ventricle and V2 through V6 read the thicker- antiarrhythmic therapy at the time of recording in 2 dogs. walled left ventricle. These data can be used as reference for normal In agreement with the data previously reported in humans, the present RPT in the dog. Further studies are needed to evaluate the use of RPT study showed that VPCs, AIVR, VT, complete AVB degenerating into VF in cardiac diseases. and asystole are the most common causes of SCD in dogs. Additionally, Disclosures the fact that 2/3 of the study population had underlying structural heart No disclosures to report. disease suggests that the presence of an anatomical substrate, when associated with a modulator (autonomic nervous system) and a trigger, increases the risk of sustained ventricular arrhythmias and degeneration ESVE-O-1 into VF. To the authors’ knowledge this is the first report detailing causRadioiodine treatment of feline hyperthyroidism: measuring 24-hour thyroid 131-I uptake helps predict treatment failure or development of iatrogenic hypothyroidism ative arrhythmia of SCD in an extended series of dogs. Disclosures No disclosures to report. M. Peterson1, F. Varela1, M. Rishniw2 1 Animal Endocrine Clinic, New York, United States of America, 2Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States of America ESVC-O-21 Successful treatment of hyperthyroidism in humans requires effective uptake of the R-peak time in normal dogs 131 I by the thyroid gland to deliver its radioablative effects. We sought to analyze the effects of M. Perego, F. Giacomazzi, L. Ramera, R. Santilli Clinica veterinaria malpensa, Samarate, Italy 131 I uptake on subse- quent outcome in hyperthyroid cats. We prospectively included 937 cats referred to the Animal Endo- R-peak time (RPT) is an ECG parameter that represents the time from crine Clinic for the QRS complex onset (Q or R wave) to the apex or peak of the R or raphy, we calculated thyroid volume and percent thyroidal uptake of R’ wave, if present. It represents the time for excitation to spread from pertechnetate for each cat. We administered a radioiodine dose the endocardial to the epicardial surface. In human medicine, right based on an algorithm that considers the serum T4 and T3 concen- ventricular RPT is measured in lead V1 (upper normal limit 35 ms), trations, percent uptake of pertechnetate, and calculated thyroid 131 I treatment. Following quantitative thyroid scintig- while left ventricular RPT is measured in lead V6 (upper normal limit volume. Twenty-four hours later, we then determined the percent 45 ms). The aim of this study was to define the duration of RPT in nor- 131 mal dogs with different thoracic conformation. skin surface over the thyroid tumor. After correction for background Records of thirty privately-owned healthy dogs were retrospectively (thigh count), the thyroid radioactivity (in counts per minute) was reviewed. All dogs underwent physical examination, thoracic radiogra- compared with the activity measured from a standard containing phy, 12-lead electrocardiogram using the lead system described by ≈350 μCi Santilli in 2016, and echocardiogram. The dogs were allocated in come, cats were divided into 4 quartiles, based on thyroid uptake three groups according to the thoracic index (dorso-ventral thorax values. diameter x 100/latero-lateral thorax diameter): 90-100 brachy- Recheck examinations were performed at 4-7 months (median, morphic, 50-60 dolichomorphic, and 60-90 mesomorphic. For each 6 months). Four outcomes were determined based on serum concen- ECG, three measurements were performed. Normality was tested trations of T4 and TSH concentrations: euthyroid (normal T4, normal using the Shapiro-Wilcoxon W-test. To evaluate differences between TSH), overt hypothyroid (low T4, high TSH), subclinically hypothyroid morphotypes and leads, nonparametric analysis of variance was per- (low-normal T4, high TSH), and persistently hyperthyroid (high T4, formed by Kruskas Wallys test, as data were not normally distributed. suppressed TSH). In the brachymorphic morphotype, RPT median duration and range Hyperthyroid cats had 131I thyroid uptake values ranging from 4.3-49.2% were: V1: 10 ms (7-16), V2: 17 ms (10-19), V3: 18 ms (11-24), V4: (median, 21.5%). Cats in the lowest uptake quartile (<17%) had more than 19.5 ms (11-24), V5: 21 ms (14-24), V6: 21 ms (12-25). In the meso- twice the incidence of persistent hyperthyroidism than cats in the other I thyroid uptake by measuring radioactive counts directly on the 131 I. To evaluate the effect of 131 I uptake on final out- morphic morphotype, RPT median duration and range were: V1: quartiles (8.6% vs. 3.4%, P <0.001). In contrast, the cats in the highest 13 ms (9-19), V2: 21 ms (12-26), V3: 21.5 ms (18-25), V4: 22 ms uptake quartile (>27%) had the higher incidence of iatrogenic hypothy- (17-28), V5: 24 ms (18-30), V6: 24.5 ms (17-31). In the dolicho- roidism (29.1% vs. 12-21%, P <0.001). Cats in all 4 uptake quartiles were morphic morphotype, RPT median duration and range were: V1: treated with similar doses of radioiodine (median dose, 1.9 mCi). 15.5 ms (7-21), V2: 27 ms (19-35), V3: 28 ms (20-34), V4: 28 ms In conclusion, the 24-hour thyroid uptake value affects successful out- (20-36), V5: 29 ms (24-37), V6: 29.5 ms (25-37). In all precordial come of hyperthyroid cats treated with radioiodine. Cats with low 131I leads, morphotypes thyroid uptake values have ~10% chance of treatment failure, (P<0.00001). In lead V1, RPT was statistically shorter (P<0.00001) RPT was statistically different between whereas cats with the highest uptakes are predisposed to developing compared to V2 through V6 in all morphotypes. iatrogenic hypothyroidism. These results demonstrate a difference in the RPT duration in differ- Disclosures ent morphotypes and a difference between V1 and the other No disclosures to report. ABSTRACTS 1041 Pheochromocytoma is relatively common in dogs and carries a ESVE-O-2 guarded prognosis. Outcome of adrenalectomy is the most important Evaluation of telmisartan administration as a suppression test for primary hyperaldosteronism diagnosis in cats 1 2 3 3 4 V. Fabres , R. Dumont , M. Garcia , D. Rosenberg , B. Rannou , G. Benchekroun2 1 Ecole Nationale Veterinaire d’Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, France, 2Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, France, 3Micen Vet Centre, Creteil, France, 4Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale, Université de Lyon, VetAgro Sup, Marcy l'Etoile, France Diagnosis of feline primary hyperaldosteronism (PHA) remains challenging especially in cases with concurrent azotaemia. In human medicine, the losartan suppression test is used as a safe and accurate test for hyperaldosteronism diagnosis. The aim of the study was to determine if oral telmisartan administration suppress aldosterone secretion in healthy cats and cats with PHA. Following ethical committee approval, 10 healthy student-owned cats received telmisartan administration (2mg/kg per os). Serum aldosterone concentration (PAC), potassium concentration and systolic blood pressure were measured before (T0), 1h (T1) and predictor of survival, although younger age and absence of vascular invasion may also be associated with a favourable prognosis. Current histological criteria do not predict a malignant behaviour in dogs, similar to humans. In the latter, the characterization of tumors has been refined by the “Pheochromocytoma of the Adrenal gland Scaled Score” (PASS), which includes 12 microscopic features, and by immunohistochemical analysis. The aim of the study was to investigate PASS and several immunohistochemical markers used in human medicine in dogs with pheochromocytoma that underwent adrenalectomy. Pathology records of dogs with pheochromocytomas were reviewed to identify those treated surgically and tumors were collected. Sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin to apply the PASS and were single-labelled for chromogranin A, proliferation marker Ki67, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), tumor suppressor gene product p53, proto-oncogene products BCL-2 and c-erbB-2, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), protein S100. The results of PASS and of immunohistochemistry were compared for surgical outcome, age and frequency of capsular and vascular invasion caused by the tumor. In addition, PASS was assessed in relation to immunohistochemical find- 1.5h (T1.5) after oral administration of telmisartan. Six client- ings. Twenty-four dogs with pheochromocytomas were included. owned cats with PHA were also tested. A percentage of the rela- PASS did not differ based on surgical outcome, age, vascular and cap- tive variation of PAC was calculated at T1 ((T1-T0)/T0) and at sular invasion. Immunohistochemistry was also not different for any T1.5 (T1.5-T0)/T0). Results were expressed as median [range] and variable. Tumors showing BCL-2 expression in >50% cells had lower variables were compared by a wilcoxon signed-rank test or by a PASS than those with lower expression (72 vs. 92; P=0.011). mann-whitney test. Tumors positive for S100 had higher PASS than those negative (102 Baseline PAC was significantly higher (P < 0.01) in PHA cats (1866 vs. 72; P=0.001). Associations between immunohistochemical pmol/L [range, 265 - 2419]) than in healthy cats (274 pmol/L markers were not identified. In conclusion, in dogs with pheochromo- [65-1364]. In healthy cats, telmisartan administration resulted in a cytoma, survival, age, vascular and capsular invasion are not linked to significant decrease of PAC at T1 and T1.5 compared with T0 (P < the results of PASS and of the selected immunohistochemical markers. 0.01) with a relative variation of -40% [5%- -64%] and -47% The lower PASS in dogs with elevated BCL-2 expression suggests that [-15%- -60%] respectively. No significant decrease of PAC was pheochromocytomas with high anti-apoptotic rate have few morpho- identified in PHA cats. Systolic blood pressure significantly logic changes. The higher PASS in S100-positive tumors may indicate decreased but no significant variation of potassium concentration that pheochromocytomas developing morphologic changes acquire was identified. S100 expression. Overall, the use of PASS and of the present immu- Our results suggest that oral telmisartan administration suppress aldo- nohistochemical markers is of limited clinical value in dogs with sterone concentration in healthy cats but not in PHA cats. Further pheochromocytoma. studies are needed to evaluate this suppression test in cats with sec- Disclosures ondary hyperaldosteronism. No disclosures to report. Disclosures Disclosures to report. ESVE-O-4 Financial support of residency program of V. Fabres by Royal Canin ESVE-O-3 Pheochromocytoma in dogs undergoing adrenalectomy: an exploratory investigation of 24 cases F. Ferri1, S. Ferro2, S. Nolli2, F. Massari3, G. Gerardi4, S. Nicoli1, G. Romanelli5, V. Montinaro3, D. Trez2, L. Cavicchioli2, E. Zini6 1 Istituto Veterinario di Novara, Granozzo con Monticello, Italy, 2Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science - University of Padua, Padua, Italy, 3Clinica Veterinaria Nervianese, Nerviano, Italy, 4 Department of Animal Medicine, Production and Health - University of Padua, Padua, Italy, 5Centro Specialistico Veterinario, Milan, Italy, 6Clinic for Small Animal Medicine/University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Temporal changes in thyroid status in euthyroid dogs with positive thyroglobulin autoantibodies R.J. Egbert1, M.D. Sist2, P. Basu1, S. Beyerlein2, E.M. Tadros1, K. Refsal2, B.K. Petroff1 1 Michigan State University Department of Pathobiology & Diagnostic Investigation, Lansing, United States of America, 2Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, Lansing, United States of America Thyroid autoantibodies are used as markers of autoimmune thyroiditis in humans and dogs. In humans, their presence is associated with a 2.5-5.0% per year progression from subclinical thyroiditis to hypothyroidism. Several survey studies have shown an increased prevalence of positive thyroglobulin autoantibody (TgAA) in dogs with thyroid ABSTRACTS 1042 test results indicative of primary hypothyroidism versus euthyroid 1) Haptoglobin was measured using an in-house enzymatic method dogs. The implications of a positive TgAA result with otherwise nor- adapted for the ABX Pentra in 20 pairs of residual stored samples mal concentrations of thyroid hormones and TSH (subclinical thyroid- obtained 1 hour apart before the administration of trilostane. The itis) on the subsequent progression to hypothyroidism in dogs are less coefficient of variation between the haptoglobin measurements was clear. The objective of this study was to define the outcome of thyroid low (median=2.3%, range 0–7.9%), even when there were clinically status in dogs with subclinical thyroiditis over a multi-year interval. significant differences between the pre-trilostane cortisol concentra- Purebred dogs with subclinical thyroiditis (>25% specific TgAA bind- tions (median=12.3%, range 0–61.2%, 8 pairs of samples greater than ing but with normal concentrations of T4, FT4 and TSH) were identi- 20%)., 2) Cases of HAC that had received a consistent dose of trilos- fied from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) Thyroid tane for more than two weeks were blood sampled and clinical scored Registry database. Owners were invited to arrange submission of a using an owner questionnaire, from which cases were then cate- follow-up serum sample with their veterinarian along with inclusion of gorised as being unwell, controlled, or under-controlled. Unwell dogs a medical history form including subsequent treatments. Serum sam- were excluded from further analysis, regardless of the control of their ples were obtained from 114 dogs with subclinical thyroiditis that met HAC. Haptoglobin was measured as part of our normal monitoring inclusion criteria. The study population included 62 female and using a commercially available immunoturbidimetric assay (Avacta 52 male dogs from 30 breeds with English Setters, Boxers, Rhodesian Laboratories, Wetherby). There were 44 samples, obtained from Ridgebacks and Dalmatians most frequent. The average age at study 19 dogs. One dog was noted as being particularly anxious before completion was 6.3 years (SD = 2.2 years, range 2-13). The mean 2 sampling points and its pre-trilostane cortisol concentrations were follow-up time was 3.9 years from initial testing (SD = 2.0 years, range excluded from all subsequent analysis. Mann Whitney tests demon- 1-9). At the time of retesting, 33% of the dogs had progressed to strated that there were significant differences between both the pre- hypothyroidism, or were treated with thyroxine. Fifty-one percent trilostane cortisol (p=0.036) and haptoglobin (p=0.012) of dogs classi- maintained positive or equivocal TgAA results while remaining euthy- fied as being controlled and those that were uncontrolled. There was roid. In 16% of dogs, TgAA results had normalized with dogs remain- a significant correlation between all the haptoglobin concentrations ing euthyroid. Initiation of thyroxine supplementation following a and the owners score (r=0.52, p<0.001) whereas pre-trilostane corti- TgAA-positive result was usually, but not always, based on suggestive sol concentrations were not significantly correlated with the score clinical signs and decreased thyroid hormones at subsequent testing. (r=0.27, p=0.13). ROC analysis suggested that a previously established These results suggest that the majority of dogs with elevated thyro- reference range of haptoglobin (0.1-3.0g/l) could serve as a useful tar- globulin autoantibodies either exhibit persistent autoimmune thyroid- get range for therapeutic monitoring. Similar analysis for pre-trilostane itis cortisol with continued risk of hypothyroidism or progress to was consistent with the current therapeutic range hypothyroidism. (40-138nmol/l). Disclosures Haptoglobin should be further investigated as an ancillary method for Disclosures to report. monitoring trilostane therapy. As the reference range for haptoglobin This work was supported by a grant from the Orthopedic Foundation extends to nearly 0, it will not detect over-treatment and so other for Animals and the Canine Health Foundation (CHF 02298-MOU; methods (such as pre-trilostane cortisol) are still needed. One advan- BKP and KRR). tage of haptoglobin appears to be that it is unaffected by short-term changes in cortisol. ESVE-O-5 Disclosures Disclosures to report. Haptoglobin and pre-trilostane cortisol as monitoring tools for the treatment of canine hyperadrenocorticism I.K. Ramsey1, N. Sieber-Ruckstuhl2, G. Woods1, C. McComb1, P.D. Eckersall1 1 University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Dechra Pharmaceuticals directly supported this study and also provided indirect support to the first author. Glasgow University provides haptoglobin and pre-trilostane cortisol measurements on a commercial basis. Siemens, ANIPoc, Woodleys, Boehringer and many other companies have supported work at one or both institutions but are not directly involved in the funding of this project. Haptoglobin is increased in untreated cases of canine hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) and reduces following trilostane treatment. We ESVE-O-6 hypothesised that haptoglobin measurements may assist therapeutic monitoring of HAC. The first part of this study compared haptoglobin concentrations in two samples obtained 1 hour apart with known pre-trilostane cortisol concentrations. The second part compared haptoglobin and pretrilostane cortisol concentrations in the monitoring of HAC. In both Effect of monthly injections of GLP-1 analogue exenatide extended release on β-cell function in newly diagnosed diabetic cats K. Hazuchova, R.F. Gostelow, C.J. Scudder, V. Woolhead, H. Darcy, D.B. Church, Y. Forcada, S.J.M. Niessen The Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, United Kingdom studies, cortisol was measured using a chemiluminescent assay Exenatide (GLP-1 analogue) has proven beneficial in diabetic people. (Siemens Immulite) and as part of normal therapeutic monitoring pro- Clinical experience in cats is limited and effect on β-cell function (BCF) tocols at our institutions. in diabetic cats is unclear. ABSTRACTS 1043 Diabetic cats (diagnosed <6 months) were recruited for a 6-month, strong support for the respective diagnosis. The second aid (Version double-blinded, randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial assessing 2) included author-opinion-based numeric weightings for specific the effect of once monthly exenatide extended release (EER; Bydur- observations allowing calculation of a score indicating whether HAC eon, AstraZeneca) injections on glycaemic control and BCF. Cats were was likely, unlikely or equivocal. Initial cut-offs were derived from a excluded if screening identified relevant co-morbid conditions. Cats small development dataset (n=19). were treated with protamine zinc insulin (ProZinc, Boehringer Ingel- Performance of the summary score was assessed using an anonymised heim), fed a low-carbohydrate diet and randomised to EER (0.13mg/ validation dataset of 119 suspect HAC cases from UCD Veterinary Hos- kg SQ q 27-32 days) or placebo (saline). Diabetic control and BCF pital classified as HAC (n=58) or NAI (n=61). A diagnosis of HAC was were assessed using fructosamine, and insulin peak response (IPR) and supported by a documented improvement with treatment (n=42), post- total insulin secretion (TIS) calculated from glucagon stimulation tests mortem examination (n=3) and independent expert review of the medi- (insulin at baseline, 15 and 60 mins post 20ug/kg IV glucagon), respec- cal records (n=13). A diagnosis of NAI was supported by an alternative tively. Enrolment body condition score (BCS) and fructosamine were diagnosis (n=55), spontaneous resolution of clinical signs (n=3) and compared between groups (t-test). Linear mixed effects modelling absence of progression or onset of additional clinical signs over a follow- assessed the effect of treatment group, trial timepoint and enrolment up period > 1 year (n=3). The sensitivity of the score ranged from 53 to BCS (> or <5/9) on glycaemic control and BCF (significance p<0.05). 66%, depending on whether equivocal results were treated as positive Eleven cats received EER, 13 received placebo. Groups were similar at or negative for HAC. Specificity was 93%. Area under ROCC was 0.926 enrolment, apart from higher BCS in placebo-group (mean (SD): 4.4 indicating that cut-off adjustment could improve diagnostic sensitivity. (1.4) vs. 5.7 (1.5); p=0.045). There was no significant effect of Four false negative scores were complex cases where HAC was diag- treatment group or enrolment BCS on IPR/TIS and fructosamine, but nosed in the face of a negative LDDST adversely affecting sensitivity. IPR and TIS significantly increased (p=0.002), and fructosamine In conclusion, an educational visual judgement aid was developed to decreased (p=0.0002), over successive trial timepoints. support HAC diagnosis in first opinion practice. When modified to EER did not affect BCF or glycaemic control, however, inadvertent generate a numeric score, the tool had good specificity but less good randomisation of lean cats to EER means the use of EER in obese cats sensitivity, likely reflecting the authors’ concerns for over- rather than could not be assessed. under-diagnosis. Disclosures statistically-derived weightings could improve diagnostic accuracy and Disclosures to report. HAC diagnostic judgement in primary care practice. Katarina Hazuchova's PhD, which the clinical trial has been a part of, Disclosures is funded by Boehringer Ingelheim. Diabetic Remission Clinic, where improvements to cut-off values or Disclosures to report. This study was supported by Dechra. One of the authors is employed the study took place, receives support from Purina. by Dechra. ESVE-O-7 ESVE-O-8 A visual aid to judgement in the diagnosis of canine hyperadrenocorticism and the development of a diagnosis score 1 Future 2 3 1 1 M. Bennaim , P.A. Graham , J. Walker , R.E. Shiel , C.T. Mooney 1 University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 3Dechra, United Kingdom Functional impact of single nucleotide polymorphisms within the putative promoter of feline ACP1 gene in lean Domestic Shorthair cats with diabetes mellitus Dynamic adrenal function tests have low specificity and/or less than K. Hazuchova1, A. Holder1, R.F. Gostelow1, D.B. Church1, M. Boursnell2, S.J.M. Niessen1, B. Catchpole1, Y. Forcada1 1 The Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, United Kingdom, 2Animal Health Trust, Newmarket, United Kingdom perfect sensitivity. Anecdotally, HAC can be incorrectly diagnosed or A genome-wide association study of diabetes mellitus (DM) in Domes- excluded when key clinical or laboratory features are overlooked or tic Shorthair cats identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at disregarded. the end of chromosome A3. The ACP1 gene, encoding an enzyme The aim of this study was to construct an educational visual aid to involved in insulin signalling, is located close to these SNPs and was assist clinicians in balancing and appropriately weighting clinical and selected as a candidate diabetes susceptibility gene. laboratory observations to support judgement in the diagnosis A DM-associated haplotype (c.-227A, c.-378G, c.-420G, c.-452G; of HAC. p=0.007) was identified within the putative promoter of ACP1 in a The first aid (Version 1) comprised a 6-box grid arranged in 2 columns case-control association study (residual blood samples used for PCR). of 3 including a list of relevant observations. One column recorded A dual-luciferase reporter assay was used to investigate the potential observations known to support a diagnosis of HAC (e.g. thin skin, impact of these SNPs on gene expression. DNA sequences carrying polyuria, polydipsia, positive adrenal function test) and the other those two variant promoter haplotypes (variant 1 - DM-associated haplo- Diagnosing canine hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) can be complicated. that would support non-adrenal-illness (NAI; e.g. significant weight type, variant 2 – non-diabetic haplotype) were amplified by PCR, and loss, absence of stress leukogram, reference interval alkaline phospha- cloned separately into the pGL4 vector containing Firefly luciferase tase activity, negative low-dose-dexamethasone suppression test [FLuc]. The pRL_CMV vector, containing Renilla luciferase [RLuc] was (LDDST)). The rows divided observations conveying mild, moderate or used as a control vector for co-transfection of CHO cells, to enable ABSTRACTS 1044 normalisation of FLuc activity. Positive (pGL3) and negative (promo- survival. In the multivariable model, only metastasis was significantly terless pGL4) controls were included. There was no difference in the associated with survival. Dogs with metastasis had a hazard ratio (HR) of normalised luminescence comparing the recombinant plasmids (FLuc: 5.97 (confidence interval [CI] 95%: 1.97-18.1) compared to those with- RLuc: mean (SE); variant 1: 5.6 (0.42) ; variant 2: 5.13 (0.27) ; p=0.7 out (p=0.002). Metastasis were identified in 8 (8.1%) cases and 4 of [Mann-Whitney-U]). them lived >500 days. Dogs with thrombosis tended to be at increased The DM-associated ACP1 promoter haplotype did not influence gene risk of death (HR: 2.24; CI95%: 0.92-5.48; p=0.077). expression in CHO cells, compared with variant 2, which was more Dogs with thyroid tumors undergoing thyroidectomy have long life prevalent in non-diabetic cats. This might be due to a lack of any func- expectations. Metastasis may carry a poor outcome although tional impact of these polymorphisms or the result of the experimen- extended survival is observed in some of them. Differently from previ- tal system used. Further experiments are required to assess the ous studies, size of the tumor, local invasiveness and bilateral thyroid- functional consequences of ACP1 promoter genetic variability in cells ectomy did not affect outcome. expressing the insulin receptor. Disclosures Disclosures No disclosures to report. Disclosures to report. Katarina Hazuchova's PhD, as well as this particular project within the ESVE-O-10 PhD, is funded by Boehringer Ingelheim. The erythrocyte membrane lipidome profile in healthy dogs and changes in dogs with diabetes mellitus ESVE-O-9 Thyroidectomy in dogs with thyroid tumors: survival analysis in 99 cases (1994-2013) F. Ferri1, F. Massari2, G. Romanelli3, S. Nicoli1, E.M. Morello4, S. Guazzetti5, E. Zini6 1 Istituto Veterinario di Novara, Granozzo con Monticello, Italy, 2Clinica Veterinaria Nervianese, Nerviano, Italy, 3Centro Specialistico Veterinario, Milano, Italy, 4Department of Veterinary Science - University of Turin, Turin, Italy, 5Local Health Unit, Reggio Emilia, Italy, 6Clinic for Small Animal Medicine - University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland P. Prasinou1, P.E. Crisi1, C. Chatgilialoglu2, A. Luciani1, A. Sansone2, F. Fracassi3, F. Procoli4, A. Gramenzi1, A. Boari1, C. Ferreri2 1 University of Teramo, Teramo, Italy, 2ISOF, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Bologna, Italy, 3Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, University of Bologna, Ozzano dell’Emilia, Bologna, Italy, 4Ospedale Veterinario I Portoni Rossi, Zola Pedrosa, Bologna, Italy Analysis of erythrocyte membrane lipidome represents a powerful diagnostic tool for assessing the quantity and quality of fatty acids and for the follow-up of the membrane fatty acid remodeling that is associated with different physiological and pathological conditions. Few studies assessed outcome predictors in dogs with thyroid tumors Several studies have shown modification of the fatty acids but also of undergoing between the phospholipid content of cell membranes in human diabetic 500-1100 days. Larger tumors, local invasiveness and excision of both patients and in animal model of diabetes, however, a systematic study thyroid lobes negatively affected outcome, whereas adjuvant chemo- of the membrane fatty acids of dogs to evaluate membrane homeo- therapy did not improve survival. Metastasis was not associated with stasis has not yet been established. The aims of the present study a poor outcome. The aims of the present study were to calculate sur- were to evaluate 1) the erythrocytes membrane lipidomic profile in vival and identify prognostic factors in a large series of dogs with thy- healthy dogs (HD, n=24) and 2) changes in membrane lipidome of roid tumors treated with thyroidectomy. dogs with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus (DM, n=6). Medical records of dogs with thyroid tumors that underwent thyroid- Erythrocyte membranes were isolated from EDTA-treated blood sam- ectomy between 1994 and 2013 were reviewed. From each dog the ples from dogs and a cluster of 10 saturated [SFA (palmitic; stearic)], following variables were collected at admission to determine their mono-unsaturated [MUFA (palmitoleic; oleic; vaccenic)] and polyun- influence on overall survival, defined as the time from surgery to saturated [PUFA (linoleic; dihomo-gamma-linolenic; arachidonic; EPA; death: age, gender, breed, T4 and TSH concentration, unilateral or DHA)] fatty acids was determined by Gas-Chromatography. Relevant thyroidectomy. Median survival ranged bilateral lobectomy, type of surgery (thyroidectomy combined or not lipid parameters (SFA/MUFA, SFA/PUFA, ω6/ω3, PUFA balance, with muscular and jugular vein resection), institution where surgery unsaturation and peroxidation indexes) were calculated. was performed, tumor major diameter, histological type, presence of Healthy dogs, aged from 2 to 98 months (median 38.5) 10 were males thrombosis and metastasis, administration of adjuvant chemotherapy. (1/10 neutered) and 14 females (4/14 sterilized), while DM dogs, aged Median survival was calculated with Kaplan-Meier product-limit. Out- from 96 to 158 months (median 120) 2 were males and 4 females come predictors were studied using Cox proportional hazard models. (2/4 sterilized). The final model was built with stepwise deletion guided by the Akaike Among the fatty acids, the ω3 (median 1.75%) showed the wider vari- information criterion. ability in HD (minimum 0.5-maximum 6.8). No significant differences Ninety-nine dogs were included; median age was 10 years (range: 5-14), were observed regarding the age. The EPA levels in intact females 47% were males and 53% females, 29% were crossbreed and 71% were significant lower (P<0.01) compared to sterilized subjects and pure-breed. Except one adenoma, all tumors were carcinoma. Median intact males. Palmitic and arachidonic acids showed less SD variability survival was 693 days (range: 27-3018), with 10% living <154 days=““ (<12% and <6%, respectively) in medium body size dogs (10-20 Kg) and=““ 25=““>902 days. From univariate analysis older age, presence of compared to small (<10 kg=““ and=““ large=““>20 Kg) dogs (27-40% thrombosis and presence of metastasis were associated with shorter and 27-14%, respectively). ABSTRACTS 1045 In comparison to the HD, DM dogs showed increased concentrations the 18 dogs (33%) had detectable CD79a+ cells in their pituitary of MUFAs (P<0.05), specifically, palmitoleic (P<0.0001) and oleic glands, and when present they were in small numbers (median total (P<0.05) acids showed higher levels, while no differences were cell number 0 cells/section, range 0 to 14 cells/section). observed for vaccenic acid. The EPA concentrations in DM dogs were This study shows that it is common to find CD3+ cells in the pituitary higher (P<0.01) as compared to the HD. gland at necropsy of dogs with no clinical suspicion of pituitary dis- Potential study limitations were the sample size and the lack of data ease, and that there is a regional difference in cell density with the in geriatric healthy dogs. highest CD3+-cell density in the pars tuberalis. In contrast, CD79a+ The present data suggest a variability of ω3 expression in erythrocytes cells were generally absent or present in only small numbers. membranes of healthy dogs, probably due to the individual dietary Disclosures variations. Furthermore, these preliminary results suggest the involve- Disclosures to report. ment of the SFA-MUFA pathway in canine diabetes mellitus, involving Employee/Salary: Djurakuten i Stor-Stockholm Aktiebolag, Swedish higher palmitic-palmitoleic and palmitic-oleic transformations and an University of Agricultural Sciences, AniCura Animal hospital in Jön- accelerated delta-9 desaturase enzymatic activity. köping, The National Veterinary Institute; Grants/Research: Veterinär- Disclosures medicinska fakultetens stipendiesamfond, Agria och SKKs research No disclosures to report. foundation; Speaking and consultancies: VeTa Bolaget, Swedish Medical Products Agency, AniCura Animal hospital in Jönköping, AniCura ESVE-O-11 Falu Animal hospital, Blå Stjärnans Animal Hospital in Gothenburg, Evidensia Animal Hospital in Helsingborg, Haninge Animal Clinic Royal Presence of T- and B-lymphocytes in the canine pituitary gland M.A. Blomqvist1, C. Ley2, K. Karlsson3, J.M. Hanson2 1 Djurakuten i Stor-Stockholm Aktiebolag, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, 3The National Veterinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden Hypophysitis is a well described group of diseases in humans, and a few cases have been reported in dogs resembling lymphocytic hypophysitis in humans. Although, there is a common assumption that lymphocytes are not normally present in the pituitary glands of dogs, there is a paucity of studies to confirm this. Lymphocytes have been found in pituitary glands of both humans and horses, without clinical suspicion of hypophysitis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of lymphocytes in pituitary glands of dogs without clinical suspicion of pituitary disease. Pituitary tissue was collected at routine necropsy from 20 dogs, without clinical suspicion of pituitary disease, in this cross-sectional study performed at the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. Pituitary tissue was fixed in 10% formalin. The pituitary glands were Canin, Swedish breeder´s clubs; Gifts, hospitality, travel support: Travel grant ESVE-Dechra veterinary products (2014, 2017). ESVE-O-12 Comparison of continuous glucose monitoring profiles and glycemic variability during day and night in healthy and diabetic cats C. Schuppisser1, T.A. Lutz2, E. Zini1, C.E. Reusch1, E. Salesov1 Clinic for Small Animal Internal Medicine, Vetsuisse Faculty, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Institute of Veterinary Physiology, Vetsuisse Faculty, Zurich, Switzerland 1 Glycemic variability represents swings in blood glucose levels including episodes of hypo- and hyperglycemia throughout the day and on different days. Glucose fluctuations were shown to be one of the risk factors for diabetes-related complications in humans. So far, knowledge about glycemic variability in cats is scarce. Continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMS) have been introduced into veterinary medicine some years ago and are useful tools to evaluate the glycemic situation. They measure interstitial glucose continuously during day and night for up to seven days. The aim of this study was to evaluate the continuous glucose monitoring profiles of healthy and diabetic sagittally incised before embedding in paraffin. Sections (4 μm) were cats and to compare glycemic variability during day and night. stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Sequential sections were Six healthy and eleven diabetic cats were included. CGMS iPro2® subjected to immunohistochemistry using primary antibodies specific (Medtronic) was placed in the dorsolateral neck area. For calibration for the T-cell marker CD3 and the B-cell marker CD79a. An indirect glucose measurements were obtained every 8-12 hours with a vali- avidin-biotin-peroxidase procedure using diaminobenzidine as chro- dated portable blood glucose meter (AlphaTRAK2®, Abbott). Glucose mogen was used for detection of antigen-antibody binding. The num- measurements by the iPro2® were achieved every five minutes. Day ber of cells per area unit (CPA) was determined in pars tuberalis, pars and night were defined as the time (approx. 12 hours) between the distalis, pars intermedia, infundibulum and lobus nervosus. insulin injections and/or feeding. The mean glucose concentration, Two dogs were excluded because of presence of metastatic malignant standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) were deter- lymphoma and pituitary adenoma. In the pituitary glands of the mined to assess glycemic variability. Additionally, the minimum and remaining 18 dogs, occasional scattered CD3+ cells were found on maximum glucose concentration were identified. Data were analysed immunohistochemistry. The CD3+ CPA differed significantly between by nonparametric tests (P<0.05). Values are reported as median and parts of the pituitary gland (p < 0.001). The highest CD3+ CPA was range. found in the pars tuberalis (median CPA 41.3 cells/mm2, range 8.9 to In healthy cats, mean glucose concentration was significantly lower 2 94.7 cells/mm ). The lowest CD3+ CPA was found in the infundibu- (P=0.0312) during the day (4.2, 3.9-4.8 mmol/l) than during the night lum (median CPA 2.0 cells/mm2, range 0 to 10.7 cells/mm2). Only 6 of (4.5, 4.0-5.0 mmol/l). Also, SD during the day (0.4, 0.3-0.5) was ABSTRACTS 1046 significantly lower (P=0.0312) than during the night (0.6, 0.5-0.6). MGC/PGC dogs showed an AUC of 0.69 and 0.66, respectively. There were no significant differences between day and night with Values of HbA1c<5.5% and SF<400 μmol/L had Sp=79%, Se=41%, regard to minimum and maximum glucose concentrations and CV. and Sp=71%, Se=61%, in discriminating dogs with GGC from In diabetic cats, minimum glucose concentration during the day (5.4, MGC/PGC dogs, respectively. ROC curves analysis of SF and HbA1c 3.4-15.4 mmol/l) was significantly lower (P=0.032) than during the to distinguish PGC from GGC/MGC dogs showed an AUC of 0.75 night (7.7, 4.1-17.1 mmol/l). There were no significant differences and 0.69, respectively. Values of HbA1c>6.8% and SF>500 μmol/L between day and night with regard to mean and maximum glucose had Sp=79%, Se=52%, and Sp=85%, Se=45%, respectively, in dis- concentration, SD and CV. criminating dogs with PGC from GGC/MGC dogs. Using the clinical Healthy cats had lower mean, minimum, maximum glucose concentra- score as the reference method, SF and HbA1c identified correctly tion and SD during the day (P=0.0011, P=0.0019, P=0.0012, the glycemic control (GGC/MGC/PGC) in 50% and 44% of cases, P=0.0029) and night (P=0.0006, P=0.0002, P=0.0048, P=0.044) than respectively. In conclusion, SF and HbA1c have similar performances diabetic cats, while CV did not differ. in classifying the glicemic control. Neither of the two parameters In conclusion, healthy cats showed higher glycemic variability during should be used as the sole indicator of glycemic control, and must the night but absolute differences were small; glycemic variability in always be evaluated in association with history, physical findings and diabetic cats did not differ between day and night. Glycemic variability BGC results. in diabetic cats was higher compared to healthy cats irrespective of Disclosures the time of the day. No disclosures to report. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVE-O-14 ESVE-O-13 Spontaneous primary hypothyroidism in adult cats: More common that we think? Validation of human immunoturbidimetric assays for the measurement of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and serum fructosamine in dogs and comparison of the two variables for the assessment of glycemic control in dogs with diabetes mellitus F. Del Baldo1, P. Maramieri1, M.O. Catrina1, F. Dondi1, U. Bonfanti2, G. Linari1, S. Corradini1, M. Pietra1, F. Fracassi1 1 University of Bologna, Ozzano dell'Emilia, Italy, 2Laboratorio analisi veterinarie „La Vallonea„, Milano, Italy M. Peterson1, M.A. Carothers2, D. Gamble3, M. Rishniw4 1 Animal Endocrine Clinic, New York, United States of America, 2Akron Veterinary Internal Medical Practice, Copley, Ohio, United States of America, 3Antech Diagnostics, Lake Success, New York, United States of America, 4Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States of America Spontaneous primary hypothyroidism appears to be an extremely rare clinical disorder in adult cats, with only 4 reported cases over the last 25 years. Given the paucity of data regarding adult-onset feline hypo- The aims of this study were the validation of human assays for serum thyroidism, we sought to describe the history, clinical features (includ- fructosamine (SF) and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in dogs and the ing presence or absence of goiter), diagnostic testing, treatment, and comparison of the ability of the HbA1c and SF in reflecting the gly- long-term outcome of 7 adult cats with spontaneous primary cemic control in dogs with diabetes mellitus. SF (nitrotetrazole blue hypothyroidism. method, Fructosamine 17350H, Sentinel Diagnostics) and blood This prospective case series included 7 adult cats with spontaneous HbA1c (HbA1c, OSR6192 Beckman-Coulter) were analyzed on an hypothyroidism referred for evaluation over a 3.5-year period (from automated chemistry analyzer (Beckman-Coulter AU 480). Linearity, March 2014 to September 2017), and then followed until March precision and accuracy were determined; a reference interval for 2018. In each case, we collected data on cats’ signalment, clinical HbA1c and SF was established from 40 healthy dogs, using the per- signs, results of physical examination, routine laboratory and thyroid centile method. Performances of HbA1c and SF in assessing the gly- hormone testing, and thyroid imaging (thyroid scintigraphy or ultra- cemic control were evaluated; correlation between the two variables sound). We subsequently treated cats with levothyroxine and evalu- and a clinical score was studied in 200 re-evaluations of 47 diabetic ated their response to treatment. dogs treated with insulin q12h. The clinical score used to classify dia- Cats ranged from 3.5-11 years, with no breed predilection; 6/7 cats betic dogs in good (GGC), moderate (MGC) or poor (PGC) glycemic were male. Only 2/7 cats were initially tested because of signs of control was set on the basis of stability of body weight, presence of hypothyroidism (hair-coat changes, lethargy, obesity); others were poliuria/polydipsia, median glucose of the blood glucose curves tested for routine thyroid monitoring or palpable thyroid nodules. (BGCs), blood glucose nadir and overall evaluation of BGC. The aver- Four were azotemic (serum creatinine, 2.2-3.4 mg/dL). Six of the cats age intra- and interassay coefficient of variation (CV) for HbA1c had low serum thyroxine (T4) and free T4 (fT4) concentrations, were 1.5% and 10.9%, respectively; the average intra- and interassay whereas all 7 cats had high thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) con- CV for SF were 4.1% and 2.5%, respectively. Excellent accuracy was centrations. In 6/7 cats, thyroid scintigraphy revealed bilateral goiter obtained for both assays (r>0.99). The reference interval for HbA1c with intense radionuclide uptake; imaging showed no visible thyroid was 1.6-4.5% and for SF was 222-382 μmol/L. In diabetic dogs, tissue in the other. After levothyroxine treatment, serum concentra- HbA1c and SF were significantly correlated (r=0.48) and they were tions of T4 and fT4 increased and TSH fell; high serum creatinine nor- also correlated with the clinical score (r=-0.33; r=-0.39, respectively). malized in azotemic cats; and repeat imaging showed reduction in ROC curves analysis of SF and HbA1c to distinguish GGC from goiter size. ABSTRACTS 1047 In conclusion, primary hypothyroidism develops in adult cats, with a subsequent follow-up. Serum SDMA correctly identified about half of higher prevalence than previously assumed. Most cats appear to the patients with abnormal GFR. Remaining cats with abnormal GFR develop a goitrous form of hypothyroidism associated with thyroid but normal sSDMA were hypothyroid which might have contributed hyperplasia, whereas thyroid atrophy appears to be less common. to GFR decline. With levothyroxine replacement, clinical and laboratory abnormalities In this small population of cats, sSDMA did not identify cats with low (e.g., azotemic) improve or resolve. Although the condition is rare, we GFR prior to treatment but was a better biomarker than sCr at identi- suspect that these documented cases represents only “the tip of the fying cats with lower GFR after treatment. iceberg” of cats affected with this syndrome, because of the mild clini- Disclosures cal signs displayed by these cats, and the lack of awareness of this Disclosures to report. condition by first opinion clinicians. Heightened awareness that adult This study was supported by IDEXX Laboratories Inc. hypothyroidism can develop in cats, together with increased screening for the disorder, will ultimately determine if this condition is indeed ESVIM-O-1 rare or more common than currently thought. Disclosures Effect of antimicrobial drug on lung microbiota in healthy dogs No disclosures to report. A. Fastrès, E. Vangrinsven, A.C. Tutunaru, E. Moyse, F. Farnir, B. Taminiau, G. Daube, C. Clercx University of Liège, Liège, Belgium ESVE-O-15 In human and dogs, baseline differences in lung microbiota (LM) have Short- and long-term follow-up of kidney function using creatinine, SDMA and GFR in hyperthyroid cats treated with radioiodine E. Buresova1, L. Stammeleer1, E. Stock1, D. Paepe1, E. Vandermeulen1, H.P. Lefebvre2, S. Daminet1 1 Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium, 2École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France Sensitivity of serum creatinine (sCr) for detection of early chronic kidney disease is poor and its performance is even worse in hyperthyroidism due to poor muscle mass and hyperfiltration. Serum symmetric dimethylarginine (sSDMA) is a more sensitive renal biomarker in dogs and cats. A recent study showed relatively low sSDMA sensitivity (33.3%) in revealing masked azotemia in hyperthyroid cats. The objective of this study was to provide a short- and long-term follow-up of sSDMA and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in hyperthy- been associated with important clinical features in chronic lung diseases (CLD) and there is growing evidence that an altered LM contributes to disease pathogenesis. The common use of antibiotic drugs throughout the management of CLD likely represents a major confounding factor in the study of the LM. However, the effect of antibiotic treatment on the LM in healthy individuals has not been specifically investigated yet. The aim of the present study was to assess the short and mediumterm effect of an oral treatment with a large spectrum antimicrobial drug on the LM in healthy dogs. Six healthy experimental beagle dogs were included. Amoxycillin/clavulanic acid (AC) was administered at a dose of 20 mg/kg twice daily for 10 days. In each dog, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was col- roid cats treated with radioiodine. lected at 3 different timepoints: before administration of AC (J0) and Ten non-azotemic hyperthyroid cats were prospectively included and immediately (J10) as well as 16 days (J26) after interruption of AC. Test) and GFR (plasma exogenous cre- In each BALF, total and differentiated cell counts were obtained and atinine clearance) were measured before (T0), after 1 month (T1) and metagenetic analyses were performed on the V1-V3 hypervariable within 14-24 months (mean: 16 months) (T2) after radioiodine treat- region of 16S rDNA after total bacterial DNA extraction and sequenc- ment. Nine cats finished the study, 1 cat died of unrelated cause ing on a MiSeq Illumina sequencer. Taxonomical assignation and before T2. Serum creatinine significantly increased from T0 to T1 microbiota community analysis were done with MOTHUR V1.35 with (P<0.001) and further increased from T1 to T2 (P<0.05), but all cats an OTU clustering distance of 0.03. Statistical comparisons between remained non-azotemic (sCr <203 μmol/L) during the study. Signifi- events for microbiota community and BALF cell counts were made cant decrease of GFR was seen between T0 and T1 (P<0.001) but not using Friedman test and post-hoc t-tests with Bonferroni correction. between T1 and T2 (P=0.28). Serum SDMA did not significantly differ Statistical differences in bacterial population relative abundance between times. between timepoints were assessed using a mixed linear model with Serum SDMA was increased (>14 μg/dL) before treatment in 1 cat. FDR correction for multiple comparisons. This cat had normal GFR at all times and sSDMA normalised after Administration of AC did not induce significant changes in BALF cellu- treatment. At T1, 8 cats had normal GFR with normal sSDMA, GFR lar counts and had no effect on the richness, evenness and alpha was borderline low (<1.9 ml/min/kg) with increased sSDMA in 1 cat diversity. Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria abundance increased from and GFR was low (<1.4 ml/min/kg) with normal sSDMA also in 1 cat. J0 to J10 (mean: 12.0 to 24.1, and 12.3 to 26.2%, respectively; At T2, GFR was borderline low in 2 cats with increased sSDMA in 1 of p<0.001) and decreased at J26 (13.1 and 9.3%; p<0.001). Firmicutes them and GFR was low in 3 cats with increased sSDMA in 1 of them. abundance decreased from J0 to J10 (45.6 to 18.3%; p<0.001) and Interestingly, all 3 cats with borderline low or low GFR and normal increased at J26 (28.8%; p<0.001). Actinobacteria abundance sSDMA were hypothyroid. Remaining 6 cats were euthyroid. increased at J26, compared with J0 and J10 (43.7 compared with 23.2 Borderline low or low (abnormal) GFR was seen in 20% of cats and 23.5% respectively; p<0.001). We failed to show significant dif- 1 month after treatment of hyperthyroidism and in 50% of cats during ferences between timepoints at the level of genera and species. TM sCr, sSDMA (IDEXX SDMA ABSTRACTS 1048 In conclusion, in healthy dog, oral administration of a commonly used perform equally to more expensive chambers specifically designed for large spectrum antimicrobial drug induces significant changes in dogs (Aerodawg®). microbial population abundance at the phyla level. Most but not all of Disclosures these changes normalize within 2 weeks after discontinuation of No disclosures to report. the drug. ESVIM-O-3 Disclosures No disclosures to report. Long-term survival and complications in end-stage tracheal collapse dogs treated with intraluminal self-expanding Wallstents™ ESVIM-O-2 Comparison of the pulmonary deposition of nebulized 99mTc-DTPA through three different inhalation devices in healthy dogs A. Carranza, M. Pagitz, A. Hiebl, R. Hirt Vetmeduni Vienna - Clinical Department for Small Animals - Internal Medicine, Vienna, Austria Y. Cui, M. Schneider, N. Hildebrandt, E. Hassdenteufel, N. Bauer, A. Moritz Justus Liebig University Giessen, Giessen, Germany Intraluminal stenting is used to treat end-stage tracheal collapse (ESTC) in dogs refractory to medical treatment. The study’s objective was to evaluate a new technique for estimating the size of stainless- In human medicine, the administration of inhaled drugs for chronic steel intraluminal Wallstents™ used for tracheal stenting, and to respiratory diseases has been used for a long time, with proven effi- report short- and long-term survival and complications. cacy and low systemic side effects. In veterinary medicine, this treat- Dogs presented for dyspnoea due to ESTC (confirmed by endoscopy) ment modality has gained popularity during the last years, although treated by intraluminal stenting under fluoroscopic guidance between there is still little information about the distribution and the effect of 2006 and 2016 were included in this retrospective study. Stent size these drugs in the lower airways of dogs and cats. was selected based on a lateral neck-thoracic radiograph performed The aim of this study was to compare the pulmonary deposition of a under general anaesthesia with spontaneous breathing. Stents were nebulized radiopharmaceutical agent through three different inhala- chosen to be ideally 1-2 mm larger than the laryngeal diameter and to tion devices in healthy dogs in order to detect possible device- cover the trachea from 1 cm caudal of the cricoid to 1 cm cranial of dependent differences in drug deposition. the carina. Dogs were re-examined (clinical signs; radiographs; endos- Ten healthy beagles were included in this prospective cross-over copy if possible) preferably 6 weeks post-stenting. Long-term out- study. All dogs inhaled a dose of nebulized 99mtechnetium-diethylene- come was assessed via owner questionnaire. Tc-DTPA) through the following Thirty-six dogs (median age 7.3, range 2-12 years) were included. devices: Aerodawg with a custom-made tightly fitting nose-muzzle Thirty-one dogs survived to discharge; 2 were lost to follow-up. 99m triamine-pentaacetic acid ( ® mask, Aerochamber® for children with the same custom-made nosemuzzle mask and Aerodawg® with the original corresponding nose mask. Wash out period between treatments was at least 1 week. The inhalator bowl was filled with 1.9-2.5 GBq 99m Tc-DTPA and the inha- lation time was five minutes. Immediately afterwards dogs were scanned with planar scintigraphy in right lateral, left lateral and sternal recumbency. The deposition of 99m Tc-DTPA in the head region (upper airways, mouth), the lungs, the stomach, as well as the whole-body distribution were recorded and quantified by manual or isocontour region of interest (ROI) analysis. Deposition calculated as percentage of delivered dose in the ROI was compared. Median percentage uptake in the lungs using Aerodawg® with a nosemuzzle mask, Aerochamber® with a nose-muzzle mask and Aerodawg® with a nose mask was 9.8% (range 2.4 – 16.8%), 12.5% (range 2.4 – 18.3%), and 9.3% (range 5.3-22.3%), respectively. Combined Median survival time post-stenting was 1176 days (range 0-2338). Twenty-nine dogs initially showed partial (16/29) or complete (13/29) resolution of clinical signs post-stenting. Control radiographs (n=23) revealed stent fracture in 1 dog; none had stent migration. Stent length was significantly shorter during follow-up compared to postdeployment (p=0.02). Endoscopy (n=18) revealed tracheobronchitis (n=15) and granulation tissue formation (n=13). Most owners were satisfied with clinical improvement and their pets’ quality of life. The presented estimation technique is a straightforward method achieving satisfying results, good long-term outcomes and overall client satisfaction. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVIM-O-4 median uptake in the head region and stomach was 82,9% (range 62.6 – 96.4%), 81.3% (range 71.5 – 93.4%), and 78.5% (range 63.2 – 97.1%), respectively. Although the Aerochamber with a nose-muzzle ® mask group had the highest median uptake in the lungs, differences were statistically not significant. The inhalation procedure was well tolerated with all devices. This study suggests that oro-nasal inhalation and nasal inhalation devices provide similar deposition of nebulized 99m Tc-DTPA in the Association between abnormal respiratory clinical signs and respiratory localization in dogs and cats M. Dominguez Ruiz1, C. Reinero2, A. Vientos-Plott2, M. Grobman2, D. Silverstein3, E. Gomes1, K. Le Boedec1 1 CHV Fregis, Arcueil, France, 2University of Missouri - Veterinary Health Center, Columbia, MO, United States of America, 3University of Pennsylvania - Ryan Veterinary Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America lungs and that spacers intended for use in small children Using the pattern of abnormal respiration to localize respiratory dis- (Aerochamber®) adapted with custom-made nose-muzzle masks ease origin has been under-investigated in dogs and cats. ABSTRACTS 1049 The aim of this cross-sectional study was to identify associations satisfactory overall treatment response: 7 failures (14%), 19 partial between respiratory clinical signs and disease localization in dogs remissions (38%), and 24 complete remissions (48%). Irregular naso- and cats. pharyngeal mucosal surface on rhinoscopy and presence of mucous Dogs and cats with abnormal breathing patterns presenting to Fregis, exudate on histopathology were associated with a worse overall treat- University of Missouri, or University of Pennsylvania veterinary hospi- ment response (p=0.02 and p=0.04, respectively). Twenty-eight dogs tals were recruited over a one-year period. Animals were included if (56%) relapsed after treatment was discontinued. There was a high case investigation allowed for respiratory disease localization and defin- negative correlation between treatment response and risk of relapse itive diagnosis. Thoracic radiographs and minimal bloodwork were man- (Spearman rho=-0.74, p<0.001). Furthermore, risk of relapse was sig- datory for inclusion. Associations between respiratory signs and disease nificantly associated with intensity of the exudate on histopathol- localization were evaluated via two-level mixed-effects logistic regres- ogy (p=0.02). sion, sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratio calculation. Relapse is common among dogs with idiopathic rhinitis and may be One-hundred and eighteen dogs and 46 cats were included. anticipated if treatment response is incomplete and if exudate is Decreased nasal airflow accurately localized the disease to nasal cavi- observed histologically on nasal biopsies. ties. Although stertor was most specific for pharyngeal diseases, it Disclosures was also associated with nasal diseases in both species as well as No disclosures to report. laryngeal diseases in dogs. Although stridor was most specific for laryngeal diseases, it was also associated with nasal and extra-thoracic ESVIM-O-6 tracheal diseases. Inspiratory efforts were associated with extrathoracic diseases. Goose honking and wheezes were more specific but Pulmonary complications in canine acute pancreatitis: a pilot study less sensitive than tracheal sensitivity for intra-thoracic tracheal diseases. Expiratory efforts, expiratory snap and coughing were specific E. Gori, A. Pierini, G. Ceccherini, S. Citi, T. Mannucci, I. Lippi, V. Marchetti University of Pisa, San Piero a Grado - Pisa, Italy for bronchial localization, especially in cats, while crackles and In human beings, acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress increased respiratory rate referred to pulmonary diseases in both spe- syndrome (ARDS) in acute pancreatitis (AP) represents important cies. Combination of attenuated lung/cardiac sounds and paradoxical complications with a high mortality rate (30-40%). To our knowledge, breathing was specific for pleural diseases. there are no clinical veterinary studies on this topic. The aim of the Patterns of abnormal respiration can localize origin of respiratory dis- present study is to evaluate pulmonary complications during canine ease, useful to tailor subsequent diagnostic evaluations. AP and their association with the outcome. AP diagnosis was made if Disclosures there were compatible clinical signs and laboratory parameters, abnor- No disclosures to report. mal SNAP cPL test and a positive abdominal ultrasound within 48 hours from the admission. Thoracic radiography was performed for ESVIM-O-5 each patient using a digital radiological equipment and subgraded base on the pulmonary pattern (normal, interstitial or alveolar). At the Association between tomodensitometry, rhinoscopy, and histopathology characteristics and treatment response in canine idiopathic rhinitis K. Le Boedec, A. Fouhety, M. Dominguez Ruiz, E. Gomes, S. Lezmi Centre Hospitalier Veterinaire Frégis, Arcueil, France admission, arterial blood samples, obtained from the dorsal pedal artery, at room air (FiO2=21%), were analyzed (ABL 700 series, Radiometer, Denmark). ALI/ARDS were diagnosed using the current veterinary consensus: (1) acute onset (<72 hours) of respiratory distress (RD) (tachypnea and laboured breathing at rest), (2) known risk factors, Treatment of canine idiopathic rhinitis may be frustrating, as the (3) evidence of pulmonary capillary leak without cardiac disease and underlying causes are not identified and treatment response is often (4) evidence of inefficient gas exchange. Dogs were divided into limited. 2 groups according to outcome at 15 days from their admission: survi- The aim of this retrospective observational study was to look for vors and non-survivors. Normal distribution was assessed using tomodensitometric (CT), rhinoscopic, and histopathologic parameters D’Agostino-Pearson test. Welch’s t-test was used to compare PaCO2, that would be associated with treatment response and risk of relapse P[A−a]O2 gradient with the outcome; meanwhile, pH, PaO2, PaO2/ in canine idiopathic rhinitis. FiO2 were compared to the outcome using Mann-Whitney U-test. Dogs with a final diagnosis of idiopathic rhinitis after an appropriate Exact tests were used to compare the presence of radiographic abnor- diagnostic work-up, including CT, MRI and/or rhinoscopy, and histo- malities, RD and ALI/ARDS to the outcome. Odds ratio (OR) was cal- pathology, were screened over a 4-year period. Follow-up information culated. Twenty-three client-owned dogs with owners’ consent, regarding treatment response and relapse was gathered from owners admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, were prospectively and local veterinarians. Associations with treatment response or risk enrolled. Ten dogs (43%) died during the study period. Two out of of relapse were screened across CT, rhinoscopic, and histopathologic 10 dogs were euthanized due to poor prognosis or to progressive dis- findings via logistic regressions and calculation of predicted probabili- ease. Ten out of 23 dogs showed RD which was associated with poor ties and Spearman’s rank correlations. outcome (p=0.0001; OR 108 95% CI 7-1225). Nineteen dogs (83%) Fifty dogs were included in the study. Most dogs were treated with showed radiographic alterations (10 alveolar pattern and 9 interstitial corticosteroids (38 dogs) and antimicrobials (23 dogs), with a pattern) and they were associated to death (p=0.04). Non-survivors ABSTRACTS 1050 showed a lower PaCO2 levels than survivors (p=0.009). P[A−a]O2 gra- Overall, there was no significant difference in efficacy between aspirin dient, pH, PaO2 and PaO2/FiO2 were similar between groups. ALI and clopidogrel and TEG was not reliable for monitoring treatment was diagnosed in seven dogs (30%) and no dogs had ARDS. The pres- response in dogs with pIMHA. PM is reliable to detect non- ence of ALI was associated with poor outcome (p=0.0005). In dogs responders, monitor response to treatment and help adjust treatment with AP, pulmonary complications seemed to be frequent and associ- in individual dogs. ated with risk of death. Moreover, ALI/ARDS may be a severe pulmo- Disclosures nary complication affecting the prognosis, as well as in human Disclosures to report. medicine. Conflict of interest: The authors declare no potential conflict of inter- Disclosures est regarding research, authorship and/or publication of this article. No disclosures to report. Funding: The authors received a research grant from the Canine Research Foundation, 28 Holroyd Street, Seaford, VIC 3198 ESVIM-O-7 Australia Effectiveness of aspirin versus clopidogrel in dogs with immune mediated haemolytic anaemia evaluated by serial thromboelastography and platelet mapping ESVIM-O-8 C. Griebsch, E. Hall, V.R. Barrs Sydney School of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Immune mediated haemolytic anaemia (IMHA) is associated with a high risk of thromboembolism. Most dogs with IMHA are hypercoagulable, as measured by thromboelastography (TEG). Platelet mapping (PM) has been used to assess platelet function in human patients treated with aspirin or clopidogrel. The aims of this study were to a) compare the efficacy of aspirin versus clopidogrel in inhibition of platelet activation in dogs with primary IMHA (pIMHA) and b) determine if TEG and/or PM are reliable to monitor treatment response. This prospective double blinded study included 18 client-owned dogs with pIMHA randomized to receive aspirin (loading dose 10mg/kg, then 1mg/kg PO SID, n= 10) or clopidogrel (loading dose 10 mg/kg, then 2 mg/kg PO SID, n=8) in addition to standard therapy. TEG, haematocrit (HCT), platelet count (PLT), prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), fibrinogen concentration, antithrombin (AT) activity and D-dimers were measured before, and 1 and 4 days after commencing treatment. PM was performed on day 1 and 4. Non-responders were defined as <50% inhibition of thromboxane A2-receptor activity (TXA2-RA) stimulated by arachidonic acid (AA) in Platelet function in healthy dogs receiving sustained clopidogrel, prednisone, or combination therapy J.C. Whittemore1, A.P. Mooney1, J.M. Price1, J. Thomason2 1 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, United States of America, 2 Mississippi State University, Starkville, United States of America Clopidogrel is commonly administered to dogs receiving glucocorticoids for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, but the impact of sustained therapy on platelet reactivity is currently unknown. The aim of this study was to compare platelet reactivity among dogs receiving sustained clopidogrel, prednisone, and combination therapy. A double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial was performed using 24 healthy dogs that were randomized to 1 of 4 treatment groups: placebo, prednisone 2 mg/kg/d, clopidogrel 2-3 mg/kg/d, or combined prednisone/clopidogrel therapy PO for 28 days. Complete blood counts, manual platelet counts, PFA-100® closure times (collagen/ADP), and area under the curve (AUC) for Multiplate® wholeblood aggregometry (ADPtest) were determined at baseline, day 14, and day 28. Platelet reactivity was categorized as controlled if closure times increased ≥30% compared to baseline or AUC was ≤46U; control based on AUC was subcategorized into adequate (19-46U) and excess (<19U) control. Closure times, AUC, platelet reactivity control, and degree of control were compared among groups using mixed the aspirin group and <50% inhibition of ADP-receptor activity (ADP- model, split-plot repeated measures ANOVAs, generalized estimating RA) in the clopidogrel group, on day 4. For statistical analysis an equation proportional odds models, and Fisher’s exact tests as appro- Anderson-Darling test was used to determine normality with variables priate. P<0.05 was considered significant. not meeting assumptions loge transformed. A restricted maximum All dogs had normal hematocrits and platelet counts at all timepoints. likelihood model was run for each measurement with fixed effects of Significant (P<0.01) group, week, and group*week interactions were treatment, day and their interaction and the random effect of patient. present for closure times and AUC, due to significant differences for Significance was set at p<0.05. the clopidogrel and prednisone/clopidogrel groups compared to pla- Significant differences identified between the two groups at all time cebo and prednisone groups. Based on closure times on days 14 and points included higher TEG G (clot strength) in the clopidogrel group 28, significantly more dogs had adequate control in the clopidogrel (p=0.021) and lower PM MAAA and PM GAA (MA and G generated by (5/6) and prednisone/clopidogrel (5/6) groups versus the placebo TxA2-RA) in the aspirin group (p=0.009 and 0.016, respectively). Mean (1/6) and prednisone (0/6) groups. On days 14 and 28, all dogs in the platelet TxA2-RA and platelet ADP-RA were not significantly different clopidogrel and prednisone/clopidogrel groups were characterized as between groups. The overall mean % inhibition of TxA2-RA was 25% being controlled based on aggregometry, versus 1/6 dogs each in the (aspirin 33%, clopidogrel 15%), and of ADP-RA was 82% (aspirin 83%, placebo and prednisone groups. Dogs receiving prednisone/clopido- clopidogrel 80%). On day four 6/9 dogs (66%) in the aspirin group and grel were 11 times (P=0.03) more likely to be over-controlled over 2/8 dogs (25%) in the clopidogrel group were non-responders time (day 14, 6/6; day 28, 6/6) than dogs receiving clopidogrel mono- (p=0.086). therapy (day 14, 5/6; day 28, 2/6). ABSTRACTS 1051 Based on human monitoring standards, clopidogrel’s therapeutic effi- with metaphyseal osteomyelitis (2) and congenital hypocobalaminae- cacy decreases during sustained administration in dogs. Prednisone mia with opportunistic infection (2); all four dogs were Border collies. co-administration increases antiplatelet effects of clopidogrel therapy, One dog was diagnosed with polyostotic lymphoma. increasing the risk of overcontrol at dosages currently used for man- This study has identified that non-infectious inflammatory disease; in agement of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Platelet reactivity particular SRMA, IMPA and metaphyseal osteopathy was commonly should be monitored during sustained clopidogrel therapy to avoid diagnosed in this population of pyrexic juvenile dogs and should be over- or undertreatment. considered in dogs that do not respond to antibiotics. Congenital dis- Disclosures orders should be considered in Border collies. No disclosures to report. Disclosures Disclosures to report. ESVIM-O-9 Vicki Black: Internal medicine residency sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Fiona Whitworth: No disclosures Sophie Adamantos: Retrospective analysis of presentation and diagnosis in 115 referred juvenile dogs presenting with pyrexia V.L. Black, F. Whitworth, S. Adamantos Bristol Veterinary School, Bristol, United Kingdom Establishing the cause of pyrexia in dogs can prove challenging. Previ- Speaker fees: BSAVA, ISFM, EVECC, IVECCS, Vets Now, Bayer Consultancy: Pet Blood Bank, Vets Now, Bayer Grants: Pet Plan, Petsavers (BSAVA), Langford Vets, ACVECC ESVIM-O-10 ously studies have analysed diagnoses in dogs of all ages presenting with reproducible pyrexia. Immune-mediated disease has been identified to be most commonly responsible, in 22-33% of dogs, followed by infectious, neoplastic, and miscellaneous disorders. In human medicine pyrexia in children has been analysed separately, this has revealed an increased tendency for diagnosis of infectious and collagen disorders compared with adults. The aim of this study is to describe the diagnoses in juvenile dogs presenting with pyrexia to a single UK-based referral centre (2013-2018). Clinical records of dogs aged 1-18 months presenting with pyrexia Development of a frailty index to assess the risk of mortality in the dog T. Banzato1, M. Canevelli2, R. Di Maggio1, M. Candaten1, E. Nicoletto1, A. Zotti1 1 Università di Padova, Legnaro (PD), Italy, 2Sapienza University, Rome, Italy In humans, and in dogs alike, the risk of mortality increases with age. Such an increase is not uniform and not all the individuals of the same age have the same risk of mortality. In humans, the risk of mortality and other adverse outcomes in elderly people is increasingly being assessed by means of the so-called frailty index (FI). This index is cal- (≥39.2 C), reproduced during hospitalisation, were retrospectively culated by considering a checklist of multidimensional health deficits reviewed. Signalment, history including previous treatment, and diag- (e.g. symptoms, signs, laboratory abnormalities) potentially accumu- nosis was recorded. Diagnoses were categorised as non-infectious lated by the aging individual. To calculate the FI, the actual number of inflammatory, infectious, congenital, neoplastic, and miscellaneous. deficits in an individual is counted and divided by the total number of One hundred and forty cases were identified. Breeds commonly deficits included in the checklist. In humans, the FI shows a moderate recorded were beagles (20), Border collies (17), and Labrador accuracy in the prediction of near term (less than 18 months) mortal- retrievers (12). Median age at presentation was 8 months (range 2-18 ity. A specific FI has been developed also in mice. We developed a months). Prior to presentation 123 dogs had received combinations of dogs-specific FI computed by considering 33 deficits, that was divided antibiotics (71), non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (68) and steroids (5). into two parts: the first 19 questions were focused on the general Seventeen dogs had not received any medications at presentation. health status as reported by the owner, whereas the second 14 ques- Diagnosis was reached in 115 cases. In 20 cases pyrexia resolved dur- tions reported the results of the clinical evaluation of the subject ing hospitalisation (<3days) without treatment, in four dogs predniso- along with the findings of the diagnostic and laboratory tests per- lone was commenced based on a high suspicion of immune-mediated formed during the routine clinical evaluation. Dogs presented to our disease, and the remaining dog died before investigations were com- facility between January 2017 and August 2017 were included. Inclu- pleted. In the 115 dogs with a secure diagnosis, non-infectious inflam- sion criteria included a complete clinical evaluation of the subject and matory disease was identified in 91 cases (79%), infectious disease in recent (less that 2 months) blood analysis. Fatalities were excluded 19 cases (17%), congenital disorders in 4 dogs (3%), and neoplasia in from the study. Mortality was assessed six months after the FI was one dog (1%). administered. 124 dogs belonging to several different breeds matched In the non-infectious inflammatory disease group steroid responsive the inclusion criteria (mean age: 8,26 4,4 years). The developed FI meningitis-arteritis (SRMA) was diagnosed in 55 dogs (48% of total had a high diagnostic accuracy in the prediction of near term mortality diagnosed cases). Immune-mediated polyarthritis (IMPA) was identi- (six months) with an area under the curve of 0,93 (95% confidence fied in 15 dogs, and metaphyseal osteopathy was diagnosed in eight interval (CI)= 0.87-0.97); using a cut-off value of 0,23 the sensitivity dogs, 5 of these dogs had concurrent inflammatory dermatopathies. was 78,57% (95% CI= 49.2-95.3) and the specificity of 90,91% (95% Infectious diseases diagnosed in more than 1 patient included abscess CI= 83.9-95.6), the positive likelihood ratio was 8.64 (95% CI= (5), aspiration pneumonia (4), pyothorax (2), and haemorrhagic gastro- 4.5-16.6), the negative likelihood ratio was 0.24 (95% CI = 0.09-0.6). enteritis (2). Congenital disorders were trapped neutrophil syndrome There was a moderate (r= 0,454 – 95% CI= 0.301-0.583) but ABSTRACTS 1052 significant (p= 0.001) correlation between the frailty index and age. A The results of this study suggest that six months after renal ischemia, large-scale use of the FI could provide new interesting information upregulation of inflammatory and pro-fibrotic pathways persists. regarding the aging process in the dog. Additionally, unilateral ischemic injury differentially alters gene Disclosures expression in both kidneys. No disclosures to report. Disclosures Disclosures to report. ESVNU-O-1 Bianca Lourenco is the recipient of a scholarship through the Boehringer Ingelheim resident scholar program Inflammatory and pro-fibrotic pathway upregulation in an ischemic model of feline chronic kidney disease ESVNU-O-2 B.N. Lourenco, J.L. Tarigo, J.B. Stanton, A.E. Coleman, C.A. Brown, D. Rissi, S.A. Brown, C.W. Schmiedt University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, Athens, United States of America Symmetric Dymethylarginine evaluation and characterization of proteinuria in dogs with pituitary-dependant hyperadrenocorticism Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common, slowly progressive and irreversible disorder in domestic cats. Feline CKD is characterized histologically by tubulointerstitial inflammation and fibrosis; however, the molecular pathways associated with its progression have not been thoroughly characterized. Our group has recently described a model of feline CKD that utilizes unilateral in vivo ischemia to induce renal M. Menard1, J. Vial2, C. Maurey2, D. Rosenberg3, M. Coyne4, R. Murphy4, C. Trumel5, R. Lavoué6, G. Benchekroun2 1 Alfort Veterinary School, Maisons-Alfort, France, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Alfort Veterinary School, Maisons-Alfort, France, 3Department of Internal Medicine, Micen-Vet, Créteil, France, 4IDEXX, Laboratories, Inc., Westbrook, United States of America, 5Biologie Médicale-Histologie, Centre régional d'Exploration Fonctionnelle, ENVT, Toulouse, France, 6IRSD, Université de Toulouse, INSERM, INRA, ENVT, UPS, CHU Purpan, Toulouse, France changes mimicking those of naturally occurring disease. The objective of this study was to characterize the renal transcriptome in an ische- Various consequences of canine hyperadrenocorticism on renal func- mic model of feline CKD using RNA sequencing. We hypothesized tion have been described. Urinary markers of glomerular and tubular that 1) tissues from cats with experimental CKD would display dysfunction, urine protein-to-creatinine ratio [UPC] and glomerular fil- increased genetic expression of molecular pathways associated with tration rate [GFR] are known to be increased in dogs with hyperadre- inflammation and fibrosis, and that 2) in cats having undergone unilat- nocorticism. Symmetric dimethylarginine [SDMA] may detect early eral renal ischemia, tissues from the contralateral (i.e., non-ischemic) kidney dysfunction in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. The aim of the kidney would show differential genetic expression when compared to study was to compare renal function at the time of diagnosis among tissues from control cats. dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism [PDH], elderly This study included bilateral renal tissue samples banked from cats healthy dogs and control dogs (for which low dose dexamethasone that underwent temporary unilateral renal ischemia six months prior suppression test was negative), using commercially available tests. to tissue collection (n = 6) and from healthy cats (control group, n = 9). Following ethical committee approval, thirty-nine dogs were prospec- For the CKD model cats, tissues from both the ischemic kidney tively enrolled: 14 dogs with PDH, 9 control dogs, and 16 healthy (IK group) and the contralateral, non-ischemic kidney (NIK group) dogs. Dogs with urinary tract infections or those receiving drugs were evaluated. Illumina short read sequencing technology was used potentially affecting kidney function were excluded. All dogs under- to produce transcriptome sequences from the renal tissues. Reads went physical examination, blood pressure measurements, routine uri- were mapped to the reference feline genome (Felis_catus_8.0). Differ- nalysis, UPC, urinary protein sodium dodecyl sulfate-agarose gel ential expression analysis was conducted with edgeR at a false discov- electrophoresis [SDS-AGE], as well as serum urea, creatinine [sCr], ery rate (FDR) £0.05. Gene ontology analysis was performed using the and SDMA measurements. Comparisons were made between groups Panther classification system and the Fisher’s exact test with FDR using Mann-Whitney test for quantitative variables and Fisher test for multiple test correction. distribution of categorical variables. When tested against the control group, the IK group exhibited 1743 Prevalence of proteinuria and magnitude of UPC were significantly upregulated and 1196 downregulated genes, and the NIK group dis- higher in PDH dogs than in healthy dogs (p0.01), but not significantly played 209 upregulated and 291 downregulated genes. Compared to different from control dogs (p=0.16). Seven out of 13 dogs with PDH, the NIK group, there were 849 upregulated genes and 451 downregu- 4/9 control dogs and no healthy dogs had a UPC0.5. sCr concentra- lated genes in the IK group. Genes associated with the gene ontology tion was lower in PDH dogs than in healthy dogs (p0.01) but not from categories of collagen binding (e.g., transforming growth factor b1 and control dogs (p=0.15). No difference in SDMA values was detected matrix metalloproteinase [MMP] 13), metalloendopeptidase activity between groups, nor between proteinuric and non proteinuric dogs. (e.g., MMP-7, -9, -11, -13, -16, -23B and -28), chemokine activity, T- sUrea was not different between groups. Serum SDMA was normal in cell migration, and positive regulation of macrophages chemotaxis all but 1 healthy dog (16 μg/dL) and sCr was normal in all but 1 dog were overrepresented in the IK group vs. control. Genes associated with PDH (200 μmol/L). Among the seven dogs with PDH and pro- with the extracellular matrix (e.g. tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase teinuria, moderate (160-180 mmHg) and severe hypertension 1 and connective tissue growth factor) were upregulated in both IK (≥180 mmHg) were found in 3 and 1 dogs, respectively. Abnormal pat- and NIK tissues. terns were found on SDS-AGE in 9/13 (8 glomerular, 1 mixed ABSTRACTS patterns) PDH dogs, 4/9 (3 glomerular, 1 mixed patterns) control dogs 1053 ESVNU-O-4 and in 0/16 healthy dogs. Although PDH dogs were more likely to have proteinuria, renal dysfunction was not evident based on SDMA levels. Proteinuria was partially of glomerular origin in all proteinuric dogs as evaluated by SDSAGE. These results need to be confirmed in a larger cohort and a longitudinal follow-up study is required to identify if SDMA increases after treatment of PDH and to quantitatively and qualitatively follow proteinuria especially in proteinuric dogs. Disclosures Disclosures to report. M. Coyne and R. Murphy are employees of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Measurement of biochemical parameters was performed by IDEXX Laboratories free of charge. The residency program of the presenting author (MM) is sponsored by Royal Canin. ESVNU-O-3 In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of urinary bacterial isolates in dogs with chronic kidney disease A. Lamoureux1, C. Maurey2, H.J. Boulouis3, G. Benchekroun2, J.L. Cadoré1, E. Krafft1 1 Université de Lyon, VetAgro Sup, Campus vétérinaire de Lyon, Marcy l'Etoile, France, 2Ecole nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort, Unité de médecine interne, Maisons-Alfort, France, 3Ecole nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort, BioPôle Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, France An increasing prevalence of antimicrobial resistance is reported in urinary tract infections in dogs, particularly in those receiving antimicrobials during the previous 30 days. A high rate (69%) of multidrug resistance (MDR) has been observed in urinary isolates from humans with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In dogs with CKD, the frequency of resistance among urinary isolates is unknown. The aim of this study was to describe the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of urinary tract isolates found in dogs with CKD. The clinical utility of glomerular filtration rate measurement in dogs Aerobic bacterial isolates growth and susceptibility data were col- M.P. McKenna, L. Pelligand, R.E. Jepson Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, United Kingdom lected retrospectively from urine cultures of dogs with CKD and sig- GFR measurement is considered the gold standard for assessment of between January 2010 and June 2016. A significant bacteriuria was renal function given direct proportionality to functional renal mass. defined as finding growth of at least 1000 CFU/mL of urine col- Although widely used in research settings, there is little published on lected by cystocentesis. Treatment with antimicrobial within one clinical utility. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical utility month preceding sampling was an exclusion criteria. MDR was of GFR measurement in dogs. defined as resistance to one agent in at least three separate antimi- The Royal Veterinary College has offered a GFR service since 2013 crobial categories for which the wild type bacteria would normally using 3 sample iohexol clearance. In addition to serum sample submis- be susceptible, whereas possible extreme-drug resistance (XDR) sion, clinical data pertaining to the patients are requested as part of was defined as resistance to all except 2 or fewer antimicrobial cate- the laboratory submission facilitating GFR interpretation. GFR results gories tested. and records were reviewed and submitting practices contacted in Sixty-five dogs with a positive urine culture and CKD were recruited, order to obtain outcome data. Descriptive analysis provides a prelimi- representing a total of 70 isolates. Most common isolates were nificant bacteriuria seen at two veterinary teaching hospitals nary assessment of clinical utility of GFR measurement. Escherichia coli (67% of isolates) and coagulase negative Staphylococci Between 2013-2017, 132 canine GFR assessments were performed; (9% of isolates). Among all isolates, 11% were susceptible to all tested the most common reasons for submission being screening for pre- antimicrobials, 54% were MDR, 19% were possible XDR and 3% were azotaemic chronic kidney disease (CKD; n=103), cutaneous and renal resistant to all tested antimicrobials. Escherichia coli was susceptible to glomerular vasculopathy (n=18) and carboplatin dose adjustment (n=3). all tested antimicrobials in 15% of cases, MDR in 53% of cases, possi- Clinical and laboratory findings prompting GFR measurement included ble XDR in 13% of cases and none was resistant to all drug tested. For polyuria/polydipsia (n=74), urinary incontinence (n=20), proteinuria Escherichia coli, percent in-vitro susceptibility was 96% for fluoroqui- (n=14) and isosthenuria (n=12). Follow-up data were available for 78.8% nolones, 89% for sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim and extended- and a final diagnosis in 84.6% of dogs. GFR confirmed pre-azotaemic spectrum cephalosporins, 80% for aminoglycosides, 64% for tetracy- CKD in 11% of dogs and psychogenic polydipsia in 13.6%. 84 dogs were clines and penicillins + beta-lactamase inhibitors, 43% for penicillins, alive at follow-up. In only 1/18 dogs that died/were euthanised was 38% for non-extended spectrum cephalosporins and 32% for death attributed to CKD. Three dogs developed azotaemic CKD during polymyxins. the follow-up period, with median time to onset being 281 days. Results of the present study suggest that MDR is frequent in dogs This study suggests that GFR measurement is useful to distinguish with CKD and bacteriuria, even if a recent antimicrobial treatment has dogs with pre-azotaemic kidney disease from dogs with psychogenic not been administered. This finding suggests that urine culture and polydipsia. susceptibility testing are indicated in dogs with CKD. A high rate of in- Disclosures vitro resistance to penicillins and non-extended spectrum cephalospo- Disclosures to report. rins was found. Conversely, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim had a low Ludovic Pelligand has affiliation with deltaDOT through a Concept frequency of resistance and could be considered as a first-line Development Partnership (shared company/RVC investment) which treatment. resulted in employment of a postdoctoral researcher for 4 years for Disclosures the development of the GFR service. No disclosures to report. ABSTRACTS 1054 ESVNU-O-5 ESVNU-O-6 Dogs as reservoirs of uropathogenic Klebsiella pneumoniae to humans Urolithiasis prevalence in leishmania infantum-infected dogs treated with allopurinol in an endemic area of the South of France C. Marques1, A. Belas1, C. Aboim1, G. Trigueiro2, P. Cavaco-Silva3, C. Pomba1 1 Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 2Laboratório de Análises Clínicas Dr. Joaquim Chaves, Lisboa, Portugal, 3CiiEM, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz, Lisboa, Portugal Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major nosocomial pathogen and the second most common enterobactereaceae causing UTI in humans. Companion animals (CA) may become infected with K. pneumoniae high-risk clonal lineages, however little is known about their role as reservoirs. This study aimed to evaluate the K. pneumoniae faecal colonization in healthy CA and their household members, and to compare their clonal relatedness with clinical strains from humans and companion animals with UTI. Faecal samples from 17 dogs and 8 cats belonging to 18 households (total of 24 humans) were collected into sterile containers, after informed consent. Samples were plated onto MacConkey agar plates (MCK) with and without 1.5ug/mL cefotaxime or meropenem supplementation. Negative samples were enriched prior to plating. When positive, up-to-five K. pneumoniae colonies were isolated per positive plate. The clonal relatedness of 80% of faecal K. pneumoniae isolates was compared after XbaI restriction PFGE with a clinical K. pneumoniae from UTI (n=25 CA, n=57 human community-acquired UTI, n=19 human hospital-acquired UTI). Dice/UPGMA with 1.5% tolerance was used. K. pneumoniae colonization was detected in dogs (41.2%, n=7/17) and humans (37.5%, n=9/24). All cefotaxime or meropenem supplemented MCK plates were negative for K. pneumoniae. Overall, most dogs and humans were colonized with a single strain. Two households (11.1%, n=2/18) had K. pneumoniae colonized humans and dogs simultaneously. PFGE analysis revealed that in one household, two dogs shared 100% similar K. pneumoniae with one human. Fourteen unique K. pneumoniae pulsetypes were obtained from faecal samples. Thirtysix percent faecal strains (n=5/14; three from human and two from dogs) clustered with UTI K. pneumomiae (Dice index >80%). All five faecal strains clustered with strains causing UTI in humans. One faecal strain from a dog (Dog A) was 80.3% similar to one faecal strains from an unrelated human (Human B). Furthermore, Dog A and Human B faecal strains clustered with two community-acquired and one hospital acquired UTI K. pneumoniae. Of note, the Dog A strain was 92.3% similar to the UTI hospital-acquired K. pneumoniae. This study shows that dogs may become colonized by clonally related K. pneumoniae to uropathogenic strains from humans. Furthermore, M.L. Pastor1, C. Marie2, J.L. Cadoré2, G. Bourdoiseau2, D. Rault3 MediVet SA, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Vetagro Sup, Campus de Lyon, Marcy l'Etoile, France, 3Azurvet, Cagnes Sur Mer, France 1 Allopurinol is a consensual leishmaniostatic drug that increases the risk of xanthine urolithiasis, a slight to non-radio-opaque (NRO) urolithiasis. Fews reports described urinary obstruction or pyonephrosis due to xanthine lithiasis. One retrospective study showed lithiasis or renal mineralization with xanthinuria in 10% of leishmanian dogs treated with allopurinol. To the authors’ experience, this prevalence seems to be underestimated. The aim of this prospective controlled study is to evaluate the NRO-urolithiasis prevalence in Leishmania infantuminfected dogs (Leish-dogs) treated with allopurinol in an endemic area. Client-owned dogs were recruited. The inclusion criteria for Leishdogs (L-group) were a definitive diagnosis of leishmaniasis and an allopurinol treatment of at least one month. The controlled dogs (C-group) where clinically healthy, and had a negative serological test for Leishmania infantum. The exclusion criteria were a severe hepatic disease, breeds predisposed to NRO urolithiasis and low purine diets. Complete clinical and blood analysis data were collected. Abdominal ultrasonography was systematically performed, and if calculi above 2 millimeters were identified, abdominal radiographs completed the study. All images were recorded and secondly blindly reviewed by the same board certified radiologist in all dogs. Urine was collected for classical urinalysis, xanthine measurement, urine xanthine/creatinine (UXC) ratio and infrared spectrometry of the urine sediment. Forty dogs were included, 30 in the L-group and 10 in the C-group. The median duration of allopurinol treatment was 3 years (range: 1 month to 9 years). Urolithiasis was present in 83.3% of dogs in the L-group (76% in the kidneys) vs. 20% in the C-group (all in the bladder). In the C-group, the stones were less than 2 mm with struvite crystals. In the L-group, lithiasis were highly suspected to be xanthine lithiasis because of their slight to NRO feature, a high xanthinuria, a high UXC ratio and identification of xanthine in the sediment by infrared spectrometry in some dogs. In the L-group, the amount of renal NRO urolithiasis seemed to increase with the duration of allopurinol treatment and all the dogs treated since at least 5 years had slight to NRO renal lithiasis. Our study showed an unexpectedly very high prevalence of slight to NRO urolithiasis (highly suspected to be xanthine lithiasis) in Leishdogs treated with allopurinol. A close monitoring of this side effect is then highly recommended as some ureteral obstruction has been seen and as it could induce a treatment adaptation. Disclosures dogs and humans may share K. pneumoniae within the same house- Disclosures to report. hold. These results highlight the role of dogs as reservoirs of A financial support was provided by Royal Canin. K. pneumoniae to humans, or viceversa. Disclosures ESVNU-O-7 Disclosures to report. With financial support of CIISA and FCT through Project UID/CVT/00276/2013 and JPIAMR/0002/2016. AB and CM hold FCT PhD grants SFRH/BD/113142/2015 BD/77886/2011, respectively. and SFRH/ Evaluation of prescription, anticoagulation, and metabolic response to membrane-based therapeutic plasma exchange in dogs A. Schweighauser, T. Francey Vetsuisse Faculty University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland ABSTRACTS 1055 Extracorporeal blood purification techniques have become standard procedures in small animal medicine. Membrane- centrifugation-based therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) techniques have been used increasingly to remove pathogenic large-molecular weight products from the circulating blood, including antibodies, pathogenic proteins, and protein-bound toxins. The aim of this study is to describe the technique of membrane-based TPE and the metabolic and physiological changes associated with ESVNU-O-8 and the treatments. The medical records of all dogs treated with TPE at the Vetsuisse Fac- Comparative Performance of IDEXX SDMA® Test and the DLD SDMA ELISA for the Measurement of SDMA in Canine and Feline Serum M.J. Coyne1, R. Ernst2, J. Ogeer1, D. McCrann1, J. Cross1, M. Strong-Townsend1, H. Friis3, C. Clements1, C. Drake1, R. Murphy1 1 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Westbrook, United States of America, 2Fredrikstad Dyrehospital, Fredrikstad, Norway, 3IDEXX Laboratories Danmark ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark ulty Bern (2011-2017) were reviewed retrospectively to collect data Kidney disease is common in companion animals, and tradition- including signalment, treatment indication, prescription, and clinical ally diagnosed with serum creatinine concentration (sCr), blood and laboratory parameters associated with the procedure. For descrip- urea nitrogen, and urine specific gravity. More recently, it has tive statistics, data are presented as median (interquartile range, IQR) been and pre-post procedure comparisons were performed with a dimethylarginine (SDMA) correlates with glomerular filtration Wilcoxon-rank-sum test, using a cutoff P-value of 0.05 for statistical rate, increasing earlier than sCr with acute kidney injury and significance. chronic kidney disease. This prospective study compared accu- Thirty-four dogs have been treated with TPE, including 19 males racy and precision of two commercial SDMA assays, the IDEXX (12 intact) and 15 females (5 intact), with an age of 5.2 y (IQR, SDMA® Test manufactured by IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and the 2.5-8.5) and a weight of 13.0 kg (IQR, 7.8-30.1). Main indications SDMA ELISA manufactured by DLD Diagnostika, GmbH. Accu- for TPE were immune diseases in 29 dogs (immune-mediated racy and precision for both commercial assays was measured rel- hemolytic ative anemia, immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, demonstrated to the that the established kidney biomarker reference Symmetric method, liquid leptospirosis-associated pulmonary hemorrhages and neuromuscu- chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Anonymized surplus lar diseases). Other indications included polysystemic diseases in canine and feline serum samples submitted to an IDEXX com- 5 dogs (sepsis, microangiopathy), and hyperviscosity in 3 dogs mercial reference laboratory were used in this study. Thirty (leishmaniasis). Sixty-four treatments were performed with a dura- canine and 30 feline serum samples were used to evaluate accu- tion of 125 min (103-163) and a treatment dose of 1.0 plasma racy compared to LC-MS. Pooled canine samples with a low volume exchange (0.94-1.04). Replacement fluid consisted of fresh SDMA concentration and pooled feline samples with a high frozen plasma (n=64, 49% of the exchange volume), 20% human albumin (n=59, 23% volume), 6% HES (n=21, 7% volume), and 0.9% NaCl (n=33, 21% volume. 