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How-to • Host
Add amenities to a listing
From hand towels to hot tubs, listing all your amenities lets guests know what to expect from your place – and helps them decide if it’s the perfect fit.
Many guests filter search results by amenities, so adding everything you offer may help you increase bookings.
Adding or editing amenities
Add or edit amenities on desktop
Click Listings and select the listing you want to edit
Under Listing editor, click Your space
Click Amenities
Click + to add amenities or click Edit to delete amenities
Review and then click Done
Additional amenities categories
Whether you’re providing the essentials for a pleasant stay or welcoming all with accessibility features, check out all the possible amenities you can add to your listing. Categories include:
Bedroom and laundry
Heating and cooling
Home safety
Internet and office
Kitchen and dining
Location features
Parking and facilities
Learn how preparing your space and updating your listing can increase bookings in the Resource Centre.