Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
Christa N. Hestekin1
John P. Jakupciak2
Thomas N. Chiesl1
Cheuk Wai Kan1
Catherine D. O’Connell3
Annelise E. Barron1
Department of Chemical and
Biological Engineering,
Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL, USA
National Institute of Standards
and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Tetracore, Inc.,
Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Received June 8, 2006
Revised July 13, 2006
Accepted July 13, 2006
Research Article
An optimized microchip electrophoresis
system for mutation detection by tandem
SSCP and heteroduplex analysis for p53 gene
exons 5–9
With the complete sequencing of the human genome, there is a growing need for rapid,
highly sensitive genetic mutation detection methods suitable for clinical implementation. DNA-based diagnostics such as single-strand conformational polymorphism
(SSCP) and heteroduplex analysis (HA) are commonly used in research laboratories to
screen for mutations, but the slab gel electrophoresis (SGE) format is ill-suited for
routine clinical use. The translation of these assays from SGE to microfluidic chips
offers significant speed, cost, and sensitivity advantages; however, numerous parameters must be optimized to provide highly sensitive mutation detection. Here we present a methodical study of system parameters including polymer matrix, wall coating,
analysis temperature, and electric field strengths on the effectiveness of mutation
detection by tandem SSCP/HA for DNA samples from exons 5–9 of the p53 gene. The
effects of polymer matrix concentration and average molar mass were studied for linear polyacrylamide (LPA) solutions. We determined that a matrix of 8% w/v 600 kDa
LPA provides the most reliable SSCP/HA mutation detection on chips. The inclusion of
a small amount of the dynamic wall-coating polymer poly-N-hydroxyethylacrylamide in
the matrix substantially improves the resolution of SSCP conformers and extends the
coating lifetime. We investigated electrophoresis temperatures between 17 and 357C
and found that the lowest temperature accessible on our chip electrophoresis system
gives the best condition for high sensitivity of the tandem SSCP/HA method, especially
for the SSCP conformers. Finally, the use of electrical fields between 350 and 450 V/
cm provided rapid separations (,10 min) with well-resolved DNA peaks for both SSCP
and HA.
Keywords: Heteroduplex analysis / Linear polyacrylamide / Microchip electrophoresis
/ Mutation detection / p53
DOI 10.1002/elps.200600358
1 Introduction
Within the past decade, there has been a great increase in
the understanding of how mutations in genetic material
correspond to certain diseases such as cancer. While
direct DNA sequencing or hybridization arrays can be
Correspondence: Professor Annelise E. Barron, Department of
Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University, 2145
Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
E-mail: a-barron@northwestern.edu
Fax: 11-847-491-3728
Abbreviations: CAE, capillary array electrophoresis; HA, heteroduplex analysis; LPA, linear polyacrylamide; Mw, weight-average molar
mass; PHEA, poly-N-hydroxyethylacrylamide; ìCE, microchip electrophoresis
2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
used to determine the exact location and nature of a
mutation in a patient sample, these methods are expensive and have limitations for the accurate characterization
of large gene regions for which a large number of different
single-base substitutions and/or insertion/deletion mutations are relevant to the disease, such as in the p53 gene.
We have chosen to work with the p53 gene because of its
prevalence in human cancers (it is the most commonly
altered gene [1]) and because the genetic alterations are
better characterized than in many genes. Our study also
focused on exons 5–9 of the p53 gene because this is
where .90% of p53 mutations have been reported to
exist. Several notable reviews have been published [1–4]
as well as recent article [5] containing further information
on the p53 gene.
C. N. Hestekin et al.
Heterozygous patient samples can also create difficulties
in data analysis and interpretation for automated DNA
sequencing and hybridization methods. Alternative
mutation screening methods based on mobility shift
assays such as single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis can be used to inexpensively determine whether a sequence alteration is present or not in a
specific gene or gene region. Only DNA samples found to
differ in sequence from the common wild-type gene need
to be subjected to sequence analysis. The decreased
cost and rapid analysis times that screening methods can
provide could allow a wider screening of multiple genes or
gene regions for the presence of mutations, which could
then be further analyzed by sequencing or microarrays, if
desired. Two mobility shift assays, SSCP and HA, have
been widely implemented and are generally held to be
extremely useful in a slab gel format; however, slab gels
are not practical for clinical assays. Both SSCP and HA
offer a great potential for rapid, cost-effective, and sensitive mutation detection in a microfluidic chip electrophoresis format, if the influence of important analysis parameters can be better understood.
The SSCP method is a genotyping technique first developed by Orita et al. in 1989 [6]. There are several different
commonly used methods for preparing SSCP samples. In
the clinical setting, homozygous or heterozygous DNA is
extracted from a tissue source, such as tumor tissue, then
typically PCR-amplified with fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide primers, and denatured at 957C followed by snapcooling on ice. If the DNA derives from a “more pure” or
easy-to-work-with sample, such as from cultured tumor
cells, the “mutant” (or unknown) DNA amplicons can then
be mixed with wild-type (or normal) DNA amplified with the
same primers, and then denatured at 957C and snapcooled on ice. This heating, followed by quick cooling in
dilute solution, causes DNA single-strands to fold upon
themselves into unique, internally base-paired conformations that depend sensitively on the sequence. The conformers can then be separated by electrophoresis in a
dense polymer matrix or gel, if the conformations of the
wild-type and mutant conformers in a given DNA strand
(sense or antisense) are sufficiently different, so that mutant
DNA conformers have a detectable mobility shift. Often a
low concentration of denaturant is also added to the sample
to prevent duplex formation. While the SSCP method is
highly used and reported in the literature, with thousands of
publications since its inception, it is so far not used clinically.
The main problem in translating this technology to clinical
use has been that it has not yet been proven to have a consistently high sensitivity of mutation detection (.97%) and
that many of the research papers only report the testing of a
small number of samples (i.e., 5–10 samples rather than the
hundreds of samples needed to prove clinical validity).
2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
The sensitivity of mutation detection can also be improved
by combining SSCP with a complementary mobility shift
assay such as heteroduplex analysis (HA). In the preparation of HA samples in a clinical setting, homozygous or
heterozygous DNA is extracted from a tissue source, such
as tumor tissue, amplified with fluorescent primers, and
then denatured at 957C followed by slow cooling. If the
DNA comes from a more pure mutant sample, such as cell
lines, the mutant DNA can be mixed with wild-type DNA
directly at that point and then heat-denatured (957C) and
allowed to cool slowly. By slowly cooling, the denatured
DNA is allowed to reanneal into double-strands, not only
forming wild-type and mutant homoduplexes, but also
forming some heteroduplexes between a mutant single
strand of DNA and a wild-type single strand of DNA. The
sequence mismatches or “bulges” in the heteroduplexes
then allow them, sometimes, to be separated from the
homoduplexes by electrophoresis in a polymer matrix or
gel [7]. The mobility shifts seen in HA are typically smaller
than what can be seen for SSCP.
Kozlowski and Krzyzosiak [8] first demonstrated the usefulness of combining CE-based SSCP and HA on 21 different mutant samples derived from the BRCA1 and
BRCA2 genes. They found that by combining SSCP and
HA they could achieve an apparent sensitivity of mutation
detection of 100%, which was higher than SSCP or HA
alone (90 and 81%, respectively). Kourkine et al. also
demonstrated the ability of a tandem SSCP/HA-capillary
array electrophoresis (CAE) method to achieve 100%
sensitivity of mutation detection for 32 different mutant
samples derived from exons 7 and 8 of the p53 gene.
Interestingly, the sensitivity of the tandem SSCP/HA
approach was also substantially higher in this study than
that of SSCP or HA alone (93 and 75%, respectively) [9],
and so the two studies are in excellent agreement.
Although SSCP and HA samples can be prepared separately and combined before analysis, we also demonstrated a method for preparing the samples in tandem
before analysis by CAE [10]. Our method involved the use
of an appropriate buffer salt concentration (10 mM TrisHCl) and heating and snap-cooling the sample without the
use of a denaturant, the latter of which was found to reduce
the efficiency of the electrokinetic injection and increase
the variability of the results. Recently, however, Vahedi et al.
[11] also published a tandem SSCP/HA method on a
microchip, in which they denatured the samples using
formamide. They claim that by adding a small amount of
formamide to their samples, they were able to produce
both SSCP and HA conformers reproducibly.
A wide range of different polymer matrices have been
examined for use in microchannel SSCP including
methylcellulose (MC) [12], polyacrylamide [9, 13],
Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) [14], and GeneScan
(Applied Biosystems) [15, 16]. It has generally been
shown that more concentrated polymer matrices provide
better conformer resolution; however, these more concentrated matrices are more difficult to load into microchannels and also increase analysis times [17, 18]. Less
attention has been paid to the importance of the physical
characteristics of the polymer, i.e., the average polymer
molar mass.
A polymer wall coating is also necessary to suppress
EOF and analyte adsorption. A coating can either be
covalent or be “dynamic”, where the coating polymer
forms an adsorptive coating on the glass surface of the
microchannel. The most widely used covalent coating for
CE was a polyacrylamide coating developed by Hjertén
in 1985 [19]. Although this coating works well, like any
covalent coating, it has significant drawbacks. The
coating must be polymerized in situ, which can make it
difficult to get a homogeneous coating, and the coating
has a limited lifetime after which the capillary must be
replaced. An alternative is to use dynamic or adsorptive
coating polymers. These coatings can be externally
synthesized and their deposition is theoretically reversible, which allows the coating to be replenished or
reapplied as it degrades overtime. A variety of dynamic
coatings have been used, including poly(ethylene oxide)
(PEO) [20], polydimethylacrylamide (PDMA) [21], and
PVP [22].