45 treatments (70%) were performed as stand-alone procedures, the others combined with hemodialysis. Anticoagulation was provided with regional citrate (n=24, 38%), systemic heparinization (n=2, 3%), or a combination of both (n=38, 59%). Treatments resulted in mildly increased systolic blood pressure (+10 mmHg, P=0.008), mildly decreased total proteins (-12 g/L, P=0.01), moderately decreased plasma fibrinogen (-126 mg/dl, P=0.009) and mild-moderate signs of citrate SDMA concentration were used to evaluate precision. Using a best fit linear model, the IDEXX SDMA® Test resulted in a slope of 1.06 and an intercept of 0.23, with R2 = 0.99, and the DLD SDMA ELISA resulted in a slope of 0.38 and an intercept of 11.23, with R2 = 0.27. Estimated bias over a clinically relevant range for SDMA (10 – 45 μg/dL) was 1-3μg/dL for the IDEXX SDMA® Test, while the DLD SDMA ELISA showed considerable bias, 5 to -17μg/dL. Day-to-day precision analysis of the low SDMA concentration samples showed 7.7% total coefficient of variation (CV) for the IDEXX SDMA® Test and 31.1% for the DLD SDMA ELISA. For the high SDMA concentration samples, accumulation with increased total calcium (+1.3 mmol/l, P<0.001) total CV was 2.3% for the IDEXX SDMA® Test and 28.2% for and decreased ionized calcium (-0.21 mmol/l, P<0.001). Minor the DLD SDMA ELISA. In this study the IDEXX SDMA® Test complications associated with the procedures were observed in was more accurate and more precise than the DLD SDMA ELISA 14 treatments (22%) and included vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, when compared to the reference method of LC-MS, supporting and technical difficulties due to small patient size. More severe the conclusion that the IDEXX SDMA® Test is more suitable for complications were seen in 5 treatments (8%) and included tran- clinical use in the diagnosis and monitoring of kidney disease in sient laryngeal edema, chemosis, and early treatment discontinua- dogs and cats. tion due to a technical problem. Disclosures In view of the severity of the underlying diseases, most complications Disclosures to report. were benign and membrane-based TPE therefore can be performed This study was funded by IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Jennifer Ogeer, safely in dogs. Donald McCrann, Julie Cross, Marilyn Strong-Townsend, Hanne Friis, Disclosures Michael Coyne, Celeste Clements, Corie Drake, and Rachel Murphy Disclosures to report. are employees of IDEXX Laboratories, the manufacturer of the IDEXX MSD Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim, IDEXX, Hill's Pet Nutrition, SDMA® Test. The IDEXX SDMA Test was conducted in an IDEXX Royal Canin, Purina. commercial reference laboratory. ABSTRACTS 1056 ESVNU-O-9 Bacterial urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect 14% of all dogs during their lifetime. In veterinary patients, collection of urine, by cystocent- Ultrasound-guided subcutaneous ureteral bypass and microsurgical ureterotomy in cats with obstructive ureterolith esis, for quantitative bacterial culture (QBC) is the current gold standard for diagnosing UTIs. To ensure accurate results, immediate E.M. Butty, M.A. Labato Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, United States of America culture is recommended. However, most general practitioners do not Subcutaneous Ureteral Bypass (SUB) is a novel treatment alternative boric acid, have been traditionally used but previous veterinary stud- that has become more and more popular over the last years to treat ure- ies suggest that these methods can significantly increase the number teral obstructions in cats. However, the currently described method of false-negative results. requires fluoroscopic guidance. The aim of this retrospective study is to An effective method of preserving urine at room temperature is there- describe an ultrasound-guided method of SUB placement and a micro- fore desirable. The use of charcoal bacteriology swab has been sug- surgical procedure to perform an ureterotomy with stone removal. gested by some laboratories to store and transport urine when Twenty-one cats with ureteral obstruction were treated with ultrasound- immediate culture is not possible. The aim of this study was to investi- guided SUB placement. The correct placement was intraoperatively con- gate the use of standard bacteriology swabs for storage of canine firmed by ultrasound-guided flush of the device. In all but 2 cases, the urine at room temperature. We compared urine stored at room tem- SUB device was placed without complication. In the first case, the string perature for 48h, either in a sterile tube, or stored in a bacteriology of the nephrostomy tube lead to urine leakage in the subcutaneous tissue, swab, to a reference QBC on a fresh sample. corrected surgically 9 days later. In the second case, the nephrostomy Canine urine samples obtained by cystocentesis at AHT between April tube tip ended up subcapsular and led to a communication when pulled 2017 and February 2018 were prospectively included in the study. back into the pelvis, causing a subcapsular accumulation of urine, resolved Samples were inoculated within 4h of collection for reference QBC. A after 2 months. Thirteen microsurgical ureterotomies were performed on bacteriology swab was immersed in the urine and returned to its origi- 12 cats at the time of SUB placement. One ureterotomy was complicated nal tube. The urine samples were kept in the original sterile container by extrusion of purulent urine. The ureterotomy allowed stone removal in and both samples, sterile container and bacteriology swab, were all but 2 cases. All 11 ureteroliths analysis identified calcium oxalate stored at room temperature. After 48h, the urine samples with a posi- monohydrate. Two of the 8 cultures on pyelocentesis were positive while tive culture were inoculated for standard QBC, again. A total of the preoperative cultures on cystocentesis were negative. 213 urine samples were included, 16.4% (35/213) of the initial cul- The most frequent postoperative complications were transient worsen- tures were positive and 14.2% (5/35) of those had a mixed bacterial ing of the azotemia and severe polyuria. The most serious complications growth. Urine stored in a sterile container and bacteriology swab cul- related to the SUB placement included a severe postoperative acute kid- tured 48h after sample collection had identical sensitivity of 94.6% ney injury that required 8 days of peritoneal dialysis for the case with and a 95% CI [81.81%-99.34%] for UTI detection. Considering all the communication between the pelvis and subcapsular space. The case of colonies isolated in the initial samples, the sensitivity for bacterial spe- subcutaneous leakage was discharged the day after its surgical correc- cies detection of urine stored in a sterile container and a bacteriology tion. Another case with bilateral obstruction was euthanized 4 days post swab was 91.1% and 93.1% respectively. No samples showed growth surgery for persistent severe azotemia, hypotension and coagulopathy. of a bacterial species not isolated from the initial sample. In contrast One case of dysequilibrium syndrome was suspected secondary to a to previous studies, the results of the current study suggest that the severe diuresis with rapid decrease of the azotemia. Fifteen of the use of a urine soaked bacteriology swab or sterile containers are both 21 cats are still alive at the time of writing. All but 2 of their SUB device reliable methods for detecting UTI after storage of canine urine for up remain patent. The 2 cases with a non patent device did not present with to 48h at room temperature. recurrent hydronephrosis, leading to the suspicion of a patent ureter sec- Disclosures ondary to the ureterotomy performed at the time of SUB placement. No disclosures to report. perform urine culture in-house and samples must be sent to an external laboratory. Refrigeration or the addition of preservatives, such as This study suggest that ultrasound-guided SUB is a safe procedure to perform on a pelvis under pressure. The microsurgical ureterotomy ESVONC-O-1 with stone removal may avoid recurrence of hydronephrosis in case of SUB device obstruction. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVNU-O-10 Tumor-specific microRNA expression in canine intestinal T-cell lymphomas and analysis of microRNA function in a canine T-cell lymphoma cell line K. Weber1, M. Leipig-Rudolph2, D. Joos1 1 LMU Munich, München, Germany, 2Fachpraxis für Tierpathologie Bomhard/Pfleghaar, Munich, Germany The histopathological differentiation between canine intestinal lym- The utility of charcoal bacteriology swabs for storage of urine prior to culture phoma and lymphoplasmacellular enteritis can be difficult and often G. Olivares1, D. Hermes1, K. Hughes1, L. Clarke1, J. Warland2 1 Animal Health Trust, Newmarket, United Kingdom, 2Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom sion patterns have already been detected in different tumor types in requires additional diagnostic procedures. Specific microRNA expreshumans and animals. Studies on the function of microRNAs in tumor ABSTRACTS 1057 cells may help to understand tumor pathogenesis. The aim of this of MC at the time of completion of AC-based protocols. The aim of study was to compare microRNA expression patterns in samples of this study was to assess time to progression (TTP) and median survival intestinal T-cell lymphoma, lymphoplasmacellular enteritis, and time (MST) in dogs with stage I-II splenic HSA and to compare differ- healthy gut tissue. Additionally, microRNAs that were highly differen- ent treatment protocols. tially expressed in lymphomas were selected, and their effect on cell Medical records of 10 institutions were searched for dogs diagnosed death and cell proliferation was studied in the canine T-cell lymphoma with surgically excised stage I-II splenic HSA treated with adjuvant AC cell line CL-1. or MC. Patients receiving MC following completion of AC-based pro- Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded samples of canine T-cell lympho- tocols were assigned to an additional group (anthracycline/metro- mas, lymphoplasmacellular enteritis, and normal gut tissue were used nomic, AMC). The MST and TTP were assessed and compared; (n=8 each group). The samples were selected in retrospect from mate- prognostic variables included breed, gender, age, body weight, stage, rial submitted for diagnostic purposes. Total RNA was extracted and mitotic index, treatment type and number of chemotherapy cycles for the microRNAs were reverse transcribed. In a pilot study, the expres- the AC/AMC groups. sion of 192 different microRNAs was compared on custom-made Ninety-four dogs were included: median age was 9.7 years (range arrays for two samples per group. Twelve microRNAs that were highly differentially expressed in the lymphoma group were selected and their expression was compared in all 24 samples using single microRNA qPCR assays. Five of these microRNAs were transfected as microRNA-mimics and microRNA-inhibitors into the T-cell lymphoma cell line CL-1. Cell viability and cell toxicity were measured after 48h using the Multitox-Fluor Multiplex Cytotoxicity Assay (Promega). Intestinal T-cell lymphomas display a microRNA expression pattern that differentiates them from healthy gut tissue and lymphoplasmacellular enteritis. In the tumor samples, a significant up-regulation of the microRNAs miR-18b, miR-20b, miR-363 was found, which are part of the miR-106~363 cluster. A significant down-regulation was found for the tumor-suppressing microRNAs miR-192 and miR-203. The transfection of these microRNAs in CL1-cells had distinct effects on their proliferation. 3.9-15) and median body weight 27.25 kg (range 4.8-54.5). All patients underwent splenectomy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy: 50 dogs received anthracycline-based protocols (40 doxorubicin [DOX], 5 epirubicin [EPI], 5 pegylated liposomal encapsulated doxorubicin [PG-DOX]), 20 dogs received MC (18 cyclophosphamide, 2 chlorambucil) and 24 dogs received EPI (13), DOX (10) or PG-DOX (1), followed by MC once the protocol ended (AMC group). The overall MST was 193 days (range 47-3352) and the overall median TTP was 131 days (range 27-909). The MST was 149 days for the AC group (range 47-3352), 225 days for the MC group (range 57-911) and 338 days for the AMC group (range 79-1623). Survival was significantly longer in the AMC group vs the AC group (p= 0.0029) as well as TTP (183 vs 125 days, p=0.029), although no difference could be found between the MC group vs the AC or AMC group. Dogs receiv- MicroRNA expression patterns could prove useful in the diagnosis of ing > 3 treatments with anthracyclines in the AMC vs the AC group canine T-cell lymphomas, and microRNAs from the miR-106~363 survived significantly longer (338 vs 172 days, p=0.0015). No other cluster have effects on the proliferation of canine T cell lymphoma factors appeared to affect survival or TTP. cells. Overexpression of the miR-106~363 cluster has been shown to This study suggests that the efficacy of adjuvant MC may be compara- induce T-cell lymphomas in mice, and high expression has been found ble to that of AC alone or followed by MC and the use of MC at the in human T-cell leukemia. These microRNAs may play a role in tumor time of completion of AC-based protocols may be able to significantly formation of T cells in several species and may represent a suitable prolong survival and TTP when compared to AC alone. Further large- target for translational cancer research. scale studies are necessary to define the role of MC in the treatment Disclosures of canine HSA. No disclosures to report. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVONC-O-2 ESVONC-O-3 Retrospective comparison of first line adjuvant anthracycline versus metronomic-based chemotherapy protocols in the treatment of stage i-ii, canine splenic haemangiosarcoma Incidence of post-operative complications and outcome of 48 dogs undergoing surgical management of insulinoma E. Treggiari1, J.F. Borrego2, I. Gramer3, P. Valenti4, A. Harper5, R. Finotello5, P. Laomedonte1, C. Toni6, G. Romanelli1 1 Centro Specialistico Veterinario, Milan, Italy, 2Auna Especialidades Veterinarias, Paterna, Valencia, Spain, 3Davies Veterinary Specialists, Higham Gobion, Herts, United Kingdom, 4Clinica Veterinaria Malpensa, Samarate, Varese, Italy, 5University of Liverpool, Small Animal Teaching Hospital, Neston, Cheshire, United Kingdom, 6Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Centre, Solihull, West Midlands, United Kingdom I. Del Busto Castro1, E. Treggiari2, P. Silvestrini1, D. Batchelor1, A.J. German1, E. O'Connell1, G. Romanelli3, K. Murtagh4 1 University of Liverpool, Neston, United Kingdom, 2Willows referral, Shirley, United Kingdom, 3Centro Specialistico Veterinario, Milan, Italy, 4 Anderson Moores, Winchester, United Kingdom Treatment for canine splenic haemangiosarcoma (HSA) includes sur- rently the preferred treatment for insulinoma, with dogs treated surgi- gery and adjuvant chemotherapy. Adjunctive metronomic chemother- cally surviving significantly longer than those treated conservatively apy (MC) has been shown to result in similar survivals when compared (median survival 381 days versus 74 days). Prognostic factors for insu- to anthracyclines (AC), whilst there are discordant results on the use linoma Insulinoma is the most common canine pancreatic tumour and is likely to metastasise to regional lymph nodes, liver and lungs. Surgery is cur- are poorly-described. In one study, postoperative ABSTRACTS 1058 hypoglycaemia was a negative prognostic factor, however significance study was therefore to review the attitudes and determine owners’ of other factors such as postoperative complications is currently opinions of the treatments available for canine osteosarcoma. As part of unknown. this study, we aimed to understand the motivations behind selecting a Aim of this retrospective multicentre cross-sectional study was to particular treatment and particularly the owners’ attitude to amputation. report post-operative complications and their significance in survival This retrospective study surveyed dog owners using bespoke online following surgical management of insulinoma and to identify potential questionnaires. IWH, Deerhound, Rottweiler and Greyhound owners prognostic factors that could predict subsequent development of dia- with and without experience of osteosarcoma were surveyed along- betes mellitus. side owners of any dog without experience of osteosarcoma. There Clinical records were reviewed to identify patients diagnosed with were 154 owners of dogs affected by osteosarcoma and 96 owners insulinoma based on histopathology and a total of 48 dogs were without experience of osteosarcoma. enrolled from three referral hospitals in Europe. Cox’s regression was Of the 154 respondents with experience of osteosarcoma: 23 selected used to determine factors associated with post-operative survival and chemotherapy and amputation, 14 selected amputation alone, relapse, whilst logistic regression was used to determine factors asso- 12 selected chemotherapy alone. The remaining 105 dogs received ciated with the development of diabetes mellitus. combination palliative care (which included 10 dogs receiving radio- Median age at diagnosis was 7.5y (ranging from 4.5y to 11y) and vari- therapy, as well as those receiving conventional analgesia, bispho- ous breeds were represented, with West Highland (8/48) white terriers sphonates and glucocorticoids) or were euthanized soon after and Boxers (8/48) the most common. Clinical signs at the time of diag- diagnosis. Of those owners choosing to treat their dogs, 83% felt their nosis were mainly associated with hypoglycaemia, with seizures and dog tolerated amputation ‘well’ and 74% would recommend amputa- collapse occurring most frequently. The median duration of clinical tion to others. Furthermore, 80% felt their dog tolerated chemother- signs before diagnosis was 60 days (ranging from 1d to 282d). Diabetes apy ‘well’ and 71% would recommend chemotherapy to others. Of the mellitus and pancreatitis were the most common post-operative com- respondents that selected radiotherapy as part of their palliative care plications, occurring in 9 and 5 dogs, respectively. The diabetes mellitus protocol, 78% felt their dog tolerated the therapy ‘well’. was persistent in all cases (9/48, 19%), whilst a further 7 dogs (15%) Owners were significantly less likely to select amputation for osteosar- developed short-term post-operative hyperglycaemia (average duration coma than non-cancerous reasons (P<0.0001). Additionally, owners of 2.5d), which did not require exogenous insulin administration. older dogs were significantly less likely to select amputation (P<0.0001). Using logistic regression no pre-operative factors were found to be We can conclude that treatments available for osteosarcoma are well significantly associated with the development of post-operative dia- received by owners who consider them to be well tolerated by their betes mellitus. Presence of seizures at diagnosis (P 0.03), stage of dis- dogs. This study indicates a good quality-of-life in large breed dogs ease (P 0.04), development of post-operative hypoglycaemia (P 0.004) that have undergone amputation and thus goes some way to dispel and pancreatitis (P 0.0004) were all independently and negatively the dogma that amputation is poorly tolerated in these breeds. These associated with survival. The likelihood of relapse was positively asso- results provide an evidence-base which veterinary surgeons can use ciated with the stage of disease, post-operative hypoglycaemia and to help owners make therapeutic decisions in large-breed dogs suffer- pancreatitis. ing with osteosarcoma. Larger studies involving greater numbers of In the current study, post-operative diabetes mellitus developed more dogs and a wider range of breeds will help expand this dataset and common than previously reported, but no factors were identified that determine whether these opinions are shared by all owners of dogs might be useful predictors. Stage of the disease, post-operative hypo- affected by osteosarcoma, ultimately providing a more extensive glycaemia and pancreatitis were all associated with a greater likeli- evidence-base for therapeutic decision-making. hood of relapse and decreased survival time, and could be used when Disclosures advising clients about prognosis No disclosures to report. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVONC-O-4 ESVONC-O-5 Assessing serum clusterin as a potential biomarker for canine lymphoma Owners' perceptions of the treatment of Osteosarcoma in large breed dogs K.A. McNaught, J.S. Morris, M. McLaughlin University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom E. Holdsworth, M. Dunning University of Nottingham, Sutton bonington, United Kingdom Clusterin (apoliprotein J) is a heterodimeric glycoprotein, widely Osteosarcoma is the commonest primary canine bone tumour. An esis, apoptosis, and immunoregulation. In humans, clusterin expression expressed throughout the body, with an important role in tumourigen- increased incidence is seen in Irish Wolfhounds (IWH), Deerhounds, has been associated with anaplastic large cell and Hodgkin’s lym- Greyhounds and Rottweilers. The current gold-standard treatment for phoma. The objective of this study was to determine if clusterin osteosarcoma is amputation with adjunctive chemotherapy. To our expression differed significantly between dogs with high grade multi- knowledge there are no veterinary studies specifically surveying owners’ centric lymphoma (MLSA), and a healthy control population and had thoughts regarding treatment of canine osteosarcoma. The aim of this potential as a biomarker. We hypothesised that serum clusterin ABSTRACTS 1059 expression would be higher in untreated dogs with lymphoma in com- eBioscience, diluted to 1:100), VEGF (Clone JH121, Thermo Scientific, parison to controls, and that clusterin would subsequently decrease diluted to 1:100) and CD31 (Clone JC70A, Dako, diluted to 1:20) with clinical remission, following successful treatment. expression and its association with several clinicopathological charac- Twelve dogs with untreated, high grade, MLSA were compared to teristics. Additionally female dogs were followed-up for a 2 years twelve control dogs and to a third population of twelve dogs, with period, to elucidate the potential association of TGFβ and FoxP3 with MSLA, angiogenesis and clinical outcome in malignant CMT. treated with chemotherapy (Cyclophosphamide -C, doxorubicin- H, vincristine-O, prednisolone-P protocol) and in com- The high levels of TGFβ were associated with skin ulceration (p = plete remission. Dogs in the untreated population were stage IV (n=4) 0.018), tumor necrosis (p = 0.024), high mitotic index (p < 0.001), and stage V (n=8); substage a (n=4), or substage b (n=8). Those in the marked nuclear pleomorphism (p = 0.001), poor tumor differentiation treated population, were stage II (n=1), stage III (n=3), stage IV (n=7) (p < 0.001), high histological grade of malignancy HGM (p < 0.001), and stage V (n=1); substage a (n=5), or substage b (n=7). Serum clus- presence of neoplastic intravascular emboli (p < 0.001) and presence terin levels in all 36 dogs were determined using Western Blot analy- of lymph node metastases (p < 0.001). The levels of TGFβ were posi- sis (AbCam antibody, 104652) and with a commercial canine clusterin tively correlated with intratumoral FoxP3 (r = 0.719; p < 0.001), VEGF ELISA kit (BioVendor). (r = 0.378; p = 0.002) and CD31 (r = 0.511; p < 0.001). Tumors with Western blot analysis of serum detected clusterin at 37kDa and opti- concurrent high expression of TGFβ/FoxP3, TGFβ/VEGF and TGFβ/ cal density values determined using Image J software. Clusterin CD31 markers were associated with parameters of tumor malignancy expression levels generated from Western Blot analysis and ELISA (high HGM, presence of neoplastic vascular emboli and presence of showed a significant correlation (Pearsons r = 0.6271). Statistical anal- lymph node metastasis). Additionally tumors with abundant TGFβ and ysis (Student’s t-test) of the relative clusterin level in the control popu- with concurrent high expression of TGFβ/FoxP3, TGFβ/VEGF and lation found clusterin to be significantly higher than both untreated TGFβ/CD31 were associated with shorter overall survival (OS) time (p=0.001) and treated (p=0.0097) MLSA populations when assessed (p < 0.001). Interestingly TGFβ/FoxP3 class retained the association by Western Blot analysis. In addition clusterin levels were statistically with shorter OS in multivariate analysis, arising as independent predic- significantly higher in the treated compared to untreated MLSA popu- tor of poor prognosis (9.731 hazard ratio, p < 0.001). lations (Student’s t-test, p=0.0167). When all three populations were In conclusion, results of this study suggest that TGFβ and Treg cells directly compared via ELISA, both untreated and treated groups were share important pathways contributing to tumoral angiogenis and significantly lower than the control (Kruskal-Wallis test, p=0.0019). CMT progression and malignancy. In conclusion, serum clusterin expression was reduced in MLSA com- Disclosures pared to a control population, with partial recovery in response to No disclosures to report. treatment. Clusterin expression varies widely between individuals especially within the control group and a single measurement may be ESVONC-O-9 insufficient for diagnosis. However, in combination with other biomarkers, clusterin may be of use for diagnosis and to monitor treatment response and relapse. Disclosures N. Milevoj1, U. Lampreht Tratar2, A. Nemec1, A. Brožic2, K. Žnidar3, G. Serša2, M. Cemažar2, N. Tozon1 1 University of Ljubljana, Veterinary faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ljubljana, Slovenia No disclosures to report. ESVONC-O-7 TGFβ, FOXP3 and angiogenesis in malignant canine mammary tumors: association with clinicopathological parameters and prognosis 1 A combination of gene electrotransfer of canine IL-12, electrochemotherapy and cytoreductive surgery in the treatment of canine oral malignant melanoma 1 1 1 2 F.L. Queiroga , M.I. Carvalho , J. Prada , C. Pinto , H. Gregório , T. Pinto1, I. Pires1 1 University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, 2Centro Hospitalar Veterinário, Porto, Portugal Oral malignant melanoma (OMM) is a locally aggressive nonodontogenic oral tumor in dogs that usually metastasizes to the regional lymph nodes and lungs. Radical surgical excision is considered the golden standard of treatment, but multimodal approach to the treatment is recommended. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy have all been employed in the treatment of canine In human breast cancer the transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) and OMM with some success. In the present study, we evaluated the effi- FoxP3 regulatory T cells (Treg) shared signaling pathways have a cru- cacy of a multimodal treatment protocol for canine OMM combining cial impact in several tumor hallmark steps, including angiogenesis, cytoreductive surgery, electrochemotherapy with bleomycin (ECT) facilitating nutrient exchange and metastasis that result in tumor pro- and gene electrotransfer with plasmid encoding canine IL-12 (IL- gression. In canine mammary tumors (CMT) this topic is not well 12 GET). documented yet. Nine dogs with OMM (clinical stage I to III), where clients declined This study included 67 malignant CMT obtained by surplus material radical surgery or previous surgery resulted in an incomplete excision, after regular diagnosis for clinical purposes. Here we studied, by were included. Five dogs (Group I) with primary OMM underwent immunohistochemistry, the tumoral TGFβ (TGFβ1 antibody, Santa intracapsular excision of the tumor and ECT (bleomycin 0.3 mg/kg bw Cruz Biotechnology; diluted to 1:100), FoxP3 (Clone eBio7979, IV), followed by IL- 12 GET (2mg/patient, injected in two sites close ABSTRACTS 1060 to the tumor submucosally). For ECT plate electrodes were used endoglin, VEGF, VEGFR2 and GAPDH were measured by semiquanti- (8 pulses, 1300 V/cm, pulse duration 100μs, frequency 5 kHz), tative RT-PCR. Statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney whereas for GET, multi-array electrodes (MAE) were chosen (1 pulse, U test and Chi-squared test, with statistical significance set at 60 V, pulse duration 150 ms). Four dogs (Group II) with recurrent/ P < 0.05. incompletely excised OMM were also treated with ECT and GET. The groups with high microvessel counts showed significantly higher The results show a 66% (6/9) objective response rate (ORR) with 44% mRNA levels of vWF (P = 0.02) and endoglin (P = 0.01) than that with (4/9) complete response (CR) 1 month after the treatment. Although low microvessel counts. VEGFR2 mRNA level was significantly corre- progressive disease (PD) occurred in 8/9 patients at the end of obser- lated with vWF mRNA level (P = 0.004), and tended to associate with vation period (2-21 months, median 5 months), we achieved a mean the microvessel counts (P = 0.08). VEGF mRNA level was not corre- survival time (MST) of 7 and 12 months in Groups 1 and 2, respec- lated with the microvessel counts (P = 0.50) and vWF mRNA level tively. Three patients with stage III OMM survived from 5 months to (P = 0.10). 1 year and 2 of them were euthanized due to OMM-unrelated rea- This study showed that mRNA levels of endothelial markers were sons. The achieved survival times are longer than the reported survival associated with histological measurements of microvessels in sponta- times for stage III OMM treated with radical surgical excision alone neous canine tumors, although the difference between two markers, (MST 3 months) or combined with radiotherapy (MST 5 months). In vWF and enoglin, against microvessel counts was not clear. Our addition, we observed a decline in the percentage of regulatory T cells results suggest that mRNA measurements from samples taken by fine (Treg) in the peripheral blood in the course of treatment, which could needle aspiration would be alternative evaluation method of prognos- be attributed to a systemic antitumor response due to IL-12. No major tic factors. In addition, VEGFR2 mRNA level was associated with the side effects of the treatment were noted and the therapy was toler- amount of microvessels. This result indicates that measurement of ated well by all patients. VEGFR2 mRNA would be useful as a therapeutic predictive factor for In conclusion, the combination of cytoreductive surgery, ECT bleo and VEGFR2-targeted drug, such as toceranib. IL-12 GET may be beneficial for dogs with OMM, especially when Disclosures other treatment approaches are not acceptable due to their invasive- No disclosures to report. ness (major surgical procedure) or cost. Disclosures ISCAID-O-1 No disclosures to report. ESVONC-O-10 Evaluation of angiogenesis using semiquantitative RT-PCR for endothelial markers in various canine tumors M. Kimura, N. Uchida, A. Iguchi, Y. Hoshino, D. Fukui, M. Yamasaki Iwate university, Morioka, Iwate, Japan Prevalence of feline coronavirus shedding and associated risk factors in catteries S. Felten1, U. Klein1, M. Bergmann1, S. Unterer1, N. Pantchev2, C.M. Leutenegger3, K. Hartmann1 1 Clinic of Small Animal Medicine, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany, 2 IDEXX Vet Med Labor GmbH, Ludwigsburg, Germany, 3IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Ludwigsburg, Germany Feline coronavirus (FCoV) infection is common in multi-cat house- Angiogenesis is essential for tumor progression, and microvessel den- holds. The exact prevalence of FCoV in German catteries, however, is sity is known as a prognostic factor for many solid tumors. Recently, unknown, as are factors influencing FCoV prevalence. Aim of the anti-angiogenic therapy has been a potential therapeutic strategy for study was to determine FCoV prevalence in German catteries and to various types of tumor. Histological assessment has only been evaluate risk factors for FCoV infection. reported for evaluating the angiogenesis in current veterinary medi- Faecal samples of 239 cats from catteries across Germany were exam- cine. For this reason, evaluating the angiogenesis is difficult in patients ined for FCoV by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Owners had to com- without surgery. Therefore, a novel evaluation method is needed. The plete a questionnaire to identify risk factors concerning husbandry and aim of this study was to assess whether histological measurements of breeding management. Additionally, faeces were examined for the pres- blood vessels is associated with mRNA levels of endothelial markers ence of other intestinal pathogens (feline panleukopenia virus, Giardia such as vWF and endoglin in spontaneous canine tumors. Additionally, species (spp.), Tritrichomonas foetus, Toxoplasma gondii, Clostridium per- we investigated the relationships between endothelial markers and fringens alpha toxin and enterotoxin, Salmonella spp., Cryptosporidium angiogenic factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli) by PCR and helminth and VEGF receptor2 (VEGFR2). infestation by faecal flotation. Fisher’s exact test and multivariate logis- This study was included 25 various spontaneous canine tumors. For tic regression analysis were used to detect correlations between FCoV evaluation of angiogenesis, paraffin-embedded sections were stained infection and risk factors. with antibodies to vWF. The entire tumor section was first observed The prevalence of FCoV in catteries was 61.9% (148/239). Factors at low-power field (x40) to select the most vascularized areas (hot- with significant influence after multivariate analysis on the prevalence spots) and then under a high-power field (HPF) (x400) the stained of FCoV shedding were regularly performed faecal examinations for microvessels were counted. The sections were divided into two endoparasites (p=0.032; Odds Ratio (OR): 1.884; 95% confidence groups: high microvessel counts (≥ 12 vessels / HPF) and low micro- interval (95%CI): 1.057-3.360) and detection of Clostridium perfringens vessel counts (< 12 vessels / HPF). mRNA expression levels of vWF, enterotoxin (p=0.036; OR: 3.036; 95%CI: 1.078-8.556). Other factors, ABSTRACTS 1061 such as the number of cats housed together, did not have significant ISCAID-O-3 influence on the presence of FCoV infection. Approximately two thirds of all cats in German catteries are infected with FCoV. Cats regularly examined for endoparasites are less likely to be infected. The presence of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin Long-term follow-up and prognostic factors in canine leishmaniasis in a non-endemic country, a retrospective cohort study Disclosures M.K. de Jong, A. Rappoldt, C.J. Piek Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, Utrecht, Netherlands Disclosures to report. Leishmania infantum is an intracellular protozoan parasite which is Dr. Christian Leutenegger is the Head of Molecular Diagnostics at endemic in countries in the Mediterranean basin often with high IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Dr. Nikola Pantchev is employed at IDEXX prevalence. Leishmaniasis is increasingly diagnosed in non-endemic Laboratories, Ludwigsburg. This laboratory performed the PCR testing areas due to relocation and travelling of dogs from endemic geo- in this study. IDEXX played no role in the study design, in the collec- graphic areas. Prognosis of Leishmaniasis in these dogs may differ tion and interpretation of data, or in the decision to submit the manu- from those in endemic areas due to the absence of an appropriate seems to have an influence on FCoV shedding. script for publication. There is no commercial conflict of interest as the information generated here is solely for scientific dissemination. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. vector. The aims of this study were (1) to determine the KaplanMeier estimated survival time for dogs with Leishmaniasis in the non-endemic Netherlands and (2) to determine if clinical staging and clinicopathological variables at time of diagnosis can predict survival ISCAID-O-2 of these dogs. The database of the University Clinic of Companion Animals of the Novel hepatitis B-like hepadnavirus identified in a feline immunodeficiency virus-infected domestic cat Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University was interrogated M. Aghazadeh1, M. Shi1, V.R. Barrs1, A.J. McLuckie1, S. Lindsay1, B. Jameson2, E.C. Holmes1, J.A. Beatty1 1 University of Sydney, Camperdown, Australia, 2Vets@Acacia Gardens, Quakers Hill, NSW, Australia Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), a pathogen of domestic cats worldwide, is classified alongside human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the genus Lentivirus, family Retroviridae. Like HIV infection in people, FIV causes progressive immune dysfunction. Unlike HIV, the natural clinical course of FIV is unpredictable. Most HIV-AIDSdefining illnesses in humans result from copathogens. The role of for Leishmaniasis patients. Included were dogs with a diagnosis of Leishmaniasis based on the clinical presentation (e.g. non-pruritic cutaneous disease, clinicopathologic changes such as cytopenias, proteinuric renal disease and hyperglobulinemia) combined with confirmation of Leishmaniasis by a positive anti-Leishmania titer, or the presence of Leishmania amastigotes in biopsies. Patient records were reviewed for signalment, clinicopathological data at moment of diagnosis, incl. complete blood count, biochemistry, protein spectrum and urine analysis, and lastly the Canine Leishmania Working Group clinical staging system class. Follow-up was performed at the time of the study by phone contact and included received treatment, and date copathogens in natural FIV infection is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to identify potential viral copathogens from and cause of death if deceased. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were FIV-associated lymphoma using transcriptome analysis. TruSeq compared between groups using a Log Rank test. Multivariate analysis paired-end libraries were prepared from ribosome-depleted RNA from was performed using the COX proportional hazards regression model. 13 high-grade B-cell lymphomas arising in FIV-infected cats. Total In total 47 dogs were included. The overall estimated Kaplan-Meier RNA sequencing yielded 40-50 million reads per library. Bioinformat- survival time was 6.4 years (95% CI 1.8-11 years). The estimated ics analyses identified eight hepatitis-B virus-associated reads sharing Kaplan-Meier survival times did not differ between class C and class 73-94% amino acid identity with the core protein, surface protein, D dogs. In the univariate analysis increases in monocytes, plasma urea and polymerase of hepadnaviruses, suggesting a novel virus. The pres- and creatinine concentrations and urine protein to creatinine ratio ence of genome fragments was validated by PCR and sequencing of were all significantly associated with shorter survival time. The multi- tumour DNA. The entire 3187bp genome was subsequently obtained variate model identified a decrease in hematocrit and an increase in by PCR. Polymerase, surface, core and X ORFs typical of orthohepad- plasma creatinine concentration and total protein as negative prog- naviruses were identified. Analyses of polymerase protein revealed nostic factors. 63.2% to 68.7% amino acid identity with known orthohepadnaviruses. It can be concluded that dogs diagnosed and treated against Leish- This genetic distance merits assignment of a new species within the maniasis in the Netherlands in general have a long survival time in genus comparison to a comparable cohort in a German study. The presence Orthohepadnavirus, tentatively named domestic cat hepadnavirus. of protein-losing renal disease was a strong negative predictor of sur- This is the first hepadnavirus infection identified in a felid and the first vival. Interestingly, clinical staging at time of diagnosis did not seem to report of a hepadnavirus in a companion species. Domestic cats fre- predict survival in this population. quently interact with humans as well as other pets and wildlife. The Disclosures epidemiology and pathogenic potential of this novel hepadnavirus for Disclosures to report. cats and other mammals, including humans, should be investigated. Both M.K. de Jong and C.J. Piek are employed by the Department of Disclosures Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Medi- No disclosures to report. cine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. ABSTRACTS 1062 ISCAID-O-4 VIFOR (financial support for other studies), Henry Schein Animal Health (speaker honoraria). Reduction in incidence of canine leptospirosis in Switzerland correlates with the introduction of a new quadrivalent antileptospiral vaccine T. Francey1, A. Schweighauser1, A. Reber2, S. Schuller1 Vetsuisse Faculty University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Washington State University, Pullman, United States of America 1 A marked increase in incidence of acute canine leptospirosis was documented in Switzerland between 2003 and 2012 with 70% of infected dogs showing serologic evidence of infection with serogroup Australis. In 2013, a new tetravalent killed whole cell anti-leptospiral vaccine (Nobivac® L4, MSD Animal Health) was introduced onto the Swiss market. This vaccine includes serogroups Australis and Grippotyphosa in addition to serogroups Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae present in the previously available bivalent vaccines (L2). It had shown excellent protection against experimental challenge of dogs with heterologous strains from the same serogroups. Aim of this retrospective longitudinal case control vaccine efficiency study was to examine whether the introduction of L4 is associated with a reduction in hospital incidence of canine leptospirosis. Dogs with leptospirosis (n=211) or acute kidney injury not due to leptospirosis (AKI-nL, n=119) treated at the Vetsuisse Faculty Bern between 2011 and 2017 were included if they had a complete vaccination history. A diagnosis of leptospirosis was confirmed based on compatible clinical findings and the presence of at least one of the following: positive single MAT titre ≥1:800 (n=66), MAT seroconversion (n=102), positive IgM lateral flow assay (n=16), positive urine RT-PCR (n=4), or strong clinical suspicion not confirmed serologically due to early death (n=23). Control dogs were diagnosed with AKI-nL based ISCAID-O-5 Leptospira seroprevalence in owned dogs from Spain M.C. López1, A. Vila1, X. Roura1, J. Rodón2 Hospital Clínic Veterinari- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 2IDEXX Laboratories Inc., Barcelona, Spain 1 Leptospirosis is a re-emerging and complex zoonotic bacterial disease, caused by pathogenic serovars of Leptospira with multiple clinical signs in dogs. Nowadays, the prevalence of canine leptospirosis in Spain is undetermined. Our aim was to determine the seroprevalence of anti-Leptospira serum antibody in dogs in Spain, to know most common serovars and if there is any relationship between area and serovars. This is a cross-sectional study with 1310 records of canine Leptospira testing data from all Spain since 2015 to 2017. Idexx’s microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was performed. Inclusion criteria was a positive MAT (≥1/100) result for at least one serovar (Bratislava, Copenhageni, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Australis, Pomona, Grippotyphosa, Autumnalis, Canicola and Saxkoebing) and to have data of zip code. Of the 1310: 338 (25.8%) were positive. According to biogeographic areas, North had the highest percentage (38.9%) followed by Center (29.6%), South (28.4%), Mediterranean (22.8%) and Northwest (22.2%). Highest incidence was detected in autumn (n=82), while an average of 57 cases in other seasons. Gender was available for 68/338 positive with 49 (72.0%) males and 19 (18.0%) females. Age was available for 49/338 positive, and incidence was 8.2% (4/49) in <2y, 28.6% (14/49) from 2 to on a convincing alternative diagnosis and at least a negative serology. <6y, 46.9% (23/49) from 6 to <10y, and 16.3% (8/49) in ≥10y. Annual incidences and vaccine effectiveness were compared between Of the 338 samples: 254 (75.1%), 111 (32.8%), 94 (27.8%), groups, the latter being expressed as odds ratio (OR) for being diag- 84 (24.8%), 59 (17.4%), 57 (16.8%), 44 (13%), and 11 (3.2%) were posi- nosed with leptospirosis. tive to Icterohaemorrhagiae, Bratislava, Grippotyphosa, Australis, The control AKI-nL group showed a marked decrease in dogs vacci- Pomona, Autumnalis, Canicola, and Saxkoebing, respectively. nated with L2 (from 100% in 2011 to 19% in 2016), and a steep One hundred twenty-two (36.1%) had MAT titer ≥1:400 with increase in dogs vaccinated with L4 (from 0% to 81%), with stable 72 (59.0%), 54 (44.3%), 35 (28.7%), 30 (24.6%), 29 (23.8%), numbers of dogs current on their vaccines (63  13%) or unvacci- 25 (20.5%), 13 (10.6%), and 8 (6.5%) positive to Icterohaemorrhagiae, nated (2  3%). Simultaneously, the number of cases of leptospirosis Bratislava, Grippotyphosa, Pomona, Australis, Autumnalis, Canicola, and significantly decreased from 63 (2011-2012) to 14 cases/y Saxkoebing, respectively. (2016-2017), while the number of control cases with AKI increased When dogs with MAT titer ≥1:400 were divided by serovars and bio- from 17 to 39 cases/y. The OR for a dog with AKI to be diagnosed geographic areas, Icterohaemorrhagiae was the most prevalent in Med- with leptospirosis while being vaccinated vs not being vaccinated was iterranean 33.9% (38/112) and South 35.7% (10/28), Australis 33.3% 1.12 (95% CI, 0.89-1.42, P 0.33) for any anti-leptospirosis vaccine; (2/6) in Northwest, Bratislava 27.2% (9/33) in North, and 2.66 (95% CI, 1.87-3.79, P <0.001) for a L2-vaccine; and 0.28 (95% CI, Grippotyphosa 22.5% (20/89) in Center, respectively. 