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2022, Jurnal EMBA : Jurnal Riset Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi
Jurnal Syntax Admiration
Today, almost all fields, including in fields such as education, must implement digital systems and a leader is required to be responsive in this digital transformation era if he wants his institution or school to advance and develop. This article is about what are the challenges and opportunities for leaders in today's digital transformation era, and what leadership models are relevant in this digital era. The method used is qualitative approach in descriptive analysis using Scientific Literature StudiesThe method used is a qualitative method with data collection, using observation, in-depth interviews (indepth interview), and documentation studies. This article leads to the conclusion that the challenges and opportunities in the era of digital transformation must must be faced and filled by leaders in the digital age, especially the principals of Islamic institutions.absolutely be faced by leaders in the digital era.
LIBRARIA: Jurnal Perpustakaan, 2019
Librarians as library leaders are required to change their thinking to start a library-oriented management and management strategy for the future and innovative creative thinking. The challenge of future library leaders is not only to find ways to keep up with information technology, but also to find effective and efficient ways as alternative solutions to implement changes according to the wishes of millennial users in finding the information they want. This paper discusses the leadership transformation for libraryans in the digital era. Using descriptive qualitative methodology a literature review data source from previous research. The paper displays leadership in a different perspective from previous research. The results of this paper outline the definition of the practice of leadership transformation into an outline of leadership transformation that must be done by future librarians in the library of the digital era is to change library management and management, prove the val...
Jurnal Basicedu
Kepala Sekolah di Era digital harus mampu menyelesaikan berbagai tantangan dunia pendidikan di era digital.Kepala sekolah harus mampu menjadikan berbagai persoalan menjadi sebuah peluang dalam rangka menciptakan sekolah yang mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas. Adapun tujuan dibuatnya artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui berbagai tantangan yang di hadapi oleh kepala sekolah di era digital dan untuk mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yang tepat dijterapkan di era digital. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kepala sekolah mempunyai tantangan yang sangat besar dalam memajukan sekolah yang dipimpinnya ditengah arus globalisasi. Kepala sekolah juga harus mampu menciptakan ide-ide kreatif dan inovatif dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai pemimpin. Ada berbagai macam gaya kepemimpinann kepala sekolah yang bisa diterapkan di era digital yaitu gaya kepemimpinan otoriter, demoktratis, bebas, gaya kepemimpinan transformasional, transaksional,dan authoritarian. Kesimpulan y...
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala sangat mendesak dalam era digital. Model ini dibutuhkan untuk bergerak dengan visi dan wawasan transformasi sosiokultural masyarakat awam menuju digital. Gembala mengalami permasalahan kesehatan mental dan emosi. Mereka memilih untuk mundur dari pelayanan gereja karena mengalami masalah kelelahan, kesepian dan mental psikologi terganggu. Pertanyaannya adalah apakah pengertian kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala yang dimaksud? Bagaimanakah bentuk kepemimpinan multidimensi yang dibutuhkan? Serta strategi seperti apakah yang dapat menumbuh-kembangkannya? Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menjelaskan pengertian kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala, menggambarkan kecerdasan emosi sebagai bagian integral dari kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala yang seimbang, dan mendeskripsikan strategi strategi yang dapat dilakukan dalam pengembangan kepemimpinan multidimensi gembala. Metode penelitan yang digunakan dengan deskrispsi kualitatif, menggali pengertian kepemimpinan ...
Diversity: Jurnal Ilmiah Pascasarjana
In this era of the millennial generation, the role of modern digital media is very important because of technological developments, leaders are required to understand and be sensitive to the use of media in the digital era and implement communication within the organization. Good leadership communication will ensure that each member of the organization can do their job well. Without a good and correct communication network, it is possible that all processes within the organization cannot run optimally.Becoming a good leader in the current and future millennial generation is a critical challenge. With the times, many leaders have emerged due to environmental demands and conditions that must understand technology. Social media itself refers to internet-based applications, including social networks, wikis, blogs, and so on, which allow the creation and sharing of user-generated content. With the existence of social media can directly change the way people run their social lives. This i...
Για να υπάρξει πρόοδος στις προσπάθειες ανάπτυξης πιο συμπεριληπτικών σχολείων θα πρέπει, ανάμεσα σε άλλα, να υπάρχουν και οι πιο κάτω συνθήκες: • Εμπλοκή των εκπαιδευτικών, των μαθητών και της κοινότητας στις σχολικές πολιτικές και στη λήψη αποφάσεων. • Ύπαρξη πολιτικής για την ανάπτυξη του προσωπικού, η οποία να εστιάζει στις πρακτικές των εκπαιδευτικών. • Να δίνεται προσοχή στα πιθανά πλεονεκτήματα της έρευνας και του αναστοχασμού. This paper examines specific factors that contribute to the development of more inclusive schools. First, the intervention among teachers,pupils and community in school politics and in the process of decision making. Second, the existence of staff development policy, which focuses on the practices of teachers. Third, attention to the potential benefits of research and reflection.
Academia Letters, 2021
The Importance Of Nonverbal Communication In Teaching, 2021
Non-verbal communication has been recognized as an important technique, which has a positive influence on the comprehension of the students. As a result, it helps in better learning and understanding of the concepts. The core objectives of this study are to examine the importance of non-verbal communication in the process of teaching. Also, this paper will discuss the functions and principles of using nonverbal communication in the classroom and it will show some fundamental ways of using nonverbal behaviors to improve the process of useful teaching, as well as the importance of nonverbal communication that could be fully acknowledged by both students and lecturers. Nonverbal communication is an important form of teaching. The profit for a teacher is to progress a strong sensitivity and capability to interpret student nonverbal communication. Lecturers and instructors should be good listeners, not only to words being spoken, but also nonverbal cues which are used in the classroom, such as teacher's facial expressions, postures, gestures, touch, and eye contact are very important in all cultures. However, some of the cultures across the world have their perception about nonverbal cues in classrooms, like some of the students dislike eye contact and gaze, touch, and postures. Hence teachers should be aware that different learning methods in different cultural behaviors and their perspectives, due to cultural differences, all or some students may not be interested to make eye contact with their lecturers.
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NICKEL, VOL. 39, Nº 1, 2024
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. XLVI-M-1-2021, 2021
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2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019
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