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Concur Triplink를 사용하여 출장 경비를 청구하려면 어떻게 하나요?
If your company uses Concur’s TripLink service, you’ll need to link your Airbnb and Concur accounts to have your Airbnb reservation receipts automatically uploaded to your Concur account.
Log in to your existing Airbnb account or, if you don’t already have an account, create a new one
Once your accounts are linked, you can have the receipt for any Airbnb reservation appear in your Concur account by marking the box next to Send this booking to Concur on the reservation request checkout page.
Unlink your accounts
You'll need to unlink your accounts by logging in to your account using a browser (not using the Airbnb app).
To unlink your Airbnb and Concur TripLink accounts: