Here are some tips to help you and your building get on the same page about hosting on Airbnb:
Before you start hosting, know what contracts and rules affect you, such as leases, condo board or co-op rules, HOA rules or rules established by tenant organisations. Pay special attention to any rules about guests or subletting, and ask your building manager if you’re unsure about anything.
Make sure you understand and comply with these rules before listing your space. If you’ve already listed your space, take some time to review these rules and other laws in your city or state to make sure you’re complying.
Let your building know more about who you are, how you care for your home and why you want to host on Airbnb.
Let your building know how Airbnb is a community built on trust. Everyone on Airbnb has a profile to help other guests or Hosts get to know each other. Reviews are a great way for Hosts and guests to give each other feedback. In addition, Airbnb offers AirCover for Hosts, which offers top-to-bottom protection for Hosts. It includes guest identity verification, reservation screening, $3m USD Host damage protection, $1m USD Host liability insurance and a 24-hour safety line. Learn more about AirCover:
Collaborate with your building to set guidelines about when and how you’ll host guests. To show your building you’re a responsible Host and help them feel more comfortable:
Show your commitment to being a responsible Host by letting neighbours know they can contact you or report an issue with an Airbnb Host or guest, and we’ll be in touch to resolve it.
Building owners and managers can allow their residents to host on Airbnb with controls and visibility into hosting activity. Building managers can also share portions of the reservation income. To get your building manager in touch with Airbnb about how to become Airbnb-friendly, have them complete the form on this page.
If your building manager declines your request to host on Airbnb, don’t be afraid to ask why. You may be able to address their concerns and help them understand more about Airbnb. If this doesn’t work and you’re open to moving, you can discover other Airbnb-friendly apartments at