In previous studies, we determined the optimum polymer
matrix and wall coating for CAE tandem SSCP/HA. In this
study, we found that 6% w/v 600 000 g/mol linear polyacrylamide (LPA) was the optimum concentration and
molar mass to allow highly resolved SSCP conformers
and highly sensitive mutation detection by tandem SSCP/
HA-CAE [9]. We also found that the novel, dynamic coating, poly-N-hydroxyethylacrylamide (PHEA) was necessary for sharp resolution of the SSCP conformers, and
worked better than a covalently applied LPA coating [9].
In order to develop a very rapid, scalable, clinically useable mutation screening method, there is a need to
translate SSCP and HA from the slab gel and capillary
formats onto a microfluidic chip. Microchip electrophoresis (mCE) offers the potential to be much more rapid,
cost-efficient, and integrated than the other formats. The
first published report of SSCP on a chip was by Tian
et al. [14] who examined mutations in the BRCA1 and
BRCA2 genes. They were able to detect three different
mutations in less than 2.5 min on the microchip, which
was four times faster than their mutation detection
separations by CE [14]. The first published report of HA
on a microchip was also by Tian et al. [23] who looked at
six mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. They
2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
found that they could detect the same mutations by mCE
as by CE, but four to six times faster. However, they also
noted that the single-base substitution mutations were
less well resolved when analyzed by mCE-HA. The first
report of combined SSCP and HA on a microchip was by
Vahedi et al. [11] who looked at samples from the BRCA1
and HFE genes. They used formamide (,66%) to denature and form the SSCP and HA conformers. In addition,
they used an intercalating dye (POPO-3) for on-chip
labeling, although they found that in order to achieve
high-resolution separations they needed to prepassivate
their channel with adsorbed Sytox Orange, a different
intercalating dye. It is important to note that these studies were oriented more toward proof-of-concept than
toward optimization of the chip electrophoresis methods
for clinical use.
After these initial studies, there have been other reports
of SSCP separations and HA on microchips. Tian and
Landers [24] examined the use of HEC as an effective
polymer matrix for HA on uncoated glass microchips.
They were able to detect four mutations in the BRCA1
gene and found that the uncoated chip had a longer
useful lifetime than an uncoated silica capillary (.70 runs
vs. ,40 runs) with the same polymer loading. They
hypothesized that this could be due to differences in the
physical and chemical properties of the microchip and
capillary surfaces. It is important to note that although
they compared the performance of HEC to other polymers (PEO, PDMA, and LPA) on capillaries, they did not
perform any analyses on the influence of the polymer
matrix’s physical properties (i.e., concentration and
molar mass). Tian and Landers compared the performance of mCE-HA to mutation detection by denaturing
HPLC (DHPLC) [25]. They found that both methods had
similar mutation detection abilities for their panel of
BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutants; however, the DHPLC
method had been highly optimized, while the HA method
was designed only to produce amplifiable targets. In
another study, Footz et al. [26] combined HA with RFLP
analysis, by mCE, in order to improve the overall mutation
detection sensitivity. Although SSCP is often run in the
slab gel format at more than one temperature, a recent
study by Tian and Landers [25] found that it was possible
for their chip electrophoresis system to detect 21 mutations in the HFE, MYL2, MYL3, and MYL7 genes with
95% sensitivity using just one electrophoresis temperature (257C) and with 100% sensitivity using two temperatures (25 and 407C). This not only indicates the
potential for SSCP to be used in a clinical setting, but
also emphasizes the need to understand the important
variables for mutation detection by SSCP and HA so that
one highly sensitive and specific analysis condition can
be used.
C. N. Hestekin et al.
Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
(Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA). Typically, the DNA
samples were prepared at a concentration of 1 or 10 ng/
mL in 10 mL of 10 mM Tris-HCl. These stock solutions were
stored at 2207C.
Although the usefulness of SSCP and HA mutation
detection by mCE have been demonstrated, there is still a
significant need to study these systems and to understand how parameters such as polymer matrix and coating influence the sensitivity of mutation detection before
these methods can be considered optimized for routine
clinical analyses. Our group was particularly interested in
understanding what polymer matrix and wall coating
would be best suited to the tandem SSCP/HA method on
glass microchips. We envision the eventual creation of a
highly sensitive, rapid, integrated microfluidic electrophoresis device that can perform automated SSCP/HA
analyses of many parallel samples (i.e., in many parallel
electrophoresis channels), and believe that such a system
would offer great promise for use in a high-throughput
setting such as a clinical laboratory. However, such a
vision can only be realized if the best polymer matrix and
dynamic wall-coating system for SSCP/HA on borosilicate glass chips is identified, and that is the purpose of
the present study.
In order to mimic clinical samples, well-characterized
cell-line-derived, pure mutant and wild-type DNA samples were mixed together. For preparation of tandem
SSCP/HA samples, 1–3 mL of the fluorescently labeled
mutant and wild-type PCR products were combined with
buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl) to a total sample volume of 10 mL,
denatured at 957C for 3 min, and snap-cooled on ice for
3 min. For preparation of wild-type alone samples, 1–3 mL
of fluorescently labeled wild-type PCR products were
combined with buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl) to a total volume
of 10 mL, denatured at 957C for 3 min, and snap-cooled
on ice for 3 min. The samples were stored at 0–47C.
2 Materials and methods
2.4 Polymer matrix synthesis and
2.1 Cell line samples
Mutant DNA specimens of the p53 gene were supplied by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST,
Gaithersburg, MD) in the form of plasmids or PCR amplicons. The cell line-derived plasmids were created at NIST
as described previously [27, 28]. The presence of a
mutation in these samples was confirmed by sequencing
at NIST. Amplicons of the p53 exons 6–9 were produced
using a PCR protocol previously described by O’Connell
et al. [29] for generating SSCP fragments. Exon 5 was
amplified using the same PCR protocol, but modified to
use different primers (forward primer TGCCCTGACTTTCAACTCTGT and reverse primer GCAACCAGCCCTGTCGTCTCT) [30]. The primers were fluorescently labeled
with FAM on the forward strand primers and with JOE on
the reverse strand primers. This labeling scheme allowed
for two-color LIF detection, which we have previously
found to allow the unambiguous assignment of DNA
peaks in the electropherograms [9, 10].
2.2 DNA sample purification, quantitation, and
Crude PCR products were purified by the Qiaquick-spin
PCR purification kit following the manufacturer’s instructions. Quantitation of purified cell line DNA was determined either spectrophotometrically or with the use of the
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer and Agilent DNA 500 or 1000 kit
2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
2.3 SSCP and HA sample preparation
Two samples of short-chained (weight-average molar
mass distribution (Mw) 300 000 and 600 000 g/mol) and
one sample of long-chained LPA (Mw 1 000 000 g/mol)
were synthesized using free-radical polymerization as
previously described by Kourkine et al. [9]. Briefly, an
aqueous solution of acrylamide was degassed by bubbling with N2 gas for 30 min. The solution was then placed
into a water bath kept at 507C and isopropanol, ammonium persulfate (APS), and TEMED were added in
amounts to produce a polymer with the desired molar
mass. The solution was kept at 507C under N2 flow for
1.5 h to ensure anaerobic conditions until the polymerization was complete. Once the polymerization was complete, the polymer was dialyzed, lyophilized, and characterized to confirm its Mw by tandem gel permeation
chromatography (Waters, Milford, MA)/multiangle laser
light scattering (Wyatt Technology, Santa Barbara, CA).
DNA separation matrices were prepared by dissolving
dried polymers in electrophoresis buffer, 16 TBE
(89 mM Tris, 89 mM boric acid, and 2 mM EDTA) with
10% glycerol at the desired concentrations.
2.5 Coating polymer synthesis and
PHEA (Cambrex Bio Sciences, Walkersville, MD) polymer
(Mw 4–5 MDa), which was used for dynamic capillary
coating, was prepared, purified, and characterized in our
laboratory as described by Albarghouthi et al. [31].
Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
2.6 Microfluidic chips and dynamic microchip
Borosilicate glass microfluidic chips (Micronit, The Netherlands) with the following properties were used in the
experiments: double-T injector with an offset of 100 mm,
channel width of 50 mm, channel depth of 20 mm, and
separation length of 80 mm. Prior to being used for mCE SSCP/HA runs, the uncoated glass microchips were
conditioned and dynamically coated by rinsing them with
the following: HCl (aq. 1 M) for 15 min, PHEA (coating
reagent, aq. 0.1% w/v) for 15 min, followed by a water
rinse [31].
conducted in a mCE system custom-built by ACLARA
BioSciences (Mountain View, CA). The system consisted
of a high-voltage power supply with the ability to independently control four electrodes, a 488-nm argon ion
laser (JDS Uniphase, San Jose, CA) that was directed to
the focal site with mirror to produce a laser spot ,10 mm,
a high-quantum efficiency, 532664 pixel CCD cooled to
2157C (Hamamatsu, Bridgewater, NJ), and analysis software from ACLARA BioSciences written in LabView
(National Instruments, Austin, TX).
3 Results and discussion
2.7 Polymer matrix loading into microfluidic
Owing to the relatively high viscosity of the polymer matrices and the small channel dimensions of the microfluidic chips, a high-pressure loading device was
designed for loading the microchips. The device consisted of a pneumatic press (Carver, Wabash, IN), two
metal plates, and stacks of neoprene rubber gaskets
(McMaster-Carr, Atlanta, GA) cut in such a manner as to
hold the chip in place. One well of the microchip was filled
with the desired polymer and the chip was placed into a
“hole” cut into the stacks of neoprene rubber gaskets,
with the well containing the polymer being toward the
center of the neoprene gaskets, and the wells not filled
with the polymer being left outside the neoprene gaskets.