0.17-0.47, P <0.001) for L4. These results demonstrate that Spain’s dogs have a high exposure to These results indicate that the introduction of L4 was associated with diverse Leptospira serovars. Male dogs older than 5 years seem to be a marked reduction in incidence of severe acute canine leptospirosis riskier to be positive. Diagnosis increases in autumn with higher sero- in Switzerland. prevalence in the North area. Most prevalent are Icterohaemorrhagiae, Disclosures Bratislava, and Grippotyphosa. However, the most prevalent serovar Disclosures to report. varies between geographic areas if we only included MAT titer MSD Animal Health (Financial support of the present study), Boehrin- ≥1:400, in order to limit the effect of unknown vaccination status pre- gher Ingelheim (speaker honoraria), Vetoquinol (consulting fees), Hill's sents in this study. Pet Nutrition (speaker honoraria), Royal Canin (speaker honoraria), Disclosures Purina (meeting support), IDEXX (consulting fees, speaker honoraria), Disclosures to report. ABSTRACTS 1063 Indirect benefits because an author could be benefit from the results of the study. ISCAID-O-6 Faculty, Bern, Switzerland, 3Veterinary Public Health Institute (VPHI), Vetsuisse Faculty, Bern, Switzerland, 4Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Vetsuisse Faculty, Bern, Switzerland, 5Clinic for Small Animal Internal Medicine, Vetsuisse Faculty, Zurich, Switzerland Antimicrobial resistance is an emerging problem in human and veterinary medicine. Antibiotic use is the main driver for resistance Urine shedding of pathogenic Leptospira spp. in cats in Southern Chile development. The goal of this study was to evaluate antimicrobial R. Dorsch1, M. Salgado2, G. Monti2, B. Collada2, C. Avilez2, C. Tomckoviack2, C. Tejeda2, J. Ojeda3, A. Müller-Pareira3, T. Eberhard4, K. Hartmann1 1 Medizinische Kleintierklinik, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, 2Instituto de Medicina Preventiva Veterinaria, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile, 3Instituto de Ciencias Clínicas Veterinarias, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile, 4University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany prescription in cats in Switzerland with acute upper respiratory After experimental infection, cats can intermittently shed pathogenic scription with current guidelines (1=appropriate, 2=incorrect dos- Leptospira spp. in urine for several weeks. So far, only shedding of DNA age/duration, of pathogenic Leptospira spp. has been documented in naturally infected treatment decision). &#13Of 142 cats with aURTD, 107 (75%) cats in few countries, but not urinary shedding of infectious bacteria. received antibiotic therapy of the following classes: potentiated The climate in Southern Chile is temperate rainy with high annual precip- aminopenicillins (51%), third generation cephalosporins (22%), ami- itations which represents ideal preconditions for survival of Leptospira nopenicillins (21%), tetracyclines (17%), fluoroquinolones (5%), spp. in the environment. The aim of the study was to investigate the amphenicoles (2%), first generation cephalosporins and macrolides shedding of pathogenic Leptospira spp. in outdoor cats in Southern Chile. (1% each); 16% received combination or serial therapy. The cases Urine and blood samples of 231 outdoor cats from rural and urban were treated for 4 to 37 (median 10) days. When assessment of areas were collected. Urine samples were investigated for pathogenic prudent use was possible (120/142), antimicrobial therapy was Leptospira spp. by immune magnetic concentration followed by real judged appropriate (JS-1) in 35 (29%) and inappropriate in time PCR targeting the LipL32 gene. Urine samples were cultured in 85 (71%) cases (JS-2=2; JS-3=38; JS-4=45). Antibiotic therapy was Ellinghausen-McCullough-Johnson-Harris for significantly associated with the presence of lethargy, anorexia or 13 weeks. Positive urine cultures were confirmed by PCR. MLST was fever (p=0.003).&#13Of 252 cats with FLUTD, 150 cases (60%; used to molecularly characterize strains obtained from positive cul- 50 with bacterial cystitis, 100 with other/unknown diagnosis) tures. PCR products were sequenced afterwards. received antibiotic therapy of the following classes: potentiated Of all 231 urine samples, 30 (13,0%; 95% confidence interval (CI): aminopenicillins (67%), third generation cephalosporins (18%), 8.7-17.3%) were PCR-positive with a median of 288,000 genomic fluoroquinolones (13%), aminopenicillins (7%), first generation equivalents/ml (IQR 2,145-614,500; range 5 to 9,440,000). In 7/231 cephalosporins (4%), amphenicoles (1%) and tetracyclines (1%); (3.0%; 95% CI: 0.5-4.5%) urine samples Leptospira spp. could be cul- 10% received combination or serial therapy. The cats were treated tured. Applying MLST and sequencing of PCR products, L. interrogans for 1 to 56 (median 11) days. When assessment of prudent use copenhageni icterohaemorrhagiae was identified in 6 cats and was possible (152/252), antimicrobial therapy was judged appro- L. interrogans autumnalis autumnalis in 1 cat. priate (JS-1) in 76 (50%) and inappropriate in 76 (50%) cases (JS- Outdoor cats in Southern Chile shed strains of pathogenic Leptospira 2=1; JS-3=28; JS-4=47); inadequate diagnostic work-up (97/100) spp. that can be a possible source of infection for humans, dogs, and was the main reason to preclude judgment. Bacteriuria was signifi- livestock animals. cantly associated with antibiotic therapy (p<0.001). &#13Overall, Disclosures frequency of antimicrobial therapy was not significantly different Disclosures to report. between university hospitals and private practices, but critically This study was funded by MSD, the Dirección de Investigación y important antibiotics (third generation cephalosporins and fluoro- Desarollo of the Universidad Austral de Chile and the Bayerische quinolones) were significantly more often used in private practices Hochschulzentrum für Lateinamerika (BAYLAT). The authors do not (aURTD, p=0.009; FLUTD, p<0.001).&#13Our results suggest that have a conflict of interest. overprescription of antibiotics in cats with aURTD and FLUTD is medium at 29  C ISCAID-O-8 tract disease (aURTD) and feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). &#13Cases presented to two University hospitals and eight private veterinary practices during 2016 were retrospectively evaluated. Clinical history, diagnostic work-up and antimicrobial therapy (class, dosage, duration) were assessed. A justification score (JS) was used to assess the agreement of antimicrobial pre3=inappropriate antimicrobial, 4=overall wrong common. Third generation cephalosporins are frequently used. The study highlights the need to promote antimicrobial stewardship in small animal medicine. To support this, an online tool (www.anti- Patterns of antimicrobial use for selected feline diseases in Switzerland in 2016 K. Schmitt1, H. Naegeli1, C. Lehner1, S. Schuller2, G. Schüpbach-Regula3, M. Mevissen4, R. Peter1, C.R. Müntener1, D.C. Demuth1, B. Willi5 1 Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Vetsuisse Faculty, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Division of Small Animal Internal Medicine, Vetsuisse bioticscout.ch) based on current veterinary guidelines was launched in 2017. The impact of this tool on prescribing habits will be assessed in the future. Disclosures Disclosures to report. ABSTRACTS 1064 The study was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation SCH-O-2 (NRP72 project 407240_167054). SCH-O-1 Development, validation, and application of an LC-MS/MS method for the quantitative determination of trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline in dogs with chronic hepatitis Y.A. Lawrence1, J.A. Lidbury1, J.M. Steiner1, J. Suchodolski1, S. Shankar2, C.L. Klemashevich2 1 Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, United States of America, 2Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, United States of America Trans-4-hydroxyl-1-proline, a nonproteinogenic amino acid, is an important constituent of the structural protein collagen. Increased trans-4-hydroxyl-1-proline concentrations in urine or serum are associated with degradation of connective tissue. Recently trans4-hydroxyl-1-proline has been used as a biomarker of hepatic fibrosis Copper-associated Hepatitis in dogs: a retrospective study of 17 clinical cases A.S. Rodrigues1, R.A. Oliveira Leal1,2, M. Girod3, E. Guery4, E. Gomes3, J. Hernandez5 1 CIISA – Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Animal Heath, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon 2 Hospital Escolar Veterinário – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 3Centre Hospitalier Vétérinaire Frégis, Arcueil, France, 4Lapvso - Laboratoire d'Anatomie Pathologique Vétérinaire du Sud-Ouest, Toulouse, France, 5 Nantes- Atlantic College of Veterinary Medicine and Food Sciences, Nantes, France Copper-associated hepatitis is a well-recognized chronic hepatic disease in dogs. While in some breeds the disease is due to a genetic defect on copper metabolism, in others it is still unclear whether its accumulation is a primary or a secondary condition. Nowadays, reports of non-genetically predisposed dogs are increasing. This retrospective study aims to describe epidemiologic factors and in humans. The objectives of this study were to develop a liquid chro- clinical findings of dogs with copper-associated hepatitis. matography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the All the dogs presented to a French referral center from May 2010 to quantitative determination of endogenous trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline March 2017, with positive rhodanine staining on liver biopsies were in dog serum, to analytically validate this method, and to asses serum included. Medical records were retrospectively analyzed for: age of trans-4-hydroxyl-1-proline concentrations in dogs with chronic presentation, sex, breed, main clinical complaints, abdominal ultra- hepatitis. sound (US) findings and rhodanine staining pattern. Serum trans-4-hydroxyl-1-proline concentrations were quantified on A total of 17 dogs were included. Median age at presentation was a Quantiva Triple Quandrupole Mass Spectrometer (ThermoFisher 8 years (range 4-11). Eleven dogs were female and six were males. No Scientific). The following validation variables were assessed: linearity sex predisposition was found (Chi Square test p=0.23). All dogs were by dilutional parallelism, precision by intra-assay variability, reproduc- pure-breed, namely: German shepherd (3/17), Labrador Retriever ibility by inter-assay variability, and accuracy by recovery (mixing sam- (2/17), Cocker Spaniel (2/17), Beauceron (2/17), American Staffordshire ples of known concentration). This validated method was used to Terrier (2/17), Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (2/17), Mongrel (1/17), quantify the concentration of trans-4-hydroxyl-1-proline in serum Jack Russell Terrier (1/17), West Highland White Terrier (1/17) and from 24 dogs with histopathologically confirmed chronic hepatitis and Dalmatian (1/17). Main clinical complaints were: an incidental finding of 24 healthy control dogs. increased liver-enzymes (5/17), anorexia/decreased appetite (5/17), A method for quantification of trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline in dog weight loss (4/17), polyuria/polydipsia (3/17), vomiting (3/17) and jaun- serum was successfully develop. Observed to expected ratios for dice (2/17). Abdominal US was performed in all the dogs. Main findings dilutional parallelism (3 samples) ranged from 72.7% to 111.5% included: an heterogenous mottled liver (5/17), hepatomegaly (4/17), with a mean  SD of 91.3%  19.6%. Intra-assay (10 samples) hypoechoic nodules (3/17) and microhepatia (3/17). Rhodanine staining and inter-assay (10 samples) coefficients of variation (%CVs) ranged pattern was centrilobular (zone 3) in 8/17 and peri-portal (zone 1) in from 0.3% to 4.0%, and <0.1% to 4.8%, respectively. Observed to 3/17. In 6/17 the pattern was considered multifocal. expected ratios for mixtures of two serum samples of known con- Similarly to previous studies, German Shepherd and Terriers were centrations (10 pairs of samples), ranged from 52.3% to 82.4% overrepresented. Less common breeds were also reported namely with a mean  SD of 66.1%  14.4%. Trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline Beauceron and American Staffordshire which, despite being a terrier, concentrations were significantly decreased in the serum of dogs has not been previously associated with this disease. The biochemical with chronic hepatitis versus healthy controls, with medians (min- incidental finding of increased liver-enzymes emphasizes the silent max) of 0.28 ng/mL (0.071-0.79) and 1.85 ng/mL (0.074-4.88; P = progression of the disease. Although US abnormalities were inconsis- 0.037), respectively. tent, the heterogenous mottled liver was a common finding. Centri- The developed method was shown to be precise and reproducible for lobular pattern of rhodanine staining observed in the majority of cases the quantification of trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline in canine serum. The strengthens the primary condition of the disease. In the three cases in recoveries were limited which affected the accuracy. Dogs with which a peri-portal distribution was observed, copper-deposition was chronic hepatitis had significantly lower serum trans-4-hxdroxy-l- believed to be secondary to cholestasis. proline concentrations than healthy controls possibly due to abnormal To the author’s knowledge, this is the first study describing copper- hepatic amino acid metabolism. associated hepatitis in Beauceron and American Staffordshire Terrier Disclosures dogs. This study increases the number of reported breeds affected by No disclosures to report. copper-associated hepatitis, emphasizing a possible multifactorial etiology. ABSTRACTS 1065 Disclosures Biomarker investigation in canine hepatopathies is still in its infancy. Funded by: Project UID/CVT/276/2013 (CIISA). Decreases in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)VD) and increases SCH-O-3 associated with disease severity in human chronic inflammatory hepa- in C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and von Willebrand’s factor (vWF) are topathies. This current prospective and observational study of dogs Plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration in primary hypoplasia of the portal vein with portal hypertension in dogs with chronic inflammatory hepatopathies investigated whether changes in serum concentration of 25(OH)VD, CRP, or vWF are pre- K. Sato, M. Sakai, Y. Sakamoto, T. Watari Nihon University, Fujisawa, Japan sent in these disorders, and these biomarkers are associated with The renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) is a physiological ase (ALT)), a cholestasis marker (i.e. total bilirubin), or markers of more regulator of blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and fluid homeosta- advanced liver disease (i.e. fibrinogen, albumin) sis. Studies of humans with hepatic cirrhosis have shown that the Serum 25(OH)VD, CRP, and vWF were determined prior to the liver RAAS is activated by increased sympathetic nervous activity, hypona- biopsy which was performed either percutaneously with ultrasound tremia, reduced renal perfusion, and hypovolemia. A possible thera- guidance, or surgically via laparoscopic surgery or laparotomy. Data peutic approach to the treatment of patients with portal hypotension were analyzed for normality and log transformation was performed if is suppression of the RAAS. In dogs, the relationship between RAAS the data was non-parametric. Correlations were tested using Pearson and cardiac or renal disorders has been studied; however, to our correlation test and p < 0.05 was considered significant. knowledge, there are no studies of the relationship between the RAAS Twenty five dogs met the inclusion criteria. Seventeen different and hepatic disease with portal hypotension. breeds were represented, with Labrador retriever (4/17; 23.5%) and To evaluate the relationship between portal hypertension and RAAS in terrier cross (3/17; 17.6%) being common breeds. Median age was 8.3 dogs, we selected dogs histopathologically diagnosed with primary yrs (range 2-14yrs). hypoplasia of the portal vein (PHPV) with portal hypertension. Diagno- CRP (median 8.6 ug/l, range 1-28.3) was increased in 52% (13/25) of sis of portal hypertension was based on the presence of acquired por- dogs. The 25(OH)VD level (median 213 nmol/L, range 42-374) was tosystemic collaterals (APSCs). Dogs with congenital portosystemic low in 12% (3/25) of dogs. No dogs had increased vWF activity shunt (CPSS) are reported to have similar histopathological and hemo- (median 69%, range 23-116%), but the activity was low in 24% (6/25) dynamic alterations compared to PHPV, without the evidence of portal of dogs. Fibrinogen (median 150 mg/dL, range,57-377) was low (< hypertension. Thus dogs diagnosed as CPSS were evaluated as controls. 100 mg/dl) in 3 dogs. No dogs had increased fibrinogen. Albumin and Diagnosis of CPSS and APSCs was determined by computed tomo- vWF as well as albumin and 25(OH)VD had significant (both graphic angiography and gross evaluation by laparoscopy. For RAAS p<0.0001) strong positive correlations (r=0.68 and r=0.67, respec- assessment, we measured plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone tively). No significant correlations were found. concentration using radioimmunoassay technique. All blood samples In dogs with chronic inflammatory hepatopathies, CRP is elevated in were obtained at diagnosis and stored at −20 C until analyzed. over 50% of dogs but vWF activity and 25(OH)VD serum levels are hepatic copper levels, liver injury markers (i.e. alanine aminotransfer-  Twelve dogs diagnosed as PHPV with portal hypertension and nine most often in the normal range. 25(OH)VD levels decrease as serum dogs with CPSS were included in this study. There was a significant albumin decreases, which may reflect loss of hepatic synthetic in late difference in the median plasma aldosterone concentration between stage inflammatory disease. Additional comparisons of biomarkers CPSS (median 1 pg/ml) dogs and dogs with PHPV (median 89.5 pg/ml) with histopathological scoring and grading as well as treatment out- (P < 0.001). No significant differences were found in the median come should be evaluated in the future to assess their ability to pre- plasma renin activity between the two groups. This is the first study to evaluate the relationship between RAAS and portal hypertension in dogs. The inactivation of RAAS in CPSS dogs indicates that the RAAS is not activated by the hemodynamic changes by portosystemic shunting. The RAAS system is activated in dogs with portal hypertension. Thus, suppression of the RAAS may be a thera- dict the disease severity or outcome. Disclosures Disclosures to report. The study is supported by Companion Animal Health Fund. SCH-O-5 peutic option for portal hypertension in dogs. Disclosures No disclosures to report. SCH-O-4 Serum vitamin D, C-Reactive Protein, and von Willebrand's factor in dogs with inflammatory hepatopathies Y. Ambrosini, C. Webster Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, North Grafton, United States of America Serum melatonin concentrations in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts M. Ferreira, R.J. Mellanby, A. Gow The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh, Roslin, United Kingdom Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a syndrome of neurologic dysfunction present in several liver diseases and an important contributor to patient morbidity. Canine HE is most commonly reported in association with congenial portosystemic shunting (cPSS). Although not completely characterised, several factors are known to influence the pathogenesis of ABSTRACTS 1066 HE, namely increased ammonia, inflammation and manganese, as well as measurements were performed using two different handling protocols, alkalosis, hyponatraemia and hypokalaemia. Melatonin is a hormone in a randomized fashion. In the low stress handling, SBP values were secreted by the pineal gland in the brain and by the enterochromaffin- measured with both HDO and Doppler after ten minutes of acclimatiza- like cells in the gastric mucosa, with actions linked with regulation of the tion in a quiet and isolated consultation room with a Feliway® diffuser circadian rhythm, enterocyte integrity, and free oxygen radical scaveng- (Ceva Animal Health Ltd), without any previous clinical handling of the ing, amongst others. The majority of melatonin is metabolised in the cats or contact with other animals during the visit. In the typical handling, liver and recently, melatonin levels were noted to be significantly SBP was measured in the same consultation room using both devices, increased in human alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis, correlating with both after the cats previously went through the clinic’s normal admission pro- disease severity and with the severity of HE, hence hypothesised as a cedure (common waiting room, clinical examination as part of a routine potential contributor to the development of the latter. To the authors’ exam or during the diagnostic process), and without a period of acclima- knowledge, melatonin homeostasis in canine liver disease is currently tization. All measurements were conducted by the same observer (OMI), unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate whether melatonin with minimal restraint of the cat, from the coccygeal artery. concentrations could be altered in dogs with cPSS, with the hypothesis There was not any significant difference between the two different han- that higher levels would be present when compared to healthy controls. dling conditions’ SBP measurements, when measured by either Doppler Medical records were retrospectively reviewed for inclusion into two or HDO (p=0.2 and p=0.4, respectively). A Bland and Altman comparison cohorts: dogs with a confirmed diagnosis of cPSS (n = 24) and healthy analysis of the two measuring methods indicated that Doppler provided dogs examined through wellbeing appointments (n = 15). A canine systematically higher SBP values compared to HDO in both handling competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure serum melatonin prospectively. 100uL of sample was used from an archive of surplus samples retained after clinical diagnostic purposes. Informed owner consent for surplus retention and use for research had been obtained at the time of clinical sampling. Melatonin concentrations in each group were assessed for normality with the Anderson-Darling test. Both groups were not normally distributed, therefore data was described as median (minimum - maximum ranges) and differences between groups compared with the Mann-Whitney U test. Statistical significance level was set at P < 0.05. The concentrations of melatonin in the cPSS group (25 pg/mL [18.5 – 244.9 pg/mL]) did not differ significantly (P = 0.7839) from the healthy controls (27.2 pg/mL [19.8 – 161.5 pg/mL]). This study suggests that serum melatonin is not increased in dogs with cPSS and is unlikely to play a role in HE pathogenesis. Disclosures No disclosures to report. VBPS-O-1 conditions (95% CI). Using a linear mixed effect model, significantly higher SBP values were observed only in indoors/outdoors cats, regardless of handling conditions, cohabitation with dogs or cats, underlying clinical condition or method of SBP measurement (p<0.03). Cats with an underlying disease had significantly higher SBP during low stress handling but only when SBP was assessed using Doppler (p=0.004). The results of this study suggest that SBP measurements in cats are apparently similar in a feline-friendly environment and during typical handling during a visit to the clinic. Furthermore, an indoors/outdoors living lifestyle seems to result in consistently higher SBP of these cats, compared to other lifestyles. Disclosures No disclosures to report. We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication / presentation and there has been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome. We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved by all named authors and that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further confirm that the order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all of us. We confirm that we have given due consideration to the protec- Comparison of systolic arterial blood pressure between low stress and common handling conditions in cats using the Doppler method and High Definition Oscillometry O.M. Ioannidi, C.H. Koutinas Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece tion of intellectual property associated with this work and that there are no impediments to publication, including the timing of publication, with respect to intellectual property. In so doing we confirm that we have followed the regulations of our institutions concerning intellectual property. On behalf of the authors Olympia-Maria Ioannidi, DVM T: In cats, systolic arterial blood pressure (SBP) measurements can be 0044 07547845899 Email: maroly9@gmail.com. influenced by the white coat effect and are commonly misinterpreted as arterial hypertension. The aim of this study was to compare the SBP measurements of cats examined under two different handling conditions and to investigate possible correlations with lifestyle and cohabitation with other animals, using the Doppler method and High Definition Oscillometry (HDO). Seventy-nine cats, with an age ranging from 6 months to 17 years, were included in the study. Thirty-one of them were clinically healthy and 41/79 had underlying diseases unrelated to arterial hypertension. Histor- VBPS-O-2 Comparison of Doppler ultrasonography and oscillometry with or without proprietary optimizations for non-invasive blood pressure measurement in conscious cats P. Archontakis, H.O.K. Cheuk, D.A. Gunn-Moore The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, UK, Edinburgh, United Kingdom ical data regarding lifestyle (indoors, outdoors and indoors/outdoors) and Non –invasive blood pressure (BP) measurement in conscious cats is a cohabitation with other animals (dogs or cats) was initially collected. SBP vital part of monitoring clinically healthy older individuals, patients on ABSTRACTS 1067 medication and with diseases that affect blood pressure. The aim of was to compare two Doppler devices, Parks Medical Doppler and the this study was to compare Doppler ultrasonography and oscillometry Mano Médical Vet BP Doppler, for the measurement of systolic blood with or without proprietary optimizations for non-invasive BP mea- pressure (SBP) in conscious dogs. surement in conscious cats. Forty canine in-patients of a University veterinary hospital were Twenty seven feline in-patients from the Feline Clinic of a University included in this prospective study. SBP was measured indirectly using veterinary hospital were included in this prospective study. All mea- the standardised process according to American College of Veterinary surements were obtained according to the guidelines in American Col- Internal Medicine guidelines. Both devices were operated according lege of Veterinary Internal Medicine consensus statement to achieve to the manufacturer’s guidelines and used alternatively as the first standardized conditions. Both devices were operated according to the device. manufacturer’s guidelines and used alternatively as the first device. Statistical analysis was performed using Matlab software, along with Five systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurements were obtained by Bland-Altman analysis and scatter graphs to determine agreement, the Doppler and oscillometric (with and without proprietary optimiza- standard deviation (SD) and for each device’s ability to detect hyper- tions) devices and were averaged prior to statistical analysis. Bland tensive animals. Finally, least-squares linear regression fit data was Altman analysis was used to determine the agreement. The differ- evaluated for significance in relation to age, cuff size and heart rate. ences in SBP were plotted against the mean of each pair of measure- The mean difference between the two devices was 0.61 suggesting ment. The bias was defined by the mean differences between two good correlation. A linear rank correlation test was also performed on methods. The precision was calculated from the standard deviation the SBP readings. The R correlation coefficient was found to be (SD) of the differences and limits of agreement was calculated from 1, which suggests strong correlation between devices. A mean of the bias  1.96 x SD. A paired sample T test was run to determine whether there was a statistically significant mean difference in the SBP measurement of the two methods. Overall statistical analysis was achieved using Excel with Minitab 17 Software. Comparison of the methods gave an average bias of +26.99 mmHg with 95% CI between 19.30 and 34.69 mmHg. The lower limit of agreement (LLA) was set at -11.13 mmHg and 65.12 for the upper limit of agreement (ULA); the difference between the upper and lower limit was 76.25 mmHg. Comparison produced an average bias of 20.83 mmHg with 95% CI between 14.85 and 26.81 mmHg. The limits of agreements were set at -8.80 for LLA and 50.45 ULA; the difference between LLA and ULA -0.61 indicates that the overall difference between the mean systolic BP differences between the two devices is -0.61mmHg. This shows that statistically, the devices are agreeable. No significance in relation to age, cuff and heart rate was identified. This study suggests that the SBP measurements from these two Doppler devices correlate well, allowing different device measurement comparison and the use of the same SBP reference range. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESCG-P-1 was 59.25 mmHg. As indicated by the bias, the oscillometry (with or without proprietary optimizations) overestimated the SBP. The mean Proteomics of canine feces from healthy Boxer dogs: a pilot study difference between the two NIBP devices was significantly different. interchangeably. Different methodology should be taken into an M. Cerquetella1, G. Rossi1, A. Spaterna1, B. Tesei1, A. Gavazza1, A. Marchegiani1, G. Pengo2, L. Scortichini1, A. Felicioli3, G. Sagratini1, M. Ricciutelli1, S. Vincenzetti1 1 University of Camerino, Matelica, Italy, 2S. Antonio Clinic, Madignano (CR), Italy, 3University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy account before using non-method specific reference ranges and start- The aim of this work was to detect and identify proteins of canine ing antihypertensive treatment or substaging patients with kidney feces from healthy Boxer dogs by a proteomic approach. Dog proteins disease. detected in feces may be of help in investigating (e.g. pathogenesis, Disclosures diagnosis, follow-up) canine gastrointestinal (GI) diseases. As a first No disclosures to report. step, an attempt to define the “healthy” proteome pattern of canine The findings of this study suggest that Doppler ultrasonography and oscillometry with or without proprietary optimizations cannot be used feces has been performed. Feces sampled from two groups (8 and VBPS-O-3 7 patients each) of healthy (no GI signs + no pre/probiotic administration + no change in diet within the last 3 months) Boxer dogs, were Comparison of two Doppler ultrasonography devices for measurement of systolic blood pressure in conscious dogs included in the study. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electro- P. Archontakis, L. Winter, D.A. Gunn-Moore The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, UK, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (LC-MS/MS) were performed. Eight spots form 2DE were considered Serial blood pressure measurements are of vital significance for the sProt & NCBInr databases, MASCOT and SONAR results allowed us assessment of dogs with diseases or on medications that are known to find the origin species of 4 out of 8 proteins: Canis lupis familiaris, phoresis (2DE) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry interesting due to their expression pattern and therefore were selected as candidates for LC-MS/MS analysis. By consulting Swis- affect the blood pressure. The Doppler ultrasonography device that Flavobacteriaceae bacterium, Prochlorococcus marinus, Candida glabrata. was used for the establishing reference ranges for blood pressure was Especially the protein from Canis lupis familiaris resulted to be very recently discontinued and data regarding the agreement of different interesting, cause owing to the hosts (dogs). It was identified as Immu- Doppler ultrasonography devices are limited. The aim of this study noglobulin lambda-1 light chain isoform X36. If confirmed, this datum ABSTRACTS 1068 could be very interesting for the future perspectives of this kind of of LRG protein is elevated in the intestinal mucosae from patients studies, being a protein involved in the immune response of the host, with UC. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the expres- but also in some kind of tumor, and other pathological conditions. sion of LRG mRNA and protein in the duodenal mucosae of dogs Disclosures with CE. No disclosures to report. Twenty-four dogs diagnosed with CE were enrolled, and left-over biopsy samples from the duodenum were evaluated for LRG expres- ESCG-P-2 sion, with both quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and immunohistochemistry. As a control, cryopreserved biopsy samples Elevated blood urea nitrogen and thrombocytopenia during treatment as prognostic factors for canine acute pancreatitis K. Hayashi, H. Toizume, R. Morikawa, M. Okamura, K. Shirai, T. Kariya AC plaza Kariya animal hospital, Tokyo, Japan Canine acute pancreatitis (AP) has been easily diagnosed via the canine pancreas-specific lipase (Spec-cPL) test in recent years. Although several blood tests related prognostic factors for AP have been identified, prognostic factors during treatment are still unclear. In this study, we aimed to identify the prognostic factors of AP during treatment. The subjects included were 128 patients with AP who underwent hospitalization treatment. AP was diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs and the abnormal Spec-cPL result (> 400 μg/L), concurrently with exclusion of other gastrointestinal diseases via ultrasonography. At the end of treatment, 95 patients were alive, while 33 died. In patients with elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels at the first visit, the risk for death was high (P = 0.001, odds ratio [OR]: 4.53; sensitivity, 87%; specificity, 40%). In patients with Spec-cPL > 700 μg/L at the first visit, the risk for death tended to be high (P = 0.06, OR: 3.03). However, there were no significant differences in clinical symptoms, other blood test markers, and abdominal ultrasonography findings at the first visit. Furthermore,he risk for death was very high in patients in whom elevated BUN levels were noted after 3-5 days of treatment (P < 0.0001, OR: 75; sensitivity, 88%; specificity, 91%). In addition, the risk for death was high in patients with thrombocytope- from the duodenum of ten healthy control dogs with no clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease were used. The Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to compare the LRG mRNA expression in the two groups. The relationship between LRG mRNA expression and the canine chronic enteropathy clinical activity index (CCECAI) or a histopathological score graded according to the guidelines of the WSAVA International Gastrointestinal Standardization Group was evaluated with Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Statistical significance was defined as P < 0.05. The expression of LRG mRNA was significantly higher in CE dogs than in the healthy controls. The expression of LRG mRNA was significantly higher in the high CCECAI (≥ 12) group than in the low CCECAI (< 12) group. In contrast, there was no correlation between LRG mRNA expression and the WSAVA score. On immunohistochemistry, LRG protein expression was higher in the intestinal epithelial cells of the duodenal mucosae of CE dogs than in those of the healthy controls. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that LRG mRNA and protein expression is increased in the duodenal mucosae of dogs with CE. LRG mRNA expression is also associated with a high clinical score. Future studies will evaluate the clinical utility of measuring serum LRG concentrations in dogs with CE. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESCG-P-4 nia (platelet count < 148×103/μL) during treatment (P = 0.002, OR: 10; sensitivity, 91%; specificity, 50%). It is important to monitor BUN levels and platelet count periodically as prognostic factors of AP. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESCG-P-3 Differential diagnosis of ileocolic masses associated with intestinal obstruction in cats: A retrospective study of 8 cases (2015-2017) A. Loze1, M. Manassero1, P. Pey2, V. Freiche1 1 Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, France, 2Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, Italy Few studies report ileocolic masses in cats and their etiology. In this context, the main causes described include lymphoma, feline infectious peritonitis, feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibropla- Expression of leucine rich alpha-2-glycoprotein (LRG) in the duodenal mucosa of dogs with chronic enteropathy sia, feline intestinal mast cell tumor (2 cases), hemangiosarcoma H. Ohta, T. Osuga, N. Sasaki, K. Morishita, M. Takiguchi Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan they are often associated with a poor prognosis. Canine chronic enteropathy (CE) is an idiopathic gastrointestinal disor- ileocolic mass (ICM) diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography, (2) a der characterized by chronic gastrointestinal signs. Leucine rich alpha- surgical excision or biopsy of the ICM by laparotomy after standard 2-glycoprotein (LRG) has recently been identified as a novel biomarker preoperative investigations and (3) a histological evaluation of the of human inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative ICM performed. Eight cats (2 males, 6 females) were recruited in the colitis (UC). Serum LRG concentrations correlate well with the clinical study, mostly domestic shorthair (6 versus 1 Maine Coon, and 1 Char- and endoscopic disease activity in UC. Unlike other acute-phase pro- treux). Six were neutered (1 male, 5 females). The median age was teins, such as C-reactive protein, LRG is reportedly expressed not only 2.5 years old [range 1 – 12] and the median weight was 3.1 kilograms by hepatocytes, but also by intestinal epithelial cells. The expression [range 2.3 - 6.8]. The main clinical signs at presentation were chronic (1 case), actinomycetoma (1 case) and intussusception. Moreover, Inclusion criteria of this retrospective study were: (1) presence of an ABSTRACTS 1069 digestive disorders such as vomiting (63%), diarrhea (88%), dysorexia enhancement may be predisposed to portal vein thromboses and (25%), and weigh loss (38%). Ultranosographic features lacked speci- that CTA more accurately identified these findings. ficity and etiology could not be determined in all cats: considered pre- *Adrian AM, et al. J Vet Intern Med 2015 Jan; 29(1); 97-103. vious differentials were lymphoma or feline infectious peritonitis in R 7 cases. Both ileum wall and ileocolic lymph nodes were enlarged. The Disclosures ileocolic lymph nodes median size was 5 mm [range 4.7-14,5 mm]. Six No disclosures to report. Idexx laboratories of 8 cats underwent a complete surgical removal (enterectomy via ileocolic junction resection) and two cats were submitted to biopsies ESCG-P-6 by laparotomy. The histopathological analysis of the ICM revealed feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic fibroplasia (1), inflammatory lesions and fibrosis secondary to a presumed prior foreign body (4), inflammatory lesion associated with campylobacteriosis and tritrichomonosis (1), fibrosis (1), postoperative granuloma (1). Two cats died in the post-operative period (septic peritonitis and disseminated intravascular coagulation). Six months after the surgery, all the 6 others cats were still alive and didn’t show any digestive disorders. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting eight cases of feline ICMs. The main purpose of this case series is to highlight that ICMs in cats are neither always associated with a neoplastic etiology nor with a desperate prognosis. An unjustified euthanasia should not be considered before any etiologic characterisation. Canine jejunum and enteroids derived from healthy dogs are useful models to evaluate the gastrointestinal side effects of NSAIDs K. Allenspach1, J.P. Mochel1, L. Chandra1, T. Atherly1, R. Phillips1, J. Hostetter1, N.M. Ellinwood1, E.M. Snella1, M.K. Estes2, M. FernandezZapico3, K.D. Wang3, M. Martin4, A.E. Jergens1 1 Iowa State University, Ames, United States of America, 2Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, tx, United States of America, 3Mayo Clinic, Rochester, United States of America, 4University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States of America Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is a prostanoid playing important homeostatic functions, yet is also responsible for regulating pain and inflammation, and has been implicated in the development and progression of various cancers. The deleterious actions of PGE2 are inhibited in varying degrees byNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); however, Disclosures administration of these drugs also leads to significant gastrointestinal No disclosures to report. (GI) side effects. Grapiprant is a new anti-inflammatory drug from the piprant class that functions as a selective EP4 prostaglandin-receptor ESCG-P-5 (EP4R) inhibitor and is proposed to be associated with less GI side effects. The aim of this study was to determine the value of canine Comparison of computed tomographic angiography and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of acute canine pancreatitis jejunal tissue as well as a novel in vitro 3-dimensional model of canine intestinal epithelium (enteroids) for future in vitro and ex-vivo investi- J.M. French, D.C. Twedt, S. Rao, A.J. Marolf Colorado State University, Fort Collins, United States of America gation of possible GI side effects of drugs in the priprant class. Briefly, Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) is considered highly accurate in the diagnosis of human pancreatitis due to its ability to completely evaluate the pancreas, its contrast enhancement patterns, regional vasculature, along with rapid acquisition times. These properties can be valuable in dogs due to the morbidity of acute pancreatitis and under-diagnosis with current methods. The aim of this study was to compare CTA to ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool in canine acute pancreatitis. Twenty-five dogs met inclusion criteria: 15 prospectively enrolled and 10 included from a pilot project* in this cross-sectional study. Inclusion was based on fulfilling two of three criteria: strong clinical suspicion of pancreatitis, ultrasonographic evidence of pancreatitis, and/or SNAPR positive canine pancreatitis lipase (cPLI) test. A SpecR cPLI was obtained and an ten-centimeter tissue pieces were acquired from the jejunum of 7 healthy dogs which had been euthanized for an unrelated project. Full thickness tissues were fixed in 10% formalin saline, routinely processed and embedded in paraffin. For enteroid culture, minced samples were washed and crypts were enriched, using EDTA chelation, embedded in matrigel, and grown in intestinal stem cell media until full epithelial differentiation (day 7 of culture). RNA in situ hybridization (RNAscopeÒ, ACDBio) was used to evaluate full thickness samples of canine healthy jejunum as well as enteroids derived from the same tissues. To quantify RNAscopeÒ signals in tissue sections, an advanced digital pathology image analysis system (HALO, Indica Labs) was utilized. Data was expressed as copy number for EP4R with that signal compared to the housekeeping target (B-actin, positive control gene). In 7/7 jejunal samples evaluated, universal positive expression of abdominal ultrasound was performed followed within 24 hours by a EP4R was identified in the epithelium as well as in lamina propria sedated abdominal three phase CTA. The results showed that CTA immune cells (copy number 0.1 to 2.6 on average per cell). Expression visualized the entire pancreas in 100% of dogs; ultrasonography of EP4 in enteroids showed similar expression in the epithelium when visualized the entire pancreas in 73% of dogs. 10/25 dogs had het- compared to epithelial expression in full thickness samples (Wilcoxon erogeneous contrast enhancement of the pancreas. CTA significantly signed rank test, p=0.6). identified more portal vein thromboses than ultrasound; CT= 10/25 These results report the mRNA expression of canine EP4R in jejunum and ultrasound= 1/25 (p value < 0.01). Dogs with heterogeneous and enteroids of healthy dogs and confirms the utility of canine enter- contrast enhancement were significantly more likely to have portal oids to investigate effects of NSAIDs on the GI epithelium. vein thrombosis (p value <0.01). This study suggests that dogs with Disclosures acute No disclosures to report. pancreatitis and heterogeneous pancreatic contrast ABSTRACTS 1070 and intestinal microbiota are documented, intestinal proteolytic activ- ESCG-P-7 ity has never been measured in canine IBD. The objective of this study was to compare intestinal activities of elastase and trypsin in IBD and Characterization of the fecal microbiome of cats with chronic enteropathy healthy dogs. S. Marsilio , R.K. Pilla , B. Chow , S.L. Hill , J.A. Lidbury , J.M. Steiner , J. Suchodolski1 1 Texas A&M University, GI Lab, College Station, United States of America, 2 Veterinary Specialty Hospital, San Diego, United States of America Eight IBD and 7 healthy dogs were recruited. All dogs had complete Chronic enteropathy (CE) is very common in cats. The intestinal score. Tissue elastase (Du-Elas and Il-Elas) and trypsin (Du-Tryp and Il- microbiome is recognized as an important contributor to intestinal Tryp) activities were quantified on intestinal tissue samples using inflammation in people and dogs with CE. The aim of this study was quenched fluorescent substrate-based assays and reported in mU/mg 1 1 2 2 1 1 chemistry panel and blood count, fecal flotation, trypsin-like immunoreactivity, folates and B12, and duodenal and ileal biopsies with endoscopic biopsy forceps. Disease activity was quantified using CCECAI to perform an untargeted analysis of the fecal microbiome of cats of proteins. Wilcoxon and Spearman’s rank tests were used for statis- with CE. tical analysis. Results are presented as median [range]. Fecal samples were obtained from 30 cats with histologically con- IBD dogs had a median CCECAI of 9, [4-16] and compared to healthy firmed CE and 42 healthy control cats. Amplification and sequencing dogs, significantly higher Du-Elas (0.68mU/mg [0.12-1.61] vs of the V4 variable region of the 16S rRNA gene were performed utiliz- 0.12mU/mg [0.09-0.43], p=0.040), Du-Tryp (5.91mU/mg [0.56-18.38] ing the Illumina Sequencing (Illumina MiSeq) platform. The software vs 2.21mU/mg [0.60-4.15], p=0.013), Il-Elas (0.60 mU/mg [0.13-7.19] Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (QIIME v2.0) was used vs 0.06mU/mg [0.03-0.13], p<0.001) and Il-Tryp (7.69mU/mg for data processing and analysis. Differences in the species richness [1.29-11.69] vs 0.50mU/mg [0.12-0.80], p<0.001). Positive correla- between groups were calculated using a Mann-Whitney U test. Dif- tions between CCECAI and DuTryp (r=0.77, p=0.002) and IlTryp ferences in microbial communities between groups were evaluated (r=0.71, p=0.007) and negative correlations between folates and IlElas with the phylogeny based unweighted UniFrac distance metric and (r=-0.61, p=0.03), and also albumin and DuTryp (r=-0.76, p=0.003) statistics were performed with the Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM). were observed. Linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) was utilized to identify Intestinal proteolytic activities in canine IBD are upregulated, and cor- bacterial populations associated with CE. relate with clinical severity. Proteases are likely involved in the patho- Results showed a significantly lower species richness in cats with CE genesis of canine IBD and may represent a possible therapeutic target compared to healthy control cats (p = 0.004). Chronic enteropathy in cases that are non-responsive to standard therapy. was associated with bacteria of the families Streptococcaceae and Disclosures Enterobacteriaceae. Analysis of beta-diversity showed significantly No disclosures to report. different clustering between cats with CE compared to healthy control cats (p= 0.035). ESCG-P-9 Similar to results in people and dogs, our results show a decreased bacterial diversity in cats with CE. Further studies to evaluate differ- Hypercobalaminemia in 144 samples from cats and dogs ences between different forms of CE and to develop a dysbiosis index C. Bertolani1, M.D. Tabar2, A. Esparza2, N. Giulia1, L. Queijo1 1 Hospital veterinari Canis Mallorca, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2Hospital Veterinario San Vicente, San Vicente del Raspeig, Spain to characterize global changes of the microbiome are warranted. Disclosures Disclosures to report. Hypercobalaminemia is underestimated,classically considered as not S Marsilio, R Pilla, JA Lidbury, JM Steiner, and JS Suchodolski are affili- clinically significant. However, hypercobalaminemia has been found in ated with the Texas A&M Gastrointestinal Laboratory that offers tests people with serious underlying pathologies (solid neoplasm, myelopro- for evaluation of the fecal microbiome and other tests for gastrointes- liferative blood disorders, liver disease and kidney failure). Recently, it tinal function on a fee-for-service- basis. has been linked to hepatic and neoplastic disease in cats, and hepatic disease in dogs. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the ESCG-P-8 prevalence and significance of hypercobalaminemia in small animals. Results of serum cobalamin measurements were retrospectively Serine proteases activity in intestinal tissue of dogs with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) - a new insight into the pathogenesis of IBD? R. Lavoué1, F. Jolivet2, C. Deraison1, M.O. Semin3, N. Jousserand1, A. Diquélou1, N. Vergnolle1, O. Dossin1 1 IRSD, Université de Toulouse, INSERM, INRA, ENVT, UPS, Toulouse, France, 2Department of Clinical Sciences, Université de Toulouse, ENVT, Toulouse, France, 3Equipe de Biologie Médicale-Histologie, Université de Toulouse, ENVT, Toulouse, France reviewed from samples from animals evaluated for different diseases from two Veterinary Hospitals. Samples were measured in an outside laboratory (Idexx Barcelona) with using a chemiluminescent assay (reference range 275-590 ng/L-dogs and 270-1000 ng/L- cats). The study included 347 samples from 221 dogs and 59 cats (41 patients with ≥ 2 measures). There were 108 females and 171 males. Median age was 7 years (0.25-17 years). Four feline breeds and 48 canine breeds were represented. Canine inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a frequent and sometimes The prevalence of hypercobalaminemia was 41,49% (144 out of challenging condition. Although implications of the immune system 347 samples): 36,26% in dogs (99 out of 273) and 60,81% in cats ABSTRACTS 1071 (45 out of 74). Among them, five patients have received previous 5, BW > IBW×1.21; BCS of 4, BW= IBW ×1.11 to 1.20; BCS of 3, BW cobalamin injection. In eighty-six patients underlying disease were = IBW ×0.91 to 1.10; BCS of 2, BW = IBW ×0.90 to 0.81; and BCS of confirmed and included IBD (n=35), pancreatitis (n=13), liver disease 1, BW < IBW ×0.80. The correlation between body length and IBW (n=10), antibiotic responsive enteropathy (n=9), food responsive was examined by Pearson’s correlation coefficient test. enteropathy (n=6), hyperthyroidism (n=4), protein losing enteropathy A high correlation was found between IBW and each of the three (n=2), gluten intolerance (n=1), cardiac disease (n=2), inmune- measuring positions. The correlation coefficients between IBW and mediated thrombocytopenia (n=2), leishmaniasis (n=2), gastroduode- body length measured at A, B and C were 0.945, 0.932 and 0.910, nal ulcers (n=2), exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (n=1), ulcerative coli- respectively. We used position A as the body length, since the highest tis (n=1) and foreign body (n=1). In the 34 patients with only correlation coefficient was found between the position A and IBW. presumptive diagnosis, the most likely underlying disease was chronic The regression express wasy=0.009x2-0.359x+5.162. Using the enteropathy (n=29). regression equation for this measurement position, we can estimate The underlying diseases found in animals with hypercobalaminemia the IBW of a dog from its body length. For example, the IBW of a dog from the present study included some previously described etiologies. with a body length of 40cm would be 5.2kg. If this dog’s current BW Interestingly, the most common encountered diseases were IBD, ARD is 6.0kg, it is 1.15 times the IBW.This gives us a BCS of 4.When this and pancreatitis. A potential explanation for this finding could be the method was tried by several clinical veterinarians, they replied that presence of reactive hepatic disease. In fact, those animals were this method was identical or well matched to result of the conven- examined for suspected cobalamin deficiency. Although there is no tional BCS assessment. consensus in human medicine on the interpretation of this findings, it Disclosures should be emphasized that methylmalonic acid values (not measured No disclosures to report. in the present study) better reflects cobalamin status and functional cobalamin deficiency can still occur. Another limitation was its retro- ESVC-P-1 spective design with previous cobalamin administration in referred patients. This study highlights the importance of further evaluate patients with hypercobalaminemia, a warning sign requiring exclusion of other underlying pathologies. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVCN-P-1 Left shift of the ventricular mean electrical axis in healthy Doberman Pinschers T. Vezzosi1, C. Carnabuci2, F. Marchesotti3, R. Tognetti4, O. Domenech3 1 Department of Veterinary Sciences University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 2Freelance, Rome, Italy, 3Department of Cardiology, Istituto Veterinario di Novara, Novara, Italy, 4Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy In electrocardiography, the ventricular mean electrical axis (MEA) is defined as the average direction of the myocardial activation vectors during ventricular depolarization. In dogs, the reference interval of the Studies on a new body condition scoring by morphometric methodin dogs (2nd report) MEA on the frontal plane is between +40 and +100 . MEA values A. Koizumi, R. Aihara, H. Asakawa, M. Sakurada, K. Otsuji Teikyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan dogs have a more vertical cardiac axis compare to broad chested dogs. can be influenced by the shape of the thorax, since narrow-chested Breed differences in ECG values has been described in previous The body condition score (BCS) is the most commonly used system studies. for the assessment of nutritional status of dogs. It estimates body fat The aim of this study was to evaluate the MEA in healthy Doberman stores subjectively and semi-quantitatively by visual inspection and Pinschers to describe a normal reference range in this breed, hypothe- palpation. Its accuracy and reliability, however, are inherently limited. sizing that some of healthy Dobermans have a left shift of the MEA For a better assessment of overall body condition, we have previously based on standard values. developed a BCS palpation model, but it did not help the visual This was a retrospective, multicenter, observational study. Dogs were inspection part of the process. A morphometric method to estimate included if considered healthy based on history, physical examination, the percent body fat has been developed. However, this method can- chest x-ray, echocardiography and standard 6-lead surface ECG. not be applied to short-legged breeds. The purpose of the present Exclusion criteria consisted of any cardiac or systemic diseases. MEA study was, therefore, to develop a clinically feasible, new morphomet- was calculated using the isoelectric lead method. A MEA less than ric method for the assessment of body condition of the dog. +40 was defined as left shift, and a MEA greater than 100 as right Forty-two dogs with varying BCS were used. The percent body fat shift. Morphology of the QRS complex on lead II was also analysed. was determined by the deuterium oxide dilution method. The follow- A total of 41 healthy Doberman Pinschers were included, with ing three lengths were measured using a ruler: A from the episternum 26 females and 15 males. The mean age was 5.2  2.7 years. The to the ischial tuberosity; B from the cranial angle of the scapula to the median MEA was +45 , and ranged from -45 to +90 . MEA was devi- base of the tail; C from the cranial angle of the scapula to the sacral ated in 16/41 dogs (39%). All dogs with a MEA deviation presented a tuber of the ilium. Body fat percentage of 20% was adopted as ideal left axis deviation, with a median value of 0 and a range from -45 to body fat percentage. A 5-point BCS scale was defined by the ideal + 30 . No influence of sex and body weight on MEA was detected. body weight (IBW ) and current body weight (BW) as follows: BCS of Dogs older than 7 years had a significant left axis deviation in ABSTRACTS 1072 comparison to younger dogs (P=0.037). Regarding the QRS complex score was significantly decreased in the exercise group (before: morphology, 15/41 dogs (37%) had a “QR” morphology, 13/41 (32%) 11.62.7, after: 9.11.3; P = 0.26), but not in the control group (day had a “qRs” morphology, 9/41 (22%) had a “QRs” morphology, 2/41 0: 10.52.8, day 180: 10.22.0); and the six-minute walk distance (5%) had a “QRS” morphology, 1/41 (2%) had a “qR” morphology and was significantly increased in the exercise group (before: 1/41 (2%) “qrs” morphology. Among dogs showing left axis deviation, 300.2101.0 m, after: 362.4112.4 m; P = 0.008), but not in the con- 9/16 dogs (56%) had “QRs” or “QR” morphology. trol group (day 0: 346.7117.7 m, day 180: 378.3135.0 m). To con- Reference range of the MEA in Doberman Pinschers differs from the clude, a six-month structured exercise program was well-tolerated in general canine population, with a significant number of healthy dogs sedentary dogs with asymptomatic myxomatous mitral valve disease. presenting a left shift of the MEA based on standard values, especially This program may improve the quality of life without impairment of in older dogs. Many dogs with MEA deviation showed a deep Q wave the selected radiographic and echocardiographic parameters. in lead II. This data should be considered when electrocardiographic Disclosures evaluation is performed in this breed. No disclosures to report. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVC-P-3 ESVC-P-2 Indeterminate mean electrical axis of the QRS complex in the dog Effects of a structured exercise program in sedentary dogs with asymptomatic myxomatous mitral valve disease: quality of life, and radiographic and echocardiographic parameters V. Chang1, S. Chiu2, H. Huang1 1 Institute of Veterinary Clinical Science, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Azu Clinic for Animals, Taipei, Taiwan According to American Heart Association guidelines, exercise can reduce all-cause mortality and hospital readmission, improving symptoms and health-related quality of life. The current evidence-based information on the effects of exercise on the management of myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs, is limited. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a structured exercise program in sedentary dogs with asymptomatic myxomatous mitral valve disease. Fifteen indoor dogs (six in the control and nine in the exercise groups) with asymptomatic myxomatous mitral valve disease (ACVIM stage B1) were included. A thorough physical examination, routine blood work-up, non-invasive arterial systolic blood pressure measurement, lateral and ventrodorsal thoracic radiography, electrocardiography, and echocardiography were performed to exclude other cardiac and systemic diseases. C. Parmentola1, V. Patata1, T. Vezzosi2, F. Marchesotti1, R. Tognetti2, D. Domenech1 1 Istituto Veterinario di Novara, Novara, Italy, 2University of Pisa, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Pisa, Italy The mean electrical axis (MEA) of the QRS complex is the average of all the instantaneous mean electrical vectors occurring sequentially during ventricular depolarization, and it ranges from +40 to +100 in healthy dogs. In humans, indeterminate QRS axis (iQRS axis) is defined as the impossibility to calculate the MEA of the QRS due to biphasic complexes with equal or nearly equal positive and negative components in all the six limb leads. The iQRS axis is a rare condition in humans and it occurs when the MEA is perpendicular to the frontal plane. In humans, iQRS axis has been found in healthy subjects and in patients with ventricular hypertrophy. The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of the iQRS axis in dogs, looking for associations between iQRS and age, body weight, thoracic morphotype as well as presence of cardiac diseases. Standard 6-leads ECGs were retrospectively analysed from the clinical database of the Istituto Veterinario of Novara. MEA of the QRS complex was calculated with the isoelectric lead method. A total of 1333 The owners in the exercise group were instructed by a certified canine dogs were included. IQRS axis was identified in 8/1333 dogs, with an rehabilitation therapist on guiding their dogs through the exercise pro- overall prevalence of 0.6%. Among the 8 dogs presenting iQRS axis, gram. The exercise protocol combined aerobic and resistant exercises at 6 did not have any cardio-structural abnormality, and the remaining the level of low to moderate intensity interval training. The owners in 2 dogs had severe right ventricular enlargement secondary to pul- the control group were instructed to maintain their dogs’ usual routine. monic stenosis (n=1) and tricuspid valve dysplasia (n=1). Among For all dogs, a five-point quality of life scale (appetite, demeanor, exer- healthy dogs presenting iQRS axis, 6/6 (100%) had a deep-chested cise tolerance, fainting, respiratory effort, cough, and nocturnal dys- thoracic morphotype. No significant differences were found between pnea/coughing), radiographic, dogs with and without iQRS axis regarding age (4.3 years, range 1-12 electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic examinations were then years versus 9.1 years, range 2-13 years; P=0.171) and body weight assessed every two months for six months. Multiple multivariate models (24 kg, range 13-29 kg versus 21 kg, range 23-34 kg; P=0.646). of repeated measures were used for multiple comparisons before and In conclusion, iQRS axis is a rare condition in dogs and it seems to be after exercise in the study subjects and between the groups. more frequent in deep-chested dogs. In this thoracic morphotype, the The vertebral heart sum and echocardiographic variables (fractional more vertical cardiac axis, perpendicular to the frontal plane, might be shortening, and left atrial-to-aortic ratio) showed no significant differ- the reason of iQRS axis. In addition, according to our results, right ence between the control and the exercise groups, and before and ventricular enlargement might be a cause of iQRS axis. Further studies after the exercise intervention (day 0 and 180: control: VHS 9.90.7 are needed to better identify the association between iQRS axis and and 9.90.8, FS 427% and 4411%, LA/Ao 1.20.1 and 1.30.1; cardiac diseases in dogs. exercise: VHS 9.90.6 and 9.80.4, FS 4110% and 4610%, LA/Ao Disclosures 1.30.2 and 1.30.2). After six months of exercise, the quality of life No disclosures to report. six-minute walk test, chest ABSTRACTS 1073 ESVC-P-4 Disclosures Disclosures to report. Clinical narrative analysis of clinical findings associated with measurement of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in dogs and cats M.J. Hezzell1, S. O'Shaughnessy1, E. Arsevka2, D. Singleton2 1 University of Bristol Veterinary School, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool, Neston, United Kingdom N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is a biomarker of cardiac stretch. The best characterised indication for NT-proBNP measurement in dogs and cats is differentiation of cardiac and noncardiac causes of respiratory distress. Other indications include prognostication, screening for cardiomyopathies and cardiac disease monitoring. The aim of this study was to investigate clinical signs The study was funded by a Start-Up Grant from the University of Bristol Veterinary School. Dr Hezzell has previously received research funding from IDEXX Laboratories Inc. ESVC-P-5 Adverse Effects of amlodipine on the treatment of heart failure in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease: preliminary results C.N. Duarte, M.H.M.A. Larsson, C. Santos, D.F.L. Silva, R.B. Pessoa, C.S.Z. Hudson, C.T. Amaral, V.H.L. Andrade, J.A.R. Soares Jr., M.O.S. Gomes School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil associated with measurement of NT-proBNP, as recorded by veterinarians in the free text clinical narrative (CN) of the Electronic Health Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MMVD) is the most common Record (EHR) in dogs and cats presenting to the veterinary practices heart disease in dogs of small breeds. Amlodipine is a calcium from the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET) in channel blocker that can be beneficial on the treatment of heart Great Britain. failure (HF), due to arterial vasodilator effect, but the adverse The CNs of 3510 individual appointments (including 346 dogs and effects in patients with MMVD are unclear. The aim of this study is 272 cats) were evaluated from 99 veterinary practices across England evaluate the adverse effects of amlodipine on the treatment of and Wales between April 2014 and May 2017. Reasons for NT- dogs with MMVD stage C. This is a clinical trial randomized proBNP measurement were categorised as follows; disease Investiga- double-blinded placebo-control study, that all dogs receive con- tion, disease Monitoring, Discount (laboratory promotion) and ventional therapy to MMVD stage C (furosemide, spironolactone, Unknown (reason for measurement not stated). Key phrases were enalapril and pimobendan), and randomized in two groups: amlodi- extracted using a simple text filtering based on keywords from the CN pine or placebo. The amlodipine mean dose is 0.3 mg/kg once a of each patient to determine the clinical signs associated with mea- day. The dogs are followed during 10 months, with clinical assess- surement of NT-proBNP. ment, echocardiogram, measurement of systemic arterial blood NT-proBNP measurements in dogs were categorised as Investigation pressure (SABP) and serum biochemistry. The main side effect of (60%, n=219), Monitoring (10%, n=36), Discount (9%, n=32) and amlodipine is the hypotension that may lead to increase of serum Unknown (21%, n=75). In Investigation, a heart murmur (136/219, creatinine and BUN, therefore the adverse effects of amlodipine 62%) was the most commonly reported clinical sign. Signs commonly have been assessed by measurement of systolic SABP (by vascular accompanying coughing Doppler method) and serum creatinine and BUN. Systolic SABP (n=46/136,34%), exercise intolerance (n=13/136, 10%) and panting was measured at the first day of treatment with amlodipine or pla- (n=11/136, 8%). Coughing was reported in 11% (n=25) of dogs with cebo (T0), seven days (T7D), one month (T1M) and three months no murmur or arrhythmia in Investigation. The following were infre- (T3M) after the beginning of the treatment. Serum creatinine and quently reported; tachypnoea (n= 5/219, 2%), dyspnoea (n=2/219, BUN were measured at times T0 and T7D. Up to the present time 1%), lethargy, “discomfort and unspecified malaise” and “gagging and it have already been enrolled 14 dogs in this study. There was no a murmur in Investigation were retching” (each n=1/219, 0.5%). Pre-anaesthetic testing was the sole difference in systolic SABP between amlodipine and placebo stated reason for NT-proBNP measurement in 1 dog. groups at the four times assessed (p>0.05). There was no differ- NT-proBNP measurements in cats were categorised as Investigation ence in systolic SABP in the placebo group among the four times (74%, n=210), Monitoring (8%, n=24) and Unknown (18%, n=50). In too (p>0.05). The amlodipine group presented a significant Investigation a heart murmur was the most commonly reported clini- increase of systolic SABP between T0 and T7D (p=0.003) and sig- cal sign (150/210, 71%). The following were infrequently reported; nificant decrease between T1M and T3M (p=0.003). No dog dyspnoea (n=8/210, 4%), weight loss, tachypnoea and lethargy (each (of the both groups) presented hypotension (systolic SABP < n=1/210, 0.5%). 90 mmHg) in the four times of evaluation. Creatinine and BUN CN analysis of EHRs allowed summarisation of motivators for NT- serum values didn’t present difference in the amlodipine group proBNP measurement in first opinion practice. Investigation of a between T0 and T7D (p>0.05) and the same result was observed in heart murmur appears to be the most common reason for NT- the placebo group (p>0.05). There was also no difference to creati- proBNP measurement in dogs and cats. NT-proBNP measurements nine and BUN values between the groups for T0 and T7D (p>0.05). were not commonly used for disease monitoring in either dogs or This preliminary results showed that amlodipine at the used dose cats. Despite being the best characterised indication, NT-proBNP don’t induce hypotension or decrease of systolic SABP when com- was rarely measured in dogs or cats presenting with tachypnoea or pared to placebo group, and don’t increase serum creatinine and dyspnoea. BUN values during the seven first days of treatment. ABSTRACTS 1074 ESVC-P-7 Disclosures No disclosures to report. Serum uric acid concentrations in dogs with chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation ESVC-P-6 M. Michalek, A. Tabis, A. Noszczyk-Nowak Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland Assessment of pulmonary hypertension in dogs with angiostrongylosis before and after treatment Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart rhythm disturbance E. Roels, A.C. Merveille, F. Billen, E. Moyse, C. Clercx, K. Mc Entee University of Liège, Liège, Belgium associated with poor prognosis and outcome encountered in clinical Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a common comorbidity in dogs is a well known factor facilitating initiation and maintenance of AF, lit- infected with Angiostrongylus vasorum. The aim of the present tle is known about the role of oxidative stress in this process. Uric acid descriptive study was to assess echocardiographic changes indicative (UA) is the terminal enzymatic product of purine metabolism. In practice in dogs. While structural and electrical remodeling of the atria of PH and outcome in dogs treated for angiostrongylosis. Dogs with a positive Angio-detect (IDEXX) or Bearmann analysis and echocardiography performed at diagnosis (T0) were retrospectively included (n=23, median age 1.9years, range 0.3–15.8). After treatment, follow-up echocardiography was performed in 16 dogs either within short-term (n=12) (< 5months after diagnosis; median 1month) (T1) and/or long-term (n=7) (> 5months; median 15.9months) (T2). Tricuspid regurgitation pressure gradient (TRPG), main pulmonary artery to aorta ratio (MPA/Ao), right pulmonary vein to pulmonary artery ratio (PV/PA), right pulmonary distensibility index (RPAD), and acceleration to ejection time ratio of the pulmonary flow (AT:ET) were retrospectively measured and compared over time using a mixed linear model. Dogs were treated with fenbendazole for 1 to 21 days (median 7 days) followed by a moxidectin spot-on (n=19). Additionally, 14 dogs received cardiac treatment for PH including sil- humans, the serum UA level is strongly correlated with cardiovascular risk factors, including the risk of atrial fibrillation. It is also considered a marker of increased oxidative stress via the xanthine oxidase pathway. The purpose of this study was to investigate the concentrations of uric acid in the serum of dogs with advanced chronic heart failure, dogs with atrial fibrillation and healthy controls. Fifty-three client-owned dogs with complete clinical, electro- and echocardiographic examinations were enrolled in the study. A fasting blood sample was collected for diagnostic purposes and sent to a commercial veterinary laboratory where CBC and general biochemistry, including the serum uric acid concentration, were evaluated. Dogs with normal kidney and liver function were then assigned to the chronic heart failure group (CHF group, 17 dogs), CHF with AF group (CHF+AF group, 20 dogs) and the control group (16 dogs). The nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis analysis followed Dunn’s post-hoc multiple denafil (n=14), pimobendan (n=5), and furosemide (n=2). A significant comparisons test were applied to test for statistically significant differ- improvement of PVPA in M-mode (0.56 at T0 vs. 1.02 at T1 ences between the groups. vs. 0.90 at T2, P=0.0002) and in 2D-mode (0.55vs.0.82vs.083, The serum UA concentration in the CHF+AF group (median: 24.85 P=0.0031), AT:ET μmol/L, range 6.76-54.9) was significantly higher than in the CHF (0.37vs.0.47vs.0.48, P=0.0005) was observed between T0 and T1 group (median: 11 μmol/L, range 7.96-24.3) and the control group MPA/Ao (0.95vs.0.80vs.0.83, P=0.03) and and T0 and T2. Differences were not significant between T1 and T2 (median 9.7 μmol/L, range 5.68-18.4; P<0.001). The ROC analysis for for these parameters. There was no significant change for RPAD UA had an area under the curve of 0.92. A cut-off point of >16.6 (21.4vs.29.1vs.23.8%, μmol/L was associated with a sensitivity and specificity of 85% and P=0.385) nor TRPG (76.6vs.49.2mmHg, P=0.0842) over time. TRPG was measured in 16/23 (69.6%) dogs at 87.9%, respectively. T0, 7/12 (58.3%) at T1 and 1/7 (14.2%) at T2. TRPG indicated The results of this study suggest that AF in dogs is associated with absent, mild, moderate and severe PH in respectively 1 (4.3%), increased oxidative stress via xanthine oxidase pathway. Moreover, 3 (13%), 2 (8.7%), and 10 (43.5%) dogs at diagnosis. Of 23 dogs the serum UA level could be a potential biomarker for AF in dogs. included, 17 (74%) were alive at the time of writing, while 6 (26%) This study was supported by ‘Innowacyjny Doktorat’ PhD research died; with all deaths related to cardio-respiratory disease. Individual grant from Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, survival times from these dogs were 1, 3, 36, 93, 148 and 320 days grant no. D220/0003/17. (median 64.5 days) after diagnosis. PH was moderate and severe in Disclosures 2 and 4 non-survivors respectively. Individual echocardiographic No disclosures to report. parameters in non-survivors did not improve at short-term recheck (n=3). Results of this study demonstrated a mortality rate of 26% ESVC-P-8 among dogs with angiostrongylosis that underwent an echocardiography at diagnosis. Non-survival seems to be associated with a persistent moderate to severe PH. In general, an improvement of indirect parameters of PH was noted at short- and long-term rechecks, despite no significant difference for TRPG at short-term. Oxidative stress in cats with asymptomatic and symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy M. Michalek, A. Tabis, A. Noszczyk-Nowak Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland Disclosures Oxidative stress, which is an imbalance between the production of No disclosures to report. endogenous reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defence, is an ABSTRACTS 1075 important contributory factor in the development and progression of association between environmental factors and cardiovascular disease numerous cardiovascular diseases. Little is known about the role of in dogs living an indoor lifestyle. A retrospective case-control study oxidative stress in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), the most was conducted in 103 client-owned dogs. Physical examination, blood common heart disease in cats. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate pressure measurement, and other clinical information (thoracic radiog- the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and gluta- raphy, echocardiography, and/or previous diagnosis) obtained from thione peroxidase (GPx) in serum and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) their medical records were used to determine the presence or absence in plasma of cats with symptomatic and asymptomatic hypertrophic of cardiovascular disease. The environmental information of the dogs’ cardiomyopathy and in healthy controls. households (the presence/absence of indoor air pollution, ambient Thirty client-owned cats with complete clinical, electro- and echocar- temperature, and household humidity) was obtained from the data- diographic examinations, the Doppler systolic blood pressure below base of a previous project involving an indoor air pollution survey. 160 mmHg and normal creatinine and thyroxine concentrations were Forty-seven dogs with cardiovascular disease (chronic valvular heart enrolled in the study. Samples were collected for diagnostic purposes disease, pulmonary hypertention, aortic insufficiency, arrhythmia, or with research material appropriated from the excess of what was borderline/sustained systemic hypertension) and 56 control dogs needed for diagnostics. The patients were assigned to the clinical were compared. Except for household humidity (64.8% vs 68.3%, HCM group (HCM, n=8), asymptomatic HCM group (A-HCM, n=11) P = 0.048), exposure to several well-known indoor air pollutants (sec- and the control group (n=11). The activity of oxidative stress enzymes ond-hand smoke, P = 0.72; cooking fumes, P = 0.29; incense burning, and plasma TAC were determined using commercially available assay P = 0.61), the average PM2.5 concentration in the pet house kits. After testing for normality with Shapiro-Wilk test data were ana- (P = 0.53), and ambient temperature (P = 0.054) were not statistically lyzed between the groups with one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey different between dogs with and without cardiovascular disease. post test or the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis analysis followed by Among signalment factors, dogs with cardiovascular disease were sig- the post hoc Dunn’s multiple comparisons test to assess statistically nificantly older (P < 0.001) and were more likely to be overweight significant differences. (BCS ≥7/9) (P = 0.013) than control dogs. Multivariable logistic regres- There were no statistically significant differences among the groups sion analysis showed aging (adjust OR = 1.27, P = 0.004) and over- with respect to age, weight and sex ratio. Each group consisted of var- weight (adjust OR = 4.34, P = 0.017) were associated with increased ious cat breeds. Serum SOD activity was significantly lower in the risk of cardiovascular disease in dogs. In conclusion, the association HCM group (mean 0.990.35 U/mL) and A-HCM group (mean 1.390.4 U/mL) compared to the healthy controls (mean 2.070.76 U/mL, p<0.01). Serum CAT activity was significantly lower in the A-HCM group (mean 19.44.2 nmol/min/mL) compared to the HCM group (mean 23.65.9 nmol/min/mL) and healthy controls (mean 307.5 nmol/min/mL, p<0.01). There were no significant differences in the serum activity of GPx (p=0.21) or plasma TAC (p=0.89) between the groups. Serum SOD activity correlated with the CAT activity between environmental hazards and cardiovascular disease was not found in pet dogs. Disclosures Disclosures to report. This study was supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST 105-2313-B-002-055 -). ESVC-P-10 (r=0.44, p<0.05). Increased oxidative stress in the symptomatic and asymptomatic HCM cats was evident based on the statistically significant decrease in the serum SOD and CAT activity. The CAT activity also tended to be lower in symptomatic cats compared to healthy controls, although did not reach significance. This study was supported by ‘Innowacyjny Doktorat’ PhD research grant from Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, grant no. D220/0003/17. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVC-P-9 Longitudinal right ventricle strain and strain rate by 2-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in dogs with pulmonary hypertension D. Caivano1, M. Rishniw2, F. Birettoni1, M.E. Giorgi1, F. Porciello1 1 University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, 2Veterinary Information Network, Davis, United States of America Longitudinal right ventricular (RV) function, as estimated by the deformation variables strain and strain rate, has been evaluated by speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) in healthy dogs and dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD), but not dogs with pulmonary hypertension (PH). Therefore, we evaluated the longitudinal RV strain and strain rate in dogs with PH. We acquired 2D echocardiographic cineloops from the left apical 4-chamber view optimized for the RV, and analyzed longitudinal RV Is there an association between environmental factors and cardiovascular disease in dogs? strain and strain rate in 82 dogs (32 healthy dogs, 24 MMVD dogs P.Y. Lo, C.H. Lin National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan with PH were classified based on the tricuspid regurgitation (TR) jet Ambient air pollution has been found to increase cardiovascular risk in In healthy dogs, strain rate showed a moderate negative relationship many human epidemiological studies. However, little is known about with heart rate (r2=0.35) and a weak positive relationship with body such risk in pet dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate the weight (r2=0.13); strain showed no relationships with heart rate or without PH and 26 dogs with PH) using XstrainTM software. Dogs velocity (> 3 m/sec) and degree of MMVD. ABSTRACTS 1076 bodyweight. Strain and strain rate showed weak positive relationships stages, presence of arrhythmias, and collapse were significantly asso- with LA:Ao in MMVD dogs without PH (r2=0.2 and r2=0.18). Strain ciated with time to CD. Dogs from ACVIM stage B had a median time and strain rate showed strong positive relationships with TR velocity to decompensation of 15.9 months [IQR=8.2-45.0], and a median time in dogs with PH (r2=0.7). Only TR velocity was retained in a multivari- to CD of 42.9 months [IQR=19.1-56.1] versus 17.8 [IQR=5.4-38.4] for able model to predict strain and strain rate in dogs with PH; heart rate, dogs from stage C and D. bodyweight and LA:Ao were excluded. Both strain and strain rate In conclusion, this study confirms that dogs with TM related to DMVD, showed good sensitivity (100%), but modest specificity (70%) for iden- including dogs from ACVIM stage B, usually have a severe form of the tifying severe PH. disease, with a majority of dogs presenting with chordae tendineae rup- Our data suggest that longitudinal RV deformation analysis using STE ture, pulmonary hypertension, and severe MV regurgitation. can identify dogs with severe PH. Body weight, heart rate and MMVD Disclosures can influence the strain and strain rate values and should be carefully Disclosures to report. considered in dogs with PH. C. Poissonnier : Fondation Un Coeur / Vetoquinol sponsoring for clini- Disclosures cal projects unrelated to this study. No disclosures to report. ESVC-P-12 ESVC-P-11 Epidemiological, clinical, echocardiographic features and prognosis of dogs with a thrilling murmur related to degenerative mitral valve disease: 374 cases (2006-2017) C. Poissonnier, M. Klam, E. Trehiou-Sechi, V. Arqued-Soubeyran, J.L. Pouchelon, R. Tissier, L. Desquilbet, V. Chetboul National Veterinary School of Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, France Degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD) is the most common acquired heart disease in small-breed dogs, resulting in poor apposition of the mitral valve (MV) leaflets during systole. This leads to MV regurgitation, which is clinically detected as a left apical systolic heart murmur, the intensity of which is classically classified according to a A retrospective multi-centre study investigating evidence of thrombosis in dogs diagnosed with atrial fibrillation L. Heseltine1, B.A. Love2, G. McAulay3, E. Pavelkova4, L. Ferasin5, M. Dunning1 1 University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2Wear Referrals, Bradbury, United Kingdom, 3New Priory Vets, Brighton, United Kingdom, 4Woodcroft Referrals, Cheshire, United Kingdom, 5Lumbry Park, Alton, United Kingdom Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common canine cardiac arrhythmia. Left atrial appendage thrombus development and associated risk of thromboembolism is a common complication of AF in humans. There are no largescale studies investigating the incidence of thromboembolic dis- 6-grade scheme. Past studies have shown that an increase in heart ease in dogs with AF. The aim of this retrospective study was to iden- murmur intensity over time is associated with worsening of DMVD tify any evidence for thromboembolic events in dogs diagnosed with lesions, with thrilling murmurs (TM, i.e., of grade V/VI and VI/VI) asso- AF and whether this affected outcome. ciated with more severe disease. The objectives of this retrospective One-hundred and twenty one dogs were included in this study follow- study were to characterize the epidemiological, clinical, and echocar- ing assessment by a cardiologist. Enrolment criteria required dogs to diographic features of dogs with TM related to DMVD, and to identify have a diagnosis of AF confirmed by electrocardiography. Direct or parameters associated with survival. The case records of small-breed indirect evidence for thrombus formation or a thromboembolic event dogs (under 15 kg) diagnosed with TM related to DMVD were was identified for individual cases based on analysis of clinical notes reviewed. The study population consisted of 374 dogs (median age at and diagnostic investigations. Statistical tests included Chi-squared, detection unpaired student T-tests, Mann Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and ANOVA of TM=10.7 years [IQR=8.6-12.5], male-to-female ratio=1.8). The most represented breeds were Cavalier King Charles testing, with significance set at P<0.05. Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, Poodle and Chihuahua. Thirty-six dogs had Intracardiac masses consistent with thrombi were identified echocar- a concurrent hemodynamically compromised systemic or cardiac dis- diographically in 5 dogs (4.1% of cases). Clinical signs potentially ease and were therefore excluded from the subsequent analysis. attributable to thromboembolic disease were identified in 15 dogs According to the ACVIM classification, 24%(82/338) were in stage (12.4% of cases), however these cases had no intracardiac thrombus B2, 61% (207/338) in stage C and 7% (22/338) in stage D. Chordae detected by echocardiography. There was no association between the tendineae rupture was identified in 75% (254/338) of the included presence of a thrombus and gender (P=0.73), type of AF (lone vs. AF dogs, severe pulmonary hypertension (systolic pulmonary arterial secondary to structural heart disease) (P=0.76) or antiarrhythmic pressure >75 mmHg) in 27% (90/337), and tachyarrhythmias in 46% treatment (P=0.23). (157/338). Regurgitation fraction (RF), assessed using the PISA Anti-platelet therapy was instituted in four cases (3.3%). Three of method, was >30% for all dogs (median value=70%[IQR=59-76]), these cases had intra-cardiac thrombi confirmed by echocardiography which is consistent with moderate to severe MV regurgitation. and received clopidogrel. Two of these were euthanased due to pro- Among the 265/338 dogs for which a follow-up was available, gressive, refractory congestive heart failure; the third died naturally 173/265 (65%) died. 68% (118/173) of deaths were cardiac in origin from an unknown cause. The fourth case received aspirin following a (CD) with a median time to CD of 25.1 months after diagnosis suspected thromboembolic event with neurological signs consistent [IQR=8.3-52.7]. Univariate analyses revealed that RF>70%, left atrium with a central vascular accident (CVA); this dog was still alive at time to aorta ratio≥1.5 at end-diastole, left ventricular dilation, ACVIM of study. ABSTRACTS 1077 Of the cases where circumstances at time of death were known at T3 was significantly higher when comparing with T0 (p=0.03) and (n=53), four dogs (7.5%) died from suspected thromboembolism. No T1 (p=0.018). significant association was identified between the median age at time This study confirms that cortisolemia is higher at 3h rather than 1h of death (P=0.48) and median survival time after AF diagnosis after stimulation with ACTH depot in dogs with HAC under trilostane (P=0.06) in the dogs suffering thromboembolic complications com- therapy. These results are in agreement to what was previously pub- pared to those without, suggesting limited impact on outcome. lished concerning the use of this compound for the diagnosis of HAC In conclusion, this study found thrombi or thromboembolic events in in suspected cases. This is probably due to the longer action of this dogs diagnosed with AF were infrequent, although the low sensitivity formulation and, consequently, a latter stimulation of adrenal reserve, of screening methods used may have underestimated the frequency when compared to the short-acting ACTH. of thrombi. Given the low-incidence of confirmed thromboembolic In summary, when ACTH depot is used to assess adrenal function in complications in dogs with AF, further work is required to understand dogs with HAC under trilostane therapy, the ACTH stimulation test the different factors influencing hypercoagulability and thrombus for- protocol should be adapted and post-stimulation cortisol level should mation in dogs and humans. be measured 3h instead of 1h after stimulation. Disclosures Disclosures No disclosures to report. Funded by: Project UID/CVT/276/2013 (CIISA). ESVE-P-1 ESVE-P-2 The use of ACTH-depot for ACTH stimulation test in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism under trilostane therapy: changes to the conventional protocol Predictive model to estimate ionized calcium from routine serum biochemical profiles in cats R. Oliveira Leal1,2, N. Silva3, L. Mateus1, H. Lima de Carvalho4 1 CIISA – Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Animal Heath, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon 2 Hospital Escolar Veterinário – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 3Hospital Veterinário Montenegro, Porto, Portugal, 4Cedivet - Laboratório Clinico Veterinário, Porto, Portugal K. Le Boedec1, N. Hugson2, M. McMichael3 Centre Hospitalier Veterinaire Frégis, Arcueil, France, 2University of Illinois, Urbana IL, United States of America, 3College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United States of America 1 Ionized calcium measurement is not readily available in practice and total calcium (tCa) may not be a reliable indicator of calcium status Several studies have been performed in order to find the best func- in cats. tional test for clinical monitoring of dogs with hyperadrenocorticism The objectives of this cross-sectional study were to predict ionized (HAC) under trilostane therapy. Despite being controversial, ACTH calcium from cats with biochemical panels and T4 values and compare stimulation test is one of the therapeutic tools currently used for this the diagnostic performances of predicted ionized calcium (piCa) purpose. When using short-acting exogenous ACTH (tetracosactide), and tCa. adrenal reserve stimulation is estimated to be maximal 1h after its Cats with both ionized calcium and biochemistry panels  T4 mea- administration. However, short-acting ACTH is not widely available in surements performed within 24h were screened over 6 years. Cases Europe and in several countries, only the depot formulation is pur- with both a complete biochemical profile and T4 available were chasable. To author’s knowledge, only one study has evaluated ACTH included in the training set (570 cats) and used to create a multivari- depot concluding that, for a better stimulation of adrenal reserve in ate adaptive regression splines model to calculate piCa. Diagnostic dogs with HAC, blood for peak cortisol should be drawn 3h post stim- performances of tCa and of piCa and its prediction interval (PI) were ulation with ACTH, instead of 1h (used in the conventional protocol). compared in 652 cats that had not been included in the training set. To date, little is known about the use of ACTH depot in dogs under The final model included creatinine, BUN, albumin, tCa, potassium, trilostane therapy. chloride, gamma-glutamyltransferase, cholesterol, age and body condi- This study aims to assess whether blood cortisolemia is higher at 3h tion score as independent variables. For hypercalcemia, piCa was sig- rather than at 1h after stimulation with ACTH depot in dogs with nificantly more specific (specificity: piCa=0.99, tCa=0.93, p<0.001) HAC under trilostane therapy. but less sensitive (sensitivity: piCa=0.30, tCa=0.59, p<0.001) than tCa. A prospective study was performed including dogs with HAC under However, the upper limit of the PI was more sensitive than tCa (sensi- twice-daily trilostane therapy. The ACTH stimulation test was per- tivity=0.82, p<0.001). For hypocalcemia, piCa was also significantly formed 2-4h after the morning pill and using the depot formulation more specific (specificity: piCa=0.82, tCa=0.74, p<0.001) but less sen- administered intramuscularly. Blood was sampled at T0 (basal cortisol), sitive (sensitivity: piCa=0.54, tCa=0.70, p<0.001) than tCa, and the 1h (T1) and 3h (T3) after stimulation. Statistical analysis was per- lower limit of the PI was more sensitive than tCa (sensitivity=0.98, formed using non-parametric tests (Friedman test and Wilcoxon for p<0.001). paired samples). In conclusion, piCa may help confirm suspected hypercalcemia in cats, Eight dogs were enrolled. The mean (SE) level of cortisol at T0, T1 owing to its high specificity. Its PI may be used to screen hypercalce- and T3 was respectively : 1.90 μg/dl ( 0.44), 6.45 μg/dl ( 2.42) and mia and hypocalcemia, owing to its high sensitivity. 