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Our community is built on the principles of inclusion, belonging, and respect, which includes welcoming and supporting people with disabilities. In general, guests who require reasonable accommodation and services should not be discriminated against or denied service while using Airbnb.
In some jurisdictions, legal requirements may expand or limit the reasonable accommodation a Host must provide. Hosts and guests must comply with these legal requirements.
When you host or help with hosting on Airbnb, you may be asked to provide information such as your legal name, date of birth or government ID so it can then be verified.
When you host or help with hosting on Airbnb, you may be asked to provide info such as your legal name, date of birth or government ID so it can then be verified. We may also ask you to provide details about your business and relevant individuals.
You can pay for a reservation using someone else’s payment method or provide information to facilitate payouts for another person, but we may need additional information to process the payment.
New to hosting or just need some help with everyday tasks? Check out our Host Recommendations Directory. It’s a directory of Host-recommended service providers for things like cleaning, maintenance, painting and more.
Essential amenities are the basic items that a guest expects in order to have a comfortable stay, including toilet paper, soap, towels, pillows, and linen.
The most important thing hosts can do is to provide clear and accurate information about your listing, including adding any accessibility features a listing has, and to make sure to communicate with your guests.