The neoprene gaskets with the chip were then placed
between the metal plates. The bottom metal plate had a
hole drilled into it that was attached with copper tubing to
a nitrogen tank, which allowed the area containing the
microchip between the neoprene gaskets to be pressurized with nitrogen. The pneumatic press was then used to
clamp the metal plates tightly around the neoprene gaskets, and once firmly held together, the system was
pressurized until the channel was filled with polymer. A
release valve was used to release the nitrogen pressure
once the microchip channel was filled with polymer. The
microfluidic chips were loaded with the LPA separation
matrices under positive N2 pressure (,50–100 psi).
2.8 ìCE
PCR samples prepared for tandem SSCP/HA were
injected into the chips at 800–1000 V/cm for 20 s (with
isotachophoretic stacking afforded by the lower ionic
strength of the sample relative to the polymer matrix) and
typically electrophoresed at 350–450 V/cm and at ambient temperature (17–207C). The mCE system has been
described previously [32]. Briefly, the experiments were
2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
3.1 Polymer selection and optimization
LPA was determined in a previous CAE-SSCP/HA study
to be a good polymer matrix for achieving high-resolution
separations for samples from p53 exons 7 and 8 [9]. LPA
is a hydrophilic polymer known to have good DNA-sieving
abilities from its use in DNA sequencing and is relatively
simple and inexpensive to synthesize. Therefore, we
selected LPA as our polymer matrix to optimize for mCESSCP/HA. The CAE-SSCP/HA study used the Amersham
MegaBACE 1000 instrument to examine LPA matrices
with four different average molar masses (300 000,
600 000, 1 000 000, and 2 000 000 g/mol) and three different concentrations (2, 4, and 6% w/v). For the mCESSCP/HA polymer optimization study, we chose to
examine three molar masses (300 000, 600 000, and
1 000 000 g/mol) and four concentrations (4, 6, 8, and
10% w/v). We decided not to work with the 2 000 000 g/
mol LPA because the high viscosity of its solutions made
loading the matrix into the small microchip channels very
difficult, and our previous CAE-SSCP/HA study indicated
that it did not improve resolution beyond that of the
1 000 000 g/mol polymer [9]. In addition, we found that it
was necessary to include higher concentrations (8 and
10% w/v) of the polymer matrix for chip-based studies to
gain back some of the resolution that is lost, possibly,
owing to the decreased separation length in the microchips (8 cm), compared with capillaries (40 cm) [9].
Initially we tried to load the polymer matrices into the
narrow microchannels using vacuum (or negative) pressure (,12.5 psi). However, we found that in general, for
concentrations .4% the polymer matrices were much
too time-consuming to load in this manner (.1 h), and in
many cases could not be loaded even after several hours.
Therefore, we built a high-pressure loading device that
allowed all of the polymer matrices tested to be loaded in
,30 min, and more typically in under 5–10 min for the
optimal matrices.
C. N. Hestekin et al.
Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
3.2 Dynamic microchip wall coating
3.4 Analysis of SSCP/HA electropherograms
In our previous CAE-SSCP/HA work, we emphasized the
importance of the wall coating for the resolution of the
peaks, especially for separation of the SSCP conformers,
and found that the novel, dynamic, hydrophilic coating
PHEA seemed to provide the best performance of the
coatings tested [9]. Therefore, we chose to use PHEA for
the translation to the mCE platform. For CAE-SSCP/HA,
Kourkine et al. also found that high quality separations
could be obtained for 10–14 runs in series. For this mCESSCP/HA study, we found that the coating for the microchips lasted much longer (.95 polymer loads) without
significant loss of resolution (data not shown). We believe
this may be due to the inclusion of a small amount of the
coating polymer (0.25% w/v) in the polymer matrix, a
modification that was not included in the CAE studies.
Typical tandem SSCP/HA electropherograms obtained in
this study are presented in Fig. 1. In the electropherogram, the dsDNA peaks elute first and can be easily
identified by the overlapping of emission peaks from the
two dyes (FAM on the forward/sense strand (red peaks),
JOE on the reverse/antisense strand (blue peaks)), as
expected when the two DNA strands are migrating together. The ssDNA peaks elute later, and can easily be
identified by the predominance of one of the two fluorescent dyes, where the presence of some red/blue peak
overlap for the forward SSCP strand is due to a small
overlap in the spectral emission of the two dyes being
detected. The x-axis has been adjusted to highlight the
region of the electropherogram that shows the DNA
peaks of interest and to allow the degree of resolution of
the mutant peaks to be clearly seen, as indicated by the
green arrows. It is interesting to note that several of the
DNA peaks are broad, especially the exon 6 peaks and
the exons 7 and 8 forward ssDNA peaks. These peak
shapes were reproducible, and it is remarkable that in the
same electropherogram one or two peaks may be broad
while others will be quite sharp. Our previous work with
p53 exons 7 and 8 using CE did not show this peakbroadening effect [9]. Although the exact reason for the
peak broadening (for some, but not other DNA peaks in a
given electropherogram) is currently unknown, we theorize that it could be due to the difference between microchip and capillary glass properties, channel geometry, or
3.3 Characteristics of analyzed mutations
For this methodical study, we examined five single-base
substitution mutations, one from each of the p53
exons 5–9. These amplicons ranged in size from 102 to
263 bp (exon 5, 263 bp; exon 6, 182 bp; exon 7, 139 bp;
exon 8, 200 bp; exon 9: 102 bp). The correct selection of
the optimum polymer was later confirmed by the ability to
detect 52/53 mutations from p53 exons 5–9 in a blinded
study of 106 total samples, the details of which will be
published in a future article.
