Tillögur birtast þegar slegið er inn í leitarreitinn. Notaðu örvarnar upp og niður við yfirferð. Ýttu á „enter“ til að velja. Ef nokkur orð eru valin saman eru þau notuð sem leitarstrengur. Ef tillagan er hlekkur opnast sú síða í vafranum.
Leiðbeiningar • Gestgjafi
Að bæta húsreglum við skráningu
Your house, your rules! After you’ve listed your place, you can use house rules to set expectations with your guests, like limits on smoking or permission to bring pets.
Selecting your standard house rules
Hosts can choose from a set of standard house rules in these areas:
Smoking, vaping, and e-cigarettes
Quiet hours
Check-in and checkout times
Maximum number of guests
Commercial photography and filming
If you have special requirements that aren’t included in the set of standard house rules, you can write them under additional rules. Any additional rules that you set shouldn’t contradict your house rules, such as your check-in time. It’s best to avoid overwhelming guests with too many rules, but you can add anything important about local customs or health and safety.
Svona bætir þú við húsreglum eða breytir þeim
Svona uppfærir þú húsreglur úr tölvu
Smelltu á skráningar og veldu skráninguna sem þú vilt breyta
Smelltu á komuleiðbeiningar í umsjónartóli skráningarsíðunnar
Smelltu á húsleiðbeiningar og gerðu viðeigandi breytingar
Smelltu á vista
Where your house rules are featured
Your house rules are featured prominently in four places: on your listing page, on a screen when guests book your place, in automated guest emails, and in the Arrival Guide guests receive ahead of their trip.
Welcoming and supporting people and service animals
It’s worth familiarizing yourself with our Accessibility Policy and our pet policy. Service animals, like guide dogs, always stay for free.
What to do if guests break your house rules
There are established ground rules for guests that include following your house rules. If a guest breaks your rules, contact us to report any issues or request payment for damages through the Resolution Center.
Learn how adding house rules to your listing can protect your home and create a better guest experience.