8.95 μg/dl ( 3.17). Differences on cortisolemia among these three Disclosures time points were statistically significant (p=0.006). The cortisol level No disclosures to report. ABSTRACTS 1078 and included gastrointestinal signs, cytopenias, facial excoriations, and ESVE-P-3 increase in liver enzymes. In the Felimazole® group 31.2%, in the Vidalta® group 40.0%, and in the CHM group 28.6% of treated cats Episodic nocturnal hypoglycaemia in healthy New Zealand working dogs 1 1 1 1 developed adverse effects. Median survival times were 540 days in 2 the Felimazole® , 365 days in the Vidalta® , and 524 days in the CHM R. Burchell , J. Giles , R. Owen , N. Cave , W. Cuttance , N. LopezVillalobos1, A. Gal1 1 Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2VetEnt, Te Kuiti, New Zealand group. The only parameter influencing survival time was presence of Hypoglycaemia has not been reported in healthy dogs. The goal of CRD occurred during therapy (619 days) and cats without CRD this study was to determine if healthy working dogs experience hypo- (396 days). glycaemic episodes at night. Twenty-two apparently healthy In conclusion, all three antithyroid drugs were equally effective for the New Zealand working Huntaway dogs (median age 4 years, IQR 2-6, treatment of feline hyperthyroidism. Presence of CRD prior treatment range 1-10) were fitted with continuous blood glucose monitors was the most important prognostic parameter. (4 readings per hour) for 4 days. During that time, the dogs were Disclosures worked according to their usual regimen and were fed complete bal- No disclosures to report. chronic renal disease (CRD) prior to therapy. Those cats had a significantly shorter survival time (203.5 days) compared to cats in which anced diets once daily between 6pm-8pm. Nocturnal hypoglycaemia was considered when serum glucose was < 3.5 mmol/L at any point ESVE-P-5 between 12am-6am. Nine of 22 dogs (median age 3 years, IQR 2-5, range 1-8) experienced a median of 4 (IQR 2-22, range 1-79) hypoglycaemic (<3.5mmol/L) episodes (median total readings 96, IQR 72-96, range 72-96) of which 6 dogs experienced a median of 2 (IQR 1-14, range 1-78) severe hypoglycaemic (<2.5mmol/L) episodes (median total readings 96, IQR 78-96, range 72-96). In 5, 2, and 2 of the dogs, Iatrogenic hypoadrenocorticism following treatment with trilostane for hyperadrenocorticism in dogs: a description of 10 cases A. Lamoureux, J.L. Cadoré, M. Hugonnard, L. Chabanne, E. Krafft Université de Lyon, VetAgro Sup, Campus vétérinaire de Lyon, Marcy l'Etoile, France glucose was <3.5mmol/L for 1, 2, and 4 nights, respectively; whereas, Trilostane is currently the medical treatment of choice for hyperadre- in 5 and 1 of the dogs, glucose was <2.5mmol/L for 1 and 4 nights, nocorticism in dogs. Iatrogenic hypoadrenocorticism is considered respectively. One dog with a glucose of <3.5mmol/L and a second infrequent, with most cases being transient. Only 8 cases of perma- dog with a glucose of <2.5mmol/L had 9 and 1 glucose readings > nent hypoadrenocorticism have been described; adrenocortical necro- 6.66 mmol/L, respectively. To our knowledge this is the first study sis was suspected based on post-mortem examination or adrenal that documents episodic nocturnal hypoglycaemia in apparently changes on ultrasonography. The goal of this study was to report find- healthy dogs. Our findings suggest that episodic nocturnal hypogly- ings from 10 cases of iatrogenic hypoadrenocorticism following treat- caemia may be a normal physiological phenomenon in dogs. ment with trilostane for hyperadrenocorticism. Disclosures Medical records of dogs treated with trilostane since 2008 were No disclosures to report. reviewed. Dogs were included if they had clinical signs suggestive of hypoadrenocorticism and compatible ACTH stimulation test results ESVE-P-4 and/or serum electrolytes abnormalities. Cases were considered as permanent if long term treatment of hypoadrenocorticism was Efficacy of orally administered anti-thyroid drugs for the treatment of hyperthyroid cats required. A. Wehner, L. Tampe, K. Hartmann Clinic of Small Animal Medicine, Munich, Germany age ranging from 6.5 to 13 years. Nine dogs had a suspected The most frequently applied treatments in hyperthyroid cats are orally of hypoadrenocorticism diagnosis were: lethargy (10/10), anorexia administered anti-thyroid drugs. There are currently no studies evalu- (10/10), vomiting (7/10), diarrhea (3/10), tremors (3/10) and polyuria- ating and comparing the treatment success of different thioamide polydipsia (1/10). Time between beginning of trilostane treatment and preparations. hypoadrenocorticism occurrence ranged from 4 days to 13 months; In this retrospective study, treatment outcome of 107 hyperthyroid cats trilostane dose ranged from 1 to 12 mg/kg/day. Five dogs had a suspi- was evaluated. Cats were either treated with the oral anti-thyroid drug cion of concurrent infectious disease at the time of hypoadrenocort- Ten dogs met the inclusion criteria (5 males and 5 females) with an pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Clinical signs at the time Methimazole (Felimazole , n=61), Carbimazole retard (Vidalta , n=25), ism diagnosis. Sodium/potassium ratio was under 24 in 5 dogs and or Carbimazole licensed for the use in humans (CHM, n=21). Data con- under 28 in 8 dogs. All 8 dogs having an ACTH stimulation test per- cerning signalement (age, gender, breed), concurrent disease, number of formed had dose adjustments, time period until an euthyroid state was reached, <55nmol/L. Trilostane dosage was decreased in 2 cases; trilostane occurrence of adverse effects, survival time, and cause of death were was withdrawn in 1 case without further relapse of clinical signs of evaluated in all cats and compared between treatment groups. hyperadrenocorticism; 1 dog died at the time of diagnosis; glucocorti- No significant difference was found for all analysed parameters coids +/- mineralocorticoids supplementation was prescribed in between the three groups. Adverse effects were frequently observed 6 cases. Three out of these 6 dogs were lost to follow-up, the other ® ® pre- and post-stimulation cortisol concentration ABSTRACTS 1079 3 had a diagnosis of permanent hypoadrenocorticism. Adrenal gland Financial relationship: ultrasonogaphy in these 3 dogs showed a progressive reduction in Laboratories Inc. this study was supported by IDEXX glands size with a heterogeneous echogenicity. Iatrogenic hypoadrenocorticism was also rare in our population, with ESVE-P-7 10 cases identified over 10 years. Dose and duration of treatment were variable. One dog died and at least 3 suffer from permanent hypoadrenocorticism. Progressive adrenal changes on ultrasonography were seen in 3 cases of permanent hypoadrenocorticism. The suspicion of concomitant infection in half of our cases at hypoadrenocorticism occurrence is an interesting finding. An impaired ability to synthesize cortisol in response to infection might trigger clinical signs appearance in dogs with previously subclinical hypoadrenocorticism. Prevalence of hypokalemia in feline diabetes R. García del Real Torralva, D. Alonso Miguel, P. García San José, S. González Sanz, I. Clares Moral, A. Riesgo González, D. Pérez Alenza Veterinary Teaching Hospital Complutense, Madrid, Spain Feline diabetes mellitus is related with several clinic-pathological alterations, especially in cats with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Electrolyte unbalances are frequent, mainly hypokalemia; however, the role of Disclosures hypokalemia in non-DKA diabetic cats at diagnosis is unknown. The No disclosures to report. aims of this study were to calculate the prevalence of hypokalemia in non–DKA cats diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM) and to evaluate ESVE-P-6 the relation between potassium plasma blood level (PBL) and clinical parameters at first visit. Adequate dosage of oral potassium supple- Evaluation of free T4 (fT4) measurement after equilibrium dialysis (FT4ED) and a chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (FT4CEIA) in hyperthyroid cats before and after treatment with radioiodine (131I ) 1 2 1 3 3 L. Stammeleer , L. Feenstra , E. Buresova , E. Stock , E. Vandermeulen , L. Duchateau4, I. Van de Maele1, S. Daminet1 1 Small Animal Department, Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium, 2Diergeneeskundig Verwijscentrum, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 3Department of Medical Imaging of Domestic Animals, Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium, 4Biometrics Research Group, Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium The combination of measuring total T4 (TT4) and free T4 (fT4) can be useful in cats with clinical suspicion of hyperthyroidism but with normal to only mildly increased TT4. Moreover, measurement of fT4 can play an essential role in monitoring hyperthyroid cats after treatment. Although measurement of fT4ED is considered the gold standard, it is time consuming, expensive and not widely available. Measurement of mentation in hypokalemic cats to return to normal reference range (NRR) was also evaluated. Twenty-five cats diagnosed with DM without DKA at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital Complutense between 2013 and 2016 were included. Age, sex, reproductive status, weight, body condition score (BCS), PBL, systolic blood pressure (SBP), concurrent diseases, presence of neuropathy and previous corticosteroid administration were recorded. In hypokalemic cats, oral potassium supplementation and time needed to return PBL to NRR were also recorded. Data were analysed using SPSS program. Statistical significance was set at p≤ 0.05. Age ranged between 2.6 and 16.1 years (meanSD; 7.83.7 years); 5 were females, 20 males and 24 were neutered. Body weight varied from 2.4 to 8.3 kg (4.91.4 kg). According BCS animals were classified in cats ≤ 3/9 (n=4), cats between 4/9 and 6/9 (n=19) and cats ≥ 7/9 fT4CEIA is more time and cost effective but studies assessing its accu- (n=2). PBL ranged from 2.9 to 5.1mEq/L (3.60.5mEq/L). Fifteen cats racy are scarce. were considered hypokalemic (PBL ≤ 3.5mEq/L). SBP ranged from The objective of this study was to correlate measurement of fT4ED 110 to 200mmHg (145.826.24mmHg). No association between PBL (Free T4 by Equilibrium Dialysis, Antech Diagnostics, Irvine, CA, USA) and different parameters evaluated was observed. SBP was signifi- and fT4CEIA (IMMULITE® 2000 Veterinary Free T4, Siemens Health- cantly higher (p=0.038) in hypokalemic (151.1  26.5 mmHg) than in care Diagnostics Products Ltd., Lanberis, Gwynedd, UK) in cats before normokalemic patients (125.8  14.2 mmHg) as described in human and one month after treatment with 131I. medicine. FT4CEAI was consistently lower than fT4ED (median difference -5.4, In eight hypokalemic patients follow-up was available. Six were trea- P<0.001). Spearman correlation between fT4CEAI and fT4ED was ted with oral supplementation (potassiun gluconate or potassium glu- 81.0% and 87.5% at T0 and T1, respectively. FT4ED and fT4CEIA coheptonate) and 2 did not received any supplementation treatment were within the reference interval (9-33pmol/L and 9-33.5pmol/L, due to owner reject. Time to normalize PBL ranged from 5 to 270 days respectively) in 27/45 and 16/45, below reference interval in 16/45 (mean 62.886.4days), which was negatively correlated (Rho= -0.829, and 27/45 and above reference interval both in 2/45 at T1, respec- p=0.042) with the initial oral potassium supplementation dose. The tively. No cats with fT4CEIA within the reference interval had medium dose required to normalize BPL was 0.77mEq/kg/d (potas- decreased fT4ED (T1). Based on fT4CEIA, 10/45 (22%) were classified sium gluconate) and 0.37mEq/kg/d (potassium glucoheptonate). as having suboptimal thyroid function while having fT4ED within ref- Hypokalemia occurs in 60% of non DKA diabetic cats and it is related erence interval (T1). to systemic hypertension. A significant reduction in SBP with Taking the consistently lower fT4CEIA value but good correlation increased dietary potassium has been demonstrated in humans. Oral between two techniques in consideration, adaptation of the current potassium supplementation at high doses in cats with DM might be a reference interval for fT4 measurement by CEIA could justify the rou- useful and safe tool for the management of hypokalemia and systemic tine use of this assay for determination of fT4. hypertension. Disclosures Disclosures Disclosures to report. No disclosures to report. ABSTRACTS 1080 ESVE-P-8 ESVE-P-9 Evolution of trilostane dosage in dogs with pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism during the first year of treatment Survival of dogs with naturally occurring hyperadrenocorticism P. García San José1, C. Arenas Bermejo2, S. González Sanz1, I. Clares Moral1, D. Alonso Miguel1, M.D. Pérez Alenza1 1 Veterinary Teaching Hospital Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 2Aúna, Veterinary Specialities, Valencia, Spain P. García San José1, C. Arenas Bermejo2, R. Garcia del Real Torralva1, D. Alonso Miguel1, S. González Sanz1, I. Clares Moral1, M.D. Pérez Alenza1 1 Veterinary Teaching Hospital Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 2Aúna, Veterinary Specialities, Valencia, Spain Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is a common endocrine disease in dogs Trilostane is the drug most frequently used in dogs diagnosed with characterized by a chronic endogenous cortisol excess that results in a pituitary-dependent-hyperadrenocorticism (PDH), but dosage recom- progressive deterioration in untreated patients. mendations are variable amongst the literature. The objectives of this study were to assess the median survival time The objectives of this study were to assess the evolution of trilostane (MST) of dogs with HAC from diagnosis and its potential relationship dosage (TD) in dogs with PDH over a one-year follow-up and its rela- with age, sex, type of HAC (adrenal [ADH] or pituitary [PDH]), concur- tionship with clinical variables. rent diseases, systolic blood pressure, body condition score (BCS) and Thirty-five dogs with naturally occurring PDH initially treated with clinical and laboratory findings at diagnosis. low doses of trilostane (range 0.27-1.14mg/kg/12h) were included. Sixty-six newly diagnosed dogs with HAC between January 2013 and TD was adjusted based on clinical signs and the results of an ACTH December 2016 at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital Complutense stimulation test (3-4 hours post-trilostane). Rechecks were performed were included. Diagnosis of HAC was based on clinical and laboratory at day 7 and 30 and thereafter every 3 months. Several parameters abnormalities and adrenal functioning tests according to the ACVIM (age, sex, clinical and laboratory findings, concurrent diseases and clin- Guidelines. Four dogs had been previously misdiagnosed as hypothy- ical signs at diagnosis) were evaluated in relation with the evolution of roid and treatment was discontinued. All dogs were initially treated TD. Dogs were divided into two groups according to the initial TD: with trilostane (0.5-1.0mg/kg/12h). Rechecks were performed every Group-A (0.27-0.6mg/kg/12h; n=18) and Group-B (0.61-1.14mg/ 3 months. For survival analysis all causes of death were included. kg/12h; n=17). Sex, age, clinical and laboratory findings and concur- Kaplan Meier curves and Cox-regression test were obtained for all the rent variables reviewed. diseases were not significantly different between the 2 groups (p>0.05). At time of study closure 29/65 dogs were alive (44.6%). One dog was During follow-up, 40% (14/35) of the dogs needed an increase in TD, lost for follow-up. The overall MST was 777264days; 44/65 (68%), 20% (7/35) needed a decrease, and 40% (14/35) maintained the initial dosage. Among the 21 dogs in which TD was modified, 48% (10/21) needed a single adjustment and 52% (11/21) several. Eighty-percent (4/5) of diabetic dogs with PDH needed and increase in TD compared with 33.3% (10/30) of non-diabetic dogs (p=0,049). No significant differences were observed between the 2 groups regarding TD adjustments. At one year of follow-up, adequate control of HAC was obtained in 34/35 dogs. Dosage at that time (mean SD; 1.00.87mg/kg/12h) was correlated with the initial TD (rho=0.502; p=0.002) Percentage of variation between initial and final dose through follow-up was obtained for each dog, ranging from -78.00% to 90.67% 23/65 (35%) and 13/65 (20%) of dogs were alive at one-year, twoyears and three-years respectively. MST of dogs diagnosed with PDH was higher than those with ADH (meanSD; 1108252days and 8112days respectively; p=0.012). BCS was correlated with survival (p=0.01); dogs with a BCS <3/9 had a lower MST (12478days) than dogs with BCS 4-6/9 (1108373) and obese dogs (>6/9) (976209days). Dogs with calcinosis cutis at diagnosis (MST 441233days) lived shorter than those without (1108310days; p=0.029). Age (HR:1.298, CI95% 1.129-1.493; p<0.0001) and post-ACTH cortisol concentration (HR:1.036, CI95% 1.012-1.061; p=0.03) at diagnosis were negatively correlated with survival. Using a multivariate model, age at diagnosis (HR:1.322, CI95% (44.4490.67%) (n=35) and was not significantly different between 1.121-1.561; p=0.001), ADH (HR 2.713, CI95% 1.075-6.843; groups (Group A: 45.7380.91%; Group B: 43.09102.52%; p=0.98). p=0.035), Basal cortisol (rho=0.766; p=0.002) and body condition score at diag- 1.420-20.848; p=0.013) and calcinosis cutis (HR:4.17, CI95% nosis (rho=0.510; p=0.021) were positively correlated with TD at one 1.616-10.786; p=0.003) were negatively correlated with survival, year. Dogs with panting at diagnosis needed proportionally a higher whilst a BCS>6/9 (HR:0.169, CI95% 0.41-0.687; p=0.013) was posi- increase in TD despite not being statistically significant (p=0.054) tively correlated with survival. Using low dosages of trilostane for the treatment of dogs with PDH, In the present study, survival time of dogs with PDH is slightly TD needed to be adjusted in 60% of PDH cases. Dogs with DM, higher than previously reported. Dogs with ADH had reduced sur- higher basal cortisol at diagnosis and/or elevated body condition score vival, probably due to the presence of metastases at diagnosis in are more likely to need an increase in TD. 2/9 dogs. Age and post-ACTH cortisol were negatively correlated Disclosures with survival as previously reported. To our knowledge this is the Disclosures to report. first time that reduced BCS, presence of calcinosis cutis and iatro- Royal Canin kindly supports research in hyperadrenocorticism at the genic hyperthyroidism are reported as poor prognostic factors Veterinary Teaching Hospital Complutense. in HAC. iatrogenic hyperthyroidism (HR:5.422, CI95% ABSTRACTS 1081 Disclosures Disclosures Disclosures to report. No disclosures to report. Royal Canin kindly supports research in hyperadrenocorticism at the ESVE-P-11 Veterinary Teaching Hospital Complutense. ESVE-P-10 Neural network based model for glycemic dynamics predictions in feline diabetes mellitus Efficacy and safety of toceranib phospate in dogs diagnosed with beta cell neoplasia D. Alonso Miguel, P. García San José, R. García del Real Torralva, S. González Sanz, I. Clares Moral, D. Pérez Alenza Veterinary Teaching Hospital Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain M. Burlacu1, L. Ferariu2, A. Burlacu2, R. Gostelow3, S. Niessen3 1 Veterinary Imaging Center of Iasi, Iasi, Romania, 2Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering, Iasi, Romania, 3Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom, London, United Kingdom Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of persistent hyperglycemia which can Canine B cell neoplasms (insulinomas) are the most frequent neuroen- be induced by a series of underlying causes. It is one of the most com- docrine tumor in the pancreas. They secrete excessive amounts of mon endocrine diseases diagnosed in cats, with a variable prevalence insulin which leads to hypoglycemia and the subsequent clinical signs. worldwide, ranging from 1 in 200 cats to up to 1 in 80. Extensive In humans, a multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor (sunitinib) has research in all aspects of feline diabetes mellitus (diagnosis, etiopatho- proven efficacy in patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. physiology, therapy, etc.) has led to large amount of data, thus moti- Anecdotal reports suggest an antitumor activity of toceranib phos- vating our research to develop an artificial neural network to be used phate in dogs with insulinomas. for predicting the glucose concentration in feline diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the For this study, the data was obtained from 25 diabetic cats under- tyrosine kinase inhibitor (toceranib phosphate-Palladia ) in dogs with going routine blood glucose monitoring for insulin treatment. Con- insulinomas in stages III or IV. tinuous glucose monitoring was performed with a CGM sensor. For Eighteen dogs diagnosed with insulinoma at the Veterinary Teaching each cat the following were recorded: glucose level at a 5 minutes Hospital Complutense of Madrid were included. Diagnosis was based sample period, number of units of insulin input (three types of on clinical signs, serum glucose and insulin levels, abdominal ultraso- insulin denoted by A, B, C, were used) and food intake (in kcal). A nography (AU) and computed tomography (CT). Insulinomas were visual inspection of the data revealed that no patient had an ideal classified with the TNM staging system of the European Neuroendo- stable behavior which would imply a 55 to 160 mg/dl constraint crine Tumor Society (ENETS). Dogs were surgically or medically trea- evolution of the glucose level over time. The quality of the data ted depending of the clinical stage and were followed up until death. was statistically evaluated to identify possible outliers in the Efficacy of medical treatment was based on RECIST criteria. patients’ population. At diagnosis dogs were classified in stage I or II (n=13) and III or IV Neural based methods in biosciences proved to be a powerful (n=5). Dogs with stages I/II underwent pancreatectomy (n=12), the tool in transforming intelligently available information into valuable remaining refused surgical procedure. In 6 out of these 12 dogs, recur- knowledge, such as models. This study considered two types of rence of the tumor was observed during the follow up. A total of ANNs: Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function 11 dogs with stages III/IV (at diagnosis or during follow-up after sur- (RBF), known as universal approximators for bounded continuous gery) were treated with palliative treatment (n=6) (control group-CG) functions. The training data for both networks was built by adding or toceranib phosphate (n=5) (toceranib phosphate group-TG). Pallia- recordings with low intercorrelation and relevant for the entire tive treatment consisted in diet, exercise restriction, prednisone (n=6) dataset. The input neural vector was formed considering adjust- and octreotide (n=1). Dogs in TG received additionally toceranib phos- able lags in data samples to capture the dynamic behavior of the phate at a mean dosage of 2.410.14mg/kg/48h (2.22-2.56). modeled process. Each neural network was designed with single In dogs with stages I/II surgically treated (n=12), recurrence occurred hidden layer and a number of neurons inducted by experimental at a median disease-free survival time (DFS) of 2049days (n=6); in tuning. the remaining 6 dogs recurrence was not observed until death. Among Multiple tests were conducted, the training data varying between dogs with stages III/IV (n=11), the median overall survival time (OST) 8 and 15 patients. The experimental results revealed a confidence in TG was significantly higher (28273days) than the median OST of over 95% for both types of ANN`s, regardless of the type of insulin. dogs in CG (5918days) (p=0.020). In TG, a stable disease (n=5) and Accuracy performance obtained on training and validation datasets partial response (n=1) was observed at 180 days of treatment. Tocera- proved that the use of the adopted neural network vector is relevant nib phosphate was maintained until progressive disease (n=1) or to the dynamics of the glycemic evolution in feline diabetes mellitus. severe adverse effects (n=4) occurred. Grade 1 and 2 (n=3) gastroin- Results suggest predictive modeling is feasible for establishing and testinal signs occurred initially (3-4 weeks), and Grade 4 (n=4) after adjusting insulin dose, improve treatment effectiveness, increase dia- months causing treatment withdrawal. betes remission rate and consequently obtain a better quality of life of Toceranib phosphate might have a role in the treatment of dogs with diabetic cats. insulinoma in stages III/IV, increasing survival of dogs and providing Disclosures adequate quality of life. No disclosures to report. ® ABSTRACTS 1082 ESVE-P-12 Disclosures No disclosures to report. Use of tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for the measurement of thyroid hormones in dogs with spontaneous hypothyroidism ESVE-P-13 G. Carotenuto, F. Lunetta, S. De Arcangeli, E. Malerba, F. Del Baldo, S. Corradini, F. Fracassi University of Bologna, Ozzano dell'Emilia, Italy Accuracy of a flash glucose monitoring system in dogs with diabetic ketoacidosis In human medicine liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is actually considered the “gold standard” for measure- E. Malerba, F. Del Baldo, G. Carotenuto, S. Corradini, C.M. Cattani, F. Fracassi University of Bologna, Ozzano dell'Emilia, Italy ment of many hormones concentration and it is widely used in clinical A factory-calibrated flash glucose monitoring system (FGMS) practice; its diagnostic performance has never been investigated in (FreeStyle Libre, Abbott, UK) was recently evaluated in stable dia- dogs with hypothyroidism (DWH). betic dogs. The aims of this retrospective study were to assess the The aim of this study was to determine whether serum concentrations performance of the FGMS in dogs with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) of fT4, fT3, rT3, 3.3-T2, 3.5-T2, measured with LC-MS/MS, were able and to determine the effect of body condition score (BCS), perfu- to differentiate DWH (n=13) from dogs with non-thyroidal illness sion, severity of ketosis and acidosis on the accuracy of the (DNTI) (n=12), septic dogs (SD) (n=12) and healthy dogs (HD) (n=12). device. Hypothyroidism was diagnosed based on consistent clinical signs, lab- FGMS was placed in a clipped and clean area on the dorsal part of oratory findings, total T4 (TT4) and cTSH concentrations below and the neck of dogs with DKA within 14 hours from the presentation. above the reference interval (RI), respectively; in dogs with normal cTSH, a rhTSH stimulation test was performed to confirm the diagnosis. In DNTI, hypothyroidism was excluded upon a negative result of a rhTSH stimulation test. SD were diagnosed based on alteration of temperature, cardiac and respiratory frequency, differential leukocyte count and C-reactive protein concentration above RI. HD were considered healthy upon history and physical examination. Hormones evaluation were performed with LC-MS/MS on surplus serum stored at -80 C. TT4 and cTSH were measured using a validated immunoassay (Immulite®). Non-significant differences considering signalment, age and body weight were found between groups. Median TT4 and fT4 serum concentrations were significantly higher (p<0.001) in HD compared to DNTI, DWH and SD. Median fT3 serum concentration was significantly lower in DWH and DNTI compared to SD (p<0.001 and p=0.0091, respectively) and HD (p<0.001 and p=0.0024, respectively). Median rT3 serum concentration was significantly lower in DWH compared to SD (p=0.0141) and HD (p=0.0128). Median 3.3-T2 serum concentration was signif- The interstitial glucose measurements were compared with blood glucose (BG) measurements, obtained by a validated portable glucometer (Optium Xceed, Abbott, UK). Overall accuracy was determined by fulfillment of ISO 15197:2013 criteria, calculating mean absolute difference (MAD), mean absolute relative difference (MARD), median absolute relative difference (mARD), mean relative difference (MRD), percentage of results within 15 mg/dL of the BG value for glucose <100 mg/dL and within 15% of the BG value for glucose ≥100 mg/dL. Clinical accuracy was also illustrated using Parkes error grid and Bland-Altman plot. Sensor performance during changes in metabolic variables (lactate, β-hydroxybutyrate, pH and bicarbonate) was evaluated using Spearman’s rank correlation. Four hundred eighty-five paired results from 14 diabetic dogs with DKA were available for analysis. Good agreement between interstitial glucose measurements and BG was obtained (r=0.86; slope 0.88, intercept=18.37 mg/dL, r2=0.72). Clinical accuracy of FGMS was demonstrated, with 63.9% of results in zone A and 99.8% of results icantly higher in DWH compared to DNTI (p=0.0038) and HD in zones A and B. Overall MARD was 18.9%, mARD was 16.6%, (p=0.0447). regarding MRD was -4.4%; the percentage of values within 15 mg/dL or median 3.5-T2 serum concentrations among the dogs of the four 15% was 48%. In the low glucose range, BG<100 mg/dL (n=26), There were non-significant differences groups. MAD was 24.9 mg/dL; in the higher glucose range, BG≥100 mg/dL Using the ROC curve analysis to differentiate DWH from DNTI+SD (n=459), MARD was 18.4%. Variations of lactate, β-hydroxybutyrate, an AUC of 0.86 (p=0.003), 0.76 (p=0.009) and 0.75 (p=0.012) was pH and bicarbonate did not affect sensor performance. A significant obtained for fT3, fT4 and TT4, respectively. Values of fT3 <0.61pmol/L interpatient variability in the accuracy of the device was observed better discriminated hypothyroidism with 69% sensitivity (95%CI: (Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.0001); FGMS tends to overestimate the 39-91%), 83% specificity (95%CI: 63-95%) and accuracy of 0.86 (95% glucose level in dogs with BCS≤3 and to underestimate in dogs CI: 0.74-0.98). with BCS≥7. Although serum fT3 and fT4 (LC-MS/MS) have shown better perfor- Despite the ISO 2013 requirements were partially fulfilled, FGMS pro- mances than the serum TT4 (Immulite ) in identifying DWH, the over- vides clinically accurate estimates of BG in dogs with DKA. Accuracy lap between DWH and DNTI+SD was unfortunately relevant also for of the system was apparently unaffected by metabolic variables mak- the thyroid hormones measurements with LC-MS/MS. Despite the ing it suitable, not only for stable diabetic dogs, but also for dogs introduction of new analytical methods, the use of dynamic tests with DKA. (e.g. rhTSH stimulation test) remains the better method to discrimi- Disclosures nate DWH from DNTI. No disclosures to report. ® ABSTRACTS 1083 initial dose of 0.2-0.3mg/kg daily (up to 0.5 mg/kg twice daily). In both ESVE-P-14 groups, amlodipine was added at 0,1mg/kg (up to 0,25mg/kg) daily if Predictors of response to pituitary radiotherapy in dogs with and without pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism SBP remained uncontrolled. SBP was evaluated at 1, 3, 6, 12 and 18 months. Dogs were evaluated S. Rapastella, J. Benoit, C.J. Scudder Southfields Veterinary Specialists, Basildon, United Kingdom one week after any adjustment of antihypertensive medication. Mean Pituitary radiotherapy (RT) is a treatment for macroadenoma induced In TG at 1 month, 4/5 dogs needed telmisartan dose increase up to neurological complications. A previous study reported concurrent pitui- 1.5-2mg/kg daily, while 1/5 dog achieved good control with initial tary dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH) did not affect outcome for dose. At 3 months, 2/5 dogs needed amlodipine (multitherapy). At dogs undergoing RT. However, as PDH is associated with multiple 6 months, SBP remained controlled with telmisartan monotherapy comorbidities, authors hypothesised dogs with PDH would have poorer (TM) (n=3). In the 2 dogs with multitherapy (with amlodipine at maxi- survival than those without PDH. This retrospective study recruited mum dose), telmisartan was replaced by benazepril due to inadequate dogs who underwent pituitary RT at a single centre between SBP control. At 12 months, amlodipine was added to telmisartan 01/01/2008 and 01/01/2018. Signalment, time to RT post-diagnosis, (n=1), and 2/3 dogs remained controlled with TM. At 18 months, 3/3 tumour characteristics, RT protocol and PDH status were recorded. dogs were normotensive, with telmisartan (n=2) and telmisartan and Thirty-one dogs were enrolled: 16 males and 15 females. Median age amlodipine (n=1). was 9 years (IQR 4.7) and 14 dogs had PDH; twenty-six underwent In BG, at 1 month, 6/6 dogs needed an increase in frequency to twice 3 initial SBP was similar: 20822mmHg (TG); 20921mmHg (BG). definitive RT. Median tumour size was 2.60 cm (S.D. 1.47) and median daily. At 3 months, 5/6 dogs had adequate SBP control, whilst 1/6 radiation dose was 48 Gy (IQR 4). Follow-up intra-cranial imaging was needed multitherapy with amlodipine. At 6 months, 2/6 dogs main- available for four dogs; all experienced tumour volume reduction tained an adequate SBP control with benazepril monotherapy, whilst (38,45,72 and 78%). Median survival times of patients with and without in 3/6 dogs dosage of benazepril was increased. In multitherapy dog PDH were 750 (IQR 915) and 709 (IQR 761) days, respectively (1/6), amlodipine dosage was also increased. At 12 months, dogs (Kaplan-Meier log-rank P=0.386). Variables with P<0.2 on univariate needed an increase in benazepril (n=2) and in amlodipine dosage Cox regression analysis (gender and age at diagnosis) were included in (n=1). SBP was controlled in all dogs at 18 months. multivariate analysis to assess patient characteristics associated with In conclusion, telmisartan used in monotherapy at a mean dosage survival. Only gender remained significant (male HR 2.722, 95% CI of 1.0-1.8mg/kg daily provided good SBP control in 2/5 dogs while 1.089-6.804, P=0.032). Male and female survival times were 360 and benacepril at 0.39 mg/kg twice daily did in 5/6. Telmisartan might 957 days, respectively (Kaplan-Meier log-rank P=0.074). be useful as antihypertensive treatment in hypertensive dogs with RT resulted in pituitary tumour reduction for the four patients with HAC, but better control was obtained with benacepril at the doses follow-up intra-cranial imaging. Tumour characteristics, patient age, proposed. Higher doses of telmisartan must/can be assessed. time to RT or PDH status did not affect outcome. Gender might influ- Disclosures ence survival of dogs undergoing pituitary RT. No disclosures to report Disclosures Boehringer Ingelheim- Merial has financed the drugs for the owners No disclosures to report. of the dogs included in the study ESVE-P-15 Telmisartan versus benazepril on the management of systemic hypertension in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism S.G. Gónzalez Sanz, I. Clares Moral, D. Alonso Miguel, R. García del Real Torralva, P. García San José, D. Pérez Alenza Veterinary Teaching Hospital Complutense (VTHC), Madrid, Spain Systemic hypertension is present in approximately 70% of dogs with hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) and must be managed independently of HAC management. The objective of the study was to compare two antihypertensive treatments in dogs with HAC. Eleven hypertensive dogs diagnosed with HAC were prospectively included at the VTHC of Madrid. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was assessed by Doppler method and hypertension was defined as SBP ≥ ESVIM-P-1 Meta-analysis of the association between Mycoplasma species and canine lower respiratory tract disease E. Robin1, A. Jambhekar2, K. Le Boedec1 1 Centre Hospitalier Veterinaire Frégis, Arcueil, France, 2WVRC, Waukesha, WI, United States of America Mycoplasma species are readily isolated from healthy dog oropharynges and are accepted as commensal organisms in the oral cavity. However, its pathogenic role is debated in the lower respiratory tract (LRT), as it could be part of the normal flora or represent oral bacterial contamination. A meta-analysis was performed on studies comparing the prevalence of Mycoplasma species between dogs showing signs of LRT disease 160 mmHg. and healthy controls. Studies were identified from 7 database. Myco- Dogs were randomly included into 2 groups: Telmisartan group plasma presence was assessed by PCR or culture performed on sam- (TG) included 5 dogs treated with initial dose of 1mg/kg daily (up to ples from LRT, or seroconversion using paired samples. The quality of 2 mg/kg daily) and Benazepril group (BG) included 6 dogs treated with the evidence was rated using a modified Newcastle-Ottawa scale. The ABSTRACTS 1084 meta-analysis was stratified by the four most common species of (CIPF vs. CTRL). Statistical significance was set at a P-value ≤ 0.05. mycoplasma in dogs (M. cynos, M. spumans, M. canis, and M. edwardii). Parameters significantly associated with CIPF included genetic rela- Of the 13,798 reports retrieved initially, 7 met inclusion criteria. tionship with another dog affected with CIPF (P=0.025), living in an Mycoplasma cynos was significantly more prevalent among symptom- old house (P=0.012), absence of a ventilation system (P<0.0001), and atic dogs than among controls (odds ratio (OR): 2.99; 95% confidence frequent grooming in dedicated facilities (P=0.001). CIPF dogs were at intervals (CI): 1.70-5.26; p<0.001). On the other hand, presence of increased risk of cardiac disease (P=0.001), most likely due to the M. canis and M. edwardii was not significantly associated with LRT development of secondary pulmonary hypertension, and at decreased signs (OR: 1.19; CI: 0.52-2.74; p=0.67 and OR: 1.57; CI: 0.43-5.66; risk of endocrine disease (P=0.01) compared with CTRL. The prelimi- p=0.48, respectively). Although a trend was detected for the associa- nary results of this survey suggest an association between CIPF, tion between M. spumans presence and LRT signs (OR: 2.69; CI: genetic background and environmental factors such as old non- 0.92-7.92), this association was not statistically significant (p=0.07). ventilated houses or grooming habits. Further analysis of the results These results suggest a pathogenic role of Mycoplasma cynos in canine of the questionnaire are ongoing. LRT disease, as opposed to other mycoplasma species. Primers should Disclosures be specific for M. cynos when PCR are performed on samples from No disclosures to report. LRT of dogs. Disclosures ESVIM-P-3 No disclosures to report. ESVIM-P-2 A questionnaire-based survey of owner-reported environment and care of West Highland white Terrier with or without idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Investigation of serum Kebs von den lungen 6 (kl-6) concentration as a predisposing factor and in the diagnosis of canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the West Highland white Terrier A. Fastrès, E. Roels, G. Bolen, A.C. Tutunaru, N. Antoine, F. Farnir, C. Clercx University of Liège, Liège, Belgium E. Roels1, A. Fastrès1, P. McGeown2, K. Gommeren1, C. Saegerman1, C. Clercx1 1 University of Liège, Liège, Belgium, 2The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia Canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (CIPF) mimics human idiopathic Canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (CIPF) is a progressive parenchy- have been studied in both species. In humans, the mucin Krebs Von mal lung disease of unknown origin and poorly understood patho- den Lungen 6 (KL-6) has consistently been found to be increased in physiology that mainly occurs in old West Highland white terriers the serum from patients with interstitial lung disease, including IPF (WHWTs). Not all dogs from the WHWT breed develop CIPF, which and is possibly involved in the IPF pathophysiological process. In CIPF, suggests the involvement of triggering factors in the onset and/or it has not yet been assessed. progression of the disease. To assess potential triggers, an online In this study, we assessed the diagnostic value of serum KL-6 concen- questionnaire–based survey was submitted to WHWTs owners. The tration in CIPF as well as the association between serum KL-6 concen- questionnaire was accessible during a 3-month period in 3 different trations and breed predisposition for the disease. languages (English, French, and Dutch) and was distributed to Blood was obtained from 5 groups of dogs: WHWTs affected with WHWTs owners and breeders through social medial and emails. CIPF (n=20, 14 females (F)/6 males (M), mean age=11.0y, range Questions were divided into sections regarding owner, dog (clinical [5.2-14.5]), healthy aged-matched WHWTs (n=18, 11F/7M, 10.5y and diagnostic data for CIPF), environment (house and surroundings, [5.3-15.3]), and healthy dogs from other breeds not predisposed for compost, ventilation, air conditioning, humidification, asbestosis, CIPF: Jack Russel terriers (JR) (n=13, 8F/5M, 6.0y [3.0-9.1]), Malinois smoking, and household maintenance), grooming, and veterinary care Belgian shepherds (MBS) (n=13, 5F/8M, 6.5y [2.8-10.8]) and King (vaccination, deworming, and comorbidities). Completed question- Charles spaniels (KCS) (n=13, 9F/4M, 6.5y [3.6-9.3]). Serum was naires were received from 458 WHWTs owners from various coun- stored at -80 C until batched analysis. KL-6 concentration was mea- tries including principally USA (n=193), Australia (n=62), France sured with a commercially available ELISA test (Canine Krebs Von den (n=56), UK (n=39), and Belgium (n=30). Thirty-eight questionnaires Lungen 6 Elisa kit, amsbio). Results were compared using a covariance were discarded due to lack of essential data resulting in a total amount analysis including the 5 groups defined above, gender and an interac- of 420 exploitable responses, 138 of which concerning a CIPF tion between groups and gender together with the effect of the age. affected WHWT. Median age reported at CIPF diagnosis was The analysis was followed by post-hoc comparisons between groups 11.5 years (range 2– 6.8). Inspiratory crackles were noticed in 82.3% using t-tests. Results show that only the effect of groups was signifi- of dogs. Seventy-three out of 138 (52.9%) CIPF WHWTs were dead cant (p=0.010). Serum KL-6 concentration was higher in healthy at the time of questionnaire completion. The overall survival time after WHWTs (4.8+/-4.0 ng/ml) compared with KCS (1.6+/-1.8 ng/ml) and diagnosis was 1.4 years (0–8.5). Cause of death was CIPF-related in MBS (2.2+/-1.0 ng/ml) (p=0.001 and 0.013 respectively) and higher in 76.7% of cases. In order to assess potential triggers associated with JR (4.1+/-2.9 ng/ml) compared with KCS (p=0.016). There was no dif- CIPF, each CIPF dog was matched to one unaffected WHWT by age. ference between CIPF (3.2+/-1.9 ng/ml) and healthy WHWTs Univariate logistic regression analysis was used for group comparison (p=0.072). pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and affects old dogs from the West Highland white terrier (WHWT) breed. Due to difficulties to both diagnose early and follow the course of pulmonary fibrosis, numerous biomarkers ABSTRACTS In conclusion, differences in serum KL-6 concentrations were found 1085 amongst breeds in healthy dogs, with higher concentrations observed Pennsylvania - Ryan Veterinary Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America in terrier breeds. Whether this may reflect a predisposing factor for In humans, consistent and repeatable respiratory physical examination CIPF development merits further investigations. Unlike what has been is difficult, as reflected by poor to moderate agreement among found in human IPF, KL-6 is not a good serum biomarker for diagnosis clinicians. as there was no difference between CIPF and unaffected WHWTs. The aims of this prospective observational study were to assess inter- Disclosures clinician reliability of the respiratory physical examination in dogs and No disclosures to report. cats, and determine the influence of time from study beginning and difference in clinical experience on inter-observer agreement. ESVIM-P-4 Dogs and cats with abnormal breathing patterns presenting to Fregis, University of Missouri, or University of Pennsylvania veterinary hospi- Trends in serum cobalamin, folate and total iron binding capacity concentrations in pregnant bitches and their association with hematological parameters and neonatal survival tals were recruited over one year. Animals were included if they were evaluated by three clinicians before therapeutic intervention and/or diagnostic testing impacting respiratory sign recognition. Inter- R. Nivy, M. Mazaki-Tovi, I. Aroch, S. Tal The Hebrew University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Rehovot, Israel observer agreement was assessed via Fleiss’ kappa coefficient. Influ- This study evaluated cobalamin, folate and the iron status in pregnant on agreement was evaluated via three-level mixed-effects logistic bitches and their association with pregnancy-related anemia (PRA) regression stratified by species. and neonatal survival (NS). Complete blood count, serum folate and Dogs (n=118) and cats (46) were enrolled. In dogs, overall inter- cobalamin concentrations and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) were observer agreement was moderate regarding breathing pattern recog- measured in 48 bitches at mid- and late-pregnancy. The effects of the nition (K=0.46, varying from 0.28 to 0.55 depending on the pattern). pregnancy stage, breed, age, parity and breeder on these variables Best agreement was obtained for respiratory noises (goose honking were determined by generalized estimating equation test. Linear cor- (K=0.84), stertor (K=0.8), and stridor (K=0.64)). Agreement was fair to relations between variables were assessed by Pearson’s correlation test. Serum cobalamin (meanSD) decreased (434143 vs. 335104; P<0.001), TIBC increased (3.60.6 vs. 4.20.7; P<0.001), while serum folate decreased insignificantly (13.43.5 vs. 12.53.3; P=0.1) at late pregnancy. The breed significantly (P<0.001) affected serum cobalamin and folate concentrations and TIBC, while the breeder significantly (P <0.001) affected folate concentration and TIBC. The neutrophil, platelet and leukocyte counts significantly increased, while the red blood cell count (RBC) significantly decreased (P<0.001 for all) at late pregnancy. The decrease in RBC was significantly, albeit weakly, correlated with the serum folate decrease (r=0.33; P=0.023) and the serum TIBC increase (r=0.40; P=0.004). None of the measures was associated with NS. In conclusion, although serum cobalamin had significantly decreased during pregnancy, this decrease was unassociated with PRA or NS. In pregnant bitches, contrary to pregnant ence of time from study beginning and clinical experience difference moderate for abnormal auscultated lung sounds (crackles (K=0.5), wheezes (K=0.46), and expiratory snap (K=0.28)). Similar trends were observed in cats, with an overall lower inter-observer agreement than in dogs. Inter-clinician agreement did not improve with time. A lower difference in experience was associated with better agreement in stridor and tracheal sensitivity recognition in dogs. Care should be taken when interpreting physical examination findings regarding respiratory signs with low inter-observer agreement. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVIM-P-6 Endoscopic bronchial anatomy in the dog G. Galiazzo, M. Pietra, R. Chiocchetti, A. Grandis, C. Tagliavia University of Bologna, Ozzano dell'Emilia - BO, Italy women, TIBC increases as pregnancy progresses. Prospective studies are warranted to investigate whether prophylactic folate administration mitigates PRA, considering the significant correlation between the decreases of serum folate concentration and RBC with progression of pregnancy as noted herein. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVIM-P-5 Bronchoscopy is an important diagnostic procedure for the evaluation of many respiratory diseases and the removal of foreign bodies. During bronchoscopy, it is fundamental to know precisely the bronchial topography, in order to recognize abnormal anatomy or pathological changes. Few authors treat bronchial anatomy in the dog, and many of them limit the description to the lobar bronchi, without considering their branches. Currently, the endoscopic anatomy is based on a paper of 1986. Therefore, the aim of this study is to obtain a description of topographic anatomy and morphometric value, introduce a new standardised nomenclature and draw a correct bronchial map of the dog. Inter-clinician reliability of the respiratory physical examination in dogs and cats with abnormal breathing patterns M. Dominguez Ruiz1, C. Reinero2, A. Vientos-Plott2, M. Grobman2, D. Silverstein3, E. Gomes1, K. Le Boedec1 1 CHV Fregis, Arcueil, France, 2University of Missouri - Veterinary Health Center, Columbia, MO, United States of America, 3University of Twelve dogs, different in age, sex and breed, who died spontaneously for reasons other than pulmonary diseases, were included in the study, with owners’ consent, and distinguished by weight in 3 groups (<10, 10-25, >25Kg). All the subjects were examined endoscopically in a systematic manner with a HD flexible endoscope (6mm). The ABSTRACTS 1086 endoscopy focused on intracorpore (IC) and extracorpore (EC) exam. all Ragdolls. However, only seven cats were homozygous for those The EC was performed after the isolation of the lungs in order to mutant alleles. The variant c.1322delT, causing an early stop codon at obtain a better examination of cranial lobes, difficult in IC for their ori- p.L411*, was found homozygously in another 7 type B cats. The entation. We considered the visualisation and the ability to pass remaining 12 type B Ragdolls were compound heterozygotes for through the lumen of each branch with the endoscope. After that, on c.268T>A and c.1322delT. No type A cats were homozygous for any the same lungs, casts of polyurethane foam were made and diameter one of these variants. and length of the bronchial branches were measured through a digital In conclusion, type B in Ragdolls is caused by two CMAH variants: calliper. Furthermore, to name the structures and to draw the bron- c.268T>A and c.1322delT in the homozygous or compound heterozy- chial map, we defined them by looking at their direction and position. gous state. General and particularly Ragdoll genotype screening All the casts conformed to the orientation, the branching pattern and should include both variants. the topographic relationship of the bronchial system. For each lung Disclosures lobe it was possible to define a new descriptive nomenclature for the Disclosures to report. first three series of bronchial division. The morphometric examination Laboklin and PennGen are offering blood typing and blood compatibil- allowed to obtain a mean value of diameter and length of bronchi for ity testing. A patent has been submitted on the molecular genetic each group of weight and to confirm the monopodial branching sys- markers and panel testing discovered in this investigation and tem. During bronchoscopy it was possible to locate and/or move in described in this abstract. the principal, lobar and segmental bronchi, with significant differences between the groups. ESVIM-P-8 After comparison with previous studies, we draw a new bronchial map and gave a descriptive nomenclature for the first three series of canine bronchial division. Moreover, we analysed the accessible airways with a 6mm diameter flexible endoscope in the different groups. Finally, our results provided accurate reference values useful in diagnostic imaging procedures, especially during bronchoscopy. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVIM-P-7 Evaluation of diet's effects and ability of the Hemoccult assay for the detection of faecal occult blood in healthy dogs A. Pierini, F. Bartoletti, G. Lubas, E. Gori, V. Marchetti University of Pisa, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Pisa, Italy The guaiac-based faecal occult blood (FOB) test is widely used for colorectal cancer screening in humans. In dogs, it has been reported to be able to detect FOB after oral administration of 20 mg of haemoglobin/Kg body weight (mghgb/kgbw) of autologous blood, but it is not routinely used. The aims of the work were: i) to evaluate the ability of Hemoccult® to A novel CMAH gene variant leading to blood type b in ragdolls A. Kehl1, K. Heimberger1, I. Langbein-Detsch1, S. Boehmer1, E. Mueller1, U. Giger2 1 LABOKLIN GmbH&Co. KG, Bad Kissingen, Germany, 2Section of Medical Genetics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States of America detect FOB in healthy dogs and to assess the influence of two diets; ii) to assess the influence of the time between faecal sampling and test results; iii) to find the lowest canine haemoglobin concentration to achieve all positive tests. Initially, five healthy dogs were enrolled and each dog was fed with a In domestic cats, the AB blood group system consists of the three meat-free protein diet (HA Purina®) then switched to gastrointestinal types A, B and C (also called AB), which vary in frequency among diet (EN Purina®) with 8 days of wash-out. No extra foods were per- breeds and geographic regions. Mismatches cause acute hemolytic mitted, apart from fresh or whey cheeses. The faeces of each dog transfusion reactions and neonatal isoerythrolysis. The cytidine were tested with Hemoccult® assay the day before starting HA diet monophosphate-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase (CMAH) is con- and four- and five-day after. Starting from day six and every 4 days, verting the N-acetylneuraminic acid (type B) to N-glycolylneuraminic progressive doses of autologous blood (5, 15, 20, 25 and 40 mghgb/ acid (type A), and type C erythrocytes express both antigens. Sixteen kgbw) were administered orally and faeces were daily tested. Faeces variants in the CMAH gene were described to be associated with type were mixed with a wooden spatula before their collections. Thereaf- B in different breeds, but in some breeds such as Ragdoll, Siberian and ter, the same schedule described above was applied to each dog fed Turkish Angora, those variants did not correlate well with the with EN diet. Then, the faeces of one dog were collected 6, 18 and phenotype. 42 hours after a single 40 mghgb/kgbw blood-added meal. Seven test We studied the feline CMAH coding regions of 70 blood typed Rag- cards from each time-point faecal sample were prepared. Tests were dolls (34 type A, 26 type B) by Sanger Sequencing and/or TaqMan assessed every two days until 14-day after collection. Finally, canine SNP genotyping and compared the sequences to published CMAH whole blood (18.0 ghgb/dL) was progressively diluted in saline solution sequences. and directly applied on a set of three test cards until a negative result Four novel CMAH variants (c.213A>G, c.593A>C, c.898A>G and was found. c.1322delT) were identified beside seven previously reported variants. For the first aim, a total of 185 Hemoccult® tests were examined. (c.142G>A, c.268T>A, c.993A>G, c.1269G>A, c.1392T>C, c.1603G>A Twelve (6,5%) were positive and no association between positive and Δ-53). The three previously described variants associated with tests and administered amount of blood was found. None of the blood type B (c.142G>A, c.268T>A and c.1603G>A) cosegregated in blood-free stool specimens was positive. Regarding the second set of ABSTRACTS 1087 samples, only one resulted positive. Finally, 6.5 μghgb/mL was the low- commonly in this breed. The etiology is largely unestablished; Immu- est concentration to achieve all positive tests. noglobulin A (IgA) deficiency has been suggested as underlying factor. In conclusion, Hemoccult® was not been influenced by both HA and Purpose of this study was to investigate serum and bronchoalveolar EN diets, but its reproducibility to detect FOB in stools was unsatis- lavage fluid (BALF) IgA, IgG and IgM concentrations in IWHs with factory. Although, Hemoccult® was able to detect up to 6,5 μghgb/mL recurrent BP as well as in healthy dogs. when directly added to the card, the individual blood digestion and A prospective, cross-sectional observational study included 11 IWHs bowel transit time may be play a role on its poor reproducibility. (median age 6.3 years, IQR 5.7-7.0 years) with recurrent BP (median Disclosures number of previous BPs 5, range 2-6). Healthy dogs were included No disclosures to report. as controls: 25 IWHs, 28 dogs of sighthound breeds and 16 dogs of other breeds (median age 6.6 years, IQR 6.3-8.9; 6.8, 5.3-8.7 and ESVIM-P-9 6.5, 5.7-10.4 respectively). Six healthy laboratory beagles were included as controls for BALF immunoglobulin analysis. IgG, IgA and Eosinophilic lung disease in 86 dogs (2006-2016) IgM were measured with ELISA method from serum and BALF. Sta- L.R. Johnson, E.G. Johnson, W. Vernau University of CA-Davis, Davis, United States of America tistical analysis was performed with an analysis of covariance models Eosinophilic lung disease in dogs can be associated with parasitic dis- (ANCOVA). Serum immunoglobulin concentrations (IgA in affected IWHs 104.8 ease or can occur due to presumed primary hypersensitivity. The aim mg/dl [IQR 76.0-238.6 mg/dl] in healthy IWHs 137.7, [92.5-168.5] in of this study was to report clinical variations in a large population of healthy sighthounds 87.3 [54.5-125.4] and in healthy dogs of other affected dogs. breeds 125.1 [75.9-226.9]; IgG 1000.4 [858.3-1368.0], 1227.0 In this retrospective study (2006 to 2016), 86 dogs were diagnosed [965.9-1482.5], 1349.5 [1042.8-1570.3] and 1164.0 [930.8-1266.3]; with eosinophilic lung disease based on airway cytology (bronchoal- IgM 317.4 [251.1-378.3], 296.5 [220.0-404.1], 145.8 [131.9-219.6] veolar lavage eosinophils>14%) or histopathology. Records were and 187.9 [164.8-295.3] respectively) did not differ significantly reviewed for clinical and radiographic findings. between healthy and affected IWHs. BALF immunoglobulins did not Mean body weight was 21.6+12.5kg with 5 dogs <5kg, 19 dogs differ significantly between affected IWHs and healthy beagles. These 5-10kg, 10 dogs 10-20kg, and 50 dogs >20kg. German Shepherds (4), results indicate that immunoglobulin deficiency is unlikely a predispos- Labradors (4), and Standard Poodles (4) were most commonly ing factor to recurrent BP in IWHs. affected. Clinical complaints included cough (80/87, 92%) and nasal Disclosures discharge (25/87 dogs, 29%). Thoracic radiographs were normal in No disclosures to report 14/86 (16%) dogs with variable pulmonary patterns in the remaining S.J. Viitanen has received research grants from the Finnish dogs. The most common bronchoscopic findings were hyperemia Foundation of Veterinary Research and the Finnish Veterinary (61/86; 71%), increased airway mucus (57/86; 66%), airway collapse Foundation. (24/86; 28%), and bronchiectasis (10/86; 12%). Inspissated intraluminal material was observed in 9/86 (10%) of dogs. One of these dogs ESVIM-P-11 had airway eosinophils of only 2% but demonstrated histologic evidence of eosinophilic infiltration. Median airway eosinophilia in the remaining 85 dogs was 39% (range 15-95%). Bronchoalveolar lavage total nucleated cells/μl ranged from 200 to 33,800/μl (median 1800). Evaluation of bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage findings in cats with Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in comparision to cats with feline bronchial disease In this group of dogs, eosinophilic lung disease was rarely associated P.E. Crisi1, L.R. Johnson2, M. Di Tommaso1, F. Mosca1, A. Lorusso3, F. De Santis1, D. Traversa1, A. Di Cesare1, R. Schaper4, A. Boari1 1 University of Teramo, Teramo, Italy, 2Department of Medicine and Epidemiology, University of California, Davis, United States of America, 3Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise (IZSAM), Teramo, Italy, 4Bayer Animal Health GmbH, Leverkusen, Germany with an identifiable underlying cause. The cat lungworm Aelurostrongylus abstrusus causes lower respiratory Disclosures tract disease in cats worldwide. Bronchoscopy is an important tool for No disclosures to report. diagnosis of respiratory disease in cats; however, its role in the diag- Neoplasia and pulmonary parasites were diagnosed in 1 dog each, and 2 dogs had concurrent bacterial infection. Aspergillus spp. were detected on aerobic culture in 2 dogs but were considered probable contaminants. nosis of aelurostrongylosis remains unclear. ESVIM-P-10 To investigate the usefulness of bronchoscopy in cat aelurostrongylosis, bronchoscopic and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) findings of Systemic and local immunoglobulin concentrations in Irish wolfhounds with recurrent bacterial pneumonia S.J. Viitanen, N. Koho, M.M. Rajamäki University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 23 cats from Italy with A. abstrusus (Aa) were compared to those of 11 cats from the US with Feline Bronchial Disease (FBD). Bronchoscopic lesions and bacterial isolation were recorded as present/absent, while inflammation type was classified by differential An increased incidence of bacterial pneumonia (BP) has been identi- cytology of BAL. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney or Fisher’s fied in the Irish wolfhound (IWH) and recurrence of BP occurs exact tests. ABSTRACTS 1088 Age of Aa cats (13 males, 10 females) ranged from 12 to 65 months abdominal ultrasonography were unremarkable and serological tests (median 34), while age of FBD cats (7 males, 4 females) ranged from were negative for infectious diseases. 12 to 180 months (median 48). No bronchoscopic differences were Case 1 was treated with an immunosuppressive dose of prednisolone detected between Aa and FBD cats for bronchial mucus (83 % vs and improved rapidly, with complete resolution of clinical signs. This 91%), nodular regions (4% vs 27%) and airways collapse (9% vs 9%), was maintained throughout a period of dose tapering and there was however airway hyperemia, epithelial irregularities, and stenosis were no relapse following cessation of treatment at six months post-diag- observed less frequently in Aa than FBD cats (30% vs 82%, 17% vs nosis. Case 2 was initially treated with doxycycline and carprofen, 82%, 13% vs 73%, p<0.01). Bronchiectasis was observed in 30% of Aa resulting in a temporary improvement followed by relapse on cessa- and none of the FBD cats (P<0.05). In Aa and FBD cats, neutrophilic, tion of treatment. There was complete recovery following instigation eosinophilic, and mixed inflammation (35% vs 27%; 35% vs 45%; 4% of an immunosuppressive dose of prednisolone in this case, with no vs 28%, respectively) was reported. Lymphocytic inflammation was recurrence on dose tapering. found in 9% of Aa versus 0% with FBD cats and cytology was normal These cases demonstrate that sterile osteomyelitis is a rare but impor- in 17% of Aa cats. No significant differences in cytologic inflammation tant differential diagnosis in dogs with multifocal bone marrow lesions were detected between groups. Bacteria were isolated from BAL in 30% in Aa and 64% in FBD cats, with cytological evidence of sepsis in only 1 Aa cat. Larvae of A. abstrusus were detected cytologically in 22% of Aa cats. This study suggests that bronchoscopic abnormalities in cats with various forms of lower respiratory tract disease are similar, although and appears to carry a favorable prognosis. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVIM-P-13 some lesions were more common in FBD. Interestingly, bronchiectasis was relatively common in cats with aelurostrongylosis. Cytological findings overlapped between inflammatory and lungworm Retrospective comparison of cats with feline asthma and chronic bronchitis in a clinic population (2003 - 2016) nosis of aelurostrongylosis, it represents a useful tool to detect M.S. Grotheer1, J. Hirschberger1, K. Hartmann1, N. Castelletti2, B. Schulz1 1 Clinic of Small Animal Medicine, LMU University of Munich, München, Germany, 2Department of Statistics, LMU University of Munich, Munich, Germany bronchial abnormalities that might affect management or prognosis. Feline asthma (FA) and feline chronic bronchitis (CB) are common disease, and the inability of BAL cytology to detect A. abstrusus larvae was confirmed. While bronchoscopy did not enhance the diag- Disclosures Disclosures to report. This study was conducted as part of a project financed by Bayer Animal Health, Leverkusen, Germany, of which RS is an employee. ESVIM-P-12 conditions in cats, often referred to as “feline lower airway disease”. However, little is known about differences regarding signalment, clinical signs, and laboratory findings in cats with these two conditions. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate potential differences between these two diseases that could be insightful in establishing a diagnosis of either condition. Long term survival in two dogs with sterile multifocal osteomyelitis The study population included 73 cats with feline asthma and 24 cats S. Palantzi1, V. Volckaert1, A. Threlfall1, S. Guilherme1, R. Powell2, F. Liebel3, P.M. Smith1 1 Davies Veterinary Specialists, Higham Gobion, Hitchin, United Kingdom, 2 Powell Torrance Diagnostic Services, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, 3 Langford Vets, Bristol, United Kingdom with chronic bronchitis. All cases were diagnosed based upon typical In veterinary patients, multifocal bone marrow lesions are typically neoplastic, with lymphoma and multiple myeloma the commonest clinical signs and characteristic bronchoalveolar-lavage-fluid (BALF) cytology. Results of physical examination findings, laboratory values and radiographs were compared between both groups. Patients with FA were presented with a median age of 6 years, cats with CB with 7.5 years. Thirty-two females and 65 male cats were causes. In this report, we describe two dogs with multifocal bone mar- included. Male animals were overall overrepresented with 70% in the row disease in which histological analysis demonstrated osteomyelitis FA and 58% in the CB group. The most common clinical signs were without evidence of infection or neoplasia. Both cases presented for cough (FA 95%/CB 96%, p=1.000), abnormal respiratory sounds further investigation of back pain and lethargy. Physical examination (FA 79%/CB 82%, p=0.766), and dyspnoea (FA 71%/CB 79%, identified multifocal vertebral pain but there were no neurological p=0.601). In a laboratory analysis, 40% of cats with FA and 27% of deficits. cats with CB had an eosinophilia (p=0.026). Radiographic changes Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans in both dogs revealed were detected in 94% of cats with FA and 91% of cats with CB lesions in multiple vertebrae and in the ilium; the diaphysis of the (p=0.128). humerus was also affected in case 1. All lesions were hyperintense on The study showed that a differentiation of FA and CB by means of T2-weighted and STIR images and hypointense on T1-weighted clinical signs, laboratory changes, or radiographic abnormalities is images, with hyperintensity following contrast administration. Bone inconclusive. A reliable diagnosis would only be rendered possible by marrow aspirates and biopsies were evaluated cytologically and histo- cytological examination of BALF. pathologically, revealing pyogranulomatous osteomyelitis with no fea- Disclosures tures of neoplasia and no infectious agents. Thoracic radiographs and No disclosures to report. ABSTRACTS 1089 We analyzed the activities of MMP-7 using casein SDS-page zymo- ESVIM-P-14 graphy in the serum of WHWTs with CIPF (n=28), healthy WHWTs (n=27) and healthy dogs of other breeds (n=12). CIPF diagnosis was Evaluation of long-term therapy in cats with feline asthma and chronic bronchitis based on high resolution computed tomography or post-mortem lung M.S. Grotheer, K. Hartmann, J. Hirschberger, B. Schulz Clinic of Small Animal Medicine, LMU University of Munich, München, Germany histopathology (25/28 of CIPF WHWTs and 23/27 healthy WHWTs) Feline asthma (FA) and chronic bronchitis (CB) are common conditions higher in CIPF WHWTs (median 0.32, interquartile range [IQR] in cats. It is still unknown, whether both diseases respond equally well 0.17-0.67, range 0.039-2.16) compared to healthy WHWTs (median to treatment, but therapy is commonly initiated without a clear dis- 0.16, IQR 0.12-0.29, range 0.029-0.55), p=0.0095. MMP-7 activity tinction between these conditions. was detected only in one of the other breed healthy dogs (median The aim of the study was to compare the response to initial and long- 0, IQR 0, range 0-0.17). These results indicate that MMP-7 is a poten- term therapy, treatment success, adverse effects, and owner satisfac- tial biomarker also in WHWTs with CIPF. However, we noted tion in both groups, highlighting possible differences. increased activities also in healthy WHWTs which can be connected Study inclusion criterion was a cytological diagnosis of FA (eosino- to the breed susceptibility to CIPF. philic Disclosures inflammation) or CB (neutrophilic inflammation) in bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid (BALF) of cats with compatible clinical signs. Owners of cats meeting the inclusion criteria were thereafter asked to fill out a standardized questionnaire. or on typical clinical findings. The health of other breed dogs was verified by clinical examinations. MMP-7 activities were significantly No disclosures to report. ESVIM-P-16 Owners of 35 cats with FA and 11 cats with CB completed the questionnaire. Most cats were initially started on treatment with oral corti- Bronchoalveolar lavage lymphocytosis in dogs (2006-2016) costeroids (FA 63%/CB 64%). In addition, oral bronchodilators L.R. Johnson, W. Vernau University of CA-Davis, Davis, United States of America (FA 43%/CB 46%) and antibiotics (FA 20%/CB 27%) were given to some patients. Treatment was later shifted to inhaled corticosteroids Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cytology and culture are used to charac- (FA 43%/CB 36%). Patients with CB were more likely to receive oral terize respiratory diseases in dogs, including inflammatory diseases corticosteroids (FA 17%/CB 36%), bronchodilators (FA 6%/CB 27%), such as eosinophilic lung disease and chronic bronchitis. Little is and antibiotics (FA 6%/CB 18%) than patients with FA in long-term known about the clinical relevance or underlying disease processes therapy. Adverse effects (polyuria/polydipsia, fungal infection, diabe- associated with increased percentages of lymphocytes in BAL fluid. tes mellitus) occurred in four patients with FA and one patient with The aim of this retrospective study was to report clinical findings in a CB. Most owners were satisfied with the long-term control of clinical large population of dogs. signs in both groups (FA 74%/CB 82%). From 2006 to 2016, BAL lymphocytosis (>20% lymphocytes) was The necessity of medications in both diseases can differ long-term; documented in 105/569 dogs. Records were reviewed for clinical and thus, knowledge of the underlying disease can be helpful in the man- bronchoscopic findings. Respiratory diagnoses included eosinophilic agement of cats with chronic bronchial diseases. lung disease, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, aspiration injury, and air- Disclosures way collapse. No disclosures to report. Lymphocytic inflammation in the absence of airway eosinophilia or neutrophilia was present in 33/105 (31%) dogs, with lymphocyte percent- ESVIM-P-15 ages ranging from 20-43% (median 24%). No bacteria were observed cytologically in any of these 33 dogs however pneumonia was con- Matrix-metalloproteinase-7 activity in serum of West Highland White Terriers with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis M. Määttä, H.P. Laurila, S. Holopainen, K. Aaltonen, M.M. Rajamäki University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (CIPF), affecting mainly West Highland White Terriers (WHWTs,) is a chronic progressive interstitial lung disease sharing many similarities with human idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). CIPF is characterized by exaggerated accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) in the lung parenchyma. Matrixmetalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes capable of degrading ECM. In human IPF, MMP-7 has been found to be a poten- firmed in 3 dogs based on identification of pathogens in culture. Aspiration injury was suspected in 6/33 dogs. Concurrent eosinophilic airway inflammation (BAL eosinophils >14%) was documented in 15/105 dogs (lymphocytes 20-36%) and in 57/105 (54%) dogs, neutrophilic airway inflammation (>8%) was found (lymphocytes 20-52%), with pneumonia diagnosed in 13 dogs and chronic bronchitis in 18 dogs. Tracheobronchomalacia was documented significantly more often in dogs with lymphocytic inflammation alone (18/33) versus those with concurrent eosinophilic (2/15) or neutrophilic (18/57) inflammation, P = 0.01. Mixed airway inflammation is common in infectious and inflammatory airway disease, however lymphocytic inflammation alone can be found in some dogs. The relationship between airway inflammation tial diagnostic and prognostic biomarker. The aim of this study was to and tracheobronchomalacia requires further investigation. compare MMP-7 activities in serum of CIPF WHWTs, healthy Disclosures WHWTs and other breed healthy dogs. No disclosures to report. ABSTRACTS 1090 ESVIM-P-17 Mycoplasma haemofelis (Mhf ), considered the most pathogenic, Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum (Mhm) and Candidatus Mycoplasma Assessment of adverse effects of mycophenolate mofetil for treatment of immune mediated diseases in dogs turicensis (Mtc), whose pathogenicity appears to be influenced by concurrent diseases and infections. They are pathogens with high preva- T.W. Fluen1, J. Bazelle2, H.L. Smith3, N.T. Whitley2 1 The Veterinary Specialist Group, Auckland, New Zealand, 2Davies Veterinary Specialists, Higham Gobion, United Kingdom, 3Greytown, New Zealand lence worldwide, capable of causing a subclinical infection in feline The immunomodulatory drug mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) has been of subclinical infection by Haemotropic Mycoplasmas in healthy used for treatment of a number of immune mediated diseases in dogs indoor cats eligible to become blood donors in the Iberian Peninsula. and works through targeted antiproliferative effects on activated lymphocytes. MMF is gaining popularity for its perceived swift onset of action, easy accessibility and multiple preparations that include capsules, liquids, and intravenous formulations. MMF has been reported to cause gastrointestinal side effects, and there has been appropriate caution in its use due to the poorly characterised nature of these adverse events. The objectives of this study were to characterise the adverse events associated with the use of MMF when used for the treatment of immune-mediated diseases of dogs. The study was a retrospective descriptive study which looked at dogs administered MMF from 2013 to 2016 at Davies Veterinary Specialists, United Kingdom. Twenty seven dogs were available for analysis which were treated for blood donors, supposing a potential risk of infection in recipients after a blood transfusion. This study aimed to widen the available information on the prevalence Blood samples of 1053 client-owned indoor healthy cats that were selected to be potential blood donors at the Animal Blood Bank in Spain and Portugal were obtained in the areas of Catalonia-Spain (231) and Portugal (822). Complete blood count, serum biochemistry, feline inmunodeficiency virus (FIV) and leukemia virus (FeLV), and species specific qualitative polimerase chain reaction for Mycoplasma were performed in each potential donor. All data was obtained from the routinary procedures performed at the animal blood bank, no unnecessary procedures were done to blood donors. All blood samples were collected after signed informed owner consent. Fifty-one samples (4.84%) were positive for one of the Mycoplasma species, with a specific prevalence for Mhf, Mhm and Mtc of 2.37% IMHA (17), IMTP (3), Evans syndrome (3), IBD (2), IMPA (1), and MG (25/1053), 2.46 %(26/1053) and 0.19% (2/1053) respectively. Coin- (1). Fifty six percent of dogs that received MMF experienced adverse fection of different Mycoplasma species (Mhf and Mtc) was detected events, all of which were gastrointestinal in nature. Of the 27 dogs in 2 cats. that received MMF, 44% (12) experienced diarrhoea, 19% (5) experi- From the 51 Mycoplasma positive samples, 2 were FIV positive, (one enced melena or haematochezia, 11% (3) experienced vomiting, 7% coinfected with Mhf and the other with Mhm); and one was FeLV (2) became anorexic, 4% (1) was nauseous and 4% (1) had non- positive (coinfected with Mhm). All infected cats presented a normal specified gastrointestinal signs. PCV, with a median value of 43.9% (26.8-49.9%) and were free of There was no significant effect of the starting dose, or the dose fre- clinical signs or evidence of hemolysis in the blood smear evaluation. quency of MMF on the incidence of adverse events. A delay between The previously reported prevalence of any feline mycoplasma in diagnosis and beginning MMF had no significant effect on the likeli- healthy animals was 12% in Barcelona (Spain) and 43.43% in Portugal, hood of experiencing adverse events. Omeprazole was administered to nine dogs, all of which experienced adverse events that included diarrhoea, vomiting, haematochezia, melena and anorexia. In seven of these individuals, omeprazole was administered before the adverse events were documented. No other concurrent medications, including glucocorticoids, were associated with development of adverse events. The incidence of adverse events experienced by this cohort of dogs treated with MMF for immune mediated diseases was high and exclu- with specific prevalences of 3.7% Mhf, 9.9% Mhm and 0.5% Mtc in Barcelona (Spain), and 12.81, 41.56% and 1.25% respectively in Portugal. The lower prevalences in this study may be due to the fact that only healthy indoor strict cats were enrolled, while the former studies admitted both stray and ill cats. We can conclude that testing potential feline blood donors for feline mycoplasma is indicated even if no clinical signs are present and PCV sively gastrointestinal in nature. value is within the normal range. Disclosures Disclosures No disclosures to report. No disclosures to report. ESVIM-P-18 ESVIM-P-19 Prevalence of subclinical Haemotropic Mycoplasmosis in healthy indoor cats eligible to become blood donors in the Iberian Peninsula Hyperplasia of the suprarytenoid pharyngeal fold in brachycephalic and nonbrachycephalic toy dogs: clinical presentation, treatment and outcome in 10 cases C. Blasi Brugué1, R. Ferreira2, I. Mesa2, R. Graça2, I. Cardoso2, A.J.F. de Matos3, R.R.G. Ruiz de Gopegui1 1 Autonomous University of Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain, 2Animal Blood Bank, Porto, Portugal, 3Department of Veterinary Clinics, Institute for Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, Porto, Portugal A. Cocci1, M. Gobbetti2, V. Greci3 1 Clinica Veterinaria Cà Bianca, Milano, Italy, 2Clinica Veterinaria Città di Monza, Monza, Italy, 3Ospedale Veterinario Gregorio VII, Roma, Italy Hyperplasia of the suprarytenoid pharyngeal fold (HSPF) is a rare and Feline hemoplasmas are a group of Haemotropic Mycoplasmas known unreported respiratory disease affecting brachycephalic and non- to cause feline infectious anemia. This group is compounded by brachycephalic toy dogs. ABSTRACTS 1091 The dorsal pharyngeal fold might cause obstruction of the dorsal portion The aims of this study were to compare Urinary Protein/Creatinine of the laryngeal aditus, covering the corniculate processes of arytenoid (UPC) ratio measurements by the Pocketchem™ UA with measure- cartilages and limiting or blocking their abduction during inspiration. ments done at a veterinary reference laboratory (gold standard: auto- The HSPF might be seen concurrently with laryngeal collapse or elon- mated spectrophotometer) and to examine agreement between both gated soft palate. methods in classifying dogs and cats as being non-proteinuric (NP), The aim of this work is to describe the clinical, endoscopic, treatment borderline proteinuric (BP) or proteinuric (P) according to IRIS guide- and outcome in ten dogs diagnosed with HSPF. lines for staging chronic kidney disease. Fourdogs were Pugs, two dogs Pomeranian, one mixed breed and 76 urine samples were collected via cystocentesis or free catch from three Chihuahua; seven dogs were females and three males, mean age 63 dogs and 13 cats that had been referred for varying disease condi- was 6,2 years (1-12y). Main clinical signs were inspiratory dyspnea tions and as part of their diagnostic work-up. Routine urinalysis was and inspiratory stridor in nine dogs, five dogs exhibited stertorous done in-clinic while UPC ratio measurements were performed by a breathing and two dogs nocturnal apnea. Mean duration of clinical veterinary reference laboratory (Laboratoires Collard, Belgium). Simul- signs was 13 months (0.5-60 mos). taneously, for each urine sample (left-overs) a second UPC ratio mea- All dogs under general anesthesia underwent endoscopic evaluation surement was done in-clinic using the Pocketchem™ UA. of the upper and lower airways; main findings were HSPF with reduc- The UPC ratios measured by the veterinary reference laboratory and tion of laryngeal abduction and laryngeal collapse in all dogs; three the Pocketchem™ UA were significantly different, both for dogs dogs had soft palate hyperplasia and three dogs stenotic nares; two (median 0.29, IQR 0.03-1.53, range 0-16.48 vs median 0.1, IQR 0-0.5, dogs had bronchomalacia. range 0-20; p<0.001) and cats (median 0.16, IQR 0.14-0.2, range In all dogs the pharyngeal hyperplastic fold was lifted with a cotton 0-1.98 vs median 0.1, IQR 0.05-0.1, range 0-0.3; p<0.01). When each swab improving laryngeal abduction during inspiration in 8/10 dogs. dog’s UPC ratio was classified as NP (<0.2), BP (0.2-0.5) or P (>0.5) Two Pugs underwent surgical correction of the HSPF with significant agreement between both methods was found in 48/63 cases (76.2%). improvement of the inspiratory stridor and resolution of the nocturnal 6 BP dogs were classified as being NP by the PocketchemTM UA apnea. One dog died of unrelated causes four months after surgery. while 4 and 3 P dogs, respectively, were classified as NP and BP by The other Pug was euthanized due to economic restraints. the same instrument. Additionally, 2 NP dogs were classified as BP by Endoscopic alterations in the remaining seven dogs were considered the Pocketchem™ UA. mild and medical option with inhaled corticosteroids resulted in clini- When each cat’s UPC ratio was classified as NP (<0.2), BP (0.2-0.4) or cal improvement. P (>0.4), agreement between both methods was found in 6/13 cases Mean follow-up was 16 months (4-24 mos). (46%). All 3 BP cats were classified as NP by the Pocketchem™ UA HSPF might be an underestimated disease of the upper airways and cli- while 2/3 P cats and 1 P cat, respectively, were classified as NP and nician should be aware of this condition when evaluating brachycephalic BP by the same instrument. Additionally, 1 NP cat was classified as and non-brachycephalic toy dogs with obstructive signs of the upper air- BP by the Pocketchem™ UA. ways. It should also be considered that muscle relaxation induced by Overall, Pocketchem™ UPC ratio classifications differed from the gold anaesthesia and mucosal oedema might overestimate the degree of standard reference laboratory classifications in 28.9% of cases. The HSPF and subsequently the degree of laryngeal collapse. When abduc- Pocketchem™ UA was not a reliable test for the measurement of tion of the pharyngeal fold by mean of a cotton swab results in signifi- UPC ratios in this cohort of dogs and cats. cant improvement of laryngeal abduction, surgical correction of the Disclosures HSPF should be considered in dogs with severe inspiratory dyspnea. In No disclosures to report. less severe cases conservative therapy can improve clinical signs. A larger case series of dogs with HSPF is warranted to better charac- ESVNU-P-2 terize this condition and the indications for surgical versus conservative management. Disclosures Evaluation of serum transforming growth factor beta 1 in cats with chronic kidney disease No disclosures to report. S. Lauenstein-Bosse, S. Neumann Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Göttingen, Germany ESVNU-P-1 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common problem in feline practice. Early diagnosis can help to influence the outcome and improve the Comparison of point-of-care (PocketchemTM UA) and reference laboratory protein/creatinine ratio measurements on canine and feline urine samples for diagnosis of proteinuria. prognosis. Currently there are no reliable biomarkers for the early N. van Israel ACAPULCO, Stavelot, Belgium ß1), an initiation molecule of tissue fibrosis may be used as an early The Pocketchem™ UA (Scil Animal Care Company) is a point-of-care the diagnostic value of TGF-β1 in feline CKD. Twenty-five healthy instrument designed for routine analysis of canine and feline urine. cats and 26 cats with CKD were included in the study. TGF-β1 was Analysis is based on dipstick reading by dual wavelength reflectance. measured in serum using a “Quantikine Human TGF-β1 Immunoassay” diagnosis of CKD. Since fibrosis is the main tissue alteration during CKD, we assumed that the transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFindicator of CKD. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate ABSTRACTS 1092 (R&D Systems). In healthy cats the median TGF-β1 serum concentra- Despite the few cases of SB detected, our data indicate that over- tion was 27.37 ng/ml, while cats suffering from CKD had a median of weight and obesity do not predispose cats to SB. 17.62 ng/ml, being the difference between both groups significant Disclosures (p = 0.0013). CKD affected cats with International Renal Interest Soci- No disclosures to report. ety (IRIS) stage 2 had a median TGF-β1 serum concentration of 14.82 ng/ml. Cats with IRIS stage 3 had a median of 15.79 ng/ml and cats ESVNU-P-4 with IRIS stage 4 had a median of 19.24 ng/ml. There was no significant correlation between the serum TGF-β1 concentration and the different IRIS-Stages. Furthermore there was no significant correlation between serum TGF-β1 and the platelet count, even though these cells have the highest intracellular concentrations of TGF-β1 in blood. Cats diagnosed with CKD showed lower serum TGF-β1 concentrations than healthy cats. In another study serum TGF-β1 was also higher in healthy cats compared to cats with CKD. A higher expression of TGF-β1 in the kidneys accompanied by a higher synthesis of extracellular matrix can be detected histologically in humans. A missing rise of TGF-β1 in serum of cats with CKD could be attributed to the fact that this cytokine is synthesised directly in the kidneys for local fibrosis processes. The possible use of serum TGF-β1 as a diagnostic tool for CKD could not be validated in this study. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVNU-P-3 In-house culture and susceptibility reduce antibiotic overprescription in dogs with suspected cystitis - a randomized controlled trial T.M. Sørensen, C.R. Bjornvad, P. Damborg, L. Guardabassi, L. Bjerrum, L.R. Jessen University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Denmark Antibiotics are over-prescribed in dogs with suspected cystitis and the decision to prescribe may be affected by reliability of in-house diagnostics and coherence to test results. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of a commercial in-house culture and susceptibility test (C/S) on the decision to treat (DTT) with antibiotics and the choice of antibiotic agent (COT) compared to routine microscopy of stained urine sediment (UA). The study was designed as a multi-center randomized controlled trial in primary veterinary practices. Dogs with clinical signs of cystitis were enrolled and randomized to one of two in-house diagnostic groups: C/S or UA. Antibiotics were withheld until culture results were available the day after the consultation in the C/S group. Excess urine was submitted to a reference laboratory for quantitative bacte- Overweight and obesity did not predispose to subclinical bacteriuria in a mixed population of 152 middle aged and elderly cats - a prospective cross-sectional study rial culture (QBC). Antibiotic prescription was considered an appropriate DTT in case of significant bacteriuria on reference QBC. F.S. Moberg, I.N. Kieler, P.V. Ransborg, L.M. Pilegaard, T.M. Sørensen, R. Langhorn, C.R. Bjornvad, P. Damborg, L.R. Jessen University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Denmark Appropriate COT was defined as prescribing antibiotics with in vitro Obesity has been implicated as a risk factor for development of domized to C/S and UA, respectively. Cystitis was present in 41% of asymptomatic/subclinical bacteriuria (SB) in humans and dogs. The dogs according to the QBC. Appropriate DTT occurred in significantly aim of this study was to investigate whether overweight and/or obe- more dogs (81%) of the C/S compared to the UA group (52%) sity predispose cats to SB. (OR 5.92, 95%CI [1.57;28.9], P=0.014), but C/S did not improve COT A cross-sectional study was carried out at the University Hospital for (OR 0.70, 95%CI [0.07;8.05], P=0.73). Companion Animals, Copenhagen, from October 2015 to March In conclusion, in-house C/S and withholding of antibiotics until culture 2018. Cats ≥ 6 years presenting for causes unrelated to the lower results are available can reduce antibiotic over-prescription for dogs urinary tract were eligible for enrolment. Body Condition Scoring without cystitis. (BCS) was performed on a 9-point scale with overweight being Disclosures defined as BCS ≥6 and obesity as BCS ≥ 8. Urine was collected by No disclosures to report. susceptibility and choosing first-line agents over second-line agents. Fifteen clinics enrolled 66 dogs, of which 32 and 34 cases were ran- cystocentesis and subjected to aerobic bacterial culture. The correlation between presence of SB and the variables sex, healthy/ill, age ESVNU-P-5 and BCS category was analyzed by binominal logistic regression. The study population consisted of 152 cats (72 females and 80 males) aged 6-18 years (median 10), of which 58 were healthy, and 94 were diseased. Fifty-nine cats scored as overweight and, among those, 14 as obese. Bacterial culture results from urine and ejaculates in healthy intact male dogs M. Oscarson, H.S. Lund, N. Ottesen, H. Sørum, A.V. Eggertsdóttir Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, Norway SB was identified in nine cats (5.9%) and Escherichia coli was the most In a previous study performed at the Norwegian University of Life Sci- commonly cultured bacterium (n=3). Female sex was a significant risk ences (NMBU), a large proportion of positive culture results from ejac- factor for SB (female OR 5.2 [1.0-27], RR 4.2 [1.2-12]; vs. male; ulates from healthy male dogs was registered, and this prompted p=0.04). Overweight was not a significant risk factor (overweight/ further examinations. obese OR 0.38 [0.07-2.0], RR 0.40 [0.06-1.65]; vs. lean; p=0.25), and The present study was performed at the NMBU between December neither was obesity compared to lean and overweight cats (p=0.99). 2017 and February 2018. Fifteen healthy intact male dogs aged 1-6 ABSTRACTS 1093 years were included. Three urine samples were collected within eight over represented (n = 86, 74.13% vs n = 30, 25.86%). Male cats were hours and in the same order for each dog: 1) voided, 2) voided after twice as likely to suffer from urolithiasis as females (n = 14, 66.66% vs cleaning the external genitals with tap water (clean voided), 3) cysto- n = 7, 33.33%). centesis. For each urine sample, a complete urinalysis was performed; Concerning the frequency, the composition of canine uroliths was: including urine dipstick, microscopy of the sediment, and bacterial cul- calcium oxalate (56.89%, males = 81.81%, Yorkshire Terrier and Mini- ture. After cleaning the prepuce, an ejaculate was collected and sub- ature Schnauzer = 53.03%, aged 3 to 14 yr); struvite (17.75%, females mitted for cytology and bacterial culture. The fluid obtained when = 55%, Cocker Spaniel, crossbreed = 25%, aged 2 to 12 yr); urate cleaning the prepuce was also collected for bacterial culture. A board- (11.2% , males = 69.23%, Dalmatian = 38.46%, aged 1 to 14 yr); cys- certified radiologist performed an ultrasound examination of the uro- tine (7.75%, males = 100%, Basset Hound = 44.4%, aged 2 to 12 yr); genital tract in 14/15 dogs. In one dog, ultrasound was not performed calcium phosphate (3.44%); xanthine (2.58%) and silicate (0.86 %). since the owner declined sedation. In cats, 66.66% of uroliths were composed of calcium oxalate (males = Bacterial growth was found in 6/15 voided urine samples, and in 2/15 64.28%, aged 1 to 15 yr); 23.8 % of struvite (males = 60%, aged 6 mo clean voided ones. All cystocentesis samples were culture negative. to 8 yr) and 9.5 % of urate. Mixed-breed were almost exclusively There was bacterial growth in 11/15 ejaculates, and a positive correla- affected (90.47%) tion between age and bacterial growth was detected (rs = 0.78, p = In 26 (22 dogs and 4 cats) out of 35 struvite uroliths culture and sensi- 0.006). Five of these dogs had negative cultures from all their urine tivity were performed, getting 21 positive results and 5 negative. Of samples. For 10/11 dogs with positive ejaculate cultures, similar cul- these 5 negative, 3 were dogs and 2 cats. ture results were obtained from the lavage-fluid. Seven dogs exam- The most frequent pathogens isolated were Staphylococcus pseudoin- ined with ultrasound had changes compatible with benign prostatic termedius (n = 5, 23.8%) and Staphylococcus intermedius (n = 5, 23.8%), hyperplasia; six of these had positive ejaculate cultures. The bacteria followed by Streptococcus canis (n =1, 4.76%), Staphylococcus spp. (n = grown from the different samples (urine, ejaculates, lavage-fluid) were: 3, 14.28%), Staphylococcus aureus (n =2, 9.52%), Streptococcus spp. Pasteurella spp., Mycoplasma canis, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, (n = 1, 4.76%), Escherichia coli (n = 1, 4.76%), Staphylococcus carnosus Prevotella sp. Gram-negative anaerobic rods, Streptococcus canis, Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. and mixed floras consisting of the ones mentioned. The study revealed 13/15 negative cultures from clean voided urine samples. This is of clinical relevance since a negative culture is useful regardless of the sampling method. Further, the results suggest that one should be prudent when interpreting ejaculate cultures, since a large proportion of ejaculates from healthy dogs had bacterial growth. In addition, there were concordant culture results from the respective lavage fluids and ejaculates. Whether the bacteria grown from the ejaculates represent actual bacterial colonization of the prostate, or contamination from the prepuce and distal urethra, is yet to be determined. Further studies including prostate sampling (e.g. aspirates) are (n = 1, 4.76%), Pasteurellacanis (n = 1, 4.76%) and Proteus (n = 1, 4.76%). Nitrofurantoin was the most effective antibiotic (n = 18 sensitivities, 90%). Staphylococcus spp. isolates were reported as resistant to cefovecin (31.25%), cephalexin (25%) and Amoxicillin-Clavulanic (6.25%). To summarize, the study showed that canine uroliths were more frequent than feline affecting mostly males of both species. Calcium oxalate uroliths were more represented. A huge amount of urine isolates were susceptible to Nitrofurantoin. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVNU-P-7 needed. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVNU-P-6 Retrospective study (2004-2017) of 137 uroliths diagnosed at the Complutense Veterinary Teaching Hospital Clinical efficacy of the Marbofloxacin usage in dogs and cats diagnosed lower urinary tract disorders B. Dokuzeylül1, B. Çelik2, B. Diren Sigirci2, B. Basaran Kahraman2, A. Kayar1, S. Ak2, M.E. Or1 1 Department of Internal Med.,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey Marbofloxacin is one of fluoroquinolones developed exclusively for A. Riesgo, J.C. Giménez, M.L. Fermín Rodríguez, M.I. García-Real, M.J. Ruíz, M.A. Daza Complutense Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Madrid, Spain veterinary medicine. The primary aim of the study is to identify and to In the present retrospective study 137 uroliths were removed and tice. 118 dogs and 123 cats were referred to Internal Medicine analyzed at the Minnesota Urolith Center. The data recorded were Department Polyclinics with lower urinary tract symptoms whom species, breed, gender, age, material, year of withdrawal, type and hadn’t received antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory therapy previous diagnostic images. Where the urolith had a struvite layer, the result of 15 days, were included in the study. The diagnosis was confirmed by urine culture and sensitivity was recorded. Urine samples were col- clinical findings, urinalysis and imaging. Rectal temperature, appetite, lected by cystocentesis considering significant counts > 10 3 CFU/mL. urinary signs and pain on abdominal palpation were monitored at two With regard to the species, canine uroliths were more frequent than visits (day 0 and day 14). The timetable depending on diagnosis: two feline (n = 116, 84.6% vs n = 21, 15.3%). Among dogs, males were urinalyses assess the evidence which relates to the clinical efficacy of marbofloxacin in the treatment of urinary tract infections in small animal prac- and two bacterial examinations and antibacterial ABSTRACTS 1094 susceptibility testing per case were performed. Bacterial UTI were time points (Wilks Lambda = .48, F (4, 5) = 24.56, P =.002). Post hoc confirmed of 36 dogs and 28 cats. Urine samples were collected on tests revealed plasma FGF23 concentration significantly decreased the first referral demonstrated the presence of various bacteria with a between baseline and 12 months (139 [125, 161] pg/mL P< .05). marked predominance of P. mirabilis and coagulase positive Staphylo- Plasma FGF23 concentrations deceased relative to baseline in cats with cocci in canine and feline urine samples, respectively. Antimicrobial FGF23 > 150pg/ml when fed a senior diet after 12 months. These pre- susceptibility test results revealed 25 (65.7%) of dog isolates and liminary data suggest a positive effect of moderate phosphate restric- 24 (85.7%) of cat isolates were susceptible to marbofloxacin. Treat- tion in these cats. Further studies are required to characterise ment of UTIs is generally challenging for the small animal practitioner. disturbances in phosphate homeostasis in non-azotaemic cats and the Because of long-term antimicrobial usage necessity, especially bacte- long-term benefit of feeding a moderately phosphate-restricted diet. rial culture and susceptibility test are very important for treatment Disclosures success. Marbofloxacin usage can be rewarding in the treatment of Disclosures to report. UTIs in dogs and cats. Thus, revealed the current status of Turkey for H.J. Sargent is supported by a grant from Royal Canin SAS. the first time. Key Words: antimicrobials; cat; dog; marbofloxacin; uri- Y.M. Chang have no conflicts of interest to declare. J. Elliott received nary tract infection funding from Consultancies: Elanco Ltd, CEVA Animal Health Ltd, Disclosures Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd, Bayer Animal Health, Orion Incorp, Idexx No disclosures to report. Ltd, Nextvet Ltd, Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition; grant funding from Elanco Ltd, Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, Royal Canin SAS, ESVNU-P-8 Zoetis Ltd, CEVA Animal Health, Member of the International Renal Interest Society which receives a grant from Elanco Ltd. R. Jepson Moderate dietary phosphate restriction and fibroblast growth factor 23 in healthy older cats received funding from PetPlan, Feline Foundation for Renal Research, H.J. Sargent, J. Elliott, Y.M. Chang, R.E. Jepson Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom ger Ingelheim, Merial, CEVA. Speaking honoraria: Boehringer Ingel- RVC Internal Grant, PetSavers, and consultancy agreements: Boehrinheim, Hills Pet Nutrition, CEVA. A previous prospective randomised placebo-controlled trial examined the effect of dietary phosphate restriction in healthy, non-azotaemic ESVNU-P-9 cats >9 years (Geddes et al., 2016). Cats were assigned to test or control diet (protein 76 g/Mcal, 86 g/Mcal; phosphate 1.6 g/Mcal, 2.6g/ Mcal). Blood samples were taken at baseline, 6 weeks, 6, 12 and 18 months on diet. No effect of phosphate restriction was observed on plasma fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), a phosphaturic hormone shown to be predictive of development of azotaemia in cats > Pattern of renal tubular damage and dysfunction in dogs with intrinsic acute kidney injury due to leptospirosis and other causes S. Zamagni, R. Troìa, E. Monari, C. Grisetti, L. Magna, M. Gruarin, E. Kaehler, A. Balboni, M. Giunti, F. Dondi Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Ozzano dell'Emilia, Italy 10 years. Our understanding of normal plasma FGF23 concentration Leptospiral infection is associated with acute tubulo-interstitial has developed. In a group of 46 healthy adult cats fed a maintenance nephritis and severe urine electrolytes wasting (particularly magne- diet, median concentration was 105 (81.4, 133) pg/mL. As a result, we sium, phosphate and potassium) in humans. Tubular damage and dys- reviewed data from the trial to determine whether feeding a senior function during acute canine leptospirosis are scarcely documented. diet reduced plasma FGF23 concentration in cats with FGF23 above This study aimed to evaluate urine chemistry and biomarkers of tubu- the top 20 percentile of healthy adult cats. lar damage in dogs with intrinsic acute kidney injury (iAKI) associated Sixty-nine cats had baseline plasma FGF23 concentrations recorded. with leptospirosis (Leptospiral-iAKI) and with iAKI caused by different Cats were divided into test or control diet groups and further cate- aetiologies (Other-iAKI), in order to potentially define peculiar disease- gorised into groups baseline FGF23 ≤ 150 pg/mL or >150 related patterns. pg/mL. Data are presented as median [25th, 75th percentile] with non- Dogs with history, clinical and clinicopathological signs consistent with parametric data being log transformed. FGF23 concentration was iAKI (serum creatinine >1.6 mg/dL and/or urinary output <1ml/kg/h compared between timepoints using a one-way repeated measures over 6h, in absence of fluid-responsiveness), as reported by AKI-IRIS ANOVA. staging guidelines, were prospectively included and grouped according Thirty-two cats received control diet, 15 attended all visits. At base- to their aetiological diagnosis in Leptospiral-iAKI or Other-iAKI. Lepto- line 9 cats had FGF23 ≤ 150 pg/mL (105 [61,115] pg/mL) and 6 had spirosis was diagnosed by positive microagglutination test (MAT; titre FGF23 >150 pg/mL (220 [207, 264 pg/mL). In both groups, mean ≥1:800) upon admission or 4-fold increase in convalescent MAT titre logFGF23 did not differ significantly between time points. and/or positive qPCR on blood/urine. Routine laboratory analyses, Thirty-seven cats received test diet, 18 attended all visits. At baseline urine chemistry including fractional excretion (FE) of electrolytes 9 cats had FGF23 ≤ 150 pg/mL (96 [86,131] pg/mL) and 9 FGF23 > (sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphate, calcium) and urine neu- 150 pg/mL (186 [163,241] pg/mL). In the group with baseline FGF23 trophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (uNGAL), were performed upon ≤ 150 pg/mL, mean logFGF23 concentration did not differ signifi- admission. Data were reported as median, range (min-max), and refer- cantly between time points. In the group with baseline FGF23 >150 ence interval (R.I.). Groups were compared using non-parametric sta- pg/mL, mean logFGF23 concentration differed significantly between tistics (P<0.05 considered significant). ABSTRACTS The study included 64 dogs: 31/64 were Leptospiral-iAKI and 33/64 1095 UBig-ET1 concentration and uBig-ET1/UC ratio did not significantly Other-iAKI (non-infectious inflammatory disease n=10; toxic n=8; sep- differ between “at risk” and “CKD” cats. sis n=6; neoplasia n=3; trauma n=3; diabetic ketoacidosis n=3). Renal UBig-ET1 was not significantly different between IRIS stages, whereas function was more severely compromised in Leptospiral-iAKI com- UBig-ET1/UC ratio was significantly higher (p=0.001) in IRIS 3-4 pared with Other-iAKI dogs (serum creatinine mg/dL: 6.9, 1.1- 8.7 vs group. 4.3, 1.4-21.4, P=0.04, R.I. 0.65-1.40). Urine proteins and electrolytes Both uBig-ET1 and uBig-ET1/UC ratio did not differ significantly loss was detected in both groups; however, no significant differences between “at risk” cats that remained stable and “at risk” cats that between Leptospiral-iAKI and Other-iAKI were identified for urine pro- developed CKD (stage IRIS 1 or 2) during the monitored period. tein to creatinine ratio (UP/C: 1.7, 0.13-184 vs 2.2, 0.09-72, P=0.58; Grouping according to SBP (higher or lower 150 mmHg), no significant R.I. 0-0.5) and FE (%) of electrolytes (potassium: 92.3, 0.6-480 vs 61.5, 5.3-301, P=0.11, R.I. 3.7-20.4; magnesium: 8.9, 2.8-141 vs 10.6, 0.9-81, P=0.9, R.I. 0.5-3.9; phosphate: 31.9, 0.8-125 vs 32.5, 0.8-91, P=0.6, R.I. 5.7-24.6; sodium: 2.6, 0.08-64.3 vs 2.1, 0.04-69.3, P= 0.7, R.I. 0.05-0.92; calcium: 3.8, 0.12-70 vs 4.2, 0.14-56 vs, P=0.8, R.I. 0.05-0.33). Similarly, no significant differences were detected for uNGAL concentration (uNGAL pg/mL: 146960, 1204-308740 vs 22200, 637-1241800, P=0.18, R.I. 0-1200) and uNGAL to creatinine ratio (uNGAL/C x103 159, 1.4-545 vs 40, 0.5-2057, P=0.33, R.I. 0-0.4). Patterns of tubular damage and dysfunction in dogs with leptospirosis resemble the ones reported in humans. However, they are not difference was found for UBig-ET1 and UBig-ET1/UC ratio between normotensive and hypertensive cats. UBig-ET1 did not differ significantly between samples sub-staged by proteinuria, according to IRIS guidelines. Conversely, UBig-ET1/UC was significantly higher in proteinuric cats when compared to non proteinuric cats (p=0.026). These results suggest that SBP and proteinuria are not important determinants of the UBig-ET1 level in cats. This is not surprising, since in people urinary ET-1 is considered to reflect mainly renal production, instead of circulating levels, because of its autocrine and paracrine actions. No specific information is available about the physiology of ET-1 in cats and further studies are needed to explain its low serum concentration. Disclosures disease-specific, as neither FE of electrolytes nor uNGAL were able to Disclosures to report. feature the infection. This work was supported by the WINN Feline Foundation (grant Disclosures n. WZ14-009). No disclosures to report. ESVNU-P-10 Big endothelin-1 in cats with CKD: preliminary evaluation P. Scarpa, C. Piazza, B. Ruggerone, S. Paltrinieri, M. Giraldi Univeristy of Milan, Milan, Italy In human medicine the concentration of serum endothelin-1 (ET-1) increases in hypertension and CKD. Also urinary ET-1 correlates with the severity of renal disease and the magnitude of proteinuria. In dogs, increased concentration of ET-1, evaluated indirectly by the precursor Big Endothelin-1 (big-ET1), seems to be associated with the severity of CKD and hypertension. The aim of this study was to gain information about serum and urinary levels of big-ET1 in cats with CKD, with and without hypertension and proteinuria. Big-ET1 was measured with a solid phase sandwich ELISA developed ESVNU-P-11 Evaluation of renal function in dogs infected by Dirofilaria immitis in relation to microfilaremia, parasite burden and pulmonary pressure S. Medina 1, Y. Falcón-Cordón1, S. Falcón-Cordón1, R. Morchón2, J.A. Montoya-Alonso1, E. Carretón1 1 University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Arucas, Spain, 2University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain Heartworm disease (Dirofilaria immitis) is characterized by intimal proliferation of the pulmonary arteries, pulmonary hypertension and heart failure. Furthermore, D. immitis also causes renal damage, primarily defined by the development of proliferative glomerulonephritis. However, few studies exist evaluating the prevalence of renal injury in dogs with heartworm. The aim was to assess specific serum and urinary renal parameters in dogs infected by D. immitis and evaluate the impact of the parasite burden, microfilaremia and pulmonary pressure. for human big-ET1 (IBL international GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). Twenty-two heartworm-infected dogs were evaluated. Microfilaremia Twenty serum samples and 69 urinary samples obtained from 42 cats was established by the Knott test while the parasite burden and pulmo- at different IRIS stages (12 sampled once, 24 sampled twice and nary pressure were determined by echocardiography. Urinary and 3 sampled thrice during a 6-12 months follow up) were assessed. The serum creatinine, microalbumin as well as serum urea were determined kit used to measure Big-ET1 was validated in urine (UBig-ET1) but not by a spectrophotometric system. Urine reactive strips were used to in serum since almost all the serum samples failed to yield results determine urinary parameters (Glucose, Bilirrubin, Urobilinogen, above the detection limit of the method. Results from the different Ketones, Blood, pH, nitrogen, leucocytes, color, turbidity and density). groups of cats were statistically compared using Mann-Whitney U Urinary protein concentration was determined by the Pyrogallol Red- and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Molybdate method. Microalbumin/urine creatinine ratio (A:C ratio) and Big-ET1 was virtually absent from most of the serum samples. urine protein/creatinine ratio (UP/C ratio) were calculated. UBig-ET1 and UBig-ET1/UC ratio were significantly positively corre- Microfilaremia was present in 40.9% of the dogs and pulmonary lated with serum creatinine (p=0.046; p=0.007). hypertension was present in 52.4% of them. Parasite burden was high ABSTRACTS 1096 in 13.6% and low in 86.4% of the animals. Pathological concentrations significantly. Decreases were significant for all urinary biomarkers at of microalbuminuria (>100 mg/L) were present in 22.7% of the dogs, T1m, reaching values not different from healthy controls. Significant while A:C ratio was above reference range (>0.2) in 36.3% of them. changes in sCr, SDMA, and pNGAL were not seen after treatment. When the UP/C ratio was evaluated, 27.3% of the dogs were border- Babesia rossi-infected dogs showed transient kidney injury, which was line proteinuric (0.2-0.5) and 18.2% presented overt proteinuria detected by all urinary biomarkers and pNGAL, but remained unde- (>0.5). Serum urea and creatinine were within normal ranges in all tected by functional biomarkers. dogs. Dogs with microfilaremia, high parasite burden and pulmonary Disclosures hypertension showed higher incidence of abnormalities in the urine No disclosures to report. reactive strips. Also, microalbumin, A:C ratio and UP/C ratio were higher in these dogs, although the differences were not statistically ESVNU-P-13 significant for any of the results. The study shows evidences of kidney damage in dogs with heartworm, and confirms that the measurement of urinary parameters was more sensible for the early detection of renal alterations and the best feasible assessment of clinically significant renal alterations, so the use of this methods should be considered as the first choice to evaluate the renal status in dogs infected by D. immitis. Although urinary parameters were higher in dogs with clinical alterations, the results were not significant; a larger sample should be studied to determine the influence of microfilaremia, parasite burden or pulmonary hypertension. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVNU-P-12 Salt and sugar in your larder make your kidneys work harder R.K. Burchell, S. Preet, K. Weidgraaf, A. Gal Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand Osmotic diuresis is the currently accepted mechanism of polyuria in diabetes mellitus and ostensibly leads to polyuria-mediated functional volume depletion. Consequently, a compensatory increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is expected. The latter has not been documented, and we hypothesized that glucosuria would increase GFR and aimed to measure the GFR in a model of isolated renal glycosuria. We randomized eight cats in a crossover design to receive 10 mg dapagliflozin (a type-2 sodium glucose transporter inhibitor) or sham-treatment over four, 5-day treatment periods that were separated by 7-day washout periods. We assessed GFR and total body water content (TBWC) via iohexol clearance and deuterium-oxide tracer dilution method, respectively. The study had a power of 90% to detect a difference of 2015 mL in daily Evaluation of acute kidney injury in dogs with Babesia rossi infections P. Defauw1, J.P. Schoeman2, A.L. Leisewitz2, A. Goddard2, L. Duchateau1, E. Meyer1, S. Daminet1 1 Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium, 2University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa Dogs with babesiosis can present with multiple complications, including acute kidney injury (AKI). Our aim was to characterize AKI in Babesia rossi-infected dogs at presentation and after treatment, using routine and novel biomarkers of kidney injury and dysfunction. Thirty-five dogs with Babesia rossi-infections and 10 healthy control dogs were enrolled in this prospective observational study. Blood and urine were collected in both groups at presentation (T0), in 10 Babesia-infected dogs after 24 hours (T24h), and in 7 dogs after 1 month (T1m). Routine renal biomarkers included serum creatinine (sCr) and urinary protein:creatinine (UPC). Novel kidney injury biomarkers, as determined by validated immunoassays, included urinary immuno- urine output. We analyzed the results with a mixed effect model that included treatment and period of treatment as fixed effects. To control for the effect of repeated measures on the same cat, a random intercept for cat and an autoregressive process of order-1 correlation structure were fitted. Statistical significance was set at 0.05. Dapagliflozin induced profound glucosuria without an increase in daily urine output. The mean (SE) iohexol clearance was 3.50.3 and 4.20.2 for the nontreated and sham-treated cats, respectively (P 0.003). The mean (SE) TBWC, normalized to body weight, was 65.12.4% and 64.11.2%, for the sham-treated and treated cats, respectively (P 0.43). We conclude that in this model, the observed increase in GFR is associated with a concomitant preservation of TBWC. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ESVONC-P-1 globulin G (uIgG), C-reactive protein (uCRP), retinol-binding protein (uRBP), urinary and plasma neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin Expression of prostaglandin ep4 receptor in canine osteosarcoma (u/pNGAL). Urinary biomarkers were normalized to urinary creatinine. M.L. Musser, A.K. Viall, R.L. Phillips, J.M. Hostetter, C.M. Johannes Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames, Iowa, United States of America Serum symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA, IDEXX SDMATM Test) was measured as a novel functional renal biomarker. Mann-Whitney tests compared biomarkers between dogs with and without babesio- Inflammation mediated by the cyclooxygenase enzymes supports the sis. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests compared biomarkers between T0, development of cancer by stimulation of angiogenesis, inhibition of T24h, and T1m in infected dogs. P-values <0.05 were considered apoptosis, and promotion of cell proliferation and motility. These significant. enzymes convert arachidonic acid to prostaglandins, of which the All urinary biomarkers and pNGAL were significantly higher in Babe- most active product is PGE2. This prostaglandin drives cell prolifera- sia-infected dogs compared to healthy controls, while sCr and SDMA tion, apoptosis, and angiogenesis through interaction with its specific were not different. At T24h, UPC, uRBP, and uNGAL decreased receptors (EP1 receptor - EP4 receptor [EP1R-EP4R]). In particular, ABSTRACTS 1097 the expression of EP4R is associated with the development of malig- increases opioid receptors, and methadone enhanced cellular doxoru- nancy and poor prognosis in multiple human cancers. Expression of bicin uptake. The aim of this study was to investigate a potential syn- EP2R has been confirmed in canine osteosarcoma. Characterization of ergism between the opioid receptor agonist methadone and the canine EP4R has been completed, however expression of EP4R in doxorubicin on a canine cancer cell line. canine osteosarcoma has not been evaluated. Canine transitional cell carcinoma (cTCC) cells were incubated with The aim of this study was to characterize the mRNA expression of various concentrations of methadone and doxorubicin each, in order EP4R in canine osteosarcoma. to test clinically achievable dose levels. Inhibition of cell proliferation RNA in situ hybridization (RNAscope , ACDBio) was used to evaluate was measured over 72 hours with CCK-8 cell proliferation assay for 11 canine osteosarcoma samples for mRNA expression of canine each drug alone and different combinations. Opioid receptor density EP4R. RNAscope technology is a modification of in situ hybridization was assessed in flow cytometry in drug native and doxorubicin pre- for detection of RNA in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sec- treated cells. tions. To quantify RNAscope signals in tissue sections, an advanced Naloxon-fluorescein-stained flow-cytometric analysis revealed the digital pathology image analysis system (HALO, Indica Labs) was uti- presence of opioid receptors in the cTCC cell line. The receptor den- lized. This software allows for determination of target RNA copy num- sity increased mildly upon 24 hours pretreatment with doxorubicin. ber at the cellular level. Data was expressed as copy number for EP4R As intended, methadon given at a dose of 3μg/ml did not inhibit pro- with that signal compared to the housekeeping target (B-actin, posi- liferation. Doxorubicin at 0.5μg/ml inhibited proliferation at all time- tive control gene). No ethical approval was obtained as this study did points. When cells were pretreated with doxorubicin, and methadone not involve a prospective evaluation and utilized tissue samples left- added after 24 hours, no potentiation took place. Conversely, when over following patient clinical treatment (amputation) or diagnostic methadone was given 24 hours before doxorubicin, a tendency of ® (biopsy) procedures for osteosarcoma. potentiation of doxorubicin’s inhibitory effect on proliferation was In 11/11 canine osteosarcoma samples evaluated, universal positive found. expression of EP4R was identified (copy number 0.1 to 2.6 on average Opioid-receptors are present in cTCC cells and may be increased by per cell). pretreatment with doxorubicin. There is a tendency that methadone These results confirm the mRNA expression of canine EP4R by canine potentiates the response to doxorubicin in cTCC. osteosarcoma cells. Subsequent studies will evaluate EP4R protein It will be intriguing to investigate further cell lines from diseases clini- expression (via immunohistochemistry) and in vitro effect of an EP4R cally treated with doxorubicin with combinations of methadone. antagonist, grapiprant, on canine osteosarcoma cell lines. Disclosures This data is clinically relevant as therapeutic blockade of EP4R with an No disclosures to report. antagonist (Galliprant [grapiprant tablets], approved for use in dogs ® in the U.S.) may be a novel treatment option for dogs with ESVONC-P-3 osteosarcoma. Disclosures Disclosures to report. M. Musser Aratana Therapeutics, Inc. (co-distributor for EP4R antagonist, Galliprant, in the U.S.) - Receives research support (unrelated to Galliprant). Elanco (primary distributor for EP4R antagonist, Galliprant, in the U.S.) - Receives research support (related to Galliprant but for different type of cancer, transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder). C. Johannes Aratana Therapeutics, Inc. (co-distributor for EP4R antagonist, Galliprant, in the U.S.) - Former employee, speaking engagements, advisory board, consultant, receives honorarium, travel and research support (all unrelated to Galliprant). Elanco (primary distributor for EP4R antagonist, Galliprant, in the U.S.) - Receives research support (related to Galliprant but for different type of cancer, transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder). ESVONC-P-2 Clinical manifestations and response to the therapy of extragenital intranasal form canine transmissible venereal sarcoma(CTVT): retrospective study 11 dogs in Ukraine N. Ignatenko1, S. Soto2, I. Abramenko3 1 MTK LMU, Muenchen, Germany, 2Pathanimalia, KIEV, Ukraine, 3 Recearch center for Radiation medicine, clinical immunology department, Kiev, Ukraine CTVT is a frequent tumor in dogs in Ukraine without age, sex and breed predisposition. CTVT is most often transmitted by sexual contact and affects the genitals. Extragenital CTVT can be located on the skin, in the nasal and oral cavity, metastasize lungs and regional lymph nodes. The largest previously published study of nasal CTVT included an analysis of 6 cases. The aim of the study was to analyze and describe the clinical manifestations and response to therapy in patients with the nasal form of CTVT. 11 dogs with a naturally occurring CTVT were included in a retrospective study. Patients entered treatment from different regions of Ukraine and received therapy at the Zoovetservis clinic in Kiew in 2013-2017. All patients entered Methadone potentiates the effect of doxorubicin on a canine transitional carcinoma cell line with visualized neoplasms, the diagnosis was made on the basis of C. Cueni, K. Nytko-Karouzakis, P. Thumser-Henner, C. Rohrer Bley Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland and 3 females were included in the study. All of them were not neu- In various human cancer cell lines, opioid receptor activation enhances CTVT lesions, 3 patients had owner, 8 stray dogs had guardians, 2 dogs the efficacy of antineoplastic drugs. Concurrently, doxorubicin were breed (bichon, spaniel), 9 dogs were mixbreed. The clinical cytological (in 4 cases additionally histology) investigations. 8 males tered at the time of CTVT detection. None of the patients had genital ABSTRACTS 1098 symptoms of nasal TVT included: sneezing, epistaxis, unilateral or PR 3 (25%) and 2 surgically removed before ECT. Of these, 1 CR bilateral purulent hemorrhagic discharge from the nose (in all recurred and was treated for a second time leading to disease-free state 11 patients), hard skull infiltration and the formation of oronosal fistu- at censorship, 3 PR recurred. Results for spindle cell tumours were dis- las were observed in 9 of 11 patients. In 5 patients, skin fistulas were appointing: one small fibrosarcoma showing CR after sole therapy and observed on the back of the nose, all of them spontaneously disap- overall response (CR and disease control) 5/12 (41.6%). Ameloblasto- peared after treatment with CTVT. None of the patients had a CTVT mas and epulides showed 100% CR after sole therapy (n=5). Melano- planum nasals lesion. All dogs received monochemotherapy with vin- mas gave relatively poor results (25% CR to sole therapy – n=4). ECT cristine weekly at a dosage of 0.7 mg / m2. The course consisted of showed good results in mast cell tumours and fair results in oral squa- 4-9 cycles. In patients with oronasal fistulas sneezing and discharge mous cell carcinomas not involving the rostral portion of the mouth. were maintained until the resolution of fistulas with negative cytologi- Cosmetic and functional results were excellent with some scarring cal control. None of the patients had hematologic toxicity requiring apparent in cases where skin was treated. Healing of oral lesions, even the transfer of chemotherapy. 11 dogs responded to therapy with where bone was exposed, was rapid and complete. complete clinical remission. In 10 dogs a year later there was no Disclosures relapse. There is no information about one dog (3 months after the Disclosures to report. treatment there was no relapse). Both authors work in practice where the techniques described are Intranasal CTVT can deeply affect the nasal cavity and hard palate, carried out for gain. with skin fistel nut without planum nasalis involvement and it is well amenable to therapy, regardless of the severity of the disease. ESVONC-P-5 Disclosures No disclosures to report. N.Ignatenko has presented lectures sponsored by Bayer Ukraine, but Bayer has no involvement in this study. ESVONC-P-4 Feasibility, safety and diagnostic yield of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of cardiac masses in dogs M. Cervone1, B. Rannou1, C. Laprie2, J. Duboy2, J.L. Cadoré1, E. Krafft1 1 Université de Lyon, VetAgro Sup, Campus vétérinaire de Lyon, Marcy l'Etoile, France, 2Laboratoire Vet-Histo, Marseille, France Hemangiosarcoma and chemodectoma represent the most frequent The role of electrochemotherapy in management of tumours of the head in dogs types of cardiac masses. Other tumors or non-neoplastic cardiac V. Granziera, R. Lowe Ashleigh Vet Clinic, Knaresborough, United Kingdom definitive diagnosis has important prognostic and therapeutic implica- This is a retrospective study of the efficacy of electrochemotherapy the detection of cardiac masses in dogs with pericardial effusion. (ECT) in 60 dogs with tumours of the head including the oral cavity. However, reported agreement between ultrasound mass location and Patients were privately owned pets. Tumours treated were mast cell definitive histological diagnosis is only of 65% (50% for hemangiosar- tumours (19, 18 of which Paitnik grade 2, one grade 1) squamous cell coma and 80% for chemodectoma). Cytological examination of peri- carcinomas (15), spindle cell tumours (11), malignant melanomas (5), cardial fluid is also of limited interest. Cardiac masses cytology is a ameloblastomas (2), histiocytomas (2), basal cell tumour (1), carcinoma potential diagnostic tool, but information about its safety is sparse (1), epulis (3), plasmacytoma (1). Cases were treated using Bleomycin and its diagnostic accuracy has not yet been evaluated. (15000 iu/sq m) intravenously with electroporation using either a Cyto- The aims of this study were to evaluate the feasibility and safety of pulse PA 2000 or Cytopulse Oncovet signal generator, 8 pulses of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) of cardiac masses, and 1000 V/cm at either 1 Hz or 5MHz applied starting 8 minutes after to determine the correlation between cytological and histopathologi- drug administration. Treatments were applied under general anaesthe- cal diagnosis. sia. ECT was applied either as sole therapy (n=42), to tumour margins Dogs diagnosed with a cardiac mass between February 2016 and during surgery (intra-operative, n=8) or to surgical scars roughly 2 weeks October 2017 were included. Inclusion criteria were an anatomic loca- after surgery (adjuvant, n=9) whilst one case was initially treated by sole tion allowing sampling, and achievement of owner consent. Ultrasound- therapy with repeat during surgery. Two patients received second guided FNA were performed under sedation. During procedure, all dogs treatments whilst 58 received only a single treatment. All treatments were monitored with simultaneous electrocardiogram and blood pres- were applied using Gehl array electrodes, two rows of needles 6 mm sure measurement. Dogs were kept hospitalized during 8 hours following apart. Intra-operative treatment was applied after cytoreduction with FNA. Slides cellularity and quality were assessed, and diagnostic yield no attempt to excise margins: in some cases some macroscopic tumour was evaluated as the percentage of cases in which a cytological diagnosis was present in the treated volume. Mast cell tumour cases receiving could be achieved. Accordance with histopathology was determined sole therapy ECT showed 10/12 (83.3%) enduring CR and those receiv- when possible. Cytological and histopathological slides were reviewed ing intra-operative or adjuvant ECT showed 6/7 (85.7%) disease-free at blindly, respectively by one clinical pathologist, and two pathologists. censoring. Response to ECT of squamous cell carcinoma showed Thirteen dogs were included, with a mean weight of 22 kg (range 7 – dependency on site. Those in the premaxilla or external nares (n=3) 45 kg): ten had masses at the right atrio-ventricular wall and three at showing no responses. In other (all oral) lesions (n=12), 7 CR (58.3%), heart-base. Ultrasound-guided sampling was possible in all cases. Time masses mimicking neoplasia, have also been reported. Establishing a tions. Cardiac ultrasonography has good specificity and sensitivity for ABSTRACTS 1099 sampling ranged from 10 to 25 minutes. No complications were to the parasite or past Leishmania infection, regardless of the clinical observed. Cellularity of FNA smears was good to excellent, permitting status of dogs. to reach a diagnosis in 100% of cases. Ten masses were diagnosed as Disclosures sarcoma (suspected hemangiosarcoma) and three as endocrine tumors Disclosures to report. (suspected chemodectoma). Post-mortem histopathological diagnosis The authours Breu D and Guthardt J are empleyed at Laboklin was available in 7 dogs (4 hemangiosarcoma and 3 chemodectoma) GmbH & Co KG, Germany. Müller E is owner/mangare of the Laboklin and confirmed the cytological diagnosis in all cases. GmcH & Co KG. In our study, ultrasound-guided FNA of cardiac masses was feasible and safe; its diagnostic usefulness was good with achievement of ISCAID-P-2 high-quality samples and perfect accordance with histopathology. Cytological evaluation could be considered in their diagnostic approach. Clinical and laboratory findings of sixty naturally Babesia gibsoni infected dogs No disclosures to report. B. Su, P. Liu Institute of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan ISCAID-P-1 Babesia gibsoni is increasingly recognized as an important canine tick- Disclosures borne disease worldwide, however, only a few clinical studies of natuDiagnostics of canine Leishmania infection by ELISA and/or PCR-a comparative study rally acquired infection are available. Besides, most of the published D. Breu, J. Guthardt, E. Müller Laboklin Gmbh & Co KG, Bad kissingen, Germany assorted from B. gibsoni since 2006 by phylogenetic analyses of the Leishmaniosis is one of prevalent parasitic canine diseases widely tant vectors, although the parasite can also be transmitted during dog spread in temperate zones. Canine leishmaniosis may manifest as sub- fighting, in particular by Pit Bull terriers as reported in the USA and clinical illness, a self-limiting disease or severe and chronic disease also in Romania. with multiple organ involvement. Infected dogs are considered the In this retrospective study, we enrolled 60 dogs diagnosed with main reservoirs for human visceral Leishmaniasis. B. gibsoni infection confirmed by PCR at the National Taiwan Univer- Our study was aimed to evaluate the relationship between the two sity Veterinary Teaching Hospital between January 2014 and current diagnostic methods of canine Leishmania infection, namely December 2015. The average age of 60 dogs was 6.36  3.78 (95% anti-Leishmania antibody (Ab) assay by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immu- CI, 5.39-7.34) years old. The 60 dogs included 35 males (58.3%) and nosorbent Assay) and Leishmania-DNA assay by PCR (Polymerase 25 females (41.7%). Seventeen different breeds were included and Chain Reaction). Blood samples and, when available, other materials the most observed species was mongrel (25.8%), followed by Maltese (tissue, swabs) were obtained from the dogs with suspected Leish- (16.1%), Miniature poodles (12.9%), Miniature schnauzer (8.1%), and mania infections or history of importation/travels in Germany. Beagle (8.1%). None of the dogs were associated with dog fighting. In 2016 and 2017, we analysed a total of 15449 and 17789 blood The most common clinical signs observed in dogs were inappetence, samples, respectively, for Leishmania Ab assays and a total of 712 and apathy, pale mucous membranes, discoloration of urine, splenomegaly 786 samples, respectively, for Leishmania DNA assays. In 2016, overall and hyperthermia. The predominant hematological abnormality was 19.6% and 19.8% of the samples were Ab-positive and DNA-positive. anemia (49 out of 60 dogs) (81.7%). The severity of anemia ranged In 2017, overall 21.9% and 18.6% of the samples were Ab-positive from 18.3 % (11 of 60 dogs), 11.7 % (7/60), 30 % (18/60), 21.7 % and DNA-positive, respectively. Specifically concerning the samples (13/60) and 18.3 % (11/60) corresponding to the category of non- reports were mixed with a distinct species, i.e. B. conradae, which was 18S rRNA and the ITS-2 genes. Ticks are considered the most impor- subjected to both PCR and Ab assays (129/712 in 2016; 145/786 in anemia (HCT >37), mild (30 ≤ HCT <37), moderate (20 ≤ HCT <30), 2017), we observed the following Ab profiles. In 2016 and 2017, sero- severe (13 ≤ HCT <20), and very severe (HCT <13), respectively. Sev- positivities (by Leishmania unit or LE >1.1) were 97.0% and 93.5%, enty percent of the dogs (42/60) carried an HCT of less then respectively, in PCR+ cohorts, versus 31.6% and 32.5%, respectively, 30, whereas 40% (24/60) of the dogs had a life-threatening HCT in PCR- cohorts. Notably, the PCR+/Ab+ cohorts showed Ab titres below 20. Regenerative anemia was observed in 66.7% (38/57), (mean) ~2 times higher than those of the PCR–/Ab+ cohorts (3.1 LE whereas non-regenerative anemia occurred in 32.2% (11/57) of the versus 1.7 LE). In summary, (1) PCR-positive samples were almost cases, respectively. Thrombocytopenia was a further common hema- 100% Ab-positive, (2) PCR-negative samples were ~32% Ab-positive, tological abnormality (37/60) (61.7%). The main biochemical abnor- and (3) in Ab-positive cases, PCR-positive samples had approximately malities were hyperglobulinemia (28/53) (52.8%), hyperbilirubinemia twice higher Ab titres than PCR-negative samples. (10/28)(35.7%) and elevated hepatic enzyme activities (7/48) (14.6%). Our data suggested that PCR-positivity may be considered as the In conclusion, the results of this study provide the detail clinical pro- diagnostics generally confirming active Leishmaniosis which repre- files of B. gibsoni infection in sick dogs. Infections through a tick bite sented, in our study, an overall 20% of the tested samples. Other play the important role in Taiwan. ~32% of the PCR-negative/sero-positive samples might be the cases Disclosures where persistent/residual antibodies were present due to exposition No disclosures to report. ABSTRACTS 1100 Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is usually achieved using urea ISCAID-P-3 and creatinine. However, it is well recognized that the disease is usually Blood Cultures and the detection of multidrug-resistant bacteria in companion animals present before these biomarkers are elevated and other biomarkers such as neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin(NGAL) have been C. Pomba , C. Aboim , A.C. Rodrigues , A. Gomes , L. Fernandes Genevet, Laboratório de Diagnóstico Molecular Veterinário, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory, CIISA, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Lisbon, Portugal designed for earlier diagnosis. NGAL has been linked to tubular damage. The detection of bacteraemia through blood culture is essential for affected and evaluation of kidney function by the assessment of creati- the definitive diagnosis and correction of the empirical therapy of sep- nine, urea and the degree of proteinuria together with the presence and sis. Sepsis is often associated with infections in the oral cavity, uro- severity of clinical signs are the key aspects for disease classification genital (LeishVet classfication) and therapeutic guidelines. 1 2 1 1 1 1 tract, skin, soft tissues, abdomen, respiratory tract, NGAL has been observed to be altered in dogs with acute renal failure and idiopathic CKD. Canine leishmaniasis (CL) is a highly prevalent disease in many mediterranean countries. The kidney is one of the organs gastrointestinal tract and bone. The aim of this study was the early The aim of this study was to evaluate whether dogs with CL with detection of bacteraemia namely multidrug-resistant bacteria (MDR) absence of azotaemia may suffer early renal damage (especifically in the dog and cat associated with sepsis. tubular) and whether plasma or urine NGAL may be a potential useful Between 2015 and 2017, 41 samples from dogs (n=35) and cats (n=6) were submitted for blood culture from several veterinary hospitals and clinics to the Genevet Laboratory. The samples were collected according to the proper asepsis rules (trichotomy and disinfection of the venipuncture site and bottle extremity), and blood was inoculated in a paediatric aerobic blood culture bottle. Bacteria were isolated after 24h of growth in the haemoculture bottles and then grew on selective media for methicillinresistant Staphyloccoccus spp. (MRS) and extended-spectrum betalactamases producer (ESBL) Enterobacteriaceae. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by the disc diffusion method and/or minimum inhibitory concentration. CLSI clinical breakpoints were applied. From 41 blood cultures, 56% (23/41) were positive. In 3 blood cultures 2 bacteria strains were isolated. Diverse bacterial agents were found, mainly Staphyloccoccus spp. (8/27, 30%), Serratia marcescens (5/27, 19%), Klebsiella spp. (5/27, 19%), among others. The most frequent antimicrobial resistance was towards amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (18/27, 67%), tetracycline (14/26, 54%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (12/26, 46%) and fluoroquinolones (11/26, 42%). There was a high number of multidrugresistant isolates, i.e., resistant to more than 3 different antimicrobial classes (15/27 isolates, 56%) in the processed blood cultures. It should also be noted the isolation of 2 MRS (one methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus biomarker in the characterization of dogs with CL. Ethical approval and owners consent to use blood and urine samples from all dogs was granted. Three groups of dogs were established: Group 1 (G1) included 5 healthy dogs from staff members; Group 2 (G2) included 10 dogs with CL and CKD (Stage 3 and 4 LeishVet) and Group 3 (G3) included 10 dogs with positive quantitative serology, mild or absent clinical signs, mild or absent proteinuria (UPC <1) and absence of azotemia (Stage 1 and 2 LeishVet). Hematology, biochemistry and plasma NGAL were measured in blood. A full urine analysis including urinary protein/creatinine ratio, and measurement of urine NGAL was also carried out. NGAL was measured using the canine NGAL Elisa-kit (Abcam, USA) and results are expressed as NGAL/creatinine ratio. Plasma NGAL was not significantly different between groups G1 (12.7  8.0 ng/mL) and G2 (14.3 26.2 ng/mL; p>0.05) but was different between group G3 and the others G3 (59,0048,76 (p<0,01). Urine NGAL in G2 was elevated (6.742.561,4  4.671.515,4 ng/g; p<0.001) when compared with G1 (1497,4  831,5 ng/g; p<0.001). In G3, urinary NGAL was also increased (142.245,8  314.458,3 ng/g) compared to the other two groups (p<0.001). In conclusion, urine but not plasma NGAL may be use as a marker of aureus and one methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, 2/27 early renal damage in CL. The study also provides further evidence that isolates 7,4%) and 5 ESBL producer Enterobacteriaceae resistant to third CL dogs in LeishVet stage I and II may suffer from early renal damage. generation cephalosporins (5/27 isolates, 18,5%). Disclosures In this study a high number of positive blood cultures was detected. No disclosures to report. The detection of multidrug-resistant, MRS or ESBL producer bacteria is a cause for great concern, with inherent therapeutic limitations. This ISCAID-P-5 study illustrates that blood cultures are a key tool for the early diagnosis of sepsis as well as its oriented antimicrobial therapy. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ISCAID-P-4 Seroepidemiology of feline leukemia virus (felv) and feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) in cats in Greece K. Kassiopi1, M.N. Saridomichelakis1, M.E. Mylonakis2, P.G. Xenoulis1 1 University of Thessaly, Karditsa, Greece, 2Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) are Use of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) in the early diagnosis of renal damage in canine leishmaniasis retroviruses causing significant morbidity and mortality in cats. Epidemio- J. Duque1, E. Soto1, B. Macías2, D. Casamian-Sorrosal3, P. Ruiz1, J.I. Cristobal1, R. Barrera-Chacón1 1 University of Extremadura. Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Cáceres, Spain, 2 Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón, Cáceres, Spain, 3 Southfields Veterinary Specialists, Basildon, United Kingdom and prevention of the infection by these viruses. Unfortunately, limited logical data are necessary to design optimal strategies for the management data are available on the seroepidemiology of retroviral infections of cats in Greece. The aim of this study was to determine the seroepidemiology of FeLV and FIV infections in different populations of cats from Greece. ABSTRACTS 1101 A total of 349 cats were prospectively included and divided into three Half of the D. immitis seropositive cats (n=24) were further submitted to groups (client-owned, stray and cats living in shelters or catteries). Sig- thoracic radiographies and echocardiography. Of them, lung radiographic nalment and historical data were collected using a standardized ques- changes compatible with heartworm were present in 79.2% of the cats tionnaire and a thorough physical examination was performed for (bronchial pattern, unstructured interstitial pattern, vascular pattern with each cat. Blood samples were obtained by jugular venipuncture and enlargement of pulmonary arteries, lung hyperinflation) but no abnormal- o serum was stored at -80 C until analysis. Seroprevalence for FeLV ities were present in the cardiac silhouette in any of the animals. Radio- and FIV was determined using the SNAP FIV/FeLV ComboTM test graphic abnormalities were displayed in 100% of symptomatic cats and (IDEXX) and was compared among the 3 groups, between males and 68.7% of the asymptomatic cats (P<0.05). Presence of adult worms was females, between intact and neutered males or females, between clini- observed by echography in 6.25% (n=3) of the cats; of them, 2 were cally healthy and sick cats and between cats presenting or not at least asymptomatic and 1 presented normal thoracic radiographies. One cat one clinical sign compatible with FeLV and/or FIV (χ2 test or Fischer’s was indoor, one cat was outdoor and one cat was indoor/outdoor. exact test) as well as for possible association with the age of the cats The results show the importance of image diagnosis to help in the correct (student’s t-test). diagnosis of feline dirofilariosis, indistinctly of the presence or absence of Of the 349 cats, 16 (4.6%) and 33 (9.5%) were found to be seroposi- symptoms. Furthermore, a greater awareness of feline dirofilariosis is tive for FeLV and FIV, respectively. The risk of seropositivity for FeLV needed in cats, stating prophylaxis in kittens from 6-8 weeks. D. immitis was significantly higher in sick than in clinically healthy cats (P=0.04) infection should be included in the differential diagnosis of cats showing and in cats with at least one clinical sign compatible with FeLV compatible clinical signs, and a combination of serological and image diag- (P=0.048). The risk of seropositivity for FIV was significantly higher in nosis techniques should be performed when feline heartworm is sus- male than in female cats (P=0.003), in neutered than in intact male pected, for a correct diagnosis or to properly rule out the disease. cats (P=0.005), in older cats (P=0.002), in sick than in clinically healthy Disclosures cats (P =0.039) and in cats with at least one clinical sign compatible No disclosures to report. with FIV (P=0,007). Due to the high prevalence of seropositivity for FeLV and FIV in the SCH-P-1 Greek feline population, it is necessary to define prophylactic and management strategies taking into particular consideration those groups of cats that are at increased risk of seropositivity and thus of infection. Disclosures No disclosures to report. ISCAID-P-6 Differentiation of different types of feline liver disease by clinical features, cytology and laboratory test results N. Luckschander, J. Vogel, I. Schwendenwein University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria Feline liver diseases consist of different disease entities such as cholangiohepatitis (CG), hepatic lipidosis (HL), and neoplasia with lymphoma (L) and other neoplasia (ON) are a common feature in cats with variable clinicopathologic features, requiring different therapeutic Clinical Picture of Cats Seropositive for Dirofilaria immitis in a Hyperendemic Area: Is this Feline Disease Still Being Misdiagnosed? T. Talavera1, Y. Falcón-Cordón1, S. Falcón-Cordón1, R. Morchón2, J.A. Montoya-Alonso1, E. Carretón1 1 University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Arucas, Spain, 2University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain Feline dirofilariasis (Dirofilaria immitis) has progressively regained importance through the years due to a heightened awareness of the disease in this species and scientific progress which provided better diagnostic tools. However, the diagnosis is challenging and presents a huge difficulty, mainly due to non-specific or absent symptoms, and presence of low parasite burden or immature worms. The objective was to determine the incidence of symptoms, presence of feline virus as well as radiographic and echocardiographic abnormalities in cats seropositive to D. immitis. Blood samples from 146 cats living in a hyperendemic area were tested for the presence of anti-D. immitis antibodies, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). Antibodies test was positive in 32.9% of the cats; of them, 25% showed compatible symptoms of dirofilariosis versus 16.3% of the seronegative cats (P<0.05). Regarding feline virus, 5.5% were positive to FIV and 13.7% to FeLV. No statistically significant correlation was found between D. immitis seropositivity and presence of feline virus. strategies. Endoscopic liver biopsy is the current gold standard to establish a diagnosis. Owner compliance is limited because of invasiveness so that refinement of diagnostic criteria obtained by minimally invasive methods are needed to ensure best possible patient care. Aim of this retrospective study was the identification of useful clinical and laboratory features to differentiate between inflammatory, metabolic and neoplastic hepatic disease. Records of 196 cats (2010-2016) were retrospectively evaluated. Inclusion criteria were full physical exam, complete laboratory profile, fine needle aspiration (FNA) of liver and gallbladder and FNA bacterial culture. According to results and response to treatment, patients were allocated to 7 groups lymphoma (L), mixed cholangitis (MC), neutrophil cholangitis (NC), lymphoplasmacellular cholangitis (LPC), hepatic lipidosis (HL), other neoplasias (ON) and miscellaneous. Inferential statistics was performed to look for significant differences between groups, p< 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Age, body temperature, neutrophilia, left shift and monocytosis were identified as potentially useful discriminators the disease entities with a p < 0.05 compared between the groups. Disclosures No disclosures to report.