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You are browsing the site of a past edition of the AIES conference (2018). Navigate to present edition here.

Student Program

Out of 65 student applications, we selected 20 students to participate in the conference. These students received a free registration and got a travel grant. Moreover, the accepted students

  • will present a poster (during the student poster session, in the afternoon of Feb.2nd),
  • will meet senior members of the community and representatives of the sponsoring companies,
  • are invited at the student lunch on Feb.2nd
  • will have the opportunity to publish a 2-page extended abstract of their work in the proceedings.

Student lunch

Feb.2nd, 12:15pm-2:00pm
Location TBA
For accepted students, program chairs, panel chairs, student program chair, invited speakers.

Accepted Student Papers (Poster Presentation)

Stefano Tedeschi. Accountable Agents and Where to Find Them
Eva Thelisson. Toward a computational sustainability for AI/ML to foster Responsibility
Ilse Verdiesen. The Design of Human Oversight in Autonomous Weapons
Jin Xu. Overtrust of Robots in High-Risk Scenarios
Barton Lee. A win for society! Conquering barriers to fair elections
Martin Strobel. An axiomatic approach to explain Computer generated decisions 
Priel Levy. Optimal Contest Design for Multi-Agent Systems
Gong Chen. Nurturing the Companion ChatBot
Daniel Kasenberg. Learning and obeying conflicting norms in stochastic domains
Marc Serramia. Ethics in norm decision making
Joseph Blass. Legal, Ethical, Customizable Artificial Intelligence
Rediet Abebe. Computational Perspectives on Social Good and Access to Opportunity
Gagan Bansal. Explanatory Dialogs: Towards Actionable, Interactive Explanations
Shiva Kaul. Speed and accuracy are not enough! Trustworthy machine learning
Bobbie Eicher. Giving AI a Theory of Mind
Fulton Wang. Fulton Wang’s Application to the AIES Student Program
Cassandra Carley. Balancing Privacy and Utility with Pattern Based Activity Detection
Colin Garvey. AI Risk Mitigation through Democratic Governance
Sarah Tan. Interpretable Approaches to Detect Bias in Black-Box Models
Lily Hu. Justice Beyond Utility in Artificial Intelligence