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Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
Figure 1. Representative electropherograms showing the analysis of p53 exons 5–9 wild-type and
wild-type 1 mutant samples. The wild-type alone electropherograms are on the left and the wildtype 1 mutant electropherograms are on the right, with the detection of the mutations highlighted by
green arrows. Mutations were detected by tandem SSCP/HA on a glass microfluidic chip using the
following conditions: ambient temperature (,207C), two-color LIF detection (FAM on the forward/
sense strand (red peaks) and JOE for the reverse/antisence strand (blue peaks)), 0.1% w/v aqueous
PHEA dynamically coated channel, 8% w/v 600 kDa LPA separation polymer matrix, 350–450 V/cm
applied electric field strengths. dsDNA peaks are easily identified by the overlap of the two fluorescent dyes. ssDNA peaks are easily identified by the predominance of one of the fluorescent dyes
where the presence of some red/blue peak overlap for the forward SSCP strand of a small overlap in
the spectral emission of the two dyes being detected. Baselines were adjusted to zero value to
remove the background noise. The x-axis has been adjusted to highlight the elution of the DNA peak
and to emphasize the mutation detection.
separation length. It also seems to be strongly related to
the sequence of the DNA fragment, and may be related as
well to the particular fold of the SSCP conformers, i.e.,
how many hydrophobic DNA bases are exposed for a
given conformer.
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3.5 LPA optimization for high-resolution
ìCE-SSCP/HA mutation detection
The resolution between the mutant and wild-type peaks
was determined by the commonly used equation
C. N. Hestekin et al.
jtwt tmut j
ðwwt þ wmut Þ
Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
where twt is the elution time of the wild-type peak, tmut is
the elution time of the mutant peak, wwt is the wild-type
sample’s peak width at half maximum, and wmut is the
mutant sample’s peak width at half maximum. For each
sample, elution time and peak width at half maximum
were determined by plotting the electropherogram in Origin (Microcal Software, Northampton, MA) and using a
Gaussian fit to the peaks. The final resolution was calculated as the average of at least three repeats and the SDs
were used to make the error bars.
3.6 LPA optimization for sensitive ìCE-SSCP/
HA mutation detection
For the matrix study, we initially experimented with LPAs
of three different Mw’s – 300 000, 600 000, and
1 000 000 g/mol. We found that regardless of polymer Mw,
polymer concentrations below 6% w/v did not provide
sufficient DNA separation for good mutation detection,
and that concentrations above 10% w/v were extremely
difficult to load into chip microchannels. The higher the
molar mass of the polymer, the more difficult it was to load
a high-concentration solution of the polymer. On the basis
of these preliminary results, we performed extensive
optimization experiments with the following six polymer
matrices, which could be reasonably loaded and showed
good mutation detection: 6, 8, and 10% w/v 300 000 g/
mol LPA, 6 and 8% w/v 600 000 g/mol LPA, and 6% w/v
1 000 000 g/mol LPA.
The optimum polymer matrix was determined based on
both resolution and repeatability (as indicated by small SDs
in our ability to resolve neighboring DNA peaks). Plots of
resolution (R) versus LPA concentration and LPA molar mass
for the sample from each p53 exons 5–9 were constructed
for the most common mutation detection method (SSCP or
HA) for that exon, as shown in Fig. 2. The height of each bar
on the bar graph represents the average of at least three
repeats and the SDs are given as error bars for the resolution. As might be expected, resolution typically increases
linearly with increasing polymer matrix concentration. Interestingly, resolution seems to have a more complicated relationship with molar mass. Although resolution often increases with molar mass, there are several cases where the
600 000 g/mol LPA gives a higher resolution than the
1 000 000 g/mol LPA at the 6% concentration. A somewhat
surprising result of this methodical study we have undertaken is the sensitivity of the method to the average molar
mass and concentration of the polymer: it is clear to us that
these parameters must be controlled carefully if good results
are to be obtained in a repeatable fashion.
2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Overall, we determined 8% w/v 600 000 g/mol LPA to be
the best matrix overall for the separation of DNA from p53
exons 5–9, because it often gave the highest resolution
and because the resolution from run to run was highly
repeatable. After the initial optimum matrix was determined, we found that adding a small amount (0.25% w/v)
of the wall-coating polymer PHEA often improved the
resolution. We believe that the primary reason that the
resolution was improved with the addition of PHEA was
because it improved the durability of the wall coating,
which reduced the interactions of the sample molecules
with the microchannel wall. We plan to report the use of
this optimum polymer matrix (8% w/v 600 000 g/mol with
0.25% PHEA) to analyze the sensitivity and specificity of
mutation detection in a large-scale study of more than
100 samples from exons 5–9 of the p53 gene.
3.7 Temperature
The effect of temperature on mutation detection can be
complex, but generally the optimum results for SSCP are
obtained at lower temperatures, probably because of the
increased stability of the conformers at lower temperatures [33, 34]. Some reports have also indicated that using
multiple temperatures is important for improving mutation
detection sensitivity [35]. For this study, tandem mCESSCP/HA was performed at ambient temperature (17–
207C), which falls near the range of temperatures that
have most often been reported as favorable for CE-SSCP
(20–307C) [34, 36]. HA, on the other hand, has been
reported to detect mutations at temperatures of up to
657C and has been indicated to provide acceptable
mutation detection in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes at
307C [8].
We did not have a cooling device for our microchip system available to conduct studies at temperatures below
ambient; however, we did have a home-built heating device available. Therefore, we decided to test the effects of
increasing temperature. In addition to ambient temperature, we also tested 25 and 357C. For samples of p53
exon 8 wild-type, increasing the temperature decreased
the separation between the ssDNA peaks as seen in
Figs. 3a–c. This decrease in separation between the
ssDNA peaks could complicate mutation detection by
SSCP. For the exon 8 wild-type 1 mutant, we noted that
increasing the temperature sharpens the forward ssDNA
peak, as shown in Figs. 3 d–f. In addition, at 257C the
mutation detection by SSCP in the forward strand is lost.
Mutation detection is possible up to temperatures of 357C
by HA. Therefore, it seems that mutation detection by
SSCP is much more sensitive to temperature than HA. We
found the optimum analysis temperature for mutation
Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
Figure 2. Resolution of mutation detection peaks as a
function of the concentration and molar mass of LPA. (a–
e) Each subpart represents one of the p53 exons 5–9 and
shows the mutation detection method that detected
mutations most often for that exon. Mutation detection
types included HA, forward (fwd) SSCP (sense strand),
and reverse (rev) SSCP (antisense strand). Mutations
were detected by tandem SSCP/HA on a microfluidic
device at ambient temperature (,207C). Microchannel
length 8 cm, two-color LIF detection, 0.1% PHEA dynamically coated channel, 235–447 V/cm applied electric
field strengths.
2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
C. N. Hestekin et al.
Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
Figure 3. Electropherograms showing the analysis of p53 exon 8 amplicons, demonstrating the
effects of temperature on mutation detection by mCE-SSCP/HA. Detection of the mutations by tandem SSCP/HA is highlighted by green arrows. Mutations were detected on a microfluidic device
using the following conditions: ambient temperature (,207C), two-color LIF detection (red dye FAM
for the forward strand and blue dye JOE for the reverse strand), 0.1% PHEA dynamically coated
channel, 350–450 V/cm applied electric field strengths. dsDNA peaks are easily identified by the
overlap of the two fluorescent dyes. ssDNA peaks are easily identified by the predominance of one of
the fluorescent dyes, and the presence of the other dye is because of a small overlap in the spectral
emission of the two dyes being detected. Baselines were adjusted to zero value to remove background noise.
2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
detection by both SSCP and HA to be the lowest temperature available to us with the current system setup
(ambient, 17–207C).
3.8 Electric field strengths
The effects of electric field strengths on the resolution of
this mixture of single-stranded and dsDNA species are
also complex. At electric field strengths that are too low,
sample diffusion will occur, leading to band-broadening
and difficulty in detecting the subtle mobility shifts necessary for sensitive mutation detection. On the other
hand, if the applied electrical field is too high, current
flow-induced Joule heating can occur, also leading to
band dispersion or potentially a change in the conformers. There have been multiple studies on the effects
of electric field strengths on resolving DNA of different
sizes. For gel electrophoresis, the electric field strengths
are generally ,10–30 V/cm. A study by Luckey and Smith
[37] determined that for DNA of ,200 bp (an optimal size
for SSCP and HA fragment), an electric field strengths of
,250 V/cm was optimal for a 50-mm id capillary with a
separation length of 40 cm. However, to our knowledge
there has been no study looking at the effect of electric
field strengths on resolving DNA molecules of different
conformations in rectangular chip microchannels.
Figure 4. Resolution of mutation detection peaks as a
function of the electric field strengths. Each set of data on
the graph represents the effect of electric field strengths
for one of the p53 exons 5–9 and typically shows the
mutation detection method that detected mutations most
often for that exon. Mutations were detected by tandem
SSCP/HA on a microfluidic device at ambient temperature. Microchannel length 8 cm, two-color LIF detection,
0.1% PHEA dynamically coated channel, 141–447 V/cm.
