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Marche à suivre • Hôte d'expérience
Programmer des créneaux réguliers pour votre expérience
When you love hosting an Experience, you’ll want to do it more and more to get the most out of it. The more you do it, the more you’ll get from it, so why not make it a regular thing?
You can add, edit, and remove multiple instances of your Experience simultaneously from your Calendar.
To add multiple instances at once:
In the Experience Calendar, select a day you want to host and click Schedule an Experience.
Choose your time, booking type, price, group size, and whether you want it to repeat daily or weekly. You can schedule 60 days ahead for a daily instance, and 52 weeks ahead for a weekly instance.
Click Schedule.
To edit an instance on your Calendar:
Select a day you're currently hosting, select the instance, and edit any of the details
Choose if you want to update just this instance, or future ones as well
Click Update
To delete an instance from your calendar:
Select a day you're currently hosting, and select the instance you want to delete
Click Remove from calendar
Choose if you want to delete just this instance, or future ones as well
Click Remove
Making multiple edits at once only affects instances that aren’t booked, and that don’t have a custom start time. If you edit the time of an instance, it will no longer be a part of the repeated schedule.
Vous voulez vivre une expérience Airbnb avec des amis ? Vous pouvez réserver et payer pour un maximum de 10 voyageurs, tant que vous participez également.
Vous pouvez modifier le calendrier de votre expérience, mais si ces dates sont réservées par des voyageurs, ces derniers doivent consentir aux changements que vous y apportez.