We were limited in the range of electric field strengths we
could investigate by the capabilities of the high-voltage
power supply that is part of our inhouse-built mCE system.
For the T8050 glass Micronit microchip used in our
experiments (with an 8-cm separation length), electric
field strengths of up to ,450 V/cm could be tested. We
therefore worked with electric field strengths ranging from
around 140 to 450 V/cm. We found that in general, there
was no significant difference in DNA resolution for these
electric field strengths, as can be seen in Fig. 4. As the
use of low electric field strengths greatly increases the
analysis time as shown in Fig. 5, and allows a greater
amount of time for evaporation of the sample within the
small chip wells to occur, higher fields were considered to
be optimal. Therefore, for the T8050 chip we selected
350 V/cm as the optimized running condition for p53
exons 5–8 and 450 V/cm for exon 9 (the smallest exon).
4 Concluding remarks
In order to develop a routine clinical mutation detection
method using mCE-SSCP/HA, there is a critical need to
understand better the role of various parameters such as
the polymer matrix, wall coating, and electric field
strengths. In this study, we explored the effect of concentration and molar mass on the resolution and repeat 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Figure 5. Effects of electric field strengths on total analysis time for mutation detection by mCE – SSCP/HA. Each
set of lines on the graph represents the effect of electric
field strengths on analysis time for one of the p53
exons 5–9. The lines have been generated using a linear
fit with an R2 value greater than 0.97. Mutations were
detected by tandem SSCP/HA on a microfluidic device at
ambient temperature. Microchannel length 8 cm, twocolor LIF detection, 0.1% PHEA dynamically coated
channel, 141–447 V/cm.
C. N. Hestekin et al.
ability of mutation detection by mCE-SSCP/HA. Similar to
a previous CAE-SSCP/HA study [9], we found that
600 000 g/mol was the optimum molar mass for the LPA
polymer matrix, but that a higher concentration (8% w/v)
was necessary to maintain a reasonable resolution of the
DNA conformers. We also found that a novel, hydrophilic
wall coating, PHEA, was a durable and effective wall
coating that allowed for highly sensitive mutation detection [31]. In addition, adding a small amount of the wallcoating polymer (0.25%) to the polymer matrix improved
the peak resolution, possibly because of an increase in
coating stability.
Although electric field strengths has a complicated relationship with resolution, we found that for the range of
electric field strengths permitted by our instrument (140–
450 V/cm), there was no significant impact on resolution,
although lower electric field strengths increased the analysis times and increased the effects of evaporation in the
small microchip wells. Therefore, we used electric field
strengths of 350–450 V/cm for rapid but still high-resolution analyses.
Generally, lower temperatures have been shown to be
favorable for SSCP analyses. As we did not have a cooling device, we tested the effects of increasing the temperature above 207C and found that although there was
little effect on the ability of HA to detect mutations with
increasing temperature, than the ability of SSCP to detect
mutations was greatly reduced.
This study outlines the approaches our group has
taken to optimize mCE-SSCP/HA to develop a highly
sensitive and rapid mutation detection method that has
the potential to be used for clinical screening of the
p53 gene, the most commonly mutated gene in human
cancers [1]. We have developed and optimized our
system using a single-channel, borosilicate glass
microfluidic chip, but clearly the matrix and wall-coating combination could easily be implemented in a
multichannel chip, which would offer much higher
throughput. Moreover, a more automated (nonmanual)
method of pressurized matrix loading into chip microchannels is clearly necessary. Although these and
other improvements and developments will be necessary before this chip electrophoresis-based mutation
screening method would be used in a clinical setting,
such as further integration and automation of the
microchip system, we feel that careful examination of
these parameters in the mCE system creates an important foundation for a clinically useable, highly sensitive,
and specific mutation detection method that could be
used to screen patient samples for DNA sequence
2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 3823–3835
We thank Dr. Cheuk Wai Kan for preparing and characterizing the poly-N-hydroxyethyl-acrylamide used in these
studies. We thank Dr. Pin Kao for his work on the microchip electrophoresis system, especially the LabView program. We thank Dr. Karen Kaul at Evanston Hospital for
helpful suggestions and advice. This project was supported by US Army USAMRMC grant # DAMD17-00-10386, the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer
Institute (R21/R33 grant # 1R21CA92752-01), and The
Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Care and Research Program at The Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer
Center at Northwestern University, Northwestern University’s NIH-sponsored Breast Cancer SPORE, and
Northwestern University’s NIH-sponsored Prostate
SPORE (P50 CA090386).
Disclaimer: Certain commercial equipment, instruments,
materials, or companies are identified in this paper to
specify adequately the experimental procedure. Such
identification does not imply recommendation nor endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the materials or equipment
identified are the best available for the purpose.
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